Earth Science and Astronomy
T h i s i s o n e s m a l l s t e p f o Earth Science and r a Astronomy m a n , o n e g i a n t l e a p f o r m a n k i Week 1: The Earth/ Gravity Planet Earth Kingfisher 1st Enc. of Our Experiments Extra Reading (all) Science (older) World (younger) (Earth Science) Books *Gravity All Around-A #1 Bulging Ball, pg.10-13 pg.2-3 pg.4-7,10,12-13 *Zero Gravity-O #5 Tilt *I Fall Down-Y Supplies for experiments: construction paper, scissors, hole punch, ruler, paper, glue, pencil; ball of clay the size of an apple, 2 pencils, flashlight Vocabulary: Equator, gravity Memory work: four seasons (winter, spring, summer, fall), hemispheres (northern, southern) left side- make a chart of the months in each season for each the northern and southern hemispheres right side- copy and paste page one from the following link: Scientist: scientist study will begin on week 3 Week 2: Layers of the Earth/ Land, Water, and Air Planet Earth Kingfisher 1st Enc. of Our Experiments Extra Reading (all) Science (older) World (younger) (Earth Science) Books *Water Dance-A #3 Wobbler, *A Drop Around the World-O pg.14-17 pg. 8-9 pg. 38-39 #17 Sampler *The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth-Y Supplies for experiments: pen, 1 raw egg, 1 hard cooked egg; 3 different colors of clay, 1 straw, fingernail scissors Vocabulary: The Mohole project, the water cycle Memory work: layers of the earth (inner core, out core, mantle, oceanic crust, continental crust) left side- list the layers from the innermost layer to the outermost layer and describe the composition of each layer right side- copy and paste page one from the following link (note: continental crust and oceanic crust are not separate on this page): Scientist: scientist study will begin on week 3 Week 3 : Earthquakes/ Volcanoes Planet Earth Kingfisher 1st Enc.
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