University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Institutional Fact Book 2009-2010

Fact Book 2009-2010

Published February 2011 Offi ce of Institutional Research

[email protected] (254) 295-4167 (254) 295-4690 (fax)

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor iii

Fact Book 2009-2010

January 2010

The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book is an annual publication that pres- ents current and historical information about the institution and its students. It pro- vides a variety of summary and statistical information relating to the many functions of the university. Many of the reports show longitudinal trends over several years. Although the data presented is reliable and conforms to generally accepted defi ni- tions, it may differ from other reports due to differences in defi nitions or capture dates. We hope that you will fi nd this Fact Book to be useful, especially in your role as a planner, decision-maker, and evaluator.

To provide the most accurate and comparable data, it is necessary to utilize infor- mation from the entire year, although in some cases, data is best presented for fall semesters only. As a result, the Fact Book addresses the preceding, rather than the current, year. The format of the data follows the institutional academic year begin- ning with the fall semester unless the title indicates fi scal year, which runs from June 1st through May 31st. In accordance with government regulations, our offi cial count day is the 8th day of classes.

For comparative purposes, older data may be obtained from earlier editions of the Fact Book. Copies of previous editions may be found in the Townsend Memorial Library, the UMHB Offi ce of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the UMHB Institutional Research Offi ce.

As you review this book, please note any comments and/or suggestions for improve- ment and share them with the Institutional Research Offi ce. I welcome your assis- tance in making this book more useful to the UMHB community.

Bethany Chapman, Institutional Research Coordinator

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor v Fact Book 2009-2010

Table of Contents CRUcial Facts...... 1

Enrollment Enrollment by Session...... 4 Changes in Fall Enrollment...... 5 Unduplicated Students by Academic Year...... 6 New Students...... 7 Freshmen Admissions...... 9 Freshmen Profi le...... 10 Majors — Undergraduates...... 11 Minors — Undergraduates...... 15 Majors — Graduate Students...... 17 Full-Time Equivalents — Undergraduates...... 19 Full-Time Equivalents — Graduate Students...... 20 Semester Hours Generated...... 21 Semester Hours Generated by Session...... 22 Undergraduate Hours by Department by Session...... 23 Graduate Hours by Department by Session...... 25 Undergraduate Evening Courses...... 26 Graduate Courses Offered per Session...... 27 Graduate Courses Offered per Session and Discipline...... 28 Retention of Entering Freshmen...... 29 Retention of Entering Freshmen in Opportunity Program...... 30

Student Characteristics Student Ethnicity...... 32 Student Gender...... 33 Student Denominational Preference...... 35 Student Age Distribution...... 37 Eligible Athletes...... 39 Student Origins by Country (International Students)...... 40 Student Origins by State...... 41 Student Origins by Texas County...... 43

vi University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Table of Contents (continued) Academics Undergraduate Class Sizes by Fall...... 52 Graduates — Bachelor’s...... 53 Graduates — Master’s...... 54 Degrees by Type — Bachelor’s...... 55 Degrees by Type — Master’s...... 56 Honorary Doctorates...... 57 Library Titles and Volumes...... 58

Faculty and Staff Full-Time Faculty and Staff...... 62 Full-Time Faculty with Terminal Degree...... 62 Full-Time Faculty by Gender...... 63 Full-Time Faculty by Rank...... 64 Full-Time Faculty by Department...... 65

Fiscal Data Tuition Rates (per hour)...... 68 Financial Aid...... 69 Financial Aid Recipients by Family Income...... 71 Capital Expenditures in Thousands...... 72 Educational and General Expenditures in Thousands...... 73 Endowment Value in Thousands...... 73 Endowment Income in Thousands...... 73

Facilities Resident Students...... 76 Residence Hall Occupancy...... 77 Apartment and House Occupancy...... 78 Campus Parking...... 79 Buildings Dedicated: Past Decade...... 81

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor vii

Fact Book 2009-2010

CRUcial Facts Founding Chartered by the Republic of Texas in 1845

Religous Affi liation Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT)

Address 900 College Street Belton, Texas 76513 (800) 727-UMHB

Web Address

Mascot Crusaders/The CRU

Fall 2009 Enrollment Undergraduateuate students:students: 22,547,547 Graduate sstudents:tudents: 222121 Total: 2,7688

Faculty andnd SStafftaff Faculty: 14343 FFullull --TimeTime Staff: 198 FFull-Timeull-Time Administration:ation: 2121 FFull-Timeull-Time

2009-10 Degreesegrees AAwardedwarded Undergraduate:duate: 478478 Graduate: 6600

Accreditationtion The Universityrsity ooff MMaryary HHardin-Baylorardin-Baylor isis accreditedaccredited bbyy tthehe CCommissionommission oonn CCollegesolleges of the Southernuthern AAssociationssociation ooff CCollegesolleges aandnd SSchoolschools ttoo aawardward bbaccalaureateaccalaureate aandnd mmaster’saster’s degrees. Contactontact tthehe CCommissionommission oonn CCollegesolleges aatt 11866866 SSouthernouthern LLane,ane, DDecatur,ecatur, GGeorgiaeorgia 30033-40977 oorr ccallall 404404-679-4500-679-4500 fforor qquestionsuestions aaboutbout tthehe aaccreditationccreditation ooff tthehe UUniversityniversity ooff Mary Hardin-Baylor.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 1

Fact Book 2009-2010

Enrollment Enrollment by Session...... 4 Changes in Fall Enrollment...... 5 Unduplicated Students by Academic Year...... 6 New Students...... 7 Freshmen Admissions...... 9 Freshmen Profi le...... 10 Majors — Undergraduates...... 11 Minors — Undergraduates...... 15 Majors — Graduate Students...... 17 Full-Time Equivalents — Undergraduates...... 19 Full-Time Equivalents — Graduate Students...... 20 Semester Hours Generated...... 21 Semester Hours Generated by Session...... 22 Undergraduate Hours by Department by Session...... 23 Graduate Hours by Department by Session...... 25 Undergraduate Evening Courses...... 26 Graduate Courses Offered per Session...... 27 Graduate Courses Offered per Session and Discipline...... 28 Retention of Entering Freshmen...... 29 Retention of Entering Freshmen in Opportunity Program...... 30

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 3 Fact Book 2009-2010

Enrollment by Session

Year Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II 2000-01 2590 2405 667 398 2001-02 2624 2390 902 436 2002-03 2656 2446 982 451 2003-04 2627 2437 898 442 2004-05 2706 2459 902 400 2005-06 2725 2413 781 333 2006-07 2713 2433 773 317 2007-08 2685 2416 449 293 2008-09 2701 2423 761 320 2009-10 2768 2550 898 381 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

4 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Changes in Fall Enrollment

Fall Enrollment # Change % Change 2000 2590 24 1.0% 2001 2624 34 1.3% 2002 2656 32 1.2% 2003 2627 -29 -1.1% 2004 2706 79 3.0% 2005 2725 19 0.7% 2006 2713 -12 -0.4% 2007 2685 -28 -1.0% 2008 2701 16 0.6% 2009 2768 67 2.4%

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 5 Fact Book 2009-2010

Unduplicated Students by Academic Year

Year Undergraduates Graduate students Total 2005-06 2847 206 3053 2006-07 2809 224 3033 2007-08 2744 202 3009 2008-09 2669 301 2970 2009-10 2808 312 3120


Graduate Students


6 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

New Students

Fall Freshmen Transfers Total Undergraduates Graduate students Total 2000 491 340 831 45 876 2001 457 294 751 44 795 2002 473 286 759 27 786 2003 508 264 772 27 799 2004 475 309 784 37 821 2005 500 278 778 25 803 2006 482 309 791 34 825 2007 482 297 779 28 807 2008 479 313 792 27 819 2009 598 263 861 36 897

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 7 Fact Book 2009-2010

New Students (continued)

Fall 2009

Graduate Students 4%

Transfers 29%

Freshmen 67%

8 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Freshmen Admissions

Fall Applied Admitted Selectivity Enrolled Yield 2005 1261 942 74.7% 500 53.1% 2006 1211 857 70.8% 482 56.2% 2007 1258 962 76.4% 482 50.0% 2008 3582 1499 41.85% 479 32.0% 2009 5379 2276 42.3% 479 21.0%




Applied 3000 Admitted Enrolled



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 9 Fact Book 2009-2010

Freshmen Profi le - Test Averages

Fall SAT Verbal SAT Math SAT Writing ACT Composite 2005 534 534 23 2006 512 529 508 23 2007 503 511 491 22 2008 550 530 23 2009 513 532 494 23

Freshmen Profi le - High School Rank

Fall Top Tenth Top Quartile Top Half Bottom Half % Submitting Rank 2005 19% 46% 79% 21% 89% 2006 18% 45% 79% 21% 85% 2007 16% 45% 76% 24% 82% 2008 21% 51% 83% 17% 86% 2009 16% 44% 76% 24% 87%

Freshmen Profi le - Majors by College

10 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Undergraduates

Major 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Accounting 74 72 82 80 56 Business Administration 26 25 24 69 60 Business, Sec. Ed. 1 0 0 0 0 Business Systems 0 0 2 3 11 Business, Undecided 25 19 32 8 4 Computer Graphics Design 65 57 48 62 48 Computer Information Systems 17 10 2 1 0 Computer Studies 5 5 3 3 5 Economics 0 7 4 4 10 Finance 9 28 35 37 36 Finance/Economics 47 24 9 3 0 Information Systems 10 10 5 8 7 Information Systems, Sec. Ed. 1 0 0 0 0 Management 117 126 123 104 100 Marketing 75 79 80 70 50 Technology and Training 0 0 0 0 0 Business 472 462 449 452 387 Biblical Studies 9 6 9 9 12 Christian Ministry 28 39 43 26 45 Christian Missions 6 6 9 4 X Christian Studies 29 40 30 33 27 Church History 1 1 1 0 0 General Ministry 5 3 0 0 0 Pastoral Ministry 2 5 3 4 0 Religion 20 5 1 0 0 Theology and Philosophy 7 10 16 18 12 Worship Ministry 2 0 Youth Ministry 8 10 15 9 0 Christian Studies 115 125 127 105 96 Athletic Training 28 32 29 29 35 EC-4, Generalist 206 181 181 151 71

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 11 Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Undergraduates (continued)

Major 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 EXSS (Physical Ed.) 67 81 97 114 121 EXSS, All Level 95 72 54 45 62 Interdisciplinary Studies 12 17 Math, 4-8 10 9 6 6 8 Math/Science, 4-8 2 2 0 1 3 R/E/LA, 4-8 9 11 9 8 4 R/E/LA/SS, 4-8 6 7 9 2 3 Recreation 20 19 11 7 2 Recreation, All Level 3 2 0 0 0 Science, 4-8 6 5 9 1 5 Social Studies, 4-8 11 7 5 5 3 Special Education, All Level 23 19 18 13 11 Sport Management 31 41 41 54 48 Sport Management, All Level 3 0 0 0 Education 517 493 471 448 393 American Studies 1 1 2 Communication 29 27 14 24 26 Communication (Speech), Sec. Ed. 4 1 3 2 3 English 24 28 49 37 29 English, Sec. Ed. 23 22 2 9 12 History 26 31 27 41 40 History, Sec. Ed. 38 30 33 28 24 Mass Comm./Journalism 49 42 57 39 29 Mass Comm./Journalism, Sec. Ed. 2 0 0 0 Performance Studies 20 14 15 8 9 Political Science 30 25 18 21 25 Social Studies, Sec. Ed. 10 5 5 6 6 Spanish 14 14 18 10 9 Spanish, All Level 10 7 0 3 4 Speech 4 4 Humanities 281 257 245 233 222

12 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Undergraduates (continued)

Major 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Nursing 417 424 409 417 461 Biochemistry 9 9 4 Biology 119 123 0 0 0 Biology, Cell 121 140 125 Biology, Organismal 17 25 20 Biology, Undecided 2 1 0 Chemistry 33 30 34 26 45 Clinical Lab Science (Medical Tech) 11 12 17 10 7 Computer Science 67 60 58 59 59 Criminal Justice 33 38 41 41 45 Life Science, Sec. Ed. 5 16 9 11 Math 15 18 12 20 18 Math, Sec. Ed. 15 16 10 6 7 Physical Science, Sec. Ed. 3 0 0 Psychology 158 150 131 132 110 Psychology, Sec. Ed. 2 0 0 0 Social Work 67 62 54 49 57 Sociology 34 28 19 22 17 Sciences 552 551 544 550 525 Art 44 54 49 59 42 Art, All Level 21 15 15 17 13 Composition 5 6 3 0 1 Church Music 6 8 8 9 6 Music Ed., All Level 37 35 30 28 26 Music Performance 15 9 9 15 20 Music, Undecided 2 5 1 Performance Studies, Sec. Ed. 4 9 3 3 2 Visual and Performing Arts 128 127 116 136 111 Professional Studies 53 74 98 115 75 Undecided 129 121 104 65 162 Just Taking Classes 21 17 55 43 37

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 13 Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Undergraduates (continued)

Fall 2009

14 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Minors — Undergraduates

Minor 2006 2007 2008 2009 Accounting 5 4 2 0 Accounting Information Management 2 0 0 1 Business Administration 42 24 27 26 Business Systems (Computer Info Systems) 1 1 1 0 Computer Graphics Design 8 9 9 13 Computer Studies 7 13 6 2 Economics 1 3 4 3 Entrepreneurship 1 0 Finance/Economics 1 0 0 0 Finance 4 1 2 0 Management 14 15 6 4 Marketing 16 9 10 8 Business 101 79 68 57 Biblical Languages 6 11 8 6 Biblical Studies 1 6 4 5 Christian Ethics 0 3 1 1 Christian Studies 14 65 70 52 Church History 0 1 0 0 Philosophy 5 3 1 1 Religion 86 2 0 0 Christian Studies 112 97 84 65 Exercise and Sport Science 34 42 30 24 Organization Management 52 40 56 49 Reading 0 0 0 0 Recreation 15 26 8 5 Special Education 1 2 1 2 Sport Management 26 25 12 10 Education 128 135 107 90 Communication 12 12 13 4 English 38 23 23 14 Film Studies 0 5 3 8

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 15 Fact Book 2009-2010

Minors — Undergraduates (continued)

Minor 2006 2007 2008 2009 French 1 2 1 1 German 0 2 0 0 History 54 63 35 34 Mass Communication/Journalism 2 3 5 2 Performance Studies 0 2 0 0 Political Science 12 16 13 6 Spanish 25 25 20 24 Writing 8 13 8 2 Humanities 152 166 121 95 Biology 51 66 57 30 Chemistry 29 45 46 13 Computer Science 7 6 3 27 Criminal Justice 0 2 0 4 Dental Science 0 1 0 0 Life-Earth Science 15 7 10 13 Mathematics 21 20 17 12 Physical Science 1 1 0 0 Psychology 105 100 83 65 Sociology 47 46 28 34 Sciences 276 294 244 198 Art 96 82 80 59 Music 18 21 12 10 Theatre 21 18 5 7 Visual and Performing Arts 135 121 97 76

16 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Graduate Students

Major 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Doctor of Education 21 35 54 Community Counseling 21 41 38 33 11 Clinical Mental Health Counseling 12 0 0 9 19 Marriage & Family Christian Counseling 3 14 15 14 10 Psychology & Counseling 1 1 7 7 10 School Psychology & Counseling 7 9 7 3 2 Master of Arts 44 65 67 66 52 Master of Arts (Religion) 0 1 0 0 0 Accounting 3 2 6 4 Management 10 12 18 33 MBA, Unknown 3 0 0 Sport Management 1 0 0 0 BBA/MBA Accounting program 5 1 0 0 0 Master of Business Administration 20 15 17 24 37 Curriculum and Instruction 0 0 0 3 8 Educational Administration 28 18 19 17 15 Educational Diagnostician 2 1 4 2 1 Educational Psychology 4 6 5 7 3 Exercise and Sport Science 6 9 16 12 General Studies 2 6 5 3 0 Mid-Management 4 4 0 0 0 Reading Education 4 2 1 3 0 Special Education 0 0 0 0 0 Master of Education 44 43 43 51 39 Master of Science (Info. Systems) 7 10 8 5 15 Master of Science in Nursing 0 0 0 8 11 Just Taking Classes 6 4 1 10 7

The Master of Arts in Religion program is no longer accepting new applicants.

JTC stands for Just Taking Classes, or non-matriculated, non-degree-seeking graduate students.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 17 Fact Book 2009-2010

Majors — Graduate Students (continued)

Fall 2009

18 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Full Time Equivalents - Undergraduates

Year Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II 2000-01 2524.2 2338.1 395.8 259.0 2001-02 2569.0 2328.4 507.7 294.3 2002-03 2634.4 2413.5 556.3 289.8 2003-04 2675.2 2465.5 500.3 285.8 2004-05 2769.0 2513.0 495.8 256.3 2005-06 2784.0 2543.8 568.0 201.3 2006-07 2781.5 2571.0 529.2 214.5 2007-08 2721.5 2406.8 557.2 278.0 2008-09 2702.0 2393.8 467.6 176.8 2009-10 2770.8 2496.1 415.5 213.12 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

A Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) student is defi ned as 12 undergraduate hours or 9 graduate hours during fall and spring semesters. During the summer sessions, those numbers are halved.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 19 Fact Book 2009-2010

Full Time Equivalents - Graduate Students

Year Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II 2000-01 119.8 110.3 190.7 22.7 2001-02 126.7 131.1 203.3 16.2 2002-03 122.0 122.7 180.0 24.7 2003-04 110.1 106.9 189.6 38.0 2004-05 94.1 84.2 115.3 28.0 2005-06 100.8 89.4 119.3 32.6 2006-07 106.7 98.7 89.1 32.5 2007-08 130.9 125.4 114.7 31.5 2008-09 161.6 166.2 115.0 42.0 2009-10 169.8 182.4 210.8 40.4 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

20 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Semester Hours Generated

Year Undergraduate Graduate Total 2000-01 62276 3031 65307 2001-02 63581 3308 66889 2002-03 65654 3123 68777 2003-04 66405 2977 69382 2004-05 67896 2250 70146 2005-06 67312 2298 69610 2006-07 66631 2841 69472 2007-08 65135 3378 68513 2008-09 64281 4071 68352 2009-10 67542 4319 71861

Undergraduate Hours

Graduate Hours

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 21 Fact Book 2009-2010

Semester Hours Generated by Session 2005-06 Undergraduate Graduate Total Fall 33408 907 34315 Spring 30156 758 30914 Summer I* 2540 486 3026 Summer II 1208 126 1664 Total 67312 2298 69610 2006-07 Undergraduate Graduate Total Fall 33378 960 34338 Spring 29652 888 30540 Summer I* 2314 700 3014 Summer II 1287 293 1580 Total 66631 2841 69472 2007-08 Undergraduate Graduate Total Fall 32661 1178 33839 Spring 28882 1129 30011 Summer I* 1924 787 2711 Summer II 1668 284 1952 Total 65135 3378 68513 2008-09 Undergraduate Graduate Total Fall 32424 1454 33878 Spring 28726 1496 30222 Summer I* 2070 954 3024 Summer II 1061 167 1228 Total 64281 4071 68352 2009-10 Undergraduate Graduate Total Fall 33249 1528 34777 Spring 29953 1642 31595 Summer I* 2837 976 3813 Summer II 1503 173 1676 Total 67542 4319 71861 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment 22 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Undergraduate Hours by Department by Session: 2009-10

Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II Total Accounting 446 434 87 48 1015 Business Administration 627 462 141 27 1257 Business Law 129 126 0 0 255 Business Systems 237 180 21 27 465 Computer Info. Systems 855 760 66 45 1726 Economics 327 363 27 24 741 Entrepreneurship 36 78 24 0 138 Finance 228 240 12 36 516 Management 480 483 90 30 1083 Marketing 309 267 3 30 609 Quantitative Bus. Analysis 198 231 33 0 462 Business 3872 3624 504 267 8267 Archaeology 0 30 0 0 30 Biblical Studies 2505 2091 114 111 4821 Christian Studies 1 2 0 0 3 Church History 183 135 0 0 318 Greek 120 96 0 0 216 Hebrew 42 45 0 0 87 Ministry 222 234 0 21 477 Philosophy 108 114 24 0 246 Theology 99 171 24 0 294 Christian Studies 3280 2918 162 132 6492 English as a Second Language 129 135 0 36 300 Exercise & Sport Science 1695 1698 327 154 3874 Fine Arts 66 90 0 0 156 General Education 1552 1469 204 78 3303 Reading 453 396 30 15 894 Recreation 3 54 9 0 66 Special Education 60 105 21 0 186 Education 3958 3947 591 283 8779 Honors 12 13 0 0 25 American Sign Language 317 239 0 0 556 Communication/Media 1368 1135 69 69 2641 English 2511 2016 75 123 4725

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 23 Fact Book 2009-2010

Undergraduate Hours by Department by Session: 2009-10 (continued)

Department Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II Total English as a Second Language 90 126 0 0 216 French 56 36 0 0 92 German 36 25 0 0 61 History 1284 1110 60 0 2454 Japanese 16 8 0 0 24 Political Science 342 246 0 0 588 Spanish 754 801 108 68 1731 Writing 65 105 00170 Humanities 6839 5847 312 260 13258 Nursing 2988 3030 75 0 6093 Aerospace Studies 6 6 0 0 12 Biology 2526 2300 241 96 5163 Chemistry 1265 1229 108 131 2733 Computer Science 339 396 35 18 788 Criminal Justice 158 228 6 0 392 Engineering 60 39 0 0 99 Environmental Science 28 52 0 0 80 Geology 64 20 0 0 84 Math 1533 1141 282 96 3052 Physics 43 92 6 0 141 Psychology 1921 1771 237 90 4019 Social Work 463 429 51 45 988 Sociology 954 861 147 54 2016 Sciences 9360 8564 1113 530 19567 Art 1068 1175 86 31 2360 Music 708 679 3 0 1390 Theatre 42 30 0 0 72 Visual & Performing Arts 1818 1884 89 31 3822 Student Development 593 17 0 0 610 Total 32720 29844 2846 1503 66913

*Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

24 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Graduate Hours by Department by Session

Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II Total Accounting 44 8 10 0 62 Business Administration 40 118 14 6 178 Computer Info. Systems 98 202 9 2 311 Economics 30 0 16 0 46 Finance 40 0 0 0 40 Management 42 66 0 0 108 Marketing 14 0 0 0 14 Business Systems 0 54 0 0 54 Quantitative Bus. Analysis 44 0 0 0 44 Business 352 448 49 8 857 General Education 51 24 51 9 135 Educational Admin. (M.Ed.) 66 45 24 51 186 Educational Admin. (Ed.D.) 390 399 408 0 1197 Early Childhood Educ. 0 0 3 0 3 Educational Psychology 0 0 0 0 0 Reading 15 3 6 18 42 Special Education 18 63 3 0 84 Exercise and Sport Science 111 96 57 84 348 Education 651 630 552 162 1995 Humanities - English 9 6 0 3 18 Marriage and Family 78 99 54 0 231 Christian Counseling Psychology/Counseling 345 342 312 0 999 Graduate Counseling/Psyc 423 441 366 0 1230 Nursing 93 51 9 0 153 Total 1528 1576 976 173 4253

*Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 25 Fact Book 2009-2010

Undergraduate Evening Courses

Department Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II Total Accounting/Finance 3 1 4 Business Law 1 1 2 Business Systems 2 1 3 Management/Marketing 0 0 Business 6 3 0 0 9 Biblical Studies 2 2 4 Christian Ministry 1 1 2 Christian Studies 3 3 0 0 6 Education 7 6 13 English as a Second Language 0 0 0 Special Education 3 4 7 Exercise and Sport Science 1 1 1 3 Education 11 11 1 0 23 Communication 1 1 English 3 1 4 Foreign Languages 0 0 0 German 2 2 4 Spanish 4 5 9 Humanities 9 9 0 0 18 Biology 3 4 7 Chemistry 4 4 8 Criminal Justice 2 2 4 Geology 1 1 2 Math/Physics 1 2 3 Psychology 1 2 3 Sociology 2 2 4 Social Work 1 1 2 Sciences 15 18 0 0 33 Art 3 4 7 Music 2 2 4 Theater 2 1 3 Visual and Performing Arts 7 7 0 0 14 Total 51 51 1 0 103 *Summer I includes May Minimester courses

26 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Graduate Courses Offered per Session

Year Fall Spring Summer I* Summer II Total 2000-01 85 73 49 8 215 2001-02 56 58 40 6 160 2002-03 47 51 38 12 148 2003-04 54 59 43 16 172 2004-05 87 84 32 13 216 2005-06 54 53 50 15 172 2006-07 71 55 41 20 187 2007-08 85 53 44 19 201 2008-09 96 92 67 19 274 2009-10 104 94 70 21 289 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment By Session




Fall 60 Spring Summer I Summer II 40


0 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 Total

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 27 Fact Book 2009-2010

Graduate Courses Offered per Session and Discipline

PSYC/ Semester BIOL CHEM ENGL EDUC BUSI CISC NURS COUN Fall 05 1 1 13 16 23 Spring 06 4 12 16 21 Summer I 06 2 11 3 34 Summer II 06 14 1 2005-06 1 4 3 50 36 0 78 0 Fall 06 5 1 21 14 30 Spring 07 1 2 16 11 25 Summer I 07 1 8 2 30 Summer II 07 17 3 2006-07 0 7 3 62 30 0 85 0 Fall 07 8 7 23 14 32 Spring 08 1 18 14 20 Summer I 08 17 2 25 Summer II 08 17 4 2007-08 0 8 8 75 34 0 77 0 Fall 08 6 8 36 13 35 4 Spring 09 42 13 33 4 Summer I 09 24 6 34 3 Summer II 09 2 15 5 1 2008-09 6 8 2 117 37 0 102 12 Fall 09 4 3 40 17 34 6 Spring 10 2 40 17 32 3 Summer I 10 25 6 38 1 Summer II 10 2 16 3 2009-10 6 4 7 121 43 0 104 10 *Summer I includes May Minimester enrollment

28 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Retention of Entering Freshmen

% Enrolled Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall After 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 Semester 88.5 82.9 86.4 83.5 88.9 89.6 84.2 84.4 84.8 87.2 2 Semesters 64.1 61.9 63.2 54.2 71.1 71.2 64.5 60.0 63.4 65.1 3 Semesters 57.2 53.0 56.7 59.2 62.8 64.3 56.3 56.6 58.0 4 Semesters 49.3 49.2 50.7 52.4 57.4 54.3 50.9 49.6 53.8 5 Semesters 46.6 46.9 48.4 49.8 52.9 49.9 49.9 48.3 6 Semesters 44.6 43.5 45.1 46.6 51.7 47.6 46.5 45.6 7 Semesters 40.8 39.8 39.1 41.2 41.0 44.2 43.7 8 Semesters 20.9 20.1 21.7 23.3 18.8 22.4 20.0 9 Semesters 14.3 13.0 12.5 11.8 11.7 12.5 10 Semesters 5.8 5.9 6.9 4.1 5.9 5.5 11 Semesters 6.0 4.5 1.6 3.2 5.9 12 Semesters 3.2 4.1 1.1 3.2 1.8 13 Semesters 2.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 14 Semesters 1.3 1.0 1.3 2.8

Cohort Size 468 492 448 468 505 473 501 482 481 475 # Graduated 202 212 199 204 259 204 133 13 % Graduated 43.2 43.1 44.4 43.6 51.3 43.1 26.5 2.7

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 29 Fact Book 2009-2010

Retention of Entering Freshmen in Opportunity Program

% Enrolled Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall After 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 Semester 88.5 84.6 77.5 72.5 75.0 82.3 71.8 75.2 76.7 82.0 2 Semesters 69.2 61.5 65.0 56.5 64.3 57.5 45.9 53.5 53.4 59.0 3 Semesters 57.7 46.2 60.0 53.6 53.6 53.8 42.4 47.5 44.5 4 Semesters 46.2 34.6 55.0 40.6 46.4 35.0 41.2 36.6 39.7 5 Semesters 46.2 34.6 52.5 36.2 39.3 33.8 36.5 36.6 6 Semesters 38.5 26.9 47.5 33.3 39.3 36.3 31.8 39.6 7 Semesters 38.5 26.9 42.5 30.4 39.3 31.3 28.2 8 Semesters 30.8 15.4 30.0 11.6 28.6 23.8 16.5 9 Semesters 23.1 11.5 27.5 10.1 28.6 16.3 10 Semesters 7.7 3.8 5.0 4.3 14.3 11.3 11 Semesters 11.5 3.8 5.0 1.4 3.6 12 Semesters 3.8 0.0 7.5 1.4 3.6 13 Semesters 7.7 0.0 0.0 1.4 14 Semesters 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2

Cohort Size 26 26 40 69 28 80 85 101 146 61 # Graduated 5 3 16 19 11 16 12 % Graduated 19.2 11.5 40.0 27.5 39.3 20.0 14.1

30 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Characteristics Student Ethnicity...... 32 Student Gender...... 33 Student Denominational Preference...... 35 Student Age Distribution...... 37 Eligible Athletes...... 39 Student Origins by Country (International Students)...... 40 Student Origins by State...... 41 Student Origins by Texas County...... 43

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 31 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Ethnicity

Fall Asian* Black Hispanic Native American White Other 2005 1.5% 10.7% 10.6% .7% 76.0% .5% 2006 1.84% 10.54% 12.24% .55% 74.31% .52% 2007 1.82% 12.18% 12.1% .56% 71.62% 1.72% 2008 2.0% 11.7% 12.7% .6% 70.8% 2.2% 2009 2.1% 13.0% 13.6% .4% 67.8% 3.1% *The Asian category includes Hawaiian/Pacifi c Islanders.

Fall 2009

32 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Gender

Fall Female Male 2005 63.7% 36.3% 2006 64.0% 36.0% 2007 63.4% 36.6% 2008 62.9% 37.1% 2009 60.9% 39.1%

Fall 2009

Note: According to the Dept. of Education, the national average as of Fall 2005 was 57.5% female and 42.5% male.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 33 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Gender — Undergraduates

Student Gender — Graduate Students

34 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Denominational Preference

Denomination 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Assemblies of God 0% 0.1% 0.15% 0.26% 0.54% Baptist 50.6% 48.3% 47.75% 46.39% 44.54% Bible Church 0 0 0.34% 1.00% 1.63% Catholic 10.7% 12.9% 11.96% 12.59% 12.97% Church of Christ 2.4% 2.2% 2.64% 2.33% 3.18% Disciples of Christ 0% 1.0% 1.15% 1.11% 0.61% Episcopal 1.0% 1.0% 0.89% 1.04% 0.87% Lutheran 2.7% 2.3% 2.76% 2.81% 2.67% Methodist 6.6% 6.1% 6.22% 6.63% 6.39% Mormon 0% 0.2% 0.19% 0.11% 0.07% Nazarene 0% 0.3% 0.37% 0.33% 0.33% Non-Christian 0.2% 0.2% 0.23% 0.15% 0.14% No Preference 9.5% 10.1% 9.94% 10.22% 12.07% Other Protestant 13.2% 11.7% 9.57% 9.37% 10.51% Pentecostal 2.1% 2.6% 2.61% 2.22% 2.13% Presbyterian 1.0% 1.0% 0.97% 1.48% 1.26% Unknown 0 0 2.27% 1.96% 0.07%

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 35 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Denominational Preference (continued)

Fall 2009

36 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Age Distribution 2005 Undergraduate Graduate Range 17-62 21-57 Mean 23 32 Median 21 29 Mode 18 23

2006 Undergraduate Graduate Range 16-63 21-57 Mean 23 32 Median 21 31 Mode 18 24

2007 Undergraduate Graduate Range 16-87 21-60 Mean 23 34 Median 21 32 Mode 18 23

2008 Undergraduate Graduate Range 17-65 21-61 Mean 23 34 Median 20 31 Mode 18 23

2009 Undergraduate Graduate Range 16-63 21-62 Mean 22 33 Median 20 30 Mode 18 23

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 37 Fact Book 2009-2010

Age Distribution — Undergraduates

Age Distribution — Graduate Students

38 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Eligible Athletes

Sport 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Baseball 58 57 36 45 39 Basketball (Men’s) 14 14 16 24 24 Basketball (Women’s) 16 17 14 16 19 Football 156 182 176 189 182 Golf (Men’s) 12 12 18 13 9 Golf (Women’s) 8 8 6 6 7 Soccer (Men’s) 25 28 35 39 37 Soccer (Women’s) 17 17 23 20 22 Softball 17 19 18 20 25 Tennis (Men’s) 13 11 10 11 8 Tennis (Women’s) 19 9 11 11 8 Volleyball 11 15 17 16 17 Total 357 389 380 410 397

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 39 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Country (International Students) — Fall Semesters

Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 01110 Bahamas 00011 11010 China 0491520 Colombia 11110 Congo 00110 Ecuador 42100 France 11000 02100 Hong Kong 00045 India 201315 Italy 01000 Jamaica 00010 Kenya 32111 Korea 11355 Mexico 01221 Nigeria 00120 Philippines 00010 10000 Somalia 00010 00001 Sri Lanka 00001 Sweden 00110 Taiwan 018115 Thailand 10001 Uganda 00240 United 8 00010 Zimbabwe 11110 Total Students 16 19 34 58 56 Total Countries 10 13 15 20 11

40 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by State — Fall Semesters

State 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Alabama 51102 Alaska 00001 Arizona 14342 Arkansas 22232 California 13445 Colorado 12559 Connecticut 00000 Delaware 00000 District of Columbia 00000 Florida 10014 Georgia 22004 Hawaii 13323 Idaho 00001 Illinois 00001 Indiana 02110 Iowa 00002 Kansas 00010 Kentucky 00104 Louisiana 66555 Maine 00011 Maryland 00131 Massachusetts 00001 Michigan 21000 Minnesota 12001 Mississippi 00001 Missouri 43000 Montana 00000

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 41 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by State — Fall Semesters (continued)

State 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Nebraska 22111 Nevada 00000 New Hampshire 00000 New Jersey 23131 New Mexico 32123 New York 12100 North Carolina 11113 North Dakota 00000 Ohio 21023 Oklahoma 65764 Oregon 11100 Pennsylvania 20021 Rhode Island 00000 South Carolina 32311 South Dakota 01001 Tennessee 21122 Texas 2668 2665 2610 2560 2674 Utah 32210 Vermont 00000 Virginia 22243 Washington 10102 West Virginia 00000 Wisconsin 10001 Wyoming 00000 (Allied Europe) 00030 Total States 29 26 23 24 33

42 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County* — Fall Semesters

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Anderson 65874 Andrews 11000 Angelina 7 5 11 8 4 Aransas 00011 Archer 32321 Atascosa 68723 Austin 72024 Bandera 10000 Bastrop 7 10 8 12 11 Bee11412 Bell 999 1016 922 829 1029 Bexar 46 54 58 41 62 Blanco 22313 Bosque 8 10 9 9 10 Bowie 10001 Brazoria 24 15 11 11 22 Brazos 18 19 24 21 28 Brewster 00001 Brown 45246 Burleson 657710 Burnet 25 19 24 17 19 Caldwell 45641 Calhoun 54422 Callahan 20124 Cameron 9 11 14 17 10 Camp 20000 Cass 11012 Chambers 00002 Cherokee 21111 Clay 01100 *Only counties from which our students come are listed.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 43 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County — Fall Semesters (continued)

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Coleman 00010 Collin 27 31 27 27 33 Collingsworth 00000 Comal 10 16 13 12 20 Comanche 00000 Cooke 10223 Coryell 65 76 73 63 70 Dallas 77 62 66 66 70 Dawson 22321 De Witt44575 Deaf Smith 01111 Delta 00011 Denton 19 16 13 11 19 Dickens 01000 Dimmitt 11011 Donley 10101 Eastland 00220 Ector 00111 El Paso 47450 Ellis 21 17 26 25 30 Erath 12210 Falls 16 17 11 14 11 Fannin 00000 Fayette 21221 Fisher 00002 Fort Bend 23 27 21 19 21 Franklin 10000 Freestone 67312 Frio 00101 Galveston 23 26 20 20 18 Gillespie 68686

44 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County — Fall Semesters (continued)

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Gonzales 02210 Grayson 31112 Gregg 42512 Grimes 32322 Guadalupe 16 18 28 21 19 Hale 00122 Hamilton 00101 Hansford 01100 Hardin 11110 Harris 192 169 173 148 162 Harrison 12121 Hartley 10000 Hays 11 69510 Hemphill 31100 Henderson 77550 Hidalgo 68845 Hill 76755 Hockley 11100 Hood 65566 Houston 84461 Howard 01100 Hunt 42212 Hutchinson 10000 Jackson 35675 Jasper 20001 Jefferson 65545 Jim Hogg 22210 Jim Wells 02200 Johnson 20 20 24 23 39 Jones 01000 Karnes 21210

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 45 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County — Fall Semesters (continued)

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Kaufman 54446 Kendall 488710 Kerr 542915 Kimble 00003 Kleberg 00110 Lamar 01000 Lampasas 24 29 21 22 29 Lavaca 21227 Lee37211 Leon 9 11 6 5 7 Liberty 32132 Limestone 75865 Live Oak 10001 Llano 78756 Lubbock 14110 Madison 21020 Marion 01110 Madison 21000 Matagorda 75511 Maverick 00110 McCullough 00111 McLennan 186 197 190 147 156 Medina 03567 Midland 56531 Milam 35 31 23 19 24 Mills 00000 Montague 22100 Montgomery 24 30 32 31 41 Moore 02221 Morris 01111 Nacogdoches 50003

46 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County — Fall Semesters (continued)

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Navarro 62417 Nolan 00001 Nueces 1 13 7 6 6 Orange 13210 Palo Pinto 16564 Panola 13211 Parker 41357 Pecos 00001 Polk 31331 Rains 10000 Randall 12253 Robertson 9 10 9 5 14 Rockwall 8491115 Runnels 00003 Rusk 52213 San Augustine 11100 San Patricio 34415 San Saba 10010 Scurry 01100 Shackelford 01111 Shelby 13210 Smith 3 6 14 17 22 Somervell 00001 Stephens 00110 Tarrant 53 56 52 44 57 Taylor 63430 Terry 10000 Titus 01110 Tom Green 32332 Travis 94 102 103 84 102 Trinity 00011

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 47 Fact Book 2009-2010

Student Origins by Texas County — Fall Semesters (continued)

County 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Tyler 00200 Upshur 01000 Uvalde 00110 Val Verde 00011 Van Zandt 43311 Victoria 64422 Walker 16 8 9 10 9 Waller 64673 Ward11110 Washington 14 9 11 7 8 Webb00120 Wharton 13244 Wheeler 01000 Wichita 21332 Williamson 243 212 206 196 207 Wilson 32331 Winkler 00000 Wise21201 Wood64421 Yoakum 00010 Young 11132 Total Counties 127 130 134 131 124 Represented

48 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Fact Book 2009-2010

Academics Undergraduate Class Sizes by Fall...... 52 Graduates — Bachelor’s...... 53 Graduates — Master’s...... 54 Degrees by Type — Bachelor’s...... 55 Degrees by Type — Master’s...... 56 Honorary Doctorates...... 57 Library Titles and Volumes...... 58

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 51 Fact Book 2009-2010

Undergraduate Class Sizes by Fall

Enrolled 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2-9 102 82 104 156 269 10-19 166 169 205 200 217 20-29 149 147 164 178 183 30-39 96 81 72 85 71 40-49 21 31 23 37 31 50-99 7 46114 Total 541 514 574 657 785

Fall 2009

52 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Graduates — Bachelor’s

Year December May August Total 2000-01 169 235 37 441 2001-02 188 245 53 486 2002-03 152 289 53 494 2003-04 168 267 67 502 2004-05 190 251 48 489 2005-06 170 245 70 485 2006-07 160 289 80 529 2007-08 163 254 57 474 2008-09 179 251 73 503 2009-10 158 267 53 478




December 300 May August Total 200


0 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 53 Fact Book 2009-2010

Graduates — Master’s

Year December May August Total 2000-01 31 20 23 74 2001-02 22 26 32 80 2002-03 30 30 9 69 2003-04 19 36 17 72 2004-05 23 10 18 51 2005-06 19 11 11 41 2006-07 18 18 21 59 2007-08 12 27 25 64 2008-09 16 23 24 63 2009-10 24 19 17 60





50 December May 40 August

30 Total



0 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10

54 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Degrees by Type — Bachelor’s

Year BA BAS BBA BCM BFA BIS* BM BPS BS BSN BSW 2005-06 109 15 60 2 15 9 37 137 63 20 2006-07 126 8 77 2 20 11 49 133 65 18 2007-08 122 6 66 1 16 5 58 120 81 19 2008-09 116 3 73 4 24 4 56 127 86 10 2009-10 115 4 61 2 14 12 8 40 126 81 15 *The fi rst Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree was awarded in 2009-10.


BSW 3%

BSN BA 17% 24%

BAS 1%

BBA 13% BS 26%

BCM BFA 0% BIS 3% BM 3% BPS 2% 8%

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 55 Fact Book 2009-2010

Degrees by Type — Master’s

Year MA MBA MED MS MSED MSN 2005-06 17 3 13 2 2006-07 28 7 17 3 2007-08 36 6 11 2 2008-09 36 7 18 2 2009-10 21 11 13 3 7 5


MSN 8%

MSED 12% MA 35%

MS 5%

MED 22%

MBA 18%

56 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Honorary Doctorates

Date Recipient(s) December 1986 Kay Teer Crawford Mary Hamilton Purcell May 1987 Marvin Leath December 1991 Sue Mayborn May 1994 John J. Wilson May 1995 JoAn Musick Flowers Stephen P. Carleton December 1995 Bess Hieronymus James R. Maples May 1996 Jim D. Bowmer Bobby E. Parker December 1996 Jerry F. Dawson May 1997 Joy Phillips Fenner September 1997 Etoile DuBard May 1998 William Thad “Tal” Roberts III December 1999 Bettye Joe (Sowders) Westbrook Bonnie B. Westbrook, Jr. May 2001 Charles E. Tatum, Jr. December 2003 Clark Potter May 2004 R. LaVerne Gallman August 2006 Lillian Herbelin McKibben December 2006 Martha White Farris August 2007 Keith D. Bruce December 2007 Paul J. Meyer May 2008 Edward Douglas Hodo

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 57 Fact Book 2009-2010

Library Titles and Volumes

Year Added (Titles/Volumes) Withdrawn (Titles/Volumes) Total Volumes/Total AV Pieces 2005-06 5,924/6,834 1,470/2,229 243,440/8,133 2006-07 5,508/5,924 1,494/2,020 236,820/8,680 2007-08 6,670/7,170 2,511/3,230 232,579/8,414 2008-09 6,213/7,411 3,162/4,187 208,353/8,667 2009-10 5,450/6,091 1,887/2,528 203,060/8,988

58 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Fact Book 2009-2010

Faculty and Staff Full-Time Faculty and Staff...... 62 Full-Time Faculty with Terminal Degree...... 62 Full-Time Faculty by Gender...... 63 Full-Time Faculty by Rank...... 64 Full-Time Faculty by Department...... 65

The data presented for faculty and staff is based on IPEDS defi nitions.

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 61 Fact Book 2009-2010

Full-Time Faculty and Staff

Fall Faculty Staff Administration Ratio 2005 120 207 1:1.73 2006 141 213 1:1.51 2007 141 211 1:1.50 2008 127 229 1:1.80 2009 143* 198 21 1:1.53 *includes Librarians




Faculty Staff 100 Administration


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Full-Time Faculty with Terminal Degree

Fall # with Terminal Degree % with Terminal Degree 2005 86 71.7% 2006 99 70.2% 2007 95 67.4% 2008 90 70.9% 2009 93 65.0%

62 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Full-Time Faculty by Gender

Fall Male Female 2005 56 64 2006 68 73 2007 60 81 2008 59 68 2009 63 80

Fall 2009

Male 44%

Female 56%




70 Male 65 Female



50 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 63 Fact Book 2009-2010

Full-Time Faculty by Rank

Fall Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Visiting Professor Instructor 2005 33 36 43 8 2006 43 46 47 5 2007 36 50 41 3 11 2008 30 44 44 9 2009 37 40 53 13

Fall 2009 Instructor 9% Professor 37 26%

Asst. Professor 37%

Assoc. Professor 28% 60


40 Professor Assoc. Professor 30 Asst. Professor Visiting Professor 20 Instructor


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

64 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Full-Time Faculty by Department

Department 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Dean, College of Business 1 1 1 1 1 Accounting/Economics/Finance 6 7 6 6 7 Business Administration and Systems 2 2 3 2 2 Business Information Technology & 55565 Systems Management, Entrepreneurship & 77665 Marketing Dean, Christian Studies 1 1 1 1 1 Christian Studies 5 6 6 6 7 Dean, Education 1 1 1 1 1 Education 10 11 11 11 12 Exercise and Sport Science 9 7 8 8 10 Dean, Humanities & Graduate School 1 1 1 1 Communication and Media Studies 6 6 6 6 6 English 8 8 8 8 8 Foreign Languages 4 4 5 5 5 History/Political Science 4 4 4 4 5 Dean, Nursing 1 1 1 1 1 Nursing 13 13 13 13 14 Dean, Sciences 1 1 1 1 1 Biology 5 5 5 5 5 Chemistry, Environmental Science & 22333 Geology Computer Science and Engineering 2 2 3 3 3 Math/Physics 4 4 4 4 5 Psychology 6 6 8 4 4 Social Work/Sociology/Criminal 55555 Justice Dean, Visual and Performing Arts 1 1 1 1 1 Art 5 5 5 5 5 Music 12 14 14 14 14 Graduate Counseling & Psychology 5 5 Military Science 2 2 Library 6 6 6 6 Total 131 136 141 137 150

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 65

Fact Book 2009-2010

FiscalFiscal DataData Tuition Rates (per hour)...... 68 Financial Aid...... 69 Financial Aid Recipients by Family Income...... 71 Capital Expenditures in Thousands...... 72 Educational and General Expenditures in Thousands...... 73 Endowment Value in Thousands...... 73 Endowment Income in Thousands...... 73

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 67 Fact Book 2009-2010

Tuition Rates (per hour)

Year Undergraduate Master’s Doctoral 2000-01 $290 $320 2001-02 $300 $330 2002-03 $325 $355 2003-04 $355 $385 2004-05 $380 $410 2005-06 $420 $450 2006-07 $475 $495 2007-08 $525 $545 $600 2008-09 $580 $600 $655 2009-10 $610 $630 $685

68 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Financial Aid 2005-06 Source Gift Aid Loans Work Total Federal $2,575,540 $15,008,731 $168,944 $17,753,215 State $4,499,855 $585,389 $57,937 $5,143,181 UMHB (Institutional) $3,208,244 $477,076 $3,685,320 UMHB (Endowed) $2,162,099 $2,162,099 Other $1,152,965 $1,152,965 Total $13,598,703 $15,594,120 $703,957 $29,896,780

2006-07 Source Gift Aid Loans Work Total Federal $2,482,695 $15,898,924 $206,033 $18,587,652 State $4,327,195 $1,907,410 $37,834 $6,272,439 UMHB (Institutional) $4,382,669 $492,253 $4,874,922 UMHB (Endowed) $2,303,079 $2,303,079 Other $1,525,012 1,314,654 $2,839,666 Total $15,020,650 $19,120,988 $736,120 $34,877,758

2007-08 Source Gift Aid Loans Work Total Federal $3,030,029 $16,007,421 $163,932 $19,201,382 State $4,991,757 $1,918,114 $68,058 $6,977,929 UMHB (Institutional) $5,667,139 $512,880 $6,180,019 UMHB (Endowed) $1,603,770 $1,603,770 Other $741,875 $741,875 Total $16,034,570 $17,925,535 $744,870 $34,704,975

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 69 Fact Book 2009-2010

Financial Aid (continued) 2008-09 Source Gift Aid Loans Work Total Federal $3,099,014 $17,801,715 $169,973 $21,070,702 State $5,225,509 $2,651,000 $21,250 $7,897,759 UMHB (Institutional) $7,915,678 $756,817 $8,612,495 UMHB (Endowed) $1,825,998 $1,825,998 Other $1,577,394 $1,317,824 $4,213,042 Total $19,643,593 $21,770,539 $948,040 $34,704,975

2009-10 Source Gift Aid Loans Work Total Federal $4,513,966 $17,743,669 $452192 $22,709,827 State $4,626,755 $3,177,976 $162,380 $7,967,111 UMHB (Institutional) $11,485,450 $592,085 $12,077,535 UMHB (Endowed) $1,812,820 $1,812,820 Other $3,130,547 $828,830 $3,959,377 Total $25,569,538 $21,750,475 $1,206,657 $48,526,670

70 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Financial Aid Recipients by Family Income: Fall Semesters

Family Income 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 <$10,000 262 280 240 273 240 288 $10,000-$19,999 205 183 186 218 195 209 $20,000-$29,999 256 236 208 270 176 188 $30,000-$39,999 250 232 205 201 178 189 $40,000-$49,999 195 200 202 186 175 172 $50,000-$59,999 184 187 170 172 163 144 $60,000-$69,999 156 162 168 145 154 153 $70,000-$79,999 153 157 158 145 156 144 $80,000-$89,999 115 126 147 122 146 133 $90,000-$99,999 104 102 128 119 109 148 >$100,000 329 379 440 431 535 567 No Data Available 171 180 180 206 200 221 Total 2,380 2,424 2,432 2,488 2,427 2,556

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 71 Fact Book 2009-2010

Capital Expenditures in Thousands

Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Buildings $7,341,108 $3,762,444 $322,098 $5,423,794 $987,411 Equipment $1,059,111 $1,742,550 $1,150,843 $2,145,357 $1,180, 649 Library Books $260,027 $256,048 $261,044 $256,385 $256,136 Land Improvement $111,933 $454,522 $202,520 $342,825 $66,316 Land $0 $418,450 $649,300 $1,622,321 $360,494 Houses $0 $362,848 $234,051 $274,403 $0 Vehicles $137,832 $97,637 $17,876 $158,803 $233,124 Construction -$632,795 -$1,926,565 $4,019,611 -$4,184,866 $3,365,902 Retirements -$87,549 -$88,400 $424,802 -$37,212 -$1,521,005 & Dispositions Total $8,189,667 $5,079,534 $6,432,541 $6,001,811 $4,929,027

72 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Educational and General Expenditures in Thousands

Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Instruction $11,652 $12,891 $14,783 $15,286 $16,259 Academic Support $782 $902 $962 $921 $1,694 Library $1,295 $1,337 $1,453 $1,428 $784 Student Services $6,208 $6,660 $7,496 $7,267 $7,704 Institutional Support $5,719 $6,285 $5,179 $6,953 $7,509 Operations/Maintenance $5,133 $5,587 $5,920 $6,165 $5,979 Scholarships $2,653 $3,533 $4,695 $6,542 $8,166 Total $33,442 $37,195 $40,488 $44,562 $48,095

Endowment Value in Thousands

Value 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Market $55,365 $64,238 $65,912 $50,295 $54,044 Book $34,144 $35,690 $39,033 $42,298 $44,270

Endowment Income in Thousands

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Income $2,837 $2,980 $3,475 $3,809 $3,439

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 73

Fact Book 2009-2010

Facilities Resident Students...... 76 Residence Hall Occupancy...... 77 Apartment and House Occupancy...... 78 Campus Parking...... 79 Buildings Dedicated: Past Decade...... 81

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 75 Fact Book 2009-2010

Resident Students

Year Fall % of Total Spring % of Total % Change Fall to Spring 2005-06 1184 43% 1050 44% -11.3% 2006-07 1225 45% 1077 44% -12.1% 2007-08 1203 45% 1030 43% -14.4% 2008-09 1142 42% 1044 43% -8.6% 2009-10 1247 45% 1101 43% -11.7%

76 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Residence Hall Occupancy

Semester Burt Gettys Johnson McLane Remschel Stribling Total FA 05 164 79 62 189 112 80 686 SP 06 133 64 51 179 106 67 600 FA 06 165 79 62 191 110 85 692 SP 07 127 61 52 179 105 78 602 FA 07 167 80 59 188 112 82 688 SP 08 135 44 50 164 100 73 566 FA 08 148 70 50 186 105 77 636 SP 09 121 60 48 174 104 64 571 FA 09 166 76 69 190 112 83 696 SP 10 139 60 50 162 103 75 589

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 77 Fact Book 2009-2010

Apartment and House Occupancy

Semester Beall Huckins Indep. Village (Tryon) Houses (UMHB-owned) Total FA 05 86 58 354 498 SP 06 85 43 322 450 FA 06 88 60 359 26 533 SP 07 76 54 334 11 475 FA 07 77 60 360 18 515 SP 08 72 47 325 20 464 FA 08 77 53 349 27 506 SP 09 72 51 323 27 473 FA 09 90 59 354 48 551 SP 10 76 54 338 44 512

78 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Campus Parking

Location Lot # Staff Student Disabled Visitor 15 Min. Maint. Total Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Space Spaces Spaces Huckins Apt. 1A 0 80 0 0 0 1 81 East Huckins Apt. 1B 2 18 0 0 0 0 20 West Davidson 2 20 84 5 0 0 2 111 9th & College 3A 0 87 0 0 0 0 87 9th & Pearl 3B 0 105 0 0 0 0 105 Parker Academ- 4A 36 57 3 2 0 1 99 ic Ctr. Reading Camp 4B 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 Clements 5 29 15 2 3 0 0 49 Moon Bldg. 6 19 0 1 0 0 0 20 9th & Wells 7 8 54 1 1 1 0 65 Library South 8 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 Captain Dr. 9 35 0 2 0 0 1 38 Vann Circle 10 4 14 3 11 3 1 36 Sanderford 11 9 0 2 0 0 0 11 Reuter 12 42 6 1 0 0 3 52 James 13 0 29 0 0 0 0 29 Burt Hall North 13B 8 24 0 0 0 0 32 Facility Svs. 14 11 0 0 2 0 0 13 8th & Wells 16A 0 59 0 0 0 0 59 Museum Lot 16B 0 15 0 0 0 0 15

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 79 Fact Book 2009-2010

Campus Parking (continued)

Location Lot # Staff Student Disabled Visitor 15 Min. Maint. Total Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces Space Spaces Spaces 9th & Shine 17 0 36 0 0 0 0 36 York Art Studio 18 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 Mabee South 19 20 0 2 0 0 0 22 Moore St. 20 11 117 5 1 2 2 138 King St. 21 11 103 7 0 0 5 129 Parker Museum 22 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 Presser Hall 23 21 113 0 0 0 0 134 Frazier 24 51 77 4 0 0 2 134 Johnson Hall 25 4 23 2 1 0 1 31 McLane North 26 0 226 0 0 0 0 226 Mabee Dr 27 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 Mayborn North 28 33 114 5 0 0 0 152 Parker Drive 29 0 39 0 0 0 0 39 Indep. Village 30 9 541 25 0 2 0 577 Sports Plex 32 33 526 4 1 0 20 584 Baseball 32a 17 0 6 0 0 0 23 Li Tennis Center 32b 5 56 5 5 0 0 71 Mayborn West 33 16 48 10 0 0 0 74 Lower Presser 34a 0 221 0 0 0 0 221 BSM 35 4 0 1 0 0 0 5 Total 489 2898 96 27 8 39 3557

80 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Fact Book 2009-2010

Buildings Dedicated: Past Decade

Building Dedication Year Beall Hall 2000 Parker Academic Center 2002 Cornerstone (Baptist Student Ministry) 2003 The Daily Grind 2004 Mayborn Campus Center 2005 Independence Village 2006 (Addition and Name Change from Tryon) Addition to Sanderford Administrative Complex 2007 Meyer Christian Studies Center 2008

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 81