SCHEME OF QUARRYING FOR BLACK GRANITE (Under Rule 7 B of TSMMC Rules, 1966) INCLUDING PROGRESSIVE QUARRY CLOSURE PLAN (Under Rule 7 B (viii) of TSMMC Rules, 1966) (Under Rule 7 B of TSMMC Rules, 1966) (FOR THE SCHEME PERIOD 2015 – 16 TO 2019 – 20) (FOR THE ENSUING BALANCE 2 YEARS PERIOD i.e. 2018 – 19 TO 2019 – 20) Extent 1.00 Hectare Sy. No. 74(Patta.Land) Village Mogalaikota Mandal Kodad District Suryapet State Telangana Category Other Than Fully Mechanized Open Cast Method LESSEE M/S KARUNA GRANITES Prop:Smt.G.Karuna Pallegudem(V) Khammam Rural(Mandal) Khammam Dist. Prepared By D. UDAY KUMAR (Regn. No. RQP / DMG / HYD / 34 / 2017) H.No.16-1-427 / 6 Yekalavyanagar Saidabad Hyderabad Telangana State – 500 059 Phone : 99661 20830 E – Mail :
[email protected] Form – W (A) (Rule 7 – B) SELF CERTIFICATION BY THE LESSEE M/S KARUNA GRANITES,Prop:Smt.G.Karuna, being heir of Black Granite over an area of 1.00 Hectare located in Sy. No. 74(Patta.Land) of Village Mogalaikota , Mandal Kodad, of Suryapet in the State of Telangana. I do solemnly certify that the information furnished in the Scheme of Quarrying is correct and based on the facts to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed / suppressed / circumvented / misrepresented during preparation of document which may directly or indirectly affect the implementation of the document for execution of the work in the field. I also do hereby certify that all the rules and regulations viz., the Telangana State Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 alongwith Mines Act, 1952 rules made thereunder, Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999, Marble Conservation and Development Rules, 2002, Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 and Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961 have been taken into consideration and nothing in contravention to above referred rules have been furnished in the Scheme of Quarrying.