11:00am Sunday, February 3, 2019 Holden Road

CHRISTGREENSBORO.ORG | 336.299.1571 ​ ​

WELCOME TO CHRIST CHURCH! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us this Sunday! At Christ Church, we embrace people, the community, and the world with the boundless love of God through ​ ​ loving, growing, and serving together. We hope you will feel welcome and inspired ​ through worship here today.

NEW HERE? Stop by the Connection Point Desk, located between the Sanctuary and Fellowship Center, to learn more about our missions and ministries. We’d love to help you find your place at Christ Church.

SUNDAY SCHOOL Whether you’re 2 or 92, we have a Sunday School class that’s waiting to welcome you. Classes meet at 9:50am between our early and late worship services each Sunday. Learn more at christgreensboro.org/adults. ​ FOR YOUTH From Sunday school in the Youth Building to Sunday night youth group to weekly small groups and more, we offer a number of opportunities for youth (grades 6-12) at Christ Church. Learn more at christgreensboro.org/youth. ​ ​ FOR KIDS We love for children of all ages to join us for worship! Stop by our Worship Walls, located near the entrances to the Sanctuary and Fellowship Center, to find activities to help them engage with the service. Learn more about our kids’ ministries at christgreensboro.org/kids. ​ ​ CHILDCARE Located in rooms 111 and 113, our Nursery (0-24 months) is staffed by trained, professional childcare workers and parent helpers. Children ages 2-4 can enjoy a lesson, snack, and playtime in Worship Care in room 110 (early services) or room 302 (late services).

ACCESSIBILITY Large print hymnals and Bibles, a magnifying sheet, and hearing assistance devices are available for our traditional services. Please speak to an usher if you need assistance. GET IN TOUCH Looking to join? Have a question? Our staff is here to help! Contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling the Church Office at 336-299-1571.

TRADITIONAL WORSHIP | 11am ​ ​ ​ * Those who are able, please stand. ​

Those who are unable to attend worship for any reason may tune into this service live on Sunday mornings on Christ Church Radio, WDFC 101.7FM. You can also listen online on Sunday mornings at christgreensboro.org/live. ​ ​

WE GATHER FOR WORSHIP TRINITY CHIMES GREETING & ANNOUNCEMENTS The Lord be with you. And also with you. OPENING VOLUNTARY Through Adam’s Fall Johann Sebastian Bach * CALL TO WORSHIP When Jesus was in the wilderness, he was tempted to live his life in unhealthy ways. We often experience temptation to live our lives in unhealthy ways as well. Because Jesus stayed strong when he was tempted, he is able to help us when we are being tempted. As we worship this day, may we receive his mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. * OPENING HYMN 147 All things Bright and Beautiful ROYAL OAK * PASSING OF THE PEACE The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. * SUNG RESPONSE All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. WE HEAR GOD’S WORD * SCRIPTURE LESSON Genesis 3:1–7; Matthew 4:1–11 This is the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION

SERMON Pastor Morris Brown All Creatures Great and Small: I Don’t Like Spiders and Snakes WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD * HYMN OF RESPONSE Jesus Tempted in the Desert EBENEZER Jesus tempted in the desert, lonely, hungry, filled with dread; "Use your pow'r," the tempter tells him; "Turn these barren rocks to bread!" "Not alone by bread," he answers, "can the human heart be filled. Only by the Word that calls us is our deepest hunger stilled!" Jesus, tempted at the temple, high above its ancient wall; "Throw yourself from lofty turret; angels wait to break your fall!" Jesus shuns such empty marvels, feats that fickle crowds request; "God, whose grace protects, preserves us, we must never vainly test." Jesus, tempted on the mountain, by the lure of vast domain; "Fall before me! Be my servant! Glory, fame you're sure to gain!" Jesus sees the dazzling vision, turns his eyes another way; "God alone deserves our homage! God alone will I obey!" When we face temptation's power, lonely, struggling, filled with dread, Christ, who knew the tempter's hour, come and be our living bread. By your grace, protect, preserve us, lest we fall, your trust betray. Yours, above all other voices, be the Word we hear, obey. [Text: Herman G. Stuempfle © 1993 GIA Publications Reprinted with permission through OneLicense.] INVITATION, CONFESSION & PARDON 12 OFFERTORY ANTHEM Chancel Choir Tree of Life Pepper Choplin In Eden’s garden paradise, so full of beauty, full of life, with fruit to feed humanity that all would live forever. And there, a tree of knowledge stood with mysteries of evil and good. When people ate its tempting fruit, their days on earth were numbered. Though they were moved from paradise into a world where all would die, still God so loved the world he made, God had a plan to make a way that all would live forever. On Calvary’s hill a tree would stand, nailed to this tree God’s holy man would taste the bitter fruit of painful death, the fruit of sin and suffering. For God so loved this world he made, his act of love would make a way that whosoever would believe should never die, but have new life, so all would live forever. A seed of faith fell to the ground, a kingdom tree grew strong and sound. I offers all the fruit of live. All who receive, all who believe shall never die. Come to this tree that God has grown, come see the truth that God has shown: All who receive the fruit of life shall live and live forever, shall live and live forevermore. [© 2005 Hinshaw Music] ​

* OFFERTORY RESPONSE 94 Doxology LASST UNS ERFREUEN Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! * PRAYER OF DEDICATION WE COME TO THE TABLE CELEBRATIONS & CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION GREAT THANKSGIVING 17 HOLY COMMUNION PRAYER AFTER RECEIVING Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Holy Spirit, to give ourselves for others. Unite your church throughout the world as we commission your servants to deliver these symbols of Christ’s love to our homebound members, that your name may be praised in all the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. WE ARE SENT FORTH TO SERVE * HYMN OF DEPARTURE 388 O Come and Dwell in Me ST. MICHAEL * BENEDICTION * CHORAL RESPONSE A Hymn of Joy We Sing SCHUMANN * TRINITY CHIMES CLOSING VOLUNTARY Jesus Tempted in the Desert arr. Paul Manz

Ministry of Worship Participating Pastors: Morris Brown, Carter Ellis, Amy Coles ​ Crucifer: Andrew Bell, Austin Gorham, Mallory Cavanaugh ​ Senior Director of Worship and Arts: Cathy West ​ Organist and Director of Children’s Music: Chris Dederer ​ Ushers: Van Gresham, Tom Jordan, Larry Harris, Bill Hunnicutt, Gloria Jordan, Bob Martin, ​ Bill Moseley, Esther Overby, Seldon Patty, Ron Rhoades, Jim Sheek, Larry Wingate, Richard Wright


MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSION: CALLED GENERAL CONFERENCE From February 23-26, 2019, 800 United Methodist delegates from around the world will meet for a special General Conference session in St. Louis, MO. The question at the center of this meeting: What is our denomination’s level of inclusion of LGBTQ individuals in our journey as United Methodists, specifically as it relates to marriage and ordination? Opinions and feelings differ, sometimes quite dramatically, across our worldwide denomination. We are standing in different places. For some, this is a very painful discussion. Persons have felt excluded from the family of faith and the love of God. For others, marriage equality and the ordination of homosexuals challenges the way that they interpret scripture. This Sunday, February 3, Rev. Amy Coles, who is a delegate to the Special Session, will come to Christ Church to share about the Commission’s Report and the decisions facing the General Conference. She does so with a deep love for you and The United Methodist Church as well as a desire that we move forward as one body together with the mission of sharing God’s love and making disciples in our communities and throughout the world. This is not an opportunity to try to influence Amy’s viewpoint, but rather an opportunity to learn about the various factors influencing the delegates’ proposals, the many perspectives that are represented, and the potential outcomes of the special session. Join us at 9:50am this Sunday, February 3, in the Gym for this important conversation. All adult Sunday school classes and individuals are invited and encouraged to attend. (The following classes will be attending this study: Adulting Together, Asbury, Cokesbury, Dimensions, Faith Matters, Faith & Family, Improv, Koinonia, and Seekers. Our Aldersgate Bible, Christ in Conversation, and Montagnard classes will meet in their regular rooms.) Youth are also invited to attend; a separate Sunday school session for all youth grades 6-12 will be held for those who prefer, or whose parents prefer them, not to come. For those who are unable to attend the session, or who would like to learn more, additional information can be found online at wnccumc.org/commissiononawayforwardresources. An ​ ​ audio recording of Sunday’s session will be available at christgreensboro.org/member-resources beginning Mon, Feb 4. ​ About Amy Coles: Amy grew up in Christ Church, and felt her call to ministry while ​ teaching children’s Sunday School and serving as a youth leader. She is currently serving as the Assistant to the Bishop of the Western NC Conference.

THIS SUNDAY AT CHRIST CHURCH First Food Sunday (Holden Road) ​ Sun, Feb 3 | Please bring donations of nonperishable food items to our Missions Closets for delivery to Greensboro Urban Ministry. Camp Tekoa Interest Meeting Sun, Feb 3, 12:15pm, Chapel, Holden Road | Parents and children grades 3 and older are invited to learn more about this exciting summer opportunity.

HAPPENING THIS WEEK Welcome Wednesday Wed, Feb 6, 5:30pm, Fellowship Center, Holden Road | Join us for dinner followed by classes, choirs, and programs for all ages. On the menu this week is pork loin with apricot sauce, roasted vegetables, and vegetable soup, with chicken nuggets and corn for kids and grilled chicken salads available upon reservation request at christgreensboro.org/welcomewednesday. ​ Truth Café Wed, Feb 6, 6:30pm-7:30pm, Fellowship Center, Holden Road | Led by Cindy Thompson, TRUTH Café provides a platform for crucial conversations around power, privilege, racism and other demographic differences, and social justice. This is the last of three sessions. Baby Boomers Covered Dish Fellowship Dinner Fri, Feb 8, 6:30pm-8:30pm, Holden Road | Bring a dish to share and join your fellow Baby ​ Boomers and friends for a Covered Dish Fellowship Dinner! Please RSVP by Feb 3 at christgreensboro.org/events/boomers-potluck. Made to Praise Children's Choir Festival Concert Sat, Feb 9, 3pm, Sanctuary, Holden Road | Join us to hear more than 60 children from all over the region perform the works they learn during the day's Made to Praise Children's Choir Festival. The concert will be accompanied by Carolyn Cotton and will feature the Celebration Ringers, as well as congas, organ, piano, djembes, maracas, and gourds. This concert is free and open to the public, with a cookie reception to follow.

LOVE We love God, humanity, and all creation as an inviting, caring community. Our deepest sympathies to the friends and family of Susan Rhodes on her death on ​ January 31. Upcoming Worship Series: All Creatures Great and Small On March 14, 15 and 16, our Holden Road campus will present the musical Noye’s Fludde ​ (’s Flood). This musical will involve more than 175 people, a beautiful set, and the music of Benjamin Britten as we retell the biblical story of Noah and the Ark. To help us prepare for this event we have developed a worship series featuring some of the animals on the ark! We’re calling this series All Creatures Great and Small. Each week in this series ​ ​ ​ we’ll use one or two of the nearly one hundred animals mentioned in scripture as a launching point for learning biblical wisdom that can help us in the living of our daily lives. Children’s Worship Conversation We are in the process of assembling a team to discuss Kids’ Worship at Christ Church. If you would be interested in being a part of this conversation, please contact Kara Harvey ([email protected]). Annual Brunswick Stew Sale The Seekers Sunday School class will have its annual Brunswick Stew sale on Sat, Feb 2. Stew pickup will be from 2:30pm-5:30pm at our Holden Road campus by the back entrance at the kitchens (follow signs). Due to limited storage space, it must be picked up on that date at the specified time. Tickets may be purchased by contacting a Seekers Sunday School class member or by calling Mary Greear (336-294-2133). Cost is $8 per quart. Unsold stew (if any) will be on sale Sun, Feb 3. Altar Flower Sign-Ups (Holden Road) ​ If you would like to reserve a Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one, you are invited to sign up in the binder available in the Church Office during the week, and at the Connection Point desk on Sundays. If you have questions, contact Sarah Snider (336-299-1571, [email protected]). The Lunch Bunch (formerly Prime Timers) ​ Tue, Feb 19, 11:45am, Fellowship Center, Holden Road | Save the date for lunch ($6) and a special program by Taylor Vaden featuring a tribute to Elvis, with Elvis’ gospel music and other 50’s hits. Plan now to attend and invite a friend! Room on the Ark! If you didn't sign up to be in Noye's Fludde, you haven't missed the boat yet! There are still a ​ ​ few animal heads that need to be filled (all ages/sizes) so contact Cathy West in the church office to get on board!

GROW We grow intentionally together in the likeness of Christ. • KIDS ​ Lunch. Grow. Serve. (K-2) Sun, Feb 10, 12:15pm-2pm, Room 103, Holden Road | We will be learning about Jesus’ miracles. Lunch will be provided. Advance sign ups are appreciated, but walk-ins are always welcome. Register at christgreensboro.org/kids. ​ ​ Day Camp (K-3) Mon-Thu, July 8-11, 8am-3pm, Camp Guilrock | Join us for a week of fun discovering God’s creation and celebrating our awesome God through crafts, stories, songs, games, swimming, and more at Camp Guilrock, our United Methodist District Camp. Cost is $85/child. Learn more and register at christgreensboro.org/events/daycamp2019. ​ ​ • YOUTH ​ Youth Group Youth Group will NOT meet this Sunday, February 3! Enjoy the Super Bowl with your families. • ADULTS ​ New Bible Study: Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me ​ Mon, Feb 11-Mar 25, 7pm, Disciple Room, Holden Road | Join the Monday Night Women's Bible Study for a study of Psalm 23: The Shepherd With Me by Jennifer Rothschild. In this ​ ​ 7-session study, gain fresh insight and encouragement from Psalm 23. Learn more at christgreensboro.org/smallgroups or contact Barb Liccardo ([email protected], ​ 336-740-0492) Pilgrimage Retreat Thu-Sun, Feb 21-24, King, NC | Are you searching for a way to energize your spiritual life—maybe something that could change your life and desire to serve the Lord? If you are interested, please contact Susan and Steve Miller ([email protected]), Ron and Betsy Eberhardt ([email protected]), Helen and Carl Phillips ([email protected]), or Dan Boswell ([email protected]). JOY Women’s Retreat Sat-Sun, Mar 23-24, The Summit at Haw River State Park | Grab your girlfriends and join us for a weekend away as we learn about creating and sustaining joy in our lives through panel and community discussion, a featured speaker, and a related craft, plus time for fun, fellowship, and meals together. Women of all ages are welcome! Cost is $99 (overnight) or $39 (commuter). Register at christgreensboro.org/joy. ​

SERVE We serve together in our church, our community, and the world. Visit our Missions Café Looking for an opportunity to serve through Christ Church in our community? Visit our Missions Café, located in the Gathering Space at our Holden Road campus, to learn more about these and other current opportunities. Overnight Male Volunteers Needed for Winter Shelter Come make a difference in the lives of men who are working toward transitioning out of homelessness. Male volunteers are needed to stay overnight at the winter shelter at West Market Street UMC and split the shift with the WMSUMC staff person so he won’t have to be up all night. Sleeping quarters are separate from the guests. Visit the Missions Café or contact Beth Taylor ([email protected], 336-202-8726). Volunteer with Vacation Bible School June 24-27, 2019 | Volunteers are needed for this summer’s VBS, “Moses and Me: The ​ Rest of the Story!” We are blessed to be able to add two more preschool classrooms this year, as we had to turn children away due to lack of space last summer—which means we need more volunteers than ever! Sign up to volunteer now at christgreensboro.org/volunteer-with-vbs. ​ Volunteer with Kids Konsignment Sale Feb 25-Mar 2 | The Kids Konsignment Sale needs your help! We need volunteers to set up, work, and take down our sale during the week of Feb 25-Mar 2. Shifts will last four hours, and child care will be provided for certain shifts. Volunteers also receive a pass to shop early at our sale! Don’t have time to volunteer? Donate money for snacks for our volunteers and still receive early shopping privileges! For more details and to sign up for your shift, visit kidskonsignmentsale.com. ​

Christ United Methodist Church 410 North Holden Road Greensboro, NC 27410

Christ United Methodist Church www.christgreensboro.org | facebook.com/christgreensboro HOLDEN ROAD PASTORAL STAFF 410 N. Holden Rd. Morris Brown, Senior Pastor ​ Greensboro, NC 27410 Louis Timberlake, Executive Pastor ​ (336) 299-1571 Virginia Reynolds, Associate Pastor ​ Hours: 9am-4pm M-Th; 9am-1pm F Carter Ellis, Associate Pastor/Lead Pastor, ​ Worship with us Sundays at 8:45am, 9am, STUMC 11am, and 11:15am. PASTORAL CARE EMERGENCY LINE GLENWOOD After office hours, call 336-337-5633. 1417 Glenwood Avenue CHRIST CHURCH RADIO Greensboro, NC 27403 WDFC 101.7 - Broadcast 24/7 (336) 274-7086 (Our 11am service is broadcast live from ​ Worship with us Sundays at 11am. Holden Road every Sunday.) RESERVATION LINE 336-299-1571 ext. 333 INTERESTED IN JOINING? Contact Susan Pabon in the Church Office (336-299-1571 or ​ ​ [email protected]).