Oak Lodge News

Oak Lodge News

Oak Lodge School Have you received the Newsletter by Volume3 0208 444 6711 email? Help us save paper with an Issue 5 [email protected] email address!

25th May, 2012

Students in Key Stage 3 have been enjoying swimming this term both at Oak Lodge and at Mill Hill School. Students have been working on water confidence and swimming. Everyone has really enjoyed it especially in this warm weather.

Oak Lodge News From the Head Teacher School Following requests from parents last year we amended our uniform code so that it included smart school , including cargo shorts as long as they are plain black and without any obvious slogans or logo’s. Although sixth formers do not have to wear they should not come to school in shorts, plain cargo pants are acceptable as long as they are in neutral colours.

Olympic Tickets Thanks to all of you who expressed an interest in the Olympic Tickets that the school were allocated. The names were drawn out of a on Wednesday and the lucky winners are:- Basketball 30th July Shailen Bansal, Najam Makhdumi, Cameron Salt, Naomi Thalikallumkal, Football on the 31st July Max Lewis, Simon Dyer, Alex Hetherington Athletics 3rd September Mitchell Kissiedu Kotei, Katie McMorrow Came, Elliot Locke-de-Pinho, Lauren Cooper Athletics 7th September Daniel Butler, Matthew Geoghegan, Haroon Quazi

Tickets will be sent to the lucky winners as soon as we receive them!

Lynda Walker

Reminder Please supply sun cream if you wish your child to have some in this warm weather. are also rec- ommended.

Oak Lodge News

From the Classes

Last Monday pupils in L5 went to get fish for our new fish tank in our classroom. We went to Finchley Nurseries in Mill Hill. We looked at lots of fish and some of them were enormous. We chose four fish for our tank. They are all different. One is all black, one is gold and silver, one is big and all gold and one is speckled. We named them Michael, Joey, Jay-Jay and Harry. Each morning we take it in turns to feed them.

The animal care group have taken advantage of the lovely weather and are going dog walking in Trent Park today. Pictures to follow next week.

Oak Lodge News

From the classes

To apply please contact [email protected]

HABS Mencap Funday on Sunday 24th June, 2012 It is not too late to reserve a place for your child on the HABS Mencap Funday. Please complete the registration form attached to the flier that your child should have brought home this week and send it as soon as possible to:- Ms. A. Perera, The ’ Aske’s School, Butter- fly Lane, Elstree, Herts WD6 3AF. If you have not received the flier but would like one, please contact the school office on 020 8444 6711.