Chinese Civil War—Part 1


• Nationalists Overthrow Qing Dynasty • push for modernization and nationalization in , which had been ruled by Qing Dynasty for over 260 years. • Sun Yixian becomes first president of the new country— The Republic of China • New Republic was built on Three Principles of the People – Nationalism and end to foreign control – People’s rights (democracy) – Economic security for people’s livelihood Chinese Civil War

• Sun Yixian turns over power to General Yuan Shikai who turns against democratic principles of the revolution • Local rebellions lead to civil war when Shikai dies in 1916 • Warlords take control of large areas of China that their armies can control Chinese Civil War

• China enters WWI on side of Allies hoping to get Chinese territory controlled by Germany • Anger over Treaty of Versailles leads to May 4th Movement which turns many Chinese away from Democracy and towards Soviet Communism Chinese Civil War

• Mao ZeDong and others organize Communist Party in 1921 • Mao adapted Soviet Communism to fit the rural conditions of China—he focused on peasants • The USSR sent military advisors and material to help the Chinese communists join the Kuomintang (nationalists) Chinese Civil War

• Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai- Shek) led Koumintang after Sun died and promised democratic reforms • Jiang’s government became more authoritarian and did not bring political rights to Chinese people • Jiangi’s Nationalists and Mao’s Communists, mostly peasants, join forces to successfully fight against warlords Chinese Civil War

• Jiang eventually turns against Communstis • In 1927, Nationalists move into Shaghai and execute many Communist leaders— almost eliminating the Communist Party • In 1928, Jiang becomes President of Republic of China and gets formal recognition from US and Great Britain • USSR supports Communists • Rage over treachery and murders created hostility that led to a bloody civil war in China. Chinese Civil War

• Mao and Communists settled in hills of South- • Jiang Jieshi’s army of >700,000 surround Communists in 1933 • 100,000 Communists undergo Long March—a 6000 mile retreat that lasted from 1934-1935. • Long March ended in Northwestern China after Communists lost over 92,000 men • As civil war waged on, Japan attacked Manchuria—part of China. Communist leader address • Japan’s full-scale attack of China survivors of the Long March created an uneasy truce between Nationalists and Communist and the civil war was postponed