ROBINSON, MCFADDEN & MOORE, P.C. COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA Bonnie D. Shealy 1901 MAIN STREET, SUITE 1200 October 31, 2013 POST OFFICE BOX 944 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29202 PH VIA ELECTRONIC FILING (803) 779-8900 | (803) 227-1102 direct FAX (803) 744-1551 Jocelyn Boyd, Chief Clerk/Administrator
[email protected] Public Service Commission of South Carolina Post Office Drawer 11649 Columbia, SC 29211 Re: Notice of Transfer of Control of DukeNet Communications, LLC to Time Warner Cable Inc. Docket Nos. 95-371-C and 98-376-C Dear Jocelyn: Time Warner Cable Inc. (“TWC”) and DukeNet Communications, LLC (“DukeNet,” and together with TWC, the “Parties”), hereby notify the Public Service Commission of South Carolina (“Commission”) of their intent to consummate a transaction by which control of DukeNet will be transferred from its current owners to TWC. DukeNet holds authority to provide intrastate telecommunications services in South Carolina pursuant to Commission Order Numbers 95-1353 and 98-825. DukeNet will continue to hold that authority following the consummation of the planned transfer of control. Upon review of the South Carolina Code of Laws and Commission regulations, it is the Parties’ understanding that prior Commission approval is not required to complete the transaction described herein. Accordingly, the Parties submit this notice for informational purposes, to ensure the continuing accuracy of the Commission’s records. DESCRIPTION OF THE PARTIES A. Time Warner Cable Inc. TWC is a publicly traded corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware, with its principal offices located at 60 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10023. Through its operating subsidiaries, TWC is the fourth largest multichannel video programming distributor (“MVPD”) in the United States.