NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION SAMPLE BALLOT DIVISION NO. 34 PROPOSITION C QUESTION #6 STATE OF MISSOURI JUDICIAL Proposed by Initiative Petition JACKSON COUNTY BALLOT Shall Judge SUSAN LONG, Associate Circuit Judge of Judicial Shall Section 7 of Article VII of the Jackson TUESDAY, Circuit No. 16, be retained in office? Do you want to amend Missouri law to: County Charter, adopted by vote on November 3, 1970, * remove state prohibitions on personal use and pos- and as amended in public vote on August 8, 1978, April 2, Submitting to the voters whether the Judges NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Yes [ ] session of medical cannabis (marijuana) with a 1985, November 4, 1986, August 2, 1994, and August 3, named below, whose terms expire December 31, No [ ] written certification by a physician who treats a 2010, be amended to modify the qualifications for ap- 2018, shall be retained in office for new terms. patient diagnosed with a qualifying medical condi- pointment as Judge of the County Municipal Court? Notice is hereby given to the registered quali- VOTE ON EACH JUDGE fied voters of Jackson County, Missouri, outside the CONSTITUTIONAL tion; * remove state prohibitions on growth, possession, Yes [ ] corporate limits of Kansas City, Missouri, that the AMENDMENTS General Election will be held in the County of Jackson MISSOURI SUPREME COURT JUDGES production, and sale of medical marijuana by li- No [ ] on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, as certified by the censed and regulated facilities, and a facility’s li- Shall Judge W. BRENT POWELL of the Missouri Honorable John Ashcroft, Secretary of State, State of CONSTITUTIONAL censed owners and employees; QUESTION #7 Supreme Court be retained in office? Missouri, and Mary Jo Spino, Clerk of the Legislature, AMENDMENT NO.
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