E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 2014 No. 118 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, July 28, 2014, at 2 p.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, JULY 25, 2014

The House met at 10 a.m. and was May all that is done within the peo- Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ple’s House this day be for Your great- the border crisis continues with the in- pore (Ms. FOXX). er honor and glory. flux of migrants, mostly Honduran f Amen. teenagers. Rather than quickly reunit- ing recent migrants with their home- DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER f land, the President is considering giv- PRO TEMPORE THE JOURNAL ing them refugee status. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The amnesty President again is going fore the House the following commu- Chair has examined the Journal of the to go his own way. Obviously, he nication from the Speaker: last day’s proceedings and announces doesn’t understand the consequences of WASHINGTON, DC, to the House her approval thereof. his newly proposed executive mandate July 25, 2014. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- made from behind the White House I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA nal stands approved. fences. FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this The migrants are coming to the day. f JOHN A. BOEHNER, United States illegally because the Speaker of the House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President has sent the word out far and wide that he will not enforce the bor- f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the der security laws. gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE) come PRAYER The President of Honduras, whom I forward and lead the House in the The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick met with in January, said as much Pledge of Allegiance. J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: again yesterday. He said the minors Mr. POE of Texas led the Pledge of We give You thanks, O God, for giv- are coming because the drug cartels, Allegiance as follows: ing us another day. who smuggle the minors for a hefty fee, Please hear our prayers for the Mem- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tell them that this President will let bers of this assembly, upon whom the United States of America, and to the Repub- them stay in the United States. authority of government is given. Help lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. So now Americans who are strug- them to understand the tremendous re- gling to take care of their own families sponsibility they have to represent f will be expected to permanently pay both their constituencies and the peo- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER for the housing, education, and health ple of this great Nation of ours. PRO TEMPORE care of these individuals. This is a great but complex task. The rule of law seems to be a mere Grant them as well the gift of wisdom The SPEAKER pro tempore. The suggestion to the amnesty President. to sort through what competing inter- Chair will entertain up to five requests This crisis—that is the President’s ests might exist to work a solution for 1-minute speeches on each side of doing—will just continue. that can serve all of the American peo- the aisle. And that is just the way it is. ple. f f Finally, give each Member peace and equanimity, and give all Americans THE AMNESTY PRESIDENT POVERTY SIMULATION generosity of heart to understand that (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was (Mr. MCGOVERN asked and was governance is not simple but difficult given permission to address the House given permission to address the House work, at times requiring sacrifice and for 1 minute and to revise and extend for 1 minute and to revise and extend forbearance. his remarks.) his remarks.)

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.000 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, 2 Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN weeks ago, Representatives BARBARA today to urge congressional leaders to (Mr. DOGGETT asked and was given LEE, CHRIS GIBSON, RICHARD HUDSON, keep the Senate and House in session permission to address the House for 1 and I hosted a Poverty Simulation for and to forgo the August recess until minute.) Members of Congress and their staffs both Chambers come together and pass Mr. DOGGETT. Madam Speaker, as a here on Capitol Hill. Run by Entergy compromise legislation to help our vet- former State supreme court justice and and Catholic Charities USA, this pov- erans get access to the timely and now as the ranking Democrat on a sub- erty simulation provided a way for pol- quality health care they have earned committee whose responsibilities in- icymakers and their staffs to experi- and deserve. clude child well-being, I ask my col- ence poverty in a new and different In light of the serious allegations of leagues to avoid the easy political path way. wrongdoing within the Department of advanced by those who claim they This simulation allowed participants Veterans Affairs, in addition to unac- would help vulnerable children by de- to experience firsthand what it is like ceptably long wait times at the VA porting them. We must say ‘‘no’’ to to be poor in America. Far too often, medical facilities, it is urgent that a those who would hold up needed Home- we talk about poverty, but we don’t un- fix be put in place now. land Security funding unless we agree derstand it. Being poor is hard work. It Last month, both the Senate and to blame the victims—stripping these is hard to figure out how to stretch House passed legislation that would ex- desperate children of their vital right your food dollar and get from home to pand veterans’ ability to seek care at to be heard. school to work with limited transpor- non-VA facilities under certain condi- Let’s heed the good counsel of ABA tation, for example, when you are poor tions, strengthen Congress’ oversight President James R. Silkenat. He says: and are living on a limited income. The U.S. finds itself at a critical This simulation is one step in under- of the VA, and eliminate performance- crossroads. The American Bar Associa- standing how we end hunger and pov- related bonuses for VA employees. tion has long recognized the special erty. We can’t begin this fight if we Since then, the Conference Committee, vulnerabilities of children. We oppose can’t come together as Republicans tasked to work out a compromise be- any diminution in the rights available and Democrats, and simulations like tween the two bills, has yet to do so. to Central American children under the this could prove to be the way we all I know I speak for many when I say law. It is imperative that children’s start working together on this common the health of the veterans who have immigration cases be conducted in the goal. served us so bravely should not be presence of an adjudicator. In addition, f placed on hold while Congress is away in August. I urge all of my colleagues added resources are needed to reform THE ERADICATION OF CHRISTI- to join me in calling on Congress to and bolster our system for immigration ANITY IN THE MIDDLE EAST stay in session until we do right by our adjudication, a system that has been (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- veterans. severely short-funded for many years. mission to address the House for 1 Shortcutting justice for children cuts minute and to revise and extend his re- f short justice for abuse. marks.) f Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, Pope PASSAGE OF THE NATIONAL WORLDWIDE DAY OF PRAYER FOR Francis has spoken about the condi- DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT CHRISTIANS tions in Iraq for Christians. Now His Grace Bishop Angaelos, Gen- (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania (Mr. ROSKAM asked and was given eral Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox asked and was given permission to ad- permission to address the House for 1 Church in the United Kingdom, said dress the House for 1 minute and to re- minute.) the following today: vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, mo- As the widespread violence and aggression Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ments ago, the House opened in prayer. facing Christians and minority groups in Madam Speaker, I rise today to discuss Today, I am rising in solidarity with Mosul, Iraq, intensifies, it is increasingly the National Defense Authorization those who are calling for a worldwide evident that the fundamental right and free- Act and to call on Congress to come to- day of prayer for Christians suffering dom to practice one’s faith and belief is—and in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and across the continues to be—grossly violated. gether and pass this important bill so that our troops have the support they Middle East. We are currently witnessing an unaccept- Radical Islamists have a phrase: able widespread implementation of extremist need to succeed in the field and so that religious ideology that threatens the lives of our military commanders and policy- ‘‘first the Saturday people, then the all Iraqis who do not fit within its ever-nar- makers have the certainty they need to Sunday people.’’ Those who call for Israel’s destruc- rowing perspective. While this situation conduct our Nation’s national security stands to eradicate centuries of coexistence tion are the same radicals who are per- affairs. and culture in the region, it also threatens secuting Christians throughout the to significantly and negatively impact these This year’s NDAA has already been Middle East. Reported cases of Chris- communities for generations to come. If left voted on by the House, passing with bi- tians killed for their faith doubled unchallenged, it is not Iraq alone that is at partisan support. risk, but the potential is intensified for the worldwide from the previous year. Oth- In addition to keeping troops ade- ers have been kidnapped, forcibly con- replication of this ideology as a viable and quately equipped and trained, this legitimate model for others across the Mid- verted, or exiled, while churches and dle East. year’s legislation also includes a piece holy sites have been destroyed. of legislation called the Medical Eval- He then thanked the Royal Institute Iraq’s Christian community has uation Parity for Service Members Act, for Inter-Faith Studies and its chair- dropped from 1.5 million people in 2003 or MEPS Act, which is a bill I intro- man, His Royal Highness Prince El to only 200,000 today, and in Mosul— duced that will help our military move Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, for express- home of one of the world’s oldest Chris- toward a more comprehensive and ef- ing his concern about the current situ- tian communities—ISIS militants have fective approach to suicide prevention ation in Mosul. overrun the city. They are using this Everyone—the President, the Con- and detection. Arabic symbol and are painting it on gress, religious leaders—should speak While our military has made great homes to identify Nazarenes, or Chris- out on the eradication of Christianity strides to address issues of mental ill- tians, who are told to convert to Islam, in the Middle East. ness, it is tragic events such as those pay a religious tax, or be executed. at Fort Hood that remind us we must f Now almost no Christians remain in do better. Mosul, a city with a 2,000-year relation- VETERANS’ CARE AND CONGRESS’ Madam Speaker, I am calling on the ship with the Christian faith. The situ- AUGUST RECESS Senate to move forward on this legisla- ation is also dire in Syria and else- (Mrs. BUSTOS asked and was given tion so that we can fulfill our commit- where. permission to address the House for 1 ment to those who serve in uniform. Middle East Christians need our minute.) They deserve as much. prayers, our support, and our voices,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.002 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6819 and I am proud to stand with those who If this fighting, unfortunately, has to ior officials from the Departments of follow the Nazarene. continue, our President and State De- State and Defense on the situation in f partment should at least do everything Iraq. possible to get little children out of Madam Speaker, the situation in this AMERICA STANDS WITH ISRAEL Gaza and to some safe place away from critical Middle Eastern country is pre- (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given the bombs and the rockets. carious. The Islamic State of Iraq and permission to address the House for 1 f Syria, an al Qaeda offshoot, has taken minute and to revise and extend his re- over most of western Iraq, it has marks.) REMOVING UNITED STATES turned its sights on Baghdad, and it Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, the ARMED FORCES FROM IRAQ may be preparing to launch attacks war in Gaza continues. Every human Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, pursu- against the United States. life that is killed is a tragedy, particu- ant to the order of the House of July Never has a terrorist organization larly those of civilians, but I think it is 23, 2014, I call up the concurrent resolu- itself controlled such a large, resource- important to put it in perspective. The tion (H. Con. Res. 105) directing the rich safe haven as ISIS does today. fight is not between Israelis and Pal- President, pursuant to section 5(c) of Never has a terrorist organization pos- estinians. The fight is between Israelis the War Powers Resolution, to remove sessed the heavy weaponry, the cash, and Hamas, which is a terrorist organi- United States Armed Forces, other the personnel that ISIS does today, zation. than Armed Forces required to protect which includes thousands of Western Week after week, month after month, United States diplomatic facilities and passport holders. year after year, Hamas has lobbed mis- personnel, from Iraq and ask for its im- What started as a crisis in Syria has siles into the Israeli civilian popu- mediate consideration. become a regional disaster with serious lation—killing Israelis, maiming The Clerk read the title of the con- global implications, including credible Israelis. Israel is fighting back in order current resolution. threats of international terrorism, hu- to try to stop the onslaught of Hamas. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- manitarian disaster, and upward pres- What would we do, Madam Speaker, ant to the order of the House of sure on energy prices in a fragile global if missiles came over the border from Wednesday, July 23, 2014, the amend- economy. Canada or from Mexico, attacking pop- ment numbered 1 printed in the CON- The top State Department official ulation areas of the United States? Of GRESSIONAL RECORD is adopted, and the told our committee that ISIS rep- course, we would go over the border concurrent resolution, as amended, is resents a growing threat to U.S. inter- and attempt to stop the terrorists who considered read. ests in the region, local populations, were doing that to our civilians. The text of the concurrent resolu- and the homeland, calling it a vital na- That is precisely what Israel is doing, tion, as amended, is as follows: tional security challenge. This is a and quite frankly, the media coverage H. CON. RES. 105 common assessment outside of govern- of the war in Gaza has been absolutely Resolved by the House of Representatives (the ment as well. one-sided against Israel and absolutely Senate concurring), As part of the response to this threat, the Obama administration has de- disgraceful. SECTION 1. PROHIBITION REGARDING UNITED Hamas uses its people as human STATES ARMED FORCES IN IRAQ. ployed additional military assets and shields. They build bomb factories and The President shall not deploy or maintain up to 475 troops to secure our Embassy, missile factories in heavily populated United States Armed Forces in a sustained our personnel. A few hundred U.S. mili- civilian areas. So, when civilians are combat role in Iraq without specific statu- tary advisers are evaluating how we tory authorization for such use enacted after killed, it is the fault of Hamas, not the might best train, advise, and support the date of the adoption of this concurrent the Iraqis to take on ISIS. fault of Israel, which has tried to de- resolution. fend its way of life and defend its citi- As the Department of Defense testi- SEC. 2. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION fied this week, these small teams are zens. Nothing in this concurrent resolution su- I am proud that America stands with persedes the requirements of the War Powers ‘‘armed for self-defense, but do not Israel, and we will continue to do so. Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541 et seq.). have an offensive mission.’’ It was noted, these teams are not unlike the f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- missions being carried out by U.S. tleman from California (Mr. ROYCE) b 1015 forces around the world. U.S. forces and the gentleman from Massachusetts currently maintain these types of LET’S GET THE CHILDREN OUT OF (Mr. MCGOVERN) each will control 30 troops in more than 70 countries, in Af- HARM’S WAY IN GAZA minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman rica, the Americas, and Asia. (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee asked Now, if the President did decide to from California. and was given permission to address take more aggressive action in Iraq, the House for 1 minute and to revise GENERAL LEAVE Members on both sides of the aisle and extend his remarks.) Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I ask would be deeply split. Some don’t see Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Madam unanimous consent that all Members any role for the U.S. military. Others Speaker, last night, on the national may have 5 legislative days to revise believe we should be more active in news I saw the terrible agony and tears and extend and to submit any extra- this region, believing that our absence of a man whose children had been, ac- neous materials for the RECORD on this has contributed to a vacuum that is cording to the report, blown to pieces measure. churning the entire region. when a school was hit in Gaza. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there But where I think all Members can Hamas started this war. Israel cer- objection to the request of the gen- agree is that if the President of the tainly has a right to defend its people. tleman from California? United States ordered U.S. Armed In today’s Washington Post, Michael There was no objection. Forces into sustained combat in Iraq, Oren, the former Israeli Ambassador to Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I yield then he should be coming to Congress the U.S., said it is ‘‘indeed agonizing’’ myself such time as I may consume. to seek an explicit statutory authoriza- Madam Speaker, I rise in support of to watch the images of the dead and tion and the backing of this body. wounded and, I might add, especially this resolution. I very much appreciate That is the text before us today: the children. the way in which Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. The President shall not deploy or maintain Israel agreed to an Egyptian-spon- ENGEL, the bipartisan leadership of the United States Armed Forces in a sustained sored cease-fire. Hamas did not. I rise House, and the staff of the committee combat role in Iraq without specific statu- today to plead for both sides in this have worked through this issue to tory authorization for such use enacted after war to at least let the little children bring us here this morning. I thank all the date of the adoption of this concurrent get out of the war zone. of the Members. I also think all of the resolution. The United Nations has never been Members of this body can support this At the same time, this text preserves very effective, but it should at least at- motion. the flexibility the President may need tempt to lead in an effort to get chil- Earlier this week, the Foreign Affairs to respond to the rapidly evolving na- dren out of harm’s way. Committee heard testimony from sen- tional security in order to protect our

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.004 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 Embassy, to conduct search and rescue, December 18, 2011, under an agreement With that vote, we gave up our con- or target an al Qaeda-type terrorist reached by the Bush administration, stitutional authority on one of the who poses an imminent threat to the and he has no intention of sending most important decisions a Member of United States, among other things. them back, a position with which I Congress can make: the decision to Nothing in this text impacts the War firmly agree. send American men and women into Powers Resolution which, of course, re- As the President said last month: war to possibly die. quires the President to withdraw U.S. ‘‘American forces will not be returning 1030 forces from hostilities within 60 to 90 to combat in Iraq, but we will help b days after introduction, absent an au- Iraqis as they take the fight to terror- Madam Speaker, it is my hope that thorization from Congress. ists who threaten the Iraqi people, the one day, we in Congress will repeal the The gentleman from Massachusetts region, and American interests as 2001 and the 2002 AUMF. Until that brings a critical issue to the House well.’’ time comes, I believe that today rep- floor: the use of force by U.S. Armed In the last several weeks, the Presi- resents a strong step toward reclaim- Forces, and the appropriate role for the dent has expanded intelligence and sur- ing the constitutional power that we Congress in that decision. veillance efforts. He has sent a contin- each have and are entrusted with, to Any military officer will tell you gent of troops to protect our diplo- make decisions about going to war or that the support of the people is crit- matic personnel at the U.S. Embassy in declaring war. ical to the success of a sustained com- Baghdad, and he has deployed small I cannot emphasize enough that no bat operation. As the representative military assessment teams to get infor- decision is more important for a Mem- body, that responsibility falls to us. It mation about the threat that ISIS ber of Congress than a vote to send is an obligation that I know all of my poses to Iraq, to the region, and to young men and women to fight and to colleagues take seriously, and it is why American interests. die for our country. I expect overwhelming passage of this I support these measures. They rep- The main text of this resolution is motion this morning. resent the sort of security cooperation simple. The President shall not deploy Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- with the Iraqi government that we or maintain United States Armed ance of my time. should be offering to support our own Forces in a sustained combat role in Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I national security interests. But they Iraq without specific statutory author- yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from don’t require a sustained presence of ization. New York (Mr. ENGEL). American combat troops in Iraq. Madam Speaker, this is what Madi- Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise At the end of the day, we all know it son meant when he said, ‘‘The power to in support of H. Con. Res. 105. It reaf- is past time for the Iraqi government declare war, including the power of firms our belief that U.S. troops should to confront some serious challenges. judging the causes of war, is fully and not be deployed in a sustained combat These will require an Iraqi solution, exclusively vested in the legislature.’’ role in Iraq without specific congres- one based on respect for each other and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The sional authorization. the rule of law. Since last December, the terrorist time of the gentleman has expired. I would like to thank Representative Mr. ROYCE. I yield the gentleman an group ISIS has marched across Iraq MCGOVERN, Representative JONES, and with lethal efficiency. Fallujah, additional 1 minute. Representative LEE for their tenacity Mr. JONES. The legislature is us, the Ramadi, and Mosul have fallen to their and leadership in sparking this impor- Congress. This is a monumental step control. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers tant debate. They have worked with us toward reclaiming our constitutional have been killed or have laid down in the Foreign Affairs Committee, con- authority. their weapons. The military equipment structively with me and Chairman In closing, I want to thank Rep- they left behind, some supplied by the ROYCE both, along with the House lead- resentatives MCGOVERN and LEE and United States, is now in the hands of ership on both sides of the aisle, to en- all my friends in both parties who have these fanatics. sure that the amendment we are con- fought with me for the right of Con- After erasing the border between Iraq sidering today would enjoy broad bi- gress to declare war. For years, we and Syria, ISIS has advanced toward partisan support. have been calling for a debate on the our ally, Jordan. And the leaders of So I hope that the process which floor of the House with regard to the ISIS have declared an Islamic caliph- brought about today’s bill will serve as use of our military. ate, promising to rule with a brand of an example of bipartisan cooperation I also want to thank Chairman ROYCE barbarism, such as mandatory female for the House to follow in the days to and Ranking Member ENGEL and their genital mutilation, more suited to the come. Dark Ages than the 21st century. I urge my colleagues to support this staffs for this opportunity today. Madam Speaker, the threat posed by resolution. May God continue to bless our ISIS is real. Iraq is teetering on the Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I yield troops, their families, and may God brink, and we cannot allow that coun- 2 minutes to the gentleman from North continue to bless America. try to become a safe haven for terror- Carolina (Mr. JONES), a member of the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I ists that could be used to launch an- Committee on Armed Services. yield myself such time as I may con- other 9/11. Mr. JONES. Madam Speaker, I am sume. While the Hamas terrorists are push- pleased that the House is debating H. Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- ing forth in Gaza, the ISIS terrorists Con. Res. 105. I want to thank the Re- port of House Concurrent Resolution are pushing forth in Iraq. publican leadership for working with 105, as amended. This important bipar- At the same time, however, we need Mr. JIM MCGOVERN, BARBARA LEE, and tisan bill asserts the important con- to make clear to the American people myself and our staffs to get this lan- stitutional role of Congress in matters and to the Iraqi government that the guage so that we could debate it today. of war and peace, and it is my sincere U.S. combat mission in Iraq is over. As James Madison said: ‘‘The power hope that every single Member of this After losing more than 4,000 American to declare war, including the power of institution will vote in favor. lives and spending more than $1 tril- judging the causes of war, is fully and It is important for our colleagues to lion, we cannot allow ourselves to be exclusively vested in the legislature.’’ know that this resolution is the result sucked into another sectarian quag- Unfortunately, we in Congress have of open discussion and dialogue be- mire. for too long abdicated our constitu- tween both sides of the aisle, and it is The crisis in Iraq cannot be solved tional responsibility to authorize the an example of what can happen when through military means alone. The so- use of military force. Members come together and decide lution will be rooted in real political This began, for me personally, with they want to accomplish something changes in Iraq, more inclusive poli- my vote for the 2002 Authorization for meaningful. cies, and a greater effort to avoid sec- the Use of Military Force Against Iraq, I want to thank Speaker BOEHNER tarian conflict. which is one of the biggest regrets dur- and the majority leadership, Leader President Obama removed the last ing my tenure of Congress in voting for PELOSI and Minority Whip HOYER, For- American combat troops from Iraq on that. eign Affairs Committee Chairman

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.007 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6821 ROYCE and Ranking Member ENGEL, responsibilities to debate and authorize up, and then quitting with a weary and I want to thank my good friends the introduction of U.S. forces where shrug are terrible for those left be- who have helped lead this effort, my they are engaged in roles related to hind.’’ colleagues Congressman WALTER JONES combat. If we are going to go to war, we must and Congresswoman BARBARA LEE, for So while this resolution clearly puts follow the Constitution, have Congress working together on the language of the President on notice, it also rein- declare it, and fight to win. Anything this resolution. forces the institutional role of Con- else is illegal, unconstitutional, and I want to send a special thanks to all gress in matters of war and peace. likely to lead to unintended, horrific the staff who spent many hours listen- Madam Speaker, the time to debate consequences. That is why I support H. ing to the views and concerns that our reengagement in Iraq—should it Con. Res. 105, and I urge my colleagues spanned the political spectrum of this come to that—is before we are caught to do the same. House about America’s engagement in in the heat of the moment, not when Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, it Iraq. the first body bags come home, not is my privilege to yield 4 minutes to In particular, I want to thank Jen when the first bombs start to fall, not the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Stewart, Rob Karem, Emily Murry, when the worst-case scenario is playing LEE), one of the leaders on this resolu- Wyndee Parker, Dan Silverberg, Doug out on our TV screens. tion. Anderson, Tom Sheehy, Ed Burrier, The time to debate Iraq is when we Ms. LEE of California. Madam Jason Steinbaum, Janice Kaguyutan, can weigh the pros and cons of action, Speaker, first of all, let me thank Con- Doug Campbell, Mira Resnick, Ed Rice, the pros and cons of supporting the vio- gressman MCGOVERN for yielding, but Jirair Ratevosian, Dan Zisa, Ray Ce- lent and sectarian policies of the also for his tireless leadership on this leste, Cindy Buhl, and Keith Stern on Maliki government or whatever gov- very important issue. my own staff. I am very grateful for ernment is cobbled together should I am proud to join Congressman WAL- how hard each of them worked to Maliki be forced to step down. TER JONES and Congressman MCGOVERN achieve a consensus. So I urge all of my colleagues to sup- in introducing this bipartisan resolu- Madam Speaker, this resolution is port this resolution to ensure that fur- tion, and I thank them for their con- quite straightforward. It requires an ther deployment of U.S. troops in Iraq sistent support and work, as great authorization from Congress, should receives the careful debate and author- Americans, to address these serious the President determine that the ization it deserves. We owe as least issues of war and peace. United States should escalate its mili- that much to our men and women in This resolution simply prohibits the tary presence in Iraq. uniform and their families, and we owe President to deploy armed services or It does not change the President’s ex- at least that much to our democracy to engage in combat operations in Iraq isting authorities to protect and ensure and democratic institutions. without specific debate and authoriza- the security of U.S. diplomatic facili- I reserve the balance of my time. tion from Congress, but this resolution ties and personnel, and it does not Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I yield also seeks to reclaim a fundamental alter the requirements of the War Pow- 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ken- congressional responsibility, the con- ers Resolution. tucky, Mr. THOMAS MASSIE. stitutionally protected right for Con- This resolution makes one clear Mr. MASSIE. I thank the chairman gress to debate and to determine when statement: if the President decides we for yielding. this country enters into war. should further involve our military in Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- I also am personally concerned about Iraq, he needs to work with Congress to port of H. Con. Res. 105. Article I, sec- mission creep. We hear many of the authorize it. I don’t know how Con- tion 8, clause 11 of the U.S. Constitu- same voices who championed the un- gress would respond and vote on such a tion gives the sole power to declare war necessary war in Iraq, once again, beat- request. For the record, I want to state to Congress, not the President. ing the drum for a renewed war in Iraq in the strongest possible way that I The situation in Iraq is deteriorating today. think it would be a grave mistake for as we speak. ISIS, a group of violent Last month, President Obama an- the United States to reengage mili- fundamentalist Islamic thugs, is ter- nounced that 300 personnel would be tarily in Iraq. rorizing the people of Iraq and destroy- sent to Iraq, including intelligence, I want to make clear that the intent ing the ancient culture of Mosul. surveillance, and reconnaissance sup- of this resolution is not to criticize Some have called for the U.S. to port, supported by attack helicopters President Obama. I believe him when interfere once again, but if we are to do and drones. A few days later, he an- he says that he has no intention of sig- so and to send our brave men and nounced another 200 personnel were nificantly expanding our military pres- women into harm’s way overseas, we soon to be deployed. There are prom- ence in Iraq, and so far, in each of the must honor the Constitution. Congress ises to send many additional Hellfire three recent deployments to Iraq that must authorize any such military ac- air-to-surface missiles. he has announced, the President right- tion. It would be illegal for the Presi- Now, I, too, believe President Obama fully and formally informed Congress dent to do so alone. does not intend to send ground troops ‘‘consistent with the War Powers Reso- Any future military action in Iraq to Iraq, but we need to make sure that lution.’’ would constitute a new war, with new Congress reasserts its constitutional Nor is this the intent to criticize the enemies—ISIS—and would require a responsibility on this grave issue. Republican leadership—rather, the in- new congressional authorization. The After more than a decade at war in tent of this resolution is to begin to re- President cannot use the 2002 author- Iraq and Afghanistan, with thousands establish Congress’ rightful role, under ization for the use of force in Iraq to of United States lives and billions of article I, section 8 of the Constitution, justify any new action. dollars lost, the need for Congress to when it comes to matters of war and It is important for those who are reclaim its war-making powers is more peace. quick to rush into another war to re- critical than ever. I believe there is broad bipartisan member that wars often have unin- Let me remind you, it was this ab- and growing concern that over the past tended consequences. Iraq is a prime sence of full debate that led to Con- several decades, Congress has ceded far example. gress passing the overly broad 2001 Au- too much of its power to the executive In a recent article in The Telegraph, thorization for Use of Military Force in branch. It has happened under Demo- historian Dr. Tim Stanley pointed out the wake of 9/11. This law has been used cratic and Republican Presidents. It that prior to the 2003 Iraq war, there to justify everything from the war in has happened under Democratic and were 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Afghanistan, warrantless domestic and Republican control of the House and Today, there are only 400,000. international surveillance, holding Senate. It is not really a partisan As Dr. Stanley writes, ‘‘The lesson is: prisoners indefinitely in Guantanamo, issue. It is an institutional one. We ‘either leave other countries alone or, and conducting drone strikes in coun- simply haven’t done our job. if you must intervene, do so with con- tries that we are not at war with. My concern all along is that Congress sistency and resilience.’ The con- I couldn’t vote for that resolution be- has not lived up to its constitutional sequences of going in, messing things cause I have always believed that such

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.008 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 consequences are grave for the United Katherine Clark; Zoe Lofgren; Earl Blu- gress should carry out its constitu- States’ national security interests un- menauer; George Miller; Anna G. tional responsibility and vote on less we fully debate these issues and, of Eshoo; Julia Brownley; Hakeem S. whether or not to get militarily in- course, to our standing in the world. Jeffries; Chris Gibson; Jackie Speier; volved in Iraq. John J. Duncan, Jr.; Judy Chu; Robert We did not debate that resolution any C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott; Alan Grayson; Of course, after we pass this resolu- more than 1 hour, and I have continued James A. Himes, Members of Congress. tion, I urge the Republican leadership to attempt to repeal and address the Michael H. Michaud; John B. Larson; to bring up our bill, H.R. 3852, to repeal problematic actions justified under Mark Pocan; Reid J. Ribble; Frank the 2002 Authorization for Use of Mili- this law ever since. Pallone, Jr.; Karen Bass; Maxine tary Force. On July 16, Congressmen MCGOVERN, Waters; John Conyers, Jr.; Walter B. I want to, once again, thank Con- JONES, RIGELL, myself, and others— Jones; Peter Welch; Jared Huffman; gressman MCGOVERN for staying the over 100 Members of Congress from John P. Sarbanes; Ed Pastor; Grace F. course. He was one of the first Mem- Napolitano, Members of Congress. both parties wrote a letter—and we Alcee L. Hastings; John Lewis; Jose´; E. bers calling for an end to the war in signed that letter—to President Obama Serrano; Nydia M. Vala´ zquez; Louise Iraq and to bring our brave troops to come to Congress for an authoriza- McIntosh Slaughter; Andre Carson; home. He has provided tremendous tion before any military escalation in Gloria Negrete McLeod; Jim leadership through a variety of legisla- Iraq, exactly what this resolution McDermott; Keith Ellison; Lloyd Dog- tive efforts. This is just another one of would do. gett; Rush Holt; Bobby L. Rush; Eman- those efforts. So I want to thank you I will insert the letter into the uel Cleaver; Bennie G. Thompson, again, Congressman MCGOVERN and Members of Congress. RECORD. Congressman JONES. Lois Capps; Kurt Schrader; Jerrold Nad- CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, ler; Mark Takano; Collin C. Peterson; I thank all of the Members who are HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Ann McLane Kuster; Justin Amash; supporting this, including our leader- Washington, DC, July 02, 2014. Charles B. Rangel; Raul M. Grijalva; ship. Congress should never allow war President BARACK OBAMA, Niki Tsongas; Kathy Castor; Michael authorizations to remain on the books The White House, E. Capuano; Yvette D. Clarke; Matt in perpetuity. We don’t do this for the Washington, DC. Salmon; Kyrsten Sinema; Donald M. DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: We join you and with farm bill. We don’t do this for the Payne, Jr.; Lois Frankel; Rosa L. those in the international community who transportation bill. Sooner or later, we DeLauro; Richard E. Neal; Eleanor are expressing grave concern over the rise in need to repeal the initial authoriza- Holmes Norton; Alan S. Lowenthal; sectarian violence in Iraq over the last days Stephen F. Lynch, Members of Con- tion. and weeks. The consequences of this develop- gress. 1045 ment are particularly troubling given the ex- b Paul Broun; Cheri Bustos; Marcy Kaptur; traordinary loss of American lives and ex- Sheila Jackson Lee; John Tierney; Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I yield penditure of funds over ten years that was Henry Waxman; James R. Langevin; 2 minutes to the gentleman from Illi- claimed to be necessary to bring democracy, Thomas Massie; Carolyn B. Maloney; nois, Mr. ADAM KINZINGER, a member of stability and a respect for human rights to Tony Ca´ rdenas; Steve Cohen; Howard the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Iraq. Coble; Donna F. Edwards; David We support your restraint to date in resist- Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. Madam Cicilline, Members of Congress. ing the calls for a ‘‘quick’’ and ‘‘easy’’ mili- Speaker, I want to say thank you to Ann Kirkpatrick; Donna Christensen; tary intervention, and for your commitment the chairman for yielding me this William Pascrell; Luis V. Gutie´rrez; not to send combat troops back to Iraq. We time. Thank you to both sides for your Robin L. Kelly; Marcia L. Fudge; Dave also appreciate your acknowledgement that Loebsack; Paul D. Tonko; Mike Doyle; hard work. It is rare that we get com- this conflict requires a political solution, Jan Schakowsky, Chaka Fattah; Su- promises in Washington, and I appre- and that military action alone cannot suc- zanne Bonamici; Joseph P. Kennedy, ciate the work you have put in, but I cessfully lead to a resolution. cannot, in good conscious, support this. We do not believe intervention could be ei- III; William R. Keating, Members of ther quick or easy. And, we doubt it would be Congress. I am a veteran of Iraq. I saw many effective in meeting either humanitarian or Ms. LEE of California. Also, let me people that fought hard to bring the strategic goals, and that it could very well remind you that last month, we de- Iraqi people freedom, and I saw a war be counter-productive. This is a moment for bated the Defense Appropriations bill. that was won in 2011. What we are urgent consultations and engagement with Over 150 bipartisan Members supported watching happen in Iraq right now is all parties in the region who could bring my amendment that would have pro- the worst-case scenario in the Middle about a cease fire and launch a dialogue that hibited funds from being used to con- East. There is a march of jihadism and could lead to a reconciliation of the conflict. extremism that makes al Qaeda look Any solution to this complex crisis can duct combat operations in Iraq. only be achieved through a political settle- This resolution, which is bipartisan, like puppy dogs that is happening in ment, and only if the process and outcome is merely requires the President to come Iraq, a President that is indecisive on inclusive of all segments of the Iraqi popu- to Congress, should he decide to engage what to do. We have genital mutila- lation—anything short of that cannot suc- in an escalated combat role in Iraq. tions ordered in Mosul just the other cessfully bring stability to Iraq or the re- The reality is, though, there is no day by ISIS, and we are here in Wash- gion. military solution in Iraq. This is a sec- ington, D.C., debating what we need to As you consider options for U.S. interven- do to hamstring the President who is tion, we write to urge respect for the con- tarian war with longstanding roots stitutional requirements for using force that were enflamed when we invaded already indecisive enough about this. abroad. The Constitution vests in Congress Iraq in 2003. Any lasting solution must When American military—American the power and responsibility to authorize of- be political and take into account all Marines and Army—get themselves fensive military action abroad. The use of sides. into sustained combat, they often call military force in Iraq is something the Con- The change Iraq needs must come on strong air support to help them win gress should fully debate and authorize. from Iraqis rejecting violence in favor the fight. And that is why—as well as Members of Congress must consider all the of a peaceful democracy and respect for the strong Marines and Army we have, facts and alternatives before we can deter- the rights of all citizens. that is why we are so good at what we mine whether military action would con- tribute to ending this most recent violence, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The do. We are asking the Iraqi military to create a climate for political stability, and time of the gentlewoman has expired. take back their country and take land protect civilians from greater harm. Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield an addi- but yet not providing them substantial We stand ready to work with you to this tional 1 minute to the gentlewoman. air power that is needed to destroy this end. Ms. LEE of California. Madam very evil cancer that is growing in the Sincerely, Speaker, the American people agree. Middle East. Barbara Lee; Sam Farr; James P. Moran; After more than a decade of war, thou- That is what we ought to be here dis- Janice Hahn; Peter A. DeFazio; Henry sands of American lives lost, and bil- cussing today is how to stop this can- C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr.; Michael M. Honda; Scott E. Rigell; Chellie Pingree; lions of dollars spent, the American cer of jihadism and ISIS that is grow- Betty McCollum; John Garamendi; people are rightfully weary. ing in the Middle East, how to stop James P. McGovern; Richard M. Nolan; Before we put our brave servicemen that from growing, and ultimately pre- Beto O’Rourke, Members of Congress. and -women in harm’s way again, Con- vent it from coming here to the United

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.009 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6823 States of America and potentially to lions of hours of work, and hundreds of bil- will help further the debate greatly. I our allies. lions of dollars cannot build a regime that urge my colleagues to support the reso- So while I, again, strongly respect can survive, it is difficult to imagine any fix lution. and fully understand what my chair- that can. Those seeking to blame the Obama Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I am administration for the collapse are engaged going to reserve the right to close. man is doing here and appreciate his in a cynical game. There is not a quick fix to hard work, I think instead of giving this problem. The hard truth is that, like the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I the President an ability to blame Con- collapse of the Diem government in South insert in the RECORD a letter from 33 gress for his indecisiveness, I think it Vietnam a generation ago, there is little we national organizations in support of is time that we stand up and say we can do to prop up this government. As mili- this resolution. have to defend our interest and defend tary expert Micah Zenko tweeted, ‘‘Unless JULY 23, 2014. people that want to defend themselves. the U.S. has bombs that can install wisdom DEAR REPRESENTATIVE MCGOVERN: Rep- and leadership into Prime Minister Maliki, resentatives Jim McGovern, Walter Jones Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I air strikes in Iraq would be pointless.’’ and Barbara Lee have introduced H. Con. want to thank the gentleman for his Res. 105, a privileged resolution to direct the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, at comments and for his service to our President to remove U.S. troops from Iraq country. But the gentleman should this time, I yield 3 minutes to the gen- within 30 days, or no later than the end of draft an authorization for war and ask tleman from New Jersey (Mr. HOLT). this year. We urge you to co-sponsor and sup- for his leadership to bring it up. That Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I com- port this important resolution. is what the Constitution tells us to do. mend the authors of this resolution, This resolution, which provides an excep- What this resolution is about today Representatives MCGOVERN, JONES, and tion for those troops needed to protect U.S. LEE, for their leadership on this issue diplomatic facilities and personnel, is likely is not a vote on getting out of Iraq or to be voted on in the full House before the staying in Iraq or expanding our role in of war and peace. The topic of limiting our future mili- end of July. The sponsors are using the spe- Iraq. This is a vote on whether or not cial procedures outlined under the War Pow- we are going to live up to our constitu- tary involvement in Iraq deserves more ers Resolution that requires the House to tional responsibility. This should not than 1 hour. It deserves an entire legis- take up this bill after 15 calendar days. be controversial no matter what one’s lative day to discuss this resolution Last month, President Obama announced views are on military reengagement in and the larger question: the issue of that 300 personnel would be sent to Iraq, in- the war-making powers of Congress. cluding intelligence, surveillance and recon- Iraq. naissance support, augmented by Apache at- At this point, I would like to yield 2 The history of our involvement in Iraq and exactly how we came to this point tack helicopters and drones, after military minutes to the gentlewoman from Ha- aggression by the Islamic State of Iraq and waii (Ms. HANABUSA), who has been a is of paramount importance in under- Syria. A few days later, he announced an- leader on this issue. standing why it is vital that the House other 200 personnel were soon to be deployed. Ms. HANABUSA. Madam Speaker, I pass this resolution. But since time is There are promises to send many additional would like to thank the gentleman limited, let me come to the point: no Hellfire air-to-surface missiles. from Massachusetts for yielding. more American soldiers should kill or As the United States knows from past, bit- ter experience in Vietnam, a small military I rise today in support of H. Con. Res. be killed in Iraq to redeem our past mistakes. engagement can escalate into a major mili- 105 having already taken action on this tary war that is disastrous for the United issue that has every American gravely The United States has spent years States. There is little a few hundred or a few concerned. I opposed our involvement and billions of dollars trying to rebuild thousand troops can do in Iraq that 140,000 in Iraq in 2002. I opposed it last month, Iraq’s armed forces, to no end. Sending could not do at the height of American in- and I oppose it today. 300 or 3,000 or 30,000 advisers to Iraq volvement in Iraq. While I intend to support the resolu- would be a pointless exercise when the President George W. Bush signed an agree- tion at hand, I believe we should have Iraqi Army continues to melt away in ment before leaving office to withdraw all the face of rebels. American forces from Iraq by 2011. That deci- required the President to recall any sion should not be reversed. troops that are not in Iraq strictly for Unless the Iraqi Government can in- Congress has the constitutional responsi- diplomatic security. This was the origi- spire confidence in Kurds, Sunni, and bility to debate the merits of American mili- nal version of this resolution. Notwith- Shi’a that it is a fair, legitimate gov- tary involvement in Iraq before the first standing, it is very significant that ernment concerned with the welfare of American casualties. Whatever your position this House of Representatives will all Iraqis, no amount of money or on Iraq or this resolution, the measure pro- probably pass overwhelmingly this res- American advisers will save it. We have vides an opportunity for sorely needed de- already lost more than 4,000 Americans bate on a very critical issue. olution that takes a very firm stand We urge you to co-sponsor and support the that Congress should be authorizing in one war in Iraq. Let’s not invoke the resolution, and to oppose what is likely to be any further military action in Iraq. We insidious and fallacious argument that a tabling motion before the end of July. owe it to the people of this Nation. our previous heavy investment justifies Sincerely, Let’s be clear. The President invoked further heavy investment. Fred Azcarate, USAction; Medea Ben- the War Powers Act under the guise of Had America not waged an unneces- jamin and Jodie Evans, CODEPINK; protecting our embassy. There are now sary war in Iraq starting in 2003, there Becky Bond, CREDO; Simone Camp- bell, SSS, NETWORK, A National nearly 1,000 U.S. troops in harm’s would be no need for us to debate this resolution now. Like so many mis- Catholic Social Justice Lobby; Angela way—Apache helicopters and drones, Canterbury, Council for a Livable just to name a few—and we are taking guided military interventions in our World; Jeanne Dauray, Progressive sides in a sectarian civil war. Let’s not history, America’s misguided war with Democrats of America; Carolyn Rusti forget that that is what we are doing. Iraq unleashed forces that we cannot Eisenberg, United for Peace and Jus- Congress must reject a new war in now control. We should not compound tice; Michael Eisenscher, U.S. Labor Iraq. I urge my colleagues to demand that error by squandering more lives Against the War; Jenefer Ellingston, further action and to take further ac- and money in Iraq. DC Statehood Green Party; Hannah Frisch, Civilian Soldier Alliance; Anna tion to withdraw our troops now before I hope we can have, beyond this mo- ment now, a fuller debate of the war- Galland, MoveOn.org; William our men and women in uniform are Hartung, Center for International Pol- again asked to pay too high a price for making powers of Congress. I hope, as icy; Susan Henry-Crowe, M.Div., DD, our inaction. Representative LEE said a few mo- The United Methodist Church—General Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, I will ments ago, that we can have a debate Board of Church and Society; Matt continue to reserve the balance of my on the repeal of the Authorization for Howard, Iraq Veterans Against the time. Use of Military Force that was the ex- War; Rev. Linda Jaramillo, United Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, cuse for much military, paramilitary, Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Joseph Cirincione wrote an article in and domestic intrusive activities in Ministries; Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nu- this country. clear; Aura Kanegis, American Friends Defense One, and I want to quote a part Service Committee; David Krieger, Nu- of it. He says: But for now we should, I think, rec- clear Age Peace Foundation; Rabbi Mi- The hard truth is that there is little we ognize the good acts of Representatives chael Lerner, Tikkun Magazine’s Net- can do to save the corrupt, incompetent gov- MCGOVERN, JONES, and LEE in bringing work of Spiritual Progressives; Paul ernment we installed in Iraq. If 10 years, mil- this resolution to the floor. I think it Kawika Martin, Peace Action.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.011 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 Stephen Miles, Win Without War; Andrea son, decides to escalate our military I think the President has failed U.S. Miller, Progressive Democrats of involvement, Congress needs to debate national security interests by not, for America; Robert Naiman, Just Foreign it and Congress needs to authorize it. example, authorizing or accepting the Policy; Jim O’Brien, Historians It is that simple. request made by the government in Against the War; Jon Rainwater, Peace Action West; Diane Randall, Friends This resolution is not as strong as Iraq and by our personnel in our Em- Committee on National Legislation; some of us would want it to be, and it bassy for drone strikes on these ter- Susan Shaer, Women’s Action for New is not as weak as some would want it rorist ISIS camps. Remember, this is a Directions; Alice Slater, Nuclear Age to be. This represents a compromise. I situation where the drone can actually Peace Foundation, NY; Guy Stevens, also think it is important to point out see the ISIS combatants with the black PeacePAC; Paul Walker, Green Cross that every once in a while this place flag of al Qaeda waving as they move International; Jim Wallis, Sojourners; works; and I think this is one of the across the desert or as they are en- Rabbi Arthur Waskow, The Shalom moments where we can point to that camped. This was an opportunity to hit Center; Jim Winkler, National Council of Churches, USA. the Congress is working, and we are them when they were vulnerable, be- working on an issue that I think is of fore they began that city march across Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I incredible importance. the desert, as they began to take those yield myself such time as I may con- Madam Speaker, I will just close by sume. cities with their armed columns. Regarding the term ‘‘sustained com- saying, like so many of my colleagues I do think, as the U.N. reported yes- bat role,’’ this resolution specifically here, I have been to countless funerals terday, that there are going to be con- states that nothing in this language of soldiers who have been killed not sequences to these fatwas that come supersedes the War Powers Resolution. only in Iraq but in Afghanistan. I have down from ISIS. The one yesterday The War Powers Resolution lays out talked to parents, I have talked to specifically—according to the U.N., very clear timeframes, beyond which brothers and sisters, and I have talked ISIS is requiring female mutilation in we should consider troops to be de- to grandparents during very difficult the new caliphate it is establishing, at ployed for a sustained period. ‘‘Combat times when they have lost a loved one. least in the Mosul area and around role’’ implies the many roles that our It is important that we recognize that area. That is about 4 million fe- troops might be engaged in or sup- that going to war, deploying our troops males that would be subject to this, if porting combat operations in Iraq. I in hostilities, is a big deal. We ought to they are as doctrinaire as they have think, however, that this resolution is be very clear that this is important been on other issues. So we will be based on the President and the Con- and that we ought not to go down that wrestling with what to do about ISIS, gress acting in good faith and working road lightly. I am grateful that this what we can do. together to authorize any deeper in- resolution makes it clear that we are What this resolution says, and I volvement in the ongoing conflict in going to debate these issues, that we think the overwhelming majority of us Iraq. are going to authorize these issues, and in Congress agrees with this, is that if I want to again acknowledge that that we are going to respect the Con- the President of the United States or- this is an important resolution, and stitution. dered U.S. Armed Forces into sustained this is an important moment for this So, with that, Madam Speaker, I combat in Iraq, then he should be com- institution. We have bipartisan col- want to thank Mr. ROYCE. I want to ing to Congress to seek an explicit laboration on this language. We have thank everybody who has been in- statutory authorization and the back- bipartisan agreement that we ought volved in this. This is an important ing of this body, and that is the text not to give up our constitutional re- statement, and I am very hopeful that before us today. sponsibilities when it comes to declar- we will get strong, bipartisan support. It says, again: ing war or getting into wars. With that, I yield back the balance of The President shall not deploy or maintain Again, I want to thank Speaker my time. United States Armed Forces in a sustained BOEHNER. I want to thank Leader Mr. ROYCE. I yield myself such time combat role in Iraq without specific statu- PELOSI, and I want to thank Chairman as I may consume. tory authorization for such use enacted after ROYCE and Ranking Member ENGEL and Well, Madam Speaker, let me begin the date of adoption of this concurrent reso- everybody who is involved in working by saying I appreciate the gentleman lution. together and understanding that no from Massachusetts’ spirit of coopera- That is the position of the Members matter what your view is on what we tion. Mr. MCGOVERN and I have worked of Congress, as the representative should be doing in Iraq, that we all on a number of issues from victims’ body, frankly, and as any military offi- agree that we have a responsibility rights to trying to stop the exploi- cer will tell you, support of the people here and that we matter in this debate. tation of child soldiers in Africa, and is critical to the success of a sustained I think it is also important to realize so I appreciate that spirit on his part. combat operation. As the representa- that we are coming together to ac- As I noted in my opening testimony, tive body, that responsibility falls to knowledge that it is important to de- my opening statement here, the threat us. It is an obligation that I know all bate this issue before we get into the of ISIS is real, and I do think we of my colleagues take seriously. And, heat of battle, and I hope that it never should reflect on that as we debate this again, it is why I expect overwhelming comes to that. For too long, I think issue. passage of this motion this morning. this institution has not done what it is Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- b 1100 supposed to do when it comes to war, ance of my time. both under Democratic Presidents and Never has a terrorist organization Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, as a under Republican Presidents. itself controlled so much territory, es- senior member of the Judiciary and Homeland As I said in the beginning, this is not pecially such a large, resource-rich safe Security Committees, I rise in strong support a critique of President Obama. I be- haven, as ISIS has in this caliphate, as of H. Con. Res. 105, a resolution prohibiting lieve the President when he says he they perceive it, now. Never has a ter- the President from deploying or maintaining does not want to see any more combat rorist organization possessed the heavy United States Armed Forces in sustained com- troops deployed in Iraq. I believe him weaponry and cash and personnel as bat roles in Iraq unless specifically authorized when he says he does not want to re- ISIS does today, and this includes by Congress by statute enacted after the date engage militarily in yet another war. thousands of Western passports and of adoption of the resolution. But I also know from history that thousands of individuals who are pass- The war in Iraq caused a lot of unearned there is such a thing called the slippery port holders from the West. suffering in Iraq and here at home. This is the slope and there are events that hap- One militant engaged in this battle same war, Madam Speaker, whose pro- pened that sometimes overtake peo- recently returned to Europe and at- ponents misrepresented to the nation would ple’s original positions, and then we tacked a museum in Brussels, so more last no more than six months and likely less find ourselves in a situation that we of that is coming as a result of ISIS. than six weeks. did not expect to be in. And let’s not take this debate to mean This same war in Iraq, we were led to be- What we are saying here is that, if, in that we should not be doing anything lieve by the Bush Administration, would cost fact, the President, for whatever rea- to offset that organization. less than $50 billion and would be paid out of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.007 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6825 the ample revenues from Iraq’s oil fields. The amendment in the nature of a sub- SEC. 4. BUDGETARY EFFECTS. war in Iraq, the American people were prom- stitute consisting of the text of Rules (a) STATUTORY PAY-AS-YOU-GO SCORE- ised, should have ended years ago with Amer- Committee Print 113–54 is adopted, and CARDS.—The budgetary effects of this Act shall not be entered on either PAYGO scorecard icans troops greeted as liberators by jubilant the bill, as amended, is considered maintained pursuant to section 4(d) of the Stat- Iraqis throwing rose petals at their feet. read. utory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010. As I and my colleagues in the Progressive The text of the bill, as amended, is as (b) SENATE PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The budg- Caucus and the Out of Iraq Caucus forecast follows: etary effects of this Act shall not be entered on at the time, the starry-eyed, rosy scenarios H.R. 4935 any PAYGO scorecard maintained for purposes laid out by President Bush, Vice-President Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- of section 201 of S. Con. Res. 21 (110th Con- Cheney, and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld resentatives of the United States of America in gress). would come to pass in fantasy land, but not in Congress assembled, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the cold, hard world of reality which they re- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP) and fused to live in. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Child Tax Cred- the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. The war in Iraq lasted longer than America’s it Improvement Act of 2014’’. LEVIN) each will control 30 minutes. involvement in World War II, the greatest con- SEC. 2. ELIMINATION OF MARRIAGE PENALTY IN The Chair recognizes the gentleman CHILD TAX CREDIT; INFLATION AD- from Michigan (Mr. CAMP). flict in all of human history. But there was a JUSTMENT OF CREDIT AMOUNT AND difference. The Second World War ended in PHASEOUT THRESHOLDS IN CHILD GENERAL LEAVE complete and total victory for the United TAX CREDIT. Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- States and its allies. (a) ELIMINATION OF MARRIAGE PENALTY.— mous consent that all Members may But then again, in that conflict America was Section 24(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of have 5 legislative days in which to re- 1986 is amended by striking ‘‘means—’’ and all vise and extend their remarks and in- led by FDR, a great Commander-in-Chief, who that follows and inserting ‘‘means $75,000 (twice had a plan to win the war and secure the such amount in the case of a joint return).’’. clude extraneous material on H.R. 4935. peace, listened to his generals, and sent (b) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT OF CREDIT The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there troops in sufficient numbers and sufficiently AMOUNT AND PHASEOUT THRESHOLDS.—Section objection to the request of the gen- trained and equipped to do the job. 24 of such Code is amended by adding at the end tleman from Michigan? As a result of the colossal miscalculation in the following new subsection: There was no objection. deciding to invade Iraq, the Armed Forces and ‘‘(g) INFLATION ADJUSTMENT.— Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In the case of any taxable self such time as I may consume. the people of the United States suffered incal- year beginning after 2014, the $1,000 amount in culable damage. Mr. Speaker, if one thing has been subsection (a) and the $75,000 amount in sub- consistent about the Obama adminis- The war in Iraq claimed the lives of 4,484 section (b)(2) shall each be increased by an brave servicemen and women. More than amount equal to— tration, it is the failure of its economic 24,600 Americans were wounded, many suf- ‘‘(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by policies. The President’s economic fering the most horrific injuries. American tax- ‘‘(B) the cost-of-living adjustment determined policies make it harder for American payers paid more than $800 billion to sustain under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in families to get by every day. A record this misadventure. which the taxable year begins, determined by number of Americans are unable to substituting ‘calendar year 2013’ for ‘calendar The depth, breadth, and scope of the mis- work, and those who can find work are year 1992’ in subparagraph (B) thereof. unable to secure full-time employment guided, mismanaged, and misrepresented war ‘‘(2) ROUNDING.—Any increase determined in Iraq is utterly without precedent in American under paragraph (1) shall be rounded— and instead are forced to accept only history. It was a tragedy in a league all its ‘‘(A) in the case of the $1,000 amount in sub- part-time jobs. This last quarter, the own. section (a), to the nearest multiple of $50, and economy actually shrunk, and real And it must never be repeated. That is why ‘‘(B) in the case of the $75,000 amount in sub- wages—what Americans use to pay I strongly support H. Con. Res. 105 and urge section (b)(2), to the nearest multiple of $1,000.’’. their mortgages and put their kids (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made all my colleagues to join me. through school—are continuing to fall. by this section shall apply to taxable years be- Worse yet, the cost of raising a fam- The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time ginning after December 31, 2014. ily is only getting more expensive. The for debate has expired. SEC. 3. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER REQUIRED TO Pursuant to the order of the House of CLAIM THE REFUNDABLE PORTION cost of clothing, food, child care, and Wednesday, July 23, 2014, the previous OF THE CHILD TAX CREDIT. schooling all continue to climb. Ac- question is ordered on the concurrent (a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (d) of section 24 cording to the Department of Agri- resolution, as amended. of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended culture, since 1960, the cost of raising a The question is on the concurrent by inserting after paragraph (4) the following child has increased by about 4.4 percent new paragraph: per year. But more recently, since 2004, resolution. ‘‘(5) IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT WITH RE- The question was taken; and the SPECT TO TAXPAYER.— the cost of children’s clothing has gone Speaker pro tempore announced that ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (1) shall not up 89 percent; the cost of food since the ayes appeared to have it. apply to any taxpayer for any taxable year un- then 21 percent; and the cost of child Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, on less the taxpayer includes the taxpayer’s social care since 2004 107 percent. And since that I demand the yeas and nays. security number on the return of tax for such then, the child tax credit has remained The yeas and nays were ordered. taxable year. unchanged. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘(B) JOINT RETURNS.—In the case of a joint Currently, our Tax Code helps ease return, the requirement of subparagraph (A) some of this burden by providing a ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- shall be treated as met if the social security ceedings on this question will be post- number of either spouse is included on such re- child tax credit. The credit, which has poned. turn.’’. been around since the 1990s, now pro- f (b) OMISSION TREATED AS MATHEMATICAL OR vides a $1,000 tax credit for each child. CLERICAL ERROR.—Subparagraph (I) of section Unfortunately, that credit is not, and CHILD TAX CREDIT IMPROVEMENT 6213(g)(2) of such Code is amended to read as has not, been indexed for inflation. So ACT OF 2014 follows: while the cost of raising children con- Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to ‘‘(I) an omission of a correct social security tinues to rise, the value of the child number required under section 24(d)(5) (relating House Resolution 680, I call up the bill to refundable portion of child tax credit), or a tax credit actually decreases. (H.R. 4935) to amend the Internal Rev- correct TIN required under section 24(e) (relat- Today’s legislation, H.R. 4935, the enue Code of 1986 to make improve- ing to child tax credit), to be included on a re- Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of ments to the child tax credit, and ask turn,’’. 2014, will fix this problem by indexing for its immediate consideration. (c) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Subsection (e) the child tax credit to inflation. Mak- The Clerk read the title of the bill. of section 24 of such Code is amended by insert- ing a commonsense change like this The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ing ‘‘WITH RESPECT TO QUALIFYING CHILDREN’’ will ensure that families can make after ‘‘IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT’’ in the DENHAM). Pursuant to House Resolu- every dollar count. The current child heading thereof. tion 680, in lieu of the amendment in (d) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made tax credit also disadvantages those the nature of a substitute rec- by this section shall apply to taxable years be- who file jointly compared to those who ommended by the Committee on Ways ginning after the date of the enactment of this file as single individuals, creating what and Means, printed in the bill, an Act. is known as a marriage penalty. This

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.008 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 bill would eliminate the marriage pen- This bill leads to harm for millions of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there alty embedded in the child tax credit, low- and middle-income families and objection to the request of the gen- helping millions of families across the their kids. It completely ignores the tleman from Michigan? country. need to extend the 2017 expiration of There was no objection. The Family Research Council, which the expanded refundable portion of the Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I thank supports this bill, notes the importance child tax credit, which, if allowed to the gentleman for yielding and thank of the child tax credit. They say: occur, would push 12 million people, in- him for his leadership on this par- This tax credit recognizes the important cluding 6 million children, into poverty contribution of the family and children to or deeper into poverty, according to ticular issue. our country and starts to address a problem the Center on Budget and Policy Prior- We are a Nation that is struggling to with our Tax Code today, the marriage pen- ities. make ends meet. The rising cost of ev- alty. A fair system of taxation does not pe- Republicans may say that such an eryday essentials, such as gas, gro- nalize marriage and family. extension could be done later, as they ceries, and electricity, all continue to In addition, this bill contains strong claimed in our discussion at the Rules rise, while household incomes remain antifraud provisions to ensure that the Committee, but that talk about future stagnant. child tax credit goes to those who are action is made incredulous when Re- There is no need to compound these truly deserving. The bill would require publicans this week add another $187 problems with a Tax Code that pun- one parent to submit a Social Security billion to the deficit, bringing the total ishes working parents by making it number to qualify for the refundable they have passed in unpaid-for tax cuts hard for them to keep up with the ris- portion of the child tax credit. Accord- to more than $700 billion. This comes ing costs of raising a family. ing to a report by the Treasury Inspec- after Republicans have slashed non- tor General for Tax Administration, defense domestic discretionary spend- The child tax credit was originally the number of filers for the additional ing to its lowest level on record as a enacted in 1997 to ease the financial child tax credit without a Social Secu- percentage of GDP. burden on families. Over time, the rity number grew from 62,000 filers— In contrast, this bill expands and original credit amount was eventually claiming $62 million in benefits—in makes permanent the availability of increased and made partially refund- 2000 to 2.3 million filers—claiming $4.2 the child tax credit to many new, upper able to help more families. However, billion in benefits—in 2010. middle-income families whose incomes since being expanded to $1,000 back in This is a commonsense provision that are too high to qualify under current 2004, the child tax credit has failed to will help safeguard taxpayer dollars law. Under this legislation, a married keep pace with costs. from fraud and put it in line with other couple making $160,000 with two kids Kids are expensive: diapers and car refundable tax credits, like the earned would get an additional $2,200 in their seats, haircuts, toothbrushes, books, income tax credit, which requires a So- 2018 tax refund, according to the Center clothes, and even sporting equipment. cial Security number. on Budget and Policy Priorities, while A recent study by the U.S. Department I hear too many stories about fami- a single mother of two making $14,500 of Agriculture estimated that for a lies struggling to afford basic neces- would see her refund cut by $1,750. middle-income couple, it will cost over sities to care for their children. It is But it gets still worse. $240,000 to raise a child until 18 years of time we make some simple improve- Republicans this week inserted a pro- age. vision into this legislation requiring ments to the child tax credit so it recipients of the child tax credit to I did the calculation for a middle-in- keeps up with the cost of raising chil- provide their Social Security number, come two-parent household with three dren. kids. According to the USDA calcu- Improving the child tax credit would a change that could lead to the loss of this credit for families of 5 million lator, the average household will spend give moms and dads nationwide needed children, 4 million of whom are U.S. $3,500 on food, $4,000 on transportation, relief at a time when their budgets are citizens. In all, 400,000 veterans and $1,600 on clothing, and nearly $7,000 on tight and they are forced to make dif- Armed Forces families will lose all or child care and education for a total of ficult choices about how to spend their part of their credit. That is the reason over $30,000 annually. money. This provision has earned bi- that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Contributing the most to these rising partisan support for years, so let’s vote Bishops opposes this requirement, be- costs are items such as spending on ‘‘yes’’ on this opportunity to help cause it is deeply flawed and would education and child care. In fact, since American families. leave millions of families with children I reserve the balance of my time. 2000, the cost of child care has in- behind. creased twice as fast as the median in- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Ben Franklin once said: self such time as I may consume. come of families with children. Yesterday on the topic of poverty, Well done is better than well said. The Child Tax Credit Improvement Congressman RYAN spoke. Today, he Today it is even truer that well said Act, which is before us today, indexes and his House Republican colleagues, cannot obscure what is harmfully done. the credit and the limitations to infla- will vote. Actions speak louder than I reserve the balance of my time. tion to help parents keep more of their words. And at every turn over the last b 1115 hard-earned money to use for the 3 years, the actions House Republicans Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- mounting expenses of parenting. have taken have cut programs for low- self such time as I may consume. In addition to indexing the credit and and middle-income families. I feel compelled to correct the record limits to inflation, the bill also elimi- Funding for Medicaid and the Chil- here. The opponents make a false claim nates the marriage penalty by increas- dren’s Health Insurance Program— that somehow this bill eliminates ben- ing the joint filing phaseout threshold slashed in the Ryan Republican budget. efits for millions of low-income fami- to exactly double that of single filers. Social services block grants—elimi- lies, and that is just wrong because the Removing marriage penalties and in- nated. provision he is talking about is, frank- dexing for inflation have become a rec- Food assistance, Pell higher edu- ly, the failure of the Obama adminis- ognized part of our tax system. cation grants, job training, and hous- tration to make that provision perma- The lack of indexing of a particular ing assistance—dramatically scaled nent. The provision he refers to does provision to inflation means that a back. not expire until 2017. So what they are provision is worth less to taxpayers And extension of unemployment in- saying is, in a word, ‘‘nonsense.’’ surance and a raise in the minimum At this time, I yield such time as she every year. In the case of the child tax wage—both blocked by House Repub- may consume to the gentlewoman from credit, this means working low and licans. Kansas (Ms. JENKINS), a distinguished middle class families. The new Republican rhetoric on pov- member of the Ways and Means Com- This legislation essentially removes erty is no match for the deeply trou- mittee. the annual hidden tax placed on these bling actions they have repeatedly Mr. Speaker, I also ask unanimous families and recognizes that $1 of in- taken, and continue to take with this consent that Ms. JENKINS control the come in 1998 and in 2004 is not the same legislation today. remainder of the time. as $1 of income in 2014.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.017 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6827 Similar tax credits that Congress has mittee, Mr. CAMP—again, I commend Accordingly, the IG has rec- smartly indexed to inflation include him for putting on the floor—or put- ommended the IRS require Social Se- the adoption tax credit, the earned in- ting on the table at least—a com- curity numbers. Why is that? Because come tax credit, and education tax prehensive tax reform bill. Social Security numbers are provided credit. All of these tax credits make it He showed courage and good sense. to those who can legally be in the easier on working families to put That was done just a few months ago. United States. money aside and save for the future. It showed the difficult choices that are Additionally, this credit is based on Increasing the phaseout level is a necessary. This bill makes no choices. earned income, income that should be family-friendly change that greatly It just borrows more and puts us more earned by those who have Social Secu- simplifies the code for middle class in debt while hurting families. rity numbers, period. parents currently forced to perform a I don’t agree with all of what was in Fourth, it is not just Republicans complicated computation and increases Mr. CAMP’s bill, but it was a starting who have expressed concern and the the fairness across the Code. point that, through a bipartisan proc- need to take action, but also Demo- It also includes an antifraud provi- ess of amendment, could provide a path crats—yes, Democrats—about the IG’s sion championed by Congressman SAM to where we all know we need to go. work. For instance, following the 2011 JOHNSON, seeking to curtail tax fraud This bill shirks that responsibility. IG report, Democrat Senator CLAIRE by requiring a Social Security number The SPEAKER pro tempore. The MCCASKILL from Missouri demanded to be eligible for this tax credit. It is a time of the gentleman has expired. answers from the IRS and, more impor- simple principle also supported by Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield an tantly, vowed to end payments to indi- Democrat United States Senator additional 20 seconds to the gentleman viduals without Social Security num- CLAIRE MCCASKILL. Simply put, if you from Maryland. bers. are breaking the law by working ille- Mr. HOYER. This bill, this bill shirks Also, then-Finance chairman and gally in our country, you should not be that responsibility, adds $115 billion to Democrat Senator Max Baucus from getting a tax benefit for it. the deficit, and will make the children Montana, along with other Finance This is sensible legislation that will of low-income working parents less Committee members, fired off a letter help hardworking families keep more economically secure—how sad. expressing serious concern to Treasury of their paychecks and help pay for the Reject this bill. Vote ‘‘no.’’ and the IRS. rising costs of raising a family. A vote Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, at this Fifth, requiring tax filers to include for this bill will give Americans more time, I yield as much time as he may their Social Security numbers for the freedom to save their own money and consume to the gentleman from Texas $1,000 refundable child tax credit is a help struggling families who are just (Mr. SAM JOHNSON), a distinguished longstanding commonsense idea. For trying to get by. member of the Ways and Means Com- instance, the IRS requires Social Secu- I urge everyone to support H.R. 4935, mittee. rity numbers for the earned income tax Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act credit, a similar refundable credit for Speaker, I thank my colleague for of 2014, because when working families low-income families. yielding. succeed, the Nation’s economy suc- Congress included this antifraud I would also like to thank Chairman ceeds. measure in the 1996 welfare reform law CAMP for including in this bill my com- I reserve the balance of my time. signed by Democrat President Bill monsense measure to require tax filers Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Clinton. Democrats, such as then-Sen- to provide their Social Security num- minutes to the gentleman from Mary- ator JOE BIDEN, Senator HARRY REID, ber in order to claim the $1,000 refund- land (Mr. HOYER), our distinguished and Congressman STENY HOYER, voted able child tax credit, formerly known whip. for that law. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, it is al- as the additional child tax credit. Now, let me ask: Do Democrats now My measure would save $24.5 billion. ways interesting to hear the debate. I oppose requiring Social Security num- Now, that is real money. Sadly, there wonder if the gentlewoman believes the bers for the earned income tax credit? has been a lot of misinformation about analogy she made in terms of the cost In 2008, 215 House Democrats voted this commonsense measure. I would of living applies to the minimum wage for the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, like to clear that up. which provided tax rebates to individ- as well, and if she does, I would ask her First, this is basically a benefit to urge her leadership to bring the uals and children. Guess what? That check handed out by the IRS. Second, bill also required Social Security num- minimum wage bill to the floor. this measure is based on the good work Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to bers. Do Democrats now regret sup- of the Treasury Inspector General for this bill, which takes from those who porting that policy back in 2008? Tax Administration. What is going on here is that Presi- have little in order to give to those Right now, the IRS is providing this who have more. dent Obama and his Democrat allies in refundable child tax credit to those Congress are now playing politics with For many working families, the child who are here illegally, but don’t take tax credit helps parents keep their taxpayer dollars. It is wrong and irre- my word for it. This is what the IG said sponsible. There is no policy reason for children and themselves out of poverty. about the refundable tax credit: It is a program that Ronald Reagan this opposition. Although the law prohibits aliens residing liked, it is a program that works, and Bottom line, my measure is about without authorization in the United States protecting the hard-earned taxpayer it is a program that we ought to reform from receiving most Federal public benefits, and expand. dollars of Americans, especially those an increasing number of these individuals who are struggling to make ends meet Sadly, this Republican bill would are filing tax returns claiming the additional allow provisions that most directly child tax credit, ACTC. in this economy. It is time to stop playing politics support low-income working parents to Notice the IG refers to this as a pub- with this. It is time to stand up for the expire, while expanding the credit to lic benefit. The IG also points to an in- American taxpayer. families making up to three times crease in the number of illegal immi- I thank the chairman again for work- what an average household brings grants claiming this benefit. I would ing with me on this important tax- home—how perverse, how predictable. add that some are claiming children payer measure. It will do so by adding $115 billion to who don’t even live here. our deficit. In a time of economic re- Third, and even more troubling in b 1130 covery, Mr. Speaker, we should be light of the border crisis, is that the IG Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- doing the opposite, providing a leg up says this credit can encourage individ- self 30 seconds. for struggling families while paying for uals to come illegally to the United I say to my friend from Texas, this what we buy. States. isn’t politics. This is 5 million children, Members on both sides of the aisle The last thing we need is to continue and the estimate is that 4 million are agree that the right way to do this is to encourage folks from Central Amer- citizens of the United States. comprehensive tax reform. The chair- ica to make the dangerous and life- I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman man of the Ways and Means Com- threatening trek to Texas. from Washington (Mr. MCDERMOTT).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.018 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 (Mr. MCDERMOTT asked and was for ending that provision. It does not Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I yield given permission to revise and extend call for reducing or altering that provi- such time as he may consume to the his remarks.) sion. Rather, this bill deals with the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. CAMP), Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, in immediate concern, and that is the ero- the distinguished chairman of the H.R. 4935, the Child Tax Credit Im- sion of the value of the child tax credit Ways and Means Committee. provement Act of 2014, Republicans are for every family struggling today. Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, the bill be- offering a bill that claims to help fami- So following this absurd logic from fore us actually evens the playing field. lies but actually does great harm to the other side, every single bill and If two people are single and have chil- low-income families with children. amendment that comes to the House dren at the income levels the previous It is really quite a surprising piece of floor that fails to address or does not speaker just mentioned, they get the legislation, actually, because it is a extend their provision is a tax increase. credit. Under current law, if they are backdoor pay increase for Congressmen This bill before us today will have married, they don’t get the credit. and Congresswomen who have children. and deserves bipartisan support. It is So what this bill does is actually ex- We don’t give ourselves any kind of unfortunate that some have resorted to tends the benefit that goes to singles cost-of-living increase, but this is a recycled talking points and outright to married people. We do away with backdoor pay increase put forward by falsehoods to conjure up some reason what is called the marriage penalty. the Republicans. to oppose the bill. I don’t know why the other side is op- Under this bill, couples making be- I reserve the balance of my time. posed to people getting married, but tween $150,000 and $205,000 would be Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- what is really important about this newly eligible for the child tax credit. self 30 seconds. credit is that it helps middle class fam- So that is all of us, folks. Thank the What you say is totally wrong. You ilies who have seen the credit erode Republicans for this. make permanent under your provision over the years as the cost of food, This bill does not, however, make a child tax credit for a couple making clothing, housing, and schooling have permanent a key provision made to the $160,000, while you do not make perma- gone up. law in 2009 that is set to expire in 2017. nent the refundable tax credit for fami- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 This improvement expanded the re- lies making much, much, much less. minutes to the gentleman from Texas That is a fact. fundable portion of the tax credit for (Mr. DOGGETT), another member of our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- millions of hardworking, low-income committee. tleman is reminded to direct his re- Americans. Under H.R. 4935, families Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, across marks to the Chair. America, there are many young cou- making minimum wage would lose a Mr. LEVIN. I now yield 2 minutes to ples devoting time to determining the portion of their tax credit in 2018. This the gentleman from New York (Mr. means that a single mother in South name of their newborn—a happy expe- RANGEL). Lake Union, Seattle, working full- (Mr. RANGEL asked and was given rience—but I can tell you there is no time, making $14,500 a year, struggling permission to revise and extend his re- couple in America that devotes more to support two children, will lose $1,725 marks.) time to selecting names than our Re- in 2018. Mr. RANGEL. To the Chair, I ask publican colleagues. In addition, this bill requires one of that perhaps we can ask someone from Much of this session, that name-mak- the taxpayers claiming the child tax the majority as to whether or not the ing has been about naming post offices, credit to have a Social Security num- accusation made by the ranking mem- because if they weren’t naming post of- ber. This provision will harm millions ber of the Ways and Means is correct. fices and beginning to rename post of- of American kids who are United To the Chair, I ask that the attention fices, they would run out of excuses for States citizens living in immigrant of the majority be given to the speaker doing nothing on the great challenges families. These children and their fam- at this time. that our country faces. But the essence ilies will be cut off from crucial tax re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- of Republican name-making creativity lief if this becomes law. That is why tleman from New York is recognized. is directed toward bills like this. They the United States Conference of Catho- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. LEVIN has said are so good at applying names to their lic Bishops opposes this bill’s Social that this change in the law and to re- bills and so sorry at what goes in the Security number requirement. They move the marriage penalty allows peo- bills. recognize what you are doing. You are ple making between $150,000 and Today’s Child Tax Credit Improve- going after people at the bottom to $205,000 to become eligible for the tax ment Act only lacks the fact that it give a pay increase to Congressmen. credit. It also says that a family mak- represents no improvement for the Vote ‘‘no.’’ ing $160,000 a year would receive a new working poor. It neither improves the Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tax cut of $2,200. child tax credit nor improves the lives myself such time as I may consume. It just seems to me that the majority of millions of children living at or near I want to commend the gentleman in this House is not going to allow this poverty. from Washington for recognizing that to stand unchallenged, and I would Under this bill, a single mom with this does put more money back in the hope that either those that are control- two children who works full-time at pockets of hardworking Americans, but ling the time or the staff have enough the minimum wage loses almost $2,000 I just want to correct the record that interest to protect the integrity of the a year. This bill does deserve a name. I this is in no way, shape, or form a tax Ways and Means Committee to say think the best one would be the ‘‘Push- increase. that these child tax credits are for the ing More People Into Poverty Act,’’ There certainly have been a lot of in- working people that need the assist- since its net effect is to push 12 million accuracies and highly misleading ance that they can’t get except people, including 6 million children, statements from the other side of the through the Tax Code. right into poverty or deeper into it. aisle about this bill this morning. This If we are going to go near a trillion That includes 400,000 veteran and bill does not end the credit for low-in- dollars in extending tax credits and ex- Armed Forces families who would lose come working families. It is not a tax tending our national debt, we certainly all or part of their child tax credit. increase on them. It certainly does not shouldn’t do this for the benefit of the The Republicans may curse Lyndon cast millions of children deeper into higher-income middle class people. So Johnson’s War on Poverty on this big poverty. please don’t let this debate close with- anniversary for it, but they continue to The tax provision in this bill origi- out hearing an answer as to why in the wage a war on those in poverty, espe- nated from the stimulus bill. It was ex- world would we extend the deficit for cially America’s most needy children. tended back in 2013 for 5 additional the benefit of people that are making A leading advocacy group, First years. So it is not currently expiring, up to $200,000 a year to receive benefits Focus Campaign for Children, reports and it will not expire until 2018. for child credits. that our Federal investment in our All H.R. 4935 does is it keeps that in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Again, children has fallen 60 percent faster place and does not even address that the Chair will remind all Members to than overall Federal spending. This particular provision. It does not call direct their remarks to the Chair. analysis shows that small children are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.020 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6829 the big losers in the Federal budget Republican majority as an extension— of millions of American children. In re- battle because their voices aren’t heard an improvement—of the child tax cred- ality, the bill does exactly the opposite the loudest. it, important to many American fami- of what the child tax credit was de- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lies, but the fact is this bill is deeply signed to do. In essence, you could real- time of the gentleman has expired. flawed. At a cost of nearly $100 billion, ly call it the ‘‘Reverse Robin Hood Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield the it increases the child tax credit for Child Tax Credit’’ bill—take from the gentleman an additional 30 seconds. those with higher incomes while failing poor, benefit the more affluent. Mr. DOGGETT. We know that every to extend needed relief for lower-in- I urge that we vote ‘‘no.’’ single dollar that these Republicans come families. Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I con- add to the national debt—and they pro- Consider the consequences. tinue to reserve the balance of my pose to add about a trillion dollars to A single mother, with two children, time. the national debt with these unpaid tax working full time at minimum wage, Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 breaks—every one of those dollars is earns just $14,500 annually. She will see minutes to the gentleman from Mary- another trillion dollars of excuses when a tax increase of $1,725. A lance cor- land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN), the ranking it is time to renew the Child Health In- poral in the Marine Corps, with 2 years member of the Budget Committee. surance Program next year, or CHIP; of service, married, with two children, Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I when it is time to invest in early edu- earns about $23,000 a year in base pay. strongly support the child tax credit, cation and Head Start; and when it is This family will see its taxes go up by and I support expanding and strength- time to invest in preventing child $750. Yet those with higher incomes, in- ening the child tax credit. abuse, strengthening our adoption sys- cluding Members of Congress, who earn The problem is this bill does just the tem, and having a family-nurse part- $174,000, and who have two children, opposite for the most needy families nership to work with these young fami- will receive a tax cut of $1,600. Then in with kids in the United States. They lies. Those are the excuses, while one a hastily added provision, a child who don’t get a tax cut under this bill. In House Republican group calls all of is a legal resident or is a U.S. citizen fact, they get deliberately left behind these welfare. and whose parent uses an individual because this bill fails to extend a crit- Let’s vote for children and against tax ID number rather than a Social Se- ical improvement to the tax credit that this act. curity number will be denied the child is only currently temporary in law, and Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tax credit no matter what the level of they don’t extend that. myself such time as I may consume. income. I heard the chairman of the Ways and I am just puzzled by this logic that As a result of this legislation, 6 mil- Means Committee earlier blaming that the minority is concerned about a pro- lion children will fall into—or deeper on the President, once again, as if the vision that expires in 4 years. They are into—poverty. In my own home State President made our Republican col- worried about that today, but yet they of Pennsylvania, families making less leagues not include that provision in are not worried about the loss of buy- than $40,000 a year will see their taxes their bill. Extending the child tax cred- ing power for hardworking American increase by an average of $456, while it is in the President’s budget. Extend- families starting next year. They are families making more than $100,000 will ing the child tax credit is in the House willing to give up helping families next see their taxes cut by $685. Democratic budget. Extending that year, and they want to debate an issue This bill ignores these harmful con- child tax credit enhancement is not in that we aren’t going to even address sequences. It will hurt too many hard- the House Republican budget, and that for another 4 years. working families and children in our is why it is not here today. As it relates to their charge that this Nation. It is wrong. It is a bill that is What is the impact of this? in some way helps the wealthy, I would fiscally irresponsible, and it is morally The impact is to hurt our low-income like to point out that a foundational reprehensible. I urge my colleagues to families with kids. As Mr. LEVIN point- principle of the Tax Code is that it vote ‘‘no.’’ ed out earlier, it is really ironic that, should be, at worst, neutral toward the Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I con- just yesterday, the chairman of the decision to get married. It should not tinue to reserve the balance of my Budget Committee gave a big talk in be a deterrent. Certainly, it should not time. Washington about how he wanted to make taxpayers worse off merely by Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 ‘‘start a conversation about poverty’’ making the decision to marry and start minutes to the gentleman from Illinois and ‘‘help families get ahead.’’ That a family. Marriage is beneficial to soci- (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS), another member was yesterday. Those were words. Here ety and something that we have and of our committee. we are on the floor of the House today should continue to encourage. Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. with an actual deed, an actual act—a Removing the marriage penalty is Speaker, I join with dozens of religious, vote that will put 12 million more about one thing, and that is fairness. child, tax, and poverty organizations to Americans into poverty or deeper into This is especially true for today’s two- strongly oppose H.R. 4935 because it poverty, 6 million of them children. earner households where both spouses would push an estimated 12 million The President in his budget extends have to work just in order to make people, including 6 million children, those benefits—those tax strength- ends meet. into deeper poverty. ening, tax-cut provisions—and pays for Congress has had the wisdom to re- The child tax credit is one of the them by getting rid of some of the big move the marriage penalties from most effective tax benefits for families tax breaks for corporations. The Re- many other parts of the Tax Code, in- with children and is a shining example publican approach has been just the op- cluding the standard deduction. A de- of smart Federal investment. The cred- posite. In the last 6 weeks, they have duction for married couples is twice it encourages work, raises millions of permanently extended tax breaks for the amount for single filers, and in tax children from poverty, and helps grow big corporations, but today, when it brackets the income range of 10 to 15 economies and support businesses. comes to the kids, they leave them be- percent brackets for couples is twice Rather than strengthening this anti- hind. They don’t extend those enhance- that of individuals, as it should be. poverty program, the bill will take ments. b 1145 away—eviscerate, wipe out—benefits Who are these individuals? Let me We are asking for that same parity to for the most vulnerable Americans, de- point out to our colleagues the folks be afforded in the child tax credit. nying financial assistance for basic ne- who are being left behind: I reserve the balance of my time. cessities, like rent and food, and elimi- A single mother of two, working full- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 nating an average of $1,800 from low- time at minimum wage, will lose a tax minutes to the gentlewoman from wage families per year. credit of $1,725. This is an individual Pennsylvania (Ms. SCHWARTZ), another The child tax credit was designed to who is making about $15,000 a year. distinguished member of our com- help hardworking, low-income families These are the people we are trying to mittee. meet the needs of their children, but help with the child tax credit. Yes, we Ms. SCHWARTZ. Mr. Speaker, this this child tax credit bill harms these would love to expand it, but not at the legislation has been described by the families and threatens the well-being expense of this single mom. Who else

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.036 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 gets left behind? It would be an Army that should be in a family’s pocket- in cracking down on multinational cor- private E–1—married, one child. They book to pay the rent or utilities or food porations that avoid paying their fair are going to lose $229 in their child tax or all of that. It is missing today be- share of taxes by simply changing the credit because this Republican bill re- cause of this poor recovery. Some peo- address of a headquarters to a post of- fuses to extend those enhancements. ple say let’s stay the course and do fice box on the Cayman Islands. Mr. Speaker, yes, let’s strengthen it, more of it. This bill says, no, let’s I will tell you, if middle class Ameri- but not at the expense of those most change course and get people back to cans could change their post office vulnerable families. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. work, and let’s help them raise their boxes to the Cayman Islands, my Re- Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I am just children. publican colleagues would have a bill amazed by the other side’s doing time The final point I would make is of on the floor to stop that, but they travel 4 years into the future when a this provision, including the key anti- don’t have that luxury. lot of hardworking families are strug- fraud provision by Congressman SAM b 1200 gling every day—right now—to deal JOHNSON of Texas. What we know is with this economy, and that needs to that billions of dollars each year are Hardworking Americans can’t change be the focus of this debate. being sent to people whose children their address to a Cayman Island ad- I yield such time as he may consume don’t exist. Their children don’t exist. dress, so they are just flat out of luck. to the gentleman from Texas, Chair- Some of the children live outside the Where is the outrage from our Repub- man BRADY, a fine member of the country. Others aren’t eligible for this lican colleagues, from my friends, on House Ways and Means Committee. at all. Yet Washington sends them a these abuses? Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, check—your hard-earned tax dollars. Well, ladies and gentlemen, there first, I want to thank the leadership of They are people who don’t deserve this. simply isn’t any outrage. In fact, the Congresswoman JENKINS’ on such an Congressman JOHNSON’s provision says House has taken more than a dozen important issue for families. you will actually give us the Social Se- votes to end these abusive practices, We have two young boys. It is expen- curity number—an accurate one—of and the majority of my Republican col- sive raising kids—it just is—all across that child you are seeking the help for leagues have opposed each and every America. I don’t care what you make so that we make sure the money goes one of them. or where you live. This is about mak- to those who are eligible for it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ing it a little easier to raise your chil- I don’t understand sort of the pro- time of the gentleman has expired. dren. fraud lawmakers who say we don’t need Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentleman an You have heard today that everyone to do this, and we don’t need to save additional minute. is for the child tax credit except, of those dollars. The truth is, for as hard Mr. CROWLEY. The contrast be- course, when they have to vote for the as you work for your money—for the tween Republicans and Democrats tax credit. Then you hear every excuse dollars that are out of your paycheck could never be more clearer than it is in the world. each week or each month—and for right now. Republicans continue to Let’s look at what this bill does: what you pay on April 15, your money want to protect corporate America, First, it makes permanent this child should go to help people who deserve and Democrats want to protect, aver- tax credit so people can count on it. It the help, not to children who don’t age, hardworking middle class Ameri- is indexed for inflation, so that means, exist, not to families who don’t exist. cans. That is the clear distinction, when your dollar buys less and less, This is a critical part. It saves billions once again being demonstrated by this you shouldn’t be punished by Uncle of dollars. bill on the floor. Sam because inflation is going up. It is Let’s help families raise their chil- Vote ‘‘no’’ on this bill. It is time to so families can more closely keep up dren. Let’s help our tax dollars go to tell our Republican colleagues to put with the real costs of raising their the people who actually need them, and the interests of the middle class before kids. It eliminates the marriage pen- let’s save some money for Uncle Sam. corporate American interests. alty so Uncle Sam doesn’t punish you— This bill deserves our support. Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I reserve so the Federal Government doesn’t Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 the balance of my time. punish you—simply because you are minutes to the gentleman from New Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 married and are raising your children. York (Mr. CROWLEY), another member minutes to the gentlewoman from Con- We think it is important that married of our committee. necticut (Ms. DELAURO). couples who are struggling to raise Mr. CROWLEY. I thank my friend, Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I rise in families aren’t punished by Uncle Sam, Mr. LEVIN, for yielding me this time. strong opposition against this cruel and it makes sure more Americans can Mr. Speaker, when I go home, I often half-measure by the House Republican take advantage of this. hear people who are disillusioned with majority. Here is what it doesn’t do: politics in America. Some even say The bill is a boon for upper middle It doesn’t include the same failed that they don’t really see a difference class families, but failing to extend the stimulus programs the White House between Democrats and Republicans. child tax credit expansion for lower-in- brought down upon America. As you Today, my Republican colleagues are come families means 12 million Ameri- know, we were promised the economy demonstrating just how significant the cans will be plunged deeper in poverty. would be roaring. America normally differences really are between Repub- That includes six million children, in- bounces back from tough economic licans and Democrats, especially when fants, and toddlers. It also includes times, but not this time. This is the it comes to who is looking out for cor- 400,000 veterans and members of the worst economic recovery in more than porate America and who is looking out armed services, men and women who half a century. for hardworking, middle class America. are giving their lives and sacrificing To President Obama’s unfortunate This bill claims to do a lot of things, their families for this Nation. example, the worst economic recovery but what it really does is shifts the tax Yesterday, in an article, Bob Wood- in this President’s lifetime is his eco- burden away from large multinational son, the president of the Center For nomic recovery. We are missing almost corporations and puts it on the backs Neighborhood Enterprise and, I might $1.5 trillion out of our economy. We are of working families with children. add, a mentor for Chairman PAUL missing jobs for 5.8 million people. To Now, they are going to tell you that RYAN, my Republican colleague, he put that in perspective, if the Presi- they are fighting fraud, but that is not told The Wall Street Journal that we dent had, like an average President, what this bill is about today. cannot and should not—and this is a just led a C-grade type of recovery, ev- If my Republican colleagues wanted quote—‘‘should not generalize about eryone looking for work in 44 States to crack down on fraud, they would poor people. There are the deserving could have a job today. have joined with Democrats in closing poor, and there are the undeserving Also, as a result of this very weak re- loopholes that provide tax breaks to poor.’’ covery, do you know what a family of large companies that shift American I ask my colleagues on the other side four in America is missing each month jobs overseas, but they haven’t done of the aisle in this Republican major- from its wages? $1,120. That is $1,120 that. They would also join Democrats ity, you tell me which are the infants

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.023 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6831 and the toddlers who are the deserving ilies, it cuts it for an additional 6 mil- family and children to our country and poor and those infants and toddlers lion families. And so I am very pleased starts to address a problem with our Tax who are the undeserving poor? that the White House has advised that Code today, the marriage penalty. A fair sys- This is not right. I have always been they do not support this and, hope- tem of taxation does not penalize marriage and family. a strong supporter of the child tax fully, a veto threat would come if it credit. Research has shown that this ever got that far. With that, I would ask the body to sort of income support for parents, it Now, yesterday, I might say, Chair- vote ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 4935, the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014, to boosts employment, increases earnings man RYAN—and I have to remind us and income, reduces poverty, and im- that he rolled out his plan to reduce honor families with children. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance proves kids’ school performance. poverty. Yet, today we see this bill, of my time. I have worked hard to pass the ex- which would increase poverty. Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Mr. pansion of the child tax credit in the I am not sure what is going on, Mr. Speaker, as we all know, this Republican-led recovery act. Speaker. We are here to protect all House has recently been in the habit of pass- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The families, particularly those living in ing extraordinarily expensive corporate and time of the gentlewoman has expired. poverty. Why in the world would we business tax provisions, making each perma- Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentlewoman try, or the Republicans, at least, try to nent. an additional 30 seconds. put a compassionate voice and face on However, we are here today to follow a Ms. DELAURO. I have long called for such draconian policies? completely different track. Today, we will leave the lowering of the eligibility thresh- The rhetoric of yesterday, as it re- countless single mothers and fathers, strug- old to zero, so that more families in lates to the Ryan rollout of the anti- gling to support a family, without the certainty need could benefit. But, like so much poverty program, is totally incon- else from this majority, this bill unnec- we rushed to provide corporations. sistent with the reality of what we are Honestly, I’m dumbfounded by this. I’m essarily leaves working families who dealing with and seeing today. dumbfounded and frustrated by a Majority that are struggling behind. I cannot, in good I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. can find it in their hearts to make corporate conscience support it, nor should any Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- provisions like R&D—which I support—perma- of my colleagues support it. self the balance of my time. nent, but can’t find that same heart for hard- Oppose this cruel, cruel elimination So under the Republican approach working Americans. of a child tax credit for deserving fami- here, they make permanent a child tax It is truly disgraceful. lies. credit for families making $150- to While there are a few good provisions in the Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I have no $205,000, while refusing to do the same, bill before us, we are leaving the most vulner- further speakers, and will be prepared a refundable tax credit for 12 million able taxpayers out in the cold. Literally. Par- to close. people, including 6 million kids, and ents will have to choose between heating their I reserve the balance of my time. 400,000 veterans and their families, and home in the dead of winter and putting food Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 they make permanent cutting off an- on the table for their kids when we take rough- minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- other 5 million kids. The estimate is 4 ly $1,700 out of their pockets. fornia (Ms. LEE). million of them are American citizens. Kids are not cheap and this bill doesn’t Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, This is why the Statement of Admin- come close to addressing the price of raising let me thank our ranking member for istration Policy says this: ‘‘If the healthy, successful children. As a working yielding and for your tremendous sup- President were presented with H.R. mom, I understand the struggle to raise a fam- port on so many issues that affect 4935, his senior advisers would rec- ily. And I’m one of the lucky ones. working men and women, the middle ommend that he veto the bill.’’ Many of my constituents—and constituents class, the working poor, and the poor. What the Republicans are doing, of each one of us here today—aren’t so lucky. Thank you. making permanent a tax cut for fami- These aren’t lazy people, expecting a govern- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong lies making $150- to $205,000 while re- ment handout, but hardworking parents. opposition to H.R. 4935, which is the so- fusing to do that for families making I cannot support a bill to increase poverty called Child Tax Credit Improvement much less, this takes the mask off of across the country. Act of 2014. their rhetoric about poverty. It takes On top of all this, at the eleventh hour, the Mr. Speaker, this is not an improve- off that mask. Majority tossed in a devastating amendment to ment at all. This bill fails to make per- Vote ‘‘no.’’ this bill. An amendment that denies millions of manent a key child tax credit improve- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance children a tax benefit their parents deserve ment for working families earning as of my time. and have paid for. Parents who have worked little as $3,000 a year. Instead, this bill Ms. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I yield long hours and paid their fair share of federal permanently extends it to higher in- myself such time as I may consume. taxes will no longer be able to claim the re- come families. One goal of tax policy is to strengthen fundable child tax credit. Seriously? You are A permanent child tax credit must the economy so that there are more going to pull the rug out from under struggling address the needs of all families, but jobs and bigger paychecks for Amer- families? You have got to be kidding me. especially the ones who earn the least. ican families. Today, we have an oppor- If we can pass permanent tax law for cor- Extending a permanent child tax credit tunity to put more money in the pock- porations, we can certainly tackle permanent that helps wealthy families while fail- ets of hardworking families. policy for people straining to make ends meet. ing to make permanent the credit for This commonsense bill reforms the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to those living in poverty is just not fair. child tax credit so that it can keep up speak about H.R. 4935, The Child Tax Credit It is un-American. with the rising cost of living, and Improvement Act of 2014. This failure would have a devastating eliminates the current marriage tax The Child Tax Credit Improvement Act in- impact on more than 5 million families penalty. dexes the credit and the limitations to inflation that are already struggling to make I have a letter of support that says it to help parents keep more of their hard ends meet and who need the credits the best, and I quote: earned money to use for the mounting ex- most. Representative Jenkins’ bill indexes the penses of parenting. Under the bill, the The President clearly understands credit and income limits for inflation. Infla- amount of the child tax credit would be in- this. tion erodes the value and purchasing power dexed for inflation and the marriage penalty The SPEAKER pro tempore. The of the U.S. dollar and, as a result, a dollar is would be eliminated by increasing the joint fil- time of the gentlewoman has expired. worth less today than it was years ago. This ing phase-out threshold to exactly double that Mr. LEVIN. I yield the gentlewoman important piece of legislation adjusts the of single filers. an additional minute. credit for inflation to ensure that the value A product of the 1997 Tax Act, the Child Ms. LEE of California. In the State- of the credit continues to maintain its value. We know that family and marriage is bene- Tax Credit complements the Earned Income ment of Administration Policy, it is ficial to society, and the Federal Govern- Tax Credit and helps to further buttress the clear that the President understands ment ought to promote economic policies case that the road to prosperity winds through this. Actually, he understands that this that allow families to thrive. This tax credit the tax code by reducing poverty, encouraging also not only affects the 5 million fam- recognizes the important contribution of the work, and strengthening families with children.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:32 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.025 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 The changes proposed earlier this year by H.R. 4935 would immediately eliminate the for—because if they are not—future genera- both President Obama and Chairman CAMP Child Tax Credit for millions of American chil- tions will suffer because of the unsustainable highlight some of the challenges that these dren whose parents immigrated to this coun- debt. programs face including the complexity sur- try, including U.S. citizen children and Let us get back to being fiscally responsible rounding combining work and child tax incen- ‘‘Dreamers,’’ and would push many of these and helping America’s families by enacting tives, definitions of qualifying children, and children into or deeper into poverty. smart, pragmatic tax policy. some of the deficiencies these tax benefits Here are the three key features of this GOP The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time have with respect to childless workers. child tax credit bill (more information about for general debate has expired. But the version of the bill reported by the each of these features is below): Pursuant to House Resolution 680, Ways & Means increases the deficit by $114.9 It fails to make permanent a key improve- the previous question is ordered on the billion. In addition, a provision was added in ment in the Child Tax Credit enacted in 2009 bill, as amended. the Rules Committee requiring taxpayers to that makes more low-income working families The question is on the engrossment have a Social Security Number to claim the eligible for the credit and that will expire in and third reading of the bill. refundable portion of the child tax credit, re- 2017 unless Congress acts. The bill was ordered to be engrossed ducing the value of the underlying bill by $24.5 It indexes the current maximum credit of and read a third time, and was read the billion. $1,000 per child to inflation, which benefits third time. As a result, the final version of the bill in- only those with incomes high enough to re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The creases the deficit by $90.4 billion. ceive the maximum benefit. question is on the passage of the bill. I want to continue to work on tax legislation It extends the Child Tax Credit up the in- The question was taken; and the which benefits the 18th District and enhances come scale—on a permanent basis—so more Speaker pro tempore announced that the Child Tax Credit, so that the working fami- families with six-figure incomes will benefit. the ayes appeared to have it. So, today after Rep. PAUL RYAN unveiled his lies across this great nation you have advo- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on that I so-called ‘‘antipoverty’’ plan, my Republican cated for may lift themselves out of poverty, demand the yeas and nays. colleagues bring up this bill that is estimated and seek the American Dream but this version The yeas and nays were ordered. to result in pushing 12 million people—includ- is not an improvement but instead is a step The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing 6 million children—into or deeper into pov- back. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, this 15- erty, by failing to extend the key 2009 Child In fact Mr. Speaker, while I proudly serve on minute vote on passage of H.R. 4935 Tax Credit improvement which will expire in the Judiciary and Homeland Security Commit- will be followed by 5-minute votes on tees, in April, I hosted a briefing on the Child 2017. First, this bill hurts low-income working fami- adoption of H. Con. Res. 105, adoption Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, lies by failing to make permanent the key pro- of the motion to instruct on H.R. 3230, which demonstrates the importance of this vision enacted in 2009 that made more low- and the motion to suspend the rules provision in helping to fight poverty and allow- and moderate-income working families eligible and pass H.R. 5081. ing many Americans in Texas and elsewhere for the CTC and enlarged the CTC for others The vote was taken by electronic de- to have a better shot at the American Dream. vice, and there were—yeas 237, nays This briefing was led by two experts, Elaine who had been receiving only a partial credit. This provision expires in 2017. If this provision 173, not voting 22, as follows: Maag from the Urban Institute and Margot [Roll No. 451] Crandall-Hollick of the Congressional Re- expires on schedule, as this GOP bill allows: A single mother with two children in Hous- YEAS—237 search Service which was organized, along ton who works full time throughout the year at Aderholt Dent Jenkins with two other briefings on International Tax- the minimum wage and earns $14,500 would Amash DeSantis Johnson (OH) ation and Retirement Tax provisions, by my lose $1,725 in 2018, as her Child Tax Credit Amodei Duffy Johnson, Sam Economic Policy Counsel, Darrell Rico Doss. Bachmann Duncan (SC) Jolly would be eliminated. And in spite of the fact that it took place dur- Bachus Duncan (TN) Jordan Mr. Speaker, about 12 million people includ- Barber Ellmers Joyce ing recess and we did not serve food—my ing 6 million children in 2018 will be pushed Barletta Enyart Kelly (PA) staff assures me that we had an excellent into, or deeper into, poverty. Barr Farenthold King (IA) turnout and an even better briefing because of Barrow (GA) Fincher King (NY) Again, it is hypocritical of House Repub- Barton Fitzpatrick Kinzinger (IL) Elaine and Margot who addressed a spell- licans—who have let emergency unemploy- Benishek Fleming Kline bound audience of Hill staff and others on the ment insurance expire for more than 3 million Bentivolio Flores Kuster intricacies of the two tax credits. Americans, refused to provide a permanent fix Bera (CA) Forbes Labrador Why? Because the Child Tax Credit was Bilirakis Fortenberry LaMalfa to the sustainable growth rate (SGR) for Medi- Bishop (GA) Foxx Lamborn significantly expanded by the Bush tax cuts, care payments to doctors, and failed to re- Black Franks (AZ) Lance and further expanded, especially for low-in- place the irrational, across-the-board spending Blackburn Frelinghuysen Lankford come taxpayers, by the American Recovery Boustany Gallego Latham cuts imposed by the sequester all on argu- Brady (TX) Garamendi Latta and Reinvestment Act. Many, though not all of ments over offsets—to bring this bill to the Braley (IA) Garcia LoBiondo these expansions were subsequently made Floor without paying for it. Bridenstine Gardner Loebsack permanent by the American Taxpayer Relief As I cast my vote this morning the fact is Brooks (AL) Garrett Long Act. That expansion of the credit occurred Brooks (IN) Gerlach Lucas not lost on me—and I am sure many other Broun (GA) Gibbs Luetkemeyer under two presidents—illustrating its bipartisan Members in this body—that four months ago Brownley (CA) Gibson Lummis nature. the Republican Leadership let emergency un- Buchanan Gohmert Maffei But only in this Congress—led by an intran- employment insurance expire for more than Bucshon Goodlatte Maloney, Sean sigent GOP Majority would this critical poverty- Burgess Gosar Marino 1.3 million Americans—many at the end of Bustos Gowdy Massie busting tax provision be politicized to the point their proverbial economic rope. Byrne Granger Matheson that I suspect the vote will largely be along Many of these unemployed live in the 18th Calvert Graves (GA) McAllister party lines. Camp Griffin (AR) McCarthy (CA) Congressional District of Texas, comprising Cantor Grimm McCaul Today, as the House considers this GOP Houston and outlying areas. Carter Guthrie McClintock child tax credit bill which does the opposite of Mr. Speaker, this is more than irresponsible Cassidy Hall McHenry what is needed: it would provide permanent but recklessness in the guise of looking out for Chabot Hanna McIntyre tax cuts to many affluent families, while letting Chaffetz Harper McKeon families. Clawson (FL) Harris McKinley the Child Tax Credit disappear for many low- I have to ask a burning question—what hap- Coffman Hartzler McMorris income working families after 2017. pened to deficit reduction? Cole Hastings (WA) Rodgers After 2017, H.R. 4935 would effectively However, the choice made by House Re- Collins (GA) Heck (NV) Meadows Collins (NY) Hensarling Meehan eliminate the Child Tax Credit for 5 million publicans to address these provisions one by Conaway Herrera Beutler Messer families, while cutting it for 6 million more. A one, while adding their cost to the deficit, rep- Cook Holding Mica single parent with two children working full- resents an irresponsible approach that will Cotton Hudson Miller (FL) time at minimum wage would lose her entire only make fixing our broken tax system harder Cramer Huelskamp Miller (MI) Crawford Huizenga (MI) Miller, Gary tax credit of $1,725. and put further fiscal strain on federal, state, Crenshaw Hultgren Mullin Meanwhile, a couple with two children with and local programs. Culberson Hunter Mulvaney income of $150,000 would receive a Child Tax Mr. Speaker, I am prepared to vote for chil- Daines Hurt Murphy (FL) Credit $2,200 larger than today. In addition, dren and families—but this bill must be paid Davis, Rodney Issa Murphy (PA)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:32 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.009 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6833 Neugebauer Rokita Stockman Pompeo Tsongas Yoder Hanabusa McAllister Roybal-Allard Noem Rooney Stutzman Rigell Wasserman Hanna McCarthy (CA) Royce Nugent Roskam Terry Rogers (MI) Schultz Harper McCarthy (NY) Ruiz Nunes Ross Thompson (PA) Harris McCaul Runyan Olson Rothfus Thornberry b 1237 Hartzler McClintock Ruppersberger Palazzo Royce Tiberi Hastings (FL) McCollum Rush Paulsen Ruiz Tipton Ms. WILSON of Florida and Ms. ROS- Hastings (WA) McDermott Ryan (OH) Pearce Runyan Turner LEHTINEN changed their vote from Heck (NV) McGovern Salmon Perry Ryan (WI) Upton ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Hensarling McHenry Sa´ nchez, Linda Peters (CA) Salmon Wagner Messrs. PEARCE and GIBSON Herrera Beutler McIntyre T. Peters (MI) Sanford Walberg Higgins McKeon Sanchez, Loretta Peterson Scalise changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to Walden Himes McKinley Sanford Petri Schneider Walorski ‘‘yea.’’ Hinojosa McMorris Sarbanes Pittenger Schock Weber (TX) So the bill was passed. Holding Rodgers Scalise Pitts Schweikert Holt McNerney Schakowsky Poe (TX) Scott, Austin Webster (FL) The result of the vote was announced Horsford Meadows Schiff Posey Sensenbrenner Wenstrup as above recorded. Hoyer Meehan Schneider Price (GA) Sessions Westmoreland A motion to reconsider was laid on Hudson Meeks Schrader Rahall Shimkus Whitfield Huelskamp Meng Schwartz Reed Shuster Williams the table. Huffman Mica Schweikert Reichert Simpson Wilson (SC) f Huizenga (MI) Michaud Scott (VA) Renacci Sinema Wittman Miller (FL) Scott, Austin Ribble Smith (MO) Wolf Hultgren Rice (SC) Smith (NE) Womack REMOVING UNITED STATES Hurt Miller (MI) Scott, David Roby Smith (NJ) Woodall ARMED FORCES FROM IRAQ Israel Miller, Gary Sensenbrenner Roe (TN) Smith (TX) Yoho Issa Miller, George Serrano Rogers (AL) Southerland Young (AK) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Jackson Lee Moore Sewell (AL) Rogers (KY) Stewart Young (IN) finished business is the vote on adop- Jeffries Moran Shea-Porter Rohrabacher Stivers tion of the concurrent resolution (H. Jenkins Mullin Sherman Mulvaney Shuster Con. Res. 105) directing the President, Johnson (GA) NAYS—173 Johnson, E. B. Murphy (FL) Simpson pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Jolly Murphy (PA) Sinema Bass Grijalva Nolan Powers Resolution, to remove United Jones Nadler Sires ´ Beatty Gutierrez O’Rourke States Armed Forces, other than Jordan Napolitano Slaughter Becerra Hahn Owens Joyce Neal Smith (MO) Bishop (NY) Hanabusa Pallone Armed Forces required to protect Kaptur Negrete McLeod Smith (NE) Blumenauer Hastings (FL) Pascrell United States diplomatic facilities and Keating Neugebauer Smith (NJ) Bonamici Higgins Pastor (AZ) personnel, from Iraq, on which the yeas Kelly (IL) Noem Smith (TX) Brady (PA) Himes Payne Kennedy Nolan Smith (WA) Brown (FL) Hinojosa Pelosi and nays were ordered. Nugent Southerland Butterfield Holt Perlmutter The Clerk read the title of the con- Kildee Kilmer Nunes Speier Capps Horsford Pingree (ME) current resolution. Capuano Hoyer Pocan Kind O’Rourke Stewart Ca´ rdenas Huffman Polis The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Kirkpatrick Olson Stockman Carney Israel Price (NC) question is on the concurrent resolu- Kline Owens Stutzman Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Quigley tion. Kuster Pallone Swalwell (CA) Labrador Pascrell Takano Cartwright Jeffries Rangel This is a 5-minute vote. Castor (FL) Johnson (GA) Richmond LaMalfa Pastor (AZ) Terry Castro (TX) Johnson, E. B. Ros-Lehtinen The vote was taken by electronic de- Lamborn Paulsen Thompson (CA) Chu Jones Roybal-Allard vice, and there were—yeas 370, nays 40, Lance Payne Thompson (PA) Clark (MA) Kaptur Ruppersberger not voting 22, as follows: Langevin Pearce Thornberry Clarke (NY) Keating Rush Lankford Pelosi Tiberi Clay Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) [Roll No. 452] Larsen (WA) Perlmutter Tierney Cleaver Kennedy Sa´ nchez, Linda YEAS—370 Larson (CT) Perry Tipton Cohen Kildee T. Latham Peters (CA) Titus Amash Cassidy Duncan (SC) Connolly Kilmer Sanchez, Loretta Latta Peters (MI) Tonko Amodei Castor (FL) Duncan (TN) Conyers Kind Sarbanes Peterson Turner Bachmann Castro (TX) Edwards Lee (CA) Cooper Kirkpatrick Schakowsky Levin Petri Upton Costa Langevin Schiff Bachus Chabot Ellison Barber Chaffetz Ellmers Lewis Pingree (ME) Valadao Courtney Larsen (WA) Schrader Lipinski Pittenger Van Hollen Crowley Larson (CT) Schwartz Barletta Chu Engel LoBiondo Pitts Vargas Cuellar Lee (CA) Scott (VA) Barr Clark (MA) Enyart Loebsack Pocan Veasey Cummings Levin Scott, David Barrow (GA) Clarke (NY) Eshoo Lofgren Poe (TX) Vela Davis (CA) Lewis Serrano Barton Clawson (FL) Esty Long Polis Vela´ zquez Davis, Danny Lipinski Sewell (AL) Bass Clay Farenthold Posey Visclosky DeFazio Lofgren Shea-Porter Beatty Cleaver Farr Lowenthal Price (GA) Wagner DeGette Lowenthal Sherman Becerra Cohen Fattah Lowey Delaney Lowey Sires Benishek Cole Fincher Lucas Price (NC) Walden DeLauro Lujan Grisham Slaughter Bentivolio Collins (GA) Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Quigley Walz DelBene (NM) Smith (WA) Bera (CA) Conaway Fleming Lujan Grisham Rahall Waters Denham Luja´ n, Ben Ray Speier Bilirakis Connolly Forbes (NM) Rangel Waxman Deutch (NM) Swalwell (CA) Bishop (GA) Conyers Fortenberry Luja´ n, Ben Ray Reed Webster (FL) Diaz-Balart Lynch Takano Bishop (NY) Cook Foster (NM) Reichert Welch Dingell Maloney, Thompson (CA) Black Cooper Foxx Lummis Ribble Wenstrup Doggett Carolyn Thompson (MS) Blackburn Costa Frankel (FL) Lynch Rice (SC) Whitfield Doyle Matsui Tierney Blumenauer Courtney Franks (AZ) Maffei Roe (TN) Williams Duckworth McCarthy (NY) Titus Bonamici Cramer Frelinghuysen Maloney, Rogers (AL) Wilson (FL) Edwards McCollum Tonko Boustany Crenshaw Fudge Carolyn Rogers (KY) Wittman Ellison McDermott Valadao Brady (PA) Crowley Gabbard Maloney, Sean Rohrabacher Wolf Engel McGovern Van Hollen Brady (TX) Cuellar Gallego Marino Rokita Woodall Eshoo McNerney Vargas Braley (IA) Culberson Garamendi Massie Ros-Lehtinen Yarmuth Esty Meeks Veasey Bridenstine Cummings Garcia Matheson Ross Yoho Farr Meng Vela Brooks (AL) Daines Gardner Matsui Rothfus Young (AK) Fattah Michaud Vela´ zquez Broun (GA) Davis (CA) Garrett Foster Miller, George Visclosky Brown (FL) Davis, Danny Gerlach NAYS—40 Frankel (FL) Moore Walz Brownley (CA) Davis, Rodney Gibbs Fudge Moran Waters Buchanan DeFazio Gibson Aderholt Johnson (OH) Schock Gabbard Nadler Waxman Bucshon DeGette Gohmert Brooks (IN) Johnson, Sam Sessions Grayson Napolitano Welch Burgess Delaney Goodlatte Cantor Kelly (PA) Shimkus Green, Al Neal Wilson (FL) Bustos DeLauro Gowdy Cartwright King (IA) Stivers Green, Gene Negrete McLeod Yarmuth Butterfield DelBene Granger Coffman King (NY) Thompson (MS) Byrne Denham Graves (GA) Collins (NY) Kinzinger (IL) Walberg NOT VOTING—22 Calvert Dent Grayson Cotton Messer Walorski Camp DeSantis Green, Al Crawford Palazzo Weber (TX) Bishop (UT) DesJarlais Honda Capps Deutch Green, Gene Duffy Renacci Westmoreland Campbell Fleischmann Kingston Capuano Diaz-Balart Grijalva Flores Richmond Wilson (SC) Capito Gingrey (GA) Marchant Ca´ rdenas Dingell Guthrie Gosar Roby Womack Cicilline Graves (MO) Nunnelee Carney Doggett Gutie´rrez Griffin (AR) Rooney Clyburn Griffith (VA) Carson (IN) Doyle Hahn Grimm Roskam Young (IN) Coble Heck (WA) Carter Duckworth Hall Hunter Ryan (WI)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.013 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 NOT VOTING—22 DelBene Kuster Pocan Murphy (PA) Ros-Lehtinen Thompson (PA) Dent Lance Polis Neugebauer Roskam Thornberry Bishop (UT) Gingrey (GA) Pompeo Deutch Langevin Posey Noem Ross Tiberi Campbell Graves (MO) Rigell Dingell Larsen (WA) Price (NC) Nugent Rothfus Capito Griffith (VA) Tipton Rogers (MI) Doggett Larson (CT) Nunes Runyan Cicilline Heck (WA) Rahall Turner Tsongas Doyle Lee (CA) Olson Ryan (WI) Clyburn Honda Rangel Valadao Wasserman Duckworth Levin Palazzo Salmon Coble Kingston Richmond Wagner Schultz Edwards Lewis Paulsen Sanford DesJarlais Marchant Rooney Walberg Yoder Ellison Lipinski Pearce Scalise Fleischmann Nunnelee Roybal-Allard Walden Ellmers LoBiondo Royce Perry Schock Walorski Pittenger Schweikert ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Engel Loebsack Ruiz Weber (TX) Enyart Lofgren Pitts Scott, Austin Ruppersberger Webster (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Eshoo Lowenthal Poe (TX) Sensenbrenner Rush Wenstrup the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Esty Lowey Price (GA) Sessions Ryan (OH) Westmoreland Farr Lujan Grisham Reed Shimkus ing. Sa´ nchez, Linda Whitfield Fattah (NM) Reichert Shuster T. Williams b 1243 Fitzpatrick Luja´ n, Ben Ray Renacci Simpson Foster (NM) Sarbanes Ribble Smith (MO) Wilson (SC) Mrs. WALORSKI changed her vote Frankel (FL) Lynch Schakowsky Rice (SC) Smith (NE) Wittman Schiff Wolf from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Fudge Maffei Roby Smith (TX) Gabbard Maloney, Schneider Roe (TN) Southerland Womack Ms. BROWN of Florida changed her Gallego Carolyn Schrader Rogers (AL) Stewart Woodall vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Garamendi Maloney, Sean Schwartz Rogers (KY) Stivers Yoho So the concurrent resolution was Garcia Matheson Scott (VA) Rohrabacher Stockman Young (AK) Gardner Matsui Scott, David Rokita Stutzman Young (IN) agreed to. Gibson McCarthy (NY) Serrano The result of the vote was announced Grayson McCollum Sewell (AL) NOT VOTING—26 as above recorded. Green, Al McDermott Shea-Porter Bishop (UT) Gingrey (GA) Pompeo The title of the concurrent resolution Green, Gene McGovern Sherman Buchanan Granger Quigley Grijalva McIntyre Sinema Campbell Graves (MO) Rigell was amended so as to read: ‘‘A concur- Gutie´rrez McNerney Sires Capito Griffith (VA) Rogers (MI) rent resolution prohibiting the Presi- Hahn Meeks Slaughter Cicilline Heck (WA) Sanchez, Loretta dent from deploying or maintaining Hanabusa Meng Smith (NJ) Clyburn Honda Tsongas United States Armed Forces in a sus- Hastings (FL) Michaud Smith (WA) Coble Kingston Wasserman Heck (NV) Miller (MI) Speier DesJarlais Marchant Schultz tained combat role in Iraq without spe- Higgins Miller, George Swalwell (CA) Fleischmann Nunnelee Yoder cific, subsequent statutory authoriza- Himes Moore Takano Hinojosa Moran ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR tion.’’. Terry Holt Murphy (FL) Thompson (CA) The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). A motion to reconsider was laid on Horsford Nadler Thompson (MS) the table. Hoyer Napolitano There are 2 minutes remaining. Tierney Stated for: Huffman Neal Israel Negrete McLeod Titus Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Jackson Lee Nolan Tonko b 1251 Upton 452, I inadvertently voted ‘‘nay.’’ My intent was Jeffries O’Rourke Mr. CAMP changed his vote from to vote ‘‘yea.’’ Johnson (GA) Owens Van Hollen Johnson, E. B. Pallone Vargas ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ f Johnson, Sam Pascrell Veasey Messrs. JONES, ROYCE, and CAS- Jones Pastor (AZ) Vela ´ SIDY changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES Kaptur Payne Velazquez Keating Pelosi Visclosky ‘‘yea.’’ ON H.R. 3230, PAY OUR GUARD Kelly (IL) Perlmutter Walz So the motion to instruct was agreed AND RESERVE ACT Kennedy Peters (CA) Waters to. Kildee Peters (MI) Waxman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Kilmer Peterson Welch The result of the vote was announced finished business is the vote on the mo- Kind Petri Wilson (FL) as above recorded. tion to instruct on the bill (H.R. 3230) Kirkpatrick Pingree (ME) Yarmuth A motion to reconsider was laid on making continuing appropriations dur- the table. NAYS—193 ing a Government shutdown to provide pay and allowances to members of the Aderholt DeSantis Issa f Amash Diaz-Balart Jenkins reserve components of the Armed Amodei Duffy Johnson (OH) Forces who perform inactive-duty Bachmann Duncan (SC) Jolly STRENGTHENING CHILD WELFARE training during such period, offered by Bachus Duncan (TN) Jordan Barletta Farenthold Joyce RESPONSE TO TRAFFICKING ACT the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Barton Fincher Kelly (PA) OF 2014 BROWNLEY) on which the yeas and nays Benishek Fleming King (IA) were ordered. Bentivolio Flores King (NY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- The Clerk will redesignate the mo- Bilirakis Forbes Kinzinger (IL) finished business is the vote on the mo- Black Fortenberry Kline tion. tion to suspend the rules and pass the Blackburn Foxx Labrador bill (H.R. 5081) to amend the Child The Clerk redesignated the motion Boustany Franks (AZ) LaMalfa The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Brady (TX) Frelinghuysen Lamborn Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act question is on the motion to instruct. Bridenstine Garrett Lankford to enable State child protective serv- Brooks (AL) Gerlach Latham ices systems to improve the identifica- This is a 5-minute vote. Brooks (IN) Gibbs Latta The vote was taken by electronic de- Broun (GA) Gohmert Long tion and assessment of child victims of vice, and there were—yeas 213, nays Bucshon Goodlatte Lucas sex trafficking, and for other purposes, Byrne Gosar Luetkemeyer 193, not voting 26, as follows: on which the yeas and nays were or- Calvert Gowdy Lummis dered. [Roll No. 453] Camp Graves (GA) Marino Cantor Griffin (AR) Massie The Clerk read the title of the bill. YEAS—213 Carter Grimm McAllister The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barber Bustos Cohen Chabot Guthrie McCarthy (CA) question is on the motion offered by Barr Butterfield Connolly Chaffetz Hall McCaul Barrow (GA) Capps Conyers Clawson (FL) Hanna McClintock the gentleman from Nevada (Mr. HECK) Bass Capuano Cooper Coffman Harper McHenry that the House suspend the rules and Beatty Ca´ rdenas Costa Cole Harris McKeon pass the bill. Becerra Carney Courtney Collins (GA) Hartzler McKinley Bera (CA) Carson (IN) Crowley Collins (NY) Hastings (WA) McMorris This is a 5-minute vote. Bishop (GA) Cartwright Cuellar Conaway Hensarling Rodgers The vote was taken by electronic de- Bishop (NY) Cassidy Cummings Cook Herrera Beutler Meadows vice, and there were—yeas 399, nays 0, Blumenauer Castor (FL) Daines Cotton Holding Meehan Bonamici Castro (TX) Davis (CA) Cramer Hudson Messer not voting 33, as follows: Brady (PA) Chu Davis, Danny Crawford Huelskamp Mica [Roll No. 454] Braley (IA) Clark (MA) DeFazio Crenshaw Huizenga (MI) Miller (FL) Brown (FL) Clarke (NY) DeGette Culberson Hultgren Miller, Gary YEAS—399 Brownley (CA) Clay Delaney Davis, Rodney Hunter Mullin Aderholt Bachmann Barber Burgess Cleaver DeLauro Denham Hurt Mulvaney Amash Bachus Barletta

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.014 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6835 Barr Esty Lewis Roby Scott, David Turner S. 517 Barrow (GA) Farenthold Lipinski Roe (TN) Sensenbrenner Upton Barton Farr LoBiondo Rogers (AL) Serrano Valadao Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Bass Fincher Loebsack Rogers (KY) Sessions Van Hollen resentatives of the United States of America in Beatty Fitzpatrick Lofgren Rohrabacher Sewell (AL) Vargas Congress assembled, Becerra Fleming Long Rokita Shea-Porter Veasey SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Benishek Flores Lowenthal Rooney Sherman Vela Bentivolio Forbes Lowey Ros-Lehtinen Shimkus Vela´ zquez This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Unlocking Bera (CA) Fortenberry Lucas Roskam Shuster Visclosky Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Ross Simpson Bilirakis Foster Luetkemeyer Wagner Act’’. Bishop (NY) Foxx Lujan Grisham Rothfus Sinema Walberg Black Frankel (FL) (NM) Roybal-Allard Sires Walden SEC. 2. REPEAL OF EXISTING RULE AND ADDI- Royce Slaughter Blackburn Franks (AZ) Luja´ n, Ben Ray Walorski TIONAL RULEMAKING BY LIBRARIAN Ruiz Smith (MO) Blumenauer Frelinghuysen (NM) Walz OF CONGRESS. Runyan Smith (NJ) Bonamici Fudge Lummis Waters Ruppersberger Smith (TX) (a) REPEAL AND REPLACE.—As of the date of Boustany Gabbard Lynch Waxman Rush Smith (WA) the enactment of this Act, paragraph (3) of Brady (PA) Gallego Maffei Weber (TX) Ryan (OH) Southerland section 201.40(b) of title 37, Code of Federal Brady (TX) Garamendi Maloney, Webster (FL) Ryan (WI) Speier Regulations, as amended and revised by the Braley (IA) Garcia Carolyn Welch Bridenstine Garrett Maloney, Sean Salmon Stivers Librarian of Congress on October 28, 2012, Sa´ nchez, Linda Stockman Wenstrup Brooks (AL) Gerlach Marino Westmoreland pursuant to the Librarian’s authority under Massie T. Stutzman Brooks (IN) Gibbs Whitfield section 1201(a) of title 17, United States Matheson Sanford Swalwell (CA) Broun (GA) Gibson Williams Code, shall have no force and effect, and such Matsui Sarbanes Takano Brown (FL) Gohmert Wilson (FL) paragraph shall read, and shall be in effect, Brownley (CA) Goodlatte McAllister Scalise Terry Wilson (SC) Buchanan Gosar McCarthy (CA) Schakowsky Thompson (CA) as such paragraph was in effect on July 27, Wittman Bucshon Gowdy McCarthy (NY) Schiff Thompson (MS) 2010. Wolf Burgess Graves (GA) McCaul Schneider Thompson (PA) Womack (b) RULEMAKING.—The Librarian of Con- Bustos Grayson McClintock Schock Thornberry Woodall gress, upon the recommendation of the Reg- Butterfield Green, Al McCollum Schrader Tiberi Yarmuth ister of Copyrights, who shall consult with Byrne Green, Gene McDermott Schwartz Tierney Schweikert Tipton Yoho Calvert Griffin (AR) McGovern the Assistant Secretary for Communications Scott (VA) Titus Young (AK) Camp Grijalva McHenry and Information of the Department of Com- Scott, Austin Tonko Young (IN) Cantor Grimm McIntyre merce and report and comment on his or her Capps Guthrie McKeon NOT VOTING—33 views in making such recommendation, shall Capuano Gutie´rrez McKinley determine, consistent with the requirements Amodei Gingrey (GA) Quigley Ca´ rdenas Hahn McMorris set forth under section 1201(a)(1) of title 17, Carney Hall Rodgers Bishop (GA) Granger Rigell Bishop (UT) Graves (MO) Rogers (MI) United States Code, whether to extend the Carson (IN) Hanabusa McNerney exemption for the class of works described in Carter Hanna Meadows Campbell Griffith (VA) Sanchez, Loretta Cartwright Harper Meehan Capito Heck (WA) Smith (NE) section 201.40(b)(3) of title 37, Code of Federal Cicilline Honda Cassidy Harris Meeks Stewart Regulations, as amended by subsection (a), Clyburn Huizenga (MI) Castor (FL) Hartzler Meng Tsongas to include any other category of wireless de- Coble Johnson, Sam Castro (TX) Hastings (FL) Messer Wasserman vices in addition to wireless telephone DesJarlais Kingston Chabot Hastings (WA) Mica Schultz Fattah Marchant handsets. The determination shall be made Chaffetz Heck (NV) Michaud Yoder Fleischmann Nunnelee in the first rulemaking under section Chu Hensarling Miller (FL) Gardner Pompeo 1201(a)(1)(C) of title 17, United States Code, Clark (MA) Herrera Beutler Miller (MI) that begins on or after the date of enactment Clarke (NY) Higgins Miller, Gary ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Clawson (FL) Himes Miller, George of this Act. Clay Hinojosa Moore The SPEAKER pro tempore (during (c) UNLOCKING AT DIRECTION OF OWNER.— Cleaver Holding Moran the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Circumvention of a technological measure Coffman Holt Mullin ing. that restricts wireless telephone handsets or Cohen Horsford Mulvaney other wireless devices from connecting to a Cole Hoyer Murphy (FL) b 1258 Collins (GA) Hudson Murphy (PA) wireless telecommunications network— Collins (NY) Huelskamp Nadler So (two-thirds being in the affirma- (1)(A) as authorized by paragraph (3) of sec- Conaway Huffman Napolitano tive) the rules were suspended and the tion 201.40(b) of title 37, Code of Federal Reg- Connolly Hultgren Neal bill was passed. ulations, as made effective by subsection (a); Conyers Hunter Negrete McLeod The result of the vote was announced and Cook Hurt Neugebauer (B) as may be extended to other wireless Cooper Israel Noem as above recorded. devices pursuant to a determination in the Costa Issa Nolan A motion to reconsider was laid on rulemaking conducted under subsection (b); Cotton Jackson Lee Nugent the table. Courtney Jeffries Nunes or Cramer Jenkins O’Rourke f (2) as authorized by an exemption adopted Crawford Johnson (GA) Olson by the Librarian of Congress pursuant to a Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Owens ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER determination made on or after the date of Crowley Johnson, E. B. Palazzo PRO TEMPORE enactment of this Act under section Cuellar Jolly Pallone 1201(a)(1)(C) of title 17, United States Code, Culberson Jones Pascrell The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Cummings Jordan Pastor (AZ) ant to House Resolution 680, H.R. 4935 may be initiated by the owner of any such Daines Joyce Paulsen is laid on the table. handset or other device, by another person Davis (CA) Kaptur Payne at the direction of the owner, or by a pro- Davis, Danny Keating Pearce f Davis, Rodney Kelly (IL) Pelosi vider of a commercial mobile radio service or a commercial mobile data service at the di- DeFazio Kelly (PA) Perlmutter b 1300 DeGette Kennedy Perry rection of such owner or other person, solely Delaney Kildee Peters (CA) UNLOCKING CONSUMER CHOICE in order to enable such owner or a family DeLauro Kilmer Peters (MI) AND WIRELESS COMPETITION ACT member of such owner to connect to a wire- DelBene Kind Peterson less telecommunications network, when such Denham King (IA) Petri Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask connection is authorized by the operator of Dent King (NY) Pingree (ME) DeSantis Kinzinger (IL) Pittenger unanimous consent to take from the such network. Deutch Kirkpatrick Pitts Speaker’s table the bill (S. 517) to pro- (d) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— Diaz-Balart Kline Pocan mote consumer choice and wireless (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as expressly pro- Dingell Kuster Poe (TX) competition by permitting consumers vided herein, nothing in this Act shall be Doggett Labrador Polis construed to alter the scope of any party’s Doyle LaMalfa Posey to unlock mobile wireless devices, and Duckworth Lamborn Price (GA) for other purposes, and ask for its im- rights under existing law. Duffy Lance Price (NC) mediate consideration in the House. (2) LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS.—Nothing in Duncan (SC) Langevin Rahall this Act alters, or shall be construed to Duncan (TN) Lankford Rangel The Clerk read the title of the bill. alter, the authority of the Librarian of Con- Edwards Larsen (WA) Reed The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there gress under section 1201(a)(1) of title 17, Ellison Larson (CT) Reichert objection to the request of the gen- United States Code. Ellmers Latham Renacci tleman from Utah? Engel Latta Ribble (e) DEFINITIONS.—In this Act: Enyart Lee (CA) Rice (SC) There was no objection. (1) COMMERCIAL MOBILE DATA SERVICE; COM- Eshoo Levin Richmond The text of the bill is as follows: MERCIAL MOBILE RADIO SERVICE.—The terms

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.021 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 ‘‘commercial mobile data service’’ and ‘‘com- Whereas the Government of the Russian Government of Moldova and the authorities mercial mobile radio service’’ have the re- Federation banned the import of Moldovan in the Transnistria region in order to secure spective meanings given those terms in sec- wine in 2013 and has threatened to ban a peaceful resolution to the conflict; tion 20.3 of title 47, Code of Federal Regula- Moldovan agricultural products, curtail the (9) supports efforts to resolve the tions, as in effect on the date of the enact- supply of energy resources to Moldova, and Transnistria issue through a comprehensive ment of this Act. impose stricter labor migration policies on settlement that affirms Moldova’s sov- (2) WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS NET- the people of Moldova; ereignty and territorial integrity, while pro- WORK.—The term ‘‘wireless telecommuni- Whereas the Government of the Russian viding a special status for the Transnistrian cations network’’ means a network used to Federation maintains a contingent of Rus- region within Moldova; provide a commercial mobile radio service or sian troops and a stockpile of Russian mili- (10) urges officials in the Transnistrian re- a commercial mobile data service. tary equipment and ammunition within the gion to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova mon- (3) WIRELESS TELEPHONE HANDSETS; WIRE- Moldovan region of Transnistria; itors unrestricted access to the region; LESS DEVICES.—The terms ‘‘wireless tele- Whereas the Government of Russia has (11) urges all parties to refrain from unilat- phone handset’’ and ‘‘wireless device’’ mean been actively issuing Russian passports to eral actions that may undermine efforts to a handset or other device that operates on a the residents of the Transnistria region; achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the wireless telecommunications network. Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organi- agreements already reached, and encourages The bill was ordered to be read a zation for Security and Cooperation in Eu- leaders of the Transnistrian region to re- rope, and the Government of Moldova have sume negotiations toward a political settle- third time, was read the third time, called upon the Government of the Russian and passed, and a motion to reconsider ment; and Federation to remove its troops from the (12) affirms that lasting stability and secu- was laid on the table. territory of the Republic of Moldova; rity in Europe is a key priority for the f Whereas authorities in the Republic of United States and that these can only be Moldova’s Transnistria region have re- EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE achieved if the territorial integrity and sov- stricted access to the region by OSCE Mis- ereignty of all European countries is re- WITH RESPECT TO MOLDOVA sion to Moldova monitors, preventing the spected. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Mission from providing impartial reporting Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that on the security situation in the region; AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. SMITH OF NEW Whereas the House of Representatives and JERSEY the Committee on Foreign Affairs be the Senate both passed by an overwhelming Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. I have an discharged from further consideration majority, and the President signed into law, of the resolution (H. Res. 562) express- S. 2183, providing for a United States inter- amendment to the text at the desk. ing the sense of the House of Rep- national broadcasting programming surge to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The resentatives with respect to enhanced counter misinformation from Russian-sup- Clerk will report the amendment. ported news outlets and ensuring that Rus- relations with the Republic of Moldova The Clerk read as follows: and support for Moldova’s territorial sian-speaking populations in Ukraine and Moldova have access to independent news integrity, and ask for its immediate Strike all after the resolving clause and in- and information; and sert the following: consideration in the House. Whereas Moldova has been a valued and re- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- liable partner in promoting global security That the House of Representatives— tion. by participating in U.N. peacekeeping mis- (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sions in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, and United States to support the sovereignty, objection to the request of the gen- Georgia: Now, therefore, be it independence, and territorial integrity of the tleman from New Jersey? Resolved, That the House of Representa- Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of There was no objection. tives— its borders by other nation-states; The text of the resolution is as fol- (1) reaffirms that it is the policy of the (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a means to strengthen relations between the lows: United States to support the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova and the United States H. RES. 562 Republic of Moldova and the inviolability of and enhance the democratic, economic, rule Whereas the United States has enjoyed its borders by other nation-states; of law, and security reforms already being good relations with the Republic of Moldova (2) supports the Strategic Dialogue as a implemented by the Republic of Moldova; since the Republic of Moldova’s independ- means to strengthen relations between the (3) encourages the President and the De- ence in 1991; Republic of Moldova and the United States partment of State to enhance United States Whereas since the Republic of Moldova’s and enhance the democratic, economic, rule cooperation with the Government of independence, the United States has pro- of law, and security reforms already being Moldova and civil society organizations and vided financial assistance to support the peo- implemented by the Republic of Moldova; focus assistance on justice sector reform, ple of Moldova’s efforts to build a prosperous (3) encourages the President and the De- anti-corruption efforts, strengthening demo- European democracy; partment of State to enhance United States cratic institutions, domestic energy develop- Whereas the United States and the Repub- cooperation with the Government of ment, diversification of energy supplies and lic of Moldova further strengthened their Moldova and civil society organizations and energy efficiency, as well as promoting trade partnership through the launching of a Stra- focus assistance on justice sector reform, and investment opportunities; tegic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; anti-corruption efforts, strengthening demo- (4) encourages the President to expedite Whereas the Republic of Moldova is due to cratic institutions, domestic energy develop- the implementation of Public Law 113–96, es- sign an Association Agreement containing ment, diversification of energy supplies and pecially for populations in Ukraine and comprehensive free trade provisions with the energy efficiency, as well as promoting trade Moldova; European Union on June 27, 2014; and investment opportunities; (5) affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sov- Whereas the United States Government (4) encourages the President to expedite ereign right to determine its own partner- supports the democratic aspirations of the the implementation of Public Law 113-96, es- ships free of external coercion and pressure, people of the Republic of Moldova and their pecially for populations in Ukraine and and affirms Moldova’s right to associate expressed desire to deepen their association Moldova; with the European Union or any regional or- with the European Union; (5) affirms the Republic of Moldova’s sov- ganization; Whereas in a judgment in 2004, the Euro- ereign right to determine its own partner- (6) calls upon the Government of Russia to pean Court of Human Rights found that ships free of external coercion and pressure, fulfill its commitments made at the OSCE’s Transnistria was set up with the support of and affirms Moldova’s right to associate Istanbul summit in 1999 and to withdraw its the Russian Federation and considered it with the European Union or any regional or- military forces and munitions from within ‘‘under the effective authority or at least de- ganization; the internationally recognized territory of cisive influence of Russia’’; (6) calls upon the Government of Russia to the Republic of Moldova; Whereas the United States supports the fulfill its commitments made at the OSCE’s (7) calls upon the Government of Russia to sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Istanbul summit in 1999 and to withdraw its refrain from economic threats and pressure Republic of Moldova and on that basis par- military forces and munitions from within against Moldova and to cease any and all ac- ticipates as an observer in the ‘‘5+2’’ negotia- the internationally recognized territory of tions that support separatist movements on tions to find a comprehensive settlement the Republic of Moldova; the territory of Moldova; that will provide a special status for the sep- (7) calls upon the Government of Russia to (8) supports constructive engagement and aratist region of Transnistria within refrain from economic threats and pressure confidence-building measures between the Moldova; against Moldova and to cease any and all ac- Government of Moldova and the authorities Whereas the leaders of the Transnistrian tions that support separatist movements on in the Transnistria region in order to secure region of the Republic of Moldova requested the territory of Moldova; a peaceful resolution to the conflict; to postpone the ‘‘5+2’’ round of talks sched- (8) supports constructive engagement and (9) supports efforts to resolve the uled to take place in April 2014; confidence-building measures between the Transnistria issue through a comprehensive

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.016 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6837 settlement that affirms Moldova’s sov- supply of energy resources to Moldova, and Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Near ereignty and territorial integrity, while pro- impose stricter labor migration policies on East and South Central Asia (in this Act re- viding a special status for the Transnistrian the people of Moldova; ferred to as the ‘‘Special Envoy’’) within the region within Moldova; Whereas the Government of the Russian Department of State. The Special Envoy (10) urges officials in the Transnistrian re- Federation maintains a contingent of Rus- shall have the rank of ambassador and shall gion to allow OSCE Mission to Moldova mon- sian troops and a stockpile of Russian mili- hold the office at the pleasure of the Presi- itors unrestricted access to the region; tary equipment and ammunition within the dent. (11) urges all parties to refrain from unilat- Moldovan region of Transnistria; (b) QUALIFICATIONS.—The Special Envoy eral actions that may undermine efforts to Whereas the Government of Russia has should be a person of recognized distinction achieve a peaceful resolution, as well as the been actively issuing Russian passports to in the field of human rights and religious agreements already reached, and encourages the residents of the Transnistria region; freedom and with expertise in the Near East leaders of the Transnistrian region to re- Whereas the Council of Europe, the Organi- and South Central Asia. sume negotiations toward a political settle- zation for Security and Cooperation in Eu- SEC. 3. DUTIES. ment; and rope, and the Government of Moldova have (a) IN GENERAL.—The Special Envoy shall (12) affirms that lasting stability and secu- called upon the Government of the Russian carry out the following duties: rity in Europe is a key priority for the Federation to remove its troops from the (1) Promote the right of religious freedom United States and that these can only be territory of the Republic of Moldova; of religious minorities in the countries of the achieved if the territorial integrity and sov- Whereas authorities in the Republic of Near East and the countries of South Central ereignty of all European countries is re- Moldova’s Transnistria region have re- Asia, denounce the violation of such right, spected. stricted access to the region by OSCE Mis- and recommend appropriate responses by the Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (during the sion to Moldova monitors, preventing the United States Government when such right reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous Mission from providing impartial reporting is violated. on the security situation in the region; consent that the reading of the text be (2) Monitor and combat acts of religious in- Whereas the House of Representatives and tolerance and incitement targeted against dispensed with. the Senate both passed by an overwhelming religious minorities in the countries of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there majority, and the President signed into law, Near East and the countries of South Central objection to the request of the gen- S. 2183, providing for a United States inter- Asia. tleman from New Jersey? national broadcasting programming surge to (3) Work to ensure that the unique needs of There was no objection. counter misinformation from Russian-sup- religious minority communities in the coun- The amendment was agreed to. ported news outlets and ensuring that Rus- tries of the Near East and the countries of The resolution, as amended, was sian-speaking populations in Ukraine and South Central Asia are addressed, including agreed to. Moldova have access to independent news the economic and security needs of such and information; and AMENDMENT TO THE PREAMBLE OFFERED BY communities. Whereas Moldova has been a valued and re- MR. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY (4) Work with foreign governments of the liable partner in promoting global security Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. countries of the Near East and the countries by participating in U.N. peacekeeping mis- of South Central Asia to address laws that Speaker, I have an amendment to the sions in Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Sudan, and are discriminatory toward religious minor- preamble at the desk. Georgia: Now, therefore, be it ity communities in such countries. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (during the (5) Coordinate and assist in the preparation Clerk will report the amendment. reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous of that portion of the report required by sec- The Clerk read as follows: consent that the reading of the pre- tions 116(d) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assist- Strike the preamble and insert the fol- ance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n(d) and amble text be dispensed with. 2304(b)) relating to the nature and extent of lowing: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas the United States has enjoyed religious freedom of religious minorities in good relations with the Republic of Moldova objection to the request of the gen- the countries of the Near East and the coun- since the Republic of Moldova’s independ- tleman from New Jersey? tries of South Central Asia. ence in 1991; There was no objection. (6) Coordinate and assist in the preparation Whereas since the Republic of Moldova’s The amendment to the preamble was of that portion of the report required by sec- independence, the United States has pro- agreed to. tion 102(b) of the International Religious vided financial assistance to support the peo- A motion to reconsider was laid on Freedom Act of 1998 (22 U.S.C. 6412(b)) relat- ple of Moldova’s efforts to build a prosperous the table. ing to the nature and extent of religious freedom of religious minorities in the coun- European democracy; f Whereas the United States and the Repub- tries of the Near East and the countries of lic of Moldova further strengthened their NEAR EAST AND SOUTH CENTRAL South Central Asia. partnership through the launching of a Stra- ASIA RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ACT (b) COORDINATION.—In carrying out the du- tegic Dialogue on March 3, 2014; OF 2014 ties under subsection (a), the Special Envoy shall, to the maximum extent practicable, Whereas the Republic of Moldova is due to Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. sign an Association Agreement containing coordinate with the Assistant Secretary of comprehensive free trade provisions with the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to State for Population, Refugees and Migra- European Union on June 27, 2014; take from the Speaker’s table the bill tion, the Ambassador at Large for Inter- Whereas the United States Government (S. 653) to provide for the establish- national Religious Freedom, the United supports the democratic aspirations of the ment of the Special Envoy to Promote States Commission on International Reli- people of the Republic of Moldova and their Religious Freedom of Religious Minori- gious Freedom, and other relevant Federal expressed desire to deepen their association ties in the Near East and South Cen- agencies and officials. with the European Union; tral Asia, and ask for its immediate SEC. 4. DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATION. Whereas in a judgment in 2004, the Euro- Subject to the direction of the President consideration in the House. and the Secretary of State, the Special pean Court of Human Rights found that The Clerk read the title of the bill. Transnistria was set up with the support of Envoy is authorized to represent the United the Russian Federation and considered it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there States in matters and cases relevant to reli- ‘‘under the effective authority or at least de- objection to the request of the gen- gious freedom in the countries of the Near cisive influence of Russia’’; tleman from New Jersey? East and the countries of South Central Asia Whereas the United States supports the There was no objection. in— sovereignty and territorial integrity of the The text of the bill is as follows: (1) contacts with foreign governments, Republic of Moldova and on that basis par- S. 653 intergovernmental organizations, and spe- ticipates as an observer in the ‘‘5+2’’ negotia- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cialized agencies of the United Nations, the tions to find a comprehensive settlement resentatives of the United States of America in Organization of Security and Cooperation in that will provide a special status for the sep- Congress assembled, Europe, and other international organiza- tions of which the United States is a mem- aratist region of Transnistria within SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Moldova; This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Near East ber; and Whereas the leaders of the Transnistrian and South Central Asia Religious Freedom (2) multilateral conferences and meetings region of the Republic of Moldova requested Act of 2014’’. relevant to religious freedom in the coun- tries of the Near East and the countries of to postpone the ‘‘5+2’’ round of talks sched- SEC. 2. SPECIAL ENVOY TO PROMOTE RELIGIOUS uled to take place in April 2014; FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS MINORI- South Central Asia. Whereas the Government of the Russian TIES IN THE NEAR EAST AND SOUTH SEC. 5. CONSULTATIONS. Federation banned the import of Moldovan CENTRAL ASIA. The Special Envoy shall consult with do- wine in 2013 and has threatened to ban (a) APPOINTMENT.—The President may ap- mestic and international nongovernmental Moldovan agricultural products, curtail the point a Special Envoy to Promote Religious organizations and multilateral organizations

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.023 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 and institutions, as the Special Envoy con- date, further straining the capacity of Hai- at all levels so that Haitians lead the course siders appropriate to fulfill the purposes of ti’s public health sector and increasing the of reconstruction and development of Haiti; this Act. urgency of resettlement and water, sanita- (2) builds the long term capacity of the SEC. 6. SUNSET. tion, and hygiene (WASH) efforts. Government of Haiti and civil society in This Act shall cease to be effective begin- (6) The international community, led by Haiti; ning on October 1, 2019. the United States and the United Nations, (3) reflects the priorities and particular needs of both women and men so they may SEC. 7. FUNDING. mounted an unprecedented humanitarian re- participate equally and to their maximum Of the amounts appropriated or otherwise sponse in Haiti, with donors pledging ap- capacity; made available to the Secretary of State for proximately $10,400,000,000 for humanitarian (4) respects and helps restore Haiti’s nat- ‘‘Diplomatic and Consular Programs’’ for fis- relief and recovery efforts, including debt re- ural resources, as well as builds community- cal years 2015 through 2019, the Secretary of lief, supplemented by $3,100,000,000 in private level resilience to environmental and weath- State is authorized to provide to the Special charitable contributions, of which approxi- mately $6,400,000,000 has been disbursed and er-related impacts; Envoy $1,000,000 for each such fiscal year for (5) provides timely and comprehensive re- the hiring of staff, the conduct of investiga- an additional $3,800,000,000 has been com- mitted as of September 30, 2013. porting on goals and progress, as well as tions, and necessary travel to carry out the transparent post program evaluations and provisions of this Act. (7) The emergency response of the men and women of the United States Government, led contracting data; The bill was ordered to be read a by the United States Agency for Inter- (6) prioritizes the local procurement of third time, was read the third time, national Development (USAID) and the goods and services in Haiti where appro- and passed, and a motion to reconsider United States Southern Command, as well as priate; and was laid on the table. of cities, towns, individuals, businesses, and (7) promotes the holding of free, fair, and philanthropic organizations across the timely elections in accordance with demo- f United States, was particularly swift and cratic principles and the Haitian Constitu- ASSESSING PROGRESS IN HAITI resolute. tion. ACT OF 2014 (8) Since 2010, a total of $1,300,000,000 in SEC. 4. SENSE OF CONGRESS. United States assistance has been allocated It is the sense of Congress that trans- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. for humanitarian relief and $2,300,000,000 has parency, accountability, democracy, and Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to been allocated for recovery, reconstruction, good governance are integral factors in any take from the Speaker’s table the bill and development assistance in Haiti, includ- congressional decision regarding United (S. 1104) to measure the progress of re- ing $1,140,000,000 in emergency appropria- States assistance, including assistance to covery and development efforts in tions and $95,000,000 that has been obligated Haiti. Haiti following the earthquake of Jan- specifically to respond to the cholera epi- SEC. 5. REPORT. demic. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than December uary 12, 2010, and for other purposes, 31, 2014, and annually thereafter through De- and ask for its immediate consider- (9) Of the $3,600,000,000 in United States as- sistance allocated for Haiti, $651,000,000 was cember 31, 2017, the Secretary of State shall ation in the House. apportioned to USAID to support an ambi- submit to Congress a report on the status of The Clerk read the title of the bill. tious recovery plan, including the construc- post-earthquake recovery and development efforts in Haiti. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tion of a power plant to provide electricity objection to the request of the gen- (b) CONTENTS.—The report required by sub- for the new Caracol Industrial Park (CIP) in section (a) shall include— tleman from New Jersey? northern Haiti, a new port near the CIP, and (1) a summary of ‘‘Post-Earthquake USG There was no objection. permanent housing in new settlements in the Haiti Strategy: Toward Renewal and Eco- ¨ The text of the bill is as follows: Port-au-Prince, St-Marc, and Cap-Haıtien nomic Opportunity’’, including any signifi- areas. S. 1104 cant changes to the strategy over the report- (10) According to a recent report of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ing period and an explanation thereof; Government Accountability Office, as of (2) a breakdown of the work that the resentatives of the United States of America in June 30, 2013, USAID had disbursed 31 per- United States Government agencies other Congress assembled, cent of its reconstruction funds in Haiti, the than USAID and the Department of State SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. port project was 2 years behind schedule and are conducting in the Haiti recovery effort, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Assessing USAID funding will be insufficient to cover a and the cost of that assistance; Progress in Haiti Act of 2014’’. majority of the projected costs, the housing (3) an assessment of the progress of United SEC. 2. FINDINGS. project has been reduced by 80 percent, and States efforts to advance the objectives of Congress makes the following findings: the sustainability of the power plant, the the ‘‘Post-Earthquake USG Haiti Strategy: (1) On January 12, 2010, a massive earth- port, and the housing projects were all at Toward Renewal and Economic Oppor- quake struck near the Haitian capital city of risk. tunity’’ produced by the Department of Port-au-Prince, leaving an estimated 220,000 (11) GAO further found that Congress has State, compared to what remains to be people dead, including 103 United States citi- not been provided with sufficient informa- achieved to meet specific goals, including— zens, 101 United Nations personnel, and near- tion to ensure that it is able to conduct ef- (A) a description of any significant changes ly 18 percent of the nation’s civil service, as fective oversight at a time when most fund- to the Strategy over the reporting period well as 300,000 injured, 115,000 homes de- ing remains to be disbursed, and specifically and an explanation thereof; stroyed, and 1,500,000 people displaced. recommends that a periodic reporting mech- (B) an assessment of progress, or lack (2) According to the Post Disaster Needs anism be instituted to fill this information thereof, over the reporting period toward Assessment conducted by the Government of gap. meeting the goals and objectives, bench- Haiti, with technical assistance from the (12) Donors have encountered significant marks, and timeframes specified in the United Nations, the World Bank, the Inter- challenges in implementing recovery pro- Strategy, including— American Development Bank, the Economic grams, and nearly 4 years after the earth- (i) a description of progress toward design- Commission for Latin America and the Car- quake, an estimated 171,974 people remain ing and implementing a coordinated and sus- ibbean, and the European Commission, an es- displaced in camps, unemployment remains tainable housing reconstruction strategy timated 15 percent of the population was di- high, corruption is rampant, land rights re- that addresses land ownership, secure land rectly affected by the disaster and related main elusive, allegations of wage violations tenure, water and sanitation, and the unique damages and economic losses totaled are widespread, the business climate is unfa- concerns of vulnerable populations such as $7,804,000,000. vorable, and government capacity remains women and children, as well as neighborhood (3) Even before the earthquake, Haiti had weak. and community revitalization, housing fi- some of the lowest socioeconomic indicators (13) For Haiti to achieve stability and long nance, and capacity building for the Govern- and the second highest rate of income dis- term economic growth, donor assistance will ment of Haiti to implement an effective parity in the world, conditions that have fur- have to be carefully coordinated with a com- housing policy; ther complicated post-earthquake recovery mitment by the Government of Haiti to (ii) a description of United States Govern- efforts and, according to the World Bank, transparency, a market economy, rule of ment efforts to construct and sustain the have significantly reduced the prospects of law, and democracy. proposed port, as well as an assessment of addressing poverty reduction through eco- (14) The legal environment in Haiti re- the current projected timeline and cost for nomic growth. mains a challenge to achieving the goals sup- completion; and (4) According to the World Food Pro- ported by the international community. (iii) a description of United States Govern- gramme, more than 6,700,000 people in Haiti SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. ment efforts to attract and leverage the in- (out of a population of about 10,000,000) are It is the policy of the United States to sup- vestments of private sector partners to the considered food insecure. port the sustainable rebuilding and develop- CIP, including by addressing any policy im- (5) In October 2010, an unprecedented out- ment of Haiti in a manner that— pediments; break of cholera in Haiti resulted in over (1) promotes efforts that are led by and (C) a description of the quantitative and 500,000 reported cases and over 8,000 deaths to support the people and Government of Haiti qualitative indicators used to evaluate the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.017 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6839 progress toward meeting the goals and objec- Affairs and the Committee on Appropria- SEAN AND DAVID GOLDMAN tives, benchmarks, and timeframes specified tions of the House of Representatives a INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUC- in the Strategy at the program level; three-year Haiti strategy based on rigorous TION PREVENTION AND RETURN assessments that— (D) the amounts committed, obligated, and ACT OF 2013 expended on programs and activities to im- (1) identifies and addresses constraints to plement the Strategy, by sector and by im- sustainable, broad-based economic growth Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. plementing partner at the prime and and to the consolidation of responsive, demo- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to subprime levels (in amounts of not less than cratic government institutions; take from the Speaker’s table the bill $25,000); and (2) includes an action plan that outlines (H.R. 3212) to ensure compliance with policy tools, technical assistance, and antici- (E) a description of the risk mitigation the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil measures put in place to limit the exposure pated resources for addressing the highest- of United States assistance provided under priority constraints to economic growth and Aspects of International Child Abduc- the Strategy to waste, fraud, and abuse; the consolidation of democracy, as well as a tion by countries with which the (4) a description of measures taken to specific description of mechanisms for moni- United States enjoys reciprocal obliga- strengthen, and United States Government toring and evaluating progress; and tions, to establish procedures for the efforts to improve, Haitian governmental (3) identifies specific steps and verifiable prompt return of children abducted to and nongovernmental organizational capac- benchmarks appropriate to provide direct bi- other countries, and for other purposes, ity to undertake and sustain United States- lateral assistance to the Government of Haiti. with the Senate amendment thereto, supported recovery programs; and concur in the Senate amendment. (5) as appropriate, a description of United (b) ELEMENTS.—The strategy required States efforts to consult and engage with under subsection (a) should address the fol- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Government of Haiti ministries and local au- lowing elements: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thorities on the establishment of goals and (1) A plan to engage the Government of Clerk will report the Senate amend- Haiti on shared priorities to build long-term timeframes, and on the design and imple- ment. capacity, including the development of a mentation of new programs under the Post- The Clerk read as follows: professional civil service, to assume increas- Earthquake USG Haiti Strategy: Toward Re- ing responsibility for governance and budg- Senate amendment: newal and Economic Opportunity; etary sustainment of governmental institu- Strike out all after the enacting clause and (6) a description of efforts by Haiti’s legis- tions. insert: lative and executive branches to consult and (2) A plan to assist the Government of SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE AND TABLE OF CON- engage with Haitian civil society and grass- Haiti in holding free, fair and timely elec- TENTS. roots organizations on the establishment of tions in accordance with democratic prin- (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as goals and timeframes, and on the design and ciples. the ‘‘Sean and David Goldman International implementation of new donor-financed pro- (3) Specific goals for future United States Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of grams, as well as efforts to coordinate with support for efforts to build the capacity of 2014’’. and engage the Haitian diaspora; the Government of Haiti, including to– (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- (7) consistent with the Government of Hai- (A) reduce corruption; tents for this Act is as follows: ti’s ratification of the United Nations Con- (B) consolidate the rule of law and an inde- Sec. 1. Short title and table of contents. vention Against Corruption, a description of pendent judiciary; Sec. 2. Findings; sense of Congress; pur- efforts of the Governments of the United (C) strengthen the civilian police force; poses. States and Haiti to strengthen Government (D) develop sustainable housing, including Sec. 3. Definitions. of Haiti institutions established to address ensuring appropriate titling and land owner- TITLE I—DEPARTMENT OF STATE corruption, as well as related efforts to pro- ship rights; ACTIONS mote public accountability, meet public out- (E) expand port capacity to support eco- reach and disclosure obligations, and support Sec. 101. Annual report. nomic growth; Sec. 102. Standards and assistance. civil society participation in anti-corruption (F) attract and leverage the investments of efforts; Sec. 103. Bilateral procedures, including private sector partners, including to the memoranda of understanding. (8) a description of efforts to leverage pub- Caracol Industrial Park; lic-private partnerships and increase the in- Sec. 104. Report to congressional representa- (G) promote large and small scale agricul- tives. volvement of the private sector in Haiti in tural development in a manner that reduces recovery and development activities and co- food insecurity and contributes to economic TITLE II—ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY ordinate programs with the private sector growth; OF STATE and other donors; (H) improve access to potable water, ex- Sec. 201. Response to international child ab- (9) a description of efforts to address the pand public sanitation services, reduce the ductions. particular needs of vulnerable populations, spread of infectious diseases, and address Sec. 202. Actions by the Secretary of State including internally displaced persons, public health crises; in response to patterns of non- women, children, orphans, and persons with (I) restore the natural resources of Haiti, compliance in cases of inter- disabilities, in the design and implementa- including enhancing reforestation efforts national child abductions. tion of new programs and infrastructure; throughout the country; and Sec. 203. Consultations with foreign govern- (10) a description of the impact that agri- (J) gain access to safe, secure, and afford- ments. culture and infrastructure programs are hav- able supplies of energy in order to strength- Sec. 204. Waiver by the Secretary of State. ing on the food security, livelihoods, and en economic growth and energy security. Sec. 205. Termination of actions by the Sec- land tenure security of smallholder farmers, (c) CONSULTATION.—In devising the strat- retary of State. particularly women; egy required under subsection (a), the Sec- TITLE III—PREVENTION OF (11) a description of mechanisms for com- retary should— INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION municating the progress of recovery and de- (1) coordinate with all United States Gov- Sec. 301. Preventing children from leaving velopment efforts to the people of Haiti, in- ernment departments and agencies carrying the United States in violation cluding a description of efforts to provide out work in Haiti; of a court order. documentation, reporting and procurement (2) consult with the Government of Haiti, Sec. 302. Authorization for judicial training information in Haitian Creole; including the National Assembly of Haiti, on international parental child (12) a description of the steps the Govern- and representatives of private and non- abduction. ment of Haiti is taking to strengthen its ca- governmental sectors in Haiti; and SEC. 2. FINDINGS; SENSE OF CONGRESS; PUR- pacity to receive individuals who are re- (3) consult with relevant multilateral orga- POSES. nizations, multilateral development banks, moved, excluded, or deported from the (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the following: United States; and private sector institutions, nongovernmental (1) Sean Goldman, a United States citizen and (13) an assessment of actions necessary to organizations, and foreign governments resident of New Jersey, was abducted from the be taken by the Government of Haiti to as- present in Haiti. United States in 2004 and separated from his fa- (d) BRIEFINGS.—The Secretary of State, at sist in fulfilling the objectives of the Strat- ther, David Goldman, who spent nearly 6 years the request of the Committee on Foreign Re- egy. battling for the return of his son from Brazil be- lations of the Senate and the Committee on SEC. 6. STRATEGY. fore Sean was finally returned to Mr. Goldman’s Foreign Affairs of the House of Representa- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days tives, shall provide a quarterly briefing that custody on December 24, 2009. after the date of the enactment of this Act, (2) The Department of State’s Office of Chil- reviews progress of the implementation of the Secretary of State, acting through the the strategy required under subsection (a). dren’s Issues, which serves as the Central Au- Assistant Secretary of State for Western thority of the United States for the purposes of Hemisphere Affairs, shall coordinate and The bill was ordered to be read a the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects transmit to the Committee on Foreign Rela- third time, was read the third time, of International Child Abduction (referred to in tions and the Committee on Appropriations and passed, and a motion to reconsider this Act as the ‘‘Hague Abduction Conven- of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign was laid on the table. tion’’), has received thousands of requests since

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.025 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 2007 for assistance in the return to the United (A) discourage some parents from attempting committees’’ means the Committee on Foreign States of children who have been wrongfully ab- abductions; Relations of the Senate and the Committee on ducted by a parent or other legal guardian to (B) block attempted abductions at ports of Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. another country. exit; and (8) BILATERAL PROCEDURES.—The term ‘‘bilat- (3) For a variety of reasons reflecting the sig- (C) help achieve the return of more abducted eral procedures’’ means any procedures estab- nificant obstacles to the recovery of abducted children. lished by, or pursuant to, a bilateral arrange- children, as well as the legal and factual com- (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of ment, including a Memorandum of Under- plexity involving such cases, not all cases are Congress that the United States should set a standing between the United States and another reported to the Central Authority of the United strong example for other Convention countries country, to resolve abduction and access cases, States. in the timely location and prompt resolution of including procedures to address interim contact (4) More than 1,000 outgoing international cases involving children abducted abroad and matters. child abductions are reported every year to the brought to the United States. (9) BILATERAL PROCEDURES COUNTRY.—The Central Authority of the United States, which (c) PURPOSES.—The purposes of this Act are— term ‘‘bilateral procedures country’’ means a depends solely on proactive reporting of abduc- (1) to protect children whose habitual resi- country with which the United States has en- tion cases. dence is the United States from wrongful abduc- tered into bilateral procedures, including Memo- (5) Only about one-half of the children ab- tion; randa of Understanding, with respect to child ducted from the United States to countries with (2) to assist left-behind parents in quickly re- abductions. which the United States enjoys reciprocal obli- solving cases and maintaining safe and predict- (10) CENTRAL AUTHORITY.—The term ‘‘Central gations under the Hague Abduction Convention able contact with their child while an abduction Authority’’ means— are returned to the United States. case is pending; (A) in the case of a Convention country, the (6) The United States and other Convention (3) to protect the custodial rights of parents, meaning given such term in article 6 of the countries have expressed their desire, through including military parents, by providing the Hague Abduction Convention; the Hague Abduction Convention, ‘‘to protect parents, the judicial system, and law enforce- (B) in the case of a bilateral procedures coun- children internationally from the harmful ef- ment authorities with the information they need try, the official entity designated by the govern- fects of their wrongful removal or retention and to prevent unlawful abduction before it occurs; ment of the bilateral procedures country within to establish procedures to ensure their prompt (4) to enhance the prompt resolution of abduc- the applicable memorandum of understanding return to the State of their habitual residence, tion and access cases; pursuant to section 103(b)(1) to discharge the as well as to secure protection for rights of ac- (5) to detail an appropriate set of actions to be duties imposed on the entity; and cess.’’ undertaken by the Secretary of State to address (C) in the case of a non-Convention country, (7) Compliance by the United States and other persistent problems in the resolution of abduc- the foreign ministry or other appropriate au- Convention countries depends on the actions of tion cases; thority of such country. their designated central authorities, the per- (6) to establish a program to prevent wrongful (11) CHILD.—The term ‘‘child’’ means an indi- formance of their judicial systems as reflected in abductions; and vidual who has not attained 16 years of age. the legal process and decisions rendered to en- (7) to increase interagency coordination in (12) CONVENTION COUNTRY.—The term ‘‘Con- force or effectuate the Hague Abduction Con- preventing international child abduction by vention country’’ means a country for which vention, and the ability and willingness of their convening a working group composed of presi- the Hague Abduction Convention has entered law enforcement authorities to ensure the swift dentially appointed and Senate confirmed offi- into force with respect to the United States. enforcement of orders rendered pursuant to the cials from the Department of State, the Depart- (13) HAGUE ABDUCTION CONVENTION.—The Hague Abduction Convention. ment of Homeland Security, and the Department term ‘‘Hague Abduction Convention’’ means the (8) According to data from the Department of of Justice. Convention on the Civil Aspects of International State, approximately 40 percent of abduction Child Abduction, done at The Hague October 25, SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. cases involve children taken from the United 1980. In this Act: States to countries with which the United States (14) INTERIM CONTACT.—The term ‘‘interim (1) ABDUCTED CHILD.—The term ‘‘abducted does not have reciprocal obligations under the contact’’ means the ability of a left-behind par- child’’ means a child who is the victim of inter- Hague Abduction Convention or other arrange- ent to communicate with or visit an abducted national child abduction. ments relating to the resolution of abduction child during the pendency of an abduction case. (2) ABDUCTION.—The term ‘‘abduction’’ means cases. (15) LEFT-BEHIND PARENT.—The term ‘‘left-be- (9) According to the Department of State’s the alleged wrongful removal of a child from the hind parent’’ means an individual or legal cus- April 2010 Report on Compliance with the Hague child’s country of habitual residence, or the todian who alleges that an abduction has oc- Convention on the Civil Aspects of International wrongful retention of a child outside such coun- curred that is in breach of rights of custody at- Child Abduction, ‘‘parental child abduction try, in violation of a left-behind parent’s custo- tributed to such individual. jeopardizes the child and has substantial long- dial rights, including the rights of a military (16) NON-CONVENTION COUNTRY.—The term term consequences for both the child and the parent. ‘‘non-Convention country’’ means a country in left-behind parent.’’ (3) ABDUCTION CASE.—The term ‘‘abduction which the Hague Abduction Convention has not (10) Few left-behind parents have the extraor- case’’ means a case that— entered into force with respect to the United dinary financial resources necessary— (A) has been reported to the Central Authority States. (A) to pursue individual civil or criminal rem- of the United States by a left-behind parent for (17) OVERSEAS MILITARY DEPENDENT CHILD.— edies in both the United States and a foreign the resolution of an abduction; and The term ‘‘overseas military dependent child’’ country, even if such remedies are available; or (B) meets the criteria for an international means a child whose habitual residence is the (B) to engage in repeated foreign travel to at- child abduction under the Hague Abduction United States according to United States law tempt to obtain the return of their children Convention, regardless of whether the country even though the child is residing outside the through diplomatic or other channels. at issue is a Convention country. United States with a military parent. (11) Military parents often face additional (4) ACCESS CASE.—The term ‘‘access case’’ (18) OVERSEAS MILITARY PARENT.—The term complications in resolving abduction cases be- means a case involving an application filed with ‘‘overseas military parent’’ means an individual cause of the challenges presented by their mili- the Central Authority of the United States by a who— tary obligations. parent seeking rights of access. (A) has custodial rights with respect to a (12) In addition to using the Hague Abduction (5) ANNUAL REPORT.—The term ‘‘Annual Re- child; and Convention to achieve the return of abducted port’’ means the Annual Report on Inter- (B) is serving outside the United States as a children, the United States has an array of Fed- national Child Abduction required under section member of the United States Armed Forces. eral, State, and local law enforcement, criminal 101. (19) PATTERN OF NONCOMPLIANCE.— justice, and judicial tools at its disposal to pre- (6) APPLICATION.—The term ‘‘application’’ (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘pattern of non- vent international abductions. means— compliance’’ means the persistent failure— (13) Federal agencies tasked with preventing (A) in the case of a Convention country, the (i) of a Convention country to implement and international abductions have indicated that application required pursuant to article 8 of the abide by provisions of the Hague Abduction the most effective way to stop international Hague Abduction Convention; Convention; child abductions is while they are in progress, (B) in the case of a bilateral procedures coun- (ii) of a non-Convention country to abide by rather than after the child has been removed to try, the formal document required, pursuant to bilateral procedures that have been established a foreign destination. the provisions of the applicable arrangement, to between the United States and such country; or (14) Parental awareness of abductions in request the return of an abducted child or to re- (iii) of a non-Convention country to work progress, rapid response by relevant law en- quest rights of access, as applicable; and with the Central Authority of the United States forcement, and effective coordination among (C) in the case of a non-Convention country, to resolve abduction cases. Federal, State, local, and international stake- the formal request by the Central Authority of (B) PERSISTENT FAILURE.—Persistent failure holders are critical in preventing such abduc- the United States to the Central Authority of under subparagraph (A) may be evidenced in a tions. such country requesting the return of an ab- given country by the presence of 1 or more of (15) A more robust application of domestic ducted child or for rights of contact with an ab- the following criteria: tools, in cooperation with international law en- ducted child. (i) Thirty percent or more of the total abduc- forcement entities and appropriate application (7) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT- tion cases in such country are unresolved ab- of the Hague Abduction Convention could— TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional duction cases.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.018 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6841 (ii) The Central Authority regularly fails to the appropriate congressional committees an cedures countries, or other non-Convention fulfill its responsibilities pursuant to— Annual Report on International Child Abduc- countries; (I) the Hague Abduction Convention; or tion. The Secretary shall post the Annual Re- (8) a list of countries that became Convention (II) any bilateral procedures between the port to the publicly accessible website of the De- countries with respect to the United States dur- United States and such country. partment of State. ing the preceding year; and (iii) The judicial or administrative branch, as (b) CONTENTS.—Each Annual Report shall in- (9) information about efforts to seek resolution applicable, of the national government of a Con- clude— of abduction cases of children whose habitual vention country or a bilateral procedures coun- (1) a list of all countries in which there were residence is in the United States and whose ab- try fails to regularly implement and comply with 1 or more abduction cases, during the preceding duction occurred before the Hague Abduction the provisions of the Hague Abduction Conven- calendar year, relating to a child whose habit- Convention entered into force with respect to tion or bilateral procedures, as applicable. ual residence is the United States, including a the United States. (iv) Law enforcement authorities regularly description of whether each such country— (c) EXCEPTIONS.—Unless a left-behind parent fail to enforce return orders or determinations of (A) is a Convention country; provides written permission to the Central Au- rights of access rendered by the judicial or ad- (B) is a bilateral procedures country; thority of the United States to include person- ministrative authorities of the government of the (C) has other procedures for resolving such ally identifiable information about the parent or country in abduction cases. abductions; or the child in the Annual Report, the Annual Re- (20) RIGHTS OF ACCESS.—The term ‘‘rights of (D) adheres to no protocols with respect to port may not include any personally identifiable access’’ means the establishment of rights of child abduction; information about any such parent, child, or contact between a child and a parent seeking (2) for each country with respect to which party to an abduction or access case involving access in Convention countries— there were 5 or more pending abduction cases, such parent or child. (A) by operation of law; during the preceding year, relating to a child (d) ADDITIONAL SECTIONS.—Each Annual Re- (B) through a judicial or administrative deter- whose habitual residence is the United States— port shall also include— mination; or (A) the number of such new abduction and ac- (1) information on the number of unresolved (C) through a legally enforceable arrangement cess cases reported during the preceding year; abduction cases affecting military parents; between the parties. (B) for Convention and bilateral procedures (2) a description of the assistance offered to (21) RIGHTS OF CUSTODY.—The term ‘‘rights of countries— such military parents; custody’’ means rights of care and custody of a (i) the number of abduction and access cases (3) information on the use of airlines in ab- child, including the right to determine the place that the Central Authority of the United States ductions, voluntary airline practices to prevent of residence of a child, under the laws of the transmitted to the Central Authority of such abductions, and recommendations for best air- country in which the child is a habitual resi- country; and line practices to prevent abductions; dent— (ii) the number of abduction and access cases (4) information on actions taken by the Cen- (A) attributed to an individual or legal custo- that were not submitted by the Central Author- tral Authority of the United States to train do- dian; and ity to the judicial or administrative authority, mestic judges in the application of the Hague (B) arising— as applicable, of such country; Abduction Convention; and (i) by operation of law; or (C) the reason for the delay in submission of (5) information on actions taken by the Cen- (ii) through a judicial or administrative deci- each case identified in subparagraph (B)(ii) by tral Authority of the United States to train sion; or the Central Authority of such country to the ju- United States Armed Forces legal assistance per- (iii) through a legally enforceable arrange- dicial or administrative authority of that coun- sonnel, military chaplains, and military family ment between the parties. try; support center personnel about— (22) RIGHTS OF INTERIM CONTACT.—The term (D) the number of unresolved abduction and (A) abductions; ‘‘rights of interim contact’’ means the rights of access cases, and the length of time each case (B) the risk of loss of contact with children; contact between a child and a left-behind par- has been pending; and ent, which has been provided as a provisional (E) the number and percentage of unresolved (C) the legal means available to resolve such measure while an abduction case is pending, abduction cases in which law enforcement au- cases. under the laws of the country in which the thorities have— (e) REPEAL OF THE HAGUE ABDUCTION CON- child is located— (i) not located the abducted child; VENTION COMPLIANCE REPORT.—Section 2803 of (A) by operation of law; or (ii) failed to undertake serious efforts to locate the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring (B) through a judicial or administrative deter- the abducted child; and Act of 1998 (42 U.S.C. 11611) is repealed. mination; or (iii) failed to enforce a return order rendered (f) NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS ON COUNTRIES (C) through a legally enforceable arrangement by the judicial or administrative authorities of IN NONCOMPLIANCE.— between the parties. such country; (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall (23) UNRESOLVED ABDUCTION CASE.— (F) the total number and the percentage of the include, in a separate section of the Annual Re- (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph total number of abduction and access cases, re- port, the Secretary’s determination, pursuant to (B), the term ‘‘unresolved abduction case’’ spectively, resolved during the preceding year; the provisions under section 202(b), of whether means an abduction case that remains unre- (G) recommendations to improve the resolution each country listed in the report has engaged in solved for a period that exceeds 12 months after of abduction and access cases; and a pattern of noncompliance in cases of child ab- the date on which the completed application for (H) the average time it takes to locate a child; duction during the preceding 12 months. return of the child is submitted for determina- (3) the number of abducted children whose (2) CONTENTS.—The section described in para- tion to the judicial or administrative authority, habitual residence is in the United States and graph (1)— as applicable, in the country in which the child who were returned to the United States from— (A) shall identify any action or actions de- is located. (A) Convention countries; scribed in section 202(d) (or commensurate ac- (B) RESOLUTION OF CASE.—An abduction case (B) bilateral procedures countries; tion as provided in section 202(e)) that have shall be considered to be resolved if— (C) countries having other procedures for re- been taken by the Secretary with respect to each (i) the child is returned to the country of ha- solving such abductions; or country; bitual residence, pursuant to the Hague Abduc- (D) countries adhering to no protocols with (B) shall describe the basis for the Secretary’s tion Convention or other appropriate bilateral respect to child abduction; determination of the pattern of noncompliance procedures, if applicable; (4) a list of Convention countries and bilateral by each country; (ii) the judicial or administrative branch, as procedures countries that have failed to comply (C) shall indicate whether noneconomic policy applicable, of the government of the country in with any of their obligations under the Hague options designed to resolve the pattern of non- which the child is located has implemented, and Abduction Convention or bilateral procedures, compliance have reasonably been exhausted, in- is complying with, the provisions of the Hague as applicable, with respect to the resolution of cluding the consultations required under section Abduction Convention or other bilateral proce- abduction and access cases; 203. dures, as applicable; (5) a list of countries demonstrating a pattern (iii) the left-behind parent reaches a vol- SEC. 102. STANDARDS AND ASSISTANCE. of noncompliance and a description of the cri- untary arrangement with the other parent; The Secretary of State shall— teria on which the determination of a pattern of (iv) the left-behind parent submits a written (1) ensure that United States diplomatic and noncompliance for each country is based; withdrawal of the application or the request for consular missions abroad— (6) information on efforts by the Secretary of (A) maintain a consistent reporting standard assistance to the Department of State; State to encourage non-Convention countries— (v) the left-behind parent cannot be located with respect to abduction and access cases; (A) to ratify or accede to the Hague Abduction (B) designate at least 1 senior official in each for 1 year despite the documented efforts of the Convention; such mission, at the discretion of the Chief of Department of State to locate the parent; or (B) to enter into or implement other bilateral (vi) the child or left-behind parent is de- Mission, to assist left-behind parents from the procedures, including memoranda of under- ceased. United States who are visiting such country or standing, with the United States; and otherwise seeking to resolve abduction or access TITLE I—DEPARTMENT OF STATE (C) to address pending abduction and access cases; and ACTIONS cases; (C) monitor developments in abduction and SEC. 101. ANNUAL REPORT. (7) the number of cases resolved without ab- access cases; and (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than April 30 of ducted children being returned to the United (2) develop and implement written strategic each year, the Secretary of State shall submit to States from Convention countries, bilateral pro- plans for engagement with any Convention or

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.018 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 non-Convention country in which there are 5 or (B) ensuring the enforcement of reciprocal SEC. 202. ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE more cases of international child abduction. international obligations under the Hague Ab- IN RESPONSE TO PATTERNS OF NON- COMPLIANCE IN CASES OF INTER- SEC. 103. BILATERAL PROCEDURES, INCLUDING duction Convention or arrangements under bi- NATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTIONS. MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING. lateral procedures; (a) RESPONSE TO A PATTERN OF NONCOMPLI- (a) DEVELOPMENT.— (2) to promote the timely resolution of abduc- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after tion cases through 1 or more of the actions de- ANCE.—It is the policy of the United States— the date of the enactment of this Act, the Sec- scribed in section 202; and (1) to oppose institutional or other systemic retary of State shall initiate a process to develop (3) to ensure appropriate coordination within failures of foreign governments to fulfill their and enter into appropriate bilateral procedures, the Federal Government and between Federal, obligations pursuant to the Hague Abduction including memoranda of understanding, as ap- State, and local agencies involved in abduction Convention or bilateral procedures, as applica- propriate, with non-Convention countries that prevention, investigation, and resolution. ble, to resolve abduction and access cases; are unlikely to become Convention countries in (b) ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN (2) to promote reciprocity pursuant to, and in the foreseeable future, or with Convention coun- RESPONSE TO UNRESOLVED CASES.— compliance with, the Hague Abduction Conven- tries that have unresolved abduction cases that (1) DETERMINATION OF ACTION BY THE SEC- tion or bilateral procedures, as appropriate; and occurred before the Hague Abduction Conven- RETARY OF STATE.—For each abduction or ac- (3) to directly engage with senior foreign gov- tion entered into force with respect to the cess case relating to a child whose habitual resi- ernment officials to most effectively address pat- United States or that country. dence is in the United States that remains pend- terns of noncompliance. ETERMINATION OF OUNTRIES ITH AT (2) PRIORITIZATION.—In carrying out para- ing or is otherwise unresolved on the date that (b) D C W P - graph (1), the Secretary of State shall give pri- is 12 months after the date on which the Central TERNS OF NONCOMPLIANCE IN CASES OF INTER- ority to countries with significant abduction Authority of the United States submits such NATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION.— cases and related issues. case to a foreign country, the Secretary of State (1) ANNUAL REVIEW.—Not later than April 30 (b) ELEMENTS.—The bilateral procedures de- shall determine whether the government of such of each year, the Secretary of State shall— scribed in subsection (a) should include provi- foreign country has failed to take appropriate (A) review the status of abduction and access sions relating to— steps to resolve the case. If the Secretary of cases in each foreign country in order to deter- (1) the identification of— State determines that such failure occurred, the mine whether the government of such country (A) the Central Authority; Secretary should, as expeditiously as prac- has engaged in a pattern of noncompliance dur- (B) the judicial or administrative authority ticable— ing the preceding 12 months; and that will promptly adjudicate abduction and ac- (A) take 1 or more of the actions described in (B) report such determination pursuant to sec- cess cases; subsections (d) and (e) of section 202; and tion 101(f). (C) the law enforcement agencies; and (B) direct the Chief of Mission in that foreign (2) DETERMINATIONS OF RESPONSIBLE PAR- (D) the implementation of procedures to en- country to directly address the resolution of the TIES.—The Secretary of State shall seek to deter- sure the immediate enforcement of an order case with senior officials in the foreign govern- mine the agencies or instrumentalities of the issued by the authority identified pursuant to ment. government of each country determined to have subparagraph (B) to return an abducted child to (2) AUTHORITY FOR DELAY OF ACTION BY THE engaged in a pattern of noncompliance under a left-behind parent, including by— SECRETARY OF STATE.—The Secretary of State paragraph (1)(A) that are responsible for such (i) conducting an investigation to ascertain may delay any action described in paragraph pattern of noncompliance— the location of the abducted child; (1) if the Secretary determines that an addi- (A) to appropriately target actions in response (ii) providing protection to the abducted child tional period of time, not to exceed 1 year, will to such noncompliance; and after such child is located; and substantially assist in resolving the case. (B) to engage with senior foreign government (iii) retrieving the abducted child and making (3) REPORT.—If the Secretary of State delays officials to effectively address such noncompli- the appropriate arrangements for such child to any action pursuant to paragraph (2) or decides ance. be returned to the child’s country of habitual not to take an action described in subsection (d) (c) ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE residence; or (e) of section 202 after making the determina- WITH RESPECT TO A COUNTRY WITH A PATTERN (2) the implementation of a protocol to effec- tion described in paragraph (1), the Secretary, OF NONCOMPLIANCE.— tuate the return of an abducted child identified not later than 15 days after such delay or deci- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days (or in an abduction case not later than 6 weeks sion, shall provide a report to the appropriate 180 days in case of a delay under paragraph (2)) after the application with respect to the abduc- congressional committees that details the rea- after a country is determined to have been en- tion case has been submitted to the judicial or sons for delaying action or not taking action, as gaged in a pattern of noncompliance under sub- administrative authority, as applicable, of the appropriate. section (b)(1)(A), the Secretary of State shall— country in which the abducted child is located; (4) CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFINGS.—At the request (A) take 1 or more of the actions described in (3) the implementation of a protocol for the es- of the appropriate congressional committees, the subsection (d); tablishment and protection of the rights of in- Secretary of State shall provide a detailed brief- (B) direct the Chief of Mission in that country terim contact during pendency of abduction ing, including a written report, if requested, on to directly address the systemic problems that cases; and actions taken to resolve a case or the cause for led to such determination; and (4) the implementation of a protocol to estab- delay. (C) inform senior officials in the foreign gov- lish periodic visits between a United States em- (c) IMPLEMENTATION.— ernment of the potential repercussions related to bassy or consular official and an abducted (1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out subsection such designation. child, in order to allow the official to ascertain (b), the Secretary of State should— (2) AUTHORITY FOR DELAY OF ACTIONS BY THE the child’s location and welfare. (A) take 1 or more actions that most appro- SECRETARY OF STATE.—The Secretary shall not SEC. 104. REPORT TO CONGRESSIONAL REP- priately respond to the nature and severity of be required to take action under paragraph (1) RESENTATIVES. the governmental failure to resolve the unre- until the expiration of a single, additional pe- (a) NOTIFICATION.—The Secretary of State solved abduction case; and riod of up to 90 days if, on or before the date on shall submit written notification to the Member (B) seek, to the fullest extent possible— which the Secretary of State is required to take of Congress and Senators, or Resident Commis- (i) to initially respond by communicating with such action, the Secretary determines and cer- sioner or Delegate, as appropriate, representing the Central Authority of the country; and tifies to the appropriate congressional commit- the legal residence of a left-behind parent if (ii) if clause (i) is unsuccessful, to target sub- tees that such additional period is necessary— such parent— sequent actions— (A) for a continuation of negotiations that (1) reports an abduction to the Central Au- (I) as narrowly as practicable, with respect to have been commenced with the government of a thority of the United States; and the agencies or instrumentalities of the foreign country described in paragraph (1) in order to (2) consents to such notification. government that are responsible for such fail- bring about a cessation of the pattern of non- (b) TIMING.—At the request of any person who ures; and compliance by such country; is a left-behind parent, including a left-behind (II) in ways that respect the separation of (B) for a review of corrective action taken by parent who previously reported an abduction to powers and independence of the judiciary of the a country after the designation of such country the Central Authority of the United States be- country, as applicable. as being engaged in a pattern of noncompliance fore the date of the enactment of this Act, the (2) GUIDELINES FOR ACTIONS BY THE SEC- under subsection (b)(1)(A); or notification required under subsection (a) shall RETARY OF STATE.—In addition to the guidelines (C) in anticipation that corrective action will be provided as soon as is practicable. under paragraph (1), the Secretary of State, in be taken by such country during such 90-day TITLE II—ACTIONS BY THE SECRETARY OF determining whether to take 1 or more actions period. STATE under paragraphs (5) through (7) of section (3) EXCEPTION FOR ADDITIONAL ACTION BY THE SEC. 201. RESPONSE TO INTERNATIONAL CHILD 202(d) or section 202(e), shall seek to minimize SECRETARY OF STATE.—The Secretary of State ABDUCTIONS. any adverse impact on— shall not be required to take additional action (a) UNITED STATES POLICY.—It is the policy of (A) the population of the country whose gov- under paragraph (1) with respect to a country the United States— ernment is targeted by the action or actions; determined to have been engaged in a persistent (1) to promote the best interest of children (B) the humanitarian activities of United pattern of noncompliance if the Secretary— wrongfully abducted from the United States States and nongovernmental organizations in (A) has taken action pursuant to paragraph by— the country; and (5), (6), or (7) of subsection (d) with respect to (A) establishing legal rights and procedures (C) the national security interests of the such country in the preceding year and such ac- for their prompt return; and United States. tion continues to be in effect;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.018 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6843 (B) exercises the waiver under section 204 and of such country regarding the situation giving such child from the United States to a CBP Offi- briefs the appropriate congressional committees; rise to such determination. cer in sufficient time to prevent such departure or SEC. 204. WAIVER BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. for the duration of such court order; and (C) submits a report to the appropriate con- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection (b), ‘‘(2) leverages other existing authorities and gressional committees that— the Secretary of State may waive the applica- processes to address the wrongful removal and (i) indicates that such country is subject to tion of any of the actions described in sub- return of a child. multiple, broad-based sanctions; and sections (d) and (e) of section 202 with respect to ‘‘(b) INTERAGENCY COORDINATION.— (ii) describes how such sanctions satisfy the a country if the Secretary determines and noti- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall requirements under this subsection. fies the appropriate congressional committees convene and chair an interagency working (4) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 90 that— group to prevent international parental child days after the submission of the Annual Report, (1) the government of such country— abduction. The group shall be composed of the Secretary shall submit a report to Congress (A) has satisfactorily resolved the abduction presidentially appointed, Senate confirmed offi- on the specific actions taken against countries cases giving rise to the application of any of cials from— determined to have been engaged in a pattern of such actions; or ‘‘(A) the Department of State; noncompliance under this section. (B) has ended such country’s pattern of non- ‘‘(B) the Department of Homeland Security, (d) DESCRIPTION OF ACTIONS BY THE SEC- compliance; or including U.S. Customs and Border Protection RETARY OF STATE IN HAGUE ABDUCTION CONVEN- (2) the national security interest of the United and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce- TION COUNTRIES.—Except as provided in sub- States requires the exercise of such waiver au- ment; and section (f), the actions by the Secretary of State thority. ‘‘(C) the Department of Justice, including the referred to in this subsection are— (b) CONGRESSIONAL NOTIFICATION.—Not later Federal Bureau of Investigation. (1) a demarche; than the date on which the Secretary of State ‘‘(2) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE.—The Secretary (2) an official public statement detailing unre- exercises the waiver authority under subsection of Defense shall designate an official within the solved cases; (a), the Secretary shall— Department of Defense— (3) a public condemnation; (1) notify the appropriate congressional com- ‘‘(A) to coordinate with the Department of (4) a delay or cancellation of 1 or more bilat- mittees of such waiver; and State on international child abduction issues; eral working, official, or state visits; (2) provide such committees with a detailed and (5) the withdrawal, limitation, or suspension justification for such waiver, including an ex- ‘‘(B) to oversee activities designed to prevent of United States development assistance in ac- planation of the steps the noncompliant govern- or resolve international child abduction cases cordance with section 116 of the Foreign Assist- ment has taken— relating to active duty military service mem- ance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2151n); (A) to resolve abductions cases; or bers.’’. (6) the withdrawal, limitation, or suspension (B) to end its pattern of noncompliance. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of con- of United States security assistance in accord- (c) PUBLICATION IN FEDERAL REGISTER.—Sub- tents of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 ance with section 502B of the Foreign Assistance ject to subsection (d), the Secretary of State U.S.C. 101 note) is amended by adding after the Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2304); shall ensure that each waiver determination item relating to section 432 the following: (7) the withdrawal, limitation, or suspension under this section— ‘‘Sec. 433. Prevention of international child ab- of assistance to the central government of a (1) is published in the Federal Register; or duction.’’. country pursuant to chapter 4 of part II of the (2) is posted on the Department of State SEC. 302. AUTHORIZATION FOR JUDICIAL TRAIN- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2346 et website. ING ON INTERNATIONAL PARENTAL seq.; relating to the Economic Support Fund); (d) LIMITED DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION.— CHILD ABDUCTION. and The Secretary of State may limit the publication (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State, sub- (8) a formal request to the foreign country of information under subsection (c) in the same ject to the availability of appropriations, shall concerned to extradite an individual who is en- manner and to the same extent as the President seek to provide training, directly or through an- gaged in abduction and who has been formally may limit the publication of findings and deter- other government agency or nongovernmental accused of, charged with, or convicted of an ex- minations described in section 654(c) of the For- organizations, on the effective handling of pa- traditable offense. eign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2414(c)), if rental abduction cases to the judicial and ad- (e) COMMENSURATE ACTION.— the Secretary determines that the publication of ministrative authorities in countries— (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in sub- such information would be harmful to the na- (1) in which a significant number of unre- section (f), the Secretary of State may substitute tional security of the United States and would solved abduction cases are pending; or any other action authorized by law for any ac- not further the purposes of this Act. (2) that have been designated as having a pat- tion described in subsection (d) if the Secretary tern of noncompliance under section 202(b). determines that such action— SEC. 205. TERMINATION OF ACTIONS BY THE SEC- RETARY OF STATE. (b) STRATEGY REQUIREMENT.—Not later than (A) is commensurate in effect to the action Any specific action taken under this Act or 180 days after the date of the enactment of this substituted; and any amendment made by this Act with respect to Act, the President shall submit a strategy to (B) would substantially further the purposes carry out the activities described in subsection of this Act. a foreign country shall terminate on the date on which the Secretary of State submits a written (a) to— (2) NOTIFICATION.—If commensurate action is (1) the Committee on Foreign Relations of the taken pursuant to this subsection, the Secretary certification to Congress that the government of such country— Senate; shall submit a report to the appropriate congres- (2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the sional committees that— (1) has resolved any unresolved abduction case that gave rise to such specific action; or House of Representatives; (A) describes such action; (3) the Committee on Appropriations of the (B) explains the reasons for taking such ac- (2) has taken substantial and verifiable steps to correct such country’s persistent pattern of Senate; and tion; and (4) the Committee on Appropriations of the (C) specifically describes the basis for the Sec- noncompliance that gave rise to such specific action, as applicable. House of Representatives. retary’s determination under paragraph (1) that (c) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— such action— TITLE III—PREVENTION OF (1) IN GENERAL.—There is authorized to be ap- (i) is commensurate with the action sub- INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION propriated to the Secretary of State $1,000,000 stituted; and SEC. 301. PREVENTING CHILDREN FROM LEAVING for each of the fiscal years 2015 and 2016 to (ii) substantially furthers the purposes of this THE UNITED STATES IN VIOLATION carry out subsection (a). Act. OF A COURT ORDER. (2) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts appropriated for (f) RESOLUTION.—The Secretary of State shall (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle C of title IV of the the activities set forth in subsection (a) shall be seek to take all appropriate actions authorized Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 231 et used pursuant to the authorization and require- by law to resolve the unresolved case or to ob- seq.) is amended by adding at the end the fol- ments under this section. tain the cessation of such pattern of noncompli- lowing: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (during the ance, as applicable. ‘‘SEC. 433. PREVENTION OF INTERNATIONAL (g) HUMANITARIAN EXCEPTION.—Any action CHILD ABDUCTION. reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous taken pursuant to subsection (d) or (e) may not ‘‘(a) PROGRAM ESTABLISHED.—The Secretary, consent that the reading of the Senate prohibit or restrict the provision of medicine, through the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and amendment be dispensed with. medical equipment or supplies, food, or other Border Protection (referred to in this section as The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there life-saving humanitarian assistance. ‘CBP’), in coordination with the Secretary of objection to the request of the gen- SEC. 203. CONSULTATIONS WITH FOREIGN GOV- State, the Attorney General, and the Director of tleman from New Jersey? ERNMENTS. the Federal Bureau of Investigation, shall es- There was no objection. As soon as practicable after the Secretary of tablish a program that— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there State makes a determination under section 201 ‘‘(1) seeks to prevent a child (as defined in in response to a failure to resolve unresolved ab- section 1204(b)(1) of title 18, United States Code) objection to the original request of the duction cases or the Secretary takes an action from departing from the territory of the United gentleman from New Jersey? under subsection (d) or (e) of section 202, based States if a parent or legal guardian of such There was no objection. on a pattern of noncompliance, the Secretary child presents a court order from a court of com- A motion to reconsider was laid on shall request consultations with the government petent jurisdiction prohibiting the removal of the table.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.018 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 AUTHORIZING USE OF EMANCI- this resolution referred to as the ‘‘event’’) Representative RANDY NEUGEBAUER; PATION HALL TO AWARD CON- may be run through the Capitol Grounds to and H.R. 4318, the Endangered Species GRESSIONAL GOLD MEDALS carry the Special Olympics torch to honor Litigation Reasonableness Act, au- local Special Olympics athletes. thored by Representative BILL Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask SEC. 2. RESPONSIBILITY OF CAPITOL POLICE HUIZENGA. unanimous consent that the Com- BOARD. mittee on House Administration be dis- The Capitol Police Board shall take such The House will also consider House charged from further consideration of actions as may be necessary to carry out the Resolution 676, which provides for au- the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. event. thority to initiate litigation for ac- 106) authorizing the use of Emanci- SEC. 3. CONDITIONS RELATING TO PHYSICAL tions by the President or other execu- pation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Cen- PREPARATIONS. tive branch officials inconsistent with ter for a ceremony to award Congres- The Architect of the Capitol may prescribe their duties under the Constitution of conditions for physical preparations for the the United States. sional Gold Medals in honor of the men event. and women who perished as a result of Finally, Mr. Speaker, Members are SEC. 4. ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS. the terrorist attacks on the United advised that the House may also con- The Capitol Police Board shall provide for sider legislation to deal with the ongo- States on September 11, 2001, and ask enforcement of the restrictions contained in for its immediate consideration in the ing crisis on the border. section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman House. concerning sales, advertisements, displays, The Clerk read the title of the con- and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as for that information. well as other restrictions applicable to the As the gentleman knows full well, we current resolution. 1 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Capitol Grounds, in connection with the have 3 ⁄2 days next week. We have, I objection to the request of the gen- event. guess, 9 full days and 3 half days sched- tleman from Mississippi? The concurrent resolution was agreed uled in September and the first couple There was no objection. to. of weeks in October, assuming that we The text of the concurrent resolution A motion to reconsider was laid on meet in that last week of September. is as follows: the table. There have been some rumors. My Members have been asking me about H. CON. RES. 106 f whether or not there is serious consid- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the eration being given to not using the Senate concurring), REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3486 last week scheduled in September. SECTION 1. USE OF EMANCIPATION HALL FOR Does that have any credence? GOLD MEDAL CEREMONY IN HONOR Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I ask I yield to my friend. OF FALLEN HEROES OF 9/11. unanimous consent that my name be Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank my gen- Center is authorized to be used on September removed as a cosponsor of H.R. 3486. tleman for yielding. 10, 2014, for a ceremony to award Congres- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Currently, there have been no sional Gold Medals in honor of the men and objection to the request of the gen- changes to the schedule. women who perished as a result of the ter- tleman from North Carolina? Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman. rorist attacks on the United States on Sep- There was no objection. In any event, as the gentleman tember 11, 2001. Physical preparations for the conduct of the ceremony shall be carried out f knows, in the very short period of time that we have left before the election— in accordance with such conditions as may LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM be prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol. and there is a lot of very substantive (Mr. HOYER asked and was given The concurrent resolution was agreed work that, in my view, still needs to be permission to address the House for 1 to. done and that we feel very strongly A motion to reconsider was laid on minute.) about on this side of the aisle—the gen- the table. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to tleman posits that we have four endan- the gentleman from California (Mr. gered species bills on the floor. Frank- f MCCARTHY) for the purpose of inquiring ly, they probably could all be done by AUTHORIZING USE OF CAPITOL of the majority leader the schedule for suspension on Monday, but I under- GROUNDS FOR SPECIAL OLYM- the week to come. stand it is going to be under a rule. PICS LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- In addition to that, we have legisla- RUN tleman for yielding. tion which is designed to authorize a Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. Speaker, on Monday, the House suit against the President of the unanimous consent to take from the will meet at noon for morning hour and United States for trying to do things Speaker’s table the bill (H. Con. Res. 2 p.m. for legislative business. Votes when we can’t get the Congress to act 103) authorizing the use of the Capitol will be postponed until 6:30 p.m. On on them, so that there can be some Grounds for the District of Columbia Tuesday and Wednesday, the House movement forward on behalf of the Special Olympics Law Enforcement will meet at 10 a.m. for morning hour American people. Torch Run, and ask for its immediate and noon for legislative business. On Does the gentleman believe there is consideration in the House. Thursday, the House will meet at 9 any possibility of bringing up com- The Clerk read the title of the con- a.m. for legislative business. Last votes prehensive immigration reform—either current resolution. of the week are expected no later than a comprehensive immigration reform The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there 3 p.m. On Friday, no votes are ex- bill that the majority supports, indi- objection to the request of the gen- pected. vidual bills which are passed out of tleman from Pennsylvania? Mr. Speaker, the House will consider committee, border security which is There was no objection. a few suspensions next week, a com- passed out on a bipartisan way out of The text of the concurrent resolution plete list of which will be announced by your committee here on this side of the is as follows: close of business today. House—on this side of the Capitol, or H. CON. RES. 103 In addition, the House will consider a legislation which we believe would Resolved by the House of Representatives (the package of bills to ensure transparency have had a direct effect on the crisis to Senate concurring), and accountability within the Endan- which the gentleman refers may be ad- SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF USE OF CAPITOL gered Species Act. Included in this dressed next week? GROUNDS FOR D.C. SPECIAL OLYM- package are H.R. 4315, the 21st Century It is not scheduled. I understand that PICS LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH Endangered Species Transparency Act, the majority leader’s party is divided RUN. authored by Chairman DOC HASTINGS; on the issue of what ought to be done On October 3, 2014, or on such other date as H.R. 4316, the Endangered Species Re- to meet this crisis, but there is no the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Adminis- covery Transparency Act, authored by doubt, Mr. Leader, that there are going tration of the Senate may jointly designate, Representative CYNTHIA LUMMIS; H.R. to be additional resources necessary to the 29th annual District of Columbia Special 4317, the State, Tribal, and Local Spe- meet the challenge that we are con- Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run (in cies Transparency Act, authored by fronting now.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.047 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6845 The administration has requested, as As I said earlier, you should be pre- you to represent your constituents, to make the gentleman knows, some $3.7 billion. pared for a possible consideration. Once your case, offer alternatives and be heard. The Senate, as I understand it, is sug- the timing is finalized, the Rules Com- The gentleman has told me now three gesting $2.7 billion. Part of that, of mittee will announce a hearing to an- times that the Rules Committee hear- course, is to meet the needs of fighting nounce the process. ing is going to be open and they will wildfires. In the Senate bill, there is Mr. HOYER. I understand the process decide the process under which a bill is also money for Iron Dome—to beef up will come from the Rules Committee. going to be considered. Apparently, I Iron Dome in Israel, but we don’t have There is no text, Mr. Leader. We have am presuming the gentleman does not any language, if language is con- seen no text to apparently amend legis- know what the substance of that proc- templated. lation which was adopted overwhelm- ess will be. I don’t know the substance. So I am hopeful that language will ingly by this House and signed by I don’t know any language that is not be included in any effort that is President Bush. being proposed. No Member on our side made next week on meeting this. You We need resources today—and we will of the aisle knows what language is referred to it as a crisis. Whether you certainly need them next week—and we being proposed. Maybe Members on refer to it as crisis, challenge, what- are going to go on a 5-week recess work your side of the aisle know. ever, we know that resources are need- period, at which point in time we will So what you are apparently telling ed. Everybody seems to agree on that. come back here and meet for a very me is that we will have the Rules Com- Unfortunately, we have not had that brief period of time, and we don’t have mittee solely for the purpose of learn- bill on the floor now, so we can get it any text in this very substantive, very ing what substantive changes are sug- over to the Senate and get it to the consequential area of the law, which gested in the law. And I suggest to the President before we leave. We are at obviously was adopted overwhelmingly, majority leader, Mr. Speaker, that if risk, in my view, Mr. Leader, of leaving and we have no text. that is the case, we will not be able to here without addressing this issue. I understand the process in the Rules thoughtfully debate it, we will not be Furthermore, last week, as the gen- Committee. There have been no hear- able to have a process that is open, and tleman knows, I suggested that if we ings, no debate in committee, no sub- we will not have a process which allows included legislative language on that committee, no full committee hearings us to make our case, offer alternatives, bill, it would be almost impossible to on any legislation. or be heard. get to the administration the resources As I suggested to you last week, Mr. I would predict, as has happened 67 it needs to comply with the law and to Majority Leader, if you put legislation times to date, this is going to be a meet the challenge that has been pre- out there, you and I both know that in- closed rule. One of my staffers, by the sented. evitably that legislation will not be way, suggested that perhaps open rules able to pass within the timeframe nec- ought to be included in the endangered b 1315 essary to meet the crisis. species bills that we are considering. Does the gentleman have any expec- So the responsible thing, I suggest to We are doing so many closed rules, tation that we will consider a com- my friend, the majority leader, Mr. open rules seem to be an endangered prehensive immigration bill that has Speaker, is to provide the resources species. resources and will be Senate-passed? necessary to meet the challenge right Mr. Speaker, I ask the leader to We have a bill here, as the gentleman now. And then, if hearings show sub- please report if we are going to con- knows, that we introduced many, many stantive changes in the law are needed sider, as I think we should, a supple- months ago, which is a bipartisan bill. or further show what substantive mental next week that gives our coun- All the provisions have been supported changes ought to be made and can be try the resources to meet the crisis to in a bipartisan fashion—some in the considered in a thoughtful, effective which you referred? Senate, some here in the House com- fashion, we can then move forward at It is our responsibility to consider it. mittee—unanimously. some point in time, perhaps as soon as It is our responsibility to give the re- Does the gentleman have any belief September, on that legislation. But to sources. We passed the law, which is that we will consider next week a clean do otherwise will put at great risk the being implemented by the administra- funding bill at such level as is nec- ability of the administration and this tion. We passed it overwhelmingly. It essary, at least until the end of the fis- country to respond consistent with the was sponsored by a gentleman who just cal year, and/or some comprehensive law that we passed and that was signed spoke on this floor a short time ago to immigration bills which will meet the by President Bush. try to prevent and ameliorate human issue and establish a process, the lack I yield to my friend if he wants to trafficking. of which clearly is causing people to comment further. A number of bills we passed this take actions which we do not approve Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I week on human trafficking were passed of and not agree with, but are mani- thank the gentleman for yielding, and unanimously. That bill that passed festing the frustration of a broken sys- I thank the gentleman for his passion overwhelmingly was also about human tem remaining broken? on the crisis, just as we have on this trafficking. And I tell my friend, we I yield to my friend. side. need the resources. It is the responsi- Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I Since we have taken the majority, we bility of the majority party and the thank the gentleman for yielding. made a pledge to America that we post minority party to join together to give As I mentioned in the schedule an- bills with a 3-day process. So, as I men- the administration the necessary re- nouncement for next week, Members tioned in the schedule announcement sources to respond to carrying out the should be prepared for possible consid- for next week, Members should be pre- law that we passed. eration of legislation to address the on- pared for possible consideration of leg- If we want to change that law, that is going border crisis. Once the timing is islation to address the ongoing border also our responsibility. But I tell my finalized, the Rules Committee will an- crisis. Once the timing is finalized, the friend it cannot be done in the time- nounce a hearing on the measure to de- Rules Committee will announce a hear- frame that is available to us. We have termine the process by which the bill ing on the measure to determine the delayed this so long, there is no time. will be brought before the House. process by which the bill will be And the gentleman keeps responding to Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman brought before the House. me that the Rules Committee will de- for his response. Mr. HOYER. I thank, Mr. Speaker, cide the process. Does the gentleman contemplate the majority leader for that informa- The Rules Committee normally does that that bill will include substantive tion, and I am glad that he brought up not decide the substance of legislation. changes in law or will it simply be re- the processes that are going to be fol- It decides the process under which we stricted to additional resources nec- lowed. will consider the substance. Author- essary to meet the crisis that confronts I want to quote to him something izing committees, as my friend so well this country? Speaker BOEHNER said on January 5, knows, decide the substance of that I yield to my friend. 2011, when he took the gavel: legislation. Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I But you will always have the right to ro- But we will have no opportunity to thank the gentleman for yielding. bust debate in an open process that allows see that, apparently, until perhaps this

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.050 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 weekend, at the earliest, or next week. going to be on the agenda in the 3 short tion so the American people who are That does not give us time to debate it weeks that we will have left, essen- going to either reelect this Congress or and it certainly, as everybody knows, tially, before the election. seek new leadership have an oppor- does not give it time to go to the Sen- So I can’t tell from the gentleman’s tunity on which to make an informed ate and be debated. I think they will answer, Mr. Speaker, whether or not decision, which, of course, is what the disagree, perhaps, on the language that any of those five appropriations bills— Speaker said we would have? is suggested. I don’t know what it is, I know seven have passed—are intended Certainly, we ought to have equal but there is a high probability of dis- to be brought to the floor. consideration for the American people agreement. Conference will have to I yield to the majority leader. as well so they have the right to robust occur, and then it will have to get to Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I debate and an open process and so it al- the President. And both the Senate and thank the gentleman for yielding. lows them to understand what we are the House are leaving next week for The gentleman initiated this with in- doing. their district work period. quiring about the schedule for next I regret that the majority leader in I would urge the majority leader to week. As I stated earlier, in the sched- critical issues, like the Export-Import make every effort with his party to ule for next week we do not have any- Bank, which relate to the competitive- bring what I think ought to be our ob- thing considered in the regular appro- ness of this country, and like Make It ligation: a bill which provides the re- priations process, but we could possibly In America legislation that we de- sources necessary—and we may differ have a supplemental appropriation feated last week on suspension, which on that number—to carry out our re- next week. we agreed upon—the majority leader sponsibilities to implement the law Mr. HOYER. Maybe I can just print voted for it and I voted for it. I pre- that we passed. that out and I will just read it, Mr. sume—I will ask him anyway. I said I If the gentleman wants to respond Speaker. wasn’t going to ask him: Is there any further, I yield. If not, I will go on. We have an Export-Import Bank that contemplation of bringing that bill, Mr. Speaker, we have five appropria- is going to expire very shortly. It is of which got 260 votes on this floor, back tions bills which have not been brought great concern to many people on both to the floor, under a rule which pro- to the floor. The Ag bill was on the sides of the aisle. Forty-one Republican vides again for America’s determining floor. It was pulled. It has not been Members, Mr. Speaker, have signed a whether or not we can find additional brought back. The Labor, Health and letter urging that this be brought to rare earth, which is so necessary to be Human Services bill, the Interior bill, the floor. It is a very timely, critical competitive in international markets? the Homeland bill, and the Foreign Ops issue for the competitiveness of our I know it is not on the schedule, so bill have not been brought to the floor, country. It has been twisting in the he doesn’t have to repeat that litany to nor has the gentleman indicated any of wind for this entire year. I worked, Mr. me, because I get it. I have heard it those are going to be brought to the Speaker, with the leader’s predecessor now four or five or six times. I get it floor next week. to see whether or not we could get this that it is not on the schedule for next Can the gentleman tell me whether bill to the floor. week. or not there is any plan to bring those I know what the schedule is for next So the question I ask is: Is there any bills to the floor in the 3 weeks that we week, so he doesn’t need to repeat that contemplation of bringing that bill, will be back in September? for me—and I thank him very much— which has 260 people who voted for it, I yield to the majority leader. but does the majority leader have any back to the floor, under a rule, so we Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I idea whether we are going to consider can provide for a better opportunity to thank the gentleman for yielding. the Export-Import Bank before the make it in America and to be competi- I know we originated this for the election? tive internationally? schedule for next week. As the gen- I yield to my friend. I yield to my friend. tleman knows, the House has passed Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I seven of the 12 appropriations bills in thank the gentleman for yielding. thank the gentleman for yielding. an open process. As my friend, the gentleman knows, As the gentleman knows, this col- To the fact that even one of your this is in regard to the schedule for loquy is always based upon the sched- Members, Congresswoman SHEILA next week. And it is not scheduled for ule for next week, and I would very JACKSON LEE, has had 50 percent more next week. If there will be any consid- proudly like to lay out the schedule for amendments offered on this floor than eration, we will notify you. next week. the entire Republican Conference in Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I am not As the gentleman raised the ques- the Senate for the last year, we are going to ask the majority leader any tion, he very well knows we did agree very proud of the open process we have more questions because I am not going on that bill just as we agreed on quite brought back to the floor. to get any answers. a few bills. As of today, there are 333 While the House is not scheduled to The American people have a right to bills that have passed this House that consider a regular appropriations bill those answers. The American people have gotten stuck in the Senate. Of next week, as the gentleman knows need to have transparency, which was those 333 bills, 40 of them are jobs bills. and as I stated already, the House may going to be brought to this body, We know we linger in a very tough consider a supplemental appropriation frankly, by the young guns, and they economy, and the gentleman voted for request next week. need a right to debate, right to antici- a few of those 40 bills. So let me repeat: Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman, pate, right to participate, but the an- the 40 jobs bills are still stuck in the Mr. Speaker, but that does not give me swer I get is, It’s not scheduled for next Senate. We want to encourage eco- any clarity in terms of the five appro- week. nomic growth and innovation. We can priations bills. The supplemental ap- Mr. Speaker, I know it is not sched- ensure a robust American manufac- propriation bill, of course, is not a part uled for next week. Critical legislation turing sector and put Americans back of those bills, although, obviously, was not scheduled last week, the week to work. Health and Human Services is being before that, the week before that, the As the gentleman knows, as we sat put under a great deal of pressure by week before that, the week before that, down to lunch, we want to work to- carrying out the terms of the law that and every week before that—critical gether on that, but as of right now, it we passed in 2008 signed by President legislation supported by the over- is not scheduled for next week. It was Bush. They need resources. The supple- whelming majority of the American on this week. Unfortunately, it did not mental is to give them the resources. people. pass, but I look forward to continuing This is a scheduling conference. It is working with the gentleman, and, not just now, in my view, limited to b 1330 hopefully, we could work together to next week, because we are not going to I am simply inquiring of the majority make the Senate move on those 40 jobs be here for 5 weeks thereafter, and leader: Is there any contemplation of bills and those 333 bills that the Amer- Members want to know what they bringing that legislation to the floor ican public would like to see move for- should anticipate as substantively before this Congress leaves for the elec- ward.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.052 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6847 Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman I appreciate the gentleman’s concern believe it is not being followed, and for his comments. on the crisis. It is not just my word. It that is to the denigration of not only Mr. Speaker, the majority leader and is the American word. this body but to the American people’s I have worked together, and we have If it were not a crisis, we would not ability to see what we are doing, how sat down for lunch. We agree on the have three Presidents from Central we are doing it, when we are doing it. bill that I mentioned, Mr. SWALWELL’s American countries here today to talk Unless the gentleman has something bill, to try to make America more about the crisis. We would not have further to say, I yield back the balance competitive by producing more rare three Presidents who are asking to re- of my time. unite their children with their families earth here in this country—so essential f in the electronics industry and in other in their countries. If it were not a cri- places. sis, you would not have a task force ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, JULY I can’t control the Senate, Mr. that was introduced by this Speaker on 28, 2014 Speaker. The majority leader cannot this side to address it. If it were not a Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Mr. control the Senate. What the majority crisis, you wouldn’t even have Mem- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that leader and I can do is control what we bers on your side of the aisle when the House adjourns today, it ad- do here in this House to which we were partnering with their Senators from journ to meet on Monday, July 28, 2014, elected. We can control either urging another party, sitting in the Senate, to when it shall convene at noon for or, in the majority leader’s case—and address the crisis. morning-hour debate and 2 p.m. for leg- as the former majority leader of this Now, many Members of this House islative business. House, I can tell you I could put a bill have gone there to see the crisis. Some The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. on the floor if I thought it was impor- in the administration have not. This CRAMER). Is there objection to the re- tant for the American people and in House is committed to addressing it as quest of the gentleman from Cali- the best interests of our country. I soon as it is available. fornia? We take great pride in changing this think the Export-Import Bank falls in There was no objection. House. As the majority leader knows, that category. I think minimum wage f falls in that category. I think com- he cares about the institution; but when the majority changed over here, prehensive immigration falls in that MOTION TO INSTRUCT CONFEREES one of the number one things we said category. I think jobs bills fall in that ON H.R. 3230, PAY OUR GUARD we would do is a 3-day process, as you category. I think make it in America— AND RESERVE ACT would know in importance, so people the Swalwell bill—fell in that cat- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I have a can read the bill, because too many egory. motion at the desk. times I have been to this floor when We cannot control what the Senate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thousands of pages have come out at 2 does, but we can control what we do. Clerk will report the motion. a.m. and have been voted on that day. We can move in a responsible fashion, The Clerk read as follows: We made a commitment to the Amer- which the American people, Mr. Speak- ican people, and we have kept our com- Mr. Rahall moves that the managers on er, expect us to do and not blame some mitment just as we will keep our com- the part of the House at the conference on outside group, whether it is the admin- the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on mitment that we will end this crisis no istration or the United States Senate, the House amendment to the Senate amend- matter what it takes. This House will for our lack of addressing important ment to the bill H.R. 3230 (an Act to improve act. the access of veterans to medical services issues. Mr. HOYER. When it is available. TRIA is an important bill, Mr. from the Department of Veterans Affairs, That was the answer to my question. and for other purposes) be instructed to— Speaker. It is not on the schedule. I We don’t know when it is going to be (1) recede from disagreement with section presume, if I asked the majority leader available. We don’t know what it will 203 of the Senate amendment (relating to the about TRIA, he would tell me it is not be. We don’t know, really, whether it use of unobligated amounts to hire addi- on the schedule next week. That would will be considered, because the major- tional health care providers for the Veterans not come as a news flash to me, Mr. ity leader tells me, Mr. Speaker, that Health Administration); and (2) recede from the House amendment and Speaker, because he has told me that it may be on the floor. We know that it now seven times. concur in the Senate amendment in all other hasn’t gone to committee. We know instances. I believe, if the House is going to act that there is no subcommittee hearing The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in a collegial manner and in a con- that has been held. We know that there ant to clause 7(b) of rule XXII, the gen- structive manner and in a manner that is no committee hearing that has been tleman from West Virginia (Mr. the American people want us to act, held. that we will exchange information not The gentleman talks about thou- RAHALL) and the gentleman from Texas just on what is on next week—there is sands of pages. We can get into that de- (Mr. FLORES) each will control 30 min- not much on next week, Mr. Speaker. I bate at some other time. I know which utes. know that. There is, in my opinion, a he refers to, a bill that had literally The Chair recognizes the gentleman political bill to sue the President of more consideration than any other bill from West Virginia. the United States. The American peo- I have seen considered by the Congress Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield ple don’t think that is a very good of the United States—the Affordable myself such time as I may consume. idea. That is on the calendar. So we are Care Act, which is having, in my view, The House has just finished its roll- using the few short minutes that we a very positive effect. We don’t need to call votes for this week. With the con- have available to do the people’s busi- debate that today. ference committee at an impasse on ness on four bills, to send a message, I would tell the majority leader, if H.R. 3230, the Veterans’ Access to Care that we could pass in, frankly, a very the crisis were going to be addressed, through Choice, Accountability, and short period of time on Monday night the first step is having the resources Transparency Act, hope is fading that on endangered species. We are filling necessary to carry out the law, then, if any legislation will be enacted this time. We are treading water, Mr. the law needs to be changed, deciding summer to address the urgent needs at Speaker. how it should be changed, having de- the Department of Veterans Affairs. I will conclude with this. You have bate on that, bringing it to this floor This is truly shameful, and as an put the possibility that we are going to out of committee, and considering that American, I think this is shameful. It have a bill on the floor next week deal- legislation. There are differences of is beyond me to understand why our ing with the crisis—your word—at the opinion on that. I recognize that. The legislative branch of government can- border. When will we see text of that gentleman has pointed that out. That not get this done. legislation that might possibly be on would be the way to do it. That is the It is true that this body has taken the floor? regular order of which you spoke and some modest steps toward improve- I yield to the majority leader. you promised. ments, like allowing veterans to seek Mr. MCCARTHY of California. I Mr. Speaker, I hope that that could care at non-VA providers when they thank the gentleman for yielding, and be followed. There are many of us who cannot get medical appointments. I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.054 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 have supported that effort. That is fine This motion calls for the House to re- There are many important aspects of where private sector health providers cede from disagreement with section the bill where the House and the Sen- are available, but for elderly veterans 203 of the Senate amendment relating ate do agree. Recently, however, Sen- in rural areas, where travel is difficult to the use of unobligated amounts to ator SANDERS, who is the chairman of and costly, where physician shortages hire additional health care providers the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Com- and medically underserved areas are for the Veterans Health Administra- mittee and the cochair of the con- abundant, like in southern West Vir- tion; and recede from the House ference committee, has indicated his ginia, that doesn’t help much. amendment and concur in the Senate desire to expand the scope of the con- My State’s VA facilities need funding amendment in all instances. ference to include the VA’s recent re- to hire doctors—lots of them. We need I urge the House to support this mo- quest for as much as an additional $17.6 primary and specialty care providers tion to instruct conferees. billion. and mental health specialists. We need Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The VA health care system has not the resources to train and recruit my time. yet proven itself able to make effective health professionals and to pay them Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in use of the resources that it has been competitive salaries. opposition to the motion to instruct provided. Increasing those resources Our VA health providers, many of and yield myself such time as I may significantly at this time would be ir- them veterans themselves, have a consume. responsible, particularly in light of the unique understanding of our veterans’ Mr. Speaker, the motion to instruct insufficient details that the VA has needs. That expertise cannot be dupli- would instruct the House conferees to provided about how it arrived at this cated in the private sector. recede from disagreement with the request and how, specifically, this The VA health system is designed to Senate with respect to section 203 of money would be used to increase access take care of elderly veterans with spe- the Senate amendment to H.R. 3230, for our Nation’s veterans and increase cial needs. It is designed to treat com- which would require the Department of accountability for VA bureaucrats. bat wounds, physical and psycho- Veterans Affairs to use unobligated This summer, the House Veterans’ logical—something not commonly seen balances to hire additional health pro- Affairs Committee has received hours in the private sector. viders. of testimony from VA leaders and key, The VA health system is designed so It would also instruct the House con- outside stakeholders in an effort to that doctors can build long-term rela- ferees to recede to the Senate position thoroughly understand and evaluate tionships with their patients and can on all other matters. the access and accountability failures build expertise in illnesses unique to This is the fifth such motion that has of the VA and, by extension, our Na- veterans. Clearly, a Vietnam veteran been introduced in the last 10 days. tion’s veterans, the problems that they who is suffering from exposure to a None of them have brought us any clos- have been experiencing. toxic substance like Agent Orange er to reaching the compromise our vet- Those hearings have confirmed that could expect to find a greater depth of erans deserve in the fiscally respon- the problems the VA is facing today re- knowledge and experience with the par- sible manner that respects the rights of quire long-term and large-scale reform ticular infirmities from the VA than our taxpayers. that more money, more people, and In addition, none of them have from a private sector facility. more buildings will not bring, by them- brought us any closer to correcting the selves. b 1345 systemic bureaucratic deficiencies that Mr. Speaker, we are continually try- My State needs VA doctors. We need have led to thousands of veterans wait- ing to work out a deal with the Senate, VA specialty care providers. We need ing for weeks, months, or even years to and I would argue that these motions VA facilities. get the care that they need. to instruct have become not just tire- The veterans bill in conference can Today, our attention is best spent de- some but, in fact, they have become provide relief to our veterans in need of voted on working in tandem with our very counterproductive. care, but it remains stuck in con- Senate counterparts to find a true I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on ference, frustratingly hung up in par- compromise. Instead, here we are, yet the motion to instruct, and to allow tisan politics. again, debating an unnecessary, the conference committee the time and When it comes to the shortage of unhelpful, and unbinding motion to in- the latitude to work and reach the best health providers in general, that is not struct. possible compromise for the benefit of a local problem affecting only my Mr. Speaker, just yesterday after- America’s veterans. Our veterans de- State. The Association of American noon, Chairman MILLER offered a for- serve nothing less. Medical Colleges estimates a nation- mal proposal to the conference com- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of wide doctor shortage of more than mittee that would do the following: my time. 91,500 physicians by the year 2020. The First, it would accept title I through Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- shortage will grow to more than 130,000 title VII of the original Senate bill, ored to yield 2 minutes to the gentle- by 2025. along with additional amended lan- woman from Arizona (Mrs. KIRK- The impact is most severe in rural guage to include the Oklahoma lease PATRICK), a true leader on veterans States, so any notion of private sector authorization that was included in the issues and a member of the VA con- medical care serving as a backstop to House-passed bill, H.R. 3521, but that ference committee. the VA is completely wrongheaded. was left out of the Senate language. Mrs. KIRKPATRICK. Congressman This is not a new problem either. We Second, it would provide the VA with RAHALL, thank you for your strong all know it has been projected going $102 million for fiscal year 2014 to ad- support of one of the most important back years, before this administration, dress the Department’s internal fund- provisions in the Senate amendments before the Affordable Care Act, to the ing shortfalls. to H.R. 3230. Bush administration and beyond. Third, it would provide $10 billion of Mr. Speaker, I urge all my colleagues Baby boomers are getting older. Doc- no-year, mandatory emergency funding to support this motion to instruct the tors are retiring. More patients require to cover the cost of the Senate’s choice conferees. Both the Senate and the specialized and extended care. provision, with the remaining Senate House amendments will expand access We, this Congress, must address this provisions subject to appropriations on to non-VA care for veterans, but this crisis, and it is a crisis. But the House an annual basis. program will only last for 2 years. stands immobilized, ‘‘frozen in the ice I am supportive of Chairman MIL- It will only address the current emer- of its own indifference,’’ as a great LER’s proposal, and I, like him, con- gency by ensuring those veterans who American President, Franklin Roo- tinue to remain optimistic that the are waiting too long for appointments sevelt once said. House and Senate conferees will be receive timely care. If we do not ad- So today, I am calling upon this able to successfully accomplish our dress the VA’s doctor, nurse, and med- House, I am imploring this House to mission and come to an agreement in ical support staff shortage now, we will put politics aside, advance the work of advance of the August district work pe- face the same crisis again in 2 years. the ongoing conference, and get this riod which is scheduled to begin next Just yesterday, I learned that the bill done. week. one physician serving the community-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.056 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6849 based outpatient clinic in Flagstaff, one issue is that we need more health that same duty when they return. That Arizona, where I live, is leaving, and care providers. is why we need to have enough doctors, there is no physician identified as his It makes no difference to me, to the nurses, and health care professionals in replacement. American people, to anyone that I the VA system. In another VA clinic in my district, know, whether we adopt the Senate po- It has been reported, many of these the one doctor there is planning to re- sition or the House position. The idea men and women, needing necessary tire, without a replacement doctor that we are arguing about that, about care, often have to wait 30 days, 60 identified. whether the Senate does this or the days. That is unconscionable. Our rural veterans struggle to access House does that is, frankly, ludicrous. This isn’t a Democratic or Repub- care, and VA hospitals and clinics must We should all come together on that lican issue. This is an issue of getting be able to recruit and retain doctors one point. We should all understand our men and women, our veterans, the and nurses to serve veterans in rural that we need more health care pro- necessary health care that they need. and underserved communities. viders. Our veterans deserve it. Our And as a doctor, you have to have a Currently, 10 percent of all health veterans need it. They are asking for work force. You have to have necessary care provider positions in the VA re- that. The American people are demand- health care professionals that can ad- main unfilled. By ensuring that the VA ing it. And Congress needs to be able to dress these needs in a timely manner. has the ability to quickly hire doctors respond. This is a very simple section of the and nurses and fill these positions, we How should they respond? Senate bill that Congressman RAHALL help the VA ensure it has the capacity They should respond through this is suggesting we move forward, section to provide timely, world-class care to motion to instruct the conferees so 203. It would directly address the work- our veterans before this 2-year program that we can agree on a very limited force shortage and the doctor shortage ends. provision of the bill, a limited provi- in the VA by targeting funding to hire As a member of the conference com- sion that says, regardless of all of the additional health care providers and mittee, I strongly believe that the ne- disagreements, regardless of all these prioritizing these additional providers gotiations between the House and the side fights, we will agree on this one for the facilities that need them most. Senate must continue. We need to put area, and that one area would be, we It is common sense. It is the right political differences aside and maintain need more health care providers. thing to do to serve our men and our focus on the veterans we are here PTSD isn’t the only thing where we women, to serve our veterans. Accept- to serve. are short of physicians. We are short of ing these provisions is just one of many Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I con- cardiologists, we are short of a lot of steps that we must do to ensure that tinue to reserve the balance of my things. And if the VA has the oppor- they get the care that is necessary. time. tunity and the permission to go for- There are other things that we can Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 ward and look for additional health do, but this is something we can do im- minutes to the gentleman from Texas care providers now, then we will be up mediately, and we shouldn’t delay it (Mr. GALLEGO). and running much earlier than if we another week, another year. Let’s take Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, I appre- wait and wait and wait. care of our veterans. ciate the opportunity. The challenge with Congress: manana b 1400 I am constantly frustrated in this seems to be the busiest day of the week Chamber by our inability to come to an here. We wait until tomorrow and to- There is other legislation out there. agreement. And today, we stand here morrow, and maybe next week there We have a bipartisan bill, the Doctors arguing about whether a Senate posi- will be an agreement or maybe the Helping Heroes Act. It is Democrat and tion is better or whether a House posi- week after that there will be an agree- Republican. It is common sense. tion is better. ment. We need an agreement today, Once we get section 203 passed, let’s The truth is that the American peo- and this is our opportunity to do that. do more to train those necessary doc- ple want action. One of the basic things Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I yield tors. We can do it, and we have got the that we can all agree on is that we do myself such time as I may consume. will, and I really commend my col- not have enough medical providers in Mr. Speaker, I think it is important league from West Virginia, Congress- our system. We see a lot of veterans, to know that politics have not been man RAHALL, for taking the lead here. and we try to force a lot of veterans part of this discussion in the con- Let’s do what is necessary to serve our through a very small funnel with very ference committee, and any assertions men and women, our veterans, and let’s few providers. to that standpoint are not true. move section 203 forward. In fact, if you look at the data re- In terms of the manana comment, I Mr. FLORES. I continue to reserve cently, as men and women come back will say this. We have worked dili- the balance of my time. from different places across the world, gently on the conference committee, Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, at this like Iraq and Afghanistan, we have a on both sides of the aisle, to try to get time, I am honored to yield 3 minutes much higher pronounced need than to a solution with the Senate. We will to the gentleman from North Carolina ever before for physicians to treat continue to do that. (Mr. PRICE), a distinguished member of PTSD. And yet, we have fewer physi- Mr. Speaker, with that, I reserve the the Military Construction-VA Appro- cians able to do that because, in that balance of my time. priations Committee. area of specialization, we do not have Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. I enough medical care providers in the minutes to the gentleman from Cali- thank my colleague for yielding and VA. fornia (Mr. BERA), a doctor. for his leadership in offering this mo- It seems pretty basic that one of the Mr. BERA of California. Mr. Speaker, tion to instruct conferees. things that we ought to be able to I would like to thank Congressman Mr. Speaker, our Nation has a sacred agree on is the fact that we need more RAHALL for yielding, and for your lead- obligation to provide for those who health care providers in our system. ership on this issue to make sure our served and sacrificed for this country. You can leave aside the issue of con- veterans get the health care that they Just as the military leaves no soldier struction or leave aside the issue of deserve. behind on the battlefield, we must technology or any of those kinds of Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in leave no veteran behind when they re- things. support of the Rahall motion to in- turn home, and yet, Mr. Speaker, as The fact is that when a person, a pa- struct our conferees. I look at this too many veterans and their families tient, comes into the VA system, he issue, not as a Member of Congress, but can attest, our collective efforts often needs a health care provider to be able as a doctor who has worked in the VA fall short. to see him or her, and we do not have system. The recent revelations of deceptive enough health care providers. That fact Now, these are men and women who and dishonest scheduling practices at is inescapable. stepped up to answer the call to duty, the Phoenix VA and elsewhere Today’s motion, essentially, seeks to to protect our freedoms, American throughout the country have under- take care of that one issue, and that freedoms, and we need to give them scored a much more ominous reality:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.058 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 serious structural systemic problems Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the level while finding appropriate areas to at the VA that must be addressed im- authority and the resources required to cut back. mediately. We clearly have work to do. hire and employ sufficient numbers of We owe it to our veterans to work As a member of the Appropriations medical professionals. This motion tirelessly to finish this bill before we Subcommittee responsible for funding would do just that, and I urge my col- leave Washington. Veterans have al- military construction projects and the leagues to support it. ready waited long enough. Let’s not Department of Veterans Affairs, my Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, the gen- allow this critical bill to stall any colleagues and I have fought for years tleman made a profound comment, and longer. It is time to finish the job. to ensure that the Department has the that is that money alone is not a guar- Mr. FLORES. I reserve the balance of resources it needs to provide for our antee of quality care for veterans, and my time. Nation’s veterans. that is one of the issues at stake here Mr. RAHALL. May I have a time While money alone is not a guarantor in the negotiations. check, please, Mr. Speaker? of timely access to quality care, a De- The Senate has decided to use this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- partment tasked with as monumental crisis to grab more money for the VA, tleman from West Virginia has 131⁄2 an undertaking as providing for mil- when we are not sure the VA can han- minutes remaining. The gentleman lions of veterans, generations of vet- dle the money it has appropriated from Texas has 25 minutes remaining. erans—from World War II to the cur- today, which is substantial. Mr. RAHALL. Reserving my right to rent conflict in Afghanistan—must be We want to make sure that we fix the close, I will reserve the balance of my ably prepared and equipped from the VA right and do it right the first time. time. inside out, from top to bottom, with That is the crux of the issue. That is Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, once the resources it needs to get the job the objective that really gives our vet- again, I urge all Members to oppose the done. erans the quality care that they de- motion to instruct. The conference Financial resources must translate serve, and that is what the conference committee is working diligently on into human resources. As the head of committee is committed to do. both sides of the aisle to try to reach any large organization can tell you, it I reserve the balance of my time. agreement with the Senate, and we is the people who comprise the organi- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 want to do it in a responsible manner zation that ultimately make the dif- minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- that puts the interests of our Nation’s ference. fornia, Mrs. LOIS CAPPS, and commend veterans at the forefront of the nego- That is why I rise in strong support her for her leadership on this issue as tiations, but also is respectful of the of this motion to instruct, Mr. Speak- well. resources required from our taxpayers er. My district in North Carolina is Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I thank to meet that objective. home to tens of thousands of veterans my colleague from West Virginia for So, again, I urge Members to oppose who rely on the VA medical centers in yielding me the time and for offering the motion to instruct. I yield back the Durham and Fayetteville or one of the this motion to encourage conferees to balance of my time. many smaller facilities throughout the swiftly settle their differences on this Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield region for care. bill. myself the balance of my time. I know firsthand the importance of Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Mr. Speaker, America’s veterans de- an organization like the Department of of Congressman RAHALL’s motion to in- serve the very best care our Nation can Veterans Affairs, tasked with providing struct conferees, so that our veterans muster. The gentleman from North comprehensive medical care for so are assured the care that they have Carolina said it well. Many Americans many veterans and for having suffi- earned. have said it well. Every one of our sol- cient staff on hand to do that, and too For far too long, we have heard sto- diers knows it is their motto to leave many VA facilities around the country ries of men and women facing unac- no soldier behind. Therefore, we, as don’t have sufficient staff. They face ceptable wait times at the VA, and we Americans, should have as our creed glaring shortfalls of key medical per- have heard even more disturbing ac- and our basic principle guiding us that sonnel, particularly primary care and counts of misconduct in the very orga- we leave no veteran behind. mental health professionals. nization our veterans should be most That prescription begins with the Now, Mr. Speaker, what about the able to trust. In response to this scan- very best corps of physicians that we bad actors within VA management? dal, both Chambers of Congress have can assemble. Time alone will not heal They have received much attention passed bipartisan bills to hold the VA the wounds of war that our veterans since the current scandal broke. For and its leadership accountable. have suffered. They are our true Amer- certain, there is no question that bad I was encouraged to see this body act ican heroes. actors within the Department must quickly to address a very real problem We have, time and time again, mus- face the consequences of their actions. and was pleased to support bipartisan tered the budgetary resources to de- Those who bent or broke the rules have legislation to help solve this crisis, but ploy and support our troops in Iraq and to be reprimanded or, in egregious we cannot allow this momentum to Afghanistan and lands beyond, and we cases, terminated. fade or allow disagreement to stand in salute those of our Armed Forces serv- This body has passed a bill that the way of our veterans getting the ing as we speak for defending this great would provide the Secretary more au- care they have earned and so clearly Nation of ours. thority to do just that, but too often deserve. America’s sons and daughters, those overlooked are the tens of thousands of This motion to instruct simply urges who have volunteered to defend our na- men and women—many, themselves, the conferees to move past disagree- tional causes, did not hesitate for an veterans—at the Department of Vet- ments that are stalling this critical instant to go. They went. They served. erans Affairs who work tirelessly every bill. It would ensure that the VA can They suffered. They sacrificed their day, often long hours, to ensure that use resources it already has to hire ad- good health. They gave their all. our veterans receive the care they have ditional health professionals to meet We are proud in West Virginia, as a earned and that they deserve. the needs of our veterans. Doing this strong, patriotic State, to serve up I urge my colleagues in both Cham- will enable the VA to cut down on ex- there at the top of the 50 States, on a bers and on both sides of the aisle: lay cessive and unacceptable wait times. per capita basis, of our number of off the shots at ‘‘VA bureaucrats,’’ set As a nurse, I know the importance of young men and women that answer the aside partisan differences, work to- having adequate staffing levels filled call of duty for all wars. gether to solve this crisis. We must ad- with our Nation’s best health care pro- Now, the bill for war has come due; dress these shortcomings by enacting viders. We need to encourage the VA to but, alas, where has all of this body’s comprehensive VA reform legislation bring these experts into the VA to patriotic fervor gone? It appears to be that is worthy of the men and women treat our vets in need, and most impor- buried beneath a mound of budgetary who have sacrificed so much. tantly, the motion supports actions to spreadsheets and handwringing about That is why it is critically impor- give VA the resources it needs to im- deficits, about the need to trim back, tant, Mr. Speaker, to ensure that the prove care and responsiveness at every about the need to cut back on deficits.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:28 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.060 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6851 I say this House ought to take a dif- community, and for setting an example ‘‘This project is a great example of the ferent course, one in which we can for others to follow. public and private sectors working together to benefit the zoo and the community,’’ Mr. stand united with those who fought f with meritorious service on behalf of a Slattery said. ‘‘We took a contaminated SOLAR ENERGY AT THE TOLEDO brownfield site, a financial burden for the grateful Nation. Let us pay the medical ZOO city, and turned it into a win for the city of bills of America’s sons and daughters. Toledo and the Toledo Zoo.’’ Let us do so with dispatch. Let us hire (Ms. KAPTUR asked and was given He and other supporters believe such the doctors that America’s sons and permission to address the House for 1 projects will be harder to come by now, daughters deserve. minute.) though, because of the two-year legislative Mr. Speaker, we have heard a great Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise freeze on renewable-energy mandates that deal about this issue over the last sev- to congratulate the Toledo Zoo, re- Mr. Kasich has signed into law. cently voted the best zoo in America, That legislation, known as Senate Bill 310, eral months. We know it is not a new applies only to utilities, not companies such issue. We have heard that it has been on its dedication of a new 2.1-megawatt as Rudolph/Libbe. But Ohio became the na- going on through several different ad- solar array. tion’s first state with renewable-energy man- ministrations, but that should not The project is a win for everyone in- dates to enact a two-year timeout. hinder us from stepping up to the plate volved. It embraces the future. It will A 2008 law requires utilities doing business and doing what is necessary today, not supply 30 percent of the zoo’s elec- in Ohio to steadily invest more in renewable after we come back from our so-called tricity needs, and it makes use of a va- power through 2025, when at least 12.5 per- cant brownfield site in the city that cent of the electricity they provide is sup- vacation in August, but we should ad- posed to come from clean sources such as dress it today before we go home. would otherwise be a financial and en- wind and solar energy. So I urge that this motion to instruct vironmental burden. Renewable energy advocates fear that two- conferees be accepted by this body, and It serves as a wonderful educational year hiatus will put out a message to the I yield back the balance of my time. tool for the zoo’s more than 800,000 an- business community that Ohio is no longer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without nual visitors. receptive to such investments. objection, the previous question is or- Unfortunately, this is success story Rudolph/Libbe, one of the region’s largest that will be difficult to replicate in contractors, expects to be doing more work dered on the motion to instruct. in Michigan and New York, which have There was no objection. Ohio due to the backward energy pol- strong incentives for solar projects, Mr. Slat- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The icy recently enacted by Ohio’s Gov- tery said. question is on the motion to instruct. ernor and State legislature. The solar industry has had setbacks from The question was taken; and the As America strives to regain energy the failure of a high-profile manufacturer, Speaker pro tempore announced that security, we must embrace all energy California-based Solyndra, as well as the the noes appeared to have it. options, especially innovative, renew- deep financial troubles of local manufactur- ers such as Xunlight and Willard & Kelsey. Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, on that I able energy sources that will power our But Rudolph/Libbe’s an installer, not a demand the yeas and nays. future into and beyond the 21st cen- manufacturer. The yeas and nays were ordered. tury. Growth in solar nationally has trans- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Hats off to the Toledo Zoo for serving formed the company’s business model. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- as a national leader in advancing this Since 2008, Rudolph/Libbe went from vir- ceedings on this question will be post- goal. tually no involvement in solar to having 10 percent of its revenue come from it. poned. Madam Speaker, I will include for It believes solar-installation projects will f the RECORD a recent article from the eventually become the backbone of as much Toledo Blade detailing this really in- RECOGNIZING JUDGE DONALD as 30 percent of Rudolph/ Libbe’s revenue. credible success. Although Rudolph/Libbe will likely have to NASSHORN [From the Blade, July 22, 2014] rely on states other than Ohio for that sort (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was of push, it still expects to line up some Ohio RUDOLPH/LIBBE PROJECT: SOLAR ARRAY TO contracts during the two-year freeze and given permission to address the House SUPPLY POWER TO TOLEDO ZOO for 1 minute and to revise and extend hopes state legislators regain their interest BROWNFIELD SITE WILL AGAIN BE PRODUCTIVE his remarks.) in what the company sees as a budding in- (By Tom Henry) dustry, Mr. Slattery said. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, the ‘‘We think the costs of doing solar is an National Council on Alcoholism and A massive, 2.1-megawatt solar array that has put 22 acres of vacant South Toledo land unstoppable train and it’s not getting off the Drug Dependence has awarded its pres- back into production is to be dedicated tracks,’’ he said. Rudolph-Libbe’s costs for solar projects tigious Bronze Key Award to an out- today. It’s the kind of comeback that sup- have come down from $9 per watt to $2 per standing community servant and lead- porters believe will become less common watt since 2008. More affordable prices have er in my district, the Eighth Congres- across Ohio because of a recent bill Gov. resulted in more business, Mr. Slattery has sional District of Pennsylvania, the John Kasich signed into law discouraging in- said. vestments in renewable power. Honorable Judge Donald Nasshorn, for For the project near the zoo, investors The ceremony for the Rudolph/Libbe his outstanding contribution in the worked with the Lucas County Land Bank, project near the Toledo Zoo is expected to field and with the affiliated Council of an agency that strives to repurpose vacant draw a contingent of area business and gov- Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc., where he land, he said. ernment leaders interested in seeing how The site, formerly in receivership, was was a member of the council’s board of land contaminated by past industrial prac- directors for 27 years and president of once home to a Haugh-ton Elevator Co. fac- tices, known as brownfield sites, can go back tory, but it has not been used since the early its board for 16 years. on the tax rolls and generate clean energy ’90s. During this time, Judge Nasshorn led while reducing blight. There are 28,500 solar panels on 15 of the the council through periods of growth In this case, a group of local investors led site’s 22 acres. Additional panels could be put and expansion of its services, including by Rudolph/Libbe Cos.—a limited liability on some the remaining seven acres in the fu- chairing the council’s building com- company called Anthony Wayne Solar Num- ture. Officials first want to assess the viabil- mittee, as it purchased three buildings ber 1—is doing that for one of the region’s ity of adding more, after examining the largest employers and one of its most pop- amount of shade cast off nearby homes along to accommodate council programming, ular destinations, the Toledo Zoo. and for many years, he has been recog- Spencer Street during the four seasons, Mr. The solar array and property, adjacent to Slattery said. nized as a champion of early interven- the north side of the zoo’s main parking lot The site is believed to be one of the na- tion and recovery support services to between Anthony Wayne Trail and Spencer tion’s largest solar installations generating those involved in the criminal justice Street, are owned by those investors, who power for a zoo. system. have a long-term contract in place to sell ‘‘This solar array supports the zoo’s mis- Currently, Judge Nasshorn chairs a electricity generated at the site exclusively sion by using cleaner and greener energy, re- Bucks County overdose prevention to the zoo. ducing reliance on nonrenewable energy The project, developed by Rudolph/Libbe task force, and so we join in honoring while providing an inspiring example for zoo and a sister company, GEM Energy, will gen- visitors,’’ Jeff Sailer, Toledo Zoo executive Judge Nasshorn for his years of out- erate about 30 percent of the Toledo Zoo’s director, said. standing leadership, for his advocacy, annual electricity needs, Jason Slattery, di- Rudolph/Libbe also developed the zoo’s for his compassionate service to our rector of solar for Rudolph/Libbe Inc., said. 1,400-panel walkway, called SolarWalk,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.061 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 which was installed in 2010, as well as mul- So often we talk about constituent dredging and make sure that our port tiple other projects with the Ohio Air Na- interests on the floor, Mr. Speaker, is ready for these newer, modern, larg- tional Guard and ones with the city of Bryan what is good for this one district in er ships. We are not allowed to. and First Solar LLC of Perrysburg in recent Alabama or this one district in New Why? Well, it has a lot to do with years. The zoo also has a wind turbine generating York. What I want to talk about is the this building, the one down at 1600 power for its main parking lot, and geo- impact of the Port of Savannah on the Pennsylvania Avenue, and a couple thermal wells to heat and cool the aquarium. economy of the entire southeastern over in southwest D.C. at the EPA and Bill Rudolph, chairman of Rudolph/Libbe United States. our friends over at the Corps of Engi- Cos., said the companies are ‘‘honored to You might not know, Mr. Speaker, neers. There is Federal law after Fed- support the Toledo Zoo’s mission of environ- from your part of the world, that it is eral law after Federal law that says to mental stewardship through this project.’’ the fourth largest container terminal the State of Georgia, no, you cannot The Ohio Department of Natural Resources in the Nation, and the largest single expand your port without our permis- has planted trees and shrubs near the fences terminal operation in all of North to create a visual buffer and spruce up the sion. aesthetics for area residents. Plans also call America, the single terminal, one long Now, that would be a source of great for native grasses to be planted across the dock there in Savannah. It handles 3 difference of agreement in this body site. million container equivalents abso- about whether we ought to have the Union labor from northwest Ohio was used lutely every cycle. Volume is up 7 per- kind of Federal regulatory burden that to build the project, which created about 60 cent this year alone. we do in order to make those decisions, temporary construction jobs. When we talk about the number of but, in fact, that is the law of the land f folks it impacts, Mr. Speaker, we are today and so we must deal with it. talking about 21,000 companies from We are talking about deeper chan- PORT OF SAVANNAH across the United States of America nels, and we are talking about wider The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under bring their commerce in and out of the docking berths. We are talking about the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Port of Savannah. Here is what is so trying to move, again, not twice as uary 3, 2013, the gentleman from Geor- important about our ports, Mr. Speak- many, not three times as many, but gia (Mr. WOODALL) is recognized for 60 er. I don’t know if everyone internal- three-and-a-half times as many con- minutes as the designee of the major- izes their values. Savannah is a great tainers tomorrow as we were moving ity leader. example. Forty-eight percent of the yesterday. And we have been battling Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, thank container traffic in that port are im- as Georgians—as folks from the South- you for yielding me the time and for ports coming into America, goods and east United States, as people trying to being down here with me today. services that American consumers grow the economy—we have been bat- I hate that you can’t see my charts want to buy, but 52 percent of the traf- tling the Federal red tape machine not today. They are not particularly color- fic coming in and out of that port are for a week, not for a month, not for ful or exciting, but they are important exports. Forty-eight percent are things year, but almost a decade. in that they are going to tell the story that we are buying from folks overseas, I say ‘‘almost a decade.’’ It has really of something that we have gotten done but 52 are goods that were manufac- been more than a decade, Mr. Speaker. together. tured with American hands, putting But it has been going on for a decade in Now, I don’t want you to think I am paychecks into Americans’ pockets and earnest, and we have finally gotten to just making something up down here shipping those goods right back out the finish line. We have finally gotten on the floor of the House, Mr. Speaker. overseas—48 percent imports, 52 per- to a place where the paperwork has I know you are probably thinking cent exports. been signed and the checks are being about 326 bills that we have passed here Now, why am I talking about that? written, where we are going to be able in the House that are still sitting over We have got an exciting opportunity to do the kind of dredging and mod- there in the Senate gathering dust, going on in this hemisphere, Mr. ernization that is necessary to con- having received no action whatsoever. Speaker. You may have heard the term tinue the economic engine here in the You might be thinking about the Panamax ships. The new Panama country. work going on in the Rules Committee, Canal—and you won’t be able to see What we are going to do is deepen where we are suing the President for these numbers, Mr. Speaker, so I will our port from 42 feet to 47. Now, I men- his failure to implement the law as he just go through them briefly. The new tioned to you the draft of these ships is crafted it, drafted it, and signed it. You Panama Canal is going to accommo- 50 feet. We couldn’t get permission to might be thinking about the border cri- date ships that carry not twice the dredge deep enough to actually handle sis that is happening right now that number of containers that ships carry the 50-foot depth there. If we can’t han- has been marked by so much inaction. today, not three times the containers, dle that draft, then these boats are I don’t mean to say that there are but almost 31⁄2 times more containers going to have to unload some of their not lots of things that need to be than ships carry. cargo either in Charleston or down in worked on in this body. There are. What does that mean? That means if Jacksonville, and they are going to you are the fourth largest container have to come into Savannah light. b 1415 port in the country, as Savannah is, if I couldn’t make it happen that we I wanted to take just a few minutes you are the fastest growing container could organize our port to actually this afternoon to talk about some of port in the country, as Savannah is, handle the fully loaded ships in the the rare successes that we have had, you had better get to work making new Panamax model, but we are going and it is a success that is a long time sure that your equipment—your port, to deepen to 47 at a cost of about $700 coming. your docks, and your channel—can ac- million. Now, that is real money. It is I represent Metro Atlanta, Mr. commodate the newer, larger ships. real money, and it is real money that Speaker, kind of the northeastern sub- Today, the draft on the ships coming is coming in a cost share agreement. urbs there in Metro Atlanta, and right through the Panama Canal, Mr. Speak- The State of Georgia is picking up down I–75 and then down I–16, you get er, is just under 40 feet. The new drafts more than $200 million of that. The to the great and historic city of Savan- of these Panamax ships are going to be Federal Government is also picking up nah. Folks think about Savannah for 50 feet—10 feet more, 25 percent more. a share, recognizing the importance of all sorts of different things. Whether it It requires major changes and renova- economic development across the re- is Oglethorpe and his arrival, whether tions in our ports. And guess what. gion. it is dyeing the river green on St. Pat- When the State of Georgia recognizes Cost shares are important, Mr. rick’s Day, or whether it is the birth of that we have a critical economic en- Speaker. I have been talking to some of the Girl Scouts in Savannah, lots of gine driving our economy, a critical our colleagues, and you may have had things do bring it to mind. But folks economic engine to the entire South- the same conversation. There is really don’t often think about the economic eastern United States, we can’t just no limit to the number of folks who are driver that the Port of Savannah is for get together as the State of Georgia willing to take free money. If you offer the entire southeastern United States. and decide we are going to do some free money, if there is a grant proposal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.027 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6853 that is just going to give you some- For those of us in Georgia, for those amendment that flies in the face of thing, folks are willing to raise their of us in the Southeast, this brought what is occurring across the country, hand and say: Yes, give it to me. Democrats and Republicans together, of course, as 18 States long before the If you ask people to put some skin in Mr. Speaker. This brought State legis- District of Columbia decriminalized the game, then it creates a completely lators together with the executive their marijuana laws. So, too, has the different dynamic for who is on board branch. This brought folks together District of Columbia. But this Member and who is thinking they want to opt from Alabama, South Carolina, Flor- is seeking to meddle in the affairs of out this time around. ida, and more. We can do those big the District of Columbia—the local af- Georgia is on board to the tune of things that matter. They are not easy. fairs, local matters—and to somehow $200 million because it is important. Sometimes they take a year or 2 or 3. keep the local legislature from passing When things are important, we ought But in my 3 years of service in this in- a local law just like the laws of those to be able to come together and get stitution, Mr. Speaker, I have never 18 States. those things done. Again, this Port of seen anything get done that was worth Now, I hasten to add that the Senate, Savannah, this Corps of Engineers doing that didn’t involve someone the comparable subcommittee in the project, this bit of the WRDA bill au- working awfully hard to make it hap- Senate, has considered this matter, and thorized in the WRDA bill, the Water pen. And more times than not, it the Senate has passed what we call a Resources Development Act, a rare epi- wasn’t one person working awfully clean bill, a clean appropriations bill sode of folks coming together and get- hard, it was two of us or three of us or for the District of Columbia. ting things done. ten of us or 100 of us who got together Of course, there is a kind of anomaly When we talk about what this means, to make these things happen. here. Why am I talking about the Dis- Mr. Speaker, we are talking about I am grateful to my colleagues for trict of Columbia at all? Well, that is 11,000 jobs nationwide—11,000 jobs na- working with me to make sure the an anomaly that allows the District’s tionwide. I say ‘‘nationwide,’’ Mr. Port of Savannah is a success—again, budget—every cent of it raised in the Speaker. Only about 2,400 of those jobs not just a success for the city of Savan- District of Columbia—to somehow are going to be local jobs there around nah, not just a success for the State of come here to be approved by Members the port. But we can’t get wrapped up Georgia, but a success for the United that are unaccountable for having in what is good for me and what is good States of America. It is an example of raised a cent of that budget. for my community to the exclusion of the kinds of partnerships that we can b 1430 what is good for us. We are all in this create and the kinds of differences we together. can make in the pocketbooks of fami- So, yes, the Senate had to consider Is Savannah going to have a dis- lies back home. the District’s budget. By the way, our proportionate benefit for the invest- There are going to be families who D.C. budget is balanced. The D.C. budg- ment in this port? Of course it is. They receive paychecks that would not have et has a large amount of revenue in ex- are also going to be disproportionately received those paychecks otherwise be- cess of its annual taxes, a rainy day burdened. Their streets are going to be cause of our cooperation and success. fund that would be the envy of most more crowded, and their housing prices There are going to be consumers who Members of this House, and yet it has are going be to affected. Everything is are saving money at the cash register to come to a House that has hardly affected. But this is not a local con- each and every day because we were been able to pass bills much less bal- cern. This is a national concern. able to come together and build this ance its budget. Mr. Speaker, the world is changing. much-needed infrastructure project. So the Senate says we recognize you The world is a dynamic place. Again, it With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield back can handle your own affairs, like any doesn’t take much to see that what was the balance of my time. other American jurisdiction, and they the amazing engineering marvel that f have quickly passed or approved the was the Panama Canal has been set HOME RULE FOR THE DISTRICT District’s local budget. In addition, the aside now as being too old, too anti- OF COLUMBIA Senate has also given the District both autonomy over its own budget so it quated, and too small to handle mod- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ern needs. We are now talking about wouldn’t have to come the Congress in DAINES). Under the Speaker’s an- this Panamax canal that is going to nounced policy of January 3, 2013, the the first place, and what we call legis- bring ships the size of which you and I gentlewoman from the District of Co- lative autonomy. In addition to having to bring its have never seen, Mr. Speaker, to Amer- lumbia (Ms. NORTON) is recognized for ican ports in record time, saving fuel, 60 minutes as the designee of the mi- local budget here, the residents of the making a difference to the energy nority leader. District of Columbia, when they pass economy, and making a difference to Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, it is vir- their local laws, those local laws have price for American consumers. tually mandatory that I come to the to rest here for a certain period of time I am a conservative Republican from floor this afternoon because the two to see if there is any Member who the Deep South, Mr. Speaker. I have a most serious, antidemocratic, and anti- wants to jump up and ask to overturn vision of what this country ought to home rule amendments are pending in them. However, usually the process of look like, and it is a vision of a coun- this House. I am very hopeful that they overturning a local law of the District try where every man or woman can fol- will not be sustained when the full of Columbia does not come through low his or her own hopes and dreams, Congress gets a look at them, but they regular order, through the House and wherever those hopes and dreams may certainly have passed this House: an Senate, although there is such a proc- take them. It is a vision where the gov- amendment from Representative THOM- ess that is allowed. It usually comes in ernment doesn’t put its foot on the AS MASSIE of Kentucky that attempts the way in which Representative throat of those young Americans who to wipe out, eliminate, all the gun laws MASSIE and Representative HARRIS want to pursue those dreams. of the Nation’s Capital—the Nation’s have interfered with the District. They But it doesn’t mean that there is no Capital, a prime terrorist target; the simply try to use an amendment to an role for government at all. When it Nation’s Capital, where Cabinet mem- appropriation bill in order to overturn comes to big infrastructure projects, bers lunch in our public places, go to a District law, a kind of shortcut meth- the interstate highway system, for ex- our theaters, and walk in our streets; od. ample, that transportation bill that the Nation’s Capital, where there are Of course, if one looks at why the just passed this House 2 short weeks 650,000 residents; the Nation’s Capital, District budget is over here, the Amer- ago, when it comes to our ports, when one of the big cities of America, and it ican people would be, I think, pleased it comes to those big issues of infra- is those big cities where gun violence is to know that no one, not one Member structure that matter to us all that most likely to occur. That is the looks at the budget. They recognize aren’t just about jobs in our local area amendment from Representative that they are incompetent to do so, not but about jobs across this country, we MASSIE. because they are inherently incom- have to come together to make a dif- Then there is another amendment petent, but because nobody would want ference in those ways. from Representative ANDY HARRIS, an to look at somebody else’s budget if

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.066 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 they have not had the opportunity to sioners. The people of the District be possessed; allowing magazines hold- go through what they have gone couldn’t elect their government. It had ing an unlimited number of bullets to through, and that is all of the hearings no Member of Congress. What kind of be possessed. and the rest of it. So Congress doesn’t democracy is that in your Nation’s Do you know how many motorcades care about the budget. They have the Capital? Well, Congress said that is not of cars go through the streets of the budget here in order to use it as a vehi- democracy. Nation’s Capital every single day car- cle to overturn local laws, and that is So Members can cite all they want rying dignitaries at every level of gov- what has happened with the gun about the Constitution, which indeed ernment from across the world? They amendment and with the marijuana de- said that because it is the Nation’s stop the traffic because the safety of criminalization amendment. Capital, there is jurisdiction in the these officials is so important to the Now, I want to speak about both re- Congress. But nothing in the Constitu- Nation and to the world. So we are not sponses from residents and about what tion said that Congress had to keep only talking about our own Cabinet of- these Members have done. The gun that jurisdiction and could never give ficials, we are talking about 20 million amendment is the most serious because the District democracy, and so it did. people who visit this city, prime min- what Representative THOMAS MASSIE The Home Rule Act of 1973, with that isters, heads of states. from Kentucky has tried to do affects act, from this Congress, this Congress Let me go on about what kind of gun the lives and the public safety of the said we shall no longer be the tyran- atmosphere Mr. MASSIE wants here in residents of this city. This is some- nical lawmakers for people unaccount- the Nation’s Capital. thing you don’t fool with. The reason able to us, making laws for people who Private sale of guns without any that the Framers left such local mat- can’t vote for us or against us. We give background checks. Any Tom, Dick, or ters, public safety, to local people, is that up because it is inconsistent with Harry, rogue or criminal, could get a because of what is at stake. Nobody in our values of democracy, and we say it gun and bring it into the Nation’s Cap- Washington, that is to say official to the world: we give it up now. And so ital. Washington, can tell anyone in some- they did. The purchase of guns with no waiting one’s hometown anything that they So any Member who tries to say we period. should want to hear about their own have the authority, it is like any ty- The purchase of an unlimited number local public safety. rant in the world who says because I of guns in one day. As it turns out, the District of Co- can do it, I am going to do it. Yes, you That is what he wants here in one of lumbia is very proud of its low crime can do it if you want to betray your the big cities, the Nation’s Capital. rate, its low gun violence rate, because own principles. Well, all he has done is bring unin- like other big cities, earlier on, within Now, I note for the RECORD that tended confusion. He certainly has got- the last 15 or 20 years, it was like other these Members profess to be Tea Party ten a response from the city. The big cities. It had high gun violence Republicans. Their major standard in mayor of the city, the police chief was rates, but those have been brought this Congress is that power, even power out of town but her assistant chief down. that the Federal Government legiti- came to this House and held a press And you can imagine that in a big mately has, shall be devolved, sent conference about the outrage of inter- city, keeping the city safe from gun vi- back to local jurisdictions and to fering with the chief and most impor- olence is a very big deal, particularly States. tant duty of the mayor and the police when that city turns out not to be just How can you call yourself a small chief: keeping the streets of the Dis- any city, when it turns out to be the government, local government, states’ trict safe. Capital of the United States. And yet rights Republican and then be instru- But this amendment isn’t quite doing what Representative MASSIE has done mental in putting the big foot of the what Mr. MASSIE intended. In fact, would make the District of Columbia Federal Government on a local juris- both of these amendments, the Harris the most permissive gun jurisdiction in diction—as it turns out, your own Na- marijuana decriminalization amend- the United States. What is almost tion’s Capital—and just to make this ment and the Massie amendment, show laughable, if it weren’t so tragic, is more absurdly antidemocratic, in a why amendments to appropriations that, were his amendment to become Congress where that Member cannot bills really aren’t the way to proceed. law, the District of Columbia would even vote up or down on the Harris It is true that you can try to introduce have a more permissive set of gun laws amendment or on the Massie amend- a bill to accomplish the same thing, than Representative MASSIE’s own dis- ment. but amendments to appropriations con- trict in Kentucky. This gentleman If, my friends, that is not tyranny, tain a few words and they end up doing lives in a county of 17,000 people. He is then the word has no meaning. Unac- things you never expected. This was a a cattle farmer. That is a different cul- countable, and you stand in the way of 69-word appropriation rider that tries ture that I respect in his county, and making the only Member who rep- to overturn four complicated laws; you yes, in his State. resents the District, where you are just can’t do it with an amendment and All the people of the District of Co- interfering, making her unaccountable get done what you are trying to do. lumbia are demanding is the same kind too with no vote on this floor—is this of respect, reciprocal respect, and that America? No, it is the Tea Party Re- b 1445 is what you don’t get when a Member publican Congress. This is what we found. We are still decides not to attend to the business of The gun amendment that has been looking at the implications of the his own State, but knowing nothing introduced by Representative MASSIE Massie amendment. It appears that about your State, saying not one mum- as a bald attempt to score political THOMAS MASSIE has made some of our bling word to you, who represent the points, and he says so—I will quote laws less restrictive and some more re- District, the only Member who rep- from his own statement shortly—to strictive. resents this district, or to any local of- make political points at the expense of Then there is another interpretation ficial, when you then decide in the states’ rights, the rights of my own that says that the city may be left most tyrannical way to use authority constituents, and most seriously, at with only laws that have been declared that essentially even this Congress the expense of their public safety. unconstitutional, and of course, those never intended you to have because 40 What is Representative THOMAS are unenforceable. years ago the Congress passed the MASSIE trying to do here in Wash- Then looking at the language, an- Home Rule Act. ington, instead of finding things to do other reading says that the amendment It recognized when the country was, for the people of Kentucky? Well, this has not only blocked the four com- frankly, being criticized for not using is what he is trying to do in the Na- plicated gun laws intended, but has the same standard with its own Capital tion’s Capital: to allow carrying on the also blocked enforcement of laws that that it demands of the rest of the streets a gun, open or concealed, of any these laws amended, and these laws world. Its own Capital didn’t even have kind; assault weapon, any kind, no amended laws that have been found un- a local government, a home rule gov- holds; allowing assault weapons, in- constitutional. That is just how com- ernment. It was ruled by three commis- cluding .50-caliber sniper weapons, to plicated this is.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.070 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6855 Now, what I think I have shown is the sensible thing to do is what he was could. A congressional staff member that it is technically impossible to do finally forced to do, go back, go to the was arrested here in the House just a what THOMAS MASSIE tried to do in 69 staff who knows how to write these few days ago for bringing a gun into words. Never mind, though, if all you amendments, and say: write me an the Capitol complex. This person has are bent on is undemocratically pok- amendment that won’t be out of order. been arrested. I can’t believe, since he ing, inserting yourself into a district Instead, he stood his ground and said is a staffer, he intended to bring it not your own, you are bound to make he wanted a vote to overrule his own here, but the law is the law, whether mistakes. Speaker, that his amendment was out you are a staffer or a visitor. In order to do what THOMAS MASSIE of order. That so embarrassed his col- Why hasn’t THOMAS MASSIE intro- wanted to do, he would have had to leagues on the other side that people duced a bill here where nobody could write a law as complicated as the Dis- gathered around him trying to con- say he lacks jurisdiction, a bill to trict of Columbia’s own carefully- vince him he really didn’t want to do allow guns to be brought into the wrought laws—gun laws are. Remem- that, there was another way, go back House of Representatives? I challenge ber, their laws had to be redeveloped and rewrite your amendment. him, if he means what he says, that he because of the Supreme Court decision What began as stubbornness was be- wants to at least try to restore gun that said that D.C.’s original laws were coming a matter of embarrassment for rights ‘‘anywhere I can,’’ then he must not constitutional, so they went back the Republican majority because a vote begin where he lives, right here on the and revised their laws, and they came to overrule the Speaker demands an House floor, so that no staff member up with, yes, strict gun laws. immediate vote of the House. It was will be embarrassed again. Here, at There have been challenges to those now 7 or 8 at night. least, those who would be affected are gun laws. The Federal courts have Members had been told there would accountable to him, as the residents I upheld the District’s gun registration be no more votes, so they were scat- represent are not. requirement, the Federal courts have tered throughout the region, in Mary- It looks like—if you were to judge by upheld the District’s assault weapons land, in Virginia, and the far reaches of these incidents all within a week’s ban, and the Federal courts have the District of Columbia. Had, indeed, time—there are people who believe upheld the District’s ban on large-ca- they been called back, the most angry that Representative MASSIE meant pacity ammunition feeding devices. Member would not have been me, it what he said because just a couple of Why in the world would anyone have would have been his own colleagues. days ago, a man—yet again, from gone to court against those in the first Finally, unable to convince him to South Carolina—brought a loaded place, I am not sure, but anybody who accept the ruling of the Chair—and the Ruger LC9 semiautomatic pistol with a reads the Supreme Court decision as people of Kentucky ought to know round in the chamber, into the Capitol saying you can carry any gun, any- what kind of Member they sent here complex, and he too was arrested, be- where you want to, ought to read it and perhaps do something about it—in- cause it is a Federal law, 40 U.S.C. 5104, again. stead of accepting the technical prob- which makes it an offense to carry a All the Supreme Court said was that lem and going back forthrightly and gun in the Capitol complex with a pen- you are allowed to have and own a gun dealing with it, he demanded a vote alty up to 5 years of imprisonment. in your own home, period. That is all anyway. Do you want to do something for the the Supreme Court has said—not to The vote could only be called a hu- people of Kentucky who may visit here carry those guns into the streets of big miliation of the Member because the or the people of America? Here is a law cities where gun tragedies occur on a votes were by voice and both sides that THOMAS MASSIE has full jurisdic- frequent basis. voted against the Member’s amend- tion to overturn, so I challenge him—if I make no challenge to where my col- ment, including his own side over THOMAS MASSIE is looking for a way to leagues stand on guns. I believe in a there, and the only one to vote for his restore gun rights ‘‘anywhere I can,’’ I country full of diversity of all kinds. If amendment was him. challenge you to at least introduce you look at the great United States So what he did finally is what he had such a bill here, if for no other reason, from East to West, with its extraor- to do. He went back, and he rewrote his for consistency’s sake. dinary diverse geography, you can un- amendment, and, of course, he has Don’t think that what Mr. MASSIE derstand why there would be vast dif- come back, and it passed, but with the has done has not been noted in Ken- ferences among residents on issues like unintended and confused consequences tucky. I am quoting from a Kentucky guns. I just indicated. TV station—and maybe this is partly Why in the world would we not want This is a Member, I say to the people inexperience because we don’t see more to respect those differences? This is the of Kentucky, who has introduced all of experienced Members who may agree United States of America. It means, in six bills—just by way of comparison with Mr. MASSIE coming forward so the States & D.C., we have the freedom only, because you can’t be judged by recklessly—but this Kentucky staffer to entertain differences and to carry the number of bills you introduce—but says: them out there. That is all the resi- he has introduced six, I have intro- First-term Republican Representative dents of the District of Columbia are duced 64. The difference is I have spent Thomas Massie said it is his business to try asking—indeed, demanding. my time asking: What do my constitu- to overturn Washington, D.C.’s gun control Wherever you stand on guns is no ents need? laws. business of mine, and I will never try I bet the people of Mr. MASSIE’s dis- Then it says—and this is a straight- to convince you in your own State how trict in Kentucky need more than an out news report: to behave with those guns. All that the amendment likely not to prevail at the Massie’s congressional district stretches people I represent are asking is that we end of the Congress that overturns all from eastern Jefferson County, Oldham, be accorded the same respect. the gun laws in the Nation’s Capital. Shelby, and Spencer Counties, all the way to Representative MASSIE came on this Indeed, I want to know what that does the West Virginia border. If the libertarian Republican has his way, floor initially with a version of his gun for one single resident of THOMAS his influence will stretch to the District of amendment. The Speaker sitting there MASSIE’s district. Columbia’s gun laws. before him found his amendment to be He was asked by the press: Why out of order. It was unartfully written. would you do this? He said: Because I b 1500 Normally, if your own party—the want to try to restore gun rights any- That is how it was reported in Ken- Speaker in the chair is from his party, where I can. tucky. There is an irony here that is the majority controls the floor—if your He thinks he can here, despite the not lost in his home State. Take the own Speaker says that your amend- Home Rule Act, where Congress gave Courier-Journal in Kentucky, which ment is out of order, that is the end of up the authority to pass laws for the ran an editorial that was headlined, it. District of Columbia. ‘‘Big foot government.’’ To understand the kind of Member Well, he had an opportunity twice It says, ‘‘A couple of Members of we are dealing with—his own Speaker since the D.C. amendment passed to Kentucky’s congressional delegation had ruled his amendment out of order— try to restore gun rights any way he who claim to want government out of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.072 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 our lives want to force more of it on ginia, and D.C., in the summertime. with us, we are going to mess with you. the District of Columbia. Tea Party fa- They have got to make it then, or the We are going to mess with you in your vorites’’—they also name RAND PAUL Eastern Shore isn’t going to make it district, we are going to mess with you because he has introduced a bill (not an for the rest of the year. here. appropriation amendment) that has When D.C. Vote called for a boycott, We are first-class American citizens. been set back in the Senate, but his is it suggested that residents choose Re- We are not going to take it. We are an entire bill to overturn the gun laws hoboth Beach, Delaware; or Chin- going to do everything we can to blan- of the Nation’s Capital. coteague Island, Virginia; but not the ket your State about how you are med- Rand Paul wants to be President of Eastern Shore because it said: They dling in our affairs, instead of taking the United States, and he is putting in don’t support us; why should we sup- care of your state’s business. bills, by the way, that are far softer port them? I didn’t organize any of this. I am ex- than the gun bill—bills that you might Of course, there will be allies across pressing the outrage of the people I expect from the Democratic side—in the region who will hear that call and represent, and let me tell you, while order to try to make Independents and who will not go to the Eastern Shore they made light with this constituent Democrats think that he is more ac- this summer. services day in Representative HARRIS’ ceptable than his words have indicated Residents continue to try in other office, this is dead serious for us be- he is in the past. ways to say to Representative HARRIS: cause our marijuana amendment Continuing, The Courier-Journal, the stay out of our affairs, attend to your wasn’t passed because of some college biggest newspaper in Kentucky, says own. students—and this is a big college that the two of them, ‘‘libertarian- Two dozen residents came here this town—lobbied the council about pot. leaning Republicans, are pushing meas- week to file complaints with Rep- It was passed in the wake of two ures in Congress to roll back Wash- resentative HARRIS. They say he is act- studies by very reputable organiza- ington, D.C.’s strict gun laws adopted ing like he is a member of the city tions, The Lawyers’ Committee for by its officials to try to reduce gun vio- council, so we are going to treat him Civil Rights Under Law and the Amer- lence in the nation’s capital.’’ like he is a member of the city council. ican Civil Liberties Union. They found It goes on, but let me quote from an- So they brought their complaints one that in this progressive town, 90 per- other part of that editorial. ‘‘Too bad by one, and Representative HARRIS’ cent of those arrested for smoking their concern doesn’t extend to the chief of staff had to stand there to re- marijuana were Black. right of residents of Washington to ceive these complaints from the resi- I can’t tell you exactly why, but it have a vote in Congress. The delegate dents of the District of Columbia. probably has a lot to do with where the from Washington has no floor vote, Nathan Harrington, who is a teacher police presence is most likely to be, which means Ms. NORTON could only in the District of Columbia, said, now but these figures fly in the face of fig- complain about the gun measure, but that he sees who has the power, he is ures that show that Blacks and Whites not vote against it. That sounds like coming to Rep. HARRIS because there use marijuana at the same rate. taxation without representation, some- are some vacant houses in his neigh- I don’t know whether Members ap- thing anyone who purports to love lib- borhood and he demands that Rep- preciate what a ‘‘drug’’ offense—and erty ought to oppose.’’ resentative ANDY HARRIS take care of that is what a marijuana offense is— Mr. Speaker, not only taxation with- those vacant houses, right away. ANDY means to a Black kid. It is the end of out representation, but the people I HARRIS has got the power. He has his working life. He is likely to carry represent pay the highest taxes per shown us he has got the power. around a stereotype based on his color capita to the Federal Government, Mr. Harrington said: either he rep- and often his gender, if he is a Black $12,000 per resident, which is the high- resents us or doesn’t. If he doesn’t, boy or Black man. He won’t be able to est in the United States. then stay out of our business. If he explain away this drug offense—mari- One ought to understand our outrage does, take care of those vacant houses. juana offense. when people from Kentucky or Mary- Representative HARRIS did not come That is what got the city council to land or anywhere else in the country forward to receive these complaints, pass this law. So anyone who interferes who pay less taxes try to tell us how to but his chief of staff did stand there, with us on this issue is meddling with conduct our local affairs. with civility, and receive these office- a serious racial issue in the District of The gun amendment certainly riled hours complaints from D.C. Vote resi- Columbia, and we are demanding that D.C. residents, but that amendment is dents. you stay out of this very serious affair. one of only two such amendments. The There were a number of other com- The amendment was passed to com- other, of course, is the marijuana de- plaints that came to Mr. HARRIS’ of- bat racial injustice. Twenty-three criminalization law that I mentioned fice. A resident said they wanted more States have legalized medical mari- when I began. visible street signs. One resident said juana, 18 have decriminalized mari- It is interesting to note, Mr. Speaker, they want more bike lanes. If you have juana, and two States have legalized that when the marijuana decrimi- got somebody who can put the big foot marijuana. We will not be treated dif- nalization law passed, along with the of the Federal Government on your ferently from any other State in the gun law, The Associated Press had an back, then surely he can do little Union. The one thing we demand is apt headline: ‘‘Guns Okay, Pot Dan- things like get you some bike lanes. equal treatment. gerous.’’ That tells you something This may be tongue-in-cheek, but it I must note that there is a growing about the Republican House of Rep- does show you the residents of the Dis- sense among my Republican colleagues resentatives. trict of Columbia are going to come at in this Congress that marijuana should The residents of this region—where you in more ways than one, and yes, no longer be criminally treated. We we have lived as one region—have built there is a sense of humor here, and don’t treat alcohol, which does far the same Metro and use the same then there is something very serious, more harm, in a criminal fashion. Metro with taxes coming from the en- like that boycott. While I am the last one to say smoke tire region, and even though we have To its credit, when the boycott of the weed or cigarettes, I don’t think people differing views on many issues, we try Eastern Shore was initiated by D.C. should get a criminal record for having to live as one region and not meddle Vote, it sent word to its local chamber done so. into the affairs of our neighbors, so of commerce and to its local commer- We do not see any consistency among this marijuana amendment was a par- cial section that it had absolutely my Republican colleagues. When the ticular outrage because it came from a nothing against them, that many of us Harris amendment came in committee, Maryland Representative. had enjoyed the Eastern Shore, but es- Republicans voted for it, and I want to The first thing that the largest D.C. sentially, we were powerless here. say something about those Repub- rights organization in D.C. did was to I could note vote against the Harris licans. call for a boycott of the Eastern Shore, amendment. I don’t expect the resi- KEN CALVERT of California, JEFF which Mr. Harris represents. The East- dents of the District of Columbia to sit FORTENBERRY, JAIME HERRERA ern Shore lives off of Maryland, Vir- around and take it. You want to mess BEUTLER, DAVID JOYCE, DAVID

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.074 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6857 VALADAO, ANDY HARRIS—of course—and don’t know what you are doing when you are not going to give me a vote, MARK AMODEI, these members, along you meddle in the business, the local stay out of the affairs of the District of with Mr. HARRIS, violated their own business, of another jurisdiction. Columbia. limited, small government, local con- It is remarkable that Mr. HARRIS is a I yield back the balance of my time. trol, states’ rights principles by voting Club for Growth, Tea Party acolyte, f in committee for the Harris amend- who was known before he came here ment. and is known now for his support of LEAVE OF ABSENCE I want to say a special word about states’ rights more than he is known By unanimous consent, leave of ab- MARK AMODEI of Nevada because he ex- for anything else; and it is remarkable sence was granted to: ceeded other Members in hypocrisy. He to note that his own State, Maryland, Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia (at the re- joined a majority last month on the has decriminalized marijuana. He is a quest of Mr. CANTOR) for today on ac- floor in favor of an amendment block- Member who has the power in Mary- count of family obligations. ing the Federal Government from land. Yet, he could not keep his own Ms. JACKSON LEE (at the request of interfering with medical marijuana in State from decriminalizing marijuana. Ms. PELOSI) for July 10 on account of those States which allow it—because So he tries to do in the District what official business in the district. Nevada allows it. he could not do in the State where he Ms. JACKSON LEE (at the request of b 1515 is accountable to the voters. Ms. PELOSI) for July 24 on account of A recent article on Mr. HARRIS and official business in the district. He didn’t want the Federal Govern- the District of Columbia when these Ms. JACKSON LEE (at the request of ment interfering with what had been residents Constituent Services Day in Ms. PELOSI) for June 4 and 5, 2013, Feb- sanctioned by his own state, but he was Representative HARRIS’ office: ruary 10, 2014, March 4, 2014, and April quick to interfere with the local affairs I thought this media stunt was going to be 9 and 10, 2014 on account of official on a related substance right after- a colossally goofball effort that had little to business. wards. no effect on Harris or his views, and we still f I call on my Republican colleagues to don’t know if it will, but on that day, his em- at least abide by their own principles ployees were clearly rattled, so mission ac- ADJOURNMENT complished. and to show some consistency of prin- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I move ciple. Moreover, Harris—who also has said that, to District residents, Congress is their local that the House do now adjourn. Also passed recently was an amend- The motion was agreed to; accord- ment that prevents the Federal Gov- legislature—missed an opportunity to come across as something beyond another guy ingly (at 3 o’clock and 25 minutes ernment from penalizing financial in- stuffed in a suit, overreaching his bound- p.m.), under its previous order, the stitutions that provide services to legal aries. By leaving the completely manageable House adjourned until Monday, July 28, marijuana businesses. If you have got a demonstration to his marginally prepared 2014, at noon for morning-hour debate. marijuana business in your State and aides, his stance on what the city’s drug the State says it is okay, then the Fed- policies should be came across as even more f eral Government cannot keep financial aloof and more nonsensical than ever. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, institutions from dealing in bank Look at how you are viewed. Think ETC. transactions with these local mari- before you decide to insert yourself Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive juana businesses. against your own professed—and often communications were taken from the Forty-five Republicans voted for that announced—principles into the affairs Speaker’s table and referred as follows: amendment that passed. That is a large of a local jurisdiction not your own. I am here this afternoon to serve no- 6604. A letter from the Congressional Re- number of Republicans to cross the view Coordinator, Department of Agri- aisle in this House. The House has also tice on these two Members—and we are culture, transmitting the Department’s final voted to block the Drug Enforcement not through with them yet—or on any rule — Asian Longhorned Beetle; Quar- Administration from using funds to other Members who come forward that, antined Areas in New Jersey [Docket No.: target medical marijuana operations in yes, you can vote when I can’t, but you APHIS-2013-0078] received July 18, 2014, pur- States where those operations are cannot keep the residents of the Dis- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- legal. Forty-nine Republicans voted for trict of Columbia from doing what they mittee on Agriculture. that. can to show you and to show America 6605. A letter from the Associate Adminis- Be consistent. If you are going to that we will not be treated as second- trator, Department of Agriculture, transmit- ting the Department’s final rule — Cotton vote to keep the Federal Government class citizens in our own country, not Board Rules and Regulations: Adjusting Sup- out of matters involving marijuana by THOMAS MASSIE, not by ANDY HAR- plemental Assessment of Imports (2014 where your State has sanctioned its RIS, not by any Member of the House or Amendment) [Doc. No.: AMS-CN-13-0100] re- use, then apply that same principle to Senate. Don’t expect us to just lie ceived July 8, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the District of Columbia. That is why down and take it. No red-blooded 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- the Associated Press said: ‘‘House GOP American would take what these Mem- culture. to D.C.: Guns OK, pot dangerous.’’ bers have tried to do to this city with 6606. A letter from the Chief Counsel, Act- Like the Massie gun amendment, the the gun amendment and with the mari- ing, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department’s final rule — Harris amendment had unintended con- juana decriminalization amendment. Suspension of Community Eligibility [Dock- sequences, too. The District of Colum- In the name of your own principles— et ID: FEMA-2014-0002][Internal Agency bia marijuana decriminalization is principles on which I agree that mat- Docket No.: FEMA-8337] received July 15, legal because the law has passed its ters in the States and localities are for 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the layover period of 60 legislative days. At them, and my friends, maybe even Committee on Financial Services. the end of that 60 days, the law became some of the things we do here can bet- 6607. A letter from the Acting Assistant legal. Now, the Harris amendment— ter be done in the States—there is a General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- seeks to overturn it. What happens democratic way to accomplish that partment of Education, transmitting the De- partment’s final rule — Final priority. Na- when you use a pre-loaded Federal po- mission, but it is not by an act of pro- tional Institute on Disability and Rehabili- litical bomb against a local jurisdic- found congressional bullying where you tation Research--Rehabilitation Engineering tion is clear from what has happened exert power to which even the local Research Centers [Docket ID: ED-2014- with Representative HARRIS’ amend- Member cannot respond except on this OSERS-0018] [CDFA Number: 84.133E-4.] re- ment. That amendment now would not floor, with her voice—not even with a ceived July 10, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. only block the District from enforcing vote. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Education its laws, it would block the District When THOMAS MASSIE decided that he and the Workforce. from issuing the fines that, with a wanted to overrule his chair, they 6608. A letter from the Acting Assistant General Counsel for Regulatory Services, De- sense of responsibility, were put in the didn’t pull him off the floor. They let partment of Education, transmitting the De- law for those who, for example, smoke him have a vote. I will not have a vote partment’s final rule — Final Priority. Na- marijuana on the streets. There are un- on any matter affecting the District of tional Institute on Disability and Rehabili- intended consequences because you Columbia. In the name of decency, if tation Research--Rehabilitation Research

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.075 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014 and Training Centers [ED-2014-OSERS-0047] Commercial Gulf of Mexico Hammerhead Bay, WI [Docket No.: USCG-2014-0536] (RIN: [CDFA Number: 84.133B-8] received July 10, Shark Management Groups [Docket No.: 1625-AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the 130402317-3966-02] (RIN: 0648-XD281) received 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Committee on Education and the Workforce. June 20, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Transportation and Infrastructure. 6609. A letter from the Electronics Engi- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural 6627. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, neer, Federal Communications Commission, Resources. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- transmitting the Commission’s final rule — 6617. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety Proposed Amendments to the Service Rules Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Zone; Monongahela River; Pittsburgh, PA Governing Public Safety Narrowband Oper- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety [Docket Number: USCG-2014-0377] (RIN: 1625- ation in the 769-775/799-805 MHz Bands; The Zone: San Francisco Independence Day Fire- AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 Development of Operation, Technical and works Display, San Francisco Bay, San U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Spectrum Requirements for Meeting Fed- Francisco, CA [Docket No.: USCG-2014-0283) Transportation and Infrastructure. eral, Sate and Local Public Safety Commu- (RIN: 1625-AA00) received July 17, 2014, pur- 6628. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, nications Requirements Through the Year.. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- [PS Docket No.: 13-87] [WT Docket No.: 96-86] mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety [RM-11433].. recevied July 11, 2014, pursuant ture. Zone; City of Menominee Fireworks; Green to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 6618. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, Bay, Menominee, MI [Docket No.: USCG- Energy and Commerce. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 2014-0539] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received July 17, 6610. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Zone; Celebrate The Amboys Fireworks; Committee on Transportation and Infra- sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Raritan Bay, Perth Amboy, NJ [Docket No.: structure. rule — Amendment of Section 73.202(b), USCG-2014-0188] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received 6629. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- (Tohatchi, New Mexico) [MB Docket No.: 13- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- 250] (RM-11705) received July 14, 2014, pursu- tation and Infrastructure. worthiness Directives; Rolls-Royce plc Tur- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee 6619. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, bofan Engines [Docket No.: FAA-2012-0482; on Energy and Commerce. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Directorate Identifier 2012-NE-14-AD; 6611. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media ting the Department’s final rule — Safety Amendment 39-17290; AD 2012-25-09] (RIN: Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Zone; Freeport Chamber of Commerce Fire- 2120-AA64) received July 16, 2014, pursuant to sion, transmitting the Commission’s final works Display; South Oyster Bay; Freeport, 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on rule — Western Pacific Broadcast, LLC NY [Docket No.: USCG-2014-0240] (RIN: 1625- Transportation and Infrastructure. Amendment of Section 73.622(i) Digital Tele- AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 6630. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- vision Table of Allotments (Seaford, Dela- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- ware and Dover, Delaware) [MB Docket No.: Transportation and Infrastructure. mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- 13-40] (RM-11691) received July 14, 2014, pur- 6620. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2011-0724; Direc- mittee on Energy and Commerce. ting the Department’s final rule — Safety torate Identifier 2010-NM-181-AD; Amend- 6612. A letter from the Chief, Broadband Zone; Delaware River; Philadelphia, PA ment 39-17299; AD 2012-26-04] (RIN: 2120-AA64) Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bu- [Docket Number: USCG-2014-0501] (RIN: 1625- received July 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. reau, Federal Communications Commission, AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- transmitting the Commission’s final rule — U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on tation and Infrastructure. Amendment of Parts 1, 21, 73, 74 and 101 of Transportation and Infrastructure. 6631. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- the Commission’s Rules to Facilitate the 6621. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- Provision of Fixed and Mobile Broadband Ac- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- cess, Educational and Other Advanced Series ting the Department’s final rule — Safety worthiness Directives; Pratt & Whitney Can- in the 2150-2162 and 2500-2690 MHz Bands [WT Zone; Summer Fireworks Displays in the ada Corp. Turboprop Engines [Docket No.: Docket No.: 03-66] [RM-11614] received July 8, Captain of the Port Lake Michigan Zone FAA-2012-0416; Directorate Identifier 2012- 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the [Docket No.: USCG-2014-0476] (RIN: 1625- NE-13-AD; Amendment 39-17303; AD 2012-26- Committee on Energy and Commerce. AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 08] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received July 16, 2014, 6613. A letter from the Chief, Branch of U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Listing, Department of the Interior, trans- Transportation and Infrastructure. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- mitting the Department’s final rule — Final 6622. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, ture. Policy on Interpretation of Phrase ‘‘Signifi- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 6632. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- cant Portion of Its Range’’ in the Endan- ting the Department’s final rule — Safety cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- gered Species Act’s Definitions of ‘‘Endan- Zone; Metedeconk River; Brick Township, mitting the Department’s final rule — The gered Species’’ and ‘‘Threatened Species’’ NJ [Docket Number: USCG-2014-0522] (RIN: New York North Shore Helicopter Route [DOC Docket No.: 110131072-4385-02] [Docket 1625-AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to [Docket No.: FAA-2010-0302; Amdt. No. 93-97] No.: FWS-R9-ES-2011-0031] (RIN: 1018-AX49; 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on (RIN: 2120-AJ75) received July 16, 2014, pursu- 0648-BA78) received July 10, 2014, pursuant to Transportation and Infrastructure. ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 6623. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, on Transportation and Infrastructure. Natural Resources. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 6633. A letter from the Paralegal Spe- 6614. A letter from the Chief, Branch of FS, ting the Department’s final rule — Safety cialist, Department of Transportation, trans- Department of the Interior, transmitting the Zone; Bullhead City River Regatta; Bullhead mitting the Department’s final rule — Air- Department’s final rule — Endangered and City, AZ [Docket No.: USCG-2014-0359] (RIN: worthiness Directives; The Boeing Company Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Listing the 1625-AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to Airplanes [Docket No.: FAA-2011-1419; Direc- Yellow-Billed Parrot With Special Rule, and 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on torate Identifier 2010-NM-281-AD; Amend- Correcting the Salmon-Crested Cockatoo Transportation and Infrastructure. ment 39-17297; AD 2012-26-02] (RIN: 2120-AA64) Special Rule [Docket No.: FWS-R9-ES-2011- 6624. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, received July 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 0075]; [4500030115] (RIN: 1018-AY28) received Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- July 10, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ting the Department’s final rule — Special tation and Infrastructure. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural Local Regulation, Tennessee River, Mile 6634. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Resources. 256.0 to 257.5; Florence, TN [Docket No.: Chief Counsel for Safety, Department of 6615. A letter from the Regulations Spe- USCG-2014-0277] (RIN: 1625-AA08) received Transportation, transmitting the Depart- cialist; FWS-Office of Subsistence Manage- July 17, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ment’s final rule — Vehicle/Track Inter- ment, Department of the Interior, transmit- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- action Safety Standards; High Speed and ting the Department’s final rule — Subsist- tation and Infrastructure. High Cant Deficiency Operations [Docket ence Management Regulations for Public 6625. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, No.: FRA-2009-0036, Notice No. 2] (RIN: 2130- Lands in Alaska--2014-15 and 2015-16 Subsist- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- AC09) received July 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 ence Taking of Wildlife Regulations [Docket ting the Department’s final rule — Safety U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on No.: FWS-R7-SM-2012-0104;FBMS#4500065668] Zone; Swim Around Charleston, Charleston, Transportation and Infrastructure. (RIN: 1018-AY85) received July 10, 2014, pur- SC [Docket Number: USCG-2014-0160] (RIN: 6635. A letter from the Trial Attorney, De- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 1625-AA00) received July 17, 2014, pursuant to partment of Transportation, transmitting mittee on Natural Resources. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on the Department’s final rule — Signal Sys- 6616. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Transportation and Infrastructure. tems Reporting Requirements [Docket No.: fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- 6626. A letter from the Attorney Advisor, FRA-2012-0104, Notice No. 2] (RIN: 2130-AC44) tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- received July 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tion, transmitting the Administration’s final ting the Department’s final rule — Safety 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- rule — Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Zone; Water Ski Show, Fox River, Green tation and Infrastructure.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L25JY7.000 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6859

6636. A letter from the Assistant Chief By Mrs. BEATTY (for herself, Ms. KAP- Ms. PINGREE of Maine, Mr. MCGOV- Counsel, Department of Transportation, TUR, and Mr. STIVERS): ERN, Mr. BLUMENAUER, and Ms. LEE transmitting the Department’s final rule — H.R. 5207. A bill to direct the Secretary of of California): Hazardous Materials: Compatibility with the the Interior to conduct a special resource H. Res. 691. A resolution supporting the Regulations of the International Atomic En- study to determine the suitability and feasi- goals and ideals of National Community Gar- ergy Agency (RRR) [Docket No.: PHMSA- bility of establishing the John P. Parker dening Awareness Month; to the Committee 2009-0063 (HM-250)] (RIN: 2137-AE38) received House in Ripley, Ohio, as a unit of the Na- on Oversight and Government Reform. July 15, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tional Park System; to the Committee on f 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- Natural Resources. tation and Infrastructure. By Mr. FORBES: MEMORIALS 6637. A letter from the Chief, Publications H.R. 5208. A bill to make technical correc- Under clause 3 of rule XII, and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, tions to the National Parks and Recreation 289. The SPEAKER presented a memorial transmitting the Service’s final rule — Infor- Act of 1978, and for other purposes; to the of the House of Representatives of the State mation Reporting by Passport Applicants Committee on Natural Resources. of North Carolina, relative to House Resolu- [TD 9679] (RIN: 1545-AJ93) received July 22, By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, tion No. 1256 honoring the brave men, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Ms. MENG, Mr. GRIMM, Mr. ISRAEL, women, and children who valiantly served Committee on Ways and Means. and Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York): our country as Coastwise Merchant Mariners 6638. A letter from the Chief, Publications H.R. 5209. A bill to establish a grant pro- during World War II; to the Committee on and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, gram to help State and local law enforce- Veterans’ Affairs. transmitting the Service’s final rule — IRS ment agencies reduce the risk of injury and Truncated Taxpayer Identification Numbers death relating to the wandering characteris- f [TD 9675] (RIN: 1545-BJ16) received July 18, tics of some children with autism and other disabilities; to the Committee on the Judici- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the STATEMENT Committee on Ways and Means. ary. 6639. A letter from the Director, Office of By Mr. SALMON: Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Regulations and Reports Clearance, Social H.R. 5210. A bill to prohibit providing Fed- the Rules of the House of Representa- Security Administration, transmitting the eral funds for the National Endowment for tives, the following statements are sub- Administration’s final rule — Extension of the Humanities; to the Committee on Edu- cation and the Workforce. mitted regarding the specific powers Effective Date for Temporary Pilot Program granted to Congress in the Constitu- Setting the Time and Place for a Hearing Be- By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska (for himself fore an Administrative Law Judge [Docket and Ms. HANABUSA): tion to enact the accompanying bill or H.R. 5211. A bill to amend section 811 of No.: SSA-2014-0034] (RIN: 0960-AH67) received joint resolution. Public Law 111-84 to apply that section to all July 11, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. By Mr. PETE P. GALLEGO: contractors for all sole-source contracts ex- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 5198. ceeding $20,000,000; to the Committee on Means. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Oversight and Government Reform, and in lation pursuant to the following: f addition to the Committee on Armed Serv- Section 8 of Article I of the United States ices, for a period to be subsequently deter- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Constitution. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Under clause 2 of rule XII, public sideration of such provisions as fall within H.R. 5203. bills and resolutions of the following the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. Congress has the power to enact this legis- titles were introduced and severally re- By Mr. FRANKS of Arizona (for him- lation pursuant to the following: ferred, as follows: self and Mrs. BLACKBURN): Article IV, Section 3, clause 2 H. Res. 687. A resolution expressing the By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: By Mr. BISHOP of Utah (for himself, sense of the House of Representatives regard- H.R. 5204. Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. ing the President’s responsibility to address Congress has the power to enact this legis- SCHOCK, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, the border crisis; to the Committee on the lation pursuant to the following: Mr. STOCKMAN, and Mr. WESTMORE- Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee Article IV, section 3, clause 2 LAND): on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subse- By Mr. AMODEI: H.R. 5203. A bill to enhance the operation quently determined by the Speaker, in each H.R. 5205. of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Com- case for consideration of such provisions as Congress has the power to enact this legis- mission; to the Committee on Natural Re- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee lation pursuant to the following: sources. concerned. The constitutional authority of Congress By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: By Ms. MCCOLLUM (for herself, Mr. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- H.R. 5204. A bill to amend the Federal REICHERT, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. CRENSHAW, cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- Lands Recreation Enhancement Act to im- Ms. BASS, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Ms. LEE stitution, specifically clause 1 (relating to prove recreation opportunities and increase of California, Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. providing for the general welfare of the consistency and accountability in the collec- SMITH of Washington, Mr. MCCAUL, United States) and clause 18 (relating to the tion and expenditure of recreation fees col- Ms. ESTY, Mr. MCHENRY, Ms. SPEIER, power to make all laws necessary and proper lected on public lands and forests, and for Mr. ROSS, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. HALL, for carrying out the powers vested in Con- other purposes; to the Committee on Natural Mr. LEVIN, Mr. SCHOCK, and Ms. ROY- gress), and Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 (re- Resources, and in addition to the Committee BAL-ALLARD): lating to the power of Congress to dispose of on Agriculture, for a period to be subse- H. Res. 688. A resolution supporting the and make all needful rules and regulations quently determined by the Speaker, in each role of the United States in ensuring chil- respecting the territory or other property case for consideration of such provisions as dren in poor countries have access to vac- belonging to the United States). fall within the jurisdiction of the committee cines and immunization through the GAVI By Mr. GRAYSON: concerned. Alliance; to the Committee on Foreign Af- H.R. 5206. By Mr. AMODEI (for himself, Mr. fairs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- HORSFORD, Mr. HECK of Nevada, and By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, lation pursuant to the following: Ms. TITUS): Mr. HOYER, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. ENGEL, Article I, Clause 8 of the Constitution of H.R. 5205. A bill to authorize certain land Mr. WOLF, Mr. CAPUANO, and Ms. the United States. conveyances involving public lands in north- BASS): By Mrs. BEATTY: ern Nevada to promote economic develop- H. Res. 689. A resolution supporting an end H.R. 5207. ment and conservation, and for other pur- to the ethnic and politically fueled violence Congress has the power to enact this legis- poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- in South Sudan and the successful imple- lation pursuant to the following: sources. mentation of a transitional government; to This bill is enacted pursuant to the power By Mr. GRAYSON (for himself and Ms. the Committee on Foreign Affairs. granted to Congress under Article I, Section ROS-LEHTINEN): By Mr. LIPINSKI (for himself, Ms. 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. H.R. 5206. A bill to allow Foreign Service KAPTUR, Mr. TURNER, Mr. DIAZ- By Mr. FORBES: and other executive agency employees to BALART, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. BENISHEK, H.R. 5208. designate beneficiaries of their death bene- Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. TONKO, Mr. MUR- Congress has the power to enact this legis- fits; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, PHY of Pennsylvania, and Ms. SCHA- lation pursuant to the following: and in addition to the Committee on Over- KOWSKY): Article IV, Section 3 and Article I, Section sight and Government Reform, for a period H. Res. 690. A resolution honoring the 70th 8, Clauses 1 and 18 to be subsequently determined by the Speak- anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising; to the By Mr. KING of New York: er, in each case for consideration of such pro- Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 5209. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the By Ms. MATSUI (for herself, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- committee concerned. MCCOLLUM, Ms. NORTON, Mr. MORAN, lation pursuant to the following:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L25JY7.000 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2014

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 PALLONE, Mr. WELCH, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. H.R. 4916: Mr. COLLINS of New York and Mr. The Congress shall have Power to lay and BISHOP of New York, Ms. SCHWARTZ, Mr. TONKO. collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, NEAL, Ms. ESHOO, and Mr. BLUMENAUER. H.R. 4920: Mr. FORBES. to pay the Debts and provide for the common H.R. 2453: Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. H.R. 4948: Ms. KUSTER. Defence and general Welfare of the United H.R. 2457: Mr. BISHOP of New York and Mr. H.R. 4960: Mr. LONG, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises VELA. CAPUANO, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of shall be uniform throughout the United H.R. 2529: Mr. KIND. Texas, and Mr. WALZ. States. H.R. 2536: Mr. BENISHEK and Mr. ROSKAM. H.R. 4964: Mr. SMITH of Washington and Mr. By Mr. SALMON: H.R. 2594: Ms. SINEMA and Mr. PETERS of KILMER. H.R. 5210. California. H.R. 4966: Mr. CICILLINE. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2654: Ms. SHEA-PORTER. H.R. 4979: Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2656: Mr. VAN HOLLEN. H.R. 4989: Mr. FORBES. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7—‘‘No money H.R. 2673: Mr. NUGENT. H.R. 5005: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in H.R. 2738: Mr. BISHOP of New York. H.R. 5007: Ms. KUSTER and Mrs. NEGRETE Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; H.R. 2761: Mr. CICILLINE. MCLEOD. and a regular Statement and Account of the H.R. 2780: Mr. PETERS of Michigan. H.R. 5024: Mr. MCNERNEY and Mr. SCHIFF. Receipts and Expenditures of all public H.R. 2835: Mr. NUGENT. H.R. 5041: Mrs. WALORSKI, Mrs. BACHMANN, Money shall be published from time to H.R. 2917: Mrs. BEATTY. and Mr. GOHMERT. time.’’ H.R. 2959: Mrs. BLACK and Mr. CUELLAR. H.R. 5043: Mr. DELANEY. By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska: H.R. 2996: Mr. MULLIN, Mr. MURPHY of Flor- H.R. 5044: Mr. DELANEY. H.R. 5211. ida, Mr. FLORES, Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRIS- H.R. 5052: Mr. SALMON. Congress has the power to enact this legis- HAM of New Mexico, Mrs. MCMORRIS ROD- H.R. 5059: Ms. PINGREE of Maine. lation pursuant to the following: GERS, and Mr. PETERS of California. H.R. 5060: Ms. ESHOO. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, and Article 1, H.R. 3155: Mr. FORBES. H.R. 5062: Mr. HECK of Washington, Mr. Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 3333: Mr. BARBER. CARNEY, and Mr. WESTMORELAND. H.R. 3456: Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. CLEAVER, H.R. 5069: Mr. WALZ. f Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York, Ms. EDWARDS, H.R. 5071: Mr. NUNES and Mr. PETRI. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. CARSON of H.R. 5083: Mr. KING of New York. Indiana, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. DAVID H.R. 5086: Mr. COLE. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. PERLMUTTER, Mr. H.R. 5088: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CHU, and were added to public bills and resolu- ISRAEL, and Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. COHEN. tions, as follows: H.R. 3465: Mr. POCAN. H.R. 5094: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. H.R. 3489: Mr. SHIMKUS. H.R. 5114: Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. MARCHANT, H.R. 32: Mr. LAMBORN and Mr. SARBANES. H.R. 3560: Mr. KENNEDY. and Mr. PETERSON. H.R. 148: Mr. MCDERMOTT. H.R. 3662: Mr. FORTENBERRY. H.R. 5126: Mr. POCAN and Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 292: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of H.R. 3670: Mr. RUSH. H.R. 5127: Ms. JACKSON LEE. Texas. H.R. 3680: Mr. JEFFRIES, Mr. GRIMM, and H.R. 5128: Ms. SPEIER. H.R. 303: Mr. SOUTHERLAND, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 5129: Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. BENTIVOLIO, and Mr. SARBANES. H.R. 3708: Mr. PERRY. H.R. 5156: Ms. NORTON, Mr. SCHIFF, and Mr. H.R. 404: Mr. RUSH. H.R. 3747: Mr. WITTMAN. NOLAN. H.R. 411: Mr. POSEY and Mr. CUELLAR. H.R. 3775: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. H.R. 5159: Ms. CHU and Mr. LARSEN of H.R. 460: Mr. PETERSON. H.R. 3782: Mr. DENHAM. Washington. H.R. 494: Mr. BYRNE. H.R. 3991: Mr. POE of Texas. H.R. 5160: Mr. YOHO, Mr. WILLIAMS, Mr. H.R. 517: Ms. BORDALLO. H.R. 4137: Mr. BRIDENSTINE. CAMPBELL, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. H.R. 519: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. H.R. 4148: Mr. DELANEY. LAMALFA, and Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 595: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4158: Mr. REED and Mr. BOUSTANY. H.R. 5182: Mr. LEVIN, Mr. HONDA, and Mr. fornia. H.R. 4188: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of KIND. H.R. 628: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. New York. H.R. 5200: Ms. MATSUI. H.R. 647: Mr. SABLAN, Mr. MCKEON, and Mr. H.R. 4190: Ms. MATSUI. H.J. Res. 68: Mr. BARR. WILLIAMS. H.R. 4227: Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.J. Res. 118: Mr. LUETKEMEYER. H.R. 792: Mr. MCALLISTER. H.R. 4240: Ms. CHU. H.J. Res. 119: Ms. SCHWARTZ. H.R. 847: Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4319: Mrs. BLACKBURN. H. Con. Res. 27: Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- fornia. H.R. 4370: Mr. LABRADOR. sissippi. H.R. 956: Mr. WEBER of Texas and Mr. H.R. 4430: Mr. CICILLINE. H. Con. Res. 107: Ms. SCHWARTZ, Mr. BACH- CLAY. H.R. 4515: Mr. TAKANO. US, Mr. POLIS, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. SIMPSON, H.R. 1070: Mr. THOMPSON of California. H.R. 4577: Mr. GUTHRIE and Mr. BISHOP of ´ Ms. WILSON of Florida, and Ms. BROWN of H.R. 1150: Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of Cali- New York. Florida. fornia. H.R. 4578: Ms. ESHOO. H. Res. 208: Mr. HOLT. H.R. 1226: Mr. PAULSEN. H.R. 4582: Ms. MATSUI. H. Res. 281: Mr. MULVANEY, Mr. KING of H.R. 1478: Ms. SINEMA. H.R. 4618: Mr. MORAN. New York, Mr. WOMACK, and Mr. GARY G. H.R. 1518: Mr. HOYER. H.R. 4626: Mr. MEEKS and Mr. HECK of MILLER of California. H.R. 1652: Mr. GRAYSON. Washington. H. Res. 431: Mr. CRAWFORD. H.R. 1666: Mrs. CAPITO. H.R. 4674: Mr. MCGOVERN. H. Res. 522: Mr. LARSEN of Washington. H.R. 1733: Mr. WENSTRUP. H.R. 4682: Mr. PETERS of Michigan, Mrs. H. Res. 587: Mr. GRIMM. H.R. 1812: Ms. LEE of California and Mr. MCMORRIS RODGERS, and Mr. KILMER. H. Res. 620: Mr. CALVERT. AMODEI. H.R. 4740: Mr. BOUSTANY. H. Res. 640: Mr. ADERHOLT. H.R. 1861: Mr. MCALLISTER. H.R. 4741: Mr. COLE. H. Res. 644: Mr. CALVERT, Mr. NUNNELEE, H.R. 1943: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H.R. 4771: Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. BENTIVOLIO, and Mr. H.R. 1953: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 4793: Mr. COBLE, Mr. ISRAEL, Mrs. BARLETTA. H.R. 1975: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CHU, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, and H. Res. 667: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 1976: Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. COHEN. H. Res. 679: Mr. GOODLATTE and Mr. SMITH H.R. 2028: Mr. KEATING and Mr. SIRES. H.R. 4814: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. GRIMM, Ms. of New Jersey. H.R. 2313: Mr. KIND. BROWN of Florida, Mr. LOEBSACK, Mr. SCHIFF, H.R. 2366: Mr. STEWART, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. HONDA, and f Mr. COFFMAN, Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. Mr. ROSKAM. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM KINZINGER of Illinois, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. H.R. 4815: Mr. RYAN of Ohio. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS RIBBLE, Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. RENACCI, Ms. H.R. 4818: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. CHU, and ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ROONEY, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. COHEN. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Mr. CRENSHAW, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. H.R. 4828: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. were deleted from public bills and reso- ENGEL, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SAM H.R. 4829: Mr. PITTENGER. lutions, as follows: JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. DENT, UIZ H.R. 4853: Mr. R . H.R. 3486: Mr. MEADOWS. Ms. SINEMA, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 4878: Mr. LONG and Mrs. BLACKBURN. fornia, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. FOSTER, Ms. SPEIER, H.R. 4886: Mr. MCCLINTOCK and Mr. STEW- f Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. BRALEY of ART. PETITIONS, ETC. Iowa, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. HOLT, Mr. H.R. 4888: Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, GRAYSON, Mr. FARR, Mr. COSTA, Mr. PAS- Mr. YARMUTH, Mrs. BUSTOS, Ms. EDWARDS, Under clause 3 of rule XII, petitions CRELL, Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. LANCE, Mr. NEAL, Mr. TIERNEY, Ms. ESTY, and Ms. and papers were laid on the clerk’s Mr. BARBER, Mr. PASTOR of Arizona, Mr. BROWNLEY of California. desk and referred as follows:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.030 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6861 90. The SPEAKER presented a petition of resolution opposing the Vessel Incidental Petition 10 by Mr. PETERS on H.R. 3992: the City of Springfield, Ohio, relative to Res- Discharge Act (S. 2094); to the Committee on Jim Cooper, Gene Green, Bill Foster, Mike olution No. 5836 supporting the Youth Transportation and Infrastructure. Thompson, Alan Grayson, John Conyers Jr., PROMISE Act (H.R. 1318 and S. 1307); to the f Rau´ l M. Grijalva, Richard E. Neal, Michael Committee on Education and the Workforce. F. Doyle, Brad Sherman, David Scott, 91. Also, a petition of the City of Napoleon, DISCHARGE PETITIONS— Filemon Vela, Tulsi Gabbard, David Ohio, relative to Resolution No. 041-14 urging ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS state legislators to reject HB 5 and Senate Loebsack, Corrine Brown, John Barrow, Ed Bill 282; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The following Members added their Pastor, Sean Patrick Maloney, Terri A. Se- 92. Also, a petition of the California State names to the following discharge peti- well, Colleen W. Hanabusa, John C. Carney Lands Commission, California, relative to a tion: Jr., and Eliot L. Engel.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:30 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L25JY7.002 H25JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1233 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

COMMEMORATING THE 40TH ANNI- dom. In preparation for that military assign- pacity of 87 children, who are enjoying the VERSARY OF THE ROUND LAKE ment, LTC Seip left home for training at Fort process of learning and the After School Pro- AREA PARK DISTRICT Dix in New Jersey on Mother’s Day 2006. gram has 27 children. Upon the completion of her training, she re- Mrs. Bell, because of her hard and diligent HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER turned home for a brief period before leaving work at Heavenly Angels Daycare Center has received a trophy honoring her as Business- OF ILLINOIS for Iraq on Memorial Day 2006. Additionally, LTC Seip served as the mayor woman of the Year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Ocean Cliff section of Baghdad and had Mrs. Bell has been married for 25 years to Friday, July 25, 2014 an integral role in the preparation of the mass a husband that loves and supports her. They Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I am proud casualty plan for the Embassy. LTC Seip’s de- have 5 children: 4 boys and 1 daughter, Jan- to rise today to honor the Round Lake Area ployment ended on July 14, 2007 and, upon ice, who has worked with Heavenly Angels Park District, and to commemorate its 40th her return, she was greeted on the Pennsyl- Daycare Center since its opening and grad- Anniversary. For four decades, the Round vania House Floor along with her colleague uated from Jackson State University with a Lake Area Park District has been an integral Captain Cara Walters. Business Degree. part of the surrounding community, providing LTC Seip is the youngest of 5 children born Heavenly Angels Daycare Center’s slogan unique recreational and environmental oppor- to Frank and Patricia Dubbs. She is married to is: To look, listen and learn and every child tunities as well as important support programs Tim Seip and is mother to Elisa Seip. LTC succeeds. Mrs. Bell stated that ‘‘When they and services. Seip’s current assignment is to be the Deputy come through our doors, we make sure that In March 1974, members of the Round Commander for the 28th Division Medical De- they get the learning that they need. They all Lake, Round Lake Beach, Round Lake tachment. are smart children.’’ Heights, Round Lake Park and Hainesville On behalf of all of the citizens of Pennsylva- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me communities banded together to create the nia’s 17th Congressional District, I offer my in recognizing the Heavenly Angels Daycare Round Lake Park District. In the forty years thanks for impressive and dedicated service in Center for caring and educating children. that followed, the Round Lake Park District the defense of our country, I congratulate f has expanded dramatically, increasingly as- Lieutenant Colonel Seip on her promotion, and 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE suming more land, constructing new facilities ask all my colleagues here in the House of LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION and providing a greater number of programs Representatives to join me in honoring our in- and recreational opportunities. valuable service members like Starr Seip. HON. NITA M. LOWEY Along with the public parks, golf courses f OF NEW YORK and green spaces, the Round Lake Area Park IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District offers a tremendous amount of serv- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ices and opportunities that reflect the values of Friday, July 25, 2014 our communities. In the 1980s, the park dis- HON. TOM MARINO Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to trict expanded recreational services to individ- OF PENNSYLVANIA recognize the 40th anniversary of the Legal uals with disabilities. In the 1990s, it created IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Services Corporation (LSC). facilities to promote the importance of environ- LSC was established by Congress in 1974 Friday, July 25, 2014 mental sustainability. In the 2000s, it in- to provide civil legal aid to millions of Ameri- creased the resources and programs available Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. cans who would otherwise be unable to afford to local teens, and established the Huebner 406, I was unable to get back in time to vote it. Congress gave the Corporation the mission Fishery Management Foundation. because my daughter was very ill. Had I been of ensuring equal access to justice for all For forty years, the Round Lake Park Dis- present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Americans, and the Corporation has worked trict has been a tremendous source of pride f tirelessly to achieve that goal. With nearly 800 for the Round Lake area, fostering a profound offices serving every Congressional district sense of community, harmony and cultural un- HONORING HEAVENLY ANGELS and U.S. territory, LSC offers support to moth- derstanding. I am confident that it will continue DAYCARE CENTER ers trying to obtain child support, veterans to serve this vital purpose for decades to seeking the benefits they earned, and to many come. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON other individuals facing an array of issues. f OF MISSISSIPPI It is noteworthy that three out of four legal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aid clients are women, and domestic violence IN HONOR OF STARR SEIP’S PRO- is one of the top issues LSC clients face. Friday, July 25, 2014 MOTION TO COLONEL IN THE Without the efforts of legal counsel from LSC, UNITED STATES NATIONAL Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- victims across the country would have no way GUARD er, I rise today to honor the Heavenly Angels to seek legal recourse for domestic disputes, Daycare Center. enforcing child support payments, or maintain- HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT The Heavenly Angels Daycare Center ing custody of their children. OF PENNSYLVANIA opened on August 8, 2006 with Mrs. Emma In addition, during Superstorm Sandy, when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bell as owner and director, in Port Gibson, thousands of Americans had their homes and Claiborne County, Mississippi on Church St. belongings damaged, LSC provided storm-re- Friday, July 25, 2014 Mrs. Bell loves children and started Heav- lated services to low-income victims to assist Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise enly Angels Daycare Center with 8 enrolled in filing claims with insurance companies and today to recognize Lieutenant Colonel Starr from 6 months to 3 years old. She also had help retrieve documents such as insurance Seip of Pine Grove, Pennsylvania, on her pro- an After School Program with 6 children up to and mortgage paperwork that had been lost or motion to Colonel in the U.S. National Guard, 12 years old. damaged in the storm. for which a ceremony will occur tomorrow, Through the years, the Heavenly Angels Mr. Speaker, every American, regardless of July 26. Daycare Center has grown and in 2008 a Pre- wealth, deserves quality representation before LTC Seip has served our country honorably, K Center was included to better equip children the courts. The work that LSC does to ensure having been assigned to the 28th Division who started in the center to be able to suc- that those most in need receive legal counsel Support Command (DISCOM) in the Inter- cessfully start 1st grade. and due process before the courts is invalu- national Zone of Baghdad at the Embassy of Heavenly Angels Daycare Center has been able. I am proud to recognize the Legal Serv- the United States during Operation Iraqi Free- progressing for 8 years with a current full ca- ices Corporation and LSC-funded attorneys for

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY8.001 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2014 the vital work they do every day on behalf of IACC would provide an alternative and effec- fice, the national debt was Americans who desperately need their coun- tive forum for the enforcement of the laws $10,626,877,048,913.08. sel. I urge my colleagues to join me in hon- criminalizing grand corruption that exist in Today, it is $17,599,231,161,990.50. We’ve virtually every country, while giving force added $6,972,354,113,077.42 to our debt in 5 oring their tremendous accomplishments. to the requirements of treaties such as the f U.N. Convention Against Corruption and the years. This is over $6.9 trillion in debt our na- tion, our economy, and our children could ENDING GLOBAL CORRUPTION obligations of organizations such as the World Trade Organization. Like the ICC, an have avoided with a balanced budget amend- IACC would operate on the principle of ment. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN complementarity, meaning that only offi- f OF MASSACHUSETTS cials from those countries unable or unwill- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing to prosecute grand corruption properly PERSONAL EXPLANATION would be subject to prosecution. This would Friday, July 25, 2014 give many nations a significant incentive to HON. TOM MARINO Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to strengthen and demonstrate their capacity OF PENNSYLVANIA bring to the attention of my colleagues an arti- to combat grand corruption. cle by Judge Mark L. Wolf in the July 23rd An IACC would be comparable to the ap- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proach that has served the United States Friday, July 25, 2014 Washington Post. Entitled ‘‘Ending Global Cor- well. In the United States, we do not depend ruption,’’ the article describes the adverse ef- on elected state prosecutors to address cor- Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. fect that grand corruption by high officials has ruption by state and local officials because 405, I was unable to get back in time to vote not just on matters of governance, but on the such prosecutors are often part of the polit- due to my daughter being very ill. basic human rights of a nation’s citizens ical establishment they would be called upon Had I been present, I would have voted to police and, in any event, generally lack Judge Wolf proposes establishing an inter- ‘‘yea.’’ national court on corruption as a possible so- the necessary legal authority and resources. f lution. This is a proposal that merits our close Instead, we rely primarily on federal inves- tigators, prosecutors and courts to deal with THE CHICAGO DECLARATION ON attention and investigation. We must find bet- corrupt state and local officials. ter means to address massive corruption, and Similarly, an IACC would employ an elite THE RIGHTS OF OLDER PERSONS the impunity and human rights abuses re- corps of investigators expert at unraveling quired to sustain it. I submit the article in its complex financial transactions and prosecu- HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY tors experienced in preparing and presenting entirety. OF ILLINOIS ENDING GLOBAL CORRUPTION complicated cases. It would also include ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (By Mark L. Wolf) perienced, impartial international judges. The IACC’s impact would be enhanced if, Friday, July 25, 2014 It was hard to miss Daria at the World like federal courts in the United States, it Forum on Governance in Prague in April. were also empowered to hear civil fraud and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise The 28-year-old lawyer and mother from Kiev corruption cases. An international ‘‘whistle- today to congratulate John Marshall Law was wearing a ‘‘Ukraine: [expletive] Corrup- blower’’ statute enforceable at the IACC School in Chicago for spearheading a critical tion’’ T-shirt. Such a frank message was un- would increase the resources that would be discussion about the needs and rights of older derstandable. Indignation at ‘‘grand corrup- devoted to combating fraud and corruption persons. Along with Roosevelt University in tion’’—the abuse of public office for personal and enhance the potential for restitution for profit by a nation’s leaders—inspired Daria Chicago, John Marshall Law School has led victims. the drafting of a model international conven- and many others to risk their lives in the Notably, an IACC should have strong sup- Maidan protests that toppled President port from the United States. U.S. companies tion to provide legal protections and guarantee Viktor Yanukovych in February. generally behave ethically and, in addition, human rights for older people. That model In too many nations, corruption is endemic are significantly deterred from paying bribes convention, the Chicago Declaration on the at the highest levels of government. Then- by the threat of prosecution for violating the Rights of Older Persons, will be presented on U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan was cor- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. They would August 1 before the 5th Session of the Open- rect in characterizing such behavior as an benefit from the more level playing field an ended Working Group on Ageing at the United ‘‘insidious plague’’ in his 2003 statement IACC would create. upon the adoption of the U.N. Convention Nations. Finally, an IACC would provide the poten- According to Ralph Ruebner, Associate Against Corruption. tial for more effective prosecution and pun- Corruption is extraordinarily costly, con- ishment of corrupt officials who commonly Dean for Academic Affairs at John Marshall suming more than 5 percent of the global abuse human rights. Fraud, corruption and and a leader of the effort, ‘‘It is vital that the gross domestic product. Developing regions associated money laundering can often be world’s aging citizens receive comprehensive lose more than 10 times in illicit financial proved based on documentary evidence, legal protections and support under inter- flows than what they receive in foreign aid. which is easier to acquire than eyewitness Russia’s corruption-fueled ‘‘shadow econ- national law. This proposed convention will go testimony of victims of human rights abuses, omy’’ makes up an estimated 44 percent of a long way in helping achieve this.’’ The draft- who are unlikely to have knowledge of the its GDP. ing of the document involved months of work criminal responsibility of their nation’s Corrupt governments also often provide by experts and advocates in Chicago and from leaders. havens for international criminals, including There are practical impediments to estab- around the world, including Australia, Canada, drug lords in Mexico and terrorists in coun- lishing an International Anti-Corruption Ireland, Israel, Italy, Paraguay, and United tries such as Afghanistan and Yemen. Kingdom. Nevertheless, the most serious con- Court and principled concerns to be ad- sequence of grand corruption is that it de- dressed. But the status quo is intolerable. An On July 10 & 11, 2014, the 21st Belle R. stroys democracy and devastates the human IACC could erode the widespread culture of and Joseph H. Braun Memorial Symposium rights that governments are constituted to impunity, contribute to creating conditions hosted by John Marshall Law School, together protect. Countries recognized as among the conducive to the democratic election of hon- with East China University of Political Science world’s most corrupt—including Somalia, est officials in countries with a history of and Law and Roosevelt University, brought grand corruption and honor the courageous Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq and Syria—repeat- elder law and policy experts from around the edly violate the human rights of their citi- efforts of the many people, like Daria, who are exposing and opposing corruption at world to Chicago to discuss issues from social zens. The poor and powerless are victims of protection and income security to fighting elder corrupt regimes throughout the world. great personal peril. As Ukraine and Egypt exemplify, opposi- f abuse to health care and caregiving. tion to grand corruption is destabilizing As co-chair of the House Democratic Cau- many countries and, indeed, the world. Inter- OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL cus Seniors Task Force, I work hard every national efforts to combat grand corruption DEBT day to ensure that older Americans can re- have obviously been inadequate. Similar cir- main productive, participate in their commu- cumstances concerning the evils of genocide HON. MIKE COFFMAN nities, and age with dignity. I also know the and other intolerable human rights abuses OF COLORADO importance of ensuring that ageism and other led to the creation of the International forms of discrimination are addressed and that Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002. An Inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legal rights are incorporated within a com- national Anti-Corruption Court (IACC) is Friday, July 25, 2014 now equally necessary. prehensive framework. The Chicago Declara- Grand corruption depends on the culture of Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January tion on the Rights of Older Persons embodies impunity that exists in many nations. An 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- those concepts, and I hope that next week’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.004 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1235 meeting in New York furthers movement to- of physical and mental health and long term (m) Freedom from Exploitation, Conceal- ward an international convention. care without discrimination on the basis of ment, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect To give a sense of the importance and age, including access to public health, pre- 1. Older persons have a right to be free from all forms of exploitation, concealment, scope of this initiative, I am including Article 1, ventive medicine, palliative care, and reha- bilitation. violence, abuse, and neglect. Purpose and Core Principles, and Article 2, 2. Older persons have the right to the bene- 2. Older persons have the right to recovery Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of fits of scientific progress and health and long and reintegration when exploitation, con- Older Persons. I encourage my colleagues to term care related research. cealment, violence, abuse, or neglect is com- read them, learn more about the Chicago Dec- 3. Older persons have the right to self-de- mitted against them. laration, and join in the fight to promote the termination in health and long term care re- 3. Older persons have the right to recovery and reintegration in an environment that rights of older Americans. lated matters and to make such decisions based on informed consent. fosters dignity, health, well-being, self-re- The following are excerpts from the Chicago 4. Older persons have the right to dignity, spect, and autonomy, and is sensitive to self- Declaration on the Rights of Older Persons. privacy, and autonomy in making health and identification and personhood. ARTICLE 1—PURPOSE AND CORE PRINCIPLES long term care related decisions. 4. Older persons have the right to be free (a) The purpose of this Declaration is to 5. Older persons have the right to express from medical abuse, including nonconsensual provide, advance, and promote a basis for the their wishes and preferences regarding future treatment, medication, experimentation, development of a convention on the full and health and long term care related decisions and hospitalization. equal enjoyment of all human rights and and to have those expressions respected. 5. Older persons may not be denied medical fundamental freedoms by older persons, and 6. Older persons have the right to assist- treatment or have medical treatment lim- to promote respect for their inherent dig- ance and support in receiving, under- ited on the basis of age. nity. standing, and processing information in (n) Freedom of Expression and Access to (b) The principles recognized by this Dec- making informed health and long term care Information: Older persons have the right to laration are: related decisions. freedom of expression and opinion, including, 1. Respect for inherent dignity; (f) Adequate Standard of Living: Older per- the freedom to seek, receive, and impart in- 2. Respect for individual autonomy, includ- sons have the right to an adequate standard formation and ideas on an equal basis with ing the freedom to make one’s own choices; of living, including the right to food, water, others and through all forms of communica- 3. Respect for the independence and capa- clothing, and housing, and to improve their tion of their choice. bilities of older persons; living conditions without discrimination on (o) Freedom of Association: Older persons 4. Respect for interdependence and caring the basis of age. have the right to freedom of association and relationships; (g) Housing to create their own associations. 5. Respect for non-discrimination and 1. Older persons have the right to adequate (p) Respect for Privacy: Older persons have equality under law; housing. the right to privacy, in all aspects of their 6. Respect for family relationships and in- 2. Older persons have the right to choose lives, including, in their home, family life, tergenerational solidarity; on an equal basis with others their place of communications, intimacy, health, and fi- 7. Respect for full and effective participa- residence, the persons with whom they may nancial matters. tion and inclusion in society; live, and they are not obliged to live in any (q) Social Protection: Older persons have 8. Respect for and recognition of older per- particular living arrangement. the right to social protection, including in- sons as part of human and cultural diversity; 3. Older persons have the right to security come security, without discrimination on and of tenure free from disproportionate inter- the basis of age or gender. (r) Participation in Social, Political, and 9. Respect for aging as an integral and con- ference. Cultural Life tinuous part of life. (h) Living Independently and Being In- cluded in the Community 1. Older persons have the right to partici- ARTICLE 2—HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL 1. Older persons have the right to live inde- pate in cultural life, recreation, leisure, and FREEDOMS OF OLDER PERSONS pendently and to make choices to facilitate sport. Older persons have the following rights and their full inclusion and participation in the 2. Older persons have the right to exercise nothing in this Declaration diminishes any community. political rights, including the right to vote, greater rights granted to them that may be 2. Older persons have the right to access stand for office, and participate in the polit- contained in local, national, regional, or and choose a range of in-home formal or in- ical process. international law. formal care and other community support (s) Right to Assistance: Older persons have (a) Equality, non-discrimination, and equal services. This includes personal assistance the right to assistance in exercising the opportunity: Discrimination against older necessary to support independent living and rights in this Declaration. persons on the basis of age is prohibited. inclusion in the community and to prevent f (b) Quality of Life isolation or segregation from the commu- 1. Older persons have the right to the effec- nity. PERSONAL EXPLANATION tive enjoyment of the right to life, to live 3. Older persons have the right to commu- with dignity in old age, and to make deci- nity services and facilities that are respon- HON. JOHN LEWIS sions about the quality of their lives. sive to their needs. OF GEORGIA 2. Older persons have the right to support 4. Older persons have the right to partici- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in making decisions regarding their present pate fully in all aspects of life, including and future circumstances. equal access to the physical environment, Friday, July 25, 2014 (c) Liberty transportation, information, communica- Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to 1. Older persons have a right to liberty and tions, technology, and other facilities and cast roll call votes on the afternoon of July 23, security of person. services open to the public. 2. Old age should never justify a depriva- (i) Education: Older persons have the right 2014. Had I been present, I would have cast tion of liberty. to education, training, and life-long learning the following votes: 3. Older persons have the right to personal without discrimination. On rollcall 442, Ordering the Previous Ques- mobility with the greatest possible inde- (j) Work and Employment tion during consideration of H. Res. 680, I pendence. 1. Older persons have the right to work, in- would have voted ‘‘no.’’ 4. Older persons have the right to liberty of cluding the right to participate in a work- On rollcall 443, on H. Res. 680, the rule to movement, freedom to choose their resi- force that is open, inclusive, and accessible consider H.R. 3393, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ dence, and the right to a nationality. to persons of all ages. On rollcall 444, on the Kilmer of Washington (d) Equality Before the Law 2. Mandatory retirement based on age is 1. Older persons have the right to equality prohibited. Part B Amendment ‘‘no.’’ 2 to H.R. 4984, I before the law. (k) Land and Other Property would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ 2. Older persons have the right to access to 1. Older persons have the following rights On rollcall 445, on the Motion to Recommit justice on an equal basis with others. without discrimination on the basis of age or H.R. 4984, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ 3. Older persons are equal before the law gender: to use, own, transfer, inherit, and On rollcall 446, on passing H.R. 4984, I and are entitled without any discrimination participate in the redistribution of land and would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ to the equal protection and equal benefits of other property. On rollcall 447, on passing H.R. 5111, I the law. 2. Older persons have the right to exercise would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ 4. Denial of legal capacity on the basis of self-determination with respect to their On rollcall 448, on the Motion to Recommit old age is prohibited. property and the right not to be arbitrarily H.R. 3393, I would have voted ‘‘yes.’’ 5. Older persons have the right to assist- or unlawfully deprived of their property. ance and support in the exercise of their (l) Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Inhu- On rollcall 449, on passing H.R. 3393, I legal capacity. man, or Degrading Treatment or Punish- would have voted ‘‘no.’’ (e) Health and Long Term Care ment: Older persons have the right to be free On rollcall 450, on the Motion to Instruct 1. Older persons have the right to the en- from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading Conferees on considering H.R. 3230, I would joyment of the highest attainable standard treatment or punishment. have voted ‘‘yes.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:16 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.008 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2014 HONORING MOUNT ZION custodian over the church’s building funds. He church clearly reflects the importance of the MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH also asked if he would direct the building of social and religious life of the African-Amer- the church and issue bonds to underwrite con- ican community from its birth in 1865 up to the HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON struction costs. present. Let us resolve to make service to OF MISSISSIPPI The bank issue $14,000 in bonds. Raymond Christ a priority in our lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. Spencer was the architect of the neoclas- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me sical brick structure. He also designed the in recognizing Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Friday, July 25, 2014 First Methodist Church of which Reddick was Church. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- a member. The building was erected in 1929 er, I rise today to honor Mount Zion Mis- at the cost of $35,000. The congregation f sionary Baptist Church Canton, Mississippi. moved into the new structure February 1930. HONORING THE 25TH ANNUAL The population of Madison County, Mis- Rev. P. F. Parker, the eleventh pastor, with BRONX DOMINICAN DAY PARADE sissippi has been predominantly African-Amer- the help of God and members, burned the ican since 1840. Prior to 1865, some mem- mortgage. Under his leadership the church ´ bers of the African-American population, most grew. For example, the following organizations HON. JOSE E. SERRANO of whom had arrived in the county as slaves, played an active role in missionary work: Sen- OF NEW YORK were permitted to attend worship services, to ior Missionary Society, Junior Matrons, Young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be baptized and to be married in the area Woman’s Auxiliary, Red Circle/Sunshine Band, Friday, July 25, 2014 churches. They were also allowed to join es- Sunday school, Baptist Training Union, Senior tablished white congregations. Choir, Gospel Chorus, Junior/Beginner’s Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Early county records indicate that slaves Choir, New Membership Club, Pastor’s Aide, pay tribute to the Bronx Dominican Day Pa- were a part of the church communities. The Boys’ Bible Club and Usher Board. Rev. rade (La Gran Parada Dominicana del Bronx) Old Madison Presbyterian Church, the First Parker served until his death in 1970. which will take place on Sunday, July 27th, Presbyterian, and the First Baptist listed a Mount Zion continued to serve the African- 2014. This is the 25th year of this important total membership of one hundred and thirty- American community religiously and socially. community event, which celebrates the herit- four. One hundred were slaves and the other During the summer of 1964, Mount Zion was age and culture of the Dominican community thirty- four were whites. the location of a pivotal moment in our state’s in New York City. It is one that is eagerly an- After the Civil War and freedom, African- civil rights struggle. In her autobiography, ticipated by the Dominican and Bronx commu- Americans naturally desired to establish their Coming of Age in Mississippi, Ann Moody nities each year. own houses of worship. In 1865, the newly notes that Mount Zion was the biggest Negro As the second largest Latino community in freed members of the congregation of First church in Canton and the center of the local New York City, Dominicans have made invalu- Baptist, with encouragement and financial as- marches. able contributions to New York City, and to the sistance from their white counterparts, orga- On Friday, May 29, 1964, on the church Bronx in particular. While Northern Manhattan nized Mount Zion Baptist Church. Rev. T. J. lawn, six hundred community and church is perhaps best known for their large Domini- Drane, pastor of the white church, served as members witnessed the near death beating of can community, I am proud to say that Cen- minister receiving for his services a monthly McKinley Hamilton, a young African-American sus Bureau statistics now show that the Bronx salary of one dollar. man. As a result, eighty church members is home to the largest Dominican community In 1870, Drane and R. B. Johnson donated marched on the Madison County jail in one of in New York City. And I am even prouder to two acres of land on the northern boundary of the first protest marches in Canton. Mount represent a community has enriched our bor- the plantation to Mount Zion. The first church Zion became known as the ‘‘Church of Ref- ough with a unique culture, spirit, and drive to was erected on Freedman Hill, located at the uge’’. In 1968, twelve hundred students from live the American Dream. corner of North Railroad and Bowman Streets, Rogers High School marched because they The Dominican community is an important according to the 1898 George and Dunlap were outraged over the murder of Dr. Martin part of the diverse tapestry that makes up map of Canton. Rev. Drane called for a meet- Luther King, Jr. A group of parents led them New York City. Thousands of Dominican pro- ing with council along with Mr. Will Powell to Mount Zion. Rev. Parker opened the doors fessionals and students have served as com- from the white Baptist Church to help establish of the church to them, thus saving them from munity leaders in the Bronx in many different the church. injury by law enforcement officers waiting for areas, including government, law, media, In addition to serving as pastor, Rev. Drane them on Hickory Street in front of High’s Fu- science, and technology, and sports, among ran a day school and was assisted by Lillian neral Home. many other fields. Their contributions to the Highgate, a white female. Rev. Drane received Dr. W. L. Johnson, our twelfth and present culture and success of the Bronx, New York an additional $1.50 a month for his services. pastor, has served for twenty-nine years. His City, and to the United States is worthy of He also organized and maintained the first words have power through the Holy Spirit. celebration and immense pride. Sunday school class. All other organizations Under Dr. Johnson’s leadership, the church The Bronx Dominican Day Parade is an ex- came into existence after Rev. Drane’s res- has continued its growth. For example, the ceptional event that brings together the diver- ignation. Rev. Jordan Williams replaced him. church has been air-conditioned, carpeted sity of New York City, where Dominicans and Newspapers frequently carried announce- throughout, a fellowship hall and recreation those of other heritages can gather to cele- ments concerning Mount Zion’s activities. For center built and equipped, four parking lots brate the successes and identity of one of the example, ‘‘Several converts at the Colored purchased and surfaced, restrooms were re- city’s most important communities. The parade Baptist Church were baptized at the railroad modeled, a lounge installed, pews padded, a was created to honor the vibrant Dominican culvert,’’ or ‘‘Rev. Williams, pastor of the Col- new intercom system purchased, speakers in- community in the Bronx, and Felipe Febles ored Baptist Church, immersed ten converts stalled in the pulpit and choir loft, additional and Rosa Ayala, the parade’s organizers, last Sunday night’’. The second church site chairs purchased for the choir and seating have worked hard to make the event the ex- was across the street where the TWL parking areas in the wings, two new copiers, a com- traordinary celebration that it is today. The lot is now located. puter, storage room, and a fifteen passenger strong sense of unity that the parade brings to The third and fourth pastors were Rev- van and twenty-seven passenger bus were the Bronx is immeasurably important. As a erends Mass and Davis. The fifth pastor, Rev. also purchased. The stained glass windows Bronxite and New Yorker, I am delighted to R.T. Sims, served for eighteen years and Rev. were repaired, and the pastor study was see this event grow every year, and I am hon- W. L. Varnado for seven. The seventh through moved upstairs. ored to march alongside the accomplished Do- the tenth pastors were as follows: Rev. Brad- We now have a summer recreation program minican men and women in our community. ley, Rev. Morris, Rev. Drew, and Rev. A. D. Our membership is approximately 500 and still Mr. Speaker, I always look forward to this Purnell. growing. The church is one of the most monu- fantastic community event, and I am excited to By the 1920’s, the congregation had out- mental, intact, and historic resources associ- marching in the twenty-fifth annual Bronx Do- grown the church and Rev. Purnell, along with ated with the Canton African-American Com- minican Day Parade on Sunday. I hope my members, began raising money for a larger munity. As a result of this, the church was re- colleagues will join me in recognizing this im- building. The new lot for our present church cently placed on the registry of Historical portant occasion, and I am confident that this was purchased from Jack Warren. Rev. Buildings. event will continue to be a landmark celebra- Purnell asked Mr. S. M. Reddrick, Vice Presi- Our aim is to give every God-seeking per- tion for both the Dominican and Bronx com- dent of Madison County Bank, to serve as son an opportunity to receive salvation. The munities for many years to come.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.010 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1237 JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY PO- Over a thousand officers joined Officer IN TRIBUTE TO JENNY CONTOIS LICE OFFICER MELVIN Santiago’s family and friends to honor his life SANTIAGO and lay him to rest on July 18th, where he was posthumously promoted to detective and HON. JOE COURTNEY given the Jersey City Police Department HON. TED POE OF CONNECTICUT OF TEXAS Medal of Honor. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In his short time on the squad, he quickly gained the respect of many. Friday, July 25, 2014 We remember his hard work and commit- Friday, July 25, 2014 Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, when dan- ment to family and community. Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ger occurs, when disaster happens, when 911 I commend Detective Melvin Santiago for with deep gratitude to pay tribute to a col- is called, it is the first responders who heed his service to the people of New Jersey. league, a friend, and a trusted deputy, Jenny Our thoughts and prayer are with Jersey the emergencies. Contois, who retired last month after serving City Detective Melvin Santiago’s family, the While most of us flee danger, the men and seven and half years as my District Director in local peace officers, and the community of women who are the thin blue line head toward Connecticut’s Second District. danger. Jersey City. They are America’s finest. Peace officers stand between the law and Even more than a traditional District Director They are the peace officers. the lawless. for a Member of the House, I considered Officer Melvin Santiago was just 23 when Peace officers are the last strand of wire in Jenny to be a Co-Member of Congress. he was gunned down and assassinated for the fence between the fox and the chickens. Whenever I was called to Washington for leg- sport by a fugitive, an outlaw. Mr. Speaker, peace officers are a rare islative duty, I had unshakable confidence in Santiago was going about his duties as a breed. Jenny’s abilities to handle all challenges in Jersey City, New Jersey police officer re- Melvin Santiago was one of those individ- Connecticut. Jenny’s executive experience, sponding to a disturbance at a local drugstore. uals. honed over 15 years as First Selectwoman of When he arrived he was shot multiple times General George Patton said it quite appro- Colchester prepared her to lead my Con- before even exiting his patrol car. priately when talking about his young troops necticut office and to expand her area of re- The name of the cold blooded killer who killed in battle: While we mourn the loss of sponsibility from one town to 64 towns of the murdered rookie Jersey City police officer, these men. We should thank the Good Lord Second District. Melvin Santiago shall not be mentioned. that such men ever lived. Jenny combined a passionate commitment This cowardly murderer thought he would And that’s just the way it is. to public service with an unshakable deter- become famous by killing a cop. f mination to solve problems that lay before her. The gunman was lying in wait to murder a When it came to finding a loan for a struggling peace officer. HONORING THE DISTINGUISHED The criminal was killed by police. CAREER OF STEPHEN BERO AND small business, securing a rural development He has gone to meet his Maker. HIS OUTSTANDING IMPACT IN grant for a town in need, badgering a recal- I doubt the meeting will be pleasant. THE WARREN-NEWPORT COMMU- citrant federal agency to fulfill a previous obli- Officer Santiago wanted to fight crime and NITY gation, or begging and borrowing to get an protect the citizens in the toughest neighbor- Army Corps boat to dredge a coastal harbor, hoods. HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER Jenny’s tenacity was unparalleled and her success rate unmatched. He wanted to make a difference. OF ILLINOIS The west section of the city was where he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES At no time did Jenny shine brighter than thought he could do that best. Friday, July 25, 2014 during a crisis. Whether in the aftermath of a This was not just a job for Officer Santiago; winter storm that left residential and commer- it was a goal he had worked toward. Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I am proud cial power lines down or in the wake of a sum- He excelled in his entrance exam with a to rise today to honor Stephen Bero, an ex- mer storm that brought extensive flooding to score of 98. ceptional public servant who, for more than 20 our shores, Jenny rose to the challenge time This first responder wanted to be like his years, worked in library administration and for and time again. Immediately after a blizzard or Uncle Frank, a retired detective. the last nearly 10 served years as the Execu- tempest hit, Jenny would work by my side to Santiago looked up to his uncle and often tive Director of the Warren-Newport Public Li- rally fellow municipal leaders and emergency sought his advice. brary District (WNPLD) in Gurnee, IL. responders to expedite the assessment and Officer Santiago graduated from the police When Steve formally retires at the end of repairs. After the storms subsided, she worked academy in December, patrolling the area that July, he will complete what has been a truly painstakingly with families and businesses to he knew he could help turn around, when his remarkable career in service to his community. help them secure the recovery funds and as- life was stolen from him by a worthless crimi- During his tenure as Executive Director, Steve sistance they so desperately needed. nal. presided over the WNPLD during a period of Law enforcement officers are a special kind. remarkable growth and financial stability. She accomplished all of this with a winning They put their lives on the line every single Steve successfully shepherded an $8.7 million smile and a hearty laugh. By the time that her day to ensure the safety of their communities. expansion and renovation project, securing a seven and a half years as District Director had There aren’t many other professions where AA+ bond rating from Standard & Poor’s as concluded, Jenny in many ways had evolved a person willingly puts themselves at risk on a well as favorable financing options that made from the First Selectwoman of Colchester to daily basis in order to protect others. the project possible. the First Selectwoman of eastern Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, as a former prosecutor and In addition to his many noteworthy financial This weekend, Jenny’s many colleagues, criminal court judge in Texas for over 25 accomplishments, Steve fostered an incredibly friends, and family will celebrate her service to years, I have known a lot of men and women positive environment at the library that earned the Second District of Connecticut at a gath- who have worn the badge—the shield—or the the recognition and appreciation of his col- ering in her hometown. Jenny will spend her star over their heart. leagues and the surrounding community. duly earned retirement with her beloved hus- These are symbols of their willingness to Steve’s colleagues noted his successful lead- band Frank, her daughter Amy, and her latest put our safety above theirs. ership during the construction, along with his arrival, her grandson Jack. Unfortunately, I have known and attended decision to reinstate the Youth Services de- I will miss Jenny’s day-to-day counsel and funerals of first responders like Santiago who partment. gave their lives in an effort to make our com- Under Steve’s stewardship, WNPLD has be- friendship in the future, but I am heartened munities safer. come one of the most popular public libraries and grateful to remember her invaluable as- We as a society should never forget the true in all of Lake County. sistance in launching my new office almost sacrifice first responders and their families In a fitting conclusion to Steve’s tenure at eight years ago and achieving the success we make for our nation. WNLPD, the Illinois Library Association named had together. Officer Santiago went above and beyond to him the 2014 Librarian of the Year. The entire Mr. Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues to make his hometown of Jersey City, the state Warren-Newport community is lucky to have join me in saluting one of eastern Connecti- of New Jersey, and his country a better place. enjoyed Steve Bero’s service. cut’s finest, Jenny Contois.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.012 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2014 ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO PERSONAL EXPLANATION serve our country in the United States Army DEFEND ITSELF from 1953 to 1955. HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE In 1958, Dr. Harding met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who urged him to move to the South HON. LOU BARLETTA OF CALIFORNIA OF PENNSYLVANIA to join in the Civil Rights Movement. Once in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Atlanta, Dr. Harding and his wife, Rosemarie, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, July 25, 2014 founded the Mennonite House, an interracial Friday, July 25, 2014 service center and began engaging in a wide Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, Hamas, which variety of social and political campaigns. Dr. ably detained and missed one vote on July 24. was designated as a terrorist organization by Harding worked closely with the Southern Had I been present, on rollcall No. 449, H.R. the United States under President Bill Clinton, Christian Leadership Conference, and the Stu- 3393, the Student and Family Tax Simplifica- has a history of using schools, hospitals, and dent Nonviolent Coordination Committee to tion Act, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ civilian areas as staging grounds and launch challenge segregation in the South. sites for their attacks against Israel. They have f As Dr. Martin Luther King’s speechwriter, Dr. Vincent Harding drafted the famous and also built a network of tunnels under those lo- HONORING MS. LUCY COFFEY, highly controversial speech, ‘‘Beyond Vietnam: cations to facilitate the movement of soldiers AMERICA’S OLDEST LIVING FE- A Time to Break Silence.’’ Dr. Vincent Harding and weapons for use against Israel. When MALE VETERAN Israel responds to these attacks by specifically was a strong opponent to the Vietnam War targeting the missile launchers, Hamas uses and, as Chair of the History and Sociology De- human shields—many times children—as HON. LAMAR SMITH partment at Atlanta’s Spelman College, Dr. propaganda tools. The civilized world should OF TEXAS Harding was concerned that students were not be horrified at such tactics by Hamas and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aware of the situation in Vietnam. He worked demn them absolutely. to ensure that students and other Americans Friday, July 25, 2014 Just recently, I cosponsored a resolution were aware of the atrocities occurring during that reaffirms Israel’s right to defend itself, and Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today we the war in Vietnam. I would note that they have shown incredible honor America’s oldest living female veteran, Dr. Vincent Harding founded the Veterans of restraint in fighting back. They give ample Ms. Lucy Coffey of San Antonio, TX. Hope Project in 1997, which is a multifaceted warning prior to an attack, advising all inno- Ms. Coffey, who is 108 years old and lives educational initiative encompassing the topics cent parties to flee. In truth, if Israel were as in my Congressional district, is in Washington of religion, culture and participatory democ- indiscriminate as Hamas and used all the mili- today and tomorrow to visit the WWII Memo- racy. His work through Veterans of Hope em- tary might at their disposal, Gaza would be a rial, the Women’s Veterans Memorial and Ar- phasized the importance of nonviolence and a smoking wasteland within hours. That this has lington Cemetery. grass root approach to social change. not happened is testament to Israel’s care in Ms. Coffey served honorably in the Wom- After the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther targeting only areas that have been used as en’s Army Corps during WWII. Serving mainly King Jr. in 1968, Dr. Vincent Harding worked attack launch points. The United States must in the Pacific theater, she was awarded two with Coretta Scott King to establish the King speak with one voice on this issue and stand Bronze Stars for valor. After the war, she con- Center in Atlanta, serving as the Center’s first with our strong ally Israel. tinued serving her country, working at Kelly Air director. In addition, Dr. Vincent Harding wrote several books reflecting on the Civil Rights f Force Base in San Antonio for twenty years until retiring in the early seventies. Movement and Martin Luther King Jr., includ- HONORING JUDGE IVORY E. The United States is stronger today be- ing ‘‘Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient BRITTON cause of the sacrifices all our veterans have Hero’’ and ‘‘Hope and History: Why We Must made. And Ms. Coffey exemplifies what is Share the Story of the Movement.’’ Dr. Har- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON best about our veterans and our great nation. ding was deeply passionate about public serv- OF MISSISSIPPI It is with great appreciation and admiration ice and impacted countless lives with his the- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that today we recognize and honor Ms. Lucy ology, activism and scholarly efforts. Dr. Har- Coffey. ding once wrote that ‘‘we are all a part of one Friday, July 25, 2014 another, and we are all part of the intention of Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- f the great creator spirit to continue being light er, I rise today to honor Judge Ivory Britton, a HONORING DR. VINCENT HARDING and life.’’ Justice Court Judge of District 2, who is a na- On a personal note, Dr. Harding was a loyal tive Jacksonian. friend for over 30 years. During the late Judge Britton was reared on Tougaloo HON. BARBARA LEE 1970’s, I worked on Capitol Hill for Congress- Street in the Virden Addition Community. OF CALIFORNIA man Ron Dellums while raising two sons as a Judge Britton attended Brinkley Elementary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES single parent. My sons wanted to attend the School, which is now Walton Elementary Penn Relays in Philadelphia, but we did not Friday, July 25, 2014 School, and graduated from Brinkley High have a place to stay. A mutual friend called School. He attended: the University of Judicial Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise Vincent and Rosemarie to ask if we could stay Court, National Judicial College, Reno, NV, today to honor the extraordinary life of Dr. Vin- with them. With no hesitation, they said yes, National Judges Association, American cent Harding. Known throughout the country not knowing me and on short notice. I will al- Judges Association, and National Center for as a scholar, activist, father, friend and former ways remember that weekend in their beau- State Courts. speechwriter for Reverend Doctor Martin Lu- tiful, warm home and their delicious meals. As a Justice Court Judge, Britton works ther King Jr., Dr. Harding has left an indelible They treated us like family and our spirits con- hard to ensure fair and equal treatment for all mark on our national discourse. With his pass- nected. I did not see Vincent and Rosemarie litigants of his court. He has increased his ing on May 19, 2014, we look to the out- again until the late 1990’s when, as a Member knowledge of the judicial process to enable standing quality of his life’s work and the in- of Congress, I attended a retreat in Santa Bar- citizens to easily use the Justice Court Sys- spiring role he played in the Civil Rights Move- bara sponsored by the Faith and Politics Insti- tem. Judge Britton will continue to be fair and ment. tute. The Harding’s led this retreat, which re- accessible to all citizens and be knowledge- Born on July 25, 1931 in Harlem, New York, newed my spirit, challenged my intellect and able and obedient to the laws of The State of Dr. Vincent Harding began his education by warmed my heart. Mississippi. attending New York public schools, graduating Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- Judge Britton is married to Liza Britton and from Morris High School in 1948. After high trict salutes and honors an outstanding Civil they have three children: Perry, Dexter and school, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree Rights leader and social activist, Dr. Vincent Tabathia. He is a member of Cade Chapel M. in History from the City College of New York, Harding. His dedication and efforts have im- B. Church. and in the following year, he graduated from pacted so many lives throughout the nation. I Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Columbia University, earning a Master’s de- join all of Vincent’s loved ones in celebrating in recognizing Judge Ivory E. Britton. gree in Journalism. Dr. Harding went on to his incredible life. He will be deeply missed.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.014 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1239 IN RECOGNITION OF THE 40TH AN- Ten years ago, there were 60,000 Chris- way, and many have gone on to do great NIVERSARY OF THE DIVISION OF tians in the city of Mosul. things for our community. I have fond memo- CYPRUS Today there are none. ries of the times he and I rode together in his Through violence, slaughter, and intimida- pride and joy—his red convertible—in Denver HON. JOE COURTNEY tion, the Christians have been murdered or parades. OF CONNECTICUT driven out of the city—simply because they Please join me in paying tribute to the life of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES are Christians. Dennis Dougherty. Every day he fought to ex- Friday, July 25, 2014 In a civilized world, we cannot let this stand. pand opportunity, equality and freedom. His The United States of America cannot and determination sustained him through many Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, as you should not try to solve every world problem. know, July 20th marked the 40th anniversary challenges—with tremendous results for our But when we withdraw completely, we leave community. He leaves behind a legacy of of Turkey’s invasion of Cyprus. At this time, a vacuum of leadership—and bad people will the need for reunification becomes even more charity and compassion and serves as a role do bad things if given the opportunity. model for all who believe as he did: that ‘‘we apparent. I join with my colleagues in condemning are one tribe, y’all.’’ Although negotiations between the Greek these atrocious actions. Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots have been f occurring since 2008, the two sides have been f unable to reach an agreement that would re- TRIBUTE TO DENNIS DOUGHERTY unite the country. Both sides must come to the THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE table and discuss key status issues, including HON. DIANA DeGETTE LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION the right to return, future governance struc- OF COLORADO tures, and the citizenships status of Turkish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES settlers. As a member of the European Union, HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. a united Cyprus can act as a stable and Friday, July 25, 2014 OF MICHIGAN democratic strategic partner for the United E Ms. D GETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States in a volatile region. nize the accomplishments and life of Dennis Unfortunately, while these unsuccessful ne- Dougherty who passed away last February at Friday, July 25, 2014 gotiations have been taking place, many the age of 70. As his friends and loved ones Greek Cypriots face continued discrimination gather to celebrate his life, he deserves our Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, July 25, 2014 and obstruction. A number of Greek Cypriots recognition as a distinguished veteran, busi- marks the 40th anniversary of the establish- have been unable to return to their homes in nessman, community leader, advocate and ment of the Legal Services Corporation, a pri- northern Cyprus, and their property is often il- philanthropist. vate, nonprofit corporation tasked with ensur- legally confiscated and sold without their con- Dennis was dedicated to improving life for ing equal justice for all Americans who are un- sent. They live in fear of the Turkish military so many through both local and national poli- able to afford legal representation. The cre- troops that still occupy the island and are un- tics as well as community organizations. He ation of LSC was long-championed by Presi- able to determine the fate of those who have had a profound impact on countless lives, par- dent Richard Nixon who ultimately signed its been missing since the 1974 division. Greek ticularly on the young people of Colorado, and enabling legislation on July 25, 1974 with bi- Cypriots are denied access to religious sites he was the recipient of numerous awards, in- partisan support from the Congress. Federally- and a number of important sites have been cluding the 2005 Equality in Business Award funded, LSC awards grants to 134 local legal looted and destroyed. The discovery of gas from the Human Rights Campaign and the aid programs, with nearly 800 offices serving fields off the coast of the island has been Matthew Shepard Foundation’s Essential every congressional district and the U.S. terri- complicated due to territorial disputes between Peace Award. tories. the communities. It is unlikely these issues will Born in 1943 in Omaha, Nebraska, Dennis LSC-funded legal aid programs provide vital be resolved unless a final resolution is agreed was drafted to fight in Vietnam at the age of civil legal assistance to the needy, including upon by both sides. 21. As a proud veteran and patriot, he led the women seeking protection from domestic In February, with help from the United charge for progress in the Gay, Lesbian, Bi- abuse, mothers trying to obtain child support, States, the negotiation proceeded when lead- sexual and Transgender community, and his families facing unlawful evictions or fore- ers of the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish influence was a guiding force for public policy closures that could leave them homeless, vet- Cypriots reached an agreement regarding the and opinion. He testified before Congress on erans seeking benefits duly earned, seniors language of the ‘‘joint declaration,’’ which iden- the military’s ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’ policy, defending against consumer scams, and indi- tifies the goals both sides hoped to reach by and he mentored several young men who viduals who have lost their jobs and need help the end of the negotiations. Negotiations have served in the armed forces. in applying for unemployment compensation resumed since the ‘‘joint declaration’’ was es- Dennis relocated to Denver after his service and other benefits. tablished and must continue until there is a in the military. He was the founder and CEO consensus on the final status of the island. Unfortunately, because of a decrease in its of the technology company Visual Electronics. federal funding over the last several Con- Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Cyprus in His business success gave him the means to May underscored U.S. support for negotiations gresses, LSC-funded programs have had to become a generous philanthropist, contributing turn away more than 50 percent of eligible cli- and the importance of Cyprus as a key partner to causes that ranged from disabled skiers to in the region. The United States must uphold ents seeking assistance. With the growing homeless youth. Moved by the story of Mat- number of Americans eligible for services and its commitment to helping the Greek Cypriots thew Shepard, the gay college student who and the Turkish Cypriots reach an agreement increased demand for legal services, the need was tortured and killed near Laramie, Wyo- for legal aid attorneys has never been greater. regarding the reunification of their country. I ming, Dennis became a major supporter and ask my colleagues to join me in expressing We should do more to support this vital pro- board member of the foundation started on gram and protect our fellow Americans. continued support for the people of Cyprus as Matthew’s behalf. An unwavering and negotiations continue. unapologetic voice in the community as an As President Nixon said in support of his f openly gay veteran, Dennis wanted to fight legislation creating LSC, ‘‘[W]e must provide a against the challenges he faced in his youth. mechanism to overcome economic barriers to IRAQI CHRISTIANS DRIVEN OUT adequate legal assistance.’’ On this 40th anni- OF MOSUL Dennis had a heart of gold. Every year he cleaned out his closet to donate to an organi- versary of the Legal Services Corporation, we HON. LOU BARLETTA zation that helped homeless vets get back on should recommit ourselves to the founding their feet. He always felt that a good suit gave principle and continue to ensure that LSC can OF PENNSYLVANIA them a better shot at a new start. In each fulfill its critical mission through sufficient fund- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES jacket he put a note that read ‘‘someone loves ing. Friday, July 25, 2014 you.’’ I commend LSC and its grantee programs Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, we have I am one of those lucky enough to call Den- for the vital work they do every day on behalf learned that radical militants—the Islamic nis a friend as well. I know and have worked of Americans who need qualified counsel and State terror group ISIS—are systematically tar- with numerous others who were touched by for continuing its mission of equal justice for geting Christians in Iraq. Dennis’ efforts or encouragement in some all.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.019 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2014 HONORING MRS. TAKIYA FRYE- er of the Greater Detroit community and a region. Even as the community mourns his LEWIS dear friend, Mr. David Campbell. As the Presi- loss, we can all take pride in his accomplish- dent and CEO of the McGregor Fund, David ments, his legacy of service and his vision of HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON devoted many years of his professional life to a prosperous Greater Detroit community—a vi- OF MISSISSIPPI building a brighter future for the residents of sion which will continue to inspire current and Southeast Michigan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES future generations of leaders to invest deeply As a lifetime resident of Michigan, David into the Southeast Michigan region and create Friday, July 25, 2014 grew up with a deep affection for his state. the innovations that are putting the Detroit Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- After graduating from Midland High School community at the forefront of the 21st Century er, I rise today to honor a remarkable educator and obtaining Bachelor’s Degree from our economy. in Cleveland, Mississippi. shared alma mater, Alma College, David went f Mrs. Takiya Frye-Lewis is the daughter of on to obtain his Master’s Degree from Central Ms. Carolyn Frye and the late Mr. Levester Michigan University. David was later bestowed COMMEMORATING THE 40TH ANNI- Frye, Sr. She is married to Mr. Casey T. Lewis an honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree from VERSARY OF TURKEY’S INVA- and is the mother of two girls; Ciera and Madonna University for his work as a pas- SION OF CYPRUS, AND EXPRESS- Keziah and is expecting a son in July of 2014 sionate advocate for higher education. ING HOPE FOR A COMPREHEN- who will be named Casey, Jr. Although born David’s incredible journey in Southeast SIVE SETTLEMENT in Ypsilanti, Michigan, Takiya Frye-Lewis has Michigan began when he and his wife, Susan, been a resident of Bolivar County, Mississippi moved to Detroit in 1980 for him to assume HON. BRADLEY S. SCHNEIDER for 17 years and she considers herself a the role of Dean of Students for the College of OF ILLINOIS ‘‘transplanted native.’’ Creative Studies. While at CCS, David earned IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. Lewis graduated from Willow Run High a reputation as an empathetic and thoughtful Friday, July 25, 2014 School in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1997 and re- leader that sought to uphold the highest stand- ceived her Bachelors of Science Degree in ards of integrity. After six years at CCS, David Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Early Childhood Education from Mississippi brought his passion for helping others to the in recognition of the 40th anniversary of Tur- Valley State University in 2005 and her Master Community Foundation for Southeast Michi- key’s occupation of Cyprus. In July 1974, of Arts in Criminal Justice in 2008 from Mis- gan, where he served as Vice President of Turkish forces invaded the Republic of Cyprus sissippi Valley State University. Programs for eight years. In 1995, David con- under the auspices of protecting Turkish Cyp- Mrs. Lewis serves in the capacity of a Pre- tinued to expand his impact on the Greater riots, dividing the nation and assuming control K teacher at the Coahoma Opportunities In- Detroit community when he accepted the posi- of one-third of the island. corporated Head Start Center in Clarksdale, tion of Executive Director for the McGregor During the occupation, more than 5,000 Mississippi. During her 7 years of teaching di- Fund, a foundation dedicated to promoting the Cypriots died and approximately 170,000 verse socio-economic youths ranging in the well-being of mankind. David later went on to Greek- Cypriots fled their homes, forced to ages of 3 to 5 years old, she has found it serve the McGregor Fund as its CEO, Presi- abandon their property and sacrifice many of challenging and rewarding. She desires that dent and Trustee. In his nearly twenty year their possessions. In the wake of the invasion, all of the children in her classroom and care tenure at the helm of the McGregor Fund, more than 1,500 Greek- Cypriots remained receive the necessary tools to advance their David oversaw the awarding of more than missing. To this day, Cyprus continues to try understanding, knowledge of all subject matter $150 million in grants to Detroit area non- and locate the remains of the missing and pro- which is taught, even devoting time for individ- profits in the areas of human services, edu- vide some closure to the families. ualized coaching and tutoring. cation, healthcare, arts and culture, and public Despite the international community’s ex- Mrs. Lewis loves teaching and believes in benefit. pressed opposition to Turkey’s invasion, the helping children and adults strive towards their It is hardly surprising, given his reputation self-proclaimed ‘‘Turkish Republic of Northern life endeavors. Her future objectives are to and passion, that David felt compelled to Cyprus’’ has declared independence from the take the teachers exam and become a kinder- broaden the range of his impact on the South- Republic of Cyprus for 40 years. The status garten teacher in a public school district. east Michigan community. In addition to his quo is untenable. Cyprus must achieve a reso- Mrs. Lewis devoted endless hours to run- primary work with the Community Foundation lution satisfactory to all Cypriots, which invari- ning errands, home care needs, feeding and and the McGregor Fund, David was an active ably necessitates a unified republic, free from clothing the less fortunate. Also, she is active leader on boards for many non-profit organiza- foreign occupation. in her church by serving as Vice President of tions. His volunteer work included service as a I applaud the Cyprus Government’s recent the Youth Department, President of the Purity founding member on the boards of: the Detroit attempt to reignite the negotiating process by Class, and President of the Youth and Adult Riverfront Conservancy, City Year Detroit, City proposing a series of bold, innovative con- choirs. Connect Detroit, Detroit Local Initiatives Sup- fidence building measures. I call on Turkish Mrs. Lewis is a member of the NAACP and port Coalition, Excellent Schools Detroit and Cypriots to abandon their intransigence and Congressman BENNIE THOMPSON’s Bi-Monthly Michigan Future Schools. Thanks to David’s begin working constructively to achieve a com- Municipal Meetings which is hosted by his work at the Conservancy, Detroit is realizing prehensive settlement. Mound Bayou District Office where she is out- so many gains from its unique position within For more than fifty years, Cyprus has been spoken on issues which affects her community the Great Lakes. His record of service in- an invaluable, reliable American ally in the and our great nation. cluded work on the boards of New Detroit, the Middle East. We must stand with Cyprus and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me New Economy Initiative of the Community support its efforts to retain its rightful sov- in recognizing an amazing Head Start profes- Foundation and the Greater Downtown Part- ereignty. sional for her dedication and service to edu- nership. In these roles, David was integral to f cating the youths. developing the infrastructure and securing the IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT f creation of endowments that are empowering the creative entrepreneurs of today and for MCCARTHY IN MEMORY OF C. DAVID CAMP- succeeding generations to move their ideas BELL AND HIS LIFELONG COM- from concept to reality. HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING MITMENT TO PHILANTHROPY Mr. Speaker, in addition to an incredible OF MASSACHUSETTS AND FOUNDATION WORK IN THE record of philanthropic leadership and service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GREATER DETROIT COMMUNITY to the Greater Detroit region, David was a de- voted family man. David’s family was an im- Friday, July 25, 2014 HON. GARY C. PETERS mense source of pride for him, and my Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF MICHIGAN thoughts are with Susan, and their daughter, recognize Mr. Robert McCarthy upon his re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Morgan, his parents: Charles and Margaret, tirement as the Register of Probate of Plym- and his siblings: Sandra and Kevin, during this outh, Massachusetts after over four decades Friday, July 25, 2014 difficult time. My family and I were fortunate to of public service. Mr. PETERS of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, it is call David a friend and we will greatly miss his During his long and noteworthy career, Mr. with great sadness that I rise today to mark ceaseless passion and determination for im- McCarthy served in a number of positions in the passing of an incredible philanthropic lead- proving the well-being of the Greater Detroit Massachusetts, including East Bridgewater

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A25JY8.023 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1241 Selectman, Chairman on Taxation, State Rep- from parents, teachers and students. I am so HONORING ST. PERPETUA resentative, and State Senator. In the 1970s, proud to call her my friend and so grateful for CATHOLIC CHURCH Mr. McCarthy worked alongside Massachu- her service. I ask all Members to join me in setts Governor Michael Dukakis, quickly be- thanking Mary Boger for her unwavering com- HON. KERRY L. BENTIVOLIO coming a widely beloved and trusted leader in mitment to the children of our community, and OF MICHIGAN wish her well in all future endeavors. the community. Mr. McCarthy became the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Plymouth County Register of Probate in 2000, f where his many accomplishments have been Friday, July 25, 2014 IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 2807, CON- invaluable to the people he has served. His Mr. BENTIVOLIO. Mr. Speaker, we honor SERVATION EASEMENT INCEN- colleagues and friends who have worked with St. Perpetua Catholic Church as they cele- TIVE ACT him throughout the years agree that he will be brate their 50th anniversary. St. Perpetua has sorely missed as he steps down from this po- been a staple of the community in Waterford sition. HON. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY since its founding in 1964 by Archbishop John Mr. Speaker, it brings me great pride to OF NEW YORK F Dearden. Under the current leadership of honor Mr. Robert McCarthy upon his retire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Pastor, Father Jack Baker, the parish con- ment. I ask that my colleagues join me in Friday, July 25, 2014 tinues to grow and invite more families into the thanking Mr. McCarthy for his many years of Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New parish. Congratulations on 50 years in the public service. York. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of community! f H.R. 2807, the Conservation Easement Incen- f tive Act. This important legislation would make A TRIBUTE TO MARY W. BOGER CELEBRATING THE 24TH the current tax deduction for the contribution ANNIVERSARY OF THE ADA of conservation easements permanent, afford- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF ing landowners the stability and certainty OF CALIFORNIA needed to complete the long term planning HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES necessary for either continued agricultural pro- OF IOWA Friday, July 25, 2014 duction or conservation work. Since being IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES signed into law in 2006, the enhanced tax in- Friday, July 25, 2014 Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to centive for conservation easements has boost- honor Mary Boger, who has dedicated her life ed donations of conservation easements by a Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise to community service and has been a tremen- third—to a total of over a million acres a year. today to recognize and celebrate the 24th an- dous force in education. Mary, a long time The Hudson Valley is a national treasure niversary of the Americans with Disabilities Glendale resident along with her husband, Dr. that must be preserved, and we owe it to our Act. Donald Boger, is retiring from her civic respon- children and grandchildren to protect the For 24 years now, the ADA has secured for sibilities and moving to New Bedford, Massa- places New Yorkers cherish and depend on. people with disabilities their most fundamental chusetts. In the Hudson Valley, a landowner in my dis- rights, and allowed them to integrate more A strong and passionate advocate of edu- trict is struggling to preserve his thirty five acre fully in their communities. More than two dec- cation and children, Mary began serving on homestead, which he has lived on for over 40 ades ago, my hero, TOM HARKIN spearheaded the Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) years. The land dates back to the original fam- this legislation that would change the attitudes Board of Education in 2002. She has held the ily farmsteads and orchards that have dotted of so many in order to protect the civil rights positions of Clerk, Vice President, and has the Hudson Valley for generations. Many of of the 54 million Americans with disabilities. been Board President many times, a position those farmsteads have since been sold to de- Like so many others, I thank him for his tire- that she currently holds. In addition to serving velopers, but not his. The parcel of land he is less advocacy in the United States Senate as a Board Member of the GUSD, Mary has fighting to protect and preserve is not only and his continued dedication to this important served as Vice President of the California precious in its heritage and conservation issue. School Boards Association and a Board Rep- value, but in its current use as a trail, which I would also like to thank all of the organiza- resentative for the Five Star Education Coali- connects several larger land preserves in the tions involved in this year’s Johnson County tion. region. While he would like to donate a con- ADA Celebration for bringing together a com- Mary’s accomplishments in community serv- servation easement and receive the much munity of all walks of life, and recognizing that ice are nothing short of extraordinary. Over needed tax deduction, there is considerable fi- all people have unique skills, talents and abili- the years, she has tirelessly served on numer- nancial pressure on him to sell the land to de- ties. ous boards and committees. Mary has served velopers. If that happens—the land is lost. Expanding access and opportunities for as President of the Glendale Council Parent And as my friend and President of the West- people with disabilities is something we must Teacher Association, Glendale Healthy Kids, chester Land Trust, Lori Ensinger, put it— work to improve every day. There are obsta- the National Charity League, Inc.—Glendale when the land is lost, it’s lost for good. cles that, thanks to the Americans with Dis- Chapter, and Las Candelas, which provides We must balance economic development abilities Act, have been all but eliminated and services to emotionally disturbed children and with protecting the land for preservation and I look forward to seeing even more progress. provides financial support to the facilities in outdoor recreation. Rather than being forced f which the children reside. Mary has also to sell to developers, conservation easement served as Chair of the City of Glendale Blue tax incentives allow farmers and landowners HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. GAIL Ribbon Panel on Parks, Co-Chair of the City the choice to maintain working lands for agri- SHAW of Glendale Citizens’ Memorial Advisory Com- culture or to protect more land for wildlife pro- mittee, and on the Board of Directors for the tection and outdoor recreation. In the Hudson HON. JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER Glendale YWCA, Prom Plus, Crescenta Valley Valley conservation easements have a tre- OF WASHINGTON Fireworks Association and the Glendale Sym- mendously positive impact, boosting regional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phony Orchestra. economies while protecting some of America’s Mary has received numerous awards and most important natural sites for future genera- Friday, July 25, 2014 recognition, including the Business Life Maga- tions. Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Mr. Speaker, zine Women Achievers in 2009, the Glendale While we have been successful in protecting Gail Shaw, a visionary, a scientist, a commu- Chamber of Commerce Woman of the Year in thousands of acres over the last ten years all nity leader, and a 64 year-long resident of 2009, the Glendale YWCA Woman of Heart & across the Hudson Valley, our work is not Chehalis, Washington, died peacefully in his Excellence in 2008, and California’s Twenty done. Passing the Conservation Easement In- sleep on June 6, 2014. Ninth Congressional District Woman of the centive Act is about more than just environ- His six decade stay in his adopted home- Year in 2003. mental preservation it is about regional econo- town was not part of his original career plan, I have worked with Mary for years, and mies, businesses and jobs. Without the con- but before long he decided to make Chehalis know that her passion for education and servation easement tax incentives, landowners home. young people is unequalled. No one has left a may be forced to divide or sell their property When he first moved to the thick forests sur- bigger or more positive impact on education in to developers; losing the land, its heritage and rounding Lewis County in 1950, the accom- our region, or has commanded greater respect economic benefits for good. plished chemist still had his sights set on an

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY8.004 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 25, 2014 urban life up North in Seattle. That changed COMMEMORATING THE 40TH ANNI- reliance on Shiite militias trained by Iranian when a fire burned one of the largest local VERSARY OF THE LEGAL SERV- paramilitary forces. These risks must be thor- employers—the Chehalis Perma Products ICES CORPORATION oughly reviewed and evaluated, and we must plant—to the ground. ensure that ISF are reliable before considering Instead of fleeing from the fire’s widespread HON. SUZANNE BONAMICI any further U.S. commitment. Thus far, the President has shown great re- destruction, Shaw stayed in Chehalis and OF OREGON straint in addressing this ongoing crisis, in- helped rebuild the factory and the city from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES formed by his understanding of recent history plant’s ashes. Friday, July 25, 2014 and internal Iraqi politics. Nevertheless, I With a focus on what Shaw termed ‘‘social Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, 40 years ago strongly support the passage of this resolution capital’’ or what he described in one news- today President Nixon signed the law creating because Congress must continue to play an paper interview as a ‘‘matter of people getting the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) as a pri- integral role in making decisions that impact together and learning how to include your vate, nonprofit corporation to support civil legal national security, as mandated by the law and neighbor instead of excluding,’’ Shaw collabo- aid organizations all across the country. Since the Constitution of the United States. rated with fellow Chehalis residents to that time LSC has become a critical and inte- Second, I strongly oppose H.R. 4935, the strengthen the collaborative and economic gral vehicle through which federal funds are so-called Child Tax Credit Improvement Act, framework of the city. distributed to 134 local legal aid programs, which is also being considered today. Had I Shaw joined efforts with—and later became with nearly 800 offices serving every congres- been present, I would have voted against H.R. 4935 because it would allow the Child Tax chairman of—what became known as the In- sional district. Credit (CTC) to disappear for many low-in- dustrial Commission, and together the group LSC is tasked by Congress to ensure equal access to justice for those Americans who oth- come working families after 2017 while ex- brought development, industry, jobs, and new erwise would be unable to afford to enforce panding the CTC for higher income house- energy to the small logging town. their rights through our legal system. It serves holds without an offset. Even though Gail Shaw disliked public rec- people with the most critical legal needs— f ognition for his accomplishments; he will al- food, shelter, medical care, income mainte- ways be remembered for the lasting legacy he nance, and physical safety. It makes a real dif- PERSONAL EXPLANATION left in his community. His unyielding commit- ference for low-income and elderly Oregonians ment to making Lewis County a better place to and Americans. HON. NIKI TSONGAS live will continue to be an inspiration for gen- I was proud to work at legal aid early in my OF MASSACHUSETTS erations after him. I considered Gail a friend career and I’ll never forget the people I was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and am incredibly proud to say I knew him. able to help. They desperately needed an at- Friday, July 25, 2014 torney when they could little afford one. I want Gail is survived by his wife, Carolyn; son, Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, I was unable Lawrence; daughters, Cynthia, Rebecca and to emphasize that they were not low income by choice—most had unexpected medical to cast a vote on rollcall votes 451, 452, 453, Catherine; nine grandchildren; and one great- and 454 on July 25, 2014. Had I been grandson. bills, had lost a job, or lost a spouse. Unfortunately, Congress is not living up to present, I would have cast the following votes: I would have opposed final passage of H.R. f its obligation. LSC-funded attorneys still turn away more than 50 percent of eligible clients 4935, the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014. As with the tax bills that have preceded HONORING NEIL ARMSTRONG because of a lack of resources. It is unaccept- able to leave people out on their own to navi- it this year, I have strong concerns that this bill gate a complicated and already strained legal violates the pay-as-you-go law, enacted with HON. JIM JORDAN system, or else suffer continued injustice. We my support in 2010, by failing to offset the must do better. cost of permanent tax policy changes with an OF OHIO I congratulate LSC on its 40th anniversary, equivalent amount of deficit reduction. Further- more, I am concerned that the bill would per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and commend all the hard working legal aid attorneys and staff who get so little recognition manently expand eligibility for the child tax Friday, July 25, 2014 for such important work. credit to families at the upper income limit while simultaneously failing to continue eligi- f Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, on Sunday we bility for families at the lower end. Finally, I am marked the 45th anniversary of Ohio’s native H. CON. RES. 105 AND H.R. 4935 concerned that provisions added to the bill son Neil Armstrong taking what he famously would prevent legal permanent residents who called ‘‘one small step for a man, one giant HON. DAVID N. CICILLINE pay taxes from being eligible for the credits. leap for mankind.’’ OF RHODE ISLAND I would have voted in favor of H. Con. Res. Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 on a farm IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 105, which—pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution—would prevent the near Wapakoneta. He earned his student’s Friday, July 25, 2014 pilot license at age 16, reached the rank of President from deploying or maintaining Eagle Scout, and graduated from Blume High Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I regret my ab- United States Armed Forces in a sustained School before enrolling at Purdue University sence from today’s proceedings due to a combat role in Iraq without specific statutory on a Navy scholarship. death in my family. authorization for such use. The United States First, I strongly support H. Con. Res. 105, must ensure that it has the security personnel He was called to active duty by the Navy in directing the President to remove United necessary to protect U.S. embassy and con- 1949, serving as a naval aviator until 1952. He States Armed Forces from Iraq, and had I sulate personnel and I support the administra- later served 17 years as an engineer, test been present I would have voted in favor of tion’s decision to send additional forces for pilot, astronaut, and administrator for NASA the resolution offered by my colleague from this purpose. The President also took an im- and its predecessor agency. Massachusetts. The rapid advance of ISIS re- portant step toward de-escalating the violence Despite his lifetime of service, he is best re- mains an issue of great concern to our na- in Iraq when he sent 300 additional personnel membered for one day: July 20, 1969, when tional security interests, as well as the stability to advise and train Iraqi forces in their battle he capped a 240,000-mile journey through of the entire Middle East. However, after near- with the Islamic State. However, I am con- space, stepped off the ‘‘Eagle,’’ and became ly a decade of war, and the loss of more than cerned about the potential for escalation in the first human to walk on the surface of the 4,000 American lives in Iraq, we must be ex- this conflict and believe that any further de- moon. tremely cautious of the dangers posed by fur- ployment of U.S. personnel to be employed in ther U.S. military involvement. a sustained combat role should require spe- Neil Armstrong died in 2012 at the age of For example, it was recently reported that a cific authorization from Congress. 82, but the impact of his journey is still felt classified military assessment of Iraqi Security I would have voted in favor of the Demo- today—in rural Auglaize County, Ohio, and Forces (ISF) revealed dangers to U.S. military cratic Motion to Instruct Conferees on H.R. throughout the world. personnel currently advising forces in the 3230. I was proud to speak on behalf of this Mr. Speaker, we honor Neil Armstrong for country. These dangers include infiltration by motion on the House floor, noting the impor- his service and sacrifice—this day and always. informants for Sunni extremists, as well as ISF tant steps included in the Senate-passed

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY8.009 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1243 amendment supporting victims of sexual as- cans by providing civil legal assistance to wide array of clients, such as farmworkers, in- sault. those who otherwise would be unable to afford dividuals with disabilities, immigrant popu- I would have voted in favor of H.R. 5081, it. LSC distributes nearly 94 percent of its an- lations, school children, lesbian/gay/bisexual Representative KAREN BASS’s important bill nual Federal appropriations to 134 local legal and transgender populations, seniors, and in- that will help combat human trafficking. aid programs, with nearly 800 offices serving dividuals with limited English proficiency. f every congressional district and U.S. terri- Nearly 60 percent of CRLA clients are women. tories. It is crucial that we continue to provide ade- HONORING THE 40TH ANNIVER- LSC-funded legal aid programs make a cru- quate funding to LSC so organizations like SARY OF THE LEGAL SERVICES cial difference to millions of Americans by as- CRLA can provide these essential services. CORPORATION sisting with the most basic civil legal needs, such as addressing matters involving safety, In my role as a senior member of the Com- HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA subsistence, and family stability. These low-in- merce, Justice, Science Appropriations Sub- OF CALIFORNIA come Americans are women seeking protec- committee, I have fought to increase LSC IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion from abuse, mothers trying to obtain child funding, and have sought to remove federal support, families facing unlawful evictions or Friday, July 25, 2014 restrictions on how LSC can use state, local, foreclosures that could leave them homeless, and private funds to more efficiently use the Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, Friday, July 25, veterans seeking their duly-earned benefits, resources it has available to serve low-income marks the 40th anniversary of the establish- seniors defending against consumer scams, clients. I will continue to work to provide LSC ment of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). and individuals who have lost their jobs and with the resources and flexibility it needs to In 1974, Congress, with bipartisan support, es- need help in applying for unemployment com- ensure equal access to justice. tablished LSC to be a major source of funding pensation and other benefits. for civil legal aid in this country. LSC is a pri- In my district, LSC provides funding to Cali- On this 40th anniversary, I salute the Legal vate, nonprofit corporation, funded by Con- fornia Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), an or- Services Corporation, and LSC-funded attor- gress, as well as by state, local, and private ganization that served 27,000 individuals, and neys, for the vital work they do every day on contributions, with the mission to ensure equal recovered over $2.5 million dollars for their behalf of Americans who need qualified coun- access to justice under the law for all Ameri- low-income clients, in 2012. CRLA serves a sel.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:11 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JY8.013 E25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Friday, July 25, 2014 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate was not in session and stands ad- No committee meetings were held. journed until 2 p.m. on Monday, July 28, 2014. h House of Representatives Revenue Code of 1986 to make improvements to the Chamber Action child tax credit, by a yea-and-nay vote of 237 yeas Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 9 public to 173 nays, Roll No. 451. Pages H6825–33 bills, H.R. 5203–5211; and 4 resolutions, H. Res. Pursuant to the rule, an amendment in the nature 687–690 were introduced. Page H6859 of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Com- Additional Cosponsors: Page H6860 mittee Print 113–54 shall be considered as adopted, Reports Filed: There were no reports filed today. in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a sub- stitute recommended by the Committee on Ways Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he and Means now printed in the bill. Page H6825 appointed Representative Foxx to act as Speaker pro H. Res. 680, the rule providing for consideration tempore for today. Page H6817 of the bills (H.R. 3393) and (H.R. 4935), was Directing the President, pursuant to section 5(c) agreed to yesterday, July 24th. of the War Powers Resolution, to remove Pursuant to section 3 of the rule, in the engross- United States Armed Forces, other than Armed ment of H.R. 3393, the Clerk shall (1) add the text Forces required to protect United States diplo- of H.R. 4935, as passed by the House, as new mat- matic facilities and personnel, from Iraq: The ter at the end of H.R. 3393; (2) conform the title House agreed to H. Con. Res. 105, to direct the of H.R. 3393 to reflect the addition of H.R. 4935, President, pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Pow- as passed by the House, to the engrossment; (3) as- ers Resolution, to remove United States Armed sign appropriate designations to provisions within Forces, other than Armed Forces required to protect the engrossment; and (4) conform provisions for United States diplomatic facilities and personnel, short titles within the engrossment. Upon the addi- from Iraq, by a yea-and-nay vote of 370 yeas to 40 tion of the text of H.R. 4935, as passed by the nays, Roll No. 452. Pages H6819–25, H6833–34 House, to the engrossment of H.R. 3393, H.R. Pursuant to the order of the House of Wednesday, 4935 shall be laid on the table. July 23, 2014, the amendment numbered 1 printed Motion to Instruct Conferees: The House agreed in the Congressional Record is adopted. Page H6819 Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘Prohib- to the Brownley (CA) motion to instruct conferees iting the President from deploying or maintaining on H.R. 3230 by a yea-and-nay vote of 213 yeas to United States Armed Forces in a sustained combat 193 nays, Roll No. 453. The motion was debated role in Iraq without specific, subsequent statutory yesterday, July 24th. Page H6834 authorization.’’. Page H6834 Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House H. Con. Res. 105 was considered pursuant to the agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following order of the House of July 23, 2014. measure which was debated on July 23rd: Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014: The Strengthening Child Welfare Response to Traf- House passed H.R. 4935, to amend the Internal ficking Act of 2014: H.R. 5081, to amend the D853

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:32 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D25JY4.REC D25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 25, 2014 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act to en- ished as a result of the terrorist attacks on the able State child protective services systems to im- United States on September 11, 2001. Page H6844 prove the identification and assessment of child vic- Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for tims of sex trafficking, by a 2/3 yea-and-nay vote of the District of Columbia Special Olympics Law 399 yeas with none voting ‘‘nay’’, Roll No. 454. Enforcement Torch Run: The House agreed to Pages H6834–35 take from the Speaker’s table and agree to H. Con. Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Com- Res. 103, to authorize the use of the Capitol petition Act: The House agreed to take from the Grounds for the District of Columbia Special Olym- Speaker’s table and pass S. 517, to promote con- pics Law Enforcement Torch Run. Page H6844 sumer choice and wireless competition by permitting Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- consumers to unlock mobile wireless devices. journs today it adjourn to meet on Monday, July Pages H6835–36 28th at 12 noon for morning hour debate and 2 Expressing the sense of the House of Represent- p.m. for legislative business. Page H6847 atives with respect to enhanced relations with Motion to Instruct Conferees: The House debated the Republic of Moldova and support for the Rahall motion to instruct conferees on H.R. Moldova’s territorial integrity: The House agreed 3230. Further proceedings were postponed. to discharge from committee and agree to H. Res. Page5sts H6847–51 562, as amended by Representative Smith (NJ), ex- pressing the sense of the House of Representatives Quorum Calls—Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes de- with respect to enhanced relations with the Republic veloped during the proceedings of today and appear of Moldova and support for Moldova’s territorial in- on pages H6832–33, H6833–34, H6834, tegrity. Page H6836 H6834–35. There were no quorum calls. Near East and South Central Asia Religious Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- Freedom Act of 2013: The House agreed to take journed at 3:25 p.m. from the Speaker’s table and pass S. 653, to provide for the establishment of the Special Envoy to Pro- Committee Meetings mote Religious Freedom of Religious Minorities in AMPHIBIOUS FLEET REQUIREMENTS the Near East and South Central Asia. Committee on Armed Services: Pages H6837–38 Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces held a hearing on Assessing Progress in Haiti Act: The House amphibious fleet requirements. Testimony was heard agreed to take from the Speaker’s table and pass S. from Sean Stackley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1104, to measure the progress of recovery and devel- Research, Development, and Acquisition; Vice Ad- opment efforts in Haiti following the earthquake of miral Joseph P. Aucoin, Deputy Chief of Naval Op- January 12, 2010. Pages H6838–39 erations, Office of Naval Operations Warfare Systems Sean and David Goldman International Child (N9); and General John M. Paxton, Jr., Assistant Abduction Prevention and Return Act: The Commandant of the Marine Corps. House agreed to take from the Speaker’s table and MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES concur in the Senate amendment to H.R. 3212, to ensure compliance with the 1980 Hague Convention Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduc- Middle East and North Africa held a markup on H. tion by countries with which the United States en- Res. 665, condemning the murder of Israeli and Pal- joys reciprocal obligations and to establish proce- estinian children in Israel and the ongoing and esca- dures for the prompt return of children abducted to lating violence in that country; and H. Con. Res. other countries. Pages H6839–43 107, denouncing the use of civilians as human shields by Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the violation of international humanitarian law. H. Res. Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to award 665 was ordered reported, without amendment; and Congressional Gold Medals in honor of the men H. Con. Res. 107 was ordered reported, as amended. and women who perished as a result of the ter- rorist attacks on the United States on September THE CRIMES ON THE BOOKS AND 11, 2001: The House agreed to discharge from com- COMMITTEE JURISDICTION mittee and agree to H. Con. Res. 106, to authorize Committee on the Judiciary: Task Force on Over-Crim- the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor inalization held a hearing entitled ‘‘The Crimes on Center for a ceremony to award Congressional Gold the Books and Committee Jurisdiction’’. Testimony Medals in honor of the men and women who per- was heard from public witnesses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:32 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D25JY4.REC D25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST July 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D855 WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF POLITICAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR MONDAY, AFFAIRS: IS SUPPORTING CANDIDATES JULY 28, 2014 AND CAMPAIGN FUND-RAISING AN APPROPRIATE USE OF A GOVERNMENT (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) OFFICE?; RESOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE Senate ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM No meetings/hearings scheduled. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Full House Committee resumed the hearing entitled ‘‘White House Office of Political Affairs: Is Supporting Can- Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on didates and Campaign Fund-Raising an Appropriate Health, markup on a bill to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide for recommenda- Use of a Government Office?’’; and held a markup tions for the development and use of clinical data reg- on a resolution of the Committee on Oversight and istries for the improvement of patient care; and H.R. Government Reform. No witness testimony was 4067, a bill to provide for the extension of the enforce- heard. The committee resolution was agreed to. ment instruction on supervision requirements for out- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE patient therapeutic services in critical access and small rural hospitals through 2014, 3 p.m., 2123 Rayburn. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Subcommittee on Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Protecting mittee held a markup on H.R. 2996, the ‘‘Revitalize Americans from Illegal Bailouts and Plan Cancellations American Manufacturing and Innovation Act of Under the President’s Health Care Law’’, 4 p.m., 2123 2013’’. The bill was ordered reported, as amended. Rayburn. Committee on Rules, Full Committee, hearing on H.R. Joint Meetings 4315, the ‘‘21st Century Endangered Species Trans- No joint committee meetings were held. parency Act’’, 5 p.m., H–313 Capitol.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:32 Jul 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D25JY4.REC D25JYPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 25, 2014

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Monday, July 28 12 p.m., Monday, July 28

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration Program for Monday: To be announced. of the nomination of Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, post- cloture. At 5:30 p.m., Senate will vote on confirmation of the nominations of Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, Elliot F. Kaye, of New York, to be a Commissioner and Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Joseph P. Mohorovic, of Illinois, to be a Commissioner of the Con- sumer Product Safety Commission, and Brian P. McKeon, of New York, to be a Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE DeGette, Diana, Colo., E1239 Peters, Gary C., Mich., E1240 Herrera Beutler, Jaime, Wash., E1241 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1237 Barletta, Lou, Pa., E1238, E1239 Honda, Michael M., Calif., E1243 Royce, Edward R., Calif., E1238 Bentivolio, Kerry L., Mich., E1241 Jordan, Jim, Ohio, E1242 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E1234 Bonamici, Suzanne, Ore., E1242 Keating, William R., Mass., E1240 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E1241 Braley, Bruce L., Iowa, E1241 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1238 Schneider, Bradley S., Ill., E1233, E1237, E1240 Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E1233 Lewis, John, Ga., E1235 Serrano, Jose´ E., N.Y., E1236 Cicilline, David N., R.I., E1242 Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E1233 Smith, Lamar, Tex., E1238 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1234 McGovern, James P., Mass., E1234 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1233, E1236, E1238, Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1239 Maloney, Sean Patrick, N.Y., E1241 E1240 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1237, E1239 Marino, Tom, Pa., E1233, E1234 Tsongas, Niki, Mass., E1242

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