Dorchester Reporter “The News and Values Around the Neighborhood”

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Dorchester Reporter “The News and Values Around the Neighborhood” Dorchester Reporter “The News and Values Around the Neighborhood” Volume 31 Issue 25 Thursday, June 19, 2014 50¢ Gas rehab project, a four-month job, begins this week in Adams Village By BiLL forry about 900 feet of natural eDitor gas pipeline underneath A slow-moving Nation- Adams Street between al Grid gas-replacement Westmoreland Street project will begin this and Gallivan Boulevard. week near Adams Corner The work will be com- and could take as long pleted by the Dorchester- as four months to move based contractor Feeney along a key two-block Brothers Excavation. stretch of Adams Street. “The company is up- The project has mer- grading the infrastruc- chants and civic leaders ture in this area from on edge as they brace for original cast iron main likely interruptions in to industry standard service and traffic flow plastic piping, which will through the summer help provide safe and re- months. liable natural gas service A representative of to local customers for National Grid came to years to come,” said Na- the June meetings of tional Grid spokesman the Cedar Grove Civic Jake Navarro. “National Association and the Ad- Grid has coordinated The Banshee Bar on Dorchester Avenue has become home base for the Boston chapter of the American ams Village Merchants this project with the Outlaws, a club that supports the US soccer team now making a run at the World Cup. Above, the scene city, which plans to in the Banshee on Monday before the US took on Ghana in their first round match. Association last week to Photo by Michael Ratty give them details of the repave the road following project. Individual mer- the conclusion of the chants have been meet- project.” Navarro added Dot Ave. pub is World Cup Central ing with the company’s that the work was part of representatives as well a larger effort to replace By JacoB aguiar from the club to the to plan for potential aging infrastructure. speciaL to the reporter Banshee the ‘go-to’ place international level.” disruptions. There are no road P a n d e m n o n i u m Thus began a tradition The project will replace (Continued on page 5) reigned inside The Ban- for US team supporters that made the Banshee shee Pub on Dorchester the “go to” place for Avenue on Sunday eve- vanquished countrymen pub, with few or even no soccer fans well before Civic group says no ning as the United States flashed on the bar’s ten TVs. But that quickly the 2010 World Cup defeated Ghana, 2-1, in flatscreens. changed because of the frenzy took hold. That to Neponset Ave. center World Cup tournament “We want to be a foot- lure of sports. attention to the soccer play. Strangers hugged, ball pub for everybody. “I love football myself,” community has paid off By Lauren Dezenski from certain. women were hoisted onto That is what we have said Butler. “When we now that interest in the reporter staff Nguyen and Tran co- shoulders, and splashes been from Day One,” got started here we saw US national team has The owners of a pro- own the nonprofit Boston of beer sprayed the room. said Banshee manager a lot small kids playing broadened. On Monday, posed adult daycare Nutrition Care, Inc., A small contingent and co-owner Ray Butler. football in the park. We an article in USA Today center at the corner of or BNC, also known as of Ghana supporters When he and partner realized there was a heralded the Banshee Neponset Avenue and Trung Tam Tuoi Vang, on site were offered Michael Vaughan re-in- niche here of people who as one of the best places Victory Road pledge to which would run the heartfelt handshakes vented the old Vaughn’s would want to watch in the United States to push on with their busi- daycare. They argue and conciliatory em- bar 17 years ago, they football so we started watch the World Cup ness plan after the Clam that the center would braces as images of their envisioned a classic Irish showing all the games (Continued on page 20) Point Civic Association fulfill the needs of the unanimously voted to neighborhood’s aging oppose the project at community while fill- ‘Freedom’ is the charge at Town Field their June meeting. ing a vacant Neponset Partners Hung Ngyen Avenue office building. By Dave eisenstaDter artists from around the and Vi Tran say they The proposed center speciaL to the reporter country, but none from have already invested (Continued on page 5) With just a week for the Boston area. some $700,000 into the artists to put their hat The project will be property at 51-55 Nepon- in the ring for a $250,000 a permanent installa- set Ave. with the hope installation at Fields tion at Fields Corner’s of opening a 69-person, Corner, only out-of-town Doherty Gibson Park, full-service adult day- artists have submitted better known as Town care. The proponents their qualifications. Field. It was initiated have not secured the “This is a great budget by Nam Pham, executive necessary city approvals and a great opportunity,” Town Field from the air. VietAID photo director of the Dorches- to open as an adult day said project manager ter-based Vietnamese center— a process that All contents copyright Jean Mineo last Friday. ing until the last day.” 30 and 40 applications American Initiative for is still ongoing and with © 2014 Boston “Maybe people are wait- Mineo said between have come forward from (Continued on page 9) an outcome that is far Neighborhood News, Inc. Join Us for Our New Moms' Group at: Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton 199 Reesdale Road Milton, MA 02186 Free of charge. Open to all first-time moms and babies under the age of one. Meets every Friday from 1:00-2:30pm Are You a New Mom? For more information, call 617-667-2229 or email Christine Sweeney at [email protected] Page 2 THE REPORTER June 19, 2014 DOT BY THE DAY Police, June 19 - 29, 2014 Courts A snapshot look at key upcoming events in and around the neighborhood for your weekly planner. & Fire Friday (20th) – St. Brendan’s Voyageur’s $10,000 Club Dinner is held at Florian Hall, starting with Life sentence cocktails at 7 p.m. Proceeds benefit St. Brendan for ’12 murder parish and school. Tickets are $150 and only 200 A Dorchester man will are sold. Dinner tickets are available for $5o. For go to prison for life for more information call Joanne Burzyk Sweeney at murdering a 72-year-old 617-436-2222. woman in her Codman Saturday (21st) – The first annual Kevin Cellucci Hill Avenue apartment Street Hockey Classic and Jamboree will be held Thirteen members of Saint Joseph Preparatory High School’s class of 2014 hail in 2012. Tu Nguyen, at Fallon Field in Roslindale, all day. This Street from Dorchester. The high school held its second commencement exercises on 31,admitted that he Hockey Jamboree was created by Joey O’Leary, May 28 at Boston Collge’s Robsham Theater. Above, front row: Trisha Doret, stabbed his neighbor, Tommy McKinnon and Mark Delamere to raise Emily Carvalho (magna cum laude), Ramikah Coliman, Yun (Kristine) Li; Mary Miller, on Feb. money for the Cellucci Family. Kevin, a 34 year-old middle row: MaryEllen Hogan, Janae Bonner, Calina Cardoso, Nora Pance, 21, 2012. Nguyen was dad and husband from Dorchester, was badly injured Jaelyn Owens, Suilisa Fernandes; back row: Joel Figueroa, Head of School arrested in his apart- in a car accident last year. Thomas Nunan, Alan Checo, Joshua Qualls (magna cum laude). MaryEllen ment upstairs later that Uphams Corner Main Streets kicks off its outdoor Hogan also received the honor of the Dorothea Devereaux Award. morning after video UP market season from 11 a.m.-4p.m. at Paraiso footage showed him Restaurant, 750 Dudley St. The 2014 UP Market breaking into her unit. season will provide an open air market featuring Farmers Markets open this weekend He was initially com- local artisans, crafters, and creative businesses. mitted to Bridgewater Free. For more information or to participate as a at Ashmont and Codman Square State Hospital but was vendor, please call 617-265-0363 or email info@ The farmers’ market Street and Talbot Ave., Avenue, on Fridays, July later found competent to Thanks for your Support!!!!! season kicks off this opens this Saturday at 11-Oct. 24, 11:30a.m.- assist in his own defense. Juneteenth Celebration at Frankilin Park— Also weekend with the open- 10 a.m. and will run on 2p.m. Now accepting ••• known as Roxbury Pride Day, thousands will gather ing of the Ashmont/ Saturdays from 10-3 SNAP/EBT this season T w o m e n f r o m for the fourth consecutive year in Franklin Park, Peabody Square and through Oct. 25. and will be participating Dorchester were among next to Shattuck Hospital, 11 a.m.- dusk. See Codman Square markets Other local markets in- in the Boston Bounty four indicted last week for more info. on Friday and Saturday clude Dorchester House, Bucks program which on federal charges of Day one of the Milton Music Festival takes place respectively. The Boston 1353 Dorchester Ave., offers EBT users a dollar- running a heroin ring in Hutchinson Field, the picturesque space that Collaborative for Food opening July 8 at 11:30 for-dollar match on their out of a Hyde Park overlooks the Neponset River from atop Milton and Fitness (BCFF) sup- a.m.
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