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IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TECHNICAL REPORT 12-6 MOSCOW-BOISE-POCATELLO IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG COOLEY AND PEDERSON 1:24,000 Scale REFERENCES Quadrangle, southeastern ID, U.S. Geological Survey calibrated using Lava Creek B tephra, Geology 29, p. Anderson, S.A., 1998, Sedimentology, hydrology, and Miscellaneous Investigations Map, 1:24,000 scale 783-786 sequence stratigraphy of Pleistocene Bear River delta, Armstrong, R.L.; Leeman, W.P.; Malde, H.E., 1975, K-Ar Fiesinger, D.W.; Perkins, W.D.; Puchy, B.J., 1982, TCHER TCHER Cache Valley, ID, MS Thesis, Idaho State University, 61 dating, Quaternary and Neogene volcanic rocks of the Mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Quaternary SURFICIAL GEOLOGY OF THE ONEIDA NARROWS AREA, CARIBOU AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES, IDAHO HILL THA THA pgs. Snake River Plain, ID, Journal of Science 275, p. 225- volcanic rocks in Caribou County, ID, in Bonnichsen, B.; Anderson, S.A.; Link, P.K., 1998, Lake Bonneville 251 Breckenridge, R.M. (editors), Cenozoic Geology of ON sequence stratigraphy, Pleistocene Bear River delta, Bouchard, D.P., 1997, Quaternary Bear River Idaho, Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 26, Skye W. Cooley and Joel L. Pederson Cache Valley, ID, in Pitman, J.K.; Carroll, A.R. paleohydrogeography reconstructed from 87Sr/86Sr p. 465-488 IDAHO ONEIDA RES. composition of lacustrine fossils, MS Thesis, Utah State Gilbert, G.K., 1890, Lake Bonneville, U.S. Geological Utah State University, Department of Geology, Logan UT NARROWS (editors), Modern and Ancient Lake Systems, TREASURET Utah Geological Association Guidebook University, 92 pgs. Survey Monograph 1, 438 pgs. Bouchard D.P.; Kaufman D.S.; Hochberg, A.; Quade J., Hochberg, A., 1997, Aminostratigraphy of Thatcher Basin, LAKE BONNEVILLE SEDIMENTS (PLEISTOCENE) - Poorly- QUADRANGLE 26, p. 91-104 DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS Qbo FUNDING 1998, Quaternary history of the Thatcher Basin, ID, southeast ID: Reassessment of Pleistocene lakes, MS 2012 consolidated, stratified, light red to pink to white sand, silt, U.S. Geological Survey National Cooperative Mapping LOCATION Armstrong, R.L.; Oriel, S.S., 1965, and minor gravel in thin, repetitious, flat-lying and oscillation- MINK reconstructed from the 87Sr/86Sr and amino acid Thesis, Utah State University, 112 pgs. ALLUVIUM (HOLOCENE) - Well to poorly sorted gravel, Program, Colorado Scientific Society William G. Pierce Grant, CREEK Tectonic development of the Qa Map A RIVERDALE composition of lacustrine fossils: Implications for the Izett, G., 1981, Stratigraphic succession, isotopic ages, sand, silt, and interbedded clay in floodplain of the modern and climbing-ripple beds deposited upstream and inside Tobacco Root Geological Society, Utah State University Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt, Oneida Narrows gorge during Bonneville highstand at ~20 ka AAPG Bulletin 49, p. 1847- diversion of the Bear River into the Bonneville Basin, partial chemical analyses, and sources of certain silicic Bear River. Clasts are rounded brown, purple, pink, and white Graduate Senate Travel Fund, Cirque Geoscience Consultants, ADJOINING Qgv fine- to coarse-grained quartzite cobbles derived from the (Oviatt and Miller, 1997). Red color is from hematitic 1866 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology volcanic ash beds (4.0-0.1 m.y.) of the western United GEOLOGY BACKGROUND and Wildlife Demographics. er QUADRANGLES Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Brigham Group and Cambrian Mesozoic shales in valley fill deposits of thrust belt basins v Armstrong, F.C., 1969, 141, p. 95-114 States, U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 81-763, Quaternary deposits on this 1:24,000-scale map were mapped in carbonate units. Floodplain deposits are reworked Tertiary and traversed by the Bear River. Locally gypsiferous near seeps. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ri Geologic Map of Bright, R.C., 1960, Geology of the Cleveland area, 2 sheets 2009 by S.W. Cooley. Mapping covers portions of six 7.5' Pleistocene valley fill deposits and Gem Valley Basalts. Unit Relatively thin deposit (5-20m thick) forms low, dissected 111 45' 00" the Soda southeastern ID, MS Thesis, University of Utah, 262 pgs. Kaufman, D.S., 2003, Amino acid paleothermometry of Thanks Ross Smith, Treasure Valley Cement Company, MX Qmc quadrangles including Thatcher Hill, Thatcher, Treasureton, Oneida covers most of the broad valley flood in Mound and Gentile benches at 1555m (5100ft) below the basalt rim in Gentile Springs Bright, R.C., 1963, Pleistocene Lakes Thatcher and Quaternary ostracodes from the Bonneville Basin, UT, Ranch, and the landowners of Gem, Gentile, and Mound Bonneville, southeastern ID, PhD Dissertation, Quaternary Science Reviews 22, p. 899-914 Narrows Reservoir, Riverdale, and Mink Creek. The work builds on Valleys and includes the area subject to inundation by the 1- Valley. Valleys for access to their property, IGS Research Geologist University of Minnesota, 292 pgs. Keller, A.S., 1952, Geology of the Mink Creek region, ID, previous mapping by Bright (1960, 1963, 1967) and Oriel and percent-annual-chance floods (FEMA Zone A). It is Bill Phillips for enthusiastic discussions in the field and characterized by well-drained soils and productive agriculture Qlbr BEAR RIVER DELTA (PLEISTOCENE) - Poorly-consolidated, Bright, R.C., 1967, Late Pleistocene stratigraphy in Thatcher MS Thesis, University of Utah Platt (1980). The map depicts alluvium, colluvium, eolian, and stratified, light red to pink to white sand, silt, and minor gravel cartographic review, Professor Don Fiesinger for information Basin, southeastern ID, Tebiwa 10, p. 1-7 Lanphere, M.A.; Champion, D.E.; Christiansen, R.L; Izett, mass wasting deposits where they occur in mappable units. Unit ground. Mapped as Qls, Qlg, Qll in Cache Valley (Williams, on the Gem Valley Basalts, University of Minnesota Emeritus 1942). deposited downstream of Oneida Narrows gorge during Lake Bright, R.C.; Ore, H.T., 1987, Evidence for the spillover of G.A.; Obradovich, J.D., 2002, Revised ages for tuffs of descriptions were modified from mapping by the above authors Bonneville highstand at ~20ka. Exposed thickness is 110m Professor Herb E. Wright (Bright's PhD advisor) for discussions Lake Bonneville, southeastern ID, in Bues, S. (editor), the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field; assignment of the of Bright's work, Preston HS Librarian Janelle Butters for Oneida and Gilbert (1890), Danzl (1982), Bright and Ore (1987), LANDSLIDE DEPOSITS (PLEISTOCENE and HOLOCENE) - (360ft). Repeated architectural elements include prodelta silt GSA Centennial Field Guide 2: Rocky Mountain Huckleberry Ridge Tuff to a new geomagnetic polarity Qms memories of Robert C. Bright, graduate student Joshua Keeley, Narrows Qbo Hochberg (1996), Anderson (1998), Bouchard et al. (1998), Link et Unconsolidated, poorly sorted, clast- and matrix-supported and clay (1-7m), delta front gravity flows with sand-clay Qmc Section, p. 143-146 event, GSA Bulletin 114, p. 559-568 Professor Dave Rodgers, and Professor Paul Link of Idaho State Reservoir al. (1999), Carney et al. (2003), and Steely and Janecke (2005). pebble to boulder conglomerate and diamict. Above highest couplets (0.5-10m thick), and delta top channel sands (0.5- Qmc Bright, R.C.; Rubin, M., 1965, Part H: Lake Bonneville, in Link, P.K., Kaufman, D.S.; Thackray, G.D., 1999, Field guide University Geosciences Department for mapping Lake Thatcher shoreline (1660m, 5445'), occurs in arcuate, 23m thick), and strath terrace gravels inset into other facies Qgv Schultz, C.B.; Smith, H.T.U. (editors), 7th INQUA to Pleistocene Lakes Thatcher and Bonneville and the collaboration and helpful reviews of an early draft, Professor Map B LAKE THATCHER & MAIN CANYON FORMATION vegetated scarps and slumps. Below, as steep escarpments (Anderson & Link, 1998). Red color is from hematitic Congress, Guidebook E: Northern and Middle Bonneville Flood, southeastern ID, in Hughes, S.S.; Barbara Nash of University of Utah Geology & Geophysics The map covers most of the area occupied by Pleistocene Lake usually along the Bear River. A few large slides are present Mesozoic shales. Forms unstable bluffs along Bear River Rocky Mountains, p. 104-112 Thackray, G.D. (editors), Guidebook to the Geology of Department for ash correlation. Thatcher (Bright, 1967). Deposits associated with the ~200 km2 beneath steep, bedrock cliffs near Oneida Narrows Dam. between Mink Creek and Preston. Danzl, R.B., 1982, Stratigraphy and Eastern Idaho, Idaho Museum of Natural History, p. 251- lake are known today as the Main Canyon Formation (Qmc). The depositional environment of the Tertiary 266 ALLUVIAL TOESLOPES & FANS (HOLOCENE) - Reworked MAIN CANYON FORMATION (PLEISTOCENE) - Poorly- to Qbo Qgv former lake basin is divided into three sections on topographic Qf Qmc Salt Lake Group near Oneida Link, P.K.; Mahoney, J.B.; McCalpin, J.; Henkelman, J.J.; silt, sand, and gravel derived from units that lie immediately moderately-well consolidated light-gray, tan, yellow, white, Narrows, southeastern ID, Smith, B.L., 1987, Field trip roadlog for the Bear River maps: Gem, Gentile, and Mound Valleys. Gem Valley extends Qf Qmc upslope. Unit forms low-relief, fans and aprons below terrace brown, and light-green silt, sand, and marl deposited on the Northwest Geology, 11, p. 22- Landslide Complex, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium from approximately Soda Springs gap near Alexander, ID escarpments. floor and margin of Lake Thatcher (2Ma to ~50ka, Bright, Qm 30 on Engineering Geology and Soils Engineering, p. 334- southward to the edge of the basalt escarpment near Niter, ID. 1967; Bouchard et al., 1998). Unit interfingers with Gem Bear Dethier, D.P., 2001, 353 TRAVERTINE & TUFA (PLEISTOCENE and HOLOCENE) - Map C Gentile Valley extends from the basalt escarpment to the mouth of Qtt Valley Basalts and pediment deposits (QTp) and alluvial fans R 40 E Pleistocene incision Malde, H.E., 1968, The catastrophic Late Pleistocene Porous, gray to white to yellowish-gray calcium carbonate Qf Trout Creek. Mound Valley extends from Trout Creek to the upper (Qaf). Prominent shoreline bench at 1660m (5445ft). Exposed rates in the Bonneville Flood in the Snake River Plain, ID, U.S. hotspring (travertine, dense, banded) and warmspring (tufa, Qmc end of Oneida Narrows gorge.