Tucumcari News Times, 08-09-1917 the Uct Umcari Print
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-9-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 08-09-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 08-09-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/102 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. m 3f p. 4 Largest Circulation of Any fTfo t Sr. 'rertlaeni Know Where to A Paper In Quay County ft Pueumeari Jfews 4 n Place Their Ads Mx AND TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. XV. TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917 NO. 4G TeutonTo Peace Bunk. COWBOYS' GENERAL ROUND-U- P Tho beginning of the week was Tucumcuri is located right in the EXEMPTIONS ASKED NEWS REVIEW OF marked by tho ascension of three largo heart of what was, a few years back, peace balloon sent up by the central the greatest buffalo range in tho wholo ipowers. Ono was piloted by Chancel- Amcricun Southwest, und what has, BY MORE THAN 50 THE PAST WEEK lor Mlchnolls, ono by Count Cxernln, since the buirulo were killed, been the Austrian foreign minister, and ono by cuttle land of the Eastern foot-hill- s thu correspondent, Ben-net- t, of the Rocky Mountains nnd the wide Luden-,dorf- PER CENT OF MEN acting for MlchaelU und t. expanse of tnblu lands cast to the Haig and Potain Start Another The balloons went up swiftly for Texas Panhandle in New Mexico. And Drive in Flanders and Make ;n time, but, being filled only with hot notwithstanding tho fuct thnt the new 4i I r, they soon catno to earth again, tho homcsteudcr has arrived nnd the big Young Men Big Gains. accompanied by the Ironic Number of the Cannot lcsccnt ranches nre divided into farming Pass the Physical Examination laughter nnd cheers of the allied na- tracts, we are yet, the cattle country Imperial chancellor, to Which is Necessarily Very tions. Tho of eastern Nuw Mexico. There arc Rigid abandon tho metaphor, told a vivid talo mnny cattlemen und cowboys here, nnd AT BASES? Mfi of secret treaties between Franco and ono of the grcntest ranch properties RuRftln looking to conquest, and Pre- in the United States is right ut our The per ccntage of claimants for mier Rlhot promptly branded hltn as a door. Tho ranches of the Red River exemption among the men summoned Good Work by the Rusto-Roumanla- n liar. Mlchaolls uttered a lot mora Vullcy Cuttle Company cover a ter- by the selection board of Quay county Penco Move Do. claptrap tho wicked alms of the Forcee Teutonic about ritory of forty by sixty miles in area for exemption ns to their physical fit- of our rlded Agreement Reached on entente allies and "tho Justlco and the south line of this grcnt pas- ness is not running us high us was ex- Food Control QUI Exemp-- defensive war," and, through the ture is two miles north of the city pected but the causes exemption gave out a for tlon Beards Are Busy. correspondent, limits of Tucumcari, und this ranch, seem to be wives, children nnd infirm g phrases and mess of larger thnn some of tho largest coun- parents. Out of M l men examined up foolish accusations, and declared tho big stock- ties of the state of Texas, is noon Thursday thlrty-on- o By EDWARD W. PICKARD. un- to of thoso .submarine wnrfaro would contlnuo ed with graded white-fuc- e cattle, and physical After twenty days of tlio most tre- blockade. who stood tho test did not til thu British raise their works sixty to one hundred men dur- claim any exemption. Somo of these mendous artillery Uru of thu wur, thu Czcrnln gnve an Interviow thnt sound- ing the roundup und branding season. Anglo-Frenc- h be-Ku-n may yet exemption armies lu Klnndors u couple of claim but it is ed more reasonable, and This, with the many other smaller thought most of them anxious to on Tui'Hday n great drive that a paper announced are days Inter Vienna If all soldiers who lino up in battle penting gun. The six shots nrc fired ranches, makes Tucumcuri the Duke join the do to aroused the highest hopes for dellnlta Germany would colors nnd their part nuthorltutlvely thnt array were such mnrksmon ns Cupt. in less than two seconds. city of Cattlelund. Those boys will restore peace. Thoso who passed and results. Orent masses of troops (lushed gladly net upon pence overtures com- A. II. Hardy, the World's crack shot be here in full force ut the Roundup. claimed no exemption as follows: forwurd along a front of twenty inllea, ing by way Vlennu. The entire Then comes tho big spectacular arc of who will appear each day at the com- The Cowboys' General Roundup will 458 Pedro Pnblo Borqucz. overran the enemy's first three lines of pence move of tho week, however, was stunt of breaking composition balls bring back memories of the pioneer Dlx-xnu- ing Cowboys Roundup, there would be C7C George Gordon Mcbcn. dofenso between Wuructon uud declnrcd by Washington, London nnd from a speeding automobile. Believe little uso for "Machine (runs. Think days to the old and show tho young G09 Florcncio Gonzales. and captured eleven towns itml Paris to be Insincere and evidently mo this takes some fine judgment for did of it with nn ordinary er re- how the old things and arc doing 373 L. Clark. more than 6,000 prisoners. They made In the hope of slowing up the the auto, ns n rule travels thirty-fiv- e Walter peating riflo ho shoots perfect pro- things now on the big ranches. The 1014 William Thomas Owen. crossed the Yser at many places, thu war preparations In Amerlcn and tho to forty miles un hour and bnlls, very files of Indian heads nnd other char cowboys come with their mounts of 1031 D. Montgomery. engineering corps performing prodigies restoration of authority and discipline light nre carried every which way Leottis on plain steel painted white the wildest mustangs, nnd the highest G0C In the way of brldge-bulldln-g under acters by contact with the air caused by the Archie E. Roberts. In Russia. nvtfl n r rt 1st ft n I pitching broncs. They ride them for Im- n niiilltino f tit ti m nn G02 Charles L. Johnson. fire. Tanks and airplanes played On Wednesday the kaiser issued two i ;: i' speed. Z "'" good purses pnid by tho association, 772 D. portant parts In the terrltlc conflict. proclamations, to an people ""r" .'". William Boatman. the Gm , Captain Hardy is a member of the cowboys and cowgirls nnd on rf toum both 721 James P. Watson. The Germans resisted stoutly and nndtotheOennnnmynndnavy famous revolver tenm in Denver thnt they stay nbove tho bad 'uns while Wednesday, when thu ulUes udvanea ho tnnt ities of the 983 Joseph Robertson. colonial forces ' ' fl" tho holds the world's record in military they mnkc streaks in the air like jng-gc- d was checked by torrential rains, thu to prosecute United States representing Peters 117 James II. Bannon. sot forth his determination nd- - shooting. lightning. They ropo nnd ride counter-attack- s . .Cartridge Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, 279 Knox P. Hedgecoke. Teutons by lerco won f,i Hht. big und ground. ...f..i ,,.i..,. vcrtising their product Tho Roundup Association has en- the sleek steers brand the 874 Lord C. Lesley. back a littlo of the lost Next oous war of -- defense." yearlings. They bulldog steer, Ger- Then remember he will hit six tar- gaged this extraordinary net to ap- tho 726 William M. T. Martin. day thu British oguln drovu thu Tho German attempt to bunko the both from horseback and automobile. artillery re- gets tossed in the nir by his own pear twice ench day at the coming 981 Ernest Hugh Law. mans back, und then thu Boles with vuguo promises of a re- They leap from horsebnek on the old tlio blowing I'rlucu hnnds, using nn ordinary Marlin re Roundup in front of the grand stnnd. 770 Charles Elbert Fish. sumed task of stored kingdom has fallen through. back like n lion, nnd take him men supporting de- steer's C77 Martin H. Hershberger. out of the Dispatches from Berlin say tho Polish by the horns und throw him down nnd they hud rotlred. In- 749 Paul S. Pierce. fenses to which legions have been disarmed and THE I. W. W. MENACE WILL ATTORNEY DO HIS DUTY? hold him on the ground. He docs the Ilnlg und exchanged 5 Charles W. Tims. Ocnernls l'ctaln terned, because the Germans found From Haywood, the head of the or- Pntton gave the opinion thnt the same from nn while the telegrams of congratulation on tha stunt auto 493 Walter M. Tompkins. themselves confronted by a mutinous ganization, down to the most incon- publication of the names of tax de- car is running twenty miles nn hour. success In Flanders, and thu kaiser, subjects 353 Miguel Valdez. Polish army, while Austrian no linquents is illegal, so we presume he dare-dev- il llu-prec- spicuous ngitntor, one ever hns This is real work, but here congratulated ht 112 William A.