Devotion and Love 18 towards God CHAPTER

In the previous chapter we acquainted ourselves with various beliefs, traditions and rituals of people living in very ancient times in our subcontinent. During the Mauryan period and after, the religious lives of Fig: 18.2 An early temple of the people living in different parts of the subcontinent began to change from Vidisha rapidly. This was also the time when traders were contacting the small worshipped images of Krishna. hunting and farming communities and empires were trying to gain control Archeologists have found remains of some over all of them. At the same time following the , Buddhist Fig: 18.1 Gudimallam Lingam of the earliest temples built some two and Jaina Sramanas spread all over the country and interacted with these Bhagawatas and Shaivas thousand years ago in Vidisha in Madhya communities. The worshipped or Pradesh and also in Rajasthan. The Brahmins established ashramas in Hindu Religion . They believed that Vishnu was About the same time some other people different areas and performed sacrifices the ultimate god, who created this universe Hindu religion as we know it today, and was all powerful and all knowing. They began to worship Shiva in a similar manner. and conducted religious discussions. The evolved over thousands of years. Over also believed that Vishnu took birth on the They too built small temples with images Sramanas too established viharas and these years it has assimilated several Earth in various forms or incarnations of Shiva or a Lingam . If you go to stupas and preached the teachings of the religious traditions and teachings of saints (avatara ) to save the world from evil. The Gudimallam in Chittoor district you can see Buddha or Jaina. At the same time the and thinkers. The term ‘Hindu’ actually most important avataras are and one of the earliest Lingam images of Shiva, Brahmanas and Sramanas also adopted came to be used only after 1000 CE. It Krishna. They became very popular in probably carved more than 2000 years ago. several features of the religion of the derives from the word ‘Sindhu’ meaning the different parts of the country around 2000 Some people also worshipped goddess people they interacted with. Thus the river Sindhu (or Indus) which has to be years ago. in the same manner. worship of mother goddesses, snakes, crossed to enter the Indian subcontinent animals, trees and dead ancestors were from the North West. If you remember, the Buddhists or Even as Vishnu or Shiva or Durga was adopted by the Brahmins, the Buddhists and However some of the main features of Jainas or Upanishadic thinkers did not being worshipped as Supreme God, the the Jainas. They also adopted the practice the Hindu religion had taken shape well emphasise worship of any god as the road Buddhists and Jainas also began worshiping of using paintings or sculptures to worship, before 500 CE - this consisted of Vedic to salvation or . They adovcated the Buddha and the Tirthankaras (Earliest even though many of them discarded the yagnas, worshipping dieties like Shiva, meditation, abandoning desires, or Jaina gurus). They made beautiful images idea of animal sacrifices as they believed Vishnu and Durga, building temples, pursuit purifying oneself through penance etc. But of the Buddha and the Tirthankaras and set in ahimsa . Thus gradually people began of Moksha through penance etc. The Vedas, the Bhagavatas believed that intense them up in stupas or temples called following mixed religious practices and Upanishadas, The , The devotion and worship of Vishnu alone Chaityas and worshipped them. These were beliefs. (of which the Bhagawad Gita could relieve us from all problems and built in many places in Andhra Pradesh also, would lead to salvation. They thought that like in Amaravati, Nagarjunakonda, Can you see a similar combination was a part) and the came to be Š yagnas , or giving alms to Brahmins etc., Jaggayyapeta, Bhattiprolu, etc. Even though of different religious traditions in regarded as sacred books. In the following or even reciting the Vedas was not the Buddha or Mahavira did not claim to be the religion practiced in your own paragraphs we will study the movement. necessary. They built temples and gods, they began to be treated as Supreme home? Discuss in the class. god’s representatives by now. Free Distribution by Govt. of A.P. 156 Social Studies

Can you see the similarities stories and the stories about Vishnu or Shiva Š Tirumala are some such temples. It appears Hide and Seek between the Bhagavatas, the were written down as Puranas . that under the influence of these Bhaktas, You dwell in heaven Shaivas and the Buddhists? These Puranas, besides combining gradually people took worshipping Shiva Š Have you seen worship of gods in various religious traditions also extolled and Vishnu. Stand on the sacred mountain, sleep on temples? Describe the procedure one or the other god as the Supreme God the ocean, roll around in the earth Can you compare the religious of the worship in temples. Discuss who was all powerful, all knowing etc. They Š belief of hunter-gatherers and the Yet hidden everywhere, you grow what you know about them in the advocated worshipping of the God as the and point out the invisibly; class with each other. easy way to solve one’s problems and attain similarities and differences? salvation. Moving within numberless outer Š Can you compare the religious worlds Story tellers Love for the supreme beliefs of the Vedic period and the Playing within my heart, yet not Bhakti movement? You probably love listening to stories from God – Bhakti Movement showing your body your elders, from religious story tellers or and Nayanars Will you always play hide and seek? performers like puppetry. About 550 Common Era, in Tamilnadu there arose a new movement of devotion Twelve main devotees of Vishnu were Š Can you describe any such to God. They were the followers of Vishnu called the Alvars – the most important In the above verse is pointing performance in the class? or Shiva. They did not believe in among them being and out that the Lord is present everywhere but performance of any elaborate ritual like Nammalvar. the daughter of Have you attended any story telling is not appearing before him. He is Š yagnas or animal sacrifices. They were also Periyalvar is the only woman among them. in temples? If so, describe it. desperately seeking a vision of God, but the very opposed to religions like Most of them travelled to different temples God is not showing Himself to Nammalvar. of Vishnu and composed and sang songs People of ancient period also loved to and which did not believe in any He is unable to have a glimpse of God. called Pasurams . Here we give you some listen to stories. In those days bards and God. Instead they believed that intense love for Shiva or Vishnu and a desire for union of the songs of Nammalvar to think and Š Why does Nammalvar feel that God religious story tellers (like harikatha ) used understand its meaning. to wander around telling stories of the with Him alone was the path for salvation. is playing hide and seek with him? They did not pray for solving problems or Creation various gods and goddesses like Shiva, In what way is Nammalvar for riches or power, but for union with God Š Vishnu or Durga or stories of Ramayana In that original moment (Vishnu), our expressing his intense love for or a vision of the God. They also believed and Mahabharata. Stories related to the lord and father Vishnu? Buddha were also told. People gathered in that anyone irrespective of their caste or Made earth, water, fire, wind and sky large numbers to hear them. These story community could love God. All devotees together sang songs of love for the God and And the mountains; The Nayanars were 63 in number and tellers not only related the stories they had were devotees of Shiva. They came from danced in joy. Made the two lights, sun and moon, learnt from their elders but also learnt new different castes, including Kannappa, a stories from the people. Suppose some Some of the Bhaktas went to different And other such bodies; hunter and Nandanar, a Pulaiya, or an people worshipped snakes and had stories temples and composed songs on the diety Then the rain, and all that lives by rain, outcaste. Some of them like Appar, about snake gods, the story tellers learnt in the local language so that they are And the gods of rain. Sambandar, Sundarar and Manikka Vasakar those stories and added them to their understood by the masses. These songs went from one temple to another and collection of stories. In this way the story were sung by the devotees for several In this verse you can see that Nammalvar composed songs in praise of Shiva. A tellers combined various stories of gods generations before they were finally considers Vishnu to be the creator of the couple of them like Karaikkal Arraiyar were and goddesses, religious teachings and collected and written down around 1100 CE. universe, but at the same time talks of him women. Here are some verses from methods of worshipping. Gradually these As a result of their efforts a large number as being his own father and lord. Thus the Tevaram and Tiruvasakam composed by began to be written down. The Buddhist of these temples became famous and all powerful God is as close as a father to them. stories were written down as the Jataka important. Temples like Sri Kalahasti and his son. Free Distribution by Govt. of A.P. Devotion and Love towards God 157 158 Social Studies We are not the subject of any king. In this verse Manikka Vasakar is The Bible is the holy book of the Š Have you seen worship of god in a Christians and it contains the teachings of we are not afraid of the god of death. expressing the joy he felt on getting a vision church? Describe the procedure of of Shiva and how others could not Christ. Read the following extracts from the worship. we will not undergo torture in the hell. understand his joy. his famous teaching ‘Sermon on the Mount’: we will not suffer distress in this life. Christianity Islam we will be feeling joy always. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for Just as people in the Indian subcontinent Š In Arabia around the same time of Appar theirs is the kingdom of heaven... we will not know what diseases are. started worshipping a Supreme God and and others in India a new religion arose we won’t submit to anyone. believed that love and devotion to God is Š Blessed are they that mourn, for which emphasised devotion to one God. the path for salvation, people in other parts they shall be comforted. The new religion was Islam which was we will always enjoy happiness only; of the world too developed similar ideas. founded by Prophet Mohammad. we have no suffering at any time. In the Middle East in the region now called Š Blessed are the meek, for they will Prophet Mohammad was born in Arabia Israel and Palestine developed a new inherit the land. (Appar) at Mecca in 570 CE. Prophet taught that religion called Christianity started after Blessed are they who hunger and Š there is only one God and all human beings In this verse Appar is saying that Jesus christ. thirst for righteousness, for they will are His creation. The way all the children devotees of Shiva are neither afraid of be satisfied. He was born at Bethlehem near are equal before their parents all human any king nor of death, disease and hell. Jerusalem (now in Israel) about 2000 years Blessed are the merciful, for they beings are equal before god. God or Allah They are ever happy. Š ago. Jesus Christ preached that all people will be shown mercy. has no shape and therefore it is wrong to are equal. He taught us to love one another. worship idols. He taught that all men are In another verse Appar is saying that Blessed are the clean of heart, for He taught the importance of peace, love and Š brothers. He emphasised the importance he does not care for those who are they will see God. compassion. He advised the people not to of love for the whole of humanity. offering him worldly riches. On the other follow the practice of “Tit for tat”. He Š Blessed are the peacemakers, for Mohammad is considered as a Prophet or hand he only respects those who are believed that even an enemy can be won over they will be called children of God. messenger of Allah. The teachings of Allah devoted to Shiva even if they are poor, by love. are written in a book called Quran. It is the sick or of low status. Š Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of holy book of Islam. Read some of the verses from the Quran in translation: Shiva grabbed me lest I go astray righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I bowed, I wept, danced, cried aloud. Š Love your enemies, and pray for I sang, and I praised him... those who persecute you, that you may Love pierced me like a nail driven into be children of your heavenly Father, a green tree. for he makes his sun rise on the bad Overflowing, I tossed like a sea, and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Heart growing tender, body shivering, Christ was arrested and crucified by the While the world called me mad and rulers of his time. laughed at me, Saint Thomas a follower of Jesus Christ Fig: 18.3 I left shame behind, took as an came to India with Roman traders and Cheraman Mosque, in Kerala this is ornament. brought with him the teachings of Christ. beleived to be the first Mosque in India. (Manikka Vasakar) Fig: 18.3 St.Thomas Basilica, St. Thomas propagated Christianity in Chennai. This was built in 1523. South India. Free Distribution by Govt. of A.P. Devotion and Love towards God 159 160 Social Studies

increasingly adopted by a very large number Al fatiha of people. Kings and rulers also adopted Key words In the name of Allah the most these ideas and started encouraging their beneficent the most merciful. All praise subjects to practice these religions. They Sculptures Salvation is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. The built vast temples, churches or mosques in Incarnations Jataka stories most benificent the most merciful The which people could worship. lord of the day of Judgement. Thee Historians try to understand why these alone we worship, thee alone we seek new ideas came about during this period for help. Guide us to the right path. The and why did they become popular among path of those, upon whom thou has so many people. They feel that as tribes and bestowed favors. Not of those, who thou Improve your learning small kingdoms were being merged into has cursed once; not of those whom larger states, people were attracted to the have gone astray. 1. Try to imagine a discussion between a Buddhist monk and a hunter-gatherer and idea of God of all people and not just of how they learnt from each other. Write a short dialogue between the two of Sura al ikhlas one tribe or caste or small kingdom. Kings them. and emperors also encouraged such ideas “The truth is: Allah is One. Allah is and often tried to claim to be 2. Can you see any similarities and differences between the early and the Vedic Besought of all, needing none. He representatives of those Supreme Gods religion? neither begot anyone, nor was themselves. In this way they may have tried 3. In what ways were the early and Shaiva thinking different from that of begotten. And equal to Him has never to win the support of their subjects. the Buddhists and Jainas? been any one.” Historians also feel that as the 4. Discuss how the Puranas helped in bringing together different religious practices Islam was brought to India by Arab difference between rich and poor, powerful in the country. traders who visited the ports of India. and powerless increased, many people were 5. Can you point out the most important difference between the early beliefs and very unhappy about this growing inequality Have you seen worship of gods in the beliefs of the Bhaktas of ? Š and the suppression of the poor and the a Mosque? Describe the procedure powerless. Perhaps they tried to assert the 6. Underline two lines of the Sermon on the Mount that you like the most. Give of the worship. equality of all human beings through your reasons. devotion to the Supreme God. Some 7. In what way did the Prophet Mohammad explain the equality of all human beings? The belief in a Supreme God historians feel that Buddhism and Jainism which emphasised meditation and control 8. Can you list the similarities and differences between the religious feelings? Can you see some common ideas over ones desires lost their popularity as emerging among the Hindus, Christians and 9. Point out the following in the world map: people preferred to have faith in Gods for Muslims? They all believed in the existence solving their problems. (a) Jerusalem (b) Mecca (c) Keral State of one Supreme God and the need to worship Him. They also believed in At the same time we should remember (d) Chennai (e) Sindhu River (Indus) equality, love and respect for all human that a large number of people did not agree beings irrespective of their wealth, with these new ideas and continued to education or social status. These ideas were follow their old religious ideas. Some in fact did not believe in the existence of an all powerful God at all.

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