The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities. a Fortnight's
\ McKEW PARR COLLECTION MAGELLAN and the AGE of DISCOVERY PRESENTED TO BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY • 1961 r^ Y^, ,-^^ctusJ-c^-- If! Ufa- THE GOLD-MINES OF MIDIAN THE RUINED MIDIANITE CITIES. — — — THE INNER LIFE OF SYRIA, PALESTINE, AND THE HOLY LAND. By Mrs. Richard Burton. IVitk Photographic Portraits of Captain Burton and the Author, and with Coloured Ilhcstratiotis and Map. Second Edition, 2 vols, demy 8vo. Price 243-, "Vivid pictures of the outer as well as the Inner Life of Syria." Pall Mall Gazette. " Her account of harem life is one of the best and most truthful that has yet appeared." Academy. "Vivid, clever, and brilliant sketches of Damascus and the Mahom- medan and Christian races of Syria." Edinburgh Review. C. Kegan Paul & Co., i. Paternoster Square, London. : THE GOLD-MINES OF MIDIAN AND THE RUINED MIDIANITE CITIES. A FORTNIGHTS TOUR IN NORTH-WESTERN ARABIA. BY RICHARD F. BURTON, MEMBRE DE l'iNSTITUT EGYPTIEN. LONDON C. KEGAN PAUL & CO., i, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. 1878. — .1^ I5-O VAj / L ji\ ^C^ * ' We have the authority of Niebuhr, that the precious metals are not found or known to exist in Arabia, which has no mines either of gold or silver."— Crichton's Histojy of Arabia, ii. 403. " Namentlich sind es die Arabir, welche den grossten Theil des in Alterthum vorhandenen Goldes unter die menschen geschlendert haben."—Sprenger, Alte Geographic, etc., p. 299. " Peregrinatio notitiam dabit gentium, novas tibi montium formas ostendit, inusitata spatia camporum et ii-riguas perennibus aquis valles, et alicujus fluminis sub observatione naturam. " L. Anncei SenectE, Epist. civ. HIS HIGHNESS ISMAIL I., KHEDIV OF EGYPT, A RULER WHOSE LOVE OF PROGRESS AND WHOSE PRINCELY HOSPITALITY HAVE MADE THE NILE-VALLEY, ONCE MORE, THE RESORT OF SCIENCE • AND THE DELIGHT OF TRAVELLERS, Cfjese ^agfs ARE RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED.
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