| Mamá Dear Friend,

Quality, affordable health coverage is a lifesaver for families in the U.S.

Indeed, recent improvements to our nation’s healthcare system have brought the number of uninsured Americans to a record low. Currently, over 90% of Americans are insured through employer-sponsored health coverage, Affordable Care Act Marketplace coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP.

Any changes to our healthcare system must include a plan to ensure families do not lose access to the quality, affordable healthcare they depend on – It’s a lifesaver!

Over the past week, we asked our over a million MomsRising volunteers to share their personal experiences about how the Affordable Care Act and other healthcare programs are helping their families and the response has been overwhelming. In the following pages, you will find some highlights of the heartfelt stories we received from around the country.

Listen to voices of moms like Leigh Downing from Phoenix, AZ: The ACA made a huge difference for my family. I had a child a few months before it went into effect. During that time, I paid 1/3 of my monthly salary for a minimalist employer health plan. It had a high deductible and my child was in the hospital for a few days, so I accrued thousands in medical debt. I ended up having to file bankruptcy. I was so thankful when the ACA went into effect. The new Obamacare plan was 1/3 the cost of my work plan and covered far more. Now I have a new job and the plan to add my child is 1/2 of my take home pay! We literally can’t afford for the ACA to go away. I have a masters degree and would be homeless if I had to pay that much for insurance. I work hard at my job and at being a parent. Families like mine need the ACA.

And Amy Krohn from Columbus, OH: Our daughter Addie was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 6—an autoimmune disease for which there is no cure, but does have very expensive treatments. When my husband lost his job a few years ago, prior to the Affordable Care Act, NO ONE would insure us - at any cost. We were denied coverage because of Addie’s Type 1 diagnosis. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we no longer have to worry about being denied coverage and I can sleep at night knowing that Addie will always have access to her life saving medications – or will she??

These are voices of moms and dads across the nation who remind all of us that healthcare security is critical to our nation’s families.

If you have questions or would like to contact any of these individuals, please contact Felicia Willems at felicia@momsris-

Thank you for your work on behalf of America’s families!

Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner Executive Director

1 Personal stories from MomsRising members about the importance of quality, affordable healthcare

My daughter sustained lung damage 268 for myself and my son, of which the surance and did without medical care during birth, despite being carefully plan does not cover everything needed until the ACA made the premiums af- monitored in a hospital. She was in the and the deductible is 7500. Too high for fordable. NICU for a month and needed follow-up a single mother paying for mortgage – Merna Zimmerman, Tucson, AZ care for a year. All told her medical bills payments, outrageous heating bill costs, and high medicals copay costs. for that year reached nearly one million I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis dollars. Something must change and Affordable about 10 years ago and it is systemic, Without the ACA provision that prevent- healthcare act provides hope that more meaning it affects all of my muscle sys- ed our insurance from capping annual healthcare service will be covered ie tems. I put together a team of physicians benefits, we would be bankrupt. With- preventive care, mammograms, dental who work together to keep me healthy out CHIP paying for costs that Blue Cross cleanings, eliminate pre existing con- and active. Because of the narrow net- would not cover (heart medication that ditions. The rest of the world does not works this year my choices under the had to be compounded for an infant, ox- have these problems as America does healthcare website are extremely limit- ygen that she needed 24 hours a day for with inflated healthcare costs and it’s ed. My primary, my neurologist, and my 4.5 months), we would be slightly better time America followed suit with provid- nephrologist are not in the networks of than bankrupt. I fear that my daughter’s ing reasonable costs to citizens. any plans offered. first moments of life will make her unin- – Kristina B, Fairbanks, AK Because the new insurance does not surable for the rest of her life. cover any out of network doctors I will – Robin Beebee, Anchorage, AK lose the three most important doctors who have kept me healthy. This is why I have a daughter currently going to col- networks need to not be limited. The lege out of state. This past summer she citizens want a single payer healthcare landed in the emergency room twice system that is affordable. because of a previously unknown health – David Stutsman, Glendale, AZ condition. It is one that will recur from time to time and causes her disabling The ACA made a huge difference for my pain and it is incurable to my knowledge. family. I had a child a few months be- Even with a family policy, I am still pay- fore it went into effect. During that time, ing off the costs that were not covered. I paid 1/3 of my monthly salary for a There is no way she could afford this minimalist employer health plan. It had on her own. I was worried sick that she a high deductible and my child was in would become too old for coverage un- the hospital for a few days, so I accrued Nina Borgia-Aberle, Tucson, AZ der our policy and would have no access thousands in medical debt. I ended up to emergency services and pain relief I am a 61 year old single mom. I have having to file bankruptcy. when it inevitably happens again. I was been self employed my whole life. My I was so thankful when the ACA went into thrilled to learn the new health care re- son and I are very healthy. After 30 effect. The new Obamacare plan was 1/3 form plan would mean she could not be years of paying for premiums that at the cost of my work plan and covered far dropped from our family policy until age times I could not afford, I was going to more. Now I have a new job and the plan 26. I can rest easy knowing that she can have to give up my insurance in 2013 to add my child is 1/2 of my take home continue coverage and receive care she because it came down to eat or pay for pay! We literally can’t afford for the ACA needs. insurance. to go away. I have a masters degree and – Paige Hodson, Anchorage, AK Then the ACA insurance began and I re- would be homeless if I had to pay that ceived a subsidy and cost sharing and I much for insurance. I work hard at my I am a single mother to one. Costs of liv- literally cried because I felt my govern- job and at being a parent. Families like ing have doubled in last ten years. Wag- ment cared about me. Having health mine need the ACA. es have stayed the same. Health care insurance gives me peace of mind. – Leigh Downing, Phoenix, AZ coverage is not available through my employer. The cost of a private plan in- I have many friends, family members Before the Affordable Care Act I couldn’t volves a minimum monthly payment of and neighbors that did not have any in- get individual health insurance at all,

2 not even if I was willing to pay a high pre- ance that was all we could afford before mium, because I had asthma that need- the ACA. ed to be treated with steroids. Now I can – Karin Fisher-Golton, Richmond, CA get GOOD coverage with an affordable premium and my asthma is completely My son has a congenital disability that managed. It brings me such peace of would make him uninsurable if it wasn’t mind to both be healthier AND have in- for the compulsory elimination of pre- surance! existing conditions by the Affordable – Ann-Mary MacLeod, Scottsdale, AZ Care Act. By eliminating it not only would it endanger his life, but it would My adult daughter has asthma and dia- also deprive him of working and being betes. She has the Affordable Health a self- supporting taxpayer and being a Care plan. Without it, she could not get contributing member to society. William Swatos, Palm Desert, CA the medical supplies and treatment she – Judith Borstein, Los Angeles, CA needs to survive. Since our income is extremely variable, – Nancy Bell, Glendale, AZ the ACA has really helped my partner and me to keep our health insurance Our daughter lost her job in the econom- costs affordable. In years where we do ic downturn, and also her insurance. She well, we happily pay the full premium managed to be employed most of the for our insurance, but in those years time for the worst years, but all her jobs when we don’t do so well, the subsidy kicks in to help us out. were part time or temporary, without benefits. She tried to get private insur- ance, but no companies would insure One month after her graduation from UC her due to a pre-existing condition. Berkeley, my daughter was diagnosed with the life threatening condition an- Through Obamacare, she was finally orexia nervosa. She required two inten- able to purchase insurance to get her sive hospitalizations and prolonged out through the last years before she was patient care which saved her life. She finally hired at a permanent job with has been in remission now for about 5 benefits. years. Now she participates in the employee Toni Ouradnik, East Palo Alto, CA Since she had graduated the month program at her company. But Obam- before, without the ACA she would not Preventative care - well-child visits for acare got her safely through some very have had any insurance, and had she my son and daughter, mammograms tough times. not been covered until age 26 we would for me - are covered with no cost now. – Deborah Felnagle, Gilbert, AZ have had to pay for these extremely ex- Maintaining good health now takes pensive hospitalizations and special- priority and we no longer have to put Healthcare means not being trapped in ized outpatient care out of pocket. This off any doctor visits that will keep us your job to keep benefits. Also, both my would have been financially devastating healthier in the long run because of brother and I have “pre-existing condi- for us even though I am a well compen- cost. tions” and cannot risk the insurance sated physician. market without some protection. I feel that the ACA saved my daughter’s I have always been very healthy and – Erika Jahneke, Phoenix, AZ life at that time, and that without it, since I’m self-employed, I did not have she will again be vulnerable if insurance insurance because it was too costly. companies are allowed to deny coverage Also, I try to keep myself healthy and in- for pre-existing conditions should she surance at that time did not reward be- Before the ACA, we were paying $2,000/ relapse. ing proactive about my health. When the month for horrible health insurance. Affordable Health Care Act was passed, I That is 1/4 of our gross monthly income! – Tia Will, Davis, CA decided at age 52 to take advantage of it. And even that insurance ran out because Little did I know what an important deci- of ‘pre-existing’ conditions, so we were The ACA enabled me to get the health- sion that was. without any insurance for 6 months until care I needed to address a complex situ- the ACA kicked in. ation with my hearing and balance. This I signed up in January 2014 and in July has enabled me to spend more time of that year, I was diagnosed with Stage Now, we get better insurance and with working and earning money for my fam- 3 breast cancer. If it weren’t for the ACA, the subsidies pay only $450/month for a ily, not just because I’m in better health, I would be bankrupt or dead. I couldn’t family of three. but also because I spend less time on the be denied coverage because of a preex- – Gunnar Madsen, Berkeley, CA phone dealing with the terrible insur- isting condition and am happy to report 3 that I am still here and cancer free two diagnose the issue and a subsequent suffered from depression and anxiety years later. visit to an ENT specialist for a frenec- since I was a small child. My parents – Susan Powers, San Francisco, CA tomy (covered at 60%) my baby may knew something was terribly wrong not have thrived to become the happy, when I wanted to die at the age of 7. healthy, joyful child he is today. But they had no way on earth of pay- I’m the mother of 3, one of which is a ing a child psychologist or psychiatrist 7 year old girl named Myka. Myka was or getting me any kind of mental help born with an undiagnosed heart defect. To my daughter and I health care is im- at all. She forever will be labeled as having a perative for survival. My daughter who is pre-existing condition. Myka spent 2.5 22 and has lived her whole life in and out I had to grow up in a nightmarish world weeks in the NICU and had 2 open heart of hospitals due to chronic lung disease, of my mind’s creating, often friendless, surgeries (one at 4 months old and one asthma and pneumoniae has struggled bullied for being different. I finally had at 11 months old). without health care. Without any re- a nervous breakdown in college and sources or health care my daughter’s have never been the same. I can’t hold To date, she’s a $500k baby. My hus- future is uncertain. Right now She’s on down a job, I can’t take a college class band was laid off after the ACA became oxygen and a BPAP machine. This needs without almost ending up in the hospi- law. This gave him a chance to launch to happen now, for my daughter and for tal (I’ve been hospitalized twice now), his own business as we were no longer all those like her that fight daily for their and even just being a housewife and chained to the protection of a big group survival. mother is incredibly stressful to me. policy. We secured insurance and his – Mariamee Rodriguez, Miami, FL Every day I think of suicide. I would business has been thriving. We cannot not be alive today if it had not been for afford to lose coverage for our Myka. my husband’s insurance from his job, – Angela Eilers, Yorba Linda, CA which lets me get the treatment I have to have. Without ACA or something like it, our Even with insurance, my family now son who is now 10 would have no health barely squeaks by, but without it, it coverage. Prior to ACA he was uninsur- would be impossible. We would have to able. The reason? He was born almost 3 sell our house and move in with my par- months prematurely which caused neu- Christie Bradley, ents or something. My point is, insur- ro-sensory delays -- normal when one Defuniak Springs, FL ance is a powerful thing that has been is that premature. So essentially, being denied to so many, with consequences I grew up without insurance. Every premature was his pre-existing condi- ranging from mild inconvenience for time one of us was sick was a time of tion which left him uninsurable. the healthy to life-changing devasta- great worry; not just for our recovery tion for those who truly need it. – Simone Meeker, Helendale, CA but for the eternal “how are we going to pay for the doctor?” And the medi- cines were so expensive for us...maybe To my daughter and I health care is im- $100 for an antibiotic that didn’t work perative for survival. My daughter who is wasn’t much for some families, but for 22 and has lived her whole life in and out ours it was near disaster. It meant our of hospitals due to chronic lung disease, savings account dwindling down to asthma and pneumoniae has struggled nothing yet again, my parents having without health care. Without any re- to max out their credit cards, bills be- sources or health care my daughter’s fu- ing paid late, and sometimes even trips ture is uncertain. to the pawn shop. Right now She’s on oxygen and a BPAP Not having insurance meant that we machine. This needs to happen now, for didn’t go to the dentist unless we my daughter and for all those like her needed a tooth pulled. As an adult I am that fight daily for their survival. still suffering from the effects of that; – Mariamee Rodriguez, Miami, FL a jaw-misalignment and a tooth grind- ing condition went undiagnosed until I My son was a big baby. So much so that was an adult with a terrible abscess. I after his birth my upper belly was still have since had to have so many teeth distended. When I went to the doctor Erin Badillo, New Fairfield, CT removed (a very expensive procedure) with a sore throat, she mentioned that I My second child was born with an at- due to those conditions that I have to might have a hernia. When I tried to get tached frenulum – meaning that he chew with my front teeth and people private insurance a month later I was couldn’t effectively nurse or drink from look at me and think I must be on meth denied due to this note on her report. a bottle. Without a well-baby visit to or something. Thanks to Obama, there was a law in the pediatrician (covered at 100%) to Worst of all for me personally, I have Michigan that if denied private insurance

4 due to a pre existing condition, one could It gave us peace of mind when I was able purchase health insurance in Michigan to keep my children, who were young under a state plan. I served in the adults, on my employer’s group health Thanks to Obamacare - no one has to suf- military for 28 insurance policy. It was affordable as my fer without insurance due to one doctor’s children got enough work experience to comment in passing. years. I put my get jobs which provided them with their own employer health insurance. – Rebecca Covey, Miami, FL life on the line – Anita DeBias, Port Richey, FL My husband is a disabled veteran, cov- for what the ered by the VA for his insurance. I am American Dream As a middle aged woman, I went with- an LPN, the sole breadwinner and I am out health insurance for 8 years before also in school full-time to get my RN. I is all about. No the ACA was enacted. It was a bless- ing and necessity. The only changes just lost my employer’s health insurance mom in the United because I can’t work enough hours while it needs are improvement to make it going to school to meet the minimum for States of America stronger and broader, perhaps a single health coverage. payer system. should ever have I recently applied for the ACA and I was – Cindy Tofflemire, Des Moines, IA approved for good coverage for $37 a to worry about month. I am so thankful for the ACA. Medicare is my only insurance. I’m not Our daughter is covered by Medicaid be- getting access 65 year so I can’t afford supplemental cause our family income is so low. insurance (for which I can thank Gov. to affordable Branstad because he refused the Med- – Deanna Mousaw, New Port Richey, FL healthcare for icaid expansion from the ACA). Without Medicare, I will die because I need a de- As a physician assistant for 25 years, I her children. fibrillator. know that people without health insur- ance tend to die earlier than folks with George Ratner It’s been 15 years since the heart at- tack that killed me, and my health has insurance – they don’t get the preventa- Fort Lauderdale, FL tive screenings and interventions that been deteriorating for the past couple insurance as in the A.C.A. provides. of years. I’m supposed to be scheduled after the New Year. I had to have a mela- – William Phelan, Tallahassee, FL noma removed from my face last June. I don’t know what else to do. When my husband first got throat can- Before the Affordable care act, I pur- – Pat Xopenhaver, Iowa Falls, IA cer, we had very poor health coverage. chased insurance for my family to cover It took all of our savings and retirement us while I went back to school for my My husband and I have two children, to make it through that medical debacle. Masters. I thought I was purchasing a 12 years apart. And our son, who is the high deductible catastrophic policy, but When it came back, he had ACA, which eldest, graduated from college. Even found out only later after my son had to allowed us to get excellent medical though he’s living in the Twin Cities, have an emergency appendectomy that help, and not to end up totally broke which is one of the better job markets there was a 2,000 cap on it. again. With his medical insurance and in this country, he still has not landed the medicare, we didn’t have the night- The same month before we even re- a full-time job, let alone a ‘career’ posi- mares we had originally. ceived the bad news about our policy, tion. we got another denial for coverage for – Lora Browne, Fort Lauderdale, FL Thank God for the Affordable Care Act! my 4 year old daughter’s surgical proce- Because of it, Isaac continues to have dure to fix her kidney reflux. People must know that they have health health insurance coverage under our insurance. Without it it can lead to financial They denied it saying that her frequent policy. As he struggles to pay bills, make ruin. I have medicare and was only in the urinary infections in the past couple of his first student loan payments, and hospital for 30 hours. My bill was $45,000. months before showed it was a preexist- learn to live on his own, it’s one less wor- – Jeffrey Luft, Lake Worth, FL ing condition, and not only got out of pay- ry we all have. ing for the surgery, but refused to pay for – Cherie Miner, Elliott, IA My daughter was unable to get insur- any further pediatrician visits which were due to her bladder problems. I was so ance coverage because of a pre-existing My family has greatly benefited from the happy when the affordable care act was condition and thanks to the affordable Affordable Care Act. 1. My father was a passed because I knew that no other fam- care act she got her insurance to cover union carpenter his entire career. When ily would ever have to go through this. her. he retired, he opted for the cobra ins – Margarita Ferreiro, Mount Dora, FL – Amy, Naples, FL coverage but this still ran out before 5 Medicare started. My mother and he had high-quality treatment, from the high dured 3 hospitalizations along with nu- an extremely difficult time getting any deductible, high co-insurance rates, merous doctor visits that we paid out ins co to take them on. They had no big and caps on hospital stays – to the re- of pocket. We’re fortunate we avoided health concerns either. peated denial of the “medical neces- bankruptcy, as my brother was forced It was very scary. The amount of money sity” of cancer treatments. It was infu- to. riating and devastating and meant that that they had to pay out of pocket was He was a small business owner and her cancer returned three times, each huge and I can’t imagine most people couldn’t afford coverage when his wife time harder to treat and survive. being able to afford it. 2. My brothers are had gallbladder surgery and associated also union carpenters. If they are laid off This past spring, I was diagnosed with complications. His son suffered and in the winter, they may not get enough thyroid cancer at age 27 and needed was treated for a benign brain tumor. work quarters to qualify for ins. surgery to remove my thyroid and 50 Both of our families have benefited This was very scary as my older brother lymph nodes. Now that I have a pre- from the Affordable Care Act. has children at home that needed cov- existing condition, along with 27% of ered. 3. My stepdaughters are in college. adult Americans under 65, I know that When they graduate, we are worried we can’t let America go back to the about their ability to qualify for health days of lifetime caps and high-cost or ins. With coverage to children up to denial of coverage for those with pre- 26yo, this has been a relief to us. existing conditions. These are NORMAL EVERYDAY occurrenc- es for NORMAL EVERYDAY Americans and it has impacted (0r will impact) my fam- ily in many, many ways. – Andrew Leheny, Preston, IA

Jenny Hupp, Chicago, IL I am a single mother working full time. My daughter receives Medicaid. This is Rachel Rodgers, Warsaw, IN Sara Alcid, Hailey, ID the only health insurance I can afford. In many ways, poor health coverage led Up until last month, I was purchasing my My daughter who is four years old with to my mom’s death in 2010. We can’t health insurance on the marketplace. It Pierre Robin Sequence and tracheoma- allow our nation to go back to these cost me $300 a month, and my employ- lacia has benefited from the affordable pre-ACA days. Our family budget was er contributed less than a third to this care act. She is allowed on our private stretched to the max to pay the premi- amount. It is nearly impossible to afford insurance due to no maximum benefit. ums for “catastrophic coverage” and health coverage in this country. I was This has helped pay for her multiple a $13,000 deductible. This meant that working in the healthcare industry my- hospitalizations, multiple surgeries, when it was clear my mom needed to self, and I still could not afford my own home supplies, ventilators, and so on. family’s healthcare! go to the doctor, she didn’t go because She is also on Medicaid to help cover we couldn’t afford the copay and she what our private insurance does not feared that her premiums would sky- cover such as nursing services. Without rocket if she actually used her insur- nursing services she would not be alive ance. today because there is no way that I When she eventually visited a doctor, can stay up 247 to watch her. she was diagnosed with cancer that She has coded multiple times and my could have been easily prevented if she nurse has saved her life multiple times. had received medical care at the first Please her life is so important to my signs she needed it. whole family and extending family. When she needed cancer treatment, Susan Kessler, Chatham, IL Little side note she is the smartest kid her extremely poor health coverage My husband has Crohns and was denied in her class per her teacher. Please help presented endless barriers to obtaining health insurance for 5 years. He en- her stay alive.

6 ance didn’t cover: medical equipment I am a low income epileptic who strug- and supplies, high-tier medications, gled for years to control my seizures. out-of-network specialists, therapies, This was not because my case was such incontinence supplies, specialized a difficult one but because I had no in- feeding supplies, travel, and more. Our surance and could not afford to see a out-of-pocket costs were spiraling with specialist or get more than one or two of no end in sight. We even took out a the specialized tests needed for my con- home equity line of credit, all the while dition. I could not even afford the regu- fast approaching the lifetime cap on lar blood tests needed to determine the medical expenses imposed by our pri- dosing of my medication and suffered vate insurance. for years with ineffective medication I couldn’t really afford because of it. This Then came the Affordable Care Act – made it impossible for me to work, drive, covering 28 million Americans who or otherwise live independently. Cyndi Johnson, Bloomington, IN were previously without health insur- I come from a background of genera- ance. We were so grateful not only for Recently I was able to get Medicaid tional poverty in the hills of southern all those Americans gaining peace of through the Affordable Care Act and Indiana. I don’t recall going to the doc- mind, but for the peace of mind we now have been able to see a neurologist tor growing up, so it was a good thing I had knowing that lifetime caps had and get the testing I needed to make my was generally healthy besides the occa- been eliminated. Of course there was medication effective. It also made that sional cold. I worked hard throughout still the issue of our mounding medical medication affordable and now I am liv- school and was awarded numerous col- debt. But then in 2015 after being on a ing independently and working on get- lege scholarships – becoming the first waiting list since birth, my then-8-year- ting a job and to the point where I can person on either side of the family to old daughter became eligible for the drive. Without my Medicaid there is no earn a degree. I went on to work as a Medicaid waiver in the state of Indiana, way I could afford this medication and math teacher in Indiana for years and effectively rendering her eligible for medical care and would be worse off even earned a masters, but later, when Medicaid Disability. than before. I started a family and discovered prena- Medicaid now covers much of what pri- – Genevieve Wheetley, Valparaiso, IN tally that I was going to have a baby girl vate insurance does not, and while the with Down syndrome, my life changed system is still far from perfect (we still As a person in my sixties and originally dramatically. incur hundreds of dollars of uncovered on the individual market being in the It became clear shortly after she was medical expenses each month), it has marketplace has allowed me to feel con- born that to coordinate her medical meant a much brighter financial future fident that if I get sick the private provid- care I would need to to be a stay-at- for my family. ers won’t inflate my premiums so that they will not be payable. home mom. Virtually overnight, we We have paid off most of our medical went from being a two-income family debt and have even begun saving for – Catherine Trost-Steffen with no medical expenses to a one-in- college for my other 2 children. If the Bloomingdale, IN come family with astronomical medi- ACA provisions are repealed. Americans cal expenses. I remember standing at like the pre-existing condition piece the For 40 years, I’ve been a registered the mailbox with my tiny baby (still removal of lifetime caps, and the abil- nurse. No other health care issue affect- under 10 pounds at 11-months-old!) ity to retain a child on their policy until ed my practice like the ability to have cradled in my arms and opening an age 26. access to care. As a psychiatric nurse, I envelope from the children’s hospi- saw devastating impact on youth, post- And finally funding Medicaid using a tal with a bill inside for $64,00 – more partum women and young adults who block grant model cannot be an op- than my husband’s annual salary – for once diagnosed with treatable mental tion. Medicaid covers nearly 73 million merely “”renting”” the surgical room health or substance disorders, lose their people across the U.S. including low- and equipment used during her heart insurance coverage. I also worked with income children, expecting mothers, surgery the month before. I fought 100s who in their middle years quit jobs persons with disabilities, and others. back tears as I tried to wrap my mind to care for elders and then succumb to Imposing artificial caps on the Medic- around it – recognizing that more bills illness. aid program would put all of them at would soon arrive in my mailbox for the risk, my daughter included. With block It is unconsciousable still how many hospital stay, surgeon’s fees, and more. grants, states would be forced to fur- caregivers go without any health care Then it hit me: This was our new reality. ther reduce already dismal Medicaid coverage of their own. In 2009 lost my Over the next several years even with reimbursement rates and restrict eli- job and then within a year could not af- private insurance through my hus- gibility requirements, thereby compro- ford COBRA I postponed certain medical band’s employer, the bills added up mising access to quality care for those treatment and a surgery. In retrospect quickly. Besides deductibles and co- 73 million Americans. That would be a it’s clear these decisions were not my pays, there were many expenses insur- disaster. best and my health stamina and my 7 abort to work full time was affected. I have chronic migraines. Prior to the employees, am a single mom and hence Eventually ACA was available which sig- ACA, I was turned down for health in- the manager of my family. I would not nificantly changed my circumstances. surance by multiple companies for this be able to keep up without it. Losing The Medicaid expansion was essential preexisting condition. Under the ACA, my insurance would require me to com- for my son and his treatment of depres- I have been able to receive excellent promise my health, my livelihood and sion. It is humane and part of decent so- health care, with my choice of doctors my ability to parent. I can’t see how ciety to continue the ACA. These are just and treatments. that would be worth it! a few of my thoughts. It would be devastating for me and – Donna, RN, Greenwood, IN my family if I was again excluded from health insurance, or had to pay premi- ums and deductibles so high as to ren- der them unaffordable (I typically need between $8,000-$10,000 per year in medicines and treatments). – Mandy Foster, New Orleans, LA

Laura Kramer, Boston, MA I am putting my husband through col- lege and my employer is a small insti- tute that does not offer health insur- ance. Without affordable options on the exchange, I don’t know what we would do to get covered. We need the Dot Lewis, Norton, KS ACA to ensure we can find a plan that When I was younger I went many years AnnMarie Duchon fits our budget and lifestyle. Health- with no insurance and hoped for the Belchertown, MA care is a right, not a privilege, and is best. On minimum wage employment needed for a prosperous economy and My daughter, Gracie was born pre- there was no way I could afford to buy communities. maturely at 26.6 weeks for unknown insurance and pay the “survival” bills, reasons. Due to her prematurity, she such as rent, utilities and food. As a When I was diagnosed with another spent 68 days in the NICU with prema- result I did not seek medical care until breast cancer in 2011, I discovered that ture lungs, 2 heart conditions, brain the situation became serious. the expensive health insurance I had bleeds, jaundice and an infection. We been paying for every month, was go- A fairly minor injury to my leg seemed fed her breast milk one cc at a time. By ing to leave me with 100s of thousands manageable without a doctor’s atten- some miracle, she is now 7 years old of dollars of medical debts for that year, tion so I saved the cost of an office vis- and healthy! However, due to her pre- alone. I wept over the burden my illness it, which had to be paid for in advance, existing condition, she could lose her was placing on me and my husband, af- since I was uninsured. However, in health insurance as she would likely short order the wound became septic ter we had climbed out of my medical have already used up her lifetime cap then began spreading up the leg and I debt so often before. on benefits. had no choice but to seek care. I was able to switch to a better carrier, I too have a chronic illness Crohn’s dis- I was lucky to find an emergency “clin- only because of the rules of the Afford- ease. I never know when it will flare ic” which was much less expensive able Health Care Act, which prevented up. I take an injected biologic medicine than a hospital ER and did not require insurance companies from rejecting me weekly to try to keep it (and the subse- pre-payment so I was treated. I still for pre-existing conditions. As it was, I still quent other autoimmune diseases that have a scar on the leg from the destruc- had $17,000 in debt, which was largely come with Crohn’s: psoriasis, arthritis, tion the infection caused. Had I been taken care of by an incredible group fun- iritis, etc.) in check. This medicine costs insured or had otherwise affordable draiser. Being able to switch to better in- over $1,000 an injection. There is no health care at the time, I would have surance coverage lifted a huge weight of way I could pay for it on my own. sought treatment earlier and perhaps stress from our shoulders, which I am sure avoided much of the pain and cost. I manage a thriving department full of helped me in my recovery. It has helped

8 us to stay living in our home and living them thereby endangering my health. I will need the ACA to survive. The cost our lives. And it has placed me in a posi- And there are many others just like me of COBRA is too high. I am single and live tion to help others now. I pay it forward. who would have to make a difficult alone with my rescue dogs. I cannot af- I still have medical debts accumulate but choice – food and rent or medications. ford to be without insurance again. The I manage. I am on Medicare, now. I want – Carol Jobe, Grover, MO top 1% is so out of touch with the rest to hang on to that as well. I’ve been pay- of the nation. I emplore anyone voting to ing into the system my whole working life. dismantle the ACA live for a month in the My husband, a wounded Vietnam vet, Less wealthy countries take care of their shoes of their constituents. I doubt they just began receiving treatment through citizens’ health care needs. So can we. could last a day. the VA system for the long term effects – Nancy Glassman, Searsmont, ME of Agent Orange exposure (he sprayed it) – Rebecca Blackwell, Durham, NC and PTSD. As a sole proprietor business in Washington Every member of my family has what Because he waited so long to get help, County Maine I am dependent upon the insurance companies consider pre-exist- his health problems are highly complex ACA to buy affordable health care. It is the ing conditions, which means w/out the and difficult to treat. In addition, his war ONLY way I can afford it. Eliminating or in- ACA we would likely be denied health injury has caused deterioration of his creasing the cost or giving even more con- insurance or be subject to exclusions & knee joint and he will need a replace- trol over to the insurers means that 1000’s delays. My twin daughters were micro- ment. Back surgery for a ruptured disk of folks will be without coverage. This is bad preemies with lengthy stays in the NICU cost about $100,000.00 We couldn’t pos- for them. And bad for overall health care (one of them for almost a year!). They’ve sibly afford this without insurance and costs because all care ends up back in the had countless medical procedures and the V Emergency Rooms. Our rural hospitals sus- multiple surgeries. Both have costly life- tainability will suffer even more. – Kristin Erman, Joplin, MO long chronic medical conditions. Just – Sarah Strickland, Robbinston, ME the NICU stay for one of them alone was Without the medicaid expansion I’d have well over $1 million. NO insurance at all as I’m diabetic and It costs well over $100K each year for according to insurance agents, un-insur- her medical care, therapy, & supplies, able. even w/out counting the cost of in-home – Wm Schultz, Whitefish, MT care through our state’s Medicaid waiver program. She is medically fragile. With- I have a friend who is disabled with a out the ACA, we would be destitute very very limited income. Until the ACA, he quickly due to insurance’s lifetime max. couldn’t afford eye glasses, he needed Our daughters would have to do w/out eye surgery and dental surgery. He suf- the medical care, supplies, & therapies fered from serious pain in his back. Once they need. This would put their lives in he was covered by Medicaid in this state, danger. Our entire family would end up he was able to have eye surgery, get on public assistance to survive. That glasses, have his dental surgery and get would only cost the government more $ dentures, and begin pain management in the long run. for his back. – E Nell, Clemmons, NC He is a new man. He is bright, happy, motivated, looking for work...The ACA As an 26 year Occupational Therapy changed his life for the better. I could tell professional, I have insurance via my Deirdre Kelly, Saginaw, MI many other such stories, because I work employer. However, I have personally I have had cancer twice as a 32 year in healthcare, but this one is the most worked with clients who do not have old single mom. Once thyroid and once personal. healthcare and I see the effects of long cervical. Without the affordable health – Janette Reget, Butte, MT term chronic illness that are not treated. care act I would be uninsurable. I would Every American should have basic health not have survived my last fight with I was in two car accidents in 1999 and care which will not only prevent unnec- cancer and my son would be on his own 2000. I was in a job that did not offer essary illnesses, but curb the cost of our at 10 years old. health insurance. I had incredibly high healthcare overall here in America. medical bills. My father could have – Janice Robinson, Charlotte, NC I am a senior citizen who needs thirteen helped, but refused. I was forced to file critical medications a month, several bankruptcy. My credit score was perfect I have a number of friends and neighbors very expensive. Without the AFA provi- until that time. I have been struggling who have lost jobs and are trying to pay sion that gives those of us in the Medi- since then to get from poor to fair. I have the bills through independent contract- care “donut hole” a discount on the re- just recently left my company job to start ing, which is an unstable source of in- tail price, I would not be able to afford my own business. come. Without the ACA, they would have 9 no health insurance. One of my friends I applied for ChIP for my two daughters, her brother might still have a sister. was diagnosed with cancer – without a program that I just learned about and There are so many stories like this, the ACA she would have had no means found out they qualifiy for Medicaid be- and sadly, I might become one of to pay for the treatment. cause of the new expansions to the pro- them. My thyroid disease could easily gram. Without it I don’t know how I’d af- I understand that the ACA needs to be be labeled a “preexisting condition” ford my 4 year-old’s asthma medication. modified to become more effective, but and a medication I need to function a wholesale repeal would leave people – Sara Dupree, Grand Forks, ND could be denied me because I’ve had I know without insurance, extremely it for years. I’m scared, sad, frustrat- vulnerable and at risk of losing what ed, and angry. little they have left. A repeal without a replacement will leave the health care industry reeling from the uncertainty. Please do the responsible thing and do not take health insurance from our most vulnerable citizens. – Bev Dugan, Pittsboro, NC

We live in a retirement village, and most of our money goes for living expenses. We NEED the Affordable Care Act to make health care something that we can have access to! Janice Carlson, Las Vegas, NV Otherwise, we will be in financial trou- Lauren Agoratus, Trenton, NJ Like tens of millions of other women, ble with all our health issues that must I’m the parent of a child with 5 life- the ACA means I don’t have to pay be dealt with, especially in my hus- threatening conditions and autism just anything for my annual flu shot, Pap band’s case with dementia growing each to keep it interesting. I’m deeply con- smear, mammogram or gynecological month! cerned about protections on pre-exist- exam. That’s huge to me, and it has – Dorothy & Robert Osborn, Durham, NC ing conditions, dependent coverage, helped keep me healthy. and annual/lifetime cap limits. I am 62 and didn’t have coverage before the ACA I had a hernia the first year I had coverage. If I didn’t have coverage I would have ended up in the emergency room instead of having a scheduled sur- gery Without the tax credit I could not af- ford any coverage. – Jesse Goslen, Louisburg, NC

As a parent, one of my biggest fears is my child getting sick. Really sick. If the unthinkable should happen, I want to be able to focus all my energy and time on helping my daughter get better, not Theresa Meire fighting with the insurance company. Port Monmouth, NJ The ACA is so crucial for the health and security of our middle- and lower-class- My Godmother, Karen, died because Christine Pace, Las Vegas, NV she didn’t go to the doctor. It wasn’t es. I had to quit my job to care for my because she didn’t want to, it was be- Mother in her last years. I lost my em- Maybe rich people don’t have to worry cause she couldn’t afford it and had a ployee insurance. Without the Afford- about being able to afford care if their life threatening condition she didn’t able Healthcare Act, I would NOT have children get sick, but I do. I pray to God know about. If she had been able to been able to afford health care. every single night for my child’s contin- go to the doctor, get her blood pres- ued good health. And I pray for the peo- sure checked, and get medication, my Now I am lucky and do not suffer from ple who are in the situation of having a children may have known her and her any health issues, but life brings many seriously ill child. Any one of us could be child might still have a mother, her surprises and I want to be prepared. Ev- in that position. husband, might still have a wife, her eryone needs to be prepared. Everyone – Brooke VanLooy, Grand Forks, ND mother might still have her child and deserves health coverage!

10 After retiring, I found that I could not I perhaps would need to find some em- school they love. We had saved enough get health insurance for my wife and my ployment where I could be covered and to get through one tough year but we health insurance contained a rider that would need to let my employee go. were afraid that subsequent years of high bills would pull us under. would invalidate my coverage in any – Ann Randall, South Euclid, OH emergency that even mentioned the Once ACA passed our deductible went subject of that rider. Our daughter Addie was diagnosed with down to $3000. We were able to save The Affordable Care Act changed all of Type 1 diabetes at age 6 - an autoim- money and my husband was able to that and gave us security from losing mune disease for which there is no cure, buy a share of his company. ACA al- everything we had worked for in a cata- but does have very expensive treat- lowed us to become small business strophic illness or accident. ments. When my husband lost his job owners since we had affordable health care. Our children have stayed in the – James Heller, Reno, NV a few years ago, prior to the Affordable Care Act, NO ONE would insure us - at school they love. All of this uncertainty any cost. surrounding health care has us worried If not for Affordable Healthcare cover- again. age here in NV, I would not be able to We were denied coverage because of Ad- Since ACA our youngest child was born have health insurance. My husband has die’s Type 1 diagnosis. Thanks to the Af- with FPIES. We are scared she will be Medicare but I am 62 so too young for fordable Care Act, we no longer have to considered uninsurable. She appears to that program. I work part time so am not worry about being denied coverage and be outgrowing the condition but will in- eligible through an employer. Therefore I can sleep at night knowing that Addie surance companies insure her? this issue is of utmost importance to me. will always have access to her life saving medications - or will she?? – Rebecca Surendorff, Cincinnati, OH – Marilyn Block, Reno, NV – Amy Krohn, Columbus, OH Our family has had a series of health is- I am a two-time cancer survivor. The sues and having health insurance has health insurance premiums for my hus- made it possible for us to deal with band and myself, after age 60, covered at them. I am especially grateful for the the time by the church we have pastored ACA rule that requires coverage for pre- many years, were approaching $38,000/ ventative treatments and that mental year. When the ACA was approved, our health issues be treated the same as other medical issues. American Baptist denomination ceased offering health insurance to churches Without this later provision, some nec- due to the spiraling costs, and we were essary treatment would not have been then on the open market. an affordable option for us. My cancer is in remission, thankfully, – Sonya Charles, Cleveland Hts, OH but I have an immune disorder which re- quires monthly intravenous treatments. My husband has had a job with a very Belinda Howell, Ithaca, NY Without this support, my health would small organization that cannot afford After 61 years of excellent health, I be severely compromised. The ACA pol- to provide healthcare for its 2 employ- had two emergency surgeries, one icy my husband and I have has covered ees. I am the sole owner of a very small scheduled surgery, and pneumonia in my previous doctors, although not at all business. Thank goodness we can get less than 12 months. I was not strong the same locations, and the staff at the our healthcare coverage through the ex- enough to keep up with the pace of my other end of the call line of this insur- changes. nursing job and sought coverage with ance company has been friendly, help- – Adina Davidson, Shaker Heights, OH ObamaCare. It got me through months ful, kind, and thorough. of recovery until I could get back to a – Mary Hammond, Oberlin, OH Both of our sons were included on our job with insurance coverage. family insurance for some years due to Before ACA our health insurance deduct- the Affordable Care Act. Our elder son’s My husband has been downsized twice ible skyrocketed to $20,000 a year for coverage denied him prior to the pas- in the last three years. We are both self- our family and our out of network was sage of the Affordable Care Act simply employed now, and are earning enough $40,000. My husband works for a small due to a bicycle injury while in college. to stay comfortable. But I have rheuma- business and within the company sev- He wrote an eloquent letter along with toid arthritis, and without the Affordable eral pre existing conditions made insur- one from his doctor at the time to have Care Act, I fear I would be uninsurable as ance outrageous. the denial set aside. For anyone else having a preexisting condition. After we experienced a year with over without his eloquence and our support, My practice has grown to the point I was $20,000 in medical bills we were con- he would have been left without insur- able to hire a part-time employee this sidering selling our home/ down sizing ance. year. But if I lose my health insurance, and pulling our kids from the parochial – Christina Irwin, Lake Oswego, OR 11 received appropriate health care from At 57 my back blew out due to severe private health insurance, Medicare & stenosis. The condition has left me Medicaid all her life. Without this care with little ability to walk constant pain she would be dead a long time ago. I am anytime’s and inability to even care for 1 of millions of families surviving with myself. I was covered by Medicaid until a disabled family member because of my SSI disability was approved. Since available national health care laws. there’s a two-year waiting period for Medicare I have to pay for my own insur- ance for the next two years. Without the Affordable Care Act I would not be able to afford insurance where would I be in- surable on my own. Larry Bailey, Tigard, OR – Barbara Catanzaro, Bridgeville, PA Thanks to the ACA, my sister and her daughter were able to get health cov- erage despite having diabetes...a pre- existing condition. Without ACA, no insurance company would cover them. Thank you Obamacare!

Elizabeth Luisada Greenfield Twp, PA I had a number of concerning symp- toms, but I didn’t know what was wrong. My husband was having heart palpitations, just one year younger than when his father died of a heart attack. We couldn’t afford testing to find out what was wrong with us, and we wanted a child. After getting health Tam StClaire, Furlong, PA insurance through the ACA, we both A year before the ACA was passed, I had got tests I had a thyroid condition that Rhea Wolf, Portland, OR a beautiful 30-yr old niece who died be- was easily treated with an inexpensive cause she lost her job, had a preexist- As someone who has suffered for years medication. from depression, the ACA has finally ing condition, and didn’t have access to made it possible for me to find a treat- He was put on a simple inexpensive affordable health insurance. This heart- ment plan that works. I can’t tell you heart medication and we both started breaking tragedy should not happen what this means to me and my family. going to the doctor for simple check- ever again to any family. I am finally about to be the mother I al- ups. We had our baby in January 2016 ways wanted to be - available, patient, and I was happy to have excellent care My husband and I are in our early six- and emotionally balanced. If the ACA through my thankfully uncomplicated ties. Before the ACA, there were several goes away, so does my medical care. On pregnancy. My beautiful healthy baby years where I was unable to get health my budget, there is no way that I could relies on our coverage for his many insurance because of pre-existing condi- afford health insurance, and a health regular well baby appointments and tions. During the same time period, my savings account would be of no use. vaccines. We both work. The ACA is our husband was in the hospital four times only option, I love it and credit it with in one year, and despite the fact that he my families health. had insurance from work, we had to file bankruptcy due to excessive medical bills. For me it’s simple. With Affordable Health Care I get to live a relatively com- If the ACA is repealed, my husband will fortable life. Without it I would perish. I lose his coverage and will be unable to was diagnosed with numerous autoim- get any due to pre-existing conditions. mune conditions at the age of 13. I’ve – Laura Mock, Reading, PA never been insurable until President Mary McGaughey, Gresham, OR Obama pass the Affordable Care Act. At We have 5 children. Three would have My life long medically, mentally, physi- times when I could work I had employer aged out of our insurance if not for the cally disabled daughter of 42 years has provided health insurance. ACA. Three people that I love more than

12 anything could be without health pro- My husband and I are both self em- tection. We are forever thankful for it. ployed. I was diagnosed in 2013 with – Robin Troy, Pittsburgh, PA triple negative breast cancer. I had chemotherapy and radiation for The ACA finally allowed us to breathe over 7 months. It has now moved to my freely for the first time in years. Before lungs and liver. If penalities for preex- the ACA we spent 50% of our income isting conditions return we will both be on premiums and healthcare. After the uninsurable. ACA we got the care we needed and had – Sandy Wright, Bloomsburg, PA enough money to live on. It made all the difference! My wife and I have pre-existing condi- Before the ACA the premium for high tions (cancer, diabetes). We could not Elizabeth Wilson, Centerville, UT deductible basic insurance was $2500 a purchase or afford healthcare without My mother is 89 years old, frail, and has month after it was $535 a month with a the ACA. very poor vision due to macular degen- low deductible and low copays for most – Kenneth, Moore & Kim eration. She needs full-time care, so I services. That is life changing! Bethlehem, PA can’t work outside the home. I am her – Paulette Long, Nazareth, PA caregiver. My only access to affordable I hadn’t seen a doctor - not counting healthcare is through the marketplace Thank God that my son was able to con- expensive visits to walk-in clinics when established by the Affordable Care Act. tinue on my insurance until 26! At 25 he I couldn’t stand something anymore -- Prior to the passage of the ACA, I was was diagnosed with the same heart con- since about 1976. For three years now, struggling to pay monthly costs for in- dition that had killed his father. He now I’ve had actual health insurance that surance that doubled in just two years. has an internal defibrillator in his chest, I can afford thanks to my ACA supple- Yes, my premiums will increase in 2017, which now brands him as having a pre- ment. but I’ll still be paying less than a third existing condition. I’ve had a couple of physicals and some of what I was paying prior to the ACA. – Annie Merritt, Elkins Park, PA tests and mammograms and everything Until the ACA passed, people were los- is good. If we can keep up this system, ing their savings, their homes, and I cannot afford health insurance without I have a chance of knowing in advance even their lives because they couldn’t this program. The wife and I are on lim- if anything serious is about to go wrong. afford healthcare. It’s not perfect, but ited incomes. That sort of preventative care can save it’s a whole lot better than the system – Chester Newcomer money and lives. we had before. Mechanicsburg, PA – Teresa Hargrove Nashville, TN I am a two-time cancer survivor and the protections in the ACA for pre-existing My son is a musician and has Stage IV coverage and banning life-time limits melanoma diagnosed in August. If he are critical for people like me and espe- had not had ObamaCare, he would have cially for children who have had cancer. been uninsured when he got sick and – Meredith Bollheimer, Erie, PA would not be alive today. – Jill Alliman I was laid off from my long term full time Sweetwater, TN job last November, 2015. I have since had some temporary employment while My grandson was a 29 week preemie. He continuing to look for full time work. I was covered under my insurance until Margarita Figueroa was diagnosed with cataracts last spring my daughter turned 25, at which point Charlottesville, VA and had operations this summer on both he would have been uninsurable with- eyes. out Obamacare. My daughter has also My mother in law is a permanent resi- dent and without the ACA she and my – Michelle Doyon, Scottdale, PA had many health issues that made her uninsurable as well. family could not afford health care coverage for her. Since she has had Through the Affordable Care Act I was – Vicki Gore, Brentwood, TN medical insurance coverage we have able to get a breast pump. This allowed all breath a sigh of relief, the possibility me as a mother to work (or have my hus- I was able to get health insurance of my MIL having a medical emergency band or someone else watch our baby) through the ACA for 20 dollars a month. and either not being able to afford the while still giving our baby breastmilk, This gives me piece of mind that if I get needed care or my family going in to which is what a little baby needs. sick I can afford to go to the clinic. bankruptcy to pay for her medical bills – Irene Sibbing, Philadelphia, PA – Jesse Ogle, Maryville, TN was very real. 13 I am a self-employed, single parent newborn babies, and elderly patients who works 7 days a week. I am very on Medicare. healthy, but without insurance cover- Prior to the ACA, I saw many patients age, my asthma medication costs $300 have to make heartbreaking decisions per month. between having food and having their My child is completely dependent on medications. The Affordable Care Act my income, and she is a childhood as well as WA state’s medicaid expan- cancer survivor able to have access to sion, has made such a significant posi- Medicaid under the current ACA plan. tive impact on this; I cannot imagine There are many families like mine who us going back to the way it was before. will revert to medical bankruptcies or People’s health, well-being, and in- go uninsured if we need to in order to deed, lives, are at stake. keep shelter and food for our families. My two-year-old daughter has a pre- Maegan Jones, Olympia, WA existing condition. We have health in- surance through my son’s job, but they Preventative services like well-child change it from time to time. Thanks to visits, vaccinations & flu shots have Health Reform, I never have to worry been so very important to our family. about her being denied health insur- Also, I suffer from PTSD from years of ance. childhood sexual abuse & neglect – be- – Gessika Rovario-Cole ing able to afford to go to a therapist & Martinsburg, WV pay for my medications has helped me become much more functional & has It truly is comforting to know that my furthered my healing. Quality, afford- son who has pre-existing medical condi- able health coverage is something that tions, can not be denied insurance in the I am grateful for every day & I know future because of that fact. I pray that from experience how much it matters this will always be the case in our health- in my family’s daily life. Sarah Fleming, Seattle, WA care system. I am a family doctor working in a – Robin Sherrod, St. Albans, WV community health center, and have the privilege to be the primary care Because of health care reform, our son provider for many people and fami- will now have health care insurance as lies who would not have health cov- a graduate student. He was due to lose erage if it weren’t for the Affordable it because of his age, and now we can Care Act. keep him on our policy until he finishes school. My patients represent a wide range of life experiences: people working mul- Given his health care needs, this is a tiple jobs to make ends meet, new refu- tremendous relief. Healthcare reform Erin Waterman, Langley, WA gees who have fled terrifying and trau- is impacting us all now for the better. I keep telling people to learn the facts, I am one of 166,000+ folks enrolled in matic situations to find a safer life here not listen to the inaccurate rumors that my state’s healthcare exchange, able to in the U.S., people who are disabled continue to distort the true picture. afford insurance coverage only due to from injuries, people suffering with the ACA subsidy. chronic mental illness, young families, – Patricia Schaeffer, Morgantown, WV

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