OCN Vol. 9 No. 5

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OCN Vol. 9 No. 5 PRSRT STD N U.S. POSTAGE W E PAID MONUMENT, CO S PERMIT NO. 32 **ECRWSS** Our Community News Residential OCN Customer Volunteers reporting on community issues in Monument, Palmer Lake, and the surrounding Tri-Lakes area Issue #99 — Volume 9 Number 5 — Saturday, May 2, 2009 Free Academy Water and Palmer Lake Town Council, Sanitation District, April 8 April 2 Operator Loan sought considers for water options for treatment im- upgrades provements By Susan Hindman By Jim Kendrick Academy Water and Sanitation District On April 2, the Palmer Lake Town Coun- operator Anthony Pastorello continues cil held a special council meeting in addi- to work with an eye toward three impor- tion to the regularly scheduled workshop. tant dates: 2010, when the district’s next All members of the council were present. wastewater treatment facility permit is Above: The Palmer Lake Easter Egg Special meeting hunt April 11. Carrie Locke, a teacher at due to be reissued; 2012, when the state The council unanimously approved a town Lewis-Palmer Middle School and sponsor will set new ammonia-level standards application for a loan of $1.9 million at 3.5 of the school’s National Junior Honor that will affect the district; and 2015, percent interest from the Colorado State Society, said 65 members helped stuff when, in order for the district’s next Revolving Fund for improvement of the 1,300 plastic eggs. There were also many discharge permit to be approved, action town’s 25-year-old surface water treat- games offered in the warmth of Town Hall would have to be under way to meet those ment plant and distribution facilities. such as bean bag toss and pillow case new standards. Consultants Paul Gilbert, John and “egg-in-a-spoon” races with prizes It is a daunting task for a district that Faulkner, Abby Meghetti, and Linda Firth such as pencils and erasers. depends on only around 300 homes for Right: of Tetra Tech Engineering presented the Palmer Lake resident Cooper Hazenar its income. preliminary engineering report they had exchanges greetings with Easter Bunny Pastorello and engineer Fred Ladd prepared for the application. Gilbert noted Emily Gorder. Photos by Jim Kendrick have been looking at the technology that that production rates at the plant have been is available for upgrading the lagoons to declining due to problems with the filter- meet the upcoming ammonia standards, ing media. He proposed improvements (Continued on page 2) Pikes Peak Regional Water Authority, April 15 that would make it easier to run the plant Below: Trucks and tractors from at a higher capacity to meet tighter drink- Parker Ag were a familiar sight at ing water standards that will be imposed Academy’s treatment plant during Authority interested in by the state in the future. Treating surface March. It took the company nearly a water with new technology is cheaper month to clean out two lagoons. One than pumping groundwater from a depth million gallons of sludge that had connection to CSU of 1,000 to 1,200 feet and removing the built up along the sides and bottom high manganese and iron content. of the lagoons were removed. Photo By John Heiser kee district and president of the PPRWA, The consultants praised Water Su- provided by Anthony Pastorello. At the Pikes Peak Regional Water Au- said he planned to meet April 20 with perintendent Steve Orcutt for the quality thority’s (PPRWA) regular monthly meet- CSU representatives and discuss the of the maintenance he had performed to ing April 15, a major topic was Colorado possibilities. He added, “We have an op- keep the antiquated system operational Springs Utilities’ (CSU) progress on the portunity to work with CSU we never had and the extraordinarily detailed records Southern Delivery System (SDS) and the before.” he provided them, which allowed them possibility of the PPRWA establishing a Larry Bishop, manager of the to design a system that cost less than water supply connection with CSU. Woodmen Hills Metropolitan District, the amount previously approved by the After six years of sometimes-bitter cautioned the group not to get its hopes council. They also praised Town Clerk disagreements, on April 14, by an 8 to 1 up, since prior prospects for a connection and Treasurer Della Gray and Water Clerk vote, the Colorado Springs City Council with CSU have not materialized. Tara Berreth for the quality of the sup- Inside this issue approved the conditions set by Pueblo Brett Gracely, water resources plan- porting documentation they provided in Arbor Mountain Replat approved 10 County to build the $1.1 billion SDS ning manager for CSU, who was pres- support of the loan application. pipeline north from Pueblo Reservoir. A ent for the PPRWA meeting, noted that Gilbert noted that three replacement Monument discusses Triview week later, the Pueblo County commis- CSU’s Utility Policy Advisory Commit- systems were evaluated—two membrane transition, water & home rule 12 sioners approved and signed a permit for tee (UPAC) provides recommendations systems and a conventional sand filtra- Town of Palmer Lake 1-8 the pipeline. There is SDS information at to the Colorado Springs Utilities Board tion system. A microfiltration system is www.sdswater.org. and so would be involved in delibera- the most efficient solution that would fit Town of Monument 10-13 At the April 15 PPRWA meeting, tions regarding regional projects. There within the existing filtration building. Part Water & Sanitation Districts 14-16 authority manager Gary Barber made a is information on UPAC at www.csu.org/ of the new system could be installed with- presentation called “Pikeview Protocol about/upac and information on the Utili- out interruption of treatment. The current Fire Protection Districts 17-19 Process” regarding how a PPRWA/CSU ties Board at www.csu.org/about/ub. system would have to be removed to com- Lewis-Palmer School District 20 connection making use of SDS might Community engagement plete the installation. The operational sys- tem capacity would improve from about Baptist Road RTA 21 be developed. Barber said he feels the Dana Duthie, general manager of the climate is right for a regional approach Donala district, noted that the Donala 250 to 500 gallons per minute. Weather 22 and encouraged each of the members of and Woodmoor districts have held several The existing system has a theoreti- Letter 23 the PPRWA to assess their board of direc- community meetings on water issues. He cal filtering capacity of 800 gallons per tors’ level of commitment to making such said, “We’re on track to a good solution. minute, but the size and design of the pip- Books, Gardening, Birds, and Arts a connection. We need to get out there and tell folks ing system from the lower reservoir have 24-27 The members of the PPRWA are the what the problem is and that this is what always substantially limited surface water Cherokee Metropolitan District, the City treatment capacity. The filtering media Snapshots of Our Community 28-29 we’re looking at.” of Fountain, the Donala Water and Sanita- At the PPRWA March 18 meeting, was replaced in 1999 and reconstituted Library Events & History 30 tion District, the Town of Monument, the pollster Floyd Ciruli of Ciruli Associates in 2008. The proposed higher capacity Events and Calendar 31-35 Town of Palmer Lake, and the Woodmoor proposed conducting a survey to gauge would allow the town to increase the ratio Water and Sanitation District. public opinion as to the seriousness of the of surface water to groundwater. OCN information 35 Kip Peterson, manager of the Chero- (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 5) Page 2 Read, download, and search all the OCN back issues at www.OurCommunityNews.org Vol. 9 No. 5 Saturday, May 2, 2009 Page 3 ACADEMY (Continued from page 1) treatment plant in Johnston, Colo., similar warm enough in winter, but the second well. (High CBOD numbers have got- to Academy’s, which uses a Moving Bed lagoon, which receives water from the ten Academy into trouble with the state, and reporting back to the board. They Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) system to treat first lagoon, drops to 3 degrees C during though measures have already been taken had looked at a reverse osmosis system ammonia. It requires water in the lagoons the winter months. Pastorello said a solar to greatly improve those numbers.) The but found it would not work because the to be kept at 4.5 degrees Celsius or higher. cell panel could be used to heat that wa- treated water from the MBBR would then lagoons have too many suspended solids. Currently, Academy’s first lagoon (which ter—”green technology” that would help be discharged into the creek. The two recently visited a lagoon is fed directly from people’s homes) is the district qualify for grant money and Pastorello hopes to pinpoint the right allow it to get rebates or refunds for elec- lagoon technology this year, then work trical energy not used. on pricing the system itself, any infra- The MBBR, which would be placed structure development needed, and the at the back of the second lagoon, not only engineering. Funding the upgrades would strips out all the ammonia, it cleans up be the next focus, and Pastorello has been carbonaceous BOD (or, CBOD) very taking steps toward this as well. He said that Academy has been ranked as a “level from Diapers to Divers! Swim School Gentle, Fun, Loving Infants, Toddlers Swim-Float-Swim Technique Very Efficient Private Swim Instruction Stroke Development/Pre-Swim Team Workouts Mommy and Me Classes Warm Pool Warm Instructors Warm Approach A new sociological science 6-4-09.
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