Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States
REGISTER OF THE COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OP THE fLafog of tt>t mnittH States; INCLUDING ron THE YEAR 1829. WWVV^VWWVMVVV PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NAYY, IX COMPLIANCE WITH A RESOLUTION OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, OF AUGUST 2, 1813. CITY OF WASHINGTON: S. J. EUiot, Printer, Eleventh Street, West. 1828. NAVAL REGISTER, roa 1829. <©ffi'ee of tije Secretary of tfte !tfa&£. Place NAME. Duty, of birth. Samuel L. Southard, Secretary, N-Jersey §6,000 Charles Hay, Chief clerk, Virginia, 2,000 John Boyle, Correspond'^ elk. Ireland, 1,600 Benj, Homans, Ditto. Mass. 1,400 Richard B. Maury, Registe", Virginia, 1,400 Thos.Fillebrown, jr. Rec'g & cop. elk. Maine, 1,000 Thomas Miller, Do. Do. Virginia, 1.000 John D. Simms, Do. Do. Virginia, 1,000 John S. Nevius, Warrant clerk, N -Jersey 800 Nathan Eaton, Messenger, Mass. 700 Frederick Lewis, Assistant mess. Mary I'd, J 350 (BfKtt of tje Kabg (tomminuionttu. John Rodgers, Preset A*. Board Maryl'd, g 3,500 Lewis Warrington, Commissioner, Virginia, 3,500 D. T. Patterson, Do. X. York, 3,500 C. W.Goldsborough, Secretary, Maryl'd, 2,000 William G. Ridgely, Chief clerk, Maryl'd, 1,600 John Green, Clerk, Do. 1,150 Joseph P. M'Corkle, Do. Delaw'e, 1,000 James Hutton, Do. Penn. 1,000 Robert A. Slye, Do. Marvl'd, 1,000 B. S. Randolph, Do. Virginia, 8oe C. Schwarz, Draftsman, Germany, 1,000 Richard Elliott, Messenger, Conn. 700 CAPTAINS. Captains, Date of pre- Original entry into NAME. sent commis- the service.
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