Copyright © 2012, Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, CONGRESS (410) 268-6110

Committee on Armed Services—U.S. Senate

Democrats Republicans

Carl Levin, MI Kay R. Hagan, NC John McCain, AZ Susan M. Collins, ME Joseph I. Lieberman, CT Mark Begich, AK James M. Inhofe, OK Lindsey Graham, SC Jack Reed, RI Joe Manchin III, WV Jeff Sessions, AL John Cornyn, TX Daniel K. Akaka, HI Jeanne Shaheen, NH Saxby Chambliss, GA David Vitter, LA Ben Nelson, NE Kirsten E. Gillibrand, NY Roger F. Wicker, MS Jim Webb, VA Richard Blumenthal, CT Scott P. Brown, MA Claire McCaskill, MO Rob Portman, OH Carl Levin Mark Udall, CO Kelly Ayotte, NH (D-MI) Chairman Committee on Armed Services—U.S. House of Representatives

Republicans Democrats

Howard “Buck” McKeon, CA John Fleming, LA Adam Smith, WA John Garamendi, CA Roscoe G. Bartlett, MD Mike Coffman, CO Silvestre Reyes, TX Mark Critz, PA Mac Thornberry, TX Thomas J. Rooney, FL Loretta Sanchez, CA Tim Ryan, OH Walter B. Jones, NC Todd R. Platts, PA Mike McIntyre, NC C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger, W. , MO Scott Rigell, VA Robert A. Brady, PA MD J. Randy Forbes, VA Chris Gibson, NY Rob Andrews, NJ Hank Johnson, GA Jeff Miller, FL , MO Susan A. Davis, CA , OH Joe Wilson, SC Joe Heck, NV James R. Langevin, RI Colleen Hanabusa, HI Howard "Buck" Frank A. LoBiondo, NJ Bobby Schilling, IL Rick Larsen, WA Kathleen C. Hochul, NY McKeon Michael R. Turner, OH Jon Runyan, NJ Jim Cooper, TN Jackie Speier, CA (R-CA) John Kline, MN Chairman Austin Scott, GA Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam Mike Rogers, AL Tim Griffin, AR Joe Courtney, CT Trent Franks, AZ Steve Palazzo, MS David Loebsack, IA Bill Shuster, PA Allen West, FL Niki Tsongas, MA K. Michael Conaway, TX Martha Roby, AL Chellie Pingree, ME Doug Lamborn, CO Mo Brooks, AL Larry Kissell, NC Rob Wittman, VA Todd Young, IN Martin Heinrich, NM Duncan Hunter, CA William L. Owens, NY Committee on Appropriations—U.S. Senate

Democrats Republicans

Daniel K. Inouye, HI *†+ Mary L. Landrieu, LA +∞ Thad Cochran, MS *+ Daniel Coats, IN *+ Patrick J. Leahy, VT *+ Jack Reed, RI * Mitch McConnell, KY * , MO Tom Harkin, IA * Frank R. Lautenberg, NJ + Richard C. Shelby, AL *+ Jerry Moran, KS + Barbara A. Mikulski, MD * Ben Nelson, NE Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX * John Hoeven, ND Herb Kohl, WI * Mark Pryor, AR Lamar Alexander, TN * Ron Johnson, WI Patty Murray, WA *+ Jon Tester, MT + Susan Collins, ME * Dianne Feinstein, CA * Sherrod Brown, OH Lisa Murkowski, AK *+ Daniel K. Inouye Richard J. Durbin, IL * Lindsey Graham, SC * (D-HI) Tim Johnson, SD * , IL Chairman * Serves on Defense Subcommittee; † Subcommittee Chairman / + Serves on Homeland Security Subcommittee; ∞Subcommittee Chairman

Committee on Appropriations—U.S. House of Representatives

Republicans Democrats

Harold Rogers, KY Steven C. LaTourette, OH Norman D. Dicks, WA * C. W. “Bill” Young, FL * † Tom Cole, OK * Marcy Kaptur, OH * Adam B. Schiff, CA Jerry Lewis, CA * Jeff Flake, AZ Peter J. Visclosky, IN * Michael M. Honda, CA Frank R. Wolf, VA Mario Diaz-Balart, FL Nita M. Lowey, NY + Betty McCollum, MN Jack Kingston, GA * Charles W. Dent, PA + José E. Serrano, NY Rodney Frelinghuysen, NJ *+ Steve Austria, OH Rosa L. DeLauro, CT Tom Latham, IA + Cynthia M. Lummis, WY James P. Moran, VA * Tom Graves, GA Harold Rogers Robert Aderholt, AL +∞ John W. Olver, MA + (R-KY) Jo Ann Emerson, MO Kevin Yoder, KS Ed Pastor, AZ Chairman Kay Granger, TX * Steve Womack, AR David E. Price, NC + Michael K. Simpson, ID Alan Nunnelee, MS Maurice D. Hinchey, NY * John Abney Culberson, TX + Lucille Roybal-Allard, CA + Ander Crenshaw, FL *+ Sam Farr, CA Dennis R. Rehberg, MT Jesse L. Jackson Jr., IL John R. Carter, TX + Chaka Fattah, PA Rodney Alexander, LA Steven R. Rothman, NJ * Ken Calvert, CA * Sanford D. Bishop Jr., GA Jo Bonner, AL * Barbara Lee, CA

* Serves on Defense Subcommittee; † Subcommittee Chairman / + Serves on Homeland Security Subcommittee; ∞Subcommittee Chairman

142 • May 2012 Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation—U.S. Senate

Democrats Republicans

John D. Rockefeller IV, WV Mark Pryor, AR Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX John Boozman, AR Daniel K. Inouye, HI Claire McCaskill, MO Olympia J. Snowe, ME Patrick J. Toomey, PA John F. Kerry, MA Amy Klobuchar, MN Jim DeMint, SC Marco Rubio, FL Barbara Boxer, CA Tom Udall, NM John Thune, SD Kelly Ayotte, NH Bill Nelson, FL Mark Warner, VA Roger Wicker, MS Dean Heller, NV Maria Cantwell, WA Mark Begich, AK Johnny Isakson, GA Frank R. Lautenberg, NJ Roy Blunt, MO John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) Chairman Committee on Energy and Commerce—U.S. House of Representatives

Republicans Democrats

Fred Upton, MI Steve Scalise, LA Henry A. Waxman, CA John Barrow, GA Joe Barton, TX Bob Latta, OH John D. Dingell, MI Doris O. Matsui, CA Cliff Stearns, FL Cathy McMorris Rodgers, WA Edward J. Markey, MA Donna M. Christensen, VI Ed Whitfield, KY Gregg Harper, MS Edolphus Towns, NY Kathy Castor, FL John Shimkus, IL Leonard Lance, NH Frank Pallone Jr., NJ John Sarbanes, MD Joseph Pitts, PA Bill Cassidy, LA Bobby L. Rush, IL Mary Bono Mack, CA Brett Guthrie, KY Anna G. Eshoo, CA Fred Upton Greg Walden, OR Pete Olson, TX Eliot L. Engel, NY (R-MI) Lee Terry, NE David McKinley, WV Gene Green, TX Chairman Mike Rogers, MI Cory Gardner, CO Diana DeGette, CO Sue Myrick, NC Mike Pompeo, KS Lois Capps, CA John Sullivan, OK , IL Michael F. Doyle, PA Tim Murphy, PA Morgan Grifith, VA Jan Schakowsky, IL Michael Burgess, TX Charles A. Gonzalez, TX Marsha Blackburn, TN Tammy Baldwin, WI Brian P. Bilbray, CA Mike Ross, AR Charles F. Bass, NH , UT Phil Gingrey, GA G. K. Butterfield, NC

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure—U.S. House of Representatives

Republicans Democrats

John L. Mica, FL Larry Bucshon, IN Nick J. Rahall II, WV Steve Cohen, TN Don Young, AK * , MO Peter A. DeFazio, OR Laura A. Richardson, CA Thomas E. Petri, WI Bob Gibbs, OH Jerry F. Costello, IL Albio Sires, NJ Howard Coble, NC * Patrick Meehan, PA Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Donna F. Edwards, MD John J. Duncan Jr., TN Richard Hanna, NY Jerrold Nadler, NY Frank A. LoBiondo, NJ * † Jeff Landry, LA * Corrine Brown, FL * Gary G. Miller, CA Steve Southerland, FL Bob Filner, CA John L. Mica Timothy V. Johnson, IL Jeff Denham, CA Eddie Bernice Johnson, TX (R-FL) , MO James Lankford, OK Elijah E. Cummings, MD * Chairman Bill Shuster, PA Reid Ribble, WI Leonard L. Boswell, IA Shelly Moore Capito, WV Chuck Fleischmann, TN Tim Holden, PA Jean Schmidt, OH Rick Larsen, WA * Candice C. Miller, MI Michael E. Capuano, MA Duncan Hunter, CA Timothy H. Bishop, NY * Andy Harris, MD * Michael H. Michaud, ME * Rick Crawford, AR , MO Jaime Herrera Beutler, WA Grace F. Napolitano, CA Frank Guinta, NH * Daniel Lipinski, IL Randy Hultgren, IL Mazie K. Hirono, HI * Lou Barletta, PA Jason Altmire, PA Chip Cravaack, MN * Timothy J. Walz, MN Blake Farenthold, TX * Heath Shuler, NC

* Serves on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee / † Subcommittee Chairman

Note: All listings by seniority U.S. Senate home page: U.S. House of Representatives home page: PROCEEDINGS • 143 INFORMATION SOURCES

U.S. Navy

General Casualty Assistance (Active)/Family Liaison 800-368-3202 Department of the Navy 703-545-6700 Retired Activities Branch 866-827-5672 Washington, DC 20350-1200 Next-of-Kin Liaison for Casualty Navy Office of Information Assistance (Retired) 866-827-5672 1200 Navy Pentagon Benefits and Claims (Active, Retired, Deceased) 800-368-3202 Washington, DC 20350-1200 Media Operations 703-697-5342 Personnel Records Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Active and Reserve Records Branch 901-874-4885 Public Affairs 703-692-5307 Discharged, Deceased, Retired before 1994 Chief of Chaplains 703-614-4043 National Personnel Records Center 314-801-0800 Military Section Officer Assignments 9700 Page Ave. Enlisted Assignments 866-827-5672 St. Louis, MO 63132 Worldwide Locator Service 866-827-5672 Discharged, Deceased, Retired 1995—Present Medals and Awards 202-685-1770 Navy Personnel Command 866-827-5672 Navy Mutual Aid Association 800-628-6011 5720 Integrity Dr. Henderson Hall Millington, TN 38055-3130 29 Carpenter Rd. [email protected] Officers Separated before 1902 and 866-272-6272 Arlington, VA 22212 Enlisted Separated before 1885 Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society 703-696-4904 Old Military and Civil Records and Textual Archives Service 875 N. Randolph St., Suite 225 National Archives and Records Administration Arlington, VA 22203-1977 8601 Adelphi Road Naval Services FamilyLine 877-673-7773 College Park, MD 20740 1014 N St., SE, Ste. 12 (DSN) 288-2333 Washington Navy Yard [email protected] Pay Washington, DC 20374-5067 Defense Finance & Accounting Service Community and Personnel Services 1240 E. 9th Street [email protected] Navy Personnel Command Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 5720 Integrity Dr. 866-827-5672 Active/Reserve 888-332-7411 Millington, TN 38055-0000 Retired (all branches) 800-321-1080

Military and Maritime Agencies General National Transportation Safety Board 202-314-6100 TRICARE Management Activity (North) 877-874-2273 Office of Public Affairs Skyline 5, Suite 810 (South) 800-444-5445 490 L’Enfant Plaza, SW 5111 Leesburg Pike (West) 888-874-9378 Washington, DC 20594 Falls Church, VA 22041-3206 Office of Servicemembers’ Group 800-419-1473 Directorate for Defense Information Life Insurance (SGLI) and Veterans’ Public Affairs Office Group Life Insurance (VGLI) Federal Maritime Commission 202-523-5725 80 Livingston Ave. Office of Public Information Roseland, NJ 07068-1733 800 N. Capitol St., NW [email protected] U.S. Congress Switchboard 202-224-3121 Washington, DC 20573 U.S. Government Printing Office 866-512-1800 Maritime Administration 800-996-2723 Department of Transportation Armed Forces Retirement Home/Gulfport 800-422-9988 West Building [email protected] 1800 Beach Dr. 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE Gulfport, MS 39507-1597 Washington, DC 20590 Armed Forces Retirement Home/Washington, D.C. National Aeronautics and Space 202-358-0001 3700 N. Capitol St., NW 800-422-9988 Administration (NASA) Information Washington, D.C. 20011-8400 NASA Headquarters Suite 5K39 Washington, DC 20546-0001 Benefits Information Information on military medical benefits, survivor benefits, federal benefits All four publications are available through Uniformed Services Almanac, for reservists, veterans’ benefits, and more is published in the Inc. [email protected]; Each ➤ 2012 Uniformed Services Almanac ➤ 2012 Reserve Forces Almanac almanac is $12.95 plus shipping. ➤ 2012 National Guard Almanac ➤ 2012 Retired Military Almanac

Associations AFCEA (Armed Forces Communications and 800-336-4583 Association of the Navy 877-628-9411 Electronics Assn) 1619 King St. [email protected] 4400 Fair Lakes Ct. Alexandria, VA 22314 Fairfax, VA 22033-3899 Chief Warrant and Warrant Officers Assn 800-792-8447 American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) 703-836-6727 U.S. Coast Guard (CWOA) 202-554-7753 1452 Duke St. 200 V St., SW [email protected] Alexandria, VA 22314–3458 Washington, DC 20024 American Veterans (AMVETS) 877-726-8387 Coast Guard Academy Parents Assn 860-442-2683 4647 Forbes Blvd. [email protected] 47 Mohegan Ave. Lanham, MD 20706-4380 New London, CT 06320-8111 [email protected] Association of Naval Aviation (ANA) 703-960-6806 The Coast Guard Foundation, Inc. 860-535-0786 2550 Huntington Ave., Ste. 202 [email protected] 394 Taugwonk Rd. Alexandria, VA 22303-1499 Stonington, CT 06378-1807

144 • May 2012 Associations Cont. Disabled American Veterans (DAV) 859-441-7300 Navy Club of the U.S.A. 800-628-7265 P.O. Box 14301 6234 S. 150 W. [email protected] Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301 877-426-2838 Lafayette, IN 47909-8909 Fleet Reserve Assn (FRA) 703-683-1400 Navy Federal Credit Union 888-842-6328 125 N. West St. P.O. Box 3000 Alexandria, VA 22314–2754 Merrifield, VA 22119-3000 Historic Naval Ships Assn 757-356-9422 Navy League of the United States 800-356-5760 P.O. Box 401 2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 200 Smithfield, VA 23431-0401 Arlington, VA 22201-5424 Marine Corps Assn 800-336-0291 Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Foundation 800-451-5121 715 Broadway St. [email protected] 6251 Old Dominion Dr. Quantico, VA 22134 McLean, VA 22101-4818 Marine Corps Aviation Assn 800-280-3001 Navy Supply Corps Foundation 706-354-4111 P.O. Box 296 [email protected] P.O. Box 6228 Quantico, VA 22134 Athens, GA 30604 Marine Corps Heritage Foundation 800-397-7585 The Retired Enlisted Assn (TREA) 800-338-9337 3800 Fetter Park Dr., Ste. 104 1111 S. Abilene Ct. [email protected] Dumfries, VA 22025 [email protected] Aurora, CO 80012 Marine Corps League Headquarters 800-625-1775 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 800-798-2188 P.O. Box 3070 [email protected] 601 Pavonia Ave. [email protected] Merrifield, VA 22116-3070 Jersey City, NJ 07306 Marine Corps Reserve Assn (MCRA) 877-289-8780 Steamship Historical Society of America 401-463-3570 8626 Lee Highway, Ste. 205 30-C Kenney Dr. Fairfax, VA 22031 [email protected] Cranston, RI 02920 Marine Corps University Foundation 888-368-5341 Surface Navy Assn 800-628-9762 P.O. Box 122 [email protected] 2550 Huntington Ave., Ste. 202 [email protected] Quantico, VA 22134-0122 Alexandria, VA 22303 The Military Officers Assn of America 800-234-6622 The Tailhook Assn 800-322-4665 201 N. Washington St. [email protected] 9696 Businesspark Ave. [email protected] Alexandria. VA 22314 San Diego, CA 92131 Naval Aviation Museum Foundation, Inc. 800-327-5002 U.S. Coast Guard Academy Alumni Assn 860-442-2683 1750 Radford Blvd. [email protected] U.S. Coast Guard Academy Suite B 47 Mohegan Ave. NAS Pensacola, FL 32508 New London, CT 06320-8111 National Assn for Uniformed Services (NAUS) 703-750-1342 U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Assn & Foundation 410-295-4000 5535 Hempstead Way 800-842-3451 Alumni House Springfield, VA 22151 247 King George St. National Chief Petty Officers’ Assn 361-991-2383 Annapolis, MD 21402–5068 1014 Ronald Dr. U.S. Navy Armed Guard WWII Veterans 919-570-0909 Corpus Christi, TX 78412 115 Wall Creek Dr. The Naval Academy Athletic Assn 410-293-8708 Rolesville, NC 27571 [email protected] Ricketts Hall, 566 Brownson Rd. U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation 202-737-2300 Annapolis, MD 21402–5040 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 800-821-8892 Naval Helicopter Assn 619-435-7139 Washington, DC 20004-2608 P.O. Box 180578 U.S. Navy Public Affairs Alumni Assn Coronado, CA 92178-0578 6119 Larstan Dr. Naval Historical Foundation (NHF) 202-678-4333 Alexandria, VA 22312 Washington Navy Yard [email protected] U.S. Submarine Veterans Inc. 877-542-3483 1306 Dahlgren Ave., SE P.O. Box 3870 360-337-2978 Washington, DC 20374–5055 Silverdale, WA 98383-3870 Naval Order of the United States (NOUS) Women Marines’ Association 888-525-1943 P.O. Box 2714 [email protected] P.O. Box 377 [email protected] Merrifield, VA 22116-2714 Oaks, PA 19456-0377 Naval Submarine League 703-256-0891 Box 1146 [email protected] Annandale, VA 22003-9146

Conferences and Exhibitions U.S. Naval Institute and AFCEA Joint War- Naval Helicopter Association Symposium ’12, Air Force Association Air & Space Confer- fighting Conference 2012, 15–17 May 2012, 14–17 May 2012, Norfolk, VA. Contact: NHA, ence and Technology Exposition 2012, 17–19 Virginia Beach, VA. Contact: Conferences, U.S. P.O. Box 180578, Coronado, CA 92178-0578. September 2012, National Harbor, MD. Con- Naval Institute, 291 Wood Rd., Annapolis, MD 619-435-7139; fax: 619-435-7354; www.naval- tact: 703-247-5838; 21402. 410-295-1055/1069; fax: 410-295-1049; [email protected]; Marine Corps League 32nd Annual Modern AFCEA TechNet Europe 2012, 30–31 May Day Marine Military Exposition, 25–27 Sep- Submarine Technology Symposium, 15–17 May 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. Contact: eu- tember 2012, Quantico, VA. Contact: Nielsen 2012, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics [email protected]; Co., 1525 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1200, Arlington, Lab, Laurel, MD. Registration: http://www.jhuapl. VA 22209. 703-812-2741; www.marinemilitary- edu/sts. Contact: [email protected]. Navy League National Convention, 19–24 June 2012, Honolulu, HI. Contact: Navy League of Naval Aviation Symposium ’12, 9–11 May the United States, 2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 210, Naval Submarine League Annual Sympo- 2012, Pensacola, FL. Contact: Naval Aviation Arlington, VA 22201-3308. 800-356-5760; 703- sium, 17-18 October 2012, Falls Church, VA. Museum Foundation, 1750 Radford Blvd. Suite 528-1775; Registration opens in August. Contact: Box B, NAS Pensacola, FL 32508-3104. 800-327- 1146, Annandale, VA 22003. 703-256-0891; 5002, or 850-453-2389. Marine Corps League National Convention, 12–18 August 2012, Mobile, AL. Contact: P.O. AFCEA Solutions, 22–23 May 2012, Fairfax, Box 3070, Merrifield, VA 22116. 800-625- Association of the United States Army VA. Contact: Programs, AFCEA, 4400 Fair 1775; Annual Meeting, 22–24 October 2012, Washing- Lakes Ct., Fairfax, VA 22033-3899. 703-631- ton, DC. Contact: 800-336-4570; 6128 or 800-336-4583; Tailhook ’12, 6–9 September 2012, Reno, NV. Contact: 800-648-1177; PROCEEDINGS • 145 INFORMATION SOURCES

Conferences and Exhibitions Cont.

AFCEA TechNet International 2011, 23–25 Surface Navy Association 25th National Sym- ASNE Day 2013, 7–8 February 2013, Crystal October 2012, Rome, Italy. Contact: europe@ posium, 15–17 January 2013. Contact: SNA, City, VA. Contact: 1452 Duke St., Alexandria,; 2550 Huntington Ave., Ste. 202, Alexandria, VA VA 22314-3458. 703-836-6727; www.navalen- 22303. 703-960-6800; Naval Order of the U.S. Annual Congress, 24–27 October 2012, Baltimore, MD. Contact: U.S. Naval Institute and AFCEA West Con- Navy League Sea-Air-Space Exposition, 8–10; [email protected]. ference and Exposition, 29–31 January 2013, April 2013, National Harbor, MD. Contact: San Diego, CA. For exhibit information and Navy League of the United States, 2300 Wilson Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- registration, contact: J. Spargo Associates, Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201-3308. 703-528- neers Annual Meeting & Expo 24-26 October 11212 Waples Mill Rd., Ste. 104, Fairfax, VA 1775; 2012, Providence, RI. Contact: SNAME, 601 22033. 703-631-6200; fax: 703-818-9177. For Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306. 800-798- program information, visit or e- 2188; mail [email protected].

The Naval Institute Foundation

The generosity of thousands of supporters—individuals, corporations, and foundations—is boosting the Naval Institute’s success as the knowledge leader in maritime and defense issues. Contributions underwrite conferences, essay and photo contests, book projects, oral histories, and other educational projects.

At the heart of the Foundation’s efforts is a devoted corps of individuals who have distinguished themselves as Naval Institute Commodores through their lifetime generosity and loyalty. Even within this premier donor society, some have deepened their commitment and set ever higher standards of dedication to our professional society. Naval Institute Commodores RADM John L. Worden Edward M. Polk Family The Hackney Foundation CDR Robert W. Selle, USNR (Ret.) Ironclad Society CAPT William R. Porter, J. Ira Harris LT Kevin P. Shaeffer, USN (Ret.) The John J. Schiff Family USN (Ret.)* Dorothy R. Herrmann* COL Willard B. Snyder, USAR (Ret.) Jack C. Taylor Stephen M. Waters A. Ralph Hibbard* CAPT Edward A. Studzinski, CDR James A. Woodruff Jr., Paul R. Ignatius USN (Ret.) GEN John A. Lejeune Society USN (Ret.)* RADM Gustave N. Johansen, Richard J. Szumiel* Alfred M. Cady III USN (Ret.)* Betty C. Taussig Erna Ericson CAPT Joshua James Society Henri Keyzer-Andre* Joseph K. Taussig III SGM Charles W. Godwin, Martin J. Bollinger CAPT Harry W. Konkel, USN (Ret.) CDR A. Brast Thomas, USNR (Ret.) USA (Ret.)* Jack O. Bovender Jr. CAPT Lloyd G. LeCain Jr., zUSNR Everett P. Weaver CDR William W. Gubbins, Stephen T. Braunheim (Ret.) Lewis M. Weston USN (Ret.)* William P. Brewster Maj Richard B. Lieb, USMCR (Ret.) MajGen Thomas L. Wilkerson, Robert E. Hanrahan Jr. John J. Brogan Dr. Jack London, CAPT, USN (Ret.) USMC (Ret.) Mark R. Herrmann* RADM Joseph F. Callo, USNR (Ret.) Christopher P. Michel Gordon L. Williams Clarence G. Leggett* Paul R. Chanin George D. Milidrag* John Durfee Winslow* CAPT H. F. Lenfest, USNR (Ret.) Patrick S. Cole Paul X. O’Neill* Michael M. Wiseman Robert C. McCormack John H. Fullmer Emmett A. Pedley* Rosa Laird McDonald* Norman P. Goldblum Jason M. Pilalas *Deceased Edward S. Miller Robert G. Gordon CDR William A. Read Jr., USNR (Ret.)* David A. Moore Frank M. Gren CAPT Earl F. Rippee, USNR (Ret.)*

Major Donors 2011 The Naval Institute Foundation sincerely appreciates the participation of every single contributor. In particular, we acknowledge the following benefactors who provided annual gifts totaling at least $1,000 in 2011.

This list includes supporters belonging to the Foundation’s two annual donor societies. The 1873 Society is for individuals who contribute at least $5,000 within a calendar year. The Leadership Circle comprises individuals who donate between $1,000–$4,999. Their generosity greatly strengthens the Naval Institute’s ability to fulfill its educational mission.

$100,000 or more Dr. Jack London, CAPT, USN (Ret.) CAPT Harry W. Konkel, USN (Ret.) CACI CAPT H. F. Lenfest, USNR (Ret.) COL James N. Pritzker, IL Maj Richard B. Lieb, USMCR (Ret.) Defense Group John J. Schiff Family ARNG (Ret.) RDML Terence E. McKnight, Fisher House Foundation William M. Wood Foundation CDR William A. Read Jr., USN (Ret.) General Atomics Aeronautical USNR (Ret.)* Merrill D. Martin $50,000 or more CPO Loren E. Schrock, USN Hon. J. William Middendorf II $1,000 or more CAPT Edward A. Studzinski, Express Scripts Edward S. Miller Ingrid S. Beach USN (Ret.) HealthNet T. Truxtun Morrison David K. Beecken Tawani Foundation Humana Military Healthcare Services Gen Peter Pace, USMC (Ret.) Capt Malcolm K. Beyer, Jr., Lockheed Martin Jason M. Pilalas USMC (Ret.) $25,000 or more TriWest Edward M. Polk Family Martha Bowler USAA U.S. Family Health Plan VADM Norman W. Ray, USN (Ret.) CAPT E. G. Campbell, USN (Ret.)* G. West Saltonstall John K. Castle $10,000 or more $5,000 or more MajGen Thomas L. Wilkerson, Anthony F. Chernefsky Martin J. Bollinger RADM Joseph F. Callo, USNR (Ret.) USMC (Ret.) Peter B. Clark Patrick S. Cole Mark W. Johnson Michael M. Wiseman Steve Cohen Hon. Gordon R. England Howard J. Kestenberg Booz Allen Hamilton Edward M. Condit

146 • May 2012 The Naval Institute Foundation Cont.

CPO Michael R. Conley, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Charles D. Fellows, Thomas C. Knudson COL Willard B. Snyder, USAR (Ret.) Col Robert E. Coolidge, USN (Ret.) H. Kirke Lathrop VADM George P. Steele II, USN (Ret.) USMCR (Ret.) CAPT Wayne R. Fritz, USN (Ret.) CAPT Lloyd G. LeCain Jr., Andrew F. Tabas Clyde L. Crawford Norman P. Goldblum USNR (Ret.) LT James W. Todd, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Russell S. Crenshaw Jr., CDR Harold E. Gordon, USNR (Ret.) Col Andrew J. Ley, USMCR (Ret.) Col Frederic L. Tolleson, USN (Ret.) Alan C. Goudy Philip W. McMahan USMC (Ret.) Michael Crofton Helen K. Groves LTJG Danno F. Mahoney, USN Howard R. Weiss VADM Peter H. Daly, USN (Ret.) John R. Haines Angie F. Marshall 1stLt Henry K. Willard II, Robert Davies Kent Halvorsen CDR W. Lincoln Mossop Jr., USMCR (Ret.) Thomas C. Deas Jr. CAPT Joan R. Hankey, USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) CAPT James E. Wise Jr., USN (Ret.) VADM Dirk J. Debbink, USNR LT Shawn F. Hansen, USN RADM John T. Natter, USNR (Ret.) American Physical Therapy VADM James H. Doyle Jr., ADM Thomas B. Hayward, VADM Raymond E. Peet, USN (Ret.) Association USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CAPT Nicholas R. Rasmussen, USNR Canine Companions for Independence Arthur W. Edwards Robert Honerlah (Ret.) NAVSEA Wounded Warrior Program CAPT Roger E. Ekman, USN (Ret.) LCDR Alexander R. Innes, USN (Ret.) LCDR James A. Roberts, Ware-Pak RADM Robert B. Erly, USN (Ret.) RADM Douglas L. Johnson, USNR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CDR Robert W. Selle, USNR (Ret.)

Foundation Leadership At the forefront of the Naval Institute Foundation’s success is a group of volunteer leaders who offer their time and talents to help the Institute achieve its goals:

Board of Directors Appointed Members Active-Duty Advisers RADM Dan Bowler, USN (Ret.) Truck Morrison MajGen Tim Hanifen, USMC VADM Nancy Brown, USN (Ret.) Mark Johnson RADM Bill Moran, USN VADM Herb Browne, USN (Ret.) Counsel RADM Chuck Michel, USCG CAPT Karl Hasslinger, USN (Ret.) RADM Duncan Smith, USCGR (Ret.) Dr. Jack London, CAPT, USN (Ret.) CEO For information about opportunities to participate in Ed Miller VADM Peter Daly, USN (Ret.) the Naval Institute’s success, call (410) 295-1056, e-mail [email protected], or write to the Naval VADM Norm Ray, USN (Ret.) Chairman, Editorial Board Institute Foundation, 291 Wood Road, Annapolis, MD CAPT Gordan van Hook, USN (Ret.) CAPT Doug Fears, USCG 21402-5034. The Naval Institute Foundation, Inc., is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Gifts to the Foundation are deductible to the full extent allowed by law. U.S. Naval Institute General Office Hours: Monday-Friday 0800-1700 Administrative, Photo/Reference Library, Marketing, and Editorial Customer Service, Accounting, and Book Orders: Offices: Attn: (Dept. of Interest) 410-268-6110 Attn: (Dept. of Interest) 410-268-6110 291 Wood Road 800-233-8764 291 Wood Rd. Fax: 410-295-1084 Annapolis, MD 21402-5034 Fax: 410-571-1703 Annapolis, MD 21402-5034 Use 800-233-8764 to order books, lithographs, renew your membership, Use 410-268-6110 to order photographs and certificates. request information, or solve a problem.

Editorial Submit book manuscripts and related inquiries to: Submit manuscripts for articles in Proceedings and Naval History Manager of Acquisitions and related inquiries to: Naval Institute Press Editor-in-Chief 291 Wood Rd. U.S. Naval Institute Annapolis, MD 21402-5034 291 Wood Rd. Annapolis, MD 21402-5034 Naval Institute Golden Life Members for 2011 Members who have completed 50 years of membership in the Naval Insti- 50-year milestone as of 31 December 2011. We thank them for their support tute become Golden Life Members and, in honor of their continued sup- and extended our hearty congratulations on joining this distinguished and port, receive a blazer patch and Golden Life Member certificate, and are honored group. We wish them many more years of enjoyable and fruitful exempt from future dues. These 274 Naval Institute members reached the membership. LTJG W. R. Adams Jr., USNR (Ret.) CAPT Edward A. Basdekian, CDR James R. Bodmer, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Harry Budd Jr., USCG (Ret.) CAPT Carl J. Albrecht, USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret) CAPT R. L. Borum, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Wm A. Budding Jr., USN (Ret.) CAPT Donald L. Alf, USNR (Ret. Joseph J. Bashara LtCol John W. Bowman Jr., John A. Burch CAPT Don R. Anderson, James E. Bates USMC (Ret.) CDR William A. Burgess, USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) CWO4 William E. Becker, USN (Ret.) LCDR James J. Bransfield, MCPO James Burke, USN (Ret.) LCDR Joseph J. Ashworth, CAPT Robert F. Bennett, USN (Ret.) LTJG H. R. Bush, USNR (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) USCG (Ret.) CAPT James J. Brewer, USNR (Ret.) Walter J. Byron CDR William B. Atherholt, CDR Robert J. Bishop, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Linton F. Brooks, USN (Ret.) CAPT Robert G. Castner, USNR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) RADM John W. Bitoff, USN (Ret.) George L. Brown CAPT Henry G. Chalkley, USN (Ret.) CAPT Thomas S. Baer, USNR (Ret.) PO D.J. Blanchard, USN CDR William G. Brown, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Robert L. Chasse, USN (Ret.) LCDR Milton H. Bank II, USN (Ret.) CAPT Lawrence B. Blumberg, David G. Browning David R. Chasse Robert A. Bartlett Jr. USN (Ret.) LCDR Daniel L. Buckley, USN (Ret.) LtGen G. R. Christmas, USMC (Ret.) PROCEEDINGS • 147 INFORMATION SOURCES

U.S. Naval Institute Cont. Peter G. Claymore CDR Hilbert R. Hubble, USN (Ret.) CDR Robert A. Meyer, USNR (Ret.) Paul H. Silverstone A. Denis Clift CDR Frank W. Hughes, USN (Ret.) CDR Donald C. Meyer, USN (Ret.) CAPT Gordon A. Snyder, USN (Ret.) Richard C. Clotfelter CAPT Helmer W. Huseby, CAPT Francis A E Micara, John L. Sorenson Anthony Contrabasso USNR (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) CAPT Charles W. Soules, USN (Ret.) LCDR P. C. H Cooke, USN (Ret.) BGen Robert H. Hutchinson, CAPT John P. Mihlbauer, USCG (Ret.) LT Frederick M. Spiegel, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Paul W. Cooper Jr., USN (Ret.) USMCR (Ret.) CAPT Richards T. Miller, USN (Ret.) CDR Charles M. St Laurent, CAPT John J. Creamer, USN (Ret.) CAPT Robert I. Jackson, USN (Ret.) RADM William C. Miller, USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) Edwin L. Crocker CAPT Colin M. Jones, USN (Ret.) John A. Mills, III LCDR C. W. Stamm, USNR (Ret.) LCDR Arthur W. Curtis, USCGR (Ret.) Norval M. Kane CAPT John B. Mitchell, USN (Ret.) CDR A. J. Standish, USN (Ret.) CDR James Darr Jr., USN (Ret.) PO1 Morton F. Kapsinow, USN (Ret.) LCDR Christopher J. Mitchell, LCDR Robert S. Starr, USNR (Ret.) Frank Daspit CDR Thomas M. Kastner, USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) RADM Dimitrioss S. Stathis CAPT Henry E. Davies, USN (Ret.) CAPT Robert T. Keith Jr., USN (Ret.) CAPT James R. Moody, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Donald H. Stechmann, CAPT Theodore F. Davis, USN (Ret.) Paul D. Keller Roger W. Mortensen USN (Ret.) CDR Rene Delgado Jr., USNR (Ret.) William D. Kendrick Maj Peter J. Murray, USMC (Ret.) CAPT Robert C. Steensma, Robert M. Derrit Ernest F. Kenney CDR Gordon C. Nash Jr., USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) LCDR Frank J. DeStefano, USN (Ret.) CAPT F. R. Ketcham, USCGR (Ret.) David J. Nelson CAPT Thomas L. Stevens Jr., J. J. Dugan Jr CAPT Michael J. Killian, USNR (Ret.) CAPT William B. Nevius, USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) CAPT Frank E. Dully Jr., USN (Ret.) CAPT Kazuaki Kitabayashi, LT Carl J. Newberg, USNR (Ret.) CAPT William L. Stiff, USNR (Ret.) LTC Arthur F. Dundon, USA (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CDR Samuel T. Nicholson, USN (Ret.) CPO Lawrence M. Stiles, USCG (Ret.) CAPT Bernard D. Dunn, USN (Ret.) John M. Klett LT Charles W. Olsen Jr., USNR (Ret.) CWO4 James K. Street, USN (Ret.) CDR Dan W. Durham, USN (Ret.) Orion E. Kline CDR Curtis W. Olsen, USN (Ret.) CDR James H. Strimple, USN CDR Carl Durtche Jr., USN (Ret.) CDR Jerome A. Kuechmann, CAPT Donald M. Olson, USN (Ret.) LCDR Donald C. Sturmer, CAPT John D. Eckert, USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) George F. O'Sullivan USNR (Ret.) George M. Eschbach James W. Kukura LT Charles E. Packard II, USNR (Ret.) CDR Jeffrey L. Swank, USN (Ret.) LCDR Robert H. Fabel, USNR (Ret.) CDR Thomas B. Lain, USCG (Ret.) RADM P. W. Parcells, USN (Ret.) SCPO Vincent E. Swanson, USN (Ret.) CAPT Joseph A. Fanale, USNR (Ret.) CWO2 Steve Lain, USCGR (Ret.) Barry Paton Joseph Swiniarski Jr. CAPT William F. Farr, USNR (Ret.) CDR John D. Landers, USN (Ret.) CAPT Meredith W. Patrick, USN (Ret.) CAPT B. Frank Taylor, USN (Ret.) CAPT Frank H. Featherston, LCDR Steven C. Larson, USN (Ret.) LCDR Joseph M. Perret Jr., CAPT Wade H. Taylor, USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CDR Harvey L. Lasell, USN (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) LCDR Donald O. Taylor, USN (Ret.) Garson R. Fields Burton R. Laub LT Douglas B. Perry, USNR (Ret.) James E. Terrill LCDR Charles G. Fishburn, USN (Ret.) CDR Robert E. Leckrone, USNR (Ret.) Robert J. Pickard CAPT Louis E. Thomassy Jr., CAPT Alfred N. Fowler, USN (Ret.) Jackson E. Lewis COL Gerald J. Pierce, USAR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CAPT William C. Fox, USN (Ret.) LCDR John J. Leyden, USN (Ret.) CAPT William O. Pischnotte, CAPT Terrence S. Todd, USN (Ret.) CAPT Robert T. France, USN (Ret.) CDR Donald R. Lincoln, USNR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CDR James A. Treanor II, USN (Ret.) Mark H. Freeman Alan S. Lloyd WO Allen V. Polhemus, USN (Ret.) LCDR Rolf N. Tvedt, USNR (Ret.) CDR Roger R. Gaffey Jr., USN (Ret.) COL John H. Logan, USAR (Ret.) CWO2 Woodbury A. Post, CAPT Richard W. Twilde, USN (Ret.) RADM Albert A. Gallotta, Jr., PO Robert W. Lowry Jr., USN (Ret.) USCGR (Ret.) LCDR James P. Tyson, USN (Ret.) USN (Ret.) Richard A. Lundin CAPT John A. Potts, USNR (Ret.) CAPT T. A. Ulrich, USCG (Ret.) CAPT William K. Gautier, USN (Ret.) Capt Stephen E. Lusk, USMC (Ret.) James Mellen Punderson, IV CAPT Paul J. Valovich, USN (Ret.) CAPT James F. Giblin Jr., USN (Ret.) CAPT Melville H. Lyman, USN (Ret.) PO1 William Radek, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Richard P. Vidosic, USN (Ret.) LCDR Ethan J. Gibson, USN (Ret.) RADM Richard Lyon, USNR (Ret.) Arthur H. Rahmer CDR Albert W. Vittek, USN (Ret.) CDR Clifford W. Gibson, USN (Ret.) Charles L. Mack CDR Walter K. Rapp, USNR (Ret.) LT Anthonie M. Voogd, USN (Ret.) CDR Joseph C. Glutting, USN (Ret.) PO1 Fredric L. MacLennan, CDR Charles M. Reeve, USNR (Ret.) George W. Walker Capt Paul S. Godwin, II USAFR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) Edward L. Reiley Jr. Lawrence K. Wangerin CAPT Paul M. Goorjian, USNR (Ret.) CDR Thomas W. Maclin, Walter S. Roberts CAPT Laurance B. Warner, USN (Ret.) MCPO Thomas C. Grabow, USN (Ret.) USCGR (Ret.) Richard E. Robinson Charles E. Waterman Dr. Thomas B. Grassey CAPT John F. Maloney, USNR (Ret.) CAPT David A. Rosenberg, CDR Richard N. Wattez, USNR (Ret.) Donald H. Gray Jr. Daniel Marchand USNR (Ret.) Lawrence Webster Cyrille Gurriet CDR John A. Marymont, USN (Ret.) CAPT R. D. Rowley, USN (Ret.) CAPT John W. Weed, USN (Ret.) CDR N. E. Haack, USN (Ret.) CPO Henry C. Matzen Jr., USN (Ret.) LCDR Jon Rueckert, USN (Ret.) Jacob A. Weisman CAPT Robert A. Hall, USN (Ret.) Zinas M. Mavodones LT Louis M. Rusitzky, USNR (Ret.) LCDR Joseph F. Welch, USNR CDR Lee A. Hallman, USN (Ret.) Jack M. Maxfield Maj Kenneth E. Rutledge, Lee M. Wetherhorn LCDR Thomas L. Hambright, LTC Louis G. McAfoos, USA (Ret.) USMCR (Ret.) Warren B. Whipple USN (Ret.) John McCaffery Ken W. Sayers CDR David A. White, USCG (Ret.) CDR Gerald S. Hanley, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Clarence L. McDaniel, Harold W. Schieve CAPT Don R. Wickstrand, USN (Ret.) CAPT Marcus A. Hanna, USNR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CAPT Hans R. Schlatter CAPT U. J .C. Williams, USNR (Ret.) ADM Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.) CPO Patrick C. McElligott, LCDR Stephen L. Schlichter, CDR James G. Williams, USCG (Ret.) CAPT George W. Heburn, USNR (Ret.) USNR (Ret.) Donald A. Wilson USNR (Ret.) CAPT Robert W. McGowan, RADM William S. Schwob, CPO Clayton W. Wilson, USN (Ret.) Francis J. Heeney USNR (Ret.) USCG (Ret.) RADM Ray C. Witter, USN (Ret.) Ronald R. Helm LCDR Tom McKean, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Richard W. Seiler, USNR (Ret.) CAPT Leland E. Wood, USN (Ret.) Carl L. Himel Jr. RADM Thomas W. McNamara, Seymour M. Selig William E. Workman CAPT Gulmer A. Hines Jr., USN (Ret.) CAPT John W. Sheehan Jr., USN (Ret.) Maj Stephen C. Wright, USMCR (Ret.) USN (Ret.) CDR John P. McNichols Jr., USN (Ret.) CDR Edward P. Shepherd, USNR (Ret.) CPO William H. Zelley, USNR (Ret.) Frank Hines Jr. CAPT Hugh A. Merrill, USN (Ret.) John W. Siercks Jr. CAPT Julius J. Zschau, USNR Raymond A. Hoag CDR Raymond Mesloh, USNR (Ret.) Dr. Eugene A. Silva CDR Ronald P. Zwart, USN (Ret.) U.S. Naval Institute Military Database U.S. Naval Institute Military Database 301-287-2652 The U.S. Naval Institute Military Database provides comprehensive information Fax: 301-816-8945 on all of the world’s armed forces—air, naval, ground, strategic, and special forces. The database is available online through Periscope along with Department of Defense Blue Tops and today’s military and defense news capsules.

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