ELMIRA, N. Y.: THE OSBORNE PRESS 1916 "I hear the muffled tramp of years Come stealing up the slope of time ; They bear a train of smiles and tears, Of burning hopes and dreams sublime." -James G. Clarke.


I am well aware that this compilation is very incom­ plete, but I believe it to be the best that can be made at this late date. I have inserted blank pages upon which may be noted corrections and additions. I am greatly indebted to Mrs. Herbert W. Cady of New Rochelle, N. Y.; to Miss Caroline Tousey Burkham · of No. 37 West 49th St., New York; to Mrs. Robert D. M~Gill, of Danville, Pa.; to Mrs. F. Marian Wigmore, of Evanston, Ill.; to the late Mr. E. B. Porter, Indianapolis; to Cyrus Levi Tousey, Plainwell, Mich; to Mrs. John Wil­ liams and Miss Emma Tousey, of Grand Rapids,, Mich., and Miss Ann Blackman, of Newtown, Conn. ; to Mrs. Rose and others, for very able and painstaking assistance in securing and arranging the material for the record. T. C. R.

Elmira, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1915.

(All corrections and additions should be communicated to Mr. Theo. C. Rose, Elmira, N. Y.)


SAYB ROOK, Conn., was first settled in 1635. In "Old Paths and Legends of the New England Bor­ der" I find the following: "The future of Saybrook (at the blue Connecticut's mouth) once hung on the fate of a small craft, The Bachelor, bound from London to the little town of Bos­ ton, and scarcely more fit to face old Ocean's frown than a Dutch cradle. She carried as passengers Lion Gardiner, his young Dutch wife, her maid servant, and one other. A few short weeks before, Gardiner was Engineer and Master of Fortifications in the legers of the Prince of Orange and now through the persuasion of Mr. John Davenport and Mr. U. Peters of Rotterdam, he had made an agreement for $roo per annum for four years, in the making of a city or forts of defense in New England, for certain Englishmen of high degree, and Republican op1111ons. They were a small but powerful company of pantentees, including some distinguished Commoners with two daring and popular men as, leaders, Lord Say and Sele, and Richard Greville, Lord Brooke, later of 'rusty Warwick, founded by King Cymbeline in the twilight ages.' These noblemen had sternly resolved to brook no longer the despotism of Kings and Courts, but to place the wide Atlantic between themselves and the erring throne of the faithless Charles; therefore they had purchased of a lover of the Puritans, Robert, Earl of Warwick, his splen­ did American domain (being the patent of Connecticut) extending from Narragansett Bay to the South Sea. The distinguished engineer, Lieutenant Lion Gardiner, retainer of the 'Fighting Veres', and officer under Sir Thomas Fair­ fax in the Wars of France with the Low Countries, was 7 8 PRELIMINARY

engaged to build a fort and a city of solid grandeur at Connecticut River, whose rich meadows were already celebrated in England. In their Dream City; 'their Car­ cassonne, where one day peafe, freedom and wealth should meet together, they saw visions, of yonder serene green fields of Saybrook, crowded with jostling drays loaded with robes of beaver, otter, mink and fox, shipped by suc­ cessful merchants in many masted ships from Saybrook's creaking wharves. These noblemen promised Gardiner to send him a company of 300 good men to aid in forming the settlement, and to protect it from the Indians, but there were many delays and some time elapsed before any additions were made to the little company." I note further: "When the trailing arbutus wove its pink carpet of blossoms in Saybrook, Mistress Gardiner looked eagerly· across the ramparts for vessels with news from home, and for one flying the English flag with the promised '300 able men' on board to fortify, till the soil and build houses, ere the 'men of quality' should arrive to occupy the great squares of the future city."

Was Richard Tousey one of that promised "300 able men"? Without positive evidence of the fact, but from cir­ cumstances, and from records which I have been able to secure, I have come to the conclusfon that he was; or that he came to Saybrook soon afterwards. My conclusion is that Mr. Richard Tousey, a widower, came from England to Saybrook about 1655, or perhaps a few years earlier, leaving in England a son John and a son Thomas. That Thomas came to America in 1679, landing at Salem, Mass., and that the brother John remained in England and died there, leaving his estate to his brother Thomas, in America. My belief is based upon the following documents, tra­ ditions, etc., which I present in full: PRELIMINARY 9

In 1897 Mr. Frederick Wheeler Tousey, son of Renaldo Charles Tousey, was living at Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, and the following correspondence passed between him and Mrs. Cady, of New Rochelle, N. Y.:

"3 _Cambridge Terrace, East Cowes, I. W., England, Oct. 25, 18g7. Dear Mrs. Cady:- (New Rochelle, N. Y.) You will no doubt be surprised to receive a letter from me, therefore, I will at once explain my reasons for writing you, viz: In the London Standard I saw the enclosed per­ sonal, and being somewhat of an inquisitive turn of mind I decided to investigate and so I answered the personal and in reply received a letter, a copy of which is enclosed...... F. W. Tousey."

(Enclosure) "1 Marlborough Road, London, N. W. F. W. Tousey, Esq. Dear Sir:- In reply to your letter I am tracing out a pedigree of the family of Tousey. I have no doubt that your family is a branch, and should very much like to have you send me further particulars. The Tousey family (in England) at present consists of three main branches,, viz: The Touseys of Lymington, head branch, now represented by Capt. Francis William Tousey, Adj't 2d Batt. West York Regt. The Touseys of Blandford now represented by Vice Counsel Joseph Henry Tousey, Spezia, Italy. The London Touseys by my father of above addres,s (27-9 Bunhill Row) Liverman of the Plumbers and Books Companies, City of London. There are some Touseys in the States, children of an older brother of my father, named Dr. Samuel Tousey, of'Galveston, Texas. All the above Touseys trace their origin to William or Stephen Tousey of Administon, who had six sons, and landed about 1700-18oo. The 10 PRELIMINARY

Tousey or Tousie family are supposed by some to be of French Huguenot origin, and by others to be a branch of the Touse family, which has a recorded pedigree at the Heralds College, dating from about the time of Edward III, or about 1640, where it stops. Yours faithfully, Frances P. Tousey." Another letter to Mrs. Cady: "East Cowes., I. W., Aug. 26, 1898. 3 Cambridge Terrace. I hope eventually to show you the ancestors of Rich- ard Tousey, who settled in Saybrook, Conn ...... I have already traced the family back to 1547, but cannot say as yet if they are ours. I am in correspondence with Frances P. Tousey of London, who is working with me in tracing the genealogy of the family. I have two additions to the chart you sent me. My boy, Harold Francis, and the name of my brother Harry's wife, Susan B. Beach. F. W. Tousey."

Extracts from letters from Frances P. Tousey: "Nov. 2, 1899. "1 Marlborough Road. Your ancestor Richard Tousey' is supposed to have come from Towersey, Bucks. It may interest you to know that the village of Towersey belonged to men (or min) Thanes named Tours in King Edward the Conqueror's time. The land was then called Eye or Eie. The Con­ queror (as related in Doomsday book and other records) divided the land into Tours eye and Kings eye (now Tour­ esy and Kingsey). He gave Tousie to Walter d'Albegue, a follower of his, who sublet it to the Pirot or Pyrot fam­ ily. But the land came back to the possession of the Tours,ie family, ( otherwise called Tours, Touri de'Tours, di Tourssie, d'Towersey and Towershaye, etc.) On the death of the last Albegue, the Towersey family gradually lost all the land to different people, but principally· to the PRELIMINARY 11

Abbots of Thamse, who were in possession until the seiz­ ure of all church property by Henry VIII. After the loss of their lands the Towerseys appeared to have lived for about fifty years at Great Hampton, Bucks, until 1580, when so far as England is concerned they totally disap­ peared, and there is no record of anything like the name until the Tousey appears at Reading about 1700.•••••.•• Also the arms of the Towersey family were these three Tours or Axlets arranged with a Chivron." "Aug. 4, 1900. I have just heard of some more Touseys at Amesbury, Wiltshire." "Aug. 27, 1898. I think the town your people came from may have been Towersey in Oxfordshire. About contemporary with your Richard Tousey of Saybrook there was living a Richard Tousey at Reading, with a wife named Mary, who had a son baptized at St. Lawrence, Reading. This Rich­ ard Tousey I believe to be my direct ancestor and should not wonder if he were yours." "Aug. 15, 1900. In tracing back step by s,tep my own pedigree I have found a large number of Touseys buried at Amesbury, Wilts, 1620-1700. In all there are about thirty entries in the parish register. The ones you will be interested in are the following: 1626 Anthonye Tousey and Dorothy Soper in April 17-- 1676 Anthonye Tousey buried March 6. This Anthonye Toyseye or Towsey had five chil­ dren, all christened under the name of Towsey, namely: I. Elizabeth, daughter of Anthonye, born May 7, 1626. 2. Anthon ye, son of Anthonye, born June rn, 1627. 12 PRELIMINARY

3. Alice, daughter of Anthonye, born April 26, 1629. 4. Dorothy, daughter of Anthonye, born March 9, 1633. 5. John, son of Anthonye, born March 18, 1637. I can find no mention of a Richard Tousey, but as the same William Tousey was buried under the name of Tousey our being of the same family is practically proved. He was probably first cousin of the above William, as the dates seem to show. Your family came, or thought they came from Towsey, Towsley, Towersey, etc., in Oxford­ shire, which we have taken as Towersey in Bucks, es­ pecially as the village is on the borders of Oxfordshire. Another village near it by the name of Great Hampton, contained the name of Touseys, (Towseys, Tousys, etc.) between 1;500 and 1600. It is worthy of note that there are two villages. near Amesbury called Tildsley and Tes­ bury (both with Norman churches). There is a tradition in our family that there is a brass memorial tablet to the Sir ·William Tousey, dated about the conquest in the church at Tillshire, Wiltshire. As there is no such place I have always considered it a fable, but of cours,e it might be one of the above churches. I have written the rector of Tildsley, but so far have received no answer. The Tousey or Towsie shield which has been used for about eight or ten generations, as follows: There is no crest or motto. (See shield opposite preface). If you can find your ancestor Richard, 1650, was re­ lated to my ancestor Anthony Tousey, Towsey, there is no reason why you should not adopt it. The College of Arms do not recognize it as, they say it has never been registered, but it has always been used by the family, and is to be found in Burke's Armory (an extensive work on Heraldry, now out of print, but to be found in many public libraries.) The family is without doubt a branch of the great Touse family, which has a recorded pedigree back to the Planta­ genets time. PRELIMINARY 13

What I have discovered is not much, but it shows con­ clusively how the name got altered from Towesy to Tousey. The following entries occur in the old parish register of Great Hampton, Bucks, in the then line. Jacobus Tousey, A. D. 1557. Filius Thomas Thowse et sixoris ejus sepultus fuit IO Die Meusis, Novembus, A. D. 1558. Towze Sepultus fuit 9 die meusis, Actobris. Johannes Towze sepultus fuit 9 die meusis A. D. 158o. Joane Towsey, wife of Thomas Towsey, was buried the 8th day of November, 156o. Jacobus Trunan et Joanna Towze fuerit 21 die meusis, Novembus A. D. 1577. Henry Eversley and Alice Towsey were married 23d Nov. From the above I construct the following tree: Thomas Tousey m. Johaunes Tousey. Children. Jacobus Touse, Johanna Towse. Children of Jacobus. Thomas Tousey Alice Tousey Alice Tousey married Henry Eversley Nov. 15, I577• Johanna Towse married Jacobus Freeman in 1560.

The Parish Register at Adminton, Wilts, commences m 1577. Thomas Thowssey was, alive in Buckingham in I680. / The first man on my pedigree is William or Stephen Towsey, of Adminton, born I should say between 1700 and 17rn. There is thus a gap of two hundred years in the pedigree. If you are inclined to take any trouble in the matter and are in the neighborhood of Edmonston, Wilts, I think it would be a: good idea to examine the register. 14 PRELIMINARY

You might come across your own ancestor who went to America."

Soon after this latter date Mr. Frederick Wheeler Tousey died and the correspondence terminated.

The following items are from records found in this country. Newberry Library, Chicago. New England History & Genealogical Register, Vol. 28, 1874, p. 376. "1679. The following extracts taken from papers contained in Vol. 32, leaves 19 to 22 inclusive. 'Essex County Court papers, having been used as evi­ dence in the case of Mr. John Barton Cherurgeon vs-. Capt. Nicholas Manning for non-payment according to agree­ ment of two shillings and six pence per head for all the passengers that came over in the ship Hannah and Eliza­ beth from England to the number of 47 passengers. "The names of all ye passengers that came in ye ship Hannah and Elizabeth. Mr'. Lott Goarding, Commander, Capt. Nicholas, Manntng undertaker of ye ship." Among the list is Mr. Thomas Tousey and his wife and child and his servant boy. Then the following: "Genealogical Gleanings in England." New England History and Genealogical Register, Vol. 47 p. 123. "John Towsey IO March 1698-9, proved Sept. 19, 1709. "I do give and bequeath unto Mrs. Abigal Henchman, widow, dwelling at this present in Boston in New England, the sum of 300 pounds, current money of New England, provided she be remaining in the ·state of widow­ hood at the time when this my last will and testament shall be in force and of good effect. The rest of my estate and goods of what kind soever I give unto my brother Thomas Towsey and his heirs forever, whom I constitute PRELIMINARY 15

and appoint to be the whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. Wit, Abraham Adams., Abigail Adams, John Soames.

The records state that Thomas was a weaver by occu­ pation, which at that time was an occupation peculiar to England, and it will be remembered that at that time in this country all weaving was done in the household. This may connect the Thomas who landed at Salem with the Thomas son of Richard at Wethersfield and Hartford, and the dates, would seem to bear out this conclusion. Then we have the following from Savage. Thomas of Wethersfield, perhaps the son of the pre­ ceding (Richard) by a first wife, did not live in W ethers­ field before 1674, was a weaver and enterprising man, had in company with William Pitkin had a fulling mill in Hart- fDrtith this preliminary statement I shall proceed with my record, trusting that some member of the family will make further research and correct me if I am not in strict accordance with the facts,.

The Tousey Family l n America

RICHARD TOUSEY, of England. Settled at Saybrook, Conn., U. S. A., and afterwards lived in Wethersfield, Conn. Married ...... in England. Married second (in 1667) Dorothy, widow of John Edwards. (She was formerly widow of Abram Finch.)

"Ancient Wethersfield, '261. 2, p. 321. "Finch: Abram, Jr., was the one who was killed in the massacre April, 1636, leaving one only son, Abram 3d, then a minor, and who was adopted by his god-father 'Old Finch'. His widow Dorothy (said by Nathaniel Foote in Foote's genealogy to have been a daughter of Mathew Mitchell) married second John Edwards. Married third Richard Tousley of Saybrook, but by 1676 was a third time a widow."

There seems to have been a great variance in the spelling of the name. In the first U. S. census in 1790 I find the names of Tousey Brothers living in the same town spelled differently.

In Connecticut the record of Wills and Deeds is kept in the Town Clerk's office, and the Town Clerk acts as the Probate Judge. 17 18 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

The following is self-explanatory: • PROBATE COURT, DISTRICT OF SAYBROOK, Frederick L'Homrnedieu, Judge. Deep River, Conn., January 9, 1913. Theo. C. Rose, Elmira, N. Y. Dear Sir: In reply to yours of January 7th, have copied all that is recorded on Saybrook Town Records regarding Richard Toosfand. The Town Records of the first twenty years were burned and lost, therefore there is nothing to locate him before his coming to Saybrook. The record describes the land but does not give any date of purchase or grant. I have enclosed copies from Hartford Probate Rec­ ords. As you have been in Hartford you may have the same. Very truly yours, Frederick L'Hommedieu, Town Clerk." (Enclosure) THE LANDS OF RICH. TOOSLAND. his, house and lot of 3 Ack. abuteing Southwest and north to a highway, east to the lands of Master Nickols. 2 Ack. of upland in the Calves pasture and one acre and a half mead, abuteing east to the lands of John Nor­ ton, South to the highway, west to Will Jacksons. 3. 6 Ack. of land in the planting field abuteing east to the land of tho. Dunk, abuteing west and north by high­ ways. 4. two Ack. of meadow in the planting field, abuteing to highway South and East upon the Cove. 5. one persell of land bought of Robert Cadman, ly­ ing in the field called pennywise of twenty-five Akers., up- THE TOUSEY FAMILY 19 land and meadow the ends abutt against the highway north and a salt creek south, the sides abutt against the land of William bakast west and land of mathew griswold Richard bushnell and a highway east. the Commonage of Richard Toosland in the towne Commons belonging to an estate of a hundred and fifty pounds in Oys,ter River quarter, the right of a hundred and fifty pound estate ...... in the oxpasture one hundred pounds proportion ......


All the abovesaid lands belonging to Richard Toos­ land except five acres in the planting field, which he sold before he died or by the Relict of said Toosland sold and made over with the privilege and emenitys belonging thereto unto Tho. Bull of hartford, him and his quietly and peacably to enjoy forever as doth more fully appear in deed of Sale under the said widow Toosland'-s hand bearing date the twenty-first of february 1677. The abovesaid lands that was by Dorothy Toosland sold to Thomas Bull is by the said Thomas Bull given to his son David Bull with all the privileges and appurte­ nances belonging thereto as doth appear by his, last will and testament bearing date the 20th of August 1684. Saybrook Land Records, Vol. 1 p. 7.

Aside from the foregoing the first record evidence I have of Richard Tousey is that of a town meeting in Say­ brook January 7, 1655, at which we find among the names Richard Tousland.

History of Norwich, Conn. (Lenox Library) Saybrook town meeting January 7, 1655. Present Richard Tousland.

The next I find is in the Hall of Records at Hartford. Early Conn. Records (Probate), Vol. I page 132. 20 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

In the will of William Jackson of Saybrook I find a bequest to Richard Tousland of Twenty Shillings.

In the Saybrook record above referred to I find that Tousland's land was bounded on one side by land of Will Jackson.

In the record of the will of Thomas Bull, Hartford Probate Record, Vol. 4, pages 196-7, is the following: "I give unto my son, David Bull, of Saybrook, all that of good wife Towsland in houseing and land in Saybrook, and give unto my son David 20 pounds out of my per­ sonal estate and also two of my best coats." Will dated August 20, 1684; admitted to probate Oc­ tober 24, 1684.

Quoted from Savage: "Tousland, Tousley, Towse or Tousey. Richard of Saybrook, perhaps had a wife and family before 1666, b11t in this year made contract of marriage with Dorothy, wid. of John Edwards, which had been widow of Abraham Finch of Wethersfield early in February, 1674, giving back to his wife the property she brought him.

THOMAS TOUSEY, son of Richard was born in Eng­ land in 1650. Came to America in 1679, and died at Wethersfield, Conn., November 13, 1712. He was a weaver by trade and with William Pitkin owned a woolen mill in Hartford. He was a man of enterprise and standing in the community and in 1707 was detailed to take charge of one of the" "fortified" houses in Wethersfield. He educated his son Thomas at Yale College, then located at Saybrook, where he was graduated in 1707.

I quote from "Ancient Wethersfield," page 706. "Mr. Thomas Tousey died in 1712 in Wethersfield, aged 62, and hence must have been a son of Richard by an THE TOUSEY FAMILY 21 earlier wife. He wa·s, a weaver by trade and with William Pitkin part owner of a woolen mill in Hartford. In 1704 was detailed to take charge of one of the "fortified" houses in Wethersfield. He was the father of Elizabeth, wife of Josiah Churchill. By his will, dated November, 1712, he gave all his property to his daughter, except house, shop and barn and all land which he gave t0 his son (Rev.) Thomas. To John Northway 40 s.; to his apprentice John Wells he gave one weaver'·s loom and gears to weave-drug­ get, serge, and kersey; to Mr. Buckely (Prob. Rev.) his in­ terest in the fulling mill. He was a widower at death. It is not known how long he lived in Wethersfield. He was an ancestor of a secretary of the U. S. Navy, Isaac Tousey."

Thomas Tousey had at least two children. Elizabeth Tousey, born 1685 and died October 28, 1751. May 8, 1706, she married Josiah Churchill, born January 28, 1676, and died August 22, 1751.

"Ancient Wethersfield" Styles, Vol. 2, page 223. 'Josiah Churchill (Benj. 2, Josiah 1) born 1676. Con­ stable 171 I. On School Committe 1714. Married 1706 Elizabeth (dau. of Thomas Tousey) Toucey who died Oc­ tober 1751 in 50th year. He died August 22, 1751." Is called in County Court Records an attorney.

Their Children Were : Anninal b. Feb. 20, 1709. May 14, 1730, m. Dan­ iel Butler. Prudence b. Dec. 20, 1710. Jan. 22, 1730, m. Wil- liam Deming. Hezekiah b. Aug. 20, 1712; d. June 24, 1714. Mary b. Oct. 6, 1714. m. Jonathan Warren. Sarah b. June II, 1716. Nov. 12, 1737, m. Thomas Butler. 22 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Josiah b. June 28, 1720. May 2, 1751, m. Eunice Demming. (See Churchill Family in America)

REV. THOMAS TOUSEY, son of Thomas Tousey b. 1688, d. March 14, 1761. Nov. 12, 1717, m. Hannah Clark. b ...... d. Sept. 14, 1777. She was a daughter of Captain Samuel Clark of Milford, Conn.

(Cothrans History of Ancient Woodbury, Vol. 3, p. 239. Deaths: Sept. 14, 1777, Hannah Tousey.)

Atheneum Library, Hartford. Ancient Wethersfield, Vol. 1, p. 706. "Thomas Tousey (Rev.) of Wethersfield graduated at Yale, 1707. Studied Theology and first preached at Hebron. In May, 1713, he began to preach to a new settlement at Newtown, Conn., and terms of settlement were offered him in July, 1714. In May, 1715, the General Assembly, authorized the organization of a church there over which he was ordained Oct. 19, 1715. He resigned in March, 1724. Memoralizing the Assembly two months later to -se­ cure his receipt of his last two years dues (6o pounds and firewood) from the Newtown people, and speaks of himself as "sore broken in health, and as it may seem refusing re­ covery." Some of his, flock, however, filed charges of dis­ satisfaction with him as a pastor. He was a large land owner and ultimately became a very influential citizen in Newtown; was commissioned a Captain of Militia in Octo­ ber, 1727, and thereafter was known by his military title; was made justice of the peace 1727, which office he held until his death in 1761. In 1751 he represented his town in the General Assembly for four sessions. Died at New­ town 14th March, 1761, aged seventy-one." THE TOUSEY FAMILY 23

Of the Rev. Thomas Tousey's early days in Newtown, Conn., I quote from a most interesting historical paper pre­ sented by Miss Susan J. Scudder at the celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Congregational church in New­ town in Oct. 1914. "With the opening of spring we find the town making a serious effort to ·settle a minister among them, and at a "lawful town meeting of ye inhabitants of Newtown April 29, 1713, voted and agreed with Ebenezer Smith to go to Wethersfield to treat with Mr. Touse of Wethersfield and request him to come and give us a visit and preach a Sab­ bath or two with us, that we may have opportunity to dis­ course him in order to carry on ye work of ye ministry among us!" John Glover, Recorder. Mr. Tousey must have come at once and preached a Sabbath or two "for a month later, May 21, a committee was appointed 'to dis,­ course and treat with Mr. Tousey of Wethersfield in order to settle amongst us to carry on ye ministry in this place. This meeting is adjourned until tomorrow night, sun half an hour high from ye date above.' Accordingly the next day while "the sun was yet half an hour high," and after a day spent doubtless in putting in their crops, the good fathers gathered perhaps at the house of John Glover to settle upon the terms of payment to Rev. Thomas Tousey, and it was voted and agreed to give him "thirty pounds in money and also to sow all ye minister's home lot with wheat that is suitable. Mr. Tousee to have ye crop pro­ vided ye said Mr. Tousee preach ye Gospel Covenant to us a yeare ...... upon Probation in order to settlement." Soon after Mr. Tousey was settled the town began to take the necessary steps toward building a house for the minister, which was speedily carried into completion. It stood on the ground opposite the Newtown Inn. The name of Tousey is closely associated with the early history of the Connecticut Colony. Richard Tousey, the grandfather of Newtown's first minister was one of the pioneer settlers of Wethersfield. 24 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Thomas Tousey, Jr., was born in \i\Tethers.field in 1688 and graduated from Yale College in 1707. Tradition says he joined the little settlement in Newtown as early as 1709, and his name appears among the residents of the town in 1712. Mr. Tousey relinquished his charge in March, 1724, "sore broken in health, and as it may seem refusing re­ covery" and two months later memoralized the General Assembly to secure the receipt of his last year's dues, sixty pounds and firewood. I should fail in my duty as historian if I did not record something of the later history of this man who filled S(! large a place in the early affairs of this town, and whose descendants are among its influential and honored resi­ dents at the present time. After Mr. Tousey closed his pastorate over the church traditioQ says he went to Eng­ land, and there received the commission of Captain in the King's Army. After his return he took up the practice of medicine in the town and became Newtown's first physi­ cian. An account. book now in possession of one of his descendants shows that he sold drugs and medicines and attended the ·sick as early as 1737. He also became a large land-owner in the town and his name and the name of his wife, Hannah Clark of Milford, to whom he was married Nov. 12, 1717, appear in many of the early deeds. In 1727 he was commissioned by the General Assem­ bly as captain of a train band, and from 1728 until his death in 1761, a period of thirty-three years, he was justice of the peace. He was also N ewtown's first representative in the General Court, being elected with John Northrop to that office in 1747. He also represented the town in 1748 and again 1754. When his successor, Rev. John Beach, declared for the Church of England in 1732, Captain Tousey with Peter Hubbell and John Leavenworth was appointed in behalf of the town to write to the Reverend Ecclesiastical Coun­ cil of Fairfield County for their assistance. Mr. Tousey THE TOUSEY FAMILY 25 died in 1761. A blue slate slab in what is known as the old part of our village cemetery marks the grave and bears the following inscription : " Here lies interred the Body of Thomas Tousey, Esq., Who died March 14, 1761, in the 74th year of his age. Down to an impartial Grave's devouring shade Sinks Human Honors and the Hoary Head Protract your years, acquire what mortals can Here see with deep concern the end of Man."

Captain Tousey left a family of five daughters and four sons, some of whom settled in Newtown. His great grandson, Isaac Tousey, became governor of Connecticut in 1846. In 1850 he was chosen Senator and served five years, resigning in 1855 to take a place in Presi­ dent Buchanan's Cabinet as Secretary of the Navy."

New England History and Genealogical Register, Vol. 30, 1876, page 276. "The public records of the Colony of Conn. from May, 1744, to Nov., 1750, inclus,ive. The appendix contains the proceedings of the English Privy Council on the appeals of Samuel Clark against Thomas Tousey and others rela­ tive to the law governing descent and distribution of intes­ tate estates 1737-1745, and also queries from the Board of Trade with answers thereto 1748-9. Vol. 23, p. 461, Contains an account of the case of Samuel Clark, old­ est son of Samuel Clark, deceased, against Rev. Thomas Tousey. "Having settled with all the co-heirs, excepting his brother-in-law Thomas Tousey, who had received a portion of the distributed estate in the right of his wife, and also as guardian of one of her minor brothers,, that gentleman was left sole defendant by record. On Mr. Tousey's appli- 26 THE TOUSEY FAMILY cation, supported by Governor Law, the General Assembly in 1742 authorized a loan of 500 pounds from the Colony treasurer to enable Mr. Tousey to prosecute his defense in England against Clark's appeal." Foot-note: "In his petition to the General Assembly Mr. Tousey suggested, "It is in vain to attempt a success­ ful engagement in that battle without a good sword form­ ed of the royal ore, the want of which, or its application was at least in part the occasion of Mr. Lechmere's fatal overthrow by Winthrop in 1728." "The case was prepared with great care, the papers before transmission to England being submitted for final revision to John Reed, Esq., of Boston, 'The Pride of the bar; the light of the law; and chief among the wise, the witty and the elegant.'" "Three years of litigation sufficed to bring the con­ troversy to a successful issue in May, 1746. Mr. Tousey wrote to the General Assembly as follows: "The result through the smiles of Heaven was such as might rejoice the hearts of all true friends of our present happy consti­ tution and real well wisher to our prosperity."

Children of Rev. Thomas and Hannah Tousey. (Names, and dates of birth, from Rev. Thomas's ac­ count book in possession of Theron E. Platt, Bethel, Conn.) 4. Hannah Tousey, born Sept. 25, 1718, died ...... 5. Arminal Tousey, born April 15, 1720, died ...... 6. Elizabeth Tousey, born Nov. 26, 1721, died Dec., 1740. 7. Oliver Tousey, born April 26, 1726, died Jan. 7, 1799- 8. Mehitable Tousey, born March 16, 1728, died 1799. 9. Sarah Tousey, born Oct. 16, 1730, died ...... IO. John Tousey, born Jan. 15, 1732, died July 7, 1776, a. 44. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 27

11. Ann Tousey, born May 4, 1733, died ...... 12. Thomas Tousey, born Dec. 5, 1735, died ...... 13. Zalmon Tousey, born Feb. 20, 1737, died June 23, 1816. 14. Amarillis Tousey, born Sept. II, 1739, died ......

4. HANNAH TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born Sept. 25, 1718, died ...... May 12, 1752, married Josiah Hooker. Nov. 25, 1762, mar­ ried Timothy Russell. (No children). (Left her property to her neice Anna Cook Fitch.)

Ancient Receipt (Kindness of Miss Beardsley)

"Woodbury 6th day of Feb. 1772. Received of my honored father and mother, viz: Timothy Russell and Hannah Russ,ell of Derby, sun­ dry parcels of land lying in the township of said Derby, secured to me by deed bearing date with these presents, which I receive as for twelve pounds lawful money, as part of portion out of my said mother's es­ tate, received by me Thos. Tousey. Signed in presence of Sherman Hinman Benj. Thomas." (This Thomas Tousey must have been an adopted son of Timothy and Hannah Russell, T. C. R.)

5. ARMINAL TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Rich­ ard r) born April 15, 1720. Died ...... Mar­ ried Donald Grant. (1706-Jan. IO, 1763, aged 57.) 28 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Seuton Grant, born Nov. 24, 1744. Bap. Dec. 30, 1744. Died Oct. 7, 1760. Elizabeth Grant, born 1746. Bap. 18, 1746. Died March 5, 1762. Donald Grant, born Sept. 1747. Bap. Sept. 6, 1747. Died Oct. 18, 1767. Hannah Grant, born 1748. Bap. July 2, 1749. Died Feb. 1830. May 2, 1769, married Stephen Mix Mitchell. (1743-1835). Thomas Grant, born ...... Bap. Nov. 25, 1751. Died in infancy. Thomas Grant, born ...... Bap. March 18, 1753. Died in infancy.

(Stephen Mix Mitchell was educated at Yale College, class, of 1763. Received the degree LL.D. in 1807. The same year was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Conn.) He was also grandfather of Donald Grant Mitchell, an accomplished man of letters, and familiarly known as "Ike Marvel," the author of "Reveries of a Bachelor."

Arminal afterwards, Nov. 14, 1771, married James Mitchell (1705-Feb. 1776) the father of Stephen Mix Mit­ chell. She was his third wife and he was over seventy at the time of their marriage. He was born in Scotland and came to America about 1730, and settled at W ethersfi.eld.

Hon. Stephen Mix Mitchell, who married Hannah Grant, was the son of the second wife of James Mitchell, who was Rebecca Mix of Wethersfield. A saying of James used to be current in the family: "My boy has ta'en the chick so I'll gather in the old hen."

Ancient Wethersfield, Vol. 2, page 507. Stephen Mix Mitchell: ...... In the meantime he was pursuing the THE TOUSEY FAMILY 29 study of law under the direction of Hon. Jared Ingersoll. August 2, 1769, at the close of his tutorship he married a young lady of large fortune, Hannah, daughter of Donald Grant, an emigrant from Inverness, Scotland, to Newtown, Conn., and his wife Arminal (Tousey) Grant. The event was commemorated by an epithelamum, written by John Trumbull, which has repeatedly appeared in print. ( eg. In the Portfolio, Phila. 18o5 Vol. 5, pp. 319-320).

Children of Stephen Mix and Hannah Tousey Mitchell Elizabeth Mitchell, born Sept. II, 1770. Died Dec. 22, 1852. Nov. 5, 1788, married Stephen Chester (1761-Dec. 6th, 1835) Capt. Donald Grant Mitchell, born 1773; died August, 1848. Stephen Mix Mitchell, born 1775; died 1820. Married Sophia Coit. (Two children). Judge Walter Mitchell, born 1777; died July, 1848. Hannah Mitchell, born 1779; died Dec. 1866. Rebecca Mitchel, born 1782; died Aug. 1831. Julia Mitchell, born 1782; died Oct. 1807. Married Daniel Buck. Charles Mitchell, born 1785; died June 1831. Louis Mitchell, born 1787; died June, 1826. Rev. Alfred Mitchell, born 1790; died Dec. 1831. Mar­ ried Lucretia Woodbridge. Harriet Mitchel, born 1793; died July 1878.

(Rev. Alfred was the father of Donald Grant Mitchell.)


ELIZABETH TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 26, 1721. Died Dec. 15, 1740. Married John Cooke (March 30, 1715-1815) (Grand­ son of Gov. Leete of Conn.) 30 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children of Elizabeth Tousey Cooke Anna Cooke, born Dec. 13, 1740; died July 15, 1814. Sept. 23, 1770, married Haynes Fitch (Jan. 22, 1735, Norwalk, Conn.-Aug. II, 1815, Ellsworth, Trumbull Co. 0.)

"Norwalk" by Rev. C. M. Selleck, A. M. Vol. I, p. 203. "The Norwalk" (as well as the Norwalk-Canaan) Cooke­ Leete blood, is a matter of deserved registration, and its interesting and hitherto intricate story runs evidently thus: John, born March 30, 1715, son of Rev. Samuel and Anna (Trobridge) Cooke, married first Elizabeth Tousey, and as it would appear John and Elizabeth had a daughter born Dec. 13, 1740. The infant's mother died only a few days after her only child's birth. Hannah Tousey of Newtown, Conn., who May 12, 1752, married Josiah Hooker, was the aunt of Anna Cooke. After the decease of Anna's mother the child was brought to Norwalk and became a member of the family of Rev. Stephen Buckingham, whose wife was a grand-aunt of Josiah Hooker. She was so highly esteem­ ed by the clergyman, (who had no children of his own) that he bequeathed to her his valuable library of one thous­ and volumes, which it is said was purchased in England. This library stood in his house, which occupied the east side of East avenue, and the present site of the intersec­ tion of the N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R. with said avenue. The library it is supposed was destroyed by Tryon, thirty-five years after the decease of its original owner. Anna Cooke lived to marry Haynes Fitch, son of Jarvis and (Mrs.) Mary (Buckingham) Fitch. Haynes and Anna (Cooke) Fitch were married Sept. 23, 1770, and had Hannah Tousey Fitch, born July 4, 1771. William Haynes Fitch, born Aug. :.:r, 1772. Josiah H. Fitch, born Sept. 23, 1773. Jedediah Fitch, born July 17, 1775. Cooke Fitch, born Feb. 5, 1777. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 31 . '" ,,.

Daniel Fitch, born June 12, 1779. David Fitch, born March 29, 1781. Grant Fitch; born Dec. 2, 1782. Zalmon Fitch, born April 1, 1784.

John Cooke married second Martha Booth. He lived to be about a century old.

7 OLIVER TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April 26, 1726. Died January 7, 1799; aged 73. Married Deborah Wilcox (1731-March 13, 18o1; aged 70). Children 15. Philo· Tousey, born Sept. 6; 1750. Bap. Nov. II, 1753. Died Jan. 21, 1824. Aged 71. 16. Isaac Tousey, born Jan. 25, 1755. Bap; March 23, 1755. Died Dec. 5, 1794. Aged 39 y. II m. IO d., Jan. 27, 1788. 17. Zalmon Tousey, born M~rch 7; 1758. Bap. May 6, 1759. Died ...... 18. Oliver Tousey, Jr., born April 8, 1770. Died Nov. 23, 1837. Aged 68. 19. Hannah Tousey, born April 19, 1775. Died 1844.

15 PHILO TOUSEY (Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas·. 2; Richard 1) born Sept. 6; 1750. Bap. Nov. n, 1753. Died Jati. 21, 1824. Aged 71. Jan. 18, 1781, married Esther Shelton (Dee. 25; 1763-·-)

Children 20. Lucretia Tousey, born Dec. II, 1783. Died May 13, 1841. 32 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

21. Esther Tousey, born May 16, 1785. Died April 5, 1869. 22. Flora Tousey, born Jan. 7, 18o2. Bap. March 2, 18o2.


ISAAC TOUSEY (Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Jan. 25, 1755. Bap. March 23, 1755. Died Dec. 5, 1794. Aged 39 y. II mo. IO d. Jan. 27, 1788, married Sarah Burwell (1764-May 29, 1808, a. 42).

17 ZALMON TOUSEY (Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born March 7, 1758. Bap. May 6, 1759. Died ...... Dec. IO, 1786, married Phoebe Booth. Children

Walter Tousey, born Jan. 27, 1788. Delaware County, N. Y., Records, Book "A," page 232. Deed Zalmon Tousey, Jr., and Phoebe Tousey, hus- band and wife, to Oliver Phelps, dated Jan. IO, 1798. Book ?, page 17, deed from Zalmon Tousey, Jr., (alone) to Otis Preston June 8, 18o2.

18 OLIVER TOUSEY, JR. (Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) Born April 8, 1770. Died Nov. 23, 1837. Aged 68. May 17, 1789, married Comfort Peck (March II, 1773-Feb. 9, 1848; a. 75.)

Children 23. Isaac Tousey, born Nov. 5, 1796. Died July 30, 1869. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 33

24. Philo Tousey, born Dec. 3, 1798. Died Dec. 24, 1837. (Unmarried). 25. Nabby Tousey, born Dec. 12, 1800. Died May 25, 1804. 26. Charles Tousey, born Dec. 12, 1800. Died June 23, 1804. 27. Harriet Tousey, born May 20, 1803. Bap. Aug. l 1, 18o3. Died Sept. 26, 1823. Aged 20. 28. Emily Tousey, born 1806. Bap. May 3, 1806. Died Aug. 6, 1856. 29. Maria Tousey, born ...... Died ...... 30 .. . Polly Ann Tousey, born ...... Died ......

19 HANNAH TOUSEY (Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April 19, 1775. Died 1844. April 8, 1794 married Zachariah Clark (1771-1846).


31. Sally Clark, born March 2, 1795. Died 1865. Mar­ ried Daniel Connelly. 32. Oliver Clark, born Oct. 20, 1797. Died April 2, 1816 (buried 22nd St. Cemetery, New York). 33. Maria Clark, born March 15, 1801. Died May 17, 1874. Married Harry Hawley (Richfield). Married Rufus Skidmore (Newtown). 34. Walter Clark, born Sept. 16, 1802. Died Nov. 1, 1876. Married Dima Ann Beers. ( d. Sept. 2, 1881). 35. Charles Clark, born April 2, 1804; Died Dec. 20, 1854. Married Betsy Ann Fairchild. 36. Emma Clark, born Nov. II, 18o6. Died Feb. 6, 1886. Married William Hill (Redding). 37. William Clark, born March 14, 1814. Died 186g. Married Elizabeth Lewis. 34 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

38. Philo Clark, born July 13, 1818. Died March 3, 1897. Married Sarah Minerva Beers.

34 WALTER CLARK, born Sept. 16, 18o2. Died.Nov. II, 1876. Married Dima Ann Beers.

Children Eli B. Clark, Edwin Clark, Emma J. Clark. Emma J. Clark married George E. Peck, born ...... Died Aug. 15, 1875.

Children Samuel Clark Peck, born April 24, 1866. Died June 16, 1896. Walter Tousey Peck; born May Ir, 1871. Elizabeth Fairweather Peck, born Oct. 12, 1872. Susan Emma Peck, born May 28, 1874.

20 LUCRETIA TOUSEY (Philo, 5, Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richar-d 1) born Dec. II, 1783: Died May 13, 1841. May 18, 1803, married David Platt (Feb. 6, 1782-April 19, 1814.)

Children Elosia Platt married Erastus Pierce. Philo Platt, born Sept. 3, 18n. Died March 12, 1880. Nov. 24, 1841, married Janet E. Tuttle (Dec. 1, 1818-Aug. 18, 1906).

Children Johnson Platt, born Jan. 12, 1844. Died Jan. 23, 1890. Sept. 3, 1867, married Mary J. Pettee. (Occupied the chair of Law, Yale College.) THE TOUSEY FAMILY 35

Theron E. Platt, born May 16, 1848. Nov. 26, 1873, married Mary C. Russell. (Born Oct. 15, 1853).

Children of Theron Platt

Philo Platt, born May 20, 188o. Oct. 15, 1902, married Elsie M. Sanford. (Born June 7, 1880.) Clifford Platt, born March 9, 1884. Died May 13, 1884.

Children of Philo Platt Raymond Johnson Platt, born May 30, 19o6. (Mr. Theron E. Platt is a prosperous farmer living in Bethel, Conn.)

21 ESTHER TOUSEY (Philo 5, Oliver 4, Rev. Thos. 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born May 16, 1785. Died April 5, 1869. Married Israel A. Beardsley (1780-1846).

Children of Esther Philo Shelton Beardsley, born Aug. 24, 1819. Died Jan. 31, 1846. Married Harriet Beach. Flora Jane Beardsley, born Aug. 24, 1822. Died 1908. Jan. 7, 1848, married Aaron Sanford.

Children of Flora Jane Mary Elizabeth Sanford, born July S, 1850. Sept. 21, 1870, married Harley Proctor. William Henry Sanford, born Nov. IO, 1882.

22 FLORA TOUSEY (Philo 5, Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Jan. 7, 18o2. Bap. March 36 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

2, 1802. Married Asa Blagg Beardsley (born died 1850.) Children of Flora Emily Esther Tousey Beardsley, born Sept. 17, 1825. d. May 20, 1909. Mary Elizabeth Beardsley, born Sept. 15, 1826. Mar­ ried William J. Dick. Philo Tousey Beardsley, born Dec. 11, 1827. Died Sept. 20, 1862. Julius Theodore Beardsley, born Oct. 22, 1829. Died Nov. 21, 1907. Aged 78. John Mark Beardsley, born Aug. 23, 1832. Died Oct. 6, 1908. Frances Josephine Beardsley, born Jan. 13, 1834. Died Jan. 27, 1910. Henrietta Beardsley, born March 13, 1844. Died Oct. 23, 1850.

23 ISAAC TOUSEY (Oliver Jr., 5, Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 5, 1796. Died July 30, 1869. Married Catherine Burrell. (No children).

Isaac Tousey was, born at Newtown, Conn., Nov. 5, 1796; died at Hartford July 30, 1869. He was educated by private tutors; studied law and in 1818 was admitted to practice. Four years later he was chosen County Attor­ ney and held that office until 1825. In 1835 was a member of the House of Representatives. From 1842 to 1844 he was State Attorney. In 1845 ran for Governor and was defeated. In 1846 was elected Governor by the State legis­ lature, but at the next election was, again defeated for Governor. On June 31, 1848, he succeeded Nathen Clifford as Attorney General of the United States, being appointed by President Polk. In 1850 was a member of the State THE TOUSEY FAMILY 37

Senate. The same year he was elected to the and served five years When President Buchanan formed his Cabinet Mr. Tousey was appointed Secretary of the Navy, and served from March 6th, 1857, until the accession of Abraham Lincoln, when he was ·succeeded by Gideon Wells, of Conn. New England History and Genealogical Register, Vol. 50, 1896. 'Contributions to the History of Grace Church, Hart­ ford. Isaac Tousey's name is mentioned." (A portrait of Gov. Tousey hangs in the State Library at Hartford.)

Newberry library, Chicago, Ill. New England History and Genealogical Register, Vol. 43, 1889, page 124. "John Farwell Anderson: "He recalled vividly .his impression of the great men, and the issues with which they were then contending: Web­ ster, Calhoun, Tyler, Marcy, Polk, Tousey, Bancroft and Van Buren. These and many others of our famous men were then in the stir and turmoil of the times, as well as in the stately old social circles, where their courtly dames led the National fashions and manners as the first ladies in the land."

28 EMILY TOUSEY (Oliver, Jr., 5, Oliver 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born 18o6. Bap. May 3, 18o6. Died Aug. 6, 1856. Married Frederick Chittenden of Kent and Bridgeport (Sept. 7, 18o6-Aug. 20, 18g6.)

Children Harriet Tousey Chittenden, born May 3, 1828. Mar­ ried R. Tomlinson. Catherine N. Chittenden, born July 23, 1829. Married Marion S. Beman. Mary Lorain Chittenden, born Feb. II, 1839. 38 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Newberry library, Chicago, Ill. Chittenden Family, page 150. "Frederick Chittenden, son of Stephen Chittenden, married Emily Tousey (sister of Gov. Tousey) who was born Sept. 7, 1806. A lawyer of New Milford and then of Bridgeport. He died, aged 65, Aug. 20, 1856. They had three daughters.

29 M,ARIA TOUSEY, b ...... , d ...... Married Amos Parks ( of Buffalo).

Children Charles Parks.

30 POLLY ANN TOUSEY, b ...... , d ...... Married N. Preston Perry (of Kent).

8 MEHIT ABLE TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born March 16, 1728. Died 1799. May 1, 1750, married Ager Judson (Feb. 12, 1722-July 17, 1775, a. 55) (Was second wife).

Children Ager Judson, born May 3, 1750. Died ...... Dec. 22, 1768, married Ann Mills.

(Col. Ager Judson, 2d, son of Agur and Mehitable (Tousey) Judson. Married Ann, daughter of Elisha Mills, Dec. 22, 1768, he being seventeen years of age, and she sixteen. Residents of Hunt­ ington.) THE TOUSEY FAMILY 39

Hannah Judson, born Sept. 28, 1752. Died ...... David Judson, born April 15, 1754.

History of Stratford and Bridgeport, Conn., page 1230. "Agur, son of Capt. David and Phoebe (Stiles) Jud- son married Sarah Burton Dec. 23, 1746. She died Nov. 14, 1747. He married 2d Mehitable Tousey of Newtown May 1, 1750. Children 1st Wife Elizabeth Judson, born Nov. 7, 1747.

Children 2nd Wife Agur Judson, born May 3, 1750.. Hannah Judson, born Sept. 28, 1752. David Judson, born April 15, 1754.

Children of Agur Judson, 2d. Roswell, born Nov. 27, 1769. Philo, born Nov. 25, 1771. William, born March 27, 1774. Nancy, born March 25, 1776. Betsy, born April 18, 1778. Agur, born June 15, 178o. Charles, born March II, 1783. Hannah, born July II, 1785. Married Capt. Daniel Sterling. . David, born March 31, 1788. Sally, born May 15, 1791. Married ...•...... Sterling.

9 SARAH TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born Oct. 16, 1730. Married Ebenezer Ford .. (Bap. Apr. II, 1756) d. Oct. 25, 1773. Mollie, child of Ebenezer Ford, Bap. Apr. II, 1756. Ann Ford, child of Ebenezer Ford. Bap. July 16, 1757. (Unable to discover further record). 40 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

IO JOHN TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard x) born Jan. 15, 1732. Died July 7, 1776. Aged 46. Oct. 14, 1755, married Rebecca Booth (Oct, 1735-Sept. 9, 1803). (Settled in Huntington, Conn.)

Children of John and Rebecca 39. Abel Tousey, born May 4, 1756. Died June 7, 1825. Aged 69. 40. John Tousey, Jr., born Nov. 2, 1757. Died Oct. 23, 1 833. 41. Amarillis Tousey, born April 26, 1759. Died

42. Anna Tousey, born Feb. 26, 1761. Died ...... 43. Elizabeth (Betty) Tousey, born Jan. 18, 1762. Died ...... 44. David Tousey, born Dec. 3, 1764. Died May 5, 1841. 45. Donald Tousey, born May 26, 1766. Died May 20, 1829. Aged 63. 46. Ann Tousey, born April, 1768. Died ...... 47. Hannah Tousey, born May 8, 1770. Died May 17, 1847. 48. Rebecca Tousey, born Jan. 5, 1772. Died ...... 49. Huldah Tousey, born Aug. 10, 1774. Died Aug. IO, 1837. (These names and dates from very ancient record 111 posses,sion of Miss Ann Blackman, Newtown, Conn.)

Record of baptisms, Christ Church, Newtown, Conn. "Abel, child of John, Aug. 1, 1756. John, child of John, Nov. 6, 1756. Ann May 3, 1761. Betty March 27, 1763. Donald July 20, 1776. Ann, child of John, May 22, 1768. Hannah May 9, 1770. Rebecca, April 19, 1772. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 41

(Woodbury Records, Vol. 27, 1791). Deed from Abel Tousey, David Tousey, Donald Tousey, Freeman Beers and Amarillis, his wife, Banford Baldwin, and wife Hannah, Eli Beers, and wife Rebecca, of Newtown, in the County of Fairfield, State of Conn., heirs of Samuel Clark.

39 ABEL TOUSEY (John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born May 4, 1756. Died July 7, 1825. Aged 69. March 2, 178o, married Esther Glover (Aug. 18, 1760-Aug. 19, 1804, a. 44).

Children 50. Rev. John Glover Tousey, born Nov. II, 1781. Died Feb. 18, 1820. 5r. Sarah Ann Tousey, born Nov. 19, 1783. Died June 21, 182r. 52. Grandison Curtis Tousey, born June 29, 1786. Died ...... 53. Marcia Tousey, born Oct. 4, 1789. Died Oct. 24, 1853. 54. Zera Tousey, born June 29, 1790. Died ...... 55. Philo Tousey, born March 17, 1893. Died ...... 56. Minerva Tousey, born Jan. IO, 1800. Died ...... 57. Esther Ann Tousey, born Dec. IO, 1802. Died

50 REV. JOHN GLOVER TOUSEY (Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. rr, 1781. Died Feb. 18, 1820. Married Ruanny Hubbell (1789- Dec. 28, r8o9).

Newtown Cemetery. "In memory of Ruanny Hubbell Tousey, wife of John 42 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

G. Tousey, daughter of Paul and Mary Hubbell, who died Dec. 28, 1809, in the 21st year of her age."

Married second Amarillis Hubbell (1797-Jan. 7, 1876).

Children 58.. Wheeler Peck Tousey, born March 7, 1817. Died April 21, 1889. 59. David Tousey, born...... Died ...... 60. Delia Tousey, born April 3, 1819. Died Jan. 30, 1892.

58 WHEELER PECK TOUSEY (John G. 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) of Long Hill, Conn., born March 7, 1817. Died April 21, 1889. Oct. IO, 1842, married Mary A. Turney. (Born June 25, 1821). Children 6I. Rinaldo Charles Tousey, born ...... Died ...... 62. Lamora A. Tousey, born Jan. 24, 1850. Died

61 RINALDO CHARLES TOUSEY (Wheeler 7, John G. 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born ...... Died ...... Nov. 28, 1866, married Ellen E. Francis.

Children 63. Rena Caroline Tousey, born Oct. 5, 1869. Died ...... Nov. 12, 1889, married Henry A. House. 64. Lora Alice Tousey, born June 5, 1871. Died ...... Nov. 23, 1892, married Dr. D. C. DeWolfe. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 43

Children Sinclair Tousey DeWolfe, born March 25, 1894. Frederick Wheeler DeWolfe, born July 7, 1897. Died March 10, 1898.

65. Frederick Wheeler Tousey, born May 4, 1872. Died ...... Married Viola T. Beach.

Children Lora Tousey. Harold Francis Tousey.

66. Anna May Tousey, born Feb. II, 1876. Died Aug. 6, 1876. 67. Harry Glover Tousey, born May 16, 1877. Died ...... Married Susan Edith Beach.

Children John Beach Tousey.

59 DAVID TOUSEY (John G. 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born ...... Died ...... Married Pauline A. Roberts.

Children Sabina Tousey, born ...... Died March 2, 1909. Married Dr. Oliver Lanning. Gertrude Tousey, born ...... Married Louis Gross.

6o DELIA TOUSEY (John G. 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April 3, 1819. Died Jan. 30, 1892. Feb. 22, 1843, married Gad Benedict. (Feb. 25, 1808-Nov. 13, 1881). 44 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Daughter born March 26, 1844. Died Sept. 17, 1844. Julette Benedict, born May 14, 1847. Died April 24, 1849. Sabrina Benedict, born Aug. 4, 1856. Died Sept. 20, 1858. Evanna Benedict, born Aug. 23, 1850. Died ...... Oct. 4, 1883, married Arthur H. Senior.

Children Harold B. Senior, born Dec. 25, 1886.

Nellie Benedict, born Jan. 27, 1860.

51 SARAH ANN TOUSEY (Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 19, 1783. Died June 21, 1821. Married Thomas W. Peck (Sept. 9, 1779- Sept. 1, 1870). (Thomas W. Peck married 2d Theodocia Coe) Children of Thomas and Sarah Fanny Peck, born July 29, 18o4. Died ...... Married Noah B. Smith. Alosia Peck, born July 25, 1809. Died ...... Married Harley Sanford. Richard W. Peck; born May IO, 1812. Died ...... Married Sarah Cadwalder. Abel T. Peck, born March 7, 1815. Died ...... Married Huldah Hawley. John B. Peck, born Jan. 24, 1817. Died Dec. 2, 1899. Married May 19, 1851, Charlotte C. Colt. Children Fanny C. Peck, born ...... Died ...... Oct. 1, 1879, married Levi C. Morris. John R. Peck, born ...... THE TOUSEY FAMILY 45

52 GRANDISON CURTIS TOUSEY (Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born June 29, 1786. Died ...... Married Nancy Curtis.


68. Luzon Tousey, born Dec. 2, 18o6. Bap. Feb. 12, 1808. Died April 14, 186o. 69. Walter Tousey, born Feb. 4, 1809. Died ...... 70. Orville Tousey, born April 2, 18II. Died June I, 1867'. 71. Henry Tousey, born June 24, 1813. Died Jan. 15, 1893 (Unmarried). 72. Isaac Tousey, born July 6, 1815. Died (in Texas. Left widow. No children). 73. Esther Tousey, born April IO, 1820. Died ...... (Unmarried). 74. Hiram Tousey, born June 20, 1822. Died Jan. 11, 1874, 75. William Tousey, born Jan. II, 1825. Died July 31, 1890. 76. Sarah Tousey, born June 23, 1830. Died March 25, 1859.

68 LUZON TOUSEY (Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Dec. 2, 1806. Bap. Feb. 12, 18o8. Died April 14, 186o. 1830 married Lucy Lyman. Aug. II, 1807-Aug. I 1, 1894.

Children 77. Grandison Curtis Tousey, born Dec. 16, 1832. Died Feb. 2, 1910. 78. Cyrus Levi Tousey, born May 30, 1834. (Plain­ well, Mich.) 79. Nancy Jane Tousey, born Dec. 24, 1835. Died 46 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

80. Julia Ann Tousey, born May 23, 1838. Died ....

81. Olive Maria Tousey, born April 9, 1839. Died

82. Dorcas Sarah Tousey, born Oct. 13, 1841. Died

83. Susan Emma Tousey, born March 24, 1843. Died

77 GRANDISON CURTIS TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born Dec. 16, 1832. Died Feb. 2, 1910. Married Alvira Goodrich. Married 2d Julia Tucker.

Children of Grandison and Alvira 84. J. Luzon Tousey, born June 28, 1867. Died Dec. 3, 1907. Dec. 25, 1897, married Sarah Elmira Foster (Born Nov. 21, 1873). (Hood River, Ore. R. D. 2.)

Children Francis C. Tousey, born Oct. 28, 1898. Reginald F. Tousey, born Nov. 21, 1901. Mabel E. Tousey, born Jan. 27, 1904. Died 1911. Bertland J. Tousey, born April 2, 1908.

78 CYRUS LEVI TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born May 30, 1834. Died ...... March 9, 1859, married Sophia Lillie Parsons (Born Oct. 8, 1841).

Children of Cyrus 85. Howard William Tousey, born Dec. 13, 1859. Married Estelle Hatch. Born ...... Died ...... THE TOUSEY FAMILY 47

Children of Howard and Estelle Lillie A. Tousey, born July 5, 1887. Married Arthur Estep. Lulu M. Tousey, born Jan. 31, 1889. Married William Blanchard. Mabel A. Tousey, born Oct. 26, 1890. July 4, 1911, married ...... Roy H. Tousey, born July 12, 1895.

Married second Mabelle Cline.

Children of Howard and Mabelle Clem H. Tousey, born Oct. 28, 1899. George C. Tousey, born Sept. 20, 1905. Carl L. Tousey, born April 6, 1909.

86. Rev. Fred Parsons Tousey, born March 7, 1870. Died Dec. 9, 1903. Married Edith Chase.

Children Clarence H. Tousey, born Dec. 8, 1893. Died May 8, 1904. Gertrude E. Tousey, born Nov. 24, 1895. Harold P. Tousey, born Oct. 30, 1897. Lawrence E. Tousey, born Dec. 30, 1899.

79 NANCY J. TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Dec. 24, 1835. Married Rev. William Eastman (Aug. 25, 1851).

Children Ida J. Eastman, born Dec. 5, 1853. Died ...... Royal Eastman, born July 12, 1855. Died 1913. Ernest A. Eastman, born Dec. 24, 1861. Vern V. Eastman, born Aug. 23, 1869. 48 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Cortland J. Eastman, born Jan. 7, 1871. Ekford W. Eastman, born July 15, 1873.

8o JULIA ANN TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born May 23, 1838. Died...... Nov. 1, 1856, mar­ ried Charles B. Palmer (Born June 20, 1833).

Children Charles E. Palmer, born Feb. 25, 1830. Lizzie E. Palmer, born Sept. 21, 1862. Lucy M. Palmer, born Sept. 5, 1868.

81 OLIVE MARIA P. TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Riichard 1) born April 9, 1839. Died ...... Married Joseph B. Manley. (Born April 16, 1835).

Children Allison Bertland Manley, born Dec. 7, 1858.

(7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore.)

82 DORCAS SARAH TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Oct. 13, 1841. Died ...... Jan., 1865, married George Markham.

Children Eddie Markham Grace Markham Lucy Markham. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 49

83 SUSAN EMMA TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born March 24, 1843. Died...... Married Darius Ackirty. Children Cora Ackirty, born Aug. 9, 1861. Married Willis John­ son.

Susan married second Willis Wisley.

Married third Michael Collins.

69 WALTER TOUSEY (Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Feb. 4, 18o9. Died ......

70 ORVILLE TOUSEY (Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April 2, 18n. Died June 1, 1867. Married Frances Hartman. (Born 1816. Died 1887). Children 87. Jane Tousey, born Sept. 14, 1836. Died Oct. 23, 1885. Married George A. Saunders.

Children of Jane Tousey Sanders William R. Sanders, b. Aug. 6, 1863. Married Mary Haskins. Lulu B. Sanders, b...... Married B. M. Mott.

88. Sarah Tousey, born April 10, 1836. Died Sept. 9, 1901. Married A C. Brundage. 50 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children of Sarah Tousey Brundage Myron T. Brundage, b. July 2r, r866. Married Victoria Neff. Elizabeth F. Brundage, b. Feb. 2, 1868.

89. Harriet Tousey, born Nov. 6, r84r. Died ...... Married C. K. Saunders.

Children of Harriet Tousey Sanders Harry Sanders, b. Oct. 4, 1862 ; d. July 3, 1880. Fanny T. Sanders, b. July r9, r865. Married Frank S. Thomas. Chauncey K. Sanders, b. Oct. 18, r876. Married Mabel Payne. Walter B. Sanders, b. April II, 1878. Married Georgia Rowell Claud. 90. Grandison H. Tousey, born March 2r, 1843. Died April 25, r884. Married Judith Heckman. 9r. Frances Tousey, born Dec. 1, 1848. Died May 10, 1910. (Unmarried).

90 GRANDISON H. TOUSEY (Orville 7, Grandison 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born March 21, r843. Died April 25, 1884. Married Judith Heckman. Children 92. Orville Heckman Tousey, born June 21, 186g. Died...... Married Mrs. Louise Kenney.

Children Orville Henry Tousey, born July 19, 1909.

93. Henry A. Tousey, born Jan. 20, 187r. Died ...... April 2, 1901, married Sadie B. Fretts. (Born Feb. 5, r87r). THE TOUSEY FAMILY 51

94. Frank S. Tousey, born March 5, 1873. Died ...... 95. Thomas Eugene Tousey, born May 9, 1877. Died ...... Jan. 29, 1908, married Mary B. Sweeney (Born Nov. 14, 1882).

Children Thomas Grandison Tousey, born Jan. 22, 1910.

75 WILLIAM TOUSEY (Luzon 7, Gradnson 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard x) born Jan. II, 1825. Died July 31, 1890. July I, 186o, mar­ ried Mary Jane Markham.

Children 96. William H. Tousey, born April II, 1861. Died ...... April 12, 1882, married Carrie Hinckley. (Died Nov., 1893). Children Clarence H. Tousey, born Feb. 24, 1884. Died ...... April 24, 1907, married Flor­ ence C. Mobley. Oct. 28, 1896, William H. married 2d Dora L. Smith. Children Harold C. Tousey, born May 25, 1898. 97. Francis J. Tousey, born March 10, 1863. Died ...... Dec. 1, 1891, married Clara Bur­ nette. Children Orville B. Tousey, born Feb. 2, 1894. Janet Tousey, born Nov. 8, 1901. 98. Frederick H. Tousey, born Oct. 24, 1865. Died ...... Feb. 16, 1887, married Leefa Greer. 52 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Elizabeth Tousey, born Oct. 31, 1892.

99. Ida A. Tousey, born April 8, 1871. Died ...... Oct. 15, 1891, married Edwin H. Startweather.

53 MARCIA TOUSEY (Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Oct. 4, 1789. Died Oct. 24, 1853. Dec. 23, 1907, married Jeremiah Hubbell (Born May 5, 1787. Died Dec. 26, 1852).

Children Son born March 28, 1809. Died March 28, 1809. 100. Ruanny Hubbell; born May 5, 18oo. Died ...... Married Benjamin Burr. 101. Mary Hubbell, born Sept. 16, 1812. Died ...... Married Osmond N. Crane. 102. William Hubbell, born July 30, 1814. Died March 25, 1869. Married Jane Eliza Winton.

Children of William William Homer Hubbell. Married Sarah Jane Brisco. Married 2d Ida M. Taylor. Jane Elizabeth Hubbell. Married John Oliver. Franklin Jeremiah Hubbell. Frances Augusta Hubbell.

54 ZERA TOUSEY (Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born June 29, 1791. Died ...... Married Nedssa Crane.

Children 103. Sinclair Tousey (Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born July, THE TOUSEY FAMILY 53

1815. Died June 16, 1887. Married Mary Ann Goddard.

Children 108. Benjamin Tousey, born June 12, '1836. Died ...... 1910. 109. Charles Goddard Tousey, born Jan. 25, 1840. Died March 16, 1912. 1 IO. John Euart Tousey, born April 12, 1842. Died Oct. IO, 1906. II I. William Tousey, born Aug. 12, 1845. Died Sep­ tember 29, 1913. (Unmarried).

108 BENJAMIN TOUSEY (Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born June 12, 1836. Died ...... Married Carrie Maffitt. (Born Sept. 4, 1868). Children 112. William Benjamin Tousey, born Aug. 5, l892 . .('.t; ...... 113. Louise Tousey, born Dec. 29, 1894. 114. Eldreda Tousey, born Jan. 8, 1899. 115. Eldred Tousey, born Nov. 8, 1896. Died Nov. II, 1897.

109 CHARLES GODDARD TOUSEY (Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Jan. 25, 1840. Died March 16, 1912. June 25, 1861, married Mary L. Copeland. (Born April 7, 1846). Children 116. Anna Euart Tousey, born April IO, 1863. 117. Alice Viola Tousey, born Feb. 24, 1865. 54 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

118. Mary Florence Tousey, born June 4, 1867. n9. Benjamin Copeland Tousey, born May I, 1869.

II6 ANNA EUART TOUSEY (Charles 8, Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April IO, 1863. Died...... June 23, 1886, married James C. Allen. (Born May 27, 1863).

Children 120. Sinclair T. Allen, born March 23, 1887. 121. Edith M. Allen, born Nov. 22, 1890. 122. Mabel Allen, born April 2, 1892. 123. Emily Allen, born June 8, 1896. 124. Marshall Allen, born Oct. 15, 1901.

II7 ALICE VIOLA TOUSEY (Charles 8, Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Feb. 24, 1865. Aug. 16, 1888, married Herbert W. F. Cady (Born Feb. 18, 1860).

Children 125. Donald Watson Cady, born Oct. 7, 1893. 126. Marian Cady, born July 8, 1905.

II8 MARY FLORENCE TOUSEY (Charles 8, Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born June 4, 1867. July 15, 1890, married G. L. Sterling. (Born March 4, 1864).

Children 127. Dorothy Sterling, born June 15, 1895. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 55

128. Graham Lee Sterling, born April 30, 1904.

Il9 BENJAMIN COPELAND TOUSEY (Charles 8, Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born May 1, 1869. July 5, 1901, married Martha Anna Loomis (Born Sept. 15, 1878).

IIO JOHN EUART TOUSEY (Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born April 12, 1842. Died Oct. 10, 1906. Married Nellie Elderkin (Born Jan. 27, 1845). Children 13Q. Dr. Sinclair Tousey, born Dec. 19, 1864. 131. Lilian Tousey, born July 22, 1866. 132. Dr. Ralph Tousey, born Oct. 21, 1873. 133. Elizabeth Tousey, born Oct. 3, 1876. 134. Louise Tousey, born June '21, 1880.

130 DR. SINCLAIR TOUSEY (John 8, Sinclair 7, Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Dec. 19, 1864. Married Julia Gerding (Born Jan. 20, 1873. Died June 26, 1898). Married Harritt Fowler (Born Sept. 25, 1879). t)

132 DR. RALPH TOUSEY, born Oct. 21, 1873. Married Elena Martinez (Born Nov. 3, 1873).

Children Elila Geraldine Tousey, born July 15, 1897. Ralph married second Clara S. Briner. c,r/...._"fd/e-.r, A' atl,,/{ )~ /,,...._a,,,_1 4, I q I IJ .

134 LOUISE TOUSEY, born June 27, 1880. Married Thomas H. Beardsley (Born April 18, 188,Z).

Children Elizabeth Beardsley, born J ~ 4. , 1j9~

104 GEORGE G. TOUSEY (Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born March 21, 1825. Died Sept. 26, 1869. March 22, 1846, married Eliza­ beth Corks. (Born Jan. 1, 1846. Died July 1, 1903).


135. John W. Tousey, born May IO, 1847. Died March 26, 1862. 136. George C. Tousey, born Aug. 29, 1848. Died Sept. 1, 1898. 137. Frank Tousey, born May 24, 1853. Died Sept. 7, 1902. Jan. 15, 1879, married RosaHe An­ drews. (Born May 22, 1879. Died Dec. 28, 1906). 138. Edward F. Tousey, born Feb. 3, 1855. ~arried Martha Mathews. 139. DeWitt Tousey, born Jan. 23, 1858. Died Dec. 21, 1858. 140. Sinclair Tousey, born Jan. 26, 1862. Died July 28, 1915. Feb. II, 1865, married Annie Ray­ ner. Children of Sinclair Frank Rayner Tousey, born March 15, 1885.

141. Amanda Tousey, born Jan. 26, 1862. Died March 3, 1864. 142. Amanda Tousey, born Sept. 5, 1864. (Unmar­ ried). THE TOUSEY FAMILY 57

143. Emma Tousey, born March 20, 1866. Died June 26, 1869.

105 HENRY TOUSEY (Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born...... Died Died ...... Married ...... Francis. (No children).

106 MARY ANN TOUSEY (Zera 6, Abel 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I) born ...... Died ...... Married Joseph Garrison. Children 144. Emma Garrison, born ...... Died ....•• Married Peter Roe. Children Benjamin Sinclair Roe. 145. William Garrison.

.. 107 ARABELLA TOUSEY, died, aged 11 years,.

39 ABEL TOUSEY, married second Polly Blackman. (Born 1770. Died April 9, 1856). Children Abel Tousey, Jr., born Dec. 18, 1805. Married Fanny Lyon (Born March 26, 1812. Died Feb. 24, 1888). Fanny Tousey, born March 26, 1812. (Fanny Lyon Tousey, widow of Abel Tousey, Jr., m~~ried John B. Dimon). 58 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

40 JOHN TOUSEY (John Tousey 4, Rev. '.I;'homas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 2, 1757. Bap. Nov. 6, 1757. Died Oct. 23, 1838. Aged 75 y. r 1 m. Married ...... Febrick. (?) Married 2d Eunice Terrell.

(John Tousey early moved to Erie Co., N. Y., and later into the Genesee Valley, N. Y., and died at Perry, N. Y.)

Children First Wife 146. Betsy Tousey, born ...... Died ...... 147. Lucy Tousey, born ...... Died ...... 148. Martha Tousey, born 1787. Died Jan. 18, 1853.

Children Second Wife 149· Alonzo Tousey, born Nov. 3, 1788. Died Sept. 26, 1845. 150. Susan Ann Tousey, born 1792. Died March 4, 1857. 151. Sophia Tousey, born ...... Died ...... 152. Ann Maria Tousey, born May IO, 1799. Died May 3, 1876. 153, John Tousey, born May 1, 1803. Died July 12, 1867. 154, Sally Tousey, born Jan. 30, 1805. Died Dec. 15, 1851. '

146 BETSY TOUSEY born ...... Died ...... Married Noah T. Wheeler. (Killed at Queenstown Heights).

Children Harriet Wheeler. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 59

147 LUCY TOUSEY, born Died ...... Married Solomon Holly.

Children John Holly. Susan Holly (Married ...... Nichols). Solomon Holly (Married first Louisa Beedle). (Married second Bethany Pierce).

Children Clarence Holly. Florence Holly.

Myron Holly (Married Maria Morris)

148 MARTHA TOUSEY, born 1789. Died Jan. 18, 1853. Jan. 7, 1808, married Robert Curran. (1780-1865).

Children William Curran, born 1817. Died 1887. 1843 married Adelia Cobb. Betsy Curran, born 1809. Died 1887. 1835 married Amos P. Ellis. Caroline Curran, born 1814. Died 1859. 1840 married Samuel Beebe.

Children Martha Beebe, born 1841. Married Edwin C. Becker.

Hiram Curran, born 1823. Died 1909. (Unmarried). Mary Curran, born 1820. Died 1891. 60 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

149 ALONZO TOUSEY (John Tousey 5, John Tousey 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 3, 1788. Died Sept. 26, 1845. Married Sally Adams (March IO, 1786-Nov.2, 1818). Married second Betsy Curran (March 2, 1795-March II, 1848). Children First Wife 155. Hiram Adams Tousey, born Aug. 30, 18rr. Died Oct. 28, 1839. 156. Jane Emeline Tousey, born March 27, 1813. Died June 5, 1835. 157. George Terrill Tousey, born Feb. 7, 1815. Died Oct. 13, 1845. 158. Harriet Tousey, born May 9, 1817. Died Oct. 5, 1817. 159. William Tousey, born July 16, 1818. Died Aug. 31, 1902. Children Second Wife 160. Sally Ann Tousey, born Aug. 2, 1821. Died July 19, 1826. 161. Rev. Thomas Tousey, born Aug. 24, 1823. Died March 21, 189r. 162. Jasper Tousey, born Jan. 20, 1825. Died July 15, 1826. 163. Alonzo Tousey, born Oct. 22, 1827. Died May 28, 1832. 164 ... Mary Ann Tousey, born March 20, 1830. Died July 31, 1832. 165. Martha Tousey, born Sept. 5, 183r. Died April 8, 1880. 166. Alonzo Tousey, (2) born Aug. 27, 1834. Died May 20, 1835. 167. Alvin F. Walter Tousey, born June 4, 1837. Died Sept. 5, 1871. 168. Betsy Maria Tousey, born Jan. 12, 1840. Died March 28, 1849. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 61

155 HIRAM ADAMS TOUSEY (Alonzo 6, John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Aug. 30, 18II. Died Oct. 28, 1839. Married Sarah Ann Melcher. Children 169. Wilson Tousey, born Jan. 31, 1838; died Feb. 26, 18g7. July 18, 1866, married Emma Olive Roosvelt (b. Feb. 22, 1843; d. Jan. 2, 1916. Children 170. Morris Roosvelt Tousey, born June 20, 1868. Married Delores Newkirk, April 29, 1890. Married 2nd Harriet Evans, Sept. 18, 1902. Died Oct. 19, 19n. 171. Walter Cornelius Tousey, born Jan. II, 1871; m. Grace Norris, Feb. 22, 1899. 172. Marian Roosvelt Tousey, born July 23, 1875. Married Sterling Catlin Lines, Oct. 1, 1908. (No children). Children of Morris and Dolores Newkirk Roosvelt Tousey, b. Apr. 23, 1892. Louise Anderson Tousey, b. Sept. 13, 1894. Children of Morris and Harriet Isabel Roosvelt, born July 30, 1906. Children of Walter and Grace Walter Cornelius Tousey, Jr., born Aug. 17, 1906. Died Aug. 17, 1906. Carolyn Hope Tousey, born Feb. 5, 1915. 157 GEORGE TERRILL TOUSEY (Alonzo 6, John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Feb. 7, 1815. Died Oct. 13, 1845. Married Laura Utter. Children 173. William George Tousey, born Sept. 22, 1842. Nov. 23, 1874, married Katherine Olivia Hall. (Born Dec. 5, 1849. Annapolis, Nova Scotia). (Professor in Tufft's College, Mass.) Children of William George 174. Coleman Tousey, born Feb. 12, 1877. Married Ardella Richards Hill. Children of Coleman Richard Tousey, born May 18, 1908. 175. Ruth Tousey, born Feb. 27, 1879. 176. Maud Russell Tousey, born Jan. 1, 1881. June 12, 1909, married Henry Guy Fangel. (Maga­ zine illus,trator and artist). 62 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

1 59 WILLIAM TOUSEY (Alonzo 6, John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born July 16, 1818. Died Aug. 31, 1902. Married Sarah Bennett.

Children 177. Cornelia Tousey, born Oct. 3, 1843. Died Sept., 1906. Married Augustus Godwin.

Children Edith Godwin. Grace Godwin.

178. Emma J. Tousey, born Aug. 30, 1849. (Unmar­ ried). 179. Carolyn Augusta Tousey, born Feb. 17, 1851. Married John J. Williams (June 1849-July 13, 1897). 180. Charles B. Tousey. 181. William Tousey. 182. Lucius Carter Tousey, born July 16, 186o. Died Oct. 20, 1894.

100 SALLY ANN TOUSEY, born Aug. 2, 1821. Died July 19, 1826.

161 REV. THOMAS TOUSEY (Alonzo 6, John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1), born Aug. 24, 1823. Died March 21, 1891. Married Lydia Elizabeth Andrus (Born June 17, 1828. Died Aug. 26, 1898.)

(Rev. Thomas, Tousey was a Methodist clergyman, well known throughout Central New York). THE TOUSEY FAMILY 63

Children 183. Elbert A. Tousey, born Dec. 9, 1848. Died July 9, 1878. (Unmarried). 184. Thomas E. Tousey, born Aug. II, 1850. Died April 14, 1905. (Unmarried). 185. Chester A. Tousey, born June 4, 1852. Died ...... (President Tousey Varnish Co., Chicago, Ill.) Married Sophia Platt. Married second Emma Mickel.


Frank Lawton Tousey, born Feb. 22, 1883. Died ...... Married Ethel Ravens, July 2, 1886. Daisy Tousey, born May 7, 1875.

Children of Frank and Ethel Tousey Janet Lorain Tousey, born Oct. 31, 1915.

186. Mary E. Tousey, born Oct. 13, 1853. Died ...... Married Frederic W. Hayt. 187. Fanny C. Tousey, born June 27, 1860. Died ...... Married Theodore Cuyler Rose. (Official Stenographer Supreme Court, N. Y., 46 years.)

165 MARTHA TOUSEY (Alonzo 6, John, 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Sept. 5, 1831. Died April 8, 1883. Married Roderick Palmer (Born June 21, 1828. Died Aug. II, 1894.)

Children 188. Ellen Marie Palmer, born July 5, 1850. Died ...... Married Joel W. Holman. 64 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children of Ellen Rolland Julius Holman, born June 5, 1875. Died ...... Clair Roderick Holman, born Oct. 14, 1878. Died ...... Jessamine Edna Holman, born May 23, 1881. Died May 27, 1882. 189. Anna Elizabeth Palmer, born March 1, 1853. Died ...... Married John F. Holman.

Children of Anna Ross Elmer Holman, born Dec. 19, 1882. Elizabeth Gladys Holman, born Aug. 3, 1885. Reuben Palmer Holman, born Aug. 17, 1888. 191. Wayland Roderick Palmer, born Aug. 21, 1859. Died ...... Married Eugenia Valade.

Children of Wayland Edna Beatrice Palmer, born Jan. 21, 1888. Eugenia Ellen Palmer, born April 19, 1889. Ruth Gertrude Palmer, married Dec. IO, 1897. 192. Elmer Heman Palmer, born March 3, 1862., Died ...... Married Minnie Horton Rich. Children Edwin Elmer Palmer, born May 12, 1888. Alfred Cole Palmer, born April 21, 1890.

193. Edna Luella Palmer, born Aug. II, 1865. Died Feb. 27, 1881. 194. Caroline Louisa Palmer, born Aug. 27, 1869. Died ...... · Married Merrill Charles Davis. Children Harold Palmer Davis, born Sept. 1, 1892. Died Sept. 20, 1892. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 65

Helen Eliza Davis, born Nov. 27, 1894. Marian Janet Davis, born July 27, 1896. Charles Kellogg Davis, born Aug. 16, 1898. Robert John Davis, born June 13, 1904.

150 SUSAN ANN TOUSEY (John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born 1792. Died March 4, 1857. Jan. 22, 1814, married Sillick Canfield (born Sept. 12, 1791. Died Sept. 20, 1865).

Children of Susan Orrin S. Canfield, born Nov. 29, 1814. Died Dec. 6, 1816. Orville S. Canfield, born March 29, 1816. Died ...... 1841 married Sally Briggs.

Children of Orville Charles Canfield. Newman Canfield. George Canfield. lvlilton Canfield. Lyman D. Canfield, born April 28, 1818. Died March 28;.1822. Jane E. Canfield, born April 20, 1820. Died Feb. 5, 1844. 1839 married Bijah Gray.

Children Erma Gray, married Emerson Gates. Theodore A. Canfield, born Feb. 13, 1823. Died May 19, 1898. 1848 married Nancy S. Sampson (Born Oct. 15, 1825. Died Feb. 5, 1904).

Children · of Theodore Florence G. Canfield, born Feb. 27, 1850. Died ...... 1872 married Frank Hunt. 66 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Walter S. Canfield, born Dec. 31, 1852. Died ...... 1876. Married Ida Potter. Jennie L. Canfield, bori:i Dec. 15, 1857. Died ...... 1876 married Charles Clark. Mary A. Canfield, born Aug. 7, 186o. Died ...... Married Lewis Kelly.

Newman 0. Canfield, born Nov. 26, 1825. Died July 8, 1829. Sarah A. Canfield, born Feb. II, 1828. Died Oct. 3, 1851. 1846 married A. G. Needham. Helen M. Canfield, born Jan. 1, 1831. Died ...... 1851 married Warren Gates. Ellen S. Canfield, born Jan. r, 1831. Died ...... 1848 married John Sampson. Cecetia Canfield, born June 21, 1834. Died Sept. 26, 1855.

151 SOPHIA TOUSEY (John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born ...... Died ...... Married Luther Landon. Married second Ira Fuller.

Children (First Wife) Luther Landon, born Dec., 1821. Died ...... Milton Landon, born June 10, 1823. Died ...... Married Isabella Hunt. Evaline Landon, born June 1825. Died ...... Married Robert Thomas.

Children (Second Wife) Edwin Fuller. Sophia Fuller.

152 ANN MARIA TOUSEY (John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born May IO, 1799. Died May THE TOUSEY FAMILY 67

3, 1876. Jan. 29, 1821, married Jonathan Gates Rugg. (Born Dec. 25, 1791. Died May 12, 1877.)

Children Dr. Corrydon C. Rugg, born May 13, 1822. Died Jan. 14, 1891. Married Kezeiah Maria F. Goodwill.

Children of Corrydon Adella DeEtta Rugg. Luella Loella Valette Rugg. Dr. Corrydon Adelmond Rugg. Estella Florette Rugg. Clayton Adelbert Rugg. Minnie M. Rugg.

Carlos A. Rugg, born June IO, 1824. Died ...... Married Emily N. Hubbart.

Children of Carlos Alice J. Rugg. Margaret G. Rugg. Emma R. Rugg. Nina Belle Rugg.

Milton V. Rugg, born July 19, 1828. Died Dec. 2, 1854. (Unmarried). Anna M. Rugg, born July 5, 1841. Died Aug. 20, 1888. Married John M. Dawley.

Children Fay Dawley. Josephine M. Dawley. John Dawley. Clifford Dawley. Dr. J. G. Rugg, born July 5, 1841. Died ...... Married Mandame Muzzy. 68 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Fred Rugg. Frances Rugg.

Dr. Marietta G. Rugg, born Sept. IO, 1852. Died ...... Married Dr. Charles B. Cowell.

Children Charles Gates Cowell, born Oct. 18, 1868. George Glenn Cowell, born Sept. 26, 1870.

153 JOHN TOUSEY (John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born May 1, 18o3. Died July 12, 1867. Married Salome Sprague. (Born June 2, 18o8. Died June 30, 1896.) Children Eunice Tousey, born Jan. 23, 1827. Died Feb. 15, 1898. Nov. 15, 1855, married Sherman J. Wright. (Died Jan. 18, 1906.) Children

Sarah S. Wright, born Sept. 2, 1858. Died Sept. 20, 1858. Velina J. Wright, born July 12, 1859. Died July I, 1886. Jan. 22, 1877, married Erving J. Lathrop. Carrie P. Wright, born Dec. 29, 1861. Died Feb. I, 1885. March 1, 1883, married Joel C. Burch. Rial B. Wright, born Feb. 19, 1865. Died ...... March 18, 1886, married Emma Crispen. Sherman J. Wright, born Nov. 10, 1870. Died ...... Dec. 31, 1892, married Sarah Standish. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 69

Hannah Tousey, born July 22, 1828. Died July 3, 1848. (Daughter, born May 21, 1830. Died June 2, 1830.) Son, born May 18, 1831. Died Sept. 6, 1831). Helen M. Tousey, born June 21, 1832. Died May 28, 1854. Martin M. Tousey, born Oct. 5, 1834. Died Sept., 1909. Jan. 6, 1858, married Cordelia Scott (d. 1885.) Aug. 20, 1890, married Ellen Ramsden. June 2, 1904, married Ella Wheeler. Children (First Wife) (Boy) Born Nov. 24, 1858 (died in infancy). Archibald Bayard Tousey, born Aug. 21, 186o. Died April 21, 1897. Avaline Tousey, born Aug. 21, 186o. Died April 20, 1897. Elbert Scott Tousey, born Nov. 30, 1862. Died April 27, 1882. Azella Tousey, born Oct. 17, 1865. Died July 21, 1906. Jan. 23, 1886, married Marian Peter­ son. John B. Tousey, born June 14, 1873. (Second Wife) Howard Tousey, born Nov. 24, 1893. Odette Pettit Tousey ( adopted son of Martin M. Tousey) born April, 1855. Died Dec. 23, 1893. Married Flora A. Crawford. Children of Odette Elberta 0. Tousey, born April, 1882. Mar­ ried George A. Rosa. Iva Estelle Tousey, born Dec., 1886. Mar­ ried Edward Lotz. Jane E. Tousey, born June 29, 1837. Died July 21, 1843. 70 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Caroline Tousey, born March 18, 1840. Died ...... Sept. 6, 1869, married John L. Bennett.

Children Cosella Bennett, born March 17, 1862. Died Dec. 12, 1883. Loella Bennett, born Oct. 8, 1863. Died ...... Dec. 15, 18g2, married Eugene L. Parker. Lula Bennett, born Aug. 9, 1867. Died Dec. 30, 18go. Feb. 28, 1888, married Adon Schmitt. Nettie Bennett, born Jan. 21, 186g. Died Jan. 27, 1897. Jan. 21, 1883, married Bartlett Press. Franklin P. Tousey, born April 6, 1842. Died Aug. 25, 1846. Sylvia Tousey, born Oct. II, 1844. Died ...... Dec. IO, 1862, married John T. Tower.

Children (Daughter born Sept. 30, 1863. Died same day). Frank Alton Tower, born Oct. 1, 1864. Died ...... April 20, 1885, married Emma Stran. (Son born June 16, 1866. Died same day). Arthur M. Tower, born April 16, 1867. Died

Gertrude M. Tower, born June 23, 1871. Died ...... Feb. 12, 1897, married Russell Calkins. Sarah L. Tower, born Dec. 24, 1872. Died Dec. 30, 1889. Nov. 9, 1886, married Erwin Lathrop. Edith H. Tower, born Sept. 8, 1897. Died ...... Dec. 26, 1895, married Samuel H. Phillips. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 71

Alma E. Tower, born April 2, 1881. Died ...... Aug. 7, 1901, married Charles Wagner. Roy L. Tower, born Feb. 12, 1883. Died Sept. 16, 1883.

Susan Tousey, born Feb. 4, 1847. Died ...... Married Aaron Burton Fuller. (Born July 20, 1845). Children Frank Whiting Fuller, born April 18, 1874. George Carlyle Fuller, born Dec. 6, 1876. Bertie M. Fuller, born Oct. 26, 1881.

Milton J. Tousey, born May 6, 1852. Died May 19, 1899. Oct. 23, 1882, married Ruth Mallory.

Sarah Tousey, born Aug. 22, 1849. Died ...... Married Salma W. Hawley.

154 SALLY TOUSEY (John 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Jan. 30, 1805. Died Dec. 15, 1852. Married Pelick Dawley. Married second Francis Ferrin.

Children (First Husband) Albert Dawley, born ...... Died ...... Married Alzina Wheelock. Married second Mal­ vina Saunders. Cynthia Dawley, born ...... Died ...... Married Homer Frisbee. James Dawley, born ...... Died Married Delinda Park. Maria Dawley, born ...... Died Married Nelson Harvey. 72 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children (Second Husband) Lydia Ferrin, born May 9, 1837. Died May 21, 1886. Married Henry M. Blackmar. John Tousey Ferrin, born Nov. 22, 1840. Louisa Ferrin, born April 12, 1842. Died ...... Married Oscar Griswold. Lorin Alonzo Ferrin, born Aug., 1847.

45 DONALD TOUSEY (John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born May 26, 1766. Died May 20, 1829. Aged 63. Married Betty Ferris. (Born 1768. Died July 2, 1854. Aged 86.)

Children 195. Russell Tousey, born ...... Died ...... Married ...... Nichols. 196. Laura Tousey, born 1787. Died June 8, 1855. Married Jacob Beers (Born 1781. Died June 28, 1858). 197. Samuel Tousey, born 1789. Died 1850. Married Harriet Burch (Born July 26, 1792, in Ver mont). Died May 26, 1887, in New York). 198. Sinclair Tousey, born 1797. Died July 24, 1855. Married Sylvia Beers. (Born 1801. Died Jan. 8, 1870).

197 SAMUEL TOUSEY (Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born 1789. Died 1850. Married Harriet Burch (Born July 26, 1792, in Vermont. Died May 26, 1887, in New York).

Children of Samuel 198. Charles Tousey, born Oct. 8, 1808. Died March 14, r88o. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 73

199. William B. Tousey, born Dec. 18, 1810. Died Feb. 16, 1894. (Unmarried). 200. George Tousey, born Aug. 31, 1812. Died 1851. 201. Russell Tousey, born July 25, 1814. Died May 25, 1836. (Unmarried). 202. Jacob B. Tousey, born June 24, 1816. Died Jan. 12, 1865. 203. Walter B. Tousey, born April 4, 1818. Died March 24, 1841. (Unmarried). 204. Laura B. Tousey, born April 8, 1820. Died Dec. 15, 1840. (Unmarried). 205. Frederick Tousey, born March II, 1822. Died Jan. 1, 1861. 206. Ezra Tousey, born April 5, 1824. Died 18g6. Married Marietta Hinman. (No children). 207. Clarissa, born June 11, 1826. Died June IO, 1841. (Unmarried). 208. John M. Tousey, born July 21, 1828. Died Sept. 18, 1898. . 209. Donald F. Tousey, born Oct. 5, 1830. Died Sept. 18, 1832. 210. Donald Ferris Tousey, born Sept. 3, 1834. Died 1903.

198 CHARLES TOUSEY (Samuel 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Oct. 8, 1808. Died March 14, 1880. 1853 married Ann Maria Hub­ bell (Born March 9, 18II. Died May 25, 1904).

Children Frances H. Tousey, born March 14, 1834. Died Sept. 14, 1904. (Unmarried. Levi H. Tousey, born Aug. 21, 1836. Died Sept. 12, 1906. Married Esther Ayers.

Children of Levi Clara M. Tousey, b. April 6, r86g. 74 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Harriet L. Tousey, b. Dec. 19, 1871. George S. Tousey, b. 1870. Walter Tousey, b. 1880. Herbert Tousey, died in infancy. Harriet S. Tousey, born June 14, 1839. Died April 22, 1873. Married Rev. Francis Lobdell.

Children Julia F. Lobdell, died in infancy.

Maria A. Tousey, b. March 2, 1841. d. Sept. 10, 1852. C. Edward Tousey, b. July 8, 1844. d ...... m. Rosella J. Matson (b. 1856).


Clarence M. Tousey, b. Oct. 20, 1880. Ralph E. Tousey, b. July r, 1885. Eula R. Tousey, b. May r, 1893.

200 GEORGE TOUSEY (Samuel 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Aug. 31, 1812. Died 1851. Married Martha Jane Batchelor.

Children William Tousey, b. Oct. 26, 1840. (Cin., 0.) D ...... M. Catherine Coughlin. M. 2d. Martha Younger.

Children (First Wife) William Tousey, Jr., b. June 23, ,1862. D. Sept., 1898. M. Josephine Story. Elizabeth Tousey, b. Nov. 7, 1864. D. Aug. 15, 1901. M. Ben Howard.

Children Ben Howard. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 75

William Howard. Samuel Howard. Harry Howard.

Nellie Tousey, b. 1869. D. 1872. George C. Tousey, b. Oct. 28, 1875. Died ...... M. Katie B. Blackketter (B. Oct. 5, 1877).

Children Rutherford B. Tousey, b. Nov. 9, 1897. Paul G. Tousey, b. July IO, 1899.

Children William, Sr. (Second Wife) Albert Tousey, b. April 20, 1896. Alonzo Tousey, b. 1843. D. May 19, 1889. M. Mary E. Coughlin. Children John Tousey. Edward Tousey ( died in infancy). Alonzo Tousey, b. 1865. D. Feb. 2, 1894. M. Frances Schuck. (No children). Ellen Tousey, b. 1869. D. Aug., 1900. M. Wil­ liam McMann.

Children Stella McMann. William McMann. Henry McMann. Marguerite McMann. William Tousey, b. 1871. D. Sept., 1900. M. Mary Rider. (No. children). Henry Tousey, b. Dec. 25, 1877. D. April, 1898. Virginia Tousey, b. July, 1883. D. July 21, 1902. Lillie May Tousey, b. Oct. 5, 1887. D. Nov. 23, 1905. M. Franklin Kress. Sinclair Tousey, b. March 15, 1874. 76 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

(Alonzo Tousey, Sr., organized the "Knights of Honor" in St. Louis. Burried by them in Louis­ ville, Ky.)

202 JACOB B. TOUSEY (Samuel 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard x) born June 24, 1816. Died Jan. 12, 1865. July 28, 1836, married Eunice J. Burr Clark (Born Aug. 18, 1818).

Children Mary Louise Tousey, b. April 7, 1837. D ...... Sept. II, 1861, M. James DeWitt Kase (D. July 9, 1900). Children Malcolm Kase, b. May 31, 1861. D. Sept. 28, 1876. Laura Tousey Kase, b. Aug. 23, 1863. D ...... July IO, 1895, M. Samuel Stockton Voorhees. Children Elizabeth Aston Voorhees, D. Nov. 23, 1886. Mary Tousey Voorhees, b. March 21, 1900. Laura Stockton Voorhees, b. Nov. 4, 1907.

William Tousey Kase, b. Feb. 22, 1865. D. Sept. 8, 1865. Eleanor DeWitt Kase, b. May 19, 1867. D ...... (Unmarried). Walter Tousey Kase, b. June IO, 1869. D. March 19, 1901. Sept. 19, 1892, M. Mary Powell.

Children Gladys Kase, b. Sept. IO, 1897.

Sarah Gardner Kase, b. Dec. 20, 1870. D ...... June IO, 1896, M. Mathew Carrington (D. March 29, 1903.) THE TOUSEY FAMILY 77


Mabel Helen Kase, b. March 22, 1875. D ...... (Unmarried). James DeWitt Kase, b. Aug. 14, 1877. D ...... June 26, 1887, M. Mary Watkins. Eliza Tousey, b. May 1, 1839. D. May 14, 1839. Cornelia Tousey, b. Feb. 28, 1841. D. May, 1841. Laura Burr Tousey, b. May 16, 1893. D ...... • Sept. 16, 1866, m. Dr. Robert Dunlap Magill.

Children William Hazlett Magill, b. Sept. 20, 1870. D ...... Sept. 8, 1897, m. Katherine Runyon. (D. Oct. 19, 1905). Helen Tousey Magill, b. May IO, 1874, daugh­ ter of Robert Dunlap Magill and Laura Burr Magill.

Children of Wm. Hazlett Magill Eunice Burr Magill, b. Nov. 3, 1899.

Walter Burr Tousey, b. Aug. 2, 1845. D ...... April 14, 1869, m. Sarah E. Peck. (D. Nov. 13, 1899) daughter of James Harvey Peck and Phebe Coe Moseman. Children Granville Brown Tousey, b. July 15, 1870. D ...... Oct. IO, 1907, m. Flo,:ence Edna Cox. Children Walter Cox Tousey, b. Sept. 21, 1900. Son of Granville Brown Tousey and his wife, Florence Edna Cox.

Helen Hildreth Tousey, b. Dec. II, 1849. D. Jan. 28, 1825. Sept. 15, 1875, m. William Nice Taylor. 78 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Eunice M!ay Taylor, b. Dec. 29, 1883. D...... June 29, 1904, m. Garfield A. Rogers. Grace Stanley Northrop Tousey, b. July 28, 1851. D ...... July 26, 1858.

205 FREDERICK TOUSEY (Samul 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) b. March II, 1822. D. Jan. 1, 1861. M. Emily Shephard.

Children Julia Tousey, b ...... d ...... m. Charles Tomlinson. Children Charles B. Tomlinson.

208 JOHN M. TOUSEY (Samuel 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) B. July 31, 1828. D. Sept. 18, 1898. M. Mary Butler (B. June IO, 1833. D. Aug. 25, 1908).

(John M. Tous,ey was superintendent of the N. Y. C. & H. R.R. R.) Children Donald Butler Tousey, b. Sept. IO, 1861. D. July 29, 1905. Dec. 14, 1886, m. Carrie Husted. (Donald died on steamer enroute to Havre, France.)

Children John M. Tousey, Jr., b. Nov. 6, 1887. Married Nov. 29, 1909, Grace Walker Allen. (Two children). THE TOUSEY FAMILY 79

210 DONALD F. TOUSEY (Samuel 6, Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) b. Sept. 3, 1834. D. 1903. M. Ellen Conkey, b. Nov. 9, 1840; d. Nov. 28, 1915. Children Laura Clarissa Tousey, b. April 20, 1861. D ...... Dec. 19, 1882, M. Isaac 'vVentworth.

Children ...... Wentworth, b. Nov. 23, 1885. Ferris Tousey Wentworth, b. July 4, 18go. John C. Tousey, b. Feb. 24, 1864. D. Sept. 28, 1901. Harriet E. Tousey, b. Oct. 16, 1866. D ...... •...... Oct. 16, 1889, M. A. J. Dixon.

Children Helen Dixon, b. Oct. 30, 1892. John Andrew Dixon, b. Dec. 12, 1900. Mary B. Tousey, b. June 17, 1868. D ...... Jan. 18, 1887, m. J. C. Barton.

Children Jessie Barton, b. Feb. 26, 188g. John Barton, b. Oct. 13, 1897. William F. Tousey, b. June 19, 1871. D ...... (Unmarried). Ezra D. Tousey, b. Feb. 19, 1873. D ...... •...... (Unmarried). George J. Tousey, b. Oct. 31, 1875. D ...... M ......

Children Donald Ferris Tousey. Samuel R. Tousey, b. Jan. 24, 1878. 80 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Edward H. Tousey, b. March 8, 1882. (Samuel R. Tousey, Vice-Supt. Southern Pacific R. R., Denver, Col., in 1907).

198 SINCLAIR TOUSEY (Donald 5, John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born 1797. Died July 24, 1855. Married Sylvia Beers (b. 1801. D. Jan. 8, 1870).

Children Henry Sinclair Tousey, b. 1527. D. March 27, 1870. (Unmarried). Edward Tousey, b. 1834. D. Oct. 17, 1846. A. 12. Mary B. Tousey, b...... D. Feb. 12, 1899. (Unmarried) (Left large estate mostly to Episco­ pal charities).

47 HANNAH TOUSEY (John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) b. May 8, 1770. D. May 17, 1847. M. Ransford Baldwin (b. Feb. 17, 1768. D. May 5, 1854). (Ransford 6, Daniel 5, James 4. Ransford settled in Stockbridge; then March 10, 1803; to Stanford, Delaware Co., N. Y. He died at Hobart in same county May 5, 1854. She at Stanford May 17, 1847. History Baldwin Family).

Children 210. Zera Baldwin, born July 27, 1791. Died ...... 211. Rebecca Baldwin, born Nov. 31, 1794. Died Oct. 16, 1835. Married Cyrus Keeler ...... 212. David Baldwin, born April 9, 1897. Died June 24, 1862. (Left a son David in New York). 213. Daniel Baldwin, born April 19, 1800. Died ..... 214. Nancy Baldwin, born June 2, 18o2. Died Feb. 1, 1835. Married Oliver Hamlin. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 81

215. Laura Baldwin, born July 4, 1804. Died ...... Married ...... Bailey. (Had at least one daughter, Laura M., in 1875; unmarried in LeRaysville, Pa.) 216. Julia Emeline Baldwin, born Jan. 31, 1809. Died ...... May 19, 1852, married Alexander Stoddard, (born 18o1; died Oct. 26, 1875).

REBECCA TOUSEY (John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born ...... died...... mar­ ried Eli Beers.

Children 217. Daniel Beers, born ...... died ...... 218. Alonzo Beers, born Aug. 19, 1793. Died Aug., 1973. Married Flora Glover (born Oct. 18, 17905. Died Aug., 1875).

Children of Alonzo Daniel Beers, born April 6, 1815. Died Oct. 30, 1870. Married Harret E. Starr. Rebecca Beers, born May II, 1817. Died March IO, 1885. Married Benjamin Jones. Sarah Minerva Beers, born May 21, 1820. Died ...... Married Philo Clarke. Eli Starr Beers, born June 6, 1822. Died Sept. II, 1846. Joseph Tousey Beers, born March 15, 1825. Died...... Married Wealthy Ward. Harriet Sophia Beers, born June 15, 1827. Died ...... Married Edwin Smith Hoyt. George Alonzo Beers, born May 22, 1830. Died Dec 1, 1868. Married Jennie Birge. 82 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

49 HULDAH TOUSEY (John 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born Aug. IO, 1774. Died Anug. IO, 1837. Married Joseph Blackman (born April 29, 1762. Died Oct. II, 1844). 219. James Glover Blackman, born Barch 3, 1797. Died Feb. II, 1842. 220. John Tousey Blackman, born Oct. 15, 1798. Died Nov. 7, 1823. Married Sally Baldwin.

Children Sally Delia Blackman, born ...... 221. Ziba B. Blackman, born Oct. 23, 18oo. Died March 28, 1875. May 28, 1823, married Augusta Blakesly. (April 15, 1805-May 28, 1825). Children of Ziba Sarah Maria Blackman, born May 24, 1824. Died ...... Hulday Delia Blackman, born July 1, 1826. Died March II, 1827. Eliza Jane Blackman, born May 22, 1828. Died Jan. 22, 1832. John Tousey Blackman, born Sept. 27, 1830. Died Oct.. 23, 1857. Eliza Jane (2d), born Jan. 26, 1833. Died Aug. 15, 1861. May 17, 1855, married Delos B. Smith. Mary Augusta Blackman, born Nov. 15, 1836. Died July 4, 1877. (At Oakland, Cal.) Aug. 18, 1859, married William H. Taylor. . Martha Theresa Blackman, born Nov. IO, 1839. Died Nov. 23, 1844. Harriet Brown Blackman, born May 22, 1841. Died...... Sept. IO, 186o, married James M. W. Turney. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 83

Children of James Maud, married Taylor. Sarah, born May 1, 1844. Died Feb. 26, 1867. Married Dr. Monroe Judson. 212. Donald Blackman, born Sept. 15, 1804. Died ...... Feb. IO, 1833, married Louisa Platt. 223. Joseph Blackman, born Sept. 19, 1806. Died June 3, 1885. Dec. 25, 1836, married Mary Bots­ ford Bailey. (Born 25, 18II. Died Feb. 28, 1872).

Children of Joseph Julia Esther Blackman, born July 1, 1843. Died Nov. II, 1862. Ann Elizabeth Blackman, born July 14, 1844. Died ...... Joseph Albert Blackman, born May 9, 1846. Died...... March 5, 1867, married Mary Eliza Warner ( daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Warner of Milford, Conn.)

Children of Joseph Albert William, born Sept. 18, 1868. Died ...... Joseph, born Jan. 18, 1870. Died Oct. 27, 1872. Mary Eliza, born Oct. 6, 1872. Died ...... Stanley Joseph, born April 27, 1875. Died

Albert Francis, born June 14, 1881. Died

Henry Warner, born Aug. 2, 1884. Died

Eva Hutchinson, born June 25, 1886. Died

Mary Frances Blackman, born Feb. 16, 185r. Died ...... Sept. II, 1879, married Rev. Francis Walter Barnett (born Dec. 26, 1849. Died ...... ) 84 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Frances Blackman Barnett, born May 27, 1882. Mary Prichard Barnett, born March 20, 1886. Joseph Noyes Barnett, born March 21, 1891. William Edward Barnett, born Oct. 8, 1893. 224. Maria Blackman, born May 21, 1809. Died ...... Married Abner C. Blakeslee. Mar­ ried 2d Samuel Fuller.

Children of Maria Delia James Emily, married Henry J. Ferguson. John Joseph Janette, married H. C. Darner.

Children Elizabeth David

Delia, born...... Aged 8 years.

(Rev. Adam Blackman came from Statfordshire, Eng­ land, in 1598. Was bred at Christ College, Oxford. Preached in the counties of Leicester and Derby. Came to America about 1638. Descendants as follows,: John 2, Ebenezer 3, John 4, Joseph 5. (Born May 23, 1726); Joseph 6, born 1746. Married Huldah Tousey.

II ANN TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1), born May 4, 1733. Died June 6, 1757. May z, 1752, married Daniel Baldwin. (Bap. Sept. 16, 1725. Died ...... ). THE TOUSEY FAMILY 85

Children 225. Clark Baldwin, born Nov. 27, 1752. Died 1821. 226. Daniel Baldwin, born February 17, 1755. Died May 23, 1819. 227. Amos Baldwin, born Nov. 8, 1752.

Daniel Baldwin married 2d Abigail Northrop, (born 1747. Died 1820).

Children Landoff Baldwin, Bap. 1768. Died ...... Hannah Baldwin, Bap. June IO, 1770. Died

225 CLARK BALDWIN (Ann 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r), born Nov. 27, 1752. Died 1821. April 2, 1775, married Phedemia Prindle (daughter of Joseph, Jr. and Huldah Glover Prindle, (born March 8, 1757. Died Aug. 23, 18o5).

Children of Clark and Phedemia Baldwin Daniel Tousey Baldwin, born Jan. 30, 1776. Died Nov. 20, 1786. Zadah Baldwin, born July 3, 1777. Died ...... Amos Glover Baldwin, born Jan. 22, 1779. Died 1848. (Episcopal clergyman. Died at Auburn, N. Y. No children).

Joseph Clark Baldwin, born Sept. 1, 178o. Died April, 1867. Married Eliza Cook, (born 1787. Died Dec., 1884). (Eliza Cook was daughter of Dr. Cor­ nelius of Winchester, Va.)

Children of Joseph and Eliza Cornelius Clark Baldwin, born Nov., r8II. Died 86 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Elizabeth Holmes Baldwin, born April 18, 1813. Died...... Married William H. Garter. Joseph Glover Baldwin, born Jan., 1815. Died

Cyrus Brisco Baldwin, born 1819. Died ...... Cornelia Baldwin, born July 8, 1825. Died., ...... ,. Married Hon. Edward Stanley. (Stanley wa•s, M. C. from South Carolina. He died in 1872). Mary and Robert (died young). Cyrus Burwell Baldwin, born Sept. 25, 1784. Died Aug., 1855. (Unmarried).· Phideme Baldwin, born July 15, 1789. Died ...... Philemon Prindle Baldwin, born Feb. II, 1786. Died Dec. 20, 1854 (at Bethelem, Ind.) Married Eliza­ beth Jane Turner ( daughter of Samuel and Jane Turner of Frederick Co., Va., born Feb. IO, 1796). Married Sept. 3, 1818. Nov. 21, 1832, married Lorena Green ( widow of James) born Oct. 29, 1798. Died Sept. 5, 1866 (Madison, Ind.) Children of Philemon and Elizabeth Robert Turner Baldwin, born June 14, 1819. Died...... July 13, 1844, mar­ ried Ann H. Hart (born Dec. 25, 1819). Huldah Ann Baldwin, born April 29, 1821. Died July 3, 1821. Jane Phidema Baldwin, born July 29, 1822. Died Oct. II, 1854. Married John H. T. Tarlton. Samuel Clark Baldwin, born March 15, 1824. Died April IO, 1825. Children of Philemon and Lorena Lizzie Baldwin, born Nov. 2, 1833. Died ...... Married Gen. Thomas L. Chitten­ den. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 87

Philemon P. Baldwin, born Oct. 29, 1836. Died Sept. 19, 1863. Children of Robert and Ann Baldwin Elizabeth Baldwin, born May 14, 1845. Died

Robert B'!ldwin, born March 12, 1847. Died

Ann D. Baldwin, born Nov. 24, 1849. April 21, 1870, married J. Ferdinand Passano.

Children Ann, born Jan. 30, 1871. Robert, born Oct. 4, 1873. Died Jan. 4, 1875. (Philemon Prindle. Baldwin had six children, of whom Philemon P., the youngest, born Oct. 29, 1836, was of an Indiana Regiment, U. S. Vols. in the Civil War and was killed at Chickamaugua, Sept. 9, 1863, while m com­ mand of a brigade of Federal troops).

Huldah Ann Baldwin, born Feb. 19, 1789. Died ...... Daniel Tousey Baldwin, born Feb. 18, 1792. Died 1848. Married (at Charleston, Lorain Co., Ohio) ...... Reid. (Daniel was a zealous Presbyterian and also served as a member of the Legislature).

Children Charles C. Baldwin, born Jan. 5, 1826. Died Oct. 21, 1856. Married Miranda San­ ford.

Children John R. Baldwin, born Sept. 17, 1846. Died ...... Sept. 14, 1871, married Addie R. Bickford. 88 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Lazarus Smith Baldwin, born Oct. 13, 1792. George Baldwin, born ...... Charles R. Baldwin, born March 19, 1802. Died Nov. 13, 1839. Married Elizabeth Truslow.

Children Mary Elizabeth, born Jan., 1831. Died Nov. 20, 1856. ,Married Thomas Paten, M. D., Lewisburg, Va. (See History Baldwin Family, Lenox Library, New York).


THOMAS TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Dec. 5, 1735. Died 1783 (in Woodbury, Conn.) Married Mercy Platt.

(Mercy Tousey married 2d Amos Hickok m 1784.- Cothrans History of Woodbury).

(Records of the State of Conn. 1776 to 1778, Vol. 1, page 274 "This Assembly do establish Thomas Tousey to be Lieutenant of the 2d Company of the Alarm list in the 13th Regt. of this State. May, 1777.)

( Co th rans History Sept. 19, 1775, a committee of observation and inspec­ tion was appointed in Woodbury. (Among the names appears that of Thomas Tousey.-T. C. R.)

(Cothrans History of Ancient Woodbury Vol. 3, page 193· Marriages in Woodbury 1783. Zera Tousey and Annie Johnson. ,,4. Amos Hickok and Mercy Tousey.-T. C. R.) THE TOUSEY FAMILY 89

(Woodbury Probate Records 1783, page 114, etc. Mercy Tousey appeared and asked for Letters of Ad­ ministration, and proceedings were had to settle estate, and in 1784, distribution was made.-T. C. R.)

Children of Thomas and Mercy 228. Anah Tousey, born 1761. Died Dec. 13, 1777. Aged 16. 229. Zera Tousey, born 1762. Died 1831. 230. Caldron Tousey, born ...... Died ...... Married Huldah Hart. (From whom he soon parted). 231. Thomas Tousey, born Nov. 20, 1775. Died Oct. 5, 1839. 232. Moses Tousey, born Feb. 1, 1778. Bap. June 4, 1778. Died Sept.. 12, 1834.


ZERA TOUSEY (Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born 1762. Died 1831. Dec. 18, 1783, mar­ ried Anna Johnson (born 1763; died Aug. 26, 1830. Aged 67). Children 233. VanVechten Tousey, born 1,786. Died Jan. 15, 1815. Aged 28. March II, 1813, married Betsy Johnson. Children Anna Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married Charles Chambers.

(Betsy Johnson married 2d William. Layton).

234. Erastus Tousey, born 1798. Died ...... Married Catherine McHenry (born ...... Died ...... ). 90 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children Eliza Tousey, born...... Died ...... Mary Tousey, born...... Died ...... (Unmarried). Juliette Tousey, born...... Died ...... (Unmarried). Charles Tousey, born...... Died ...... (Unmarried). · 235. Eliza Tousey, born ...... Died ...... •.. Married Dr. B. F. Stevenson. 236. Anna Tousey, born 1801. Died July IO, 1823. Aged 22. May 3, 1821, married Merritt Craig.

Children Zera Tousey Craig.

(Will of Zera Tousey left one-half farm to grandson, Zera Tousey Craig, only child of Anna Craig. On his death 'to only surviving son Erastus Tousey. Miss B.'s notes).

231 THOMAS TOUSEY (Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Nov. 20, 1775. Died Oct. 5, 1839. June 14, 1797, married Lydia Percival (born Nov. IO, 1781. Died March 15, 1865). (Daughter Capt. Tim­ othy Percival). Children 237. Vicy T. Tousey, born July 25, 1799. Died July 28, 1868. 238. Mercy Tousey, born Feb. 14, 1801. Died June 25, 1820. Aged 19. 239. Mary Tousey, born Nov. 26, 18o2. Died April 6, 1865. 240. Ira Tousey, born Feb. 9, 1809. Died Oct. 28, 1806. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 91

241. Elvira Percival Tousey, born July 25, 1809. Died Aug. 19, 1884. 242. Elizabeth Ann Tousey, born Feb. 27, 1812. Died July 26, 1874. (Unmarried). 243. Luranda Tousey, born Feb. 28, 1814. Died Dec. 29, 1838. 244. Matilda Tousey, born June 4, 1816. Died Dec. 26, 1836. (Unmarried). 245. Jane Tousey, born April 24, 1819. Died ...... (Unmarried). 246. Oliver Tousey, born Aug. 28, 1821. Died ...... 247. Zalmon Tousey, born June 30, 1825. Died Feb. 18, 1886.

2 37 VICY T. TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born July 25, 1799. Died July 28, 1868. March 27, 1817, married Philip S. Bush, (born ...... Died Oct. 4, 1871).

Children Victor Tousey Bush, born March 6, 1818. Died March II, 1821. . John Smith Bush, born Sept. II, 1819. Died Nov. 16, 1850. July 18, 1843, married Mary Jane Riddle.

Children Lewis Philip Bush, died in infancy. Married Elizabeth Bush Smith.


Catherine Hall Bush, born July II, 1846. Died May 24, 1847. Mary Riddle Bush, born June 10, 1848. Died May 24, 1849. Bertie Mocky Bush, born Jan. 14, 1851. Died Jan., 1870. 92 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Lydia Ann Bush, born June 20, 1821. Died ...... April 23, 1839. Married William Ernest.

Children Amelia Sternman Ernst, born April 29, 1840. Died...... Oct. 24, 1865, married Robert Semple.

Children Ernst Semple, born...... ,Died ...... Married Florence Bruce.

Sally Pendleton Bush, born April 2, 1823. Died June 25, 1854. July 18, 1843, married Alexander Mar­ shall Payton. Children Lydia Ann Payton, born...... Died ...... Aug. 18, 1859, married Frank A. Blackman (born July 23, 1841).

Mary Gaines Bush, born March 17, 1825. Died April 7, 1855. July IO, 1843, married Joseph Chambers.

Children Robert Chambers, born ...... ; died ...... Married Jennie Dickerson.

Children Ella Brooks Chambers.

Elvira Percival Bush, born July 9, 1827. Died July 13, 1839. Eliza Smith Bush, born April 23, 1829. Died Aug. 2, 1852. (Unmarried). Julia Cornelia Bush, born May 8, 1831. Died Oct. 30, 1862. Married Robert R. Lynd. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 93

Children Emma Bush Lynd, born Aug. 28, 1851. Died ...... Married ...... Hamilton.

Children I. P. Hamilton. John Percival Hamilton.

Ella Strangton Lynd, born Aug. 28, 1851. Died 1866. John Lynd, born...... Died ...... Married Ida Bruce. Theron Bruce Lynd, born ...... Died ...... Married Wilhelm Geiss.

Children Theron Geiss Lynd. Tenie Bush Lynd.

Matilda Tousey Bush, born Aug. 27, 1834. Died ...... (Unmarried). Catherine Ambler Bush, born May 27, 1837. Died ...... Aug. 31, 1859, married Jabez Per­ cival. Children Tenie Kirtley Percival, born May 28, 186o. March 30, 1871. William Bush Percival, born June 23, 1861. Died...... Married Susan Graves. 2d married Kate Gray.

Children Alvin Percival. Catherine Percival. Roberta Percival. Roberta Percival. William Percival. 94 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Julia Lynd Percival, born Nov. II, 1863. Died Feb. 25, 1864. John Philip Percival, born June 25, 1865. Mar­ ried Delia Cary. Children John Percival, born...... Died ...... Married Rowena Hall. Oliver Percival, born...... Died ...... (Unmarried).

Olive T. Percival, born...... Died ...... Married...... Haskell.

Children Nellie Percival Haskell. Julia Haskell. Ellen Haskell.

Ella Brooks Bush, born Aug. 7, 1840. Died in infancy.

238. Mercy Tousey, born Feb. 14, 1801. Died June 25, 1820. Aged 19. June 22, 1818, married Capt. Thomas Porter (born July 31, 1789. Died Feb. 6, 1854).

Children Andrew D. Porter, born July 17, 1819. Died 1895. Married Nancy ...... (1826 Died Jan. 3, 1851. Aged 25).

(Capt. Porter married 2d Mira Tousey, a cousin of Mercy, and daughter of Moses Tousey. Andrew was half-brother of Gov. Porter).

239. Mary Tousey, born Nov. 26, 1802. Died April 6, 1865. April 27, 1820, married John Eads THE TOUSEY FAMILY 95

(Sept. 1790-May 12, 1826). Sept. 13, 1833, married Pugh Price (Oct. 16, 1783-Oct. 12, 1857). Children (1st Husband) Thomas Tousey Eads, born March 18, 1821. Died 1895. Mercy Miranda Eads, born Jan. 17, 1823. Died May 1, 1895. Married ...... James Russell Eads, born Jan. 23, 1825. Died Oct. 2, l 828.

\ Children (2d Husband) Volmey Price, born Aug. 16, 1834. Died April I, 1900. Matilda J. Price, born March 14, 1836. Died Sept. 8, 1883. Alonzo S. Price, born April 27, 1838. Died 1899. Russell G. Price, born Sept. 24, 1840. Died March 19, 1866. Mary E. Price, born Oct. 29, 1842. Died Aug. 17, 1860. James W. Price, born Feb. 18, 1845. Died

Zalmon T. Price, born June 3, 1848. Died ...... (Brandenburg, Ky.)

241 ELVIRA PERCIVAL TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born July 25, 18o9. Died Aug. 19, 1884. Aug. 16, 1827, married James M. Gaines. Children George Gaines, born...... Died ...... Married Susan Harrison. Married 2d Winters. 96 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

243 LURANDA TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Feb. 28, 1814. Died Dec. 29, 1838. March 22, 1842, married Ira W. Jones. Children Louis N. Jones, born...... Died ...... Sept. 8, 1857, married Harriet J. Walker.

Children George W. Jones, born Aug. 26, 1858. 1885 married Hattie Whetstone. Robert L. Jones, born 1886. Eliza Tousey Jones, born Aug. 26, 1865. Mar­ ried G. E. McCracken.

Children Robert Weir McCracken.

246 OLIVER TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Aug. 28, 1821. Died ...... Dec. 27, 1841, married Mary Eddy (Died Jan. 2, 1851). July 3, 1854, married Elizabeth Bush. Children (1st Wife) 248. Alice Tousey, born May 25, 1849. Died Jan. 3, 1911. Married Hugh Wilson (born May 5, 1847. Died May 1, 1900.

Children Mary Tousey Wilson, born July 14, 1876. Died ...... Oct. 6, 1910, married F. Marion Wigmore. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 97

Oliver Tousey Wilson, born Nov. 8, 1877. Died ...... Married Endora Bond.

Children Hugh Robert Wilson, born 1902. Charlotte Wilson, born 1904. Virginia Wilson, born 1906. John Mills Wilson, born 1909.

Myra Wilson, born Nov. 26, 1879. Died ...... Married Charles George Little.

Children Alice Elizabeth Little, born Dec. 28, 1902. Charles Joseph Little, born May, 1905. Mary Little, born 1908. Mura Little, born April, 1912.

Hugh Robert Wilson, born Jan. 29, 1884. Died ...... Married Katherine Bogle. Morris Karl Wilson, born March, 1892. Died ...... Married Eleanor Spry.

Children of Oliver (2d Wife)

249. Olive Tousey, born April 22, 1855. Died ...•... Oct. 27, 1875, married F. A. Fletcher (born April 28, 1855). Children Elizabeth Eunice Fletcher, born Aug. 5, 1876. Died...... Oct. 17, 1899, married Gabriel Flourney Slaughter.

Children Henry Winston Slaughter, born April 9, 1901. Elizabeth Slaughter, born July 8, 1904. Died Aug. 13, 1906. 98 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Roberta Tousey Fletcher, born Jan. 1, 1882. Katharyn Fletcher, born Dec. 15, 1890. Frank Allen Fletcher, born Aug. 24, 1880. Died ...... Married Jessie Dinsmore.

250. Emily Tousey, born ...... Died ...... Married T. B. Boyd.

Children D. M. Boyd, born...... Died ...... Married Josephine Drake. Ingram Fletcher Boyd, born...... Died ...... Married Louise Brown.

Children Ingram Boyd Trustin Boyd

251. Lydia Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married George Boyd.

Children Olive Tousey Boyd, born...... Died ...... Married...... Day.

Children Mary Day Myra Day

Lydia Paxton Boyd, born...... Died ...... Married Richard M. Day.

Children Lydia Paxton Day.

Anna Jaqueline Boyd, born ...... Died ......

252. Roberta Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married John Stanley Grepe. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 99

Children John Stanley Grepe, Jr. Lydia Jacqueline Grepe.

(Thomas K. Tousey, of Houston, Texas, says that Oliver Tousey was his guardian, and that he had a family of girls. T. C. R.)

2 47 ZALMON TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born June 30, 1825. Died Feb. 18, 1886. Married Mahala Ayers, (born ...... Died 1862). Married 2d Feb. 14, 1866, Mary (Molly) McDonald.

(Mary McDonald was- granddaughter of Gen. Robert Ewing of Kentucky, soldier of Revolution).

Children of Zalmon and Mahala Mary Ellen Tousey, died an infant. Thomas Cressie Tousey, born Oct. 4, 1852. Died ...... Nov. 25, 1875, married Nora Helen Blythe (born ...... Died Nov. 12, 1903).

Children of Thomas and Nora Ollie Raymond Tousey, born...... Died ...... Oct. 19, 1gor, married Josie Howard. Children of Ollie William Soaper Tousey, born Sept. 5, 1902.

Oct. 4, 1904, Thomas Cressie married 2d Mrs. Fanny K. Lushen.

Edward A. Tousey, born Oct. 4, 1852. Died ...... Married Nora Ryan (born June 18, 1854). 100 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children of Edward and Nora Elizabeth Anna Tousey, born June 23, 1881. Edward J. Tousey, born Dec. 1, 1883.

James Tousey, born ...... (left home a boy and never heard of afterward). Anna Tousey, born 1857. Died 1889. Married Chris­ topher Samuel Perrigo (born 1854).

Children of Anna Myrtle Monroe Perrigo (born Oct. 19, 1878). Zalmona Pearle Pererigo, born March 13, 1880. Married Charles Lindsey Graham (born Aug. 17, 1876). Honora Anna Perrigo, born March 23, 1883. Married John Raymond Hahn (born Aug. IO, 1886). Samuel J. Perrigo, born Oct. 12, 1884. Oliver Clay Tousey, born June 25, 1861. Died ...... Married Sally Burford (born Feb. 16, 1861).

Children of Oliver Clay Tousey Lina Tousey, born July 17, 1886. Annie Tousey, born Nov. 7, 1888. Married Harry Hertel. Zalmon Tousey, born Nov. 3, 1890. Beulah Tousey, born July 4, 1894.

Children of Zalmon and Mary McDonald Tousey. Virginia Tousey, born Dec. 18, 1866. Died ...... Oct. 18, 1887, married James S. Willis. Children of Virginia Zalmonah Willis, born Oct. 29, 1888. Nov. IO, 1910, married James W. Caster. TH E TO US E Y FAMILY 101

William Waldo Willis, born Aug. 15, 1892. Elvira Ewing Willis, born Feb. 8, 1895. Lydia Hubbard Willis, born May 24, 1898. Lydia Percival Tousey, born Dec. 5, 186g. Died...... Nov. 28, 1889, married Wil­ liam T. Hubbard. Elvira Gaines Tousey, born Nov. 3, 1874. Died in childhood, Nov. 5, 1888. George Ewing Tousey, born June 15, 1872. Died in childhood, Oct. 28, 1888. Dwight Tousey, born Sept. 25, 1878.

234 MOSES TOUSEY (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard r) born Feb. 1, 1778. Died Sept. 12, 1834. 1799 married Lydia Percival (born Jan., 1780. Died Oct. 15, 1818, aged 38). (Daughter of Paul and Lydia Percival, doubtless of New Durham, N. Y.)

May 22, 1822, married Mrs. Ann Stephenson (formerly Ann Stedman), born March 8, 1879.

Children of Moses and Lydia 253. Omer Tousey, born Dec. 21, 18oo. Died March 28, 1868. (Omer Tousey married three times. Lucinda and Alice dead. Son by 2d wife resides Kansas City.) (E. D. Porter) Omer married Alice Stewart and married 2d Lucinda Johnson (born May II, 1804. Died Oct. 2, 1883). (Lucinda was sister of Betsey Johnson Tousey, wife of Van Vechton Tousey). 102 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

254 Mira (Miranda) Tousey, born April 15, 1803. Died Jan. 6, 1840. Aged 36 years, 8 months. Nov. 15, 1821, married Capt. Thomas Porter (born July 31, 1779. Died Feb. 6, 1854).

Children of Capt. Thomas and Miranda Omer T. Porter, died an infant. Albert Gallatin Porter, born April 20, 1824. Died May, 1896. 1847 married Minerva V. Brown (born...... Died Nov. 25, 1875).

Albert Gallatin Porter, Governor of Indiana 1881 to 1885, was born at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, in 1824, the son of Captain Thomas Porter and Miranda (Tousey) Porter. He was graduated from Indiana Asbury University (now Depauw) 1843; began the practice of law at Indianapolis, 1845 ; was reporter of the Supreme Court of Indiana 1853 to 1857. He was as a Republican elected to Congress for two successive terms serving there during that interesting and sometimes exciting period 1857 to 1863; his Committee membership being chiefly the Judiciary. He was appointed First Comptroller of the Treasury in 1878, and served until nominated for Governor of Indiana. He was United States Minister to Italy 1889 to 1892. He was for some years engaged in collecting material and preparing manuscript for a history of Indiana but his health having failed he was obliged, to his deep regret, for his heart was in the work, to suspend in the middle of his labor and he could not afterwards return to it. He died in Indianapolis in 1897.

Children of Albert and Minerva Porter Omer Tousey Porter, born Aug. 28, 1848. Died June II, 1905. (Unmarried). George Tousey Po.rter, born Jan. 26, 1849. Died ...... Married Hattie Goff. (No children). Attorney Washington, D. C. Edward B. Porter, born Oct. 14, 185 r. Died Oct. 5, 1909. June IO, 1874, married Carrie THE TOUSEY FAMILY 103

Ray, born r855, Feb. 2r. (Was cashier First National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind.)

Children of Edward and Carrie Porter Katherine R. Porter, born June 2r, 1875. Died...... Feb. 22, 1898, mar­ ried G. E. Varney (born Feb. 26, 1867).

Children of G. E. and Katherine Varney Gordon E. Varney, Jr., born June IO, 1899. Edward P. Varney, born June 2, 1901. Josephine Varney, born Dec. 12, 1903.

Eleanor McD. Porter, born Aug. 17, 1877. Died...... 1900 married Frank R. Jelliff (born 1875). Annie V. Porter, born Sept. 20, 1889.

Annie Porter, born March 31, 1827. Died ...... 1863. Married Elzey G. Burkham, born 1815. Died 1888.

Children Caroline Tousey Burkham, born Aug. 18, 1860. (Res. 37 West 49th St., New York).

255. George Tousey, born March 14, 1805. Died June 14, 1880. March 13, 1828, married Han­ nah N. Dunn (born Aug. 24, 18o8. Died May 25, 1875). Aug. 7, 1876, married Louise A. Bugbee.

Children of George and Hannah Ralph Tousey, born Oct. 4, 1829. Died Feb. 6, 1888. Aug. IO, 1854, married/ Mary Sophia Hager (born Nov. 4, 1837). 104 TH E TO US E Y FAMILY

Children George H. Tousey, born Sept. 8, 1857. Died

Kate Vincent Tousey, born Sept. 18, 1855. Died ...... Married Austin Morris (born 1852). Philip Tousey, born Sept. 8, 1866. Died ...... Married Emily Agnes Grady (born Dec. 2, 1871). John Floyd Tousey, born Oct. 22, 1861. Died Sept., 1889.

Omer Tousey, born Feb. 21, 1832. Died Feb. 17, 1904. Feb. 13, 1855, married Caroline Pell Craft (born July 3, 1835).

Children William E. Tousey, born Nov. 21, 1856. Died Dec. 28, 1915. Married Mary Meadowcraft (born May 4, 1863).

Children Eloise Tousey, born March 25, 1885. Opal Tousey, born June 29, 1886.

George Dunn Tousey, born July 16, 1861. Died Oct. 25, 1863. Fannie Tousey, born July 19, 1867. Died July 3, 1868. John D. Tousey, born Jan. 6, 1834. Died July 19, 1839. Thomas Tousey, born April 1, 1836. Died Jan. 13, 1843. Mary Frances Tousey, born Jan. 26, 1838. Died ...... Feb. 13, 1861, married James N. Nichol. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 105

Children George Nichol, born ...... Carrie Nichol, born...... Married Douglass Gibson.

Isaac D. Tousey, born Nov. 6, 1840. Died Aug. 23, 1842. Woodford Gaines Tousey, born Feb. II, 1843. Died April 6, 1881. Sept. 20, 1865, married Eudora Dunn Cady.

Children Albemarle Cady Tousey, born Nov. 28, 1866. Died...... Married Stella Wiles. Hannah Ann Tousey, born Aug. 4, 1858.

William Tousey, born Feb. 17, 1845. Died March II, 1845. George Tousey, born Feb. 17, 1845. Died April 2, 1847. Lydia P. Tousey, born Oct. 1, 1847. Died Aug. 18, 1886. Married Ezekiel Morgan Mc­ Donald (born Oct. 7, 1845. Died Jan. 2, 1873. Children Jessie Clair McDonald, born Jan. 24, 1869. Joseph Ezekiel McDonald, born Feb. 17, 1872. Died May 29, 1905.

Children of George and Louise Omera Tousey, born Nov. 18, 1877. Died ...... June 5, 1907, married Malcomb C. Cleveland, born March II, 1876. George Tousey, born Oct. 29, 1878. (Unmar­ ried). 106 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

(The foregoing names from George Tousey's Bible record).

256. Zack Tousey, born May 19, 18o8. Died July 16, 1809. 257. Ralph Tousey, born Sept. 27, 1810. Died Sept. 12, 1827. 258. Caroline Tousey, born Aug. 16, 1814. Died 1835. Married James M. Oliphant.

(Names and dates of .birth from Moses. Tousey's Bible). Children of Moses and Ann Tousey John Tousey, born June 22, 1823. Died Oct. 15, 1823. Truman Tousey, born Jan. 24, 1825. Died Nov. 23, 1831. Arthur Tousey, born March 22, 1828. Died (about 1833). Van Vechten Tousey, born Feb. 10, 1830. Died (about 1875). Sept. 2, 1851, married Moivre Kennedy (born Sept. 2, 1832. Died July 30, 1909).

Children Moses Stedman Tousey, born Oct. 8, 1854. Died Jan. 9, 1906. Married Maggie Caroline Adamson (born April 1, 1863).

Children Mary Moivre Tousey, born Oct. 2, 1887. Died Sept. 15, 1891. Married ...... Thomas Sanford Tousey, born May 28, 1883. Died...... (Artist and Illustrator).

Thomas K. Tousey, born Aug. 29, 1852. Died ...... • . . . . Married Etta Robinson. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 107

Children Walter Tousey. Harry Tousey. Robert Tousey.

Willie K. Tousey, born Feb. 6, 1857. Died Aug. 22, 1858.

(Thomas K. Tousey and family reside at Houston, Texas).

Thomas, son of Rev. Thomas, s,ettled in Woodbury, Conn., and died there. His sons, Zera, Thomas and Moses, migrated to Durham, Greene Co., N. Y., and from there in 1803, to Boone Co., Ky., where they settled on the Ohio River and commenced a settlement called Touseytown, which became a favorite stopping place for the boatmen on the river. For a time the town prospered, but when Law­ renceburg on the opposite side of the river began to have a rapid growth Touseytown dwindled to a suburb. In 1832 Omer Tousey, a son of Moses Tousey, purchased the Vance homestead in Lawrenceburg. It is said that immedi­ ately thereafter it became a center of social activity. The grand balls and dinners held there are still recalled, Tousey's ownership lending to it a prestige that reached far and wide, and gave the place the name of its hospitable owner. In the Tousey House were entertained some of the foremost men of the day, Congressmen, U. S. Senators, and including almost every Governor of Indiana, as well as William Henry Harrison, former President of the U. S. There, too, Albert G. Porter, afterward Governor of Indiana, spent his boyhood, Omer Tousey being his uncle. Mr. Tousey dispensed hospitality with an open hand, and the balls he gave every Christmas Eve to rich and poor are often recalled by the older inhabitants. After Tousey's death the fame of the old place died, "and the days of its celebracy remained, but in the lavender and old lace of memory." Afterward it was suggested that the city pur- 108 THE TOUSEY FAMILY chase the house and convert it into a public library and museum, but the project failed. Among the subsequent occupants was one Dr. Isaac Brower, who served in the Third Indiana Regiment, in the Mexican War, as surgeon. He afterwards went to Cali­ fornia and the Fiji Islands, and acquired an immense for­ tune. Somewhere in the Tousey House Isaac Brower is believed to have secreted the wealth he thus accumulated, and hence the question is often asked, "Is there vast treasure concealed in the Tousey House at Lawrence­ burg?" From these early pioneers descended what may be termed the Western branch of the Tousey family.

The following inscriptions appear on tombstones at Touseytown:

Omer Tousey, born in State of New York, Dec. II, 1800. Died at Lawrenceburg, Ind., March 28, 1868. Lucinda, wife of Omer Tousey, daughter of Cave and Betsey Johnson, born May II, 1804. Died Oct. 2, 1883. Capt. Thomas Porter, born in Pennsylvania, July 31, 1782. Died in Lawrenceburg, Feb. 6, 1854. Mercy Porter, wife of Thomas Porter, died Jan. 25, 1820. Aged 19 years. Miranda Porter, consort of Thomas Porter, died Jan. 6, 1840. Aged 36. years and 8 months. Moses Tousey, born Feb. 1, 1778. Died Sept. 12, 1834. Lydia, wife of Moses Tousey, daughter of Paul and Lydia Percival, died Oct. 5, 1818, aged 28. Anna Tousey, wife of Zera Tousey, died Aug. 26, 1830. Aged 68 years. (Broken head-stone) ...... Aged 6g years. Foot-stone with letters "Z. T." Apparently Zera Tous.ey's grave. Truman Tousey, son of Moses and Anna Tousey, died Nov. 1831. Aged 5 years. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 109

Ralph Tousey, son of Moses and Lydia Tousey, born Sept. 27, 1810. Died Sept. 12, 1827. Van Vechten Tousey, son of Zera and Anna Tousey, died Jan. 15, 1815. Aged 28. Anna Craig, daughter of Zera and Anna Tousey, died July IO, 1823. Aged 22. Lydia Ann, wife of William Ernst, daughter of P. S. and Vicy Bush, died June 13, 1841. Aged 21. Victor Tousey Bush, first child of Philip and Vicy Bush. Aged 3 years. Nancy T. Porter, wife of Andrew 0. Porter, died Jan. 3, 1851. Aged 25 years. (Next to this grave is the following: "Here is little Anna's grave. She followed three days after her mother"). Kindness of E. B. Porter.


ZALMON TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard I), born Feb. 20, 1734. Died June 23, 1816. Aged 78. Married Jerusha Booth (born 1745. Died Feb. II, 1785. Aged 40). December, 1792, married Sarah Beers.

Children of Zalmon and Jerusha 281. Thoma,s Tousey, born May 7, 1765. Died Nov. 7, 1840, at J. Tousey's home at Brighton. (Unmarried).

282. Lazarus Tousey, born July 2, 1767. Bap. Aug. 9, 1767. Died July 24, 1835. (Pittsford, N. Y.) March 2, 1801, married Lucretia Wood (born 1777. Died Aug. 12, 1821. Cornwall, Upper Canada). Aug. 24, 1825, married Cata­ lena Journeay. (Newport, N. Y.) 110 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children of Lazarus and Lucretia George Wood Tousey, born March 31, 1802. ( Bap. by Rev. J ettheral Chittenden in Shel- brook, Record there. Died ...... Andrew McGill Tousey, born Dec. 16, 1803. (Bap. by Rev. Somerville in Montreal, Record there). Charles E. Tousey, born Oct. 14, 1807. (Bap. by John Strachen, Cornwall U. C.) Frances Ann Tousey, born Aug. IO, 1813. Died Aug., 1815. Mary Ann Tousey, born Sept. 19, 1815. Died Sept. 6, 1823.

283. Donald Grant Tousey, born Nov. 12, 1768. (Bap. Dec. 4, 1768). Died Aug. 23, 18o6. (Saratoga Co., Northumberland) Married Lucretia Beers. Children Maria Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married John Ellis.

Children Julia Ellis. Charles Ellis. Harriet Grant Tousey, born...... Died ...... 1869. Married Augustus W. Gillett. Children Augustus Gillett. Edward Gillett. Harriet Gillett. Lucretia Tousey Gillett. Ann Eliza Tousey, born April 5, 1802. Died June 8, 1842. May 25, 1820, married Richard Mansfield White. TH E TO US E Y FAM I LY 111

Children Richard Grant White, born May 23, 182r. Died April 5, 1885. Married Alexina Block Masse. (Richard Grant White was a distinguished man of letters). Marion White, born Sept. 6th, 1823. Died Oct. 8, 1900. Nov. 3, 1847, married Edward Williams. Annie Eliza White, born Nov. 15, 1831, Died April 23, 1849. (Unmarried). Augusta White, born Aug. 8, 1838. Died Aug. 14, 1878. (Unmarried). Charles Mcllvaine White, born Feb. 15, 1834. Died April, 1842.

Children of Richard and Alexina . Richard Mansfield White, born ...... Died .. ; ...... Stanford White, born...... Died 1906. Married Bessie S. Smith.

Children Lawrence Grant White.

Children of Edward Williams Edward Grant Williams, born Oct., 1848. Died Aug. 30, 1848. James Austin Williams, born June 3, 1850. George Herbert Williams, born May 13, 1853. Ann Eliza Williams, born March 23, 1855. Marrian Williams, born Aug. 30,. 1857. Alfred Grant Williams, born April 5, 186o. 112 TH E TO U SEY FA MI LY

284. Azariah Tousey, born Dec. 4, 1770. Died March 29, 1816, in Perry County, Penna. 285. Zalmon Tousey, born March 6, 1772. Died Feb. 12, 1822, in Perry County, Penna. (Have been unable to trace the record of these brothers).

286. Phebe Tousey, born June 6, 1773. Bap. Nov. 17, 1804. Died July 22, 1841 (in Newtown). Oct. 29, 1796, married Ebenezer Turner, born Sept. 28, 1773. Died Feb. 28, 1851, aged 77 yrs., 5 mo. Children Emma Turner, born 1797. Died 1806. Jeremiah Turner, born 1799. Died 18o2. Donald Turner, born 1801. Died 18o1. William Turner, born 1803. Died Jan. 26, 1866. (Unmarried). Nehemiah Turner, born 1803. Died 1805. Mary Blackman Turner, born 1806. Died Jan. 3, 1870. April 17, 1833, married Edward Starr, born...... Died Nov. 27, 1878. (No children). Sally Curtis Turner, born 1808. Died 1!$17. Daniel Booth Turner, born 1810. Died Oct. 18, 1878. Married Susan Enders, born Aug. 12, 1807. Children Florine Enders Turner, born 1.842. Died Married Richard Starr Dana, born May 22, 1836. Died July 19, 1904. Children Richard Turner Dana, born June 13, 1872. David T. Dana, born April 18, 1875. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 113

Ebenezer Turner, born 1813. Died Sept. 6, 1884. Nov. 18, 1845, married Annie C. Greenough, born 1824. Died 1848. (No children). Dec. 2, 1857, married Mary E. Williams, born 183-5. Died Sept. 1903.

Children Samuel Bates Turner, born Nov. 9, 1858. Died Aug. 19, 1906. John Williams Turner, born Dec. 24, 1859. Died Nov. 14, 1861. Ebenezer Tousey Turner, born Oct. 8, 1862. Died...... Married Martha Thompson Mairs, born ...... Died ...... Mary Elizabeth Turner, born June 19, 1865. Died June 28, 1865.

Phebe Jane Turner, born 1817. Died Dec. 8, 1904. 1840 married Samuel Bates, born 1815. Died 1858. 186o married John Mc­ Graw, born M'ay 23, 1815. Died 1877 (No children).

(John McGraw was a man of large fortune and gave a building to Cornell University. His daughter, Jennie McGraw Fiske, gave largely to the same university).

287. Jerusha Tousey, born Feb. 23, 1774. Died ...... Married Peter Finch, born Aug. 2, 1775.

Children Harry Finch, born April 2, 1791. Died Feb. 14, 1864. Nov. 9, 1828, married Charlotte Augusta Garrison. May 19, 1857, married Theododa Dennis. 114 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

Children (1st Wife) Charlotte Augusta Finch. Peter Voorhees Finch. Mary Finch. James Henry Finch. William Hartshorn Finch.

Children ( 2nd Wife) Rodney Dennis Finch. Abby Jane Finch.

Richard Finch, born ...... Died ...... David Finch, born ...... Died ...... Zalmon Finch, born ...... Died ...... William Fincl;l, born ...... Died ...... Mary Finch, born ...... Died ...... Harriet Finch.

George Finch, born March 4, 1800. Died ...... Married Emeline W. White, born Nov. 8, 1814. Children Jacob White Finch, born Oct. 6, 1841. Frances P. Finch, born Jan. 30, 1846. John Finch, born Jan. 9, 1847. Frederick Bleeker Finch, born Nov. 18, 1851. Emma G. Finch, born Nov. 4, 1853. Mar­ ried Isaac H. Adlem. (Residence 272 Broad street, Red Bank, N. J.)

Charlotte Finch, born...... Died ...... Charles Finch, born...... Died ...... Grant Finch, born...... Died ......

288. Sarah Tousey, born April 23, 1777. (In New­ town, Conn.) Died Dec. 9, 1835. Married TH E TO U S E Y FAM I LY 115

Samuel Curtis Blackman, born March 22, 1768. Died Nov. 17, 1858.

Children Caroline Blackman, born March 25, 18oo. Died July 26, 1848. Sarah Blackman, born May 17, 1801. Died Jan. 6, 1884. George Blackman, born July 25, 1803. Died Aug. 8, 1874. Married Eliza W. Richmond, born 1808. Died Jan. 26, 1888. Samuel G. Blackman, born...... Died ...... Married ...... Field. Alfred Blackman, born Dec. 28, 1807. Died April 28, 188o. June 3, 1832, married Abby Beers, born 18o7. Died Sept., 1891.

Children Samuel C. Blackman. Charles S. Blackman.

William Blackman, born Jan. IO, 1812. Died Sept. 15, 1828.

289. Joseph Tousey, born March 5, 1780. Died Sept. 28, 1848. ( 1843 ?) Aug. 17, 1809, married Hannah Curtis, born...... Died Sept. 9, 1822. Sept. 24, 1826, married Laura Ann Spaulding, born May 5, 178g.

(Joseph buried at Britten, Mount Hope Register. Roch.) Children Sally C. Tousey, born Juni 18, 1810. Died July 6, 1810. Mary Tousey, born June 23, 1812. Died April 28, 1840. Married Feb. 13, 1834, Isaac Gar­ rison. 116 TH E TOUSEY FA MI LY

Sarah Tousey, born April 15, 1816. Died Dec. 29, 1872. Married Victor Gustave Benne. Phebe Tousey, born Nov. 19, 1815. Died Feb. 8, 1816. Thomas Tousey, born Dec. 30, 1817. Died Dec. 6, 1897. April 5, 1853, married Sophronia A. Hollenbeck. Children Louis Grant Tousey, born Feb. 8, 1855. Died...... Feb. 9, 1884, married Eva Frances Curtis, born March 24, 1856, Died ......

Children Thomas Grant Tousey, born March 21, 1885. Died ...... Married Emily Gertrude Crump. Clarence Filmore Tousey, born March 21, 1885. Married Margaret Brown. George Benne Tousey, born Feb. 16, 1864. Died Feb. 20, 1908. Sept. 14, 1897, married Caro­ line L. Wicker. Ann Tousey, born Sept. 21, 1818. Died March 7, 1847. Sept. 26, 1836, married William H. Walch. Phebe Tousey, born Sept. 22, 1820. Died March 25, 1825. 290. Polly (Mary) Tousey, born Jan. 18, 1784. Bap. Nov. 7, 1802. Died March rr, 1813 (in Gal­ way). May 7, 1897, married Dr. Nathan Thompson, born March 2, 1778. Died Oct. 28, 1837. Children Fanny Thompson, born July 7, 1808. Died July 23, 18o8. THE TOUSEY FAMILY 117

Emma Thompson, born Nov. 28, 18o9. Died 1871. May 16, 1833, married Thomas Mairs, born April, 1804. Died June 29, 1884.

Children Mary Mairs, (died infant). Nathan Thompson Mairs, born Aug. 18, 1868. Margaret Montgomery Mairs, born Oct. 17, 1859. Julia Montgomery Mairs, born ...... Martha Thompson Mairs, born ...... Married Ebenezer Tousef Turner. Charles Frederick Mairs, born Nov., 1904.

14 AMARYLLIS TOUSEY (Rev. Thomas 3, Thomas 2, Richard 1) born Sept. II, 1739. Died Dec. ro, 1800. Aged 61. June 3, 1761, married Abel Prindle (born Feb. 13. 1733. Died Aug., 1777). Married second Thomas Bull (born 1730. Died Feb. 24, 1804. Aged 74). (Abel was killed in battle of Bennington).

Children Armenal Prindle, born Jan. 15, 1762. Died Nov. 8, 1825. Aged 63. Married Asa Stoddard (born Sept. 4, 1762. Died April II, 1842). (At Dayton, Ohio). (Son of hrael Stoddard, of Woodbury, Conn.) Phoebe Prindle, born Feb. 4, 1763. Bap. Feb. 11, 1763. Died ...... Currence Prindle, born...... Bap. Nov. 5, 1766. Died June 24, 1794. Married Nathan Preston (born Jan. 20, 1756. Died Sept. 20, 1822). (Son of Jehiel and Betterus Mitchell Preston). Josiah Prindle, born...... Bap. Oct. 26, 1766. Died ...... 118 THE TOUSEY FAMILY

In a deed of Sept. 21, 1773, he (Abel) describes himself as of Lanesborough, Berkshire Co., Mass.

He served in the Crown Point expedition as appears from the following record:

Camp at Fort "\Villiam Henry, Oct. 13, 1756. This may certify that the men within mentioned not present at muster are at the places mentioned against each of their names annexed, and are absent for no other reason than thos,e assigned, and are part of the effectives of the company under my command. STEPHEN LEE, Lieut. Co. ABEL PRINDLE, Clerk of Company.

He also served in the Revolutionary War as appears from the following abstract from the Revolutionary War Archives of the State of Massachusetts. "Abel Prindle appears with the rank of private on pay roll of Capt. Ebenezer Newell's Company, Col. Symonds' Regt. Time of service six days. Company marched from Lanesborough to Meloomscuyck, Aug. 14, 1777, on an alarm. Mileage (35 miles) allowed said Prindle. Vol. 21, 135- The latter place mentioned is the present Walloomsac, N. Y., where the Battle of Bennington was fought Aug. 16, 1777-

History of Berkshire Co., Mass., Vol. 2, page 104. When the alarm went through the Berkshire town that the stores at Bennington were to be attacked by the Hessians under Col. Baum; this town (Lanesborough) furnished its contingent and three of the soldiers perished in battle. So intense was the feeling against the Tories, that in the town record beautifully written and bordered with heavy black lines is the following tribute to the two THE TOUSEY FAMILY 119 officers who were then killed, Lieut. Abel Prindle of Lanes­ borough, in the County of Berkshire, State of Mas,sa­ chusetts Bay, departed this life on the 16th day of August, Anno Christ, 1777, being shot through the head at Ben­ nington fight, supposed to be done by one Solomon Sam­ uel Bunnell, a Tory and neighbor townsman of his, who had turned to the enemy and was found under arms and taken prisoner at Bennington fight, who confessed he had done his bes.t to kill his neighbor. The poor man not only received his mortal wound by this infidel, but was taken out of time and sent into the eternal world of spirits in­ stantaneously, that is, not one moment of time to think or prepare himself for his great last change; but we have reason to believe God will be merciful to those who died in so just a caus,e. Thus departed this life as good a friend to the American cause perhaps as ever was born, and we trust there is laid up for him a crown of glory. "Genealogy of Prindle Family" Kindness of Rear Admiral Franklin C. Prindle, retired, of Washington.

"Puritan Settlers of Conn." Major Bull in his old age married Widow Prindle of Newtown, the mother-in-law of Nathan Preston and Mrs. Asa Stoddard, then of Woodbury.

Unconnected Branch

(In my research I found a branch of the Tousey fam­ ily that I have been unable to connect with the tree. I be­ lieve that they descend from Azariah Tousey, son of Zal­ mon. I will give the branch, trusting that they may here­ after be attached.)

THOMAS TOUSEY, born 1799. Died 1844 (Came from Luzern, Warren County, N. Y.) Married Esther M. Fiske (Rutland, Vt.)

Azariah Tousey, born 1820. Died Jan., 1905. Married Margaret ......

Children James Tousey, born...... Died ...... (Fairport, N. Y.) Margaret Tousey.

Married 2nd Irene Isadore Patterson, born Aug. 7, 1848. Children Wallace Curtis Tousey.

Patience D. Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married Luke Robinson.

Children Helen Robinson. Melvin (Melissa) Robinson.

William Tousey. (Died Sandy Hill, N. Y.) Helen M. Tousey, born...... Died ...... Married Albert Gambie. 122 TH E TOUSEY FAM I LY

_Wallace A. To!isey, born May 21, 1838. Died ...... Jan. 6, 1869, married Ellen C. Andrews.

Children Sarah Esther Tousey, born Nov. 27, 1871. Died ...... Married John E. Andrews. Clarence A. Tousey, born Aug. 1, 1878, married Minnie Pollock. Wallace Raymond Tousey, born July 12, 1884. Died...... Married Pearle Cooper. Ellen Florence Tousey, born Aug. 1, 1885. Died ...... Married Edgar Chase.

Children Wallace Charles Chase, born Oct. 4, 1907. Bruce Jennings Chase, born Aug. 4, 1909. Stanley Herald Chase, born July 29, 1910. Jane Tousey, born Jan. 16, 1841. Died ...... Married James F. Renwick.

Children William R. Renwick, born Dec. 12, 1859. Married secund B. L. Cook.

Children Erminnie L. Cook, born June 27, 1866. Died Sept. 18, 1870. , George H. Cook, born June 26, 1870. Died Aug. II, 1871. Charles P. Cook, born Aug. 8, 1873. Charles H. Tousey, born Feb. 17, 1844. Died ...... Married Nancy Touance, born March 8, 1844.

Children Grace Tousey, born Aug. 11, 1876. Died 1881. Roberta Tousey, born Sept. 2, 1879. Died ...... Robert Tousey, born Feb. 20, 1886. Died ...... THE TOUSEY FAMILY 123

Would like to get on track of the following :

"Campaigning with Sherman" By Maj. General Oliver Otis Howard. Page 14.

Lately I have s,een the claim of a Tennessee woman, Elizabeth Tousey, for a reward. She says that when she was young at the risk of her life she guided our soldiers to and across that ford before the bridge was made. After we left she and her family were forced to flee the country in terror. She is now living in Kansas. (This ford was six miles above Loudon).

Copied from "The Press Magazine" Oct. 13, 1907.

From the Philadelphia Press. George Z. Tousey's Money. These heirs came forward after the Commonwealth claims the Estate. George C. Tousey died in his 80th year in April, 1881, at 208 South Eighth street. He left more than $rn,ooo. No will was found. He was not known to have any rela­ tives and the Commonwealth claimed the Estate. When the matter reached the Orphans Court, however, claims were put in by George Carlton Wood, Benjamin French and Elizabeth Knight who all claimed to be cousins of the dead man. The Court referred the case to a Master with instructions to ascertain who was next of kin to the decedent if any one. A report was filed yesterday. The Mas.ter had advertised he said, but found no further claim­ ants. The old man had been a wanderer from childhood. He had been all over the world but singularly enough the report said he left no trace by which he could be followed from city to city. But in his declining years the report continued, he showed in his letters and in his conversa­ tions with those around him an intense yearning natural 124 TH E TOUSEY FAMILY to an aged man to be brought into close companionship with those of his own kin. The claims to kindred of Mr. Wood and the others he said had been fully proved and he gave judgment in their favor and a decree dividing the Estate among them. The report remains to be acted upon by the Court. Index TOUSEY A Carolyn Hope, 6r Cornelia, 77 Arminal, 26, 27, 28 Caldron, 89 Ann, 27, 84 Charles (2), 90 Amarillis (1), 27, 117 Caroline, r 06 Abel, 40, 41, 57 Charles E., r IO Amarillis (2), 40 Clarence Filmore, 116 Anna, 40 Ann (2), 40 Anna May, 43 D Anna Euart, 53 Alice Viola, 53, 54 David (r), 40 Amanda, 56 Donald, 40 Amanda (2), 56 ])avid (2), 42 Arabella, 57 Delia, 42, 43 Abel, Jr., 57 Dorcas Sarah, 46, 48 Alonzo, 58, 60 DeWitt, 56 Ann Maria, 58, 66 Daisy, 63 Alonzo, Jr., 60 Donald, 72 Alvin, 60 Donald F., 73, 79 Archibald Bayard, 69 Donald Ferris, 7 3 Avaline, 69 Donald Butler, 78 Azella, 69 Donald Ferris, 79 Albert, 75 Dwight, IOI Alonzo (2), 75 Donald Grant, r ro Alonzo (3), 75 Anah, 89 Anna, 89 E Anna (2), 90 Alice, 96 Elizabeth (r), 2r Anna (3), 100 Elizabeth (2), 26 Annie, 100 Esther, 32, 35 Albemarle Cady, 105 Emily, 33, 37 Arthur, 106 Elizabeth (3), 40 Andrew McGill, no Esther Ann, .p Ann Eliza, I 10 Esther (2), 45 Azariah, r 12 Elizabeth (4), 52 Ann (3), II6 Eldreda, 53 Eldred, 53 B Elizabeth (5), 55 Eliza Geraldine, 55 Bertland J., 46 Edward F., 56 Benjamin, 53 Emma, 57 Benjamin Copeland, 54, 55 Emma J., 62 Betsy, 58 Elbert A., 63 Betsey Maria, 60 Eunice, 68 Beulah, roo Elbert Scott, 69 Elberta 0., 69 C Ezra, 73 lsula R., 74 Charles, 33 Elizabeth, 74 Cyrus Levi, 45 Edward, 75 Clem H., 47 Ellen, 75 Carl L., 47 Eliza, 77 Clarence H., 47 Ezra D., 79 Cyrus Levi, 45, 46 Edward H., So Clarence H. (2), 51 Edward, 80 CharJes Goddard, 5 3 Erastus, 89, 90 Coleman, 61 Eliza (2), 90 Cornelia, 62 Eliza (3), 90 Carolyn Augusta, 62 Elvira Percival, 91, 95 Charles B., 62 Elizabeth Ann, 91 Chester A., 63 Emily, 98 Caroline, 70 Edward A., 99 Charles, 72, 73 Elizabeth Anna, 100 Clarissa, 7 3 Edward J., IOO Clara M., 73 Elvira Gaines, 1 o I C. Edward, 74 Eloise, 104 Clarence M., 74 Elizabeth, 123 INDEX

F Herbert, 74 Harriet S., 74 Flora, 32, 35 Henry, 75 Frederick Wheeler, 9, 43 Helen Hildreth, 77 Francis C., 46 Harriet E., 70 Fred Parsons, Rev., 47 Henry Sinclair, 80 Frances, 50 Harrr, 107 Frank S., 51 IIarriet Grant, 1 Io Francis J., SI Frederick H., 51 I Frank (2), 56 Frank Rayner, 56 Isaac (1), 31 Fanny, 57 Isaac (2), 25, 32, 36 Fanny Lyon T., 57 Isaac (3), 32 Frank Lawton, 6J Ida A., 52 Fanny C., 63 Iva Estelle, 60 Franklin P., 70 Isabell Roosvelt, 61 Frederick, 7 3 Ira, 90 Frances H., 7 3 Isaac D., 105 Frederick, 78 Fannie, 104 J Frances Ann, 110 John (1), 26, 40, 58 G John (2), 40 John Gover, 4 1 Grandison Curtis (1), 41, 45 John Beach, 43 Gertrude, 43 Julia Ann, 46, 48 Grandison Curtis (.2), 45 J. Luzon, 46 George C., 47 Jane, 49 Gertrude E., 47 Janet, 51 Grandison H., 50 John Euart, 53, 55 Grandison Curtis (.2), 45, 46 John W., 56 George G., 56 John, 58, 68 George C. (.2), 56 Jane Emeline, 60 George Terrill, 60, 61 Jasper, 60 G. Marian, 61 Janet Lorain, 63 George Benne, 116 John B., 69 George (1), 73, 74 J erusha, I I 3 George S., 74 Joseph, IIS George C., 75 Jane E., 69 Granville Brown, 7 7 Jacob, 73, 76 Grace Stanley Northrop, 7 S John M., 73, 78 George J., 79 John (3), 75 George Ewing, 101 Julia, 78 George (2), 103 John M., Jr., 78 George H., 104 John C., 79 George Dunn, 104 Juliette, 90 George (3), 105 Jane, 91 George (4), 105 James, 100 George Wood, IIO .John Floyd, 104 George C., 123 John D., 104 John, 106 H Hannah (,), .26 K Hannah (2), 26, 27, 30 Kate Vincent, 104 Harriet, 33 Hannah (3), 31, 33 L Huldah, 40, 82 Harold Francis, 43 Lucretia, 31, 34 Hannah (4), 40, So Lora Alice, 42 Harry Glover, 43 Lora, 43 Henry, 45 Luzon, 45 Hiram, 45 Lillie A., 47 Howard William, 46 Lula M, 47 Harold P., 47 Lawrence E., 47 Harold C., 51 Lamora A., 42 Harriet (2), 50 Louise, 53 Henry A., 50 Lillian, 55 Henry, 57 Louise (2), 55, 56 Hiram Adams, 60, 61 Lucy, 58, 59 Harriet (3), 60 Lucius Carter, 62 Hannah (4), 69 Laura, 72 Helen M., 69 Laura B., 73 Howard, 69 Levi H., 73 Harriet L., 74 Lillie May, 75 INDEX

Louise Anderson, 61 p Laura Burr, 77 Philo (1), 3r Laura Clarissa, 79 Philo (2), 33 Luranda, 91, 96 Lydia, 98 Poll.y Ann, 33, 38 Philo (3), 41 Lina, 100 Paul G., 75 Lydia Percival, 1 or Philip, 104 Lydia P., 105 Phebe (1), II2 Lucinda, 108 Phebe (2), II6 Lazarus, 109 Phebe (3), II6 Louis Grant, 1 r 6 Polly (Mary), II6 M Q Mehitable, 26, 38, 39 Maria, 33, 38 _Nlarcia, 4 I, 52 :Minerva, 41 Mabel E., 46 R Mabel A., 47 Mary Florence, 54 Richard, 17, 19, 23 Mary Ann, 57 Rebecca, 40, 8 r Martha, 58, 59 Rena Caroline, 42 Mary Ann (2), 60 Regenald F., 46 Martha (2), 60, 63 Roy H., 47 1\iorris R., 61 Rinaldo Charles, 9 Marian R., 61 D.r. Ralph, 55 Maud, 61 Richard (2), ·61 Mary E., 63 Ruth, 6r Martin M., 69 Russell, 72 Milton J., 71- Russell (2), 73 Maria A., 74 Ralph (1), 74 Mary Louise, 76 Rutherford B., 75 Mary B., 79 Roberta, 98 Mary B. (2), So Ralph (2), 103 Moses, 89, ror, ro8 Ralph (3), 106, 109 Mary ( 3), 90, 94 Robert, 107 lviercy, 90, 94, 108 Mary (4), 90 s Matilda, 91 Mary Ellen, 99 Sarah (1), 26, 39 Mira (Miranda), 102 Sarah Ann, 4 1 Mary Frances, 104 Sabina, 43 Moses Stedman, 106 Sarah (2), 45 Mary Moivre, 106 Susan Emma, 46, 49 Mary Ann, rro Sarah (3), 49 Maria, 110 Sinclair, 52 Mary, 115 Dr. Sinclair, 55 Sinclair (2), 56 N Susan Ann, 58, 65 Sall!', 58, 7, Nabby, 33 Sophia, 58, 66 Nancy Jane, 45, 47 Sally Ann, 60, 62 Nellie, 75 Sylvia, 70 Newkirk Roosvelt, 61 Susan, 71 Sarah (4), 7 r 0 Samuel, 72 Sinclair (3), 72, 80 Oliver (1), 26, 31 Sinclair (4), 75 Oliver (2), 31, 32 Samuel R., 79 OrviJle, 45, 49 Sarah, 114 Olive Maria, 46, 48 Sally C., 115 Orville Heckman, 50 Sarah, I 16 Orville Henry, 50 Orville B., 51 T Orlette Pettit, 69 Oliver (3), 91, 96, 99 Thomas (1), 14, 20, 22 Olive, 97 Thomas, Rev., (2), 22, 25, 26 Ollie Raymond, 99 Thomas (3), 27, 88, 107 Oliver Clay, 100 Thomas Eugene (1), 51 Omer, ror, 108 Thomas Grandison, s 1 Omer (2), 104 Rev. Thomas (4), 60, 62 Opal, 104 Thomas E., (5), 63 Omera, 105 Thomas (6), 89, 90 INDEX

Thomas Cressie, 99 William B., 73 Thomas K, 99 Walter B., 73 Thomas (7), 104 \Valter (3), 74 Truman, 106, 108 William (3), 74 Thomas K., 106, 107 William, Jr., 74 Thomas (8), 109 William (4), 7 5 Thomas (9), rr6 Walter Burr, '77 Thomas Grant, n6 Walter Cox, 77 William F., 79 u William Sooper, 99 William E., 104 Wodford Gaines, 105 William (5), 105 Walter, 107 V Willie K, 107 Verginia, 75 VanVechten (1), 89 X Vicy, 90, 91 Van Vechten, 106, 109 w y Walter (1), 32 Wheeler Peck, 42 Walter (2), 45, 49 William, 45, 51 William H., 51 z William (2), 53 Zalmon (1), 27, 109 William Benjamin, 53 Zalmon (2), 31, 32 William, 60, 62 Zera, 41, 52, 88, 89 Wilson H., 61 Zalmon (3), 91, 99 Walter, C., 61 Zalmon (4), 100 William George, 61 Zack, 106 William (2), 62 Zalmon (5), II2 INDEX ALLIANCES 'tfc_,

A Blackman, Polly, 57 Beedle, Louisa, 59 Anderson, John Farwell, 37 Beebe, Samuel, 59 Ackirty, Darius, 49 Beebe, Martha, 59 Ackirty, Cora, 49 Becker, Edwin C., 59 Allen, James C., 54 Bennett, Sarah, 62 Allen, Sinclair, 54 Briggs, Sally, 65 Allen, Edith M., 54 Burch, Joel C., 68 Allen, Mabel, 54 Bennett, John L., 70 Allen, Emily, 54 Bennett, Cosella, 70 Allen, Marshall, 54 Bennett, Loella, 70 Andrews, Rosalie, 56 Bennett, Lula, 70 Adams, Sally, 60 Bennett, Nettie, 70 Andrus, Lydia Elizabeth, 62 Blackmar, Henry M., 72 Ayers, Esther, 7 3 Beers, Jacob, 7 2 Allen, Grace Walker, 78 Burch, Harriet, 72 Ayers, Mahala, 99 Beers, Sylvia, 72 Adamson, Maggie Caroline, 106 Batchelor, Martha Jane, 74 Adlen, Isaac H., 114 Blackketter, Katie, 7 5 Butler, Mary, 78 B Barton, J. C., 79 Bull, Thomas, 19, 20 Barton, Jessie, 79 Bull, David, 19, 20 Barton, John, 79 Buckley, Rev. Mr., 21 Beers, Sylvia, So Butler, Daniel, 21 Baldwin, Ransford, So Butler, Thomas, 21 Baldwin, Zera, So Beach, John, Rev., 24 Baldwin, Rebecca, So Buck, Daniel, 29 Baldwin, David, So Buckingham, Stephen, Rev., 30 Baldwin, Daniel, So Booth, Martha, 31 Baldwin, Nancy,. 80 Burwell, Sarah, 32 Baldwin, Laura, 81 Booth, Phoebe, 32 Baldwin, Julia Emeline, 81 Beers, Dima Ann, 33, 34 Bailey, ----, 81 Beers, Sarah Minerva, 34 Beers, Eli, 81 Beardsley, Israel A., 35 Beers, Daniel, 8 r Beardsley, Philo Shelton, 35 Beers, Alonzo, 8 r Beardsley, Flora Jane, 35 Beers, Daniel (2), 81 Beardsley, Asa Blagg, 36 Beers, Rebecca, 81 Buchanan, James, Pres., 25, 37 Beers, Sarah Minerva, 81 Blanchard, William, 47 Beers, Eli Starr, 81 Beach, Harriet, 35 Beers, Joseph Tousey, 81 Beardsley, Emily Esther Tousey, 36 Beers, Harriet Sophia, 8 I Beardsley, Mary Elizabeth, 36 Beers, George Alonzo, 81 Beardsley, Philo Tousey, 36 :Birge, Jennie, 81 Beardsley, Julius Theodore, 36 Blackman, Joseph, 82 Beardsley, John Mark, 36 Blackman, James Glover, 82 Beardsley, Frances Josaphine, 36 Blackman, Johu Tousey, 82 Beardsley, Henrietta, 36 Blackman Sally Delia, 82 Burrill, Catharine, 36 Blackman, B., 82 Beman, Marian S., 37 Blackman, Sarah Maria, 82 Burton, Sarah, 39 Blackman, Huldah Delia, 82 Booth, Rebecca, 40 Blackman, Eliza Jane, 82 Beach, Susan Edith, 43 Blackman, John Tousey, 82 Bennedict, Gad, 43 Blackman, Eliza Jane (2), 82 Bennedict, Julette, 44 Blackman, Mary Augusta, 82 Bennedict, Sabrina, 44 Blackman, Martha Theresa, 82 Bennedict, Evanna, 44 Blackman, Harriet Brown, 82 Bennedict, Nellie, 44 Blackman, Sarah, 83 Brundage, A. C., 49 Blackman, Donald, 83 Brundage, Myron T., 50 Blackman, Joseph, 83 Brundage, Elizabeth, 50 Blackman, Julia Esther, 83 Bancroft, George, 37 Blackman, Ann Elizabeth, 83 Beers, Freeman, 41 Blackman, Joseph Albert, 83 Baldwin, Ranford, 41 Blackman, William, 83 Beach, Viola T., 43 Blackman, Joseph, 83 Burnette, Clara, Sr Blackman, Mary Eliza, 83 Burr, Benjamin, 52 Blackman, Stanley Joseph, 83 Brisco, Sarah Jane, 52 Blackman, Albert Francis, 83 Briner, Clara S., 55 Blackman, Henry Warner, 83 Beardsley, Thomas H., 56 Blackman, Eva Hutchinson, 83 Beardsley, Elizabeth, 56 Blackman, Mary Frances, 83 INDEX

Blackman, Maria, 84 Boyd, D. M., 98 Baldwin, Sally, 82 Boyd, Ingram Fletcher, 98 Blakesley, Augusta, 82 Boyd, Ingram, 98 Blackman, Maud, 83 Boyd, Trustin, 98 Bailey, Mary Botsford, 83 Boyd, George, 98 Barnett, Rev. Francis Walter, 84 Boyd, Olive Tousey, 98 Barnett, Fracis Blackman, ·84 Boyd, Lydia Paxton, 98 Barnett, Mary Prichard, 84 Boyd, Anna Jaquetine, 98 Barnett, Joseph Noyes, 84 Blythe, Nora Helen, 99 Barnett, William Edward, 84 Burford, Sally, 1 oo Blakeslee, Abner C., 84 Brown, Minerva V., 102 Blakeslee, Delia, 84 Burkham, Elzey G., 103 Blakeslee, James, B4 Burkham, Caroline Tousey, 103 Blakeslee, Emily, 84 Eugbe, Lonise A., 103 Blakeslee, John, 84 Booth, Jerusha, 1 09 Blakeslee, Joseph, 84 Beers, Sarah, 109 Blakeslee, Janet, 84 Beers, Lucretia, 1 ro. Baldwin,· Daniel, 84 Bates, Samuel, Baldwin, Clark, 85 Blackman, Samuel Curtis, 1 rs Baldwin, Daniel (2), 85 Blackman, Sarah, 1 rs Baldwin, Daniel Tousey, 85 Blackman, George, 1 r 5 Baldwin, Amos, 85 Blackman, Samuel G., rr5 Baldwin, Landoff, 85 Blackman, Alfred, 115 Baldwin, Hannah, 85 Blackman, Samuel A., r15 Baldwin, Zada, 85 Blackmaµ., Charles S., IIS Baldwin, Amos Glover, 85 Blackman, William, 11 5 Baldwin, Joseph Clark, 85 Beers, Abby, rr5 Baldwin, Cornelius Clark, 85 Benne, Victor Gustave, r 16 Baldwin, Elizabeth Holmes, 86 Brown, Margaret, r 1 6 Baldwin, Joseph Glover, 86 Bull, Maj. Thomas, rr7 .Baldwin, Cyrus Brisco, 86 Baldwin, Cornelia, 86 C Baldwin, Cyrus Burwell, 86 Baldwin, Phideme, 86 Churchill, Josiah, 21 Baldwin, Philomon, 86 Churchill, Arminal, 21 Baldwin, Robert Turner, 86 Churchill, Prudence, 21 Baldwin, Huldah Ann, 86 Churchill, Hezekiah, 21 Baldwin, Jane Phidema, 86 Churchill, Mary, 21 Baldwin, Samuel Clark, 86 Churchill, Sarah, 21 Baldwin, Lizzie, 86 Churchill, Josiah (2), 22 Baldwin, Philomon P., 87 Clark, Hannah, 22, 24 Baldwin, Elizabeth, 87 Clark, Samuel, Capt., 22, 25 Baldwin, Robert, 87 Clark, Samuel, Jr., 25 Baldwin, Ann D., 87 Chester Stephen, 29 Baldwin, Huldah Ann (2), 87 Coit, Sophia, 29 Baldwin, Daniel Tousey (2), 87 Cooke, John, 29, 3 r Baldwin, Charles C., 87 Cooke, Anna, 30 Baldwin, John R., 87 Cooke, Elizabeth Terney, 30 Baldwin, Lazarus Smith, 88 Clark, Zachariah, 33 Baldwin, George, 88 Clark, Sally, 3 3 Baldwin, Charles R., 88 Clark, Oliver, 33 Baldwin, Mary Elizabeth, 88 Clark, Maria, 33 Bickford, Addie R., 87 Clark, Walter, 33 Bush, Philip S., 91, 109 Clark, Charles, 33 Bush, Victor Tousey, 91, 109 Clark, Emma, 33 Bush, John Smith, 91 Clark, William, 33 Bush, Lewis Philip, 91 Clark, Philo, 33 Bush, Catharine Hall, 91 Connelly, Daniel, 33 Bush, Mary Riddle, 91 Clark, Eli B., 34 Bush, Bertie Mocky, 91 Clark, Emma J., 34 Bush, Lydia Ann, 92 Clifford, Nathan, 36 Bush, Sally Pendleton, 92 Churchill, Arminal, Bush, Mary Gaines, 92 Coit, Sophia, 29 Bush, Elvira Percixal, 92 Chittenden, Stephen, 38 Bush, Eliza Smith, 92 Chittenden, Frederick, 37 Bush, Julia Cornelia, 92 Chittenden, Catharine, 37 Bruce, Florence, 92 Chittenden, Mary Lorain, 37 Blackman, Frank A., 92 Cadwalder, Sarah, 44 Bruce, Ida, 93 Colt, Charlotte C., 44 Bush, Ella Brooks, 94 Curtis, Nancy, 45 Bush, Elizabeth, 96 Cline, Mabelle, 47 Bogle, Katharine, 97 Chase, Edith, 47 Brown, Louise, 98 Collins, Michael, 49 Boyd, T. B., 98 Claud Georgia Powell, 50 INDEX

Calhoun, John C., 37 DeWolf, Frederick Wheeler, 43 Crane, Osmond N., 52 Davis, Merrill Charles, 64 Crane, Nerissa, 52 Davis, Harold Palmer, 64 Copeland, Mary L., 53 Davis, Helen Eliza, 65 Cady, Herbert W. F., 54 Davis, Marian Janet, 65 Cady, Donald Watson, 54 Davis, Charles Kellogg, 65 Cady, Marian, 54 Davis, Robert John, 65 Corks, Elizabeth, 56 Dawley, John M., 67 Curran, Robert, 59 Dawley, Fay, 67 Curran, William, 59 Dawley, Josaphine, 67 Curran, Betsy, 59, 60 Dawley, John, 67 Curran, Caroline, 59 Dawley, Clifford, 67 Curran, Hiram, 59 Dawley, Pelick, 71 Curran, Mary, 59 Dawley, Albert, 71 Cobb, Adelia, 59 Dawley, Cynthia, 71 Curran, Betsy C•), 60 Dawley, James, 71 Canfield, Sillick, 65 Dawley, Maria, 71 Canfield, Orrin S., 65 Dixon, A. J., 79 Canfield, Orville S., 65 Dixon, Helen, 79 Canfield, Charles, 65 Dixon, John Andrew, 79 Canfield, Newman, 65 Dorner, H. C., 84 Canfield, George, 65 Dorner, Elizabeth, 84 Canfield, Milton, tis Dorner, David, 84 Canfield, Lyman D., 65 Dorner, Delia, 84 Canfield, Jane E., 65 Dickerson, Jennie, 92 Canfield, Theodore A., 65 Dinsmore, Jessie, 98 Canfield, Florence G., 65 Drake, Josephine, 98 Canfield, Walter S., 66 Day, ----, 98 Canfield, Jannie L., 66 Day, Richard M., 98 Canfield, Mary A., 66 Day, Lydia Paxton, 98 Canfield, Newman O., 66 Day, Mary, 98 Canfield, Sa,ah A., 66 Day, Myra, 98 Canfield, Helen M., 66 Dunn, Hannah N., 103 Canfield, Ellen S., 66 Dana, Richard Starr, r 12 Canfield, Cecetia, 66 Dana, Richard Turner, 112 Clark, Charles, 66 Dana, David T., 112 Cowell, Dr. Charles B., 68 Dennis, Theodocia, I I 3 Cowell, Charles Gates, 68 Cowell, George Glenn, 68 E Crispen, Emma, 68 Crawford, Flora A., 69 Edwards,, John, 17, 20 Calkins, Russell, 70 Estep, Arthur, 47 Coughlin, Catharine, 74 Eastman, Rev. William, 47 Coughlin, Mary E., 75 Eastman, Ida J., '47 Clark, Eunice J. Burr, 76 Eastman, Royal, 47 Carrington, Mathew, 76 Eastman, Ernest A., 47 Cox, Florence Edna, 77 Eastman, Vern V., 47 Conkey, Ellen, 79 Eastman, Cortland J., 48 Clarke, Philo, 81 Eastman, Ekford W., 48 Cook, Eliza, 85 Ellis, Amos P., 59 Cook, Cornelius, 85 Evans, Harriet, 6I Chittenden, Gen. Thomas L., 86 Ernst, Willian1, 9.2, 109 Chambers, Charles, 89 Ernst, Amelia Sternman, 92 Craig, Merritt, 90 Ernst, Robert Temple, 92 Craig, Zera Tousey, 90 Eads, John, 94 Chambers, Joseph, 92 Eads, Thomas Tousey, 95 Chambers, Ella Brooks, 92 Eads, Mercy Miranda, 95 Chambers, Robert, 92 Eads, James Russell, 95 Cary, Delia, 94 Ewing, Gen. Robert, 99 Caster, James W., 100 Ellis, John, II o Craft, Caroline Pell, 104 Ellis, Julia, II o Cady, Eudora Dunn, 105 Ellis, Charles, r IO Cleveland, Malcomb C., 105 Craig, Anna, 109 F Curtis, Hannah, 115 17, 20 Curtis, Eva Frances, I I 6 Finch, Abram, Jr., Crump, Emily Gertrude, u6 Fitch, Anna Cooke, 27 Fitch, Haynes, 30 D Fitch, Jarvis, 30 Fitch, Mary, 30 Demming, William, 21 Fitch, Hannah Tousey, 30 Demming, Eunice, 22 Fitch, William Haynes, 30 Dick, William, 36 Fitch, Josiah H., 30 DeWolf, Dr. D. C., 42 Fitch, Jedediah, 30 DeWolf, Sinclair Tousey, 43 Fitch, Cooke, 30 INDEX

Fitch, Daniel, 31 Gross, Louis, 43 Fitch, David, 31 Greer, Leefa, s 1 Fitch, Grant, 31 Goodrich, Alvira, 46 Fitch, Zalmon, 31 Goddard, Mary Ann, 53 Foote, Nathanial, 17 Gerding, Julia, 5 5 Fairwelle, John, 37 Garrison, Joseph, 5 7 Fairchild, Betsey Ann, 33 Garrison, Emma, 57 Ford, Ebenezer, 39 Garrison, William, 57 Ford, Mollie, 39 Godwin, Augustus, 62 Ford, Ann, 39 Godwin, Edith, 62 Francis, Ellen E., 42 Godwin, Grace, 62 :Foster, Sarah Elmira, 46 Gray, Bijah, 65 Fretts, Sadie B., 50 Gates, Warren, 66 Fowler, Harriet, 55 Goodwill, Keziah Maria F., 67 Francis, ----, 57 Griswold, Oscar, 72 Febrick, ----, 58 Garter, \Villiam H., 86 Fangel, Henry Guy, 61 Green, Lorena, 86 Fuller, Ira, 66 Geiss, Wilhelm, 93 Fuller, Edwin, 66 Graves, Susan, 93 Fuller. Sophia, 66 Gray, Kate, 93 Fuller, Aaron Burton, 7 1 Gaines, James, 95 :Fuller, Frank Whiting, 71 Gaines, George, 95 Fuller, George Carlyle, 71 Grepe, John Stanley, 98 Fuller, Bertie M., 71 Grepe, John Stanley, Jr., 99 Ferrin, Francis, 71 Grepe, Lydia Jaqueline, 99 Ferrin, Lydia, 72 Graham, Charles Lindsley, 100 Ferrin, John Tousey, 72 Goff, Hattie, 102 Ferrin, Louisa, 72 Grady, Emily Agnes, 104 Fegin, Lorin Alonzo, 72 Gibson, Douglass, 105 Fei'"tis, Betty, 72 Gillett, Augustus W., IIO Frisbie, Homer, 71 Gillett, Augustus, 1 ro Fuller, Samuel, 84 Gillett, Edward, IIO Ferguson, Henry J., 84 Gillett, Harriet, I 10 Fletcher, F. A., 97 Gillett, Lucreia Tousey, 110 Fletcher, Elizabeth Eunice, 97 Greenough, Annie C., 113 Fletcher, Roberta Tousey, 98 Garrison, Charlotte Augusta, II3 Fletcher, Katharyn, 98 Garrison, Isaac, r 1 s Fletcher, Frank Allen, 98 Finch, Peter, 1 r 3 Finch, Harry, 113 H 114 Finch, Charlotte Augusta, Hubbell, Peter, 24 Finch, Peter Voorhees, r 14 IIinman, Sherman, 27 Finch, Mary, 114 Hooker, Josiah, 27, 30 Finch, James Henry, 114 Hawley, Harry, 33 Finch, William Hartshorn, 114 HiJI, William, 3 3 Finch, Rodney Dennis, 114 Hubbell, Ruany, 41 u4 Finch, Abby Jane, Hubbell, Amarillis, 42 Finch, Richard, 114 House, Henry A., 42 Finch, David, II4 Hawley, Huldab, 44 Finch, Zalmon, 114 Hatch, Estelle, 46 Finch, William, rr4 Hartman, Frances, 49 Finch, Mary (2), II4 Haskins, Mary, 49 Finch, Harriet, 114 Heckman, Judith, 50 Finch, George, 114 Hinckley, Carrie, r II4 s Finch, Jacob White, Hubbell, Jeremiah, 52 Finch, Frances P., 114 Hubbell, Ruanny, 52 Finch, John, 114 Finch, Frederick Bleeker, II4 Hubbell~ Mary, 52 Hubbell, William, 52 Finch, Emma G., 114 Hubbell, William Homer, 52 Finch, Charlotte, 114 Hubbell, Jane Elizabeth, 52 Finch, Charles, 114 Hubbell, Franklin Jeremiah, 52 Finch, Grant, 114 Hubbell, Francis Augusta, 52 French, Benjamin, 123 Holly, Solomon, 59 G Holly, John, 59 Holly, Sr-.san, 59 Glover, John, 23 Holly, Clarence, 59 Grant, Donald ( 1), 27, 29 Holly, Florence, 59 Grant, Seuton, 28 Holly, Myron, 59 Grant, Elizaheth, 28 Hall, Katharine Olivia, 61 Grant, Donald (2), 28 Hill, Ardella Richards, 6 r Grant, Hannah, 28 Holman, Joel W., 63 Grant, Thomas ( 1), 28 Holman, Rolland Julius, 64 Grant, Thomas (2), 28 Holman, Clair Roderick, 64 Glover_. Esther, 41 Holman, Jessamine Edna, 64 INDEX

Holman, Ross Elmer, 64 K Holman, Elizabeth Gladys, 64 Holman, Reubin Palmer, 64 KenJey, Louise, 50 Holman, Wayland Roderick, 64 Kelly, Lewis, 66 Holman, John F., 64 Kress, Franklin, 7 5 Horton, Minnie, 64 Kase, James DeWitt, 76 Hunt, Frank, 65 Kase, Malcomb, 76 Hunt, Isabelle, 66 Kase, Laura Tousey, 76 Hubbart, Emily N., 67 Kase, William Tousey, 76 Hawley, Salma W., 71 Kase, Eleanor DeWitt, 76 Hinman, Marietta, 73 Kase, Walter Tousey, 76 Hubbell, Ann Maria, 73 Kase, Gladys, 76 Howard, Ben, 74 Kase, Sarah Gardner, 76 Howard, Ben, Jr., 74 Kase, Mabel, Helen, 77 Howard, William, 75 Kase, James DeWitt, 77 Howard, Samuel, 75 Keeler, Cyrus, 80 Howard, Harry, 75 Kennedy, Moivre, 106 Harvey, Nelson, 71 Knight, Elizabeth, 123 Husted, Carrie, 78 Hamlin, Oliver, So L Hoyt, Edwin Smith, 81 Hickok, Amos, 88 L'Hommedieu, Frederick, 18 Hart, Huldah, 89 Leavenworth, John, 24 Hamilton, I. P., 93 Law, Governor, 26 Hamilton, John Percival, 93 Lechmere, Mr., 26 Haskell, ----, 94 Leete, Governor, 29 Haskell, Nellie Percival, 94 Lewis, Elizabeth, 33 Haskell, Julia, 94 Lincoln, Abraham, Pres., 37 Haskell, Ellen, 94 Lanning, Dr. Oliver, 43 Harrison, Susan, 95 Lyman, Lucy, 45 Howard, Josie, 99 Loomis, Martha Ann, 55 Hahn, John Raymond, roo Lyon, Fanny, 57 Hertel, Harry, 100 Landon, Luther, 66 Hubbard, William T., ror Landon, Luther (2), 66 Hager, Mary Sophia, 103 Landon, Milton, 66 Hollenbeck, Sophronia A., n6 Landon, Evaline, 66 Howard, Oliver Otis, Maj. Gen'!, 123 Lathrop, Erving J., 68 Harrison, William Henry Priest, 107 Lotz, Edward, 69 Lathrop, Erwin, 70 I Lobdell, Rev. Francis, 74 Lobdell, Julia F., 74 Ingersoll, Hon. Jared, 29 Lines, Sterling Catlin, 61 Layton, William, 89 J Lynd, Robert R., 92 Lynd, Emma Bush, 93 Jackson, William, 20 Lynd, Ella Strangton, 93 Judson, Agur (r), 38 Lynd, John, 93 Judson, Agur, Col. (2), 38 Lynd, Theron Bruce, 93 Judson, Hannah (r), 39 Lynd, Theron Geiss, 93 Judson, David (1), 39 Lynd, Tenie Bush, 93 Judson, Elizabeth, 39 Little, Charles George, 97 Jud.son, Agur (3), 39 Little, Alice Elizabeth, 97 Judson, Hannah (2), 39 Little Charles Joseph, 97 Judson, David (2), 39 Little Mary, 97 Judson, Roswell, 39 Little, Mura, 97 Judson, Philo, 39 Lushen, Fanny K., 99 Judson, William, 39 Lee, Stephen, Lieut., 118 Judson, Nancy, 39 Judson, Betsy, 39 M Judson, Agur (4), 39 Jones, Benjamin, 81 Mitchell, Mathew, 17 Judson, Dr. Monroe, 83 Marvel, Ike, 28 Johnson, Anna, 89 Mix, Rebecca, 28 Johnson, Betsy, 89 Miles, Elisha, 38 Jones, Ira W., 96 Mitchell, Stephen Mix, 28 Jones, Louis N., 96 Mitchell, James, 28 Jones, George W., 96 Mitchell, Elizabeth, 28 Jones, Robert L., 96 Mitchell, Donald Grant, 28 Jones, Eliza Tousey, 96 Mitchell, Donald Grant, Capt, 29 Jelliff, Frank R., 103 Mitchell, Walter Judge, 29 Johnson, Cane, 108 Mitchell, Hannah, 29 Johnson, Betsey, ro8 Mitchell, Rebecca, 29 Johnson, Lucinda, 101, 108 Mitchell, Julia, 29 Journay, Catalena, 109 Mitchell, Charles, 29 INDEX

Mitchell, Louis, 29 Preston, Otis, 32 Mitchell, Alfred, 29 Peck, Comfort, 32 Mitchell, Harriet, 29 Peck, George E., 34 Mills, Ann, 38 Peck, Samuel Clark, 34 ]\,forris, Levi C., 44 Peck, Walter Tousey, 34 Manley, Joseph B., 48 Peck, Elizabeth Fairweather, 34 Manley, Allison Bertland, 48 Peck, Susan Emma, 34 Markham, George, 48 Platt, David, 34 Markham, Eddie, 48 Platt, Elosia, 34 Markham, Grace, 48 Platt, Philo, 34, 35 Markham, Lucy, 48 Platt, Johnson, 34 Markham, Mary Jane, 51 Platt, Theron, 26, 35 Mobley, Florence C., 51 Platt, Philo, 35 Marcey, John, 37 Platt, Clifford, 35 Moffit, Carrie, 53 Platt, Raymond Johnson, 35 Martinez, Elena, 5 5 Polk, James K., Pres., 36, 37 Mathews, Martha, 56 Pierce, Erastus, 34 Morris, Maria, 59 Pettee, Mary J., 34 Melcher, Sarah Ann, 61 Parks, Amos, 38 Mickel, Emma, 63 Parks, Charles, 38 Muzzy, Mandame, 67 Perry, Priston, 38 Mallory, Ruth, 7 r Peck, Thomas W., 44 Matson, Rosella, 74 Peck, Fanny (1), 44 McMann, William, 75 Peck, Alosia, 44 McMann, Stella, 75 Peck, Richard W., 44 McMann, William, 7 5 Peck, Abel T., 44 McMann, Henry, 75 Peck, John B., 44 McMann,Marguerite, 75 Peck, Fanny C., 44 Magill, Dr. Robert Dunlap, 77 Peck, John R., 44 Magill, William Hazlett, 77 Parsons, Charles B. Magill, Helen Tousey, 77 Parsons, Charles E. Magill, Eunice Burr, 77 Parsons, Lizzie E. Moseman, Phoebe Coe, 77 Parsons, Lucy M. McHenry, Catharine, 89 Payne, Mabel, 50 McCracken, G. E., 96 Parsons, Sophia Lillie, 46 McCracken, Robert Weir, 96 Palmer, Charles B., 48 McDonald, Mary (Molly), 99 Palmer, Charles E., 48 Morris, Austin, 104 Palmer, Lizzie E., 48 Meadowcraft, Mary, 104 Palmer, Lucy M., 48 McDonald, Ezekeil Morgan, rns Pierce, Bethany, 59 McDonald, Jessie Clair, ro5 Platt, Sophia, 63 McDonald, Joseph Ezekiel, 105 Palmer, Roderick, 63 1\1.asse, Alexina Block, r r 1 Palmer, Ellen Marie, 63 Mairs, Thomas, 117 Palmer, Edna Beatrice, 64 Mairs, Mary, 117 Palmer, Eugenia Ellen, 64 Mairs, Nathan Thompson, rr7 Palmer, Ruth Gertrude, 64 Mairs, Margaret Montgomery, 117 Palmer, Elmer Heman, 64 Mairs, Julia Montgomery, rr7 Palmer, Edwin Elmer, 64 Mairs, Martha Thompson, rr7 Palmer, Alfred Cole, 64 Mairs, Charles Frederick, 117 Palmer, Edna Luella, 64 Mairs, Martha Thompson, rr3 Palmer, Caroline Louisa, 64 McGraw, John, II3 Potter, Ida, 66 Peterson, Marian, 69 N Parker, Eugene L., 70 Press, Bartlett, 70 Northway, John, 24 Phillips, Samuel H., 70 Neff, Victoria, 50 Powell, Mary, 76 Nichols, ----, 59 Park, Delinda, 7 1 Needham, A. G., 66 Peck, Sarah E., 77 Newkirk, Dolores, 61 Peck, James Harvey, 77 Norris, Grace, 61 Platt, Louisa, 83 Northrop, Abigail, 85 Prindle, Phedemia, 85 Nichols, James N., ro4 Prindle, Joseph, 85 Nichols, George, 105 Prindle, Huldah Glover, 85 Nic,101s, Carrie, 105 Passano, J. Ferdinand, 87 Newens, Capt. Ebenezer, II8 Platt, Mercy, 88 Percival, Lydia, 90 0 Percival, Capt. Timothy, 90 Payton, Alex Marshall, 92 Oliver, John, 52 Payton, Lydia Ann, 92 Oliphant, James M., 106 Percival, Jabez, 93 p Percival Tenie Kirtley, 93 Percival, William Bush, 93 Pitkin, William, 15, 20, .21 Percival, Alvin, 9 3 Phelps, Oliver, 32 Percival, Catharine, 93 INDEX

Percival, Roberta, 93 Ramsden, Ellen, 69 Percival, Roberta (2), 93 Rosa, George A., 69 Percival, William, 93 Runyon, Katherine, 77 Percival, Julia Lynd, 94 Rogers, Garfield A., 78 Percival, John Philip, 94 Reid, ----, 87 Percival, John, 94 Riddle, Mary Jane, 91 Percival, Oliver, 94 Ryan, Nora, 99 Percival, Olive T., 94 Ray, Carrie, 103 Preston, Nathan, 117, 119 Robinson, Etta, 106 Preston, J ehiel, II 7 Richmond, Eliza W., 115 Preston, Betterus, 117 Porter, Capt. Thomas, 94, 102, 108 Porter, Andrew D., 94 s Price, Pugh, 95 Price, Volmey, 95 Scudder, Susan, 23 Price, Matilda J., 95 Smith, Ebenezer, 23 Price, Alonzo S., 95 Sellick, Rev. C. M. Price, Russell G., 95 Shelton, Esther, 31 Price, Mary E., 95 Skidmore, Rufus, 33 Price, James W., 95 Sanford, Elsie M. Price, Zalmon T., 95 Sanford, Aaron, 35 Perrigo, Christopher Samuel, r oo Sanford, Mary Elizabeth, 35 Perrigo, Myrtle Monroe, 100 Sanford, William Henry, 35 Perrigo, Zalmona Pearle, roo Stiles, Phoebe Perrigo, Honora Anna, 100 Sterling, Daniel, Capt., 39 Perrigo, Samuel J., 100 Sterling, Mr., 39 Percival, Lydia, r or Senior, Arthur, 44 Percival, Paul, 101 Senior, Harold B., 44 Percival, Lydia, 101, 108 Smith, Noah B., 44 Porter, Omer T., 102 Sanford, Harley, 44 Porter, Albert Gallatin, 102 Sanford, Elsie M., 35 Porter, Omer Tousey, 102 Saunders, George A., 49 Porter, George Tousey, 102 Saunders, William R., 49 Porter, Edward B., 102 Saunders, Lula B., 49 Porter, Katharine R., 103 Saunders, C. K., 50 Porter, Eleanor McD., 103 Saunders, Harry, 50 Porter, Annie V., 103 Saunders, Fanny T., 50 Porter, Annie, 103 Saunders, Chauncey, 50 Prindle, Abel, II7 Saunders, Walter B., 50 Prindle, Armenal, II7 Sweeney, Mary B., 51 Prindle, Phoebe, II7 Smith, Dora L., 51 Prindle, Currence, II 7 Skidmore, Rufus, 33 Prindle, Josiah, II 7 Starkweather, Edwin H., sz Prindle, Franklin C., Rear Admiral, Sterling, G. L., 54 119 Sterling, Dorothy, 54 Sterling, Graham Lee, 55 R Sampson, Nancy S., 65 Reed, John, 26 Sampson, John, 66 Russell, Timothy, 27 Sprague, Salome, 68 Russell, Mary C., 35 Standish, Sarah, 68 Roberts, Pauline, 43 Scott, Cordelia, 69 Rayner, Annie, 56 Schmitt, Odon, 70 Roe, Peter, 57 Stran, Emma, 70

Roe1 Benjamin Sinclair, 57 Schuck, Frances, 7 5 Rosevelt, Emma Olive, 61 Saunders, Malvina, 7 I Ravens, Ethel, 63 Shephard, Emily, 78 Rose, Theodore Cuyler, 63 Stoddard, Alexander, 81 Rugg, Jonathan Gates, 67 Starr. Harriet E., 81 Rugg, Dr. Corrydon C., 67 Stmth, Delos B., 82 Rugg, Adella DeEtta, 67 Stanley, Hon. Edward, 86 Rugg, Luella Loella Valette, 67 Sanford, Miranda, 87 Rugg, Dr. Corrydon Adelmond, 67 Stevenson, Dr. B. F., 90 Rugg, Estella Florette, 67 Smith, Elizabeth Bush, 91 Rugg, Clayton Adelbert, 67 Spry, Eleanor, 97 Rugg, Minnie M., 67 Slaughter, Gabriel Flourney, 97 Rugg, Carlos A., 67 Slaughter, Henry Winston, 97 Rugg, Alice J., 67 Slaughter, Elizabeth, 97 Rugg, Margaret G., 67 Stephenson, Ann, 101 Rugg, Emma R., 67 Steadman, Ann, 101 Rugg, Nina Belle, 67 Stewart, Alice, 101 Rugg, Milton V., 67 Smith, Bessie S., 1 I 1 Rugg, Anna M., 67 Starr, Edward, 112 Rugg, Dr. J. G., 67 Spaulding, Laura Ann, II5 Rugg, Fred, 68 Stoddard, Asa, II 7, II 9 Rugg, Frances, 68 Stoddard, Israel, II 7 INDEX

T Wilcox, Deborah, 31 \Velis, Gideon, 37 Tuttle, Janet E., 34 Wisley, Willis, 49 Tomlinson, R., 37 Winton, Jane Eliza, 52 Turney, Mary A., 42 Wheeler, Jane Eliza, 52 Trumbull, John, 29 \Vheeler, Noah T., 58 Tucker, Julia, 46 \Vheeler, Harriet, 58 Thomas, Frank S., 50 \Vright, Sherman J., 68 Tho1nas, Benjamin, 27 Wright, Sarah S., 68 Tyler, John, 37 Wright, Yelena J., 68 Taylor, Ida M., 52 Wright, Carrie P., 68 Terrell, Eunice, 58 Wright, Rial B., 68 Thomas, Robert, 66 \Vright, Sherman J., 68 Tower, John T., 70 \Vheeler, Ella, 69 Tower, Frank Alton, 70 Wagner, Charles, 70 70 Tower, Arthur M., Wheelock, Alzina, 7 I Tower, Gertrude M., 70 \Vatkins, Mary, 77 Tower, Sarah L., 70 Wentworth, Iasaac, 79 Tower, Edith H., 70 Wentworth, ----, 79 Tower, Alma E., 71 Wentworth, Ferris Tousey, 79 Tower, Roy L., 71 Ward, Welthea, 81 Taylor, William Nice, 77 Warner, Mary Eliza, 83 Taylor, Eunice May, 78 Vv... arner, Henry, 8 3 Tomlinson, Charles, 78 Warner, Elizabeth, 83 Tomlinson, Charles B., 78 \Vinters, ----, 95 Taylor, William H., 82 Walker, Harriet J., 96 Turney, James M. W., 82 Whetstone, Hattie, 9_6 Taylor, ----, 83 Wigmore, F. Marion, 96 Turner, Elizabeth Jane, 86 Wilson, Mary Tousey, 96 Turner, Samuel, 86 Wilson, Olive Tousey, 97 Turner, Jane, 86 \Vilson, Hugh Robert, 97 Tarlton, John H. T., 86 Wilson, Charlotte, 97 Truslow, Elizabeth, 88 Wilson, Virginia, 97 Turner, Ebenezer, I 12 Wilson, John Mills, 97 Turner, Ebenezer (z), II 3 Wilson, Myra, 97 Turner, Emma, 112 Wilson, Hugh Robert, 97 Turner, Jeremiah, 112 Wilson, Morris Karl, 97 Turner, Donald, 112 Willis, James S., 100 112 Turner, William, \Villis, Zamona, 100 Turner, Nehenniah, r 12 Willis, William Waldo, 101 Turner, Mary Blackman, r 12 Willis, Elvira Ewing, IOI Turner, Sally Curtis, II2 Willis, Lydia Hubbard, IOI Turner, Daniel Booth, 112 Wiles, Stella, 105 Turner, Samuel Bates, 113 Wood, Sarah, 109 Turner, John Williams, II3 White, Richard Mansfield, IIO Turner, Ebenezer Tousey, 113, 117 White, Richard Grant, II I IIJ Turner, Mary Elizabeth, White, Marion, 1 I 1 Turner, Phebe Jane, IIJ White, Annie Eliza, 111 Turner, Florine Enders, 112 White, Augusta, III Thompson, Dr. Nathan, II6 White, Charles Mcllvaine, I I I Thompson, Fanny, II6 White, Richard Mansfield, I I I Thompson, Emma, 117 White, Stanford, II, \Vhite, Lawrence Grant, 1 I I u Williams, Edward, III Utter, Laura Williams, Edward Grant, II I Williams, James Austin, III V Williams, George Herbert, I I I Willi-ams, Ann Eliza, 111 Van Buren, John, 37 Williams, Marriam, 1 I 1 Valade, Eugenie, 64 Williams, Alfred Grant, I I I Voorhees, Samuel Stockton, 76 Williams, Mary E., IIJ Voorhees, Elizabeth Aston, 76 White, Emeline W., II4 Voorhees, Mary Tonsey, 76 Wicker, Caroline L., II6 Voorhees, Laura Stockton, 76 Walch, William H., II6 Varney, G. E., 103 Wood, George Carlton, 123 Varney, Gorden E., Jr., 103 Varney, Edward P., 103 y Varney, Josaphine, rn3 Younger, Martha, 74 w Wells, John 2I \Varren, Jonathan, 21 ·Winthrop, Mr., 26 Woodbridge, Lucretia, 29 INDEX UNCONNECTED BRANCH

TOUSEY Chase, Wallace Charles, 122 Azariah, 121 Chase, Bruce Jennings, 1.22 Clarence, 122 Chase, Stanley Herold, 122 Charles, 122 Cook, B. L., 122 Ellen Florence, 122 Cook, Erminnie, 122 Grace, 122 Cook, George H., 122 Helen M., 121 Cook, Charles, 122 James, 121 Jane, 1.22 F Margaret, 121 Fiske, Esther, 121 Patience, 121 Roberta, 12.2 Robert, 122 G Sarah Esther, 122 Gamble, Albert, 1.21 Thomas, 121 William, 121 p Wallace, 121 Wallace Curtis, 121 Patterson, Irene Isador, 12 r Pollock, Minnie, 122 NAMES OTHER THAN TOUSEY R A Robinson, Luke, 1.21 Robinson, Helen, 121 Andrews, Ellen C., 122 Robinson, Melvin, 1.21 Andrews, John E., 122 Renwick, James F., 12.2 Renwick, William R., 122 C T Cooper, Pearle, 122 Chase, Edgar, 122 Touance, Nancy, 122