October, 1953
flip: I 71 1AICROWSN EST Vol. 5 No. 12 THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY'S MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1953 LADY OF THE MONTH The first destroyer and, at that time, the largest warship ever constructed in a CanaM dian shipyard, HMCS Mic/nac has entered on a new commission, her third since she CONTENTS began her first on September 18, 1945. Those familiar with the Mic111ac in her previous comnlissions will notice on scanM Page ning this recent photograph that there have been some changes made. RCN News Reviel'iJ 2 Added to the fact that she was the first CanadianMbuilt destroyer was the additional one that she was the first Canadian warship to be fitted with post-war antiMsubmarine Th,e Law of Storms " . 4 weapons. The Mic111ac was named after the Micmac Indians, a Nova Scotia branch of the Algon The ComlTlissioning of "Caribou" 8 quin tribe. A fullMblooded Micmac, Clarence Gode, of Bear River, N.S., worked on her as a rivet heater during her A Ch.angin,g World 10 construction in Halifax. Although the Mic111ac was not chosen for Korean duty, she was far from idle during Officers an,d Men, ."", ,.,." ,,,. 11 her second commission from November ]949 to November 1951. During that time she logged more than 102,000 miles, spending more than half the period at sea Sum,mer on, the Great Lakes 13 and visiting 32 ports in 21 different countries, many of them as a unit of the Canadian Special Services Squadron which Sandy Bottom Camp ., .. " "., , . 14 visited 13 ports in seven European counM tries in 1950.
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