Effects of Erythrocyte Aggregation on Blood Rheology in Regard to Future Sepsis Diagnosis Application

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Effects of Erythrocyte Aggregation on Blood Rheology in Regard to Future Sepsis Diagnosis Application Effects of Erythrocyte Aggregation on Blood Rheology in Regard to Future Sepsis Diagnosis Application Darren Burley Courtney Campagna Aislinn Harte Samantha Kelly Max Spiegelhoff Advisors: Prof Raymond Page Prof Ahmet Can Sabuncu May 7th, 2020 Contents Authorship .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 Chapter 2: Background ................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Sepsis Overview .................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Current Diagnostic Methods ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Blood Culture ............................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Protein Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.3 Prothrombin and Partial Thromboplastin Time/Platelet Counts ................................................. 8 2.3 Potential Biological Tests for Sepsis Diagnosis ................................................................................... 9 2.3.1 Biomarkers ................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Potential Mechanical Tests for Sepsis Diagnosis .............................................................................. 16 2.4.1 Red Blood Cell Deformability ..................................................................................................... 16 2.4.2 RBC Aggregation ........................................................................................................................ 20 2.4.3 White Blood Cells ....................................................................................................................... 23 Chapter 3: Project Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 26 3.1 Client Statement ............................................................................................................................... 26 3.2 Design Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 27 3.2.1 Standards ................................................................................................................................... 27 3.3 Revised Project Statement ................................................................................................................ 29 Chapter 4: Design Process .......................................................................................................................... 30 4.1 Needs Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 30 4.2 Conceptual Designs and Prototype Testing ...................................................................................... 31 4.2.1 Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate ................................................................................................ 32 4.2.2 Capillary Fill ................................................................................................................................ 34 4.2.3 Vibration Syllectometry ............................................................................................................. 36 4.3 Alternative Designs ........................................................................................................................... 37 2 4.4 Final Design Selection ....................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.1 Blood Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 38 4.4.2 Micro-ESR Methodology & Materials ........................................................................................ 39 4.4.3 Capillary Fill Methodology & Materials...................................................................................... 40 4.4.4 Laser Syllectometry Methodology & Materials ......................................................................... 42 Chapter 5: Design Verification ................................................................................................................... 44 5.1 Micro-ESR Results ............................................................................................................................. 44 5.2 Capillary Fill Results........................................................................................................................... 46 5.3 Laser Syllectometry Results .............................................................................................................. 47 Chapter 6: Final Design and Validation ..................................................................................................... 55 6.1 Final Design CAD Prototype .............................................................................................................. 55 6.2 Standards .......................................................................................................................................... 56 6.3 Economics ......................................................................................................................................... 57 6.4 Environmental Impact ....................................................................................................................... 58 6.5 Societal Influence .............................................................................................................................. 58 6.6 Political Ramifications ....................................................................................................................... 59 6.7 Ethical Concerns ................................................................................................................................ 59 6.8 Health and Safety .............................................................................................................................. 59 6.9 Manufacturability ............................................................................................................................. 60 6.10 Sustainability ................................................................................................................................... 61 Chapter 7: Discussion/Future .................................................................................................................... 62 7.1 Micro-ESR .......................................................................................................................................... 62 7.1.1 Implications ................................................................................................................................ 62 7.1.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 62 7.1.3 Future ......................................................................................................................................... 63 7.2 Capillary Fill ....................................................................................................................................... 64 7.2.1 Implications ................................................................................................................................ 64 7.2.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 64 7.2.3 Future ......................................................................................................................................... 65 7.3 Syllectometry .................................................................................................................................... 66 3 7.3.1 Implications ................................................................................................................................ 66 7.3.2 Limitations .................................................................................................................................. 67 7.3.3 Future ......................................................................................................................................... 68 7.4 Device Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 69 Chapter 8: Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................................................
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