September 23, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 15 20183 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Dance, provides the highest quality training ginning the efforts of the United States to objection, it is so ordered. consistent with the professional standards of halt the slave trade; The resolution (S. Res. 490) was AAADT, including a Certificate Program, a Whereas, on May 10, 1800, Congress enacted agreed to. Fellowship Program, and a Bachelor of Fine a law that outlawed all participation by peo- The preamble was agreed to. Arts degree program in conjunction with ple in the United States in the international The resolution, with its preamble, Fordham University: Now, therefore, be it trafficking of slaves and authorized the Resolved, That the Senate— United States Navy to seize vessels flying reads as follows: (1) recognizes and commends the Alvin the flag of the United States engaged in the S. RES. 490 Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) for slave trade; Whereas the Alvin Ailey American Dance 50 years of service as a cultural ambassador Whereas, on March 2, 1807, President Theater (AAADT) is widely recognized as one of the United States to the world, by bring- Thomas Jefferson signed into law ‘‘An Act to of the world’s premier modern dance compa- ing world-class American modern dance to prohibit the importation of slaves into any nies; an estimated 21,000,000 people around the port or place within the jurisdiction of the Whereas AAADT is dedicated to promoting globe; United States, from and after the first of the uniqueness of the African-American cul- (2) recognizes that AAADT has been a true January, in the year of our Lord one thou- tural experience, to preserving the heritage pioneer in the world of dance by establishing sand eight hundred and eight’’ (2 Stat.
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