The Inventory of the L. Sprague De Camp Collection

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The Inventory of the L. Sprague De Camp Collection The Inventory of the L. Sprague de Camp Collection #60 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center de Camp, L, Sprague 1965 Box 1 Amra v. 2 no. 4, 6-12, 14-16 June 1959-Dec. 1964 20-24, 26-31. (LSdeC is editor and contributor) Reprints: Some Alaskan Place Names Scranton pronunciation Before Stirrups Master Gunner Appolonios [Review of] House of the Double Ax, by A. Carr Xerxes' Okapi in Greek Geography An Early Patent Law Opposed Creation and Innovation File of "The California Tech." Misc. contributions to college paper Addenda April 1965 Boxes 2 3 4 3 boxes of Science Fiction "Little" Magazines that either mention author or contain works of his. ,,, . Page 2 deCamp, 1. SpraiYe (addenda - Sept. 1965) Box 115 1. The Day of the Dragon (unpublished) a . First draft. Typescript with holograph corrections, 3581. (incomrl ete - lacks chapters three and four) b. Second draft. Typescript with holograph corrections (2 holograph.J . ) , c .480.J. (includes two drafts of first chapter) c . Another draft. Typescript and typescript carbon (first 62.J. carbon, remainder original), holograph corrections, 1TJJ. (first five chapters only) d. 4 drawings for the book done by deCamp ("discarded first attempts") 2 . Spirits, Stars, and Spells (to be published, 1965?) a . Notes and outline, holograph (pencil), 53.J. b. First draft. Typescript with holograph corrections, c.510.J. A.lso jacket copy, typescript wi:t:h holograph corrections, 7.,,f. Reference notes, hol., 27,/. • c . Second draft. Typescript with holograph corrections, c.45o.J . d. Third draft. TYPescript with holograph corrections, chapter five only, 30J. 3. Round A.bout the Cauldron (later rei.rised as Spirits, Stars, and Spells) a . Outline and table of contents, Typescript with holograph corrections, 30J. b . Second draft. Typescript with hologr aph corrections, 1611. (six chapters only) c . 11linal dr aft". Typescript carbon with holograph corrections, 983.l. 4 . Science in America (unpublished as such) a. Notes . Holograph, 9.1. (References for chapters 12- 16) b . Typescript carbon of chapters 1, 4, and 8, few holograph corrections, 139). 5. I nventions, Patents, and their i:anagement (1959) a . 11 Notes and discarded pages 11 , typescript and holograph, c. 400J . (includes correspondence with joint author, Alfred IL Berle) (For description of o.11 of above see deCamp ' s letter of 7 Sept. 1965 in H.B.G. 1 s file) ,. , Page 3 Box #6 6 . The Arrows of Hercules (Novel - 1965) a . "Rough (First) Draft" . Typescript with holograph corrections, c . L...40 }. b . Final draft (publisher' s copy) . Typescript with holograph corrections and printer' s wArks , 4l6,./. c. Proofs . Three sets, few holograph annotations . Box #7 7 . Ancient Ruins and Archaeology (1964) b:f kS.d.t C. Qrid (11/iee.,~ Ccool:. Jr farnp a . Notes and outline material, holograph (pencil), 34.J. b . Copy of letter {typescript with holograph additions) to h . Lousseau concerning illustrations for French edition. c . 1':s . Typescript with holograph corrections and printer' s marks, c .400.J. d . Iroofs • .i.i'ive sets, some holograph annotations. Box #8 8 . Printed Ha terial a . Amra. (1.) Harch, 1965. Revi ew of ~he Knight and the Umbrella by Ian Anstruther, p.15. (2.) April, 1965 . "Range" (article), pp. 4-7, 9 . (3.) May, 1965 . Review of The Curved Sabre by Harold Lamb, p. 9 . (4.) July, 1965 . Review of The Arrows of Hercules, pp . 4- 7. "Pratt's Parallel Worlds" (article by deC . ), pp. 8- 13. b . "The 1Darkhouse 1 of A.lexandria. 11 , rerrint from Technology and Culture (Summer, 1965), 5pp. c . Amazing Stories (Feb ., 196L~), 11 L. Sprague deCamp : Sword and Satire" by Sam Moskowitz, pp. 97- 106. d . Catalog of F and SF Book Co . Includes deCamp items . Page 4 De Camp, L. Sprague addenda Box 11 - 12 The Ancient Engineers 1st draft. t. 546 //.. with holograph corrections. The Ancient Engineers 2d draft. t. (Pages discarded in ma.king 3d draft) various pagings. The Ancient Engineers 3d draft. t. 590J!.. and notes and bibl. holo. corr. Story of Science in America "rough draft. prepared from American Heritage version of 1939 ••• 11 t. c. holograph corrections pages cut and mounted etc. circa 200 + 1. Story of Science in America 1st 514 pp. of final draft. with notes for revision and condensation used as basis for Story of Science in Am. "original t. The Beginning of Sc- in A - " Story of Science in America Sheets discarded in preparation working draft of revised version for Scribner. t. c. with holograph corrections. Story of Science in America Final version for Crowell 1954 and rejection when about 60% complete t. c. 514 l. Story of Science in America Working draft. whence wast. version for Scribner 2/2/65. 200 + J. t. holograph corrections. Story of Science in America working draft 9/28/65 200 + f. holograph corr. Story of Science in America version submitted to Scribner 2/2/65 t. 241 /. Knights and Knaves in Neustria article for "Am:ra" open 475 1st draft t. holograph corrections 6 /4. Page 5 de Camp, L. Sprague Addenda, 1966 THE ANCIENT ENGINEERS L. Typescript with printer's marks. 625) . Labelled "final Box 13 draft, ribbon copy •• " Includes layout sheets for title page and chapter headingo Carbon typescript with some holo corr. Labelled "Final draft, carbon copy" 617.J. Box 14 INVENTIONS PATENTS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT by Alf K. Berle and L. Sprague de Campo 1. Typescript with holo. corr. 689 ) . Labelled "1st (Rough) draft, transcribed." 2 0 Carbon typescript with some holo. co :rro 690 ✓• Labelled "Carbon copy of rough draft, ready for publisher's preliminary criticism" Box 14 THE ARROWS OF HERCULES Typescript with many holo corr. Label led "2nd draft" Box 15 ROUND AOOUT THE CAULDRON Un~ublished. Typescript with many holo. corr. First draft. 1095.J. THE DAY OF THE DRAGON Carbon typescr~t. "Final draft of the first version" 440 .,fo Box 16 Radio Scripts on current developments in science written for Voice of America. All carbon typescripto 1. "Scientific Developments" 1) . 7/8/56 July, script #1 2. "Radio Astronomy" 5 / . 7/1/56 June, script #4 J. "Cholesterol and Aging" 5 ./. 7/1/56 June #3 4. "Developments in Several Sciences" 5 / . 6/14/56 June, script #2 5o "Cigarettes and Cancer" 5/ . 6/14/56 June, script #1 6. "Earth Magnetism" 5 } . 5/27/56 May, script #4 7. "Problems of the Atomic Age" 5 / . 5/27/56 May script #5 Page 6 Radio Scripts continued Box 16 8. "Fusion Power" 5 { • 5/16(56 May, script #3 9. "The American Museum of Natural History" 5 J. 5/16/56 script #2 lOo "Progress in Artificial Satellites" 5 J. May, script #l. 11. "Training India's Atomic Scientist" 5 J. 20 April, 1956 12. "The Image-Converter 5 .J. 4/15/56. l3o "Population" 6 J. 4/6/560 14. "The Race1J of Man" 5 J. 3/29/56. l5o 11 Mutations11 8 / o 3/21/56 16. 11Saving Wild Life" ,_). 2/10/56 11 17. The Diffusion of Culture" 5 j . 1/8/560 18. "Zoos" ,f . 3/12/56. 19. "Viruses" 5 .J. l/14/56 20. "Stream Pollution. 5 / . 21. "Scientific Developments al. 7/15/56 July, script #2 22. 11Sroog" 5j • 23. "Benjamin Franklin, Scientist" 5} . 12/1/55. 24. 11The Last Unknown Continent" Carbon typescript. 5/ . 12/2/ 55~ 25. "The Antiproton" 5 J. 11/22/55 26. "The Protein Puzzle" 6 / . 27. "Traffic-Engineering"' 5 J. 2J1/56. 28. "Our Debt to the Middle East" 5./. 29. "Long-Range Weather-Forecasting. 5 / . 30. "Inventions and Patents. 6.J. 31. "Chemical Psychiatry 5 J. 2/18/56 32. 11The Atomic Time-Clock. 6) . 33. 110rthodo:xy in Science" 5 J. 2/6/56 34. 11 The Internat ional Geophysical Year" 5) . Page 7 Poems J Box 11 11 1. Farewell to . Opus 505 a . Holograph 3 . A 16 b . Holograph 10 ..J. 2 . 11Heroes 11 a . Holograph 1 ~ . b . Holograph 1 .,,r . 3 . 11 01d Heroes II a . Holograph. 3 j . b . Typescript with hole. corr. 5/ 27/66 1J. c . Typescript with hole. corr . 5/ 27/66 1./. differ ent version d . Typescript with hole . !JOte . 1J . 5/29/ 66 e . Carbon typescript. l J . 4 . "Ghost Ships" Hol ograph. 6 J. 5 . "The Dragon-Kings~• Hihlograph . 10 J. Various versions . 6 . "The Tusk" Holograph. 3) . 7 . 11A Brook in Vermont" Hol ograph 3 J . 2 versi ons . 8 . 11To R.E.H. 11 Holograph. 4 / . 3 versions. 9 . "Nahr al-Kalb" Holograph 7 J . Typescript 1 1 . j Carbon typescript. 1 . 10. "Ou Sent les Plan~tes d 11Antan? 11 Holograph 2 / . 2 versions . 11. "Avebury" Typescript . 1 R. Holograph 2./. J.2/ "Tintagel " Holograph 1 / . 8/ 13/ 64 . Holograph 2 .J -J / 11~ /64 . Typescript . 2 . Carbon typescript wi tin hole. corr. 8/ 22/64 Carbon typescript l .,f. 13 . "To My Library" Holograph. 6 ) . 3 versions . 14 . Holograph . 3 ./. 4/ 15/66 Typescript with halo. corr. Carbon typescript with hole. 00rr. 15. 11 The Gods" Holograph. 2 J. 3/22,23/ 66. A Typescript with halo. corr. 3/23/66 ;J.. --f . Carbon typescript with hol o corr. 2 J . 16. "The First Archeologist" Typescript. 2 versions . 2 / ./ Carbon typescripts of above . 2 . 17. "Nakondidus" Holograph. 8/ 30/ 64 . 18. "Heldendammerung" Holograph . 2J. 19. "Tikal. Holograph. 1 J. 9/ ll/6311 Holograph in Fr]nch . 2 J . Typescript . l { - 9/18/63 . Page 8 Box 16 DINOSAURS AND DYNAMJS: THE HEROIC AGE OF AMERICAN SCJENCE 1864 - 1914 Carbon typescript. 124} . "Sample. chapters of a projected book. 11 11 The Story of Science in America Chapter X Toe Sky Above 11 Typescript with holo.
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    VECTOR---------- NO. 6 0FF1CJAL ORGAN OF THE BSFA -- VECTOR 6 winter im -CONTENTS This issue of VECTOR is published from: 41, North End Road, Fitz James' Ave., W.14. Editorial staff: Roberta Grey, Michael Moorcock, Sandra Hall and John Phillifent. Artwork and lettering by Jim Cawthorn, Michael Jones and Mike Moorcock. Pages Items Authors 3 Editorial R. Grey 5 Treasure's Report A. Mercer 7 The Complete Enchanter M. Moorcock 13 The Secretary Reports S. Hall 15 Magazine Reviews T. Jeeves 19 Book Reviews A. Weir (B.Sc) 22 SF in Portugal The CDLP 25 Psionics Fiction E. Bentcliffe 28 Film Review M. Moorcock 30 Letter Column BSFA Members Editors Mrs Roberta Grey (nee Wild) 14» Bennington Street, Cheltenham, GLOUCESTERSHIRE Secretarys Sandra Hall, 41, North End House, Fitz Janes-’ -Awenaq, London, W. 14. Treasurers Archie Mercer, 434/4» Newark Road, North Hykeham, LINCOLN. Librarian: Peter Mabey, BSFA Postal Library, 130, London Road, Cheltenham, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHaT YOU THINK OF VECTOR. All letters should be sent to the Editor at the address given above and not to North End House VECTOR, The Official Organ of the British Science Fiction Association is published and produced by the BSFA 1/1/60 3 'Ne had hoped to have Vector ready for you- hy Christmas, but one or two holds up have occurred so we can only say now that we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish you the very best for a happy and prosperous New Year. Once again we have Mike Moorcock to thank for helping with the material and arranging for the artwork with Jim Cawthorn.
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