WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 39th year No.13158 Monday JULY 16, 2018 Tir 25, 1397 Dhi Al Qaeda 2, 1439 Navy to boost Stock market France win “Yeva”, “Sunset Truck” intelligence superiority index rises 13.7% the 2018 World Cup win awards at Golden in Oman Sea 2 since March 4 15 Apricot filmfest 16 Kharrazi outlines strategies to fight terrorism POLITICS TEHRAN — Kamal Tsinghua University in Beijing. deskKharrazi, head of Iran’s The three strategies are as follows: Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, on Researches on the ideology of Takfiri Sunday set out three strategies to coun- groups by “international think tanks; ter terrorist groups including Daesh, also Exchange of information and coordi- called IS, ISIL or ISIS. nated actions by Iran, Pakistan, China, Kharrazi enumerated the strategies in Russia and Central Asian countries to fight a speech at the 7th World Peace Forum at Daesh in Afghanistan; 2 Certain manipulators of cellphone market arrested POLITICS TEHRAN — Gholam during a press conference. deskHossein Mohseni Ejei, According to a list published recently the Judiciary spokesman, announced by the Telecommunications Minister on Sunday that certain individuals have Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, certain been arrested and a number of companies companies which had received foreign closed down over price violations in the currency at the official rate to import cellphone market. cellphones sold their goods at a high “Documents have been found that show price by taking advantage of the value a number of serious violations have been of dollar and other currencies at the made” in the cellphone market, he said black market. 2 Stable economic roadmap Iraq on high alert amid protests, claims of ‘infiltration’ At least four people are reportedly injured government building. is answer to fluctuations after Iraqi police fire in the air to prevent pro- Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi visited testers from storming the main government Basra on Friday in a bid to help restore calm building in Basra on the seventh day of unrest. to the oil-rich province, pledging to take Ayatollah Khamenei calls for boosting ties with The protests that have swept southern “necessary measures against infiltrators and cities over poor services prompted authorities pursue them in accordance with the law.” to place Iraq’s security forces on high alert. Abadi, who also serves as the commander countries in the East and West with exception of Hundreds of protesters on Sunday in chief of the armed forces, ordered security See page 2 rallied in Basra where police used water forces to remain on high alert, Reuters quoted cannons and tear gas as some of the dem- unnamed military intelligence and Ministry leader.ir a few states like the U.S. onstrators tried to storm the provincial of Defense sources as saying. 3 ARTICLE Iranian official urges Trump not to use U.S. strategic oil reserve REPORT Ramin Hossein Abadian Hanif Ghaffari A senior Iranian oil official urged U.S. President adequately supplied after the deadline. Producers Mehr News Agency Political analyst Donald Trump not to use the nation’s Strategic such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates Journalist Petroleum Reserve to push prices lower, and and Russia have announced their intention to instead drop sanctions on Iran’s crude exports. increase supply. “My advice to you, Mr. President, is to avoid “Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E and Russia pre- Trump’s record touching the SPR - to cool down and give up tended to be able to deliver 2.5 million barrels Zionist carnage in sanctioning Iranian oil,” Hossein Kazempour a day of Iranian exports,” Kazempour said. on race Ardebili, Iran’s representative to OPEC, said “That was a miscalculation, Mr. President: Gaza continues by email. you have fallen in their trap, and prices will onald Trump has a long history The Trump administration is actively con- go up.” ionist regime’s fighter jets have of criticizing immigrants, which sidering tapping into the nation’s emergency oil It’s not the first time the Iranian official has conducted a series of fresh raids Dincludes Mexicans and Muslims, inventories as political pressure grows before responded to Trump’s policies. Earlier this Zagainst the Palestinian resistance black women, and people protesting rac- congressional elections in November, according month, Kazempour said that tweets by Trump forces and the defenseless people in the ism. In an interview with The Sun, and to people familiar with the matter. Trump is also OPEC members to fill in any supply gap that will criticizing the Organization of Petroleum Ex- Gaza Strip. According to media reports, a press conference on Friday (July 13) trying to choke off Iran’s oil exports after quitting arise when U.S. sanctions curtail Iranian crude porting Countries had pushed oil prices up by so far, a number of Palestinians have been with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, a nuclear deal with the country. exports. Iranian flows could be slashed in half about $10 a barrel. martyred following the attacks. the U.S. president explicitly endorsed the “Mr. President, as I have foreseen earlier, it once American sanctions take effect on Nov. 4, “If we in Iran were to stop our exports for In response to the aggression, the far right and nationalist views during his seems you are resorting to the SPR due to the according to the International Energy Agency. just one month to show what it can bring to the Palestinian resistance forces bombed trip to Britain. fact that there is no spare capacity to cover for The country ships about 2.5 million barrels a day. world economy, you would have thought twice,” the settlements with a number of rockets. Trump told The Sun that Britain is Iranian exports - but there will be many reper- Global markets Kazempour said. “But we are a civilized nation, Palestinian fighters do not fear the Zionist “losing its culture” because of immigration. enemy, and they respond to its crimes on cussions,” Kazempour said. U.S. government teams visited Saudi Arabia and a responsible government.” When he was pressed on the remarks by the oppressed people of Gaza. Analysts Trump is pressing Saudi Arabia and some other recently to ensure that global markets remain (Source: Bloomberg) a British reporter during the press con- wonder whether the war will intensify. ference, he doubled down. Britain has Another Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Bar- already absorbed the food, language, hum, said that “the purpose of the Pal- and customs from around the world, but 12 years and the victory still echoes estinian attacks is to ensure a rapid and Trump appeared to be referencing the By Sondoss Al Asaad 33 days of the imposed war, the resistance was defeat the Zionist-American conspiracy to divide sufficient deterrent to force the enemy to influx of Muslims into Europe in recent BEIRUT—It was the 12th of July 2006, when the able to weaken the Zionist army and to smash Lebanon. This imperialist project was highly stop its acts. Protecting our people and years, and to South and Central European Hezbullah resistance arrested 3 Zionist soldiers, in its fake legend, which maintains that it is “the backed and financed by the Gulf monarchies’ defending them is a national demand and immigrants in the U.S. order to exchange them and free its own arrested undefeated army.” Undoubtedly, no one can for- mercenaries, and which aimed at that time to a strategic option.” The United States controversial presi- soldiers and other Lebanese citizens from the get the scene of the smashed Merkava tanks by enter Syria from the Lebanese door. Meanwhile Hamas spokesman Abdul dent whose hardline immigration policies Zionist prisons. At the very beginning, only the the resistance’s men who bravely confronted the Accordingly, after the tremendous defeat in Leb- Latif al-Kanou said: “We will not allow have led to the separation of immigrant Lebanese occupied Shibaa Farms were expected Zionists and global led war against the Lebanese anon, the enemies turned to Syria. Over the 7 previ- the occupiers to target our nation and families, condemned migration flows into to be the zone of confront. However, the Zionist sovereignty. ous years, today the Lebanese and Syrian brethren martyr us and we will react. Increas- Europe this time, and called the changing entity had already decided to fire its preprepared The spying planes were intensively monitoring celebrate their triumph over the Western schemes. ing Zionist movements can not change population there “a shame.” aggressive assault on Lebanon. the enemies’ targets all over Lebanon. However, The methodology of resistance has proven today as the equation or impose a new reality Standing next to the British prime min- Various air-raids were launched; targeting the resistance and its public masses were deter- ever that the end of colonialism and hegemony would or stop the Palestinian Great March of ister on Friday, Trump took his racism to residential areas and civil facilities. During the mined to safeguard their homeland and thus to definitely be pernicious. 13 Return. We will respond to the enemy a higher level: “I think the immigration, with missiles.” allowing the immigration to take place in Palestinian analyst Nasser Ham- Europe is a shame,” Trump said. “I think mad has suggested that Israel is afraid it changed the fabric of Europe, and unless Tehran of the flare of the Gaza Strip, so it will you act very quickly, it’s never going to confer with Egypt to restore calm in be what it was, and I don’t mean that in Symphony Gaza.
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