Institutional Fact Book 2011-2012 Office of Institutional Research
[email protected] Fact Book 2011-2012 Institutional Research Mission Statement The Offi ce of Institutional Research (IR) serves the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor community by providing accurate data to support informed decision-making, strategic planning, and institutional assessment. Published January 2013 Offi ce of Institutional Research
[email protected] (254) 295-4167 (254) 295-4690 (fax) University of Mary Hardin-Baylor iii Fact Book 2011-2012 iv University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2011-2012 January 2013 The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book is an annual publication that pres- ents current and historical information about the institution and its students. It pro- vides a variety of summary and statistical information relating to the many functions of the university. Many of the reports show longitudinal trends over several years. Although the data presented is reliable and conforms to generally accepted defi ni- tions, it may differ from other reports due to differences in defi nitions or capture dates. We hope that you will fi nd this Fact Book to be useful, especially in your role as a planner, decision-maker, and evaluator. To provide the most accurate and comparable data, it is necessary to utilize infor- mation from the entire year, although in some cases, data is best presented for fall semesters only. As a result, the Fact Book addresses the preceding, rather than the current, year. The format of the data follows the institutional academic year begin- ning with the fall semester unless the title indicates fi scal year, which runs from June 1st through May 31st.