N~ws serving the five Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods I Jacobson's • ReSidents ofAllardwest of Mack In Grosse POinte Woods have been told traffiCon their street IS under control Page 2A future uncertain • A June :.ewer oacKup In Grosse POinteWoods could cost the city plenty. Page 3A in the Village • Grosse PUll lie Woods lifeguards are planning a Ilfeguard-a-thon to raise By Bonnie Caprara councilman and member of money for chanty Page 3A Staff Writer the MCL ~The general • It IS beheved that a peregnne fal- The future of the Grosse mformatlOn was that PlecQ con has feathers flYing along Pomte area's largest retaIler of property IS bemg looked Lakeshore - literally Page 3A remams in hmbo untIl a at by an awful lot of people. • The Grosse POinte Board of U S Bankruptcy Court CIty of Grosse Pomte City Education Willask voters to approve a determines its fate Manager MIke Overton said $61 B millionbond Issue on September ~It IS a sad day for the two developers and one local 24, which Willallow for $13 5 millionIn Pomtes and certamly for the group of Investors wIth an athletiCImprovements. Page 11A people workmg there,. said eye on Jacobson's Grosse • Local teacher traveled to Kenya CIty of Grosse Pointe Mayer Pomte bmldmg have called on a h(.!manllanan mission With an Dale Scrace ~It's Just the lus offiCE-to mquire about organization called Reach the Children. begInnmg of the process" zoning, ordInances and Page 10A BIds were receIved other questIOns about the Photo by Bonme Capra,a • The Grosse POinte Farms-City The future of Grosse Pointe's largest retaller, Jacobson's, Is uncer- Monday for offers to pur- CIty LittleLeague 12-year-old AII.Star team tain untU a U.S. Banluuptcy Court receives bleb for aU or part of the chase all or parts of the In the meantIme, Marx won the District6 championship Withan Jackson-based chain. However, City of Grosae Pointe Councllman Jacobson's cham as a gomg said, "The stores WIllcontin- 11-1ViCtOryover Grosse POinteWoods- Peter LaFond and City Manager Mike Overton say there II Interelt In concern. Bids included offers ue to operate, mcludmg the Ii Shores National The Farms-City team i the VWage'. anchor building. to purchase mventory, G~e Pomte s~re !t IS a j advances to the state Little League accounts receivable and the penod ofuncertamty. tournament for the second year In a Jacobson's name However, earlier this 1: row Page 1C ~he company could week, the shelves and racks either be operated by some- m the boys, coats, Ms J and Mandatory water use one else or some stores may Clairewood departments in WEEK AHEAD go forward or there could be the Grosse Pomte store were a phase-out of the busmess,. stnpped bare ~ restrictions in effect Said Jacobson's spokesper- ~Weare at the conclusic;:n Thursday, JUly 18 son Fred Marx of the summer season," Straight Ahead returns to the 2002 Marx saId he dId not know Marx said ~It is traditional Bon Secours Cottage Health Services Grosse Pointe Farms and City are exempt who submItted bIds or for for mventory to be light. J MUSICon the Plaza Senes, co-spon- whIch aspects of the compa- j sored by the Grosso POinteNews, With Most of the Grosse Pointes and all "The Village urges complIance with ny and will not know untIl Jacobson's Grosse Pointe a family show at 7 p.m of Harper Woods are under mandato- our repeated requests to refrain from the company presents those store has been part of the The concert will take place In the ry water restrictions outdoor water usage during peak bids to the U S Bankruptcy Village since 1944 when the Festival Plaza at 5t Clair and Grosse Pomte Park, Woods, Shores hours 5 to 7 a m and from 5 to 8 Court for the Eastern company purchased the Kercheval In case of Inclement weath. and Harper Woods, which are served pm: Said Dr James Cooper, Village DIstrict of MichIgan, Tuttle and Clark Jewelry er, the show Willbe held In the Maire by the Detroit Water and Sewerage PreSIdent "The Department of PublIc Southern DiviSIOn, in store at the corner of Elementary School gym Department, are among 126 commu- Works and publIc safety personnel Detroit on Wednesday, July Kercheval and St Clair. nitles m eIght floutheast Michigan will Issue gentle remmders to reSI- 24 Through the years, the com- I Sunday, JUly 21 counties where outdoor water usage dents found watering theIr lawns dur- The Grosse Pomte store IS pany had purchased buIld- See and bUy beautiful blooms and ISunder emergency regulatIOn mg those hours. one of 11 bulldmgs owned by mgs along Kercheval to hand-made Items dUringthe Sixthannu- Gz:osse Pomte Farms and City are In Grosse Pomte Woods, public Jacobson's, not counting Notre Dame and m the early al Harper Woods Garden Tour, Craft exempt because they receive water safety officers are warnmg residents leases on other properties. 1970s, tied the buIldIngs and Plant Sale beginning at 12'30 pm from the Farms filtratIOn plant. to obey restnctlOns Although no Clta- BIds for the owned and together WIth a at the Harper Woods Public Library ~We have the capacIty to handle tions have been Issued, officers leased propertIes WIll be Williamsburg facade TIckets Willbe available at the door In demand for OUI reSIdents and City patrollIng the commumty have conSIdered by the court m Jacobson's also owned a eXcI'langefor a donatton of any amount resldenu.," Sald IUchBl'dSolak, Farms advised at least two homeowners they September bulldmg fouts seWUlggoods to one or more char,tles including the cIty manager were violating the ban ~Our Merchant-Clty- store, which It sold In the Children's Home of DetrOit and the Due to extended hIgh temperatures In the Park, ~It's our hope people Landlord committee met 1970s In 1997, Jacobson's Harper Woods Library Landscaping and below-average ramfall, DetrOIt heed the voluntary restrictions that last week and that was our sold Its buIlding which Project , water officials have hmlted outdoor are m place," s81d Dave HIller, dtrec- major tOPICof conversation,. housed its home store and For more Information,call (313) 371- water usage accordu)g to an odd/even tor of public safety saId Peter LaFond, CIty children's department 6333 schedule M 11 ~Indtvldualswlthaddressesendmg Monday, July 22 In an odd number may water outdoors aratllon may include POlentes The Grosse POinteLibraryBoard Will only on odd-numbered days of the The CIty'ScounCilapproved a love to run through Grosse meet at the Neighborhood Club at 7 25th Free Press pm month. • four-hour closure of Jefferson POll1te. We've gotten a lot of ~Llkewlse, those having addresses 26-rmle run slated on Sunday, Oct 6, to accommo- support from the neighbors • that end in an even number must. date a two-mIle stretch of the They enJoy It " The Grosse POintePark City CounCil Willmeet at the Park Cityhall at 7 p.m hmit theIr outdoor water usage to agaIn for Jefferson 26-mile marathon The Grosse Pornte section of even days only. This WIll be the first tIme the race WIll remam on Tuesday, JUly 23 In addition, water customers are ~ra::~~~Caprara smce the 1980s that the Jefferson and Lakeshore bemg asked to aVOIdoutdoor water marathon WIll go through the between Alter and Kerby The Senior Mens Club of Grosse usage dunng peak consumptIOn, from If Grosse Pomte Farms and Pomtes Accommodations will b~ POinte Willmeet at the Grosse POinte War Memonal al 11 a m Neal Belltsky, 6 to 9 a.m dally. Grosse Pomte Park follow the "The route has been mterna- made for motonsts to get to director of operations at the Detrolt- RestnctIOns will remam In effect lead of the City of Grosse tlOnal most of the 25 years,. churches durIng the closure until "further notice. Pointe, the 25th anniversary of said course technical director hours of 8 a m. and noon. Windsor Tunnel Corp, Willspeak on the the DetrOIt Free PressIFlagstar D K "B be history and consirvctlon of fhe tunnel B k M h oug UrtlS ut, cause of The council also passed a res- For more Information,call (313) 881- Grosse Pomte Shores has gone a bl~f nO::~gl~n will nng With a last year on 9/11, we re propos- olutlon whIch addresses the step further 5592 mg two courses Plus runners ISSUesof costs and cleanup Wednesday, July 24 ------I Catch ::-,.:; I"UOI jazz of flautist Alexander ZonJlcand Fnends dUringa Summer MUSICFestival Concert on the lakeSide lawn of the Grosse POinteWar Amanda Maniscalco MemOrialat 6 pm. TIckets are $7 For more Information, Home: City of Grosse call (313) 881-75t1 Pomte

Age: 28

Family: Husband, lWbert

Occupation: ManagIng Opinion 6A dIrector and co-owner Mamscalco Gallery - Schools 10-11A Fme Art & PortraIture Obltuanes 13A Quote: ~orkmg and Business. . 14A Blue Streak sees Red! playmg and workmg and plaYIng- that's Seniors ...... 6B The kid. at the Blue Streak Sports Camp held on The Gro88e what I do all the time" Pointe Academy grounds this summer were happy campen Entertainment...... 78 recently when the Stanley Cup made a surprise vi.it. Each fami- See story, page 4A ly received an 8.1:10copy of the above photo to add to Its 8Crap- ClaSSIfIed ads ..3C boot of Blue Streak memories. . ... T July 18, 2002 2A l~eWS Grosse Pointe News J :'yesterday's headlines ~oyears ago this vveek 50 years ago this week all segmentb of the "chool horse, Johnny, mmgled WIth " • Some 14 new ca&e.., of team, Includmg parents, spectators dunng the City'S •- Dutch elm dlbed!>e have tpacher& and btudentb " 16th annual Fourth of July , been discovered dunng d • A wn<;ultmg firm has parade ..,urve) through the fiv~ bl'en hired to corne up With a , Grosse Pomtes land use plan for Grosse 5 years ago this week Pomte Woods ~ . The dIsease ha& Inf~ltl'd • A pledge dnve has r' onp 01 the oldbt tree" In thp • Olliler& WIth the Youth begun to raise $250,000 for . PlJIntp". a ma!>"IVl' dill on Sen Ice DIVl&lOn Will be lIldkmg thp rounds thiS repaIr" to PlCr Park III the Arnold Hofmann proper- Grosse POlOte Farms ,'t\ In th~ 16900 blolk 01 "'Ulllllll'r at the Grobse HIgh wmds last week , JplTl'r"on Pomtp..,' munlupal parks damaged the park severely, • Gro!>..,e POInte Woodb 'Our role Ib to be where the kid.., are," &ald Det uproot 109 many large trees • , pohce have bu..,tl'd pldn.., b, and damaglllg ;,tructures of l\\ 0 would-bE. Huck Finn;, Patnck Fagan "School IS out now, and the kids are at The dnve became $1087 who have been ..,tpallng lum- ncher when EmIly Weber ber from a COll&tructlO1l&Ite the parks, so It makes sense to CTn t" tho 1,., ~ J contnbuted proceeds from llJ Uldh.t.- d .I dll, dlUl tiUdt.. .. t" .., ...... JU her two-day toy sale down the Milk River remdm m contact With the youth .. • Grosse Pomte South • A 1mI.'from one of three HIgh 8(.hool'" new pnnclpal, , fuel oil trucks broke loose Arthur MJller, IS glad to be while filIng the "Delph me," 10 years ago this week back luxury yacht of the Dodge • Downspouts must be MIller, who became famil- fdmll) at Ros{' Terrace near dl"connected from storm Iar With South while a stu- the foot of Fisher Road !,'uel bewers by July m Grosse dent at St Paul Catholic "pread over Jefferson, caus- Pomte WOods The actIOn IS school, said, "I've always Illg a safety problem until expected to reduce sewage been m awe of thiS place and elt) of Grosse Pomte fire- overflow "ent to the Milk aware of the Importance of men hosed down the area River Dram, which empties thIs school to the com mum- mto Lake St Clair, by 5 to ty" 25 years ago this week 10 percent per year • The growmg p/wulanty • TIred of paymg for Side- • Nelghhorhood Cluh of m-lme skatmg, and the walk repairs, reSidents of problem created when PreSident John Bruce has Berns Court III Grosse skaters clog roadways, IS Trial gardens in bloom at War been elected head of the Pomte Woods have a solu- bemg addressed at Grosse Pomte Board of tIon - tear up the Sidewalk Rollerblade partIes EducatIOn Memorial CIty offiCials agree CIty Thursday evenings m the A former teacher, Bruce \\ orker& wJlI remove the Bon Secours Hospital park- has served on the board for Sidewalk at a cost of $1,500 mg lot The new trial gardens, created at the Grosse Pointe Wu Memorial this three years, the last year a" ReSidents wJlI pay to fill the The gathenngs are spon- spring, ue rapidly approaching full bloom. A number of UDusual varieties vice preSident area With dirt and plant sod sored by BIkes, Blades and of petunias and dwarf dahlias are offering a wealth of color. These wtll be He bald hiS goal for the • Lt Randy Cam of the Boards, Buscheml's PIZza followed by gladioli, chrysanthemums and other later-blooming flowers. coming year Will be to Grosse POInte Park depart- and Sub Shoppe, Bon The symmetrical gardens are centered by the antique millstone which was "Improve relatIOns between ment ofpubhc safety and hIs Secours and the Sunnse recently presented to the Grosse Pointe Historical Society. (From the July Sunset Saloon 17, 1952 Grosse Pointe News. Photo by Fred Runnells.) - Brad Lmdberg

I Allard residents contest traffic study By Brad Lindberg Allard appear to be normal Bruff based hiS evaluation asked city offiCIals to do Staff Writer Oriental & Speedmg along Allard on four years of crash data somethmg about 5peeders Perceived heavy traffic between Bramcaster and capped by a senes of recent on Allard between Mack and : Area Rug Cleaning and hIgh speeds may harry Chester does not appear to speed studies conducted by Harper, which doubles as people who bought homes on be a real Issue," concluded J Woods publIc safety officers the eastbound 1-94 service a stretch of Allard Road m Thomas Bruff, engmeenng "Tl-affic doesn't bother me dnve Grosse Pomte Woods, but coordmator m the traffic Speedmg traffic bothers "Smce that ttme, (Woods not a county transportatIOn department of Southeast me," said Allard reSident officers) have conducted :2£or 1* expert MIchigan Council of IPay for one rug . second rug FREE Manlyn Loumams nme traffic-speed counts, "Traffic volumes along Governments FREE pick-up and In January, Loumams two turmng prohIbItIOn Idelivery also available studIes, spent numerous hours on enforcement (and) · 1 Otter expires 7127102 • Off, r good only on rugs dropped oH Installed additIonal speed Iat Du faCIlity and does nol a~ THE GROSSE POINTF VlltAGE ASSOClAT~C~~ ~lIun signs," said Mike • : • on p...w; up and delf\lery orders presents MakowskI, Wood.. pubhc'.l safety dIrector "... , r 22201 Telegraph Road So uthlleld Makowski's recent traffic . 1 2 Blocks South 019 Mile Road counts found between 1,500 .'I Wesl Side of Telegraph and 1,650 vehicles usmg The2002 ~llage Allard dally He called the 1(800) 696-1260 figure an "acceptable'vol- ume" "Pnor to August 1993," he I said, "records mdicate there were between 3,500 and Sidewalk Sale 4,000 vehicles usmg Allard III a 24-hour penod " A March speed study revealed 83 to 84 percent of dnvers were travehng at 30 mph or less festival "30 mph IS stIll 5 mph &S~ over the limit," Loumams Said Bruff saId It'S a "common Great Bargains. Entertainm ent • F00 d practice" to estabhsh speed Some of the Lowest Prices of the lear! ~~~::~:~;~;85 percent of Makowski credited ttlm IV .mIY 0,6th 0 Oil 9 00 "acceptable" speeds to flUW1l, 'JtLUl ~ ~: upm N, ~~ ,pm ~:~~sslve traffic enforce- Makowski WIll also dIrect lijtmn&V mlVMJ1£ 9 Oft I! ~ft further traffic studIes f~r I .~U!W.~,,!~~fYl ~:'l'J.~u~t!upm 1,rr=I....t-v"""'le"""'w"""'JII .... 1d"""'Le"""'D"""'eC"""'em_be"""'r.... Rain Date • August 3, 2002 Grosse Pointe News (USP') nO.4om Making the change from home to a senior hVlngcommunity I Publl~hed every Thur'iday can be dIfficult for eVl'ryoneInvolved You can be sure that By Anteebo Publishers you've made th€' nght chOICewhen you choose 5t John 'CTIo.rs "leWDE 96 Kercheval Avenue Senior Community ADDED 11:6,.,.....•• ~ 1'1 Il" : Grosse POinte, MI 48236 PHONE: (313) 882.6900 Under the medical dlrectlOllof a genatnclan, ....e otTer 'SOC (Service for Older Citizens, Inc.)will offer PUlodtcal Poqa'l.(' pd,d at DerrOit excellent nursmg care and pE'r<;()nalassIstancem our \\1 tllgan and add Iional mallmg "Dancing in the Streets" Food, Dancing and Face Painting! ottl('(""; beautiful eastsIde location SUb'iofflpflOn Rall"1j, S1" pN ~('ar VIa miul In lhe Metro UN S6~ oul 01 What's more \\1' proVIdemany on and off SIll'actiVIties FRIDAY,JULY26,2002 • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM ~lroarp;] rOqMA~TER ~end ,ddr." rhan~l\ and amenItJesIllCludmg If) Crosse' POlnlr "\ew\ '16 • Adopt-A-Pet from Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society Kerchc\JI t ro'>St I OlntC' Farm<. MI o Spiritual Care staff n Beauty Shop 4821(, Tn£" dC'.1dlmt IOf n(\\fntb\ 1030 J m on Monday The dt .ld~IfH 101 (la, Ntmng fOp'" for And our variety of h\mq opllon~ mcludmg reqdentlal FRIDAY,JULY26 • 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM "" I on ~ 5 \ IXl pm WlOda, (ORR[( T10' l(.Ir ()( it r(' fiJf1 ot ttX' portIon In ('nor N<:o!:lh(.11K" muS( be ~ v('n In ~lrrll lor (0 H'(1100 In Ihc tot For more mfonnatJOn or a tour plea<,('call 313 343 8265 ~ 1(p,"'ln~ I<;'SU(' 1,\1:' .d\~mc no r~l lty 01 the Qf1)(' lrTf'f thc- fiN: l~tOn Th< (,row, Po< nre ""'" r f'f(' • Short.term Rehabilitatlo~ GROSSE POINTE <.('f)r~l I\It.oc, h.lV no 1ult 0flty to h nd thlol; rM...... paper md 0I1h publl( (lfIOO 01 an • Skilled Nursmg Care ~dv(,r1 ~mt nl \h1rl ("oo<,.llllllr final For more informatIOn, Call 131n 886-7474 or vlsrt our websIte at wwwthevrllagegp com ,Y{C'pleY)(l 01 MK ~1l,('f~()'"dN July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Sewer backup claims will cost Woods plenty By Brad Lindberg had pened other than just a ment) process can get start- ~It's a city responsIbIlity Department, s8J.d reaidenta Staff Writer Joseph Ahee, dIrector of power faIlure" ed," Berschback added to tell us If our homes are would be smart to assume A broken sewer pump public works, said the "Send It to the Woods by safe or not," Said resident everything exposed to the could buck the coffers dry In Torrey Road pumphouse So would city officials Monday, Aug 5 _ 45 days Steve Hamilton. water IB contammated. Grosse Pomte Woods f81led about an hour Into a Ahee and the city's engl- from June 21" Homeowners are also con- "Our focus IB prevention: CIty offiCIals are braCing Fnday afternoon thunder- neenng consultants said "TIus (filing a claIm form) cerned about the flood's he Said "We thInk it's better to swallow the cost of a storm they've been trYIng to figure Isn't bnnglng SUIt agamst downsIde nsk on property to prevent health problema major sewage backup that "When we entered the out what went wrong Was It the Clt)," Novltke said "It values When flood vIctims than deal With the conse- contamma.ed more than (pump) bUIlding," he s81d, a problem With DetrOit give!> the city the nght to try to sell theIr property, quences" 100 reSIdential basements "we found the entwe buJld- Edison power lines, respond Without Impacting they must acknowledge con- Objects exposed to sewer Floods occurred June 21 109 down - no power any- Westmghouse pumps or Its Illsurance coverage" tammatlOn m a dIsclosure water should be dowsed for when a pumpmg statIOn where" electromc lllstruments made More than three weeks statement 20 to 30 mmutes m dlBmfec- faIled durmg a burst of by yet another company? after hasements flooded, "There IS gomg to be tant, such as a 1.10 mixture heavy rain ReSidents reported about In the meantime, affected many resulents' patience reduced market value of chlonne bleach to water, Accordmg to Don SIX Inches of basement flood- reSIdents have their own job has dned up because of the backup," saId IodIne, or Lysol and Pinesol. Berschback, city attorney, 109 on Torrey Road, to do "I don't think you're PhJlhp Bozzo. attorney in a A.lcohol, on th., nth."r t!''' W"MO ~0'.!!d b0 !:.1bI" fv. Dvd.l."u, ElUl~dllU \'\'ebt toa Unaer a new state law respondmg fast,' Carroll hkely class action SUit hand, will clean a surface $20,000 per claim ClaIms Lane, and East and West passed m January, reSidents Evola scolded Novltke and against the city "Buyers wl1l but not kill microorganJBlDB, beyond $20,000 would be Kmgs Court seekmg reImbursement for members of the cIty councd say the heck WIth that Lawernchuk said. Residenta p81d by the cIty's msurance No floodmg occurred at cleanup cost and damaged Monday "We're not gettmg house" should also get a tetanus carner nearby MontIeth property mu!,t submIt claim mformatJon as fast as we He called for a "full tear- shot is they haven't had one The carner's total hablh- Elementary School, accord- forms to the cIty wlthm 45 should It's 23 days past the out" of contammated base- In 10 years ty, however, IS limited to mg to city and pubhc school days from the date of tlle fact That's scary stuff" ments, mcludmg floonng, He swd homes, even those $50,000. offiCIals flood City offiCIals S81d they Fear of unknown health panehng a.-'ld walls exposed not exposed to sewer water, The city's shallow flood Cryptic analySIS of the have dlstnbuted claIm dangers, coupled With the to sewer water Before wl1l always contain a small pumphouse faJlure didn't Sit forms to flooded reSidents obvIOUS flsk of sloshmg repairs are made, he Said number of bacteria, mold, insurance coverage seemed well WIth Vmce PIZZO, a "If you thmk you have a through contammated base- homes should be 8lr tested spores and germs. to stun mumclpal offiCIals flood vIctim on East Ida claIm for anythmg," Novltke ments trying to either dlB- to make sure they've been "We're trying to eliminate They spoke guardedly about Lane encouraged reSidents, "send card or salvage SOIled prop- decontaminated enough of the organisma 80 the pump problem for fear of talking the city out of what- "We deserve a better 10 the form" erty, has reSidents worned Dr Donald Lawemchuk, they don't become a publie answer," PIzzo sald "I would "ReSidents need to file a about lingenng medIcal medical dIrector of the health hazard," Lawemehuk ever insurance protection It hke to find out what hap- clalm so the (relmburse- problems Wayne County Health said. School board Peregrine Falcon supports plans preys on seagulls for Woods library along Lakeshore The Grosse Pointe Board "We are very eXCited By Bonnie Caprara !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!! of EducatIOn offered because we beheve we've I Staff Wnter resounding support for developed a conceptual plan U I counted 13 plans presented by the Whlle dnvmg along for the Woods branch that Lakeshore on a recent early Grosse Pomte Pubhc not only addresses the needs morning, Chen LaGrasso dead seagulls. I Library System for the new of the entrre community, but had her feathers ruftled. Woods branch at their meet- thought it was sets the bar for the future of "I counted 13 dead seag- mg on Monday, July 8. the entire Grosse Pomte ulls," said LaGrasso, of Library board president odd. Their feathers Library System," Bruce Grosse Pomte Shores. "I John Bruce presented the said "We are confident that Photo by Jennie MIller Pictured is a model of the future Woodsbranch of thought It was odd Their were all over the conceptual branch design this new faCIlity WIll be a the Grone Pointe PubUc Library System as present. feathers were allover the and site plan to the board gateway to the commumty place. " ed to the Grosse PolDte Board of Education on Mon- place" With arclutects Theo Pappas that everyone can be proud day, June 8. This view represents the comer of Mack Accordmg to Michigan Cheri LaGrasso, and Jrm Mumby of Fanmng of for the next 100 years" Department of Natural Grosse Pointe Shores Howey AsSOCIates and Vernier. with ParceU. Middle School Incated The presentation by Resources Natural Hentage The new branch will sit on behlDd the Ubrary. Fanmng Howey Associates Supervisor Ray Rustem, it IS places m Ontano and the the corner of Mack Avenue detailed the desJgn of the bled on the Site when con- work WIth the hbrary on thiS beheved It'S a Peregnne Midwest. and Vernier Road, adjacent bUlldmg, as well as site struction IS complete Site," sald school board Falcon that has the featllers While the Great Lakes are to Parcells Middle School, enhancements that benefit The new site deSIgn trustee Jack Ryan "ThiS flYIng along Lakeshore. a migratory path for the and will lOclude enhanced Parcells Middle School as 10cludes enhancement of the Site plan and deSIgn looks "They're the top guns of birds, It is unlikely they'll progr~mmin.b aald fa,a.i.tlt~b. well as the hbrary school'a m81n entry on Mack hke It IS gomg to be a won- the bird family," Rustem nest m the Grosse Pointe The Woods branch will be The new deSIgn wJlI Avenue, mcludmg landscap- derful library, as well as a said "TIley go after seagulls area the first hbrary m Grosse mclude a courtyard and out- mg and slgnage Also, park- tremendous enhancement and pigeons and can attack Pointe to offer umque and "They need fairly tall door classroom between the ing will be expanded on for the school" theIr prey at about ISO mph buIldings to nest in, " separate areas for children, school and the hbrary The Mack and an additional The school board offered 10 mid-air" Rustem said "Most of our teens and senior cItIzens. numbFr of trees wdl be dou- parkmg lot Will be added on theIr support as the hbrary The fa!con, which IS bIrds nest in bwldings that VernIer. moves forward on finahzmg endangered in Miclugan, IB are at least 10 stones high .• , The school board was theIr pI ads The ltbrary about the size of a crow, has Grosse Pomte Shores Lifeguard-a-thon to overwhelm1Ogly posItive m plans to pr~sent therr design a dark blue to slate gray Department of Public Safety theIr feedback on the plans and SIte plans to the Grosse back, white throat. and black dJBpatcher Juhe Moore said ThIs presentatIOn served as Pointe Woods City Council teardrop-shaped markings there have been two sight- help cancer charity an mformatlOnal sessIOn m August and finalize beneath each eye It was ings of the falcons in the and update on the progress deSign In the fall remtroduced to the area m By Brad Lindberg "People can pledge a flat past week and about a half. of the project smce the Construction IS slated to the mld-1980s. There are dozen calls from citizens Staff Wnter amount per mmute of tread- school board and hbrary begin III June of 2003, with five confirmed nestmg Sites concerned about the dead There are walk-a-thons ing water or laps completed entered mto a development the library to open mAugust in southeast MichIgan, seagulls and dance-a-thons But a dunng the relay," Warnack agreement 10 October 2001 of 2004 although Rustem said it "TIlere's really nothing we hfeguard-a-thon? s81d "All the money Will be "I thmk we made a WIse may be possIble the bIrds can do about it," Moore said. A plan bemg hatched by donated to chanty." decIsion when we agreed to could be from a number of "It's a crrcle of hfe thing." hfeguards at Lakefront Park in Grosse Pomte Woods would utilize hfesav- 109 skills to raise money for chanty "TIus 18 somethmg we can do to give something back to TAGHeuer the commumty, and at the IWIIS aUI--SIMer .... same tIme show off our • slulls," Said Andy Rabe, 19, head hfeguard Guards have been gIVen ... 1'>. ... ""'.O:O~ll"..... +"...... __ ...... A. WORLD.CL4SS FACILITY WITH fu~d;;~~v;.ili; ;;~;::~;of I WORW-CLASS PROFESSIONALS Sunday, Aug 11 Although a chanty hasn't beef' selected, fLJ 9 well maintained hard courts with eye-friendly Ii l.ancer foundation IS hIgh color scheme and state-of-the.art lighting. on the hst. "There are so many chan- fLJ Ample locker rooms with immaculate bathroom and ties that need money," Rabe shower facilities including saunas and hot tubs for saId "Smce we work out- SIde, what better chanty to your relaxation. gIVe than the skin cancer Social tennis such as Mixers, Men's Nights, foundation?" Woods hfeguards bram- Leagues, Tournaments, Parties and much more. stormed the fund raiser on "Wimbledon Tennis Academy" for juniors. theIr own. "The goal would be to Professional staff includes: Steve Campbell, Drew raise money for a worthy Mascarin, Aggie Guastella, Jeff Butler and Jeff cause dunng an event whIch WIll mvolve both hfeguards Good (all USPTA certified). and patrons," saId Mehssa 00 Warnack, recreatIOn super- FREE $50 COUPON FOR VIsor Guards Will collect RANDOM COURT TIME WITH ALTER EGO pledges for events Involvmg __ l..alIesc..Sol_30~CcIectJon hfesavmg and related phYSI- EACH NEW FULL MEMBERSHIP cal condltlOmng slulls Good until July 31-'2002 Events are expected to mclude sWlmmmg lengths Call Nancy Rivard of the pool WIth a rescue tube or SImulated VIctim Other guards Will tread (586) 774-1300 ...... to ...... water III the dpep end whJle 20250 Nine Mile Rd., St. Clair Shores 20139 Mack AVftl~, G~•Poln~ Woods, MI 48236 800-987-AHEE. 31U86-4600. ""'31~212O holdmg a bnck or two • New Membersh, "dellOleS ~ who have nO!hAda WRC membersh, Wltlun the lasl e.v" July 18, 2002 4A News Grosse Pointe News Assembling the good life By Brad Lindberg Staff Writer Amanda Maniscalco IS pOblhve that she doesn't like negative people hi don't people who try to put everything down and keep other people down," Mamscalco bmd "I'm usual- ly happy bl.'cause I have pretty good outlook on life ~ She believes more good can be achieved by draWing out what's nght In a person t'1:lr:. P,",l,..,t-...~g '"''...:.~ ..,. h~t's wrong "I ....ant people to encour- age everybody," said the 28- year-old "Just because than mixed media," "he know It or not,~ she saId you're haVing a bad day bald, still laughmg hMo"t people 1 meet are" doebn't mean you can't "Informally, I call It mat Another deSIgn, "Screw encourage someone else to board art" Up," IS a play on words have a good day" A form of conceptual art, Mamscalco glued a screw Pholo.. by Bred Lindberg Malllscalco IS an artist, Mambcalco's creations con- inSIde the glass of a framed Amanda Maniscalco bUSiness manager and new- SISt of layered, custom-sIzed assemblage mugs with MScrew Up," a Ivwed She's woven all three mat boards usurped from "The screw look.;, lIke It'S work of assemblage art, A l~tO a seamless lifestyle by the famIly frammg busmes!> floating In the mIddle of white screw glued tnside managing an art gallery ~he She patterns boards mto nowhere," she saId the work'. glass frame co-owns With her husband, three-dImensIOnal, abstract Mamscalco admIts enter- appears to float in space, Robert, In theIr new home- exploratIOns of perspective, mg the art world by accI- "Gray Indecision," at left town of the CIty of Grosse shade and symmetry dent and right, another three- POinte "If you look at a work of She met Robert four years dimensional work of By meshing her avocatIOn, conceptual art, you don't ago whIle auditlOnmg for the auemblage, reveals vari. vocatIOn and personal !lfe, necessanly have a label for chorus of "Jesus Christ ous patterns when she spends her days, she It," she saId "It's not a Superstar" He was dlrectmg vie'IIVed from different saId, "Working and playing pamtmg of a flower, or a the play for the Grosse angles. and working and playmg - sculpture of a person It's Pointe Theatre She didn't that's what I do all the kmd ofmdescnbable People get a part on stag!', but thIngs I love to do ~ time" put their own meanmg to began audItiOning for a She conSIders her Job a From developing works of It ~ more permanent role form of meditatIOn art she cOined -assemblage," Her work ha!! generated a "I thought hIS gallery was "Some people smg, some to hosting Sunday afternoon followmg Pnced origmally cool," she SaId "I had a Job I people do gardening, ~ she backyard barbecues that at $195, assemblages now dIdn't like. so after work I saId "When I'm framing, end "whenever," hfe's a ball sell for $250 helped at the gallery After a the hours go by It's relax- for Amanda Mamscalco Although most of her time, I figured It was stupid mg" Born m DetrOlt, she stud- works feature abstract to spend eIght hours domg Creatmg art IS more Ied telecommUnicatIOns at shapes, some contam con- somethIng I don't like, and mtense. MIchIgan State Umverslty crete meamng five hours dOing somethmg I "It's a release, an inspIra- Upon graduatIOn, she "After 9/11, I dId a politi- did like ~ tion," she saId "Art is a way returned to southeast cal piece called 'We Stand' It She jomed the gallery to express one's self. You can Michigan had a peace dove WIth some staff frammg paIntmgs and express every emotIOn with Mamscalco on a work m Her Ideal student, she "I wanted to become a people walkmg toward It pictures art " progress, she lIstens saId, would be "somebody famous personality, but dId- and some people walkmg "Frammg IS perfect for She credIted her husband, "He'll put It In a whole dif- whose not afraid to try stuff n't want to work hard at It,~ away Other people were me," she SaId "There's the a portraIt artIst, for InSpIra- ferent dIrectIOn," Mamscalco and pOSSIbly mess It up, she laughed Just slttmg on the sidelines" deSIgn aspect - 1 love domg tion Her mentor IS fellow said "It gets much better even though you can't mess Her outlook IS deceptively The work grew from deSign - and the crafts- City reSident Jac Purdon than It was gomg to be Jac'!> up art - someone WIth a carefree Her reputation is everyday hfe manshIp of puttmg frames "Jac IS one of the most very supportIve He's a men- posItive attitude" buddmg as an assemblage "Some people I meet are together to make them look incredIble conceptual tor In more ways than art She added, "I look up to artist. workmg toward peace good It's artsy-craftsy- artISts," she said "He gIves He has one of the healthiest people who work hard and W Assemblage sounds mcer Other's aren't, whether they deslgny-carpentry - all the me Ideas, I gIve hIm ones attitudes of anyone I've always have a good thmg to Its mce to have people met ~ say about people Although around who InSpIre you and ManIscalco wants to carry I'm not always that way, r you msplre them ~ on Purdon's Influence by strIve to be like those I When Purdon advises helping younger artIsts admire who are."

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID G.P. Farms 2002 or 2003 Series F.150 4x4 Truck Pier Park with Snow Plo",

1he Board of EduLatlOn of TIle Gro"L POlntc PubliC ~dlllOI events 'ol,tcm Wayne Count) Mldugan wlillecelle 'C<1kd bill; tor • RegIbtratIOn for the thIrd sessIOn of youth sWlm- I 2002 or 20m model 41.4 F 1'i0 piC" up tflJL" Vehicle ,IMIl hL Amenean manufadured mmg and tenms lessons will be taken at Pier Park on Saturday, July 20, from 8 30 'ipcclflcallon, Lan be obtained lrom thc Adllllnl,lr.lILOIl a m to noon The thIrd ses- Building Office of Suppor! Servlle~ loc<1Ted ,il ~X9 St (I.llr sIOn begIns Monday, July 29 AI enue Gro"c POlllte Mllhlgan 48210 • Also on Saturday, July 20, a Pewablc Pottery pro- Se<1led bld~ Will bc due Tuesday, lull 23,2002 at 10:00 a.m. Ject WIll be held for youths eastern daylight time al the Adnllnl'>tr,llloll Bu1ldln2 oj IhL ages 6 to 15 from noon to 3 Gros,e POinte Board of Edul.<1tlon, ~ll9 ~I ll.lll '\Ie ~Gnh,e pm POinte MI 48230 at whllh Ilinc ,md pl.lce Ihc bill; ....ill be • Seneux (pronounced opened and publidy re,ld ahlud "serlOus~) wIll perform at thr PIer Park on Sunday, July 21, from 4 30 to 6 p m. Please direct que,tlon, to Wd) ne H,II"ldc, Mall.lgLt of The band performs music bUlld,ng, and Ground, nI~) 412 ,082 made famous by the TemptatIOns, Earth, Wmd Roarci of Education and Fire, the Four Tops, the Gros,c POlllte Puhlic 'iLhool 'oy,lem MIracles and more G PN 07/1112002 & 07/18/2002 I in'l:. " ..rone:-, "'c,.ct"" The CG:~~crt \T'i.H hi:: fGl- lowed at 6 30 P m WIth the Pier Park's Synchromzed SWim Show The theme of thIS year's show IS "Celebrate America ~ There IS a regIstratIOn NOTICE OF PUBLIC HJ<..ARING. NOliLl I'> hLrd)1 ~lIcn reqUIrement and fee for par- ~ Ih<1t the City CounCil of the Clly 01 (,ro"c POlntl WOOlh In tiCipatIOn In the Pewablc aClordanLc v.llh Chapter 9'1 70nlng ArtlLIe VI (f :00 p.m. SUNDAYS DURING 11fE So Pottery project and the 27TH Metro Detroit: Outstate: (ommunlly facliltlC\; D"tmt ~Ldlon <)X 171 91 thl 19<)7 ( III youth sWlmmmg and tenms Code \\111 hold a puhllL heanng at 7 ~O P IT1 on 'vtondd\. ANNIVERSARY Auburn Hills, Walton Village Ann Arbor, The Colonnade lessons All events are for SALE (248) 375-0823 (734) 761-1002 \ugu~t ~, 2002, In the COilnU I Rooln oj the Munlup II reSidents only (Waltm Rd WCd 12 ()()()'quare toot one ,torI addition \\lIh I h", (734) 522-1850 11lC III Ihe Irlll!on, or reqlllfClll1l1h '>(, ,h 10 In,UI1' 111L"Hlll~UOI" Eastlake Commons Two new fuel pumps rl ,Ilk nll,ll .lrel IN III hL .ldequ"lc I) prlltcl tLlI ,11ld 1ll,\\ rUfilirL (586) 247 8111 worth $25,780 wlll be (On comt1 of Hall Rd and P.-'I'o("\ R..1 The derillatlOn 01 1,lIld, for '>Ireo, ,lIld ,III" purpo,,, \\llIeh In mstalled at the Grosse Troy, Oakland Mall the (ounlll, 01'1010") I' neLC"-,lr\ to pro\ldl r.,r ILhilUl.lr If It Pomte Wood1j department of 'Ihe~NNs1m (248) 589-1433 fll mlllcment and oft ,trcci par"ln\! IhL ,uhlClI 11Ie tolder " Voted BeM Place to pubhc works West Blooml1eld. ,1\ ,ulahlc for puhllL 'l nJlIllY ,n CII) Hall ,lOd alllntcrc,led pef Buy DmneIWarelChma Orchard Mall Of three compames cIty by DetrOIt News (248) 737-8080 "JO, ,Ire 101 lied t'l attend offiCial ... a"ked to submIt Readers (Olchard L.ll:t and IS M1l<) bids, two rrsponded Low- Louise S. Warnke. bIdder R W Mercrr Co, of New Bm.,ton won the con- (, P N 0711X/2002 (1(1(llt" tract July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 5A ~ VILLAGE FOOD HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl

18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe farms 0 882.2530 - fax 884.8392 . No rdlrlchuk, 0 Mr. d th h 5 t d 8 t 7 . W(' lC'('tH Ihr "qht pen 1'l\.Jn ay mug a ur ay a.m. 0 p.m. u 101111111 '1 dtlllllC ~ Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect July 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 &:. 24

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EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED. (313) 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISING PRODUCTION (3lJ)812~ John Minnis Barban Yubeck Vothocke. (313) 812.3500 Morgl' R"ftI SDlIth, Manager (313) 882-6090 EdItor and General Asslstant E

What to do The walk was In honor of the cat is not supplied WIth..>" her father, George adequate water or food, Maghielse, with hope to The Asset Approach: with Jacobson's Further, the cat 18 To the Editor: raise funds for the extremely inghtened and It is with great dismay Umverslty of MIchigan will struggle against the GiVing kids what they need to succeed. that I received the news that Bram Thmor IWseareh and cage to near exhaustion. I Jacobson's m the vlliage will HospIces of Henry Ford, Bon saw one cat left in a cage in be closmg, It seems It 1B syn- SecourslCottage team freezing temperatures for onymous With Grosse I \liould l1ke to tell you all nearly 10 hours Tlus IS not The Search Institute (www.search-mstltute.orgJ has identl{ied 40 buddmg Pomte. I have fond, 1954-58 that the walk was a huge humane and no way to treat blocks (or assets) that help young people grow up healthy, canng, and respon- high school memones of success Meg completed It a living creature, cat-hater exactly on schedule, most of stble. Each week the Grosse Pointe News will hTghlzght one "asset'" and prouide bUYIng my wool Wigwam or not. Once the trap is final- socks there as well as t.he It m 90-degree heat. She ly pIcked up the cat is tossed seueral tdeas to help parents and young people support that "asset'" In thelr found It to be a wondrous home, school, and commumty grand array of button-down into the back of a loud, open shirts for guls that they Journey as she was accompa- bed truck to be driven off to always carned rued for a day or portIOn of a their fate However, what IS to be day by fnends, family, fellow The treatment the am- teachers and students. Asset No. 23: Homework - Young person reports doing at least one will be, and now thare is the mals receive before theIr hour of homework every school day. task at hand of what to do Meg met dear, dehghtful deaths makes me wonder WIth the bUlldmg that they people all along the route exactly how humane theIr Ideas for parent(s): will vacate. We would lIke to and now truly apprecIates euthanasIa will be propose that It be turned the state of MJ.clugan U-M I urge the city to conSIder mto apartments for adult BraIn Tumor Research and more humane ways of man- Work WIth your cluld to set up a regular homework schedule, then respect HospIces of Henry Ford are It Arrange dinner and famIly events around the homework schedule. hvmg agmg the stray cat popula- Any age adults could hve thrilled WIth the donations tions. they have received for the '!Urn off the teleVIsion and limit the holl.."Sthat your teen can spend at iill there as long' as there were The maln problem is the no cluldren under 21, and walk colomes contmue to grow atter school job. Experts recommend no more than 15 hours per week. Thank you and the com- thp JO('Bhon would be per hpl"Ause the c:ato al~ no(; fect. In additIOn, It would mumty for your great sup- spayed and produce a lItter Help your cluld to pnonbze homework assignments. Work with him/her to port for her plan long-term assIgnments. most certainly benefit all of luttens every SIX months the surroundmg merchants MelisSA B. Maghielse or so If these cats were City of Grosse Pointe Mom tor homework Don't hover, but do check in WIth your cluld every so We have mentioned this to spayed, colonies would often and ask (and see) "How is it gomg?" several of our friends and remaIn stable, the cats they thInk It IS a splendId Stray cat would be healtluer because Expect your child to complete homework as a reqwrement for partlClpating plan, and one of them, who they would not fight 8S In actIvItIes and programs shall remain nameless, IS treatment often, and their caretakers already lookmg forward to Th the Editor: could contmue to look after Ideas for young people: first dlbs on hvmg m the The city of Grosse POInte them. women's lingerie depart- Park has recently begun a There are plenty of rescue Make homework your first prionty - before TV, time WIth your frIends, ment campalgn to nd our neIgh- sOCletles In the area (Alley extracumcular actIVItIes, even a Job. All kiddIng asIde, we hope borhoods of stray cats Cats, Happy TaIls Feline tlus Idea IS glVen senous These feral cat colomes Rescue, ete ) that are more At least one hour of homework every day is a general gwdeline. The older thought as thiS community contInue to reproduce and than happy to help you get the more homework you WIll have. Grades 9 through 12 mIght be up would benefit greatly from grow larger and many con- I have worked WIth Happy to three hours per day such an arrangement Sider them to be a nUIsance Tails In the 8t CI8Jr Shores Dick and Bonnie Many, on the other hand, area, a "no-lull" rescue soci- BuIld the skIlls to do It nght Fmd a qUIet, comfortable, well ht place WIth- Levitan conSider these cats to be ety They helped adopt a lit- out dIstractIOns Schedule a speCIfic tIme each day for your homework and Grosse Pointe Farms welcome neighbors and pets ter of stray Iuttens born in stIck Wlth It. If you do not know how to study, get help from teachers or books and feed and protect them our backyard and prOVIded While I understand the servIces so we could spay PnontIze your homework and do the hardest assIgnments first Walk honored need to manage these cat and vsccmate the mother Th the Editor: populatIOns, the city's cat If It IS ImpoSSIble to do homework at home, go somewhere else- the lIbrary, On June 13, the Grosse approach has been anythmg I urge pet-lovers In the commumty study center, youth room at your relIgIOUS organizatIOn, or a POinte News ran a very nice but humane area to contact the CIty and fnend's house artIcle, "Fund raiser Traps are set out early In encourage them to use II G2G4G Will honor the morning or late In the more humane method to Adapted from "What Ktds Need to Succeed Prouen, Practu:al Ways to RaIse father's hfe," about my evenIng A cat unlucky to be manage the feral cat popula- Your Own Future" by Peter L Benson, Ph D, Judy Galbraith, M.A, and daughter's, MegCarolyn trapped early IS left m the tion In our cIty Pamela Espeland (Q 1998 Used wlth peml.lS8lOn from Free Spznt PublIshIng Maghlelse Remesz, planned trap overnight or for the There are rescue SOCIeties Inc, Mmneapolls, MN, (800) 735-7323; www (reespmt.com. All rzghts 262.mlle walk from our length of the day Not only IS one can turn to for help reserved home In Grosse POinte to thIS creature exposed to the managmg stray cats, before our cottage on Otsego Lake envIronment (ram, heat, they are killed, or to offer a In Gaylord cold) for extended penods, See LETTERS, page 8A Junk drawer Tlus nocturnal Human catchall is great for COinS, and the wall As soon as we enter a room, golf tees, receipts, Rolalds Go mto most human's If there IS a TV present, we and an occllBlonal screw dn- dwelhngs, and there will be turn It on We don't neees- behavior ver Penodlcally, the female a spot where paper grocery banly watch It or even lIsten of the household has to weed bags are btored It's mstmc- to It, but we have a bUllt-m out the male's junk drawer tlve need to have It operatmg III PlastIc bags, however, are explained when It overflows the background I The kItchen Junk drawer new to human culture We Those of us who study' Over eons of evolution, we IS usually a communal have not yet Illcorporated human nature beheve we have developed mstJncts depOSItory. Anythmg from what to do With them Some become attuned to the TV that are so much a part of matches, battenes, pencils, of us stuff plastic bags m whIle m the womb In the human behavIOr that we shoe laces, tWIster ties and a empty, plastic milk Jugs pre-TV day;" we mculcated when thl' workroom evolves hardly thInk of them We all WIde vanety of tools can be slOnally need one Then Others JUbt stuff them m the our mother's, father'b and mto a full-blown Junk room, have them m common found there It IS the first when we use one, It IS dried pantry We do not yet have SIblings' vOices while we, the female forces the male to Junk drawers are a good place to look when searching and breaks But we contmue IIIstmctlve behaVIOr when It were devl.'lopmg prIor to clean up "hIS" mess example for vIrtually anythmg m thiS behaVIOr regardlesb come.., to plastICS birth But the TV vOice Another mstmctlve WIthout bemg taught or OccasIOnally the female of We cannot help ourbelves Another Ideally human replaced that of our famdy's human behaVIOr IS savmg told, we all deSIgnate one the household Will clean out The btorage of paper gro- characteristic 1<; the ;,nooze Now we find comfort m the rubber bands For some rea- drawer III our kItchens for the kitchen Junk drawer c~ry bags IS another practice button VIrtually every sound of the TV It'<; mstmc- ' son, we cannot discard thIS highly developed pur- Her usual method IS to take hard-Wired III the human human belllg studl€d hits tIve It';, hard WIred mto our them Rather we find a SUIt- pose Some of our species all the male's thmgs and put brdm Immediately when we the snooze at least once psyche~ even cultivate Junk drawers able cupboard handle or move mto a new habItat, we before arlsmg (A slgmficant them III a brown paper bag If your dre a student of In ",th",,", "0C'~.sJ SJCr.. ,,"0 the knoh on wh1('h to .'IV" thom n'H:h'n,:,t~,c!:, :;c~llo. uut ~L"t nnrnho,.. -"~t thr o.)~8~:C. ttar"'..... Sli" dum aepOSlts them m LU1UdH HdLUJ C dUU i\UUW uf bedroom ThIS behaVIOr IS not one perfect place for stonng times') her mate's workroom III the other uniquely human taught or learned It IS The male IS espeCIally basement Over the years, paper grocery bags Often And probably the most mstmcts, drop me a hne Illstmctlve We save these adept at adoptmg a bedroom severa) bags pIle up and It'S that narrow space habitual human behavlOr is (You won't That's also rubber bands until we occa- between the refrigerator that of turmng the TV on InstInctive)

Grosse Pointe News July 18,2002, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page

_f~i by Ben Burns 3 generations when he was a youngster, of Eagle Scouts was Intro- Ian Fraser Smith, 18, duced to ScoutIng at r81sed hIS rIght hand in Metropolitan June, carefully enunCIated the Eagle Scout pledge and MethodIst fulfilled a Church In promIse he DetrOit and made to hIS attaIned Brent grandfather Eagle rank m Bradley Ian Smith years ago He 1935 HIS son, Smith Smith became the Bradley, took the oath at Chnst Church m most dIstIngUished alumni thIrd genera- of 2002 The award wJiI be tion of the Grosse Pomte m 1965 HIS Visit the GrONe Pointe Dogs website: http://gpdogs.keenspace.com mother, Kay Smith and SIS- presented dunng SmIth f8lmly Homecommg Week on the to attam the ter, Pamela Webb, stili hve In the famJiy home on Mount Kalamazoo campus highest and Ben Burns Kay Smith and Pamela most coveted Vernon In the Farms after 52 years Webb WIll be on hand for the award III all of Scoutmg ceremomes. but Ian SmIth "I, Ian SmIth, beheve m Bradley's love of the out- treetwise doors, fostered durmg hIS Will probably be attendmg the Boy Scouts of America as classe;, at the Umver;,lty of a movement, whIch has as ScoutIng expenence, deter- Washmgton, followmg In hlb Question of the Week: Its goals and purposes, char- mmed hIS hfe's work With a Ph D from the Umverslty of father';, footsteps acter bUlldmg, cItIzenship What h~storical figure would you most ltke MIchIgan and an undergrad- And all three of the SmIth trammg, phySIcal develop- to have a d~scus[;wn wlth and why? uate degree from Western Eagle Scouts have been ment I beheve It to be a MIchIgan, Bradley IS now memonahzed In a poster By Suzy Berschback movement that helps a Scout the Dean of Huxley College advertisement for the become master of his own of EnVIronmental Studres at Whatcom County, powers, helps hIm get along Western WashIngton Washmgton, Scoutmg pro- With others, and helps hIm UniverSIty m Bellmgham gram It shows Bradley and find worthy use for hl1>pow- Pnor to that he served as Ian smIling m the fore- ers I believe It IS my duty to ".o\bralIam Lmcoln He the first director of the Office ground WIth grandfather do my best to obey the Scout was so deep and mtelhgent of EnVironmental EducatIOn Brent's ment badges and Oath and Law I hereby He wanted what was good for the US EnVIronmental Eagle award dIsplayed III renew my f8lth III Scoutmg for everyone concerned " ProtectIOn Agency m the background and proml&e to do what I can - Kathy Gavnlovich, WashIngton, D C The text reads "Strong CIty of Grosse Pomte m servIce to other Scouts He IS the co-author of a Values, Strong Leaders, who have not advanced thIS defimtIve text called Character Counts See what, far along the Eagle traIl" "EnVironmental SCience A Scoutmg can do for the boys: Ian's grandfather, Brent Study' of InterrelatlOnsrups," m your hfe" M. Smith, a partner WIth that IS III Its Clghth edItIon Kathy Gavrllovlch the Ernst & Young CPA firm, "Eleanor Roosevelt. I am and IS used at 500 umversi- Ben Burns of the CLty of was not therp. to see It He very Impressed WIth her tIes around the world Grosse POInte IS director of dIed five years ago But hIS and what she accomphshed In October, Bradley WIll the Journalrsm program at SpInt was certaInly With hIS 10 her hfe" have a homecommg of sorts Wayne State UnIVersity He son, Bradley F. Smith, and - Lisa Turner, CIty of He WIll return to MIchIgan can be reached at hIS grandson Grosse Pomte to receIve an award at burnsben@Comcast net or by Brent, whose parents dIed Western MIchigan as ItS phone at (313) 882-2810

• J t;;Jt~..I: ¥'::~ ~ :4 t '\ ;~ ",,~f :. ~ 1"1 "Thomas Jefferson, because of .'Ill of his inven- . -~ tIons, and I would hke to taik aoout Monticello - It IS so beautiful you have to go there'" - Andrea Tworek, City of Grosse Pomte

Andrea Tworek "Thomas EdIson, because he was so smartl" - Bob Vandenbussche, Grosse Po1Ote Farms

George Custer I would ask hIm, 'What the heck were you thmkmg?'" - Bill RapaI, City of Grosse Pomte

"George \l/ashmgton, because l am mterested m politIcs and he would be able to tell me what IS Bill Rapal wrong WIth pohtIcs today" - Betty Skomslu, City of Grosse Pomte

Suzy Berschback l~ a freelance photographer In Grosse POinte Farm~ and co author of "Gro~se POinte 1880 1930" She welcomes suggestwns for questIOns to her e mall addre~~ at Ber~chback@aol com J. 8A News July 18, 2002 A Grosse POiilte New8 Ir• Letters----- Woods gets jump From page 6A GPAAS received a call from a resident of Grosse POInte donatIOn Happy TaIls, Farms who had lost a female on Arbor Day 2003 web1 petfmder org/shel- boxer mIX on July 7, WIth I Harley Graham tersIMI157 html, (586) 772- the exact same descnptlOn Plans are already beIng the fall planting program 7883, Alley Cat, wwwalley- Happy to see a "bmgo," we made for next spnng's Arbor SelectIOns Include 88 Vill cat orgl, and MIchIgan Pet Day celebratIOn In Grosse Full name: Harley gave the phone number of Callery pears, 12 dawn red- A DaVIdson Graham Rescue, wwwmlcmganallpe- the "finder" to the "loser" Pomte Woods woods and 12 PrInceton trescue orgl Members of the tree com- elms whe Age: 1 year and 3 and were anXIOUSto see the stor months Sara A Lolar dog and famIly reumted mISSIOnhave agreed to buy If the trees aren't avaIl- Theresa L. Thayer 450 Fraser firs for plantIng bld~ Family: The Grahams' UnbelIevably, for the first able or prove too expenSIve, as c of Gros1-ePOInte Park Grosse Pointe Park tIme ever, the finder refused In connectIOnWIth the annu- a dIsease-tolerant aHem a- ties to return the dog to the al verdant observance tll;e wIll hI' selected Favorite toys: Bacon Trees WIllbe ordered after U ball, rope, and bottles from loser' The woman InSIsted ContaIner-grOWn Praises Aug 1 Pnnceton elms are pncey A on the reC)cling bIn that she had gIVen the dog City Police away to a frIend In Hamson In other tree news, com- 1 112-foottall specImen costs Thl Daily rituals: RunnIng miSSIOners have deCided to all over the backyard, Townslup and the dog had $40 The pnce goes up to $90 whE buy more than 100 trees for for specImens 6 1/2 fN't hJI ': '''''g ~::dc: p",ufJ~~'~ [t:~"', for dog's return rnn l:!""''ly and bemg so darn cute' 1b the Editor: GPAAS immediately con- Good friends: Molly Grosse POInte Antmal tacted the Grosse POInte and Morgan next door, and AdoptIOnSociety (GPAAS),a Farms PolIce They were Park gets dibs on COUSInSBuster and Roo Harley Graham commumty service, non. extremely responsive and In Favorite foods: euthanasia, nonprofit orga- turn, contacted the CIty of KIbbles 'N' Chunks, doggIe treats and peanut butter, of nIzatIOn has a 24-hour Grosse POInte PolIce winter road salt course - yuml phone-lIne avaIlable that Without hesitatIOn, they In the middle of a summer from last year," said Dale If you would LLke to submit your "Pet Pomter of receIves calls from persons made It theIr miSSIon to heat wave, Grosse POInte who have lost or found pets obtaIn the return of the dog KraJmak, cIty manager Interpst, " cklwer or mall a typed outlme and photograph Park admInIstrators are "(The salt) IS stored at a to the Grosse Pomte News, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Volunteers contact these to Its nghtful owner thlnlang cooler thoughts callers to offer mformatlOn Kudos to these polIce Wayne County yard" i"'fI OffiCIalsthiS week agreed Farm6, 48236, or e-matl to postmaster<@grosse- departments KraJnJak budgets about pomlenews com (photos must be high resolution) about what to do to lIne up a supply of rock It $30,000 annually for ro:'1d On July 8, GPAAS IS dIfficult for any of us salt so WInter motonsts li receIved a call from a resi- to belIeve that this even an salt At nearly $29 per ton, get a gnp on roads city offiCIals wIll be able to dent of the CIty of Grosse happened FInder's keepers A contract WIth Morton POInte who had found a should not be loser's weep- buy more than 1,000 tons of Elect Edw-ard J. Salt to prOVIdesalt at $28 95 female boxer mIx on July 7 ers, and CIty of Grosse salt this year , We took the report and per ton will augment Inven- Morton won the contract POIntePolIce made sure of It Instructed the woman to tory remaining from last by underbidding two com- and saved the tears of a bro- year's mild WInter contact the polIce depart- ken-hearted young boy petitors whose offers ranged Gaffney "V, e have a slgmficant ments, the shelters, put up from $40 to $52 84 per ton Corinne Martin stockpile (of salt} left over State Representative flIers and most Importantly, President - Brad Lmdberg www.edgaffney2002.00m to run advertIsement In the Grosse Pointe Animal the Grosse Pomte News and The Adoption Society do Detroit News, both of wmch New recording gear ha' offer thIS service at no Letters welcome II charge All letters should be tiOl The woman expressed typed, double-spaced, signed for Woods meetings that she was Interested in the and linuted to 250 words. .A $21,312 recording sys- Annual maIntenance WIll keepIng the dog or gIving It Longer letters wlll be edJ..ted- tern usmg digital technology cost $2,058 tha to a frIend We explaIned wa for length and ~ are will replace a less sophist!- She SaId a dIgItal system NOTICT I.'>Hf RI::BY GIVEN lhal .l PubilL A(.(.llrJL) lest for this was not poSSible, SInce subject to ~itmg for con- 11 tms was not her dog, that all cated umt in the combIned IS needed to handle the cIty Ihe Augll,1 (, 200: Stdle Pnl1l.ir) EJeUlOll \\111 OC (.Olldu(.led on tent IJlCrude a daytime courtroom and city councIl court functIOns la" efforts must be made to \Vcdnc'dJ\ Juh 2-1 2002 a, 1 00 P m /11 (he mUI1Iupal office' phonl;l number for venfica- chambers of Grosse Pomte "We need a vendor who wh locate the Qwner for a penod tIoDor questions. adc ..112002'; M.ll!.. Plat,l Gro,~c PO/l1!C Wood~ MKhIgan of seven days, ~ the dog Woods. can prOVIde and support The deadline for letters IS "The system WIllprOVIdea both a dIgital recordmg sys- oft must be turned Int'Oa-~I. 3 pm Monday the PuhlK ALLUrdL) le,t " LOndu(.tcd to demon,trale tll..1t Ihe ter where It has an opportii::- new, Improved method of tern that meets standards bel Send letters to Editor, recordIng publIc meetmgs," set forth by the state court program Jnd ulmpuler, be~ng u,cd 10 l..1hulme Ihe rc,uh~ of Ihe mty to be reumted with Its F Grosse. POInte News, 96 said LoUIse Warnke, cIty admInIstrators office, and dw eleUIOn ha' e heen prep.lred /11 JLLordanLc with the law owner If all efforts to locate Kercheval, Grosse Pomte an owner faIl, then the find- clerk "It represents a depar- also a sound system," be1 FarnIs, Mich~~36, or fax ture from the former 'tape Warnke said er of a pet can make the I Louise S. Warnke, them to (313} ~1585 recording' method to a dlgi- InstallatIOn should take I deCISionto prOVIdea perma- Letters may also be sent..e- av G P!'o 07 /I ~/2()()2 elf) III RI<-. tal recordIng method on place in SIX weeks by nent home for the pet mall to. Jmmnis@gross-e WQ compact dISCSUSIng a com- Busmess InformatIOn Later the same day, pointenews.com 1 puter." Systems of Southfield Pa He 1 Cil

~;\"-~r1~~.'1. CO-$ponsored'by:CIJJ",2012 ~/\fA~ 11 Gr.;,sse POinte News' The Connection v \& "'l Lac Ste. Clair Kiwanis Club Wednesday, August 28 6.9 p.m. from approximately 8 1/2 Mile Rd. (California Ave.) to 10 1/2 Mile Rd. (Lakeland Street) In St. Clair Shores.

Proceeds from the cruise will be donated to local children's charities inclUding Kaleidoscope Kids pediat- ric hospice program of Henry Ford Hospital and the pediatric Immunization program and serVices of Bon Secours Cottage Heailh Services. I

Look ior our Harper CrUise 2002 special pUblication In the August 22nd editIons of the Grosse Pointe News & The Connection Newspapers! We want photos of your classfc car!

Your classic automobile can be one of the mall'! atlr::t:;onsl Everyone Will be able to admIre itl The publicatIon will be In the Grosse POinte News and The Connection and will be available at the cruIse,

Please send a color photograph (not computer generated) arong With $15 and the form below. A generous donation Will be made to the Lac St. Cla:r KiwaniS ClUb for each photo printed. If you would like your photo returned, please inClude a 8elf addressed stamped envelope. Photos must be received by Friday, August 2nd. .$end.your-----photograph -with -$15 to:------Grosse Pointe N~ws 96 KerCheval ~~.::> I -=-_...._== Grosse POinte Farms ~ ; ...._ &<:oiWiCnON Michigan 48236 ~ • , • , , • , , • , Attenlion Kim Mackey (313)343-5586 • FAX 882-1585 Please PrInt Year, Make & Model of Vehicle _

Owner _ 1045 Brl/sh Street l>o:r"'li M t"IjIQ", City ------_ ,'ner f 8ru5h Gild M(~~(()A ,n Del'o't 5 h ,lor C d'Hrl~' Gre."own BODY. Original or Reproduction (pie ... Ol,ele ) PARTS - Original or Reproduction For rese'vol,o"s cot! 313 9~5 ) 24$, (P18ase (:I(cle J BH1Future July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Pistol stolen ered a black men's Huffy A five-shot 38 revolver mo~ntaIn bIke, a chrome the 200 block of Lancaster In the steerIng column was has been reported stolen boy s Razor and boy's blue PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS Grobse POinte Woods damaged and change was from a car owned by a resI- Magnum dIrt bike EVidence showed someone taken from an ash tray dent of the 2000 block of The brothers wel e stand SIgn hangIng from a year-old man who, pohce had tned to remove the - Brad Lmdberg Hollywood In Grosse Pointe released to theIr mother street pole In fue area of vehicle's CD player Woods saId, tned to flee the scene The Hurd youfu was also BeaufaIt and Jackson "1 saw two subjects run- Also that mght, someone The 42-year-old female released to the woman "(I) removed and nIng south along the front of used the same smash-and- Home invasion resident thInks the weapon because officers were unable destroyed (the Sign) Immedl- (the church>," said one of a grab method to enter a car A reSIdent 111 the 800 block was taken between July 3-8 to contact hIs mother Her atelY,'tthe officer SaId handful of officers Involved parked In the 2000 block of of Neff In the CIty of Grosse She dIdn't report the cnme telephone had been dIscon- AdvertiSing placed on city "(They) disobeyed my com- HawthornE' The owner nected POinte locked hiS back door until last week because she property VIOlates a local mand to stop They splIt up • reported mls.!>lng an Ill-dash at 7 30 a m and returned to dIdn't know the pistol was ordInance. Officers recovered a diS- radIO and CD player gone. find It ajar at 11 a m on Home break-in carded 177 BB nfle, a box of Monday, July 8 The gun was reportedly In ammunitIOn and charged On WedIlesday, July 10, at Power line fires Sandbox, plus A cell phone and an a soft-sided case, "possIbly CO-2 cartndges 3 30 pm, an 80-year-old Grosse POinte Park fire acoustic guitar were dISCOV- WIthout a tngger lock,' she Pohce said both suspects sand, theft saId. woman from Grosse POinte Units extinguished two sepa- ered mIssmg the next day Woods returned home In the rate fires last week caused are Woods reSidents who An estimated $3,000 1800 block of Broadstnnp to by faIled power lines had been drmklng worth of tools and play Bike theft ring dIScover someone had bro- On Monday, July 8 at dl.l.Orl.llllg to tests taken CljUlpment were ~tolen trom Scared alvay about an hour after the cap- III Wondenng where you're ken Into the property about 3 pm, a fallen DetrOit a garage the 1980 block of A I1ght sleeper may have ture, the 17-year-old had a mlSsmg bicycle went? A nng Pohce saId, "(The perpe- EdIson power line IgnIted a Doyle between the hours of7 scared off .!>omeone tryIng to blood alcohol lpvel of 168 of three DetrOIt Juvemles trators) entered the glass- tool shed m the 500 block of and 9 a m on Saturday, July break Into hIS home around percent, the 1S-year-old's 13 getting a head start on enclosed porch through an MIddlesex On Sunday, July midnight on Sunday, July blood alcohol level regIs- 14 street cnme may proVIde a unlocked door, then locked 14, an EdIson transformer The homeowner told tered 14 percent clue In the lower portIOn of a In the 1200 block of Grosse POInte Woods polIce A reSIdent In the 600 block The younger suspect, that the stolen Items con- of LIncoln awoke when he On the afternoon of Dutch door." Beaconsfield caught fire pohce said, w&S"not cooper- Sisted of two Trek mountain Saturday, July 13, Grosse Tlueves opened drawers thought he heard nOises atIve and denied any knowl- bikes (blue and black), a Pointe Woods police tapped and closets searchmg for commg from the first floor of Pizza man edge of a weapon' He later plastic yellow tool box, red hiS house He went down- the tno to recover three valuables They reportedly told pohce where he had sand box (Includmg ~and), bICycles and parts from a made off with an undIS- st81rs and noticed the fights back dropped the weapon whIle and a pmk play house that kItchen Window and screen fourth that had been stolen closed amount of jewelry A pIzza delivery man running away Officers had been In the yard was open and saw someone ~d stnpped on the spot, worlong In Groslle POInte reportedly also found CO-2 In hiS drIveway He then auto-style Woods fought off two pre- Van stolen cartndges In hiS pocket heard a car accelerate '!\vo of the boys, aged 10 Golf clubs A Dodge van was stolen sumably-teenage attackers Pohce suspect the paIr southbound on Lmcoln and 13, were brothers from from behmd a home m the on Stanhope near the north. shot out two floodlights Detroit below Jefferson The bound Harper alley a few gone 1600 block of Prestwlck in behInd the church See PUBLIC SAFETY, 10-year-old told police a 13- Grosse Pointe Woods dunng mInutes before mldrught on Sometime between page 13A year-old comparuon recruIt- the rught of July 7-8 The Saturday, July 13 Tuesday and Thursday, July ed them to steal bikes from van was last seen Sunday, The lS-year-old victIm Kayak voyage 9-11, a set of golf clubs In a Pointe vICttms July 7, at 7 30 p m from Warren told police the A Plymouth Voyager van gray ba% were stolen from The furee are also beIng "skInny,' short-haired WIth a Yaloman kayak on an open garage In the 2100 Investigated for an assault attackers came from the top was reported stolen from block of Stanhope m Grosse last week In Harper Woods. Park bike alley and rot him on fue the 19200 block of LInvIlle POInte Woods In that case, five youths thefts head numerous times The In Grosse POInte Woods on reportedly strong-armed a deli\. ery man reportedly Fnday, July 12, at about Van theft fails How can we be A black and blue 20-mch 445am sure our cleaning bIke from a l3-year-old threw the first attacker to Someone tned but faIled Pomte youngster Dyno Blazer BMX bIcycle the ground and fought off The vehIcle was last seen to steal a van parked In the is the best? Simple. On Saturday, July 13, was stolen last week from a the second the night before at 11 p m locked garage In the 800 1600 block of Prestwlck In We hire tlu best shortly before 4 p.m., Grosse Police saId, "The (man) The I dark blue van had block of Pemberton The Grosse Pomte Woods dunng and gIVe them the POInte Woods pollce caught had marks on hiS head bumper stickers for the U S the mght of July 7-8 owner told pohce the cnme MarIne Corps, Grosse best trainmg. the three suspects In the where he claIms he was hIt • The vehIcle's owner said area of Helen and occurred between Fnday POInte North High School Hollywood follOWing their July 12, at 6 p.m and 9 a.m. gymnastIcs and Kayak the follOWIng day Two caught tR alleged theft of a bike from a Farm '!!F $30 Wcdd, .. a. W


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~ Yf["LAOE ~ GROS-E I'l.)j\rre ~ ~ r~ ).j~!!!~~~-- Mlchl~n _.tMvillazegp.com -Information 313-886.7474 Alternate Ioation in c:ase of rain is Maire Elementa School 10A IlIhl 1A ?('\('\? Schools _ .... J .-1 -".....,- Grosse Pointe News Local teacher brings 'heaven' to students in Africa BV Jennie Miller repaIr work and Staff Writer landscapIng, and other volun- not stress enough the Impor- Sent on a humamtanan taught commUnI- teers. Ryan tance of people wIllmg to miSSIOn, former Kerby ty educators slept m volunteer It IS so Illtegral Elementary School teacher about nutritIOn, tents under I Wish I could have expen- Laura Ryan JOIned other vol- health Issues and mosquito enced thiS early on - It def. unteers to help students In r-;,nets and chlldcare •..•...... •.:~"'..... •.... InItely changes yOt. " CltU:;' throughout Kenya . P-,...:~.; . survIved on Ryan saw the --""<.~.", ~ Lookmg at a picture of a Ryan wa" gIven the Oppor- opporturuty as a .~~,. power bars, group of students she met on tumt~ by Reach the calhng ralsms and the Journey, tears welled up Children. ?n orgamlatlOn "'VI' r "I was repre- peanut but- In Ryan's eyes and she "tarted ~everal years ago by ,' .... sent>ng teachers . ter deSCribed them as "bnl- a wllege "tudent working on on thiS miSSIOn," While m lIant" a project for >'chool she said "They •• each <-Ity, Ryan saw this bnliiance The orgamzat>on proVides asked for my help , .' Ryan per- despite the poverty-stncken \\ hat It calls "a hfe-changIng For me to not go formed CIties, schools With no expenence." by ;,pndmg vol- La1URRyan 1 feared the end tasks such resources or funds and stu- unteer~ to Kenya. Uganda result I knew I a., paInting dents With decayed teeth Anrl (,h"",, H,!II:.; .:l£1d uu.u JUdlHUUJ Jb:.leU O(xtleb wuiun t bay no Come hell or (halkboards, mteractIng "I was humbled by It all." Lama Ryan shows off the llbrary she helped to hIgh water. I was With students and buIlding gOIng to get there" she said build for students in Kenya. When the children saw a lIbrary wIth over 1,000 With no desks, textbooks. their llbrary, which held over 1.000 books. they "A student at Kerby On May 23, Ryan books set out on the 20- chalkboards or paper in called It "heaven." once told me, 'You She answered questIons their classroom, the stu- hour trip from from the students and read pede to get back mSlde the Ryan referred to the expen- MichIgan to dents were still determmed school after free time" make us better readers them stones to learn ence as "hfe changIng" Amsterdam to To R)'an, who has been She taught some of the "Some of them walk mIles Smce her tnp, Ryan has and writers, but you Kenya teachmg for 12 years, books gIrls about human develop- and mIles to get to school," spent thousands of dollars Her Itenerary ment and counseled them on are a hIgh commodity At; a gettmg more books slupped also teach us to make Involved a two- Ryan saId "They wear their the tnals of beIng raped language arts teacher, she out to the children week Journey school UnIforms like prom "We were able to accom- Inspired students at Kerby She cannot WBlt to return the world a better throughout Kenya. dresses they are so great. plIsh so much In such a WIth her "Reading and to Kenya next year with makmg stops at ful Just to be able to be In a place.' I'll never forget short tIme," she sBld "1 can- Wntmg KIngdom" Reach the Cluldren schools and orphan- classroom It IS lIke a stam- It was Important to her to On her next tnp, wluch that." ages III cIties such share some of her favonte wIll be 'lcheduled around the as NairobI, Molo, stones WIth the chtldren 10 Grosse Pomte PublIc School -Laura Ryan Maasal Mara and Afnca Among the 70 System's calender, Ryan Mombasa I pounds of books, Ryan 1------.1 The organIZatIon plans on bnngIng pamt sup- brought along claSSICS such allowed each miS. phes and Journals, m addI- Volunteers 10 Reach the as "Charlotte's Web" and Dr tIon to more books sIOnary to take 70 pounds of Suess' "How Lucky You Are " Children have bUIlt schools gear "It IS a pnvelage to be able Ryan spent days In one and hbranps for Afncan vll- Selecting only the essen- to help chIldren m any way lagps. helped chIldren learn CIty constructing a hbrary that I can," Ryan said "A tial personal Items, Ryan for the school how to read, draw and Write, filled her supply bags WIth student at Kerby once told workpd With teachers to When the students In me, 'You make us better as many school books as she Kenya first glimpsed theIr develop skIlls 10 mUSIC, les- could carry to donate to the readers and wnters, but you son plans and educatIonal new hbrary, they called it also teach us to make the students In AfrIca "heaven". techniques, helped WIth "I used every Inch of those world a better place' I'll manual labor such as farm. HaVing never before seen never forget that." bags," she saId storybooks, the students and 109, pamtmg, carpentry, Travelmg With about 30 Ryan hopes to contmue theIr teachers walked teachmg at Kerby again m Students in Kenya "are so greatful just to be able through the lIbrary with as the fall to be in a clasSJ'oom- no matter what condition it much respect as they would For more information inside a church, Ryan said is in. W Lama Ryan said. about the organization, visit With U>RT9 in her eyes, www.reachtnechlldren.org

BUY ONESAN~WICH : Fred Adams award recipients get one san'dWI~ hillf-off I T 313-884-1501 The ParceUs Middle School staff nominated 14 eighth grade students to BUY TWO~DWICHES 1 F 313-884-0958 be recipients of the annual Fred Adams Award. Adams was a past Grosse Pointe Board of Education member, who had a llfetlme commitment to get the tni!:d sandwkh free I Monday-Saturdayllam-8pm education. I 17018MackAve. ""_1OJ'!,""""""'_,.....--:::=__.....__..... N.lho_oI~ond __ .. t' All nominees share qualities of scholarship, leadership and service. Access our web site @ ParceUs teachers and counselors evaluated each of the nominees and www.grossepoinlenews.com after careful consideration, honored Amanda Klim.czuk and Ellen Rewalt with the award. Grace Adams presented the 2002 winners with a plaque that reads: "They have demonstrated leadership In school and/or com- munity. emIblted concern for others. they have a Renaissance spirit and a Commitment to Education Pursuits. " From left are: Catherine Cullen, Ruvani Fonseka, Steven LaRue. Lau- rence Briski, Amav Moudgll, Ell%abeth Rabidouz:. Lamen Zedan, Caitlin Bennett, Mary Grace Adams, Amanda Klimczuk, Ellen Rewalt, Michelle Morath, Meryl Masserang, Lindsey Kurtz and Carly Adams.

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Call 1-800-WELL-NOW Bytheplece~___ a _...... 1~1oIG 69 • \,"~I< ly ~crc'TI Not anI) du th~ cally :.!5 yards, eIght lanes ChnstIan Fenton, assistant modates the phYSical educa- pools need and at least five feet deep superIntendent of the tIOn program mther, accord- Improvements, "It IS an obsolete pIece of Grosse Pomte Pubhc School mg to Bearden but the locker eqUIpment," Fenton said System It can only hold one class rooms at both hIgh The South sWim teams at a time and there IS hmlt- schools and the Board members took mto currently practIce at account the sUggestIOnS of ed access three middle Brownell Middle School's Photo by Jennie MIller parents, teachers, adminIs- "We need to expand the schools need a lot pool, where two practIces The Board of Education has proposed vast improvements trators and committee mem- opportunities for our phySI- of work as well, are necessary to accommo- to athletic fields throughout the community. The grus on bers when they fonnulated cal education curnculum," accordIng to date the ever-expandIng Pierce Middle School's field. as shown. is badly worn out. Bearden saId Bearden the hst of projects needed In team of sWimmers the commumty According to Bearden, a "They are In des- The teams compete at Bearden new pool Will offer "a wealth perate need of renovatIOn," for team members, coaches AthletIcs IS one of the Grosse Pomte North HIgh major categones that needs of opportunities for the Bearden saId Due to thIS need of high and fans School's community pool, vast Improvements In the entire community" According to Fenton, lfthe school teams to preserve The projt:!ct Involves elImi- whIch Itself no longer fulfills school system Due to space lImItatIOns, bond passes, Improvements theIr fields for competItion, nating the wall that sepa- state depth requIrements of the proposed new pool could the elementary school fields rates the two gyms at both Included on the list of pro- at least five feet wIll be made to the showers Jects IS a new pool at Grosse be bUIlt underground on and lockers, and the space are oveMlSed and worn out, schools to allow for fleXIbIli- Dunng the 2002-03 school South's campus, below the accoriling to Bearden ty, more space and the Pomte South HIgh School, year, neither North nor wIll be utIlized more appro- Varsity baseball dIamond. pnately ThiS WIll cost The proposed Improve- optIon for one large gym renovations to the pool at South S\'ilm teams we!- and accessible through the approXimately $3 mIllIon ments would replace the Industnal Arts fields with "artifiCIal grass" The final project Included buIldmg Outdoor athletIcs require ThIs would allow for multI- on the hst for athletIC The pool better facIlities as well ple teams, Incluiling soccer, Improvements IS $300,000 of wOllld cost The fields at both high lacrosse, football and field distrIct-wIde bleacher approxImately schools, all three mIddle hockey, to practIce and com- Improvements to meet safe- $4 mIllion schools and all nme elemen- pete on the fields ty standards Regardless of tary schools need approXi- All the fields In the com- Accordmg to Bearden, the passmg of mately $4 mIllIon m mumty need improvements athletics plays an .mtegral the bond Issue, Improvements m the area of dramage and role m our commumty North's pool "The faclhtIes are used IrngatlOn as well, accordIng "Athletics gIves a chIld the needs to be ren- extensIvely," Fenton saId to Fenton, to mamtain the opportunity to be a part of turf ovated in order "The fields are beat up by somethIng," Bearden saId to accommodate the end of the school year" Another goal IS to install "By comparIson In the the regulatIOns Stnce the fields were bUIlt restroom facilitIes on a num- Macomb Area Conference, and provIde a over 60 years ago, the num- ber of the frequently used no other school offers the working faCility ber of partIcipants tn out- fields throughout the com- number of athletic actiVItIes mumty for the highly door sports in Grosse Pointe that we do, yet the other competItive has quadrupled, accordIng schools have newer, bIgger swim teams, to Fenton However, the A $500,000 proiect mclud- and better faclhtIes," according to facilitIes have remamed the ed m the bond Issue IS reno- Bearden said Photo by JennIe Mdter Bearden same vatIOns to the Parcells and If the bond IS approvell on The pool at Grosse Pointe South High School has not been If passed, the So much damage IS millct- Pierce middle school gymna- September 24, long-term used for competitive purposes in over 25 years. The Board of SIUms board has pro- ~t.1 to the StadIUm fields dur- Improvements Will be made Education has proposed the construction of a new pool that Due to the layout of the posed extendmg Ing practIces that they are to the athletIc faclhtIes In meets atate regulations and can be used by the entire commu- eXistIng gyms, there IS a nity. the number of only used for competitive the dlstnct that wIll "benefit lanes m the purposes, accordIng to small amount of wall space the commumty as a whole" pool m addition along the edges of the courts accordIng to Bearden Lakeshore Optimist Club honors youth The Lakeshore OptImIst serVIng thelT fellow students ners Include Marta Acsadl, Camp to be held at Club of Grosse Pomte and theIr communIty, all in ErIC Bertelsen, AbIgail recently honored top-qUalIty addItIOn to their regular Kosorski and Lauren Safran area lugh school students at THE GROSSE POINTE duties 8S students and grad- South award WInners the.r 20th annual Youth uatIng seniors," saId Jeff mclude PlullIp Ball, Jason Appreciation Awards ACADEMY Graham of Grosse POInte Bargnes, Jennifer O'Bnen, Program at the Lochmoor Park, current preSident of Meredith Rogers and Kelene 171 Lakeshore Rd. Club in Grosse POInte the Lakeshore OptImIst Soltesz Grosse Pointe Farms Woods Club "They are to be com- Award reCIpients from The seventeen honorees mended for their dedIcatIOn ULS mclude Calvm Ford, June 17 •August 16 were nomInated by BIShop and wIllIngness to serve" Nayla KazzI, Jessica Gallagher, Grosse POInte (9 weeks) Two ot the honorees were Moorman and Lauren North High School, Grosse selected to receive $1,000 Parrott BIshop Gallagher Pointe South HIgh School, memOrIal college scholar- award winners mclude. and Umverslty Liggett shIp awards named after BrIdget Carpenter and CAMP ACfrvITIES INCLUDE School. past OptImist members Bndget Furchak Archery • Basketball • Baseball • Compass Reading • Football They were recognized for Megan Jolly from ULS theIr volunteer commit- won the 2001-'02 George • Frisbee • Golf Hiking. Kickball • Ping Pong. Rappelling ments to school and commu- Kappaz MemOrIal AD\1RIISINe • Soccer • Softball • Street Hockey Swimming. Tee Ball nity actiVItIes as well as ScholarshIp and Robert excellence m scholastics, Hammel from North won WQINCSI • Tennis • Track & Field. Volleyball athletics and the arts the 2001-'02 Bob Breadon CAll 313-882.3500 "Each of the honorees has Memonal ScholarshIp Toreserve Disploy AdvertISing ImpreSSIve acluevements m Other North award wm- space by 2 P m Fnday CAMP FEATURES Three local • Outstanding instruction I for-each sport • students win II book award A • Special demonstiations IIDJIDIDA (A 0 EMYI and lectures The Cornell Club of Music Education MichIgan, whIch IS com- GUllar, Bass. Drums, Plano. and VOIce prised of Cornell UniVerSIty All ages, styles. and levels • Overall ratio ofjust alumm from throughout Best Instructors In MIchIgan Southeastern Michigan, Down-la-Earth, Personal, FUN Approach seven campers per announced local WInners of RoseVIlle and Southfield the 2001-'02 Cornell (586) 285-2200 • 1-866-GO-4-AXIS (464-2947) staff member allows for -Menlton this A.dand r~cei~ S20 -0 ' Umverslty Book Award Local winners mclude personalized attention Mane Vervaeke, of Grosse POInte Woods and a student • Flexible Registration to at Grosse Pomte North HIgh School, JI1han A TIetJen, of accommodate your schedule Grosse POInte Fanns and a student at Grosse Pomte South HIgh School, and 00 ThIs August more than 2.600 studen15 WIllamve In Nlshant DIXIt, of Grosse $150 PER WEEK 6 or more weeks or America 10 live and study like the Typical POInte Shores and a student 00 Amencan Teen There IS a shonage of host faml- at University Liggett $190 PER WEEK 5 weeks or less hes thiS year and we need your help School ''1. ~OUJchoose the numbero/weeks The Cornell UniversIty Book Award IS gIVen to a The Grosse POinte Area has conunually demonstrated hIgh school JUnior at each to Southeast MichIgan leadershIp In Intercultural school who has demonstrat- Understanding through Exchange Student Hosting We To regIster by phone or for more infonnatlOn or brochures on ed excellence m scholarshIp, has a keen mterest In cur- need 20 more homes for these lads rent affaIrs and has con- CAN YOU HELP? tnbuted to hIS or her school If you or someone you know can help, please call today. THE BLUE STREAK and community The book awarded to the students has been wntten ALL-SPORTS CAMPS by a Cornell faculty member (313) 382-5800 or alumnus/alumnae ~ call 1.800-871-CAMP (2267) www.bluestreakcams.com July 18, 2002 12A Grosse Pointe News .~"We don't think funerals should . have to CO$tso much." . { -Price Lbtl We believe you should control the cost by selecting only services Important to you. Our General Price List. offers a full range of traditional and not so traditional services.That way you and your family can select services appropriate to your I ~ I needs and budget. When we assist an informed customer to make an intelligent deciSion,we can assure the best value In funeral service. "~ 1 We Invite you to call us to flnd out how much the services you want Will cost.

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July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 13A Memonal contnbutIOns tee to VISIt the law school, untIl hIS retirement m 1982 was also a past pres1Cient, may be made to Bethany and the overseers' commIt- Lutheran Church or to the Mr Schlegel IS survived and the Yondotega Club tee on umverslty resources by hiS brothers, DaVid Capuchin Soup KItchen, He IS survIVed by a mece, In 1991, Mr Phllhps Schlegel of IlIerklrchberg, Barbara Anne (Grant) 1760 Mt EllIott, DetrOIt, MI received the Harvard 48207 Wertemberg, Germany and Harness of BernardSVIlle, AlumnI AssocIatIOn Lorenz Schlegel of N J, and two great- Dlbtmgulshed ServIce Thuebmgen, Wertemberg, nephews, Jason Wade Award In 2000, a Harvard Germany, hIS daughter, Harness and Charles Robert College Scholarship wab HeldemarIe Mason of Harness, Jr estabhbhed In Mr Phllhps' Grosse Pomte Park, and two Mr Schureman was pre- name to prOVIde undergrad granddaughterb, Encka deceased by hiS SIster, uate financIal aId Mason of Nobelsvllle, Ind, Martha Anne Grant A member of the Country and Alexandra Hacala of A memOrIal servIce was Club of DetrOit, the Grosbe Annandale, Va held at ChrIst Church POlllte Yacht Club, the He was predeceabed by Grosse Pomte on Saturday, Yondotega Club and the hlb WIfe, Hlldagard June 29 Interment IS at John's Island Club, Mr Elbenhuth S~hlegel and two Roseland Park Cemetery m Phdltps was also a past brotherb Royal Oak Arrangements preSident of the DetrOIt A funeral servICe WIll be were made by Verheyden Club held on Saturdav. Julv 20 at FUnpTf'll Romp Gro""p tie wab governor and 12 30 p m at the Elmwood POInte Park council member of the M. Arthur July 4, 2002 Cewetery Chapel The Rev DonatIOns may be made to MIchIgan SocIety of Colomal Mr Phllhps was an hon- Ralph Brown Will conduct the DetrOIt College of Law at Arduin Sr. Wars and a member of the ors graduate of Harvard the S'lrvlce MSU-Detrolt College of Law, Grosse Pomte Farms resI- SOCIety's Flonda chapter College, Class of 1940 He Development & Alumni dent M Arthur Ardum Sr, He served three terms on sprved m the Umted States RelatIOns, 300 Law College 94, passed away on Monday, the Vestry of Chnst Church, Irene M. Kaczmarek Navy durmg World War II, Jeptha Wade BUlldmg, East LansIng, MI July 15, 2002 Grosse Pomte, and an addi- m both the AtlantIC and 48824 or the Barbara Ann Born m 1908 m Brooklyn, tIOnal four terms as senIor Schureman PaCIfic theaters After retir- Karmanos Cancer InstItute NY, the son of SImone and Irene M. warden Jeptha Wade Schureman, Ing from actIVe duty as a c/o Development, 100 E. Antomna Ardumo, Mr Kaczmarek Mr PhILlIps IS survIved by of Grosse Pomte and heutenant commander In Warren Ave DetrOIt, MI ArdUln graduated from the Grosse Pomte Shores resI- hiS WIfe of 52 years, GaIl, hIs Boynton Beach, Fla , passed the Umted States Naval 48201 DetrOIt College of Law In dent Irene M Kaczmarek, bon ELlIott Hunter Phllhps away on Tuesday, June 25, Reserve, he graduated from 1931 80, passed away at St John Jr of Los Angeles, and 2002 HospItal on Monday, July 8, Harvard Law School In He was a self-employed daughter Alexandra R. Born In 1920 m Highland 2002 1946 attorney-at-law, speclalIz10g PhIllIps of ChIcago Park, Mr Schureman served Mary Lou Stroh Born 10 Hamtramck, Mrs Mr Phllhps practiced law In CrIminal law, WIth an Memorial contnbutlOns m the UnIted States All' Longtime reSIdent of at the DetrOIt firm of HIll, office m DetrOIt Kaczmarek attended may be made to the Elhott Force dunng World War II Grosse POInte Farms Mary LeWIS (now Clark, HIll) and Mr Ardum was a member Hamtramck High School H Phllhps 1940 ScholarshIp He was a past preSIdent of Lou Stroh, 76, passed away retired as semor partner, of the Italian-AmerIcan She was a member of the Fund, Harvard Umverslty, the DetrOIt Bar AsSOCIatIOn, on Fnday, July 5, 2002 m Grosse POInte Lawyer's becommg of counsel m 1989 Lawyers Club of MIchIgan, Office of Development, 124 a 1942 DetrOit College of Longboat Key, Fla From 1973 to 1989, Mr preSIdent of the Mother and Wives and the Advocate Mt Auburn St , CambrIdge, Law graduate, trustee emer- Born In Bay CIty, Fla the PhillIps was preSIdent and Dad's Club and ch81rman of Auxlltary, and was an MA 02138, or the SIgma ItuS of the DetrOIt College of daughter of Nina and Don CEO of the DetrOltIWlndsor the Legal CommIttee, both accomplIshed seamstress Gamma FoundatIOn, PO Law, member of the Rayburn, Mrs Stroh gradu- and quIlter. Tunnel CorporatIOn of the DetrOIt Yacht Club, Box 36373, Grosse POInte AmerIcan College of TrIal ated from F10ch College in He was a long-term and established the first Mrs Kaczmarek IS sur- Farms, MI 48236 Lawyers, member of The , vived by her daughters, trustee of the DetrOIt Halfway House In DetrOIt m Hundred Club of DetrOIt For several years, she was Carolyn Kaczmarek and OrthopedIC ClImc (now the 1964 WIth Arthur DeSantis and The Thomas M Cooley a partner m a yarn and DetrOIt Institute for A volunteer at St John Kathleen Schuch, daughter- Club, a fellow of the needlepOInt shop that was m-Iaw Rosemary ChIldren) From 1970 to Anton Schlegel located 10 the Punch & Judy HospItal In DetrOIt from American Bar AsSOCIatIon, 2000, Mr PhlllIps served on Grosse Pomte Park resI- 1985 until 2002, Mr Ardum Kaczmarek, grandchildren and trustee ementus of the block Paul Fontella, Jason (JulIe) the board of the McGregor dent Anton "Tom" Schlegel, also enjoyed readmg, travel- MIchIgan Health Care A member of the Country Fund, a pnvate foundatIOn, 87, passed away on Fnday, Ing and bowling Fontella, Daniel (Jenmfer) CorporatIOn Club of DetrOIt, the Tawas Fontella, Margaret (Ronald) and as Its preSIdent for 20 May 31, 2002 He IS survIved by hIS Mr Schureman was also Beach Club and the FIeld Stebelton, EmIly Schuch years Mr Schlegel was born on daughter, Gall (RIchard) an adjunct professor of the Club at Longboat Key, Mrs and Mary (KeVin) O'Hara, He was appomted to suc- March 2, 1915 In Burkholder, his son, M. UnIVerSIty of DetrOIt Dental Stroh enjoyed golf, bndge and three great-grandchtl- cessIve terms on the Untcrklrchberg, Arthur (Penny) Arduin .Tr, School from 1953 to 1966, and gardenmg dren MichIgan Board of Wertemberg, Germany fIP three grandchIldren, Debra edItor of the DetrOit Lawyel Mrs Stroh IS survIVed by She was predeceased by Accountancy, was a longtime became a mastel gardener Lynn Closurdo, Steven Paul In 1962 and a speaker on her husband, Edward R. her husband, Chester, and trustee and chaIrman of the m 1934 and was drafted mto Burkholder and Damel medIcal malpractIce at both Stroh Jr, four chIldren, her son, Chester reglOnal chapter of the the German Army for Scott Burkholder, hIS SIS- the Umverslty of MichIgan William C McKay Jr of A funeral Mass was cele- Amen can Red Cross, was a Compulsory NatIOnal ters, Ethel ArduInO and MedIcal School and Wayne Lmcoln, Mass, Lynda brated on Saturday, July 13, trustee of The Boys ServIce for two years m LIllIan Reed, and his broth- State Umversity MedIcal McKay of Shelton, Conn, at Our Lady Star of the Sea Republic, Umted Way for 1935 ers, William Arduino and School Captam Rayburn L McKay Cathohc Church In Grosse Southeastern MIchigan, He was recalled to serve John Ardumo After World War II, Mr of Ramona, CalIf, and Po1Ote Shores Umverslty Liggett School, m the 5th RegIment FIeld Lesh e Frear of Chevy ViSItatIOn WIll be held at Schureman practIced law Arrangements .were made Church Youth Service and ArtIllery of the 5th DIVISIon Chase, Md, four grandchIl- the A H. Peters Funeral WIth the firm of HIndes & by JurkIeWICZ & WIlk the DetrOIt Area CounCil of from 1939 untIl 1944 Mr dren, Bud, MaggIe, Molly Home In Grosse POInte Matheny, which later Funeral Home 10 the Boy Scouts Schlegel was taken pnsoner and Sarah, and her SIster, Woods from 3 to 9 P m on became Schureman, Frakes, Hamtramck He was a lIfe fellow of the after hIS battery was trans- Heather R. Swanson of Thursday, July 18. Glass & Wulfmeler MemOrIal contrIbutIOns MIchIgan State Bar ferred to St Malo, France Bloomfield HIlls Mr ArduIn was prede- Mr Schurema.!l also held may be made to The FoundatIOn and the He was a pnsoner of war In Interment IS at Elmwood ceased by hIS WIfe, Mildred; membershIps at the Country Capuchm Soup Kltchen Amencan Bar FoundatIOn England until December Cemetery Memonal contn- and hIS brother, Samuel Club of Flonda, the Detroit Mr Phillips served as the 1947 butions may be sent to the ArduIno AthletIc Club, the Country preSIdent of the Harvard The Schlegel family ImmI- AlzheImer's ASSOCIatIOn, A funeral servIce wIll be Club of Detroit, where he Elliott H. Phillips Club of Eastern MIchigan, grated to m 1954 In 2010 MIzell Avenue, Wmter held on Friday, July 19 at 10 Grosse POInte Farms and and m 1992 recClved the col- 1962, they moved to Grosse a m at Bethany Lutheran Vero Beach, Fla reSident lege's distingUIshed alum- POinte Park, where Mr Church, 11475 E Outer Obituary Guidelines EllIOtt Hunter Phtlhps, 83, nus award He served on the Schlegel contInued to prac- Dnve 10 DetrOIt passed away on Thursday, Harvard overseer",' commlt- tIce hiS trade as an estate The deadline tor submlUlng obituaries Is 3 p.m. on the caretaker and gardener Monday prior to the Thursday publication. An obituary, unlike a eulogy, Is a brief, factual, biographical Public safety account of an Individual's life and Includes memo- rial/lntermenl Information. The Grosse Pointe News and The From page 9A 13, at 2'02 a m InvestIgating vandalism at a Connection provide a form for obituary Information and all Acco! dmg to mvestIga- The man was found Not for the prIvate club, whIch occurred prewrltten submissions will be edited tor conlent and news- tors, It appeared that entry slumped over the wheel, hIS sometime between 1 and paper style preferences. was not gamed mto the foot on the brake WIth the birds 530 a m on Saturday, July Please limit written obituaries to 300 words. house engme runnIng m hiS 1980 13 Youths plaYIng WIth fire- The fees are $100 for placement In the Grosse Pointe News blue Chrysler LeBaron works are believed to be the Th,e unknown suspect(s) or $50 for placement In The Connection. Only funeral homes When asked If he had been had wntten graffiti on the cause of a fire In a nest In a will be billed. Family or Individual submissions must be paid Top's off unnk1Og, the DetrOIt man pme tree m the 800 block of seventh and mnth holes on prior to publlcallon. They can be paid by check, Master Card, The cover of a 2000 saId, "Not as much as you Michaux Lane 10 Grosse the golf course and had bro- Visa or cash. Receipts are available upon request. Chrysler Sebnng convert- thInk I have" ken mto and vandahzed the POInte Shores on Color or black and While. 35 mm or high-resolution cllgltal Ible was taken whIle parked Farms pubhc safety offi- halfway house near the Wednesday, July 10 (.JPG format) pholographs may be submitted for pUblication. In a park10g lot m the 18600 cers recorded a blood alcohol mnth hole They sqUIrted The Shores pubhc safety For additional Information, call (313)343.5592. block of Mack m Grosse level of 161 percent on the ketchup and mustard on the department was able to put POInte Farms between 8 and dnver He was arrested for kitchen counters, cabmets the fire out WIth a water 10 p.m on Tuesday, July 9 drunken dnvmg and a war- and shelves and left cIga- tank shortly after the fire The top of the car was rant out of the 43rd Dlstnct rettes, cnndj baf~1 gUITl dnd WRq reported at 317 p m down while It was parked Court In Madison Heights oroken and unbroken Dot. A 1'l-vP"r_olrl vOl1th "nrl No other damagp to the car ties of lJquor outsldp the hIS par~nt were 'ad~Ised c:r was reported halfway house the Village's fireworks ordI- InvestIgators beheve the nance, calls from conc€Jmed Asleep at the Golf course unknown peroetrators broke neIghbors and that future mto the halfway house WIth use of fireworks WIll result wheel vandalized a broken rake handle whIch In a CItatIOn The Grosse Pomte Farms Grosse POInte Shores pub- was found among the Items Pubhc Safety Department IS - Bonme Caprara lIc safety officers alerted the left outsIde the bUlldmg Grosse POinte Farms Department of PublIc Safety of a 53-year-old DetrOIt man who fell asleep at the wheel on Lakeshore near Provencal on Saturday, July JeweltPp ortraits

~ Amencan Heart ... AsSOCiation. V ~'Oh!lng .... , Drt .... arld Strotl'..

It keeRS You'll Love morel11an the Way. memones it Looks! alive.

AMERICAN HEART These revolutlonaIY replocement one-pIece seomless -.aluminum clog-tree gvtte~ng systemscatch and route water ASSOCIATION but divert leaves and pine needles to !he ground MORIAlS & TRIBU "Qya(ity Senior Portraits at reasona6(e J'rices." !JI1No, an adcJ.on co"", ocreen" RepIoce y

Last week was another close at 1,373 bad week for stock .., the Barron's (July 15) quotes Dollar Averaging eighth consecutIve downer Ed Yardem, portfoho strate- The Dow Based on $100 Invested In Lennar Corp. common posted five gist for Prudential stock (LEN on NVSE) on 2nd Friday of each month SecuntJes, who pOInts out d8.1ly losses, Date Closing Shares Cumulative that the "Fed Model" (see crashlng 695 2202 Price Bought Cost MarQt LTS, June 13) now shows pOlnts, or 7 4 feel that numerous compa- that stocks are presently 24 1.11 46.52 2.149 $100.00 $99.97 percent, clos- Aug. 14 sign-ups mes wJll have to restate percent undervalued, ItS 2-8 5220 1 957 200 00 21433 mg at 8,684 The SEC has set Aug 14, theIr pnor earmngs reports steepest discount smce This loss less than four weeks down to aVOId fraud charges 3-8 57.00 1.754 3OO.QO 33f,Q2 1979-80 erased tWice the pike, as the start date Recently, the market has 4-12 5461 1831 40000 42000 Its 320-pomt But Yardem pomts out for CEOs of the 945 largest rewarded such "confesslOns" 5-10 54.60 1.831 500.00 51~ two problems mherent in U S compames to attest to by shclng 5 or 10 percent, or bounce of a By Joseph 6-14 53 40 1 872 600 00 608 44 week ago Mengden the present "Fed Model" - the accuracy and propnety morl', off that turkey's mar- thp ,ntnn'1'"'1"~~ 1 "h"l ,_ '0""\ ... -0 .., ~ .t..t." ri,.l,..t ~alul,..l 7.1? "-'\7'0 1 ~ 7(11:100 ~:1!f r J i J a )' I cf ~~1 ....u,up", n) ~"hu.",.."al which LTS forecasted earmngs num- statements (mcludlng foot- Smce no one knows whlCh Average 13 187 5308 5575 bers and the durablhty of called another "Bear Market notes) datmg back to their comparues may make such Unr8aIzed Gall ~ Trap ~ the presently low Treasury 2001 annual reports "confeSSIOns" dunng thIS Source Barron's Mengden & AssOCIates. LId The Dow's declIne was Its bond Yields Barron's further states, m peak earmngs announce- fourth largest pomt loss m Yardem IS among the pros thIS new era, CEOs will ment season (which began SIde actIVIty III the near article on dollar averaging hiStory, but only Its 53rd who behE've a techmcal rally, have to SIgn off personally thIS week), some "bottom future was March 11, 1999, as part steepest percentage dechne. or bounce, can't be far off, on the veracIty of their fishers~ of depressed stocks of a larger topIC, "DIvidend The NASDAQ Composite but he IS still scared that accounts, at the nsk of per- may defer bUYing now untIl Remvestment Plans~

Photo, b) Jason Sweeney

Above right. Misty Lee told the story City manager still juggling hats uslng Amreican Sign By Jason Sweeney wpldlempnt had been qualified and what the qual Staff Wnter Language while chil- named and Leldll'ln y, a" lficatlOns should be" dren's llbrarlan Nancy City Manager Jame;, "t1l1 hdndlmg the monp~ He said the city hope" to Muson read and showed Leldlem IS a very bUb) man "We re hoping to hdve that have a new cruef at the helm off the pictures of the thiS ,;ummer, weanng the ,>eat full by mid-August, ' hp of the FIre Department by book MNoMore Kisslng" offiCial title" of at least two ,;ald, explalnlllg that IfIter fall at the Harper Woods more posItions VlCW'; wpre "ch~duled for Unttl the pObltJonb are Summer Reading VVhen the IIarpcr Wood" thl;, v.eek filled, Leldlem Will contmue Program Wednesday. City Controller left early On top of those dutle." to Juggle the three poSitIOn;" July 10. tms year, the city cClUncl1 u'ldll'ln o~bumed the roll' of though It Isn't an unfamiliar voted to change the pObltlon lIItenlll Fm Chief v.hen bltuatlOn Leldlem served as to that of a finance director Tom Fdnner went Into mtenm Fire Chief for more Ryan DeWaele. left. did Until a replacement could be retirement In Mdrch than a year before Fanner his best to keep up with found, Leldlem shouldered LeJdlelll bald there Will be was named to the positIOn m the burden of organIZIng all the sign language. and d promotIOn from wlthm the 1997 was excited about learn- the daily ms and out!> of the department But the cntena When asked about anoth- ing a new way to com- city's money by which the new chief er new pOSitIOn, Leldlem As of the Monday, July 8 municate. should be .,elected IS cur- laughed city council meetlllg, no rently bemg argued b) the "1 received IIlformatlOn UllIon, the Clt) 's tontract from the county that said we representdtlve and other needed a head of mosqUIto ------HW Police briefs;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_pdrtreb management," Leldlelll ,;ald, 'It\ not I qUl,;tlOn of If due mostly to the threat of there dre qUdhfied candl- We;,t Nl1e ViruS Bikes taken Saturday, July 13 A second offender piled The dabhboard was bro- The Issue;, meluded peel- five cases of beer mto a datE.''' Leldlem explamed "So If you see me runnmg A senes of thefts occurred ken out and a Sony stereo "It'" a qUl',tlOll of how do you around With a net, that's mg pamt, Improper storage shoppmg cart Sunday, July was taken along With the over the weekend, concern- of property and broken gut- figun out \\ ho ." the mo;,t what I'm domg" 109 two wheeled transporta- 14, at 8 30 a m A worker, content" of thl' trunk of a ters The city mspector Will tIOn who was stockmg the cool- vehicle parked III the dn\ e contmue to make hiS rounds ers, reported the man Imme- way of a house m the 20200 The first theft occurred throughout the summer Fnday, July 12, at 6 15 P m diately to the manager, and block of Damman early This Week when a boy lbf't hiS bicycle m the staff was able to get the Sunday, July 14 When the Brew burglars license number of the car owner of the Dodge returned the front yard of his house m Wednesda), July 24: LIbrary Summer readmg pro- Two IIlcldents of larceny the thief drove to the car III the morlllng hl' the 19300 block of gr,'l11 ,It 1 p m Washtenaw When he were reported from a store found the radIO gone, and m the 19800 block of Kelly several CD~ mls,;mg from returned from eatlllg dmner, Car Trouble Note: The 6th annual Harper Woods Garden Tour the bIke was gone when men walked out With- A 2001 Jeep Cherokee was the trunk, Itb Jock had been out pnymg for their beer hn" bel'n tdntelled due to dry weather and scheduling The ;,econd InCident came stolen from a lot In the punched WIth a screwdnver conflICt-, The dub plans on geanng up for an even bet- less than an hour later, VVhen a suctomer loaded 20400 block of Beacon;,field ter tour III 2003 when a bike was taken from three 12-packs of between the hours of 9 p m Sergeant Ralph Seluaggl the backyard of a house m Coronamto a shoppmg cart and 3 a m Sunday, July 14 of the HArper Woods Polrce the 19900 block of Friday, July 12, at 10 15 The owner of the vehicle IS happy to answer que61wns Fleetwood a m Clerks followed the told pohce he gave no one about law enforcement In On Saturday, July 13 the man out of the store when permlbSlOn to use the \ehl- Harper Wuod. Send Jour CITY OF HARPER WOODS strangest of the thefts he made no attempt to pay ell' and that he IS not behmd questIOn, along WIth a pre CITY COUNCIL occurred An adult-Sized for the beer, but were unable on the payments ferred "lethod of response to 19617 HARPER bike was taken from the to see which directIOn the sel uaggl r@harpen"oodspo- HARPER WOODS, MI 48225 man had fled garage of a house In the • ltce org 19600 block of Van Antwerp, PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE but a child's bike was left III Illlll) rj !"tlllhtHl~r\\IJ {ll\{ n 1\~IIIr.t.1 Il[l J Its place '111 \ I~ 011 1""I0Plll n(h\tun rllBllJIl (1\ Police said they do not I It H r-...rHf'tr\\);J .. \.tl ...llln4 .... "llrlb, believe the mCldents are I I t II J nr.Jl fl J rt."1.I~ I I 'r I rl (. I ~IH I I III. H IfIlU.tl1 If klllilh. ~u~J \1 I related, but adVise reSidents to secur~ their bikes at all 11..l' l t-ll I lh If ll'ltl I Il II tImes >"

(t\ fL.u~x r \\ Mickey D Todd, ,\ Ordinance (, ,(, ~ crackdown Homes on Washtenaw, Hunt Club and WoodSide I ~ /> ~ were Issued citations for 1/ de ~/IY/!~'1 Improper or unSightly condi- .;/;/~/1/(' £~':I'" tIOn,; on their property ,~',j/~/uleona/ e//'Ze~:?"Jf"

Sonlething Specials Leese 1JoI~ GIA Dlocount • happening GMS $586;mo. DonGookrf DlscounlUvr $10,480 ~;' $ inHW? 646;mo. $44,155 Price For36~ 12.0:::0 rT"ot&:.P«W )'eOl'Pu;I(:D:9f,. tll1a.lIcenI& regIiItrC.IftonO"'ld Sat. $37,924 0QlJ fee 9J:fta.""Ut be 0 CUTentCocax ~t\ ... GM ptOQl'a"ns cJ"o"IQe wtthOo:Jt rlOtlCe P.aase C"0Il to c.....-.fVm Pl'ctlg k:JtGMFornIya:~Memben M..IS1'be C~I¥ (."Y1fto Know of NATIONAL CITY ~ PRIVATE CLIENT GROUP someone I~ \ PROUD SPONSOR OF THE ALEXANDER ZONJIC who & I-RIENDS ~UMMER CONCERT EVENT

deserves Specials Lease WFONF~OAY, JULY 24, AT 7 ~o PM ON THE GROlJ"'[)~ Ot THt GROSSE POINTE WAR MEMORIAL recogni tion? GMS $465;mo. $34,988 \\ 1"1\.n II l )mN to VfllH tinanollitl plan or It\Vt5rmcn( portfoliO )Oll Non $5J8. Lf):5 GM Imo. $36,818 d 1f r ~ ~\ C ICl compromhc "'J.oUJOn.l1 l Pnv;1:te Cllem Croup F1)J~Morir\t l,}OJ)n"lIe$,* YE'Ol Pukrteill'te 1CeI"M t~or'Id~ Call GPN r... rtra Mul1beOCU'll;lf"'lCo'1llo..~I\.'" GMPf()grO"nS~~ rro\ Ju Ihe ::-.est oj hOlh world! In our mduslry - Ind~pCnd('nt F()(36Mortths..12COOrnte1P8l'V'9O'P\..e;~9\~ ~~ PKJC"<1'l1()l"1(Y'1(i W nof\C& PIeouI coI10 ~m pttl)Q OQ,J r$l!l' 1r(11'0 Must be 0 CU1eor1fCOOle); Qwr.eIItMge GV ro'ogtv'n\I c~ JXfol; )n~1 7~ j c;.11ur t')m ;lnd scr\lce comh nC'.Jb!ect to priot SOl9 ,., ,&bates 10 """"" BRUIC @ THROUGH Prlcw>o lUblOC' te char'ogo wiI'>cut net",. 16A July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News

Photo by Buh SII/ (/

, .. ,• , .,

I I, To Franco Nonahal, kitchens arc more than Just a place to cook a meal "Kitchens are as unique as the people who use them," said Franco "They are the petfect spots for busy parents to Sit together over a cup of coffee and talk about what happened dunng the day. For gourmets, kitchens are the place to express theIr creativity. For the adventurous, they can be a way ro take a virtual trip to the south of France or the Tuscan country- side by preparmg and enJoYlflg a new cuisme "

A.ccordmg to Franco, for the past 7 years hl~ goal has been to help Kitchen Studio's clIents turn thelr kltchens Into theIr own pnvate havens. Franco ~tudled at the University of Florence School of ArchItecture m Italy, After movmg to Amenca m 1988, he began workmg at Kitchen Studio as a draft~man In 199'5, he bought the company. Why did Fr

Franco said Kitchen Studio SpeClJlt7es In creating customlZcd deSigns "A lot of people come to our showroom holdlllg J bluepnnt that was created for ~omeone else," saId Franco. "Why settle for a kitchen deSigned for another person \\hen you can have one customIZed ro SUityour own needs;>" When It come\ to deSign, Nonahal saId he advI~e~hiS chents to let theIr Imagmatlons run Wild. "We've created Cothlc kltchem, hench wuntr), deSIgns, Shaker-style rooms and the latest hlgh- tech contemporary rlam," ~

There are nearly a do/en dlffercnt destgns fe:nured In Kitchen Studio's Birmmgham showroom,

from Arts and Crafts [(J Venetian Cothlc "We do a true architectural rendenng for our clients It's not somethmg a computer can come up With We do everyone, kitchen on an Indl\ Idual baSIS,"saId Franco "When cltents come m for the

first time, the first thmg we do 1\ t

desIgn cabinets WIth spenal tlmshes, valances, LUfoUtS,Lolumm or arches If you'd lIke we r'm even !.-1n!.: your f:lmd; motro or crest on you, Wt.IIIC:l~ " What are the hotte~l lrend~ III kitchen deSIgn today' "With contemporary kitchens, we are mll1g unexpected colors, hke auhergll1c hIgh glo~\ or C\en ITlmtard yellow Wl are also deslgnmg a lot of cabllletry With • black glazes or crackle finJ~hes. \Xllth translllondl ~ryle~,hke Am and Crahs. we mc a Jot of nft-wt ll.lk," \ald rrlgner~SOCIetyof Amenca Kitchen Studio IS also an award-wlllnlllg firm, eafl1111gSub-I.ero\ pre~t1glOm DC'Ign (Olllpt tllIon A"ard light, c,m 1Il.l row Franco was a\ked what he thought dmll1gUl~hed Kitchen Studio from It~colllfK ll1or\

"We put a prenllum on provldlIlg Impeccable serVice, u~lllg produu~ that arc '>UfKnor 111 tjuahn lIld cn:a1Jng Luttlllg-edge kitchen deSigns," he saId "ror some companies, service ISa 9-) aHal i At Kitchen Studio, }ou wdl alwa} ~gct uncomproml>ll1g, dedlc,Hcd, bend-over backwards ~ervlce "

Kitchen Studio has a team of 2) With 6 art hIteet, on staff who wd1 hd p LrLHt '011 r ne\\ kill hen III YOUr hou\t

Franco saId he meer~ with cven lhcnl "ho walb III Kitchen ~tudio's dO(lr~.lIlt! "ork\ wllh rhull to dlOml thl b"t dt'>lgn for theIr horne and famdv

Franco ha~ a unique skdl He can ~k<.tchup\lcle down, gl\'l11g hl~ ChUH~ ,1 tlr,>rlook .lr tht \r I1tWk1tchlll\ III .l matter ot 11llf1ute~ ,

"I can qUIckly help Vall pu t ,our Idea, ,lilt! m I11C down on fl.lPU, ht \,lId '\Ve [t nOl '>,llI'itlld un t11\ Oil .Ht \,1l1,fJed W'e'll work With you un 111you 're ~ure we've created the home \ ou H d\\ 1\ \ hl.111 ,I "t Section B (ii~ ...... , ,F• ... '7 • II 7

R day under the water By Jason Sweeney whIch sank m 1908 Staff Writer It's a more than common response m "It's a great dIve," Thomas saId of St Clalr Shores or the Pomtes to sav the North Star. "There are a lot of :~-:.p: :=.p h::;:-~ th:::.t :lrc 3t.l.U U.1 Jt;:i:lH'y you spent your day on the water or good condItIOn." around boats, but bemg able to boast Donato, one of the first wave of that the boat you were on SIts beneath divers off Port Samlac who found 40 to 100 feet of water makes for a story worth tellmg. many of the wrecks now frequented by the charters, saId that he'd been to see The last, and most forblddmg fron- the North Star at least 50 tImes, and tier, the depths of lakes and oceans are knows the boat by heart, but that 10 some ways less accessible than the every trip down, "You stIll see some- moon to humans, but the opportunity thing new" to explore and wander around the One of the newer changes, though remams of shIps sunk throughout the not necessarily for the better, he said early 1900s IS what began bemg Anne. The 30-some foot long and 14- was the prevalence of zebra mussels offered closer than you rmght thmk. foot wide boat IS deSIgned to carry up Although the Invaders have started to Advanced Aquatics, on Jefferson to 12 dtvers and theIr gear every time cover the wrecks even at deeper south of 10 Mile, is owned by Jill and it leaves port depths, "It's the greatest," Donato Said MIke Wrubel of Grosse Pointe Woods The trip to the bottom this day was ofdlVlng. The shop began setting up these char- made by f(mr expertenced dIvers "You can Just go down there and ters for dIvers of any skill level to go includtng Skippy Thomas, one of the blow bubbles," he explameld. "It's a and explore the hvmg pages of history dIve shop's instructors from 8t ClaIr tremendous way to reheve stress and left or. the bottom of the Port Sanilac Shores, and Andy Donato, a graduate have some fun." PholoB By Jason. Sweeney Artwork by Pat Sayer Divers from St. Clair Shores. The Polntes and the ShIpwreck Preserve, with the help of ofthe Class of 1975 from Grosse Pomte Armed WIth tanks of breathable aIr rest of Southeast Michigan left Captain Gary Captam Gary Venet North. or altered blends of oxygen and mtro- Venet's boat to make the 91 foot journey to the A dnve up I-94 and a scentc tnp Nmety-one feet below the dIVIng gen, weights to pull them deep enough, along M.25 lands adventurers In Port platform on thp back of Venet's boat prow of the North Star, ODeof several wreck dives Samlac, where Venet pilots the SylVIa waIted the North Star, a sallmg vessel See DIVE, Page 2B offered by the local charters at Advanced Aquatics.

,I •


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THRU FRJ.10 - 6, THURS, TILL 8, SAT. 10. 5:30, SUNDAY 12 - 4 313-884-2991 17670 Mack Avenue at University, Grosse Pointe City July 18, 2002 28 Community Grosse Pointe News Dive- _ Christ Church GP From Page lB On the boat nde back m to wet SUitS or dry sUits, harbor, the divers exchange welcomes new rector "norkels, hght,;" large fin~ to tIp/' on how to keep masks propel them along and a from leaking or how to store The Rev Bradford G buoyancy compensator, an their gear and Donato Whitaker WIll beg1n hiS mm- lIl11atable air bladder, to showed Stewart how to Istr) ab rector of ChrIst level them off and bnng ~phce ropel, back on them- Church GrObse POInte on them back to the l,urface, selve~, a bkIlI that he bald Sunday, July 21 A receptIOn Thomas, Donato and the ha" come In handy dunng and mformal brunch Will be other dlverl, leapt from the hI~ year" of dlvmg held after the 1015 am back of the boat to dlbappear Thl? group all agreed that \\ or,hlp ::.ervlce that day mto the waters of Lake part of the reabon they dIve Whitaker, 41, ha~ been Huron Il, the people they meet rector of Chnst Church In The ....reeks that Venet "Divers are a great Newton, N J, bmce 1997 and hlb crew allow divers to group," Donato said, "almost He IS a native of Atlanta and experience are generally In across the board they're a graduate of Young HarrIS '1 " ~ bUUU ':'UUpl.-, aHU"JHf:) loUt;: 11It:JlUIY, dUO IldVe d bhared Cutil"gt:, L.-!U.. U.lU" ....1 ':)Jt) vf adventurer to sWim mto enthUSIasm for the sport Georgia and the General cargo holds, l,tand at the and what they can all go to TheologIcal Semlllary III helm of a 10ng-bInce-seawor- see together" New York City th) captalll's wheel, or trace Venet S81d that whIle he He served as asslbtant the outlme of a fallen mast gets to play "taxI dnver" for rector of Holy Innocents' III 10 the sedIment at the bot- all the divers, he doesn't Atlanta and St Peter's m tom of the lake mInd the job too much Republican Women Rome, Ga , and as director of Rev. Bradford G. WhIle the North Star IS He's had more than 80 Cheryl Cosuntino of Harper Woods, at the youth mIllIstry at St Whitaker conSidered an advanced IndIVIdual dIVers and u lot of Bartholomew's In Atlanta right, was recently installed as president of the eager to combllle my VlSlOn dIVe, there are opportumtIes repeat customers on hiS boat Republican Women's Club of Grosse Pointe by "We move to Grosse POlllte WIth great excite- for Chnst Church WIth the for people who have been smce the charters began Mary Abel. center, president of the Federation of dlvmg for their entIre lIves shortly after Memonal Day ment," Whitaker saId present VISIon of Its lay lead- Republican Womenin Michigan. n or for only a few weeks weekend "ChTist Chunh IS an out- ership and staff Thomas and MIke Wrubel, "You know they're enjoy- At the left is Marti Miller of Grosse Pointe standlllg parIsh WIth a WhItaker's WIfe, Harnett, who help dIvers plan their mg the dive, and I get my Woods.past president. church-WIde reputatIOn It is a teacher They have three trammg and certIficatIOn, chances to dive when we're has Its challenges and areas chIldren, Sarah, 9; Robert, 5, explamed that people are tagg1ng new sItes or dOIng a where gI owth can occur I'm and Henry Caleb, 1 only two weekends away larger group of dIvers" from explOrIng the sunken MIke Wrubel, who was treasures m the lakes of back at the shop deahng Babies MIchigan WIth the upkeep of aIr com- Too bad for "You spend a weekend m preSbors and the day-to-day Aidan Joseph the late IgnatIUS LUjan and the classroom and m the busmess of keeping dIvers Kelko LUjan of Monterey, pool, learmng how to use all well eqUIpped, Said "The Callahan Calif 'Men In Black II' the eqUIpment that you'll charters are a great addition Great-grandmother IS Ann and Bnan Callahan By Christine Budai Takmg place once agam need to start dlvmg comfort- to the expenence of divlllg In of ChIcago are the parents of Olga C Eckel of Grosse SpeCial Wnter 10 New York CIty, the ably," Venet explamed, "and thiS area" a son, Aldan Joseph POInte Woods PullIng mover $54 mll- movie bnngs back the • another weekend actually Wrubel said that the fliers Callahan, born June 25, hon over the Fourth of retired agents Kay to • usmg those skIlls to become for dIVIng m Aruba and 2002 Maternal grand par Frank Edward July weekend and settmg aSSIst Jay m savmg plan. comfortable underwater" other locatIons don't gIve ents are the late Richard a new record III the Nearly 40 mmutes later, MIchIgan Its due some Valice et Earth from an evIl, and Paul Eckel and Mar) process, the "Men In the divers resurface, With times "There are some real- Robert and Jenmfer scandalously dressed Margaret Eckel of Grosse Black" are back, but not stones of what they've see.) ly great dIves oply an hour Vahce of Grosse Pomte Lara Flynn Boyle POlllte Park Paternal for long and how their Journey there or so away" Farms are the parents of a WIth a plot followmg grandparents are Donna Directed once agaIn by and back went Thomas agreed, saymg son, Frank Edward Vallce, closely to that of the first SullIvan of South Boston Benny Sonnenfeld, "Men One of the other divers, that hIS favonte place to born July 1, 2002 MIB mOVIe, MIB II leaves and Jack Callahan of Mesa, In Black II," a hghtheart- Deb Stewart, was on her dIve IS III MIchIgan, because Maternal grandparents audIences WIthout any. Anz Great-grandmother Ib ed sCIence-fictIOn mOVIe, 40th dive, and was thnlled It IS hiS home water are Sara J T:tdenngton of thmg new, and lacks the Olga C Eckel of Grosse set a new sales record for - to have been able to see a For more Illformatlon on Grosse POlllte Woods and witty humor expected POInte Woods the holiday weekend, and , wreck hke the North Star the Hec & Tec dIve charters, Robert H T:tdenngton III of from Smith's once fresh all In a surpnsmgly short "It was an incredible shIp certificatIOn, or diVIng m Sag1naw character Christopher duratIOn of tIme to dIve," she said "There Ib a general, contact Advanced Paternal grandparents Now a seasoned and The sequel to the 1997 lot to see and a lot to Aquatics at (586) 779-8777 Ignatius Lujan are Dr and Mrs Robert J respected agent, SmIth "Men In Black" IS only . explore" Margaret and DaVid Vallce of Grosse Pomte and hIS character come about 80 mmutes long, LUjan of Grosse POInte Shoreb across bItter After hIS showmg that saving the Survey rates priorities of drivers Farms are the parents of a Great-grandparents are recent success WIth "A1i," world IS all III a day's son, Chnstopher Ignatius Charles and Jean Elhott of Smith acts as Ifhe is now Poor pavement condItIOns tlOn, to pnontlze Improve- work for ,>eeret govern- to Grosse POInte Fanns, Irene above the PG-13 role, and and bad transit were the two ment,;, and help determme LUjan, born March 20, 2002 ment agents Jay (Will aspects of Southeast how future expendItures Maternal grandparents arl? KerZlllia of Chnton fails to dehght VIewers SmIth) and Kay (Tommy who after the ong1nal MIchIgan's transportatIOn should be made" the late RIchard Paul Eckel TownshIp, Robert and Lee Jones) MIB were expectmg rus Isystem, accordmg to a Respondents were asked and Mary Marl5aret Eckel of Charlotte Tldenngton of A lIghthearted SCIence- hIgh-energy and street- recent survey to allocate a total of $100 Grosse Pomte Park Sag1naw and Don and fiction comedy, MIB II ha.; 'imart humor In a SCientific telephone among 10 Improvements Paternal grandparent,;, are LIlhan J asmskI of Saglllaw followed III the footsteps SmIth's stage presence survey of 1,715 people wlth- Mamtammg pavement of so many sequels, and was even outdone by that in the southeast regIOn of and ImprOVing road safety may have left lovers of the of acting rookIe Johnny MichIgan, the overall trans- were the top two pnorltles, Classical Music League to meet first film heartbroken KnOXVIlle, the do-a ny- portatlOn system was g1Ven followed by Improvmg pubhc thmg MTV star who made only moderate ratmgs tranSIt and addlllg to eXIst. Members of the Grosse War Memonal Pointe Classlcal MUSIC Although It brought hiS first bIg-screen debut SEMCOG, a regIOnal mg lanes and fixlllg closed back to memory many of planmng partnership of gov- and restrIcted bndges League and their guests WIll The cost IS $25 To make a the fond moments and As With most sequels, ernmens workmg wIthm the "Data from the telephone gather at a luncheon at reservatIOn, send a check characters of the first MIB II could not bve up to seven-county regIOn, con- survey WIll help us develop 12 30 p m Thursday, July payable to GPCML to Salad mOVIe, vIewers were left the expectatIOns set by ItS ducted the survey tlle 2030 regIOnal 25, at a Grosse Pomte Luncheon, 2 FaIr Lake WIth an expenence hke a predecessor However, Accordmg to SEMCOG, TransportatIOn Plan for Shores home The hostel,ses Lane, Grosse Pomte Shores, hIgh school reumon, WIth what IS even more clear IS "the survey was deSIgned to Southeast MIchigan," saId WIll be Jeannette Szulec and 48236 the second tIme around a that MIB II dId not even ascertain the general popu- Carmme Palombo, Dlf('ctor Nancy Mtlewskl Proceeds walk down memory lane, attempt to do so latIOn's level of satIsfactIOn of TransportatIon Programs will be used for a Chnstmas For'more lllformatIOn, call but Just not as good as the One can only hope that With the reg1on's transporta- at SEMCOG concert at the Grosse POInte (313) 886-5160 first tIme around hke a senes such as "The Adventures of IndIana Jones," the best will be E. 6'" Q saved for last Perhaps MIB III (should there be one) will Make Bucks use MIB II as a bndge BIG between the first films goodness and tbe thIrd's AUCT!(ll\l' ",ff.aP'1nn n .."'...... "...... " be10ntnng tn th,.. Ff::t:d.p of Maunee Reld, Atlas Ml nUmfl'rrmA oth~r Pf\t.At,p~811d for your group! greatne"" ~-nvate -";'(I.;ct;;~~~p~;~t;;;~~b; Fr';.nz A. BIschoff (four In sale), Alfred Augustus Glendemn!! Rodenek D MackenZIe Carl Ml1Jner, Emile Bernard, ~rancolS Van ~verdonck, Leon UeLachawc, George Gardner Symons and many more graphICS by Albrecht Durer LUIgi RoSSinI Kerr; Hallam, LoUIS leart and many lI'ore furmture mcludlng a P"ter Glass 1m top "ork table and 19th and 20th century Engh.h, Amencan and Onental examples a collectIOn of 19th century western outlaw and other photographIC Images, a large collectIOnof clocks sterling and sllverplate glass. art pottery Cartier and other dIamond Jewelry. Paul H Garden book Oelrnanl.horographs, NatIve Amencan carpets and baskets. a collectlOn of weapons, dolls, a large collection of duck ecoys, Onental carpets and much more. • signing to be PREVIEW AUCTION Thursda}. July 25th -1\'oon to 8 PM Tuesday, ,July 10th -I) PM July 27 Fnddy, July 26th Noon to 8 PM Wedne,dd}, ,Juh lIst - 6 PM Monday, July 29th lOA M to 5 PM A new book, "Pubbc Gardens of Michigan," con- tams mfonnatlOn and pho- tographs of 34 public gar- dens Author Mlnam Easton Rutz, professor ementus of Iandscape architecture at l\ihchlgan State UllIverslty, WIll be on hand to SIgn books and meet guests from 10 a m to noon Saturday, July 27, at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House ActIVIties Center

601 JA'On 'OE-t ...... dlll n: (F~nch 1S,1).C19191 -rhe Frog Hunwr 196 I.. toe 19th ~ntuT) Peter Glut odonboalrd 1ll1rnedlr (; 3I4-I[9-l.I2'" hfl..-Lop ...ork ~ble 28 112'11 Narrated audIOtape tours of the gardens and grounds IIIu'itrated catalogues $20, $25 postpaId, $30 foreIgn of the Ford House w1l1 be free on that day WIth the 420Enterprise Court purchase of a grounds Bloomfield Hills, MY48302 admlsblOn for $3 (248)332.3528 • (248)3,'12-6370 Fax Full Catalogue At: www.boosgallery.com The book uncovers the hl"tOry, pohtlc,; and legacy of Now DrceptJnR COl)f!I~mcnt.A ror future lIIIlales Free ftlJctlon ellltlmBl.c'~ ~onday and c;(jme Saturdays by sppolnlment Mlchl~an's public gardens PlNOnal propt'rt> apprDlo;"a~s for all purp08C:8 The Ford House I'; on Pn{'('d nouoq.(' sal('q Lake.;hor(' between Vermer ~()W AC'"C'CpllTl.~ma~t mAjOr CTNht c~rd", The Gallery ll'l currently purchall;mg p~lal(' ... and collections i1nd Nllle MIle m Grosse Pn\at ....IrflatH''''l mR.) t)(' arranj.,cd Pomte Shore.; July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News CommuriitX 38

Pride of the Pointes •$ Nicholas A. DiLoreto, named to the dean's hst dur- Nowinski and Christian Allemon, Lauren Blatt, son of Robert and Susan Ing the past term at M. Auty recently graduated Benjamin Fong, James DILoreto of Grosse Pomte Madonna Umverslty from Boston College WIth Hartley, Patrick Farms and Kayhan N. • bachelor of arts degrees Konsake, Christopher Kashef, daughter of Zahra Jennifer M. Jensen of Nowlnslu graduated summa Moy, Dominic A. Paluzzi, Khademlan and Mlnuchehr Grosse Pomte Woods gradu- cum laude Brian Jerome Powers and Kashef of the CIty of Grosse ated from Madonna • Maureen Redinger, all of POInte, were named to the Unlver!>lty WIth a degree III Nicole Renee Seleno of the CIty of Gros!>e Pomte, dean's hst at Bucknell nursing the CIty of Grosse POInte Najahia Chinchilla and Umver!>lty • was named to the dean's hst Rolland Vortriede. both of • Grosse Pomters named to at Colorado State Grosse Pomte Park, and Western MIchIgan the dean's hst at Grand Umverslty Spe IS a student Theresa Luttenberger, Umverslty's dean's hst for Valley State Unlver!>lty m the College of Vetennary Joan Orlando, Angeline the winter term mcluded Included Rebecca Medlcme and BiOmedIcal Raczkiewicz and David Grosse Pomter Erin T. Cadaret, Alyssa SCIences LefStewart, all of Grosse Walsh Walsh s parents are l'elgelson, Anne Johnson, POlte Woods MIchael and Kathryn Michael Schuster, • • I Walsh Jennifer Stephens, Julie Named to the spnng term Juliet Mazer-Schmidt Upmeyer and Mark dean's hst at the Umverslty was named to the dean's hst Zurschmiede. of DetrOIt Mercy are' Evelin at Villanova Umverslty. She Bridget J. Duzzie, • Kay Johnson and completed her freshman daughter of VIVIan M Grosse POInter!> Brianne Elizabeth Ann year With a tnple major in Simmonds, both of Grosse Photo by Scott BBln Caputo, formerly of Grosse K. Nadeau, Matthew J. the honor's program, POInte Farms, Kimberly POinte Woods, was named to English and Spanish. She TV5 interview the dean's list at Western was named to the National MIchIgan Umversity She IS Gubernatorial candidate Dick Posthumua, at SocIety of Collegiate a sophomore, maJonng m Scholars and was awarded the right, pauses for a picture with Kermit Pot. busmess ter, operations manager of the Grosse Pointe War • the Robert Russell, OSA, Memorial's Cable Channel. WMTV5. after a tap- Augustme Writing Award M for her essay, "The Pursuit ing of MThe Legal Insider . The episode will air Elizabeth L. Dowers of of the DIVIne in Augustine's on Monday, July 22 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. the CIty of Grosse POInte ConfeSSIOns" She IS the was accepted m the daughter of Kenneth and NatIOnal SocIety of Juhet Mazer-Schmidt Sr. of CollegIate Scholars at Grosse Pomte Farms Stratford's second Henry VI Loyola Umverslty The NSCS recognIzes first and • play is vicious, well done second year undergraduate students who excel academi- Sarah Kingsley of By Alex Suczek help from her former coun- cally Grosse Pomte Park, a Junior Special Wnter tryman, KIng Charles • at Western MIchIgan In thIS summer's second As the future RIchard III, Umverslty, earned a College of the Stratford FestIval's Haysam Kadn exlublts .all Matthew Kellett, son of of Arts and Sciences two productIOns that con- the subverSIve quahbes DaVid and Knstlna Kellett Undergraduate Research dense the three plays about that antIcIpate hIS charac- of Grosse Pumte Woods, was and Creative ActiVIties England's Kmg Henry VI, ter's later role as KIng He named to the dean's hst at Award for her research on the lost lands m France IS conniVing, Ingrabatmg Michigan State Umverslty the effectIveness of b~hav- become a minor Issue. The and deceptIve as he shows He WIll begin hiS JUnior year IOral actIvatIon m the treat- the Wars of The Roses he is concealing hiS true in the fall and IS maJonng m ment of patIents WIth co- between the houses of ambItions willIe his com- buddmg construction man- morbId depressive disorder Lancaster and York reach a petitors, In the persons of agement and post-traumatic stress fever pitch ills brothers and COUSInS, • disorder FIgures from the first ehmmate each other Every Med School grads Grosse POInte reSIdents • Installment, MRevenge m move of hIS lame leg and Emily Stella Konieczki, Three Grosse Pointe South graduates recently France," are now at each hunched back gIVea SIlent Central Michigan Kathleen A. Wagner, graduated together from the University of Michi- others' throats on their testimony to hIS arch 31ms Umverslty's spnng semester Sandra Lynn Linebaugh, gan Medical School. From left. are Brad Dunlap. home-ground m a power It helps, of course, that the honors hst mcludes Grosse Benjamin L. Bomgaars, Anna Manion Booher and Andrew Drescher. Dun- struggle to the death audIence knows m advance POInters Harold J. Ford, Rebecca L. Buckman, lap began a residency in orthopedic surgery at Jill Dehayes, Andrea Tills segment IS called where he IS headed. Katherine J. Daudlin, Northwestern University. Booher began a resi- Elich, Christa Kreger, "Revolt m England" Other members of the Rachel E. Knitter, dency in Internal medicine at the Uill.eiDity of Christine Kujawski and If the mtngues of the family, no less devIOUS, Michigan, and Dreacher began, a residency in first mstallment were ruth- change Sides more than Constance Mary Monique Brideau; and Leannais, Lindsay otolaryngology at Washington University. Harper Woods reSIdents less. they now become once as the tIdes- of battle Kimberly BruB and Vicious, even satamc, and ebb and flow until the chaos Alexander Simmon and England IS reduced to of contmUlng ('Ivd war Christina Viviani were Annmarie Fortunate. chaos But m an mterest- seems to make England mg tWIst, thIS play opens bleed with a fogged mirror Image In a superb speCIal effect, of the nobles' competItIOn a monstrous figure of death Elect Edw-ard .J. for the throne ~ppears hIgh on the stage As a rabble-rouser named platform, bnnglllg a pall of Jack Cade (a genume hIS- doom to the scene and sym- tone figure), Jonathan Goad Gaffney bolIZing the horror of the recreates a chansmatIc Armageddon It IS a com- State Representative demagogue seeking to lead pelhng moment Ifi the play www cdgaffne) 2002 com a revolt that Will make illm Faced WIth opposmg kmg Far-fetched as hiS Dukes as hIS captors, Access our web site @ campaign IS, he cuts a flam- Andrew Alexander Dodd m www.grossepointenews.com boyant figure as he leads a the role of the young Pnnce mob to London and bnefly Edward delIvers an Impres- captures everyone's imagi- sIve performance for hIS nation youthful 12 years H~s bear- Goad bnngs a rugged II1g and manner express the vltahty and feel of the resolve that the young Ehzabethan commcm man pnnce must have been to the part Then another taught by hIS mother Queen ('f the competmg Dukes Margaret, as he defies hIS puts a stop to ills dlverolOn captors boldly, to a pomt and bnngs back the real that dnves them to kIll illm competItIon m a fury Richard, Duke of York That the FestIval can put and ills ally, the Earl of a youth on the stage to gIVe Warwick, defeat Henry's such a fine and movmg per- army In a pItched battle formance IS a major Ulhere ~ncthc: ;i".al rela.- achlevpmpnt In ,t"p]f bve, the Duke of Somerset, It IS an achIevement, too, is killed that the Festival has the When York forces Henry artistIC strength and to name hIS son as heIr to resources to mount thIS hls- the throne, Queen Margaret tonc play WIth such convIc- nses to her most forceful tIOn and clanty Agam, as In character In defense of her the first part, the hnes are and the KIng's son, Pnnce delivered "'Ith remarkable Edward, she raises an army c1anty and the roles rehved of her own and defeats and WIth hIgh reahsm kdls York In turn, she IS It IS a remarkable oppor- defeated by York's three tUnity to rehve one of survIVIng sons, Edward, England's most bltter and George and the RIchard fascInatmg pen ods of hIsto- who eventually becomes ry as Interpreted by Its RIchard III greate'lt dramatic gem us Seana McKenna m the "Henry VI, Revolt In role of Margaret IS a England," IS presented In snarhng honess as she repertory at the Tom fights for the nghts of her Patterson Theater In cub to mhent the throne Stratford, Ontano, through Defeated In England, she Sept 28 Call (800) 567- goes to France to ask for 1600


July 18, 2002 48 En~ements Grosse POinte News

the engagement of theIr Meyer earned a bachelor's daughter, Heather degree In electncal engI- Buchanan, to Joseph neering technology from Rauchflelsh, son of Wayne State Umverslty He Frederick and Dolores IS semor prOject manager Rauchflelsh of Clinton WIth Fanuc Robotics TownshIp A September 200J wedding IS planned Buchanan IS a regIstered Wrosch- nurse at St Jo&eph's Mercy Macomb Hospital Rauchflel&h 1&a firefight- Richards er and paramedIc WIth the Robert and Dorothy Shelby Town&hlp FIre Wrosch of Grosse POinte Department Farms have announced the engagement of theIr daugh- Kicbard Meyer ano t,,;) '1"'1",.~j,J' ~~.:A.u.": ~V~Gs~h,t:::; JaaOD Richardll &U&d Tina ToJek Jason RIchards, son of Jon Wendy Marie Wrosch Tojek- MIchael and Mary RIchards Grosse POinte Farms An Thacher Bartlett In Palo of Ann Arbor An August August weddIng IS planned Alto, Calif 2003 wedding IS planned Meyer TOjek earned a bachelor's RIchards earned a bache- degree In psychology and a Wrosch earned a bachelor Piana- Christine Cornwell and lor of arts degree In psychol- master's degree In cllmcal of arts degree from the Henry 'lbjek of EastpOinte Umverslty of MIchigan and ogy from Demson Umverslty have announced the engage- psychology, both from Wayne State Umverslty She a J D degree from the and IS a graduate student Schena ment of theIr daughter, Tina Umverslty of VIrgIma studymg Industnal organi- Tojek, to RIchard Meyer, son IS completIng a Ph D In c1m- John and Kns PIana of School of Law She IS an zational psychology at San of Lynn and JanIce Meyer of Ical psychology from WSU at Harper Woods have Henry Ford HospItal attorney WIth Simpson, FranCISCo State Umverslty announced the engagement of theIr daughter, Knsty Plana, to Anthony Schena, son of George and Mane Weddings Schena of Grosse POinte Joseph Rauchfielsh and Heather Buchanan Shores An October wedding Martin Kraft of Wayne, the MITa MedIna, Ken Vitale IS planned bnde's brother, Damel and Bethany Hunt ------Tucker of ChIcago, and The bnde is a special edu- Plana earned a bachelor of Tucker- Matthew Wagner of catlOn teacher III the :>rts degree from MIchigan Ray-Curtis Colorado Plymouth-Canton School State UmversIty and a mas- Hedge RIchard and Clannda Ray Ushers were Mark Dlstnct ter's degree In speech Anne Margaret Tucker, Monday of St ClaIr Shores, The groom IS a sales rep- pathology from Bowhng of the CIty of Grosse POInte daughter of Mr and Mrs Todd Rudkm of ChIcago and resentative WIth American Green Sta..e Umverslty have announced the engage- James A Tucker of the City Richard Szepytowskl of Botthng Company She IS a speech patholo- ment of theIr daughter, LIndsay Ray, to Joseph of Grosse Pomte, marrIed Eastpointe gl'lt WIth Lakeshore The newlyweds traveled CurtIS Jr , son of Joseph and MIchael Shawn Hedge, son CommumcatlOn DIsorders The soloist was Demse M to Cancun, MeXICOThey live Mary CurtIS of Cleveland, of Mr and Mrs Damel at St John Oakland Hedge of RoseVIlle, on Dec Stamatakis Readers were in St Clair Shores HospItal OhIO A June 2003 wedding IS planned 1,2001, at St Paul Catholic Schena earned a bachelor Church of &Clence degree In finance Ray earned a bachelor of The Rev Paul Balhen offi- 51. Clare has new pastor from Oakland UniversIty. arts degree In communica- CIated at the 2.30 p.m cere- St Clare of Montefalco McNabb was a teacher He IS a commercIal roofing tion management from the mony, whIch was followed by Catholic Church In Grosse and prinCipal at contractor WIth Schena UmversIty of Dayton a reception at Lakeland POinte Park ha& a new pas- Augustlman High School m Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc Manor tor and asSOCIate. ChIcago and St loUIS She IS an assIstant medIa The matron of honor was Mr. and Mrs. Michael buyer WIth McCann- Bishop John McNabb, a He was consecrated blsh- the bnde's SIster, Susan Shawn Hedge EncksenlLCI In Troy native of BelOIt, WIS, WIll op In 1967 and has served m Buchanan- Kraft of Wayne serve With the Rev Tim the DIOcese of Chulucanas BridesmaIds were Melissa The flower gIrl was CurtIS earned a bachelor Cuny. III Peru CaItlin Verse Ie of Westland Rauchfleish of sCIence degree In bUSiness Hedge of RoseVIlle, the admlnlstratlOn from the groom's SIster, TIna Hedge of The best man was DaVId Alexander and Donna U mverslty of Dayton St ClaIr Shores, Rae Ann ROZZIof BIrmingham Buchanan of Grosbe POInte Ploucha of Colorado; Groomsmen were the Deadline for Farms and Anthony and He IS a sales assoCIate KImberly Tarsenko of groom's brother, Damel Karen Golovan of Boynton WIth Alhed Group II)surance ChIcago, and KImberly Hedge of Roseville, Damel the Features section Beach, Fla , ha\ e announced In Royal Oak Versele of Westland Hunt of Harper Woods, is 3p.m. Friday

First English Ev.Lutheran Church St. James GRACEUNITED Vernier Rd .It Wedgewood Dr Lutheran Church m Grosse Pomle Woods WCHURCH OF CHRIST 884-5040 170 McMillan Ad , near Kercheval SUMMER SCHEDULE Grosse POI nte Farms • 884-0511 1175 Lakepomle at Ken:heval 7 00 P m Thurroay Worship Service Summer Grosse Pomte Parle. 822-3823 Sunday Worship Schedule Sunday - WorshIp 10'30 a m 900 a m Tradillonal Service 9 30 a.m Sunday Worslup Tuesday - Thnft Shop 10'30 • 3 30 ~i5t~riC , 10 30 a m Contemporary Service Holy Euchanst Dr Walter A Schnud~ Paslor Wednesday - AmazlDg Grace Semon ~nrtner5 Rev Banon L Beebe, AssOCiate Pastor every second Wednesday at 1, Robert Foster. Musrc CoordlOator The TompkIns Center at QIqurcq Grosse Pointe Windmill Pomte Parle. II 00 - 3 00 SII1<:e 1842 St, Paul Ev, Lutheran Church COME JOIN US lA IT Condllloned Grosse POinte Unitarian UNITED METHODIST Pastor Rev Henry L Remewald 375 Lothrop at Chalfonta CHURCH , A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE 881-6670 Church GROSSE The 1928 Book of Common Pr3yer Summer Worship Happy Summer! f A Fnendly Church for l\Saint Next Service " POINTE SUNDAY 10:00 a.m Worship (I All Ages f'\1l1brose 8 30 a m - Holy Com mUllion m Nursery AVilJlabIe Aug. 4th .,j't.- 211 Moross Rd. UNITED 10 15 Adult Bible Study 17150 MAUMEE ~ Grosse Pointe Farms a m - l!!IJ Rev Fredertek ~ Pastor 881-0420 II 00 a.m - Holy Communion Rev lIGnaI CoDter,Asscc. Pa!lClf 886-2363 le,PariSh' CHURCH Rev John Corrado ArnUAm> WrTli lliE UCC AND ABC ('X'TI ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL III Christ the King 930 a Wo!'hJp 240 CHAl.FONTE AT LOTHROP THURSDAY I 1""'11f\ __ U""I r ~"..n t"M CHURCH I Lutheran Church iO 45 am Sunday &hooi "aturday Vigil Mass ."- IV ..... Ul ".V-J _v .. u ~...... 884-3075 20475 SUDningdaie Park Mack at Lochmoor at 4'00 p.m. Manntl'J' 011 Harr Plaza alnlt Tunntl \V near Locll!"oor Oub 884--5090 Sunday Masses "The God I Know: My Judge" Fret Securtd Park",g. Ford Garage ASTEPHENMINISTR~ 8:30 & 11:15 Grosse Pomte Woods at a.m. Em., aJ »oodward & Jeffel'Jon 8 15 & 1045 a m WorshIp Service and LOGOS Congregation I 10:00 A M FAMILY WORSHIP Sunday The Rev. Richard W. Ingalls, 9 30 am. Sunday School & Boble Classes (CRIB ROOM AVAlLABL£) Reclor 8 iJ() am Holy EuchanSl 5t Ambrose Roman Cathollc Churdl 1030 am Story Hour Rev Robert D Wnght -&ruor Pastor 1502() Hampton Grosse PCWl1eParte. 10-00 A M. CHURCH SCHooL Kenneth J. Sweetman, 1030 am Oloral Euchansl Rev Mai)' Ann Stuplcy-Assooale Pastor One block north of Je'orson at Maryland Rev E A. Bray, Pastar Organist and Choirmaster SUpcrvlsN N.mery PrOYKIerl (Nursery AYallahle) Rev Scott naYl9, As9 lJnltf>n StAtf>" Mnrp wnmpn p~ nn rp~l1(,lnfr thp nl1rnhpr ~t1~ Cpvpr1- very ::'Ul,l,e::.::.IUI III dl,dUe- pobted on a Weo bite tor mgl>, elUIel .!b Lheu VrllUa- have Raynaud's dIsease than men, and ty of the atta;ks to prevent long-term mlcs and m my career On self-mjurers "The scars, the ry addIctIOn or along With people who hve m cool chmates hke tissue damage the mSlde, I suffered In inCISIOnSIn my flesh/l'hey alcohol, drug addIctIOn, eat- MIchigan's are more likely to be affect- The danger of Raynaud's IS that, If It SIlence E!>peclally during look pamful, but they mg disorders or codepen- ed becomes severe, blood circulatIOn to the last few years when I calmed me when I was dency" The the fingers or toes could be perma. had hve burnb on my arms stressedlIt helps me to Turner does not discount conditIOn nently and drastically limited, causing at every moment I hved In harm, and I won't try to the vahdlty of other sound IS a diS- deformIties of those extremities a constant btate of fear of deny/fhat thiS IS the only therapeutic approaches and order of Ulcers and even gangrene can develop people findmg out way I know how to survive" she says that profeSSIOnal the blood If an artery becomes completely Accordmgly, I spent mObt of Many who self-mJure had medical treatment must be vessels blocked my time alone n an extrpmely difficult or sought immediately for In the Several prescriptIOn medICations are Those chlllmg words corne traumatic childhood Many Infected scars or bums or fingers, available to help dilate (Widen) the from V J Turner, a p"cudn. also struggle WIth other other phySICal problems toes, hlood vessels and promote circulatIOn nym for the UCLA- and addictIOns such as eating resulting from self-InjUry ears and These Include. Harvard-educated chmcal disorders, alcohol or other But she underscores how psychologtst who wrote drug dependency Although the spmtual focus of the nose Calcium channel blockers, which Dunng "Secret Scars Uncovenng young women represent the Twelve Steps can help self- relax and open up small blood vessels and Understanding the an majonty of self'lnjurers, the injurers learn to fill the In the hands and feet In about two- AddictIOn of Self-Injury," a attack, disorder also affects men "chromc emptmess" they thirds of people With Raynaud's, these Hazelden book to be and women fram all walks have tned to endure and arteries drugs can decrease both the frequency released III September of hfe, from troubled also help them satIsfy the narrow and seventy of attacks In addItion, Turner began to self-Injure teenage boys and gIrls to deep craving for somethmg and they promote healing of skin ulcers on herself as a 6-year.old She people as famous as more than they have lived blood clr. the fingers and toes continued hurtmg herself Pnncess Diana with for so long ~ culatlon Alpha blockers, which counteract until her recovery eight Turner says research sug- In addition, Al-Anon and to these the hormones that constTlct blood ves- years ago gests that self-injUry causes other famIly support groups Dr. Surayya Soares areas IS sels. Wlule alcoholics and drug a release of chemIcals m the might greatly help the fami- hmlted Vasodilators, which relax blood addIcts mIght turn to a bot- bram SimIlar to addictive hes and loved ones of self- This causes the extremities to feel cold vessels These drugs are available m tle, a pdl, a JOint or a opIates, makIng It more dif- Injurers and numb The skm may first turn cream form and are app!ted dIrectly to synnge to try to numb or ficult for a person to stop "Of everythmg I've accom- white, then blue and look swollen the affected area - such as fingers escape theIr emotIOnal pam, the behaVIOr after frequent- phshed In my hfe, the one Sensory perceptIOn becomes dulled and toes self'lnJurers may cut, bite, ly engagtng In It. In addi- thmg I am most proud of A<; circulatIOn IS restored, the affect- Pentoxifyline (Treta!), which hit or brUIse thembelves m tIOn, she says that self- and value the most IS my an attempt to tUJ n their ed areas can turn red, throb, tingle or makes red blood cells more fleXible so injury often mvolves com- recovery from self-inJury," pam umslde out" or to galll pulSive acts and obseSSive Turner Sald swell. Attacks may last only a mmute they can pass through narrowed blood or two or as long as several hours a false sense of control thought processes that can For Information on the vessels Untreated, thiS maladaptive lead to a behavlOral addIC- book "Secret Scars," check They become more severe over time. In addItion, there are some drugs copmg mechamsm can tIOn out www hazelden org/book- Causes people With Raynaud's should aVOId, become an addictive behav- Like mllhons of others place or call (800) 328-9000 smce they can aggravate symptoms IOr, much hk .. buhmla or who suffer WIth addIctIOns, The cause IS an overreactIOn by the ThIS column offers mfor- These are anorexia Accordmg to Turner credits her recovery blood vessels to cold or stress, but the matzon to help prevent sub- Certam over-the-counter cold reme- Turner, many medIcal and to Twelve Step mutual-help reason why the overreactIOn occurs IS stance abuse problems and dies and diet pills Drugs that con tam mental health profeSSionals programs and philosophy not clearly understood to address such problems It phenylpropanolamIne (Contact, believe that self-mJury IS When she couldn't find a The body's normal response to cold, zs provzded by Hazelden, a Dexatnm, Dlmetapp and Sucrets) or the fastest-growmg problem group specifically for self- and simIlarly to stress, IS to slow down non.profit agency based m pseudoephedrine (Sudafed. Chlar- among teenagers IllJurers, Turner benefited the blood supply to the extremities to Center City, Mmn For l"lore Tnmeton) should be aVOIded. AddIctive self-mJury IS by attendmg Alcohohcs preserve the core temperature To do mformatzon. call (800) 257- Beta blockers These drugs are used not about body pierCIng or Anonymous, AI-Anon and thiS, the small artenes m the extremI- 7800 to control high blood preSbure and ties narrow In a person With heart disease. . - Raynaud's disease, thiS reactlOn IS Birth control pill" Because they exaggerated In what IS called vasospasm. affect circulatIOn, these drugs tan Exposure to cold can result from make patIents more prone to attacks. Can one hour change your life? In severe cases of Raynaud's nerve Simply takmg frozen food out of the surgery, chemIcal injectIOn and (rarely) freezer, puttmg hands under cold amputatIOn may be necessary water, l,r bemg outside on a fngId Win- ter day. Self.care Primary and secondary When attacks do occur, sufferers Most people With Raynaud's have should warm the affected area under the pnmary form, which means the lukewarm water, move out of cold air Find out for yourself. disease eXists on Its own Without an and use gentle massage. Attacks may Discover the Healing Arts Center underlymg medIcal condItIOn The less be prevented by dreSSing for the ele- common secondary type IS caused by ments - weanng gloves, a hat, warm at St. John Hospital's an underlymg medical problem. The socks, warm shoes or boots and a scarf followmg condItIOns can cause sec- over the face on chilly days, by aVOId- Van Elslander Cancer Center. ondary Raynaud's. Ing handhng cold objects, and by mov- Ing to a warmer chmate, If pOSSible • Scleroderma ExerCise, learnmg to control stress, • Lupus • Rheumatoid arthritiS qUlttmg smokmg and paymg extra • Sjogren's syndrome attentIOn to hand and foot care can • Diseases of the artenes also lead to Improvements m symp- • Carpal Tunnel syndrome toms Open to patients and the general public alike, the • Repetitive trauma Dr Soores z~ an znternal medzclne Healing Arts Center is unlike any facility you've • Smokmg physzczan who specwlzzes zn rheuma- • InJunes ever experienced. Some of the finest tology, the dzagnosz~ and treatment of Diagnosis dzsea~p~ nfthp Jnmt~ muscles and complementary medicine practitioners - amazing ,...,. _ ... _ ... .6._ .3_ ...__ " • ,.. ",. r J 1 ._..1 lllert:: 1~ JlU ~1.1ijt:aUJ.1f:;"t:=.:')l. ....u uel.C.I- bOr'&£3 She see; putu:;ll-t~ cd tht. Durl. people wno speaauze ill welL-ueill!:llUiUl~llWIU, mine If Raynauc.'s IS present To diag- Secours Cottage Internal Medlczne I { Center, located on Kercheval In Grosse body and spirit - invite you to partake in health- nose the dIsease, a doctor needs a I detailed descnptlOn of symptoms POinte Park, and Bon Secollrs Cottage boosting, centuries-old practices. Other medical problems that could be Internzsts on Lzttle Mack In St Clair a cause must first be ruled out Then, Shores the patient may be exposed to cold aIr or water to provoke an episode of For an appoz1lt/7/Ult call Bon Renew your spitit. Relax your mind. And enjoy Raynaud'<; Se('ollr~ (,otta/!,c Pln'l(la1l Referral at a healthier body as a result. AU are welcome. Becaus(' Rmnnud\ 1<;often brought (800) .IIM n Ii " ... l "" \, For more information or to schedule an C'r::;s j appointment, call 1-313-647-3320. ( \~~, \l l \ 1 \ .\ ---;-t""' , \ ~_J • Save $5 on your choice of these services:

Bnng thIS coupon WIth you and save 15 on the Healrng Arts Ce'lter seTVIceo/your choice. I I • HypnoSIS I • Massage • Nutnnon CounselIng I • Pregnancy Massage • Gwded Imagery I • Tal Chi I • Neuromuscular IntegratIve Therapy • Acupuncture • Ch'l Gong I I • Cramo Sacral Therapy • Reflexo 109Y • Yoga • I • Energy Work • HolIstic Assessment • Pregnancy Yoga I • Integrated Therapy Program ~ I ______- - -- CoyoII ':qH¥Wt Sqt~r JO 2002 JI July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News 68 Seniors SOC Options Sticks and stones can break your bones The famlhar rhyme from nal disorders may be at nsk One cup - eIght ounces that help Improve bone nen- chIldhood can come back to because they don't absorb - of mtlk contalOs about slty and, more Importantly, haunt people m their old calcIUm and vltamms well 300 mIlhgrams of calcium, help decrease the flsk of Kids teach seniors age OsteoporosIs ISa skele- In addItIOn, some medica- so five eIght-ounce glasses of havmg a fracture tal dIsorder affectlOg the tIOns, such ab predOisone, milk a day prOVides suffi- how to use computers strength of bones, predomi- "an mcrease the nsk Low CIent calcIUm McCort says Managing nately 10 post-menopausal testosterone m men albo It doesn't matter If the mIlk By Sharon Maier women ThiS condition can contnbutes to osteoporosIs ISwhole, part-fat or skIm osteoporosis Executive Director If a person or hiS or her sac rebult 10 fractures, lObS of Bemg frail IOcreases the Other beverages and St Clare of Montefalco's Tech Angels are phySIcal stature and chance of osteoporosIs and foods, such as orange JUice doctor has concerns about puttmg together a program that ServIces for Increased frallty Most fracture Mc('o~ descnbes a and some breads, contam o"teoporosls, the first step IS Older CItizens has dreamed about for a long women are at nsk startlOg very Simple test of fraIlty added calCium, but people to reVIew nsk factors One test mIght be to cheek your time. KIds and semors workmg on computers 10 mld-hfe In later years, so Does a person need help to can also take over-the- bone denSIty The best and together, the program IS part of the Mana are men nse from a ch8.lr? counter nutntlOnal supple- Dc~t~....c: .,t thp lTnlvpr~1tv Accoroml! to Md'ort mpnt~ C'fl)('lIIm carbonate IS most '::ommon test IS Dual l\1dJ~11U.~I'1 uJe""t EmISSIOn X-ray The Mana Madehne Project IS a cntlcally of Michigan Health System there also appears to be a best absorbed and utlhzed If genetic component to osteo- taken WIth food McCort AbsorbtlOmetry, or DEXA, acclaImed mtergeneratlOnal program m which adVIse that we should take precautIOns agalOst thIS porosIs and the related nsk adVises to dlstnbute your whIch IS a SImple and pam- chIldren teach semor cItIzens how to use com- CQodltlOo throughout our for fractures calcIUm pIlls so that some less scan usmg two dIfferent puters Chlldren help senlOrs bUlld on-hne fami- hves by talong m enough "The strongest associatlOn are taken WIth each meal, frequencIes of X-rays ly scrapbooks WIth photos of past generatlOns calcIUm and vltamlO D IS m what we call 'first- rather than takmg them all Once osteoporosIs has and wnte blOgraphles for postmg on-hne There are treatments for degree relatives,' that IS, at once ThIS maXImizes been dIagnosed, the doctor On-hne chat rooms brmg together semors and osteoporosIs that help pre- someone closely related, hke their chance of bemg may dISCUSS medIcatIOn, chIldren from across the country The postmgs vent fractures and slow or a mother or a slbhng In par- absorbed lOto the body food supplements and POSSI- cover a vanety of subjects from The Great even reverse further bone ticular, If your mother, "In order for your body to bly some exerCIses DepresslOn to sports teams Postmgs can also be depletIOn father or even a slbhng has fully utilize calcium, "We don't want to see peo- ple in the hospItal with an found from Gov. John Engler He chats on-hne OsteoporosIs IS the result had a fracture of the hIp, whether It IS from foods or of a loss of calcIUm m the spme or wrist after the age jJIlls, you also need to have osteoporosis-related frac- WIth semors. of 50, you are more hkely to enough vltamlO D Agam, ture," says McCort "Chromc Engler's chat room comments mclude the fol- bones Bones that were once have osteoporosIs yourself thIS 18 a supplement found pam, bemg permanently lowmg. "Welcome to the world of cyberspace I strong can gradually become thm and bnttle Dr Jane and, eventually, one or more m most daIry products, hunched over, or even some commend you for venturmg mto the field of com- McCort, U-M chmcal assIs- fractures," she says although It IS avatlable m recovery tIme in a nursing puters As school chIldren teach you to use the • tant professor of mternal pIll form as well," McCort home are nsks that accom- Internet, you Will he able to use e-mall to stay m medlclOe, dIVISIonofgeneral Preventing says pany osteoporosis We want close touch WIth your famIly and fnends You medlcme, bays that osteo- to do everythIng we can to WIll also learn to commulllcate WIth the world porOSIScan affect the body osteoporosis Although health profes- prevent or reverse osteo- around you by accessmg webs1tes " 10 many ways WIthout a per- PreventlOn IS the best slOnals always prefer pre- porosis so these thmgs don't .. By shanng stones, students and semors learn son actually knOWlOgIt weapon agamst osteoporo- ventlon, osteoporOSIScan be happen" that they bave more m common than they real- "The dIsorder can cause SIS The foundatlOn for the treated There are a number For more InformatIOn, IZed Semces for Older CItizens has a vanety of compressIOn of vertebrae, dIsorder begms when a per- of prescnption medIcatIons Visit www med umich edu young volunteers and It'S always mce to see how resultmg 10 what people call son is young McCort says much they have to give and receIve when they a 'dowager's hump,'" says that bones reach m8.X1mum strength and denSIty when work WIth semors. McCort "Instead of bemg St. John Healing Arts Center squarely stacked, the verte. we are m our mld-30s or so Computers are the perfect area of expertise bl ae become less tall In From mIddle age on, there 1S offers art therapy course exchange Semors who are mterested m learmng front, hke a wedge of cheese usually a gradual declIne m how to surf the net, send e-maIl and even set up Several of these compres- bone denSity A St John Healmg Arts The second part of the home pages WIll be m good hands WIth students sIOns together can cause a "If you don't bUIldto peak Center practitIOner will help course focuses on creatIve who learned these thmgs about the same time person to become hunched bone strength m youth, your lead partICIpants on a free movement usmg multlcol- they learned to read over, even when they are bones wIll reach a lower heahng journey (therapy) ored scarves and stream-of- An added bonus to thIS computer educatIOn domg theIr best to stand up denSIty sooner, even If your course on the fourth conSCIence pamtIng, whIle exchange is the respect that children learn for straIght. Often thiS condi- declme m bone IS no faster Wednesday of every month hstening to gentle instru- semors Thny Fama, Mana Madehne's founder, tion IS pamful " than the usual rate With The next seSSlOns are mental musIc The third and Wednesdays, July 24 and final section of the senes beheves that teachmg chIldren respect for aging," says McCort "Chtldren, teens and young Aug 28, from 7 to 9 p m m focuses on the blessmgs the semors IS Important The Mana Madehne pro- Risk factors adults should make sure the Healmg Arts Center on students have had In theIr Ject IS named after Fama's mother and grand- for osteoporosis they get adequate calCIUm the thIrd floor of the Van hves It encourages them to mother, two selfless women commItted to help- Women after menopause and VItamin D, and rem8.ln Eisiander Cancer Center, dISCUSSthese bleSSings WIth mg society's vulnerable through pnvate sector are at the most nsk for actIve m order to bUIld 19229 Mack, SUIte 30, m the group and finally has partnership - a tnbute to the mcredIble hves osteoporosIs, espeCially strong bones" - Grosse Pomte Woods. them create a blessmg box they lived and the nch hentage they left behind Caucasian women However, How much calCIUmshould ThIs course mstructs peo- and a magIc pIllow to tie Once on the Internet, a whole new world opens all older women, as well as you consume? The recom. pIe who are on the healIng everythmg together The up for semors and many are surpnsed at all that older men, are at nsk mended amount for most Journey another way to cope three parts combme to teach IS avaIlable Researching health condItIOns, talk- "Men Just tend to get It at adults IS between 1,000 and WIth pam and sorrow students umque ways to through art therapy ThIS handle the heahng Journey 109 WIth old fnends, even creating a famIly tree an older age than women," 1,500 mllhgrams a day Eatmg calcIUm-nch foods course IS a three-part expe- and to become more in tune are all realitIes of the Internet. McCort explams If you have broken a bone such as mIlk, cheese or other nence combinmg the tools of WIth their mner feelings The Mana Madehne project IS already a suc- as an adult, you are more dairy products IS preferable Journal wntmg, color thera- cess at several SItes in MIchIgan, OhlO and hkely to be dIagnosed Wlth to takmg a calCIUmsupple- py and pamtmg to help For reservatIOns or more Texas. Many of the SItes report relatIOnshIps osteoporosIs. Smokers are ment, Simply because the Improve the heahng process mformatIOn on thiS class or are developed around the computer and bnng also at mcreased nsk absorptIOn IS more depend- The first element of the other cll}sses held at the St together so much more than knowledge People With certam mtestl- able course focuses on the power John Heahng Arts Center, Helen Couture of DetrOlt claIms she was given of color, the color wheel, the call toll free (866) 246-4673, a new lease on hfe since she learned to surf the meanmg of color and ends Monday through Fnday, 9 net. The eighth-grade student who helped her Learn about energy healing WIth the creatIOn of a color a m to 430 p.m VIsa, venture mto a world that she never Imagmed, Journal The first sectIOn IS MasterCard and Discover The "Energy HealIng plimentary energy seSSIOn are all accepted when regIs- turned mto a friend as well as a teacher the color therapy area, used Circle" IS the newest tech- WIll be offered on to allow students to get m tenng by phone If you would hke to learn more about Tech Olque belOg taught for heal- Wednesdays, July 24 and touch With theIr mner feel- RegistratIon IS also avaIl- Angels and the Mana Madehne Project, attend a mg at the St John Heahng Aug 28, from 7 to 9 p m In Ings and thoughts begmmng able m person at the St presentatIOn by Tony Fama at Semces for Older Arts Center ThIs complI- the Healmg Arts Center on the heahng Journey John HeallOg Arts Center CItizens, 17150 Waterloo, Grosse Pomte, at mentary energy seSSIOn IS the third floor of the Van 11:30 a m on Saturday, July 27 You can also the most recent hands-on Elslander Cancer Center, find out more about the project at www mana- way of encouragmg healIng 19229 Mack, SUIte 30, In Meditation class offered madeline.com at all levels, from mental to Grosse Pomte Woods emotIonal, splntual and Appointments are not neces. at St. John Healing Arts Center phySical sary A new format leads partic- For more informatIOn on A basICmeditatlOn class IS medltatlOn All these tools Senior Men's Club to meet Ipants to obtam the power- thIs class or other classes a great way to lower stress can be used at home on a ful energy whIle In a hands- held at the St John Healmg and start a path toward bet- daily baSISto help maintain The Semor Men's Club of area on "heahng cIrcle" ThIs sys- Arts Center, call (866) 246- ter hvmg The fundamentals a stre<;s-free hfestyle Grosse Pointe wlll meet on tem IS anCIent and gentle 4673 of medItatIOn are taught m a Catherme Green Will 'fuesdav. Aug 6. for a bus For tlw tlmf'S of of'narturp EveryollP ,~ wp\c-omp The Van Elslander Cancer SImple and thorough man- teach the cntlcal mforma- tnp to Flint to VISIt and return and the c~st, call A St John Heahng Arts Center at St John HospItal ner at the St Julu! IIeallng ticn on stress and how to Crossroad VIllage Fred Hessler at (586) 776- Center practltlOner WIllpre- and MedIcal Center IS a Arts Center cope WIth It from 10 a m to n I • T 1 ",... • Huckleberry RaIlroad and 4041 or JIm McNelIs at sent dIfferent methods of member of St John Health The two-hour ciasb gOOb IlUUll, udLUIUdY, tJ UIY ~ J, 111 the Gene"see RecreatIOn ('313) 640 8024 hands-on heahng The com- from teachmg essential the St John Healmg Arts lOformatlOn about stres,> Center located on the thIrd and how It affects the phYSI- floor of the Van Elslander cal body to mstructmg the Cancer Center, 19229 Mack, students about dIfferent SUIte 30, In Grosse Pomte ways to handle stress It wIll Woods The cost IS $25 for lOclude exercises to help the two-hour course prevent and reduce stress For reservations or more Dad spent a lot of time alone during It Illustrates the effects mformatlOn on thIS class or stress has on the body emo- other classes held at the St the day,and we couldn't always be there tIOnally and mentally ThiS John Heahng Arts Center, course WIll prOVide some call (866) 246-4673, Monday for him. Now he has new friends, eats relaxatIOn techmques, ways through Fnday, between 9 to control and moderate a m ann 430 P m well balanced mealsand has help with breathmg, and some baSIC his medications. Assisted living at Bon Secours Placewas the Ideal option ~ "Thefamily Amencan Heart • for all of us suggests that AsSOCIation. memorial FU~hlll''Iti1He'l'l DlsHse and Stroke ~L contributions "'BON SECOURS1.MnV-.c.PLO\CE AT ST CLAIR SHORES be made to the American 26 10I Jefferson Avenue Heart Association." Sf Clair Shores, MIchigan 4808 \ AMERKM HEART A.%OCIATlON (586) 498-4500 MEMORIALS I

I 800.AHA.USAI Sponsored by the 51siers 01 Bon Secours Affiliated wrIh Bon Socours Heallh Syslem Inc Developed end mal'l8ged by 0 l~e Care sa"""". LLC -- -31657 C 2000 Llle Care Sfll'VlCes LLC July 18, 2002 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 78

Privy console: Where do you keep it? Muffuletta sandwich By Helen Gregory snakes One story has It Pennsylvallla (though not Special Wnter that black Widow spider In PalM Beach) Collector~ will collect bites were more prevalent A May 31st AsSOCIated is packed with intense flavor anythIng Proof hes In the and dangerous when peo- Press release from The great CIty of New currently grOWIng trend of The olIve ~pread wa ... ple hadn't known what bIt MeadVIlle, Pennsylvama, Orleans IS known for good people collechr.g outhous- qUite ea~y to prepare, them Indicated that the number food and good times ThiS A LA ANNIE es and related memorabil- blllce I qultk thopped On July 5, the of homes that don't have week'" recipe II. the By Annie R~lIleclu Schenff (...pparately) the ohve ...and Ia Chamber pots come to Associated Press sent out Indoor plumbIng ha~ actu- unubual "and With that A the pppper., III d food mind, though they've been a ~tory by Mark Nlesse on ally gone up dUrIng the you're hkely to find on popular among anhque procp" or IDOll 't 0\ er Just released census fig last decade menu~ In thl" bouthern prOte~ , or your olIve 10\er~ for qUIte a whIle I ures You may be pleased Another explanatlOn IS city know folks whl' want old ...pread Will be mu ...h ) to know that natIOnwide pOSSible The trend to While Cajun and Creole Montgomery Ward cata- The ea ...w;;t way to about 50,000 households "SImple Abundance~ takes are what we normally remove the Pit of a logs as well I Just thought have added complete on a whole new meamng aSSoclatp WIth Npw KO")l'"lrn'1t'"'l 01,,,,... H .. tn p1.'J.C1 I~ Wd::> lOr the pictures plumbmg SInce the 1990 The lIbrary currently Orlean ..., thIS handwlch OnlIne I found Marty a few ollves at a tlllIe Into census In 1990, 721,693 has no hooks on collectmg screams "Itahan " It ongl a garlic press and gIve It a Anne Katz-Lohr'~ article hou"eholdb lacked mdoor outhouses, though they nated m 1906 at the good ~queeze The ohve I~ for the Outhouse plumbmg By 2000, only eXIst and we'll be ordenng Central Grocery In New then ea~tly pulled away Pre"ervatlOn Society 670,986 dId some However, nght now Orleans The acclaimed In a large bowl, wmbme from the pIt Newsletter, "Outhouses you can Interloan some mufTuletta sandwlth IS the green olIves, (The VJllage Food are m ~ She descnbes out- through The Library topped With ohve salad, Kaldmata ohves, pepper'>, Market carnes already house gIft ~hops, the Network You might want which set ...It apart from ohve oil, parsle), vmegar pitted Kalamata olIves 111 Outhou~e OlympiCS them to send Ronald your average Itahan hero and garhc Cover and bet jar'> ) Includmg the Infamous Barlow's "The Valllshmg or sub aSide (The ohve bpread Coppacola IS hot, spIced outhouse race and th<:! Amencan Outhouse a can be prepared a day or ItalIan ham and IS aVall- "Outhouses of Amenca HIstOry of Country Tour" Muffuletta two before ab~embhng the able at Nmo SalvaggIO's III Plumbmg" or "Nature sandwIch) St ClaIr Shores, but you ForgIve me, but thiS Calls the HI&tory, Lore Sandwich Uswg a berrated klllfe, can probably find It at any mormng I was wondenng and Charm of Outhouses," 1 cup chopped pimen- cut the bread honzontally Italian specialty meat how many people m our by Dottie Booth (Is that a to-stuffed green olives III half USing your clean btore hbrary had ever used an pseudonym?) 1 cup chopped (pit. hands, scoop out the bread As for the bread, If you outl1ouse An mformal If you want to see what ted) Kalamata olives from each half, leavmg a can't find a hearty round survey showed me the you can get through our 1 7-oz, jar roasted red 1 wch thIck bhell Spread loaf, pIck a hearty square expenence was not Interloan, a servIce we peppers, drained and 3/4 cup of the olIve mix- one The bread has to umque, especially for prOVIde for free, search chopped ture over each half of stand up to the olIve those who vacatlOned In The Library Network's 1/2 cup olive oil bread Layer the salami ...pread The Breadsmlth the U P web SIte, 1/4 cup chopped fresh on the bottom half of the on Mack III Grosse Pomte Others had stones of As a regIon, the South www tln hb ml us Go Into parsley or 2 table- bread, followed by the Woods bakes a 2-1b Halloween outhouse tlP- had the most people With the catalog and search by spoons dried parsley chee~e and the coppacola italIan boul~ dally You'll plllg When the outhouse defiCIent plumbIng faCIlI- keyword, for example, flakes Place the other half of need to IllCreabe the meat was stIll "the necessary ties But the alarmmg "outhouses ~ 2 tablespoons white bread, ohve bIde down on and cheese and use all of room," Halloween was the news, somewhat lOgIcal, IS wine vinegar TLN cannot loan us any top of the sandWIch Wrap the olive bpread to make mObt dangerous !light of that the slllgie state With audIOvisual matenals, but 4 garlic cloves, the sandWich III fall Place thIS super sandWich the year to use It the bIggest problem In minced books that are not labeled on a heavy plate, top WIth The mufTuletta sand. When I was htUe, there tms area IS Alaska Forty "local request~ can be 1 8-inch round hearty another heavy piate and wlch should be served to was more farmland degrees below zero boggles Illterloaned The lIbrarIan crusty bread (i.e. sour- wf'lght It WIth a heavy those who have a some- through OhIO and the ImagmatlOn dough, rustic Italian) can do it for you The skillet what "ophlstlcated palate Michigan My family LOgIcally, wIlderness whole process may take a 6- to 8-oz. thinly as It IS packed With would get out of the CIty locatlOns are just that sliced salami couple of weeks, but when Chill the welgnted sand- Illtense flavor from the to ~pend weekends WIth Indoor plumbIng Isn't big 6- to 8-oz. thinly WIch for at leabt one hour the book amves It has a ohe ~plead It's an excel- aunts and uncles on their m rural outposts or up to SIXhours before date due set by the lend- sliced provolone cheese lent chOlce for a PIClllC farms m Genoa, OhIO, and However, information serving Cut the sand\,;lch Ing hbrary It's best to 6- to 8-oz, thinly dmner at the park and IS Flat Rock from the Palm Beach Post mto eIght wedges and pIck It up as soon as you sliced hot coppacola a very Impre"Slve sand- I remember, vIvidly, the mIght amaze you (ham) get the message that It's serve Wich lack of plumblllg accom- In Palm Beach County, Ill. It can't be renewed but modatIOns We pumped where one in 20 homeown- you mIght request another water and used the out- ers valued theIr homes at copy If you need more house I don't remember more than a half mtlhon time With It much of chamber pots, but dollars, 2,000 county resI- Those of you who don't they mIght have been dences stIll lack mdoor want to wait can find under the beds - white plumbmg books onhne through porcelam With blue flow- WhIle that's only one In Amazon, or your favonte ered debIgns to match 200, It's stIll too many bookstore may be able to basms and plates on the Here we must makE' order for you dre.,bcrs allowances for pohtlcal As for nostalgIa say Smce we had flash- and relIgIOUS chOIce The what you wIll, the good hghts, It was possIble to Amish In Pennsylvallla old days weren't use the outhouses at and here In the Midwest !light, but they were dark stIll live Without Indoor You can reach Helen and smelly no matter plumbIng ThIS may Gregory onlme at hgrego- when you used them I. account for a trend III ry@gp hb mt us or find her worned about spIders and Northwestern at Central Llbrary wNiTV5 24hr TeleVISiOn for the Whole Community

OAYTI\IE PRc:JGRA~ FCR ll-E WEEK OF..Ju..Y 22 • ..Ju..v 2B ~.AM 1 HE S.O.c. SHOW 1;00 PM SENIOR MEN'S CLUB GUr\1 D,'nlse Denne/II ReglSlered D,elitlan Guest Jal/1l!s L !?Ian. U ~ CirClII/ JI


P.... ~iver " ~ I PMF • 'ENTERTAINMENT \\0 use

Where: JE"E~50NA VENUE-In Front 01Blossom Heath Ti,tets Are Available At Any 01 The Participating lestaurants $2',,..,0/. «$10 of 1M#1001 July 18,2002 Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 98 by Madeleine Socia Thura...,. one or more chanties mclud- Edsel & Eleanor Ford at 1145 a m The fee IS $18 Farmhouse museum run;, thruugh Sunday, Oct .July mg the Chddren's Home of House, 1100 Lakeshore m Indulge your mmd and Step back Into the dally 13 TIcket.., now available, 1. DetrOIt and the Harper Grosse Pomte Shores palate With SOC Luncheon lIfe of a mid-19th century for group;, of 20 people or Summer sounds Woods Library Landbcapmg Guests can also take the Lectures, at 11 15 am, at farm famJly hVlng In Enn more, for the excltmg exhl bl The 15th Annual Bon Project (313) 371-6333 opportumty to enjoy narrat- the SOC offices Jeffrey Township, now St Clair twn, Degd;, and thp Ddnce Secours Cottage Health ed audIOtape tours of the Wemgarten, M D and Lisa Shores, With a tour of the which come., to the DIA Services/Grosse Pomte Ford House gardens, which Bont, CCCP Certified Selln.,ky-Green Farmhoube Sunda), Oct 20 through News free MusIc on the TU•• day. July 23 are featured m the book, AudIOlogist, will dlbCUhb Musl'um, located directly Sunday, .lan 12 Adult Plaza Concert Senes Bells are ringing With the purchase of a Heanng LObS and Hearing behind the St Cldlr Shoreb group tlcket~ for TUl ...ddY-, returns to the corner of Lmda Dzunb, canllon- grounds admiSSIOn of $3 AIds, Wednebday, July 24 Pubhc LIbrary Llbted III the through Fnday." an 'B14 Kercheval and St Clair m neur and asblbtant profe;,sor (313) 884-4222 RebcrvatlOnb are reqUlred MIchIgan State Reglbter of Saturdays ,md Sunda\ ..., un' The Village, Thursday, July of musIc at Clcmbon for triPS and lecture'i (313l lllbtorIC Site." thiS farm- $16, Youth group ... an 1>8 18, at 7 pm, wIth the University WIll lend her tal- 882-9600 huube lb owned by the City MUbeum hour., ,In Straight Ahead FamJly entb to a free Canllon Mark ea.. n..... of St ClaIr Shoreb and oper- Wednebday and Thur~(LlV Show women's Jazz chorus Concert, Tuesday, July 23, Monday, All •• S ated by the St CIUlr Shoreb from 10 a m to 4 p rn ,

at 7 15 pm, at Grosse j , ~ ~\ (313) 886-7474 Booked up Tl F:""ld...,), fraY'" 1(' ~ m • (\ Too off .1l1.-,LUL H....(..U \.....;uuutUb....,HJU .1 H\... POinte Memonal Church, 16 Literature lover., can Spend a great day on the hoube I" open for tours p m and Saturday and Lakeshure In Grosse Pomte gather for St Peter's Friday • .July greens durmg the Sixth Wednesdayb, from 1 to 4 Sunday, from 10 a m to i 1. Farms Bring your own PIC- Lifelong Semor Learning pm Recommended adml., annual St Maron's p m The mu;,eum wJlI be Star-studded mc supper and hsten from Center's Book Club m the Maromte Cathohc Church dosed an Saturdayb until slOn IS $4 for adultb and 'i> 1 the lawn Desberts and bev- church's parish house, celebration Golf Outing, Monday, Aug after Labur Da) Call (586) for children and btudent., erages will be aVailable after 19851 Amta m Harper Ray Charles Will shIne In 5, at 11 am, at Devd's 771-9020 (313) 833-7963 6 30 p m Patrons can watch Woods, Wednesday, Aug 21, the galaxy of stars gathered Ridge Golf Course, 3700 to celebrate the lOth annual the concert on a mom tor at at 1 pm, to diSCUSS The Metamora Ifi Oxford The G. P.Art Center views ACCESSlNew DetrOIt free ground level then enJoy Amazmg Adventure of Ford House event, whIch Includes lunch, See the work of local Concert of Colors Metro tours of the bell tower after KavalJer and Clay, by experiences golf and dmner, Will benefit artists displayed at the np\\ DetrOIt DiverSity Festival, the show Concerts Will take Michael Chabon AdmISSIOn Expenence the grandeur renovatIOns of the church, Grosse Pomte Art Centpr, Friday, July 19 through place ram or shIne (313) IS free (313) 343-0771 of one of 'Amenca's rectory and church halI 1005 Maryland In Grossp Sunday, July 21, at Chene 882-5330 Castle.,," at the Ed.,el & Tickets are $125 or $40 for POInte Park The Center, Park, off E Jefferson at the Eleanor Ford Hou.,e Tourb the dmner only Historic strolls which IS owned and ope rat foot of Che'le Street m WIll b(' offerpd on the half- W_n .. day. ReservatIOns are reqUired Step Into the past when ed by the Grosse POInte DetrOit More than 20 stel- hour, Tue;,day through (313) 824-0196 PreservatIOn Wayne pre- Artists Absoclatwn, IS open lar acts, mcludmg South July 24 Saturday, from lOa m to 4 sents WalkIng Tours of the VVednesday through African trumpeter Hugh Rhythm Eastern Market (Jeavlfig p m and Sunday, from noon Saturday, from 1 to 5 p m Masekela, Academy Award- Live. L_rn from the VIsitor InformatIOn to 4 pm The Tea Room Voilll under the stars (313) 821 1848 wmmng blllger/bong wnter Catch the cool Jazz of War Memorial update Center on Adelaide between be open Tuesday through Buffy Samte Mane and flautist Alexander ZonJlc Enhance your mmd, body Russell & Market>, Sunday, from 11 30 a m to Pewabic shows Now on display In the gal- Grammy Award-wmfilng and Friends durmg a and spmt by partakmg Ifi Downtown DetrOIt (leavIng 2 30 P m Tours are $6 for leneb of DetrOIt's hlstonc percusslOfilst Glen Velez, Summer MUSIC Festival the courses and adventures from the lobby of the adultb, $5 for semors and $4 Pewablc Pottery, 10125 E wdl fill the three nverslde Concert, Wednesday, July offered at the Grosse POinte Pontchartraln Hotel, on W for chJldren Ground'i Jefferbon m DetrOit, IS a stages With the best m 24, at 6 pm, on the lakeSide War Memorial Shape up Jefferson at Washington adml;,slOn IS $5 Annual group exhibition by 23 rhythm and blues, Mro-pop, lawn of the Grosse POinte With Vltahty Plus AerobiCS, Blvd), MIdtown DetrOIt Passes are aVailable for $18 Jazz, Latm, folk and other War Memonal, 32 Monday, July 22 through (leavlfig from the Avalon (313) 884-4222 recent ceramics graduates and elegant works, wrapped musIc from around the Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte Fnday, Aug 23, from 8 30 to InternatIonal Bread Bakery 10 the subtle metalhc glow of world Concerts Will be held Farms Don't forget to pack 9 30 a m The fee IS $62 for on W WIIhs at Cass), the Assumption offerings traditIOnal Chmese and on Fnday, from 6 to 1015 your plcmc and bnng your 10 classes on Mondays and New Center Area (Jeavlfig A full schedulp of classes .Japanese glaZing tech- pm, Saturday, from 2 to 10 lawn chairs' Tickets are $7 Wednesdays or $31 for five from the New Center One and events awaJts you at pm, and Sunday, from 2 to (313) 881-7511 classes on Fndays A CardlO Atrium at Second Avenue The AssumptIOn Cultural mque~, by Hldeakl 10'15 p m (313) 842-7010 MIX class Will be offered and W Grand Boulevard) Center, 21800 Marter on the Mlyamura The gallenes are Tuesdays and Thursdays, and DetrOIt's Auto Hentage St Clair Shores/Grobse open Monday through Friday. JUly 2. Saturday, from 10 a m to 6 Sunday. July 21 July 23 through Aug 22, (Jeavlfig from the former POinte Woods border Reach Sidewalk sale from 6 30 to 7 30 P m The pm (313) 822-0954 Pier Park happenings Ford Motor plant on a new htate of well-bemg Get great bargainS and fee IS $62 Add speed and Piquette at Beaubien) Tours and cardIOvascular fitness Grosse Pomte Farms resI- more dunng the annual orgamzatlOn to your work Will be offered on Saturdays, by slgmng up for dents can hear Seneux Stage & Screen Grosse POinte Vdlage With a Computer Tune-up through Sept 28, ram or Kalosomatlcs pxerClse pro- bring the Motown sound to DSO Notes ASSOCiatIOn Sidewalk Sale course, Thursday, July 25, shme, at 10 a m Tickets are grams, Voihlch combine aero. lIfe In the Pier Park, 350 EnJOy the DetrOIt and Street Festival, Fnday, from 7 30 to 9 30 P m The $10 for adults, $5 for stu- blcs WIth walking, runmng, Lakeshore In Grosse POInte Symphony Orchebtra under July 26 and Saturday, July fee IS $20 Take a three-hour dents and semors or free for stretching, elements of yoga Farms, dunng a free con- the btars at the Meadow 27, on Kercheval between cruise on the DetrOIt RIVer children ages 10 and under and klckboxmg A Summer cert, Sunday, July 21, from Brook MUSICFestival, on the Neff and Cadieux In Grosse aboard the 70' Hatteras (313) 577-3559 Mini SessIOn Voilllbe offered 4 30 to 6 pm Also on that Campus of Oakland Pomte The Balduck motor yacht, The Perfect Monday, July 22 through date, at 630 pm, applaud Umvl.'rslty off the [-75 Mountain Ramblers Will AlIbI and enJoy lunch at Fnday. Aug 23 Fees are the Synchromzed SWim Pointe's past Umverslty Road eXit entertam on Fnday, at 6 Smdbad's, during a Day $52 for two-day seSSIOns, Team's Celebrate Amenca Expenence Grosse Plamst CecJle Llcad Joms p m The Grosse Pomte Tnp, Tuesday, July 30, from $74 for three-day se'iSlOns Show (313) 343-2405 Pomte's past With a free tour the DSO for a Roman Animal AdoptIOn Society 9 30 a m to 2 30 p m or of the Grosse POInte and $94 for four-day ses- WIll offer a great selectIOn of 12 30 to 5 30 P m The fee IS Fe'itlval, Saturday, July 20, Blooms & Crafts Hlbtoncal Society's blOns There IS a 25 percent at 8 p m Tune mto musIc potential pets on Saturday, $69 PreregIster uSing your discount for senIOrs Parent., See and buy beautiful Provencal-Weir House c. and dazzhng vocals from July 27, from noon to 3 p.m Master Card or Visa, via fax who Sign up for a Kala class blooms and hand-made 1823, 376 Kercheval In vlOtage radIO programs dur- (313) 884-1551 at (313) 884-6638, e-Mal! can take advantage of free items dunng the sixth annu- Grosse POinte Farms Tours Ing a DSO Pops RadIO Days www warmemonal org, or scheduled for Saturday, Aug KIcfdle KalolBaby SIttmg, al Harper Woods Garden call (313) 881-7511 concert, Sunday, July 21, at Tour, Craft and Plant Sale, Saturday. 10, from 1 to 4 pm Learn Monday through Thursday, 730 p m Get mto the Gypsy Sunday, July 21, begmnlng July 27 about 19th Century hfe In from 930 to 10 a m Non- Spmt, Fnday, July 26, at 8 Attention seniors Grosse POlfite, view an registered parentb pay $1 at 12 30 pm, at the Harper Miriam Easton Rutz Will pm, when accordIOnist Plan great getaways With exhibit of hlstonc pho- for KIddie Kalo The 17-sta- Woods Pubhc Library, 19601 Sign copIes of her new book Peter Soave performs With Day Tnps leavmg from the tographs and VISit the newly tlOn NautJlus Voielght tram- Harper In Harper Woods Pubhc Gardens of Michigan, the DSO Friday's concert IS Services For Older CItizens renovated Log Cabm, c mg room IS open Monday Tickets Will be available at Saturday, July 27, from 10 an Overtures Summer at the NeIghborhood Club 1840, on the property through Thursday, from 8 to the door In exchange for a a m to noon, In the Smgles event, featurmg a donatIOn of any amount to offices, 17150 Waterloo Ifi 10 30 a m and 5 to 8 30 p m pICmc dmner at 6 p m and ActiVIties Center of the and Fnday, from 8 to 1030 Grosse POinte Take a cruise In additIOn, patrons can pavilIOn seatmg for the con- a m The fee Ib $150 for two aboard a Diamond Jack's purchase Grosse POInte hiS- cert Overtures tIckets are V EIS A MA E days-per-week, $70 for three River Tour, Thursday, July tory Videos, pubhcatlOns and $45 All other ticket;, for all TE SH ITO OB EY day<=;-per-owpek or $4 for NE AR DE AD L I NE 25, departmg the sac office products (313) 884-7010 Meado\~ Brook perfor- 01 drop-In users Kala AP I E CE AN AS mances are $18 In advance MRI ExerclselNautllus combo Last week's A RM or $21 at the door for hili HE liD L OCK ST AY weekly workoutb are $78 for ARI RII seatmg and $56 In advance M AG NA Family two seSSIOns, $106 for three H RB DE AD LA CK or $59 at thp door for puzzle RU sessIOns ur $124 for four ses- PRE E From page lOB Sunday, from 10 a m to 5 PremIer PaVIlion seatmg AL L I E O. KA RA TE sIOns Macomb County p m The sugge",ted admIS- (313) 576-5111 HE AD L INE KNO Detroit's past Commumty College offers a solved AN NE S E R EO GE sIOn IS $5 for adults or $2 50 Stroll the Streets of Old Wide vanety of ways to TO ES COY 01 OS for semors and young stu- To submit an event to the DetrOIt, trace more than 100 expand your hOrizons at dents, College students pay Metro Calendar or Famzl; years of automotive history their AssumptIOn Cultural ACROSS $3 With a vahd IdentIficatIOn Features. plea~e proLide the and travel from Frontiers to Center campus To regIster 1 Blond shade card, children, ages 12 to 18 name of the event, spon~or- Factones through the per- for MCC orogramb call 4 Towertown ...... n",l'1l?rrf,nn rir.1r Chlldrpn under thr- ner "f 1? "~'& 0- ..- ...... 1 mllnpnt e'!Jubltwns of tl-:° \586, 4~8 4000 8 Blow enter free Wednesdays are times, locatIOn (wzth com- 12 Bil's partner DetrOIt Hlstoncal Museum, PreregIstratIOn IS reqUIred 5401 Woodward m DetrOIt free Call (313) 833-1805 plete street addres~), pur 13 Slaughter of for most AssumptIOn cours The new exhibit, Pewablc pose. fees and tIcket mforma baseball es Call (586) 779-6111 Pottery The Legacy of Mary tlOn and a phone number 14 Evergreen To submit an event to the Chase Perry Stratton, Metro Calendar or Famtly that can be published The 15 Overly exCIted Exhibition. deadlme zs the .3 p m on the 17 'MooopoIy' salutes one of DetrOIt's most Features, please proVide the endunng contributIOns to name of the event, sponsor- • Show. Friday prevIOus to the payment Th ursda} publtcatlOn date 18 Colleague the world of art, through zng organzzatlOn, date, At the DIA Sunday, Oct 13 Ghost Ads, m which you would like the 19 Soog-alld tzmes, locatIOn (wdh com From the old mahterb to a photographIC exhIbit by plete ~treet addres~), pur informatIOn to appear da IlCe props the fine;,t 10 modern art, dl., InformatIOn ma; be dropped 20 Hold 'lp man? Greg Hodgson featunng for pose, fees and ticket znforma cover the gallenes and exhi- gotten fragments of DetrOit's tton and a phone number off or malled to The Gro ..~e 22 Get btgger bitions of the DetrOIt Poznte News, 96 Kerch£'i ai, 24 Muppet saxo- nch hiStory of architecture that can be pubhshed The lnstltutp of Art<=;, 5200 and regIOnal advertl "lOg, deadlzne zs the 3p m on the Gro~se POinte Farms phonist Woodward In DetrOit Art III 482.36 SubmzsslOn WIll al,o 25 Farm acreage ~ can be Viewed through Friday prevIOus to the Focu;, Lacquerware open ... Sunday, Nov 30 Rehvp the Thursday publicatIOn date be taken [lia E mazied at 29 Greoan vessel In th(' Chlnc.,e, ,lapan(';,c hiStory of DetrOIt's ongInal "oc/(lnew~@aol com For 30 Employs UPS 49 zn whzch you would lzke the and KorCHn gall('rH''i, settlers through the exhlbl' information to appear additIOnal lllformatlOll ((Ill 31 'The-of Wednesday, July 24 and (aJa) 8M 8691 tlOn, Land. LIves and InformatIOn may be dropped Pooh' 49 laundry 9 Collateral, Ing or9 Legends Native Amencans off or malled to The Gro~se 32 Brewery Cf~ 50 Fill bll full pertlaps 28 Opemng In DetrOIt DetrOIt's 300th Poznte News, 96 Kerche1'Ql, aliOn 51 ''''''aml' 10 Ms Archer 30 CollarInsert 34 Sgt S~OOel s Birthday IS the inspIratIOn Grosse Poznte Farm .. 11 Household 33 Checkup oon- for the speCial exhIbItiOn 30 48236 Subml~"1011 Will al~o dog DO~ members cern Who Dared The Museum IS 35 Noble one 1 Essen exple- be taken vIa E mailed at DO YOU 16 Street map 34 Reed 1IlStJu. 36 Hate liVe open Tuesda) through soczanew~@aol com For want to be in the metro calendar?••• 19 Police oIIi- meI1t Fnday, from 9 30 a m to 5 37 Grand setup 2 _ Canals addltlOnal InformatIOn, call Then fill out thiS form send rt to 96 Kercheval Grosse POinte cers, slangily 36 SWUTmng pm and Saturday and (313) 884.869J 40 ShaVIng- 3 W Iham Boyd 20 Blue In pool problem Farms 48236, or fax to (313) 882-1585, by 3 P m Fflday cream add I- role Barcelona 37 Acknowledge Event _ tlVe -4 Banana 21 Spelhng of 38 'Green Date ------_ -41 StrJllQ InstnJ. eater s • 90210' ManslOl1S' girl meI1t ca:>lot!s 22 Barbecue 39 French kings Time _ 42 Fly low as III 5 Auto race lor 23 Hrtcl1coci tour 40 Mine entrance M__ Plac.I:'-- .• a crop duster short de lorce -42 Owns 46 Ignore 6 Old French 25 Bum some -43 HlStonc peood Cost _ 47 Opera song OOIfl 26 1957 Danny & .... Acapulco gold CALL 313-882-3500 QuestIOns'} Call _ -48 MIncd-over 7 Cleo s slayer the JuniOlS hrt 45 Church seat Toreserve Display AdvertiSing space by 2 p m Fflday matter 8 Spread out 27 Peaoe-keej>- Con tact Person 108 8 Family features by Madeleine Socia JUly 18, 2002 • Grosse Pointe News War Memorial for kids July 23, at 11 am, at the - The Grosse POInte War Take In Stars Around the per show (313) 577-8400 Woods Branch, 20600 Mack World PlanetarIUm Shows, AsSOCIatIOn's First Annual explore permanent exhibI- A;1emorral, 32 Lakeshore In In Grosse POinte WOOdll, at 1 and 3 pm, dally, ZOO news Car Show, Saturday, July tIOns featurrng the doomed Urosse POinte Farms offers Wednesday, July 24, at 1 Expenence the ammals 20, from 9 a m to 4 p m The a full schedule of edu~atlOn- through Frrday, Aug 9 The shIp Edmund Fitzgerald and pm, at the Park Branch, Museum IS open Monday and more at the DetrOIt Zoo, Hall of Fame IS open dally, al and social adventures for a freighter pLlothouse The w, 1543C Kercheval III Grosse through Fnday, from 9 a m at Ten MIle and Woodward from 10 a m to 5 pm The chIldren The Seeds to Grow museum IS opel' Wednesday ch POinte Park and Thursday, to 4 P m (313) 873-8100 III Royal Oak Take a chance fee IS $6 for adults, $5 50 for On program will launch Its through Sunday, from 10 St July 25, at 1 pm, at the on wlnnrng a AAA Michigan semors ages 62 and up and a m to 5 pm AdmiSSIOn IS or BElason WIth a Peter RabbIt Central Branch, 10 Super science "ponsored tnp to Unrversal $3 for chIldren ages 5 to 12 Day, Saturday, July 20, from $3 for adults and $2 for chil- 51 Kercheval In Grosse POinte Tour the new, Improved StudIOS In Orlando by (313) 240-4000 dren, ageb 5 to 18. dl 10 to 11 a m The fee IS $3 Farms The hbrary also DetrOIt SCIence Center, 5020 attendmg a free WIld p,er child or $5 per famIly African-American Wednebdays are free (313) p' InVItes all elementary, mid- John R III DetrOIt Plug Into Summer Nights at the 852-4051 (redte a hand-made terra dle and high school students the DTE Energy Sparh DetrOit Zoo concert, experience cotta pot dunng a PewablC Theater program, featunng Explore the wonder" of h to particIpate m therr sum- Wcunm,ddYb, from 6 to 7 30 History alive o Pottery summer camp pro- mer readrng programs. three-foot Irghtmng bolts pm, through Aug 28 Look the Charles H Wnght JOin In Amerrca's d gram featurIng Natrve InformatIOn packets are and other halr-rdlsmg expe- at the amazmg anatomIcal MUbeum of Afncan- Hometown Summer S Amencan art, from 2 to 4 avaIlable at your local nences The traveling exhI- adapt at lUllSof anteaters via Amencan HIstory, 315 E 1 pm, Tuesday, July 23, for branch (313) 343-2074 bitIOn, Destination Space, the smgle kIOsk mteractIve Warrl'n m DetrOIt See In CelebratIOn at The Henry ~tudents ages 6 through 9, Ford Museum and II Camps & more can be experrenced through exhIbit Anteaters Fast Food the Spmt of MartIn, a n1" Jut".';'Utty, JUJy ~4. tor G:::-c::::~!d '/.lnUl=]L, 2v;vu P ,V...... EnrIch your youngsters' MUIlUdY, oept ~ Handb-on 0!J"'-1l:tirl>tb, through .sunday, ~"H.JI"UIIll:t1l EX!hOltlOn or btudent" ages 10 through Oakwood In Dearborn, o summer With camps and laboratory exhibits focus on Sept 8, In the WIldhfe VIsual Arts celebratIng the 13 The fee IS $33 Young through Sunday, Aug 18 t other mVItIng offenngs at motion, hfe SCiences, matter InterpretIve Gallery Chill hfe and times of Dr MartIn Root for the good old-fash- t naturahsts, ages 5 through the AssumptIOn Cultural and energy, waves and out With the polar bears, Luther Krng Jr In 120 IOned fun of AmerIca's t 12, can expand their hon- Center, 21800 Marter on the VIbratIOns Now shOWIng In arctIc foxes, seals and snowy works of art by promInent favonte pdstlme when the Zonb WIth a RaInforest Grosse POInte Woods/St the Center's IMAX Dome owls at the Zoo's 4 2.acre and emergrng artIsts. Lah-De-Dahs HistOrIcal LIVing SCience Day Camp, ClaIr Shores border Little Thpatre IS Chrna The ArCtIC Rmg of Life exhIbIt through Sunday, July 28 baseball team plays on the Monday, July 29 through ones, ages 1 through 6, can Panda Adventure, at Ii am VIsitors can catch the under- The Museum's core exhIbIt, Frrday, Aug 2, from 9 a m Of the People, celebrates VIllage Green, through partake III Early Childhood and 2 pm, weekdays and 11 water actIOn With a tnp Sunday, Sept 29 Travel to 3 p m The fee IS $265 ActiVIties, whrle students, am, 2 and 5 pm, week- through the Polar Passage, DetrOit's place In Afrrcan- through the past 100 years Preregrstratron IS required ages 7 through 12, WIll enJoy ends, Space Station, at 10 a umque 70-ft long clear Amencan hentage and cul- vIa the speCial exhibit Your tor most programs Summer Youth Workshop and 11 am, 1 and 4 pm, tunnel, to catch all the eXCIt- ture The Museum IS open Place In TIme 20th Century ActrvItles can be charged to challenges dunng Summer weekdays and 1 and 4 pm, Ing underwater actIOn Take Wednesday through Amerrca Patrons may also your Master Card or Visa, TIme Fun Camps, offered weekends and The Human a nde on the Wild Side and Saturday, from 9 30 a m to tour the museum's via fax at (313) 884-6638 or weekly through Frrday, Aug Body, at noon and 3 pm, get an ammal's eye vIew of 5 pm, and Sunday, from 1 phone at (313) 881-7511 CommunIcatIons, LIghtIng, 16 Half-day seSSIons run daIly The Center's Dlgrtal hfe on the Wild Adventure to 5 p m AdmISSIOn IS $5 for TransportatIOn and Creative passport from 9 a m to noon Full day Dome Planetarrum will fea. SImulator TIckets are $4 adults and $3 for children DomestIc Arts exhlbltIOnb Introduce your aspIrrng sessIOns run from 630 am ture Starht Summer NIghts, Along WIth VISIts to the over the age of five (313) 494-5800 The Museum and Village artists, ages 6 through 12, to to 6 p m Fees vary at 1 and 3 pm, dally, other great ammals, guests are open Monday through a world of creativIty through PreregrstratlOn IS reqUired Hubble Images of the can see the spectacular $6 Pottery Passport Summer (586) 772-4477 Infimte, at 11 am, noon, 2 mIl Iron NatIonal AmphIbIan Nautical history Saturday, from 9 a m to 5 Camp programs at Pewablc p m and 4 p.m, weekdays ConservatIOn Center, dedI- Experrence the new exhI- pm, and Sunday, from noon Pottery, 10125 E Jefferson Just for kids and 11 am, nor.J, 2 pm, 4 cated to the conservatIOn, bItIon Workmg the Inland to 5 p m AdmISSIOn to the The ChIldren's Museum of In DetroIt Natrve Amerrcan p m and 5 pm, weekends preservatron, exhIbitIOn and Seas Stones of AfrIcan Museum ranges from $7 50 CeramICs wIll be explored, the DetrOIt Pubhc Schools, and Zubenelgenubl's interpretatIOn of amphIbian Americans on the Great to $1250 AdmiSSIon to the Monday, July 22 through 6134 Second In DetroIt, pre- Magrcal Sky, at lOa m on hfe The ZOO IS open darly Lakes, through Aprrl 2003, VIllage ranges from $8 50 to Frrday, July 26. The ceram- sents lots of free opportunr- weekdays and noon, 4 and 5 from 10 a m to 4 p m Zoo at Belle Isle's DOBSIn Great $14 Chrldren under the age ICS of Oceana awaIt tIes to expand your chIld's pm, weekends Regrster admISSIOn IS $8 for adults, Lakes Museum, acceSSIble of 5 and members are admIt- campers, Monday, July 29 mInd and Imagrnatlon your youngsters today for $6 for senIors and children, vIa the MacArthur Bndge at ted free Space StatIOn 3-D through Fnday, Aug 2 The Explore North AmerIca Summer Science Day Camp ages 2 to 12 Parking IS $4 E Jefferson and E Grand can be seen In the Museum's Land of Many Nations, fee IS $125 per sessIOn (313) programs, rncludmg Space for cars and vans (248) 398- Boulevard m DetrOIt JOIn in $15 mllhon IMAX Theatre 822-0954 Thursday, July 25 and Adventures, SCIence Quest 0903 the celebratIOn of the along WIth LeWIS & Clark, Frrday, July 26 Thursday's Film fest or Camp ConnectIOns, Cool cars annIversary of the openmg through Wednesday, Aug programs Include a Tall of the DOSSIn Museum dur- 14 Dally screenmgs WIll be Treat that httle movie through Frrday, Aug 23 The Tales, Myths and Legends View a new exhibIt dedI- rng a Birthday Party, offered, on a rotatIng baSIS, buff to the free Summer Museum is open Monday presentation, at noon and a cated to Warren AVIS, Wednesday, July 24, from 10 begrnnIng at 9 am, on the Film Festrval at your local through Frrday, from 9 30 show of Natrve Amencan founder of AVIS Rent-a.Car, hour In the mornrng and on branch of the Grosse POlllte a m to 5 pm, Saturday and a m to 5 pm DIve mto 100 Crafts. Mvskoke Gorgets at and addItIOnal interactIVe years of changes along the the half-hour In the after- Public Library The Story of Sunday, from 10 30 a m to 6 exhIbIts tracmg the stones 2 p m On Fnday, dIscover Detroit RIver VIa a free noon and evenIng TIckets Babar, The LIttle Elephant p m AdmISSIOn IS $7 for Favonte MUSICand Songs at of other automotIve pioneers VIdeo presentatIOn rn the are $10 for adults or $8 for and Hans Chnstran adults, $6 for semors and noon and Tap Dance at the AutomotIve Hall of Museum's new OlIver semors and chrIdren ages 12 Anderben's The WIld Swans chIldren, ages 2 to 12 IMAX Created in the USA at 2 p m Fame, 21400 Oakwood In Dewey Marcks OnentatlOn and under Call (313) 982- WIll be 'icreened, 'lUesday, Theatre and Planetanum The fee IS $3 per proll"am Dearborn Take III a SpeCIal Theatre, openIng Saturday, 6001 tIckets are an additIOnal $4 VehIcle 'J'P81U Owners J Illy 27 Children can also See FAMILY, page 9B

n >' =New Vlsk>ns d ~OOI_ CAFANA'S August is customer appreciation month at New ViSIOns of You. We ~ ~ would like to thank our clients of ... For the most Important WeddIng 2002 SUMMER SEASON HAS Leaving on your cruise or 21 years of dedIcation and of the year. YOURS. Count on BEGUN m our 2nd floor SOHAR welcome new clients. WIth a color heading out of town for your the experts at Cafana's for the ROOM wzth an open deck, lwe vacation? The NOTRE DAME or perm you'll receIve a FREE 10 entertainment, & dancmg. finest in quality and serVIce. PHARMACY has all your travel oz. bottle of Redken shampoo. CAFANA'S is at 17233 Mack PAUL CAREY AND THE NITE needs. Nice selectIOn of Samsomte Great for after sun and sports Avenue @ Notre Dame, (313)881- CRA WLERS Fnday & Saturday, travel cosmetic bottles, luggage activitIes to purify your hair. Book 1224. July 19 & 20 startmg at 9:00 p.m. tags, travel pillows plus money your appointment today. 313-884- pouches, travel raIncoats, clocks, 0330 at 21028 Mack, Grosse COLD TRAIN.' Wednesday, July 24 passport cases, adapters ... Pointe Woods. startmg at 8:00 p. m. Friday & everythIng from travel shampoo to Saturday, July 26 & 27 startmg af clothesline - plus much more ...at 9:00p.m. 16926 Kercheval In-the-Village. KISKA JEWELERS (::l13)885-2154. JJLAcK MARKET: Wednesday, S."nss Army wdkhe~ are perfect July 31, startzng at 8:00 p.rn Ann for the sporty type person Klska Frzday & Saturday, August 2 & 3 Arbor Jewelers carries a large selectIOn startmg at 9:00 p. m. AntlqueJ of designs for men and women Arrzve early and enJoy dznner Market VarIety of styles WIth dIfferent before the muszc. colors, staInless, two tone -- great ANTIQUE LOVERS combInatIOns to SUIt all SlNDBAD'S "SOBAR" ROOM perfect Jom us at the famous ANN personahtIes at 63 Kercheval on- for your pnvate partzes and specml ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. the-HIll (313)885-5755 occaswn. Call (313)822-7817 for more The happening IS Sunday, July mformatwn at 100 St. Clmr on.the- 21st One of the natIOns largest RJ,[)('r. • and longest runmng regularly scheduled antIques shows WIth ~ owseum International over 300 dealers all under cover. Dealers In quahty antiques and Sawn & Spa I I Ed Maliszewski select collectIbles wlth every Item Carpeting Coloseum International Salon I guaranteed as represented. and Spa proudly announces the Highly dIverSIfied show WIth openIng of their Day Spa. Massage emphasrs on furmture, accessones Come In and see Karastans new "French Check" wool plalds. POINTE therapIsts DenIse M Porter, and most speCIaltIes This rs Ann Arbor AntIques Market 34th They're serwusly sporty at Ed NCTMB, 313-304-2570, Martha T I ! • season On srte dehvery servIce, Mahszewskl Carpetzng .. 21435 I~ O'Neal NCTMB 586-872-6445 I several snack bars with custom Greater Mack, St. Clair Shores, (formerly of Day Spa on-the-HII1) made foods Locator servICe for (586) 776-5510 POInte-Fitness & TraInIng has and Barbara Payton, 313-881- findIng speCial Items and dealers. opened another faclhtyl We are 7252 are welcomIng you to come I AdmISSIOn $500 per person. The located off the servIce dnve and experIence Pampering at Its : time IS 700 a m to 400 p.m .... at between Moross and Allard. best' Call today and make your 5055 Ann Arbor - Sahne Road To advertl .. (313)417-9666 (EXIt #175 off 1-94, then south 3 appoIntment (313)881-7252 at 75 r In thlt column mIles) Washtenaw Farm CounCIl Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms I call (313) aa2-3600 Grounds FREE parkIng. by 2:00 p.m. Friday. Defense, balance carry Farms-City All-Stars to second straight state tournament berth Grosse Pomte Woods- City struck early Smgles by Fisher each hit two run three hIts Shores Nationals manager Monark and Fisher and an homers Chnton Valley's only JIm Rml watched from the error loaded the bases m the In another first-round threat came m the first third-base coachmg box as a bottom of the first for Max game, L'Anse Creuse beat mmngs when Jeff SPICUZZI Grosse Pomte Farms-CIty Getz, who drove m the first Harper Woods 10-7 led off with a smgle and nlAvpr nnrf' ~"'Rln rnhhpn two rlln~ w~th R twn-nllt I;;n, J;t~'M"l"!S('~t:/~~d:::t :'~'....ln D.l1c.lH :~ic1J~.lU~d Jut d UOUOle ~ne- of hIs bat~rs of a base gle to left field on a 3-2 a row the followmg day wIth to nght Monark then struck hit durmg last week's pItch a 12-4 WIn over Woods- out the No 3 hItter and got Dlstnct 6 Little League Woods-Shores came back Shores AmerIcan FIsher Justm DaVId to bounce Into Baseball 12-year-old all-star m the top of the second to scattered SIXluts and struck an mnmg-endmg double tournament at Elworthy score a run on consecutIve out eIght play from McLoughlin to FIeld smgles by MIchael Koltun, Max Getz led the offenSIve RemJllet to Max Getz Rml turned to the Farms- Mack Topper and Brad attack by gomg 3-for-4 WIth In Its half of the first, CIty dugout and saId to Vandevorde four RBIs, mcludmg a Fanns-Clty erupted for 12 manager MIke Getz, "Your Farms-City added a run bases-loaded double In the runs on nme hits The out- defense IS unbelievable" m the second on smgles by first mnIng that gave burst featured a grand slam And it was Sean McloughlIn and Enc Farms-CIty a 2-0 lead by Remillet, which was fol- TIme and agam the AllIson Gus RemJllet and Monark followed WIth a two- lowed by a solo shot by Getz Fanns-Clty team's defense Sam Mott scored runs m the run smgle RemJllet and FIsher each robbed the opposItion of hits thIrd and the tIde had Mott and RemIllet also collected three luts and five on the way to Its second turned In favor of the had key luts that drove m RBIs Getz went 4-for-4 WIth strlUght tnp to the Little Farms-CIty AU-Stars two runs apiece ChriS four RBIs Thomas, Mott, League state tournament Fisher and Stephens lut Peters led Woods-Shores Alhson, Sheehy and This year's tournament back-to-back homers m the Amencan with a pair of hIts. Stephens each had two begIns on Saturday at 11 fourth mmng A four-run Woods-Shores National RBIs. a m at Muraslu Field In fifth featured hits by began Its run to the dlstnct In Tuesday's actIOn, RIchmond Monark, FIsher and champIOnshIp game WIth a ClInton Valley AmerIcan And thIS year's squad Stephens 10-0 wm over Clinton Valley handed L'Anse Creuse Its stands a good chance of Reml1let and FIsher each NatIOnal Patnck Gustme second defpat, 5-2, and; gomg one step further than collected three hIts m the pItched an outstandmg Woods-Shores Amencan Photo by Rosh Sollars last year's state finahsts game and Alhson had three game and James Costa was ousted the Park 5-1 Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores National's Bl'ett Rear- "From top to bottom thIS RBIs Monark was the wm- the offenSive standout In Woods-Shores won the r don sUdes across the plate during the District 6 Lit- IS probably the strongest mng pItcher and he received other games on the first game WIth a five-run upns- ' tle League 12-year-old All.Star tournament at Elwor- team we've had And that excellent defenSive support Saturday of the tournament, mg m the Sixth, featunng thy Field. The Farms-City catcher is Max Getz. mcludes last year's team In Fnday's game, Woods- Grosse POInte Park beat key hIts from wmmng pltch- that played m the state Shores National avenged Its L'Anse Creuse 10-4 belund er Chns Zak and Peters champlOnship game," saId only prevIOus tournament the pitchmg of Pu.tnck MIchael Herzog had two Getz, who was a coach on loss WIth the 4-2 wm over LewandowskI and ClInton hIts for the Park Babe Ruth tQurneys last year's squad and IS Fanns-Clty Valley Amencan crushed The two remammg" manager of thiS year's Farms-City took an early Hamtramck 18-0 unbeatens played on Fanns-Clty All-Star squad. lead when Alhson led off the In Sunday's actIOn, the Wednesday In a near-perfect on Pointe diamonds "The boys last year were game WIth a double and only teams playmg were the LIttle League game in whIch, great, but I tlunk we have scored on Stephens' smgle ones who fell mto the losers' Farms-City mpped Woods- The 50-year celebration of p.m on Sunday even more balance this Woods-Shores tIed the game bracket Clintondale got a Shores National 4-3 Babe Ruth Baseball m the ChampIOnshIp games are YE.'at" m the second mmng on a palr of homers from catcher The pItchIng and defense Grosse Pointes WIll continue scheduled for 2 30 pm on And there's that defense smgle by Topper, a WIld Robert Sammons as it oust- was excellent on both SIdes tms weekend with a paIr of Monday "We made some great pItch and an RBI smgle by ed Clinton Valley National but the Farms-City did a bIt state all-star tournaments In the 13-year-old tourna- plays on hard-hit balls," Vandevorde 13-0 Harper Woods sent better Job of puttmg Its hIts All-star teams from NIles, ment, Grosse POInte Woods- Getz saId "When you do Some excellent baserun- Hamtramck home WIth a 10- together L'Anse Creuse North, Shores WIll play Chnton that It deflates the other mng enabled Woods-ShQres 0 WID. Stephens picked up hiS, Chnton Valley, Grosse Valley at 9 a m Saturday hi th ball h d k ' Pointe Woods-Shores and and Grosse Pomte South team 'Th tear to pic up two run$ ~ the In a losers' bracket game second wm of the touma-: Grosse Pointe South wl1l will face L'Anse Creuse and have notlung to show tmrd and one m the fourth .on"" ~rtday,,.., L'Anse Creuse ment .1 . for It can be frustratIng" Inning beat \Aintondale 23-7 The Max Getz, who went 2-for-1 ""'pe'" m donb",".",na. NO"h at 11,30 a.m on It', no' jus' the ph''',,,,1 Fums-e,ty haW,' ba ..... scllU'bel.r In'.:!:.-'\"': Jose ' d . th d th at regIonal tournaments year old tournament l.n ~ el! o. e III c omas. com I on a ~ ....~.H::r rs rove m 6.secon run WI Grosse Pomte South will S t - d G P T ,g. field. The team was also bfkey hits, but the rally feU bracket game-, 'WOOds-Bhores a double to deep nght and host the 13-year-old tourna- S a ~~ ay d C~?s~e V.0ll~a e sharp mentally short Amencan beat Harper he scored on Fisher's smgle ment at Kerby Field, whIle Oil I an t 9 m on d t~y "We've tned to put mto Karl Tech pItched an out- Woods 9-6 Monark's sixth-mmng smgle Grosse Pomte Woods-Shores WI p ay fa th atm. an leI their heads what to plan to standmg game for Woods- In wmners' bracket actIOn, drove In RemIllet With the WIll host the tournament for facewmnerWoods-Shores0 a gameat 2WI30 d0 before the ball IS hIt to Shores, allOWIng on Iy five W00ds- Sh ores N atlOna I F arm!'>-C"Ity s fiIna I ta IIy them," Getz saId "That's hits for hIS second Will of the blanked the Park All-Stars The 4-0 lead all but evap- POinte14-year-oldsNorth HIghat SchoolGrosse p mThe 13 year 0Id campIOnh remstered..' pretty well WIth tournament 4-0 The game was scoreless orated In the SIxth when sm- Games III both tourna- d -to th I the kids They're IIIthe nght FIsher pItched well for untIl the bottom of the fifth gles by Karam, Topper and ments are scheduled lOr 9 ~ vance~ ~ regIon\ ~n posItion to make the plays Fanns-Clty as he threw a when Peter MItchell drove Patnck Gustine cut the lead and 11 30 a m. and 2.30 and th emo~nee, l~sc, w I e and they back up en the three-lutter m Mark Karam, who led off to 4-3 StE.'phens got the final 5 30 P m on Saturday, and de -Ytoeatrh-o wmlner bases" Farms-CIty started Its the mmng WIth a smgle out of the game when thIrd 11 30 d 2 30 d 5 30 avances0 b K e regIona In Wh letI h e delense~ was ch amplOns h Ip run wh en MICh ae I Koltun lu t a d ouble, baseman Sh ee h y fiIeld ed a a m an an wens oro, y outstanding, the hittmg and Stephens pitched a perfect whIch helped put the game hard grounder by Koltun pItching was also solId game m a 13-0 Win over out of reach "That's where luck enters Racing injury curbs "We hit the ball well," Clintondale Stephens Tech pItched a three-lut mto wmmng a tournament," Getz saId. "And we have struck out seven and helped shutout and struck out MIke Getz sald "They had three solId pitchers III CurtIS hImself WIth a three-run eIght Evan Pearson pItched theIr No 3 hitter at the Barber Dodge driver FIsher, Chns Stephens and homer well for the Park. plate WIth runners on first Jack Monark I'll thmk Alhson and Sam In the other wInners' and second He hit a one- they'll all be competitive at Dauphmals each made out- bracket game, Farms-CIty hopper that probably would By Brad Lindberg One dnver, and 1999 the state level" standIng defenSive plays on overpowered Chnton Valley have gone over the third Staff Wnter Indlanapohs 500 wmner The balance on the sharply-hit grounders Amencan 27-0 Monark was baseman's head If we had InJunes Imgenng from a Kenny Brack crash earlier thIS season Farms-City team carries FIsher, Remillet and the wmnmg pitcher m the somebody shorter than It's been a tough season mto the mtangIbles Michael Sheehy each went game that was halted after 3 caused Jay RiCCIto opt out of for RICCI Like many under- a race last weekend asSOCI- "The kIds seem to be able 3-for-3 and Remlllet and 1/2 lllnlngs He allowed See TOURNEY, page 2C funded dnvers dealing WIth to find the nght balance _ ated WIth the Marcom the economic downturn, off- between confidence and Gra.Yld Pnx of C!c\.'£land trad, quest for sponsorshIp cockme1>!l, Getz SaId l' RIccI dnves III the Barber nvals wheel-to-wheel com- "They're confident - which Dodge Pro Senes of open- petItion on race day you have to be - but they're wheel cars "It's all about money," not cocky A member of the RICCI RICCIsa,d of a racer's ablhty "And they know when to auto dealership family from to field a competitive car on have fun and when It'S tIme Grosse POlllte Farms, he a regular baSIS HIS blue and to be senous n canceled CIE'veland because orange No. 22 race car IS This IS the fourth tIme hiS broken hand IS stlll sponsored by J D. Bynder that Getz has managed a ' 2. mendIng from a two-car car dealershIps year-old all-star team and smash-up In June at Road DespIte the promise of last year he was a coach Amenca III Qluo race-SIde access and a 2001 when Bob Conway managed "I was happy to walk Barber Dodge teleVISIOn the Farms-Cltv team to the away," he said The other audience measurpd by A C dlstnct title. " guy wasn't so fortunate NeIlsen at 2,739,36, spon- "I've coached kIds from 7- "He went headfirst lllto a sors can be hard to find year-olds to college age and concrete wall," RICCI said It costs about $200,000 to thiS age group IS the most "He'll be In a wheelchaIr for run the entire, ll-race fun," he slUd "They're atten- eIght weeks " Barber Dodge season tive and plaYlllg Little RICCI'Snext Barber Dodge Venues range from Sebnng, League baseball means race IS Aug 11 at Mid-OhIO Fla , to Vancouver, Canada, everythlllg to them right Sports Car Course track m and MeXICO City Barber now They stili have dreams LexIngton The 2 25-mlle Dodge was part of the of someday playmg for the track features tight turns DetrOlt Grand Pnx on Belle TIgers and they're stili kids and long straights Isle and not mvolved With some "It's a really neat track," RICCI'S SidelIne vIew thIS of the other worldly thmgs " he said year follows a strong fimsh The Farms-City AlI.Stars Barber Dodge IS a CART- last ioeaioon HE.'had a near- won the dlstnct tItle on sanctioned feeder CIrCUIt to spothght performance In the Saturday With an 11-1 VICto- full-bIo\<' n Indy Champ cars final race of 2001 at the ry over Wood,~-Shores Barber Dodge graduateR tWI<;ty Ma7da RacE'way at NatIOnals, whIch had beaten lllclude Robbie Buhl, a Laguna Seca In Monterey, Farms City 4-2 on Friday Farms native and car owner Cahf night tn force an e'ttra game In the Indy racmg League, "I set the fourth or fifth In the dou ble-ehmlllatlOn The Groue Pointe Farms-City Little League 12-year-old All-Star team bold 2000 CART champwn .Juan fa&U>Rtlap of the race,~ RICCi tournament Montoya, now a Formula up tLe cbampionship banner after winning tbe District 6 title for the leeo ; saId In the final game, Fanns- Itraight season. n .2.C Srnorts G.ro.s.s.e.p.o.IrJuly ".te.N.e.w_818,2002 Ill Dragons perfect City to host In• sprIng• season Lakefront The Grosse Pomte Soccer Kim Beeman swim meet AsSOciatIOnDragons '91 fin- "Solid, unselfish team Ished their spring season play was really the key to The Lakefront Swunmmg with a 10-0 record In the the gIrls' success," Beeman AsSOCiatIon ChampIOnships girls under-ll White s81d WIll be held at the new DIvIsIOn of the Michigan Team members were Norbert P Neff Memonal Youth Soccer League Jenny Barry, Damelle Park In the City of Grosse "The girls worked very Brand, Kelsey Burgess, Pomte on July 23 and 24, hard tlus season on positIOn- Kathryn Carey, Blanca mg and shape, as well as Czarnockl, Alex Flhppelll, Prellmmaries will begm physical conditIOnIng,. said Adele Freeman, Lauren at 9 a m. on Tuesday, July team trainer John Mellon, Jacob, Kelh Krawchuck, 23 The finals will bt:! held on who ISalso the head coach of Kimmy Leverenz, Sam Wednesday, July 24 at 5:30 the Grosse Pomte South Mathew. Nlchole Rottach pm boys varsity soccer team Megan Ryan and Morgan The team was coached by Stmson The Lakefront Swunmmg AsSOCiatIOnconsists of SIX teams representmg the five Grosse Pomtes and St. Clair Farms tops Shores Shores Swimmers range in age from 6 to 17.

in swimming meet More than 900 swimmers The Grosle Pointe Soccer AsllOclation Dragons '91 won the Michigan Youth partiCIpate during the rune- Alex Glendemng and Schmidt, GPF Boya 25 breast- Soccer League girll under.l1 White Division spring champioD8hip with a 1()'() stroke, Fares Ksebatl, GPF Boys 25 record. week season Stephame Johnson each Medals will be awarded won three mdlVldual events butterfly, Mike Shook, GPF GIrls 50 freestyle, Karlee for swimmers who finish to lead Grosse Pointe Farms Humphrey, GPF Glrla 25 back- among the top SIX m each to a 299-263 Victory over stroke, Alex BraCCI, GPF Girls 25 event m the fmals, Grosse POinte Shores In a breaststroke, Sam Flllpelll, GPS Star of the Sea shines bright Lakefront SWlmmmg Girls 25 butterfly, Meredith Reid, GPS AsSOCiatIondual meet MIXed 100 freestyle relay, Grosse City swim Glendemng and Johnson POinte Farms (Max Schmidt, in CYO Eastside baseball each competed m the 14- CSltlm McNitt, Karlee Humphrey, team has two and-under age group Mike Shook) Our Lady Star of the Sea's all season to WIll the title strong, led by Danny The Shores team also had seventh and eighth grade 12-and-under ThiS ISone of the best group Rusmow, Paul McAlpme, shows Friday a pair of tnple wmners as Boys 50 freestyle, Steve baseball team got a share of of boys that I've coached m Damel BogOSIan, Michael Dan Mmturn and Carolyn the Eastside Catholic Youth years. The City of Grosse Hamadek, GPF Boys 50 back- DallaIre, Fred Andary, Pointe's synchronized swim Jacobs won three events stroke, Tun Oman, GPF Boys 50 OrgamzatlOn champlOnslup SteVIe Coates and Matt breaststroke, MIchael Lane, GPS team will perform tWice on apiece m the 17-and-under Star of the Sea fimshed A deep bench ::md two LombardI Boys 50 butterfly, Steve Hamadek, Friday at the new Neff Park diVISIOn WIth a 9-1 league record solid startIllg pitchers III GPF pool Followmg are the wmners "I couldn't be any prouder Jamie Sheppard and Chns Girls 50 freestyle, Sarah Cullen, Tom Rusmow also men- The first show will start at III each event GPS Gala 50 backstroke, Amanda of this fine group of boys,. McAlpine were mstrumen- tioned the team's tImely lut- noon and the second will Fildes, GPF Girls 50 breaststroke, saId head coach Tom tal m the team's success tmg as bemg a key to the Sarah Cullen, GPS Girls 50 butter- begin at 7 p m. 8-and'llnder Rusmow "They worked hard The defense was also Star of the Sea title run Boys 25-yard freestyle, Brian fly, Amanda [JrandelS, GPF The theme of the show is Cleary, GPS Boys 25 backstroke, "Television's Greatest Hits." Henry Fildes, GPF Boys 25 breast- 14-and-under " stroke, Henry FJldes, GPF Boya 25 Boys 50 freestyle, Alex Coach Molly Clark is the butterfly, Scott Posada, GPF G1endelllDg, GPF Boys 50 back- preSident of the synchro- Guls 25 freestyle, Katie Case, stroke, Alex Glend=g, GPF Boys nized swim team at the GPS Girls 25 backstroke, Katie 50 breaststroke, Janue Handley, University of Michigan. The Case, GPS Girls 25 breaststroke, GPF Boys 50 butterfly, Matt Lane, entire team will perform two ChaIlotte Mooney, GPF Gals 25 GPS Boys 100 IndNldual medley, butterfly, Lena Tlto, GPS Alex G1endemng, GPF numbers and there are sev- MIXed100 freestyle relay, Grosse Girls 50 freestyle, Mehssa eral other numbers to be Pomte Shores (LoUie Saravolatz, Cleary, GPS Girls 50 backstroke, performed by smaller KatIe Case, Lena Tlto, Brian Stepbame Johnson, GPF Girls 50 groups Cleary) breaststroke, Anna Cllnmngham, OPF Gals 50 butterfly, Stephame There wul also be a per- lQ.and.under Johnson, GPF. Gala 100 mdlVldual formance by the City Boys 50 freestyle, MIM! Shook, medley, Stephanie Johnson Lifeguards GPF BOjs 25 backstroke, Matt The event is free and open 17.and.under to the public. Boys 50 freestyle, John Lund, GPF Boys 50 backstroke, Dan Tourney- Minturn, GPS Boys 50 breast. stroke, Ryan ~mer, GPF Boys 50 Farms swim From page lC butterfly, Dan Mmturn, GPS Boys 100 mdlvldual medley, Dan team has show Sheehy playmg there. Mmturn, GPS GustIne pitched an excel- Girls 50 freestyle, Carolyn on Sunday lent game for Woods-Shores Jacobs, GPS Gals 50 backstroke, Carolyn Jacobs, GPS Girls 50 as he kept the Farms-City breaststroke, Julia Sturm, GPF The Grosse Pointe Farms lutters off balance until late GlJ'ls 50 butterfly, JoAnn synchronized SWimming III the contest Matthews, GPF Girls 100 mdlVld. team will perform a show on In the losers' bracket uaI medley, Carolyn Jacobs, GPS Sunday, July 21, at 6:30 game on Wednesday, Clmton Relays p.m, at the Pier Park Pool. Valley AmerIcan beat MIXed 17-and-under 200 medley, Our Lady Star of the sea's seventh and eighth grade baseball team tied for the Woods-ShoresAmencan 4-3 Grosse POinte Shores (Dan champioD8hip in the catholic Youth Organization Eastside Division. In front, The theme of the show is Chnton Valley's Marlinga Mmturn, Katie Monahan, Mehssa from left, are Brad Evau.ki, Andrew Cracchiolo, Danny Ruainow, Stevie Coates "America the Beautifu1." and Woods-Shores' Kulek Cleary, Chns Blunden) Boys 12- and Auatin Ditzhazy. In the middle row, from left, are Jeff Hawkins, Daniel and-under 200 medley, Grosse each homered Calvin Lech POlOte Farms (Mike Burchl, Beau Bogosian, Matt Lombardi. Jamie Sheppard, Paul McAlpine and Brian Flemion. In case of ram, the show was the wlnnmg pitcher. Yavor, Steve Harnadek, Mike In back. from left, are head coach Tom Rusinow. Paul Ventimiglia, Michael Dal. Will be rescheduled for 6 30 In Thursday's actIOn, BJazofO Girls 12-and-under 200 laire. John Dltzhuy, William Bolton, Andrew Paglla. Ben Czerniawaki, Chrll p.m. on Monday. Woods-Shores NatIonal medley, Grosae Pomte Farms McAlpine. Fred Andary, Robert Hathaway and co-head coach Gary Lombardi, The show ISfree for Farms (Amanda FJldes, Anna Not pictured are Dooner Curls, Daniel Curls Sr. and Scott Zuidema. defeated Clinton Valley Cunningham, Amanda BrandeiS, reSidents and theIr guests Amencan 4-1 to earn a spot Libby JellJlen) Boys 57 years 200 In the finals agamst Farms- freestyle, Grosse POinte Shores City (Scott Nixon, Matt Lane, Drew Koltun pitched a fine Tech, Alex Lagrasso) Girls 57 years Local golfers do well in junior tournaments game for Woods-Shores and 200 freestyle, Grosse Pomte Shores (Carolyn Jacobs, Emily SchleIcher, Enk Schleicher of Grosse got excellent relief help from Momque Sqwers, Anne KDpf) older diVISIOnof the Power- In the gIrls lo-and-older of 92-85-177. Tech, who faced one batter Pomte Shores shot a 77-76- BIlt JUnIor Tour event last diVISion, LeIgh-Ann Colson In a MeIjer Junior Players and got him to lut mto a 153 to fimsh m seventh week at the Tanglewood Golf of Grosse POlllte Woods was '!bur event at the Tree '!bps game-endmg tnple play G.P. South place m the boys 16-and Cour~e In South Lyon fourth WIth a two-day total Resort in Gaylord, The format of tlus year's Samantha TroyanoVich og state tournament lruaran- the Shores shot !!. 98 t-ofL'l- tees the Farms-C;ty AlI- Babe Ruth ish second m the girls 10-12 Stars a mlmmum of four age group. games Their first game IS highlights EarlIer, Colson shot a 96 • to fimsh mnth in the gIrls scheduled for Saturday at 11 McGWIRE DMSION a m The Farms-City's other Indians 8, Reds 6 16-and-older dIvision at the games are on Sunday at Alan Francs was 2.for-2 With Power-Bllt tour event at noon, Monday at 12 30 pm two RBIs for the Indians and Jeff FIeldstone Golf Club in and Tuesday at 12 30 p m Remlllet was 3-for-3 Jergen bad Auburn lUlu three luts for the Reds, while Bnslu Four of the 15 teams will reached base on all four of hIS at In the bL\YS 11-15 age qualify for the semIfinals, bats group, Joey Parke of Grosse whIch wlll be played at 3 30 Pomte Farms was 13th with and 6 p m on Thursday, an 85 Indians 3,Athletics 2 July 25 The champIOnshIp The game featured an outstand- In the gIrls 11-15 group, game ISscheduled for 4 p m mg pltchmg duel between the Caitlm Bennett of the on Fnday, July 26 IndIans' Jeff Stevens and the Woods was fourth WIth a 93. This IS the third time m Athletics' Steven Slaughter In a Power-Bllt tour stop the 51-year lustory of the Stevens and Vmme Paruzzl each at Katke-Cous1nS golf course had two hIts and scored a run, Farms-CIty LIttle League while ChrIS Schwartz lut a long at Oakland UmversIty, Jim that the 12-year-old All-Star double TIm Mulheron was strong Roney of the Farms shot a team has qualified for the defensIvely 74 to fimsh fourth in the state tournament The 1995 Paul Walny and Bnan Cammer boys 16-and-older diVision squad won the league's only each hIt doubles and scored a run state title for the Athletics Woods-Shores Elect Edw-ard J. Babe Ruth \.~.;; Mighty Mets McGWIRE DMSION Reds 7, Braves 6 The Mets won the Tom Landau Memorial Trophy, awarded to the reiUlar . . ":; StartlDg pItcher Mark FSZI col- .-.rr'..Gaffney sellllOn chllU1pion in the Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores Babe Ruth League. The lected three !uts for the Reds Scott Mets were flnIt in the So.. Division. [n front, from left, are Marshall Ochyl- Kurtz pItched the final three r State Representative ski, Matt Koppinger, Eric Dornbrook. Jeff Rohrkemper and Dan Cyr, In back. mmngs m rehef to record the Win www edgaft'ncy2002 com from left, are coach Charlie Ochylski, Ron AlnajJar. Rosl NeuchterJein, Alex Svmonct. started a game-end- ." mg double play WIth the bases Robert Rickel, Mike Pilot, Wesley Rayn&]. John ROSI, Ron Bedway and man. loaded m the lM'VenthInmDg Iller Bob OUvieri. Ryan Smith and Don TIull each * * rote Hcptihlic:ln .\Il~lIst()th * * had two hIts for the Braves Classlfleds Thursday, July 18, 2002 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

To advertise in this section call: (313)882-6900 ext. 3 J13-88~-6~OOext 3 OEAOUNES fnX:313-J4J-556~ &~~FOR~RENTAlS.. -----_ 0 0 _ ~ 90. Aipholt Pov ng Repair 95. Woed Ad. - MONDAY A PM ANNOUNCEMfNTS SITUATION WAN11:D AUTOMOnvE ...., 905 POlnbng/dec:aratlng 965 956 IKYNDAY 12 P.M 098 G< .. hng. JOO 600 A."to/Truck RepaIr Post Control 966 ""olo. ~'"':' s.""""", Wontod &abrso.... Co,. 906 Arch.tectural Se,.... ce 957 968 ~~~~/~or~~:rollahon ~=~nlhes Coro Basemen! Waterproof ng °58 969 ~~FiiOrdcRs) ~~ 5g~ 2=~1W11 :g~f~d'- ~ 959 Powe( WO....lng TUESDAY 12 NOON 101 Pray",. 303 Day Ca", 603 Gen.,al MolO'" 909 &oth T b Ref n ..hmg 970 960 Roof, ng Serv ce 971 (9;JIv'r...~doM cK.s1 102 Lost & Found 304 General 6041 Anhque/CIaSiIC 962 SlOrmlo And Screem 973 /'A, ml::Nni 103 AlIOmoy>/LogoI. 305 Hou .. Cleon,ng 605 f",. gn 91 I B~er;=nr:e ar d/Block Work 96A ~ Clear; n9 Serv Cilt 97. ~ IS "'9ll!md. 10. Accounhng 306 Hou>o S "'"9 606 Sporl u.l,ty 912 0 8, Id ngl Romoclel ng ~KI MQ;;;Cord SPEOAl SERVlaS 307 Nun.as Ad. 607 Junket's 913 Co'loh Ch..tck Pleose nole $2 105 Answer n9 Services 308 OffJc:e Cleaning 608 Parn Tires Alarms 914 Caulk ng fee ""~.d,,,.dcred' ca,d. 106 Camp. 309 Sol.. 609 Rentol./I"""ng 915 AD SlYlES: 107 Compuhtr WeOS4te'£ 310 AJ.lolstedlvlng ~ 610 SportsCors 916 2~~a-eonlng Carpet In ..tel lot on W:'~~1~765:~h5 J~ ~~:::"m=-'c. MERCHANDISE ~ m ~~~. m Clock RqxJlr "~':'?"'$l!2!~70_ted 110 Dr ..... fd""ohon .00 Anhjlu .. /CoII"""bles 613 WantwdTa8uy 919 CemDn'WOrk Ch mney Cleaning '"DU .... rec AC :23.....- l1 1 HooooJ Ads 401 .Appliances 6'" AJJIo Inklrance 920 column Inch , 12 Health & Nutnhon .402 Arts & Crofts 61 oS Auto Sent.eeI 921 Ch mney Repo r llotdo< Ad. $26 10 pe' 113 Hobby In.PNcbon A03 Avehon. 922 C,elllll\9s. I:LHSSIFIED HDVERTISING = Computet'" Repair <:alumn Inch 1 I.. MusIC: Educ:otlon 4~ B c:ydes RECREATIONAL 923 5I'fClAL RAlliS FOR I 15 Par')' ~ann .... /Hflipen .05 Cewnpu"," 650 A,opIana 925 Canloh'uchon Iilepolr 96 Kercheval. Grosse POinte Farms MI 4823 HELP WANTED SECTIONS 116 SchOol. .06 E>late Sol.. 651 Boo" And Malo<> 926 Decks/ Pahos (313) 882-6900 ext 3. Fax (313) 343-5569 000" web http IIgro5Sepo.nlenews com F~~~lh~~I~t~ m ~~~ Se ntononc. 930 ElectT col ServIC," or O"edl: o~ol . - 120 Tutonr\f3 EducohOr\ A'O Household Soles ~~ ~ogel Dode. ng ;~~ EJo:cavohng ADDAESS CITY Z P _ fence .. ~t'==~=con ~~~ ~,t\9/Alteranons ~~~ ~~%neou.Arhdes 656 MotOtb.kes 93~ Fmeploces. be buty on ~ & '1~~ Dea:w-atu'95ervl<:e 4' J Mu.'colln.rrumetll'1 657 Mototcyclcs 936 Floor Sand ng/Rcfm J., ng PHONE 'WOADS __ TOTALCOSTPEA WEEIL.....-- 'tuesc:IaY o.ocIinet ~ SllpcO\lers 414 OUu~elbu.me.. EqUipment 658 /Y\olot HOl"nes 937 Furnace Repo r I ..1-.- H .... 125 F,nonc 01 ceo A 15 Wonted To 8uy 659 S","",""""I .. s...v Ins.taHollOO D 1 Wk __ Q 2 M, __ oJ 3 Wkl D4 Wks__ ..l-WkS __ ~&~ :~~ Sf~~~ 416 S~rtlEqujPMont ~~ ~~::'Spor~ (1938 Furn Jure RehnlshmgJ AMOUNT ENCLOSED O. Q _ • _ W~~~ 'gn' 10 dou,1y '28 F'hoIog'OI'hy Gem.. R«I <~'I"E FOR RENT • 99~o9 'd,I ~:~~i gro~~~~o,ve SIGNATUAE ,EXP OATE _ ~,nnuTh::'~IIJ,.~~Otei .....rt.W'.~D "19 BUlldl"9 Molef" 01. ~IW"'" .. Gloss RO!odcnhal reaorvei Ph. r~~ .;;all Qf' 2OQ"" H';ip'Won~ o.f"lo8ra ..420 Resoli!J/ConSlgnl'l"let'lt Shops, oSee our .v.ogalUMSectton 9.. 1 Mlrron ,.,oct ocl copy Wbm,tted to.- 201 Help Wonted 8obys. ... , .. "'Youriiomo- foo 0/1 Oo...r-J 9.2 Garage-So $1335 for 12 words AddltiofIBlword8, ~ eech rRE-PAYMENT REQUIRED ~&AD.lJS1'MNSc Cle-.col -AN-IMALS----- .. REAl~~Tr~R-SAtt ~~~ land1Ccpers/Gardener-. ~g~:t:~~~~::J Gufters R.. po,,,,b Illy lor dan'l.ed DentollM.d cal 500 An mol. Adop' A P. os. .... Mog Wooled Port Time 504 Humane So<:lehes and Cem.twy Lots 9.8 poriM?n n error Notlhcohon 207 Help Wanted So~. 505 Lot.I And found --_____ m 9.9 ~:~e~~~~ Janllorlol Se'-"'ICM '2 11335 muot be 9-- ,n h"'.Io, 208 HeIR Wantwd N...... 506 Pet 8,o.d ng GUIDE TO SEAVlCE~ 950 lown~J , 3 eorrecton Inthe rdlow.ng 209 Halp ~~~onvelescent ~~ ~: ~=l:; ~ ~~:=m~~~'t~/Repo.r 951 Snow Bower Repo r 140(114 14.15'5 l..~e-um 11530 '6 115'15 ~~':'~II~;ce.h: some ohef Management 509 Pet Boord nglS,"er 902 Alummum. S.d nQ 952 Lexbmth n 'Nt Plnlln.efhon ,,5' 0 "'_--...:01 ~" ...ea YU.J ~"'\l o"ce Cepe;"s 953 :o&.r.:. a alf..Al,g S"~12a M1,.5I'''' nS'1'l ..mef" C!-po L------I'!~IW

099 WSINESS . 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 114 MUSI( EllUCATlON 117 SECRETARIAL SERVI(IS 120 TUTORING EDUCATION- 124 SLfP(OVERS 125 CONTRIIUTIONS 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL GUITAR Instructor Your "WHAT Ir making mono PER80NAUZED In TUTORING, reading, SIMPLY Slip Covers & 8T Clare PTO IS now ACCOUNTANT. lull homel mine Sean, ey was as easy as home bookkeeping math by certified Accessones Custom collecting books for time Dulles Include fi- MSU grad, (313)881- 25 years accountmg breathing clean air? teachf'r Wllh Orton- slip covers made to used book sale Sep- nancial statement 1890 expenence Grosse Advanced patent Gillingham training order, table skirts pil- tember 11- 15 Books preparation, payroll pending technology POinte references (3131882 8864 ~:..__ U VIOLIN and musIc les- lows, etc Call Krysta may be depOSited In taxes and corporate (313)886-7534 wns Ca,1 1st Chair (586)826-9418 (313)885-1829 Side the carport door tax relurns Expen- il~ MUSIC (313)886-8565 ence required No Style by the mUel of church located on r It'. a 20924 Harper (north overtime Please fax Mack Avenue at Whit- of Vemler) resume to (313)886- "Quadracycle" 125 (ONTRIIUTIONS lier, dally before 2pm o 115 I'AIlTY PLANNERS/ JACK'S Transportation 4319 1, 2, and 4 aeater Airport, doctor's Call Pat at (313)885- ANNOUNCEMENTS available with HElPERS HEALING! Refuge Min- shopping Anywhere 2084 for pick- up -A-O-M-IN-'-S-T-R-A-T-lV-E-A-s-- many optiou. MAKE- up for your spe- Istry HOUSing, Help- you want to gol Also slstant-- part time to 100 ANNOUNUMENTS For more laformaUoa. Cial event I Will come Ing the Homeless contact package ~ckup 200 HELP WANTED GENEllAl wori<. With ArtistiC D,- to you Low rates Re- Donations accepted M.A. McLaughlin (810)457-5945 123 DECORATING SERVI(E rector 9 weeks Sep- CALUGRAPHY M becca (313)886-4836 Please call (313)587- EDterpriae. $560 base month Part- tember 28- December Add a touch of class 120 nJTORING EDU(ATfON WALLPAPERING by 0114 THE Parte POinte time Early morning 8 Grosse POinte The. to wedding Invltallons, P,O. BOll: 31-0518 Joan 15 years expen- Wedding! event plan- newspaper delivery ater Youth on Stage, place cards Chnst- Detroit, MI 48231 SUMMER tutonng In my ence (313)331-3512 ning Custom gift bas- 313-881-3799 for ,n- mas ca rds, cer1ll1- or call home Grades 3- 7 at Must have good trans- kets InvllallOns bal- tervlew cates, etc (313)526- )313)506-1130 $201 hour Experi- portation Valid dnv loons ~I.e.s 1484 enced teacher er's license & Insur weddlOgsetc. 7H,com FIRST Class Manage- (313)526-6480 ance Please call I can give you TV stars 15222 E Jefferson ment and Edison Boat pictures $200 each Grosse POinte Pari<. (313)884-2430 be- Club now hlnng for Call Bob (313)881- o ------TEACHER working 10- tween 3 30am & two locations Looking 4413 SPECIAJ. SERVICES MO~ wards Master's de 5 30am Weekdays for qualified servers ~ gree Will tutor children bartenders cooks WE ACCEPT grades K- 10 All sub- 109 ENTEUAlNMENT Call lor application ~"...)'/ Jects (313}822-0199 A NANNY 1.J:la.1 -. , NETWORK (313)235-2976 MAGIC of J R McAtee sell ;:'TheCIauIftedI ~ TEACHER. certlfted 29 Thursday July 18th- FOR YOUR All ages and occa l July 21~t After 4pm -. no. "'I- years expenence Looking for quality IN THE CLASSIFIEDS CONVENIENCE slons Voted Besl of (ir0!JSq rviole I~WS Available to lutor In all child care gIvers only Ask for Scott Detroll www Jrmca- ~ Ibmt~ ~Wll , Cu;ooi$iiN sublects Grades 1 Grosw Pointe News (111)OO~~Mnev+ 1 Top salary, benefits Two year expenence dJM5ri tee com (586)286- In restaurant fteld (313)882-6900 ext. 3 and 2 (313)526-1484 , «(@f(:I1oN ~ ~ OO,'U~UU A~ ~ 2728 • I (586)739.2100 need only apply Thursday, July 18, 2002 Classified. Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext. 3 304 SITUATIONS WANTED 308 SITUATIONS WANTED , 10' HElP WANTED 302 ~ITUATIONS WANTED 200 HElP'WANTED GENERAL 200 HElPWANTEO GENERAL 202 HELP WANTED CLERICAL 207 HElP WANTED SMES GENERAL OFFICE CLUNING 8ABYSITTER CONVALESCENT CARl EMERALD Isle Cleaning RECEPTIONIST, full Are You 8erloul About POSITIONS deSired- Ivy ANIMAL hospital seeks JUL V OPENINGS BRIGHT young boys MATURE woman Will Service ProlesSJonal lime East Side Inter- A Career In prOVide excellent care league honors gradU- a full or part time re- looking for energetic cleaning people to $14.05 national Machine Real Ellate? for elderly In Ihelr ate With 27 yC::'$ ex- ceptionist We're look- housekeepeu nanny clean your office Sales Firm seeks mo- We are senous about home excellent refer- penence In managed 109 for a friendly, out- base/appt. Monday- Friday, 2 bUlldmg 25 years ex- livated, well organized your Success I ences 24 hou health cartl and Insur- gOing and prompt per- Guaranteed pay hours In am, 5 hours rsI penence Fully Insur- person With outgoing 'Free Pre-licenSing $110 586-719-0087 ance bUSiness con. son who enJoys work- Full/Part time In pm Children 8, 14 ed 810778-3101 personality Great alti- classes suiting deSires a chal- 109 with people and Flex schedules and 16 Child care, lenging poSition for an the~rpets Busy 2 doc- We train shoppmg, cooking tude and Image a 'ExclUSive Success ra must Responslblillies 'Systems Tramlng entrepreneurial com- tor practice with mullt- Macomb 586.498-8977 and some laundry Include answering! Programs pany or IndiVidual pie telephone lines Detroll 313-343.0908 Call (313)642-0693 routing calls on a multi 'Variety Of CommiSSion Computer experience wwwworlsfor References reqUired The posItion I am CHANDISE line phone, greeting Plans seeking can be In any a plus we are willing students com MER CHILD care needed In clients, various office Jom The No 1 bUSiness or Industry _ to train the right per my home lor children son with the qualities duties light PC Skills, Coldwell Banker affiliate thaI reqUIre Slrateglc 400 LIBRARY IS hiring a full ages 2 and 5 Mon- Word! Excel deSired In the Mldwestl planning and Imple- AN TlO UES/ COLLECT IlLES we seek Please apply POINTE CRR£ SERUIC£S lime Technical Serv day- Thursday, 2- $t 01 hour ro benefits Call George Smale at mentation health care at Jefferson Veterina- Full Part Time Dr L1ue-ln ANN Arbor Anllques Ices Clerk! System 5pm (313)417-8716 Fax resume to or Insurance consult- ry Center, 11300 East 313-886-4200 Personal Care, Market, July 21 Sun- Aide responSible for (313)526-5303, or Companionship, Ing In addilion to prod- Jefferson, UetrOit NANNY needed lor Coldwell Banker day 7am- 4pm 5055 48214 (313)822-2555 processing books, adorable 18 monlh old emall Info@usequlp- SChweitzer Real Eltale Insured-Bonded uct and marlset devel. Mary 6hesqulere Ann Arbor Saline runnino com outer re- In 01" Groc;c;l' POinte ml'otcom ooment WllllnQ to ~rosse l'omlO "OSIIIOlll HOclU ttld II,:) u:: :g.;, ANIMAL hospital seeks ports etc and work- LEASINGC-onsultant share my proven abill- home 3- 5 days a ------313-885-6944 south 3 miles to full or part time assls- Ing the Circulation week Must be lOVing RECEPTIONISTI admin- lies and expenence Apartment complex ,------Washtenaw Farm tanl Respon:>lble for desk Schedule IS a and expenenced With Islratlve Full lime po- Please reply to Box seeks dynamiC, up- CounCil Grounds Ad- handling & providing Sunday' Thursday excellent references silion With DetrOit con. beat, enthUSiastIC, ca- I 01006 clo Grosse miSSion $500 Free care to boarding & schedule $9 851 hour Start In mid- septem. suiting office Profl' C 'ar ed Pomte News & Con. reer mtndlng IndiVidu- ~~"~,"" parlslng No pets In- hospitalized patients Applications are avail- ber Early or later start clency With Word, Ex. nectlon, 96 Kercheval, al for leaSing consul. 'CARING SIl"k:E 1990' formation 850-984- and to maintain the able at any branch or negoliable Day, cel and busmess ma- tant POSition Sales! Grosse POinte Farms, Affordable Live In 24 0122 appearance and send resumes 10 Per- (313)993-1374 Eve- chines Must have leaSing expenence a hour coverage 7 days M148236 cleanliness of the hos- sonnel, Grosse POinte nlngs weekends, good wntten and ver. plus Wonderful bene- per week Home Health ANTIQUE carousel Aides Compassionate 30S SITUATIONS WANTED pital weekends and Public library, 10 Ker- (313}823-0084 bal Skills, excell8nt fits, daytime work horses from the holidays a must Ex- Multilingual Personal HOUSE CLEANING cheval, Grosse POinte PART time Nanny for m. phone Skills, ability to hours and great hour- Care I~eal Preparations 1890's Museum qual- perience helpful If In- Farms, MI 48236 by deal With a fast paced ly pay, plus commis- Light Housekeepmg CARING, honest, relia- Ity, (586)751.8078 fant and 2 112 year atmosphere, depend- terested please apply August 2 sion Background ble house cleaning at Jefferson Vetenna- old 2. 3 days per able, organized and Ifor mOl'C InformaUoa, AVON a....ards and de. MAKE good profits In- week Nonsmoker check and drug caJl (313)885-4576 248-703-9631 , 313- ry Center 11300 East I canters, 1970's, stead of working for Must have own trans. detail onented screening performed! I 1lel8l'eaces. ln5urecL 871-3836 Jefferson, DetrOit, Hour's, 930am. 6pm Boadecl 1980 s Make offer wages Free booklet, Please call 313-259- 48214 (313)822-2555 portatlon References Salary negotiable Fax 586-772-0936 full training Home 5666 to find out about CRISTAL Clean Clean- 313-322-4974, leave resume to (313}962. Ing Service- honest, AREA dry cleamng! tux- based bUSiness detailed message 5070 JOining our team to- (A+ Live-ins Ltd,: BRIDGETTE'S Hand- edo shop seeking as- www,YourLlle2Beco day dependable, reliable PART time Nanny Ma- C...,..rlolt C.rIfIl'fIS prOVide carved Furniture sistant manager Must For free estimate call m (888)794-0184 ture, nurtunng nanny RECEPTIONISTI real ------Pmonal Care (Ieanmg Cookmg 25931 Gratiot, near be reliable with good LIGHTING fixture sales & laundry Hourly & Dally IUles (313)527-6157 NAIL tech needed for With expenence to estate Office, must Frazho Wednesday people skills Part lJua &1oIu/d Grosse POinte salon care for 1 year old have excellent phone, person Design or reo On AIlu G PoIIUtltSlUal EXPERIENCED, house thru Sunday 10- 5 lime hours available Good working hours, daughter, 2 days per commUnication, and tail expenenc.e helpful cleaner has days (586)773-7006 Anti- (313)886-2965 fnendly atmosphere week A non- smoker wnUen Skills, profiCient Will train, 5 days, 34 available Call Debbie que reproductions ATTENTION, That's CommiSSion, benefits who likes to be Inter- In Word and Excell 1/2 hours Starling F II $8 SOl hour Exway at (313)885-8452 FURNITURE refinished wnat you'll get Lose (313)882-6240 active deSired Please u or part time Pos- Elecfnc, 20234 Harper References available repaired, stripped, any weight, earn money PART lime admlmslra- call, (313)884-5936 Sible growth as a Real near 8 Mile and 1-94 ------type of caning Free www hbn4you com tlve assistant for small PART time slUer for two Estate ProfeSSionals ( 3)8 EXPERT house clean- estimates 313-345- (code W1012) ASSistant Fax resume 31 84-8994 Ing Supenor releren- 6258,248-661-5520 fmanclal office Com- school age children, 8 to 313-642.1004 (586}790-6744 r: ..... ""-.~:9':..~ ... ..-: ~ ces Fndays available puter literate & good and 11, In our Grosse f' ...... , Tarn (313)527-6184 LOST Memones Anti- ATTENTION: Work from secretanal skills re- POinte Farms home, 203 HElP WANTED •• LOOKING " ques 23109 GratloV 9 home $500. $2,500! qUIred Call or send 3- 615pm, weekdays DENTAL/MEDICAL •• FORANEW • 303 SITUA liONS WANTED HOUSE cleaning re- 1!2 In EastpOinte month, part time resume to Murray FI- DAY CUE Must have own trans. DENTAL Insurance bill- • CAREER? sponSible, reliable (586)585-2398 Tues- $3 000- $7,000' nanCial SelVlces, portatlon Non-smok- er needed for state of • Coll"""_uyou • quaIJiy to ..... • ATTENTION parentsl LI- Pleai:$e call Stacy day- Saturday month, full time Free 33612 Jefferson 5t er references Start the art general den- • sso.ooo w. haw dI. • ~ censed home day (586)755-3371 10 3Oam. 6pm En- booklet www Clair Shores, MI • .,.. &ad th. • date 9! 31 02 IIstry practice located care has openings amel kitchen table, TrackFreedom com 48082 (586)294- (313)886-3584 m Harbortown • ,d".ob t. m .... your ,~ ti d.ta.au COIllot cnu: ti .. SpecialiZing In Infants HOUSE cleaning Hon- 1930's waterfall bed. (888)420-9778 1900 Fax (586)294. STARTING August 12- (313)259-2410 through preschool est, dependable Own room set, mahogany 7784 .' (Call RJd>anlLaaduytl '. Lois of TLC Impecca- transportation, refer- dining set, end tables, BRITISH bike aflclona- Full time .nanny pOSI------• I .. 313-885-2000 ' • dol mechanic wanted _ tlOn In our home for 2 FULL time dental assls- .' Colclwdl Banker •• ble references Karen, ences Cathy, glassware, more Buy to work on! help with RETIRED man to maln- wonderful kids Expe- tant needed In Grosse • • Scb_ilur • • (313}884.4763 (586)776-7362 and sell antiques nence and relerences Pomte family pracllce 2000 Royal Enfield taln our garden Must .: •• G.;p ~ •• &; ATTENTION: LAUNDRESS, expert- Consignments! lay- reqwed After 6pm, Expenence reqUIred Call Matt, (313}885- enJoy yard work John ~ .. :a;~ ,a,;.".~ by MICHIGAN LAW enced dependable _a_w_a_y _ 4589 (313)881-9770 call (313)886-7236 (313)884-6680 DAY CARE FACILITIES lady In home or pick- OLD National Cash MEDICAL assistant' (Ir-home & centers) CARPENTERS helperl SARANDA Coney Is- 202 HELP WANTED (lERI(Al up Great references Register, $ISO Two general laborer want- land needs help, wait- needed full lime for must show th8lr Monday or Wednes- vintage sewing ma- o current license to ed College students resses & short orde- FULL lime receptionist medical practice m day open Call Peggy chines, $251 each welcome (313)574- cooks 15221 E War. wanted for bUSy 4- Grosse Pomte Please JlTUATlONWANTE~ your advertiSing at (586)776-3643 (810)293-3676 8883 ren Apply.after 4pm doctor vetennanan send resume to Of- representative hospital Should be flce Manager 17770 300 SITUATIONS WANTED when plaCing your ads LYNN'S Clearung Serv- ORIENTAL rug- approx- COLLEGE students SEEKING caregiver to compassionate With Mack, 48230 ,UBYSITTERS THANK YOU Ice Experienced Imately 10'x 14' Semi Part tlme opportUnl- watch my four year house cleaning antique Klrman Rose above average com- MEDICAL office asSIS- ATTENTION: BEARL Y Away From ties al a local micro- old daughter mornings Weekly, biweekly De- $3,800 Appraised- munlcatlon skills tant needed for East by MICHIGAN LAW Home 10th year of brewery Not 'ar from Monday through Fn- pendable, references $4,500 (248)649- the eastSide Must be day and to t:nve her to Should be able to per- S d (586) 5- DAY CARE FACILITIES quality In- home child form multl- task at the I e cliniC 44 available For free es- 4663 (248)7623988 18 years old Knowl- Poupard Elementary 3070 (tn-home & centers) care Excellent refer. same lime With accu- _ edge of hi- 10 opera- beginning In August must show their ences Openings 18 tlmates call Linda at ... """'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .... (586)779-8433 tlons and santlary Please call me day- racy Client communi- RECEPTIONIST current license to your months or older 9 DELGIUDICE cations, computer da- for front desk. advertiSing Mllel Harper! 1-94 ANTIQUES practices a plus Call time (248)355-7002 OCCASIONAL cleaning ta entry, accountmg, Full time POSitionWith representalive (586) 77i'-8602 w. make house ails! Dave or Hazen VETERINARY hospital to SUit your needs and filmg skills Will all excellent benefits when placmg your ads (313)877-9205 seeks full time technl- LITTLE People Big Squeaky clean I '\ l \ It .:\ I ,:\ \ II "\1 1 .... be utilized Fnendly, Medical and billing THANK YOU [,,\t I~\,~ f ~'\: Customer service Clan, expenence pre- Minds Day Care Pre- (586)790-9020 \[ ....t. rewarding enVlron- expenence helpful 1'1\1 41'1';~\'\" ~ (Harper Woods ferred but enthUSiasm school programs & ment IS a"laltmg a MediC computer COLLEGE student office) needed far more Important nursery Nutritional POUSH girl looking for MJo.MBEROFISA mature, responSible system! Will tram seekmg full time baby. meals, educational, WE ARE Al.SO l.OOKiNG TO 5 30pm- 9 30pm Mon- Harvey Animal Hospl- house cleaning 12 PURCHASE. Fi.t au ... IndiVidual To apply, Pleasant working slttmg position for reo fun, active, nurtunng Ctystal StIver Od PuauDp. day- Thursdayl 9am- tal, (313)882-3026 years expenence send resume to Box conditionS m a malnder of the sum- environment Family Margaret, (586)774- Funutvne. Costume III 3pm Saturday Good YOUTH Theater Teach- 02071, clo Grosse fnendlyatmosphere. F..., JcwcIty mer Expenences onented DeSiree, 8292 phone skills & sales er 9 weeks, Saturday POinte News & Con- Resumes only to. Great references (586}294-0043 YOllVF SEEN mE RQADSHO'W background helpful 3- 530 starting Sep- nectlon, 96 Kercheval, Metropolitan (313)622-4043 II '00 H;ar l nwu;lllltms Th,1l Will train Work at tember 28 thru De- Grosse POinte Farms, Eye Center, \ou ~('(I Would "ppnl To home IS option. 32 cember 8 Expenence MI48236 21711 Greater Mack COLLEGE student! se- ;tt- year old family busl- In theater & working GROSSE POinte loea- St Clair Shores, mar Available for tu- ~~. ness also needs With youth Grosse 1IOn,bookkeeper! sec- 48080-2400 tonng, houseslttlng & MARY'S child care A POLISH ladles avalla- manager! SUpervl- Pomte Theater Youth retary FleXible hours Fax 586-777-2214 babyslUlng reliable lOVing, educational, ble Housecleaning, \l::ewII Rts.e;arch PhotoAndSdl sor, Excellent pay on Slage Call 313- Your h('m. For 'tOll Through to SUit your needs Please call, (586)247- happy enVIronment profeSSional laundry, pldn Karen 313-886- 881-3799 for Inler- Skilled- bUilding acllvl- Iromng 7 years expe- TN: lnr(rnr[ One girl ollice Infor- RNI LPN Do you like 7458 Nrast Colli tor Mort' Intorm:l1Ion 1763. view workmg 10 a fast _ ties Red Cross & nence, m Grosse mal, expenenced, or- VISIT OUR GALLERY Child Development POinte area Beferen- EXPERIENCED cook 201 HELr WANTED ganized, accurate, paced sethng? Do you UVE. In child care Lo- CertificatIOns LI- ces 313.875-5470, LOCATED IN THE OLD and waitress, part UIYSlTTER computer literate enjoy patient teach. cal au pair program censed Outstandmg leave message CHURCH AT, time Apply Your Send resume to PO Ing? Our expanding now accepting hosl BABYSITTER wanted, references Mack! Jef- _ S I S S. I..af.~tt. Place Lounge, 17326 Box 0543, St Clair dermatology practice family apphcatlo'1s for full time Monday. Fn- ferson! Vernier POUSH lady to clean Royal Oak E Warren, DetrOit Shores, 48080 has full time & part summer arnvals Flex- day east area Days, lime poslbons availa- Ible, legal, 45 hours! (313)882.7694 your home Referen- Monday-Saturday 11-6 LOCAL real estate of- ~'ArRSTYL.:ST~ n,~~ el. 2484636151 ble Cal! (313}88A• rVssk LOYwcst pro .. SARA'S child care ces Grosse POinte L 248-399-2608 .. entele Space rental In -"-"-",-,-,,-,-,,,-,-,,,--.-~-, -., fice needs general of- 3380 or fax resume oram cost averaclnc "'...'" l:~~'._ n~_._~ area (586)360-8542 upscale salon on UI.o.UIl .... n ....~uo.Jl. V14 1\01 L.""'V'V~1 ,"",",,~IIt.oo'V. IU...... fice person tvlust type (313)-884-9756 $2451 week per fam~ CPR certilled, referen- POUSH woman can Nautical Mile Weekdays, 3 00- & have computer Iy, not per child Call LLOYD (586)771-0640, 6pm School age chll' knowledge Benefits 204 HELP WANTED DOMESTIC ces In lovmg home, clean your house DAVID 1.800-960.9100 Mack! Vemler (586)350 54 6 dren 6, 7, 9 years send resume to Box ANTIQUES - 9 Our Grosse POinte www,euraYPair com 313)343-0617 Own transportallOn 03075, clo Grosse CAREGIVER needed ( Expenenced Call HELP me In my g<.ll- home '\Ion'~'11oker 15302 Kercheval. POinte News & Con- ASAP part time Jr, 301 mUAT.IONS WANTED 3,04 SITUUIONS WANHD Margaret, (313)520- Grosse Palate Park dens Part lime, own Reliable transports- nectlon, 96 Kercheval East English Village CONVALESCENT CARE GEN£~AL 1802 transportalion non lion Call Monday- Fn- Chine .... Chippendale Grosse Pomte Farms, for elderly lady Pre- ADULT & senior care ERIN'S Errand servICe style mahogany smoker, dependab'e day, 248-524.5683 QUALITY house clean- MI 48236 pare lunch, assist With Lady Will prOVide In prOVides personal as- sideboard, roUl' pl_ (3t3)881-3934 GREAT sitter needed Ing Reasonable Victorian parlor set, NOTRE Dame Hlgn lolletlng and be a your home care for slslance to Ihe busy rales Weekends only mahogany drum tabh HIRING full. part time lor two school age School Kelly Rd, companion (313)224. you or your loved one profeSSional, rellrees, (586)779-6005 with leather top, mghts Must be 18 or kids 15- 20 hours, be. Harper Woods has an 4550 ext 23158 Will also care for Alz- and the phySically 0re",,1 kneebole d81lk older Apply Within ginning September 3 Immediate opening for helmer patients Ex- challenged Shopping, art deeo nlgbt stand, RELIABLE, dependa- mahogany drop front Subway 21020 Mack Call (313)882.1777 library assistant Qual- penenced, references banking bill payment, Grosse POinte Woods after 6pm ble, pleasant Polish de8It, higbly carved Iflcallons reqwed $560 base month Part. (586)463-6542 drop off! pick up and lady looking for hous- 0"",,, sideboard high school diploma time Early morning ------morel (313)258-2396 es to clean 313-575- (e 1880),larp selee- 200 HELP W.ANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL and! or some college, newspaper delivery HOME care aide! com- tloa 0' eoffee tab 1", LIVE. m companion for 6082, amercpolO small oak bail tree t library work expen- Must have good trans- pamon Errands Single person Cook- ID1eIII.Rl and mueh morel ence, knowledge of portatlon Valid dnv- housekeeping, cook- I 109, organiZing! light DIE BOO\' SI10P AT t1lJl£ Microsoft Word! Excel, er's license, & Insur- Ing Certified, reliable Hou .... t housekeepmg, etc WELCOME HOME typing skills, organlza- ance Please call references (313)882- Moauy, Wednnday, t Excellent references Polish Cleaning A~ tbru Sa&arday, s InJ.N ~ few hourS a wed< )'OIl art otat you' 0"''' business. tlon and altenllon to (313)884-2430 be- 6846 (586)498-5898 Service II you are enthu~la~tlC lo..,kmgfor a delall ApplICant must tween 3 30am & llam-8pm s nl'\\ (hanenqe tn 2002 ~ would IIKe10 meet new Cleaning, Laundry & plopll' ,am money or are you ~,mply Inlerested be fleXible, courteous 5303m Weekdays I Will care for your loved ODD Jobs by John Will Ironing Flower Closed 1\188 • Sun s 111hI Ip",q 10 ~upport our vl~lon and values able 10 perform library _ one Lots of expen- do most anything Plentlng & Weeding (313)822-3452 IIf: orE OF 11IE RRST INJtIDI)fm' operallons Includinq PART time R N needed ence Grosse POinte (313}881-1305 00l't!i1.L TAM'S 11'1 DIE Bonded & Insured Cheek out our 50% off us. copy service Interest- In busy allergy office references (586)772- 011 arFmai ~ AlPIIIl serving all POlntes bU(ain _meatl (586)771>1728 ed applicanls contact In Grosse POinte 3898 (586)899-3771 Since 1985 ~ Mr Stys bUSiness of- Please send resume For a Free In- Home flce (313)371.8965 10 attention Office KELLY HOME CARE Esllmate Ahv3)"i Buying old ~ Manager 17770 SERVICES (313)884.0721 GIa~~, Fine ,hlna, Exp.,i.llCIll1 IIpy .~It.r.,"t.~ #ur~ Mack 48230 "24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN 307 SITUATIONS WANTED Silver, Unen.~, [)innerware SeL~, t••• ,k th, .. ~.y••••• k. 1--1~ 1M 1rl:l; 207 HELP WANTED SALES HOME HEALTH CARE" NURS£S AIDES In The Classifieds PaMIaI a: Full E.~talt"1 r...ur~eb, MATURE home health "111 t. J.hll Mhllh, s.". @Y@@ilWli~w)~ PART time sales help Home Heallh Aides Grosse Ibinte ~ws aide, over 20 years ( all Mc1l~saFor 96 ICtrthml, 0, ,.IRt. ht.s, II 4.U6: 2- 3 days! week Ap- Live-in 24 hour cover- experience Day or An Fvaluatlon And ~ Jblnte ~Wll ply 10 Klska Jewelers c4jNF£jjON fn: 1m) IU-1585: age 7 days per week .... , .. \ night References Cash Offer ,9if&i?i'ijiV on The Hili (313}885 ., .'111111:j",[email protected]~II.ttll""". 866-835-3385 toll free Mary Ann, (5861772 0- (313)882.6900 ext, 3 5755 Bonded I Insured (313)882-6900 ext. 3 8624 Thursday, July 18, 2002 Classlflede (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection ~ 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 401 APPliANUS 40b ESTAT[ SALES 4081URNlTURE 4Qb ESTATE SAUS 408 fURNITURE BASEMENT SALE BASEMENT SALE BASEMENT SAtE ELECTRIC stove $75 ESTATE Sale Fnday, BRASS! glass dining ta- PIANO: 1940's Chicker- 880 Nottingham, Park FARMS, 128 Lewiston, GROSSE POinte Fnday, Saturday Woods, 1711 Hunting- Gas stove $100 Re- BOOKS July 19, lOam- 7pm, ble, 4 chairs coffee Ing mahogany con- Driveway sale I Ethan 8am- 1pm Multi faml- Ion Saturdd.y 9am- fngerator, $120 Saturday, July 20, table, 2 blue chairs, sole Gas gnll Weber, AHen double dresser Iy sale Furniture, 3pm Toys, bikes Washer, $120 Dryer, WANTED 9am- Som Antiques, exercycle. etc 2 years old Christmas With mirror, bunk adult, children's, Infant rocking horses, furnl- $100 Delivery John King china, fumltule, Silver, (586)498-5898 tree With lights, 2 beds dresser, brass (586)293-2749 years old 7ft Sierra headboard, Wingback clothing, toys, sporting ture 313-961-0622 rugs Vlclonan chairs, CHERRY dmlng set <,1111 Spruce Dressmg ta- chair, futon & mat- goods, maternity GROSSE POinte GAS & electnc stoves, -Clip & Save ThiS Ado tables, china cabinet, boxed never used ble white, 3 way mir- Iress, plus mlsc Ireas- washer, dryer, refnga- CLOSING Sale Shelv- chaises, dressers, $550 (586)463-9017 FARMS, 266 McKinley, Woods, 1883 loch. ror, stool Computer uresl Saturday, lOam- tor $5G- $90 Ing 2 barnster book mirrors, book cases Thursday, Friday, Sat- moor Saturday, 9am- CHERRY SIX piece bed- desk hutch, corner ta- 3pm (313)331-5970 (313)882-4132 desks, vintage sofa urday, 9am- 4pm Fur- 4pm cases Antique postal and chair, books, dee- room set, Excellent ble, Side desk, file AAA nlture, children's GROSSE POinte GE Prolile stove top, scale, telephone orallve Items, Royal condition Full! queen cabinet (313)882- UNDER THE BIG clothing, home Items Woods, 2078 Hamp- Single oven, Side by- sland and wrapping Dalton figUrines, LI- (586)777-1676 1260 TENTII Side refrigerator dish- paper cullers N moge, Spode, Royal FARMS, 276 Moran, FrI- ton Friday, Saturday, DINING room furniture 3 FAMILY GARAGE washer microwave, gauge Iraln set SWISS Crown Derby, Royal SLATE blue sofa oak day Saturday, 9am- 830am- 4pm Mlscel- 2 piece hutch table, 2 SALE Tools anliques, wf):te (313)882-5325 Army desk, other round kllchen lable 4pm Seth Thomas laneous household, desks much more Albert Royal Grafton, leaves 6 chairs Ex- With leaf & 5 chairs, furniture, mlsc mantle clock, collectl- musIc KENMORE stackable Dominion Bnar Rose cellent condition 18735 EASTWOOD July 8th- August 15th, china, assorted Silver black wing leather re- bles, boys 4- 10 GROSSE POinte 873 washer! dryer $400 $1,000! best HARPER WOODS lOam- 4pm Monday- Much, much morel cliner, frultwood end clothes, much mlscel. 875 St Clair Satur- Sleeper sofa, $100 (313)885-6841 South of 8 Mile, Saturday, Arnold's 858 Laporte Wmdsor lables, buller tray ta- laneous _ day, 8am- 2pm New " 1'.. '3, ""e ~'..1+cn 1,.,.~ bo~. il.~~....:--,:1g ~:c pJ." I b"J ,',ng =3.s. ~ff ' , <:10 Souln oouaL.£ J FARMS, 41 Brlarwood washerl oryer, some mattress $50 Water St , Marine From the Bridge to dresser & mirror, refin- chairs, pine stereo JULY 18TH,19TH Tunnel, take Wyan- Place (off Grosse furniture, toys (313)823-00 19 cabmet, laminate work 20TH 9- 5 City (810)765-1350 dotte Street east, two Ished white, -S85 TWin surface With file cabi- POinte Blvd between GROSSE POinte 900 bed, matching dress- AAUW wants used 404 II


_ -$".. /Z- _ MARCIA WILK Town & Country Estate S1t1oa wanted Vintage Clothes And Accessories VI_ the enll .. ~aulog on ...... webllte fut .. rtng paying Top Dollar For The Following: Important pon:elaln, f8th 20th c. fumltu .. and Clothes From The 1900's Through 1970'S_ ortenul RIgs fnlm the estate of ATllIlDAY JULY 20'11l. 2002 any furnIture Includes 2 IOlleseats, Full hou.. Cherry Queen Anne dining set With lowboy Sheraton SIdeboard, Georgetown 10AI'I ~I"M Cherry stdeOOard Mahogany lall blanket chest Bu"er stable • I ~95 fAl1U10lME • 2 bars coflee lable !chelor, chesr washer &: dryer, Wedgwood Jaspe rware Eng cups/saucers Royal Doullon .lnd.l ump;ug' ~~Ic hall ch~( Aho ".II,hk IS' nEmlEDOI'I enEMY WOOD -AUlumn Breeze childs tea set painted china PMmenon pes DIJ'III'l

()t dancer U) Hal Hcm""'il (" ;\.~..ortc:-d cvervday kJ,,-htn coIlee gnnd .... CoIlecflble paper ,tems VIOlin Recounlry PftnclI A TOOLMAI'I'S DREAM IS AVAILA~ IJ'I ntr: Art books Navy reeflJflmenl pn nls 2 HI cha'rs Kllchenware dining table. chall'5 O",.eI!MlI'a wing ~haIn FIIJND IBIE. WORKSttOFI many new sm BIJIlllances alee dryer "Ie cabs l004s Roll lOp cle5k. Iron bed. T1K>ma.v111e d.-o'S. \,Xoc have kud~ ot hand [o()h ilnd .....or\(.\hop goodies 10 electronICS garden mISe en ladder stoneware pallo l'umlltl'" stlll'd lamps nllP waterfonl plc.;t\C' ,he l..r;ah~mJ.n Also .av,ubble ;He ~rdcn t()()t .. .a gas cry.taI. ~IIVtt pes. C....tume jewelry mLK. gnll 2

409 GARAGE/VARD/ 409 GAUGE/YARD/ 411 MISCEllANEOUS -- b05 AUTOMOTIVE bOb AUTOMOTIVE 41 S WANT!D TO IUY ------FORD FOREIGN WORT UTILITY 8ASEMENJ SAlE IASEMENT SALE ARTI(L£S fOR SALE HUGE garage sale, WOODS, 1653 Newcas- LIFETIME membership FINE china dinnerware, DACHSHUND- smooth 1993 Sable Loaded, all 2001 Jetta- black, load- 1998 Jeep Cherokee 22323 Rosedale, St tle Saturday, 8 30am- With USA litness for slerllng silver flatware males 12 weeks power, excellent con- ed heated lealher Sport 4x4 4 door, Clair Shores 19th, 2 30pm Babies ga- $700 Contact Susan and antiques Call $500 Work (313.882- dition 66,500 miles seats, linted Windows, green, like new, 20th 9 3 Household, lore, beanie collection, Hawkins (313)595- Janl Herb (586)731- 8939, home (313)884- $39751 best 17" wheels, 20k, 62 000 miles $8:>00 (remodeling) Baby sporting equipment, 5259 8139 2440 (313)881.2370 $20,0001 best 586.344.8896 Items & clothes, exer. (586)774.8953, Jason children's equestnan, b03 AUTOMOTIVE 1991 Jeep Wrangler clse eqUipment, col. SCHWINN Alrdyne bike, am looking for some EXOTIC Bengal kittens bike household, GENERAL MOTORS 2002 Lexus IS300 Red, Hard! soft tops 50k ler-libles, crafts Much $150 NordiC Track Silver & Golden Age 15% ASian leopard books, videos 4 door, moon roof, 5 $4,300 (313)8~- Walk- F't treadmill comic books to com- Spotted beauties 1995 BUick Regal, cus- speed, navigation sys. more 2488 WOODS, 1779 Stan- (non- motonzed) $50 plete my colleclion I (810)679-3205 ext 3 tom, 4 door, garage tern, loaded One 01 a nope, Friday, Satur- Excellent condition am moslly looking for kept, mlflt condition, kind 13,000 miles 608 AUTOMOTIVE YORKSHIRE Temer- 14 day, 9am- 3pm (313)884-0792 pre- 1975 Marvel & loaded, low mileage $31,900 (313)882- PUTS TIRES AlARMS Games, toys, house- 0 C books I am Will- weeks old all shots $4995/ besl Call 6156 I? completed (586)573- ENGINE: 351 Cleve- HUGE moving sale- An. hold, books, motorcy- Ing to buy collections (586)764-2240 land- llSed, low miles tlques collectibles, cle parts, morel In order to get Single 0191 2000 Lexus RX300 313884-4974 furniture tons of ABBEY PIANO CO. Issues I need II you 1992 BUick Skylark, V- Gold 22k Loaded household Items, WOODS, 2169 Hamp. ROYALOAK248541 6116 have any of these 505 LOSTAND FOUND 6, loaded 31,000 $330001 besl adult deSigner ton Friday 9am- We Buy &0 Sell please call John at miles, $4,950 (313)884-8733 clothes kids clothes & lpm Bikes house- USED PIANOS (586)468-0891 GROSSE POinte Animal (313)881.2990 CliniC female spaniel 1998 Mercedes SL500 1996 Camaro Z28 Red, dress ufJ costumes wares furniture Consoles-Spinets 1992 BUICk.Roadmaster convertible Perfect I auto, loaded premium lots of great new loys d J h PAYING CASHI miX, female Beagle, ~ ~ ",' Gran s- prig ts For antiques, coins. female black poodle! sedan 4 door Flonda car, black! Bose CD 71K Pam- 8'30~1 3 00 2;t'V:~. PlANUS wANTED diamonds, Jewelry, ~hna"zer (snaveo In I...... ,WV mutt:", UUI- DlacK, 4UI'\ ~41WU, dome (by Kerby, off TOP CASH PAID watches, gold, sliver, the rear), male golden gundyl burgundy (313)561-8283 ------paper money' sha~ed male orange cloth, loaded, wire CharlevOlx\ FENDER acoustic gUI' (586)n4-0966 ' cat (313)822-5707 wheel covers Excel. 1994 Mercedes SL320, MOVING sale- Furnl- tar New strings, With _ lent condition $4.995 SilverI light gray Very lurp., lots of mlscella- case $4001 best SHOTGUNS, nfles, old LOST gray cat, has half (313)882-7865 clean Healed seats, 1996 Dodge Ram ex- chrome wheels 2 tended cab pickup, neous Saturday, 9- 3 (313)822-3353 handguns Parker, a tall No tags baby 1988 BUick Reatta- tops New tires & 4X4 sport Lear cap 342 McMillan Grosse RENT a plano, $25001 BrOWning, Winches- cat (313)882-3386 wnlle! red Intenor brakes, all service reo $8,000 (313)640- Pomte Farms month ThiS weeks ter, Colt, Luger, oth- ers Collector 508 PH GROOMING Great condllion, well cords 99,000 miles 4816 MOVING' Grosse special, free dellveryl (248)478-3437 maintained 138.000 $23,500 (313)885. ------POinte Woods 2017 Call for detalls MIChI- miles $3,500 3171 1992 Dodge Ram 250 Anlla July 19th, 9am- gan Plano, (248)548- 417 TOOLS - (313)881.0206 conversion, 318.V8, Happy Campen 1974 Opel. Good nun. automatic, clean, 85K 4pm 20th, 8am- 1pm, 2200 Pet Groomi"., 2001 Camaro SS. black, nlng condition 50,000 Must see $2,3951 21st, 8am- 12pm Fur- wwwmlplanocom 1 bag cement mixer, Mobil 8erv'ce for 12,000 miles Manual, onglnal miles Great firm 248.840-1333 nlture, women's VIOLINS First Chair 7HP, Bnggs & Sirat. dog. & cat8_~~ loaded +, Immaculate student car $1,2001 clolhes, mlscellane- MUSIC 20924 Harper ton, $300 (586)772- chromes, $24,0001 best (313)884-4974 ous MOVING: Many house. (north of Vemler) 2079 (5B6)552-181'if best (810)217-5222 1995 Saab 900SE Ex. MULTI- family yard sale, hold Items Stop by Open 12- 6pm anytime Call for ad. ~ 50'l.PET 10ARDING/SlTTER 1989 Cutlass Supreme cellent condition 2001 Chrysler Town & some furniture July dress (313)882-3592 WANTED- GUitars, Ban. 2 d V6 6 60,000 miles $13,000 Country LX Clean, 20, 21st 9. 4pm, JOs, Mandolins and EXPERIENCED pet Sit- mlle~~~aded 7E~~~ (586)776.1844 must selll $16,200 ______(313)719'5534, ter Negotiable rales 20854 littlestone Ukes Local collector ANIMALS lent conditIOn $2,750 1995 Saab 9OO0CS Au. (313)881-1750 Harper woods I 3 No exotic pets Ask (586)773.9108 tomatlc, leather, sun. "NEIGHBORS" 20201 E~~~~E~:~Jnd, ~j5 ~:~~~~~~p cash 31 • ------for Michelle, (586)777- 500 ANIMAL 0158 1996 Geo Pnsm 4 door, roof, loaded, excel. 1992 Dodge Grand Car. and 20?11 Hunt Club, Karat, G. color 41,000 miles, new lent 96k Second avan LE, mint condl' Harper Woods corner 415 WANTED TO IUV ADOPT A PET . Peerless (west Side of $5,8001 best offer 510 ANIMAL SERVICES tires, excellent COndl- owner $8,495 tlon 85K, leather ,nte- 1-94) Sikes, children s Must sell (313)881. 195Os- '60s dolls (espe. ADOPT a retired racing tlon, $5,800. Call after (313)822-5559 nor $2895 Call 5353 II B rlb ) S ht greyhound Make a DOGGIE Scoops Let us 6pm, 313.884.5350 1999 Suzuki Esteem _(_58_6_)_764_'2_2_4_0_ clothes tools, golf cia yale oug l I fast fnend 1.8DO-398- clean your yardl One oag:, clubs mlscella- by col ector who pays 1995 Geo Pnzm, SW 27K miles, auto- 1997 Plymouth Voyager neous household cash (313)886-4392 4dog Michigan Grey- dog $101 per week hound Connection Two dogs $151 per 123,500 miles, teal matlc, air, $4,900 57,000 miles, extra Items Friday 19th 8' pool table, new felt! ALWAYS bUying fme _ week Dog walking & falrl good condition dealer (313)882.8026 Sliding door, 6 cylin. Saturday, 20th, 9am- slate plus all accesso- china, glass, pottery, GROSSE POinte Animal sitting seNice Serv- $2,0001 best 1997 Toyota Rav4- 4 der, cruise linted wln- 3pm nes $7001 best porcelain and more Adoption Society, Ices available 5 days (313)885-3572, door. 4 wheel dnve, dows $6,950 POTTERY art- Not a ga- (313j885-1197 Box of dishes In your Pets for adoption Sat. a week Insured (313)909-2762 auto Air, crUise, sun. (313)283-5687 rage sale 820 Notre ------basemenl? Call Melis- urday, July 27, 12- (313)882-0212 roof Cassette, alloy -19-9-1-P-ly-m-o-u-th--G-ra-n-d Dame Grosse POinte EXCERCYCLE com. sa, (586)790.3616 pm Sidewalk sale, 1992 Lumlna van, V-,6 wheels Excellent con- S rd 1 3 plete With 3 sets of ------Village of Grosse air, sharp $2.195 d $ Voyager 63k Remote atu ay, • pm dumb bells, com pat I- B Call (586)764-2240 Ition 75K 10,900 starter Lots of extras Rain date Sunday uylng POinte (313)884-1551 (313)885-6030 $3,500 (586)776-0695 ble With I-Fit computer DIAMONDS a ST. Clair Shores, 21831 training program, Estate, Antique Jewelry GROSSE POinte Animal AUTOMOTIVE 2001 Oldsmobile Alero 1998 Volvo V70 GLT b 13 AUTOMOTIVE Chalon, between 8 & $200 Compared With & COins CliniC gray female lease assumption, no turbo wagon- 45k, WANTED TO IUV 9 Mile, corner of Hel- Sears at $299 Pongracz Jewelers cat, male orange tiger, miles, extended war- loaded, garage kept, ALL Junk cars wanted en, Saturday 9am- (313)224-4550 ext & POinte Gemological brown tiger, female 600 AUTOMOTIVE ranty, low payment must sell (313)886- SeNing Grosse 4pm 2 family House- 23158 Laboratory Shep miX, Spaniel CARS (586)784-5839 2558 hold miscellaneous 91 Kercheval miX, Beagle, Poodlel POinte, Harper DONATE your boat! 1994 Pontiac Flreblrd MERCEDES, 1999, Woods, St Clair ST. Clair Shores, 23042 KENMORE washerl dry- on The Hili Schnauzer, Lab miX, clean Lake St Clalrl Formula V8, \ black, gray, beautiful, leather Shores & DetrOit's Englehardt, 9 Mllel er; $175 each or $300 Grosse Pomte Farms male Golden Ret We are here founda- leather, T-tops, load- Intenor, moonroof All eastSide 586-779- Mack, Thursday- Sun- set Glass dlnlngroom (313)881-6400 (313)822-5707 tion (586)778-2143 ed, like new, 107,000 power, Bose sound, 1552 tablel marlble base, day, 9am- 5pm 3 SIX IVOry lacquer CASH HANDSOME, 3 1/2 year 100% tax deducllblel miles, $6,500 50,000 miles must family sale Collectl- chairs $3001 set PAID old large male BOUVier non.proflt (586)344.8896 see, $25,000 Mon. , bles, et cetera Bunk bed set With two For newer or used ready for adoption No .60 I AUTOMOTIVE 1992 Roadmaster Limit. day- Fnday 9am- WOODS, 1928 LlllIe- mattresses, dresser, paperback books In cats Call Bouv.er Be. CHItYSLER ed, fully loaded, 5pm (586)771-0900 e stone, Friday, Satur- $150 Queen mattress good COndition fnenders Rescue 81,000 miles $6,8001 2001 Chrysler Concorde \..RECREATIO~ day, 9am 3pm Sofa- set, $75 Boys moun- NEW HORIZONS (313)640-8232 best (313)885-1197 IX Fully loaded, ex. bed stove, something tam bike, $35 BOOK SHOP cellent condition 50k for everyone (313}499.9045 (586)296-1560 HANDSOME, fnendly, 1999 Satum SC2 651 IOATS AND MOTORS healthy male cat Free One owner Warranty Coupe Loaded, to good home $10,500 (313)350- 20,000 miles, $9,8001 1987 211 Liberator With (313)885-0426 3265 best (313}477-3861 trailer 350 Magnum (586)795-0150 rebUilt 2000 Low LAB mix puppy & gor. 1996 Chrysler Sebnng hours, extras $7,500 geous young orange convertible Excellent 1993 satum SL1 Sedan, (313)647-0207 TabLy cat Looking for condition, fully loaded air, tilt, cruise, good homes lOOk $5,900 117,000 miles Well 1994 252LS Fonmula (313)527-4429 (313)350-3265 maintained Great VW Beetle 1998 red, 5 454 Magnum Clean shape $2,500. speed manual, Slr, al. With trailer $32,9001 503 HOUSEHOLD PETS 1990 Chrysler Fifth Ave- (313)822'8200 loys, 46,000 miles. ex- best (810}765-4380 FOIt SALE nue Four door 33 V------cellent condition Mov- 6 Full power, clean 1997 Sunflre convertl' 24' Four Wlnns, well MATERNAL EXPRESSIONS ST. MICHAEL'S Jack Russel pup, 8 Ing overseas InSide and out $2,250 ble Black, auto, pow- eqUiPped & main. 25219 GraliotIN of 10MI LITTLE THRIFT SHOP months, $100 5 dogs $11,800 (313)647- (586)489-4114 er Windows, locks, talned Low hours 204 75 Sunnlngdale Park too much (586)779- 9643 Malermty, NurSing 2 4L, CD, 79K, 1 own- Full kitchen, head, ex- Near Mack! Vernier 4785 NewlUsed 1994 Dodge Shadow er $6,9001 best 606 AUTOMOTIVE tras, $10,500 howtobreastfeed com Wed & Fn 10am-3pm SPORT UTlLlTV sat.10am-1pm ADORABLE Border Automatic, 4 cylinder, (313)885-1541 (313)886-2816 Mon.Frr 12-6 • Sat 11-4 Collie With papers 6 air, 122,000 highway 6114 AUTOMOTIVE 1998 4 wheel dnve Sub- (313)884-7840 1990 Regal 17' Bownder (586)774-7611 monlhs old $300 miles $2,1001 best ANTIQUE/CLASSIC urlban Excellent con- With trallor 135 hours (313)886-8892 x3230 (313)885-5514 dition 59,897 miles 1969 Mercedes 280 SL, Excellent $6,100 ~tt&ii...~ Leather Intenor Pow- UNITARIAN dark blue, automatiC, (313)884-6898, YE OLDE TOY 1993 Dodge Dynasty er Windows! locks air, 2 lops, excellent (586)979-4700 CHURCH ANNEX ~""~/~ Great student carl De- CDI cassette SHOPPE mechanical conditIOn 17150 MaumeelSt. Clair pendable $1,700 $20,700 (586)772- 27510 Harper, 2 blocks $27,495 (313)881. 1996 Seadoo Challeng. Wed 10-3 - Thu -'-9pm (313)881-2710 7431 South of 11 Mile .~\ 7.!63 e" let boat CleCSfl. ConslOonate Wed 10-2 New used and 1989 Dodge Dynasty 1997 Blazer LT Leath- hardly used Runs like Bag Day Clearance 1972 Olds Delta 88 2 collectible toys 80 000 miles verv er, loaded, low mile- a champ $5,2001 LaSt WOO of Murnh 1 iI.1i Door, credm, Wlih (586)775-7927 r clean ~1 1QQ

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o I I l [ 1 I I Y rz.'Idl." 943 LANDS(APERS/ 907 IASfMENT - 943 LANDS(APEltS/ , 902 ALUMINUM SIDING 911 BRI(K/BlQ~K WORK 914 (ARPHHRY 929 DRYWAll/PLASTfRING 934 FENCfS WAURPROOFING. GARDENfR~ GARDENERS VINYL siding, gutters, PLASTER & drywall re- M-l Ron's Tree Serv- JASON Pallas land- THOMAS KLEINER THE Grosse POinte Re- EXPERIENCED carpen- windows decks, brick storation Company ter since 67 Altera- pair and painting Ice Grosse POinte scaping Servl ng the BASEMENT METAl. FAB.INC patios, all Insurance All masonry restored tions Windows, Grosse POinte refer- (313)821 1552 Imme- POlntes 20+ years WATERPROOFING Wruusfat Ironr Weekly lawn service repairs J Will Con- Fully Insured, fully re- doors, decks porch- ences Call Charles Hand rails, fenca, diate service .Dlgglng Method "Chip' Gibson gates.--., New customer diS- ferred (313)331-7671 eS,garage straighten- ACE Tree Expert Re- .AII New Drain Tile Ing, seamless gutters 313-884-5764 ,IoitIbJ & IfIOf'B. count (586)752-5492 21.7100 moval, lrIm stump .Llght Welght10Asiag Vinyl Siding Referen------gnndlng hedging Will ces (586)779-7619 PLASTER repairs, iiiii beat all estimates by stone backfill palnllng Cheap I No 936 FLOOR SANDING/ JUNGLE JEFF (3&P rl~. '71CC 10% (800)838-8387 .Spotless Cleanup r? EXPERIENCED finish lob too smalll Call RHiNISHING CI_EAN UP. RAKE TUCK pOinting and bnck • Prt" ..erve Drt\t"WB)h carpenLer Kitchens, anytime Insured .Walls Straightened & repair by O'Bnen ALLEMON'S Gardening WEED.TRIM .~ ..I("""lm~ baths, basements re- (586)774-2827 "Innovative Harewood" BUilding Co & Landscaping 40 Ydo r ~ EXreru~'Ol e Braced or Replaced modeled Tnml re- Hardwood Floors.1985' (586)445-6154 ,('\ ...... ""'.,.'" "''''''7''''' Shrvt' ~nrl ',..toO fnm- -t-oundallons ' ....Ivl' I':' 0;:1. ,..., pairs Decksl porches SEAVER'S Home Main- ~dnalng-Htlllrll!>lllllg- tree htlmates mlng Landscape, K & K LAWN & SHRUB Insured Grosse tenance Plaster, dry- Repairs-New Installation 586-77 3-808 7 Underpinned VITO Cement Dnve- topSOil & mulch Instal- SERVICES, INC. POinte references wall textures, paint- Licensed & Insured -Bnck & Concrete Work ways, garage floors, lation Quality serv- Complete Landscape 907 USfMlNT (313)885-9352 Ing 24 years- Grosse Tim Tarpey bnck! block work 20 Ices 30 years experi- Se-rvlces WATERPROOFING ~O Years Expenence (586)n2-0489 years expenence In- FINISHED carpentry POinte 313.882.0000 ence Jim Allemon, Sod Installation, Pa~ers A NAME .10 Year Transferable sured/ bonded Walls, Shrub & Tree work & repairs, mold- SMOOTH plasLer and A.1 (586)775-2525 YOU KNOWI Guarantee (313)527-8935 Tnmmlng! Removal, Ing work, door Instal- drywall repairs Without Hardwood Floors ARBORIST trimmers -Dra'nage Systems Clean- Ups, Fertilization JAMES KLEINER latlon Reasonable sanding Other maln- Lay, sand & finish Five Season Tree Installed Gutter Cleaning, Pond & Basement water. rates Licensed & In- tenance services licensed & Insured Service Tree preser- Licensed & Insured Garden Maintenance proofing, masonry, sured (586)776-9398 available Licensed 313-881-7204 vation trimming, A.1 Quallly TOPSOil,Mulch & Stone concrete. 25 years bUilder (313)824. storm work (586)778- 91b (ARPH INSTAllATION Installed & Deliveree In the POlntes, Workmanship 0869 4331 ,VIsa! MCI Discover 313-885-2097 FLOOR sanding and lin- (586)296-3882 GARY'S Carpet Servo SUPERIOR. drywalV BEAUTIFUL, weed- free FREE ESTIMATES St, Clair Shores, MI Ice Installation, re- Ishlng Free esti- CHAS. F. JEFFREY plaster, stucco repair mates Terry Yerke, lawns, gardens, or L1cenaecl & Insured stretchlnc Reoalrs bUSiness front!> can (313)417 .Q797 Baserne'1t Cu"iulll IJdlnllng, pop- (586)772-3118 Carpet &. pad availa- corn spray Insured be yours Reasonable Waterprooling MAC'S TREE AND ble 586-228-8934 pnces Experienced 040 Yrs Expenence Tom, (313)885-6991 SHRUB TRIMMING f&mdy liD« 1924 OJ, (313)526-6135 -Outside olnslde Method 918 CEMENTWORK G &G FLOOR CO COMPLETE WORK oWalls Straightened "Excellence in 930 ELECTRI(Al SfRVlm I Wood floors only Reasonable Rates & Braced BIANCHINI CONST. Waterproofing" (586)415-0153. Univer- Quality Service oFoundatlons • House, Gange &. Porch Licensed I Insured 313-885-0257 20 yar Guaranlft sal Electnc Older CaltTom Underpinned RaJ.. ng & leveling STUCCO: Floors of diStinction G~ home specialists Cir- (586)776-4429 ollcensed & Insured Tl""'\h .... 0 .... ,..0 E:dcncr/ Cc~crc!c since 1964 BELLA LANDSCAPING •Pea Mone &ddtJ1 JV1..1.1.1 • .1."" .... CUit breaker boxes, 313-882-1800 CONCRETE Bob Graoowskl & LAWN CARE MYER'S Maintenance- oSpotiess Clean-Up outdoor plugs, re- 313-882-0746 Stamped color concrete Founder I PreSident Not satisfied With your Lawn cutting, garden- EVERYDAY cessed lights, addi- 313-886-5565 and footings licensed, Insured, lawn cutting services? Ing, plantmg, shrub BASEMENT tIOns, all types of elec- MASONRY Free estimates Call (586)909-4836 trimming WindOWS & WATERPROOFING Llcemrd,ltnsul"eJ tncal work L,senced, Bnck! block We supply, Install, sand, or (586)291.Q493 gutters cleaned oFree Inspections Insured, owner oper- cultured stone & stone stain and Ilnlsh wood for a free estimate (586)226-2757 oFree estimates ated l (586)726-4966 floors, new & old Competitive pnces oLlcensedoBonded 911 URICK/ILO(K WORK SpecialiZing In Ask lor other services olnsuredoF,nanclng A Affordable (Licensed} Ghtsa finish A NAME Electncal Small or Big DAN Milleville Tree 070,000 satisfied (586)778-2050 customers YOUKNOWI lobs Code vlolallOns, Service Tree & stump oLlfetlme transferable service changes or removal, tree tnm- RAINFALL#fIrrigation JAMES KLEINER Visa, Discover & warranty V & J Cement Construc- Anythlngl Mike. Mastercard accepted mlng, land cleanng Spnnkler system In- 313-527-9090 Basement water- tion Inc SpecialiZing (313)438-6132 demolition Free estl' stallation and repairs proofing, masonry, In cement. dnveways, WOOD floor sanding- mates 35 years expe- ReSidential, commer. concrete. 25 years J R.L. basements, Side. FIRST refinishing Michigan nence Fully Insured clal (313)884-4795 In the Polntes. walks, garages, pa. ELECTRICAL Floor Services, 25214 24 hour emtlrgency Emergency (313)314- 313-885-2091 STREMERSCH tlOS Free estimates John, Master Electncal Grallot Call 1-800- service (586)776- 2277 BASEMENT 606-1515 A.1 bnck repair LI- (734)528-4558 1104, (810)343.6744 WATERPROOFING (586)n6-1oo7 SPARKMAN Landscap- censed 40 years ex- Commercial/Residential DAVE'S Tree & Shrub WALLS REPAIRED 919 (HIMNEY n Or SIIrub6erv tenance Bnck re- more Small Jobs wel- CHIMNEY 'Senior Discount SpodolM CJearJHIp pairs- porches, ch,m. come licensed! In. clal Free estimates Tnmmlng, topping, SYSTEMS, INC. 313-822-3000 u.::.e.-f 023C23.J4 neys, steps Mortar sured Free estimates on installations fully Insured Senior MICH lIC." 71.Q5125 800-305-9859 < l..-red oFree color matche-.:l Insur- DynamiC Building (800)576-6200 discounts 800-626- • ed (313)882-00f1('l Concepts, Inr 586- Chimneys repaired 3493 775-3428 reoullt, re-linea SEMI retired bnck layer Gas flues re-Iined 918 cat won<. sured (586)772-3223 ...... - .ser..a. Call Rodger Call your ads In Earlyl I 1KE\l!1ED& N!UIfD 921 (EILINGS t;U'Qh'.fj,ir eo~~ (313)884-5887 SMALL repairs Tuck- 19755 E".twood Dri"., I ClassifIed Advertising H.."..,'W ...... -Driveways .Patios -Walks HEDGE, shrub tnmmlng pointing, porches, (313"'''9132 PLASTER & dry wall re- Spnng, fall clean- ups X chimney repairs J W 313-882-6900 3 pair All types water -Additions •Garages Lawn maintenance Kleiner Sr (313)882- rr==R.="=.=C=H=.t=,.=,t=ltlI=i1 ~ Ibtnl~ ~ ... damage 18 years ex- "Licensed/Insured" Lowest pnces In townl ClfNtiiON 0717 586-778-1372 penence Licensed, R.-4.II_. & R'~llt Call Don (586)350- Insured Joe, 907 IASfMfNT rlill., RIIII"Il .. 586-790-1923 3675 907 IASEMfNT 313)510-0950 WlTfRPROOFING WAUItPROOFING F," (tfl.II.1 TLC to your garden (111)410-5121 beds Weeding, clean- ing, cultivating, plant- I ANDY Squires Plaster- Ing Available all sea- <-\~SE~ 914 (ARPfNTIY Ing & Drywall Stucco son (313)88t-3934 WATERPROOFING repair Spray textured • EXPOS!:D AGGRfGATf S- ALL types of carpentry U3 LANDSUPEltS/ 9H lANDSCAPERS/ A Bmmcss Built On Honesty, ceilings (586)755- ~ RF~IDFI'fTIAI CONCRFTE _ Int~mv & DCPEndabllity and remodeling 2054 7 GUDfNfltS GUDfNfllS - SCr\ mg rhe POIntes Basements baths, ______• Drlteways • paUCK For 25 Year~ garage straightening LOU Blackwell Plasler. ~ <. ~ FooUIIIS, Garage 1aIsiII, PordIes ~ ~ ~ ~pecl6catlons Small lobs welcome I Ing All types wet - Basnnmt W"'#rloroo£n" S. 11MBERUNE plaster, cornice cove ~ -'r '1' b ~ .plywood .found et'ttire lree 10 protec1 J8n~ M BUilding (313)886- .AII lren eh ru bs 00"". tic. w'll be prOCKfed 0202 ornamental 25 years ~ Lumud & Insu,ed ~ I.ANDSCAPING INC. ..4 o£.C41vale (hand dig) _ ot I. t. w~ed expenence 586-776- - MAIl.nN IlIIF UIlY DIPAOLA.t r ' r .... ul ..... V d c.~y .and etebr1I: CARPENTRY- Porches, ofle_ •• Iotlng _" nleand ~ _ ..... _Il1o 8687 ~ .... 771...261 .... 22.. 2212 ~ SfllVONGnn:G~1"OIN1lS o$(ropo and wi ... bruSh _I _ng 011 dirt, _Ing 01JOOd bond doors decks, base- .'-A..'-A..'-A..'-A..~ .~. SINCE 1989 ~epelr tll ~ creekt wttr'I hydrMJKc cement ments Repairs small Classifieds .Trowe' lI"- lOr end 6-ml" ~ oppIlocI to _ Jobs Free estimates Work For You oOWNF.ROI'tllATtD --Run how In bJeedeff.} to InM.rre 1Uffic..." dnIMge .-:tI1c MIlkI ~======~ -.w(.)~--V 28 years expenence To place an ad call. GRAZIO oGR~POINIERESlDfNTRlR13YEARS .pM .tone or 10'" saag ,tone wtthln 12'" of gndI (313)885-4609 of our '"e h membrono .. oppllocl 10 lop 01 ..... 01 vi...... (313}882-6900 X 3 CONSTRUCTION, INCo ,LANDS(APEDtSlGNteroNrntUCllON •Top soli to grade wtth pt"opIf' pttch oSHRUB & llU'E 11UMMING 004ntefiOtcr.ckl fined tf nec:MUrV .Thorough -,l( "MY \X.&I~ I"r1J.~tf'Md jnd f'.nc«i ()"'W'Wj'f' r t~\ ( mrw-~ \X.llt\~ I I"aWII Ii ryor~liire NFW GARAGES BUILT J tOO"Of"llSRIDC:llSTOMER~ l WII~ r • ~J" (1 ,.." Rt-rl J" F"" n~l Mtr,"'lW'd Expoot"d A~ .., • Brick ,,"v en lUHlUlAIS UPON RF.Q.UISf "1 ....,. n( f~ f'\ood,n [ru;. r h\ll; )ln~'Wlttm~ ~VtfJing &~ho" Uccn.w GIA',SBUlCK~ In..urt'd ~~ nu:E ES11MA~ ~ 313/ ...... , 'iIAI ~ l1CFN~m Licensed 8t Insured 10 YC',uTumlC't' Ahlc- (,U,ir An ltt 586-774-3020 a (,AIL~AT (313)886-3299 ~ \ ( ~I{,\" II f 1\ 0"1 \ ~'( OOD~, rilE (,l ~RA'JTOR Thursday, July 18, 2002 Classlfleds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882-6900 ext, 3

9~3 IANOSCAPERS/ 9H GUTTERS GAROENEIlS 945 HANDYMAN 946 HAULING t MOVING 9S4 PAINTlNG/OECORATING 954 P.t\INIING/OECORATING 959 POWER WASHING 960 ROOfiNG mVICE UNIVERSAL Malnte- HOME maintenance, MOVING-HAULING A+ Painting Intenor, ex- GUS PAIN77NG POINTE Pressure nance- gulter and roofing, carpentry, Appliance removal Ga- tenor Plaster & dry. Washing. decks pow- DAVIDIDWARD llIlerlor & Exterror downspout cleaning Small Jobs Reasona- rage, yard, basement, wall repair Window DrywAll &0 Pliuter ilIJNUr er washed, sanded, ROOflNG llcensed, Insured ble reliable licensed cleanouls Construction glazing, power wash. wtlOdow GIazI~ &. stained Dnveways, R8Iidemial SpecialiIt New customer dls- {313)909-9556 debns Free estimates Ing & painting Alumi- ~l' ..t.tl'_~ masor>ry, Siding Call counts (313)639- HONEST and depends- MR. 8'S 313-882-3096 num Siding Free esti- PouerW~b Rodger (313)884- RSROOfS - 'IllAR0ffS 3500 ble Carpentry, paint- 586-7S~S7 mates Insured Call 586-943-9910 5887 Ryan Pamling Ing, plumbing, and SUPERIOR Power 945 HANOYMAN electncal If you have (586)775.3068 I WALLPAPER Washing! Painting- a problem, need re- BOWMAN Painting In. A Affordable Electncal, REMOVAL cleaning, tuckpolnllng, I pairs, or any installing, tenorl exterior ReSI- Carpentry, Plumbing, BY TIM aluminum Siding 0. Call Ron (586)573- dential 26 years ex. 313-885-3410 Painting, Remodeling, Expe"ienc4"" quality palntmg Insured Tom 6204 penence Call Gary wod. dependable,' Baths, Kitchens (313)885-6991 810-326.1598 lowest pl'iC4" 25 Yaus Expo \ Basements, Ceramic OLDER home specialist 5.6.77 .....007 I 9'0 ROOFING SERVICE Tile Marble or Any- Custom carpentry, Local & BRENTWOOD Painting- liaDsed &: Insured Three C's thing Big or Small LI- plaster, painting, ce- Long Distance Int6nor, extenor, wall- ~==== ....====....~ IREf. ESIlMATES • Landscaping. Inc. ramiC, plumbing, elec- censed Mike, Agent for papering 35 years DIJ'(O'S PAIN11J'(G *A-I ROOF REPAIRS * (586). 77Se44.l4 .." (313)438-6132 tncal (810}908-1158 quality service Free Friendl) l>rolesslonaJ COMPLETE INSTALtATlON ~ Forestry Division Global Van Lines estimates I Bill, 586- s~g~GI~~I~Oa{t~, LICENSED INSURFD QJJBHty Work at a . ARBE Services Com- . 10 YEAR WARRANTY .. 776-6321, 586-771- wlncro~tlr.&l~tal~~~%ung CompeIftiYe Prb • .Tree ~rimming plete handyman serv- ... 8014 10% off With adl paintpe.\\lng~atlslacuon FREE ESTIMATES . ------guaranteed . ._.~ 1('1'1 ('All yOll II Of' (lIRd ~. l':t1 ':I'57".17~" . ~ SR.AN'S PA.i.wTING ~.)~...... LH ..... ~ L \....t .,,), ....,. I.- -- d Removal yOU did Quality work SUPER handyman Pro- ProfeSSional painting, (313)872.3334 oStorm-Damage Dependable feSSional painting Intenorl extenor (800)431.6858 ADVANCED Mainte- .Cabling (313)268-4489 Refer- electncal, plumbing, 822-.100 SpecialiZing all types nance Ine Roof leak ences upon requesl carpentry, remodeling • •large and Small Jobs 957 PlUMllNG I specialists Tear ofts, of painting, caulkmg, CALL: of kitchens, baths & • Pianos lour specially) WindOWglazing, INSTAllATION re-roofs, shingles, (586) 757.5330 CODE Violations, re- basements Large and • Appliances wood shakes, flat modeling Tile, electn- plaster repair COMPLETE small Jobs Senior dls, • Saturdoy, Sunday All work guaranteed roofs, copper bays, IHC:()RPORATED cal, drywall, plumbing PLUMBING decks, slate and tile 944 GUTTERS count Rob (586)777- Service Fully Insuredl COMPLETE Licensed contractor repair Fully licensed 8633 • SemO( Discounts Free Estimates and SERVICE ROOFING Small Jobs welcome and Insured FAMOUS Maintenance TEDDY- Do- It- All Col- Reasonable Rates, call MARTIN VERTREGT SERVICE Free estimates Owned & Operated (313)884-9512 Window & gutter lege student Window 5116-n8-2749 licensed Master RESIDENTIAL cleaning Licensed, (313)570.4092 By John Stem Inger washing, gulter clean- or 586-822.2078 Plumber ALL PRO ROOFING COMMERCIAL bonded. Insured Since 11850 E. Jefferson Grosse POinte Woods .Professlonal roofs, FAMOUS Maintenance Ing, lawn cutting, odd DENNIS Palnllng Quali- TEAR-OFF 1943 313-884-4300 MPSC-l19675 -Gullers -Sldmg, Home repairs, 1m. Jobs Airport Iral'sport ty work at a reasona- 313-886-2521 RESHINGLE licensed Insured -New -Repaired SEAVER'S Home Maln- provements, painting, (313)882-7823 ble pnce Extenor! 10- New work repairS, Reasonable! Reliable CERTIFIED tenance- Gutters re- carpentry, gulter re- WHITE Glove Malnte- FREE ESTIMATES tenor Commercial! renovations, water 27 years In bUSiness APPLICATIONSOF paired, replaced, pair, cleaning, light nance- remodeling, resldenltal licensed heaters, sewer cleaning, L1CENSEDIINSURED MODIFIED SINGLE cleaned Roofing 24 plumbing Insured roofing, plumbing, 948 HOMf MAINTENANCE {586)776-3796, code Violations John Williams PLY years Insured since 1943 (313)884- electncal, baltl, paint- (810)506'2233 All work guaranteed 586-n6-5167 FLAT ROOFING (313)882-0000 4300 Ing, etc Bill (586)778- ERIC'S PAINTING SYSTEMS 4024 FLAT roof specialist 30 Intenor! Extenor DAVE'S VENTS TO PLACE AN AD HANDYMAN. small re- years expenence SpecialiZing In repairing Sewer Cleaning GUTIERS CALi 313-882-6900 ext 3 pairs, debns removal INTERIOR &: EXTERIOR Work guaranteed VI- .PAlNTING • PLUMBING damaged p:aster & & REPAIRS palntln, decks Call RI- PAT THE GOPHER sa/ Mastercard ac- chard, (810)329-3022 HOME MAJ~ANCE SERVICE oCAAPENTRY drywall, cracks, peeling Plumbing Repair • S'MH Home RepaIrs - lAWN & GARDEN cepted 313-372-7784 LICENSED - INSURED -GUTTER CLEANING parnt, caulking, Window Sewers & DrainS JEFF'S Roofing Honest :=r=~:epaJls &R£PAJRS glazing, power wash, Cleaned 886-0520 9411 HOME MAINTENANCE 9411HOME MAINTENANCE • Plumbing Re08J1S .POWER WASHING repaint aluminum Siding dependable One day • TV Antenna Removal •PLASTER&: Hat Water Heaters-DIp & Installation service on most roofs . • S4ding lJeck DRYWAll REPAIRS Insured Guaranteed Tubes lt1,ur.J .SENIOR DISCOUNTS References Licensed, Insured 962 STORMS I SCREENS T.H.C. MAINTENANCE for more Faucets' TOilets rnformallOl1 FREE ESTIMATES (313)884-9443 Replpes Violations (586)295-0203 INSURED screen I Storm Repair GENERAL CONSTRUCflON SERVICES Free EstImates Licensed --- Insured 586-714-0781 Pointer Owned &: Ope",ted SEAVER'S Home Main- Pick cp and deliverY G H.I. Pal'ltlng. Intenor! (313)526-7100 tenance Roof repairs, .Suiutg. alummum mm. I ,',' Call us anylimel . - extenor Expenenced Ice shields, gUlter, .SCamIeSS gutters Vanety of colors 946 HAULING t MOVING DIRECT IXL Glass .RooIing, teat oIIi l\( repaus ProfeSSional Insured. chimney mainte- 954 PAINTING/OECORATING 19803 Mack! Allard • Roll venu &: F..aa.I vents ro.. prn-enrlOg 1CC'dams Free estimates Refer- PLUMBING nance Insured LOCAL moves and de- (313)884-0484 °Ftaslunll" copper 0' a1ununum -COpper decb, bays etc. livery Appliances re- 2 GirlS and a Paint ences Greg & (313)882-0000 .Windowsl!l door ."lacemerll OPamWlg & POWO' wulun« moval FleXible hours Brushl Intenorl exlen- (586)777.2177 Some Classlfleallons 973 TIlE WORK oCarpentry Rough l!l Firush •&throonu l!l lurchons DRAIN Free boxes Call any. or Quality workl Ref. INTERIORS al8 required by law to -codr VloliltlOns. -Drywall rq>.ur/lnstallatlOn. time, (~13)881-5622 orences (586)943- BY DON .. LYNN 886-8557 be licensed. Check A Affordable Old Wot1d RESIDENTlAlll< COMMERCIAL UCENSED ac INSURID with proper State Tile New ceramiC, Don't Forget- _7_5_1_7 -Husband-Wife Team *Free Estimates marble Small or Big (586)778.0040 your ads In Earlyl AAA Palnling. Intenor, ewallpapenny *Full Product Warranty Ageney call to verify license. Repairs or Anythlngl Classified Advertising extenor Work guaran- -Palntmg *senlor Discount Licensed. (313}438. 313-882-6900 ext 3 teed Great pncesl 954 PAINTlNG/OECORATlNG 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 6132 References Free estl- 586-n6-0695 * References ~1\:>tn1~~WI \.'5mfciiw mates (586)779-2796 J.L. PA!NTING A-1 Tile & Marble- re- INTERIORlEXTERIOR pair, plumbing 35 Plaster repair MICHAEL HAGGERTY 9S4 PAINTING/DECOllATING 9S4 PAINTING/OECOIlATlNG years expenence S&S' Drywall cracks! Lie. Mallter Plumber Guaranteed! Insured peeling paint EMIL THE (586)755-5895 CUSTOM PAINTING Window pUllylcaulklng ALL tile, complete new Interior • ae.toratioD - Ezterior Power waShing! PLUMBER Free lfU''"' \ ....Uh Roo' baths, kJtehens & tile -FAUX f1NISIIES repainting Father & Sons J',rtbreln Q!ammm ~tobbllrl Replaeemen deSign 18 years ex. Aluminum Siding Smce 1949 .IN1'EKIOR PAINTING & ~Ortll ,I!ecor.+nr8 ~ penence licensed, Grosse POinte BILL m'IY .WALLPAmR.KEMOVAL MASTER PLUM8ERS Insured Joe, cp Comrnerdal (, P.tiIden~al. References FREE Estimates 313.882.0029 (313)510-0950 .RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Custom Palnllng • Papef Hanging. Fully Insured Dry Wall - Faux finIShes - Artex Plaster BEDROCK Tile Co LI' Free Estimates L.S. Walker Company ResldenUaI Free Estimates Grosse Pointe Residents Woodwortdng censed, Insured, ref. 313-885-0146 Plumbing, repairs & Ucensed ~ Insured 313.418.4270 Over' 10 Years f.xpertChCe: erences Neat, clean (586)779-7333 drains Reasonablel JOHN'S PAINTING work Guaranteed Insured {586)786- Inlenor- Extenor Spe- workmanship. 3900, (313)705-7568 David CialiZingIn repamng (810)321-8453 dMlaged plaster, dry. pager 1536) 3U-0t23 or S"N Manno Tile & Mar' " wall & cracks, peeling (536) 307-3991 Painting: ble Trained In Italy paint, WIndow pultymg Exterior: WOOd Bride Siding 35 years expenence and caulkmg, wallpaper- DISCOUNT $ Interior: custom Painting" Folux Finish $ (586) 725-4094 Plaster RIIPal": Ing Also, paint old alu. PLUMBIND R.CODDEN walls, ceiling mmum Siding All work -For all YOW" TILE BY SHERI Plumbi!lJt Needs Excd .... co 1ft Roofing AII1VP8S Of COrnice MOIdI SpecialiZing In IntenorlExlenal Painting We affer and matenal guaran- WHY PAY'MORE1! 20 years expenence RepaIred Or ReproducecI the beSiln preparatIOn belore palnMg and use only the teed Reasonable Sewers & Drains Family sma 1924 Small Jobs welcome carpentry: :,nest matenals for the lo~gestlaSilng results Reasonable Rates Grosse POinte referen- Ra.denuallCommeraai Bathrooms Remodeled ROugh I Flnlsheet 7 DAYS - 24 HOURS Great Western peopJe are quality minded and coorteoos ces Fully Insured .Ralungle .Tear-olF & Re-Tlled ArchJtectun11 Moldings, ~blnetry. E REASONABLE RATES Free estimates Custom Millwork, Reproduction work Free estimates 586/412-5500 .F1at Roof.N .... IRq>au FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY INSUREDI UCENSED 313-882.5038 (313)570-4092 313-886-7602 RErrR£.'C'ES CALL 313.885-4867 FlLL' "SlRED QUALITY Palnttng, 313-886-5565 977 WALL WASHING plaster repairs 24 9S9 POWER WASHING • .AWAIlPWHdNGIqtfRJlll~= . "., years Insured Neat MADAR Maintenance 36YJWtS~. . . 1 Tony's Power Wash- '"1orlor!ElfI.rlor "SIo",tIolI Seaver's Home Main- Hand wall washmg & (IIrto", p,'ntlng Ing Power wash Just tenance (313)882- Windows tool Free An'rqv/ng, WOOfJ flJllsh/ng & $lfJlnin, about anything Spe- 0000 esllmates & referen- ,.Inl "1910",,,1 Spoclolhfl CialiZing In decks 1'10110' & Orywllfll_p.fr Spedall.fa STEVE'S Patnling tnten- ces 313-821-2984 Painting also avalla. 10/1041 Wood I_ploro_nl orl extenor Speclallz- ble Free estimates 98\ WINDOW WASHING Window GlllDn, & C•• lleI", 109 In plastenng and (313)930-0238 ~,?r ~oshillf _ drywall reoalrs. 'ft'Wr.. , II1IImer!' •• ''''''nJMe won • FAMOUS Maintenance craCKS, peeling paint -F-A-M-O-U-S-M-a-tn-te-n-a-nc-e- IUP.IIOIIlI.,lUAnON fully Licensed & Insured • AND CllAFTUIoUUHIIl licenSed Window glazing, Houses, decks, pa- srnce 1943 Wall . caulking Also pamt tlOS, fences, dnve- . (516) 771.9619 & Lolw-.d washing! carpet , old aluminum Siding ways Insured since t "IE amMAns • REASONAIIU RAns cleanmg 313-884- t (586)469-4565 1943 (313)884-4300 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 4300 f MADAR Maintenance 9SIII'OR 1 and walls Free esti- o()4SlrJm 1'rlbIIIIfI mates & references servnos 313-821.2984 • WE VIORK AROUlm YOUR HOURS. ALL-AROUND •h*tYJr/ EJderlor ) &} ROOFING FREE-ESTIMATES °ResJderrIiaI/ (G86) 44G-6455 or 1 800-4G9.64GG MYER'S Maintenance- ~ 'PaUiIVJ Commercial WIndow washing. SEE HOW AFFORDABLE QUALITY CAN BEl power washing, gut. (313) 881.3970 Patios • wlr~, • ~rIVIWIY' • Porch .. PfasIer/ IiyrroI 16837 HARPER' OETROIT • FAX 313-881 3951 •~Wasb6W 10 year workmanship warran~. ters cleaned . Rehillill! W.Il. • Cer.llIic Tile. oAbi!ss~ 25 year or lODger material warran~ (586)226-2757 Speclallidng in TEAR-QFFS Pillter Replire~ Ill~OOtl/OltdoDII (810)343-4938 UNIVERSAL Mamte- Charles IChip' Gibson For Fru E.tlnult~ Lloenllfld nance Window & gut- 1AI'IMa:' ,. ' allfr..a- CUSTOM PAINTING Call Mike (734)682-8100 CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEI ter cleaning Licensed & Insured New cus- INTERIOR It E"TEOIOO PAINTlN6 tomer discounts 960 ROOFING SERV/

Proceeds from the cruise will be donated to local ch ildren's charities including Kaleidoscope Kids pediatric hospice program of Henry Ford Hospital and the pediatric immunization pro- gram and services of Bon Secours Cottage Health Services.

Look for our Harper Cruise ZOOZspecial publication in the August ZZnd editions of the

Grosse... Pointe News II The Connection Newspapers! We want photos of your classic car!

Your classic automobile can be one of the main attractions! Everyone will be able to admire it! The publication will be in the Grosse Pointe News and The Connection and will be available at the cruise.

Please send a color photograph (not computer generated) along with $15 and the form below. A generous donation will be made to the Lac 51. Clair Kiwanis Club for each photo printed. If you would like your photo returned, please include a self addressed stamped envelope. Photos ml_~~tbe received by Fritiay, August ~n!f.

I ______II!!I __ ~_II!!I ~ __ • ~ __II!I_~_. _II!I~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Send your photograph with $15 to: . N 96 Kercheval Grosse PoInt~ ews Grosse Pointe Farms &CossgCTIoN Michigan 48236 NEW S , A , E I S Attention Kim Mackey (313)343-5586 • FAX 882-1585 Please Print: Year, Make & Model of Vehicle _

Owner City _

BODY - Original or Reproduction PARTS - Original or Reproduction (please circle) (please cIrcle) Best Featu re

------r Thul Julv 18. 2002 -GrOi •10C Sports Grosse Pornte News • Diamonds sparkle with u - softball league playoff win ~ Th\! Grosse POinte had RBI singles Lmdsay Grabowskl, Katie .1 Diamonds closed out a suc- Smith pitched a two-hitter KJhmas, Simmon, Smith cessful season last week by and struck out SIX m the and Borushko each collected • wmmng the playoff champl- semifinal victory over two hits, whlle Simmon and onshlp m the St Clalr- Marysville SmIth knocked in two runs

':I Macomb Amateur Fastpltch Grosse POInte gave her a apiece .. Federation nIce cushIOn wIth a five-run Borushko started the sec- The Diamonds beat the first mnIng Kelh LaBara ond gamf' and gave up one Algonac Storm 14-3 In the was safe on an error to start hit In two mnIngs Simmon champlOnbhlp game after the upnslng and Chnstle pitched h1tless ball the rest earnIng a spot In the final!> Laethem, Katie KJhmas, of the way and struck out I with a 6-1 wm ovpr Amv KlhmR<; Rncl SmIth fol- three Marysville l(lwed wIth smgles Katie The Diamonds scored m Shelby Simmon pitched a and Amy KJhmas each drove the second when Katie six-hitter In the title game m a run and Smith knocked LaBara smgled and scored and struck out four • m two on a sacnfice by Smith SImmon also led the way The Diamonds closed out They added two runs in the offenSively with a bmgle, a the regular season with an thud on a double by Lmdsey home run and four RBIs 11-5 VICtory and a 3-3 tie Koerber, which drove In Amy KJhmas had two hits wIth L'Anse Creuse North Richardson and Kelli and scored a pair of runs SmIth pItched the first LaBara, who had both sm- Katie LaBara and four mnIngs of the opener gled Stephame Smith each had and allowed two hits and The DIamonds finished 8- smgles, scored two runs and struck out a pair BOl"Ushko 3-1 during the regular sea- drove In one Julie Borushko pitched the last two frames son and all three defeats The GrOBsePointe Dlamol1ds18-and-under fastpitch softball team took first and Jessica Richardson each and allowed four hits were by 3-2 scores. place in the St. Clair-Macomb Amateur Fastp1tch Federation playoffs. In frODt. from left, are Lind"y Koerber, Amy KWmu. Shelby Slmmon. KeW LaBara, KaUe lWimas. Katie LaBara and Julie Boru.8hko. In back. from left. are coach i Bob GraboWflJd.Christie Laethem. Jeulca Richardson. Stephanie Smith. Lind- say Grabowsld and coaches Jim Slmmun and Ron Smith. Not pictured are Katie DiMaggioand Amanda Jennings.

,, '.

Series champs The Angels beat the Astros 6-5 to win the Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores Class MA Little League World series title. In frODt. from left. are Eric Record relay Londo, Michael Cardosi. Paul Straetmans, Keith Porter. Austin Damm and University Liggett SChool's 1.6DO-meter relay team of Thomas Greer, Laura Reilly. In the middle row. from left. are Brad Scherer. Eric Pomber. Charles Lowe. CurtI. Lowe and Brad BohllDger set a school record with a Alez Ikardslee, ChristlaD Holm. Maz Steiner, Chris Bill and Matthew Bruno. time of 3:30.19 while flnlshlng third at the state DIvision IV track meet. In back. from left. are manaeer Lou Bruno and coaches Eric Pomber, Rick Damm and Joe Cardosi. KBOK

'~" I !l

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Over 300 Dealers In Quality Antiques & Selected Collectibles. All Under Cover (7 buildings). All items guaranteed as represented. Locator service for specialties and dealers; on site delivery and shipping service. Lots of homemade and custom made food. No pets please!

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Nancy Straub • P.O.Box 1260, Panacea, FL32346 (850) 984-0122