The Urge A ‘Scripts Ahoy’ Collaboration 1

SCENE 1 - [Liam Paternott]

A street at night, just outside of a house party - music and the occasional laugh and shout can be heard in the distance.

Andre paces in a small circle, tapping his foot to the beat every once in a while. He alternates between gazing into the distance and looking at his phone.

Rose and Jay stumble on stage, looking backwards and giggling before noticing Andre.

JAY: Andre!

ROSE: Andre… How are you feeli -

JAY: So, this is where you’ve been hiding. Not feeling the best?

ANDRE: No, I’m fine, I’m fine. Just… tired, I guess.

JAY: And you think standing out in the cold by yourself is going to help with that? You should come back inside, I’m sure we’ll be better at waking you up than that wind.

ANDRE: I just wanted a bit of space.

Jay is silent, Andre begins pacing again, away from Jay and Rose.

ANDRE: How come you two are out here?

ROSE: Wanted some fresh air.

JAY: And I ordered food. Should be here soon.

ROSE: [To Andre] Did you hear everyone screaming the lyrics to Hey Ya?

ANDRE: Pretty sure the whole street did. Was that you doing the high note?

ROSE: Definitely not, I don’t think I could even talk after that.

ANDRE: Wasn’t you, was it Jay?

Jay looks at him coldly before checking his phone while Andre and Rose laugh.

JAY: [sighing] I think he took a wrong turn, back in a sec

He leaves

ANDRE: Having an alright time?


ROSE: Yeah… I mean, it’s just weird being out again after so long. It’s like I have to relearn how people work. I haven’t seen them in so long - well, online doesn’t count - and it’s like I’m meeting them again for the first time. There’s that awkward trepidation, moments where people are waiting for each other to say something and I know it’s been a while but I’m sure that isn’t how things were.

ANDRE: [pausing briefly as if waiting for her to finish] I know what you mean, I keep on accounting for lag or people’s computers fucking up.

ROSE: Like when you paused just then?

ANDRE: [laughs slightly] Not the first time that’s happened tonight. I think the real reason I came outside was just to reload my brain. This just isn’t what I imagined it being.

ROSE: We can’t be the only people feeling like that. Some people got wasted way quicker than usual, I think they’re compensating.

ANDRE: That’s not a bad idea…

ROSE: Will you come back inside?

ANDRE: [stammering] I mean - it’s - just -

ROSE: You’re not doing yourself any favours standing out here, it’s cold and I’ll head back inside when Jay grabs his food, so you’ll be all by yourself. People are excited to see you again too you know.

ANDRE: I was excited to see people too, but it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

ROSE: We’ll get past the awkward stage soon -

ANDRE: I imagined what going out again would be like -

ROSE: It will get easier -

ANDRE: [talking to himself more than Rose at this point] Maybe I’m just always like this. Is it really something new? -

Maybe I should just get an Uber or…

Rose looks away and takes a couple of steps back.

ROSE: Sorry, I should give you some space. -

It would be a shame for you to go so early. Just give it another shot.


Jay enters with a bag

JAY: You two could have gone back in, you know. There are parties going on all over the street now. The corner sounds like an awful mashup of reggae and noise rock. And who blasts The Swans? They’re trying to piss people off at that point.

ROSE: Get your food fine?

JAY: Yeah, chased him down. Seriously, why are you still outside, it’s freezing?

ANDRE: I was thinking of -

ROSE: We were just chatting. Haven’t seen each other for a while.

JAY: Haven’t seen anyone for a while.

The sound of commotion off stage, as if Holyfield just won the fight. Jay, Rose and Andre are shocked. Jay quickly runs in. Rose follows, looking back at Andre who then joins them after a pause.

SCENE 2 - [Lucas Rindt]

The interior of the house is rather hazy, likely from the smoke machines present. The loud music is mingled with the concerned chatters of the partygoers.

There’s a small crowd of individuals gathering by the front entrance. They talk amongst themselves, fixed on something unknown that is outside.

Andre, Rose and Jay approach on-stage to the back of the crowd.

ROSE: [Flustered] Why’s there such a big crowd outside?

ANDRE: I guess people really are attracted to The Swans, huh...

JAY: I doubt that they’d ever attract such a large crowd in the first place. Besides… This looks like some pretty serious shit.

ANDRE: W-Well, it looks like--

JAY: [Cutting Andre off] Look at those crowds of people outside of their own houses too! Hey, ain’t that Rudy’s place? Those guys never come outta their house…! Fuck, I still can’t see what’s going on, though.


ROSE: Did you see anything on your way here…? I mean, you were out there for quite some time… Maybe someone mistook you for a burglar.

JAY: Yeah, because all burglars love to steal soggy fish-and-chips on a Friday night.

ROSE: Hey! I was just trying to lighten the mood here. This is seriously weirding me out, y'know. Like, what if it’s an alien invasion? We’re probably getting abducted as we speak!

JAY: For your sake, I hope you’re still trying to lighten the mood…

A long silence from the three friends, as they are drowned out by the indistinct chatter and music. The silence is broken by Andre, who speaks up after being cut off.

ANDRE: I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this.

JAY: Thanks Captain Obvious.

ROSE: Jay…

JAY: What? Just trying to ‘lighten the mood’...

The silence is longer the second time around, Andre looks away from the two, and Rose gives a deep sigh.

JAY: [Groans] Look, sorry, alright? It’s not everyday a house party attracts large crowds of people out the front lawn. It could be a murder for all we know!

ROSE: Jay!

JAY: I know! I know… Look, let’s just ask one of our mates. I think I see Breana, Charlie and a couple of others outside.

ANDRE: I’m not sure they’ll be able to hear us back here…

JAY: Well then… We either wait here or push through that crowd.

Another long silence.

ROSE: … But aren’t you curious to see what’s outside?

JAY: My thoughts exactly.

ANDRE: I am extremely curious.

JAY: Well then! I guess it’s decided.


Without a beat, Andre, Rose and Jay now try to push past the crowd, squeezing through the front door.

JAY: S’cuze us -- Sorry -- Oop, sorry about your drink…

Andre is left behind whilst Rose and Jay successfully push their way through the crowds. Once at the front, Rose and Jay stop… their mouths opening in shock at the sight that the audience cannot see. The music intensifies.

ANDRE: [Struggling] H-Hey!! The hell’s going on? Jay? R-Rose? What can you see?

The chatter dims to a silence. Andre is still seen trying to get past the crowd, but his anxiety stops him from going any further.

ANDRE: Fuck… Guys! C’mon, just shout it out to me.

Andre gives up after a few seconds, the silence from the others is deafening. He retreats back into the house and offstage.

Outside, we still see Jay, Rose and the others starting at this unknown event occurring outside the house. But in a split second, the crowd turns back into the house, with the last person slamming the door behind them.

There is no chatter whilst this happens, and apart from the music, it is completely silent.

SCENE 3 - [Adiba Mamadolimova]

Inside, Andre decides to grab a beer and then suddenly sees his old friend, Kyle from high school.

KYLE: Yo, Andre! Wassup man, haven’t heard from you since high school.

ANDRE: Oh heeey Kyle, didn’t know you were in Melbourne!

KYLE: Yeah moved here a while ago, Adelaide is an old people’s home.

Almagul walks up to the group.

KYLE: Andre, this is my girlfriend, Almagul.

Almagul shakes Andre’s hand.

ALMAGUL: Nice to meet you. How’re you finding the party?

Andre: Yeah, nice to meet you too. It’s good. Just feels a little weird, you know?


Kyle: What do you mean?

Andre: It feels like I’ve been in the desert for so long, looking for water, and now I have like a whole litre. [PAUSE.] But, like, I don’t want it anymore?

Kyle: Man, I’m the opposite. I can’t get enough of this shit! Been partying like there’s no tomorrow. Getting beers with the boys every single night -

Andre smiles, but his eyes look sad.

KYLE: Anyways, we’re gonna get back to the party, but nice seeing you mate.

ANDRE: Yeah same here, take care.

Kyle and Almagul walk away, backstage. Suddenly Andre sees Jay coming back from outside.

Andre: What the hell happened out there man? You looked so shocked.

Jay looks surprisingly calm.

JAY: What do you mean what happened? Nothing, we just went to get some fresh air.

Andre: What? You guys didn’t see anything?

JAY: [laughs] Bro, you’ve had way too many shots.

Jay starts walking away. Andre looks extremely confused.

Andre: Wait Jay!

JAY: What?

Andre: Where’s Rose?

JAY: Rose was with me… I dunno where she went man.

ANDRE: Shit.

Andre starts looking for Rose. He goes upstairs, looks in the two bathrooms, the bedrooms, and the main living room, but she’s nowhere to be seen. While he’s looking, he finds Rose’s diary that she left in one of the bedrooms. Not wanting to intrude on her privacy, he doesn’t open it, but decides to put it into the pocket of his jacket. He finally musters up the courage to go outside, to the place where she went missing. Outside, everything looks the same. A few empty beer bottles. He decides to call Rose, but it goes straight to voicemail. He sees a couple making out on the grass. Awkwardly, he walks up to them.


ANDRE: Hey sorry guys, have you seen anything weird happening here?

BOY 1: [visibly annoyed] only you killing the mood right now.

ANDRE: Sorry dude, but like this is really important. My friends here saw something extremely off, and now one of them is missing.

GIRL 1: There was a fight.

ANDRE: A fight? Between who?

GIRL 1: Well there was this one guy who looked really drunk and he came out starting throwing shit everywhere and this girl got hurt when he threw one of the bottles –

ANDRE: Can you describe the girl for me?

GIRL 1: She had brown hair in a ponytail, quite slim and tall, and wearing this cute leather jacket.

ANDRE: [mutters under his breath] That’s Rose. Okay and then what happened?

GIRL 1: And then the drunk dude went inside.

ANDRE: And the girl?

GIRL 1: The girl, I don’t really know where she went. Was a bit busy, you know?

The couple goes inside. Andre is left alone on the street. He finds Rose’s phone in the grass. Frustrated, he goes back inside. Inside he sees a girl sitting by herself by the window.

ANDRE: Hey I’ve noticed you’ve been sitting here a while, mind if I join you?

HANNAH: [excited] sure! I’m Hannah.

ANDRE: Andre. How long have you been here all by yourself?

HANNAH: [giggles] About an hour.

ANDRE: Okay, and I’ve noticed you’ve been staring out the window a lot. Anything interesting that made you stare for so long?

HANNAH: There was a fight.

ANDRE: Yeah? Could you tell me about it in detail?


HANNAH: Look Mr Sherlock Holmes. This is a party. I’m here to have fun. I thought you were coming up for different reasons. But what was I thinking, I never get attention from guys.

ANDRE: [with a smile] Look Hannah. You’re a really cute girl and under different circumstances I would totally get you a drink and try to win you over. But there’s a very important reason I’m asking you these questions. One of my friends, Rose, went missing tonight. The cause is unknown. I need you to tell me every single detail of what you saw during this hour, you understand me?

HANNAH: [with fear] Yes. Ok so, first there was this boy and girl who went out and they saw something and everyone else looked but I couldn’t really see what they were looking at. Then, there was this really bright flash like something from a camera. And then, I saw this big dude come out and he took the girl’s hand and started dragging her towards his truck.

ANDRE: [exasperated] And nobody tried to stop him? What the hell was everyone doing?

HANNAH: Well she kind of looked like him, so I personally just thought he was her dad.

ANDRE: But wasn’t she resisting him?

HANNAH: She wasn’t totally willing, but didn’t look like she was resisting him either. Kind of looked spaced out, like she was on drugs, you know?

ANDRE: That’s weird, Rose never did drugs. And what happened after?

HANNAH: And that’s it. They left, and everything went to normal. Anyway, I’m gonna go home, I’m tired.

Hannah takes her things and leaves. Andre notices something was off about the way the couple on the grass and Hannah were acting, but he can’t put his finger on what it is exactly. He sees Almagul talking to Kyle and decides to ask her about the event too, but before he can do that, she slaps Kyle across his face and runs upstairs.

SCENE 4 - [Helena Manoussios]

Andre follows Almagul to an upstairs balcony, they can be seen by the audience.

ANDRE: [Slyly] Hi Almagul, are you and Kyle okay?

ALMAGUL: [Confused] What? Who are you?


ANDRE: I’m Andre, Kyle’s friend. We met earlier.

ALMAGUL: [Still confused] Kyle? Who’s that?

ANDRE: The guy that you just slapped. Downstairs.

Almagul looks around in a state of horror and confusion, not recognising her surroundings. She leans on the ledge for support.

ANDRE: [Slowly] Kyle, your boyfriend. Remember when we met? Like before all of the crazy stuff happened outside.

ALMAGUL: Um, I don’t remember that. I don’t remember you. Did that guy Kyle put you up to this?

Almagul backs away from Andre in an attempt to distance herself from him. Andre raises his hands in surrender.

ANDRE: No, Kyle is a good guy. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. I just wanted to ask you about someone.

ALMAGUL: Are you sure? He just kissed me out of nowhere. I don’t even know this guy. Is he a friend of yours?

ANDRE: No, he’s your boyfriend. And I went to high school with him. So, when I saw him earlier, he introduced you as his girlfriend.

ALMAGUL: Really? I don’t remember that. Um, I don’t remember you. Did that guy Kyle put you up to this? [Threateningly]

ANDRE: No. He said nothing to me. I just came to find you.

ALMAGUL: Why? I didn’t do anything wrong.

ANDRE: I understand that Almagul. I just want to ask you something.

Almagul looks back into the house. When no one can be found she submits to speaking with Andre. His presence calms her, and she moves away from the ledge, closer to Andre.

ANDRE: Do you remember seeing the girl in the fight? She was taken away in a van or truck by some, like, older guy. Do you remember that?

ALMAGUL: A fight? I didn’t see a fight. I don’t think I even went outside.

ANDRE: But do you remember the crowd that ran outside of the house? It was pretty loud.


ALMAGUL: Um, I don’t remember any of that.

ANDRE: Okay. What do you remember from before I found you in here?

ALMAGUL: Well, I went to the bathroom and this really pretty girl was crying on the floor and so I helped her. Like, who wouldn’t help her? She even smudged her mascara so -

ANDRE: Whatever about the girl. What next?

ALMAGUL: Um, I think I washed my hands ‘cause they were dirty and then picked up my drink from the basin and went back to the dancefloor. Oh yeah, cause my fa- vou-rite song was playing! But some tall guy bumped into me and I got my drink all over my top. See there’s even a stain now.

Almagul tries to rub on the stain in an attempt to get rid of it but gives up when she notices Andre staring at her expectantly.

ANDRE: Yeah and who was that guy? Do you know him? Did you talk to him?

ALMAGUL: Yeah of course, I yelled at him for wrecking my new top. I got it online while we were stuck at home and the first time that I wear it, some idiot decides to spill his drink on it.

ANDRE: Wait. So, he spilt his drink on you?

ALMAGUL: Yeah. Isn’t that what I said? Anyway, he walks away, like the big guy he is, and I head back to the bathroom. That crying girl wasn’t there but she left her purse.

Almagul presents Rose’s bag from behind her shoulder and offers it into Andre’s hands. Andre accepts and begins to inspect the bag and its components.

ALMAGUL: Hey! What are you doing looking at her personal things? That’s private! I’m gonna give it back.

ANDRE: No. It’s Rose’s. It’s my friend’s. She’s the girl that’s gone missing.

ALMAGUL: The pretty girl with brown hair? Why would she leave her purse?

ANDRE: Wait here a sec. I’m gonna check the bathroom. Make sure she didn’t forget anything else.

ALMAGUL: Okay. I’ll be here. I don’t wanna see that Kyle again.


Andre leaves the balcony and can be heard running down the stairs and rummaging around a bathroom. A large groan indicates his misfortune, footsteps going up the stairs. Andre enters the balcony area. Almagul is nowhere to be found.

ANDRE: [Shouting] Almagul! Where are you?

SCENE 5 - [Daphne Suresh]

A piercing shriek is uttered from the ground floor. The pounding music that has been reverberating around the house stops suddenly, and there is an eerie silence, apart from one girl who continues screeching insistently. Andre is just about to run back downstairs when he sees a neatly folded piece of paper with his name beneath an ashtray. Inside it is a cigarette with curls of smoke still evaporating into the night air. It’s odd, since Almagul and himself were the only ones up there, and neither of them smoked. He picks up the note, and in elegant cursive handwriting, there are the words: ‘I’m sorry Andre, I really am, but she knew far too much for her own good.’

ANDRE: [gasps, the paper immediately slipping from his grasp] What the fuck?

As Andre sprints down the stairs, the pulsating music starts playing out of nowhere, reaching a crescendo. There are red cups and pizza boxes strewn everywhere, white powder glittering on the floor, but the place is absolutely desolate. The incessant shrieking shakes him out of his reverie and he rushes outside to see the couple who were previously making out on the lawn. They are standing over a large form. He rushes towards them, and before he even realises he’s looking at Almagul’s body, he feels an insurmountable feeling of dread overwhelm him. He braces himself on a pole, feeling nauseous.

ANDRE: [whispers, talking more to himself than to the couple] Oh my God. Oh God, oh God what happened? What the fuck happened to her? How did she-

Andre cannot bring himself to say the word, and forces his eyes shut, hoping this is all some horrifying nightmare, or an elaborately conceived prank (albeit an awful one) and Almagul will wake up, and Rose will still be here, and everyone will be drinking and laughing the night away, carelessly, blissfully unaware of the real world, like they are supposed to be doing. He opens his eyes again though, and this monstrosity still greets him.

ANDRE: [exhaling] I don’t understand- We were together on the balcony and I left her for one second and- God this makes no fucking sense. Where the fuck is everyone? What the fuck is going on?


A terrible silence ensues, broken only by the girl who has not stopped screaming and shaking uncontrollably, fingers grazing Almagul’s face as her boyfriend holds her tenderly, whispering in her ear. Andre is unsure they even realise he’s there as well. The silence is finally broken by the girl, still shuddering violently, but not shrieking anymore.

EVANGELINE: [babbling somewhat incoherently] I can’t believe she’s really gone, she can’t be gone, she can’t. This is all a mistake. It’s all a big mistake. Maybe I’m hallucinating, maybe I forgot to take my antipsychotics today, maybe the paramedics can revive her. It’s all a mistake, it’s a misunderstanding. She’s not dead. She’s not dead.

COLE: [smiling sadly and stroking her hair gently] Baby I’m so sorry.

EVANGELINE: [whips her head to stare at him unflinchingly] Why are you sorry Cole? She’s not really gone. She’s still here, isn’t she? She could be alive for all we know.

COLE: [sighing] Evie, baby, I’m so sorry darling, but she’s dead. We’ve been out here with her for the past half an hour. God, I wish it was a mistake too, but it’s not, angel. [kisses her softly]

ANDRE: [cuts in emotionlessly] And there’s no fucking way anyone could survive a fall like that. Death like that is pretty much instantaneous.

COLE: [glaring, seeming to finally realise Andre is also there and walking over to him] No shit Sherlock. But for fuck’s sakes, keep it down will you?

ANDRE: [frowning] Why is she so distraught?

COLE: [rolls his eyes, laughing without any humour] I don’t know mate, maybe because she just witnessed a girl falling to her death and her subsequent lifeless corpse? Maybe because that girl was also her best friend? Maybe because she also suffers from schizophrenia and can’t have a normal fucking life like every other teenage girl partying every goddamn week?

ANDRE: [widens his eyes] Wait a second, she knew Almagul?

COLE: [with an exaggerated sigh] Knew? Evie doesn’t have any siblings, hardly any friends, Almagul was like her sister.

ANDRE: [tilting his head slightly] How did they meet though? Kyle’s been in Adelaide for ages, and only met Almagul pretty recently.

COLE: [scowling and squinting at Andre] You sure do ask a lot of questions don’t you? What am I, in a fucking cross-examination or some shit?


ANDRE: [scrunching his nose slightly] I’m just trying to piece together what the fuck happened tonight. So much surreal shit has gone on, first there was this huge crowd and no explanation, my friend Jay saw what was going on but acted like I was insane when I asked him about it afterwards, then my friend Rose vanishes, and there’s some inexplicable fight which apparently everyone witnessed but did absolutely nothing about despite the asshole being wasted, throwing shit and dragging Rose away, I mean why on earth would any of that be any cause for concern right? Then, I think I can finally get some answers from Almagul but even she’s acting so fucking bizarre, like she has no idea who Kyle is and I leave her for one goddamn second to check the bathroom to find some explanation for Rose’s disappearance and the next second, she’s dead and I see this note. I have no fucking clue what’s going on, everyone was acting shady as fuck tonight but I thought they were all just hammered, but there is something super disturbing going on, and we need to figure out what the fuck is happening before someone else gets hurt. [hands Cole the note]

COLE: [pressing his lips together] Holy fuck.

ANDRE: Yeah I know.

COLE: I had no idea this whole insane pandemonium was going on all this time. Evie and I have just been on the lawn all night, pretty oblivious to everything in all honesty. She only left to go to the bathroom. I do vaguely remember the drunk guy but I’ve had my fair share of frat parties, they aren’t my scene anymore, but it’s typical for all the morons to get fucking plastered. I wish I had paid more attention.

ANDRE: [muttering] And had not been snogging your girlfriend’s face off the whole fucking night.

COLE: [glowering] Look mate, not that I owe you an explanation or anything but for your information Evie and I barely get to see each other. We live two hours away from each other, go to different unis, and we’re both always either studying or working. [gesturing at the mansion] Not everyone is fucking loaded.

ANDRE: [hands up in surrender] You’re right, sorry, let’s just focus on making sense of this fucking catastrophe.


Suddenly, Andre sees Almagul’s phone glinting, previously concealed by the grass. The screen is shattered, a drop of dried blood on it. He picks it up, attempting to turn it on. He thinks it's dead, and is just about to put it in his pocket along with Rose’s phone to give to the police, when it glimmers to life fleetingly. He hastily taps on her messages, and sees Almagul’s last received text exchange. When he sees the name of the sender, his heart sinks.

[Note: Text messages are in italics.]

ALMAGUL (TEXT): I have to tell him.

EVANGELINE (TEXT): No you don’t Al.

ALMAGUL (TEXT): It’s not fair to him Evie. I’ve known Cole longer anyway. I introduced you guys yes, but he was my best friend first.

EVANGELINE (TEXT): So that’s it? It’s him over me?

ALMAGUL (TEXT): You know I never choose sides Evie, but to come to this party under the fucking illusion that it’s for the guy who has only every adored, loved and cherished you, who doesn’t even notice any living, breathing female specimen unless it’s you, to come here just so you can fuck that asshole in the bathroom while Cole’s waiting for you, that’s fucking low.

EVANGELINE (TEXT): It’s not your place to tell him.

ALMAGUL (TEXT): Oh yes it is. I’ve kept your dirty little secret for far too long, and for what? You can tell the world my father isn’t actually my father, I don’t care anymore. Cole deserves so much better than you, and I’m sick of keeping all your other ugly secrets too. It’s ironic, you’re a psychotic bitch who isn’t even technically psychotic.

EVANGELINE (TEXT): Watch your mouth honey.

ALMAGUL (TEXT): Why? Daddy isn’t going to save you this time.

Andre sucks in a breath.

COLE: [peering over his shoulder] What are you reading there? You’ve gone all Marcel Marceau on me for the past five minutes.

ANDRE: [biting his lip] So were you both here when Almagul fell?

COLE: Evie was but I left to go get her a jacket from the car because she kept complaining about being cold. The car was ages away though, but as soon as


I heard her screaming I came sprinting back. I found her cowering over Amalgul’s body. Why, what did you read?

ANDRE: [feigning a smile and jamming the phone in his pocket quickly] It’s nothing. Just texts to her sister from this afternoon about shopping or something. I should leave, get this stuff to the police. You should get home too, get some rest, you must be exhausted.

COLE: [narrowing his eyes] Almagul doesn’t have a sister. She has no siblings, no parents even. What did you read?

Andre shuffles his feet, avoiding eye contact with Cole as he attempts to walk away, but Cole is fast, at his side in an instant, grabbing for the phone.

ANDRE: [inhaling and exhaling slowly] Cole I-

EVANGELINE: [materialising next to them, reaching out for Cole] What’s going on? Have you guys figured out what happened yet?

COLE: [freezes, pinching his lips together] Don’t touch me Evangeline.

SCENE 6 - [Mia Fine]

Lights up from blackout. Andre stands alone looking down in front of him, seeming to look down the driveway of the house. Scrawled in bold white chalk are the words “SHE KNEW TOO MUCH”. Andre screams. It’s the first time he’s broken composure in this whole mess. It’s all too much now.

ANDRE: Everyone, come quick! Come look!

Cole and Evangeline appear, followed by a few more of the guests.

COLE: What man? What is it!?

EVANGELINE: [clutching at Cole’s shirt sleeve] Shit Cole look what it says!

ANDRE: That’s it, I’m calling the police, I’m really scared someone has hurt Rose. [pulling out his phone, he begins to dial 000]

Suddenly a boy from the crowd lunges forward, springing at Andre and tackles him to the ground. The phone falls from his hand. Unseen due to the fight beginning, EVIE picks up the phone and scurries off stage.


The boys wrestle on the ground and continue to fight until guests pull them apart, standing them back on their feet.


BENJI: I’m sorry dude, I’m so sorry, I just…I couldn’t let you call the cops. He...he made me….fuck!

ANDRE: Right, inside now.

Cole takes the boy by the arm and follows Andre inside the house. We find them at the dining table. Cole plops the boy in a chair turned back to the table and stands in front of him, Andre at his side.

ANDRE: Spill it. Who told you not to let the cops get involved? Talk.

The boy looks like he might get up, Cole shoves him back down and stands like a bodyguard.

BENJI: Fine, okay. Two days ago I got a message on Facebook. Some guy I didn’t recognise by name, no real profile picture just some generic shit, you know the type. I looked through the profile, created that day. The message just said “check your mailbox. It’s yours if you do whatever it takes to keep the cops away from the party on Saturday. I know you’re going. If I find out the cops got involved, I’m coming back for it all, plus interest”. I went out to the mailbox straight away and there was two grand in hundred dollar bills in a manila envelope! I was freaking the fuck out man! I thought about taking it straight to the cops and reporting it but fuck! What if this dude found out and came for his money, and then some? I ain’t got nothing, I’m on fucking rent assist! What else could I do? So when I heard you say you were gonna call the police…man I’m sorry I’m just so freaked out by all this shit! [he’s shaking, almost in tears].

COLE: [putting a hand on Benji’s shoulder] It’s okay dude, we get it.

ANDRE: But the point remains, we have to call the cops. Almagul is dead, someone has to tell her family, to…umm…[he pauses to find the right words] collect her. You get that right Benji? [his hand on Benji’s other shoulder]

BENJI: Yeah man, I get it. Fucking hopefully they’ll be able to track down whoever is doing all this to us, and help me protect myself and my family. I’m fucked otherwise.


Andre reaches into his pocket for his phone, then remembers it must be outside somewhere. At the same moment Evangeline appears holding Andre’s phone out to him.

EVANGELINE: Here Andre, I picked it up for you. Oh, and the cops are on their way, I called them.

SCENE 7 - [Simone Louey]

Upon hearing this, Benji begins to panic.

BENJI: Fuck…fuck! What if whoever left me the money shows up here?

ANDRE: I’m sure it’ll be fine [he is cut off by Benji]

BENJI: How do you know they’re not watching us right now?

Evangeline puts her hands on Benji’s shoulders to calm him down.

EVANGELINE: It’s ok Benji, we’re all here, you just need to calm down…

Cole is watching this interaction with increasing suspicion.

ANDRE: We can’t not call the police at this point Benji, Almagul is dead and Rose is missing.

COLE: It’s the right thing to do mate, you know that.

BENJI: Yeah, I know, I know. I’m just freaking the fuck out okay.

Andre pulls out his phone.

ANDRE: I’m going to try to call Jay, I don't know where he went either.

The others all nod and murmur their agreement. Andre walks off stage and we hear the sounds of his call going to Jay’s voicemail. The room is filled with an expectant tension. Benji lights a cigarette. He takes a drag and without thinking offers it to Evangeline. She takes it from him with one hand and places her other on his arm; she takes a long drag before handing it back to him. Cole’s eyes narrow.

COLE: Since when do you smoke hey?


BENJI: Dude chill, she can smoke if she wants to.

COLE: I wasn’t talking to you, mate.


EVANGELINE: Oh come on Cole, it was just a drag, leave him alone.

COLE: Leave him alone? And since when were you two so close huh? Sharing cigarettes and your hands fucking all over him.

BENJI: Wow, come on Cole, she’s just being nice.

COLE: Don’t play dumb with me Evangeline, I know what’s going on.

Cole is getting more and more agitated.

EVANGELINE: I’m just trying to calm him down Cole, there’s nothing going on!

COLE: Okay sure, so you didn’t come here to fuck him in the bathroom then? You’re not fucking cheating on me then?

Evangeline starts to cry. Benji stands up and tries to put himself between Cole and Evangeline.

BENJI: Cole don’t be stupid it’s nothing like that…

Benji is interrupted by Cole.

COLE: I said I wasn’t FUCKING talking to you, mate.

Cole shoves Benji in the chest. Benji stumbles back and the chair he was previously sitting on falls over. He regains his footing and goes to swing a punch at Cole.

EVANGELINE: Stop! Stop fighting! Stop it!

Andre rushes back in when he hears the others yelling. Cole is throwing punches at a retreating Benji. Andre grabs Cole and tries to restrain him while Benji backs away.

ANDRE: Cole! Cole, stop, calm down!

BENJI: It’s not me dude, I swear she’s not cheating on you with me!

Cole stops fighting against Andre. He is breathing hard. Evangeline is still crying.

BENJI: I’m sorry dude.

Cole goes over to an esky and picks up two cold cans. He throws one to Benji and holds the other to his jaw, where Benji landed a punch.

COLE: Yeah me too.

ANDRE: Can we all just chill out until the cops get here, please. We don’t need anything else to happen tonight.


COLE: Yeah.

BENJI: Agreed.

Evangeline has sat down at the table. She nods as she wipes away the last of her tears. No one is comforting her. The group waits in silence for the police to arrive. After a moment or two they hear sirens. The sound gets louder until it is loud enough to be out the front of the house; then it stops.

ANDRE: Thank god, the police are here.

EVANGELINE: Should we go out and meet them?

COLE: Yeah, someone should go.

BENJI: Well I’m not fucking staying in here by myself.

ANDRE: Come on, let’s all go.

They all go to make their way to the street. As they do so we hear the voice of the police officers.

POLICE 1: Nothing’s even going on here.

POLICE 2: Just another party with dumb kids making prank calls.

POLICE 1: Stupid kids wasting police time.

Andre reaches the front garden just as we hear the sound of a car driving off. He tries to chase the police car, but it vanishes. He makes his way back to the others, breathing hard.

ANDRE: They drove off.

COLE: Andre…

ANDRE: They just fucking drove off.

COLE: Andre!

Andre is angry and confused.

ANDRE: What?!

EVANGELINE: Andre, look.

BENJI: Almagul’s body is gone.


SCENE 8 - [Chaitanya Srinevas]

Jay, Rose, Andre, Kyle, Almagul, Cole, Evangeline, Benji

EVANGELINE [Awestrucked!!]: Something much worse is happening, It just seems like we are merely pawns in a game of chess played by something bigger. Something that is out of control.

BENJI: What happened to you Evangeline?? I cannot understand, what are you saying?

ANDRE: Let’s check the whole house again, we might find something. Cole, go upstairs and check there.

Cole goes upstairs and finds a strange phenomenon near the closet towards the bathroom. He sees that there is blood dripping from the closet.

COLE: Hey guys, you might wanna come upstairs and see this.

Everyone goes upstairs. They suddenly hear a strange voice, they assume there is a ghost. They get panicked, and tremble with fear. EVANGELINE AND COLE FREAK OUT.

ANDRE: GUYS…! Just stop freaking out. Instead of following things blindly, we need to think logically, there are no ghosts in this world. So don’t freak out. Be logical, guys.

EVANGELINE: I guess we need to call the police again and it’s better to tell what happened on the phone itself.

BENJI: NO. [Trying to avoid any scene] Let’s solve this issue without involving the police.

ANDRE finds a letter saying the following (ANDRE reads this out)

“Dear Kyle

Life is a mystery and contains so many strange things that the human brain cannot comprehend. God has created many things, the universe, the Earth, the oceans, trees and human beings. The same god that created you and me has unknowingly also created a devil that lives on this Earth. Our destiny is written by god but the mysteries within life are fabricated by the devil.

I saw the devil today at the party, dark red, bloodthirsty, dreadful, and diabolical. It haunts those people who have a mysterious past, a past that beholds the reason for the devil to live. I knew my end was near and that it


will kill many others in this town. This place is haunted and all of us will be victims of this devil. All I want you to know that it was great to be a part of your life and cherish those beautiful moments together….

Yours sincerely


EVANGELINE: [crying and shocked]. Where did this note come from and where is her body now?

BENJI: We have to search for her body and also keep the others safe, to not fall as prey to this devil.

ANDRE: Wait, hold on. Why does the letter say “a mysterious past” and how is this connected to her body being missing?

EVANGELINE: I guess there is something that happened with Almagul and the same thing that happened with Rose. That’s why even Rose is missing.

ANDRE: Yeah, and even Jay is not responding to phone calls. I guess this is somehow related to Almagul’s death, Rose being missing and Jay not picking up his phone.

COLE: So, you think the ghost is the reason behind all this shit?

ANDRE: Maybe. What if the ghost only kills those who have something in common. Like maybe Almagul, Rose and Jay have something in common which made them disappear.

Suddenly there is thunder and rainfall… All of them panic, there is sudden silence in the atmosphere. A wave of tension, fear, terror and distress passes by. They hear another strange voice.

EVANGELINE: [trembling] Hey this is Almagul’s voice

THE GHOST/ (ALMAGUL): I died where you all are standing now. Now that the devil is here, it wants you to know that there is no going back from here. I am hungry and I shall kill you all. My only aim is to take more lives, the more, the better I feel. Mankind was always rash to me when I was alive. Now that I am dead, my spirit is forged by pain, and motivated by desire to kill those who have harmed me. As death is inevitable, my next target shall be you all, my only motive is to kill everyone, and no one can escape the wrath of this spirit.


ANDRE: We have done no harm to Almagul. We were nice to her.

THE GHOST: You may have been nice to her. I don’t care. I just wanted a body to so I got into Almagul’s.

ANDRE: Ok.. ok. But why did Almagul mention a mysterious part? Is it all connected to Almagul, Rose and Jay?

COLE: I guess, if we find out about the past of Almagul, Rose and Jay, we might figure out something that is connected to this ghost.

EVANGELINE: YA, THAT’S RIGHT. Also we all should be together.

Meanwhile the ghost’s voice vanishes, rain still continues and again there is absolute silence. As the people are in shock, fear, and sadness, they hear another sound right across the hallway. They run towards it and find another note.

ANDRE: [while grabbing the note] Guys this note is from Rose.

SCENE 9 - [Emily Keagan]

ANDRE reads the following out: “I expect it will be cold. Cold. And dark. Forever.

I had so many plans but they all seem so empty now. I welcome it. I expect a sense of relief. Finally letting go. No more stress. Nothing matters anymore.

My time has come. And yours will too. You’ll feel it when you least expect.

An urge.

Join me. I miss you.


- Rose”



ANDRE: Rose-

He goes to leave, ripping himself away from the group, who are still and silent in shock. COLE grabs his arm before Andre can get more than a metre away from them.

COLE: Where are you going?

ANDRE: [out of breath] To find her. She must be here. We gotta- … before she- …

COLE: Andre… she’s-

Silence. Andre’s hand clenches the note tighter, it crumples.

Something shifts in Benji. Out of nowhere a deep desire within him takes over, and now he seeks the same sweet relief. It starts as a scratch. The pain burns and feeds his sudden craving.

ANDRE: [in tears, wipes his eyes, now determined] She’s here somewhere.

He storms towards the bathroom, on a mission, refusing the inevitable. Cole chases after him.

Benji’s itch is no longer hitting the spot. He sees the wall nearby and head-butts it, hard.

KYLE: What the FUCK dude?

Benji continues slamming himself against the wall. Hard. It would hurt. But he isn’t reacting as if he feels pain.

EVANGELINE: Hey stop it !

Evangeline grabs his arm and pulls him away from the wall as best she can. He pushes her away. Hard. She falls to the ground. Benji searches for a new cure. He looks around, panting desperately. He sees the window. Cole and Kyle see him see the window, they lunge towards him but they’re half a second too late. Benji makes a run for it straight towards the window and jumps through it. Glass shatters everywhere. Benji falls out the 2nd story window. THUD.

THE GHOST: [*maniacal laughter*] Who’s next?


Cole picks up Evie and starts towards the door.

COLE: [to KYLE] The Police! NOW! Call them now!

KYLE: They won’t believe us.

COLE: They have to. I mean- What else can we do?

KYLE: Run?

THE GHOST: [mocking] Run run run away! Oh isn’t this fun?

They run down stairs.

Andre is tearing the house apart looking for Rose.

COLE: Andre. Snap out of it dude! We’ve got to get out of here!

A loud scream from downstairs. Andre runs to it immediately.

COLE: Shit.

Jay follows.

Downstairs, the smell of blood is pungent. A crime scene of bodies on the floor, with more party guests shifting by the minute, the urge taking over them. Others are just running away into the street. Chaos. Bloody bloody chaos. The gang are all gathered at the bottom of the stairs, still, shocked. They pause, the chaos continues around and in front of them.

SCENE 10 - [Celina Mack]

Bloody bloody chaos.

The group stand at the bottom stairs (downstage, stage left) and stare at the massing chaos of bodies and blood where their party once was. The lighting is dim and hazy with a red glow.

The bodies of the party goers from earlier can now be seen falling and crawling over each other, simultaneously causing destruction and being destroyed. They look more like a mound of distressed wild animals now than humans. layers of these being’s voices grunting, shrieking and calling out ‘yes’ in joy can be heard as they inflict pain in any way possible.

After a moment, a turned being lying on the ground grabs Evangeline’s leg and starts pulling her towards the mound of bodies.

EVANGELINE: Aaaaahhhhhhhh!! What? No! I don’t want to die!! [screaming]


She tries to grab onto something as the turned being pulls her to the ground.

COLE: Evie! No! Evie!!!!!

Cole manages to grab Evangeline’s outstretched hand for a moment before he loses it again and she is pulled in.

Sudden blackout. A sharp scream. The ghost is heard chuckling.

A few moments later, a noise like a loud heartbeat starts to sound repeatedly. This transforms into a loud club beat and the lights begin flashing multi-coloured disco lights on the beat, returning to red more often than the other colours. In the moments of light the turned beings can be seen slowly standing up to face the audience and the remaining group of friends.

The beat transforms again into a jazzy, upbeat club song.

GHOST: You thought you could get away from me? Think again! Mwahahahahaha

A spinning platform lowers from the centre of the ceiling. On it stands Almagul, or what was. She is wearing a floor-length red coat with black on underneath and dramatically holds out a black cane with a red tip. Just before the platform reaches the ground Almagul/Ghost holds the handle end of the cane up to her mouth and begins to sing a massive run on note (as Christian Aguilera might at the start of a song in the film ‘Burlesque’) to begin singing ‘The Urge’.


The Urge - Lyrics:


Oh the urge

You’ll feel it in your bones, you’ll feel it in your soul

You’ll feel the urge

There ain't a chance to get away, from this game we love to play

Oh you’ll feel the urge

Stunned, Andre, Cole and Kyle try to move towards and exit but find they are surrounded.


It’s simple but it’s sweet, why pain is the best treat

Once you realise, those other worries drift aside,

You’ll love the urge!

All the turned beings are now dancing choreographed, synchronized, creepy and energetic dance moves to the music and moving around Almagul/Ghost in awe and she struts the stage with her cane like a flamboyant entertainer. The turned beings join in grunt-singing any time ‘the urge’ is said.

There’s just something about pain, it lights up all my brain

Come steal the urge!

Kyle dodges bodies and runs back up the stairs but is met by a turned being who runs straight into him, picks him up, and jumps gracefully over the balcony railing with Kyle in his arms, landing on a mangled couch. Almagul/Ghost watches impressed.

You were never safe again, once your three friends entered my cave

In sweet Adelaide

Awoken and restored, I’m forever in debt they knocked upon my door

I missed you my dear, darling urge

Cole makes a B-line for the front door (stage right). Halfway there, two turned beings, one of which is Benji, grab Cole by an arm each and spin him around with so much acrobatic force his feet lift off the ground. Evie can be seen dancing joyously arm in arm with other turned beings towards the back of the stage.

I generally jump from man to man, but Ii like this form I’ve found

Ohhhhh I feel the urge


For a while I was content, but COVID came and went

Now build the urge!

Almagul/Ghost struts straight over to Andre who is still standing, frozen in fear, at the bottom of the stairs.

Come join in our great gang, why what fun you’ll have

Believe the urge!

Almagul/Ghost points out her cane in front of her as if she is about to tap Andre on the nose with the red tip end.

Loud knocking comes from the front door. The front door is slammed open and two police officers enter.

POLICE OFFICER 1: What’s going on in he… [their voice cuts off as they see the chaos in from of them]

The music abruptly stops. The disco lights pause on a blue wash. Almagul/Ghost and the rest of the turned beings immediately turn their heads and stare at the police officers.

ANDRE: Help me!!!

SCENE 11 - [Bernd Faveere]

ANDRE: Officer, I know you came here earlier, and you thought nothing was going on but –

OFFICER 1: I was wrong. Something is clearly going on.

COLE: [Breathing a sigh a of relief, turning to Andrew and Kyle] I told you guys we needed to—

As Cole is speaking, Officer 1 starts twitching, looking clearly aggravated. The other officer’s being follows suit shortly after. Cole turns around and sees their strange behaviour.

COLE: — call … the … police. Run!


The three friends go to run up the stairs but are blocked by an invisible force. Officer 1 tears away his uniform revealing a black cape, his skin turning a deep red, and the other officers follow suit. Officer 1 is clearly the leader, with a more elaborate cape and striking figure.

OFFICER 1: [Overly-dramatic] What’s going on here, my dear humans, is the return of your Dark Lord! Bear witness to my grandeur, and bow down to ya boy, SATAN!

ANDRE: Satan? As in, Dark Lord of Hell?

OFFICER 1/SATAN: That’s right.

COLE: Like, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies?

SATAN: Same guy.

KYLE: You’re saying you’re the Devil? The Devil?

SATAN: The one and only. [Beat] How do you like my cape, by the way? Got it tailored last week and I must say I think it reeeeaaally brings out my shoulders. Hey Almagul, thanks for the recommendation by the way. That Giovanni can sure work the cloth.

ALMAGUL: No problem, sir.

COLE: Wait a minute, didn’t Almagul say the Devil was already here when she first appeared as a ghost?

SATAN: Oh she was just covering for me. I was meant to be here almost an hour ago but I got delayed taking over the body of this police officer, and then my 7- Headed-Spider-Dragon was flying just particularly slowly today. I mean come on of all days it could choose to be a bit lazy it chooses Armageddon? On that note I really need to get a new transport beast … Almagul, write that down for me!

ALMAGUL: Yes, Dark Lord, sir!

SATAN: [Pointing to the staring faces of turned partygoers] I see you’ve also done some fine work on this house.

ALMAGUL: It was a fine household to begin your great return, sir. Many specimens to turn to the cause. A splendid recommendation, sir.

SATAN: I’m known for my discerning taste.


ALMGAUL: That you are, sir.

SATAN: Did you get the circle of blood done in the basement?

ALMAGUL: I certainly did, sir!

SATAN: Well then, let’s get the merging of the Earth and Hell underway then!


SATAN: Did I stutter?

COLE: We heard you, we just want to know why!

SATAN: Hmm. A valid question. Boredom, really.

COLE: We won’t let you get away with this!

SATAN: Eh. Get ‘em.

Satan motions towards the group. It’s the End of the World As We Know It by REM plays over a chaotic choreographed fight/dance sequence happening between the three remaining survivors and the turned partygoers. Eventually it ends in the three friends succumbing to the urge as the stage lights fade to black.

Once the audience has applauded, Satan is still on stage with some pamphlets, trying to “recruit” audience members and get people excited about the Armageddon, giving out lollies, merchandise, and the like.