16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 39th year No.13158 Monday JULY 16, 2018 Tir 25, 1397 Dhi Al Qaeda 2, 1439 Navy to boost Stock market France win “Yeva”, “Sunset Truck” intelligence superiority index rises 13.7% the 2018 World Cup win awards at Golden in Oman Sea 2 since March 4 15 Apricot filmfest 16

Kharrazi outlines strategies to fight terrorism POLITICS — Kamal Tsinghua University in Beijing. deskKharrazi, head of ’s The three strategies are as follows: Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, on Researches on the ideology of Takfiri Sunday set out three strategies to coun- groups by “international think tanks; ter terrorist groups including Daesh, also Exchange of information and coordi- called IS, ISIL or ISIS. nated actions by Iran, Pakistan, , Kharrazi enumerated the strategies in Russia and Central Asian countries to fight a speech at the 7th World Peace Forum at Daesh in Afghanistan; 2

Certain manipulators of cellphone market arrested POLITICS TEHRAN — Gholam during a press conference. deskHossein Mohseni Ejei, According to a list published recently the Judiciary spokesman, announced by the Telecommunications Minister on Sunday that certain individuals have Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, certain been arrested and a number of companies companies which had received foreign closed down over price violations in the currency at the official rate to import cellphone market. cellphones sold their goods at a high “Documents have been found that show price by taking advantage of the value a number of serious violations have been of dollar and other currencies at the made” in the cellphone market, he said black market. 2

Stable economic roadmap Iraq on high alert amid protests, claims of ‘infiltration’ At least four people are reportedly injured government building. is answer to fluctuations after Iraqi police fire in the air to prevent pro- Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visited testers from storming the main government Basra on Friday in a bid to help restore calm building in Basra on the seventh day of unrest. to the oil-rich province, pledging to take Ayatollah Khamenei calls for boosting ties with The protests that have swept southern “necessary measures against infiltrators and cities over poor services prompted authorities pursue them in accordance with the law.” to place Iraq’s security forces on high alert. Abadi, who also serves as the commander countries in the East and West with exception of Hundreds of protesters on Sunday in chief of the armed forces, ordered security See page 2 rallied in Basra where police used water forces to remain on high alert, Reuters quoted cannons and tear gas as some of the dem- unnamed military intelligence and Ministry leader.ir a few states like the U.S. onstrators tried to storm the provincial of Defense sources as saying. 3 ARTICLE Iranian official urges Trump not to use U.S. strategic oil reserve REPORT Ramin Hossein Abadian Hanif Ghaffari A senior Iranian oil official urged U.S. President adequately supplied after the deadline. Producers Mehr News Agency Political analyst Donald Trump not to use the nation’s Strategic such as Saudi Arabia, the Journalist Petroleum Reserve to push prices lower, and and Russia have announced their intention to instead drop sanctions on Iran’s crude exports. increase supply. “My advice to you, Mr. President, is to avoid “Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E and Russia pre- Trump’s record touching the SPR - to cool down and give up tended to be able to deliver 2.5 million barrels Zionist carnage in sanctioning Iranian oil,” Hossein Kazempour a day of Iranian exports,” Kazempour said. on race Ardebili, Iran’s representative to OPEC, said “That was a miscalculation, Mr. President: Gaza continues by email. you have fallen in their trap, and prices will onald Trump has a long history The Trump administration is actively con- go up.” ionist regime’s fighter jets have of criticizing immigrants, which sidering tapping into the nation’s emergency oil It’s not the first time the Iranian official has conducted a series of fresh raids Dincludes Mexicans and Muslims, inventories as political pressure grows before responded to Trump’s policies. Earlier this Zagainst the Palestinian resistance black women, and people protesting rac- congressional elections in November, according month, Kazempour said that tweets by Trump forces and the defenseless people in the ism. In an interview with The Sun, and to people familiar with the matter. Trump is also OPEC members to fill in any supply gap that will criticizing the Organization of Petroleum Ex- Gaza Strip. According to media reports, a press conference on Friday (July 13) trying to choke off Iran’s oil exports after quitting arise when U.S. sanctions curtail Iranian crude porting Countries had pushed oil prices up by so far, a number of Palestinians have been with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, a nuclear deal with the country. exports. Iranian flows could be slashed in half about $10 a barrel. martyred following the attacks. the U.S. president explicitly endorsed the “Mr. President, as I have foreseen earlier, it once American sanctions take effect on Nov. 4, “If we in Iran were to stop our exports for In response to the aggression, the far right and nationalist views during his seems you are resorting to the SPR due to the according to the International Energy Agency. just one month to show what it can bring to the Palestinian resistance forces bombed trip to Britain. fact that there is no spare capacity to cover for The country ships about 2.5 million barrels a day. world economy, you would have thought twice,” the settlements with a number of rockets. Trump told The Sun that Britain is Iranian exports - but there will be many reper- Global markets Kazempour said. “But we are a civilized nation, Palestinian fighters do not fear the Zionist “losing its culture” because of immigration. enemy, and they respond to its crimes on cussions,” Kazempour said. U.S. government teams visited Saudi Arabia and a responsible government.” When he was pressed on the remarks by the oppressed people of Gaza. Analysts Trump is pressing Saudi Arabia and some other recently to ensure that global markets remain (Source: Bloomberg) a British reporter during the press con- wonder whether the war will intensify. ference, he doubled down. Britain has Another Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Bar- already absorbed the food, language, hum, said that “the purpose of the Pal- and customs from around the world, but 12 years and the victory still echoes estinian attacks is to ensure a rapid and Trump appeared to be referencing the By Sondoss Al Asaad 33 days of the imposed war, the resistance was defeat the Zionist-American conspiracy to divide sufficient deterrent to force the enemy to influx of Muslims into Europe in recent BEIRUT—It was the 12th of July 2006, when the able to weaken the Zionist army and to smash Lebanon. This imperialist project was highly stop its acts. Protecting our people and years, and to South and Central European Hezbullah resistance arrested 3 Zionist soldiers, in its fake legend, which maintains that it is “the backed and financed by the Gulf monarchies’ defending them is a national demand and immigrants in the U.S. order to exchange them and free its own arrested undefeated army.” Undoubtedly, no one can for- mercenaries, and which aimed at that time to a strategic option.” The United States controversial presi- soldiers and other Lebanese citizens from the get the scene of the smashed Merkava tanks by enter Syria from the Lebanese door. Meanwhile Hamas spokesman Abdul dent whose hardline immigration policies Zionist prisons. At the very beginning, only the the resistance’s men who bravely confronted the Accordingly, after the tremendous defeat in Leb- Latif al-Kanou said: “We will not allow have led to the separation of immigrant Lebanese occupied Shibaa Farms were expected Zionists and global led war against the Lebanese anon, the enemies turned to Syria. Over the 7 previ- the occupiers to target our nation and families, condemned migration flows into to be the zone of confront. However, the Zionist sovereignty. ous years, today the Lebanese and Syrian brethren martyr us and we will react. Increas- Europe this time, and called the changing entity had already decided to fire its preprepared The spying planes were intensively monitoring celebrate their triumph over the Western schemes. ing Zionist movements can not change population there “a shame.” aggressive assault on Lebanon. the enemies’ targets all over Lebanon. However, The methodology of resistance has proven today as the equation or impose a new reality Standing next to the British prime min- Various air-raids were launched; targeting the resistance and its public masses were deter- ever that the end of colonialism and hegemony would or stop the Palestinian Great March of ister on Friday, Trump took his racism to residential areas and civil facilities. During the mined to safeguard their homeland and thus to definitely be pernicious. 13 Return. We will respond to the enemy a higher level: “I think the immigration, with missiles.” allowing the immigration to take place in Palestinian analyst Nasser Ham- Europe is a shame,” Trump said. “I think mad has suggested that Israel is afraid it changed the fabric of Europe, and unless Tehran of the flare of the Gaza Strip, so it will you act very quickly, it’s never going to confer with Egypt to restore calm in be what it was, and I don’t mean that in Symphony Gaza. Hammad emphasizes: “Zionists a positive way. So I think allowing mil- Orchestra are moving to target Palestinians who lions and millions of people to come into send incendiary kites to Zionist settle- Europe is very, very sad. I think you’re rehearses with ments. Syrian troops and their allies losing your culture.” stoked Tel Aviv’s fears by approaching The U.S. president continued: “I just guest conductor Quneitra after retaking Daraa.” think it’s changing the culture. I think it’s Babak Kazemi The fact that the Zionist regime’s ag- a very negative thing for Europe. I think it’s gressive attacks on the defenseless people very negative,” he said, as if we didn’t hear Babak Kazemi conducts the Tehran of the Gaza Strip is not anything new, as him the first time with the foghorn. “And I Symphony Orchestra during a rehearsal they have imposed on them over the last know it’s politically not necessarily correct at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall on July 15, 2018. decade three wars: a 22-day, 8-day and to say that. But I’ll say it and I’ll say it loud. Kazemi who is the music director and 53-day. The attacks showed the depth of And I think they better watch themselves chief conductor of the Light of Music the Zionists’ anger at the axis of resistance because you are changing the culture.” Symphony Orchestra in London will in the occupied territories of Palestine Experts, politicians, and activists accompany the orchestra as a guest and illustrated how Tel Aviv is concerned warned that Trump’s words are dangerous, conductor during a concert at the hall about the resistance’s growing power. especially in a Europe where nationalism on July 19. The Zionist regime must now wait and anti-immigrant feelings are spreading. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3, Jo- for the iron fist of the Palestinian Islam- Chris Allen, Associate Professor in Hate Heydari Abdollah hann Strauss’s Die Fledermaus Overture ic Resistance and their painful reaction Studies, University of Leicester wrote and Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet to the terrible crimes in the Gaza Strip. accordingly “When world leaders adopt Palestinian resistance groups have insisted IRNA/ Overture are the highlights of the rep- cultural racism in this way, they legitimize ertoire assembled for the performance. that they have the right to respond to this right-wing extremism.” 7 crime. 7 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS JULY 16, 2018 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Iranian Leader: Stable economic roadmap military chief’s first visit to Pakistan is answer to fluctuations POLITICS TEHRAN — Chief of Staff of the Iranian POLITICS TEHRAN – The Leader and “hardworking” image of itself because deskArmed Forces Mohammad Baqeri visited deskof the Islamic Revolution it would hearten the people. Islamabad, Pakistan, on Sunday for a three-day visit. on Sunday urged the administration to Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader General Baqeri is scheduled to meet with senior Pakistani prepare a “stable economic roadmap” to said, “Showing power against foreigners, political and military officials. stop fluctuations in the business market, the Americans in particular, is a must.” This is the first visit by the chief of staff of the Iranian saying in that situation “people and economic The Leader praised the position of Armed Forces to Pakistan over the past 40 years. activists will know their duty and will hurry President Rouhani against threats of oil The trip has been made upon the invitation of Chief of to help the government under a sense of embargo against Iran by the U.S. while on Army Staff of the Pakistan Army Qamar Javed Bajwa. stability and tranquility.” a European tour, saying, “Showing power in Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia which see the terrorist The suggestion by the Leader comes as the the face of foreigners, especially Americans, activities of Daesh in Afghanistan as a serious threat plan U.S. has exited the 2015 nuclear agreement is something essential.” to establish cooperation against the group. and reintroduced sanctions against Iran. In the meantime, he stressed the need The first stage of sanctions are going to be to boost diplomatic ties “with the East and implemented next month. West” except “in few cases such as America”. Assad Addressing President Hassan Rouhani Regarding the JCPOA (the official name and his cabinet team, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for nuclear deal), Ayatollah Khamenei said reiterates said “empowering the private sector” and Europeans are still required to provide strategic ties “taking decisive action against wrongdoers necessary assurances to save the agreement (corrupt people)” are other remedies to the but the government “should not tie the with Iran national economy. country’s economy to that issue”. POLITICS TEHRAN — Syrian President Bashar Since the U.S. announced restoration of He also urged the government to increase deskal-Assad on Sunday underlined the im- sanctions against Iran, some opportunists its oversight on monetary transactions to portance of strategic relationship with Iran, saying it would have been misusing the situation to buy prevent crimes such as money laundering. benefit the two countries and the entire region. foreign currencies, especially dollar, and inflation. be punished “at any rank” they might be. The Leader also advised the cabinet to be President Assad made the remarks in a meeting with gold coin in large quantities, leading to the The Leader said those who have disrupted Ayatollah Khamenei said the government transparent and let the people know about Hossein Jaberi Ansari, the special assistant to Iranian for- fall of national currency and a consequent the foreign exchange and gold markets should should present a “capable”, “competent”, the existing problems of the economy. eign minister for political affairs, and his accompanying delegation in Damascus, Fars reported. Jaberi Ansari, for his part, said the crackdown on terror- IRGC, Intelligence Ministry bust three terror gangs ism in Syria has provided a proper ground to find a political POLITICS TEHRAN — The Islamic Revolution In a statement on Saturday, the Najaf Ashraf Base of it added. solution to the Syrian conflict. deskGuards Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry the IRGC Ground Forces said it had completely destroyed It noted that some ammunition and military equipment He also congratulated the Syrian people and leadership of Intelligence have smashed three terror gangs in west- a “counter-revolutionary terrorist group” that planned to were confiscated in the operation. on the recent achievements of the Syrian army in Dara’a ern Iran. carry out acts of sabotage and measures against national Also, IRGC and Intelligence Ministry forces smashed province. In the first operation, the IRGC smashed a terrorist group security after crossing the border into Iran in the Nowdesheh two terror gangs in West Azarbaijan Province. and killed three of its operatives and injuring another one area in Kermanshah Province. During these clashes, two terrorists were killed and some Iranian seriously near the border with Iraq. During the clashes, an IRGC soldier also lost his life, weapons and ammunitions were taken from their gangs. diplomat to meet Lebanese Nuclear deal remains ‘triumph of multilateral diplomacy’ despite U.S. exit: Zarif POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian a triumph of multilateral diplomacy despite have been scrambling to ensure that Iran Talking to reporters in Vienna on July officials deskForeign Minister US actions,” Zarif tweeted. gets enough economic benefits to persuade 6 following a meeting with the EU foreign POLITICS TEHRAN — Hossein Jaberi Ansari, a Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Saturday President Donald Trump announced on it to stay in the deal. The remaining parties policy chief and his counterparts from Britain, desksenior assistant to the Iranian foreign that that the historic nuclear agreement that May 8 that Washington was walking away from have vowed to stay in the accord. France, Germany, China and Russia for the minister, is scheduled to hold meetings with Lebanese of- Tehran signed with the 5+1 group on July 2015 the nuclear agreement and that he planned Zarif, one of the architects of the nuclear first time since the U.S. withdrawal, the Iranian ficials on Monday. is still a “triumph of multilateral diplomacy” to impose “the highest level” of economic pact, criticized unilateral actions by Trump’s foreign minister said that all the remaining According to the Fars news agency, Al-Hayat daily has despite the U.S. exit from the accord. bans on the Islamic Republic. administration. signatories to the 2015 nuclear agreement reported that Jaberi Ansari plans to meet with Lebanese Zarif made the remarks in a post on his Under the JCPOA, Iran undertook to put “While we knew U.S. can’t be trusted had political will to stand up to the U.S. move. President Michel Aoun, Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih official account on the occasion of limits on its nuclear program in exchange for to keep its word—as its allies have now However, he warned that if the Berri and Prime Minister Saad Hariri. the third anniversary of the conclusion of the the termination of nuclear-related sanctions discovered—JCPOA proves that toxic European sides failed to properly fulfill Reportedly, the Iranian diplomat plans to discuss the nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint imposed against Tehran. unilateralism of Trump Admin means it their commitments, Iran would take its own U.S. sanctions on Iran. Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Since the U.S. president pulled Washington can’t be relied on to honor any deal,” the measures to counter the U.S. withdrawal “On 3rd anniversary of JCPOA, it remains out of the nuclear deal, European countries top Iranian diplomat pointed out. from the JCPOA. Navy to boost Tehran awaiting European action plan to save JCPOA: MP intelligence POLITICS TEHRAN — Alaeddin Boroujerdi, a member The entire world, excluding despots in Saudi Arabia and economic measures, over how to save the deal. superiority in deskof the Parliament National Security and the UAE along with extremists in Israel, has expressed an une- Trump who announced the U.S. exit from the JCPOA on Foreign Policy Committee, said on Sunday that Iran is waiting quivocal support for the preservation of the nuclear agreement May 8 said sanctions will be restored against Iran. Oman Sea for a European action plan to save the 2015 nuclear deal, known without the United States. According to the U.S. Treasury, the first stage of sanctions will POLITICS TEHRAN – The commander of the Iranian as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, now that Donald The Joint Commission of the JCPOA met at the foreign be snapped back in August and the second stage in November. deskNavy has announced plans to boost intelli- Trump has pulled the U.S. out of the agreement. ministerial level in Vienna on July 6. It was the first such meet- Trump has asked countries to cut their oil imports from gence superiority in marine zones other than the Persian Gulf. “Any proposition to counter the U.S. sanctions cannot be ing since the U.S. left the agreement. European Union foreign Iran by November. “If we want to avoid lagging behind the world’s state-of-the-art useful if it is not practical. We are still waiting for Europe’s prac- policy chief Federica Mogherini, who chaired the meeting, Under the nuclear agreement approved by the UN Security technology, we need to stop applying old methods; today Eshraf tical actions which would show that Europe has a thing to say announced that Iran and the remaining parties to the nuclear Council, Iran is obliged to put limits on its nuclear activities in (Intelligence Superiority) Plan can be effective as a precise and to counter Trump’s U.S.,” Boroujerdi told Mehr News Agency. agreement had agreed to continue negotiations, including on exchange for termination of sanctions. complete scenario against any regional and trans-regional threat as it can enable us to realize at what point we are standing and which measures we should take for our combat preparedness Certain manipulators of cellphone market arrested and capabilities and to take the best decision under the hardest 1 The official rate for dollar is 4200 rencies at official rate to import luxurious not to be victim of opportunists who rip The Judiciary spokesman also said the conditions,” Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said, addressing tomans. automobiles. people off,” Azari Jahromi said at the time. person, who is known as the “king of gold a Navy festival in Tehran on Sunday. Mohseni Ejei said the Judiciary chief has The Telecommunication Ministry an- As the Iranian rial plunged to a record coin”, had been arrested some five years According to Fars, Eshraf Plan focuses on further rein- ordered the Tehran prosecutor to immedi- nounced last month that it would take strong low against the U.S. dollar in the unofficial ago but was released upon a request by the forcement and equipment of the Navy with the most modern ately appoint special investigators to deal action to control cellphone prices and crack market many opportunists took unfair ad- central bank. technologies to have intelligence superiority over the Sea of with those who have disrupted the foreign down on opportunists. vantage of the chaotic conditions and over- Recently, police said the “king of gold Oman and the international waters away from the territorial currency and cellphone markets and also “People are not defenseless in cellphone charged people for electronic devices, such coin”, named Hamid Mazlomin, has been waters in the Persian Gulf. those companies which used foreign cur- market and the government support people as cellphones. detained with 2.5 tons of gold coin. Netanyahu, Trump Kharrazi outlines strategies to fight terrorism discuss Syria, Iran 1 And a media campaign to raise public awareness, es- istan which should be taken seriously given that the country is Kharrazi who was foreign minister from 1997 to 2005 said pecially among the youths, about destructive role of the Takfiri neighbor to Iran. Iran’s general stance is not to give in to the U.S. bullying. ahead of Helsinki ideology”. “Based on credible information, the terrorist groups are being He added that the international community should cooperate summit Extremis ideology rooted in Wahhabism guided to other parts, especially Afghanistan and north of Africa, in countering the U.S. unilateralism. In his speech, Kharrazi said that ideology of the extremist after defeats in Syria and Iraq,” he explained. On May 8, U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said on Sunday that he groups is rooted in Wahhabism. Kharrazi urges world to withstand U.S. excessive from the 2015 nuclear deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. discussed Syria and Iran with U.S. President Trump ahead Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Wahhabism. demands The U.S. plans to reintroduce sanctions against Iran. The first of the latter’s meeting in Helsinki with Russian President Kharrazi added although Daesh is greatly defeated in Iraq In a press conference after the peace forum, Kharrazi said stage of sanctions is going to be enforced in August and the last Putin, Reuters reported. and Syria its ideology still exists. that the international community should stand against the U.S. stage in November. The U.S. has threatened to punish any country In remarks to the Israeli cabinet, Netanyahu said that in He said the terrorist group is spreading its actions in Afghan- excessive demands and also sanctions against Iran. or company that do business with Iran. a phone conversation on Saturday he and Trump discussed “security and diplomatic issues arising from regional devel- opments, chief most among them, of course, Syria and Iran”. Countries should not rely on U.S. dollars for trade: Turkish ambassador Trump meets Putin in the Finnish capital on Monday. Last term and extensive relationships between Iran Operation Euphrates Shield and Operation week, Netanyahu flew out to Moscow for talks with Putin that By Marjan Golpira and in the areas of economy, politics, Olive Branch in Afrin against ISIS and PKK focused on Israel’s demand that Iranian forces leave Syria. TEHRAN — The Turkish envoy to Iran suggests defense and culture. and PYD forces. He claimed that the Turkish displacement of dollars in international trade The Turkish envoy reported the volume of military has no intention to remain in the may protect states’ national interests. Ankara’s import to Tehran at $3.2 billion and region permanently but to help locals to gain Joining FATF to In a press conference, held on Sunday at the figure for Turkish goods to Iran stands control of their own home. the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in at $7.5 billion. “We want to halt the conflict in Syria and harm national Tehran on the occasion of the second year Tekin’s remark came after the Iranian create an inclusive system that represents interests: MP anniversary of failed coup d’etat in Turkey, Ambassador to Ankara, Ebrahim Taherian the entire Syrian people.” Ambassador Hakan Tekin reasoned that Fard, announced that Tehran and Ankara “moving away from the U.S. dollar would were eager to boost their trade to $30 billion. POLITICS TEHRAN – An Iranian lawmaker has protect nations from damages and sanction currency. On Turkey’s policy in Syria the diplomat deskwarned against a parliamentary bill aimed regimes imposed on various states by countries On the upcoming U.S. sanctions on Iran, said that Ankara believes there is “no military at the country’s accession to the Financial Action Task Force like the U.S.” in August and November, Ambassador Tekin solution” in Syria but that “diplomacy” and (FATF), saying it would harm the national interests. To help reduce the costs of currency stressed that Turkey considers Washington’s tact are the way forward. “We believe that cooperation with the FATF will result in conversion and transfer for dollars, in October unilateral sanctions on Tehran neither However he added that “Idlib is of high the self-imposition of sanctions and will undermine the na- 2017, Turkey and Iran’s central bank formally “legitimate” nor “constructive.” However, importance for Turkey, as it has been discussed tional interest of the country,” Mohammad Ali Pourmokhtar, agreed to trade in their local currencies, i.e. he added Turkey is still waiting to hear more with our two partners, Iran and Russia. If a member of the parliament’s Judicial and Legal Affairs Iranian Rial and Turkish lira, as Iran had from the White House regarding commerce Idlib is going to have the same fate as other Commission, told Tasnim. been barred from using the U.S. financial with Iran. regions [in Syria], then Syrian peace talks in “When we give the country’s confidential information system. The two countries had been using This past May U.S. President Donald Trump Astana are meaningless.” He warned that if to some foreign countries, naturally, the grounds would be euros previously, too. withdrew from the Iran nuclear pact negotiated Syria initiates the same kind of moves in Idlib, provided for their infiltration into the country,” the parlia- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2015, and reimposed sanctions on Iran, it will face serious consequences. mentarian said. last week also said that his country is calling the JCPOA “defective” at its core. Tekin then referred to two successful determined to trade with Iran with its national Ambassador Tekin underlined the long- Turkish military operations in northern Syria, I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 INTERNATIONAL British PM warns rebels: Back me or risk Turkey’s plan to buy Russian ‘no Brexit at all’ defense system a risk for May: Trump told me to sue the EU NATO: U.S. general

British Prime Minister Theresa May warned her divided Turkey’s plans to buy the Russian S-400 missile defense sys- party on Sunday that there may be “no Brexit at all” if they tem would give a weapon used by “known foes” of NATO deep wrecked her plan to forge a close relationship with the Eu- insight into the radar-evading F-35 fighter jets arriving in ropean Union after leaving the world’s biggest trading bloc. growing numbers in Europe, the top U.S. Air Force general “My message to the country this weekend is simple: we in Europe said. need to keep our eyes on the prize,” May wrote on Facebook. General Tod Wolters, also the NATO Allied Air Com- “If we don’t, we risk ending up with no Brexit at all.” mander, told Reuters the issue was worrying, but he was Linking the fate of Brexit to her own survival in such working to maintain strong military ties with the NATO an explicit way indicates just how precarious May’s posi- member for now. tion remains after her government was thrust into crisis “Anything that an S-400 can do that affords it the ability to and U.S. President Donald Trump publicly criticized her better understand a capability like the F-35 is certainly not to the Brexit strategy. With less than nine months to go before advantage of the coalition,” said Wolters, who was in Britain for the is due to leave the EU on March 29, an air chiefs conference in London and the Royal International 2019, the country, the political elite and business leaders Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. are still deeply divided over what form Brexit should take. U.S. and NATO officials want to prevent the Russian-built By warning that Brexit itself is in danger, May is send- defense system from accumulating information about Lockheed ing a blunt message to the dozens of hardline Brexiteers in Martin F-35 fighter jets just as they are gaining a foothold in her party that if they sink her premiership then they risk Europe. squandering the victory of an EU exit that they have dreamed Norway, Britain and Italy will have a total of 40 F-35s in about for decades. Europe by the end of the year, with 24 more to be delivered next Some pro-Brexit Conservatives fear that a deal could year and the Netherlands to receive two jets as well, according emerge that leaves Britain tightly bound to EU rules and fingers would still be caught in this mangle and the EU would have to see what happens,” Bannon said. to a spokesman for the U.S. Air Force. represents a Brexit in name only. use it ruthlessly to punish us for leaving and handicap our Tensions in parliament Turkey’s plans to buy the Russian air and missile defense The British government has also stepped up planning future competitiveness,” Davis said. Johnson, the face of the Brexit campaign for many has system have raised tensions with Washington, and U.S. law- for a so called “no deal” Brexit that could spook financial Steve Baker, a senior lawmaker who served as a deputy remained silent in public since he warned in his resignation makers are seeking to block the transfer of any F-35 jets to markets and dislocate trade flows across Europe and beyond. to Davis in the Brexit ministry before resigning with his letter on July 9 that the “Brexit dream” was being suffocated Turkey. May has repeatedly said Brexit will happen and has boss, said May had presided over a “cloak and dagger” plot by needless self-doubt. A senior U.S. official last month said Turkey was a key NATO ruled out a rerun of the 2016 referendum, although to undermine Brexit. When asked on Sunday if she would stand if a Conserv- ally, but its purchases of the F-35 would be at risk and Ankara French President Emmanuel Macron and billionaire in- May’s position was further undermined by Trump who ative Party leadership contest was triggered, May declined would face sanctions if it proceeded to buy the S-400. vestor George Soros have suggested that Britain could said in an interview published in Rupert Murdoch’s Sun to directly answer saying: “I am in this for the long term.” Ankara received its first F-35 jet at the Lockheed plant in still change its mind. newspaper on Friday that her proposals would probably kill The extent of the danger to May from rebels in her party Texas last month, although the aircraft will stay in the United Seeking to strike a balance between those who want a off any chance of a post-Brexit trade deal with the world’s will become clearer over the course of two debates in par- States for training. smooth Brexit and those who fear staying too close to the biggest economy. May on Sunday revealed that Trump had liament this week. “The Turks have to make a choice. They’re either going to be EU’s orbit, May sought the approval of senior ministers for previously advised her to sue the EU rather than enter into Pro-Brexit lawmakers are expected to use a debate on part of NATO or they’re going to move into the Russian camp her plans on July 6. an exit negotiation with the bloc. Monday on customs legislation to try to force her to harden in terms of defense,” said David Deptula, a retired Air Force After hours of talks at her Chequers country residence “He told me I should sue the EU,” she told BBC television. up her Brexit plan, while a debate on trade on Tuesday will general and industry consultant. she appeared to have won over her cabinet, but just two days “Sue the EU. Not go into negotiations - sue them.” see pro-EU lawmakers push for even closer ties with the bloc. He said NATO would never integrate an S-400 system into later David Davis resigned as Brexit secretary, followed by Though Trump later contradicted his comments by then Brexiteer rebels are unlikely to have enough support its integrated air defense system because it would give the Rus- her foreign minister, Boris Johnson, the next day. promising a great U.S. trade deal, the president made clear in parliament to win a vote, but the debate will show how sian-built system data about operating tactics and procedures May called on Sunday for the country to back her plan his admiration for the 54-year-old Johnson, who Trump many in May’s party are prepared to vote against her at a that could be transferred to other users. for “friction-free movement of goods”, saying it was the only said would one day make a great British prime minister. time when some are looking to gather the numbers needed Operating an F-35 nearby would also allow the S-400 system option to avoid undermining the peace in Steve Bannon, Trump’s former adviser, was even quoted to challenge her leadership. to glean key information about range of detection and other and preserving the unity of the United Kingdom. by Britain’s Daily Telegraph as saying that it was now time If May does clinch a Brexit deal with EU leaders, law- characteristics of the aircraft, potentially undermining any el- “Sue the EU” for Johnson to challenge May for her job. makers could still vote it down. ement of surprise. Davis, writing in the Sunday Times, said it was an “as- “Now is the moment,” The Telegraph quoted Bannon, Voting down a divorce deal so late in the process would Wolters said NATO was worried about “how much, for how tonishingly dishonest claim” to say there is no worked-out Trump’s former strategist and a key player in his 2016 elec- trigger a major political crisis in Britain which would then long and how close” any F-35s would be operated near the S-400 alternative to May’s plan. He said her plan would allow EU tion campaign, as saying. be on course to crash out without any formal Brexit arrange- systems. “All those would have to be determined. We do know regulations to harm British manufacturers. “If Boris Johnson looks at this... There comes an inflection ments for trade, immigration and security. for right now it is a challenge.” “Be in no doubt: under the government’s proposal our point, the Chequers deal was an inflection point, we will (Source: Reuters) But he said his contacts with the Turkish air force remained “rock solid” despite the dispute over the S-400, focusing on cur- rent security threats. Trump says he has ‘low expectations’ for Putin meeting “For right now, all the conversations surrounding that chal- lenge have not hindered at all the strong relationship that we have with the Turkish air force and the great alliance that the German minister warns Trump against unilateral deals with Putin two nations have together,” he said. “We want to make sure that for now we’re continuing on that path.” by staff & agencies on the expertise and the experts of the State (Source: Reuters) Department, Defense Department, CIA and U.S. President Donald Trump said he had other U.S. government agencies” and “not low expectations for his meeting with Rus- wing it on your own.” sian President Vladimir Putin on Monday Many in the United States are calling for in Helsinki. “I go in with low expectations,” the meeting to be cancelled after the U.S. Trump said in an interview with CBS news Justice Department indicted 12 Russian in- Israeli air raids kill two published on their website on Sunday. “I’m telligence officials on Friday in connection Palestinian teens in Gaza not going with high expectations.” with the alleged Russian interference in the Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister 2016 election. Trump, however, resisted the Heiko Maas has warned U.S. President Donald demands and instead blamed the adminis- By staff & agencies Trump against making any unilateral deals tration of former President Barack Obama with Russia that come with a cost for the for not “doing something about” election United States’ Western allies. interference. “The stories you heard about At least two teenagers in the Gaza Strip have been killed by Is- Trump, who meets Russian President the 12 Russians yesterday took place during raeli air raids, according to Palestinian health officials, as Israel Vladimir Putin in Finland on Monday, this the Obama Administration, not the Trump carried out the largest daylight attack on the besieged enclave week accused Germany of being a “captive” Washington and Moscow talk to each other,” Minority Leader Charles Schumer, Minority Administration,” he tweeted on Saturday. since the 2014 war. of Russia due to its energy reliance, before Maas told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “It Whip Dick Durbin and the top Democrats on “Why didn’t they do something about it, es- Amir al-Nimri, 15, and Luay Kaheel, 16, died of their wounds a NATO summit where he pressed allies to would be a step forward if this meeting also the Senate Intelligence, Foreign Relations, pecially when it was reported that President on Saturday shortly after an air strike targeted al-Kutaiba, an more than double defense spending. provided impetus for nuclear disarmament.” Judiciary, Armed Services, Appropriations Obama was informed by the FBI in September, area in western Gaza, the health ministry said. On Thursday, Trump described Putin as a But Maas added: “He who offends his and Banking committees sent a letter to Trump before the Election?” Twelve others were wounded by the attack. “competitor” rather than an “enemy” and said partners, risks losing in the end. Unilateral on Saturday making the demand. On Friday, Republican Senator John Mc- The al-Kutaiba square is adjacent to a park frequently visited he expected they would get on well when they deals at the expense of one’s own partners “If you insist on meeting Russian Presi- Cain called on Trump to cancel his upcoming by families over the weekend, especially during the summer hold their first summit in Helsinki. Trump also harm the U.S. in the end.” dent Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, on summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin months, witnesses told . also said the meeting with Putin may be the Not to meet Putin Monday, we write to urge that you include if he is “not prepared to hold Putin account- In a Twitter post, the Israeli military confirmed it targeted a easiest on his Europe trip. A group of top Democratic Party lawmakers senior members of your team,” the letter said. able.” Trump said Tuesday that his meeting “high-rise building” and said it had “warned” residents to evac- Maas welcomed the meeting, at which in the U.S. Senate have warned President They argued that “Putin is a trained KGB with Putin “may be the easiest” out of all uate prior to the attack. the U.S. president has said he will raise the Donald Trump against a one-on-one meet- intelligence veteran who will come to this his other meetings with NATO leaders this At least 30 people have been wounded in the raids, which issue of nuclear weapons reduction. ing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, meeting well-prepared.” week. And on Friday, he voiced skepticism targeted several neighborhoods in Gaza. “We have always said that we need di- ahead of a planned summit between the two “There must be other Americans in the that the meeting with Putin would result in Following the attack on al-Kutaiba, a ceasefire agreement was alogue with Russia. That’s why it’s good if Finland. Eight Senate Democrats, including room,” they wrote, urging Trump to “rely a confession about election meddling. reached through international and regional mediation efforts, Palestinian officials said on Saturday. In a Twitter post, Hamas, the group governing the Gaza Strip, said the efforts of “several parties” including neighboring Egypt Iraq on high alert amid protests, claims of ‘infiltration’ succeeded in implementing a lasting ceasefire. 1 A statement from Abadi’s office cited “small and trative council Jawad al-Karawi said certain officials and province is one of the most miserable areas in Iraq,” he There has been no immediate confirmation from the Israeli side. organized groups who try to exploit the peaceful demon- politicians were trying to economically harm the airport. said. “We can only stand with our dear citizens in their de- Earlier in the day, it said it attacked several Hamas positions strations of citizens to sabotage and attack state institutions The holy city of Najaf is a popular destination for Shia pil- mands as we feel their great suffering,” Karbalai added. in the Gaza Strip, as dozens rockets and mortars were fired to- and private property.” grims. Flights to Iran’s holy city of Mashhad also take place Karbalai, however, urged the demonstrators to refrain wards Israel from the besieged enclave. On Saturday, about 100 protesters closed access to the from Najaf, with IRNA news agency saying they had been from violence, warning them against being influenced by Ceasefire holding as UN official says Gaza has Umm Qasr commodities port near Basra. Port employees temporarily suspended until further notice. “unruly individuals or those acting in self-interest.” nothing to lose said the road leading into the terminal was blocked and Unidentified calls were posted on social media Saturday The Council of Ministers meanwhile said the government Meantime, A United Nations aid agency official says Pal- trucks had no way of getting in or out. for massive demonstrations to take place in Baghdad. Some will quickly address the demands of the protesters as Iraq’s estinians in the Gaza Strip “have nothing to lose” as a ceasefire Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi has said that the protesters urged demonstrators to head for the fortified Green Zone, an National Security Council urgently convened a meeting in reached between Israel and the Palestinian resistance groups tried to break into an oil installation in the West Qurna 2 oil area out of bounds for most Iraqis where key institutions and Baghdad Saturday. seemed to be holding on Sunday, following Israel’s heavy field of Basra province. The rallies began in the southern oil embassies including the U.S. and British missions, are located. ’Direct result of U.S. wars’ bombardment of the territory and Hamas’s retaliatory rocket hub of Basra last week amid concerns over acute unemploy- ’Generous’ but ‘miserable’ Michael Springmann, a former U.S. diplomat, has told Press fire a day earlier. ment as well as electricity and water shortages and spread to Iraq has seen the growing wave of protests since the TV that the ongoing popular outrage is a fallout of United The remarks by United Nations Relief and Works Agency several other cities, including Najaf, Amara, Nasiriya and beginning of July when temperatures topped 50 degrees States-led wars against Iraq. (UNRWA) media adviser Adnan Abu Hasna underlined problems Baghdad. Two more protesters were reported killed in Amara Celsius in some Iraqi provinces, especially in Basra. “This is the direct result of American wars by George H. facing Gazans who grapple with a shattered economy in the face overnight Saturday, bringing to three the number of dem- The situation in Basra - an oil export hub for Iraq’s ex- W. and George W. Bush in 1991 and 2003,” he said, refer- of a crippling Israeli siege. onstrators who have lost their lives since the unrest erupted ports - remains tense amid heavy deployment of security ring to the U.S. invasions of Iraq. “They destroyed the Iraqi “There is no tomorrow in Gaza, it’s a big prison, there are no last Sunday. Protesters occupied the headquarters of the forces to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control. economy,” he said. “We are seeing the results of this now. dreams, there is no stability. Two million people, 50 percent provincial governorate in Amara, threw stones at branches Long neglected, Basra is one of the few cities in the Middle There is...20-percent unemployment, electricity less than unemployment, the private sector doesn’t work,” he said in an of the Dawa party, and beat up policemen. East without an effective water treatment system. Many of its five hours a day, shortage of water.” interview with Ynet, the online arm of Israeli paper Yedioth It was not clear who killed them but provincial authori- waterways are stagnant cesspools, with state officials blam- He went on, “Grand Ayatollah Sistani is siding with the Ahronot on Saturday. ties said there had been “indiscriminate gunfire” in the city. ing a public funding crisis caused by years of low oil prices. protesters because he knows what is happening. Normally, “The damage from the 2014 war has still not been repaired, Hundreds of demonstrators entered Najaf airport’s main Abdel Mehdi al-Karbalai, the representative of Grand he does not get involved in politics, but this is outrageous but the central problem here in Gaza is that people have nothing hall and walked onto the tarmac on Friday, but air traffic Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, said many residents of Basra “are and it is the direct result of American warfare and the di- to lose,” he said. resumed later after the protesters withdrew. suffering from an extreme lack of public services” as he urged rect result of American people running the country into the He was referring to Israel’s last war against the enclave, which Witnesses said security forces allowed protesters to enter the government to deal seriously with the demands of citizens. ground,” so they can gain control of Iraqi oil. killed nearly 2,200 Palestinians, including 577 children. The the main airport building. Head of the airport’s adminis- “It is not fair and it is never acceptable that this generous (Source: Press TV) war last for 50 days. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY JULY 16, 2018

STOCK MARKET Stock market TEDPIX 108072.3 IFX 1219.62 Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir index rises 13.7% CURRENCIES USD 43,270 rials since March EUR 50,566 rials ECONOMY TEHRAN — Tehran worth 5.49 trillion rials (about $127.6 GBP 57,261 rials deskStock Exchange (TSE)’s million) were traded through 100,000 main index (TEDPIX) has risen 13.7 percent deals in a day. AED 11,738 rials to hit 109.505 points since the beginning of Also, IFX, the main index of Iran’s Source: mehrnews.com current Iranian calendar year (March 21), over-the-counter (OTC) market known Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday. also as Iran Fara Bourse (IFB), rose 37.6 stable status of purchases in that day. to the political and economic status of Players in Iran’s capital market points to stand at 1,191 points. The historical increase in the stock the country, but a 2,767-point growth in witnessed a historical record in growth As reported, 613 million securities worth exchange index had begun on June 13, a single day was beyond the expectations. COMMODITIES of TEDPIX which gained 3,306 points to 1.26 trillion rials (about $29.3 million) which was named ‘Golden Wednesday The experts of capital market say some hit 102,452 points on June 17, something were traded through 58,000 deals in a day. of Stock Market’, when TEDPIX gained factors such as turbulences in the markets WTI $70.67/b unprecedented in the 50-year history of Shares in different groups of 2,767 points to stand at 99.146 points. of foreign currency, gold coin, and housing Brent $74.65/b the country’s stock market. commodities including base metals, Rise in stock exchange indexes was and also entrance of new liquidity is the As reported, 1.821 billion securities chemical products, and minerals witnessed anticipated given the recent issues related main reason for such unprecedented rise. OPEC Basket $74.40/b Gold $1,242.15 /oz Silver $15.84/oz Over 73% of rural areas connected to gas network in 3 months Platinium $832.40/oz ENERGY TEHRAN – National has it on the agenda to supply gas to 10 Earlier in January, Iranian parlia- desk Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com Iranian Gas Company villages every month, that means by the ment (Majlis) approved a bill to allocate (NIGC)’s Gas Distribution Director Saeid end of the current year 3600 villages will 50 trillion rials (about $1.16 billion) for Momeni said 73.6 percent of the coun- be connected to the gas network, Shana expanding the country’s gas network to NEWS IN BRIEF try’s rural areas have been connected to news agency reported on Saturday. new rural areas. the national gas network by the end of The number of the cities connected According to the bill, the banks would 36 Iranian the current Iranian calendar year’s first to the national gas network, has also in- provide NIGC and provincial gas compa- quarter (June 21). creased to 1117, which is 96.9 percent of nies with the mentioned fund under the SMEs attract According to the official, the NIGC the country’s total urban areas. Oil Ministry’s guarantee. $2.3b of foreign investments in a year Economists are all over the map on trade war’s duration, scope ECONOMY TEHRAN — Some 36 Iranian small and Uncertainty around what will happen next lysts were asked how long the $34 billion in deskmedium-sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) at- in the U.S.-China trade war isn’t just keeping tariffs implemented July 6 would remain in tracted above $2.3 billion of foreign investments during the the world guessing, but also economists. effect, and for the maximum value of goods previous Iranian calendar year 1396 (ended on March 20, 2018), In a Bloomberg News survey of 31 econo- subject to tariffs through the end of 2019. Managing Director of Iran Small Industries and Industrial mists and analysts, responses varied widely The Trump administration on July 10 Parks Organization (ISIPO) Sadeq Najafi told IRNA on Sunday. on how long the tariffs will last and how big proposed a list of an additional $200 billion Najafi, who is also the deputy industry minister, added that they will get. Estimates of the trade war’s of Chinese goods that would be subject to Iran has attraction of investments and modern technology duration were distributed fairly evenly in a levies. Survey responses submitted after that among its top priorities and under the conditions that the range of three months to three years, with news skewed toward a bigger trade war. The country is trying to deal with the U.S.-led economic pressures, a median estimate of 12 months. median estimate of maximum tariffs following SMEs can act as suitable means to absorb foreign investments. For the maximum value of goods sub- that announcement was $300 billion, while ject to U.S. tariffs through the end of 2019, the duration was the same at 12 months. analysts projected a median of $200 billion, KC Mathews took a more sanguine view. No need for wheat but responses were as small as the current The chief investment officer at UMB Bank $34 billion, all the way up to the entire $505 in Kansas City, Missouri, predicted tariffs imports billion of annual imports from China. will top out at $50 billion in goods, and The variation in responses underscores China will come to the negotiating table the difficulty of predicting President Don- within a year. ald Trump’s actions, along with skepticism Talks between the world’s two largest survey respondent and economics professor “We’re of the opinion that the current that either China would quickly fold or that economies have stalled since June, amid at the University of Texas at El Paso, who administration knows the data that trade ECONOMY TEHRAN— The managing director of Trump would follow through on his biggest U.S. complaints over the bilateral trade predicted the tariffs will last 18 months and wars are bad for economic activity,” Mathews deskGovernment Trading Corporation of Iran tariff threats. In the latest developments, the deficit and China’s alleged theft of intel- reach $450 billion in goods. “It makes it said. “We are hopeful that this firm strategy announced on Sunday that according to the implemented plan, U.S. and China signaled this week they were lectual property. very difficult to envision either side backing and perhaps firm talk about potential tariffs Iran is self-sufficient in production of wheat and level of wheat open to resuming negotiations over trade “They don’t even agree on what the source down at this point.” will bring parties to the table to discuss.” imports will remain zero during the present Iranian calendar after days of exchanging retaliatory threats. of the problem is,” said Tom Fullerton, a The survey was conducted July 6-11. Ana- (Source: Bloomberg) year (ends on March 20, 2019), as it did in the preceding year. As IRNA quoted Yazdan Seif as saying in a ceremony on Sunday, Iran suffers from shortage of water, but Iranian farm- Prepare for no-deal Brexit, German business groups tell members ers achieved self-sufficiency in wheat production. German business groups have urged their fire from within her governing Conservative the same paper: “It is urgent to prepare for months ago.” members to step up preparations for a hard Party and may yet fall flat with EU negotiators. Brexit and to expect the worst case scenario.” Brodtmann warned engineering firms Brexit that would see Britain crash out of “Even if the British government is moving German industry is concerned about in- against being lured into a sense of compla- Cuba to recognize private the European Union next year without ne- now, companies must plan for the scenario creased friction in trade with Britain after cency by stable business in Britain now. gotiating a deal. in which there is no agreement,” Joachim Brexit. Britain is the second-biggest export “Brexit is such a big nonsense that many property in new constitution British Prime Minister Theresa May se- Lang, managing director of the BDI, Ger- market for German car manufacturers. companies still hope it will not be that bad cured a cabinet agreement last week for “a many’s biggest industry lobby, told the Welt But Lang said some German business- because the EU will not allow a hard landing Communist-run Cuba will officially recognize private property, business-friendly” proposal to leave the EU, am Sonntag newspaper. es were only just starting to analyze what for the economy. But I can only warn against something it has long rejected as a vestige of capitalism, under a aimed at spurring stalled Brexit talks. But Thilo Brodtmann, managing director Brexit would mean for them, adding: “At that,” he said. new constitution that also creates the position of prime minister the hard-won compromise has come under of the VDMA engineering association, told least that has moved us forward from a few (Source: Reuters) alongside the president, state media reported on Saturday. Cuba’s current Soviet-era constitution only recognizes state, cooperative, farmer, personal and joint venture property. Planemakers plot course through trade, Brexit worries to air show deals But former President Raul Castro’s market reforms, aimed at trying to boost the economy and make Cuban socialism more sustainable, Aerospace firms are setting out wares from luxury jets to petitors guessing and keeping potential buyers interested. have prompted hundreds of thousands of Cubans to join the ranks lethal drones at back-to-back British air shows this week, Boeing will want to maintain interest in a potential new of the island’s self-employed since 2010, in new privately-owned hoping trade tensions will not deter airlines from buying mid-market plane, while giving itself until next year to decide businesses ranging from restaurants to beauty salons. jetliners even as geopolitical uncertainty allows them to whether to launch the new 220-270-seat jet. Ruling Communist Party newspaper Granma published a sum- sell more weapons. While it is further ahead in pre-development than at the mary of the new constitution on Saturday, saying a draft it had seen The quintessentially English atmosphere of the Royal same stage on earlier programs, it must convince airlines it included 224 articles, up from 137 previously. International Air Tattoo, where straw-hatted VIPs watch can be ready in 2025, the deadline for many fleet overhauls. Details were not immediately available, and Reuters did not fighters thunder over picturesque Cotswolds villages, gives Airbus may talk up its possible new A321XLR, designed see the draft. But Granma said it enshrined recognition of both way on Monday to the Farnborough Airshow, where the to address a shortfall in transatlantic performance of its the free market and private property in Cuba’s new Magna Carta. hard-nose business deals in the $800 billion aerospace longest-range single-aisle jet and targeted at U.S. majors. That could mean enhanced legal protections for Cuba’s fledgling and defense sector will be done. The aircraft, with an improved take-off weight of 100 entrepreneurs, and foreign investors too, even though Granma said Trade tensions between the United States and both China tonnes and 4,500 nautical miles range, has already had an the constitution reaffirmed that central planning and state enterprise and Europe, disputes over the consequences of Britain’s unannounced commercial launch in a bid to head off Boe- are the pillars of the economy overall. exit from the European Union and an increase in global ing’s proposed new jet from 2021, industry sources said. It also noted the Communist Party would remain as Cuba’s protectionist rhetoric have barely dented a prolonged in- U.S. sources doubt it will do everything Airbus claims. dominant political force. dustry boom. Farnborough is the first such event since Airbus and Both planemakers are likely to deepen a push into high- Cuba expert Luis Carlos Battista at the Washington-based Center “The overall environment will reflect industry health, Boeing shook up the industry by agreeing to absorb key margin services, announcing maintenance and operational for Democracy in the Americas cautioned that the acknowledge- despite the dark clouds of Brexit and other global trade commercial programs of smaller rivals Canada’s Bombardier deals in competition with airlines and parts providers. It’s ment of private property did not mean the government wanted to setbacks in the background,” said analyst Richard Aboulafia and Brazil’s Embraer as they prepare for future competi- part of a tug of war for profits between planemakers and give private enterprise a greater role. of Teal Group. tion from China. their partners. Earlier this week, he noted, the government published a set “In short, we’ll see more of what we’ve seen for years: The result should be a fierce contest for sales in the 100- Suppliers will be trying to gauge how far the jetmakers of regulations tightening control on the self-employed and hiking aviation remaining a strangely protected and happy corner 150-seat sector even before Boeing closes its Embraer deal. are prepared to go in buying up parts of their supply chain. possible fines to include property confiscation. of a turbulent world.” A new airline, Moxy, is expected to confirm a large order And many in Europe will be discussing how to prepare for According to Granma, the government commission revamping Boeing (BA.N) is expected to confirm demand for air for the rebranded Airbus A220, the former Bombardier a possible ‘hard Brexit’ or a disorderly UK exit form the the constitution will present its draft to the national assembly when transport is rising after Airbus (AIR.PA) lifted forecasts last CSeries. European Union. it meets next week. It will then be put to a national referendum, week, citing strong economic growth in emerging markets The event is also expected to provide new evidence of Sensitive UK choices over international partnerships are expected later this year. and the need to replace older planes in Western markets. strong demand for freight planes as e-commerce drives up also expected to loom large in the defense side of the show. The commission is headed by Castro, 87, who remains head of The bullish outlook was underscored ahead of the show shippers’ profits despite global trade tensions. The UK government will set out a combat air strategy the Communist Party. by forecasters Flightglobal Ascend. Analyst predictions for total commercial orders and with potential repercussions for defense suppliers around New President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who sits on the commis- The two giants will add to record orders for benchmark commitments vary from last year’s 900 to about half that. the world. sion, is also expected to announce his council of ministers at the narrowbody jets, whose waiting lists underpin their near- While high fuel prices make efficient new planes attractive, It could ignite efforts to develop a successor to the four- assembly meeting. record share prices, while seeking a recovery in sales of they hurt the bottom line of buyers, delaying some decisions. nation Eurofighter but is expected to leave open whether Apart from introducing the position of prime minister, dividing bigger jets. “We are not blind: there are things that need to remain Britain would seek to enter a project already underway the roles of head of state and head of government, the new consti- After a lull, Boeing will be looking for a boost to its largest on watch,” the head of major engine-maker CFM said on between France and Germany, or risk a repeat of costly tution makes the president head of the assembly and imposes a twinjet, the future 777X. Sources said recently it is in talks Saturday. procurement splits. term limit on the presidency of two consecutive five-year periods. for an eye-catching deal with Saudi Arabia.Airbus will hope Farnborough will also be an opportunity for aerospace For now, Sweden is shaping up as the most likely partner Castro, who together with his older, late brother Fidel Castro to end uncertainty over AirAsia’s support for its A330neo firms to plot next moves on civil and defense for decades and South Korea, Japan and Turkey or Persian Gulf arms- ruled the country for nearly 60 years, had proposed the limit in jet after a showdown on prices. That could also involve a to come. buying countries like Saudi Arabia could be drawn in, arms 2011, as part of a bid to modernize the political system. deal for smaller planes, though doubts have been expressed The July 16-22 show is not only about order headlines analyst Francis Tusa said. (Source: Reuters) over financial commitments to Airbus. but also about sending signals to investors, keeping com- (Source: Reuters) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 ENERGY 5 Hedge funds curb bets on rising Europe keeps setting oil price just as rally falters clean-energy records This week, two of the biggest economies in Europe set new re- Hedge funds are showing signs of wavering Comerica Asset Management Group, which cords for clean energy. confidence in ever-higher oil prices. oversees $43 billion. “I don’t think any heroics The UK’s electrical grid has not burned any coal for about 1,000 Money managers were taking money are going to take place.” hours so far this year. Though it’s just a symbolic achievement, off the table before Brent had its worst day Hedge funds cut their WTI net-long po- the pace at which the UK is reaching such figures shows the pace in two years on Wednesday. Bets on rising sition -- the difference between bets on a of the energy transition. In 2016 and 2017, the comparable figures prices for the international benchmark fell price increase and wagers on a drop -- by for the full year stood at 210 hours and 624 hours, respectively. for a second week in three, while contracts 0.1 percent to 433,938 futures and options There are two reasons for the shift: a carbon tax on coal has wagering on a drop in the U.S. oil price rose during the week ended July 10, according to made cleaner natural gas more attractive, and subsidies for solar the most since May -- with bets on a rally the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Com- and wind power have ensured wider deployment of new clean-en- barely budging. mission. Longs rose 0.3 percent, while shorts ergy technologies. “The market definitely saw a pullback of jumped 7.8 percent. Germany’s case has been slightly different. Though it began commitments on the long side,” said Phil They reduced their Brent net-long position pushing for renewable energy much earlier than the UK, its gains Flynn, a senior market analyst at Price Futures by 2.1 percent to 447,801 futures and options, have been slower. The coal lobby in Germany is a lot stronger Group Inc. in Chicago. “It might be choppy the least bullish in five weeks, according to than in the UK. here for the next couple days but the big weekly ICE Futures Europe data. Longs dipped But as the costs of renewable energy have come down, change is picture is we still have a very tight market.” 2.1 percent and shorts fell 2.3 percent. finally showing. In 2018 so far, coal generated about 35.1 percent West Texas Intermediate crude ended “The end of the outage in Libya and trade of the country’s electricity. In comparison, renewable sources, the week 3.8 percent lower, following a U.S. fears ultimately took the reins,” Bart Melek, such as solar, wind, and biomass, generated about 36.5 percent. threat to impose tariffs on $200 billion of head of commodity strategy at Toronto Do- At the half-year mark, it’s the first time in Germany’s history that Chinese goods, with China vowing to retaliate. minion Bank, said in a note Friday. “We sus- renewables sources have generated more electricity than coal. At the same time, Libya’s state oil producer Syncrude oil sands complex is working to end of the quarter that it’s very much going pect that money managers likely aggressively The pace of change is expected to accelerate. The European restarted output from a major field that had resume production by September. to be a wait and see,” said Peter Sorrentino, liquidated their length in crude this week.” Union is tightening its emissions-trading scheme (paywall), which been shut for months, and in Canada, the “We had enough of a recovery toward the the Dallas-based chief investment officer of (Source: Bloomberg) is raising the price of carbon. Large producers of carbon dioxide are being incentivized to move away from fossil fuels. As well, the cost of energy storage is coming down, allowing countries to add more intermittent solar and wind power. Will Bulgaria become Europe’s next gas hub? (Source: Quartz) German support for Russia’s plans to double non-EU members (including Turkey), with prices, large investments and thousands of facility would be built. Another option would the capacity of the Nord Stream natural gas 93.5 bcm transiting Ukraine (Gazpromexport. jobs. When that dream evaporated, Bulgaria be linking TurkStream with the Bulgarian pipeline under the Baltic Sea has, in turn, ru, accessed July 12). was faced with the prospect of paying hefty gas network via a pipeline link with Turkey encouraged Bulgaria’s aspirations to develop If Nord Stream Two is built, over 70 percent fines to Gazprom for reneging on its contractual (Capital.bg, June 9, 2017). Libya’s Sharara oilfield cuts a regional gas hub with Russian help. Sofia of all Russian natural gas exports to the EU obligations when it suspended the project. Alternative options for Russian gas exports output after workers abducted has been seeking a similar arrangement with will be transported through a single route to That danger finally passed last May, when to Europe include building a new pipeline from Gazprom to secure Russian gas transit through one country, Germany. And if TurkStream the European Commission requested that Turkey through Greece to Italy or, alternatively, Production at Libya’s giant Sharara oil field was expected to fall by Bulgaria via an onshore or offshore branch also becomes a reality, almost 90 percent of Moscow withdraw its claim against Sofia for using the capacity of the future Trans-Adriatic at least 160,000 barrels per day (bpd) on Saturday after two staff of the TurkStream natural gas pipeline from all Russian gas exports to Europe and Turkey 800 million euros ($937 million) in contract Pipeline (TAP), one of three pipelines com- were abducted in an attack by an unknown group, the National Russia to Turkey along the Black Sea seabed. would be delivered to two countries, Germany cancelation penalties as part of an agreement prising the Southern Gas Corridor designed Oil Corporation (NOC) said. This pipeline is currently under construction. and Turkey. settling the EU’s anti-monopoly probe against to transport Azerbaijani gas to Europe. But The attack happened at a control station on the outskirts of In order to approve the gas hub project, the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov Gazprom (Mediapool.bg, May 24). none of these choices would be beneficial to Sharara, about 40 km (25 miles) from the main part of the field, European Commission has stipulated, however, introduced the idea of building a Balkan gas Borisov, however, remained anxious about Bulgaria. Gazprom has already indicated that engineers at the field said. One of the abducted workers was that Bulgaria needs to become a gas trader, hub near the city of Varna shortly after the Putin’s attitude toward Bulgaria since the it wants to take advantage of the EU Gas Di- Romanian, they said. not merely serve as a gas transit country, by demise of the South Stream project in December Russian leader had blamed Sofia for South rective, which mandates reserving capacity NOC said it expected output to drop by 160,000 barrels per securing at least three different sources of 2014. Sofia did not expect the cancelation of Stream’s failure. He was noticeably apolo- for third-party gas suppliers in all European day (bpd), although one engineer said output at the field, which natural gas supplies for the potential Balkan the proposed South Stream gas pipeline by getic toward Putin during their meeting in pipelines. However, TAP’s initial capacity of had been producing 200,000-300,000 bpd recently, had already gas hub (Cibal.eu, June 27). Russian President Vladimir Putin, although May to discuss Russian gas deliveries for 10 bcm is exempt from the EU regulation for dropped to below 100,000 bpd. The two new Russian pipeline projects— it had to suspend construction work under the prospective Balkan gas hub (Debati.bg, 25 years; and when it is expanded to 20 bcm Tripoli-based NOC operates Sharara in partnership with Nord Stream Two, with a projected capacity of EU pressure in June 2014. Borisov had hoped June 2; see EDM, June 21). The Bulgarian in the future, only half will be available for Repsol, Total, OMV and Equinor , formerly known as Statoil. 55 billion cubic meters (bcm), and TurkStream, that the European Commission and Gazprom government started negotiations with Rus- alternative suppliers (see EDM, February 16, The field, in Libya’s remote southwest, has suffered security with a capacity of 32 bcm—would divert almost would ultimately come to an agreement on sia on the potential revival of South Stream 2017). This makes the two options through problems in the past, including raids in which vehicles and mobile all of the Russian gas transit currently passing the project’s compliance with EU laws and in 2017, as the construction of TurkStream Bulgaria more viable for Gazprom, particularly phones have been stolen. through Ukraine, to Germany and Turkey. In that Bulgaria would eventually become a ma- advanced. Among the proposed options was since the Bulgarian government is eager to The facility that was targeted on Saturday is called Station 2017, Gazprom delivered 155 bcm to European jor transit country for Russian natural gas, an offshore spur of TurkStream that would go carry the burden of negotiating with the EU. 186 and was also attacked last year. Union member states and another 23 bcm to benefiting from Moscow’s promises of low directly to Varna, where a large gas storage (Source: oilprice.com) (Source: Reuters) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL JULY 16, 2018 Amid the Trumpian chaos, Europe Why the Eritrea-Ethiopia peace is good for African sees a strategy: Divide and conquer politics By Steven Erlanger

By Nanjala Nyabola European allies knew to expect the unexpected from Presi- dent Trump, especially after their rancorous encounter last month at the Group of 7 summit meeting in Canada. Diplomats from Ethiopia and Eritrea are calling it a “joint declara- But Trump’s European tour has still rattled many on the tion of peace and friendship” but that innocuous name is masking Continent and in Britain, who have watched from a distance what may be one of the most important political changes in East the chaos he creates on a daily basis in the United States but Africa in the past 20 years. had not been directly exposed to it until this week. With a simple, five-pillar agreement the presidents of Ethiopia More important, for the long term, they have begun to and Eritrea, which were once one country but were bitterly divided believe that underneath the presidential narcissism, sar- by one of Africa’s most expensive and devastating conflicts, jointly casm and bluster there is a strategy: to undercut European declared its end. solidarity in NATO and the European Union so the United It is very easy to be skeptical of the peace declaration given the States can exercise its economic and military power to shape region’s history of unremitting conflict and political false starts. The relations with individual countries, just as China and Rus- Derg regime, which came to power in Ethiopia in 1974 following sia seek to do. the ousting of Emperor Haile Selassie, was supposed to mark the The atmospherics have been awful. Trump happily broke end of imperial rule in the country, but in no time itself became a protocol at NATO and in Britain, skipping appointments violent, bloody regime. with other leaders, forcing changes in the agenda, scolding After fighting a war of liberation against the Derg regime for many other leaders, calling an early news conference to get onto years, Isaias Afwerki took control of the newly independent Eritrea morning television programs in America, making unfounded in the early 1990’s and swiftly transformed it into a hermit state. claims about agreements and giving an interview to the Brit- In the name of remaining ready for war, hundreds of thousands ish mass-market tabloid The Sun that deeply embarrassed “Trump is becoming politically toxic in Western of Eritreans have been forcefully conscripted into interminable his host, Prime Minister Theresa May. military service. Despite its small population, Eritrea has consist- But Europeans are now convinced that Trump has an Europe,” said Valasek, the director of Carnegie ently been producing the largest number of African refugees to agenda that is inimical to their interests, said François Heis- Europe, a foreign policy think tank. Europe for years. bourg, a French political analyst. “Europeans realize that Meanwhile, Ethiopia constructed the most elaborate security he’s not just a temperamental child, but that he wants to his nationalist, anti-immigration message. the damage was limited,” the newspaper said. “The NATO state in East Africa. Millions of dollars that could have been spent dismantle the multilateral order created 70 years ago that Yet, Europe faces a dilemma with Trump, as Sigmar summit, which threatened to become a psychodrama because on food security and development have instead been wasted on he believes limits American power.” Gabriel, the former German foreign minister, said in an of the American president’s caprices, wound up reinforcing armies and surveillance, turning citizens into spies and destroying European leaders had already taken into account the dis- interview with Der Spiegel. “The truth is, we can’t get along the alliance. The Europeans are ready to pay more for their freedom of expression. rupter Trump, said Tomas Valasek, the director of Carnegie with Trump and we can’t get along without the U.S.,” Gabriel defense, and the U.S. reaffirmed its military commitment Therefore, the excitement and enthusiasm with which Ethiopians Europe, a foreign policy think tank. “We’re not in the dark said. “We therefore need a dual strategy: clear, hard and, to its historic allies.” and Eritreans at home and abroad received the announcement about about him, but we’ve never dealt with this sort of political above all, common European answers to Trump. Any at- But the big question is whether any amount of spending the end of the 20-year-long African Cold War are understandable. animal before,” Valasek said. “This is a new ballgame and tempt to accommodate him, any appraisal only leads him to would actually satisfy Trump, or whether his real attempt is Thousands had been forced into exile as a result of rapid milita- we’re learning how to play it. We’re not necessarily more go a step further. This must be over. From trade to NATO.” to divide NATO and the European Union, both Heisbourg rization in both countries, and Monday’s landmark agreement is effective, but we’re getting wiser.” He continued: “We cannot delude ourselves anymore. and Valasek said. Trump mixes his threats about more trade the surest indicator yet that a pivot away from security-centered Different leaders have tried different strategies with Trump, Donald Trump only knows strength. So we have to show tariffs if the European Union does not come to better terms statehood is possible. from the “buddy-buddy” approach of President Emmanuel him that we are strong.” with his threat to withhold security from those same countries. Yet, in the rest of East Africa, some have found it hard to process Macron of France and Ms. May, to the cooler attitude of How to do that, however, is less clear, since Europe’s Of course, Trump also uses and misuses the figures he the news. The Kenyan media, for example, failed to devote any Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. “But we found that security dependence on the United States is both obvious chooses. He often says that the United States pays for 90 coverage to the event on the day and has only had marginal analysis none of this matters,” Valasek said. “He’ll treat you like a and will not change soon, despite European talk of more percent of NATO, or sometimes he says 70 percent, when the since, despite the fact that thousands of Ethiopians and Eritreans competitor one way or another. He wants to pit countries money for a joint European defense. figure is really about 67 percent, and includes the percentage currently live in Kenya. The changes Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed against one another and use U.S. power and wealth against The problem is visible not just in Germany but in Spain, of global military spending. is pursuing in Ethiopia will have an impact beyond the borders of the others for his advantage.” distant from Russia. Pedro Sánchez, Spain’s new Socialist In fact, according to the International Institute for Stra- his country and its neighbor, Eritrea. So how should East Africans The frustration sometimes comes out in meetings. At prime minister, outraged the leftist lawmakers who helped tegic Studies, of the $603 billion the United States spends especially, but outsiders in general see this peace declaration? the NATO meeting, for instance, Prime Minister Lars Lokke put him in office when he pledged to raise his country’s on defense, only about $31 billion goes to Europe. That Between ending the war and decriminalizing various political Rasmussen of Denmark told Trump that Danes had suffered military spending to 2 percent from the current 0.9 percent number is increasing. But the European countries of NATO groups, Ahmed is breaking a network of political taboos that have as many casualties per capita as the United States had in of the country’s gross domestic product. are spending about $239 billion and rising, even if their been a constant hum in the background of east African politics for Afghanistan, and that blood mattered more than money. John C. Kornblum, a former American ambassador to spending is not very efficient or coordinated. the past 20 years. Specifically the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia “In direct and clear speech, I have made it clear to him Germany who still lives there, said that “the real problem Similarly, Trump likes to cite a $151 billion trade deficit has been a seemingly unchangeable fact in a region that has a long that Denmark’s contribution cannot be measured in money,”. is that postwar Europe seems not to have regained a sense with the European Union. But that figure is for goods only history of protracted conflicts. So even floating peace as a possibility Rasmussen said afterward. of purpose and direction.” — not for services, which represent nearly 80 percent of is a radical act of political transformation that changes the scope of The personal distaste could also be measured in body “It cannot formulate self-confident and achievable goals,” the economy, where the United States has a small trade what is possible or imaginable within the political arena - this could language, when European leaders made little effort to engage Kornblum continued, “and above all seems unable to stand surplus with Europe. be the beginning of a major shift in the discourse around peace with Trump, chatting to one another while Trump walked up for itself against the criminals of the world” — including For Heisbourg, Trump the businessman is simply “mon- and security in East Africa and that needs to be acknowledged. along with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the former Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic in the 1990s etizing American power.” As Trump recently said, he re- Of course, such a move will have political implications beyond a semi authoritarian outsider. and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia now. garded the European Union “possibly as bad as China, just this. In Kenya, the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Cor- “Trump is becoming politically toxic in Western Europe,” The European nations’ great accomplishments — conti- smaller.” He sees Germany as dominating the bloc, and ridor (LAPSSET) is a major infrastructure project that was developed Valasek said. “No one wants to be seen smiling with him after nental peace and social welfare — have led them “to become Germany, for which he has a special animus, as “the weak with the explicit aim of connecting landlocked Ethiopia with the sea. being berated on Twitter. Even more, Trump’s insults and self-righteous in their pride about them, but in reality these link in an organization vulnerable to linkage between trade The animus with Eritrea meant that shared infrastructural con- his unpopularity among European voters make it harder for steps forward were only possible within an American bub- and security,”. Heisbourg said. nections between the countries that predated Eritrean independence European leaders to do what he wants them to do, like increase ble,” Kornblum said. And now Trump has called them out The same is true of Trump’s support of Brexit, on display could not be used. As the most stable country in the Horn, Djibouti military spending, even when they think they should do it.” on it and “spoken the unspeakable,” Kornblum said, and it again on Friday in Britain. Trump’s view is that “if you have has been a natural alternative for Ethiopia, although recently Addis After Trump split with the Europeans on issues like climate is both unwelcome and uncomfortable. a soft Brexit and stick with the European Union too closely, Ababa has also made overtures to Somalia and Somaliland for the change and the Iran nuclear deal, Valasek said, “leaders If nothing else, Trump’s apparent willingness to turn it doesn’t work for me, so goodbye, you’re on your own,” said use of Berbera port. don’t want to be associated with anything he wants; it’s over the table has gotten the attention of Western allies, Pierre Vimont, a former French ambassador to Washington. Kenya maintains that the LAPSSET project is part of a broader the kiss of death.” creating a sense of urgency to meet the spending goals, and “For Trump there are no allies and no enemies, just partners continent-wide North-South, Cape to Cairo transport network, They are also fearful of his populism, his support for not everyone drew back in alarm. or not, and the U.S. will deal with them separately. And the but regardless, the utility of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, or Brexit, The French newspaper Le Monde, for example, was re- Europeans have no key to answer this new U.S. foreign policy.” the LAPSSET project and and his affinity with their political adversaries, who share laxed. “Once again, Donald Trump brought on the show, but (Source: NYT) the displacement and dis- The peace ruption it has already cre- agreement ated will now be under greater scrutiny following between Eritrea Turks enter uncharted waters as Erdogan forges the peace accord between and Ethiopia Asmara and Addis Ababa. is a radical act At the same time, ten- ahead with new powers sions between Somalia and that will have an By Sibel Hurtas founding laws of all ministries were abolished Somaliland about the use of impact on all of with a single decree. Policies in various realms Berbera port will seem less East Africa. The swearing-in of President Recep Tayyip will be now drawn up at nine offices attached urgent if Ethiopia is able Erdogan on July 9 marked the end of Turkey’s to the president, and the ministers will be left to develop a workable al- parliamentary system and ushered the country to implement them. From the National Intel- ternative through Eritrea. In June, Mogadishu accused Hargeisa into a new form of governance that accumu- ligence Organization and the General Staff to of violating the conditions of semi-autonomy by entering into an lates power in the hands of the president. the Directorate General of Press and Informa- agreement with Ethiopia over the development and use of the port, The new presidential system — narrowly tion and even state theaters, almost all public which they argue should have been approved at the federal level. approved in a constitutional referendum last institutions are now attached to the presidency. The tension forced Ethiopian diplomats to backtrack on com- year — is a unique one that defies easy defini- In sum, the new system brings all the state’s mitments to direct trade through Berbera. With peace between tion. Turks have been trying to divine how administration under the president’s control Eritrea and Ethiopia, both of whom stand to gain immensely from it will function from the slew of decrees that and disables the checks and balances. Broadly normalization of their relationship, the tension between Somalia Erdogan began to issue as soon as he took stated, the president will issue laws, draw up and Somaliland will perhaps dissipate, at the very least taking office following his victory in the June 24 polls. the country’s budget and the programs of all another point of contention off the table. The first decree authorized the president ministries, appoint the members of top courts, None of this should overshadow the human element of this to form the Cabinet. Previously, this authority head the intelligence service and the military declaration - the fundamental reason why this matters. Like India belonged to the prime minister, a post that and even issue the press cards of journalists. and Pakistan, or Sudan and South Sudan, the border war between no longer exists. Later in the day, Erdogan The entire state system will be run from the Ethiopia and Eritrea has torn families and communities apart, announced his 16-member Cabinet and named presidential palace, with Erdogan wielding particularly those living along the border. a vice president. The president is also entitled to legislative spark popular discontent will be passed by unbounded and unchecked power. The political separation was further entrenched by the sever- In the old system, the government had to powers through his authority to issue decrees. parliament at the president’s demand,” he What does this mean for the future of ing of communication ties and travel bans, making any dialogue receive a vote of confidence from parliament to “There is no democracy in the world where said in an interview with Al-Monitor. Turkey? between the citizens of the two countries impossible. As mentioned assume office and lawmakers could also initi- parliament shares its legislative authority. Be If parliament and the president push dif- According to Sener, “We’ve entered a very above, militarization of public life in both countries has significantly ate censure motions against the government it a parliamentary system or a presidential one, ferent legislation on the same issue or if the peculiar period, which I cannot define as distorted networks of trust within communities and a key hope is and individual ministers. This parliamentary the law-making power belongs unequivocally president oversteps the scope of decrees, the a democracy. The regime has changed. It that the end of the Ethiopia-Eritrea war will feed into a broader check mechanism has been abolished. The to parliament, but this system is like no other,” matter will go to the Constitutional Court. Here, could [devolve further], depending on the process of demilitarization in both countries. authority to appraise and remove ministers Sener said. “Don’t be misled by the term ‘decree’ another problem emerges, as the president will initiative of those who have accumulated the The images of joyful Eritreans and Ethiopians receiving this now rests exclusively with the president. — those decrees amount to laws. Parliament be highly influential in shaping the composition power in their hands. We might speak of a news is a reminder that war happens to people and to communities, Abdullatif Sener, a former deputy prime has lost its legislative prerogative.” of the court under the new system. dictatorship in Turkey in the future.” and the end of war is always cause for celebration for everyone. minister who is now a lawmaker for the main Is the president free to issue decrees on Eminagaoglu said, “Just as the legislative, Eminagaoglu likened the new system to a Of course, it is far too early to make definitive declarations of opposition party after falling out with the any subject? Sener said, “The decrees cannot the judiciary has been tied to the president. “constitutional monarchist rule.” Referring what the future holds for these two countries. Yet, while cynicism president, told Al-Monitor, “Even if they drag be used to restrict basic rights and freedoms, President Erdogan will appoint half of the to movements in the Ottoman Empire in the has value in political thought, and especially when history provides the country into wars on all sides, even if but there is a trick here. Economic rights Constitutional Court members as well as the late 19th and early 20th centuries, he said, ample examples of good faith gone bad, it is important to be as hundreds of soldiers die every day, even if all such as the rights to collective bargaining members of the Higher Board of Judges and “Ottoman times saw two constitutional eras, ready to accept good news as the bad. hell breaks loose, no constitutional mecha- and strike were exempted.” Prosecutors, which is the backbone of the which upheld a republic and a constitution Independently of what happens moving forward, this is a special nism exists now to change the government.” Well-known lawyer Omer Faruk Emina- judiciary. … To speak of an independent ju- against the monarch. Now, a third constitu- moment for East Africa that must be cherished and encouraged. Budget-making is another key authority gaoglu suggested that Erdogan could use the diciary is no longer possible. If the president tional era is underway, but just in the opposite For those of us who are neither Ethiopian nor Eritrean, this is a transferred from parliament to the president. legislative duality to foist unpopular economic issues a very controversial decree tomorrow, way. It is a monarch’s movement against the timely reminder that within the politics of a complicated region, “The president has obtained the power to measures on parliament. “The presidency will Turkey has no mechanism to quash it.” republic and the constitution. The republic sometimes good things do happen. spend 25% of the national income … as he be in charge of all legislation, but bills about The presidency took over the authorities and the constitution are only on paper now.” (Source: Al Jazeera) likes,” Sener said. heavy economic and tax burdens that could of the old Council of Ministers as well. The (Source: Al Monitor) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 Plots foiled to ruin Iran-Russia alliance in Syria Trump’s record on race By Mohammad Mehdi Maleki ran-Moscow relations are still expanding, progressing, and growing,” he said. TEHRAN (MNA) — A political commentator “The other issue which is still of prime told Mehr News Agency that Mr. Velayati’s importance is the trilateral summit of visit to Moscow was of prime importance Iran, Russia, and Turkey in the form of and foiled the plots to destruct Iran-Russia Astana talks in Tehran,” Mr. Bahman relations. reiterated. “The enemies [of the Islamic Republic “The core of issue is a positive point that of Iran] have mounted a propaganda cam- the summit of three guarantor states of Syr- paign to instill the idea that the Russians’ ian peace talks will be held in Tehran,” he approach to Syria has changed and this is highlighted. their plot to create disagreement and divide Prior to Velayati’s visit to Moscow, For- between Tehran and Moscow but their plots eign ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi were foiled,” said Shoaib Bahman, an inter- said that, “Moscow and Tehran have many national affairs pundit, in an interview with commonalities and shared interests in re- Mehr News Agency. gional and international areas and that makes The interview was carried out concurrent the meeting of Mr. Velayti and Mr. Putin in with Mr. Velayati’s visit to Moscow. Mr. Ve- Kremlin all the more important.” layati, Leader’s senior advisor, left Tehran Iranian Parliamentary Director General for for Moscow on Wednesday for a Thursday International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdolla- 1 “The way he put this argument about changing our meeting with Russian President Putin. He hian said, before Velayati’s visit to Moscow, culture … about Europe becoming less nice than it is, in other was tasked to deliver the special messages that Leader’s message to Putin, delivered by words, these people are here and they are making the culture of Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and Velayati, is about taking the opportunity to crappy and making the place lesser, that’s straight out of the white President Rouhani to Mr. Putin. noteworthy areas were discussed. The first Velayati and Mr. Putin. While some countries contain common threats. supremacist/white nationalist playbook,” said Heidi Beirich, Mr. Bahman asserted that Velayati’s visit thing was expansion and continuation of were trying to wedge a gap between Iran Pointing to the trip of Israeli Prime Minis- director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project. to Moscow was in line with former efforts of bilateral relations of the two countries in and Russia in regards to Syrian crisis and ter Netanyahu to Moscow and repetition of his Claire M. Massey, a scholar at the Institute for British and Tehran and Moscow to broaden bilateral ties political and economic as well as other di- at the same time were trying to persuade baseless and unfounded claims against Iran, North American Studies at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität in in areas of economic and political cooperation. mensions. The second thing discussed in the Iran, through the channel of Russians, to Velayati in Moscow said, “the development Greifswald, Germany, said Trump’s comments were “awfully “While we were witnessing an extensive meeting was the issue of the JCPOA consid- withdraw its forces from Syria or minimize trend of amicable ties between Iran and Russia painful,” especially for the United Kingdom, where immigration campaign of consultations by American, Zion- ering the US withdrawal from the agreement its presence in Syria, the meeting showed is reciprocal and will not be affected by the has played a key role in rebuilding the country after World War ist regime, and Arab sides to influence Russia’s and Trump’s plan to pose more pressure that Iran and Russia have shared interests intervention of other countries especially II. “England and the United Kingdom wouldn’t be what it is stance towards the Islamic Republic of Iran on Iran especially in the field of economy. in this issue,” he added. Zionist regime.” today without immigrants,” she said. or undermine the close ties between Tehran And finally the two sides exchanged views “Based on what both Iranian and Russian A Top Aide to Iran’s Leader Ali Akbar Ve- It’s to be noted here that according to a Quinnipiac University and Moscow, the timely visit of Mr. Velayati on how to tap Russia’s international and sides have announced after Mr. Velayati’s layati said Fri. that during his visit to Moscow, poll: 49% of people said they believe President Donald Trump to Moscow happened and the messages of political capacity,” recounted the political visit to Moscow, relatively good agreements Russia and Iran put an end to the rumors that to be a racist while 47% believe he is not. These results indicate the Leader and president were delivered to commentator. have been reached between Iran and Russia Russia’s cooperation with Resistance Front that half of the American citizens believe that their president Mr. Putin,” he added. “In respect to regional issues, the Syrian which indicates that Israeli American efforts has ended, adding Putin and Erdogan will has racist views. “During this visit some important and crisis was another area of talks between Mr. of the past months have been futile and Teh- visit Tehran to hold talks on Syria. The fact is that Trump has repeatedly played with racist and xenophobic language and sentiments. He used to say that Mexico is sending rapists and criminals to the United States, and stat- ed that the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville was a «both sides» issue. The Know the psychology of ISIL In a joint article, examples aren’t limited to these two cases of course. David Leonhardt His late order on separat- By Sajad Abedi and Ian Prasad ing children from their families raised lots of an- TEHRAN — In my opinion, the “ISIS phenomenon” is not Philbrick, ger worldwide. Anyhow, new; it distinguishes the factors of this group; for example, explain that there is no need to review the audience of the world’s television networks is watching here the list of Trump’s films that ISIS itself publishes. They have internet sites that why the current offensive comments and send their films and photos to the world. On the other hand, U.S. President policies that led to such the region is full of journalists because both the Syria war is regarded as a hatred among Amer- is underway and the Middle East regional issues are so im- ican citizens as well as portant, so journalists can cover the moment. a racist figure: other people around the In addition, the strategic importance of the Iraqi state «Donald Trump world. This issue raised and its oil resources was due to the fact that ISIS had its first serious concerns among attacks on oil and refineries, but it was effective in triggering has been many experts since before their actions, but the thing that shook the world more than obsessed with Trump won the White anything else, A pattern of behavior that the group repre- race for the entire House. sented during the capture of places; films from ISILs that In a joint article, Da- were showing them on the road and checking cars, while time he has been vid Leonhardt and Ian carrying laptops with names of those who worked with the a public figure. Prasad Philbrick, explain government, or any kind of their thoughts It was different that why the current U.S. from the ideology of ISIL. President is regarded as a racist figure: «Donald Trump has been The members of the group matched the driver identifi- obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public fig- cation card with the list of these names, and if their names ure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York were on this list, they would have been executed without trial! real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his These films spread throughout the world, and the wonder One of the things that the leaders of these groups do well a way that they can influence others, have intrinsically an political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s of the whole world prompted which ideology and religion is brainwashing, that is, brainwashing ideological issues in influential personality, inspire others, encourage in the best first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his could be, according to which, people were allowed to kill the name of reality in the whole universe, and assuring them possible way, usually do not fear death and are professors campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.» someone by merely naming and without trial, killing someone that the truth is what their leaders say. of death. Of course, in the leaders of these groups, there are They continue: «The media often falls back on euphemisms along the road and rejoicing. Another group of researchers, according to their studies, people who, incidentally, completely escape death while when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, The problem is that the members of this group, other than has concluded that members of the terrorist groups do not encouraging others to die in the ideology. racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive, and Trump themselves, do not know the rest of the people as religious have an abnormal character at all; many of them naturally, Those who are attracted to groups like ISIS himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s and religious, so they assume any violence and murder as educated and highly adhered to their ideology, and are even are abnormal? the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats loyal to their religious ideology, while many Muslims around willing to sacrifice their lives for their ideology. In fact, these There is no consensus on this. Some studies show people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, the world, especially their classroom, are astonished at these people, through sacrificing their lives, feel useful, sacrificed that many of these people have personality disorders. and he is still doing so.» actions and never do such acts godly and on the basis of Some even suffer from major psychiatric disorders. But and sacrificed and are proud to be in this way, which ultimately religion and hate them. the most important point of the personality that can be leads to a great name in this world and a fortune-telling to Is Isis a Terrorist? mentioned is that they have grown up in a family or a come place for them. “Terror” means the creation of horror and fear. In fact, community that has created a feeling of self-sufficiency In my opinion, naturally, both groups of these people terror means the use of unexpected, shocking and unlawful and humiliation. are seen in groups like ISIL, and perhaps we should look at violence against civilians to force a state or a society to accept These people have never been taken seriously and they their behavior in order to find out the reality. I believe that Zionist carnage on Gaza demands based on an ideology. feel that they are not first class citizens and their rights are what distinguishes natural people from abnormal is the But what does a terrorist want from a psychological point different from the rights of other citizens. They feel like degree of conscientiousness. continues of view, what happens in society and what is his goal? They they are not treated to others. One of the most prominent Those who believe in devotion and sacrifice and create psychological phenomena in society, through which examples of this situation may be seen in the behavior of honesty are surely not willing to surrender their captive they pressure the people and civilians to push them on to Arab people living in the suburbs of Paris over the past 2-3 family members without trial, roadside, and in front governments, and ultimately, to reach the demands of that years. They were born in Paris and had a French passport, of their eyes. group. The psychological phenomena that are caused by but their sense of belonging and attachment to the French Unfortunately, due to the actions and actions of the ISIS terrorist movements and their news in people are horror, community was not formed, which caused disturbances in group, it seems that most of its members have an abnormal discomfort and turmoil, unrest and restlessness, pessimism, Paris, which caused a lot of damage. character and their thoughts are immortal and primitive. They anxiety and anxiety, anger, grief and tragedy. After that, the French government has just realized that it are usually accustomed to learning to look very straightfor- Most importantly, the combination of all these unpleas- cannot continue to discriminate, and must provide grounds ward. The example of this is the declaration of the caliphate ant feelings is causing a lot of confusion, discomfort and for joining these people to French culture while respecting for the whole world from an area in Iraq and the burning of insecurity inside people. But what makes the assassination Arab and Islamic culture in order not to face such rebellion European citizens’ passports to show that they are universal possible? It is clear that those who do such behaviors do not and chaos. Another aspect of the personality of the mem- and do not think nationally! These people believe that they consider themselves brutal or inhumane, and they have the bers of such groups is that they do not have personality have established a government and a caliphate for the whole absolute right to do such acts. independence and they need to follow someone else with a world, all of which shows their simplicity. In recent years, investigations have been carried out on higher appeal. They have no self-confidence and can only They see phenomena as absolute black or white, or good those who have had extreme behaviors. One of the most feel confident within an ideology, that is, ideology with rough or bad. They see the world divided into two categories: the important and best investigated was Dr. Wagdey Luzza at the behaviors so that nobody dares to stand in front of them. helpless rich, the exploited, and the poor, are miserable, University of Cantabria on the terrorism of religious groups People who lack the sense of empathy and sympathy and this means thinking all or nothing. Their beliefs are such as al-Qaeda, with the Middle East approach, and the with others, and they are not basically born of a child of based on the rejection of the thoughts of others, rather than results could be extended to ISIS. According to the study, it conscience, suffered a severe damage to their self-image certain beliefs, and they consider all the rights to themselves. turned out that in the West, most of those joining these groups from a childhood, which is said to be bad in their family and Moreover, they believe that their thinking for all ages and 1 The Zionists also know fully well that they will are men aged 17 to 23, usually from middle-class families society, they are a bad people, their religion is not worthless. for all people and all the conditions is right, so they want sooner or later get the answer for their cowardly crimes. with relatively high academic and academic achievements , Have a brutal nationality, and they are constantly seeking to persuade everyone to force their ideology and if anyone The resistance groups’ response is not limited to carrying in modern science with academic degrees. to abandon their anger, and one of the best ways to do this opposes it, they seek to hurt him. Clearly, the analytical out direct operations (missile and rocket attacks) to the But the results of the 1999 study also revealed that those is to join groups that can be abused by membership and system of these groups is weak because the training that Israeli sites, but they may choose to pay back the Zionists who carry out terrorist acts in their own countries are people violent behavior. they have seen in their schools is more based on memory by self-sacrifice and so on. with low and unemployed education who have been roughly Members of these groups are pessimistic about the world rather than analysis. However, with the continued Zionist attacks, retaliation dropped out of the text of the community, and themselves around them and the world, and sometimes have a lot of Finally, I emphasize that the formation of ISIS and its is the Palestinian resistance’s right. Palestinians want to sta- have separated themselves from the context of society. mental employment, for example, under the control of a groups is the result of being repelled and humiliated by bilize the situation and the Zionists are trying to prevent it. The leaders of these radical and radical religious groups, very violent parent or violent and punitive rule. Groups the family and society. Therefore, if any country wants a The question is whether Zionists are getting prepared for on average 15 years older than the followers and other mem- like ISIS will be able to empower them. People with such phenomenon like ISIS not to emerge, one must understand another big war. Given the growing strength of the Resistance bers of the group, are about 40 years old, have a great deal characteristics are so influenced and influenced by a kind of that it is necessary to respect the rights of citizenship and Forces in the Gaza Strip, it does not seem likely that Zionist of affection and influence, are able to inspire the respect of hypnosis that their contacts with the facts are discontinued religion of the people. authorities, at least in the near future, will decide to impose their followers and their own self, Their ideology, in such and their perceptions of facts are confused. (Source: Modern Diplomacy) an all out war on the Gaza Strip. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS JULY 16, 2018

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ISA supports space-based Iran develops smart system for city services early autism screening TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN — The Iranian Space Agency (ISA) desksupports development of space-based city ser- TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN — A group country, as prevalence is estimated at 1 in 250 vices, ISA official Ali Taherzadeh said in a press release on Sunday. deskof Iranian experts have births, and with 1.5 million births per year He called ground- and space-based infrastructures in the field developed a smart comprehensive sys- in Iran some 30,000 are possibly suffering of city services, information and transport as the main principles tem for early autism screening by using autism, he explained. for development in this area. smart systems and methods like smart toy Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are char- ISA aims to expand public utility services nationwide and cars, cognitive plays and smart screening acterized by social-interaction difficulties, to develop its ecosystem for space-based city services, he said. system. communication challenges and a tendency Recognition of national spatial and satellite database poten- The system can be setup in kindergar- to engage in repetitive behaviors. tials to establish spatial database for city information, which is tens as well as medical centers in all parts World Health Organization estimates that accessible for citizens as well as providing private and public of Iran and can be used without the need to 1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum services through the city are amongst the main aims of ISA, he said. a physician, executive director of the project disorder worldwide. announced. Autism cannot be diagnosed at birth. A Manuchehr Moradi Sabzevar said that study, published in February 2010 in Science the project will be set up in different parts Daily, of the development of autism in in- of the country in coming two years. fants, comparing the behavior of the siblings Autistic children need a range of educa- of children diagnosed with autism to that tional, social and medical services, which of babies developing normally, has found will be done through cooperation between that the nascent symptoms of the condition psychiatrists, physicians and social workers, to have a better social life in the future, he In a press release published by IRNA -- a lack of shared eye contact, smiling and project co-worker Hamidreza Pouretemad explained. in late May, Mohammad Taqi Jaghtaei, an communicative babbling -- are not present explained. He highlighted the importance of early advisor to the Ministry of Health, said that at 6 months, but emerge gradually and only The true process of recognition and re- recognition in autism, which leads to natural it is anticipated that nearly 30,000 children become apparent during the latter part of habilitation for autistic children allow them learning and development of children. under age five are suffering autism in the the first year of life. Innovation ecosystem possible through

The development in quality and speed of city services is high knowledge-based economy: VP on agenda by many of mayors and their advisors to solve urban problems, he said. On the other side, connection and information infrastructures TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN — The inno- He also named Tehran as a city, which desk has a great development with the help of technology, which leads vation ecosystem would has a great potentiality to turn into a smart to increase in the quality of living in the cities, he said. be possible through passing from oil-based city in near future. He pointed to the formation of smart cities in past decades economy to knowledge-based economy, Iran’s Tehran houses several leading universities as a global approach. vice president for science and technology and it already has all infrastructures to be a In smart cities, connection and city services are developed, Sourena Sattari has said. smart city, which would be possible through urban transport and pollution are controlled, the quality of urban “Unfortunately the government is pres- improvement of organizations, infrastructures environment is increased, he said. ent in all sectors due to economy based on and market, he said. Smart cities characteristics underground resources and it is considered GII is announced according to two main According to the Internet of the Things Agenda website a smart as a weakness in innovation ecosystem,” factors namely innovation input and inno- city is a municipality that uses information and communication he said. vation output, he said. technologies to increase operational efficiency, share information He pointed to total ranking of Iran, which Unfortunately Iran is not very powerful with the public and improve both the quality of government has moved up 48 spots to place 65 in Global in innovation input, which includes organi- services and citizens welfare. Innovation Index (GII) 2018 in comparison zation, infrastructure, market and business Emerging trends such as automation, machine learning and with 2013. complexity, he continued. the internet of things (IoT) are driving smart city adoption. As per an annual ranking of countries by However, Iran has a good situation in In the transportation arena, smart traffic management is used their capacity for, and success in, innovation, human resources and research as well as some to keep track of and analyze traffic flows to optimize streetlights 2018 released on Wednesday Iran ranks 65 indicators like creative output and science to prevent roadways from becoming too congested based on time among 126 countries in GII 2018. and technology input, he said. of day or rush-hour schedules. A checklist for your startup What is cloud computing? SOCIALLY SAFE

Forget the popularity contest on social media

Why do so many new businesses fail? reserve the names. Cloud computing is the delivery of on-de- services to a wide range of customers. Maybe it’s because too many would- The starting point for growing your mand computing services -- from appli- Examples of cloud computing be entrepreneurs concentrate on the audience on any social network is strong cations to storage and processing power Cloud computing underpins a vast num- wrong issues before the actual startup profiles and pages for your social ac- -- typically over the internet and on a pay- ber of services. That includes consumer happens. counts. This requires including branded as-you-go basis. services like Gmail or the cloud back-up of The pre-startup checklist requires one cover photos and profile photos. It also Rather than owning their own com- the photos on your smartphone, though to to undergo a process of self-evaluation requires filling out all of your details. On puting infrastructure or data centers, the services which allow large enterprises that will help answer the question, ‘Am Twitter, that’s as simple as a 160-character companies can rent access to anything to host all their data and run all of their I prepared to start a business?’ If more bio, website link and location. Facebook from applications to storage from a cloud applications in the cloud. Netflix relies on people considered the following four issues, wants a short description, website link, service provider. cloud computing services to run its video Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Ning, Digg, MeetUp, there would likely be a higher success rate address and phone number. In short, fill One benefit of using cloud computing streaming service and its other business blogs, etc., -- the number of social networking sites and tools is in future startups. out as many fields for your social profiles services is that firms can avoid the up- systems too, and have a number of other exploding. Social networking is the killer app of the Internet for Register social media profiles and pages as you can. front cost and complexity of owning and organisations. everyone – not just the texting teenybopper crowd. Such sites Getting set up on the major social Next, share a few updates (five to ten) maintaining their own IT infrastructure, Software vendors are increasingly have breached the walls of the corporate firewall, are a part of media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, before you start your quest to build an and instead simply pay for what they use, offering their applications as services our most important smartphone apps, are a vital tool for any and Twitter, to start) will make mar- audience. This will give people who visit when they use it. over the internet rather than standalone serious job search, and are the new way to connect with current keting on them later easier. Also, it’s your social accounts a reason to follow In turn, providers of cloud comput- products as they try to switch to a sub- and new friends. important to reserve your brand as you. ing services can benefit from significant scription model. But using social networking tools and sites seems to be in direct a profile name. Try Knowem.com to (Source: smallbiztrends.com) economies of scale by delivering the same (Source: zdnet.com) conflict with another important principle of using the Internet – protect your identity from identity theft. Participating in online social networking sites leaves a trail of personal information that can make stealing your identity a whole lot easier. What’s Brain function partly replicated by nanotechnology materials a current-day Internet user to do? Should we go blithely along The brain requires surprisingly little energy to adapt to the it was thought that negative differential resistance and spike like a fish protected in a larger school of potential identity theft environment to learn, make ambiguous recognitions, have generation from the network were caused by nonequilibrium victims, or maybe we should forego social networking altogether? high recognition ability and intelligence, and perform complex charge dynamics in molecular junctions in the network. No and no. Instead each of us should take -responsibility for information processing. Thus, the joint research group led by Megumi Akai-Kasaya protecting ourselves. The two key features of neural circuits are “learning ability conducted simulation calculations of the random molecular Put a number on something and suddenly you have a compe- of synapses” and “nerve impulses or spikes.” As brain sci- network model complexed with POM molecules, which are tition. The person with the most “friends” isn’t necessarily the ence progresses, brain structure has been gradually clarified, able to store electric charges, replicating spikes generated from winner in social networking, unless of course you are running but it is too complicated to completely emulate. Scientists the random molecular network. They also demonstrated that for president or you are in some type of recruiting, sales or have tried to replicate brain function by using simplified this molecular model would very likely become a component of media business. That’s just more people, including possibly neuromorphic circuits and devices that emulate a part of reservoir computing devices. Reservoir computing is anticipated strangers, who now have access to more of your information. the brain’s mechanisms. as next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) . It is best to only friend people who really are or have become In developing neuromorphic chips to artificially replicate Their research results were published in Nature Commu- your friends. Your personal information has less opportunity the circuits that mimic brain structure and function, the nications (“A molecular neuromorphic network device con- for misuse. If you do get an unsolicited invite to connect, functions of generation and transmission of spontaneous sisting of single-walled carbon nanotubes complexed with check them out first and try to figure out why you know them spikes that mimic nerve impulses (spikes) have not yet been polyoxometalate”). or if you even do at all. fully utilized. dynamic non-equilibrium state occurs in molecular junctions. “The significance of our study is that a portion of brain function For some, blogging and social networking sites are more than A joint group of researchers from Kyushu Institute of Tech- In addition, the researchers created extremely dense, ran- was replicated by nano-molecular materials. We demonstrated casual places for casual connections. Presidential candidates use nology and Osaka University studied current rectification control dom SWNT/POM network molecular neuromorphic devices, the possibility that the random molecular network itself can MySpace and Facebook to reach out to constituents and hundreds in junctions of various molecules and particles absorbed on generating spontaneous spikes similar to nerve impulses of become neuromorphic AI,” says lead author Hirofumi Tanaka. of thousands of potential voters. Industry thought leaders and single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT), using conductive atomic neurons. It is expected that this group’s achievements will greatly influencers use blogs and twitter to build up communities of force microscopy (C-AFM), and discovered that a negative dif- POM consists of metal atoms and oxygen atoms to form a contribute to the development of neuromorphic devices of readers and followers for business purposes. ferential resistance was produced in polyoxometalate (POM) 3-dimensional framework. Unlike ordinary organic molecules, the future. (Source: networkworld.com) molecules absorbed on SWNT. This suggests that an unstable POM can store charges in a single molecule. In this study, (Source: nanowerk.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 SCIENCE 11 Scientists peer into heart of hurricanes Software-based chemical screen could minimize to improve intensity forecast animal testing

Despite advances in predicting where models for predicting hurricane intensity Worldwide, millions of animals are used for toxicity testing of hurricanes are heading, forecasters are but they are of limited use, scientists say. compounds intended for human and environmental use. Now, still struggling to determine a crucial While the science of tracking a storm toxicologists have developed software that can accurately predict factor in deciding emergency measures and relies heavily on data about conditions on the outcomes of these assays. evacuations: their intensity. its periphery, predicting intensity relies on The researchers compiled information from public databases With a better way to predict a storm’s finding where its energy is coming from by including PubChem and the U.S. National Toxicology Program power, or intensity, people on the ground measuring what is happening in the middle on 10 million chemical structures and existing chemical safety will be more prepared in knowing whether of it. data to develop an algorithm that was at least as reliable than a hurricane headed their way will cause Measuring wind speeds animal testing itself. devastating floods and winds that can uproot Typically, that means flying a hurricane “There is no doubt that this is an innovative approach,” Fiona trees like Maria, which devastated Puerto hunter aircraft inside the storm, measuring Sewell, a program manager in toxicology and regulatory sciences Rico last year, or just shake branches and wind speeds from a weather buoy as a storm at the National Centre for Replacement, Refinement, and Re- rattle windows. passes overhead or relying on satellites that duction of Animal in Research in the UK who was not involved The “fact that we have a much better may fly over once every other day. in the work, writes in an email to The Scientist. “Time will tell understanding of where these storms are One project to obtain more data to predict whether, in practice it delivers a reliable alternative to methods going to go is a great first step. We sort of intensity is the Cyclone Global Navigation based on experimental animals.” have half the circle filled in, and we need Satellite System or CYGNSS for short, a “I am extremely optimistic about this and other similar tools to to get that other half filled in, which is that constellation of eight low-orbit satellites limit animal testing,” says Andrew Rowan, chief scientific officer intensity component,” said Steve Bowen, launched by NASA in 2016. for The Humane Society of the United States who was also not director and meteorologist for insurer Aon Previous satellites, which flew over involved in the work. “Using animals to predict human safety is Benfield’s Impact Forecasting team. relatively infrequently, had trouble measuring significantly flawed and very expensive. It takes three years to Intensity predictions Maria, one in a series of devastating The storm carved a destructive path in the ocean surface winds at the center of storms, do comprehensive testing while a tool like this takes minutes.” Due to warming sea and air temperatures, hurricanes last year, killed an estimated 4,465 Caribbean, killing more than 1,000 people in with their signals often being degraded by For a fee, Illinois-based Underwriters Laboratories — an in- there is also more energy in storms, which people, knocked out the electric grid and Haiti, according to data gathered by Reuters. heavy rain at the core, NASA said. dependent, global safety science company that partly funded this might affect intensity predictions, some caused $90 billion in damage in Puerto Rico. There are more than a dozen scientific “For storms that are changing really work — has already made the Hopkins team’s software available climate scientists have said. quickly, you could miss something like to companies wanting to screen their products prior to submitting Measuring a hurricane’s intensity quickly rapid intensification,” said Christopher safety data to regulatory agencies for review. and formulating predictions on its changes There are more than a dozen scientific Ruf, principal investigator for CYGNSS and (Source: thescientist.com) is key to giving people on the ground time to models for predicting hurricane intensity a climate science professor at the University prepare as the Atlantic hurricane season peaks but they are of limited use, scientists say. of Michigan. this year after a devastating 2017 season. (Source: Reuters) Activating neurons in the brain Team may have figured out Study finds deep subterranean might help jet lag: new study a historic climate puzzle connection between two Japan volcanoes New research from scientists at the city’s Washington University discovered a possible way to fight jet lag. In a study published in Neuron on Thursday, the scientists detailed how activating neurons in the brain could shift your internal clock. Jet lag occurs when someone travels across different time zones. A person’s circadian rhythm — the physical, behavioral and mental changes that occur throughout the day — is set to his or her original time zone. When traveling to a new one, the circadian rhythm takes time to reset, causing fatigue, difficulty focusing or even stomach problems. Now there might be a way to skip that exhausting first day of traveling. Circadian rhythms are controlled by your internal “clock,” a cluster of 20,000 nerve cells, or neurons, in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. These cells form the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Erik Herzog, a professor at Washington University, whose lab conducted the study, said in a statement, “Just like your watch is good at keeping time but is useless unless you can set it to local time, we wondered how the body clock adjusts to its local time.” His team hypothesized that about 2,000 of the cells in the SCN controlled the others, and appropriately called these the Thirteen thousand years ago, an ice age was ocean thousands of miles away. Scientists have confirmed for the first time behavior of Aira before and after the erup- “grandmother” neurons. These special neurons produce vasoac- ending, the Earth was warming, the oceans Warming of the planet that radical changes of one volcano in south- tion of its neighbor Kirishima,” said Elodie tive intestinal polypeptide, or VIP. They use VIP to communicate were rising. Then something strange hap- Nonetheless, the story is relevant because ern Japan was the direct result of an erupting Brothelande, a postdoctoral researcher at with the other neurons to sync their rhythms, possibly each time pened – the Northern Hemisphere suddenly today, we’re watching another – or rather, volcano 22 kilometers (13.7 miles) away. the UM Rosenstiel School and lead author someone enters a new time zone. became much colder, and stayed that way a further – deglaciation, as humans cause The observations from the two volcanos of the study. The “only way to explain this To test if activating the grandmother neurons would help for more than a thousand years. a warming of the planet. -- Aira caldera and Kirishima -- show that interaction is the existence of a connection reset someone’s internal rhythm, the scientists kept mice in total For some time, scientists have been There is also evidence that the Atlantic the two were connected through a common between the two plumbing systems of the darkness during the day and night, giving them no clues about debating how this major climatic event – circulation is weakening again, although subterranean magma source in the months volcanoes at depth.” the time. At the same time every day, the scientists activated the called the “Younger Dryas” – happened. scientists certainly do not think a total shut- leading up to the 2011 eruption of Kirishima. Prior to this new study, scientists had mice’s grandmother cells to use VIP with optogenetics, a tool The question has grown more urgent: Its off is imminent, and are still debating the The Japanese cities of Kirishima and Ka- geological records of volcanoes erupting or that uses light to control cells. answer may involve the kind of fast-moving causes of what is being observed. goshima lie directly on the border of the Aira collapsing at the same time, but this is the (Source: Newsweek) climate event that could occur again. Either way, the new research underscores caldera, one of the most active, hazardous, first example of an unambiguous connection On the basis of measurements taken off that as the Earth warms and its ice melts, and closely monitored volcanoes in southern between volcanoes that allowed scientists to the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada major changes can happen in the oceans. Japan. Identifying how volcanoes interact study the underlying mechanisms involved. in the Beaufort Sea, the scientists say they And could happen again. is critical to determine if and how an erup- The findings confirm that volcanoes with Exoplanet just 11 light years detected the signature of a huge glacial flood The researchers behind the current study, tion can influence the activity of a distant no distinct connection at the surface can be event that occurred around the same time. working on board the U.S. Coast Guard volcano or raise the threat of a new strong part of a giant magmatic system at depth. away could support life, This flood, they posit, would have flowed Cutter Healy, analyzed sediments of deep explosive event. “To what extend magmatic systems are from the Arctic into the Atlantic Ocean and ocean mud, which contain the shells of long- The research team from the University connected is an important question in terms scientists claim shut down the crucial circulation known as of Miami’s (UM) Rosenstiel School of Ma- of the hazards,” said Falk Amelung, pro- dead marine organisms called foraminifera. As scientists study the stars, we’re finding exoplanets closer the “Atlantic meridional overturning cir- rine and Atmospheric Science and Florida fessor of geophysics at the UM Rosenstiel In those shells, the scientists detected and closer to home. Proxima Centauri b is just a few light culation” (or AMOC) – plunging Europe International University analyzed deforma- School and coauthor of the study. “Is there a long-sought-after anomaly recorded in years away, and now astronomers have tantalizing new de- and much of North America back into cold tion data from 32 permanent GPS stations a lot of magma underground and can one the language of oxygen atoms. tails about the second closest exoplanet known as Ross 128 conditions. in the region to identify the existence of a eruption trigger another volcano? Up until The shells contained a disproportion- b. Through analysis of the host star, researchers say the “Even though we were in an overall common magma reservoir that connected now there was little or no evidence of distinct ate volume of oxygen-16, a lighter form (or exoplanet is small, rocky, and could potentially support life. warming period, this freshwater, exported isotope) of the element that is found in high the two volcanoes. connections.” from the Arctic, slowed down the vigor, levels in glaciers. Leading up to the eruption of Kirishima, “Eruption forecasting is crucial, especially efficiency of the meridional overturn- That is because oxygen-16, containing two which is located in the densely-populated in densely populated volcanic areas,” said ing, and potentially caused the cooling fewer neutrons and therefore lighter than Kagoshima region, the Aira caldera stopped Brothelande. “Now, we know that a change observed strongly in Europe,” said Neal oxygen-18, evaporates more easily from the inflating, which experts took as a sign that in behavior can be the direct consequence Driscoll, one of the study’s authors and ocean but does not rain out again as readily. the volcano was at rest. The results from of the activity of its neighbor Kirishima.” a professor at the Scripps Institution of As a result, it often falls as snow at high this new study, however, indicated that the The findings also illustrate that large Oceanography. latitudes and is stored in large bodies of ice. opposite was happening -- the magma cham- volcanic systems such as Aira caldera can The result remains contested, though, “This is the smoking gun for fingerprint- ber inside Aira began to deflate temporarily respond to smaller eruptions at nearby vol- with other researchers still arguing for dif- ing glacial lake outbursts,” Driscoll said. And while Kirishima was erupting and resumed canoes if fed from a common deep reservoir ferent theories of what caused the Younger that means the findings may also represent shortly after the activity at Kirishima stopped. but not all the time, since magma pathways Dryas – including a very differently routed the trigger for the Younger Dryas. Radical change open and close periodically. flood event that would have entered the (Source: sciencealert.com) “We observed a radical change in the (Source: eurekalert.org)

The red dwarf star Ross 128 is just 11 light years away, which is in our own backyard in interstellar terms. Most BSI’s Transactions Exceed 96,000bn Rials: CEO exoplanets are detected using the transit method, where The transactions volume of Bank Saderat suitable ground for the financial exchang- the Iranian month of Ordibehesht (May 21), of the bank. instruments like the Kepler spacecraft watch for brief dips Iran (BSI) surpassed 96,000 billion rials in es and monetary transactions due to the the report added. The customers, who repay their received in light as planets pass in front of their host stars. However, the Iranian month of Khordad (June 22), the widespread services. Adding ID field of depositing fund to the facilities in installments, will receive the that only works if the plane of a solar system is aligned with Public Relations Dept. of the bank reported. According to the report, over 96,000 second stage of card-to-card money transfer, below messages and information after each ours. That is not the case with Ross 128. Astronomers used The growing trend of using Mobile Bank billion rials was transacted in the Iranian modification of geographical data of branches, payment terms as follows: type of facilities, a decade of radial velocity data from the European Southern has been highly welcomed in banking sys- month of Khordad (June 21) using Mobile possibility of sharing transaction record, number of facilities, amount of each install- Observatory’s HARPS spectrograph to show that a planet tem of the country among other e-banking System of Bank Saderat Iran, showing a displaying more complete information in ments of the balance of liability, possible was tugging lightly on the star as it orbited. systems due to the increased penetration considerable hike as compared to a month inter-banking services are considered as fine, date of first unpaid installments, liabil- Since Ross 128 b doesn’t transit the star, it’s difficult to rate of smart mobile bank, the report added. earlier. saline important changes conducted by the ity of remaining facilities, number of total study it directly. Therefore, a team from Brazil’s Observatório In the meantime, new versions of An- Mobile bank system of Bank Saderat bank in promoted version of Android 4.94 installments, number of installments paid, Nacional and the Carnegie Institution studied the star with droid 4.94 and iOS 5.96 of the mobile bank Iran also experienced a considerable 53 and 5.96 iOS version, the issue of which has total installments and possible fine paid, the aim of extrapolating details about the planet. of Bank Saderat Iran (BSI) has provided percent growth in terms of transactions in provided more facilities for mobile users maturity of last date of installments, etc. Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s APOGEE spectro- scopic instrument, the team measured Ross 128’s near-infra- red spectrum to measure the abundance of carbon, oxygen, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, calcium, titanium, and Pakistan Embassy Commercial Envoy Visits BMI Museum iron. They determined that Ross 128 has iron levels similar In line with the special emphasis of the gov- Public Relations Dept. of the bank reported. weekly sessions of the Working Group for private sector. to our sun, but there’s more magnesium. ernment on exclusion of banks from non-busi- Given the special emphasis of the CEO of divesting stocks of the company was held After proceeding legal procedures through With an approximate mass from radial velocity meas- ness activities, Bank Melli Iran (BMI) has the bank and in line with the implementation regularly in the current year (started March tender notices, the bank managed to stand at urements and the new star measurements, scientists were transferred stocks of subsidiary companies of Article 16 of the Law on the Removal of 21, 2018), the report added. the first rank in divesting stocks of its subsid- able to draw some conclusions about conditions on Ross 128 to the private sector through tender notices Competitive Production Barriers as well as However, the bank divested 14,000 billion iary companies, the Public Relations Dept. b. Exoplanets more than 1.7 times the radius of Earth are and after conducting legal procedures, the promotion of financial system of the country, rials worth of stocks of its subsidiaries to the of the bank ended. usually gas giants, but Ross 128 b is below that threshold. (Source: extremetech.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 SOCIETY JULY 16, 2018

‘Dirt cheap’ water in Add insult to injury: Hour al-Azim Iran causes thoughtless overconsumption: official wildfire is still haunting Khuzestan ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Water is dirt cheap in Iran, an deskofficial with the Department of Environment ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — While the southwestern desk said, regretting that no one seems to care about water economy province of Khuzestan is a victim of re- and this is the driver of the nation’s thoughtless overconsumption. current sand and dust storms, smoke rising from a wildfire Phasing out water subsidies and regulation of pricing policies in Hour al-Azim wetland, which has lasted for almost two regarding water would help in addressing water shortage, ISNA weeks now, is adding insult to injury. quoted Ali Moridi as saying on Sunday. The raging fire sweeping through Hour al-Azim, a trans- boundary body of water shared between Iran and Iraq, start- ed on July 2 and originated mainly in the Iraqi part of the wetland, according to Mehr news agency. However, the wildfire is belching out choking smoke in many cities, including Ahvaz, Howeyzeh, Mahshahr, Su- sangerd, Bostan and even Shadegan in the province. The report stated that occasionally fire breaks in canebrakes in parts of the wetland located in Khuzestan, but it is soon extinguished by Iranian forces. Also as the wetland is filled with water in Iran the fire cannot spread and extinguishes within a few hours. Khuzestan provincial department of environment chief Ahmadreza Lahijanzadeh has said that so far some 13,000 hectares of the wetland is burnt in fire in Iraq. Lahijanzadeh has also explained that southward winds would ignite the fire as the southern parts of the wetland In lieu of paying subsidies the government could allot the are dried and more prone to catch fire. funds to provide the citizens with water conservation devices, He also highlighted that photos of burnt buffalos going the expert suggested. viral on news agencies and social media are not related to He went on to say that the government is certainly concerned the recent events. about water shortage and feel the obligation to respond to its Joint committees, including Iranian and Iraqi officials threats but some officials still believe that right prices of water are following up on the issue, he added. would affect the livelihood of people and put people into a lot of Nazem Soboti, Howeyzeh governor, also explained that some expenses but these are just “a bear’s service”. 300 hectares of Hour al-Azim is already burnt in Khuzestan. While the fire is almost contained in Iran the smoke is heart and lung diseases. Exposure to particle pollution Raising public awareness and encouraging public participation All health care centers are on call in Howeyzeh and on still a health threat for citizens of the southwestern province. is even linked to premature death. by educating them about water shortage would enable them to average some 10 patients suffering respiratory diseases sparked According to Air Now website smoke is made up of People with heart or lung disease, persons with diabetes, fight water shortage, he added. by the smoke from fires referred to the centers every day. a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced children and elderlies are those who are more at risk. According to CETAQUA water economy means the definition Iran has expressed readiness to send helicopters to Iraq when wood and other organic materials burn. The big- Foul air quality is not the only problem the province is and analysis of indicators related to the environmental efficien- combat wildfires, Soboti said, adding that satellite images gest health threat from smoke is from fine particles. struggling with. Early in July protests sparked in the cities cy of businesses, emphasizing the water footprint of products, indicates that the fire is extinguishing in some parts of the These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into your of Khorramshahr and Abadan in the province mainly over processes and production units, combined with the development wetland but as the land area affected by the fire are vast lungs. They can cause a range of health problems, from the poor quality of water and increased salinity of munic- of cost-effective and cost-benefit methodologies to support de- some part are still burning in fire. burning eyes and a runny nose to aggravated chronic ipal water. cision making. Consumers have little incentive to conserve as water isn’t priced in a way that encourages conservation right pricing policies Swimming with baby whales to be banned worldwide would definitely result in water conservation and even increases the revenues earned by the government and can be spent on water Tour companies are preparing to phase out wild has accelerated in recent years, thanks conservation methods as well, Moridi highlighted. trips involving swimming with whale and in part to natural-history documentaries, According to the European Commission in many parts of dolphin calves in a drive to crack down on creating a boom in “swim-with” and snor- the world, demand for water is outstripping the availability of disturbance to the ocean creatures by humans. kelling tours in tropical waters where whales water. Water is increasingly seen as a scarce resource that has Using selfie sticks in the water alongside and dolphins nurse their calves. an economic value, and thus needs to be managed carefully to whales or dolphins will be strongly discour- The industry is now believed to be worth ensure that it is used effectively. This needs to be achieved whilst aged, and swimmers will be told to limit their £1.6bn a year. managing competing demands for water from different water time with the mammals to half an hour. Humpback whales live for 50 years or more users, such as households, industry and agriculture, as well as Under new guidelines, issued by the World and travel further than the circumference of ensuring the environment has enough water to sustain ecosys- Cetacean Alliance, holidaymakers will also the Earth, but calves must first rest, suckle tems. Setting the price of water is a key tool used to support water be asked to limit the size of their groups, and learn from their mothers for six months, management decisions; water that is underpriced may lead to hold on to surface ropes and observe dis- without being disturbed by people in the sea, its unsustainable use. tance restrictions, not getting too close to according to the experts. the mammals. Dylan Walker, head of the alliance, said: Alliance campaigners want to curb the “We talked to a lot of stakeholders around “invasive” impact of the multi-million-pound the world and felt that there was increasing Govt. allots $310m to quake- industry of whale and dolphin experiences concern for whale calves in particular. including boat tours and swimming alongside “Sperm whales, for example, often leave hit Kermanshah the creatures. their calves alone at the surface to dive deep They are calling on tour operators world- for food, returning to the surface for only SOCIETY TEHRAN—The Iranian government has wide, firms that belong to Abta, tourism as- short periods. This means the calves are desk allocated some 13 trillion rials (nearly $310 sociations and commercial whale-watching vulnerable while alone, but they must also million) in loans for housing projects in quake-stricken areas of operators to observe its strict new guidelines maximise the brief time available when their the western province of Kermanshah, the province’s governor to help protect marine life. mothers return to them. general has said. For swimmers, the new rules mean: “So the disturbance likely during ‘swim- Some 98,000 individuals have applied for the housing loans, A maximum of four people swimming with calves should not be approached closer than that interacting with dolphins and whales with’ encounters represents too high a risk of them 88,000 have received the financial aid, IRNA quoted whales, and a maximum of eight swimming that distance. Encounters should be limited “has a negative effect on the very animals that to the animals.” Houshang Bazvand as saying on Sunday. with dolphins to 30 minutes, it suggests. people love to see”, arguing the guidelines He added: “Rather than closing the door Bazvand explained that some 220 billion rials (nearly $5.2 Swimmers must hold on to a surface rope Experts at the World Cetacean Alliance, “will ensure that future whale and dolphin to these activities, we have created a com- million) in loans has so far been paid for job creation in the region, while with a whale or dolphin who have spent 18 months consulting watching trips offer an incredible experience prehensive set of best-practice guidelines to but the sum was not enough. No selfie sticks during encounters whale-watching firms and marine life experts, for tourists whilst actively helping to protect ensure any impacts are minimised. These Banks should ease the process for granting loans for job cre- No swimming with whale calves or nursery said they were confident the tour companies whales, dolphins and our oceans through include some key lessons learnt from best ation, he added. groups of dolphins involved would follow the guidelines and marine conservation initiatives, community practice whale- and dolphin-watching busi- IOn November 12, 2017 a destructive magnitude 7.3 earth- Swimming with wild whales and dolphins urged other businesses to follow suit. education projects, and research”. nesses from across the WCA partnership.” quake shook Kermanshah. Some 90,000 houses were partly or is arguably a more invasive form of tourism Scientists have revealed through various Awareness of the need for wild animals to Sophie Lewis, author of the guidelines, completely damaged by the tremor in urban and rural areas of than observing from boats, the alliance says, studies that pressure from swimmers getting live as close to nature as possible has grad- said: “The decision to exclude swim-with the region. Sadly, the quake took over 660 lives and left more because entering the water can disturb and close to whales can harm the survival of their ually spread worldwide, with campaigns to baby whales from the guidelines wasn’t taken than 10,000 injured. Those quake victims who have lost their interrupt the animals’ natural behaviour. young, the campaigners claimed. boycott SeaWorld taking off. lightly and the collaboration towards this homes spent a bitter winter in tents and conex boxes. Human interference in the seas can com- Calves are particularly vulnerable to dis- The alliance, a partnership of conserva- decision was made with both tour operators promise welfare, risk the lives of young and turbance, and tourists getting close to mother tion charities, scientists and tour firms, says and researchers alike.” potentially even cause population numbers and calf pairs can reduce resting and nurs- although the guidelines balance the protec- “Whales are critical to ocean health,” said LEARN ENGLISH to fall, the campaigners believe. ing times, increase the risk of predation by tion of cetaceans with the practicalities of Mr Walker. “They reinvigorate ecosystems For watchers on board boats, the new separating mothers and calves, and use up running tour businesses, this is the first time by bringing food and nutrients to the surface, Farm Animals guidance suggests there should be no more the creatures’ vital energy reserves as they anyone has drawn a line at swimming with which even helps our oceans absorb more than three vessels within 300m of a whale or try to avoid swimmers and boats. baby whales. carbon from the atmosphere so every baby A: Isn’t this great? I always wanted to own a farm, live out in the dolphin at any one time, and that lone whale The alliance says evidence is increasing Demand for swimming with whales in the whale is precious.” (Source: Independent) country, and grow my own food! B: This is very beautiful. Though I have to confess, I don’t know the first thing about farming! A: That’s fine! Don’t worry about it! ENGLISH IN USE B: What was that? A: Relax, it was just a goat! LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION B: And that? A: It’s just the cows that are grazing over there. We can milk کمیته امداد امام خمینی)ره( استان تهران130 میلیارد تومان برای اشتغال زایی اختصاص داد them later. Tehran relief foundation to earmark B: What was that? A: Honey, seriously, it’s just a sheep. Relax! $30m for generating jobs A: Relax, that was just the horses and donkeys that are in the مدیــرکل کمیتــه امــداد امــام خمینــی)ره( اســتان تهــران گفــت: امســال قریــب ۱۳۰ میلیــارد تومــان در زمینــه Tehran province’s department of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation will spend stable. طرحهــای اشــتغال زایــی در اســتان تهــران هزینــه خواهیــم کــرد و نزدیــک بــه ۸ هــزار نفــر را مشــغول بــه some 1.3 trillion rials (nearly $30 million) on generating jobs for 8,000 financially B: You know what? I don’t think I can hack it here out in the struggling people in the province this calendar year (ending on March 20, 2019), کار مــی کنیــم. !countryside. I’m going back to the city بــه گــزارش خبرگــزاری فــارس محســن ولیئــی اظهــار داشــت: ایــن مبلــغ بــه صــورت پرداخــت وامهــای قــرض .the foundation’s provincial director has said Key vocabulary The money will be allocated to the individuals in forms of low-interests loans, Fars الحســنه در اختیــار ایــن افــراد قــرار می گیــرد. country: rural areas ولیئــی افــزود: برخــی از کارفرمایــان عالقــه دارنــد نیروهــای مددجــوی کمیتــه امــداد را جــذب کننــد؛ بنابرایــن .news agency quoted Mohsen Valiee as saying on Friday confess: to admit something that you feel embarrassed about Under the scheme employers who recruits people in financial distress are exempt بســتههایی را طراحــی کردیــم تــا از ایــن طریــق کارفرمایــان اســتفاده کــرده و مددجویــان را مشــغول بــه کار don’t know the first thing about: know little about کننــد. از جملــه ایــن تســهیالت پرداخــت حــق بیمــه ســهم کارفرمایــان بــه وســیله کمیتــه امــداد در ســال اول from paying their share of the employees’ premium for two years or can receive graze: to feed in a meadow or pasture low-interest loans, Valiee added. و دوم اســت، یــا وامهــای قــرض الحســنه بــه کارفرمایــان می دهیــم. milk: get the milk from a cow stable: a building for the shelter and feeding of domestic animals, especially horses and cattle hack it: be able to manage or manage successfully PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM Supplementary vocabulary stall: a compartment for one domestic animal in a barn or shed “un-“ Come forward Hit the nail on the head pig sty: a pen or enclosure for pigs; pigpen pen: a small enclosure for domestic animals Meaning: remove, reverse, not Meaning: to offer help to someone, or offer to do Explanation: used to say that what someone has chicken coop: an enclosure or cage for chickens For example: Maggie carefully unpacked the gifts something said is exactly right herd: a group of cattle or other domestic animals of a single she had bought. For example: The police appealed for witnesses to For example: He hit the nail on the head when he kind kept together come forward with information. said this company needs more HR support. (Source: irlanguage.com) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 WORLD IN FOCUS 13 Syrian forces liberate Quneitra Civilian deaths in Afghanistan hit record high: UN village near occupied Golan United Nations (UN) figures show that the number of civilian A Syrian village in the strategic southwestern the evacuation has not been formalized on the deaths in Afghanistan’s long-running conflict hit a record high Quneitra Province, which borders Jordan, agenda of the July 16 Trump-Putin meeting of 1,692 fatalities in the first six months of 2018. Lebanon and the Israeli-occupied Golan due to uncertainty about the Russians’ help The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, UNAMA, said in Heights, has returned to government control, in the process, The CBS News said. a report published on Sunday that the death toll was one percent as reported by a Britain-based monitoring A U.S. government official stressed that higher than a year earlier and the highest since the group began group. efforts to evacuate the White Helmets from keeping records in 2009. The so-called Syrian Observatory for Hu- Syria is in line with the Trump administra- Militant attacks and bombings were reported as the leading man Rights (SOHR) reported on Sunday the tion’s plans for a withdrawal from the country. causes of the deaths in the war-torn country. recapture of Masharah, which lies about 11 Back in March, Trump ordered the State Another 3,430 civilians sustained injuries in the conflict, kilometers from the occupied Golan. Department to suspend $200 million in re- down by five percent from the same period last year, according “Around 800 missiles and shells have been covery funds for Syria, including aid to the to UNAMA. fired against several areas in the province White Helmets, amid a review of the future Overall civilian casualties — 5,122 — fell three percent year and fierce fighting continues on the ground,” of the U.S. role in the war-torn country. on year. SOHR head Rami Abdel Rahman said. Three months later, however, Trump The UN mission, established at the request of the Afghan The monitoring group further reported authorized the release of $6.6 million in government, said the record high death toll came despite an the shelling of terrorist targets in the town of previously frozen funding for a volunteer unprecedented ceasefire between Afghan security forces and the al-Haara in Quneitra’s neighboring Dara’a organization, without referring to the $193.4 Taliban militants last month. Province. million that remains frozen. On June 9, the Taliban announced in a statement that they Since June 19, the Syrian army has been Both Damascus and Moscow have accused had agreed to a week-long truce deal proposed by the Afghan conducting a major counter-terrorism oper- the volunteer group of having staged the government for Eid al-Fitr, which marked the end of the Muslim ation in Dara’a, which also borders Jordan suspected chemical weapons attack in the fasting month of Ramadan. and the Golan Heights. up terrorist groups that have been suffering Donald Trump in multiple conversations town of Douma in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta After the truce period terminated, Taliban terrorists rejected a On July 12, Syria’s al-Watan newspaper defeats at the hands of Syrian government with allied countries on the sidelines of the region on April 7. government-proposed ceasefire extension and attacked security said that the army had deployed reinforce- forces. July 11-12 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Or- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad de- forces in numerous districts of eastern and southern Afghanistan. ments to Quneitra to launch a “broad military The Israeli regime has also been providing ganization) summit in Brussels. scribed the White Helmets as “a branch of Taliban’s five-year rule over at least three quarters of Afghani- operation” and wrest control of the province. weapons to anti-Damascus militants as well The Netherlands, Britain, France, Canada al-Qaeda and al-Nusra” militant groups stan came to an end when the United States and its allies invaded The full liberation of both Dara’a and as medical treatment to Takfiri elements and Germany have been trying to find a way and a “PR stunt” by the U.S., Britain and the country on October 7, 2001 as part of Washington’s so-called Quneitra by Syrian government forces would wounded in Syria. to get an estimated 1,000 White Helmets France. war on terror. cut the much-reported collaboration be- West scrambles to evacuate volunteers and their family members out Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Despite the continued presence of foreign troops across the tween Israel and anti-Damascus militants White Helmets from Syria amid of Syria, the report added. Maria Zakharova said the group claims to be country, the Taliban have been involved in widespread militancy, operating in the two regions. assassination threats British Prime Minister Theresa May a humanitarian NGO (non-governmental killing thousands of civilians as well as Afghan security forces In recent days, Dara’a militants have Elsewhere, Western countries have report- brought up the issue during her meeting organizations), but actually supports ter- and displacing tens of thousands of people across the country been handing over their heavy weapons edly been scrambling to evacuate “volunteer” with Trump in Britain, and that the topic rorists and covers up their crimes. ever since. to Syrian government forces and leaving White Helmets from Syria, who have been may also be discussed at Trump’s upcoming “The White Helmets not only feel at The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Daesh) ter- the region in negotiated surrender deals accused of cooperating with Takfiri terrorists summit with Russian President Vladimir home on Jabhat al-Nusra and Daesh rorist outfit has also taken advantage of the ongoing chaos in mediated by Russia. and staging false flag gas attacks. Putin. (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/ Afghanistan to establish a foothold in the country and recruited According to the SOHR, pro-Damascus CBS News broadcasting service reported The White Helmets was founded in Tur- ISIL)-controlled territories but openly some of its members from among Taliban defectors. forces are now holding more than 80 percent on Saturday that White Helmets members key in 2013 by former British MI5 officer sympathize with them and provide them Dozens of Taliban militants killed in Kunduz of Dara’a Province. are in danger of assassination and in need James Le Mesurier. with information and even financial sup- Meanwhile, Afghan government forces killed at least 36 members Israel has been on high alert in recent of rescue as the Syrian army intensifies its Since its establishment, the group has port. How is that for double standards? of the Taliban terrorist group in the country’s northern province days as Syrian government forces advance counter-terrorism operation in the country’s received at least $55 million from the British There is documentary evidence of the of Kunduz on Saturday evening. against foreign-backed terrorists near the southern part. Foreign Office, $23 million or more from White Helmets’ involvement in some of Abdul Baqi Noristani, the provincial police chief, said the Golan Heights. The report said the issue of the White the U.S. Office of Transition Initiatives and al-Nusra’s operations and cover-up over militants were killed during Afghan security forces’ airstrikes Tel Aviv has frequently attacked military helmets’ withdrawal from Syria had been untold millions from Qatar. civilian deaths,” she said. and ground operations in Chardara district of Kunduz, adding targets inside Syria in an attempt to prop raised with the United States President U.S. officials and Western diplomats say (Source: Press TV) that at least ten other militants were also wounded. The Kunduz police chief said several Taliban hideouts were targeted and the militants suffered heavy casualties during the Afghan airstrikes. U.S. official: Russia using social media to divide Americans Noristani did not offer details about potential casualties among The United States homeland security secretary said on Some of the state officials who run elections say it’s im- Afghan civilians or security forces. Saturday there are no signs that Russia is targeting this portant for Trump, a Republican, to take a tougher stance (Source: agencies) year’s midterm elections with the same “scale or scope” it to avoid having the public’s confidence in fair elections targeted the 2016 presidential election. undermined. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen “I believe as commander in chief he has an obligation to Nielsen spoke at a convention of state secretaries of state, address it and, frankly, put Putin and any other foreign nation Iraq overtakes Saudi Arabia an event that’s usually a low-key affair highlighting voter that seeks to undermine our democracy on notice that the registration, balloting devices and election security issues actions will not be tolerated,” California Secretary of State as oil supplier to India that don’t get much public attention. But coming amid Alex Padilla, a Democrat, said in an interview this week. Iraq has for the first time in many years been able to take over fresh allegations into Russia’s attempts to sway the 2016 Some of his peers declined to go that far. Saudi Arabia in exporting crude oil to India – the world’s fast- election, the sessions on election security have a higher “I don’t go around telling the president what to do,” est-growing oil consumer. level of urgency and interest. said Jay Ashcroft, the Republican secretary of state in The latest market figures show that India’s oil imports from Nielsen said her agency will help state and local elec- Missouri. Iraq over the past fiscal year of 2017-18 stood at 45.7 million tion officials prepare their systems for cyber-attacks from Trump portrays the investigation as a partisan attack, tons (MT) thus indicating a rise of 21 percent compared to the Russia or elsewhere. She said the U.S. intelligence officials but not all Republicans see it that way. This month, the previous year when the figure stood at 37.7 MT. are seeing “persistent Russian efforts using social media, Republicans and Democrats on the U.S. Senate Intelligence In value terms, India imported $17.5 trillion worth of crude sympathetic spokespeople and other fronts to sow discord Committee backed the findings of an assessment from the Washington Secretary of State Kim Wyman, a Repub- oil from Iraq last financial year, a huge 51 per cent increase over and divisiveness amongst the American people, though U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia tried to interfere in lican, told her peers how her state is using its National $11.6 trillion worth of crude imported from that nation in the not necessarily focused on specific politicians or political the 2016 election and acted in favor of Trump and against Guard to help test and shore up cybersecurity for elections. previous fiscal, according to a report published Energy World campaigns.” his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. She said it’s important to make it clear to voters that the news website. The conference of top state election officials she addressed As part of that effort, Russian hackers targeted at least military is not running elections and does not have access India imported 220 million tons (MT) of crude oil during the was sandwiched between Friday’s indictments of 12 Russian 21 states ahead of the election and are believed to have to election data. last financial year, 3 percent more than 214 MT imported in the military intelligence officers alleged to have hacked into breached the voter registration system in at least one, Illi- Some state officials also said Homeland Security is be- previous fiscal (2016-17). In value terms, the country’s crude oil Democratic party and campaign accounts and Monday’s nois, investigators say. Without naming the state, Friday’s coming more helpful in sharing information. imports rose 25 per cent to $87.8 billion in 2017-18. long-awaited meeting between President Donald Trump indictment said the Russian intelligence officers stole in- On Friday, a federal grand jury indicted the 12 Rus- Imports from Saudi Arabia in 2017-18 stood at 36.1 MT in- and Russian President Vladimir Putin. formation on about 500,000 voters from the website of one sian intelligence officers on charges they hacked into dicating a decline of around 8 percent from the previous year Trump has never condemned Russia over meddling in the board of elections, a breach undetected for three weeks. Democratic campaign networks in 2016 and then stole when the figure stood at 39.3 MT. 2016 election despite the findings of all top U.S. intelligence There’s no evidence results were altered, but the attempts and released tens of thousands of documents. The in- In value terms, India imported $15,263 million worth of crude agencies, and the Kremlin has insisted it didn’t meddle in prompted the federal government and states to re-examine dictment says one of the intrusions came that summer, oil from Saudi Arabia last fiscal, a growth of 12 per cent as com- the U.S. election. In the past, Trump has reiterated Putin’s election systems and tighten their cybersecurity. on a vendor whose software is used to verify voter regis- pared to $13,674 million imported in 2016-2017, due to increase denials, but this week he said he would bring up the issue Federal officials also say it’s possible that malware might tration information. The indictment references a spoof in international crude oil prices, the report added. when they meet on Monday in Finland. have been planted that could tamper with voting or paralyze email it says the Russian agents sent to more than 100 “This is the first time that Iraq has overtaken Saudi “All I can do is say, ‘Did you?’” Trump said days ago at computer systems in future elections. election-managing customers of the vendor to try to get Arabia as the largest crude oil supplier to India,” said a news conference in Brussels. “And, ‘Don’t do it again.’ The election officials talked about technical details of more information. K Ravichandran, Senior Vice-President at research and But he may deny it.” blocking an incursion. (Source: AP) rating agency ICRA. “Iraq has been steadily ramping up its production and exports in the last five years and has been seeking to aggressively increase EU’s Mogherini visits Libya to reopen bloc’s mission market share in the global oil market. As part of this strategy, the nation also tends to give higher discounts than comparable Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s Foreign Minister Mohamed al-Taher Siala, discussed new projects,” she added. critical of the likelihood that migrants would crudes, which works out well for the Indian refiners,” Ravichan- foreign policy chief, has visited Libya’s cap- alongside the UN’s envoy to Libya, Ghassan Rival Libyan leaders agreed to a be sent to chaotic situations in Libya, where dran was quoted as saying by Energy World. ital, Tripoli, to reopen the bloc’s diplomatic Salame, the EU said. French-brokered deal in May to hold elec- refugees have faced abuse, exploitation and presence and border assistance mission. “Our presence here will be now much tions by the end of this year, but there are still trafficking. “The return of the diplomatic presence more regular. I had an excellent meeting concerns over whether a vote can take place. Mogherini also discussed training Libya’s of the EU in Libya will further strengthen with President al-Sarraj, we discussed the The EU is eager to see stability return coastguard and securing the country’s land 12 years and the victory co-operation with the government, local support the European Union is giving to to Libya to help stem the flow of thousands borders, the EU statement added. authorities and the United Nations,” the Libya, to the Libyan people,” Mogherini said. of African migrants making the perilous She told Sarraj that she was “relieved” still echoes bloc said in a statement. “We are the first partner for Libya when journey across the Mediterranean from that a recent oil crisis had been resolved. The EU relocated its Libya delegation to it comes to humanitarian aid, when it comes North Africa. 1 Indeed, the victory over the global hostile assault over Tunis in 2014, as the country was mired into to development cooperation but also we are Last month, its 28 leaders agreed to con- The Tripoli-based National Oil Corpo- Lebanon in July 2006 was a collective work of perseverance, chaos after the 2011 uprising that toppled the first economic partner for Libya and with sider setting up “disembarkation platforms” ration (NOC) announced the re-opening of steadfastness and courage. The Lebanese’s solidarity with their and killed Dictator Muammar Gaddafi. the president we have discussed not only outside the bloc, most likely in North Africa, four oil terminals after renegade General resistance and the popular and political alliance of the different Mogherini met the head of Libya’s United the political support the European Union in a bid to discourage migrants boarding Khalifa Haftar agreed to hand over control factions and parties, despite some local voices which conspired Nations-backed Government of National is giving to the political process, also the EU-bound boats. of the ports. against its compatriots; has obviously led to this historical and Accord, Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and preparation for elections, but also we have Humanitarian groups have been especially (Source: Al Jazeera) phenomenal victory. As emphasised by his Eminence, Hezbullah’s Secretary Gen- eral, Sayyed Hasan Nassrullah, the overall situation before the 2006 war is thoroughly different than what will comes after. Protests break out in Chicago after a man is fatally shot by police Today evidently, the resistance and its masses show consistent Protesters in Chicago are demanding answers after the “They thought he appeared to be reaching for a weap- “severely escalated when Chicago Police officers moved willingness and readiness to expose the imperialist atrocities and fatal shooting of a man by police prompted violent con- on, which he did have a weapon on him, and the officers their line forward”. violations against humanity and to preserve their own national frontations in the Illinois city. tragically shot him,” Waller told reporters, adding that He added: “Officers hit multiple protesters with batons, resource and geostrategic territories. “The whole damn system is guilty as hell,” dozens chanted police recovered a semi-automatic weapon. and protesters punched officers back.” The victorious battle of Daraa, in which the Syrian south has on Saturday just hours after police shot and killed the man The man, who has not been identified, was pronounced Issa also said that he was shoved to the ground by police been recently liberated by the Syrian brave army and its allies; in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago. dead at the hospital. who “smacked” his phone out of his hand. after subduing the terrorist armed factions, has added to resist- The city’s police patrol chief Fred Waller told reporters Almost immediately after the shooting, a crowd of Chief Waller told reporters that the crowd became com- ance power and persistence. The battle of the south has abso- late on Saturday that the man who was killed was shot after onlookers and activists descended on the scene. Video bative, throwing bottles and jumping on top of a squad car. lutely drawn the coming political route in Syria. Besides, it has police officers on foot tried to question him because “the circulating on social media shows tense confrontations Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi later tweeted that emphasised the battle of liberating Palestine’s foreordination. bulge around his waistband” suggested he was armed. The between police and protesters. police had cleared the scene and four demonstrators had Certainly, the 2006 brilliant victory has been a turning point man became combative and eventually broke free from the Local journalist Nader Issa, who reports for the Chicago been arrested. in the history of struggle against Zionism. The resistance along officers, Waller said. Sun-Times, wrote on Twitter that at one point the situation (Source: agencies) with the Lebanese nation have foiled the enemies’ plots during the 33-day war and taught them an unforgettable lesson. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS JULY 16, 2018 Euphoria over, back to reality It might be time to leave Chelsae - Hazard for Southgate’s England

Chelsea forward Eden Hazard says “it might be time to discover something different” after six “wonderful years” at Stamford Bridge. The 27-year-old, who scored as Belgium beat England 2-0 in Saturday’s World Cup third-place play-off, has been linked with a move to Real Madrid. “You know my preferred destination,” Hazard told reporters on Saturday. “I can decide if I want to stay or go but Chelsea will make the final decision - if they want to let me go.” Chelsea sacked manager Antonio Conte on Friday and re- placed him with fellow Italian Maurizio Sarri, within 24 hours. The Blues then announced the signing of Italy midfielder Jorginho from Napoli. Hazard, who has scored three goals at the World Cup - including Belgium’s second against England - has two years left on his contract at Chelsea. Since joining them from French club Lille for a reported £32m in June 2012, he has helped Chelsea win two Premier League titles, the FA Cup, League Cup and Europa League. In June 2017, Hazard said he would “listen” if Real Madrid offered him a deal, but added he could stay at Chelsea “for many years”. “We all have dreams. It could be Spain, it could be staying “Feel the power of dream at with Chelsea,” he added. In May, former Chelsea assistant boss Steve Clarke said the 2018 World Cup” club may need to sell Hazard “to help fund other transfers”. (Source: BBC) It could have been the greatest day of their lives but England’s Manchester City team sheet alongside their England team There is an undeniable air of optimism around the England World Cup squad returned home on Sunday with the euphoria mate Kyle Walker, who is a fixed presence at right back. team though and Football Association Technical Director that surrounded their run to the last four having dissipated Sterling may have scored 18 goals in 33 appearances Dan Ashworth summed up the view that gaining experience and familiar, less exhilarating, challenges lying ahead. in last year’s title-winning campaign, but while he was in is now the key. The Premier League begins in just four weeks and Gareth Russia, City manager Pep Guardiola completed the signing “We’ve got some good players in our senior team and Rooney comes off bench to Southgate’s squad, players who were being hailed as national of Algerian winger Riyad Mahrez from Leicester City for a some good technical players in our development pathway heroes just a few days ago, will return to the day job and the reported club record fee of 60 million pounds . as well,” said Ashworth. make winning DC United struggle for starting places at their clubs. Liverpool midfielder Jordan Henderson was an essential “We’re probably a little bit short on big-game experience, debut In a league where a large majority of the players are part of their run to the Champions League final last season a bit short on number of national caps and we’re a bit young imported from Europe and beyond, being a member of the but he too faces expensively-recruited competition in the for what a winning national team looks like,” he said. England squad is no guarantee of first-team football. shape of Brazilian Fabinho and Guinean Naby Keita. Much of the optimism over England’s future stems from Wayne Rooney came off the bench to make his first MLS appear- It makes life tough for the England manager, who, even It is even harder for emerging talent. the success of the junior teams. Last year, England’s junior ance and help DC United record their biggest home win of the at the height of their World Cup optimism, noted the unique Ruben Loftus-Cheek, who ended the tournament with a teams won the Under-20 World Cup, the Under-17 World season against Vancouver Whitecaps. issue facing him. promising display in the third-place playoff defeat to Belgium, Cup and the Under-19 European Championship. The ex-Everton and Manchester United forward was intro- “We only have 33 percent of the league to pick from. So does not even know where he will be playing next season. But there is long-standing concern over how much playing duced 10 minutes after half-time to huge acclaim from the 20,000 that is still a huge problem for us,” he said. His club Chelsea loaned him out to Crystal Palace last time those youngsters will get at their clubs. crowd at the new Audi Field. So for all the talk of England being stronger at the Euro- term and a change of manager at Stamford Bridge adds to Phil Foden, the talented captain of that Under-17 team, England’s record scorer set up Paul Arriola for a goal and pean Championship in two years time, Southgate knows it the uncertainty he faces. has been highlighted by many as a possible answer to the almost added one himself with a header in the 3-1 win. is not as simple as just adding experience to his side. Air of optimism lack of a creative midfielder in Southgate’s squad but the Earlier, he watched England lose their World Cup play-off The situation is particularly hard for those players at Those who can be confident of regular football are found 18-year-old faces a daunting challenge even to get into Man- 2-0 to Belgium. the biggest clubs — none of Marcus Rashford, Phil Jones or at Tottenham Hotspur — where Harry Kane, Dele Alli and chester City’s midfield. It is two weeks since Rooney left Everton to take on the chal- Jesse Lingard are guaranteed a regular starting spot under Kieran Trippier are established first-teamers. “He’s got a lot of ability and I can see him developing lenge of reversing the fortunes of DC United, who are bottom of Jose Mourinho at Manchester United. Outside the Champions League clubs, goalkeeper Jordan into a really talented player,” said his team mate Delph, who MLS’s Eastern Conference. Fabian Delph, John Stones and Raheem Sterling will Pickford is a clear number one at Everton and Harry Maguire offered a reminder that Foden is still “learning his craft”. Coach Ben Olsen did not feel the 32-year-old had trained enough all have a battle on their hands to appear regularly on the is at the heart of Leicester’s defence. (Source: Mirror) to start the match, but he introduced the forward shortly after the home fans had chanted “we want Rooney” as he warmed up. Within a minute, Rooney was lining up a free-kick, which he Mixed feelings for Belgium as they are After Russia, World Cup focus now drove into the wall. It was the last time he gave the ball away. Olsen said afterwards he suspected Rooney found the pace feted by fans turns to Qatar of the game a bit slow, but his link play, touch, and economy of movement helped speed up his side’s attacks. Playing as an orthodox centre-forward, his best moments were simple passes that led to two well-taken goals and a near- post header that was creeping in until it was clawed away by goalkeeper Brian Rowe. (Source: Daily Mail)

Sampaoli to leave Argentina by mutual consent after dismal World Cup Belgium were acclaimed at celebrations in a team bristling with potentially tourna- Germany came out of its shell, South Africa in the country. “We are ready based on the Brussels on Sunday with thousands hailed ment-winning talent were stymied in their exceeded expectations and Russia changed path we have set,” said Hassan Al Thawadi, Former Sevilla boss Jorge Sampaoli has reportedly agreed to the team but they will carry mixed feelings semi-final by France’s superior tactics and negative perceptions when they all hosted the secretary-general of the Qatar 2022 or- part company with Argentina. about their achievement at the World Cup. got caught out at a corner to see their dreams the World Cup but just what will unfold in ganizing committee, in Moscow with a dele- According to AS, Sampaoli will receive €1.4m from Argentine Victory in Saturday’s third place playoff slip away in a narrow 1-0 loss. four years’ time when the tournament goes gation of more than 100 officials shadowing Football Association (AFA) in the way of compensation, despite over England in St Petersburg ensured a Players such as captain Eden Hazard, to Qatar is anyone’s guess. the Russians. FIFA have confirmed that the being liable for €17m if the country sacked him. best ever tournament return for the Belgians Kevin De Bruyne, Romelu Lukaku and There is only one certainty — it will be tournament will be hosted from Nov. 21-Dec. The 58-year-old took over from Edgardo Bauza 13 months ago but they are likely to be long haunted by goalkeeper Thibault Courtois will likely be an event like no other. 18, 2022, but whether it will be a 32-team and initially turned around the Albiceleste’s fortunes, qualifying a nagging sense they might have done so back in four years’ should Belgium qualify The small gulf kingdom, which stretches event or expand to 48 remains to be decided. them for the 2018 World Cup. much better. for the next World Cup, but other key ele- only 180km from one end to the other, is “It will be a common decision taken However, a 6-1 defeat to Spain in March was followed by a The so-called ‘golden generation’ had ments like Kompany, Marouane Fellaini, unlike any previous host with little sporting between FIFA and Qatar and we are now disappointing finals campaign, which ended at the last-16 stage sights firmly set on winning the World Jan Vertongen and Axel Witsel likely not. tradition, a population of just over 2.5 millions, studying the feasibility of expanding it to a after a 4-3 loss to France. Cup and were well on course after prov- “A lot has been said about this group of has never played at the World Cup and is so 48-team World Cup. However, all prepa- He was also heavily criticised for a perceived overreliance ing their mental fortitude in a dramatic players. I think that we have seen at this hot in the customary mid-year window for rations are on the basis of 32 teams,” Al on Barcelona’s Lionel Messi and some of his team selections, come-from-behind win over Japan and then World Cup that they did not rely on their the tournament that it has moved towards Thawadi added. among them dropping Serie A top goalscorer Mauro Icardi from going toe-to-toe with Brazil and beating talent alone,” said coach Roberto Martinez, the end of the year. Changing the timing of the tournament his squad for Russia and barely using Paulo Dybala. them in the quarter-final. But a narrow who now faces much expectation for the But what oil-rich Qatar does have is fab- will disrupt major league seasons and has set It now remains to be seen whether the former Chile Coach semi-final defeat to France last Tuesday European Championship in 2020. ulous wealth, enough to persuade FIFA to FIFA on a collision course with the powerful will lead out Argentina’s Under-20 team at a tournament in the left them crestfallen, even though they ad- “Talent can take you far but sometime allow them to host even though that selection European clubs but the Qataris are seeking Valencian town of L’Alcudia, which starts on July 28, having mirably picked themselves up to easily beat not far enough and these players showed process has since been clouded by allegations to put a positive spin on the change, claiming previously agreed to do so. England 2-0 in taking the bronze medal. they wanted play as team.” of bribery. The first Arab country to host the it could lead to more exciting soccer. Sampaoli’s only European experience came at Sevilla during “I think if we had played the final we There Belgium are unlikely to be a much- event are planning eight new stadiums for “Players will be mid-season, not at the the 2016-17 campaign, when he guided the Andalusians to fourth would have won the World Cup,” said centre changed team and so will be among the the tournament, with one completed, two end of their seasons, at a time when they in La Liga and the Champions League last 16. back Vincent Kompany, who at 32 is unlikely favourites to first qualify and then go on more due this year and the rest scheduled can be at their peak of their performance (Source: Football Espana) to have another chance in Qatar in 2022. and win a first major title. to be finished by 2021. None is more than levels,” Al Thawadi said. “But third place is consolation for our But while Euro 2022 carries major pres- 35km from the center of the capital Doha and Qatar will also relax laws on the consump- supporters and a nice reward for us. We tige, it is not the World Cup and Belgium will all serviced by a brand new metro system. tion of alcohol, planning areas for visiting fans played seven matches here and won six remain forever wandering what might have Furious construction has led to allegations where alcohol can be consumed to ensure of them.” been had they taken their chances against of exploitation of migrant workers building they replicate the party atmosphere of past Napoli President: ‘We were A total of 16 goals in Russia was also France and not given away a soft goal. the new infra structure with human rights tournaments. offered Ronaldo’ testament to their ability but, in the end, (Source: Eurosport) organizations condemning labor practices (Source: Reuters) Napoli President Aurelio De Laurentiis insists his club were of- Kerber easily beats record-chasing Williams to win first Wimbledon title fered the chance to sign Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid. The Portuguese is joining the Partenopei’s Serie A rivals Juventus Serena Williams’ good friend the Duchess of Sussex Meghan ment due to Williams’ inspirational tale and the exodus of “I knew I had to play my best against a champion like for a fee of around €100m, following nine years at the Bernabeu. Markle and the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton top-10 seeds, beat the 23-time grand slam winner 6-3 6-3 Serena, it is always an honor to share a court with her,” However, reports yesterday surfaced that the 33-year-old’s watched her in Saturday’s women’s final at Wimbledon. in 65 minutes to make some history of her own. Kerber, who embraced Williams at the net after her win, initial preference was to move to the San Paolo. In Williams’ box were sporting royalty, golfer Tiger Woods The 11th seed became the first German winner at Wimble- said on court. “It is my second chance to play in front of And speaking to La Repubblica, De Laurentiis admitted he and Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton, as well as don since Steffi Graf in 1996, which might make up somewhat you on Centre Court, I enjoyed every second of the last two had had the opportunity to sign Ronaldo – but, owing to financial fashion icon Anna Wintour. for the country’s surprise early exit from the World Cup. weeks so thanks for all the support.” reasons, he refused. The healing power of sport ’A dream come true’ While not away from the game due to injuries or to start a “Ronaldo was offered to Napoli. Mendes, his agent, telephoned As the most successful Slovenian judoka of all time, it’s Williams doesn’t often lose grand slam finals -- in 30 major family like Williams, Kerber’s form slumped badly last year. me,” the film producer confirmed. impossible not to be captivated bythe hidden power of judo finals, this is only her seventh loss -- but Kerber became the She failed to reach a single grand slam quarterfinal and “We planned to make an offer and we would have paid CR7 when speaking to Urška Žolnir. first person other than the American’s older sibling, Venus, eventually cut ties with Torben Beltz, the man who had with a percentage of the funds guaranteed by his arrival. The stars had certainly aligned on Centre Court to watch to beat her more than once in a grand slam final. coached her to two grand slams. So this is a comeback of “The €350m [wages included] that Juventus will invest is the American, who was one win away from tying Margaret The first time came at the Australian Open in 2016 before sorts for the 30-year-old, too. beyond our reach. We would have risked pushing the club to- Court for the all-time lead in grand slams and collecting a Williams turned the tables in another high-quality tussle at Her Wimbledon success followed a semifinal showing in wards bankruptcy.” maiden major as a mum. But Angelique Kerber’s straight- Wimbledon. Kerber secured slam No. 2 at the US Open the Melbourne and a quarterfinal at the French Open. Ronaldo has signed a four-year contract with the Old Lady, forward victory means the 36-year-old will have to wait a same year on her way to ascending to top spot in the rankings. And now, Kerber is only one grand slam away — Roland reportedly on wages of over €500,000 per week. little longer to make further history. The German described her Wimbledon win as a “dream Garros — from completing her collection. (Source: Football Italia) Kerber, who had flown under the radar in this tourna- come true.” (Source: CNN) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y JULY 16, 2018 SPORTS 15

Iran name provisional France win the U23 football squad 2018 World Cup SPORTS TEHRAN - Zlatko Kran- deskjcar has name a 27-man provisional squad for the training camp in Iraq and China. Iran U23 football team will fly to Iraq on July 23 and play the Iraqi team on July 25 and 27 respectively. The Iranian football team will return to Tehran on July 29 and will travel to China on Aug. 6 to hold another training camp in the East Asian country. Iran U23 football team will also play a warm-up match with China on Aug. 9. Iran will fly straight to Indonesia to par- After 64 matches in Russia, France proved too good for Croatia ticipate at the 2018 Asian Games. claim a second World Cup success, defeating Zlatko Dalic’s side The Iranian team have been pitted against 4-2 in Moscow and thus earning Didier Deschamps the trophy as DPR Korea, Saudi Arabia and Myanmar in a manager that he had led Les Bleus to as captain 20 years ago. Group F of the 2018 Asian Games. They were kept honest and made to work by a Croatia side full The U23 tournament, which allows each of battle-hardened warriors and no shortage of quality. country to field three overage players, will But the likes of Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and Mario Mand- see 24 teams vying for honors. zukic were no match to Les Bleus, a side who faced questions of The top two teams in each group along their ability and answered their critics. with the four best third placed teams will Croatia had started the brighter of the two sides, seemingly advance to the Round of 16. emboldened by knowing that it was a case of now or never for Men’s football will be contested on August an experienced side. 14 to September 1 in Jakarta and Palembang. But they fell behind when Mandzukic, scorer of the semi-final Provisional squad: winner, flicked an Antoine Griezmann freekick into his own net Mohammad Soltanimehr, Reza Jafari, after 18 minutes. Mehdi Amini, Abolfazl Razzaghpour, Amir Mohammad Amin Asadi, Mehdi Ghaedi, Mehdi Rahimi, Mehran Derakhshanmehr, Azadi, Mohammad Moslemipour, Moham- Ivan Perisic fired a stunning equaliser some 10 minutes later Roostaei, Mohammad Khodabandehloo, Ahmad Reza Ahmadvand, Aref Agassi, Mohammad Mehdi Mehdikhani, Mohammad mad Khorram Alhosseini, Ali Shojaei, Nima to put the Vatreni deservedly on level terms. Hamid Reza Taherkhani, Shahin Abbasian, Reza Jabireh, Younes Delfi, Shahab Adeli, Aghajanpour, Ali Taheran, Mohammad Reza Mirzazad, Alireza Arta and Aref Gholami. owever, VAR called the referees’ attention to an apparent handball against Perisic when defending at a corner, and on Iran defeat Japan at William Jones Cup review referee Nestor Pitana elected to award a penalty to France; Griezmann coolly converted from the spot for his fourth of the SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran B bas- while Takuya Hashimoto and Ryota Nakanishi tournament to hand France a half-time lead. deskketball team, consisting scored 14 points each for Japan. owever, VAR called the referees’ attention to an apparent of youth players, earned their second win The 2018 William Jones Cup is the 40th handball against Perisic when defending at a corner, and on in a row at the 2018 William Jones Cup in staging of William Jones Cup, an international review referee Nestor Pitana elected to award a penalty to France; Taiwan on Sunday. basketball tournament held in Taipei, Taiwan. Griezmann coolly converted from the spot for his fourth of the The team, which is headed by Farzad The men’s tournament is being held from tournament to hand France a half-time lead. Kouhian in the eight-day tournament, beat July 14 to 22 with participation of 11 teams. Mandzukic would score after an error from Hugo Lloris. Japan B 78-61 at the Xinzhuang Gymnasium The tournament will follow a single round But while Croatia would push to look to get back into the game in New Taipei City. robin format. once more, the day belonged to Les Bleus and Deschamps, who Iran started the competition with a 76-48 The U.S. are the most decorated team joins Brazil’s Mario Zagallo and Germany’s France Beckenbauer win over Lithuania on Saturday. with 15 titles and the Philippines and Iran in winning the World Cup as a player and a manager. Vahid Dalirzahan led Iran with 24 points, have won five titles each. (Source: Mirror) Iran’s Davoudi takes gold at IWF Junior World Championships Iran claims three golds at

SPORTS TEHRAN — 227kg in clean and jerk. The Iranian He finished on the same to- Asian Karate Championships desk2016 Youth super heavyweight lifter won the gold tal as Pakistan’s Muhammad World Champion Ali Davoudi from medal with 419kg. Nooh Dastgir Butt, the Gold TASNIM — Iranian karate practitioners claimed three gold Iran snatched a gold medal in the Armenia’s Varazdat Lalayan, Coast 2018 bronze medallist medals at the 2018 Asian Karate Championships in Amman, 2018 International Weightlifting silver medalist at the 2016 Euro- who came third in the snatch Jordan. Federation (IWF) Junior World pean Youth Championships, was with 171kg and first in the clean In the men’s over-84kg final, Iran’s Saleh Abazari thrashed Championships in , Uz- the overall runner-up with 399kg and jerk with 228kg. Hideyoshi Kagawa from Japan 8-0 to win the gold medal. bekistan on Saturday. having come second in the snatch Lalayan took the silver medal Iran tasted victory in two further events with Hamideh Abbasa In the men’s +105kg category, with 177kg and third in the clean ahead of Butt by virtue of the fact beating Chinese Taipei’s Wen Tzu-Hsuan 8-0 in the women’s Davoudi lifted 192kg in snatch and and jerk with 222kg. he posted the total first. over-68kg final and Majid Hassannia Deilami defeating Saudi Arabia’s Saud Albasher 6-2 in the men’s under-55kg final. Celtic consider move for Jahanbakhsh flown in for medical Iran’s Ali Asghar Asiabari won a silver medal in the under-75kg after being defeated by Jordan’s Bashar Alnajjar 6-4. Milad Mohammadi ahead of £19.4m Leicester move Iran also won three bronze medals in the competition. Mahdi Khodabakhshi won a bronze medal in men’s under-84kg class. Shima Alesadi took a bronze in women’s under-61kg category, as well as Iran women’s team kata. The event is the first to offer qualification points for 2020, where karate will make its Olympic debut.

Faghani takes charge of Belgium v England encounter

Glasgow Rangers boss Steven Gerrard is the World Cup this summer. Leicester City could replace Riyad Mahrez lier this week there had been no concrete keen to bring Milad Mohammadi at Ibrox Rangers could face strong competition with Alireza Jahanbakhsh, according to interest in Jahanbakhsh, which suggests but could face strong competition from Celtic. from their Old Firm rivals Celtic. The Scot- reports in the Iranian winger’s homeland. that either Leicester have moved fast or Earlier this week, The Scottish Sun reported tish Sun has now reported that the Bhoys Mahrez completed a long protracted the information from Vananews is not that the Gers are keeping tabs on the Iranian have also registered an interest in the player. £60 move to Manchester City this week. quite correct. defender and could move for him in the sum- Celtic are financially in a stronger po- And Vananews claims Jahanbakhsh, Leicester have also been linked with mer. The 24-year-old plays as a left-back for sition than Rangers, and it wouldn’t be a who plays in Holland for AZ Alkmaar, will Manchester City’s Patrick Roberts as a Russian outfit Akhmat Grozny, but he can also problem for them to dish out £2m reportedly undergo a medical with Leicester after being possible Mahrez replacement. operate as a winger, wing-back, or right-back. needed to sign Mohammadi. flown in via the Foxes owner’s private jet. Jahanbakhsh began his career in The report claimed that Rangers would have The Ibrox club must act quickly and The website adds that a fee of €22 million Iran, turning out for Damash Tehran to pay in the region of £2 million to sign him. make a quick move for the defender if they (£19.4 million) is involved for the player, and Damash Gilan, but has spent the Getting the work permit shouldn’t be an issue are indeed serious. Gerrard has stressed who scored 21 goals and assisted 12 in 33 past five seasons in Holland with NEC as Mohammadi now has 21 caps to his name, the need to sign a defender, but he would Eredivisie outings last season. Nijmegen and AZ. two of which came as a substitute in games at be a smart signing for the club. AZ director Max Huiberts claimed ear- (Source: Leicestermercury.co.uk) Alireza Faghani of Islamic Republic of Iran was tasked with ref- ereeing the 2018 FIFA World Cup third-place playoff between Belgium and England at the Saint Petersburg on Saturday. Belgium defeated England 2-0. Netherlands 2018: Sitting volleyball stage set! The exciting tie between Belgium and The Three Lions was The best 16 men’s and 16 women’s teams from around the Who are the contenders? the only other winners having won the first ever edition in Faghani’s fourth appointment in Russia 2018, after overseeing world will face off, starting Sunday (15 July), for the honour are the defending champions 1983 and again in 1989. the Round of 16 tie between France and Argentina on June 30; to be 2018 sitting volleyball world champion and for a ticket among men and will start again as strong contenders for Chinese women on a role the Group E tie between Serbia and Brazil on June 27 and the to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. gold, trying to take revenge on Iran after losing out to them The Netherlands, with Ukraine are the only countries Group F match between Germany and Mexico on June 17. The 2018 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World in the final at the 2016 Paralympic Games. In the women’s to have participated in all six previous editions, dominated His appointment equaled UAE’s Ali Bujsaim who officiated Championships will visit five cities across the Netherlands tournament a thrilling showdown is expected between de- the women’s World Championships winning the first four Sweden’s 4-0 win over Bulgaria in the 1994 FIFA World Cup USA with the winner qualifying for Tokyo 2020. fending champions China, who topped the podium in Elblag, editions up to 2006 before China have claimed the last two third-place playoff at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Team effort Poland, in 2014, and Paralympic gold medallists USA, who editions in 2010 and 2014. The experienced Iranian appeared in his second FIFA World Over 300 athletes will be involved in the quadrennial defeated the Chinese team in the final at Rio 2016. Theatres of Dreams Cup and was assisted by compatriots Reza Sokhandan and Mo- tournament while 300 volunteers will also be involved Bosnia and Herzegovina amazing recent record The 2018 Sitting Volleyball World Championships will hammadreza Mansouri - who also assisted Faghani in France’s helping in the organisation. The men’s preliminary round Iran has dominated the men’s tournament having won be a real spectacle with the Netherlands hosting the tour- 4-3 win against Argentina, Mexico’s 1-0 win over Germany as matches will take place in Venlo and Eindhoven before six World Championship titles although Bosnia and Her- nament for the fourth time. The World Championships well as Brazil’s 2-0 triumph over Serbia. the semi-finals and finals take place in the Hague on 21-22 zegovina claimed the honours in 2014 by beating Brazil in are not only organized in different host cities but it will be In Brazil 2014, the 2016 AFC Referee of the Year was the July. While Arnhem hosts the women’s preliminary round the final to claim their third World Championship crown played everywhere in large theatres that are transformed fourth official for seven matches, including the opening match matches before heading to Rotterdam for the quarterfinals, in four editions. The Netherlands, who with Germany are into fully-fledged top sports locations. between hosts Brazil and Croatia. semi-finals and finals from 19-21 July. the only countries to have participated in all 11 editions, are (Source: Paralympic.org) (Source: the-afc) Prayer Times Noon:13:10 Evening: 20:41 Dawn: 4:19 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:01 (tomorrow) JULY 16, 2018 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi “Yeva”, “Sunset Truck” win Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 awards at Golden Apricot filmfest www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. Tel: 88911433 Webmaster: [email protected] Printed at: Rooztab - ISSN: 1017-94 No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Zip Code: 1599814713

“The Eastern” on Toshihiko Izutsu to screen in Tokyo

ARTTEHRAN – Iranian filmmaker Masud Ta- deskheri’s latest documentary “The Eastern” about Japanese expert on religions Toshihiko Izutsu (1914–1993) will be screened in Tokyo next week. Akira Matsumoto, the co-writer of “Consciousness and Reality: Studies in Memory of Toshihiko Izutsu”, who was a student of Izutsu will deliver a speech before the screening of the film, the organizers announced on Saturday. The screening will be organ- Narine Grigoryan acts in a scene from “Yeva” by Anahid Abad. ized at Hiratsuka Hall on July 24 by the Cultural Center of the ARTTEHRAN – “Yeva”, a star Shant Hovhannisyan the Sos Sargsyan Iranian family that have been running over the jury of the official competition this Embassy of Iran in Tokyo and deskco-production between Award for Best Actor. a camp for desert lovers for many years. year. He also received Parajanov’s Thaler, an Chehrdad Film. Iran and Armenia and “Sunset Truck”, a Directed by Abolfazl Saffari, “Sunset Business is gradually drying when Arash, honorary award for his outstanding artistic Izutsu was a Professor Emer- co-production between Iran and Germany, Truck” won the Hrant Matevosyan Award the youngest son, comes up with a novel contribution to the world cinema. itus at Keio University in Japan won three awards at the 15th Golden Apricot for Best Script. idea. Through his skillful use of Facebook, “Volcano”, a Ukraine-Germany co- and author of many books on Yerevan International Film Festival, the Both films were screened in Armenian he attracts new visitors to the camp with production directed by Roman Bondarchuk, Islam and other religions. His organizers announced on Sunday. Panorama, a non-official section of the the promise of providing the most beautiful won the Golden Apricot for Best Film in the studies were mainly focused on “Yeva” directed by Nahid Abad received festival that took place in the Armenian sunsets anywhere in the world. Business official competition. Islam, Taoism and Buddhism, the Armenian National Film Academy Award capital from July 8 to 15. takes off again. However, other problems Germinal Roaux from Switzerland and he made great efforts to cre- for Best Film. Co-written by Saffari and Sajjad quickly arise. received the Silver Apricot for Best Director ate unity among them. In addition, the film brought the film’s Afsharian, “Sunset Truck” is about an Iranian director Asghar Farhadi presided for his film “Fortuna”. He was fluent in over 30 languages, including Arabic and Persian, and taught at the Institute of Cultural and Lin- Mashhad gallery hangs works by American painter Thomas Berding A poster a screening of Iranian guistic studies at Keio University in Tokyo, the Iranian Institute ARTTEHRAN – The Radin Art Gallery in of concepts and forms are displayed. filmmaker Masud Taheri’s doc- desk umentary “The Eastern” about of Philosophy in Tehran and Mashhad is playing host to an exhibition To Berding, painting is like a place where explorations Japanese expert on religions McGill University in Montreal, displaying American painter Thomas Berding’s collection, occur, the explorations related to physiological concepts Toshihiko Izutsu in Tokyo Canada. “The Chronic Disassembly Roadshow”. and meanings. In 1958, he completed the The exhibit is being curated by Mehrdad Sedaqat, He also explained a little about his paintings of the first direct translation of the Holy Quran from Arabic to Japanese. an Iranian artist who is a graduate of Michigan State past 10 years, and about the elements and the materials In “The Eastern”, over 60 academics and cultural figures such University, the Persian newspaper Shahrara that is he has used. He said that his primary works were based as Professor Hermann Landolt of the Institute of Ismaili Studies published in Mashhad reported on Sunday. on lines and forms. in the UK and academic Toshio Kuroda comment on Izutsu. The opening ceremony on Friday was followed by Sedaqat also said that such programs help interested a video appearance of Berding, in which visitors held artists become familiar with great masters of art in talks with the artist. the world. Korean festival to screen two Berding is a contemporary artist and painter living There is a great difference between studying artworks in Michigan. He is a professor of studio art at Michigan in a book as opposed to making direct contact with the Iranian shorts State University. His works have been recognized by artist himself,” he added. awards from different foundations and organizations “When I proposed that Berdign hold an exhibit in Iran ARTTEHRAN – “The Last Embrace” by Saman such as the National Endowment for the Arts. he was so delighted and welcomed the idea. He trusted deskHosseinpur and “I Love You” by Babak In his brief words, Berding first talked about painting me and gave me a collection of his valuable works to Habibifar, both from Iran, will be competing in the 10th Seoul and said that in his opinion painting is a place in which help promote this cultural exchange,” Sedaqat stated. International Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival (SESIFF) an artist plays with ideas, a space where the conflict The exhibit will be running until July 19. “Surplus Mound” by American painter Thomas Berding in September, the organizers have announced. “Stig of the Dump” author Lost Stanley Kubrick screenplay, Clive King dies aged 94 “Burning Secret”, is found 60 years on LONDON (The Guardian) —The writer LONDON (The Guardian) — His Clive King, creator of the much-loved children’s first world war classic, “Paths of Glory”, classic “Stig of the Dump”, has died aged 94. is one of cinema’s most powerful anti-war A career that began in 1958 – with “Hamid movies, widely acclaimed as a masterpiece, of Aleppo”, a book for younger children about as was his Roman epic, “Spartacus”, both a hamster – stretched over five decades, of which starred Kirk Douglas. Now a “lost” with King writing for the children’s theatre screenplay by director Stanley Kubrick as well as publishing more than 20 books. has been discovered – and it is so close But it was the stone-age hunter living in to completion that it could be developed a chalk pit on the Downs who captured by filmmakers. the imagination of generations, with Stig Ash was a very boring place to live and Entitled “Burning Secret”, the script is The legendary American director Stanley I thought what it needs is something to Kubrick on the set of Barry Lyndon in 1975. A scene from “I Love You” by Babak Habibifar appearing in television adaptations in both an adaptation of the 1913 novella by the 1981 and 2002. wake it up’ … Clive King at his Norfolk Viennese writer Stefan Zweig. In Kubrick’s Photograph: Corbis via Getty Images “The Last Embrace” will be screened in the International The former children’s laureate Michael home in 2013. Photograph: Si Barber adaptation of the story of passion set in epic, “2001: A Space Odyssey|, pushed the Extreme-Short Film Competition and “I Love You” has been Rosen paid tribute to the vivid impact of King’s life and imagination of a child, the delight of a spa resort, a man befriends a 10-year- boundaries of special effects and was at selected to screen in the International Short Film Competition. most famous character: “He was one of those roaming free, making shelters and dens away old boy, using him to seduce the child’s No 6 in the most recent Sight and Sound Over 100 films from across the world will be competing in the special writers who created an encounter that from the grownups, as well as ideas such as married mother. critics poll of the greatest films of all time. festival, which will be held from September 11 to 16. became iconic, a moment that people who the universal language of friendship – and He wrote it in 1956 with the novelist Kubrick, an American who lived most read the book never forget.” even the importance of recycling – feel as Calder Willingham, with whom he went of his life in Britain, died in 1999, months The writer Frank Cottrell Boyce hailed fresh and relevant today as they did when on to collaborate on “Paths of Glory” the after completing “Eyes Wide Shut”, the Evan Rachel Wood, Sterling K. the “crisp narrative” and “big emotion” that Puffin first published it in 1963,” Dow said. following year. controversial psychosexual thriller starring give King’s creation its enduring power, as Born in Richmond in 1924, King grew The screenplay was found by Nathan Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Brown in talks to join “Frozen 2” well as the “astonishing, sublime” sequence up on the North Downs near Sevenoaks in Abrams, professor in film at Bangor His “Burning Secret” screenplay bears where Stonehenge is built. Kent. He studied English at Cambridge, University and a leading Kubrick expert, the stamp of the script department of MGM. LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) — Evan Rachel Wood “If you’re my age,” said Cottrell Boyce, before serving in the navy during the second who said: “I couldn’t believe it. It’s so It is dated 24 October 1956, when Kubrick and Sterling K. Brown want to build a snowman. “Stig of the Dump, with its Ardizzone world war and working for the British Council. exciting. It was believed to have been lost.” was still relatively unknown, having just illustrations, glows with a halo of nostalgia. But it was in the 1960s, while living on the He added: “Kubrick aficionados know he made his crime heist film, “The Killing”. But that shouldn’t blind you to the fact that Downs, that he found inspiration for Stig of wanted to do it, [but] no one ever thought MGM is thought to have cancelled the it’s fresh as a daisy – a thrilling book about the Dump. it was completed. We now have a copy commissioned project after learning that the power of boredom.” Speaking to the Guardian in 2013, he and this proves that he had done a full Kubrick was also working on “Paths of The head of Penguin Random House explained how it grew out of a combination screenplay.” Glory”, putting him in breach of contract. Children’s Books, Francesca Dow, recalled of remembering his own explorations of Kubrick made only 13 feature films, but Another account suggests that MGM told reading the story as a child and “longing for the dump by his parent’s home in Kent and he is revered as a master film-maker and Kubrick’s producing partner James B Harris a special secret Stig and dump of my own”. watching his son do the same two decades supreme visual stylist with a painstaking that it did not see the screenplay’s potential “The book’s depiction of the vivid interior further on. approach to meticulous detail. His sci-fi as a movie. Roger Perry, actor on “Star Trek,” “The Munsters” and “The Facts of Life,” dies at 85 Evan Rachel Wood and Sterling K. Brown (Taylor Hill, Theo LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) — Roger Perry, Perry was previously married to “Laugh-In star” Jo Anne Worley the beautiful niece Marilyn (Pat Priest) from a band of ghouls. Wargo/Getty Images) the veteran character actor who guest-starred on a memorable from 1975 until their divorce in 2000. However, they are, of course, members of her loving family. The actors are in talks to voice star in Walt Disney Animation’ s “Frozen episode of the original “Star Trek” and portrayed Eastland A contract player at Desilu Studios who was discovered by On the big screen, Perry appeared in not one but two Count 2”, joining returning stars Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel and Josh Gad. headmaster Charles Parker on “The Facts of Life”, has died. Lucille Ball, Perry starred on a pair of ABC dramas in the 1960s Yorga movies; was a doctor in the infamous Ray Milland and Jennifer Lee, who was recently named the chief creative head of He was 85. that lasted just one season. He portrayed the son of Pat O’Brien Rosey Grier classic, “The Thing With Two Heads “(1972); and WDA after John Lasseter’s exit, will return to direct with Chris Buck. Perry died Thursday night at his home in Indian Wells, Cal- on Harrigan and Son (their characters were lawyers in their played the father of Linda Blair’s flautist character in the musical Peter Del Vecho is set to produce. ifornia, after a battle with prostate cancer, his daughter, Dana own firm) and was a cop alongside Ben Gazzara and Chuck drama “Roller Boogie” (1979). While the plot is not yet known, “Frozen 2” is set for a Nov. 27, Perry McNerney, told The Hollywood Reporter. Connors on “Arrest and Trial”, a 90-minute program that was On the first-season “Star Trek” episode “Tomorrow Is Yes- 2019 release. Survivors also include his wife since 2002, actress Joyce a forerunner to “Law & Order”. terday,” which debuted in January 1967, Perry starred as Capt. Wood just picked up an Emmy nomination for her role in HBO’s Bulifant, perhaps best known for playing the wife of Murray Also, on a 1965 episode of CBS’ “The Munsters”, Perry played John Christopher, an Air Force pilot in the 1960s who is suddenly “Westworld”, while Brown picked up one for his work on “This Is Us”. Slaughter (Gavin MacLeod) on “The Mary Tyler Moore” Show. a young man with admirable intentions who’s out to rescue transported aboard the Enterprise in the future.