Austral Ecology (2005) 30, 261–274 Spatial ecology of a threatened python (Morelia spilota imbricata) and the effects of anthropogenic habitat change D. PEARSON,1 R. SHINE2* AND A. WILLIAMS1 1Department of Conservation and Land Management, Wanneroo, Western Australia, Australia and 2School of Biological Sciences A08, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia (Email:
[email protected]) Abstract Large predators play important ecological roles, but often are sensitive to habitat changes and thus are early casualties of habitat perturbation. Pythons are among the largest predators in many Australian environments, and hence warrant conservation-orientated research. Carpet pythons (Morelia spilota imbricata) have declined across much of south-western Australia presumably because of habitat clearance and degradation. Information on habitat use, home range sizes and movements is needed to plan for the conservation of this important predator. We studied pythons at two study sites (Garden Island and Dryandra Woodland) with markedly different climates, habitat types and disturbance histories. We surgically implanted radio-transmitters in 91 pythons and tracked them for periods of 1 month to 4 years. Dryandra pythons remained inactive inside tree hollows during cooler months (May–September), whereas some (especially small) pythons on Garden Island continued to move and feed. Overall weekly displacements (mean = 100–150 m) were similar at the two study sites and among sex/ age classes, except that reproductive females were sedentary during summer while they were incubating eggs. Home ranges averaged 15–20 ha. Adult male pythons had larger home ranges than adult females at Dryandra, but not at Garden Island. Radio-tracked snakes at Dryandra exhibited high site fidelity, returning to previously occupied logs after long absences and reusing tree hollows for winter shelter.