C E N Oz Oi C C Oll a Ps E of T H E E Ast Er N Ui Nt a M O U Nt Ai Ns a N D Dr Ai
Research Paper T H E M E D I S S U E: C Revolution 2: Origin and Evolution of the Colorado River Syste m II GEOSPHERE Cenozoic collapse of the eastern Uinta Mountains and drainage evolution of the Uinta Mountains region G E O S P H E R E; v. 1 4, n o. 1 Andres Aslan 1 , Marisa Boraas-Connors 2 , D o u gl a s A. S pri n k el 3 , Tho mas P. Becker 4 , Ranie Lynds 5 , K arl E. K arl str o m 6 , a n d M att H eizl er 7 1 Depart ment of Physical and Environ mental Sciences, Colorado Mesa University, 1100 North Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501, U S A doi:10.1130/ G E S01523.1 2 Depart ment of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Natural Resources Building, Roo m 322, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, U S A 3 Utah Geological Survey, 1594 W North Te mple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6100, U S A 1 5 fi g ur e s; 1 t a bl e; 4 s u p pl e m e nt al fil e s 4 Exxon Mobil Exploration Co mpany, 22777 Spring woods Village Park way, Spring, Texas 77389, U S A 5 Wyo ming State Geological Survey, P. O. Box 1347, Lara mie, Wyo ming 82073, U S A 6 Depart ment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Ne w Mexico, Redondo Drive NE, Albuquerque, Ne w Mexico 87131, U S A C O R RESP O N DE N CE: aaslan @colorado mesa .edu 7 Ne w Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Ne w Mexico Tech, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, Ne w Mexico 87801, U S A CI T A TI O N: Aslan, A., Boraas- Connors, M., Sprinkel, D.
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