White Helmets Begin Filming Fake Chemical Attack in Syria

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White Helmets Begin Filming Fake Chemical Attack in Syria MIDDLE EAST October 31, 2018 7 Glory... Russia: (Continued From Page One) it of some of the spontaneity seen in the Arba’een. For many White Helmets Begin Filming Muslims who cannot afford to go on the hajj or cannot get a Saudi visa, the Karbala visit has become an alternative. Fake Chemical Attack in Syria Arba’een is viewed as an overwhelmingly powerful display of Shia solidarity and conveys a message of unity among Muslims MOSCOW (Press TV) – Russia says agents, he added. against the global arrogance. it has received information showing The group, the official said, sought Cities, towns and villages all over Iraq empty out during a 20-day that a Western-backed so-called aid to stage artillery shellfire with the period as their people take to the roads in an elaborately organized group is preparing to stage a false flag containers and also meant to provoke and well protected mass movement not seen anywhere else in the chemical attack in the northwestern the Syrian military to retaliate. Syrian province of Aleppo to incrimi- The White Helmets group, projected world. nate Damascus. by the West as “civil defense work- The Battle of Karbala resonates strongly with the Muslim faithful The Defense Ministry said the ers,” was founded by former British due to the sacrifices made in order to keep Islam and the tradition “White Helmets,” which according Army officer James Le Mesurier in of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) alive. to Moscow and Damascus cooper- 2014. The self-styled volunteer res- In a Twitter post on Monday, Iran’s Foreign Minister Muhammad ate with terrorist groups in the Arab cue group has been repeatedly ac- Javad Zarif said that the annual pilgrimage bears the message that country, have already started the film- cused of acting as the media arm for ing process for the attack, Russia’s Takfiri groups, and charged with stag- “no tyrant will ever end the struggle for justice”. Sputnik news agency reported on ing false flag chemical attacks in a bid “The message of this march to the world’s people is unity among Monday. to prompt Western military interven- Muslims and harmony in fighting oppression,” chief of Iran’s Is- “The Russian center for reconcilia- tion in Syria. lamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Muhammad Ali tion [in Syria] received information In April, the United States, France, Picture taken on September 6, 2018 shows a member of the Western- Jafari said Saturday. from residents of Aleppo that they and Britain launched missile strikes backed so-called “White Helmets” group in the town of al-Tamana on are preparing another provocation against multiple targets around Syria the southern edges of the southwestern Syrian Idlib Province. with the use of toxic agents to ac- after alleging that “video evidence” cuse the government forces of using provided by the White Helmets had from southwestern Syria to Jordan and the White Helmets had transport- Erdogan... chemical weapons against the local pointed to an earlier chemical at- overnight at the request of the U.S. ed poisonous materials from the city (Continued From Page One) population,” said Lt. Gen. Vladimir tack in the city of Douma in the Arab and European countries, as Damascus of Jisr al-Shughur to the settlement of Savchenko, the head of the center, ac- country’s southwest. was preparing to launch counter-ter- Khirbat al Amud in Idlib. Riyadh insists Khashoggi’s body was handed to a “local col- cording to the ministry. Subsequent investigations showed rorism operations in those areas. Idlib is home to the last largest con- laborator” to dispose of. They arrived in Aleppo from the the video had been fake. The Sputnik report cited a story aired centrations of militants and terrorists Turkish sources have told Middle East Eye that the journalist neighboring Province of Idlib, bring- Earlier in the year, Israel transported last week by Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen in Syria, and is subject to de-conflic- ing along containers holding toxic several hundred members of the group TV channel based on which militants tion efforts by Russia and Turkey. was cut into 15 pieces, at least one of which was thought to have been taken back to Saudi Arabia by one of the crown prince’s bodyguards. Yemeni Teacher Turns His Home Into School for 700 Students The Saudis say they have arrested 18 suspects, 15 of which saying he had nowhere to send his meni curriculum. were members of a death squad sent to kill Khashoggi. own children. However, 500 boys Despite the ramshackle setting On Monday Mujeb offered Fidan the suspects’ testimony, how- and girls aged between six and 15 and lack of facilities, the school ever Turkey is insistent that they stand trial and give evidence on signed up for lessons in that first is oversubscribed in a country Turkish soil. Saudi Arabia has said this will not happen. year. where education has been deci- Erdogan called on Mujeb to reveal the true culprits. “Who sent “All the schools closed down mated and accessible, free school these 15 people? As Saudi public prosecutor, you have to ask and we had a problem that our options are limited. kids were on the street,” Al- Some 2,500 schools have been that question, so you can reveal it,” he said. Shorbagy told Reuters. damaged or destroyed since a “Now we have to solve this case. No need to prevaricate, it “We opened this building as a Saudi-led war was launched in makes no sense to try to save certain people.” community initiative. It was my 2015, a UNICEF report said in MEE understands that Fidan is poised to issue a report on the national and humanitarian duty March. Khashoggi case, but is unwilling to do so until the journalist’s towards my neighborhood.” Two million children are out of body, or part of it, is recovered. Inside the house, facilities are ba- school in Yemen, including She- sic, with exposed brick walls and hab Mohamed Hazzaa, whose Though Riyadh has claimed a local collaborator took the body big gaps where windows should mother was trying to enroll him at from the death squad, it has not revealed any details about their Almost 700 come daily to Yemeni teacher Adel al-Shorbag’s house be. Ripped curtains are used to di- Al-Shorbagy’s school. identity. which he converted into a school in the city of Taiz. vide up space for classrooms. “I came here to register... in the “Who is the local collaborator?” Erdogan asked. “If we knew TAIZ (Dispatches) – Outside that has left millions on the brink Undeterred, the eager children school and the principal told me that, we would reveal the truth.” find any space they can on the that it is too crowded and rejected the home of Yemeni teacher Adel of famine. A source at Istanbul’s prosecutor’s office told MEE on Mon- al-Shorbagy the queue of children Both the Houthi resistance floor, with barely any room to him,” said the mother, who de- day that investigators are now exploring the possibility that the lining up for education keeps get- movement and Yemen’s former move, let alone write. They share clined to be named. ting longer. government forces have deployed donated books and follow what The only other option in the story of a local collaborator may be “Saudi misdirection”. Almost 700 come daily to his forces in various districts of the one of the 16 volunteer teachers city are private schools but they In pursuit of the collaborator, investigators have tracked a sus- house which he converted into a southwestern city, Yemen’s third writes on a broken white board. cost up to 100,000 Yemeni riyal picious vehicle to woodland on Istanbul’s outskirts and a town school in the city of Taiz, which largest. Classes include math, science ($400) per year, putting them out 90km from the city. No evidence was recovered there. has been at the center of a three- Al-Shorbagy opened the school and English, with Al-Shorbagy of reach for many in the impover- and-a-half-year Saudi-led war following the outbreak of war saying he follows the pre-war Ye- ished Arab country. Arab... Bomber Targets Afghan Election HQ, Kills Police Officer (Continued From Page One) KABUL (Dispatches) – A bomber has targeted the headquarters of Af- polls. ghanistan’s Independent Election Commission (IEC) in Kabul, killing a po- People in Kandahar Province went to the polls on Saturday, while comments about Arabs and Muslims, on Sunday toured the lice officer and injuring at least six people in a blast in front of the building. elections have yet to be held in central Ghazni Province, which is still famed Sheikh Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi, speaking to the cam- The Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the Monday at- reeling from the Taliban’s takeover in August. era in Hebrew. tack, the latest surrounding the country’s embattled parliamentary-elec- Preliminary results of nationwide voting are not expected before mid- “This is the first time that an Israeli minister is here on a visit,” tion process. November. Regev said, surrounded by a group of people in traditional Emirati Kabul police spokesman Basir Mujahid said an attacker on foot blew The elections in Afghanistan have been regarded as a major test for himself up outside the IEC office early in the day, wounding four em- the government as the Taliban militants wreak havoc across much of dress. ployees of the commission and two police officers and killing an officer.
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