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INTITUTION Perspective S DOCUMiNT RESUME ED 126 538 CS 501 451 AUTHOR Blankenship, Jane, Ed.; Stelzner,Hermann G., Ed. TITLE Rhetoric and Communication; Studies in theUniversity of Illinois Tradition.- INTITUTION Illinois Univs, Urbana. Dept. of Speech Communication. PUB DATE 76 NOT 272p. AVAILABLE FROMUniversity of Illinois Press, Urbana, 4 ($8.95 cloth) ERRS PRICE HE-$0.83 Plus Postage. BC Not Available fromEDRS. DESCRIPTORS . *Communication (Thought Transfer); *Oral . - Communication; Philosophy; Politics; PublicSpeaking; ''.*Rhetoric; RhetoricalCriticism; Theories - ABSTRACT * Zhis collection'Of sixteen essaaysi ha's been,prepared. as 'a tribute/to three professors who led the studyof rhetoric and ,public address 'at the University.ofIllinois .during a twenty-year period "Part one focuseson communication and rhetorical study froma humanisticlperspebtive, in assays.suchsuch as -"The Fourth 'Stasis' in Greek,,Rhetoric"; "Development of Concept of Analogy in. Rhetdrical Theory"; "Dialogue and Rhetoric"; and"Language, Symbolism, and Criticism: Paul Tillichs 'Existentialist' Analysis." Part two , focuses on bommunication and rhetoricalstudy from a behavioral perspective, in essays stch as "Communicatio4Theory a3 Theater: An Exercise in RelatiOnshipli; "SpeechCommunication Experimentation and a PrOblem of Uncertainty"; and "Influence of.TwoImpromptu Public Speaking Tasks on the Heart Rates ofYoung Adults." Part threg/ foCuses on -studies in American ,politicalcommunication, incluit "John Foster Dulles: .A New Rhetb4c Justifiesan Old Policy"; "Congress and the School PrayerIssue: The Becker Crusade"; and "The r Search for the 1972 Democratic Nomination:A Metaphorical ' Perspective." (JM) ********************************************************************* DocumeniS acquired by ERIC includemany informal unpublished * * materials not available from othetgonrces. ERIC makes every effort * to obtain the'best copy available. Nevertheless,items of marginal. * roducihility are often encountered'andthis'affects the quality * * of -,e microfiche and hardcopy reproductionsERIC makes available * * via t e ERIC Document Reproduction' Service(EDRS). EDRS is not *, respon ale for. the quality of the originaldocument. Reproductions * * supplied' ,. EDRS are the best that can be Ladefrom the ,original. ************ ********************************************************* a 14. U S DEPART 'SENT OF NEALik EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATIONA THIS DOCUMENT HAS TEEN REPRO oucEo EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN jATiNG IT PO,NTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT 44ECE4SARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY --4 11,1rE T O_R fC AND COMMUNICATION Studies in the Univ.e.rsity of Illinois Tradition Edited by Jane Blankenship and *), ''Hermanh G. Stelzner Ptitql4bed for the Department of Speech Communication by the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS Urbana Chicago London EDITORIAL BOARD Jane Blankenship University of Massachusetts 1 Wayne Brockriede" University of Colorado RogerE.Nebergall University of Ilhnots Robert L. Scott PEav SS 0% 'C REPPCD,CE 5 A. BYMICRO University of Minnesota EICi4EONLY BEE.: G.AN'ED 7Y Board of Trustees bf Hermann G.-Stelzner Unity of University of Massachusetts tbc.ER C /.%1;Doc,,%%Z:.- 0%t °PEP.' %;,%(DE.A'0.FE77E%-% TmE OSA...5; EDL.CA'0 4E.R00,,C",0% -.E E. SYSYEM PEO, .ES PERM S s :, .:DovE -.0-Y 04%E., IVO ( 0 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the Universay of Illinois Manufacturtd in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in r ublicanun t."ata Main entry under title Rhetoric and communication. "A volume in honor of prafessors Ktrl R. Wallace, Marie Hochmuth Nichols, aad, Richard Murphy"," Includedbibliogr4hical references. 1. Oral communication Addresses, essays, lectures. I.Blankenship, ;are. II. Stelzner, Herr_ri Gorg, 1931- ill. Wallace, Karl Richards, 1905-1973. IV. Nichols, Marie Ilochmuth.V. Murphy. Richard. 1003. VI. Illinois. University at Urba.,a-Champaign. Dept. of Speech CommuniCation., PN4121.R437 808 75.37621 ISBN 0-252-00566X 4 C ,:/ 41 Contents 1 r Preface Professors Wallace, Nichols, Murphy and the Illinois Tradition vu Roger E Nebergall and Joseph W. Wenzel PMT I COMMUNICATION AND RHETORICAL STUDY-- THE HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE The Fourth Stasis in Grelt Rhetoric Ray D. Deann--) On Eloquence, Part 1st "The Literary Essays" of Dr.'David Skene and the Scottish Rhetoric of Style 17 Vincent M. Betnlacqua Developibent of the Concept of Analog in Rhetorical Theory 34 James S. Measell Language, Symbolism, and Criticism. Paul Tillich's "Existentialist" I Analysis 46 Carolyn Castleberry Deile Persistent Problems in Rhetorical Criticism 69 ,<. Malcolm 0. Si liars C,ofnmumcation and Human Responk: A Heuristic View 89/ David B. Strother 1 t , Dialogue and Rhetoric 99 AN Robert L. Scott - PART 11 COMMUNICATION AND ktilETORICAL STUDY THE BEIIAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE Communication Theory and Theater. An Exercise in Relationship 113 '\,.,......,--- Martin Co'bin 4 Speech Communication Experimentation and a Problem of Uncertainty128 J. Donald Ragsdale Relative Ease to Comprehending Yes/No Questions 143 Joseph A. De Vito The Interaction of Rlutation Type, Involvement, and Atithoritativeness 155 yernon E. Cronen 3 Influence of Two impromptu Public Spealting Tasks on the Heart Rates of Young Adults 91 Theodpre Clevenger, Jr.. PART III STUDIES IN AMERICAN POLITICAL COMMUNICATION, John Foster Dulles: A New Rhetoric Justifies an Old Policy 183 Wayne Brockr:ede Congress and the School Prayer Issuet'The Becker Crusade 205 Charles J. Stewart John F. Kent,iedy at Houston, Texas, epternber 12, 1960 223' Hermann Stelzner _, The Search for the 1972 Democratic Nomination. A Metaphorigal Perspective 236 Jane Blankenship .0 I e 4 A Volurve in Honor of Professors Karl R. Wallace, Marie 1-hichniuth. Nichols, and Richard Mufph); 4 Preface: Professors Wallace:Nichols, Murphy and the Illinois Tradition ROGER E. NEBERGALL AND JOSEPH W. WENZEL _ KA L WALLACE was born in Hubbardsville, New York,on November 10, 1905 lledied at Amherst, Massachusetts,.on October 16, 1973.1-le receiveda B A, in 1927, an M.A. in.1931, and a Ph.D, in 1933, allat Cornell University. !lc taught at Iowa State College from 1933-to 1936, andat Washing* University (St..Louis) from 1936 to 1937. At the University of Virginia he was Chairman of the School of Speech from 1937 to 1944 and of the School of Speech and Drama from 1944 to 1947. He was Head of the Department,of Speech and, Theatre at the University of Illinois from 1947until his retire- mcnt in 1968 After his retirement, he taught -at the University; of Massachu- setts until his death. r_ MARIE HOCIIMUTH NICHOLS was born onJucy13, 1908, at Dunbar, -Pennsylvania. She received an A.B. degree in 1931, an M.A. in )936 from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Ph.D. in 1945 from the University of Wis- consin. She also studied at the University of Illinois. She aught atilt. Mercy College from 1935 to 1939. She has taught at the University of Illinois since' 1939. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Hawaii and the Universityp6f Southern California. - . RIFIIARD MURPHY was born in Marienville, Pcnnsylvanta,on September 12, 1903. !le received a B.A. in 1927,an M.A. in 1928, and 4,Ph.D. ip 1938, all at the University of Pittsburgh. !lc also studied at Cornell University. the State University of Iowa, and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He taught at the University of Pittsburgh from 1927 to 1935, at Cornell Univer- sity Crain 1935 to 1936, and at the University of Colorado from 1936to,. 1945' lac titiOtat the University of Illinois from 1945 until his retirement in 1971. 7 m. viii lthet.c and Communication This volume of essay as been prepared as a tribute to three distinguished 4 professors who le c study of rhetoric and public address at the University of Illinois dur a period of twenty years. Kart R. Wallace, Marie Uochmuth r Nichols, Richard Murphy, by example a's well as precept, inspired their,- ' study with a! spirit of.,scholarship that we have here ed "the' T ition " A "ti;clition," w,e suppbse, must be cor ounded ofa body Of nowledgc and experience, a mptivating spiri nd a certain gstoneal-con- unuity . On these grounds it seems enticeappropriate tO spetk of an Illinois tradition. This volume is an effoiy students and friends to recall that tradition, to thank those whore so much responsible for it, and to express through these essays theirntinuing indebtedness. The spirit of thelinois tradition cannot really be captured in a few paragraphs. Prob y each student touched by it would express the feeling differentlys e would speaVof dedication to original research, others of thc_trOporrice of teaching skill in Puh,lic utterance, some would stress the 1 acivanc ent of rhetorical theory, some the uses9f rhetorical criticism, and stillthers the study of the history of rhetbncal practice. The program. of sdy that Wallace, Nichols, Murphy, and their colleagues created at Illinois was a rich and rounded One. Its central tenets were these. that rhetoric in its most useful sense embraces the whole rationale of influential discourse, that rhetoric is an es4entlal dimension of human social action, and that the study of rhetorical Eheory, practice, and criticism has an important place in liberal education. Thus groundin e study of rhetoric in the tradition of Western humanism, Wallace, N'ols, and Murphy maintained in their teaching a clear vision of the larg vial purposes of rhetorical studies. As is trueof any such historical phenomenon, one cannot point precisely. ,I, to 4 u e a place where the Illinois tradition may be said to have begun. PerhPer as good a tie as any would be the year 1947 when Karl Wallace e to ,the Un.j..uetcity of Illinois from the University of Virginia, where he had been Chairman of the School of Speech and Dr4ma, to serve as the first head of the newly formed Department of Speech. Prior to that time, work in speech ,had been offered in a separate division of the Department of English, under the supervision of Wayland Maxfield Parrish., Already at Illinois and ready to move from° the Division of Speech to the new department were Marie HochMuth and RichardNiti%hy.
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