Issue Bibliography
Issue Bibliography Abbott, C.C. Anderson, Eugene N., Jr. 1879 Artifact Descriptions. In, Report Upon 1964 A Bibliography of the Chumash and Their United States Geographical Surveys West of Predecessors. University of California the One Hundredth Meridian. 7(1):49-116, Archaeological Survey Annual Reports 61: 122-239 (Mortars and pestles are discussed 25-74. Berkeley. on pp. 70-92). U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. Armstrong, Douglas V. 1985 Archaeology on San Clemente Island, Allen, Larry G. Summer 1985. Ms. on file, Natural Resources 1985 A Habitat Analysis of Nearshore Marine Office, Naval Air Station North Island, San Fisheries from Southern California. Bulletin Diego. of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 84(3):134-155. Los Angeles. Axford, L. Michael 1975 Archaeological Research on San Clemente Alliot, Hector Island, California (Research proposal 1915 Burial Methods of the Southern California submitted to Naval Undersea Center, San Islanders. Bulletin of the Southern California Diego, California). Ms. on file, Natural Academy of Sciences 14(2). Los Angeles. Resources Office, Naval Air Station North (Reprinted in Masterkey 43(4): 125-131. Island, San Diego. Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, 1969) 1976 Archaeological Research on San Clemente 1917 Prehistoric use of bitumen in Southern Island, Progress Report. Ms. on file, Natural California. Bulletin of the Southern Califor- Resources Office, Naval Air Station North nia Academy of Sciences 16(2). Los Angeles. Island, San Diego. 1969 (see 1915) 1977 Archaeological Research on San Clemente Island, Progress Report. Ms. on file, Natural Ames, Jack A. Resources Office, Naval Air Station North 1972 California Sheephead. Ms. On file, California Island, San Diego.
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