109 Seniors Received Diplomas Last Night at Matawm High School Commencement Exercises
2365 COPIES COVERING TOWNSHIPS o r This Week HOLMDEL, MADISON OWE SECTION MAJtLuono, M a t a w a n AND 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOROUGH Member National AtlociaUoa - ' M ember 87th YEAR — SOlh W EEK New Jersey Press .AaiocitUon M ATAW AN, N. J.j THURSDAY, JUNE 14,1956 MoamouUt County Prtu Anociaiion Single Copy Ten Centa CLIFFWOOD FIREMEN GET PRIZED TROPHY Quentin Keith, MHS Graduation Speaker, MATAWAN TOWNSHIP FIRST AID AND RESCUE SQUAD MARKS SECOND ANNIVERSARY Used "The New Elizabethan Era” As Topic Diplomas Presented To 109 Seniors By Edward W , Currie; Many Awards Given Quentin Q. Keith, the grad for mathematics; citizenship, uation speaker at the Mata and leadership. Winner of the Arthur M. Soracl memorial wan - High Bchool commence history award, given, to tbe ment last night, spoke on senior, with the highest; four- The New Elizabethan Era.” year history average, Vf * s Mr. Keith received his bach Marjorie Louise- Smith. '; ; 'tl elor ol arts degree , from Ler Additional Awards' !. high University in 1940. He The Jolm W, Applegate studied at King’s College, trophy, presented to tit# fesft- Cambridge,' England, from ior boy who for his four.JySafs 1945 to 1947, and was award of high school has been ah afl- ed the bachelor of arts degree round athlete,'- waa given to arid master of arts with hon Daniel James Vanderbilt; Wh’o ors. ‘The latter Is said |o be also was the recipient,of a an equivalent of a doctor’s de $10 award, presented by the gree In the United Btatcs. Mr. Members of the Matawan Township First' Aid and Rescue The squadsstartpil on Jmm J, 1051, with $150 and a' 19)1 Matawan Jewish League,fib I.aSnlto ainlinlnniH', and im'mlioi* buylnir needed supplies out Keith also studied at (lie Sor- the senlor'who maintained the Squad celebrated tlielr second anniversary mi June 8.
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