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HERALD Page 12 the Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts ********** * 241 1/ 1 R, l, Jn!!S 1 30 12,ES3IiJ S 029)6 JLPRO\IIDENCE, ___ _.,. R • Rhode Island JCCRI Events HERALD Page 12 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 42 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 35¢ PER COPY U.S. Jewry Pushing For U.S. Loans To Israel by Debra Nussbaum Cohen money would be used to re­ wi ll be an impact." NEW YORK (JT A) - The settle an estimated 1 million And in Israel, Prime Minister American Jewish community Soviet immigrants expected to Yitzhak Shamir said recently will continue to press Congress arrive in Israel during that that Baker told him in a and the Bush administration period. telephone conversation that for rapid consideration of Baker asked Congress re­ the United States does not Israel's request for $10 billion cently to give the administra­ support linkage between the in loan guarantees, despite tion "a little bit of time to loan guarantees and the peace Secretary of State James review this request," in order process, and that the Bush Baker's plea for "more time" to " to assess its impact on the administration is committed to study it. peace process" in the Middle helping Israel absorb all its "The American Jewish com­ East. new immigrants from the During the Jewish National Fund's recent Major Gifts Mis­ munity is fully united" in seek­ That heightened fears in Soviet Union. sion in Israel, Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon (left) ing the loan guarantees now, Israel and the American Jewish The prime minister also met with Dr. Samuel I. Cohen, JNF Executive Vice Presi­ Shoshana Cardin, chairman of community that the administra­ denied reports that Baker dent, to discuss JNF's Operation Promised Land campaign. the Conference of Presidents of tion would seek to link the had urged him in the phone JNF is preparing the land for 83,000 housing sites in 55 loca­ Major American Jewish Or­ loans to concessions on the call to postpone making the tions for Soviet and Ethiopian olim, and it is also building ganizations, said at a news peace process. request for guarantees. dams and reservoirs to meet the needs of thousands of new conference here recently. Malcolm Hoenlein, execu­ Shamir and Baker are ex­ water consumers. Israel's ambassador to the tive director of the Conference pected to discuss the issue fur­ United States, Zalman Shoval, of Presidents, warned recently (continued on page 13) is expected to make a formal that any suggestion of linkage request for the loan guarantees would be dangerous. at a meeting he scheduled with Baker himself said recently Rhode Island Has New Kosher Mashgiach Baker. that he was not "drawing any by Kathy _Cohen. played a significant role in the reduction of kosher facilites. Israel is seeking the U.S. linkage" between the guaran­ Herald Associate Editor guarantees so that it can more tees and the Middle East peace Almost every state has them. Even though there clearly has easily obtain $2 billion in com­ process. But then he added: "I All establishments that claim been less kashrut observant mercial bank loans each year am not suggesting that there's they carry or prepare kosher people, there has always been a for the next five years. The not some relationship. There foods must have proof of ap- steady group of Kosher believ- proval by them or face the con- ers, mostly of the conservative sequences of breaking state and orthodox faith. law. However, Marder also ex- Highlights Of The Year The Vaad Kashrut of Rhode plains that some interesting by Lisa Samin rived in the "Operation Solo­ Island is a Jewish organization studies recently show that (WZPS) 5751 has been a mon" airlift. with a representative layman there has been a returning - year of dramatic change for With the euphoria caused by and a rabbi who are authorized even in the reform movement Israel. The Gulf War drastically Israel's swelling population to supervise any organization - to ritual observances. changed the delicate military came the harsh realities of pro­ wanting to serve kashrut or Marder admitted that he and political balance in the viding housing and jobs for the kosher foods. would be happy and excited to Middle East and the Bush ad­ new citizens. More than 97,000 Since Rabbi Jay Jacobs left help people change their kitchen into a kosher one, ministration tried to turn its new housing units are already Rhode Island for employment military victory into political planned and foreign investors in Connecticut, manybutchers, "both as a Vaad Kashrut and as gains. The intifada, once the are being sought to help spur restaurants, and caterers have a rabbi of the shul." "Kosher living is not as hard darling of the international the awakening economy even been in need of a new rabbini­ media, faded from the spot­ further. cal Mashgiach or supervisor. Miriam Hospital, Autocrat Inc., as some people think it is. It would be nice if there were a light. But the question of an THE GULF WAR Rabbi Marder, of Congregation and Catering by Elaine Inc. few more kosher restaurants in independent Palestinian state On Friday, January 18, at 2 Beth Sholom, has agreed to Marder serves only Ocean town, but once you get the continues to divide the Middle a.m., two days after President step in to help inspect for State institutions. But when house together, get the initial East. Bush's ultimatum to Iraqi Presi­ Kashrut. Before Jacobs left, there are out-of-state functions, expenses out of the way, it's not Nationally, Israel has seen dent Saddam Hussein to with­ Marder had "been involved in Marder works in conjunction that much more expensive. the arrival of the greatest num­ draw from Kuwait, eight Scud a supportive role helping with with other Kashrut supervision. Kosher meat is high quality and ber of immigrants since the missiles were fired at Israel. the kashrut supervision" with If an out-of-state caterer comes a number of stores carry kosher mass aliya of the mid 1950's. President Bush personally Jacobs and Rabbi Strajcher of into his Rhode Island jurisdic­ Russian immigrants continue appealed to lsniel to act with Providence Hebrew Day tion, Marder will be there to su- products." When asked what the under­ to come in their thousands and restraint, and for the first time School. There will be times pervise. lying rules are in keeping the vast majority of the Ethi­ in its short history, Israel re- when Marder still consults with Al Weiner is the organiza­ kosher Marder explains, opian Jewish community ar- (continued on page 16) Strajcher and other rabbis. tion's layperson Mashgiach Now that Marder, the only and Sheldon Salasy is the pres­ ·· Kosher food has nothing to do full-time Orthodox synagogue ident. The lay body of the Vaad with blessing. It has to do with rabbi, is in charge, his responsi­ is made up of two representa­ ingredients and manner of bilities include supervising for tives from every synagogue in preparation. It is ingredients Kashrut, monitoring publicity town "so that everyone should and ensuring that milk and (continued on page 7) for kosher misrepresentations, feel that they have a part in and managing the mikvah, lo­ helping assure Kashrut stan­ cated at the Jewish Community dards." This group is meant as Center. As the rabbinical su­ a supervisory committee which DOROTHEA pervisor, he has a free hand in ensures that all the funds are SNYDER making Jewish law decisions being used correctly. WILL BE BACK without having the Vaad lay­ Funding comes through the people getting involved. different institutions that pay NEXT WEEK Some of the places that re­ for supervision. WITH ANOTHER ( ceive approval from Vaad are According to Marder and Kaplan's Bakery, Izzy's Kosher local demographic studies, "AROUND TOWN" Tending a new-born baby in a Jerusalem hospital during a Catering Inc., Marty's Meat through the years, the nature of ARTICLE Scud missile attack. Operation Desert Storm, Feruary 1991. Market, Spigel's, Brown Hillel, affiliation in Rhode Island has (WZPS photo by Arik Raltinester) Kosher food arrangements at changed, which, in effect, has - - - - - - - -- - - --- -- --- ----- 2-THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1991 Inside the Ocean State UCP Bike Tour Gains Momentum race dinner will follow the tour. Design Best Global Change Poster; United Cerebral Palsy of RI UCP Challenge riders will Money raised by the UCP announced that momentum is raise money by soliciting Challenge will help support the Win Nig~t For Two On Block Island over 30,000 people serviced by building for the UCP Challenge pledges for their participation. Global change. What is it? the. adult category is a night for United Cerebral Palsy. UCP of bike tour. The 25, 50 and-100 Riders are urged to sign up What can people do to help? two - including continental mile bike tour fundraiser will early (by September 16) to have Rhode Island offers a variety _of breakfast - at the National services to people with cerebral Come up with some helpful, take place Saturday, September time to solicit pledges. A mini­ creative, artistic answers to Hotel on Block Island. Grand mum of $35 in pledges is re­ palsy and other disabilities in­ 28, at Chariho High School. these questions and you could prize in the children's category Jennifer Ondrejka, UCP of RI quired. cluding transportation (wheel­ is $25 and a " Fish of Narragan­ chair lift vans), education and win a night' for two at the Executive Director, related that The tour is designed for a National Hotel on Block Island sett Bay" poster.
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