Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 225 Expanding Thurston Maps

Mario Bonk Daniel Meyer

American Mathematical Society 10.1090/surv/225

Expanding Thurston Maps

Mario Bonk Daniel Meyer

Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 225

Expanding Thurston Maps

Mario Bonk Daniel Meyer

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Robert Guralnick Benjamin Sudakov Michael A. Singer, Chair Constantin Teleman MichaelI.Weinstein

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 37-02, 37F10, 37F20, 30D05, 30L10.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Bonk, Mario. | Meyer, Daniel, 1969– Title: Expanding Thurston maps / Mario Bonk, Daniel Meyer. Description: Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, [2017] | Series: Mathe- matical surveys and monographs; volume 225 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017017476 | ISBN 9780821875544 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Algebraic topology. | Mappings (Mathematics) | AMS: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory – Research exposition (monographs, survey articles). msc | Dynamical systems and ergodic theory – Complex dynamical systems – Polynomials; rational maps; entire and meromorphic functions. msc | Dynamical systems and ergodic theory – Complex dynamical systems – Combinatorics and topology. msc | Functions of a complex variable – Entire and meromorphic functions, and related topics – Functional equations in the complex domain, iteration and composition of analytic functions. msc | Functions of a complex variable – Analysis on metric spaces – Quasiconformal mappings in metric spaces. msc Classification: LCC QA612 .B66 2017 | DDC 515/.39–dc23 LC record available at

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List of Figures ix

Preface xi

Notation xiii

Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. A Latt`es map as a first example 3 1.2. Cell decompositions 6 1.3. Fractal spheres 7 1.4. Visual metrics and the visual sphere 11 1.5. Invariant curves 15 1.6. Miscellaneous results 17 1.7. Characterizations of Latt`es maps 19 1.8. Outline of the presentation 21 1.9. List of examples for Thurston maps 26

Chapter 2. Thurston maps 29 2.1. Branched covering maps 29 2.2. Definition of Thurston maps 30 2.3. Definition of expansion 32 2.4. Thurston equivalence 34 2.5. The orbifold associated with a Thurston map 39 2.6. Thurston’s characterization of rational maps 45

Chapter 3. Latt`es maps 49 3.1. Crystallographic groups and Latt`es maps 53 3.2. Quotients of torus endomorphisms and parabolicity 60 3.3. Classifying Latt`es maps 65 3.4. Latt`es-type maps 69 3.5. Covers of parabolic orbifolds 77 3.6. Examples of Latt`es maps 83

Chapter 4. Quasiconformal and rough geometry 89 4.1. Quasiconformal geometry 89 4.2. Gromov hyperbolicity 94 4.3. Gromov hyperbolic groups and Cannon’s conjecture 96 4.4. Quasispheres 98

Chapter 5. Cell decompositions 103 5.1. Cell decompositions in general 104


5.2. Cell decompositions of 2-spheres 107 5.3. Cell decompositions induced by Thurston maps 114 5.4. Labelings 124 5.5. Thurston maps from cell decompositions 130 5.6. Flowers 135 5.7. Joining opposite sides 139

Chapter 6. Expansion 143 6.1. Definition of expansion revisited 143 6.2. Further results on expansion 147 6.3. Latt`es-type maps and expansion 152

Chapter 7. Thurston maps with two or three postcritical points 159 7.1. Thurston equivalence to rational maps 160 7.2. Thurston maps with signature (∞, ∞)or(2, 2, ∞) 161

Chapter 8. Visual Metrics 169 8.1. The number m(x, y) 172 8.2. Existence and basic properties of visual metrics 175 8.3. The canonical orbifold metric as a visual metric 180

Chapter 9. Symbolic dynamics 185

Chapter 10. Tile graphs 191

Chapter 11. Isotopies 199 11.1. Equivalent expanding Thurston maps are conjugate 200 11.2. Isotopies of Jordan curves 205 11.3. Isotopies and cell decompositions 209

Chapter 12. Subdivisions 217 12.1. Thurston maps with invariant curves 220 12.2. Two-tile subdivision rules 229 12.3. Examples of two-tile subdivision rules 240

Chapter 13. Quotients of Thurston maps 251 13.1. Closed equivalence relations and Moore’s theorem 253 13.2. Branched covering maps and continua 256 13.3. Strongly invariant equivalence relations 260

Chapter 14. Combinatorially expanding Thurston maps 267

Chapter 15. Invariant curves 287 15.1. Existence and uniqueness of invariant curves 291 15.2. Iterative construction of invariant curves 300 15.3. Invariant curves are quasicircles 309

Chapter 16. The combinatorial expansion factor 315

Chapter 17. The measure of maximal entropy 327 17.1. Review of measure-theoretic dynamics 328 17.2. Construction of the measure of maximal entropy 331 CONTENTS vii

Chapter 18. The geometry of the visual sphere 345 18.1. Linear local connectedness 347 18.2. Doubling and Ahlfors regularity 350 18.3. Quasisymmetry and rational Thurston maps 352 Chapter 19. Rational Thurston maps and Lebesgue measure 361 19.1. The Jacobian of a measurable map 362 19.2. Ergodicity of Lebesgue measure 364 19.3. The absolutely continuous invariant measure 367 19.4. Latt`es maps, entropy, and Lebesgue measure 377 Chapter 20. A combinatorial characterization of Latt`es maps 385 20.1. Visual metrics, 2-regularity, and Latt`es maps 386 20.2. Separating sets with tiles 389 20.3. Short e-chains 396 Chapter 21. Outlook and open problems 401 Appendix A 413 A.1. Conformal metrics 413 A.2. Koebe’s distortion theorem 415 A.3. Janiszewski’s lemma 418 A.4. Orientations on surfaces 420 A.5. Covering maps 424 A.6. Branched covering maps 425 A.7. Quotient spaces and actions 439 A.8. Lattices and tori 443 A.9. Orbifolds and coverings 447 A.10. The canonical orbifold metric 453 Bibliography 467 Index 473

List of Figures

1.1 The Latt`es map g.3 1.2 The map h.8 1.3 Polyhedral surfaces obtained from the replacement rule. 9

2.1 The map g.37 2.2 An obstructed map. 47

3.1 Invariant tiling for type (244). 55 3.2 Invariant tiling for type (333). 55 3.3 Invariant tiling for type (236). 55 3.4 Folding a tetrahedron from a triangle. 81 3.5 Construction of Θ = ℘.81 3.6 A Latt`es map with orbifold signature (2, 4, 4). 84 3.7 A Latt`es map with orbifold signature (3, 3, 3). 85 3.8 A Latt`es map with orbifold signature (2, 3, 6). 85 3.9 A Euclidean model for a flexible Latt`es map. 87 3.10 The map f in Example 3.27. 88

4.1 The generator of the snowsphere S.99 4.2 The set Z. 101

5.1 The cycle of a vertex v. 110 5.2 A chain, an n-chain, and an e-chain. 123

6.1 A map with a Levy cycle. 151

7.1 Model for a Chebyshev polynomial. 166

8.1 Separating points by tiles. 170

11.1 Tower of isotopies. 203 11.2 J is not isotopic to S1 rel. {1, i, −1, −i}. 206 11.3 Constructing a path through a, b, p. 210 11.4 Construction of the curve C. 214

12.1 Subdividing tiles. 223


12.2 The proof of Lemma 12.8. 226 12.3 Two subdivision rules. 230 12.4 The two-tile subdivision rule for z2 − 1. 241 12.5 Tiles of level 7 for Example 12.20. 242 12.6 The barycentric subdivision rule. 243

12.7 Tiles of levels 1–6 for the barycentric subdivision map f2. 244 12.8 The 2-by-3 subdivision rule. 245 12.9 Adding flaps. 247

12.10 Two-tile subdivision rule realized by g7. 248

14.1 Equivalence classes of vertex-, edge-, and tile-type. 272 14.2 A two-tile subdivision rule realized by a map g with post(g) = V0. 283 14.3 The map f is not combinatorially expanding, but equivalent to the expanding map g. 284

15.1 The invariant curve for Example 15.6. 290 15.2 Invariant curves for the Latt`es map g. 293 15.3 No invariant Jordan curve C⊃ post(f). 295 15.4 Iterative construction of an invariant curve. 301 15.5 Iterative construction by replacing edges. 306 15.6 Example where C is not a Jordan curve. 308 15.7 A non-trivial rectifiable invariant Jordan curve. 308

16.1 Replacing k-tiles with (k − 1)-tiles. 320

17.1 Bijection of tiles. 340

18.1 Construction of γ. 348

20.1 The setup in Lemma 20.12. 395 20.2 Connecting tiles by short e-chains. 399

A.1 Proof of Lemma A.4. 420 Preface

This book is the result of an intended research paper that grew out of control. A preprint containing a substantial part of our investigations was already published on arXiv in 2010. To make its content more accessible, we decided to include some additional material. These additions more than doubled the size of this work as compared with the 2010 version and caused a long delay in its completion. More than fifteen years ago we became both interested in some basic problems on quasisymmetric parametrization of 2-spheres. This is related to the dynamics of rational maps—an observation we believe was first made by Rick Kenyon. During our time at the University of Michigan we decided to join forces and to investigate this connection systematically. We realized that for the relevant rational maps an explicit analytic expression is not so important, but rather a geometric-combinatorial description. As this became our preferred way of looking at these objects, it was a natural step to consider a more general class of maps that are not necessarily holomorphic. The relevant properties can be condensed into the notion of an expanding Thurston map,which is the topic of this book. We will discuss the underlying ideas more thoroughly in the introduction (Chapter 1). Part of this work overlaps with studies by other researchers, notably Ha¨ıssinsky- Pilgrim [HP09], and Cannon-Floyd-Parry [CFP07]. We would like to clarify some of the interrelations of our investigations with these works. Theorem 15.1 (in the body of the text) was announced by the first author during an Invited Address at the AMS Meeting at Athens, Ohio, in March 2004, where he gave a short outline of the proof. After the talk he was informed by Bill Floyd and Walter Parry that related results had been independently obtained by Cannon-Floyd-Parry (which later appeared as [CFP07]). Theorem 18.1 (ii) was previously published by Ha¨ıssinsky-Pilgrim as part of a more general statement [HP09, Theorem 4.2.11]. Special cases go back to work by the second author [Me02] and unpublished joint work by Bruce Kleiner and the first author. The current, more general version emerged after a visit of the first author at the University of Indiana at Bloomington in February 2003. During this visit the first author explained to Kevin Pilgrim concepts of quasi- conformal geometry and his joint work with Bruce Kleiner on Cannon’s conjecture in . Kevin Pilgrim in turn pointed out Theorem 11.1 and the ideas for its proof to the first author. After this visit versions of Theorem 18.1 (ii) with an outline for the proof were found independently by Kevin Pilgrim and the first author. A proof of Theorem 18.1 (ii) was discovered soon afterwards by the authors using ideas from [Me02](see[Me10] for an argument along similar lines) in combination with Theorem 15.1.

xi xii PREFACE

We are indebted to many people. Conversations with Bruce Kleiner, Peter Ha¨ıssinsky, and Kevin Pilgrim have been especially fruitful. We would also like to thank Jim Cannon, Bill Floyd, Lukas Geyer, Misha Hlushchanka, Zhiqiang Li, Dimitrios Ntalampekos, Walter Parry, Juan Souto, Dennis Sullivan, and Mike Zieve for various useful comments. Two anonymous referees provided us with valuable feedback. Their considerable efforts were very much appreciated. Qian Yin was so kind to let us incorporate parts of her thesis. We are grateful to Jana Kleineberg for her careful proofreading and her help with some of the pictures. We are also happy to acknowledge the patient support of our editors from the American Mathematical Society, Ed Dunne and Ina Mette. Over the years we received funding from various sources. Mario Bonk was partially supported by NSF grants DMS 0244421, DMS 0456940, DMS 0652915, DMS 1058283, DMS 1058772, DMS 1162471, and DMS 1506099. Daniel Meyer was partially supported by an NSF postdoctoral fellowship, the Deutsche Forschungs- gemeinschaft (DFG-ME 4188/1-1), the Academy of Finland, projects SA-134757 and SA-118634, and the Centre of Excellence in Analysis and Dynamics Research, project No. 271983. Los Angeles and Liverpool, March 2017 Notation

We summarize some of the most important notation used in this book for easy reference. When an object A is defined to be another object B,wewriteA := B for emphasis. We denote by N={1, 2,...} the set of natural numbers and by N0 ={0, 1, 2,...} the set of natural numbers including 0. We write Z for the set of integers, and Q, R, C for the set of rational, real, and complex numbers, respectively. For k ∈ N, we let Zk = Z/kZ be the cyclic group of order k. We also consider N := N ∪{∞}.Givena, b ∈ N we write a|b if a divides b.This notation is extended to N-valued functions. If A ⊂ N,thenlcm(A) ∈ N denotes the least common multiple of the numbers in A. See Section 2.5 for more details. The floor of a real number x, denoted by x , is the largest integer m ∈ Z with m ≤ x.Theceiling of a real number x, denoted by x , is the smallest integer m ∈ Z with x ≤ m. The symbol i stands for the imaginary unit in the complex plane C.The real and imaginary part of a complex number z are indicated by Re(z)andIm(z), respectively, and its complex conjugate by z. The open unit disk in C is denoted by D := {z ∈ C : |z| < 1}, and the open upper half-plane by H := {z ∈ C :Im(z) > 0}. We let C := C ∪{∞}be the Riemann sphere. It carries the chordal metric σ given by formula (A.5) (in the appendix). Similarly, we let R := R ∪{∞}.Herewe consider R as a subset of C,andsoR ⊂ C. The Lebesgue measure on R2, C, C,orD is denoted by L. If necessary, we add a subscript here to avoid ambiguities. More precisely, L = LR2 and L = LC are the 2 Euclidean area measures on R and C, L = LC is the spherical area measure on C, and L = LD the hyperbolic area measure on D considered as the hyperbolic plane. When we consider two objects A and B, and there is a natural identification ∼ ∼ between them that is clear from the context, we write A = B. For example, R2 = C if we identify a point (x, y) ∈ R2 with x + yi ∈ C. The derivative of a holomorphic function f is denoted by f  as usual. If Ω ⊂ C is an open set and f :Ω→ C is a holomorphic map, then f stands for its spherical derivative (see (A.6)). For a differentiable (not necessarily holomorphic) map, we use Df to denote its derivative considered as a linear map between suitable tangent spaces. If these tangent spaces are equipped with norms, then we let Df be the operator norm of Df. Sometimes we use subscripts here to indicate the norms. Two non-negative quantities a and b are said to be comparable if there is a constant C ≥ 1 (possibly depending on some ambient parameters) such that

1 a ≤ b ≤ Ca. C xiii xiv NOTATION

We then write a  b. The constant C is referred to as C(). Similarly, we write a  b or b  a, if there is a constant C>0 such that a ≤ Cb, and refer to the constant C as C()orC(). If we want to emphasize the parameters α, β,... on which C depends, then we write C()=C(α,β,...), etc. The cardinality of a set X is denoted by #X andtheidentitymaponX by idX .Ifxn ∈ X for n ∈ N are points in X, we denote the sequence of these points by {xn}n∈N,orjustby{xn} if the index set N is understood. If f : X → X is a map and n ∈ N,then n ◦···◦ f := f f n factors 0 is the n-th iterate of f.Wesetf :=idX for convenience, but unless otherwise indicated it is understood that n ∈ N if we speak of an iterate f n of f. Let f : X → Y be a map between sets X and Y .IfU ⊂ X,thenf|U stands for the restriction of f to U.IfA ⊂ Y ,thenf −1(A) := {x ∈ X : f(x) ∈ A} is the preimage of A in X. Similarly, f −1(y) := {x ∈ X : f(x)=y} is the preimage of a point y ∈ Y . If f : X → X is a map, then preimages of a set A ⊂ X or a point p ∈ X under the n-th iterate f n are denoted by f −n(A) := {x ∈ X : f n(x) ∈ A} and f −n(p) := {x ∈ X : f n(x)=p}, respectively. Let (X, d) be a , a ∈ X,andr>0. By Bd(a, r)={x ∈ X : d(a, x)

distd(A, B) :=inf{d(x, y):x ∈ A, y ∈ B} be the distance of A and B.Ifp ∈ X,weletdistd(p, A) := distd({p},A). For >0,

Nd,(A) := {x ∈ X : distd(x, A) <} is the open -neighborhood of A with respect to d.Ifγ :[0, 1] → X is a path, ≥ HQ we denote by lengthd(γ) the length of γ.GivenQ 0, we denote by d the Q-dimensional Hausdorff measure on X with respect to d. We drop the subscript d in our notation for Bd(a, r), etc., if the metric d is clear from the context. For the Euclidean metric on C we sometimes use the subscript C for emphasis. So, for example, BC(a, r) := {z ∈ C : |z − a| 0 centered at a ∈ C. The Gromov product of two points x, y ∈ X with respect to a basepoint p ∈ X in a metric space X is denoted by (x · y)p or by (x · y) if the basepoint p is understood (see Section 4.2). The boundary at infinity of a Gromov hyperbolic space X is represented by ∂∞X. If a group G acts on a space X,thenwewriteG X to indicate this action. Often we use the notation I =[0, 1]. If X and Y are topological spaces, then a homotopy is a continuous map H : X × I → Y .Fort ∈ I,weletHt(·) := H(·,t) be the time-t map of the homotopy. The symbol S2 indicates a 2-sphere, which we think of as a topological ob- ject. Similarly, T 2 is a topological 2-torus. For a 2-torus with a Riemann surface structurewewriteT (see Section A.8). NOTATION xv

Often S2 (or the Riemann sphere C) is equipped with certain metrics that induce its topology. The visual metric induced by an expanding Thurston map f is usually denoted by (see Chapter 8). The canonical orbifold metric of a rational Thurston map f is indicated by ωf (see Section A.10). The (topological) degree of a branched covering map f between surfaces is denoted by deg(f)andthelocal degree of f at a point x by degf (x)ordeg(f,x) (see Section 2.1). We write crit(f)fortheset of critical points of a branched covering map (see Section 2.1), and post(f) for the set of postcritical points of a Thurston map f (see Section 2.2). The ramification function of a Thurston map f is denoted by αf (see Defini- tion 2.7), and the orbifold associated with f by Of (see Definition 2.10). For a given Thurston map f : S2 → S2 we usually use the symbol C to indicate a Jordan curve C⊂S2 that satisfies post(f) ⊂C. When we consider objects that are defined in terms of the n-th iterate of a given Thurston map, then we often use the upper index “n”toemphasizethis. For a topological cell c in a topological space X we denote by ∂c the boundary of c,andbyint(c)theinterior of c (see Section 5.1). Note that ∂c and int(c) usually do not agree with the boundary or interior of c as a subset of X . Cell decompositions of a space X are usually denoted by D (see Chapter 5). 2 2 2 Let n ∈ N0, f : S → S be a Thurston map, and C⊂S be a Jordan curve with post(f) ⊂C.WethenwriteDn(f,C) for the cell decomposition of S2 consisting of the cells of level n or n-cells defined in terms of f and C (see Definition 5.14). The set of corresponding n-tiles is denoted by Xn,thesetofn-edges by En,andthe set of n-vertices by Vn (see Section 5.3). In this context we often “color” tiles “black” or “white”. We then use the subscripts b and w to indicate the color (see the end of Section 5.3). For example, 0 0 the black and white 0-tiles are denoted by Xb and Xw , respectively. The n-flower of an n-vertex v is denoted by W n(v) (see Section 5.6). The number Dn = Dn(f,C) is the minimal number of n-tiles required to join opposite sides (see (5.15)). The number m(x, y)=mf,C(x, y) is defined in Definition 8.1. The expansion factor of a visual metric is usually denoted by Λ (see Definition 8.2). We write Λ0(f)forthecombinatorial expansion factor of a Thurston map f (see Proposition 16.1). The topological entropy of a map f is denoted by htop(f), and the measure- theoretic entropy of f with respect to a measure μ by hμ(f). The measure of max- imal entropy of an expanding Thurston map f is indicated by νf .SeeChapter17 for these concepts. For a rational Thurston map f : C → C we write Ωf for its canonical orbifold measure (see Section A.10) and, if f is also expanding, λf for the unique probability measure on C that is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure (see Chapter 19).


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2-regular, 386 density, 458 (x · y)p,94 , 96 ,xiv cell, 104 ∼ =, xiii complex, 104 , ,xiv isomorphism, 112, 113, 239 x, x , xiii natural labeling of, 354 , 329 decomposition, 6, 104 a|b, xiii, 39 of 2-sphere, 107 Df σ, 415 induced by Thurston map, 114 f|U,xiv refinement, 106 f , 364, 414 dimension of, 104 f∗μ, 330 cellular map, 107 αf ,39 Markov partition, 107 absolutely continuous measure, 361 center of equivalence class, 271 Ahlfors regular, 18, 91, 345, 386 chain, 122 annularly linearly locally connected e-, 122, 211, 391, 392 (ALLC), 347 Harnack, 417 anti-cyclic order, 125 joins, 122 arc, 107 length of, 122 Aut(C), 53 of n-tiles, 122 of tiles, 122 b, w, 123 barycentric subdivision, 242 Chebyshev polynomial, 159, 161, 166 Bely˘ı map, 406 checkerboard tiling, 124 bi-Lipschitz, 89 chordal metric, 180, 353, 414 boundary at infinity, 94 clean fiber, 437 bounded turning, 90, 347 clopen, 257 branched covering map, 29, 426, 426, 432, closed equivalence relation, 253 433 cobounded, 94 and continua, 256 cocompact, 54, 441 descending to quotient, 252 colors of tiles, 123 lift of map by, 437 combinatorial expansion factor, 12, 315, lift of path by, 436 385 regular, 57, 450 combinatorially expanding, 219, 229, 237, 238, 267, 268 C(), xiv two-tile subdivision rule, 219, 239 C(), xiv comparable, xiv C, xiii complex torus, 443 Cannon’s conjecture, 14, 97,98 cone, 453, 456 canonical orbifold point, 45, 447, 453, 454 measure, 362, 376, 463 conformal elevator, 311 metric, 4, 19, 45, 78, 81, 84, 154, 164, conformal metric, 414 165, 172, 181, 382, 386, 455, 461, 464 singular, 415

473 474 INDEX conical singularity, 45, 447, 453, 454 Moore-type, 255 conjugacy, 34 upper semi-continuous, 253 continuum, 90 equivalent partition, 329 non-degenerate, 90 equivariant, 50, 65, 66, 442 convergence to infinity, 94, 195 ergodic, 329, 361 covering map, 424 Euler characteristic, 30, 258 over Y , 424 of orbifold, 41, 448 universal, 425 evenly covered, 424, 426 crit(f), 30 eventually onto, 33, 147, 156 critical expanding, 32, 33, 143–145, 147, 224, 267, cycle, 40 268, 407 point, 30, 427 combinatorially, 219, 219, 229, 237, 238, periodic, 33 267, 268 value, 30, 427 expansion factor, 171, 315 crystallographic group, 54 n cycle of vertex, 109 F = f , 44, 119, 171, 205, 287, 315, 346, cyclic order, 125 402, 406–408 f-invariant, 220 equivalence relation, 251, 440 ∂∞G,97 strongly, 251, 261 ∂∞X,94 Jordan curve, 218, 220, 220, 287, 288, δ0, 140, 145 292, 294, 346 Dn, 141, 172, 219, 225, 228, 315, 385 measure, 328, 361 Dn(f,C), 6, 115 deck transformation, 57, 424, 450 factor of dynamical system, 186, 330 flag, 108, 422 deg (p), deg(f,z), 30, 427, 436 f flexible Latt`es map, 85 deg(f), 385, 421 flower, 135 density of canonical orbifold metric, 458 for ( C), 115 descending f, fundamental class, 421 to quotient, 251, 252, 440 fundamental domain, 441 dessin d’enfant, 406 fundamental group of orbifold, 450 dimension of cell, 104 discrete, 261, 427 G(f,C), 192 distortion, 415 G-equivariant, 50, 65, 66, 442 doubling, 90, 345 Gtr,56 measure, 91 gauge, 89 metric, 92 generator, 330 geodesic metric, 413 e-chain, 122, 211, 391, 392 geometric , 97, 441 e-connected, 122, 211, 392 given topology on 2,30 n S E , 116 graph, 209 edge, 108 Gromov flower, 138 hyperbolic, 94, 191 path, 209 group, 96 edge-type, 271 product, 94, 100, 191, 193 entropy group action measure-theoretic, 330, 364, 378 cocompact, 54, 441 of partition, 329 geometric, 97, 441 topological, 328 map equivariant under, 50, 65, 66, 442 equator, 4, 454 properly discontinuous, 53, 441 equivalence relation closed, 253 hμ, 330, 364, 378 f-invariant, 251, 440 htop, 328 HQ strongly, 251, 261 d , xiv, 91, 345 induced by Harnack chain, 417 group, 441 Hausdorff map, 439 convergence, 93 pseudo-isotopy, 255 dimension, 345 monotone, 254 distance, 93 INDEX 475

measure, xiv, 91, 345 flexible, 85 holomorphic torus endomorphism, 50 Latt`es-type map, 51, 69 homotopy, 34, 200 lattice, 443 rel. A,34 lcm, 39 hyperbolic Lebesgue Gromov, 94 density theorem, 365 metric, 414 measure, 361, 362, 365, 463 orbifold, 41, 448 number, 146 left-shift, 185 induced by group action, 50, 57, 153, 441 length invariant element, 414 equivalence relation, 251, 440 metric, 148, 413 strongly, 251, 261 of chain, 122 Jordan curve, 218, 220, 220, 287, 288, of cycle, 109 292, 294 level of cell, 115 measure, 328, 361 Levy cycle, 149 multicurve, 46 lift set, 220 by universal orbifold covering map, 452 C Isom( ), 53 inverse branch, 452 isomorphism of map, 424 of cell complexes, 112, 113, 239 by branched covering map, 437 label-preserving, 354 of path by branched covering map, 436 of two-tile subdivision rules, 232, 280 light map, 432 isotopy, 34, 200 linearly locally connected (LLC), 91, 347 lift, 200 local degree, 30, 427, 436 of Jordan curve, 205 local homeomorphism, 423 pseudo, 255 orientation-preserving, 423 rel. A, 34, 205 locally Euclidean, 454 iterate of Thurston map, 44, 119, 171, 205, 287, 315, 346, 402, 406–408 M(X, g), 328 mf,C,11,169, 173, 191 Jacobian, Jf , 363  m , 169 Janiszewski’s lemma, 418 f,C map Jensen’s inequality, 364 branched covering, 29, 426, 426, 432, 433 joining opposite sides, 139, 213 cellular, 107 Jordan curve, 107 descending to quotient, 251, 440 -invariant, 218, 220, 220, 287, 288, 292, f discrete, 261, 427 294, 346 induced by group action, 50, 57, 153, 441 of D0, 218 light, 432 Jordan region, 107 open, 427 Koebe distortion, 415, 416 proper, 427 K˝onig’s infinity lemma, 225 realizing isomorphism, 113 Λ, 171 subdivision, 218, 267 Λ0, 12, 228, 315, 385 mating, 408 L, 361, 362, 365, 463 max-flow min-cut theorem, 390 λf , 361, 378 measurable partition, 329 (X), 192 measure label-preserving isomorphism, 354 absolutely continuous, 361 labeling, 125 canonical orbifold, 362, 376, 463 compatible, 125 doubling, 91 induced by f, 125 ergodic, 329, 361 natural, 354 invariant, 328, 361 orientation-preserving, 125 Lebesgue, 361, 362, 365, 463 subdivisions, 234 of maximal entropy, 327, 330, 337, 341, Latt`es map, 3, 49, 51, 172, 181, 345, 362, 345, 362, 378 376, 378, 385, 386 push-forward, 330 classification, 65 regular, 328 476 INDEX measure-theoretic entropy, 330, 364, 378 fundamental group, 450 Menger’s theorem, 390 hyperbolic, 41, 448 mesh, 32, 143, 145 of Thurston map, 41 metric parabolic, 41, 43, 50, 159, 362, 376, 378, bounded turning, 90 448 canonical orbifold, 4, 19, 45, 78, 81, 84, puncture of, 45, 447 154, 164, 165, 172, 181, 382, 386, 455, signature, 43 461, 464 universal covering map, 51, 449 chordal, 180, 353, 414 deck transformation, 450 conformal, 414 orbit, 31, 53 doubling, 90 by group action, 441 measure, 92 orientation, 421 geodesic, 413 of pillow, 454 hyperbolic, 414 preserving, 421 length, 148, 413 labeling, 125 path, 148, 413 local homeomorphism, 423 spherical, 414 Thurston equivalent, 35 visual, 12, 169, 171, 171, 172, 178, 311, ,79 315, 345, 347, 386 ℘ parabolic mixing, 329 orbifold, 41, 43, 50, 159, 362, 376, 378, monotone equivalence relation, 254 448 Moore’s theorem, 255 Thurston polynomial, 161 Moore-type equivalence relation, 255 partition multicurve, 46 equivalent, 329 invariant, 46 measurable, 329 non-peripheral, 46 path isometry, 45, 456 νf , 327, 337, 341, 362, 378 metric, 148, 413 N , xiii 0 periodic N,39 critical point, 33 N ,xiv  point, 33, 185 - n peripheral, 46 cell, 115 pillow, 4, 454 for ( C), 115 f, equator of, 4, 454 chain, 122, 225 orientation of, 454 edge, 116 planar crystallographic group, 54 flower, 135 polyhedral surface, 454 skeleton, 105 porous, 101 tile, 116 post(f), 31 vertex, 116 postcritical point, 31 natural labeling, 354 postcritically-finite, 31 nearly Euclidean Thurston map, 405 preperiodic non-degenerate continuum, 90 point, 33 non-peripheral, 46 proper map, 427 ω, 4, 19, 45, 78, 81, 84, 164, 165, 172, 181, metric space, 95, 441 382, 386, 455, 458, 461, 464 properly discontinuous, 53, 441 O f ,41 pseudo-isotopy, 255 Ω, Ωf , 362, 376, 463 equiv. relation induced by, 255 open map, 427 puncture, 45, 447 orbifold, 39, 41, 447 push-forward canonical measure, 362, 376, 463 of measure, 330 canonical metric, 4, 19, 45, 78, 81, 84, by orbifold covering map, 362, 376, 463 164, 165, 172, 181, 382, 386, 455, 461, of metric 464 by orbifold covering map, 4, 19, 45, cone point of, 447 165, 453 cone point of, 45, 453, 454 Euler characteristic, 41, 448 quasi-isometry, 94 INDEX 477 quasiarc, 90 skeleton, 105 uniform, 311, 346 snowball, 98 quasicircle, 90, 287, 346 snowflake equivalent, 89, 171, 176, 345 uniform, 311, 346 snowflake homeomorphism, 89 quasiconformal, 93 snowsphere, 98 quasidisk, 313 spherical uniform, 313, 346 derivative, 364, 414 quasimetric, 175 metric, 414 quasiregular, 93 stabilizer, 53, 441 uniformly, 93, 358 strongly f-invariant equivalence relation, quasisphere, 98, 345 251, 261 quasisymmetric uniformization problem, 90 subadditive, 329 quasisymmetry, 89 subchain, 122 uniform, 93, 310, 311 subcomplex, 354 weak, 92, 357 subdivision, 16, 217, 239, 267, 287 quotient, 439 barycentric, 242 map descending to, 251, 440 isomorphic, 232, 280 of branched covering map, 252 supp, 39 of Thurston map, 252 Sura-Buraˇ theorem, 257 of torus endomorphism, 52, 60 surface, 424 space, 439 symbolic dynamics, 185 topology, 439 symmetric difference, 329

, 12, 169, 171, 311, 386 T, 443  2 R, xiii T , 443 R, 369 Thurston radial stretch, 462 equivalent, 34, 199, 205, 233 ramification orientation-preserving, 35 function, 39 matrix, 46 support of, 39 obstruction, 46, 74 portrait, 32 polynomial, 149 rank of lattice, 443 parabolic, 161 realizing Thurston map, 31 isomorphism, 113 combinatorially expanding, 219, 229, subdivision, 218, 267 237, 238, 267, 268 refinement of cell decomposition, 106 descending to quotient, 252 regular branched covering map, 57, 450 expanding, 32, 33, 143–145, 147, 224, regular measure, 328 267, 268, 407 Rickman’s rug, 246 hyperbolic, 41 Riemann surface, 430 iterate of, 44, 119, 171, 205, 287, 315, Riemann-Hurwitz formula, 30, 258 346, 402, 406–408 Rokhlin’s formula, 364 lift of isotopy by, 200 rough-isometry, 94 nearly Euclidean, 405 Ruelle operator, 369 orbifold of, 41 parabolic, 41, 43, 50, 159, 362, 376, 378 σ, 414 rational, 32, 33, 47, 50, 159, 294, 345, S(f,C), 224 346, 361 S2,30 signature, 43 2 S0 , 448 tile, 108, 353 saturated chain, 122, 318 interior, 253 color of, 123 set, 253 graph, 192 Sch¨onflies theorem, 108 tile-type, 271 shift, 185 tiling by m-gons, 124 signature, 43 topological entropy, 328 singular conformal metric, 415 topologically conjugate, 34, 199 singularity torus, 443 conical, 45, 447, 453, 454 complex, 443 478 INDEX

endomorphism, 52, 444 holomorphic, 50 quotient of, 52, 60 transfer operator, 369 two-tile subdivision rule, 16, 217, 239, 267 combinatorially expanding, 219, 239, 267 isomorphism of, 232, 280 realization of, 218, 267, 287 type of equivalence classes, 271 uniform, 93 quasiarcs, 311, 346 quasicircles, 311, 346 quasidisks, 346 uniformly quasiregular, 93, 358 quasisymmetric, 93, 310, 311 universal orbifold covering map, 51, 449 deck transformation, 450 lift by, 452 upper semi-continuous equivalence relation, 253

Vn, 116 variational principle, 330 vertex, 108 vertex-type, 271 visual metric, 12, 169, 171, 171, 172, 178, 191, 311, 315, 345, 347, 386 on ∂∞X, 95, 191 path isometry, 456 visual sphere, 345, 347

W n(p), 135 weak quasisymmetry, 92, 357 Weierstraß ℘-function, 79

0 0 Xw ,Xb , 115 Xn, 116 X/∼, 439 X/G, 441 Selected Published Titles in This Series

225 Mario Bonk and Daniel Meyer, Expanding Thurston Maps, 2017 223 Guillaume Aubrun and Stanislaw J. Szarek, Alice and Bob Meet Banach, 2017 222 Alexandru Buium, Foundations of Arithmetic Differential Geometry, 2017 221 Dennis Gaitsgory and Nick Rozenblyum, A Study in Derived Algebraic Geometry, 2017 219 Richard Evan Schwartz, The Projective Heat Map, 2017 218 Tushar Das, David Simmons, and Mariusz Urba´nski, Geometry and Dynamics in Gromov Hyperbolic Metric Spaces, 2017 217 Benoit Fresse, Homotopy of Operads and Grothendieck–Teichm¨uller Groups, 2017 216 Frederick W. Gehring, Gaven J. Martin, and Bruce P. Palka, An Introduction to the Theory of Higher-Dimensional Quasiconformal Mappings, 2017 215 Robert Bieri and Ralph Strebel, On Groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the Real Line, 2016 214 Jared Speck, Shock Formation in Small-Data Solutions to 3D Quasilinear Wave Equations, 2016 213 Harold G. Diamond and Wen-Bin Zhang (Cheung Man Ping), Beurling Generalized Numbers, 2016 212 Pandelis Dodos and Vassilis Kanellopoulos, Ramsey Theory for Product Spaces, 2016 211 Charlotte Hardouin, Jacques Sauloy, and Michael F. Singer, Galois Theories of Linear Difference Equations: An Introduction, 2016 210 Jason P. Bell, Dragos Ghioca, and Thomas J. Tucker, The Dynamical Mordell–Lang Conjecture, 2016 209 Steve Y. Oudot, Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis, 2015 208 Peter S. Ozsv´ath, Andr´as I. Stipsicz, and Zolt´an Szab´o, Grid Homology for Knots and Links, 2015 207 Vladimir I. Bogachev, Nicolai V. Krylov, Michael R¨ockner, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov, Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations, 2015 206 Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni, The Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics, 2015 205 Pavel Etingof, Shlomo Gelaki, Dmitri Nikshych, and Victor Ostrik, Tensor Categories, 2015 204 Victor M. Buchstaber and Taras E. Panov, Toric Topology, 2015 203 Donald Yau and Mark W. Johnson, A Foundation for PROPs, Algebras, and Modules, 2015 202 Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Apostolos Giannopoulos, and Vitali D. Milman, Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Part I, 2015 201 Christopher L. Douglas, John Francis, Andr´e G. Henriques, and Michael A. Hill, Editors, Topological Modular Forms, 2014 200 Nikolai Nadirashvili, Vladimir Tkachev, and Serge Vl˘adut¸, Nonlinear Elliptic Equations and Nonassociative Algebras, 2014 199 Dmitry S. Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi and Victor Vinnikov, Foundations of Free Noncommutative Function Theory, 2014 198 J¨org Jahnel, Brauer Groups, Tamagawa Measures, and Rational Points on Algebraic Varieties, 2014 197 Richard Evan Schwartz, The Octagonal PETs, 2014

For a complete list of titles in this series, visit the AMS Bookstore at This monograph is devoted to the study of the dynamics of expanding Thurston maps under iteration. A Thurston map is a branched covering map on a two-dimensional topological sphere such that each critical point of the map has a finite orbit under itera- tion. It is called expanding if, roughly speaking, preimages of a fine open cover of the underlying sphere under iterates of the map become finer and finer as the order of the iterate increases. Every expanding Thurston map gives rise to a fractal space, called its visual sphere. Many dynamical properties of the map are encoded in the geometry of this visual sphere. For example, an expanding Thurston map is topologically conjugate to a rational map if and only if its visual sphere is quasisymmetrically equivalent to the Riemann sphere. This relation between dynamics and fractal geometry is the main focus for the investigations in this work.

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