Franklin Township, George Water Tuesday Morning, He Many Motorists Were Treated to Stay Home and Waltforbetter, Be Required to Close the Deal
The Fra.nkl’in N EWS,R’ECOrD Enteredas second’classmatter on July 5, 1961 I0c pcr copy VOL. 14, NO. 13 SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 at the PostOffice in Somerset,New Jersey. Council Offering Property ,i ¸ ¯ Eight Tracts Slated For Public Sale Residentiallots willbe among the eightlots offered for public saletonight by TownshipCouncL1. JOHN POTTS JOSEPH P. KNOLIVIAYER GEORGE W. KOZAR DAVID DeVRIES :~iiii Tonightwill be thefirst time that the townshiphas offered land for salej withouta covenant residentialconstruc- on it. Eight Residents Announce Moneyraised by the sale wlllbe earmarkedfor constructionof a *:’~ ’~ new municipalbuilding, accord- : ;~ , ~i . .: ( :. ~ lingto MayorBruce Willlams. Each ,. , ,’, ;~ " / ; : lot will be offered at the request o, at least one person interested Township Ward Candidacy i The minimum bid has been Sp r ing Came I n Lik e ALl on set at "the current market value of the property," Mayor Williams John Potts, First Ward can- Joseph P. Knolmayer, 39 Commencinghis campaignDavid DeVries,of Somerset,iiiiii! As ourstaff photographer was raging torrents of the Millstone ship were flooded, causing many said, and a 20 per cent deposit dldatefor TownshipCouncil, for ThirdWard Councilman of has officiallyannounced hlsen- iilill in cash or certified check, will PleasantPlains Road,Franklin outtrudging through the mud and River to take this photograph, travelers to make detours, or resides on Cresent Drive, Park,today announced his can- Franklin Township, George water Tuesday morning, he Many motorists were treated to stay home and waltforbetter, be required to close the deal. The tranceinto the ThirdWard iii!ii Griggstown, with his wife Ar- didacy for FirstWard Council- Kozar said last Friday: cameacross this scene.
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