Banners Gate Highways & Transportation Residential development on land at Surrey Street, off Glossop Brook RoadRoad,, Glossop,

Transport Statement (((February(February 2012015555))))

The transport implications of a residential development of 52 affordable properties

Job number P1023

Residential development on land at Surrey Street, off Glossop Brook Rd Glossop, Derbyshire

Transport Statement

Banners Gate Transportation Ltd has prepared this report in the course of an assignment for Westleigh Partnerships Ltd the conditions of which were set out in its appointment for consulting engineering services by the Client. Banners Gate Transportation Ltd shall not be responsible for the use of the report or its contents for any purposes other than those for which it was prepared and provided.

Revision Prepared and checked by Date

First issue for planning application Nigel Vening BSc CEng MICE MCIHT 9 December 2014

Layout amended Nigel Vening BSc CEng MICE MCIHT 10 February 2015

Job P1023

BANNERS GATE TRANSPORTATION LTD 10-11 STREET, , WEST MIDLANDS B63 3HN TEL 0121 687 1500 FAX 0121 687 1501 [email protected]

Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)



1 Introduction 1 2 Existing conditions 3 3 Transport policies and sustainable development 6 4 Development Proposals 8 4.1 The proposed site layout 8 4.2 Parking provision 10 5 The development site and transport topics 12 5.1 Traffic flows to an industrial premises 12 5.2 Traffic generation of the residential development 13 5.3 A comparison of traffic flows 14 5.4 Traffic flows in context 15 5.5 Connectivity to local services 16 5.6 Emergency access 18 5.7 Travel Plan 19 5.8 Summary with reference to NPPF 20 6 Conclusion 21


Appendix A Site layout Appendix B Extract from TRICS (version 7.1.2), Employment / Industrial Unit Appendix C Extract from TRICS (version 7.1.2), Affordable / Local Authority Houses Appendix D Traffic count, Glossop Brook Road, November 2014 Appendix E Bus map and timetables for route 236 & 237

References: Manual for Streets (2007) Manual for Streets 2 (2010) The 6C’s Guide National Planning Policy Framework (2012) By Design, Better Place to Live Guidance for Transport Assessment (March 2007)

Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)



1.1 Banners Gate Transportation Limited has been instructed by Westleigh Partnerships Ltd to study transport and highway engineering issues in support of a planning application for a residential development on a brown-field employment site on Surrey Street, Glossop. The site is located in the jurisdiction of High Peak Borough Council and the Highway Authority is Derbyshire County Council.

1.2 The site is located to the east of Glossop North End Amateur Football Club at the termination of Surrey Street. The buildings on the site have been demolished although the chimney stack remains. The site has good sustainability credentials and provides an opportunity to promote a residential development of 52 dwellings. This Transport Statement provides information on transport planning matters as they apply to promoting a residential development at this location.

Job Number: P1023 1 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

1.3 The report discusses the following issues:

• Consideration of the precedent of existing traffic generation on the site

• An estimate of the proposed traffic generation from the residential development

• Commentary on the proposed infrastructure and parking

• Commentary on the access arrangements using the route of Surrey Street and the use of an emergency access

• Highway safety in the vicinity of the development site.

• Sustainability credentials of the area

1.4 A description of the road network is included at Section 2. Planning policy and the details of the project are included at Sections 3 and 4. Transport planning matters are discussed in detail at Section 5.

Job Number: P1023 2 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)


2.1 The existing site The site consists of brown-field land on the east side of Glossop North End Amateur Football Club. This site was previously used for manufacturing but all buildings have been demolished. The site is located on the south side of Surrey Street and opposite a depot operated

by High Peak Borough Council.

2.2 The road network Historically, the site was part of, and at the western termination of, Surrey Street and vehicular access used the route of Arundel Street to the east. Over time, the land to the west was developed and a new road connected the western termination of Surrey Street with High Street West via a route now known as Glossop Brook Road. Surrey Street to the east of the site is predominantly residential with some employment sites. On street parking is prevalent due to an absence of on-plot parking. Glossop Brook Road and Surrey Street accommodate commercial and retail land-uses and therefore a connection between the two areas was not appropriate and is no longer permitted. Therefore, vehicular access to the site is obtained from the signal controlled junction of High Street West via the route of Glossop Brook Road and Surrey Street. The route provides access to a Tesco supermarket, Wren Nest Retail Park and a mix of employment sites.

2.3 Glossop Brook Road forms a signal-controlled cross-roads junction with High Street West and Queen Street. Traffic on Queen Street is prohibited, except for access and therefore, manoeuvres to and from this part of the junction are not significant compared to other turning movements. The westbound approach on High Street West provides a two lane approach where a right turning lane segregates movements to Glossop Brook Road from westbound traffic. The phasing of the signals provides a green stage for eastbound and westbound flows on the A57 such that right turns to Glossop Brook Road turn opposed by oncoming traffic. Thereafter, eastbound traffic is “cut-off” to allow unopposed right turn movements. Glossop Brook Road includes a two-lane approach to the junction which adds capacity for traffic movements both eastbound and westbound on the A57. Pedestrian crossing facilities are provided and an all-red phase allows freedom of movement across the junction. The roads are subject to a 30mph speed limit and street lighting is provided.

Job Number: P1023 3 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

2.4 The overwhelming majority of traffic movements at the signal controlled junction are created by the Wren Nest Retail Park and Tesco. The termination of Surrey Street, in the vicinity of the site, is lightly trafficked and has a width of approximately 7 metres. Sufficient width is available for on-street parking, generated by local businesses that do not affect the free flow of traffic. There are no parking restrictions on this section of Surrey Street. Footways are provided to both sides of the carriageway. The pedestrian route towards Tesco includes designated dropped crossings with tactile paving. A direct pedestrian route to the town centre is available via the route of Shrewsbury Street. Additional commentary in this topic is provided in Section 5.5.

2.5 Walking and Cycling Generally, walking speed is estimated to be 5km/hour or fractionally over 3 miles per hour. This parameter is used in Better Places to Live, By Design that states that typically a 10-minute walk or 800 metres represents a good starting point to define whether or not a site has adequate access to local facilities.

2.6 It is reasonable to state that the site at Surrey Street has excellent sustainability credentials by virtue of its location close to Glossop town centre and the retail areas on Glossop Brook Road. The Tesco supermarket, Wren Nest Retail Park and all the retail options of High Street West are located within a walking distance of 600 metres from the access to the site.

2.7 Public transport The site is ideally located to benefit from the bus services on the transport corridor of High Street West as well as rail services at Glossop Station. By way of an example, the 236 and 237 bus services combine to create 3 buses an hour to connect the area with Ashton under Lyme. Rail services from Glossop to Piccadilly operate approximately every 20 minutes.

Information is available at 2.8 The site has excellent sustainability credentials and a residential development would not create an over-reliance on the use of the private car.

Job Number: P1023 4 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

2.9 Highway safety In terms of the operation and safety of the road network records are kept of personal injury accidents . A guide to the local accident pattern can be viewed at . This web site uses data approved by the National Statistics Authority and reported on by the Department for Transport each year. Information is updated annually and therefore the data can be a few months out of date. Currently, accident data to the end of 2013 is available. Guidance for Transport Assessment refers to the need to study accidents over the most recent three year period. In this instance, it is noted that there have been two personal injury accidents at the signal-controlled junction of High Street West in the last 3 years but no other accidents on the route from the junction to the termination of Surrey Street adjacent to the development site. The records for the junction, dating from 2005, reveal a number of incidents, but there has not been a serious or fatal accident at the junction in nine years. All incidents involve a slight injury only reflecting lower average speeds at this location. This pattern of accidents would not create concerns for the Highway Authority.

2.10 A commentary on the development and transport planning topics are included at Sections 4 and 5.

Job Number: P1023 5 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)


3.1 Over the next 10 or 15 years it is expected that the towns and districts of Derbyshire would experience significant growth in housing and employment related developments. Economic growth creates the demand for new private and social housing but there is also the need to replace demolished stock. Development across the region of Glossop is managed using the policies and objectives contained in the Local Development Framework of High Peak Borough Council and policies contained with the Derbyshire Local Transport Plan 2011 to 2026. In addition, consideration should be given to the National Planning Policy Framework published in March 2012. These documents provide an emphasis on the importance of land-use planning and promoting sustainable development.

3.2 Emphasis in this report is given to the objectives of the Local Transport Plan. Clearly it is not appropriate to repeat numerous objectives and policies within this report. Suffice to summarise the key objectives as follows:

• Reduce the impact of traffic congestion • Improve the operation and safety of the highway infrastructure with a view to reducing the number of casualties on the road network • Reduce the need to travel by effective choice of land-use planning. New developments should be readily accessibility to local services and public transport therefore reducing the reliance on the private car • Provide a comfortable and efficient public transport network • Encourage walking and cycling and the use of public transport • Promote new housing at sustainable and accessible locations • To influence the future development of new housing provision to facilitate and enhance the economic development of a region

3.3 A selection of salient policies and objectives are repeated below:

TLA1 Encourage planning applications in locations served easily by rail and/or major roads, aiming to reduce congestion on strategic routes and also locally.

TLA2 Ensure new developments provide for accessible transport services, such as public transport improvements and links to existing public transport, cycling and pedestrian networks, requiring developer contributions where necessary. Developer contributions would be either through a Section 106 agreement with the developer and appropriate planning authority or, if relevant, a Community Infrastructure Levy.

TLA3 Encourage developers to provide convenient and secure parking and storage facilities for pedal cycles and powered two wheelers, where appropriate, in new developments, existing public areas and publicly-funded facilities e.g. town centres, community centres, schools etc.

Job Number: P1023 6 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

TLA5 Settlements with existing or proposed public transport interchange facilities will be favoured as locations for new development.

TLA6 Developers of any project requiring a Transport Statement or Assessment will be required to demonstrate that their development is readily served by non-motorised modes of travel and incorporates features that reduce the desire to travel.

TLA7 Developers of any project requiring a Transport Assessment will be required to submit a detailed Travel Plan as part of the Assessment as detailed in Appendix B of the DfT Guidance on Transport Assessment. A Travel Plan may also be required for developments not requiring a full Transport Assessment.

TS1 Improve road and transport-related community safety through the spatial planning process, e.g.

• Developers of any project requiring a Transport Assessment will be required to demonstrate that road and community safety will be effectively addressed by the development.

• Seek to improve community safety and personal security for people accessing and using public transport.

TS2 Seek to improve community safety and personal security for pedestrian and cycle routes to school, health care, and shops.

3.4 These Local Transport Plan policies have a clear emphasis on sustainable development. Residential development should be readily accessible to services such as convenience shopping, schools, health and education.

Shops / services / public transport for the area of Surrey Street

Food shop  < 500 metres to numerous retail units

Rail travel  < 400 metres to Glossop railway station

Bus stops  < 500 metres to buses on High Street West

Health Centre  < 450 metres to Health Centre (Howard Street)

Primary School  < 800 metres to St Luke’s Primary School

Secondary School  < 1 mile to Glossopdale Community College

3.5 Due consideration has been given to the policies of the Local Transport Plan and the general objective of effective land–use planning in providing new housing in sustainable locations. The land at Surrey Street is a very good example of a sustainable site where new residents would have easy access to local services and public transport.

Job Number: P1023 7 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)


4.1 The proposed site layout

4.1.1 An illustration of the development proposals is provided below and included at Appendix A.

4.1.2 The residential proposals are summarised as follows:

Affordable properties No 1 bed flat 13 2 bed house 25 3 bed house 14 Total 52

Job Number: P1023 8 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

4.1.3 The development of affordable housing would include a mix of 1 bedroom flats with 2 and 3 bedrooms properties. The project would create a new cul-de-sac at the termination of Surrey Street (west). For details of the development refer to drawings prepared by the project architect. The Highway Authority of Derbyshire County Council adopts the guidelines provided within the 6Cs Guide. An extract from the 6Cs guide is provided below. Key parameters of the residential layout include:

• The development would use and extend the existing route of Glossop Brook Road and Surrey Street

• Access road 4.8 metres wide with two 2.0m footways. The access roads would be constructed to adoptable standards.

• The central section of the layout would have sufficient manoeuvring areas for refuse collection and recycling wagons which can be typically 10.5 metres long and 2.5 metres wide. Other vehicles, such as a fire appliance or trucks used for internet shopping deliveries are smaller than a refuse wagon.

• The geometry of the proposed road network would have the affect of controlling speeds. Therefore, traffic calming measures are not considered necessary.

• Shared private drives would have a minimum width of 4.80 metres where more than 5 plots are served

Job Number: P1023 9 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

• Driveways would have a minimum length of 4.8 metres. Tandem parking would have a minimum length of 10.1 metres. The site layout does not include garages.

• Driveways would be positively drained so as to prevent surface water running into the highway. Private drainage would be segregated from highway drainage.

• There is a change in level across the site from north to south but this does not introduce any significant engineering constraints in the detailed design of the layout

4.1.4 For further information connect to the County Council website and search for 6Cs or refer to .

4.1.5 The proposed parking provision is discussed below.

4.2 Parking provision

4.2.1 An understanding of a suitable level of parking for the development can be obtained from the National Census. The site lies within Howard Town Ward.

4.2.2 The statistics show that car (and van) ownership for the area of Howard Town Ward is lower than the average for High Peak Borough. Those households that do not own a car or have one car (or van) amount to 79% of all households in the Ward when compared to 63% across High Peak Borough. Only 2.9% of households in Howard Town Ward have three cars or more. The development does not include 4 bedroom houses where higher levels of car ownership are expected.

4.2.3 The layout includes a selection of parking courts for residents whilst some on-plot parking is provided. For example, Plots 42 and 44 have two spaces each on plot whilst a shared parking area is provided for Plots 45 to 52 inclusive. The parking provision is appropriate in the knowledge of typical car ownership in the local area.

Job Number: P1023 10 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

4.2.4 Parking spaces within the shared driveway areas of the affordable housing would use conventional spaces with a length of 4.8 metres and width of 2.4metres. The isle width would be 6 metres.

4.2.5 It is possible to calculate a weighted average of the expected number of cars owned by 52 new households in Howard Town Ward. This calculation is illustrated below.

Ownership Proportion for Howard Town Factor Based on 52 properties No cars 29.1% 0 0 spaces 1 car 50.3% 1 26 spaces 2 cars 17.7% 2 18 spaces 3 cars 2.5% 3 4 spaces 4 cars or more 0.4% 4.5 1 space Total 49 spaces

4.2.6 The total parking provision for the development includes 80 spaces where garages are not used. This parking provision of 80 spaces exceeds the statistical average for Howard Town Ward and slightly exceeds a ratio of 150%. Car ownership may increase over time but the parking provision is considered appropriate for affordable housing at this location.

Job Number: P1023 11 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)


5.1 Traffic flows to an industrial premises

5.1.1 The business operating from this brown field site previously generated traffic on the surrounding road network. The buildings have now been demolished but a guide to the buildings and floor areas can be obtained from historical plans and aerial photographs.

5.1.2 It is estimated that the site buildings had a gross floor area of approximately 2,500 square metres.

5.1.3 Potential traffic generation can be estimated using the TRICS database using the known land-use and floor area. Trip rates to employment sites are difficult to predict and vary considerably depending on the type of business.

5.1.4 The sample from the database includes sites within the range of 300 to 4,200 square metres. The sample includes ’suburban’ sites and ’edge of town’ sites only. Industrial Unit, 2,500 sqm (gfa)

5.1.5 An extract from the database for Industrial Unit (square metres) using these criteria is outlined below.

AM (0800 to 0900) PM (1700 to 1800) 7am to 7pm Industrial Unit Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures Two-way Trip Rate (per 100 sqm) 0.618 0.151 0.050 0.702 6.316 Industrial unit of 2,500 sqm 15 4 1 18 158

Table 1

5.1.6 Using this estimate of trip generation it is reasonable to assume that the site may have generated roughly 20 two-way trips in a peak hour. Daily trip generation would have been of the order of 150-160 vehicles per day. An extract from the TRICS database for Industrial Unit (square metres) is included at Appendix B .

Job Number: P1023 12 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.2 Traffic generation of the residential development

5.2.1 Traffic flows to the residential development can be predicted using the TRICS database. This database offers a choice of trip rates for residential development depending on a possible mix of apartments or perhaps non-private housing with a higher density. In this instance, the development would consist of 52 affordable dwellings for local people. Trip rates can, of course, vary depending on the provision of local shops, schools and public transport. The general public often perceive that residential development creates traffic congestion. Clearly traffic is created by new housing but the figures are lower than may be expected. Some may suggest that each house can generate one or even two cars leaving each and every morning between 8am and 9am. The reality is somewhat different and it remains important to provide a reasonably accurate estimate of traffic generation. The new release of TRICS version 7.1.2 includes a category of “ Affordable / Local Authority Houses ”#’ that is considered to give a reliable indication of traffic generation from the site.

5.2.2 The sample below includes 7 sites in ‘ edge of town ’ or “ suburban areas ” within a range of between 16 units and 280 units within only and excludes sites in . TRICS extracts for Affordable / Local Authority Houses are included at Appendix C. AM (0800 to 0900) PM (1700 to 1800) 7am to 7pm Affordable Housing Arrivals Departures Arrivals Departures Two-way Trip Rate (per property) 0.135 0.244 0.246 0.174 3.586 Trips for 52 properties 7 13 13 9 186

Table 2

5.2.3 The evidence from the database shows that a development of 52 new properties would generate only 13 departures in the morning peak hour. These figures predict that two-way traffic generation in a peak hour would be roughly 20 vehicles. The traffic generation over the course of 24 hours may be 200 trips.

5.2.4 Traffic from the development project would create a small increase in flow on the surrounding roads. This traffic generation is compared with possible past activity at the site and existing traffic flows in Sections 5.3 and 5.4 below.

# – Affordable / Local Authority Houses (GDO use class C3) Housing developments where at least 75% of units are non-privately owned. Of the total number of units, 75% must also be houses (sum of “non-split” terraced, detached, semi-detached, bungalows, etc), with no more than 25% of the total units being flats. “Non-privately owned” may be council rented or housing association rented/part-owned.

Job Number: P1023 13 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.3 A comparison of traffic flows

5.3.1 A comparison between possible past activity at the site and the development proposals is summarised in Table 3 below

Peak hour (two-way) Daily flow Land-use AM peak PM peak 7am to 7pm Industrial Unit 19 vehicles 19 vehicles 158 vehicles Residential, 52 houses 20 vehicles 22 vehicles 186 vehicles Table 3

5.3.2 The evidence suggests that traffic generation from a residential development of affordable properties would be very similar to past traffic activity from an industrial unit. The traffic profile across the data is very similar with identifiable peaks for the morning and evening peak periods. The comparison of traffic generation is best illustrated in the graph below.

Traffic flow comparison



15 Employment Residential 10 Two-way flow Two-way 5


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 7 8 9 -08 -09 -10 -11 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300-1400 400-1500 500-1600 60 70 80 07 08 0900 1000 1100-12001200-13001 1 1 1 1 1 Time

5.3.3 Trip rates can vary but the comparison illustrates the variation in traffic flows between the two land uses is marginal. Traffic patterns, for example, in the morning peak may change from arrivals (to the existing site) to departures with residential development but the scale of traffic generation suggests that the impact on the surrounding road network would not be significant.

5.3.4 Traffic must use the signal-controlled junction of Glossop Brook Road with the A57 High Street West. A two lane approach from Glossop Brook Road provides capacity for turning options to routes east and west on the A57. The junction has a good safety record and residential traffic would have a minimal affect on the operation of the junction.

Job Number: P1023 14 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.4 Traffic flows in context

5.4.1 All traffic from the development would focus on the signal controlled junction of Glossop Brook Road with the A57 High Street West. As a guide traffic flows at the junction have been obtained for two weekday evenings in November. Retail developments can generate significant traffic flows and the combined flows of the Tesco supermarket and Wren Nest Retail park would significantly exceed any modest traffic flows created by the residential development.

5.4.2 The residential development would create departures to this junction in the morning peak at a time when flows are relatively low due to lower quantities of retail traffic. The residential project would generate predominantly arrivals in the evening peak which would be distributed over eastbound and westbound routes on the A57.

26 & 27 November 2014 Arrivals to Glossop Brook Rd Departures from Glossop Brook Rd

Wednesday 1600 to1700 333 377

Wednesday 1700 to1800 366 351

Thursday 1600 to1700 385 408

Thursday 1700 to1800 430 392

5.4.3 Existing flows are in the range of 700 to 800 trips (two-way) in the evening peak. Departures from the development are expected to be 9 trips within the context of approximately 400 vehicles (2.3%). An employment development would have a greater impact due to the higher number trips created by departures by staff at the end of the working day.

5.4.4 It is reasonable to assume that southbound flows on Glossop Brook Street to the signal controlled junction in the morning peak, plus 13 departures from the residential development, would remain substantially lower than flows in the evening peak and therefore have a minimal impact. The traffic count data for the junction is included at Appendix D .

Job Number: P1023 15 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.5 Connectivity to local services

5.5.1 Numerous facilities and bus services are located within a walking distance of 800 metres and therefore the project is a good example of sustainable development. A Tesco supermarket is located on Glossop Brook Street 450 metres from the site. The Wren Nest Retail park is located 520 from the site. Importantly, the site is located approximately 400 metres, via the route of Shrewsbury Street, from all the retail options of High Street West.

5.5.2 Other facilities include the Howard Medical Centre on Howard Street close to the railway station and an Aldi supermarket on provided on Arundel Street.

5.5.3 A convivial pedestrian environment is provided between the site and the retail area of Tesco. For example, the route includes dropped crossings with tactile paving to assist pedestrians.

5.5.4 Similarly, a direct pedestrian route is available from the site to High Street West via the route of Shrewsbury Street. The combination of a steep gradient and on-street parking that partly obstructs the footway can cause some problems for the less able, such as wheelchair users.

Job Number: P1023 16 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.5.5 Cycling is becoming increasingly popular and provides an ideal form of transport in a small town such as Glossop where the entire urban area would be located within a reasonable travel distance by bicycle. There are no cycle lanes of substance in Glossop. However, the site is located 2.5km from National Cycle Route 62 known as the . The route provides both on-street and off-street cycleways, predominantly for leisure trips to local destinations.

5.5.6 The site is ideally located to benefit from existing bus and rail services in Glossop.

5.5.7 A personal travel planner website, , provides free advice on any journey in the region. The user is asked to enter a start point and destination and then extensive details of various travel choices are displayed. The 237 bus to Ashton under Lyne and Stalybridge generally operates with 3 services per hour in each direction. A bus map and timetable information for route 237 is included at Appendix E.

Job Number: P1023 17 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.5.8 The personal travel planner also provides information on rail travel. The site is located approximately 600 metres from Glossop railway station. Direct services are available to Manchester with a travel time of approximately 35-40 minutes. Timetable information can be obtained at

5.5.9 It is clear that the site provides an example of sustainable development when considering the objectives of NPPF.

5.6 Emergency access

5.6.1 The site is located at the termination of the cul-de- sac of Surrey Street. In the event that the route to the site is blocked for any reason then it is advisable for an alternative access to be available in the event of an emergency. This measure is already in place where a bollard can be removed and parking is discouraged with road markings denoting “Fire Path”.

Job Number: P1023 18 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.7 Travel Plan

5.7.1 Local Plan Policy seeks to reduce the dependence on use of the private car and this principle is supported by Westleigh Partnerships. This Travel Plan provides a basis on which a sustainable transport culture can be established to the benefit of residents and the local community. The following measures will be promoted to encourage sustainable travel, • provision of a Residents Travel Pack for each new dwelling which will contain details of how trips to local destinations can be achieved by means of travel other than the private car. The Residents Travel Pack will contain walking and cycling maps and details of public transport with bus maps and timetable information. Bus timetables are provided at . The Travel Pack would include:

Map of the local area including shops and bus stops Bus map and timetable - route 236 & 237 Bus map for Glossop Website details for and cycling maps Details of the rail services at Glossop Station Website details of Network Rail

• Walking would be encouraged in the Travel Pack with links to websites such as , and Walking can be combined with a bus trip and a working example of a journey planner using is provided below:

• Infrastructure for broadband will be available to all homes giving residents easy access to web sites, home delivery services and making it easier for residents to work from home

• Travel Packs should include reference to the car share scheme at

• Cycling would be encouraged in the Residents Travel Pack with links to websites such as , and . A journey planner for cyclists is provided at .

5.7.2 The project is relatively small and therefore the impact of a large percentage drop in the usage of single occupancy car journeys translates into only a few trips per day. Therefore, it is not proposed to appoint a Travel Plan Coordinator or introduce targets for the reduction of single occupancy car journeys. The site has excellent sustainability credentials, and therefore by virtue of its location, it is expected that residents can readily utilise the local facilities without the need for usage of a private car.

Job Number: P1023 19 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

5.8 Summary with reference to NPPF

5.8.1 Planning policy is determined by National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Local Plan Policy. The government recognises that the planning process is instrumental in creating jobs and growth in the economy. The new guidance provides a presumption in favour of sustainable development and projects should adhere to local plan policy. Additionally, paragraph 32 of NPPF states that:

“Development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe”.

5.8.2 The residential development is entirely plausible, sustainable and the residual cumulative impacts cannot be described as severe. Therefore, planning permission should be granted.

Job Number: P1023 20 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)


6.1 Banners Gate Transportation Limited has been instructed to consider transport planning issues in support of a planning application for a residential development on land at the termination of Surrey Street, Glossop. Key transport issues are as follows:

 The development site previously included substantial single storey industrial buildings with an access onto Surrey Street. It is estimated that the buildings had a gross floor area of approximately 2,500 square metres. Possible traffic generation may have been of the order of 20 movements within the peak hour and approximately 160 trips (two-way) per day (12 hours).

 The development of 52 properties would promote of mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom affordable dwellings. Traffic generation would be similar to previous activity at the site with approximately 20 trips at peak times and up to 190 trips (two-way) per day (12 hours).

 Access to the site would be obtained from the signal controlled junction of Glossop Brook Road and High Street West. An emergency access to the site is available at the western termination of Surrey Street.

 Development traffic flows of 20 trips in an evening peak hour would have a negligible impact on the operation of the High Street West signal-controlled junction when considering the context of existing flows of approximately 800 vehicles (two- way) on Glossop Brook Road.

 The infrastructure would adhere to adoptable design standards of Derbyshire County Council. The proposed parking provision exceeds 1.5 spaces per property and is considered appropriate at this location.

 Evidence from personal injury accident statistics demonstrates that there are no safety concerns regarding the operation of the junction of signal controlled junction of the A57 with Glossop Brook Road

• The development site is located within a short distance from local facilities such as shops, schools and public transport. Local shops and bus services are available on Glossop Brook Road and High Street West. Bus services and rail travel are readily accessible. These facilities are located within 400-800 metres of the site. The site has robust sustainability credentials.

6.2 The findings of this report establish that the project would not have an adverse affect on the safety and operation of the highway network and therefore planning permission should be granted for the residential development on Surrey Street, Glossop.

Banners Gate Transportation Ltd / February 2015

Job Number: P1023 21 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

Appendix A Site layout

Job Number: P1023 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd TC Revision: Date: 151.63 151.39 151.38 151.48 151.53 151.57 LP 151.61 MH (Broken) 151.50 CL 151.56 TP 151.31 151.37 GG 151.35 TC TC 151.35 SV 151.34 A Amended to suit extra land BS 24/01/14 151.33 LP

151.29 151.43 OHL Brook B Plots 1-2 switched with PK 12/06/14 151.46 151.26 151.46 74 RL 159 .09 151.93 151.45 MH 26-27, general revisions CL 151.34 151.32 SV GG DP 151.91 151.36 151.34 Road 151.43 151.33 RL C Amended to suit planners RS 28/08/14 161 SV Surrey .12 151.30 FH 151.27 GG IC TC 151.61 comments 151.25 Street 151.41 CL 151.55 Glossop 151.46 GV 151.29 151.62

27 . 70 D Amendments to number of AB 29/09/14

155 151.33 SVs GG GG RL 151.34 151.58 units 151.47 BO TC E Labels amended RS 13/10/14 151.39 151.53 BO 64 SV

BO B WB GG EC F Layout update and AB 08/12/14 B 151.39 GG SV 151.38 151.46 B RS B B C boundary to topo survey. MH CL 151.52 C BO GV 151.58 Easement shown MH 151.52 C CL 151.29 LP OHL BO GG KEEP G Layout update RG 15/12/14 151.43 CLEAR El Sub Sta H Layout update RG 18/12/14 52 B 151.55 51 5.50 J Easement update RG 28/01/15 50 49 48 C TP 47 46 C K Minor change to parking, RG 28/01/15

45 easement note C 91 C 52 52 51 RL 160 51 .34

50 50 49 49 01 85 48 47 47 46 02 46 V 45 45 03 04 05

Club 01 02 02 03 44 03 41 04 43 04

42 05 31 B 41 05


40 40 159

. 77 B 39 06 B 39 B 42 39 06 44 44 C B C 06 07

RL 42 159 . 42 38 07 B C 07 08 For discussion only. Subject to surveys and comments Bins B 09 30 from local authority and building control. V 38 31 08 43 38 10 32 V 33 33 11 B 4.80 34 11 09 B 35 B r 12 g p B 36 B 37 C 12 10 Architects · Project Managers ·Quantity Surveyors C 130 New Walk 30 B 11 Leicester, LE1 7JA 31 B 32 B Tel: 0116 204 5800, Fax: 0116 204 5801 33 B1 C email: [email protected], 12 12 13 B 29 34 14 MH CL 149.44 Project: 35 13 C 15 A development at Surrey Street 28 36 Glossop 16 MH 19 CL 149.61 20 B 29 Ax2 21 MH Client: 37 22 CL 149.46 23 Westleigh Developments Ltd 27 Bikes 29 37 Schedule of Accommodation B 28 V Sheet title: 14-26 Site Plan 24 V Type Area No. 27 Ax2 25 2 V MH 17 A - 1 Bed Flat* 45m 13 CL 149.55 18 Ref: 2 7885/ 002 K 26 B - 2 Bed House 68m 24

IC 2 CL 149.57 B1 - 2 Bed House 72m 1 Bins Ax3 2 Scale: Easement position. C - 3 Bed House 82m 14 1:500 @ A3 (3m either side) Ax3 Ax3 Total number of units 52 Date: 19/09/13 Approximate direction of rerouted easement (not * Note - stairwells are not included in m² calculations. to clash with pumping Stair serving single first floor flat add 15m² Drawn: Checked: station) BS RAW RL 151.44 Length of adopted road - 115m

RL 2 152 Area of private drives and parking courts - 990m


51 N All dimensions to be checked on site. This drawing is the copyright of the Architect, and not to be reproduced MP (gas pipeline) without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information OHL reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. TP 148.50 rg+p Ltd. Trading as rg+p SI 148.47 SV 0 10 20 30 40 50 148.10 148.21 148.28 148.42 Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

Appendix B Extract from TRICS database, Employment / Industrial Unit

Job Number: P1023 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 1 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201




This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Gross floor area Actual Range: 300 to 4200 (units: sqm) Range Selected by User: 300 to 5000 (units: sqm)

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/06 to 22/10/13

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 1 days Tuesday 2 days Wednesday 1 days Thursday 3 days Friday 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 8 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 5 Edge of Town 3

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Industrial Zone 6 Commercial Zone 2

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 2 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

Filtering Stage 3 selection:

Use Class: B 1 5 days B 2 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 1,001 to 5,000 1 days 10,001 to 15,000 2 days 15,001 to 20,000 2 days 25,001 to 50,000 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 50,001 to 75,000 1 days 75,001 to 100,000 2 days 125,001 to 250,000 2 days 250,001 to 500,000 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.5 or Less 1 days 0.6 to 1.0 2 days 1.1 to 1.5 5 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Travel Plan: No 8 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 3 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters

1 BR-02-C-01 MECH. ENGINEERS BRISTOL CITY NOVERS HILL BEDMINSTER BRISTOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 1 0 0 sqm Survey date: MONDAY 19/10/09 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 HE-02-C-02 THERMAL PROCESSING HEREFORDSHIRE COLLEGE ROAD BURCOTT HEREFORD Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 8 8 0 sqm Survey date: TUESDAY 22/10/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 HF-02-C-01 INDUSTRIAL UNIT HERTFORDSHIRE BRIDGE ROAD EAST

WELWYN GARDEN CITY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 8 0 0 sqm Survey date: THURSDAY 17/07/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 4 RE-02-C-01 SHEET METAL FABRICATION READING COMMERCIAL ROAD

READING Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 6 4 5 sqm Survey date: THURSDAY 22/11/12 Survey Type: MANUAL 5 SF-02-C-01 JOINERY SUFFOLK ANSON ROAD MARTLESHAM HEATH IPSWICH Edge of Town Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 1 0 0 sqm Survey date: FRIDAY 12/07/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 6 TW-02-C-01 INDUSTRIAL UNIT TYNE & WEAR SHAFTESBURY AVENUE TYNE POINT IND. ESTATE JARROW Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 9 5 0 sqm Survey date: THURSDAY 15/11/12 Survey Type: MANUAL 7 WM-02-C-01 METAL BEARINGS WEST MIDLANDS FORGE LANE MINWORTH SUTTON COLDFIELD Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Industrial Zone Total Gross floor area: 4 2 0 0 sqm Survey date: TUESDAY 25/11/08 Survey Type: MANUAL 8 WM-02-C-02 ARDONPRINT WEST MIDLANDS SYDNEY ROAD SMALL HEATH BIRMINGHAM Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 3 0 0 sqm Survey date: WEDNESDAY 17/06/09 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 4 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

TRIP RATE for Land Use 02 - EMPLOYMENT/C - INDUSTRIAL UNIT VEHICLES Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 00:30 00:30 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:30 01:30 - 02:00 02:00 - 02:30 02:30 - 03:00 03:00 - 03:30 03:30 - 04:00 04:00 - 04:30 04:30 - 05:00 05:00 - 05:30 05:30 - 06:00 06:00 - 06:30 06:30 - 07:00 07:00 - 07:30 8 1497 0.084 8 1497 0.025 8 1497 0.109 07:30 - 08:00 8 1497 0.259 8 1497 0.000 8 1497 0.259 08:00 - 08:30 8 1497 0.326 8 1497 0.067 8 1497 0.393 08:30 - 09:00 8 1497 0.292 8 1497 0.084 8 1497 0.376 09:00 - 09:30 8 1497 0.184 8 1497 0.109 8 1497 0.293 09:30 - 10:00 8 1497 0.150 8 1497 0.075 8 1497 0.225 10:00 - 10:30 8 1497 0.134 8 1497 0.109 8 1497 0.243 10:30 - 11:00 8 1497 0.092 8 1497 0.100 8 1497 0.192 11:00 - 11:30 8 1497 0.100 8 1497 0.075 8 1497 0.175 11:30 - 12:00 8 1497 0.092 8 1497 0.100 8 1497 0.192 12:00 - 12:30 8 1497 0.092 8 1497 0.100 8 1497 0.192 12:30 - 13:00 8 1497 0.092 8 1497 0.192 8 1497 0.284 13:00 - 13:30 8 1497 0.184 8 1497 0.134 8 1497 0.318 13:30 - 14:00 8 1497 0.217 8 1497 0.100 8 1497 0.317 14:00 - 14:30 8 1497 0.134 8 1497 0.109 8 1497 0.243 14:30 - 15:00 8 1497 0.150 8 1497 0.142 8 1497 0.292 15:00 - 15:30 8 1497 0.134 8 1497 0.117 8 1497 0.251 15:30 - 16:00 8 1497 0.159 8 1497 0.225 8 1497 0.384 16:00 - 16:30 8 1497 0.092 8 1497 0.167 8 1497 0.259 16:30 - 17:00 8 1497 0.084 8 1497 0.342 8 1497 0.426 17:00 - 17:30 8 1497 0.017 8 1497 0.418 8 1497 0.435 17:30 - 18:00 8 1497 0.033 8 1497 0.284 8 1497 0.317 18:00 - 18:30 8 1497 0.008 8 1497 0.075 8 1497 0.083 18:30 - 19:00 8 1497 0.033 8 1497 0.025 8 1497 0.058 19:00 - 19:30 19:30 - 20:00 20:00 - 20:30 20:30 - 21:00 21:00 - 21:30 21:30 - 22:00 22:00 - 22:30 22:30 - 23:00 23:00 - 23:30 23:30 - 24:00 Total Rates: 3.142 3.174 6.316

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 5 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 300 - 4200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/06 - 22/10/13 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 8 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

Appendix C Extract from TRICS database, Affordable / Local Authority Houses

Job Number: P1023 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 1 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201




This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Number of dwellings Actual Range: 16 to 280 (units: ) Range Selected by User: 14 to 280 (units: )

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/06 to 19/09/13

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 3 days Tuesday 2 days Thursday 2 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 7 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 3 Edge of Town 4

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 5 Built-Up Zone 1 No Sub Category 1

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 2 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

Filtering Stage 3 selection:

Use Class: C 3 6 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 1,001 to 5,000 1 days 5,001 to 10,000 1 days 10,001 to 15,000 2 days 15,001 to 20,000 1 days 25,001 to 50,000 2 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 5,001 to 25,000 2 days 75,001 to 100,000 2 days 125,001 to 250,000 1 days 250,001 to 500,000 2 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 6 days 1.1 to 1.5 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Travel Plan: No 7 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 3 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters

1 DS-03-B-01 TERRACED/SEMI/BUNG. DERBYSHIRE COCKAYNE STREET BOULTON DERBY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 9 Survey date: MONDAY 04/07/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 MS-03-B-01 TERRACED MERSEYSIDE TARBOCK ROAD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 1 6 Survey date: TUESDAY 18/06/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 NB-03-B-01 SEMI DET. & TERRACED NORTHUMBERLAND WESTLEA

BEDLINGTON Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 9 7 Survey date: MONDAY 19/11/12 Survey Type: MANUAL 4 NY-03-B-01 TERRACED HOUSING NORTH YORKSHIRE NORTHALLERTON ROAD NORBY THIRSK Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Number of dwellings: 2 8 0 Survey date: THURSDAY 20/09/07 Survey Type: MANUAL 5 WM-03-B-01 SEMI DET./TERRACED WEST MIDLANDS YORKMINSTER DRIVE BIRMINGHAM Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 9 7 Survey date: MONDAY 17/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 6 WY-03-B-02 MIXED HOUSES WEST YORKSHIRE WHITEACRE STREET DEIGHTON HUDDERSFIELD Edge of Town Residential Zone Total Number of dwellings: 5 4 Survey date: TUESDAY 17/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL 7 WY-03-B-03 TERRACED HOUSES WEST YORKSHIRE LINCOLN GREEN ROAD

LEEDS Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Built-Up Zone Total Number of dwellings: 2 9 Survey date: THURSDAY 19/09/13 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.1.2 270814 B16.52 (C) 2014 JMP Consultants Ltd on behalf of the TRICS Consortium Saturday 06/12/14 Page 4 BANNERS GATE BIRMINGHAM STREET HALESOWEN Licence No: 429201

TRIP RATE for Land Use 03 - RESIDENTIAL/B - AFFORDABLE/LOCAL AUTHORITY HOUSES VEHICLES Calculation factor: 1 DWELLS BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate Days DWELLS Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 7 86 0.063 7 86 0.168 7 86 0.231 08:00 - 09:00 7 86 0.135 7 86 0.244 7 86 0.379 09:00 - 10:00 7 86 0.118 7 86 0.138 7 86 0.256 10:00 - 11:00 7 86 0.125 7 86 0.140 7 86 0.265 11:00 - 12:00 7 86 0.140 7 86 0.143 7 86 0.283 12:00 - 13:00 7 86 0.123 7 86 0.126 7 86 0.249 13:00 - 14:00 7 86 0.145 7 86 0.111 7 86 0.256 14:00 - 15:00 7 86 0.151 7 86 0.163 7 86 0.314 15:00 - 16:00 7 86 0.178 7 86 0.130 7 86 0.308 16:00 - 17:00 7 86 0.196 7 86 0.140 7 86 0.336 17:00 - 18:00 7 86 0.246 7 86 0.174 7 86 0.420 18:00 - 19:00 7 86 0.169 7 86 0.120 7 86 0.289 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 1.789 1.797 3.586

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 16 - 280 (units: ) Survey date date range: 01/01/06 - 19/09/13 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 7 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

Appendix D Traffic count on Glossop Brook Road (November 2014)

Job Number: P1023 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd N

For and on behalf of:


Wednesday 26 November 2014 Thursday 27 November 2014 2 1600-1800


Drawing No : 18304 - 01

Site: 1

Location: Glossop Brook Road MANUAL CLASSIFIED COUNTS

JOB REF: 18304


SITE: 1 DATE: 26/11/2014


MOVEMENT 1 MOVEMENT 2 TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND LV HV TOT LV HV TOT 16:00 95 1 96 114 0 114 16:15 83 0 83 97 0 97 16:30 84 1 85 75 1 76 16:45 69 0 69 90 0 90 H/TOT 331 2 333 376 1 377 17:00 86 0 86 99 0 99 17:15 98 1 99 73 1 74 17:30 90 1 91 91 0 91 17:45 89 1 90 86 1 87 H/TOT 363 3 366 349 2 351 P/TOT 694 5 699 725 3 728 MANUAL CLASSIFIED COUNTS

JOB REF: 18304


SITE: 1 DATE: 27/11/2014


MOVEMENT 1 MOVEMENT 2 TIME NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND LV HV TOT LV HV TOT 16:00 88 0 88 127 0 127 16:15 102 1 103 92 0 92 16:30 109 1 110 87 0 87 16:45 84 0 84 101 1 102 H/TOT 383 2 385 407 1 408 17:00 95 1 96 107 0 107 17:15 108 1 109 87 1 88 17:30 109 1 110 98 1 99 17:45 115 0 115 98 0 98 H/TOT 427 3 430 390 2 392 P/TOT 810 5 815 797 3 800 Residential development on land at Surrey Street Westleigh Partnerships Ltd off Glossop Brook Road, Glossop, Derbyshire Transport Statement (February 2015)

Appendix E Bus map and timetables for route 236 & 237, Glossop

Job Number: P1023 Banners Gate Transportation Ltd Route map for Stagecoach Manchester service 237 (outbound) Hurst Cross HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL Taunton Hurst Heyrod Arlies


D B6194 HU

Ashton Bus Penny Meadow/ Springs HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL




OW C R R A Millbrook D N Station Crickets Lane L UDDERSFIE The H Wellington Road/ Hague HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL B6175 Brushes Market Hall 237


HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL Stamford Street/ Stalybridge





TON CANAL H AS Mottram Road/ PEAK FORESTCANAL Dukinfield Cheetham Park New

L A Mottram Road/Early Bank


O PEAK F Arnfield Road Woodlands Tintwistle PEAK FORE Stalyhill Towers


B6169 PEAK FOREST CANAL Mottram Road/ Goddard Lane

PE Mottram Road/Dog And Partridge A K FO

R E S Woodend Lane T CANAL Newtonmoor Manchester B6175 Roe Cross Road/Roe Cross Hotel Road/Millbrook Waterside Business Park


K FORES Mottram Road/ Masons Arms T CA N AL Hollingworth Newton Waggon And Horses Newton Wood B6170 Hadfield Railway Padfield Roe Cross Road/Old Road 237 Mottram Moor/Gun Inn Station PEAK FOREST CANAL 237 PEAK FOREST CANAL St Andrews Church Mottram Moor/Carrhouse Lane


A L Mottram Glossopdale College Mottram Moor/ Woolley


O R Thorncliffe Road E S Junction Inn T CANAL B6105 Godley B6174 The Sycamores Kingston Industrial Hyde Estate Works Old Glossop ANAL C T S

FORE Talbot K A E P Primary Road Commercial

PEAK FOREST CANAL School Inn Glossop Grapes Inn 237 PEAK FORESTCANAL Road 237 PEAK FOREST CANAL The Broadbottom Junction Sunlaws Glossop Cheetham Fold Street Haughton Green Simmondley 237


PEAK FOREST CANAL Werneth Low PEAK FOREST CANAL Charlesworth © OpenStreetMap 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km

em-11237B(1).y08 (outbound) Route map for Stagecoach Manchester service 237 (inbound) Taunton Hurst Heyrod Arlies



B6194 HUD

Ashton Bus Penny Meadow/ Springs HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL


W CA O R R Millbrook NA Station Crickets Lane D The HUDDERSFIEL



HUDDERSFIELD NARROW CANAL Stamford Street/ Stamford Park/ Stalybridge




ASHTON CANAL PEAK FOREST CANAL B6431 Castle Hall Mottram Road/ ASHTON CANAL Bower Fold B6105


TON CANAL H AS Mottram Road/

PEAK FORESTCANAL Dukinfield Cheetham Park

L A Mottram Road/Early Bank


O PEAK F Arnfield Woodlands Tintwistle PEAK FORE Stalyhill Towers

S T CANAL Mottram Road/Woodlands Road Matthew New Road

PEAK FOREST CANAL B6169 Mottram Road/Waggon And Horses Close


R E S T CANAL Newtonmoor B6175 Mottram Road/Dog 237 Manchester Road/Millbrook Albert Street

PEA And Partridge 237 K FORES

T CA N AL Newton Hollingworth Hadfield Newton Wood B6170 Roe Cross Road/ Mottram Moor/Gun Inn Railway Padfield Roe Cross Hotel 237 Market Street/Wood Street Station


PEAK FOREST CANAL Castle Street Mottram Moor/Carrhouse Lane


A L Mottram Glossopdale College Stalybridge Road/ Woolley

PEAK F Mottram Junction

O R E ST CANAL B6174 Thorncliffe Road PEAK FORESTCANAL Godley Kingston Industrial The Hyde Hattersley Estate Sycamores Old Glossop ANAL C B6105 T S

FORE K A E P Works Primary School 237 Manor Park PEAK FOREST CANAL Gamesley Hurstbrook Glossop Close

PEAK FORESTCANAL Sunlaws Street Road Glossop

PEAK FOREST CANAL The Broadbottom Summers Hillwood Drive Junction Place Arundel Cheetham Fold Street Hurst Leicester Drive Haughton Green Simmondley View 237



PEAK FOREST CANAL © OpenStreetMap 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km

em-11237B(1).y08 (inbound) 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 Service Restrictions 1 2 Notes Sch H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0731 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 then Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0745 0753 0828 0858 0918 18 38 58 at Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0759 0805 0840 0910 0930 30 50 10 these Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0804 0809 0844 0914 0934 34 54 14 mins until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0811 0815 0850 0940 40 00 past Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0817 0819 0854 0944 44 04 each Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0829 0831 0906 0925 0956 56 16 25 hour Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 Glossop, Talbot Road (W-bound) 0833 Mondays to Fridays Service 236 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1546 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1558 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1610 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1614 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 2012 2138 2238 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 2016 2142 2242 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1625 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1630 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 2050 Mondays to Fridays Service 236 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 2251 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 2302 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 2310 2347 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2313 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 2322 0008 Saturdays Service 237N 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 237 237 236 Piccadilly Gardens, Piccadilly Gardens (Stop D) 0230 Droylsden, Droylsden Tram Stop (Stop B) 0245 Ashton Under Lyne, adj Stamford Street/Old Square 0252 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station STAND C (Stand C) 0255 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0636 0736 0806 0836 0906 06 26 46 1646 1706 1726 1746 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0302 0622 0644 0722 0744 0814 0844 0906 0918then 18 38 58 1658 1718 1738 1758 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0312 at Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0630 0652 0730 0755 0825 0855 0917 0930these 30 50 10 1710 1730 1749 1810 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0315 0634 0656 0734 0759 0829 0859 0921 0934mins 34 54 14until 1714 1734 1753 1814 Tintwistle, opp New Road 0319 0701 0804 0904 0940past 40 00 1740 1758 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0323 0705 0808 0908 0944each 44 04 1744 1802 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0643 0714 0743 0817 0838 0917 0930 0956hour 56 16 25 1725 1756 1811 1825 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0647 0747 0842 0934 30 1730 1830 Glossop, Henry Street (Stop A) 0330 Saturdays Service 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1806 1836 1901 1921 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2251 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1818 1847 1912 1932 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 2302 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1923 1943 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 2310 2347 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1829 1858 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1833 1902 1927 1947 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 2313 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1838 1932 2012 2138 2238 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1842 1936 2016 2142 2242 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1851 1911 1945 1956 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 2322 0008 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 2000 2050 Sundays Service 237N 236 237 Piccadilly Gardens, Piccadilly Gardens (Stop D) 0230 Droylsden, Droylsden Tram Stop (Stop B) 0245 Ashton Under Lyne, adj Stamford Street/Old Square 0252 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station STAND C (Stand C) 0255 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0302 0656 0739 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0312 0704 0750 more Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0315 0707 0754 trips Tintwistle, opp New Road 0319 0759 below Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0323 0803 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0716 0812 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0720 0817 Glossop, Henry Street (Stop A) 0330

Service Restrictions: 1 - not 22.12.14, 23.12.14, 9.2.15 to 13.2., 30.3. to 10.4. 2 - only 22.12.14, 23.12.14, 9.2.15 to 13.2., 30.3. to 10.4. Notes: H - Mondays to Fridays in school holidays only Sch - Schooldays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Service 237 236 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0831 0901 01 31 1631 1701 1731 1801 1831 1901 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 then Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0839 0909 09 39 1639 1709 1739 1809 1839 1909 1949 2019 2049 2119 2149 2219 at Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0850 0920 20 50 1650 1720 1750 1820 1850 1920 1957 2027 2057 2127 2157 2227 these Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0854 0924 24 54 1654 1724 1754 1824 1854 1924 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 mins until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0859 59 1659 1759 1859 2035 2135 2235 past Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0903 03 1703 1803 1903 2039 2139 2239 each Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0912 0933 33 12 1712 1733 1812 1833 1912 1933 2009 2048 2109 2148 2209 2248 hour Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0917 0938 38 17 1717 1738 1838 1938 2053 Sundays Service 236 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 2251 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 2259 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 2307 2347 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2310 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 2319 0008 Christmas Eve (Wed 24th December) Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 Notes Sch H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0731 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 then Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0745 0753 0828 0858 0918 18 38 58 at Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0759 0805 0840 0910 0930 30 50 10 these Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0804 0809 0844 0914 0934 34 54 14 mins until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0811 0815 0850 0940 40 00 past Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0817 0819 0854 0944 44 04 each Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0829 0831 0906 0925 0956 56 16 25 hour Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 Glossop, Talbot Road (W-bound) 0833 Christmas Eve (Wed 24th December) Service 236 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1546 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1558 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1610 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1614 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1625 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1630 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 Christmas Day no service Boxing Day no service Saturday 27th December Service 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 237 237 236 237 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0636 0736 0806 0836 0906 06 26 46 1646 1706 1726 1746 1806 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0622 0644 0722 0744 0814 0844 0906 0918then at 18 38 58 1658 1718 1738 1758 1818 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0630 0652 0730 0755 0825 0855 0917 0930these 30 50 10 1710 1730 1749 1810 1829 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0634 0656 0734 0759 0829 0859 0921 0934mins 34 54 14 1714 1734 1753 1814 1833 until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0701 0804 0904 0940past 40 00 1740 1758 1838 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0705 0808 0908 0944each 44 04 1744 1802 1842 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0643 0714 0743 0817 0838 0917 0930 0956hour 56 16 25 1725 1756 1811 1825 1851 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0647 0747 0842 0934 30 1730 1830 Saturday 27th December Service 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1836 1901 1921 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2251 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1847 1912 1932 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 2302 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1923 1943 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 2310 2347 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1858 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1902 1927 1947 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 2313 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1932 2012 2138 2238 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1936 2016 2142 2242 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1911 1945 1956 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 2322 0008 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 2000 2050 Sunday 28th December same as Sundays

Notes: H - Mondays to Fridays in school holidays only Sch - Schooldays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Monday 29th December Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 Notes H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 1546 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0753 0828 0858 0918then at 18 38 58 1558 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0805 0840 0910 0930these 30 50 10 1610 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0809 0844 0914 0934mins 34 54 14 1614 until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0815 0850 0940past 40 00 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0819 0854 0944each 44 04 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0831 0906 0925 0956hour 56 16 25 1625 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 1630 Monday 29th December Service 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2251 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 2302 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 2310 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 2313 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 2012 2138 2238 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 2016 2142 2242 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 2322 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 2050 Monday 29th December Service 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 2347 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0008 Tuesday 30th December Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 Notes H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 1546 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0753 0828 0858 0918then at 18 38 58 1558 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0805 0840 0910 0930these 30 50 10 1610 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0809 0844 0914 0934mins 34 54 14 1614 until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0815 0850 0940past 40 00 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0819 0854 0944each 44 04 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0831 0906 0925 0956hour 56 16 25 1625 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 1630 Tuesday 30th December Service 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2251 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 2302 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 2310 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 2313 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 2012 2138 2238 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 2016 2142 2242 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 2322 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 2050 Tuesday 30th December Service 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 2347 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0008 New Years Eve (Wed 31st December) Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 Notes Sch H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0731 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 then Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0745 0753 0828 0858 0918 18 38 58 at Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0759 0805 0840 0910 0930 30 50 10 these Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0804 0809 0844 0914 0934 34 54 14 mins until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0811 0815 0850 0940 40 00 past Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0817 0819 0854 0944 44 04 each Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0829 0831 0906 0925 0956 56 16 25 hour Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 Glossop, Talbot Road (W-bound) 0833

Notes: H - Mondays to Fridays in school holidays only Sch - Schooldays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops New Years Eve (Wed 31st December) Service 236 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1546 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1558 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1610 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1614 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1625 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1630 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 New Years Day no service Fri 2 Jan Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 Notes H Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0537 0627 0655 0709 0741 0816 0846 0906 06 26 46 1546 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 0524 0545 0610 0625 0635 0650 0705 0721 0753 0828 0858 0918then at 18 38 58 1558 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0532 0553 0618 0633 0643 0701 0716 0733 0805 0840 0910 0930these 30 50 10 1610 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0535 0556 0621 0636 0646 0705 0720 0737 0809 0844 0914 0934mins 34 54 14 1614 until Tintwistle, opp New Road 0626 0651 0815 0850 0940past 40 00 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 0630 0655 0819 0854 0944each 44 04 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0544 0605 0639 0647 0704 0716 0731 0748 0831 0906 0925 0956hour 56 16 25 1625 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0609 0643 0708 0736 0753 0836 0911 0930 30 1630 Fri 2 Jan Service 237 236 237 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1606 1626 1641 1656 1711 1726 1746 1806 1826 1851 1916 1941 2011 2041 2111 2141 2211 2251 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 1620 1640 1655 1710 1725 1740 1800 1820 1838 1902 1927 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2222 2302 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1913 1938 2003 2033 2100 2130 2200 2230 2310 Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1632 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1812 1832 1850 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1636 1656 1711 1726 1741 1756 1816 1836 1854 1917 1942 2007 2037 2103 2133 2203 2233 2313 Tintwistle, opp New Road 1642 1717 1732 1802 1842 1922 2012 2138 2238 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 1646 1721 1736 1806 1846 1926 2016 2142 2242 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 1658 1707 1733 1748 1752 1816 1827 1855 1903 1935 1951 2025 2046 2112 2151 2212 2251 2322 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1703 1712 1738 1757 1821 1832 1859 1907 1955 2050 Fri 2 Jan Service 237 Notes * Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 2331 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) 2339 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 2347 Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2350 Tintwistle, opp New Road 2355 Hadfield, opp Railway Station 2359 Glossop, adj Howard Arms 0008 Notes: H - Mondays to Fridays in school holidays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Glossop - Ashton Under Lyne

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 Service Restrictions Mo NMo Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 46 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 03 23 53 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 15 35 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 19 39 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 25 45 05 past Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 29 49 09 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 0022 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0924 0959 1019 1039 39 59 19 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 51 11 31 Mondays to Fridays Service 236 236 237 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1646 1706 1716 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 2000 2100 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1653 1713 1723 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 1943 2005 2030 2105 2125 2215 2255 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1735 1837 1932 2039 2134 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1739 1841 1936 2043 2138 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1705 1725 1745 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 1952 2014 2049 2114 2144 2224 2304 until Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1709 1729 1749 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 2052 2147 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 1956 2017 2117 2227 2307 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1719 1739 1759 1814 1824 1834 1901 1911 1931 1957 2006 2025 2100 2125 2155 2235 2315 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1731 1751 1811 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 2017 2035 2110 2135 2205 2245 2325 Mondays to Fridays Service 237 Notes * Glossop, adj Market Hall 2325 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 2334 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 2338 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2344 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 2347 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 2355 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0005 Saturdays Service 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 236 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0649 0754 0850 0946 46 1646 1746 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0654 0719 0759 0819 0856 0919 0953 1003 03 23 53 1653 1703 1723 1753 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0728 0828 0928 1015 15 35 1715 1732 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0732 0832 0932 1019 19 39 1719 1736 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0703 0738 0808 0838 0908 0938 1005 1025 25 45 05until 1705 1725 1742 1805 past Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0707 0742 0812 0842 0912 0942 1009 1029 29 49 09 1709 1729 1746 1809 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0717 0752 0822 0852 0922 0952 1019 1039 39 59 19 1719 1739 1756 1819 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0726 0801 0831 0901 0931 1001 1031 1051 51 11 31 1731 1751 1807 1831 Saturdays Service 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 Notes * Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1843 2000 2100 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1803 1823 1848 1853 1923 1949 2005 2030 2105 2125 2215 2255 2325 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1812 1832 1902 1932 2039 2134 2334 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1816 1836 1906 1936 2043 2138 2338 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1822 1842 1857 1912 1942 1958 2014 2049 2114 2144 2224 2304 2344 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1826 1846 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1916 1946 2052 2147 2347 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1901 2002 2017 2117 2227 2307 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1836 1856 1911 1926 1956 2010 2025 2100 2125 2155 2235 2315 2355 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1847 1907 1922 1937 2007 2020 2035 2110 2135 2205 2245 2325 0005 Sundays Service 236 237 237 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 237 236 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0720 0820 0920 20 45 1745 1853 1957 2057 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0727 0827 0927 27 52 1752 1818 1858 1918 2002 2022 2102 2122 2212 2250 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0736 0836 0936 36 1827 1927 2031 2131 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0740 0840 0940 40 1831 1931 2035 2135 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0746 0846 0946 46 03until 1803 1837 1907 1937 2011 2041 2111 2141 2221 2259 past Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 0750 0850 0950 50 1841 1941 2044 2144 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 07 1807 1911 2014 2114 2224 2302 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0801 0901 1001 01 18 1818 1852 1922 1952 2022 2052 2122 2152 2232 2310 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0809 0909 1009 09 26 1826 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2240 2318

Service Restrictions: Mo - Operates only on Mondays NMo - Not Mondays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Glossop - Ashton Under Lyne

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Service 237 Notes * Glossop, adj Market Hall 2322 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 2331 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 2335 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 2341 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 2344 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 2352 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0001 Christmas Eve (Wed 24th December) Service 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 1046 1146 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 1023 1053 1103 1123 1153 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 1035 1115 1135 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 1039 1119 1139 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 1045 1105 1125 1145 1205 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 1049 1109 1129 1149 1209 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0926 1001 1021 1041 1101 1121 1141 1201 1221 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 1111 1131 1151 1211 1231 Christmas Eve (Wed 24th December) Service 237 237 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 Notes Sch Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1706 1716 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1203 1223 1253 1303 1323 1353 1403 1423 1453 1503 1523 1553 1603 1623 1653 1713 1723 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1215 1235 1315 1335 1415 1435 1515 1535 1615 1635 1735 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1219 1239 1319 1339 1419 1439 1519 1539 1619 1639 1739 Hollingworth, HS Hail & Ride (E-bound) 1500 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1225 1245 1305 1325 1345 1405 1425 1445 1502 1505 1525 1545 1605 1625 1645 1705 1725 1745 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1229 1249 1309 1329 1349 1409 1429 1449 1509 1529 1549 1609 1629 1649 1709 1729 1749 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1506 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1241 1301 1321 1341 1401 1421 1441 1501 1518 1521 1541 1601 1621 1641 1701 1721 1741 1801 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1251 1311 1331 1351 1411 1431 1451 1511 1527 1531 1551 1611 1631 1651 1711 1731 1751 1811 Christmas Eve (Wed 24th December) Service 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1837 1932 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1841 1936 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1816 1826 1836 1902 1912 1932 1957 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 Christmas Day no service Boxing Day no service Saturday 27th December same as Saturdays Sunday 28th December same as Sundays Monday 29th December Service 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 46 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 03 23 53 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 15 35 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 19 39 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 25 45 05 until past Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 29 49 09 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0924 0959 1019 1039 39 59 19 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 51 11 31

Notes: Sch - Schooldays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Glossop - Ashton Under Lyne

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Monday 29th December Service 236 236 237 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 Notes * Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1646 1706 1716 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 2000 2100 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1653 1713 1723 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 1943 2005 2030 2105 2125 2215 2255 2325 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1735 1837 1932 2039 2134 2334 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1739 1841 1936 2043 2138 2338 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1705 1725 1745 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 1952 2014 2049 2114 2144 2224 2304 2344 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1709 1729 1749 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 2052 2147 2347 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 1956 2017 2117 2227 2307 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1719 1739 1759 1814 1824 1834 1901 1911 1931 1957 2006 2025 2100 2125 2155 2235 2315 2355 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1731 1751 1811 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 2017 2035 2110 2135 2205 2245 2325 0005 Tuesday 30th December Service 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 46 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 03 23 53 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 15 35 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 19 39 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 25 45 05 until past Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 29 49 09 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0924 0959 1019 1039 39 59 19 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 51 11 31 Tuesday 30th December Service 236 236 237 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 Notes * Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1646 1706 1716 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 2000 2100 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1653 1713 1723 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 1943 2005 2030 2105 2125 2215 2255 2325 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1735 1837 1932 2039 2134 2334 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1739 1841 1936 2043 2138 2338 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1705 1725 1745 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 1952 2014 2049 2114 2144 2224 2304 2344 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1709 1729 1749 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 2052 2147 2347 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 1956 2017 2117 2227 2307 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1719 1739 1759 1814 1824 1834 1901 1911 1931 1957 2006 2025 2100 2125 2155 2235 2315 2355 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1731 1751 1811 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 2017 2035 2110 2135 2205 2245 2325 0005 New Years Eve (Wed 31st December) Service 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 1046 1146 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 1023 1053 1103 1123 1153 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 1035 1115 1135 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 1039 1119 1139 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 1045 1105 1125 1145 1205 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 1049 1109 1129 1149 1209 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0926 1001 1021 1041 1101 1121 1141 1201 1221 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 1111 1131 1151 1211 1231 New Years Eve (Wed 31st December) Service 237 237 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 Notes Sch Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1246 1346 1446 1546 1646 1706 1716 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1203 1223 1253 1303 1323 1353 1403 1423 1453 1503 1523 1553 1603 1623 1653 1713 1723 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1215 1235 1315 1335 1415 1435 1515 1535 1615 1635 1735 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1219 1239 1319 1339 1419 1439 1519 1539 1619 1639 1739 Hollingworth, Longdendale HS Hail & Ride (E-bound) 1500 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1225 1245 1305 1325 1345 1405 1425 1445 1502 1505 1525 1545 1605 1625 1645 1705 1725 1745 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1229 1249 1309 1329 1349 1409 1429 1449 1509 1529 1549 1609 1629 1649 1709 1729 1749 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1506 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1241 1301 1321 1341 1401 1421 1441 1501 1518 1521 1541 1601 1621 1641 1701 1721 1741 1801 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1251 1311 1331 1351 1411 1431 1451 1511 1527 1531 1551 1611 1631 1651 1711 1731 1751 1811 New Years Eve (Wed 31st December) Service 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1837 1932 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1841 1936 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1816 1826 1836 1902 1912 1932 1957 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 New Years Day no service

Notes: Sch - Schooldays only * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Glossop - Ashton Under Lyne

Stagecoach Manchester The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 24th December 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table.

Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Fri 2 Jan Service 236 237 237 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 237 237 237 236 Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 0611 0645 0710 0740 0755 0846 0916 0946 46 Glossop, adj Market Hall 0010 0546 0616 0651 0653 0717 0722 0747 0802 0853 0923 0953 1003 03 23 53 then at Hadfield, adj Railway Station 0555 0625 0705 0729 0814 0935 1015 15 35 these Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 0559 0629 0711 0735 0820 0939 1019 19 39 mins Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 0019 0605 0635 0703 0719 0748 0734 0803 0833 0909 0945 1005 1025 25 45 05 until past Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 0609 0639 0708 0724 0754 0739 0809 0839 0914 0949 1009 1029 29 49 09 each Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 0022 hour Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 0030 0620 0650 0720 0736 0806 0751 0821 0851 0924 0959 1019 1039 39 59 19 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 0628 0658 0730 0751 0821 0806 0836 0906 0936 1011 1031 1051 51 11 31 Fri 2 Jan Service 236 236 237 236 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 236 237 236 237 236 236 237 Notes * Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close 1646 1706 1716 1741 1803 1823 1843 1903 1918 2000 2100 Glossop, adj Market Hall 1653 1713 1723 1748 1758 1808 1828 1848 1908 1923 1943 2005 2030 2105 2125 2215 2255 2325 Hadfield, adj Railway Station 1735 1837 1932 2039 2134 2334 Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) 1739 1841 1936 2043 2138 2338 Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn 1705 1725 1745 1800 1810 1820 1847 1857 1917 1942 1952 2014 2049 2114 2144 2224 2304 2344 Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor 1709 1729 1749 1804 1814 1824 1851 1901 Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) 1946 2052 2147 2347 Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) 1921 1956 2017 2117 2227 2307 Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) 1719 1739 1759 1814 1824 1834 1901 1911 1931 1957 2006 2025 2100 2125 2155 2235 2315 2355 Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1731 1751 1811 1836 1846 1912 1922 1942 2007 2017 2035 2110 2135 2205 2245 2325 0005

Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day

Derbyshire County Council21/11/2014 1056 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not.

You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses.

NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code manadawp Piccadilly Gardens, Piccadilly Gardens (Stop D) Piccadilly 1800EB01311 manadaja Manchester City Centre, Lever Street/Warwick Street (Stop Em) Lever Street 1800EB00081 managmtw Ancoats, Great Ancoats Street/Jersey Street (SE-bound) Great Ancoats Street 1800EB24371 manadmpm Ancoats, opp Great Ancoats Street/Laystall Street Great Ancoats Street 1800EB04071 managtdg Ancoats, Great Ancoats Street/Old Mill Street (Stop B) Great Ancoats Street 1800EB32381 manadamt Ancoats, Great Ancoats Street/Adair Street (Stop C) Great Ancoats Street 1800EB00831 manadjam Ancoats, Every Street/Carruthers Street (NE-bound) Every Street 1800EB02641 managtgj Holt Town, Holt Town Tram Stop (Stop A) Ashton New Road 1800EB32481 managtgp Beswick, opp Ashton New Road/Councillor Street Ashton New Road 1800EB32501 managtjd Sportcity, o/s Ashton New Road/City of MCR Stadium Ashton New Road 1800EB32541 managtjg Sportcity, Ashton New Road/Grey Mare Lane (Stop A) Ashton New Road 1800EB32551 managjwg Sportcity, Velopark Tram Stop (Stop E) Ashton New Road 1800EB17961 managwdt Clayton, o/s Ashton New Road/City Academy Ashton New Road 1800EB32951 managwpt Clayton, Ashton New Road/North Road (E-bound) Ashton New Road 1800EB33291 managwpm Clayton, Clayton Hall Tram Stop (Stop B) Ashton New Road 1800EB33271 managwpg Clayton, Ashton New Road/Canberra Street (E-bound) Ashton New Road 1800EB33251 managwpa Clayton, Ashton New Road/Schofield Street (E-bound) Ashton New Road 1800EB33231 managwmt Clayton, opp Ashton New Road/Aldi Ashton New Road 1800EB33211 mandapjg Droylsden, Edge Lane Tram Stop (Stop D) Manchester Road 1800EH35531 mandapjp Droylsden, opp Manchester Road/Buxton Lane Manchester Road 1800EH35551 mandapjw Droylsden, Cemetery Road Tram Stop (Stop A) Manchester Road 1800EH35571 mandapmj Droylsden, o/s Manchester Road/Tesco Manchester Road 1800EH35611 mandapmp Droylsden, Droylsden Tram Stop (Stop B) Ashton Road 1800EH35621 mandapta Droylsden, Ashton Road/Williamson Lane (Stop E) Ashton Road 1800EH35651 mandaptd Fairfield, nr Droylsden Road/Kershaw Lane Droylsden Road 1800EH35661 mandaptm Audenshaw, Audenshaw Metrolink Stop (Stop B) Droylsden Road 1800EH35691 mandgmdg Ashton Moss, o/s Manchester Road/Snipe Inn Manchester Road 1800EH39121 mandgmga Ashton Moss, nr Manchester Road/William Street Manchester Road 1800EH39181 mandgmgm Chester Square, nr Manchester Road/Chester Square Manchester Road 1800EH39211 mantgawp Ashton Under Lyne, adj Stamford Street/Old Square Stamford Street 1800EH06941 mandampg Ashton Under Lyne, Wellington Road/Market Hall (Stop DD) Wellington Road 1800EH24171 mantjwpm Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station STAND C (Stand C) Wellington Road 1800ANBS0C1 mandampm Ashton Under Lyne, Wellington Road/Market Hall (Stop BB) Wellington Road 1800EH24191 - Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1800EHQ0081 mandampj Ashton Under Lyne, Wellington Road/Market Hall (Stop Aa) Wellington Road 1800EH24181 mandampa Ashton Under Lyne, opp Penny Meadow/Crickets Lane Penny Meadow 1800EH24151 mandajam Cockbrook, opp Beaufort Road/ College Beaufort Road 1800EH21241 mandajag Cockbrook, Beaufort Road/Heys Road (Stop B) Beaufort Road 1800EH21221 mandajmw Stamford Park, Stamford Street/Stamford Park (Stop D) Stamford Square 1800EH21501 mandajmj Stamford Park, adj Stamford Street/Astley Road Stamford Street 1800EH21471 mandadtj Stalybridge, opp Rassbottom Street/Thompson Cross Rassbottom Street 1800EH20601 mandadtg Stalybridge, Rassbottom Street/Stalybridge Station (Stop F) Rassbottom Street 1800EH20591 mandadta Stalybridge, nr Waterloo Road/Market Street Waterloo Road 1800EH20571 manatwtg Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop C) Armentieres Square 1800EH00811 manawptj Stalybridge, Acres Lane/Park Street (Stop E) Acres Lane 1800EH09431 mandgada Stalybridge, adj Mottram Road/Stocks Lane Mottram Road 1800EH37181 mandgadj Stalybridge, nr Mottram Road/Grey Street Mottram Road 1800EH37201 mandgadp Bower Fold, opp Mottram Road/Cheetham Park Mottram Road 1800EH37221 mandgadw Bower Fold, in Mottram Road/Bower Fold Mottram Road 1800EH37241 mandgaga Woodlands, opp Mottram Road/Early Bank Mottram Road 1800EH37251 mandgagj Woodlands, nr Mottram Road/Woodlands Road Mottram Road 1800EH37271 mandgagp Woodlands, opp Mottram Road/Woodend Lane Mottram Road 1800EH37291 mandgaja Bardsley Gate, o/s Mottram Road/Dog and Partridge Mottram Road 1800EH37321 mandgajg Bardsley Gate, opp Mottram Road/Waggon and Horses Mottram Road 1800EH37341 mandgajm Mottram, o/s Roe Cross Road/Roe Cross Hotel Roe Cross Road 1800EH37351 mandgajt Mottram, nr Roe Cross Road/Old Road Roe Cross Road 1800EH37371 manawajg Mottram, opp Stalybridge Road/Rushycroft Stalybridge Road 1800EH02111 mandjdtm Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) Mottram Moor 1800EH48601 mantgjdm Mottram, nr Back Moor/Mottram Moor Back Moor 1800EH07731 mandjdtj Mottram, Mottram Moor/Fern Cottages (E-bound) Mottram Moor 1800EH48591 mandjdta Mottram, opp Mottram Moor/Carrhouse Lane Mottram Moor 1800EH48561 mandjdpw Hollingworth, o/s Mottram Moor/Gun Inn Mottram Moor 1800EH48551 mandjgdp Hollingworth, o/s Market Street/Hollingworth Clinic Market Street 1800EH48811 mandjgdw Hollingworth, adj Market Street/King Street Market Street 1800EH48831 mandjgjd Hollingworth, adj Manchester Road/Millbrook Manchester Road 1800EH48851 dbsdjtaw Tintwistle, adj Arnfield Towers Manchester Road 1000DTMR4354 dbsdjtdg Tintwistle, adj Matthew Close Manchester Road A628t 1000DTMR4357 dbsdjtdm Tintwistle, opp New Road Manchester Road 1000DTMR4359 dbsaptjg Hadfield, adj Goddard Lane Waterside 1000DHWG4276 dbsdwgpm Hadfield, opp Waterside Business Park Waterside 1000DHWI4282 dbsapmjd Hadfield, adj Albert Street Station Road 1000DHSR3322 dbsdwtja Hadfield, opp Masons Arms Station Road 1000DHSR3798 dbsapmja Hadfield, opp Railway Station Station Road 1000DHSR2159 dbsampwt Hadfield, opp St Andrews Church Church Street 1000DHCS4391 dbsapgtm Hadfield, adj Castle Street Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL4394 dbsapgtj Hadfield, adj Glossopdale College Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL4281 dbsapgtd Hadfield, opp Thorncliffe Road Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL4230 dbsapgta Hadfield, adj The Sycamores Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL3786 dbsgdgja Dinting Vale, opp Industrial Estate Shaw Lane 1000DDSL4373 Continued on next page. 236/237 Ashton Under Lyne - Glossop

Stagecoach Manchester Continued from previous page. For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not.

You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses.

NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code mandjdpm Woolley Bridge, nr Woolley Lane/Earnshaw Street Woolley Lane 1800EH48531 mandjdpg Woolley Bridge, nr Wooley Lane/Woolley Close Woolley Lane 1800EH48511 dbsaptgm Hadfield, opp Woolley Bridge Brookfield 1000DHWB4243 dbsgtmdg Brookfield, opp Melandra Road Brookfield 1000DHBP4245 dbsamajg Brookfield, opp Cottage Lane Brookfield 1000DDBS4246 dbsgdadp Dinting Vale, opp Works Dinting Vale 1000DDDV4249 dbsamdgt Dinting Vale, opp Glossop Road Dinting Vale 1000DDDV3835 dbsamdgm Dinting Vale, adj Primary School Dinting Vale 1000DDDV3414 dbsgdapj Dinting Vale, opp The Junction High Street West 1000DDHS3412 dbsgajwd Glossop, opp Grapes Inn High Street West 1000DGHS3410 dbsgtjam Glossop, opp Sunlaws Street High Street West 1000DGHS3408 dbsgtjag Glossop, opp St Marys Road High Street West 1000DGHS3406 dbsgtgwt Glossop, adj Arundel Street High Street West 1000DGHS3404 dbsgtgwm Glossop, adj Howard Arms High Street East 1000DGHS1150 dbsgajwg Glossop, adj Regency Close High Street East 1000DGHS4258 dbsgampj Glossop, adj Commercial Inn High Street East 1000DGSR4256 dbsgtjpd Glossop, opp Brook Meadow Road 1000DGSR4254 dbsgtjmt Glossop, opp Cowbrook Avenue Sheffield Road 1000DGSR4251 dbsgtjma Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close Shirebrook Drive 1000DGSD4386 dbsgtgwj Glossop, Henry Street (Stop A) Henry Street 1000DGHS0900 dbsdpjmt Glossop, Talbot Road (W-bound) Talbot Road 100000008351 236/237 Glossop - Ashton Under Lyne

Stagecoach Manchester

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not.

You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses.

NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code dbsgtjma Glossop, opp Hurstbrook Close Shirebrook Drive 1000DGSD4386 dbsgtjmg Glossop, opp Hillwood Drive Shirebrook Drive 1000DGSD4388 dbsjdmag Glossop, adj Leicester Drive Shirebrook Drive 100053718 dbsgpdwd Glossop, opp Hurst View Shirebrook Drive 100000022309 dbsgpdwa Glossop, opp Croft Manor Shirebrook Drive 100000022308 dbsgajwj Glossop, opp Regency Close High Street East 1000DGHS4259 dbsgajwm Glossop, adj Market Hall High Street West 1000DGHSW936 dbsgtgwp Glossop, opp Arundel Street High Street West 1000DGHS3403 dbsgtjad Glossop, adj St Marys Road High Street West 1000DGHS3405 dbsgtjaj Glossop, adj Sunlaws Street High Street West 1000DGHS3407 dbsgajwa Glossop, adj Summers Place High Street West 1000DGHS3409 dbsamdgd Dinting Vale, adj The Junction Dinting Vale 1000DDDV3411 dbsamdgj Dinting Vale, opp Primary School Dinting Vale 1000DDDV3413 dbsamdgp Dinting Vale, adj Glossop Road Dinting Vale 1000DDDV3415 dbsgdadm Dinting Vale, adj Works Dinting Vale 1000DDDV4248 dbsgdgjd Dinting Vale, adj Industrial Estate Shaw Lane 1000DDSL4374 dbsapgpw Hadfield, opp The Sycamores Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL3785 dbsapgtg Hadfield, adj Thorncliffe Road Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL4280 dbsapgpt Hadfield, opp Glossopdale College Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL1938 dbsapgtp Hadfield, opp Castle Street Newshaw Lane 1000DHNL4395 dbsampwg Hadfield, adj St Andrews Church Church Street 1000DHCS4283 dbsdwtjg Hadfield, adj Railway Station Station Road 1000DHSR4372 dbsapmpt Hadfield, adj Masons Arms Station Road 1000DHSR3797 dbsdwtjd Hadfield, opp Albert Street Station Road 1000DHSR4274 dbsdwgpj Hadfield, adj Waterside Business Park Waterside 1000DHWI4275 dbsdwgmw Hadfield, opp Goddard Lane Waterside 1000DHWG4393 dbsdatpa Tintwistle, New Road (N-bound) New Road 1000DTNR4360 dbsdjtdj Tintwistle, opp Matthew Close Manchester Road A628t 1000DTMR4358 dbsdjtda Tintwistle, opp Arnfield Towers Manchester Road 1000DTMR4355 mandjgja Hollingworth, nr Manchester Road/Millbrook Manchester Road 1800EH48841 mandjgdt Hollingworth, nr Market Street/King Street Market Street 1800EH48821 mandjgdm Hollingworth, nr Market Street/Wood Street Market Street 1800EH48801 - Hollingworth, Longdendale HS Hail & Ride (E-bound) Spring Street 1800EHH1661 mandjgdj Hollingworth, nr Market Street/Taylor Street Market Street 1800EH48791 dbsgdtgt Brookfield, adj Cottage Lane Brookfield 1000DDBL4247 dbsgdtjd Brookfield, adj Melandra Road Brookfield 1000DDBP4244 dbsaptgp Hadfield, adj Woolley Bridge Brookfield 1000DHWBW940 mandjdpj Woolley Bridge, opp Woolley Lane/Earnshaw Street Woolley Lane 1800EH48521 mandjdpt Hollingworth, opp Mottram Moor/Gun Inn Mottram Moor 1800EH48541 mandjdtd Mottram, nr Mottram Moor/Carrhouse Lane Mottram Moor 1800EH48571 mandjdtg Mottram, Mottram Moor/Fern Cottages (W-bound) Mottram Moor 1800EH48581 mantmpjg Mottram, adj Back Moor/Mottram Moor Back Moor 1800EH13691 mandgama Mottram, Stalybridge Road/Mottram Junction (Stop A) Stalybridge Road 1800EH37391 mandgajw Mottram, opp Stalybridge Road/Old Road Stalybridge Road 1800EH37381 mantmpjd Mottram, opp Roe Cross Road/Old Road Roe Cross Road 1800EH13681 mandjdtm Mottram, Mottram Moor/Junction Inn (Stop B) Mottram Moor 1800EH48601 mandgajp Mottram, opp Roe Cross Road/Roe Cross Hotel Roe Cross Road 1800EH37361 mandgajd Bardsley Gate, o/s Mottram Road/Waggon and Horses Mottram Road 1800EH37331 mandgagw Bardsley Gate, opp Mottram Road/Dog and Partridge Mottram Road 1800EH37311 mandgagt Woodlands, adj Mottram Road/Woodend Lane Mottram Road 1800EH37301 mandgagm Woodlands, opp Mottram Road/Woodlands Road Mottram Road 1800EH37281 mandgagd Woodlands, nr Mottram Road/Early Bank Mottram Road 1800EH37261 mandgadt Bower Fold, at Mottram Road/Bower Fold Mottram Road 1800EH37231 mandgadm Bower Fold, o/s Mottram Road/Cheetham Park Mottram Road 1800EH37211 mandgadg Stalybridge, opp Mottram Road/Grey Street Mottram Road 1800EH37191 manawptm Stalybridge, o/s Acres Lane/The Organ Acres Lane 1800EH09441 manawptg Stalybridge, Acres Lane/Park Street (Stop F) Acres Lane 1800EH09421 manatwpm Stalybridge, Armentieres Square (Stop A) Armentieres Square 1800EH00651 manawptw Stalybridge, adj Trinity Street/Market Street Trinity Street 1800EH09491 mandadtd Stalybridge, Rassbottom Street/Stalybridge Station (Stop E) Rassbottom Street 1800EH20581 manawgwa Stalybridge, o/s Rassbottom Street/Thompson Cross Rassbottom Street 1800EH05721 mandajmp Stamford Park, opp Stamford Park/Astley Road Stamford Street 1800EH21481 mandajmt Stamford Park, Stamford Street/Stamford Park (Stop E) Stamford Street 1800EH21491 mandajaj Cockbrook, Beaufort Road/Heys Road (Stop A) Beaufort Road 1800EH21231 mandajap Cockbrook, o/s Beaufort Road/Tameside College Beaufort Road 1800EH21251 mandampd Ashton Under Lyne, adj Penny Meadow/Crickets Lane Penny Meadow 1800EH24161 mandampg Ashton Under Lyne, Wellington Road/Market Hall (Stop DD) Wellington Road 1800EH24171 - Ashton Under Lyne, Ashton Bus Station 1800EHQ0081