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Conan Comics i .'I -- ' ""'' l '' ' " ':' ''MBIA ihAc i v. 'IRIAN. Sun.. March iU. it'976 You and the expert We have the questions, but you have the answers. The name of the game is You and the expert Every Sunday in T7ie this column, we publish comments from our readers and issue compare with opinions experts. you big them the of If have a question, send it to You and the expert, People Section, The Missourian, 311 S. Ninth St, Columbia, Mo. 65201. Are there enoughAplaces in Columbia for collectors where singles can meet socially? You: Expert: I don't believe mere are enough Yes, if jyoa know where they are. But places for people who wont accept me itlakes a yew Id find where everything atmosphere of singles bars, though is uidess yon reauy get around qukkly. there are enough of those. There are Conan comics WUIiamD.BlBker many campus activities for single 2209 Oskwood Drive college students, but we overlook the nonco&ege single person who Wright says lie believes at least 50 doesnt There are places if you just hunt mem socialise onbisjob. V!.-.j!i- :. -- i.i; v.v'U collectors tin the area ihawe good sets. ' 'I out Some places areat taken ad- Singles may be people who have been tidfik ithey touy ttiena because .of ittoe ac- vantage cf as much as they could be. Tfcey j hart in retationshjps before. need ' !it-- '... t; u'"u, ,.i .iack tin'- - vli'lc tion. They're r,eally a blood and guts For people who dont like drinking and to wflhng at- type comic.''' be to risk failure in 'f dancing, there are coffeehouses which tempting to start a relationship or a u-jso- l if'.o.'i.-.- ;. .'. .iDiev i:. Uw lave a very relaxed atmosphere. singles program They must accept it .!': ::!U-- : .,. A :'c!'fiuJ!y draV'h Although Conan has 'been in comic Madeline Pinsky as an attempt to do something ' -- -- i -- J-tfe-!".:.- )W t'" ' : .s u-rij lite -.ii( book a .time, Ms iiistory ii tiorm for short 1021 Sonthpark Drive :.-j; meaningful and not rejected if c-'ve- ra i-i---"- A.jv pan cf goes took a long way. Robert E. fed it - '--l- doesnt workout i.'.i1- -- ' '.- :!.: U rollers 'S .wi.rH! Howard wrote 18 tales about Conan, There's really not much to dosocially . - -- ' . id tiin Ui. !iviit-- Uk- most of which were published in the for people who are underage. Yon cant ' ') ..,IL. i.! :!i. magazine, Weird Tales, in ithe 1930s. go to bars to meet people, because they Conan lived and fought 12,000 years ; -. ' -- ;. .. ..:: i J- .... 2.;:';:s. of check IDs at the door. ago in Howard's inytMcai Hyborian : . Munson Uj. ,. .-- 'i; James .: did :c Age. With his mighty .sword, he : battled : '. t-.- '-ij .( ..:, . !. 'i o. HOW. Ash St .a i demons, .dragons and even the eternal gods across Howard's prehistoric world I think so. Several of the bars in town to become ruler of the mightiest aregoodplacesforsinglestameet Kingdom in it. He killed barbarian foes Rkk Barton by day and loved ieautiful women toy 2302 White Gate Drive night. Alter Howard's death, L. Sprague De It depends on what type of person you ' ' n . .. ;..''i,.' C'i'.'' v'-- aes Camp and Lin Carter edited eight un- are There are places if you make the '..- -- '. -- . : -, .'A :' : U.L. 70 published stories Uey found and filled effort and someone who wants to meet -:-- .:; ".' W '...''".. Uie in tiie gaps f Conan's life based on people willmake the effort notes Howard left. Howard's original Nancy Whitley inaterid and th. cffori of De Camp 1607 Windsor St and Carter nea-- ,. omtoned in 11 paper--r i-ua- -- ack jioveLs pubhslied by cer books TanuSny in the late 196ns Ba.-be- r and Zimmer Bob Zimmer, left, and Loy Barter together have 85 Conan u.-.- . -- The Rev. A. bolh Jiiave all il ,jw;jerbacks which are comic books in i&eir collections of more than 1,500 comics. Gary Armour '- f.-- Associate mtauster, i . - . 'i o:;1 f print ,ni' Missourian photo by John Rgssmo) First Cbristfaa Ctarefa Roy Thomas, a i-6- - iii'iold graduate .'-- -- .. .. ::i v !s:ly . - a of Washington Universal in St. Louis, -- ; .: Iv.-- , . .-- .,. 4! "i o3 writes the color comic about Conan for I'1 . -- .it.., ..'ii .ji' ."' ?P . H: Marvel. Several artists have worked v "" . '. ' - fji'is. 'ii.' f'rt 10 No with huii. "Most tf toe first 24 color Erzeugerabfullung: Don't say it, sip it ;r ).-.- ' o.-j- .' - '.' :-- .'','). by l' Conans were illustrated Barry . ' !- .:; ! : - . ""ji el,':, i:) l'J."! Smith, a top comic book artist," Zim- N.Y. Times Service The great German wines are sweet ones. start at about $3.50 here and go up and ' . !..!... .!".:-- .';":: . waiv::. UV a mer says. "That's one of the reasons They can be (and are) drunk with Actually, it is not really mat difficult up, depending on quality. i i. '.'; '...'. .j.r.-- ;i!' --.: "S;i;vn'wfi they're so valuable today." NEW YORK American wine meals, but they are best enjoyed alone, togetastart in German wines. To begin -- ... -. .-- .- ,..- t i i UW ..' :' c:."'; appeal Zimmer has more than comics of Est&te-botSe- d, "Er-zeugerabfullu- drinkers have an ambivalent approach as an apertil For the time being, at with, a? per cent of them are white. by the way, is ng" ' vi-..ji;,- -! SiJi'Wtiji"1;-B-.- ' i; . t'n'ijv.i.'i ijiit all kinds for which he paid about $400. to German wines. On the one hand, we least, this is not the way most Some are in green bottles and some in . in German. Just as it . :!.-.- : i"!j.-.-- tjuti; Siip)liSUc.-'U,'i- He believes they are worm close to $700 consume an ocean of Blue Nun and Americans drink wine. brown. The green bottles are from the is in France, it is a guarantee that the '".. 11 )ir-- - yK 600 .' :' :. IS today. Barber has more than have made it one of the few successful We start out liking sweet wines but as Mosel and the brown ones from the wine was bottled by tfas vintner who . 'i'1-- ' J' -- l : '.'ii'-.- 'Ddd j!;;i uyji comics and estimate? their worth at brand names m the wine world. our palates become more attuned to Rhine. made ti it '. , i" ;. .u-lfcntds- ." about $500. Elaborate lists are kept of wine, we seek out drier and drier wines As great as 1873 was along the Rhine ' .'. - .:.: I v.ut- of "'I!.,-:- : own and how On the other hand we drink hardly '. '.," the comics they much to accompany food. The great dry white Then, too, there is really only one and Moselle Rivers, 1971 was even bet- ' -- estate-bottle- '..-.- .! ; biif-;m-- i any great d ... Yijisii t!'e they paid for them. of the German wines of Burgundy are far more grape of any importance, the riesling. ter. ' Frank Scboonraaker rated ..1-.- " it .! ' h wines, the wines many specialists con- j.'"1 vfc;e nxajiazane Zunmer and Barber take great care popular here than the wines of the Grown in those most northern cf all "without question the best year since - -- j i):j". : wt.-j- sider to be the finest white wines of ,..:'.:.- j i l;. js rlivies of their valuable collections. Each all Rhine and MoseL great vineyards (the attndp is about 1959" and it was oneiof the first years in f Why is there no progression from :";. j; '':i :: :ssijes Saii comic has a separate plastic coyer, and the To true lovers of German wine this the same as Labador), the riesUng decades when almost no wine had to be 'lo.t.-..;:- :: ; . ..-- simple to the ari :.i !kj.'''..'i:nau." complex, as is often the 'i. i they are categorized and stored in card- is a blessing because the quantity is produces wines of tranendous bouquet, sugared to bring up the alcohol content n .X:-;:- ' ' :- -.. j :.;ii-'- f-i- - t; case in American, French ': .t'l'. board boxes. Friends are allowed to and Italian always relatively small If these wines flavor and complexity. The 1971 vintage not wines? was big and, read them under their watchful eyes. ever became widely popular, the prices This is a good time to get to know Ger- while there are some 1971s around, J-ii.'lt- O!'.: ! ' i'V-Ok.- !v'.'t. W : i; j i Koci. S Even a bent edge can detract from a One reason is undoubtedly the con- would skyrocket man wines, thanks to me 1073 vintage. dtey are becoming scarce. In any ' rti'.Q ' 'v !1 '". S ;i?(n'h . 'i. i.S comic's value. fusion surrounding German wine labels The names and classifications of the It was, for Germany, enormous. At the event, the prices are high. 'i ';!;:;:: :: '.. ;;:i n"jd!J a!''1 h;.- - --v 0 'I'd rather buy four or five comics with their almost unpronounceable German wines are an impenetrable same time, it was extremely good. The greatest of the 1971s will be i-'- .. -h- v li;' - ;s ;ii'.ii: X'- - u'v-.;,- any day instead of Playboy," Zimmer names and unfamiliar laws. But mystery to many Americans. The Ger- Thus, there are considerable quantities talked about for many years and for :. -- ::, ' ."''.: i, 4 t.r jtMJ''.. -- Vi!i says. Conan is someone you can really probably more important is the way we mans are aware of this and in recent of excellent German wine around at anyone interested enough to lay ' some .; ; $?."J0. v-'-- us 'ii' i.'U''' identify with.
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