HOUGHTON CONQUEST Village Newsletter

June 2021

All the latest news, events and reports for our Village inside……. HOUGHTON CONQUEST PARISH COUNCIL


PCllr Sue Beaumont PCllr Brian Blackall

PCllr Peter Bullock (Vice Chair) PCllr Bridgette Cooksley

PCllr Tracey Fry PCllr Bec Hares (UCllr) PCllr Liz Lovell (Chair) PCllr John Miller

PCllr Bryn Whitaker

Committees, Working Parties and Representatives

Highways & Horse Watch PCllr Fry Planning Sub-Committee PCllrs Beaumont, Blackall Bullock & Whittaker Village Hall PCllr Bullock Play Area PCllrs Blackall, Cooksley and Miller Sports Field PCllrs Blackall, Cooksley and Miller Allotments PCllr Lovell School Liaison E Thompson

Police Liaison PCllr Beaumont

Tree Warden PCllr Cooksley and L Askham Newsletter PCllr Bullock Community Facebook PCllr Fry Website Parish Clerk United Charities PCllr Beaumont Covanta/BACI/Millbrook Power P Rolfe Climate Change Champion R Blevins

Parish Council Clerk – Gill Wiggs Tel: 01234 270016 [email protected]

All correspondence should be forwarded to the Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ The Parish Council usually meets on the second Thursday of the month except August & December, in the Village Hall committee room at 7.30pm. Parishioners are invited to attend the meetings and time is allocated for them to address the council. Central Councillor: Bec Hares T: 01234 742542 E: [email protected]

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 3 If you have a matter you wish to draw to the attention of the Parish Council, you can contact any Councillor, write to the Clerk, or attend a meeting. If you wish to speak to the Council please notify the clerk or the chairman before the meeting, so that you can speak during the time allotted. Parish Council website

You can register for email news updates from Houghton Conquest Parish Council by going to houghtonconquest- pc.gov.uk & click on the "subscribe" button on the home page. We promise we won't inundate you. We only post news items that we believe are important to Houghton Conquest residents. Subscription is completely free of charge Thanks, Houghton Conquest Parish Council

Please note that the closing date for insertion of copy into the August 2021 issue of The Houghton Conquest Village Newsletter is 21st July 2021

You may send copy c/o Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ or send it by email to the Editor: [email protected] All contributions are welcome but are subject to the editor’s discretion as to size and content

Place your advertisement here For a reasonable payment to Houghton Conquest Parish Council, you can reach the entire Village every two months.

Copy may be emailed to [email protected] or posted to Gill Wiggs, Clerk to the Parish Council, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ

Payments to Houghton Conquest Parish Council please

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 4 Parish Council Updates

Chair’s Report

Hi All

Welcome to the latest update on the activities of your Parish Council.

We now have a full Council thanks to three volunteers who have come forward to fill the vacancies. I would like to welcome PCllr Bridgette Cooksley, PCllr John Miller and PCllr Anthony Mullin.

We held what is hopefully the last of our Zoom meetings on Thursday 6th May. This meeting was the Annual Meeting of your Parish Council and included voting on the various positions and responsibilities. A full list of who is responsible for which areas is posted at the front of the newsletter. Due to a lack of volunteers, I have retained the post of Chair and PCllr Peter Bullock remains as Vice Chair. We return to real meetings in the Village Hall on June 10th, subject to Government guidelines. Assuming this is allowed you are all welcome to join us, either to raise an issue during the allocated 15-minute public comments slot or just to see what goes on. It would be great to see you.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 5 One issue that has raised concern in the Village is the proposed erection of a 20-metre telecommunications mast. Your Parish Council agree with the need for improved connectivity in the Village and would support the development of a more reliable telecommunications network. We did, however resolve to object to the siting of this particular mast as we felt it would be obtrusive and not in keeping with the surroundings. A full copy of our response is available in the Minutes of May’s meeting which are available on the Parish Council website and in hard copy at the rear of the Village shop.

We have put forward a suggestion for an alternative site on the sports field where the mast and adjoining boxes would be less visible but still accessible to engineers.

As restrictions ease, we are getting out and about a bit more and some local activities are resuming. The sports field is now used regularly by two youth teams and plans are afoot to improve the state of the second pitch. It is hoped that the Football Association can provide a grant to make this happen. If we can have two useable pitches we can increase the use of the field and improve the Pavilion to make it a nicer area to use.

The Community Orchard is scheduled for planting in September with improvements to access and the surrounding area ongoing. We also have a volunteer who is prepared to create a Community Garden. If you have some spare time and would like to help out with this project please contact Gill Wiggs.

PCllr Blackall has been actively researching our options for static exercise equipment and has visited other projects of a similar

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 6 nature. We hope to have a more solid plan by the end of our next meeting. This will be presented to you for consultation before any final decisions are made.

The speed devices have been collecting data and a summary of this is included in this Newsletter. There has been a technical glitch with the Bedford Road device which has only collected data going one way. This has now been resolved. The general trend is not as worrying as a it might appear in the data. The average speed recorded is 22 miles per hour and whilst this is obviously a violation in the 20 mph zones it is possible that the SID in The Grove is catching drivers whilst they are just coming out of the 30 mph zone which will affect the average speed data. I would urge everyone who drives through the village to be aware of their speed and slow down. This may add a few seconds to your journey, but it may prevent an accident.

On another highways matter there have been issues with inconsiderate parking. This has been partly driven by the successful reopening of the Knife and Cleaver. The overflow from the car park has caused access issues to Glebe Way as well as, on occasion, blocking the bus stop by the Church. Highways have been contacted regarding this issue but unfortunately most of the parking is inconsiderate rather than illegal.

The same is true of the verge parking in Rectory Lane. CBC Highways will only consider enforcement measures where there are yellow lines. There has been some talk of individuals protecting verges by placing large stones or flowerpots on them. It is important to note that unless you are sure that you own the verge this may be illegal without express permission from CBC. It

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 7 is also possible that the householder may be liable if a vehicle is damaged.

Well, I think that’s it for now but as ever if you have any issues that you would like your Parish Council to address please contact Gill Wiggs on [email protected] Warm regards Liz

The Chair’s newsletter is intended to provide a general update. Agendas and approved minutes can be viewed on the Parish Council website www.houghtonconquest-pc.gov.uk


I look back to my report of March 2021 with a wry smile, noting, as I did the daffodils growing and the sun shining! As I write this report, the skies are grey, the wind is blowing furiously and the rain is thundering down. However, I can continue to note that there has been little in the way of criminal activity and, notwithstanding the new Covid variant, which has appeared in the village, we have made a further step out of lockdown…..so some positives.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 8 The police have been in attendance at the Kier estate, again, following reports of further nuisance behaviour from a small group of youngsters, this time shouting abuse at members of the public. The police are working with Stonewater Housing to hold these young people to account. The Police Priority Setting Forums are reconvening and, as a Parish Council, we are re-iterating our ongoing concerns about Speeding, ASB and the lack of visible policing. We welcome the appointment of the new Police and Crime Commissioner, Festus Akinbusoye, and have invited him to one of our meetings.

Issues of wider, national concern, are the theft of dogs and the rise of fraud/scams.

Dog ownership has increased during lockdown, as has dog theft. Currently, dog theft is not a specific crime but, rather considered property under the Theft Act. A campaign has been launched to address this, the Pet Theft Reform Campaign https://www.pettheftreform.com or email [email protected]

The other matter of rising concern is that of fraud/scams. Fraud can happen to anyone, as fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Reporting tends to be low, as victims often feel too embarrassed to report these scams. It is important that these offences are reported and there are a variety of ways to do so: email: actionfraud.police.uk telephone: 0300 123 2040 Mon- Fri 8.00am - 8.00pm

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 9 or forward a suspicious text to: 7726 or report a suspicious email to: [email protected]

Do remember, this can happen to anyone. If it doesn't feel right, it probably, isn’t!

Meanwhile, take care and, hopefully, by the time of the next report, we shall have sunshine!

PCllr Sue Beaumont

Police Liaison Officer


Directional signage for the Sports Field and Village Hall has now been requested, to draw more attention to this facility, and help visitors find them.

Potholes still remain to be addressed

Various parking issues have arisen and these are commented upon in the Chair’s report above with the exception of the school run parking noted below.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 10 To report any highways matter to Council (CBC), log in to the following website http://centralbedfordshire.gov.uk and follow the instructions.

School Drop-offs and Pick-ups

There have been a number of comments and concerns regarding the parking of vehicles on the road by the school during these times. Vehicles are parked by parents/carers not only in front of the school gates, but also on double yellow lines on stretches of road close to them.

Not only does this cause some congestion, much more importantly, it conceals children intending to cross the road from vehicles that are being driven along the High Street.

Those who are unable or unwilling to deliver and collect their children on foot are free to park in the Village Hall car park at drop-off and pick-up times and walk from there

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 11 Speed Indication Device Data Summary For the Period 08-04-21 to 05-05-21 (last month in brackets)

Arriving – from Grove to the High Street Departing – from The Grove to

Violations 57.81% (58.98%) Violations 69.67% (73.05%) Of which 39%. (39%) = 21-25 mph Of which 43.4% (44.6%) = 21-25 mph

18.7%. (19.8%) = 26+ 26.2% (28.4%) = 26+

Average speed 21mph (22mph) Average speed 21mph (23mph)

Average Vehicles per day 248 (219) Average Vehicles per day 253 (213)

Total in period 6,736 (7882) Total in period 6,887 (7684)

Highest recorded 43mph (43 mph) Highest recorded 55mph. (62 mph)

Arriving from Chapel End Lane Departing towards Chapel End Violations 50.56%. (51.12%) Violations 70.53% (69.62%)

Of which 36.9% (36.9%) = 21-25mph Of which 36.9% (36.6%) = 21-25 mph

13.75% (14.1%) = 26+ 33.5% (33%) = 26+ Average speed 21mph (21mph) Average speed 23mph (23mph)

Average Vehicles per day 724 (692) Average Vehicles per day 1,144. (1,046) Total in period 19,717 (24,920) Total in period 31,181 (37,646)

Highest recorded 54mph (60 mph) Highest recorded 60mph (62 mph)

Arriving from the Oak toward Vision Departing towards Vision Blinds from Blinds Oak

Violations 1.54% (1.53%) Data currently unavailable due to equipment fault. This has now been rectified and data will appear in next edition. Average speed 19mph

Average vehicles per day 971 (526)

Total in period 8,210 (2,653)

Highest recorded 51mph

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 12

All Saints Church

Rector: The Rev'd Stephen Toze 01234 740423 Assistant Minister: The Rev'd Roger White Reader: Mr. Robert Heley 01234 740927 Wardens: Gary Mudd – 01234 741871 Pearl Tompkins – 01234 741958 Services: Sunday Eucharist - 9:30a.m. Family Service - First Sunday of the month at 9:30am (Although this doesn’t apply whilst we are still in lockdown)

Church Social/ Fundraising committee Sarah Hanant 07900 927050 Margaret Tyler 01234 740964 Brenda Hartley 01234 740482

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 13

Church Roof and Other Issues

Hello again everyone, here is a quick update on things.

Main Roof: Today we have had a meeting with the Stone Mason and Architect re the damaged roof stonework repair. The result of this is that we hope to have the stonework repaired by the end of June.

Services: Sunday Morning Eucharist at 9:30am continues but there will still have to be social distancing, wearing of masks and I’m afraid, no music but, if things continue to improve and vaccinations go smoothly, we hope services will get back to ‘normal’ soon.

Weddings and Funerals: Numbers allowed at these services have been relaxed but we must still keep to the covid regulations for distancing so how many can attend depends on family bubbles etc. Again, masks must still be worn and no singing is allowed by congregations. I’ll update on Facebook and on posters as things change before the next newsletter.

In case you do not know, our Rector, Stephen Toze, retires at the end of June and his last service will be Sunday June 20th. We wish him well in his retirement and thank him for his years of service to our lovely church. He will be much missed.

Lockdown Library etc: Our recycling contractor is now able to collect regularly. This means we may be open for donations of good quality clothing and books but please look out on Facebook groups for information on when this is happening. We need the church tidy for services so we can’t clutter it up too much! Looking forward we will not be collecting goods at all in August but please hold donations over for a Jumble Sale on 18th September. We really need some space for storage of donated

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 14 goods, so do let me know if you have an empty, dry barn or garage we could use

100 Club: If you would like to join 100 Club or find out more, please contact Carol (01234 381393) or Jackie (01234 740635).

Crisp Packet Recycling: Chris Robertson (35, The Grove) looks after the red collecting bin for Crisp Bag recycling. Do recycle your crisp packets there, please.

Please check posters and Facebook page for further information and events.

Stay Safe Best Wishes, Gary Mudd (01234 741871)

Christian Aid Week News

I would like to express huge thanks to all the volunteers who helped to deliver and collect envelopes during the appeal week this year, especially those new to the team, and also to those of you who donated to help others who have had to battle with the pandemic whilst not even having access to basic needs such as fresh water, which even the poorest among us take for granted.

The count has not yet been completed but the total raised will be published in the next edition of the newsletter. Meanwhile, if you missed your collector and would like to donate, please return your envelope to me at 23 Victoria Drive as soon as possible or donate via our online giving page, which will remain open throughout June https://giving.tapsimple.org/online/christian-aid/houghton- conquest-christian-aid-week-2021

Helen Mudd, village organiser for Christian Aid Week.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 15 Village Clubs, Organisations & Events, etc.

Village Hall Regular Events



Monday Indoor Bowls 2pm to 4pm

Whist 7:45pm

Tuesday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Brownies 6:15pm to 7:30pm

Rainbows 6:15pm to 7:15pm

Wednesday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Novice Line Dancers 1pm to 2pm

Thursday Line Dancers 10am to 12:30pm

Houghton Pioneers 5.30pm to 6.45pm

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 16 Friday Toddler Sense 9:45 am and 11 am

Indoor Bowls 2pm to 4pm

Qi Kwan Do 7pm to 8pm


1st Wednesday Art Society 7:30pm to 9:30pm

1st Thursday WI 7:30pm to 10pm

1st Friday Quiz Night 8:30pm

2nd Tuesday Garden Club 8pm to 10pm

2nd Thursday Parish Council (Committee 7:30pm Room)

3rd Wednesday Art Society 7:30pm to 9:30pm

3rd Thursday Village Hall Management 7:30pm Committee

3rd Friday Family Night 8:30pm

Last Thursday BINGO 7:30pm to 10:00pm

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 17

To Book Contact: IF YOU ARE PLANNING A Mrs Christine Dean ONE-OFF EVENT OR 01234 741182 REGULAR MEETING. DON’T [email protected] DELAY AND BOOK TODAY.

• Run by volunteers for the benefit of the villagers. Hire charges are very reasonable with varying rates for day, evening and weekend, with residents getting preferential rates.

• Fully equipped kitchen

• Licensed bar with air conditioning at £25 hire charge

• Large hall including stage area with curtains

• Small committee room and lounge area

• Large car park

Village Notice Boards

If you would like to put notices in our boards, please: • Hand them in to Houghton Conquest village shop.

• We have 5 noticeboards, so please provide 5 x A5 copies to ensure a copy goes in each board. Regrettably, we cannot accept larger than A5 due to limited space.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 18 • If you provide only one copy it will only go in one board. The choice of board will be at the discretion of the Parish Councils representative.

• If you are advertising an event, please allow plenty of time, as our noticeboards are only updated once a week.

• We do not accept commercial advertising, unless it is for community activities, such as local classes.

• Space is limited, so priority will be given to local community events, & is at the discretion of the Parish Councils representative, who kindly keeps all the noticeboards up to date.

Any queries please contact Gill Wiggs on 01234 270016, [email protected]

100 Club

If you would like to join the Hundred Club or find out more about it, then please contact Carol (01234 381393) or Jackie (01234 740635)

Draw results will appear on social media or in this newsletter when available.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 19 Houghton Conquest Garden Club

Nothing to report on when we may be able to start meetings again, but we are having a plant sale outside the village hall on Saturday 5th June from 10am. If you are in need of bedding plants, perennials, vegetable plants etc why not come along and see what we have to offer.

It’s almost time when we can put out tender plants but it is a good idea to watch the forecast for any late frost as this would certainly kill off these plants. We have all been encouraged to plants things that are good for attracting pollinators, such at Marigolds, Antirrhinum and anything that has an open flower that the bees and insects can get to easily.

Happy gardening.

Margaret Whalley

01234 740892

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 20 Houghton Conquest Art Society

At last, we are able to Here’s a few tips for you to try recommence the Art Society it. If you are sketching a ‘B’ meetings, we are looking soft pencil, rubber and forward to getting together to sharpener and your choice of share our passion for all things small paper pad is all you art! need. If you prefer to paint after drawing, or just go We have decided to meet straight in with paint then a few outdoors, at some beautiful primary colours are all that’s local spots to paint or sketch necessary, you can mix two hopefully in the lovely summer colours to create a whole weather. You are most range. Everyone knows from welcome to join us at any of school blue and yellow make these sessions, which are very green but who know black and informal. If you would like to lemon yellow make a lovely make contact beforehand to dark green. Likewise black and ask any questions or find out white make grey but blue and more, please visit our website brown make a much nicer below, for details of whom to range of greys. Try not to mix contact. more than two colours, when We have been busy zooming using watercolour, otherwise on Wednesday evenings they look dull or muddy. If you learning about suitable art kit have watercolour tubes, you to take with us on location. only need to squeeze a tiny bit

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 21 into your palette of each of strangers peering over their colour. If you use the pans shoulder as they paint or (little squares of solid paint) sketch outdoors. This small kit just take a few out with you. doesn’t attract too much You can buy short or folding attention. If you paint on brushes, but you can also cut postcard size paper that also the handles of cheap brushes helps. You don’t need to down to fit in your pocket or capture everything you see, palette, which needs a lid. The maybe just a small part of the palette will hold the paint, you view, a doorway, a couple of can mix on it and hopefully the trees or patch of flowers. You brushes and pencil will fit in could be sitting outside a café there too. You will need water and sketch, or on a bench in to mix the paint and to clean the park, even in your garden. your brush between a change These small art projects are of colour. The trick is to take a not meant to be masterpieces very small screw top bottle just a reminder of what you filled with water. Wet the brush saw or something you enjoyed to start with, add drops of looking at. You may wish to water to your colours to mix to paint a picture at home from a single cream consistency. To these quick outdoor projects. clean the brush dip it straight Here’s a challenge- attempt to down into the bottle, don’t do five small, swift paintings or touch the sides or bottom of drawings within one mile of the bottle, take the brush out your home in one month, just of the water and wipe well on something that catches your kitchen roll paper. The water eye. You can buy all the above will stay clean if you don’t items from Hobbycraft, The waggle the brush about in Works (in Poplars Garden there. You can get the field kit Centre) in The Range or I have described down to a online. size to fit in a pocket or very small pouch with zip. People often feel very self-conscious

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 22 Outdoor Painting Programme 2021

Wednesday 26th May - Great Park 7pm

Sunday 6th June - 3pm

Wednesday 23rd June - Green 7pm

Sunday 4th July - Stockwood Park, 3pm

Wednesday 21st July - Priory Park, Bedford 7pm

Do join us!

Here are a few more lockdown paintings by our members:

North Yorkshire Seaside Hamlet in Coloured Pencils by Barbara Boxshall

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 23

Cute by Karen Moynihan in Pastels

The George, St Marys Church and the Bothy by John Broadhouse, in Watercolour Pencils

For more details of the above sessions or any aspect of our society please see our website.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 24

Have a look in the gallery on the website for more examples of our work. www-houghton-conquest-art-society.co.uk Barbara Boxshall, Publicity Manager


Hello Villagers, We hope you are all well. The school is a hive of activity planning for our summer term events including sports day, leaver’s assembly and of course our transitions. We most definitely have our collective fingers crossed for the continued relaxation of COVID rules and also to be able to welcome parents & grandparents on site again!

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 25

‘Transitions’ are our preparations for the new children joining our school, those moving to a new year group within school, and those who are moving on to middle school (we will miss them so much!). It’s always such a busy time and can be quite nervous for children and parents alike. However, with a pinch of excitement and a dash of fun we know that the children really look forward to the activities planned.

Our year 4 children have an exciting ‘Bushcraft’ experience coming up in July which aids this transition, giving them the confidence and resilience they need to navigate the world around them. Having run residential experiences for our older children many times before, we know just how beneficial these experiences are and how much the children love them!

Outdoors’ is definitely our favourite place to be in the summer term. Our forest school provision is a clear winner with the children and provides a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 26 setting. We are so spoilt to have our own provision at the school along with the Greensand Ridge as a backdrop and of course a totally awesome Forest School Leader! We have even developed a small section of our school field for a natural meadow area, where we will bug hunt and build a bug hotel.

‘Pre-school’ is very busy as we see more families move into the area. We also have three new goldfish which the children love and have named ‘Nemo’, ‘Flounder’ and ‘Ariel’. The children have been busy learning about seeds and growing, including mapping their own growth on some beautifully decorated height charts. It’s amazing how quickly they grow!

‘Condition Works’ will be carried out the school this summer as Central Bedfordshire Council undertake a considerable amount of reconditioning at the school, so you are likely to see lots of activity here. This will include replacement of the old boiler and oil tank, roofing improvements, window improvements and some electrical works.

As always we hope you all keep well.

Mrs A Allen

School Business Manager

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 27 Bowls Club

When the club is open again, we will let you know, but for your information carpet bowls is an easy game to play and gives you some exercise but is not too strenuous. We normally play on Monday and Friday in the afternoons in the Village Hall from 2pm until 4pm. The majority come for a good natter, a good laugh, a cup of tea and a biscuit – also a game of bowls. This costs only £2 per session. If you would like to join in, please come and give it a try.

Houghton Conquest Care

It is now over a year since the start of the first lockdown. Since then, the Care Group has undertaken about 100 jobs, mainly requests for transport and the collection of prescriptions. In previous years we would have helped an average of over 250 people.

Since December we have had calls for transport to the local Covid inoculation centres. We are very grateful those of our volunteers who have been able to help during the year and hope that many of those who have been self-isolating but have now had their injections will soon feel able to help again.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 28 Doctor’s and dentist’s surgeries are open for business and hospital appointments are coming through. The Care Group will continue to try to help with transport to and from appointments, but we may not be able to give the same level of support as in the past.

We are always looking for new volunteers. If you would like to find out more please contact either Sue or Kate (numbers below). Any expenses incurred can be reimbursed.

If you need help, please phone 07969 982 970 and leave a message. One of our volunteers will return your call. If you need transport please try to give us at least 24 hours’ notice. We charge £3.00 per trip or 30p per mile for trips over 30 miles.

Kate Smith (Honorary Secretary) 01234 740522 Sue Derrick (Acting Chair) 07886 459225

OUR PHONE NUMBER is 07969 982970

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 29

In May we had yet another zoom meeting when we were given a demonstration of how to make an Apfel Kuchen, which is a German apple cake, and we were told was very easy to do. It was a shame we couldn’t small it cooking as it looked delicious.

On 3rd June we will be having a talk on how to trace your family tree. This will probably be another zoom meeting but we will let you know. We are really hoping that by July we may be able to have a proper meeting in the village hall but, again, we will let everyone know nearer the time.

Please feel free to contact me for any more information, and keep safe everyone.

Shirley Johnson

Houghton Pioneers

Unfortunately, we are unable to say when we will be back Pioneering, but will know more soon.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 30


That, there Parish Council

As you will have read in the Chair’s report, we now have a full complement of councillors once again

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 31 There have been a number of events of one kind or another in the village and surrounding area and, indeed, nationally. since the last edition.

We saw the sad passing of the Duke of Edinburgh in April and whatever your feelings are on the Royals, it has to be said he was quite a chap and definitely left his mark, whether you remember him for his verbal gaffs (he once said he liked to say something complimentary at the beginning of a speech, in case he put his foot in it, later on), or the prestigious and character- building Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

The recently repaired flagpole mechanism meant we were able to fly the Union Flag at half-mast to mark the Royal bereavement and also fly the flag of St George on St Georges Day. Thanks to former councillor Jason Lay for flagpole duties.

Emissions seem to have been a hot topic – the test firing up of our newest local eyesore at Rookery Pit, in Stewartby has caused some discussion. More natural odours around the fields seem to have caused some debate amongst village newcomers. Personally I don’t think I’m living in the countryside unless it smells like it.

The hospitality industry opened its doors (well, gardens, initially) and I managed to sit and have an outdoor pint of beer in a pub garden. What you can’t see in the picture below, are the two fleeces and heavy skiing jacket I was forced to wear so as to guard against hypothermia. It’s not like the early summer we were blessed with last year and is more reminiscent of February!

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 32

We can, of course, now eat and drink indoors with appropriate restrictions. It is fair to say that with a new variant of the Covid virus competing with the vaccination programme – in particular in Bedford - we can’t get complacent at this stage.

In more positive news, the planned new wood adjoining the ancient Kings Wood seems to have now been planted, with an enormous effort mainly by volunteers and the size and scope of this can be clearly seen

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 33

New fencing and coppicing work has also been carried out around the edges of Kings Wood and the meadows, which is great to see.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 34 As travel to most holiday destinations is still not available without much testing and isolation, it looks like I’ll be in a tent again – but that’s fun anyway.

In the meantime, I’ll get in another walk in the woods before the bluebells all disappear.


You may remember the gentleman (David Manning) who was trying to trace Roger Winlaw, whose Bedfordshire cricket cap from the 1930’s he had come across and believed it had belonged to a villager. After much emailing and website searching, Mr Manning had this to report to Gill our Parish Clerk:


Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 35

You will be pleased to hear that I have managed to find Antony Winlaw, Roger's son, in Shipston -on-Stour and returned the Bedfordshire Cap to him today. He confirms that his grandfather was indeed the Vicar at Houghton Conquest.

I trust this finds you well and thank you for your help.

All the best

David Manning”

Nice to have a happy ending



Good for the Planet, Good for Everyone

Welcome to “The Green Piece” – a place where we can share ideas on how to live a ‘greener’ life. Please send in suggestions.


Please let me know what you think of these articles – any feedback would be useful. Even “never read, can’t be bothered with someone else banging on about the environment” but preferably “tried this green product/approach and it works” “please write something about …” I’ve considered focussing on

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 36 energy/air source heat pumps/solar etc; reducing plastic in the home; refill stores; recycling; composting. Anything else? Let me know what you want!


As Spring turns to Summer and we spend more time in our gardens, it’s timely to consider what an important part even the tiniest garden can take in supporting wildlife. This isn’t just being altruistic or ‘green’. Without our pollinating insects we would have very little food and their numbers are plummeting. Here’s an excellent article by my friend Annie, Climate Ambassador for Bedfordshire WI and with Parents for Future Bedfordshire, reproduced with her kind permission.


If I was asked to be less tidy in the house, it wouldn’t bother me but asking me to do that in the garden does go slightly against the grain. It’s a fairly big ask when you have, for forty-odd years, been heading off to the shed for a trowel when you notice a dandelion in the lawn. However, our insects are in trouble and they need us to be less tidy to help them survive (without them birds, animals and human beings face extinction). Pollinators such as bees, moths, butterflies and hoverflies love dandelions. This early source of food is a lifesaver for them in spring. Dandelions are good for us as well as the young leaves are edible and full of vitamins and antioxidants. Goldfinches and house sparrows are very partial to the seeds.

The uplifting charity Plantlife urges us to get involved in ‘No Mow May’ to boost wildflower and pollinator populations in our gardens. Come June, I am thinking of getting artistic and leaving a heart-shaped area of longer grass in the middle of my little lawn! Plantlife tells us that the highest production of flowers and

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 37 nectar sugar was on lawns cut once every four weeks. It’s funny how things change. In the past an untidy/unkempt lawn gave the impression of someone who didn’t care. Now it’s going to become a symbol of someone who does.

Another way to help insects is to grow plants that flower earlier in the year such as the pretty pink or white Erica carnea. This is a lime tolerant heather that flowers from December to April. In summer, plants that particularly attract pollinators include lavender, foxgloves, buddleias, cotoneaster, hardy geraniums and herbs. Bedding plants, especially those with showy double flowers, produce little or no pollen and nectar. Wildflowers such as clover, comfrey, selfheal, dead nettle, field scabious and daisies are so beneficial to insects.

At the end of summer, instead of tidying the garden, leave everything as it is until spring. This means that there are hollow stems and seed heads for insects to hide away in when the days get shorter. When it comes to saving our insects, every little bit helps.

In the UK we are told that one of the main drivers of the catastrophic decline in the abundance of insects is intensive agriculture, particularly the use of chemicals. People are using them in their gardens as well so this is obviously seriously compounding the situation. The other main drivers are developments destroying wildlife habitats and light pollution. Dr Trevor Dines, Plantlife’s Botanical Specialist, said that these are the reasons “we see most changes to insect life in south-east , for that is where we see the greatest spread of towns and cities”. We must therefore urgently stop covering our precious countryside with concrete.

With regard to the drastic decline in the abundance of insects, I can’t understand the government’s response to the “ecological

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 38 apocalypse” scientists have told us we are facing. Referring to Covid, the government has been saying for months that “we must and will be guided by the science” and “we will follow the science”. Why then aren’t they being guided by and following the science when it comes to the catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems which will wipe us out? This is a question our children will ask in the near future. I feel we need to ask it for them now.

A good garden centre or nursery (eg Cottage Farm Nurseries, Cardington) will be able to advise on insect-friendly plants suitable for our clay soil and there’s plenty of advice online (try Plantlife, RSPB, Wildlife Trust, RHS)

If you’re concerned about bees and small children, bees will rarely sting unless extremely provoked. (They die when they sting.) A friend has happy memories of her grandfather showing her, as a toddler, how to gently stroke bumblebees (not suggesting this but making the point).

AMPTHILL CLIMATE CHANGE GROUP (ACCG) lots happening around Ampthill from wildflower planting to plans for plastic reduction and eV points. Please get involved. Take a look at their website www.ampthillclimatechange.co.uk

BEDFORDSHIRE CLIMATE CHANGE FORUM talks are continuing each month on Zoom and are now recorded so if you can’t make the date you can listen at your leisure at home. Recently we heard from local businessman Alan Rance who made his factory carbon-neutral in just 18 months and Oliver Rubinstein, County Advisor to NFU, on “Can British Agriculture achieve zero carbon by 2040 and help restore nature?”

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 39 Next talks and discussion: Wednesdays 9th June, 14th July 7.30- 9pm (one of these will be on Hydrogen as energy source) Talks are free, optional donation

Everyone welcome to join – see website https://bedsclimatechange.org

Rosalind Blevins [email protected]

As I put in the last newsletter, we are planning to start again in September, subject to any government guidelines in place at the time, and any restrictions put on us by Parkside Hall. So please put these dates in your diaries:

Sept 11th

Oct 9th

Nov 13th

Dec 11th

We will be selecting the films over the next few weeks and announcing the film list in July. If you have any suggestions, please let us know – the afternoon matinee is usually a film

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 40 suitable for the younger viewers, with the main feature in the evening.

Take care one and all, Trevor Blevins and The ZONITA Team. www.zonita.org.uk email: [email protected] www.facebook.com/zonita.cinema

The Jigsaw Club


Are you disabled or feeling socially isolated due to a lack of mobility?

The Jigsaw Club meets fortnightly on a Thursday evening, from about 7pm until 9.30pm and provides a varied programme of entertainment, activities, speakers and outings; refreshments are also provided. We have three wheelchair adapted minibuses, one of which could pick you up from your home in Houghton Conquest or Stewartby.

If you would like more information or would like to come along and give the Club a try telephone Sue on 07886459225.

For the more able of you who may be interested, volunteer members are always welcome to drive or escort on the

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 41 minibuses or help support our disabled members, for example with their mobility, or even by just chatting to them.

If you are interested in helping telephone Sue on 07886459225.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 42 Houghton Conquest Garden Club

Plant Sale On Saturday 5th June At the village hall from 10am

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 43

Commercial Advertising


Annual Rates = 6 Issues

£10 per half page = £60 pa. £20 per page = £120 pa

Published every 2 months; April to February

Copy may be changed subject to receipt before published cut-off dates by prior arrangement with the editor

Payments to: Houghton Conquest Parish Council, c/o: Clerk to the Parish Council: Gill Wiggs, 10 Parklands, Bedford MK41 9LZ

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 44

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 45

Tim Downing Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Dryers: Repairs & Sales

20 years ’Experience A quality service at a competitive price

Clophill: 01525 860148 Mob: 07969 545276

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 46


Are you aware that despite most households being financially worse off than a year ago, most service providers are increasing costs and by much more than inflation?

This will reduce homeowners spending power further so to offset this we need to either reduce our bills or increase income. Fortunately, there is a solution which can do both.

Ring me now for a chat to beat these rises and put more money into your pockets.

Adrian Richardson. 07931 316690

GP Air Conditioning LTD 07904 531677 [email protected]

Installation – Design – Degas – Service and Maintenance

Part of Checkatrade.com

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 47

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 48

Black Cricket Animal Services

Outstanding care for your precious pets

pop-in visits, pet sitting & overnight stays small pet boarding walking & exercise pet taxi new enclosure set up animal collections and smallholdings support

Exotic species specialist


www.facebook.com/blackcricketanimalservices 07922155565

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 49

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 50

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 51

Wildlife Walks & Talks 2021 :: June:July ::

Chalk Grassland Walk at * lead by Graham Bellamy Wednesday 16th June, 6.45pm for 7pm start.

Graham will lead a walk over this chalk grassland reserve. A special focus of Graham’s conservation work for forty years, this rich and varied terrain will provide a spectacular display of spring wild flowers. Tracks and paths across the grassland can be steep and uneven. Please book (see below).

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 52

Invertebrate Walk on Moor* lead by

Colin Carpenter Wednesday 14th July , 6.45pm for 7pm start

Colin is the Reserves Manager for Flitwick Moor and is the County Recorder for bumblebee species. Colin has an excellent knowledge of the invertebrate life of this SSSI which combines acidic iron rich peat soils and a the alkaline River Flit flowing from the chalk of the Chilterns.

This site can be very wet and paths slippery so suitable footwear should be worn. Please book (see below)

*£3 per adult For booking or additional information please email [email protected] or ring Ann on 075801 78889 between 6 and 8 pm or at weekends.

The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Registered charity number: 1000412 www.wildlifebcn.org Flit Vale Local Group

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 53

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 54

I am very pleased to be able to share with you the new 'Revealing the Greensand Country 2021' Booklet with you .... 32,000 are being distributed across the area in the next few weeks.

You can also access the booklet here: https://bit.ly/3ti9KIv .

I hope they you manage to discover new things to do and see across our fabulous Central Bedfordshire.

Many thanks in advance and hope to see you out and about in the coming months.

Best wishes


Co-Chairman of the Greensand Country Landscape Partnership

Councillor Caroline Maudlin Vice Chairman of Development Management Committee Ward Member for Sandy, Beeston & Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, , Shefford, Beds SG17 5TQ Direct Dial: 0300 300 8544 | Internal: 78544 | Email: [email protected]

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 55 A note from your Editor…

We are always happy to receive your articles/comments/concerns/reports on events and hopefully I have included as many of these as I can. As always, delivery volunteers are welcomed, if not immediately, then for the future as regular volunteers step down over time. Contact details are as follows: Email: [email protected] A note through my letterbox at 38 Victoria Drive or call or text me on 07748 187069 Pete Bullock Editor

Please note: Whilst the cost of the Village Newsletter is kindly funded by the Parish Council, the articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinion of either the Parish Council or the editor. Editorial comments are completely independent of and not a reflection of the views of the Parish Council. Letters and articles for inclusion are welcomed, subject to the standard appropriate editorial control. Any questions for the Parish Council should be directed at the Clerk to the Parish Council.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 56 USEFUL CONTACTS Around the Village

ART SOCIETY Mary Rich 01234 272470 BROWNIES & RAINBOWS Laura Cullingham 07747 549531 CARE GROUP Sue Derrick 07886 459225 FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS Carol Juffs 381393 CHURCH GARDEN CLUB Margaret Whalley 740892 HOUGHTON PIONEERS Liz Thompson 07810 298069 INDOOR BOWLS TBA

VILLAGE HALL BOOKINGS Christine Dean 741182 WOMENS' INSTITUTE Shirley Johnson 740265

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 57 Contacts outside the Village

AIRPORT (London Luton) 01582 405100

BEDFORD HOSPITAL 01234 355122 BUSES (Grant Palmer) 01525 719719

CHURCHES C of E - Revd. Stephen Toze 01234 740423 Methodist - Rev. Silas Wood 01525 571392

D.H.S.S. - (Bedford) 01234 365155 SCHOOLS

Lower School - Houghton Conquest 01234 740202 Middle - Stewartby 01234 768224 Senior - Wootton 01234 767123

Holywell School - 01234 750381 LIBRARIES Bedford 01234 718178

Ampthill 0300 300 8053 Flitwick 0300 300 8057 ELECTRICITY (UK Power Networks) 0800 029 4285 General Enquiries ELECTRICITY (UK Power Networks) 0800 316 3105 Power Cuts or just 105 ANGLIAN WATER 08457 145145

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 58 HIGHWAYS Dept. (Helpline) 0300 300 8049 Forest of 01234 767037

Central Beds Council 0300 300 8000 POLICE (Emergency only!) 999

County H.Q. 01234 841212 Incidents needing non-urgent response 101

Reporting Anti-Social behaviour 101 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

RAILWAY STATIONS Travel Enquiries 0345 748 4950 Silverline 01923 207258

Bedford station 0345 748 4950 Flitwick station 0345 748 4950

DOCTORS Ampthill - Houghton Close Surgery 01525 300898 - Oliver St Surgery 01525 631395

- Greensands Surgery 01525 631390

Kempston 01234 852222


Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 59 Marriage & archives 01525 403430 Births & Deaths 0300 300 8089.

Should any of the above contacts be incorrect, changed or if additions are required please contact the Parish Clerk or email [email protected]. Amendments will be made in the next Issue.

Houghton Conquest Newsletter - June 2021 60