Report To: Environment & Regeneration Committee Date: 17 January 2013

Report By: Corporate Director Environment, Report No: SSC/ENV/IM/12.141 Regeneration & Resources

Contact Officer: Mark Higginbotham Contact No: 01475 714827

Subject: LTS Action Plan Update


1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on the progress of the actions arising from the Local Transport Strategy 2011 - 2016 for .


2.1 The Local Transport Strategy 2011 – 2016 (LTS) was approved at the Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee of 3 May 2011 (Agenda Item 15).

2.2 The LTS sets out the Council’s vision of improving the existing transport system within Inverclyde.

2.3 The aim of the LTS is to ensure that transportation within the area of Inverclyde grows in a sustainable manner that contributes to economic growth whilst protecting the environment. The LTS is designed to promote social inclusion, improve safety and integrate the various modes of transport.

2.4 Progress on the actions arising from the LTS is summarised in 4.5 below and detailed in the Action Plan Update as appended to this report.


3.1 That the Committee note the progress in achieving the actions arising from the LTS.

Ian Moffat Head of Environmental and Commercial Services


4.1 The LTS is a non statutory document that has been developed in accordance with Scottish Government Guidance. The LTS outlines the framework for delivering, at local level, the objectives of the National Strategy 2006 issued by the Scottish Government and the Regional Transport Strategy for the West of 2008 - 2021 prepared by Partnership for Transport.

4.2 The LTS aims to address the transport related challenges associated with sustainable development through providing solutions which promote social inclusion, bring economic benefit and reduce environmental impact.

4.3 The LTS incorporates an Action Plan. As an LTS is a dynamic document, the Action Plan gives a snapshot in time that shows the Council’s achievements and aspirations in terms of transportation. The Action Plan is also an indicator of how the LTS fits in with other Council policies and strategies.

4.4 Progress to date on achieving the actions arising from the LTS have been reviewed (at November 2012) and are summarised in 4.5 below. Details are contained in the Action Plan Update document, as appended to this report.

4.5 Summary report

Section Subject Summary Progress A Pedestrians Progress is ongoing on many of the action points in this section however pedestrian signage in the town centres is complete, a Heritage Trail for cruise ships has been developed, all primary schools have travel plans including a number of Secondary Schools. The Core Paths Plan has been implemented with signs erected and walking postcards produced. B Buses Progress is being made in forming a Quality Bus Partnership with SPT, the Bus Operators and The Council; Quality Bus Corridors have been established on the A8, A78 and A770. Further development is planned on other routes. Kilblain Street Bus Station has had a significant investment in upgrading the facility. Port Bus Station is currently being upgraded and is expected to be complete by the beginning of 2013. C Rail Rail Station has been refurbished. Modern trains have been introduced on the Gourock-Glasgow line. Park and Ride sites have been established at a number of the stations. D Freight and Ferries The car ferry link from Gourock to town centres has been removed and replaced by a passenger only service. Council, the Gourock-Dunoon Ferry Action Group and are in discussion with the Scottish Government seeking to explore options to improve the service and possibly reinstate the car ferry link. E Cycling Ongoing annual investment in the National Cycle Route (N75/N753). Cycling provision being built into new developments. Parking provision for cycles established at all Network Rail Stations. Cycler Shelters provided in all new and upgraded schools within Inverclyde. F Powered Two Consulting with motorcycling groups and representatives to Wheelers assess their needs and parking facilities. G Taxis & Private Hire Ongoing dialogue with Taxi operators to encourage DDA Vehicles compliance and the use of ‘Green’ vehicles. H Road Management Roads Asset Management Plan covering primary investment areas is complete and currently being reviewed as part of the budget setting process. 20mph zones established in various locations within Inverclyde. Improved recycling of road waste material. Speed limits on A and B class roads reviewed and agreed. Information on roadworks and winter maintenance action posted on the Council’s website. J Local Roads, Progress is ongoing on many of the action points in this Footways, section. Government Grant Funding for cycleways has Footpaths & changed and now requires match funding for projects. Cycleways Ongoing investment in resurfacing of carriageways and footways throughout the area. K Trunk Roads Primary investment in trunk roads maintenance is carried out by Amey plc on behalf of the Scottish Government’s agency Transport Scotland. L Parking Town Centre Parking Strategy aimed at improving parking arrangements complete. Decriminalised Parking Enforcement approved by Council and progressing to Government approval stage. Traffic Regulation Orders being reviewed in conjunction with the above. Additional parking being developed in Princes Street, . Traffic Wardens removed by Strathclyde Police. M Public Spaces Improvements to link between Clydeport’s Container Terminal and Greenock Town centre. Proposals to improve public realm spaces in Gourock Transport Interchange. New Gourock Train Terminus building constructed with associated parking. N Environment Modernised Council Fleet including 4 electric cars procured. Air quality throughout Inverclyde continues to be monitored. P Travel Choices Continue to encourage a modal shift to public transport. A number of key action points are ongoing including travel planning, improved transportation schemes and improved accessibility. Q Funding Continue to develop projects that attract grant funding from the Scottish Government, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, Sustrans, Riverside Inverclyde and Transport Scotland. R Park and Ride Highholm Avenue Park and Ride project to commence in January 2013. Continue to work with Network Rail and SPT in the development of future Park and Ride sites.


5.1 That progress on the achieving the actions arising from the LTS be kept under review, with a further update on progress to be brought to this Committee towards the end of 2013.


6.1 Taking into account that the LTS was implemented mid 2011, it is considered that overall progress in terms of achieving the aims of the LTS is satisfactory and on target at this point in time.


7.1 None.


8.1 None.


9.1 None.


(i) Action Plan Update (November 2012).

Potential Ref Delivery Funding Timescale Outcome Update Nov 2012 No. Action Cost Partner Source


A1 Provide and maintain safe pedestrian road Council, Transport Scotland Ongoing Council Improve road safety of Ongoing crossings and ensure compliance with TROC infrastructure. DDA Reduce road accidents

A2 Minimise waiting time for pedestrians on Council, Transport Scotland Ongoing Council, Reduce road accidents Ongoing crossing facilities TROC A3 Provide improved pedestrian signage in S / M Council Encourage walking and Greenock finger post signing town centres Improve health. complete Provide clear information. Increase tourism.

A4 Maintain and enhance the walking Council, SPT, Sustrans, Riverside M / Ongoing Council, Encourage walking and Ongoing experience along Greenock Waterfront Inverclyde Developers Improve health Regional Grant Increase tourism. Developers Improve quality of life Provide a sense of place.

A5 Promote the introduction of a ‘Walking Council, SPT, Sustrans, Riverside M Council Encourage walking and Heritage Trail for cruise ships Ring’ in Greenock town centre and the Inverclyde Improve health. developed Waterfront Regional Grant Increase tourism. Developers Improve quality of life Provide a sense of place. A6 Work with all interested parties and Private Developers, Council, S / M Council, Integrate new and old parts of No progress, no developers stakeholders to ensure the provision of Riverside Inverclyde, Scottish Developers the towns. have come forward appropriate infrastructure to link the Clyde Government Support local economy. Waterfront with the town centres – Encourage walking and Greenock and Port Glasgow Improve health. Support trade and tourism. Increase social inclusion. Improve accessibility. Reduce congestion and dependency on cars. Improve quality of life

A7 Prioritise pedestrians in new development Council, Developers S / Council, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing schemes Ongoing Developers Encourage walking and Improve health. Increase social inclusion A8 Include ICOD in evaluation /monitoring of Council M Council, ICOD Improve road safety of Ongoing measures taken to make the public realm infrastructure DDA compliant. Increase social inclusion.

A9 Integrate the pedestrian infrastructure with SPT, Council, Sustrans S / Ongoing Council, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing public transport facilities Developers Developers, Encourage walking and Public Improve health. Transport Increase social inclusion. Operators Encourage use of public transport

A10 Provide promotional material / information Council, Tourist Board, Health S / Council, Encourage walking and No progress and activities to encourage walking and Board and Sport Trusts Ongoing Walking Improve health. Improve health for all (e.g. guided walks) Groups, Improve quality of life. Health Boards Increase tourism. Increase social inclusion

A11 Promote “Walk to School “ Still to be identified Ongoing Council Encourage modal shift. No progress. Encourage walking and Improve health Reduce congestion. Reduce carbon emissions. Increase social inclusion

A12 Develop 2 footpath projects and pavement Still to be identified S Council Encourage modal shift. No progress build out structures as part of the Links to Improve road safety School Strategy Encourage walking and Improve health Reduce congestion. Reduce carbon emissions. Increase social inclusion

A13 Continue to prepare and implement School Council, Sustrans, Scottish S / Ongoing Council Encourage modal shift. All Primary Schools have travel plans for the Primary Schools and Government Improve road safety Travel Plans. Not all are High Schools. Upgrade existing travel Encourage walking and updated. A number of the plans already in force in the Primary Improve health High Schools also have Travel Schools. Reduce congestion. Plans Reduce carbon emissions. Increase social inclusion

A14 Prepare and implement Council Travel Council S / Ongoing Council Encourage modal shift. No progress Plans. Encourage walking and Improve health Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Reduce carbon emissions. Increase social inclusion

A15 Adopt Core Paths Plan. Prioritise work Council S Council Implement the plan in Core Paths Plan adopted 2009 achievable within the next 2 years coherent and clear stages

A16 Implement the Core Paths Plan: Sustrans, Council, Tourist Board, S / M Council Improve accessibility. Core Paths Plan implemented, signposting, promotion and publicity, path Regional Grants, Encourage walking and signs erected on rural routes. improvement, path surveys and database, Carbon Trust, Sponsorship Improve health. Walking postcards produced maintenance Improve quality of life. to encourage local walks. Path Increase tourism. surveys and database ongoing Increase social inclusion.

A17 Develop a longer term Core Path Vision Council M Council Develop a coherent walking Review due 2013 which will infrastructure. involve Inverclyde Local Access Forum. A18 Continue to support the appointment of a Council, Scottish Government S / Council Encourage modal shift. Post currently vacant (since School Travel Coordinator to continue the Ongoing Improve road safety April 2012) delivery of travel plans and Safe Routes to Encourage walking and School programmes in the Primary and Improve health Secondary Schools in Inverclyde. Reduce congestion. Reduce carbon emissions. Increase social inclusion


B1 Develop Quality Bus Partnerships or other SPT, Council S / SPT, Bus Promote “best practice” and Discussions ongoing. Council forms of Partnership between the Council, Ongoing Operators, improve bus services commitment to capital and Bus Operators and SPT Council maintenance improvements to be agreed. B2 Lobby Bus Operators to cooperate with SPT, Council S / SPT, Facilitate integration and Ongoing SPT and other Transport Operators Ongoing Transport coordination between services Operators, Provide through ticketing Council B3 Seek to identify and co-ordinate sources of SPT, Council, Transport Operators M SPT, Deliver a more comprehensive Ongoing funding for providing improved services Transport and improved public transport within Inverclyde Operators, system Council B4 ine sustainable transport infrastructure and SPT, Council, M / L SPT, Provide integrated modal shift No progress duce single occupancy car use Transport Operators Transport approach capable of being Transport Scotland Operators, mirrored on other corridors Council serving urban areas. Employers Reduce congestion and Housing demand for parking. Associations Reduce carbon emissions Deliver fast, reliable journeys B5 Develop the fast corridor concept and seek SPT, M Council, Provide integrated modal shift No bus priority measures to extend bus priority measures to improve Council, Transport Scotland TROC approach capable of being planned at this time speed, punctuality and reliability of buses mirrored on other corridors serving urban areas. Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Reduce carbon emissions Deliver fast, reliable journeys B6 Greenock to Gourock A770 Quality Bus Council Ongoing Council Improve public transport Complete Corridor (QBC): SPT infrastructure Provide raised kerbs and new markings at Encourage modal shift 33 bus stops. Promote equality, especially Install 8 new high specification bus for the disabled and mobility shelters impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B7 Monitor the provision of Quality Bus Council, SPT L Council, SPT Assess impact on travel No progress Corridors choice, travel time and carbon emissions. B8 Elite bus stop program: replacement of Council, SPT Complete Council Display bus time tables Complete approx 450 bus stops with the new Elite Help bus users to plan their bus stop pole or blue pole and new journey and their time information display cases (4 years project) B9 Construction of bus build outs / raised Council, SPT Complete Council Make crossing the road easier. Complete kerbs on the Union St / Newark St Improve road safety Greenock bus corridor at 16 bus stop Encourage modal shift locations Improve public transport Install 4 new high specification bus infrastructure shelters Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education

B10 Continue to identify and to implement Council, SPT, Scottish Ongoing Council Improve road safety. A8 Bullring to Newark measures to improve existing bus stops in Government Improve quality of service Roundabout nearing respect of shelters, lighting, raised kerbs, Encourage modal shift completion. good quality footway, compliance with Increase social inclusion. Glasgow Road from Newark DDA, information provision. Improve public transport Roundabout to Fyfe Park infrastructure Road planned for 2013/14. Promote equality, especially Clune Brae A761 planned for for the disabled and mobility 2014/15. impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B11 Upgrade the walking routes leading to bus Council, SPT Ongoing Council Improve road safety of Ongoing stops infrastructure. Encourage walking and Improve health Improve public transport infrastructure Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B12 Kilblain Street Bus Stances: take into Council, SPT, Network Rail S Council, SPT Provide opportunity to review Complete account the need to improve integration the needs and opportunities of between modes of transport and the town all stakeholders. centre. Improve public transport infrastructure Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B13 Continuation of A770 QBC Gourock Town £130,000 SPT S SPT, Council Improve public transport Complete Centre to Gourock Town boundary, west infrastructure of McInroy’s Ferry terminal. 23 bus stop Encourage modal shift locations Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B14 Where appropriate, seek to secure through Developer. Developer, Improve transport choice Ongoing evelopment Control process the provision of Council. Encourage modal shift. ure by the Developer. Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Reduce carbon emissions

B15 tors to purchase DDA Bus operators, M Council, SPT, Improve quality of life. Ongoing Bus operators Encourage modal shift. Ongoing Increase social inclusion

B16 Lobby bus operators and SPT to use low SPT, Bus operators, Carbon Trust M Ongoing Council, SPT, Reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing emission Buses Bus operators Reduce fuel consumption and costs. Lead to healthier streets B17 Lobby SPT and bus operators to purchase Bus operators, SPT M Bus operators, Develop the public transport Ongoing small size vehicles for less used routes SPT system geographically and for and night services or to access narrow extended times. streets which are not accessible with Encourage modal shift. normal buses. Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Improve accessibility. Increase social inclusion. Reduce carbon emissions B18 Produce a methodology for assessing SPT, Council M Council Measures the degree of No progress social inclusion in the delivery of public success in increasing social transport inclusion.

B19 Consult disabled people groups (e.g. Council S Council, ICOD Increase social inclusion. Ongoing ICOD) to ensure that the bus system meets their needs. B20 Lobby SPT and Bus Operators to ensure Bus operators, SPT S / Ongoing Council, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing that Bus Operators make provision for bus SPT Increase tourism. information at each bus stop Bus operators Promotes “Smarter Choices” travel planning and active travel B21 Seek funding for bus real time information SPT M Council Promotes “Smarter Choices” Awaiting SPT decision on SPT travel planning and active specification travel Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired B22 Encourage school trips to parks and Council S / Ongoing Council Reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing leisure facilities, to use the local buses

B23 Lobby Bus Operators and SPT to provide SPT, S Bus operators Reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing regular training to promote more Bus operators Reduce fuel costs. sustainable driving practices Improve quality of life.

B24 Lobby Bus Operators and SPT to provide SPT, S Bus operators Encourage use of buses Ongoing regular training to promote good customer Bus operators Encourage modal shift practice

B25 Lobby SPT and Bus Operators to provide SPT, S Bus operators Improve access to services. Ongoing adequate training of bus drivers in relation Bus operators Increase social inclusion. to Disabled needs and correct use of aids Promote equality, especially to help the Disabled board and disembark for the disabled and mobility from buses impaired B26 Lobby SPT and Transport Scotland in their Transport Scotland, SPT, M Council, SPT, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing efforts to create a multi modal unique Transport operators First Scotrail Simplify use of public system of ticketing to be ready for the transport. Glasgow Commonwealth Games Increase tourism.

B27 Support SPT and Transport Scotland in Transport Scotland S Council, Increase social inclusion Ongoing the promotion of concessionary fare for the SPT Encourage modal shift over 60s and some disabled groups Bus operators B28 Support the use of the Young Scot Card in Transport Scotland S Bus operators Increase social inclusion Ongoing Inverclyde to encourage young people to Encourage modal shift use the buses Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired

B29 Lobby Transport Scotland, SPT and bus Bus operators, Transport Scotland Ongoing SPT, Increase social inclusion. Ongoing operators to lower fares Transport Encourage modal shift. Scotland Reduce carbon emissions

B30 Lobby SPT and bus operators to extend Bus operators, SPT, Transport S Ongoing SPT, Bus Increase travel choice. Ongoing the bus services until 8 pm Scotland operators Encourage modal shift. Increase social inclusion. Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired B31 Support SPT in the promotion of ‘Dial-a- SPT Ongoing SPT, Increase social inclusion. Ongoing Bus’ Bus operators Promote equality, especially ‘Dial-a-Bus’ is now ‘My Bus’ for the disabled and mobility impaired

B32 Lobby SPT and Bus operators to revise SPT, Ensure stability and reliability Bus market has stabilised. No timetables no more than twice a year and Bus operators of the bus services longer considered to be an to give notice of these changes issue of concern B33 Encourage transport timetabling to reflect Council, SPT, M Promotes “Smarter Choices” Ongoing multi mode trips Transport operators travel planning and active travel Encourage modal shift. Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Reduce carbon emissions Improve quality of life

B34 Continuation to Bullring Roundabout, £50,000 SPT S SPT, Council Improve public transport Complete Greenock of A770 QBC and Union St / infrastructure Newark St bus corridor. 5 bus stop Encourage modal shift locations Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education

B35 A78 QBC. Provision of raised kerbs / bus £155,000 SPT, Transport Scotland S SPT, Council, Improve public transport Complete bays at 17 – 19 bus stop locations, TROC infrastructure Greenock town centre to Greenock town Encourage modal shift boundary Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Improve access to services, including healthcare and education B36 Kilblain Street Bus Stances. Improve bus £1.3m SPT S SPT, Council Promote equality, especially Complete stances, including running surfaces, bus for the disabled and mobility shelters and passenger information impaired provision Improve access to services, including healthcare and education Promotes “Smarter Choices” travel planning and active travel Improve public transport infrastructure


C1 Refurbish and modernise Gourock Rail Network Rail, bus and ferry S Network Improve road safety. Complete Station and provide a high quality link operators, Council, SPT, Rail, Enhance the public realm. between station and Ferry Terminal Transport Scotland SPT, Council C2 Lobby Rail authorities to make all railway Network Rail M Increase social inclusion. Ongoing stations DDA compliant Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired Encourage modal shift.

C3 Lobby the Rail Authorities to re-open and Network Rail, Council, Scottish L Network Encourage modal shift. Sites on the route now upgrade part of, or the whole of, the rail Government Rail, Reduce carbon emissions. developed. No possibility of link between Port Glasgow and Ocean Transport Support local and regional the whole of this route being Terminal at Greenock Scotland, economy. reopened. SPT, Reduce congestion Clydeport, Council C4 Glasgow Central to line: Network Rail, Council, Scottish L Network Improve accessibility No progress. Investigate the potential for re-opening the Government Rail, Encourage modal shift. Not considered realistic at this former passenger railway line. (Would Transport Increase social inclusion. time require the construction of track from Scotland, Reduce the decline of population Paisley, via Linwood and Bridge of Weir). SPT, Council C5 Carry out assessments of vicinity of Rail Network Rail, S Network Improved feeling of safety. No progress Stations and their suitability for safe SPT, Council, Rail, SPT, Encourage modal shift. walking at day and night time. Prepare Housing Associations Council Increase social inclusion. proposals for improvement.

C6 Start a systematic programme of Network Rail M Network Improved feeling of safety. No progress upgrading areas near the stations as a SPT, Council, Rail, SPT, Encourage modal shift. result of above action Housing Associations Housing Increase social inclusion. Associations, Developers, Council C7 Lobby Rail authorities to modernise trains Network Rail, First ScotRail, M Network Remove need for 24 hours notice Ongoing and ensure that the design allows SPT, Rail, First to book a ramp or ask for extra wheelchairs to access the train with an Transport Scotland ScotRail, help. integrated ramp automatically extending SPT Increase social inclusion on to platform at the push of a button. Encourage modal shift Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired

C8 Lobby Rail Authorities to provide trains First ScotRail, First Wheelchair users able to access Ongoing with corridor width suitable for normal SPT, Scottish Government ScotRail, all parts of the train. wheelchairs, not just the narrowest SPT, Increase social inclusion. models Improve quality of life Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired


D1 Support ferry companies in the Scottish Government Ferry M Transport Increase social inclusion. Ongoing improvement of infrastructure and pier operators, SPT Scotland, Improve quality of life. upgrading, provision of new vessels to SPT, Ferry Improve road safety. ensure that ferries and piers meet operators, Increase tourism standards and are DDA compliant. Council. Promote equality, especially Applies to Gourock, Greenock and for the disabled and mobility . impaired

D2 Promote the development and Scottish Government, L Clydeport, Support local and regional No progress modernisation of Greenock Ocean Clydeport, Freight economy. Terminal Freight facility. Regeneration funding, Freight operators, Encourage modal shift. operators, Council Council

D3 Support initiatives to improve existing . Scottish Government Ferry M Transport Support local and regional No progress. services and to investigate potential new operators, SPT Scotland, economy. Fast ferries not considered services SPT, Ferry Encourage modal shift. realistic at this time. This includes investigation of “fast ferries” operators, Increase tourism along the Clyde Council. Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired D4 Promote the use of green vessels and Freight operators M Freight Reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing vehicles for the transport of freight Scottish Government operators, Reduce fuel consumption and Transport costs. Scotland


E1 Develop a comprehensive cycling plan for SPT, Sustrans, Council S SPT, Ensure coherent No progress utilitarian and leisure purposes Sustrans, improvements to the cycling Council infrastructure. Encourage cycling Increased social inclusion. Encourage modal shift. E2 Investigate where new cycling routes can Sustrans, Council S SPT, Ensure coherent Continuation of N753 under be established (and sign posted) Sustrans, improvements to the cycling discussion Council infrastructure. Encourage cycling Increased social inclusion. Encourage modal shift. E3 Prepare programme of inspection and Council S Council Improve road safety of No progress. maintenance of existing cycling network infrastructure Some landscaping maintenance being pursued

E4 Implement programme of inspection and Council S / Ongoing Council Improve road safety of No progress maintenance of existing cycling network infrastructure Encourage cycling

E5 Integrate cycling with public transport SPT, Transport operators M SPT, Council, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing Transport Encourage cycling operators Increase social inclusion. Reduce carbon emission E6 Ensure cycling provision in new Private developers, Housing S / Ongoing Council, Encourage modal shift. Ongoing as part of development schemes Associations, Business sector Private or Increase social inclusion. development management Sustrans Public Improve accessibility process Developers Reduce carbon emissions Encourage cycling

E7 Provide bike parking spaces in rail, bus SPT, Sustrans, Network Rail and Ongoing SPT, Encourage multi modal trips. Network Rail provides racks at and ferry stations relevant Transport operators Sustrans, Improve accessibility. all stations. Network Rail, Encourage modal shift. No demand for cycle – bus Transport Increase social inclusion. integration operators, Reduce carbon emissions Council Encourage cycling E8 Provide secure bike parking spaces in Sustrans, Council, Retailers, S, M SPT, Improve accessibility. No progress town centres, public buildings, education Education Authority, Sponsorship, ongoing Sustrans, Encourage modal shift. Abuse issues requiring rental centres and leisure sites. Developers Council, Increase social inclusion. arrangements and Developers Reduce carbon emissions maintenance agreements Support local economy Encourage cycling

E9 Provide secure bike parking spaces near Sustrans, Council, Retailers M SPT, Encourage modal shift. Ditto retail places Sponsorship Sustrans, Increase social inclusion. Retailers, Reduce carbon emissions Council Support local economy E10 Provide bike parking spaces in education Sustrans, Council, M SPT, Council Encourage cycling to school. Ditto buildings Encourage modal shift. E11 Install / upgrade cycle shelters in 5 schools £50,000 Sustrans, Council S Ongoing SPT, Sustrans Encourage cycling to school. All new/ upgraded schools Funding not Encourage modal shift. have cycle shelters yet secured E12 Develop and provide cycle training Scottish Government, Council Ongoing Council Encourage cycling. Ongoing. Reduce road accidents Bikeability provided through Encourage modal shift Cycling Scotland.

E13 Promote cycling and associated health Scottish Government, NHS, Health M Ongoing NHS, Improve quality of life. Ongoing benefits to Council and Businesses organisations, Council Sustrans, Reduce congestion. Council Encourage modal shift. Increase social inclusion. Encourage cycling. E14 Develop detailed cycle maps with all the Sustrans, SPT, Council, S SPT, Council, Support local economy No progress cycling routes and facilities (parking, repair Sponsorship, Tourist Board Cycling groups Increase tourism centre) for towns and villages, and for the Ongoing Encourage cycling. rural area Encourage modal shift. Increase social inclusion. Reduce carbon emissions


F1 Consult motorcycling representatives and Motorcycle Action Group, S Strathclyde Ensure demand for PTW Ongoing local PTW riders to assess their needs and Strathclyde Police, Council Police, SPT, parking is accurately assessed existing provision for parking facilities Network Rail throughout the Council. Improve road safety and design of infrastructure. Raise awareness of PTW needs. Increase social inclusion.

F2 Wherever PTW parking is provided, Motorcycle Action Group, S Ongoing Council Provision of clear information Ongoing ensure that the facility is well signed. Strathclyde Police, Council F3 Include Powered Two Wheelers in the Council S Council Raise awareness of PTW Travel Plan yet to be written Council Travel Plan needs. Increase social inclusion.


G1 Encourage DDA compliance as part of the Taxi operators. S Ongoing Taxi operators Increase social inclusion Ongoing taxi licence Council Licensing G2 Encourage taxis and private hire vehicles Taxi operators. M Ongoing Taxi operators Reduced fuel expenditure. Ongoing owners to use “green” vehicles Council Reduce carbon emissions Licensing G3 Investigate potential for incentives to Council, Scottish Government S Ongoing Council, Increase social inclusion. No progress encourage taxi drivers to take disabled Transport Promote equality, especially passengers Scotland, for the disabled and mobility impaired


H1 Road Asset Management Plan to be Scottish Government, Council S Ongoing Council Maintain infrastructure in 1st version of the RAMP is prepared. serviceable condition complete Ensure the delivery of the Local Transport Strategy H2 Enhance traffic management methods Scottish Government, Council Ongoing Council Reduce congestion. Ongoing Reduce carbon emissions. Increased safety H3 Lobby and support initiatives that deliver Scottish Government, Council, S Council, Support local economy. Ongoing good traffic connections from the new Riverside Inverclyde, Developers Developers, Reduce congestion. Waterfront projects to the A8 Riverside Increase social inclusion. Support and promote good connections Inverclyde Reduce impact of additional between the Waterfront projects without TROC traffic generated by the new using the A8 Transport developments Scotland Deliver spatial cohesion. Improve quality of life. Enhance public realm H4 Prepare and implement speed control Council Ongoing Council Improve road safety. 20mph zones implemented in: plans including introduction of 20mph Reduce carbon emissions. Kilmacolm zones as appropriate in residential areas Arran Ave, Port Glasgow Leven Road, Port Glasgow H5 Improve the traffic flow between the three SPT, Council, Transport Scotland Ongoing Transport Support the local economy. Ongoing town centres Scotland, Reduce congestion. Council, Reduce carbon emissions TROC H6 Lobby Transport Scotland to improve Council, Transport Scotland L Transport Encourage people and Ongoing traffic flow between Inverclyde and Scotland businesses to locate in Glasgow Inverclyde. Support the local economy. Provide more reliable journey time. Reduce congestion. Reduce journey time. Reduce carbon emissions

H7 Consider the use of recycled materials Council, Ongoing Council, Provide more sustainable Send away excavated when carrying out maintenance and infrastructure. materials for recycling. improvement works. Reduce carbon emissions Reuse excavated and Potential cost and energy processed materials for savings reconstruction of footways H8 Establish ‘Car Club’ in new development Developers, Housing Associations L Developers, Ensure good use of resources. No progress schemes Council Reduce parking demand. Reduce costs. Encourage modal shift.

H9 Monitor and Analyse records of roads Transport Scotland, Strathclyde S / Ongoing Strathclyde Improve road safety. Ongoing accidents with worst injury and identify Police, Council Police, how the road network may be improved. Council, Implement remedial measures TROC H10 Coordinate all maintenance activities and Transport Scotland, Council Ongoing Council, Reduce congestion Ongoing minimise associated disruption TROC, Utility Reduce carbon emissions companies H11 Carry out a review of speed limits on all Strathclyde Police, Council, S Strathclyde Improve road safety. Complete. roads within the Council area by 2011 as Transport Scotland Police, New speed limits on: per guideline document ‘Setting Local Council, A770 Rd Speed Limits’ TROC A761 Port Glasgow Road B788 Kilmacolm Road H12 Develop a Road Safety Plan to meet new Strathclyde Police, Council M Strathclyde Improve road safety. No progress targets being introduced by Central Police, Council Government after 2010 H13 Carry out Road Safety and User Audits on Council Ongoing Strathclyde Improve road safety. Ongoing all changes to the road network Transport Scotland Police, Council, TROC H14 Carry out an assessment of all road side Council M / L Council Improve road safety. No progress hazards and prepare a priority listing for Transport Scotland TROC replacement with passively safe materials. H15 Continue to support ‘Pass+ Scheme’ for Council Council Improve road safety. Ongoing young drivers between 17 and 25 H16 Work with partners to develop and Council, Strathclyde Police Council, Improve road safety. Ongoing enhance road safety education and Transport Scotland Strathclyde training throughout the council area. Police H17 Implement the Local Authority Road Safety Council Complete Council Improve road safety. Complete Officers Association recommendations for School Crossing Patrol Service by March 2009. H18 Seek to provide a holistic design of public Council, SPT, Scottish Council Improve road safety. Ongoing realm in order to maximise perceived Government safety H19 Continue to provide and maintain Council Council, Improve road safety. Ongoing appropriate traffic signs, road markings Transport Scotland TROC and traffic signals H20 Ensure the needs of pedestrians and Council S / Council, Improve road safety. Ongoing disabled people are taken into account Transport Scotland Ongoing TROC Increase social inclusion. when carrying out roadworks. Promote equality, especially for the disabled and mobility impaired H21 Provide information on roadworks on the Council S / Council, Help planning of journeys Works programmes and Council website Ongoing TROC significant roadworks published on Council website H22 Provide information on adverse road Council Ongoing Council, Help planning of journeys. Ongoing conditions on the Council website Strathclyde Police, TROC H23 Carry out Flood Study to consider sources £100,000 Council S Council Flood alleviation. Contract awarded, surveys of flood risk throughout Inverclyde area. ongoing H25 Bridge: Nittingshill Bridge replacement Scottish Government, Council M Council Provide more sustainable infrastructure. Improve accessibility H27 Baker St realignment Scottish Government, Council S Council Provide more sustainable No progress infrastructure. Land ownership/ buried Improve accessibility services issue


J1 Mackie Avenue, Port Glasgow: upgrading £3,500 Sustrans Small Links Bid S Council Encourage walking and Funding arrangement of existing path providing access to N75 Improve health. changed by Scottish Improve road safety of Government and funding not infrastructure available at this time

J2 Barr’s Brae, Port Glasgow: Upgrading of £2,000 Sustrans Small Links Bid S Council Encourage walking and Funding arrangement existing path providing access to N75 Improve health changed by Scottish Improve road safety of Government and funding not infrastructure available at this time J3 Millport Road, Port Glasgow: £15,000 Sustrans Small Links Bid S Encourage walking and Funding arrangement Construction of new path to provide Improve health changed by Scottish access to N75 Council Improve road safety of Government and funding not infrastructure available at this time J4 Poplar Street, Port Glasgow: Construction £50,000 Sustrans Small Links Bid S Council Encourage cycling and Funding arrangement of new path including concrete steps with walking. changed by Scottish bicycle ramp to provide access to N75 Developers Improve road safety of Government and funding not from existing and proposed housing areas infrastructure. Upgrade quality available at this time of landscaping. J5 N75 Mclnroy’s Point to Inverkip – Phase 3 £50,000 Sustrans Grant Application S Council Encourage modal shift. Subject of SPT and Sustrans (3km). submitted Encourage cycling and grant application Extend N75 from present termination to Muirshiel walking. Inverkip village £250,000 S Regional Park Increase tourism. Provide walking and cycling access to Inverkip Village from N75. J6 N75 extension, Inverkip to Wemyss Bay £30,000 Sustrans Grant Application S Council Provide access from Wemyss Subject of SPT and Sustrans (Rail Station and Ferry Terminal) - Phase Feasibility submitted Bay settlement to transport grant application 4 study Developer will interchange. (4km). construct 1.5 Create a safe route to Lead to completion of Inverclyde Coastal £40,000 km through Wemyss Bay Primary School Cycling Route Final design M Brueacre site from Brueacre. and cost estimation Encourage modal shift.. Encourage cycling and walking. Link N75 with Ayrshire coastal Path. Increase tourism J7 N75 Devol Glen, Port Glasgow: £15,000 Sustrans Grant Application S Council Ensure long term stability of No progress Geotechnical Study to investigate a crack submitted this part of the cycling route through the tarmacadam surface and to Improve road safety of recommend appropriate remedial measure infrastructure – if necessary J8 Regional Cycle Route 21, Victoria Riverside Inverclyde, SPT, S/M Council, SPT, Provide access to N75 from No progress. Harbour, Greenock to Langbank, Transport Scotland Developer coastal built areas. and RI pulled Renfrewshire (Part of this route has been Encourage modal shift. funding constructed by a Developer). Encourage walking and Harbour to Newark: to be completed by Improve health and cycling. Spring 2011 in time for the Tall Ship Visit Increase tourism Support the local economy J9 Auchenbothie to Cornalees Bridge Centre: £50,000 Sustrans Grant Application S Council Increase tourism. Scheme designed improvements to existing track (20km) to submitted Muirshiel Provide good accessibility to Funding for implementation form direct access to Cornalees Bridge Regional Park Muirshiel Regional Park not currently available Visitor Centre from east part of proposed circular route via Overton to Greenock and Gourock J10 Octavia Park to Overton: drainage and £30,000 Sustrans Grant Application S Council Encourage walking and No progress topographical surveys, scheme developed Clear site submitted Improve health and cycling. Funding arrangement changed up to final design for tendering to create and survey by Sustrans and funding not new path (1,3km) on disused railway line £40,000 S available at this time Final design for tendering J11 Gourock Town Centre: Construction of Council M Council Remove traffic from Kempock In discussion with Riverside Kempock Street Relief Road north of Street. Inverclyde on detailed plans. existing Kempock Street Support local economy. CC and planning application to Improve road safety follow J12 Central Gourock/ Gourock Pierhead: Council M Council Improve accessibility. Report written various junction improvements along the Recommendations not A770 ( Shore Street and Cardwell Road) pursued J13 Maintenance of Inverclyde local roads Council Ongoing Council Maintain structural integrity Ongoing and functional profile. Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money J14 Maintenance of Inverclyde local footways, Council Ongoing Council Maintain structural integrity Ongoing footpaths and cycleways and functional profile. Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money


K1 A8 Fore St W/B, Port Glasgow £155,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money K2 A8 Sinclair St to Ladyburn E/B, Greenock £140,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money K3 A8 Gibbshill to Lilybank E/B, Greenock £200,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money K4 A8 Finlaystone Lay-by W/B £200,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money K5 A8 Woodhall Roundabout, Port Glasgow £100,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money

K6 A8 Cartsdyke RBT to Ratho St E/B, £100,000 Transport Scotland S Transport Maintain structural integrity Ongoing Greenock Scotland, and functional profile. TROC Improve road safety of infrastructure. Provide value for money K7 Inverkip St/Nelson St and Newton St.: Transport Scotland, S Transport Remove trunk road traffic from Section from South St to traffic management scheme to convert Council Scotland, town centre. Newton St two way Inverkip St to two way traffic and de-trunk TROC Improve road safety around Remainder to follow next year the remaining trunk road at this location the Nelson/Newton St area which serves the local college. K8 A8 Cycleway R21 – shared use of A8 Riverside Inverclyde S Transport Encourage modal shift. Ongoing footway over part length Greenock to Scotland, Encourage cycling. Newark. Riverside Increase social inclusion. Inverclyde, Reduce carbon emission. Inverclyde Improve road safety. Council, TROC K9 A8 Woodhall Roundabout – AIP Transport Scotland S Transport Improve road safety. Ongoing Investigation Scotland, TROC K10 A8 / A78 Bullring Roundabout- AIP Transport Scotland S Transport Improve road safety. Ongoing Investigation Scotland, TROC K11 A8 Cartsdyke Roundabout – AIP Transport Scotland S Transport Improve road safety. Ongoing Investigation Scotland, TROC K12 A78 Bankfoot Roundabout to Seamill. Transport Scotland S Transport Improve road safety. Ongoing Route Review. Scotland, Improve accessibility TROC K13 A78 Inverkip – New infrastructure for Developer M Transport Support local economy. Designed housing at Bruacre. Scotland, Improve accessibility Development yet to submit Developer, Improve road safety planning application TROC


L1 Review the Council Parking Strategy Council, Transport operators, S Council, Manage available parking Complete (including parking charges, provision of Businesses, Housing Strathclyde spaces to meet the demand. long and short term parking, on-street and Associations, Employers Police Review the level of parking off-street parking, etc) provision. Support the local economy L2 Implement new Parking Strategy Council M Council, Manage available parking Due Summer 2014 Strathclyde spaces to meet the demand. Police Review the level of parking provision. Support the local economy. Enhance the public realm.

L3 Use new technology in parking control Council, M Council, Simplify payment of parking Decriminalised Parking charges. Enforcement infrastructure/ handheld computers for Parking Attendants planned L4 Review the existing parking provision Council S Council Support the local economy. No progress along Gourock Waterfront Enhance public realm. Improve quality of life. L5 Identify locations for park and ride SPT, Council, Transport Scotland, Ongoing Council, SPT, Encourage multi modal Highholm Avenue provision in Inverclyde Network Rail Network Rail journeys. Tender to be awarded late Encourage modal shift. November 2012 Reduce emissions. L6 Port Glasgow Station: investigate and Network Rail, Council, Scottish M Network Rail, Encourage multi modal Princes Street Car park under develop parking facilities near the railway Government First ScotRail, journeys. construction by Riverside station SPT, Encourage modal shift. Inverclyde Transport Reduce emissions. Scotland, Council L7 Review and include the provision of Council, Freight operators M Council Support the local economy. No progress daytime and overnight parking facilities for Remove freight vehicles from freight drivers in the Council parking unsuitable parking areas. strategy Enhance public realm. Improve quality of life.

L8 Enforce illegal car parking on footways Strathclyde Police, Council traffic S / Council, Increase safety of Police issue and cycling lanes wardens Ongoing Strathclyde infrastructure. Police Reduce congestion. Improve road safety

L9 Traffic wardens to practice zero tolerance Strathclyde Police, Council Strathclyde Improve road safety Traffic Wardens removed towards parking in bus stop areas Police, Council Reduce congestion. To be replaced with Council Parking Attendants Summer 2014


M1 New link from A8 to town centre in Port Scottish Government, Economic S, M, L Council Provide link between Study undertaken into Glasgow: Feasibility study, design and Regeneration Funds, SPT, superstore and town centre. additional arm on roundabout. implementation of improvements to alter Council, private organisations, Support local economy. Not recommended traffic and provide an improved Encourage modal shift. environment. Increase social inclusion Increase tourism. Enhance public realm

M2 Review and improve the public realm to Scottish Natural Heritage, M Council, local Increase tourism. Implemented path from provide a welcoming and interesting Riverside Inverclyde, community Enhance public realm Container terminal to Grey walking experience. Council Encourage walking and Place for cruise passengers, Improve health plus controlled pedestrian crossing at West Blackhall St. M3 Support better quality public realm, by Developers S Developers, Provide sense of identity, No progress encouraging developers to put 1% of the Council visual interest, feel good contract costs towards art/ craft features factor. and good quality public realm. Enhance public realm Improve quality of life. Encourage walking and Improve health. Increase tourism. M4 Greenock Town Centre alterations to road Council ongoing Council Improve road safety. West Blackhall St complete lines, kerb build outs, parking Enhance public realm

M5 Gourock Transport Interchange : review Network Rail, Economic S Network Rail, Improve accessibility. Included in Kempock Street proposals for Rail Station area. Create Regeneration Funds, SPT, Council SPT, Council, Improve road safety of proposal from Riverside good links between Rail Station, Kempock Transport infrastructure. Inverclyde Street and the Ferry Terminal Transport Scotland, Encourage modal shift. Interchange. private Support local economy. operators Increase tourism

M6 Gourock Town Centre: Review proposed Scottish Government, Economic M Council Provide the basis for securing Train Station upgraded extension of town centre towards the Regeneration Funds, SPT, funding and regenerating Waterfront retaining the existing Rail Council, Local businesses Gourock Town Centre. Station Support local economy. Encourage modal shift. Increase social inclusion Increase tourism. Attract businesses and people to locate in Inverclyde. Enhance public realm.


N1 Support environmental choices when Council M Council Reduce carbon emissions and 4 electric cars used for Roads renewing the Council fleet fuel costs. inspectors Leading by example. Provide healthier environment N2 Maintain good air quality in Inverclyde via Council Ongoing Council Provide healthier environment. Monitoring station Rankin Park monitoring and enforcement measures Businesses SEPA N3 Produce an Action Plan to identify and Council Ongoing Council Provide healthier environment. ? monitor areas that have poor air quality to Businesses Improve quality of life help improve air quality. SEPA N4 Assess the additional noise levels that will Council, Riverside Inverclyde S Developers, Improve quality of life. Environmental Impact come from the new regeneration projects Developers. Council Provide healthier environment Assessment requested for carried out by Riverside Inverclyde Kempock St proposal

N5 ‘Lead By Example’ Workstream based on Council S Council Reduce carbon emissions and Vehicles replaced with lower Inverclyde’s own operations: Carbon Trust Ongoing fuel costs. emission types; purchased Greening vehicle fleet Energy Saving Trust Leading by example. electric cars Reduce carbon emissions through Provide healthier environment better transport management Carbon Management Plan N6 Carbon Footprinting : assessment of CO2 Council S, M, L Developers Produce clear carbon No progress impact of transport schemes and of new Developers Council methodology with ability to set development through the Development SMART targets. Reduce Control function carbon emissions. N7 Preparation of Emission Control Plan Council, Scottish Government, S Council Reduce carbon emissions and No progress Carbon Trust fuel costs. Energy Saving Trust Leading by example. Provide healthier environment


P1 Travel Planning (Area wide): Integrated Scottish Government S Energy Harness employer cooperation No progress travel planning advice provided on an Council Savings Trust and inward investment. area-wide and corridor basis Key Employers Travel Plan Contribute to sustained traffic SPT Advice reduction. Energy Savings Trust Programme/ Encourage modal shift. SPT Reduce congestion. Council Reduce emissions.

P2 Travel Planning (Site-specific): Sector Scottish Government S Energy Address specific accessibility No progress based programme based on: Council Savings Trust issues for individual sites. Employment Key Employers Travel Plan Contribute to workforce skills Health SPT Advice retention. Leisure Energy Savings Trust Programme/ Provide ease of access for Education SPT those dependent on public Council transport. Health Board Encourage modal shift. Reduce congestion. Reduce emissions.

P3 Smarter Choices Promotion: Council S Council Contribute to sustained traffic No progress Hard copy, web-based and media SPT SPT reduction. promotion of Encourage modal shift. Green Travel Modes Reduce congestion. Reduce emissions. P4 DDA Asset Management: Access Audit, Council S ICOD, Council Assist implementation of DDA No progress Place Audit data collection and GIS Transport Scotland/ TROC agenda. programme; enabling developer leverage. Developers Developer contributions via Section 75 Agreements. P5 Ensure that new transportation schemes SPT, Council, Transport Scotland/ Ongoing SPT, Increase social inclusion. Ongoing meet the needs of all sections of society, Developers Transport Improve quality of life. including those with disabilities, the elderly operators, Improve accessibility. and children Council, TROC, Developers P6 Health Promotion and Hospital Travel Health Boards S Health Boards Increase social inclusion. No progress Plans Council Council Improve quality of life. Specific target to deal with access to SPT SPT Improve accessibility. Inverclyde Royal Hospital and others beyond the Council boundary. P7 Prepare a Development Planning Council, S Council, Offer clear guidance to No progress Guidance Toolkit on Smarter Choices and SPT SPT planners and applicants on Green Travel Planning to accompany sustainable transport. Development Plan Increase social inclusion Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Encourage modal shift. P8 Prepare and implement Travel Plan for Council S Council Reduce carbon emissions. No progress Inverclyde Council Reduce congestion and demand for parking. Encourage modal shift. P9 Promote the adoption of Travel Plans for Council, Key Employers, S / Ongoing Other Reduce carbon emissions. Ongoing businesses and other organisations in SPT organisations Reduce congestion and Inverclyde Energy Saving Trust demand for parking. Encourage modal shift.


Q1 Funding Radar: Council, S / Ongoing Council Deliver key ‘spend to win’ No progress Develop a methodology for harnessing Riverside Inverclyde, service to enable external and wider external funding beyond traditional ‘ Regeneration Funding lateral funding links to be transport’ sources to benefit capital and made. revenue workstreams Q2 Seek funding to implement the Core Sustrans, Council, Tourist Board, S / Ongoing Council, Provide the means to deliver No progress Paths Plan Regional Grants, Carbon Trust, Scotways the Core Paths infrastructure. Sponsorship, Grants from Landowners, organisations promoting sport, Clyde health, environmental Muirshiel improvements. Country Park ScotWays, Landfill credits, Clyde Muirshiel Country Park

Q3 Seek funding for cycling projects SPT, Sustrans, Regeneration S / Council, SPT, Allow more projects to be SPT and Sustrans funding bid Funding, Regional Grants Carbon Ongoing Sustrans, implemented. in for 2013/14 Trust, Sponsorship, Grants from Developers. Encourage cycling organisations promoting sport, TROC, Increase social inclusion. health, environmental Landowners, Improve accessibility. improvements, Private developers, Clyde Encourage modal shift. Housing Associations, Education Muirshiel Reduce carbon emissions Authorities, Business sector, Country Park Improve quality of life. Transport Scotland. Reduce road congestion and Landfill credits. parking demand. Clyde Muirshiel Country Park Increase tourism.

Q4 Seek funding to enhance and extend SPT, Council, Sustrans, Scotways, M / L Council Allow more projects to be No progress infrastructure facilities for pedestrians Scottish Natural Heritage, Health implemented. Boards Encourage walking and Improve health. Improve quality of life. Improve accessibility Encourage modal shift. Q5 Seek funding for changes to road layout Council, Sustrans, Transport Ongoing Council Improve road safety. No progress related to safer school travel plans Scotland TROC Encourage modal shift.


R1 Develop Park and Ride facilities at Regent Council, SPT S Council, SPT, Develop parking spaces to No progress Street/ Oak Mall and Bogston Network Rail meet demand Regent Street proved uneconomic for Decriminalised Parking Enforcement scheme

R2 Encourage and promote existing Council Council, SPT S Council, SPT, Manage available parking Ongoing and Network Rail’s Park and Ride facilities Network Rail spaces to meet demand at Kempock Street, Gourock, West Station, Station Avenue (Greenock Central Station) and Network Rail’s Park and Ride facilities at Wemyss Bay Station, Gourock Station and Fort Matilda Station. R3 In conjunction with SPT and Network Rail, Council, SPT S Council, SPT, Develop parking spaces to Highholm Avenue Par & Ride develop Park and Ride at Port Glasgow Network Rail meet demand Tender to be awarded late Station November 2102

R4 Review demand for Park and Ride at Council, SPT S Council, SPT, Develop parking spaces to No progress Woodhall Network Rail meet demand