Lobby Albany Lobbying
, . CD Vol. 70,· Number 12 . Information ~ow- » March 26, 1997 :::0 oC Students with eactions to :c Disabilities Legislature Lobby Albany Lobbying By DusanStojkovic On Tuesday, March 11, stu Mixed Opinions dents with disabilities from the CUNY system visited state legisla By Orlando Green tors in Albany to inform them of On Wednesday, March 5th, 29 the uncertaintiesthestudentswere Baruch students traveled by bus facing due to the cuts in the state o Albany to lobby against Gover budget for higher educatio , or George E. Pataki's proposed posed by Governor Geoj-ge E. uts to the City University of New Pataki. ork (CUNy) budget. Baruch stu Of major concern to the stu dents were joined by hundreds of dents was the accelerated rate of CUNY and SUNY students from progress they would have to main all regions of New York State tain in order to go on receiving Long Island, Westchester, New financial aid. ork City, Albany, Buffalo, Os "For many disabled stu ego, Cortland, Binghamton, New dentslike me, itsimply akeslonger altz and other upstate regions. to complete the work indi hey were welcomed by the New vidual course, and it woul n M ork Public Interest Research fair to set the same progress stan ~ Group (NYPIRG) with a lobbying dards for us as for non-disabled es training workshop and an address students," said Pamela Ash, an g y the chair ofthe Assembly' of the upper sophomore at Baruch whois >.Higher Education Committee, Ed blind. "I have a number of incom ullivan. plete courses from last semester The battle plan to save public becarise ofmydisability,"shepoints ·llaft·P~\ig.·~eayl·Chen ducatton wastogarn illeari:lugfuI out, adding, "Havingchosen CIS Candidates for DSSG Elections Announced .
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