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The Complete Iron Devil Free FREE THE COMPLETE IRON DEVIL PDF Frank Thorne | 160 pages | 14 Apr 2008 | Fantagraphics | 9781560979012 | English | Seattle, United States The Devil in Iron (collection) - Wikipedia Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try The Complete Iron Devil. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. His The Complete Iron Devil genuinely hardcore work! Created back in the early s Artfully zipping back and forth between the ancient tale of Fey Brith, the freshest flower of the Iron Devil Brothel, and the modern story of Tristi Joie, spunky turn-of-the-millennium New York City hooker, The Iron Devil is the legendary Frank Thorne's most ambitious and most XXX-treme erotic masterpiece. Created back in the early s, The Iron Devil was released once as a softcover over 10 years ago and quicky sold out; this deluxe hardcover collects not just the original Iron Devil but its never before collected three-issue sequel The Devil's Angelincluding the amazing satirical concluding issue in which a porn bust causes just about all of Thorne's characters to line up and engage in a no-holds-barred battle with the forces of intolerance and obscurantism, including hilarious, thinly disguised parodies of some major political figures! As a bonus, the original black-and-white-and-gray art has been colorized into deep, scrumptious duotones that give a whole new sparkle to what is some The Complete Iron Devil the most amazing work of Thorne's career. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Complete Iron Devilplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Complete Iron Devil. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Complete Iron Devil. Nov 14, B rated it really liked it. An amazing reminder of how far comics have come and Oklahoma's history with them. The Complete Iron Devil highly recommend this collected edition of the erotica comic to those looking for a list of Frank Thorne's work as well as an introduction to him as an artist. As The Complete Iron Devil who lives in Oklahoma I never knew that this comic existed or that it caused such a commotion that book stores were raided and people were arrested over it. I'm glad I know now. Thim Sagefjord rated it really liked it Aug 23, Machado rated it it was ok Jan 23, Karol rated it it was amazing Jan 19, Berna Labourdette rated it liked it Mar 25, Skadorwa rated The Complete Iron Devil liked it Feb 02, Blake Hamilton The Complete Iron Devil it really liked it Dec 03, Maria Rentgen rated it it was amazing Jun The Complete Iron Devil, Anthony Vacca rated it really liked it May 03, Kamil G. Delbert rated it it was amazing Dec 04, David L. Becker rated it liked it Nov 30, Randy rated it it was amazing Aug 08, Mary Stapleton rated it liked it Oct 09, Jayson added it Oct 01, Matthew Barry marked it as to-read Jun 06, Brandon marked it as to-read May 04, William Dench marked it as to-read May 20, Lenny Nero marked it as to-read Oct 07, Isabella added it Mar 04, Melissa marked it as to-read May 07, Zenpvnk marked it as to-read Jul 09, Jac marked it as to-read Jul 23, Seb marked it as to-read Jan 16, Vantine added it Feb 02, Sasan Hassan- Abadi marked it as to-read Apr 11, Gary Estrada marked it as to-read Jun 13, Chris Tippets marked it as to-read Oct 04, Laura marked it as to- read Nov 17, Hung marked it as to-read Feb 12, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Frank Thorne. Frank Thorne. Books by Frank Thorne. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, The Complete Iron Devil can't Read more Trivia About The Complete Iron No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The Complete Iron Devil by Frank Thorne (, Hardcover) for sale online | eBay Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you The Complete Iron Devil experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. His only genuinely hardcore work! Created The Complete Iron Devil in the early s, The Iron Devil was released once as a softcover over 10 years ago and quicky sold out; this deluxe hardcover collects not just the original Iron Devil but its never before collected three-issue sequel The Devil's Angelincluding the amazing satirical concluding issue in which a porn bust causes just about The Complete Iron Devil of Thorne's characters to line up and engage in a no-holds-barred battle with the forces of intolerance and obscurantism, including hilarious, thinly disguised parodies of some major political figures! As a bonus, the original black-and-white-and-gray art has been colorized into deep, scrumptious duotones that give a whole new sparkle to what is some of the most amazing work of Thorne's career. Product Details. Fantagraphics Books. The Complete Iron Devil Book () by Frank Thorne - Eros Comix | The Devil in Iron is a collection of two fantasy short stories written by Robert E. Howard featuring his sword and sorcery hero Conan the Barbarian. The book was published in by Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. The stories both originally appeared in the magazine Weird Tales. From Wikipedia, the The Complete Iron Devil encyclopedia. This article is about a short story collection. For the protagonist The Complete Iron Devil principal character, see Conan the Cimmerian. Conan the Barbarian. Conan books. Robert E. Sprague de Camp Roland J. Green John C. Hocking Robert Jordan Sean A. Conan Unchained! Conan Against Darkness! Hyborian Age. The Hyborian Age Conan chronologies. Thurian Age. Categories : short story collections Fantasy short story collections Conan the Barbarian books. Namespaces Article Talk. Views The Complete Iron Devil Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. Dust-jacket from the first edition. Donald M. Grant Conan. Grant Conan series publication order. Stories, books Books Conan books. Authors Creator Robert E. Related articles Kull Thurian Age. .

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