Brzadi-r . visit. information war* ud «Imm ¦tatementa taoant Hannibal Dajr, of tfcsSWMd fcifantry, la larmarter («wil. General Montgomery 0 ruarra to whom he to about P»T.« They allowed fcim taining geod OUR ARMY. Co!«nel.Ril'vard K. 3. < THu to ride away unmolested. Taking a leisurely pace to were worthy of belief. REGULAR mw colonel «r the dixth. Meigs, thrve assistant quftrtrrniMtern guueral, fV»«n«N anby ( banker into the of them since the middle of been leer*). avoid suspicion, the patsed tlmbcr.aud One Dux, November, I HOMOTIOXS FROM TBS BAKU. Charles Thomas, Daniel P. Tomnfc.n* nnrl Thtmvt Swords, I ifutrakD! A. aa soon &a he hmiself out of tu hia in Jackson Colonel.KOward King thought sight, put spurs Knoxvilie, t.'halianooga, Murlntwboro, Mobile, will four taartermastera Lieutenant ¦ U. Samuet K Dewee* horse, shaping hia course toward the rive-. He arrived at and Grenada, and furnisher ub with the following iui®r- Below be found a complete hat or tk officers of our depoty pwnl, Colon- Majors.Stephen carpenter, in a *hort tuuo. the derived trom obaervatioa and The who bar* been front lb« ran Crosman, Tibion. Hibiey and Babbit twelve Geo gv I.. Willard. the boat Leaving horse to lnation, partly jieraonal Special Army Register regular unj promoted Ira. nuarter- rtie only cipuiai of infantry heldmg generate' «.»> "rnn to grasa. Mix went directly to the of the other sources:. Wa It for the of m in a mora uutm, with the rank of , and forty thrco of a mule crew thousand course uo outsider August, oouaected and mucb mora public form thaa ia dou* in tba quartermaster*, oapta.u (lemrais Co ik (M»;"r General), <*uvier U««r stiuuey the were coaxing ou board tUe how many ktruug af II Shridon tii.ueral Volunteers) boat, and uhicli, mi;!n fashion. would persist in being could ascertain.but hwivy bodies of troops were massed Array Keguier, iba namaa oI thoee man who. en- Wttifleld 8. Hancock and Rufus Saxtoa are captains in Philip (Hr.yail.m George «'.rook ( Hrijcadh-r Gem *1 Voiuuteere). Chartee f .Uitii'iUe aild fin.illy 111 falling off the plank ialo the at various points. 'isted IB the and borne tba and this deportment. arrt France I mud. (lie Mill would have been under steam I .act Friday week a force left Murfroesboro ranka, baring bardablpa t.ilboet (Hrigidier General Volunteers). Ho;, vary (5th) largo a rheSub^.jteneo Department one coman.-snry "Vinton General! Voluut. soon after tin- banker's arrlril. Hut the captain lnnistod by the Nashville roa'l, and have since been reported CHANGES DURING THE LAST NUB MONTHS. privations inseparable from private soldier"a life, prored comprises (Brigadier »m), that his maleship shouM go. and heuce much valuable ilfteen or sixteen miles trom Nashville. tbaaaanlrea worthy of commissions. general of subsistence, Colonel Jov-ph P. Taylor; one as. alphabetical list ok o'v'hal orvimfrM tt wit'-. consumed. TJw engineer had junt commenced General Jo. Johnston was at Murfr>-eeboro on the 6th, anraui wn. sistant Lieut. Cot. Amut B. Paton, itx commissaries, VOLl'N'THItlW. off arrived from He assumed the com¬ do., backing shore wlion tho entire band of guerilla* having Chattanooga. acd with the rnnk of General Wra W Burns being one, »ajo« m came pouring dovvn over the bank, Oring a volley mand of the "Department of tne West"' several day* pre¬ MniarJmnaa Balger, Quartermaster AM-de ''amp, major, Aujter Christopher C McDowell, *rvm as aoou aa Within distance, and making a grand vious. Under him in Middle IVunessee are Bragg. Polk, Adjutant General * and Judge Advocate Gene¬ with tba rank af Colonel. and sixteen with the rank ot raplain. Bai ks, Neiliamel P McPbuceon. Jamee B rush for tho plank, which bad uut yet been Chatham, Aodeisou.Uiickuer.UreikiuridgCjKirby ^oiiih Warren L. Assistant The Medical Department has undergune a gr«at modifl Rurnsi'le, Ambrose E. Milrlwl, Ormsby M. (deai taken iu. 1I1U was a critical and and other lesser The Northern report Captain Lotbrop, Quartermaster I'anlel. M W moment, lights. published ral'! Keorganiitd, and LieutecRDt Colonel of Volunteers. ac noted in dotail. The principal officer! Bitierlield, k. Ale*an that effect has reached Conn B. .son, Assistant Quartermaster*. Brigs.iwr General Win. A. Hammond, 8urgeon General < urtlB. Samuel R. Oril, I'dward O C. hud the the remainder to the Male Ferg < Caaalue M. John. more, gained gangway, pausing ¦amcaL nnr^Kruwrt. Coluuel Robert C. Assistant Surgeon General. lay. I'iiiw lire a volley. The wheels were revolving and the boat .in published in a late Southern |>aper, the following THE CAVALRY INCREASED. Wood, Cadwaiader. Qaorge. I'urkff John 0. slowly giidiug from .shore. Iho rebels did not notice ihis. officer* c n her us long as she Assistant Gcnortt, Major A. M, Barbour, Department. Cni't.nn William B. t ana, l.ioutenaut Wm. II. liiowa. 3. Ron Minn, In guerillas 1'rados, Inspector lain Chris H 1. Fosdick. since iHfii. Grunt, was within range, hopiag to lull her pilot or slop her en¬ Chiol Ciuartomimter; Major J. Blue Moore. Quartermaster; cai MrS'ally Lieut. Harrison Gr inder, Gordon. St ben k Hoht f. but without further eilect. had W M. arv, Assistant Quartermaster; Lieutenant Captain Edward Trcwy. Lieut. John W Spangler. The Pay Department ha* t wenty eight officers.viz: Ilunior, David. i rne/.. gine, They already Captain Lutn'onam John leiiner. l.ieut Curweu H. Mel.ellun. Higel, dune dauiu^e sufficient. I heir first volley had laken iho nc J. i'arroi Washington, Aid-clc-i.'anip; Litfutenat Wade one paymaster gon al (co mm- ), two deputy i>av masters Hitchcock, Ethan Allen Sherman. W11Ham T Dr. an U l-de Ctvmn. Lie tenant James A llall. I leuienant Stephen 8. Hulk. Samuel I' Sumner, WwU V cupanls f iho boat by surprise. Lindsay, esteemed !{am;>tt been Hamilton. .-chuvler. fei d.'.wck, John. killed, and hand, my ?ii'yrn^at ;jo\ii'F poeivc ( place of promul¬ did net whs fell were made by iho Lieut. Thomas D. Dewees. Lieut. hrlsttipher Balder. s, Erasmus 1). Thonms, Goorue II. learn, hit, ovevboar^J au4 dt'uViie I tiliiy "KxTcurtiva proptratiub* being Liealonatit Frank Uurnbain. Luiulenunt Audrow Moll. gated. The deputy iiaymosier genera!* In the Register key Brutes amy a lew lutiC wOuhJs wire and citizens to receive them. It is suppc? d Names of All XSnlisted Men Kearny, I'liilip (do id). Wallace, I.ewm thteo. UTiitiipoi giver., uiiiitaiy . Lieut. Frod'Jt W.Schaurto. Lieut. Samuel M. Whiteside. aro P. Andinws and Gen H. but «»»y llPi£SUSC!"9 MVlftg saved their lives t>y throwing Ihivis will visit Grenada. Vicksburg, Mobile and other iui- Timothy go Ringgold, Morgue, I \ illiam Dean. Lieut. J.«mes T. Iladen. quit* recently. pilot house alone. Her smoke slaek were also riddled. of his visit '.> (he Westerndopnrimvjjt. Various motives Aborcremblo, John J. l/iga'i, Joha A. on but few Lieut Reuben F. linruard. Lieut. Nicholas Nolan. Brigadier General* Benjamin Alvord and Henry Prince iUvord. H»in|.'min. Un ii i '.i-orise t Tel the pilot wax saved and bravely stood at his post wero ascr.bed, persons agr«.op. L!0 it. Williams. Penuock. Lieut. John the route to Helena. Not dasirlng to lacc the rebels a^-ain. Our inffrmaiit wits in Granada on FrHay and Saturday Irwin. are majors in tbe Pay Department. Arnold, !>«wib G. M mury, Wiiluvm K. THE CASUALTIKH. l.lout. Thomas Lieut. 111 I i.i o John the Mill Boy went dowu to Helena, where she arrived art, leaving early Sunday morning. All ru,.urtb lint. the. McGregor. Heury McQuiston. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. Afboih, Alexander. H. at a»d Mr. Mix to Col n«l Confederate f.>ree-i under I'embcrtoo have gono toward Lieut. Kdward Myers. Lieut. Tulliua C. Tupper. Ammen.Jac >b. 111):' > .' .rgeG. dusk, immediately reported I)orn and Llout. Harrison Moulton. Lieut, jobu C Ro-seau. General Joseph G. Totteu nt still tbe Colonel of this 'A illlum W. I'n. rt II J. K. Slack. In lemiwary cuinmand of tho p> st. Ool<»ne 1 ''a:iton aro ertoneous. Pcit berton, Van Prioo bold that siueo 18SS. The Avaiill, cf as&as- were mGranada iho lormer arriving Lio'il. letin McDonald. Linnt. Louia H Carpenter. oorpe, having important po^t Blencker. I .on is. M ¦> W. Slack is not remaikable for his love offihe tribe Saturday cveniug, IS. Lieutenant Colonels aro S.vlvanueThayer ( colonel), ..,«,rga si; but is notorious for sudden mene al Lovell was in command, by virtue of his Lieut. Charles Lewis. Lieut. ClJridt'O G. Roys. CORPS OK TOPOGRAPlfICAI» ENGINEERS. Berry, Hiram U. Mn'cy. Kan iol| h B. Mucauiev.and taking charge of tho expedition himself, rauk.ofalf tne force-. I pon the arrival ot Vau Horn OUR VOLUNTEER ARMY. Lieut. Iioniel Flynn. Lieut. Gustavos ("rhan. Colonel1,Htephen H. Long; Lieutenant Colonels, Hart Blunt, Jamm G. Mvro1d. Lieut. Philip Dwyer. r oil.). Gonerals A >W. Humphreys, Whipple Head, Italrd, Absalom Naylee. H-n y M. the transports, and upon thrlr urrival commenced shelling He arrived in Jackson, accompanied by bis htair, on the Lieut Richard Wall. Lieut. Henry .fones. Wiili»in F. Srijtt.b and f. G. Parke are officersoi the Topo- Hayaid,*i)h Klefle. following Register Hu ord. John ideaJ.) Vhe:|m, John W. alate that these orders were fultllied to the large supply of provisions ou hand, aid the troops are made its in Washington, but does Lieut. AlexauderJ. Mcl ionald l.ieut. T. the regiments of the line at the present date. The Au¬ Barlow, FrauclBC. Pie.iti-B, B. M letter. Klro and desolation terror alth clothed. recently appearance Sylvanus Rugg. Innle W. very spread generally comfortably, mgh very roughly, to intended for as Lient. Charl?s Simon. Lieut. John W. Roder. gust Register is incorrect in man* cases:. Buel, Clarence. INtim'T, in iho hoaris of the few residents left at home, and Their condition is much bolter, iu every respect, than nut seem be general distribution, Liout. Charles Holman. Lieut. Lewis Smith. rooper, Jamoa. l al nor, >)hn M. oiUceia in this fcave re¬ KIRST cavalry . P. thi-y lucuntii.enlly tied. In the bouse of Coggoswell, an that of i'emberton's army. none of the regular array locality l.ieut. Samuel Peoples. Lieu i. James Onvtaon. A. II. Bluke. Tjiaey, Silas. Pluinmec, Joseph (dead ) otlicer in the and the instigator or the plau Ma)or General z*. I'. Met'own :s still in command at one huinlrcl and Lient. Fred'k Robinson. Lieut. Colonol.George arr, HMgone A. Pratt, < alvin E band, by ceived copies. It contains eighteen Cbistopbur F. Merkle. Lieotaront Colonel.William N. drier V. which two stuamors.the Mill Boy and City Belle.were Cumberland gap. General Klrby Smith is at Manchester, ten thau the Lieut. Francis Reynolds, Liout Jamt-H ihuiniifiLin. Smith Volun¬ Carr, Jom ph B. Vninby, Isaac to have bteu their stolen and the Tennessee. po^es of matter, being larger by pages Re, MajurjM^ndrew J. (Brigadier < Rieketts, Janice B. captured, cargoes than Lieut. Hallurd S. Humphrey. teers Washington L. Elliott (H.igudler General Volun¬ ook,John. worn had beeu for last , and larger X, Johu F. boats buruo-t, tound, after the place tired, gister January forty eight pages WANTRT G. i.Talg, Ja'.nes. Reynolds, (OLD riWJIMKVTS). teers), Albert Brackett i lyiouurd F. twenty good rllles, hidden beneath the floor. But ais the eleven years ago. In addition to CAVALRY. auby, H. S. Rues. were so hot bad the become. THE PORTER COURT MARTIAL. Register published Major Tnomas Hendrickson. Lieut. Ralph E. HI inwood. MKCORI) J"hn C. saved, place already the naves of volun¬ Charles S. l. Wood General Volun¬ Crawford S'inii»*IW. Rnbinson, The Lieutenant commanding the squad having beard all the officers in the regular army, Majer ljevell. William Wost. Colonel.Thomas J. (Brigadier Orlatou. Jrtrnps H. RodM'ia, Iiaac P. (dead > that arms bad been lett drew hia sword a teer additional aids-lo chaplains, m^jor Captain Maurice Maloney. Lieut. Frederick Devoe. teers). Bniijamin H. there, upon Addreae of Ocatral Porter to tlu Coart. camp, hospital Caputn Hiram Dryer. Lieut. ICdward F. Mrenner. Lieutenant Colonel.Enerh Steen. Oowdan, Robert. Roberta, contraband belonging to the plantation, and threatened of Gen. Parke. Col. brigadier generals, assistant adjutant generals- Licit. Martin W. General Volun¬ Corcoran, Michael. Revere.Jusi'ph W. v. Testimony CIeary, generals, Captain Joseph Updegraff Mulllns. Majors.John Davidson (Uiuadior him ith instant death If he did not Immediately reveal commissaries of Lieut. Alfred General Voluutee Orlttenduo. Th^maB T. Stnne.Charl ¦ P their hiding place. The darkey readily " look the hint," Major Fttteld, Captain Moniclth aad asaistant quartermasters, subsistence, (Colonel Volunteers). Charles Speed. teers), Pleasanton (Brlgadie. rs), Caldwell, John 0. Sherman. Tb.iinaa W. aid tornted out the all tha while with and additional paymasters arc given. Captain Samuel Archer. Lieut. Franklin Cook. Charles J. Whiting. 8ami;el 0. i spot, trembling Llcaunant Weld. brigade surgeons Cai t«in Lerl C. Bootes. Lieut. Mason Howard. third cavalry. Carter, Samuel P. Bturgls, tho sword blade ne u his breast. Since the was the names of many Cruft, CliarlHM. Sloaeman, George. remained all and hia mis¬ Washwuton, Dec. 24,1862. Register published Limit. John Cnsack. Lieut. John Jackson. Colonel.Marshall S. Howe. James. H-tvIng night, accomplished officers have been "carried on the rolls of tho army, Lieut. Setb Lieut. McUown. Lieutenant Colonel.Charles F. Ruff. (^cbrane, John. Rhields, sion, Colonel Slack returned to Helena ou Thursday morn¬ The Fitz John Porter Court Martial held a lengthy up" Waldy. Georgo . am,'ball, William B. Sickles, Daniel C. and tha bis and and hia other names have been "strickon out," others IAeut. John W. Purcell. Lieut. Herman O. Retialdo. Minors.llenjamin 8. Roberts (laeut. Col. brevet aud ing; banker, money goods safe, session to-day. Lieut. Franklin H. Harroli. Lieut. Claude S. Robertson. Brigadier General Volunteers), Thomas Duncan, Edward CluBeret, Guslave P. Sykee.Geurgo. Ufa unsacrltlced, came back to Memphis on the Mill Boy. General Jno. Parke testified that he wag Chief of General "dropped," while against many others the honorable re¬ Lieut. Oee. H. Llout. Crook, George. Stanley, David 8. |« says hereafter rebel guerillas will have to -'bait McLougblin. John Miller. W. B. Nuwby. Cullum.Gaiirge W. file vena, Isaac. I (dead.) Burnside's and that General Porter's headquarters mark, "Killed in action'' has been recorded. Lieut. A. W. Kroutlnger. Lieut. Louis II. Hamilton. K0I7RTR CAVALRY. Willi tm their cotton in different stylo If they propose catching staff, Lient. William Falck Lieut. McDermott. Colonel.John Dana, Nafotmm J. T. Strong, K. were with his headquarters, and that, as Chief of General Comparing the August Register with the one published George fledgwlok (BrigadlerGeneral Volunteers). Uenw, Jarnaa W. Ucboepf, Albtn. were a of Lieut. Rudolph Thieme. Lieut. George Anderson. Lieutenant Colonol.James Uakes. The guerillas portion Colonel Blytbe'g cavalry, Boraaide'a he was conversant with the in January last, we find that the most important changes General Volun¬ Ruryen, Abranx Stah!, Julius H. already notorious throughout Tennessee for their dastard¬ staff, necessarily Lieut. Francis G. Lacy. IJeut. James MoKiss. Majors.Samuel D. Sturgis (Brigadier Damont, fCbeaezer. Schotteld, John M. ly and cowardly acta. They deserve to toe exterminated, orders hy telegraph or otherwise which would virtually are aa follows:. Lieut. Thomas Byrne. Lieut. Osmond K. Riee. teers), George Stoneman (Brigadier General Volunteers), Davis, Jefferson C. Steele, Frederiek soon will m. GEXKRAL OFFICERS. Lieut. Daniel Burke. Limit. Miobaol CJ. Bnyoe. Richard W. Johnsen r and, l trust, they pass botwaen General Burnside aad General Porter. wis CAViunr. Ooubleday, Abnar. Shears, Jamee U. *im mo airuuii, y The name of the veteran John E. Wool has been trans¬ Lieut. Robert Davis. Lieut. George Hamilton. John W. Smith, Andrew J. all the have tm In this General Porteraddressed the Coert as foUows.-llay it August Kaiser. Lieut. August Q. Neuber. Goleocl.George H. Thonax (Major General Volunteers). Davidson, Thip ti Mi rebels recently vl- ferred from Qie list ef brigadiers to that of major gene L P. Graham Davles, Thotnas A. Smith, William 3. amtty. Yesterday, at about notoa, the cavalry of some please the Court, certain telegrams have been presented ^t Stanley Itourtna. Lleuteuant Coluucl.Lawrence (Brigadier Dmlga, Greeovllla M. Smith, Green Clay. rail, and the name of General Henry W. Halleok General Volunteers). ' are against inmxtut ' rebel colonel.for they all of that rank who to this Court as evidence of a spirit by which it is sup¬ (mw mhmsxts) M^wrs.Innis N. Palmer (BrigadierGeneral Volunteers), Derens, Charles. Smith. Morgaa L. a dozen bushwhackers.make* dement has been Lieut. Thomas S. Durnin. Lient. Edward A. . command upon posed I was actuated toward my commanding officer, Ma¬ the remark, "commanding amy," Inserted; Guthrie. H. Eugene A. Carr General lerrum, Saxtou, Rifu fee tewn ef Hickman, Ky., or at least threatened to its but Gcaeral llcClcllan still rotaina his place at the head of Lieut. William Fletcher. Lient. Abraa S. Harbach. Joseph Whittlesey, (Brigadier ltow. Ncal Schurz, Utrl. and as Uka Union force there wasstnail and jor General Jdn Pope, during the time covered by the Liout. Charles Beut/oni. Lieut. Richard Robbins. Volunteers). I'rumaD. m>\ thought first eo Generals SIXTH AAVAIRY. tiuory, William H. Seymour, hmuBclent to coprwlth the euemy, the plaee was evacu¬ charges against sae. Isolated an are tbeee telegrams from the list, hia name being the-Register. Lieut. Oscar Hagen. Liout Wright Suples. W.iihlngton L. Sullivan, Jeremiah 0. all stares and and Booker have been Lient. James R. Pratt. Lieut. B. Colonel.David Hunter (Major General Volunteers) I'.lllott, ated, and government property transferred all referenoe to surrounding circumstances aud John Pope Joseph appointed briga¬ P. Minlmack'. Lieutenant Colonel.William M. Gene¬ Hlet, Charles. Sill. Jushua W. hy boat to Columbus. The few Union men and cot- dier the former in the of promoted, l.icnt. Kdw'd 8. Huntington. Lieut. Thomas H. Krans. Cowry (Brigadier Frauch, William H. Salomon, Frodertaft- tea traders.for tbe latter are not lbs orders aooompanying them or explanations generals, plaee Wool, Llout. Francis A. FMd. Lieut. Wm. ral Volunteers). Hte. always Union.who la the of ktliod. General MeNettarvllle, H. l orry, (Als 8. dmin, Jamee. congregated at Hickman, thinking there might ie it is maaifest that their true meaning and and the latter place Mansfield, Lieut. Ebeueser C. Allen. Lient. John Power. Majors.Edward Wright (Aid-deCamp, Colonel), Fry, Speed 3. SpinoU, Fi aucia B. in the nf remains on the as his Lieut. Thomas D. Winston. Lieut. H. Clark. James H. Carleton (Brigadier General Volunteers), Atfr«J. Kger remaintnp. Tower, Zealous B. rebel cavalry under Forrest, and that the towns this side aad ail the orders of lisjor General the act July 17,1802, and the thirteen captain¬ Lieut. Patrick OMlMaa. Lieut. Jamas .Simon*. 0. U. Tyler, Darnel. to the sutyect matter of investlgattan, all of approved M»tor*.Hewlett H. Hill. William H. French (Brigadier Green, at tt, near Columbus.which Is but twenty-live miles cies were carried up to majorities, so that tho lowest Lieut. James Heuton. Lieut. James Powell. General Volunteers). Oreene, Georga & Tyler, Kraatos M. freaa as.was in considerable of tbe same which I deem material evidence la my defence Lieut. Daniel Lieut Frederick Pbtsterer. Gibbon,Johu. Runt. o. daager sharing I them in their eho>nologioal order, in that shane la the Adjutant General'* Department is that of Ijootley. TfllKD AKTlLUmr. Tyler fate. We have consequently a sudden Influx of tbe book present grade Lieut. Alonzo J. Bellows. Lieut. Frederick H. Brown. Colonel.William Gates. «i.auK«r. Robert S. Terry, Alfred H. .osed dealers in eeoond hand which I am cenfldent will enable tbo Court to give with the and allowance of a cavalry officer of Lieut. Frank W. Porry. Lieut. R. Freeman. W. D. gentry, clothing.and them the attention and consideration they deserve and the major, pay Benry Lieutenant Colonel.Martin Burke. Getty, (ioorgo Terry, Henry attooe. BntVuntll this evening we have had not similar vis: $189 per month, including rations, fo¬ Lieut. Gnorge L (hots*. Lieut. Haauel J. Dick S A. Hasuin de- Gilbert, Charles C. Tayl«»r, George W. (dead,) believed that the authorities could permit communica¬ subject demands. I have reason to believe the govern- rank, Lieut. PatrickII. Moroney Ueul. Thad. 8. Klrtland. M^ors.Henry Burton, Joseph (Aid Hamilton, Charles S. Taylor, Meleen. tion to be cat offfrom General Grant's such mo..t lain possession of aU my telegrams aud tie tele rage, and servant's wages, rations and clothing. Lieut. Tlio«. S. Doeblef. Lieut. McDonnell. Camp, Lieuteuam Colonel). Howard. Jamee army: yet were in me I Joseph FOI'HTB ARTiMJDtT. Oliver 0. Tuttle, M. ¦roves now to be tbe fact. i about three o'clock yes¬ grams of thoso who communication with TBS Jt'fXJE ADVOCATE'S DEPARTMENT. Lieut. Henry C. Peek.* Ueut. Gilbert S. Cvpenter. Hancock, Wintteld Scott Turchin, John B. terday afternoon Trenton passed Into the hands of the havo striven to obtain them from officers. I have re Lieut. Chas. G. Smedburg. Lieut. Wm. H. Hisbeo. Oolooel.Cfcarlee S. Merchant. Hatch, Johu I' Thayer, .iohn M. tained no oopies. 1 sent all out for the our Up to July IT, 1862, there was only one Judge Advo¬ N. Lieutenant Colonel.Francis U. Wy»e Lieut. John K. Clay. Lieut. Merill Hutchinson. Edward o. C. Ord Ge¬ H iitauir, George L. (dead.) Terrtll, W. K. (dead.) The commandant of tbe post st Trenton wss Colonel in W deftnee. I have secured cate of the Army, with tho rank of major. Thore Is now Lieut. Wm. O. Douglass. Lieut. John H. Hitcbeock. Majors.Joseph Roberta, (Major Mllos Veatch. James i:. T.two ofJ".?1the originals.t^*ra One is now in possession of Thomas neral Volunteer*). Haseall, Rush, of the Korty seventh Illinois Volunteers With him, only one Judge Advocate General, with the rank, pay and IJent. E. Collins. Lieut. Lucius F. Brown. M»TU ARTII.LSRT. Huin»br«ys, Andrew A. Vlete, Kgbert L. less than two of tbe Court, remaining there because tbo one preeented bv H. Kbeuesar D. i m provost guard, be had hundred his emolumeotaof a colonel of and odo Judge Advo¬ Lieut. Aug. Bainbridge. Lieut. Harding. Brown Hackleraan, t'leasant A. Van le»e, Horatio P. regiment; ne had also three field pieces and a few artil¬ tbo prosecution is au imperfect copy. The other 1 will cavalry, Lieut Wm. B. Occleston. Lieut. Aug. H. Olonel.Harvey (Brevet Brigadier General). Van Aten, Jamas H. as well as *ny others I may bo possessed of or with the of rnmor, for each army in the Mecbling. Lteutenaut Colonel.Thomaa W. Sherman (Brigadier (dead.) lerymen. On Saturday the enemy appeared in tbe furnish, I cate, rank, *c., Lieut. Wilbur F. Melbourne. Lieut. John J. Adair Senerol Horey, Alvin P. Vmtoa, Francis L. is considerable foroe. Some it at as low as tne government will produce. may be ignorant of what Hon. of has been Lieut. Robert P. King, Jr. Lieut «L Lttcbfiold. Volunteer*). Alexander. WiPiauis, A. 0. Vicinity place I have written; but whatever it tuay haveboen.I now field. Joseph Holt, Kentucky, appointed Henry Majors.WU1lam F. Barry (Brigadier General Volun¬ Hayes, t.MK>; others make their numbers more; but it Is proba Advocato General. The nam# of but one Judte Lient. James Y. Bernpie. Lieut. Colin B. Ferguson. J. General liovuy, ( barleit E. Willi ias, Ikomae. tbe case thai there were less than or the Oon unhesitatingly declare 1 will present lu my defence Judge Liout. Geo. K. Sanderson. Lient. Wm. H. teers), Henry liunt (Brigadier Volunteer*), Herman. 3eth. My 4,000 and all documents, If furnished me. which viz:.Levi C. Turner, from Leamy. JTaorla S. Clark Haupt. Williams, federates. aay Advocate is given, appointed Lieut. George H. Burns. Lieut. Joseph J. Wagoner. marked the Haut, Henry J. Wiuisworthflames J. Colonel Rush was not to bo oat- boar on the case. Whatever I may appear to waa John Lieut. Wm Lieut. Wm. R. 1/nve. In addition to those above, following gene- Albion P. Although outnumbered, have said In secret 1 will here New York. Since the Register published, M^jur Galloway. tals of volunteers belong to the regular artillery regi¬ Ilowu, Wright G««erge. generated. Discovering tbe enemy early, the cotton openly aT Advocate of the since Lieut Romern H. Gray. Ueut. SamueiS. Culberlsen. Initallx, Rufus. Waid.W. T. and abide by. I havo nothing to conceal T. Lee, who hits boon Judge army ment*-.General* Rirketta, J. C. Davis, Sr.hofieid, Hart- i Which had been gathered at tho point was unloaded from knowledge Lieut. John P. Deckar. Lieut. Charles F. Miller. Grifllu Jaiu#->on, harles D. Wert. Joseph R. ta a breastwork was hi mind what I shall prove- has tendered his resignation. C. A. M. euff, Howe, Gibbon, Seymour, and Getty. the s, and with it sort of built to_b®»r 1840, Liout. Wm. H lnxerton. Lieut. Fates. nm wnirmr. Johnson, Richard W. War I, John H fl. around tho small behind which the sol thatJwW."lVnh*,Co,,rlwhile I was on the Rappahannock I was diiectly re¬ Lieut, owsar H. Lieut. W. G. JaCknori. ( onrad * Wo'jd depot building, all mv REORGANIZATION OP THE CAVALRT. Nealy. Wedemeyer. Colonel.Carlos A. Waite. F Thomas .1. iters were p aced. The three guns were also mounted sponsible to Gen. Burnside and Geo. Meridian for l.ieul. Lemuel Pattee. Lieut. L. H. Jackson, James 3. Daniel T. military acts, that after reporting to Ob. pope I was in The reorganization of the eavalry regiments, under the flrager. Lieutenant Colonel.Satli kastman (dead.) Woodbury, ma convenient position, and tho little garrison awaited Lieut. Boni. H. Genry. Lieut. Alex. Menzian. l>avni A Mussel) Jarluon.N. .'.* Whipple, Am mi W. the attack. no the rebels rode communication with Gen. Burnside, and conveying to act No. approved July 17,1883, will add one l.ieut. L. Ilorr. Lieut. Geo. W. Smith. Majors.John T. >prague, M. Expecting resistance, at Information to aid m his (Public. 188) Joseph NKIONI) IXCANTKY. Judab, Henry Wesbeils, Henry W. asalldetitly up within a short distance or tbe depot, dis- him, his request, tending hundred and fifteen officer# and two thousand eight hun¬ Lieut. Sam R Honey. l.ieut. I.yman II. Warren. King, Kufiia. Weber, Max. and tbe cotton bales. Inform¬ operations and in securing his own forces and tbo W H. Heiiman. Colonel.!Sidney Hurbank ¦Mninted charged upon My of the by and nineteen men te the Lieut. I.leuleuaut W. Patten. Kelly. Bet^amin F. White, Julius. ant says that he saw the first simult neons discharge lino Kappahannock.left unprotected dred existing cavalry force, Colonel.Geurge Ketch im, S. Wsrroo. Kit* Henry. of tbe three field and and Urn me under orders lrom Geueral Pope.and at the which will then bo, in round numbers, seven thousand CASUALTIES. Majors.Arthur T. Lee, John C. Kobinaon (Brigadier pieces musketry, timo I was on (ioneral Burnside General Kiniball. VaUian. Washburne, Codwaliader C fifty or sixty, at loast, of tbe rebels must same relying Six hundred The more important items of this The ltet of casualties is the regular nnd volunloer Volunteers). Kenly, John H. Wiillch, August. been killed and wounded them alone, fer the only supplies which would keep alive my com strong. ihimi lyrmrnj. Kane, have by was vacancies are created for five force* six In tbo there W.lliaw iboiuas L. Wlli».\,Orlauilo B. rebels retired, fired a and were fired maud. It will be seeu tint I givin;; him Information increase are the which occupies pa^es. regular army Colonel. HoUinmi. flhe wsvered, volley, he was to tlio irovernmgnt Lieutenant Colonel.William I»ckw» d. Henry H. Weltzel. liodfrey apon 'gain; and not until thirty rounds bad been fired, which I knew communicating majors, ten captains, ten first lieutenants, ten second have been, up tii the date of the publication of tho Regis¬ Chapman. n, Jacob G Wai ren, (iuuTerueur K i were of ammunlti and entire¬ tending to make him feel secure, Ind which caLwd me Major*.Willi im K. Hrince, Tliom t* Hendrlckaon. aa be Illinois boys out n, lieutenants and seventy-two suiiernumorary second lieu ter, twenty six resignations, sine commission* vacated rot'im i*r*«rmr. .One of tho torn la. ¦an I allude to walked all last at they constitute material evidence in my caae. I asic tho Colonels 8 Chief trumpeters 8 by the Senate, fourteen discharges, by order of tbo l'r$ Cblonel.Guttavua It exutteil ou Uim 1st Of Au^ iet, ltfli. The a«gre»rale night, and, arriving ami all Chief farriers er black- Lieutenant t oiomil.Thome* I.. Alexander. to where he Court to maturely weigh consider this evidence Lieutenant colonels 8 unaer the of 1801.those were ad' reaches tho i-uerm m» nf I Union City, procured conveyance Columbus, for evidence it mtist be if the dooumenta by 18 smiths6 sldrnt, act August 5, S General Voiua number ,Q.U t"11 ITV i-siunl arrived this morning. a peaceable man he says ho presented Maifrs Majors.Knlwrt Granger (Hrigadior me i rin-ee whloli have linen much altered since Being the prosecution be evidence. .Some of these iwpers have .> Heg'tal hospital stewards 12 ditienal aids-de-camo for servleo und»r the Hon. James teers), < harlu* D. Jordan flgmee, seen as much of war as he to B0k>. Adjutants r xenerals 40 ituarieruia er nerg'B. 1XX) Of course the capture of Trenton and the subsequent copies pre«ntem the former to the latter place bo Sergeant majors...... 8 Saddlers 72 0>lonel.John J. Abercrombie (Brigadier General Volun¬ surgems... 2.0.VI 70 been promptly met, and present writing, filled with 72 nineteen declined, sixteen n. No list csa catnp Corpera.e ternoon, telegraph tbe evidence of Colonel Clearv aa to the condition of the Aggregate 7,612 complete Volunteer*). Adjutants 1,000 M'lSicuns 18.MO working order even te Grand Junction, which is very at not even the War Majora.Alfred Sully (Brigadier General Volunteer*), iers & to with road in question at tbe time ailudou to. He stated further OTHER CtlANUES. be given present, by Department. David A. R>i**elL Riviin'Ltl nuar'm'ers 1,0 dark one could by Congress surgeon lintilKil OFFICERS. Cftlonel.'iileli C. Sei' Ud llo itenarits .10.2*0 Wagoners 10,2^0 obtained posses-ion of seventy miles of very useful rail¬ on* assist¬ | Lleutenwnt Wblojf. see'd lieuts *40 Teams'ors road track, and cut off Gen. Grant from all supplies be hardly see bis hand berore him lie found It exceedingly general, with the rank of brigadier general; In the table of organisation «f the amy the number of Major*.Henry W. Wharton (Colonel Voluntoero), An Supernu'y 1 ,OT0 difficult to get along on hor«eback. In his view tho march and one medical Sergetnl mijora 1,000 Privates k73.800 would necessarily receive via Columbus But, unless a ant snrgnon general Inspector general, officers is given as fourteen, via:.Five major drew W. Bowman, c could not have bcun made that night. general i awl a urrimiT. Total . . similar and equally snocessful movement 1* suddenly Aid-do of General Porter each with the rank of colonel; eight medioat inspectors, aad nine generals, but the namee of Total rank and Ole -J® rude upon Memphis, and the country taken possession or Corporal Mooteith, Camp gonerals brigadier Coloael.kdmund B. Alexander 1,062,480 about that and the railroads is C,pt- "n the evoning with the raak of lieutenant colonel; thirty-six surgeons, twelve only are printed, so that there is a vacancy for a Lieutenant Colonel.Wm. s. Ketchum General city destroyed.which ol the 2>tho-t.\lnJ?°.m,,un5rof Vthhe went, direction of General (Batgadler flrau.l aggregate 1 00^ 402 hardly possible, under tbe surrounding circumstances. August, by six military storekeepers, one hundred hospital chap¬ majer general, aad also one for a brigadier. TlJe genera Volunteer*). Grant can still bs from the and suffer Porter, to ascertain the route to Greeowlch. and condl Jullu* HIMTAKV OKOORArniCAI. nKPAKTMBKTfl. Gen supplied river, lains, twenty medical cadets and eighty-nine hospital in oemmisston are . Majors--cnas.8. I/ivell, Hayden. but little from this rebel fald. Uonof the road. They found the r.wd irom ratlett's officers now EUcvB*ni mr/mrnY. Contrary u> general pus torn lus military geographies Station toward Greenwich open, but luug warou trains stewards. The pay of a hospital steward is |M per MAJOR (.BTOULS. Colonel.Krasmu* 1>. tllK'illH UIU Hot Ih.' follow llio to the Keyea (Brevet Brigadier General d"|M»i gIVUM. lllg supplies from Warrenton lunction Warreulon obatrueied with e'.othing, raturns and quarters. Competent Ueorge it. MoClellan. and General dvticiencv oorirctly up to Ut:on. Tlie next he and Lieut month, Mfjor Volunteers). Expedition. rvad1 Bri«tow morning The names of the officers John C. Fremont. Lieutenant Colonel.Edmund Sbrlvrr list utriBxT or tub M»*.ipu.Headquarter* at81 I*ni« Htunqi-ARTaits, Uxrnm StatRs Foarss I Weld were sent by General Porter to clear the wagons men are much nocded. holding W. Halleck (Aid-de-Camp (ieneral Sainui'l R. Curtis to Mmsmwvi. Dec. of assistant Henry (eemmanding army). .DIonelK Mo..Vl^J'.r commanding KxncnmoN A, 18fl2. out of iho load, and open the way for the troop* to the responsible positions snrgeon general, Woel. M t>i.i* IhcrAHTMiKrT. at . the to j John K. M;yrs.Delancy Floyd Jone*, Frederick Steele >,Briga¬ Headquarter*, Md The General commanding expedition Mlssi«sippl march llo was pre-jnt when Captain Pope sutgeon general, Inspector general and medical inspeo- RRMAVOa (.SXKRM.S dier General Volunteers), Jonathan W. Gordon. M ij ir Uoneral R iborl C. Si h<'ui k desires to express to the oilleer* and soldiers under his the order from General to attack on tlie o» brought Pope tora, will be found in our register, published horcwith. William I. Harney. TW*I.»TH ISMNTSY. l«i'«BrMwrr tbi; Ohio. Headquarters at Clnslnoati command bis gratlUcatlou for tho cheerfulness and bra 2Uth. Thin order was received about sundown tfter Kdwin V Sumner (major general brevet, msjor general Colonel.William B. Franklin (Brevet Brigadier Gooeral Oliio.w»i«>r <>«x>ral Horatta O Wr oaeral David Hutitur, Acting Com- anarch over heavy roans, they have accomplished one ot August tO, he went with an order commanding General ! Andersen aiaud' r Brigadier Oenral .lame* N. Hraiinaa. marches made during the with his aud General Sykes divi la tho Psy Department, Colonel Lamed, Paymaster Robert r*l Volnnteor*). the most remarkable war, Morrill to tellnw troopa William *. Roeecreas (major general votnoteers). M*jor*.Meurjr B. Richard 8. Smith. Luther B. liriMBi'VBxr or tub (Jru .Hi adquai let * at New Or- penetrating to the very heart of trie enemy's country, ¦Ion to the battle Held. Geueral, has died since the printing of the August Clitt, |. beusral K. Hutler In Weld, .Tr of Ceneral Porter's staff Philip it Ueorge Ceoke. men. ao», La..Uajor Uenj.inin {OsMral cutting their roads, and safoly returning though hedged Lieutenut P M Register. The name ef hi* successor has net yet John Cope general volunteers). ntmmrr on both sides by greatly superior numbers. This has been testHled that the night of August §7 was dark tad drlnly' (major a«da . Headquarter* at saota ALVIN I'. IIOVKY, Brigadier General Commanding enemy and driven them lot" the woods. Witness sent He however has been placed on the retired list, oa his ant adjutant* general, Colonel Kdward D. Townsend and tear*), JT >r tub I'acin.llaadqua t«rs at Hun Kran him to tell General Portar that wo wore application forty Colonel.Charle* P. (Brigadier General Volan KKBKI. ACCOUNT*. Pope requested H. now whom is claco, (ioueral (isorge Wright. a hard light. At this time General McDowell serviee. Malar Gary Fry la acting Paymaster lieutenant colonels, among Brigadier Uecieraj teer*). .Brigadier at Fort l.eavn- [From the Charleston Courier.] having and Lieutenant Oolooel.John F. Roynolda(Brlgadl*r General l'Br«HT«axT or Kai»-.o».H-adqiarters We learn from a friend from that the waa with General and the latter directed the for¬ General. M^lorThotnsa J. Leslie. Paymaster In this Seth Williams, thirteen majors.Brigadier General Oeueral JarneaW. Uluat. Just Vicksburg his division['op®, to an an¬ Volunteer*). worth, Kanua..Brigadier (Now most formidable preparations have been made ror giving mer to send the right to repol city, wonld have been Paymaster General now had be HarUufT being one of them General In the Held.) case oT ticipated attack on our flank the enemy It was Majors.George Syke* (Major Volunteer*), now m ttm tbe enemy a warm roceptloo In attack. The he by not declined in 1861, on th« demise of De¬ The Judge Advocate General's Department consists of Grotiu* R. GlddUiga, William Williama. I 'bpaktmctt or TwrKiarBB.neaitqiiarters woods in a msaauro, last winter served to conceal after sundown when got hack to General Porter promotion i.'eoeral l/lyim* 8. (Irani. which, ttfteen minutes after his return a arlved General Randall. one advocate Celeael aad ene nrnom mraw.HY. field..M^jnr tho movements of the Yankee, gunboats, have been en¬ About messenger puty Paymaster judge general, Joseph Holt, Porter General and l>«rABi**»Tor nm CiiiwrM.A«rr>. "<*ti!quartsrti in tba no from Genera Papo with ade,,»,oh for OcnerSl Colonoj.Fit* John (Brevet Brigidler cleared away, so that vessel can take shelter Porter, In the of the line (fclonel L. Beall. advocate fttr each army in the Held. The appoint . Oeneral William 8. Roserran*. tirely which the latter read, and rode to the front regiments Benjamin judge MM<>r General Volanteer*), fitkl tUjor within range ol the city. Our butteries command the Immediately First has been retired fro« active and ment of Levi C. Turner Is the one Lieutenant Colonel.John Sanderaon. Yauk-*e mado by the enemy last winter. Witness showed the messenger the direct road back to cavalry, service, Miyor only given, p. grand aqueduct The did not a Colonel of the others have since been vis Major*.John H. King, William H. Sidell, John R. Eddie. OkitMrjr. havo been thrown up In the city. The peo¬ General Pope. messenger return second the Lieutenant regiasent, George A. H. bat three made, .Majors died at i Breastworks time. *maa*in mrimT. Tbob*» WmMit, Esq., armington, Me., So* are very sanguinffof their ability to hold tbe city. No Blakn, now wears the silver embroidered spread eagle, John A. Holies, John C. Knox and Ratetoo 8kInner. in the B!W of hie Mr W w>s born at ple an iinmodiate there The Ouirt' adjouraed to eleven o'clock on Friday Oolooel.Andrew Porter (Brigadier General Volanteer*) II, year afe. apprehension is felt or attack, being which la the moot prominent insignia of a colonel in the In the Inspector General's Department there are four Lieutenant Colonel.Jaine* V. Bromford rlarlilshead, July 13,1770 8oon al ter, however, hi* i'a no rise in tbe river. Brigadier Generals M. morning. removed to daiem. In the war of tit* jierceptlble are in immediate command or the army. general with the rank ef colonel, and Ave with Major*.Franklin F "Flint, Adam J. Slammer. Sidney ther 17S0, during L. Smith and S. I). in the (vmrfov inspestors Americ.iu Revolution, ha (hipped as a cabin boy «a .»rd A letter from Roma, MrrrttniiU of The of the Second has of The names of three colonels are Ooolidgo. (brtificatlons. mother of Cardinal AntooHII baa i.»t colonelcy infantry devolved upon the rank major only niuimna winrxr. lha *hip Portia, a prlvataer commanded by (laptaia .John Genoa, says .The a rthp wm born at ."Vmnlno aa Lieutenant fttomct Sidney Ttarbank, of the Thirteenth leaviug one vacancy. The eolonela are Randolph Clonel.Samuel P. Heintileroan C iiman, and owrx d ky Hon Rihaid l>eroy, weathy of ttia Habel Chiefs. died at the age of 00, and given, (Brevet Brigadier vo**el Hi* Movements Is well known, was a relative of tbe brigands who in'thn Infantry, in consequence of the death of Colonel Dixon S. B. Harry. Brigadier General of Volunteers, Delee B. Seneral and Major General Volunteer*). mar' haul of Hal m, which took many prlies. rXMBKHTON'8 AHMT CONCKNTKATKn AT UHRNADA, or this and down to the ih-m Lieutenant ulhmel.lame* D. Greene. la her died in 1777, in a llrilnh prisou rhip In 17M U- beginning century. year' Miles. The colooolcy of the Sixth has Socket! and Henry Van Rensselaer, and Brigadier Gene haa lx>en a of Karm MI HS.- KKBKI. r«>KCK NKAH NASMVII I,r, TRNN.. in tested tbe proylnce. Ulio never reconciled herself infantry changed May OKNRKAI. JOHNSTON RXFICUTBD AT life in Koine, and waa of Smnlno. sbn hands twice. The first change was on the retirement of rajs John Fifrd and Absalom Baird are two efthe William H T.. Andrew*. t<>u lor navenly nix years. Ha wa», *ay« th<> Karmington itrr DAVIS always talking teers), Wood, George ab re ac© un MIR*. detested the spiondid carriage which ber son kept for her Colonel Washington Seawell, who was sarseeded iiinirmmi iarA?TT*v. pt ar from which we condeoas the unt, JACKSON, cmtld by majors. do'ii the ,a*t of patriotic baufl who constituted the Memphis Argus, Dec. 19.] and her delight was, whenever she get an onoor' Rlectaa Lleutensnt Colonel of the Third Albert J. relates his as effi Colonel.Henry B. Carringt >n. trdly hours several to tnka a ride in a market cart from the Backus, Infantry Major Myer pesitlon signal Lieutenant Colonel.Oliver L «heph-"d. theofficur* and orew of the thf Point, aa a privateer, Erotnpast forty-eight gentlemen tnnlty, couhSe I his new raliant to have arrived In ilie nitv trom the South, whose travels She leaves no fortune beyond the sou crown? which con Colonel Pneknsonly enjove rank from Ve'iruary ter of the *rm» Ma)ors.Frederick l^wi-eml. .lames \. Coldwell, Wil¬ wli >, w tti utiml :irm* an.I hear'*, c«»Btr.lnilad there have been oxicnulw. whose opportunities for ob ¦i uuted her original marriage portion. ft) to Joue 7, when lie died at Detroit, MicUigm. Ueu 1 la th« Quartermaster s Department there are one quar- liam r. H. Brooks (Brigadier Gwnoral Vuluuiura). large a share iu achieving wr independents.