LOWELL LAUNDRIES CO* "ADALAKE" BICYCLE BINE. Oomoin and seo our... jf As the Twig is Bent the Tree's Inclined FOR WINNER IN THE LED Flndley Joseph sells to Bush, (lER'S VOTING CONTEST. Brockway& Wleand. 1 How is it with the young people of your household? Are Fiudloy Joseph has sold his in- they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value Second Boillot Shows Increased in- terest in the Columbian laundry to Gasoline and of a dollar? Are you endeavoring to instil into their minds terest and Promises Hot Race. his partner, D. T. Bush and to correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are vou seeking The winner of The Lodger's prize Brockway & Wieand of the Lowell the opportunity to "bend the twig"? Would you like to listen bicycle may be a boy or girl re- laundry. The business of the two Blue Flame Oil Stoves laundries will be continued under to a plain suggestion? If, so here it is: quiring an adult wheel, just which cannot be told until the last ballot the style of Bush, Brockway & Wieand, Lowell Steam laundry. B«nd the young folks to our bnnk with the first spare dollar that comes into their closes, June 5. This uncertainty hands. The next dollar should be treated in like manner and the practice so continued had to be taken into consideration The stand formerly occupied by We handle the Dangler until » fixed habit of saving has been eMablished. A good I v bank account will soon in deciding upon the make of wheel Brockway & Wieand has been closed and Sun Vapor in the above result. The young folki will get an inklinit of the ways of' business and being tlins and the needed machinary trans- stoves. None better ned" are Ukdy to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. to bo used, and wo have settled upon the Adalake a $35 wheel, ferred to the Joseph & Bush stand, Did you ever see the Lisk samples of which, both ladies and whoso office will be in the Wisner Anti-Rust Tinware? war- office as heretofore. gents, may bo seen at the store of ranted at K. D. Stocking. If the winner re- Mr. Joseph has not yet determin- CITY BANK, Hill, Watts & Co. quires a juvenile wheel, something ed what he will do. equally good will be given. Saddles, gears and handle bars will bo suited WILL MEET AT ADA. to the wishes of the winner. Following is Mr. Stocking's Final Meeting of Kent County Spraker & Cambell guarantee of the "Adlake:" Teachers and Pastors. | Special ^ This is to certify that the Adlake The final of a series of five pub- bicycle is a strictly high grade lic meetings of the Kent County $35 00 wheel and fully gnrranteed Teachers' and Pastors' association .•I.I'uM.i.n. by the manufacturers. The Great which has been a material factor in 10 Days Special Western Manufacturing Company the co-operative educational cam- of Laport, Indiana, who are capital- paign will be held in Ada April 26 ized at over a million dollars. and 27. The officers of the associ- Get Your Samples of these celebrated wheels ation and County School Commis may be seen at my store. sioner Chapel have completed the For ten days Oonuncncing-April we will K. D. STOCKINU program for the two day's meeting sell the Quick Meal Gold Coin and Model Steel liangep, which Lowell, April 18, 1001. and every effort has IMJCU set forth are the best Steel lianges made, at a Oiscoiint of Ci The vole in the bicycle contest to make the program as instructive per cent. Every one fully guaranteed. htantls this morning ay follows: and interesting from an educational Yourfl, Mary Aldrich 338 standpoint as possible. Prof. S. B. Bicycles and Melvin Lake 80 Laird of the state normal school will Bertha A. Wesbrook 136 be the principal speaker. Special Freda Bailey 122 music has been arranged for. Jay Watters 61 Fishing Tackle R. B. BOYLAN. LaVanche E. Wright 57 AUNT ANNA FORD DEAD. A car load of refrigerators at 25 i»er cent off. Georgie K. Morse 82 Will Davey io At the Ripe Old Age of 93 Years, of Earl Vanderlip 5 Aunt Anna Ford died at her Burt Charles 6 home in this village Tuesday morn- Charles Pelerle 2 ing, after an illness of several Irene Murphy l months. Funeral services will be Agnes McGarrety l held to-day at one o'clock at the Martin Nyburg 1 house and 2 o'clock at the Congre- R. D. STOCKING. Votes are counted every Thurs- gational church. day morning. Witnesses permitted. Mrs. Ford was 93 years old last Each week's ballot is separately October and when first taken ill, YOUR sealed and the whole will l)e subject feeling that she would not recover, to final review if desired. dictated for writing the the facts of her life and made requests for the PHOEBE HEADWORTH. arrangment of her funeral. Mrs. Ford occupied a seat of honor Try our apecial number 10c Hose Came from New York to Die In on the platform at the Saranac and for Ladies. Same as you usually the Old Home. Ada pioneer picnics last Summer You pay 12Jfc and 15c for. Phoebe Ueadworth died at the and Congressman Wm. Alden home of her mother, in Lowell, on Smith, who spoke on those occasions, Friday, evening, April 12, 1901. paul a globing tribute to her A. Complete She came from but worth. mFind Line of A.rab- a day or two preceding her death, ian Trimmings accompanied by a friend. LIVED IN KEENE 30 YEARS- AT OUR STORE On our Kodak Department and if it gets tired come in The news of her death was a and get a pair of glasses and rest it—a perfect fit shock to all who knew her. She Did Mrs. Thompson Kho Died Last A complete line of guaranteed. had lived in Lowell many years and Friday. had been in the employ of several Mrs. Mathew Thompson died at IVEW WASH GOODS General Kodak Supplies— of our business men. Coming here her home in Keene, Friday, April Plates. Films, Papers, de- for your inspection. We also have a new and up-to-date assort- in 1886, she attended our public 12. Funeral services were conduct- velopers, Toning Solution, schools. After finishing her school ment of etc. ed at the M. E. church in Lowell work, she was in the office of S. P. Sunday, by Rev. J. W. McAllister. SUMMER. WAISTS Uicks, where she remained Harriet E. Woodcock was born which we ask you to look over before you purchase your Spring a little Inore than two years. Aft- at Bloofield, Norfolk county, Eng- supply. We invite comparison in all lines of merchandise kept Th« People's Store. erward, she was in the employ of land, April 13, 1844, and came to The White Front. J. L. Hudson & Co., who had a New York slate when 11 years old. ie a first class dry goods store- Very resp'y, branch store here at that time. Five years later she became the wife Later she assisted W. S. Winegar of Mathew Thompson and they in the collection of taxes and as ac- lived in Keene for about thirty J. B. NICHOLSON, A. D. Oliver countant. Her last engagement years. Lowell, Mich. here was iu the banking office of Six children were born and all C. J. Church & Son. While at survive: Robert, of Kalanmoo; these places of business, she formed Mrs. Charles Shores, of McCords; AAAA AAAAAAAAf AAAA A AAA A A AAA WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW WWW WW a wide acquaintance and impressed Mrs. Fred Chorley, of Lake Odessa all who knew her with a sense of and Will, Frank and Mrs. Fred LIVED IN KEENE 45 YEARS her worth. In 1892, she was en- Johnson, of Lowell. Deceased was No Buyer of gaged by J. C. Vanghau of Chica- a sister of John Woodcock of Keene. I We announce to Mrs. Vlana Piackaey who Died go, where she remained two'years, / f '/ everybody tbat the April 9. goiug from there to-New York city, OLD LAND PATENT. \ iana Day was horn iu Genesee and taking charge of the business county, N. Y., May 31, 1822 office of the same Hrm there, which Ancient Document Filed With Regis and died April 9th 1001. she occupied until her death. She CLOTHING ter of Deeds. was a remarkably intelligent girl, The Light hen she (was three years of age, she came with her parents to very apl in whatever she undertook, Deputy'Register of Deed8, Walter Who hasn't seen my Spring Line has Poiltiac, Oakland county, Michigan, of genial disposition and with the Brook has received an interesting • any idea How Cheaply Oood Clothing where she lived until her mam age faculty of making and keeping old document for filing, in the shape can be bought. with Ira Pinkney of Pontiac in 1839. friends. She lived a beautiful and of an old patent, bearing the sigoa Mr. and Mrs, Pinkney lived in useful life. No young lady of ture of President Martin Van Buren. W. W. PULLEN Clinton county, for three years, Lowell ever had a firmer hold on The patent was issued from then came to Keene, and settled on the esteem of our people. All who Washington and covers 240 acres of $5.00 Strictly ail wool Men's Suits. knew her feel her loss keenly. at the Millinery f-tgre formerly the farm, where for forty-five years, real estate situated in section 30 of $7.00 Fine Cassimers in neat checks and plaids occupied by Mrs. fliler and would they labored side by side, sharing Many a lip has trembled, many eyes Bowne township. The patentee was Otners aak |10.00 for no better suiU be jduased to have the patronage of life's joys and sorrows together. have filled with tears, at tidings of Daniel McNaughton a former resi- $10.00 Fine Clays. Serges and Unfinished yiWr old customna as usnal. To them were born eight children, her death. She was devoted to her dent of Lowell, who bought the Worsteds. They are simply perfect. Having made improvemento | mother and family—to them the and procured an up-to-date milliner three sons and five daughters, of land from the government in 1837. and trimmer and a fine line of whom two sons, George A. and Win. blow is terrible. The heartfelt The patent is dated August 1, EAST SIDE CLOTHIER. W. W. PULLEN Henry, of Keene and one daughter, sympathy of all goes out to them 1837, and is printed on sheepskin. : Mrs. Caroline Pike of Morely, by reason of this their great be- Mrs. Catherine A. Lewis, the sole Michigan, are left to mourn the loss reavement. H. heir of McNaughton, transferred a Spring of a mother. The funeral of Miss Ueadworth part of the land by sale to John was held at the residence of her Murray yesterday and the old patent In 1887, Mr. Pinkney paused Baptist Church Notes. Building & Loan Officers. away, leaving her to journey alone. mother on Monday, April 15, con- was brought to the city to establish 1 The annual meeting of the Lowell She was an ever loving mother, a ducted by Rev. J. W. McAllister, Mrs. Lewis title. Rav. McMullen of Kalamazoo Goods assisted by Rev. James Wesbrook. college preached Sunday morning Building & Loan association was kind friend and and a good neighbor. held Monday evening and the fol- We are confident yon may be The funeral services were held at Interment at Bowne Center. Job Couldn't Have Stood It. to a good sizedlaudience. pleued as oi old at Sunday school was well filled last lowing officers were elected: Direct- the home iu Keene, the interment The following friends from out- Ifhe had itching piles. They're Sunday and great interest was ors— H. Nash, J. A. Matteru, A, taking place on the old farm, where side were present; Mr. and Mrs. terribly annoying; but Bucklen's shown in the lesson study. E. Cambell, James Murphy, John she lived so long. James Wickham and Miss Gusta Arnica Sa

r-* ~ A -"*1,1 n.ih*i - m mm

CUBA AND PHILIPPINE NEWS. catarrh I can cheerfully recornmeai PEOPLE LIVE ON PEANUTS. A Month's Teat Free. Peruna. I know what It la to suflsf "Light!" Only another name for sun- If yon hire BheumMUtn, wrlia Dr. Bhoop, RtclBa, Thc establishment of civil govern. from that terrible disease and I feet TAUIAUE'S SKKJ10N. It shine. TEXAS' Oil, KIJW. W.BOI 148, for lis buttle* of bla BtwumaUc Cqra, Sect la Vaneoarara That Praelloaa N«w eiorMt paid. Sua no money. Pay ISM If enrad. meot in the I'hillipines. which is to DAN GROSVENOR SAYS: that it Is my duty to speak a good Christ? He denies himself pardon far Tba CalealUl frofaa Ion.. Tbaory Bala (Ira to rood. take place about July I. bring* up the word for the tonic that brought me "THE UPLIFTING POWER OF RE- sin, he denies himself peace of con- And then I stand at the gate of the CAPT. A. F. LUCAS, WHO BORED A peculiar reiigioug sect, the faature .1. piarpont Morflaa* Beay Ufa. New EngU Women question of who will be In supreme Immediate relief. Peruna cured tns of a bad case of catarrh and 1 know It LIGION" THE THbME. science. he denies himself the Joy of celestial city to see the proceailons WILL AT BEAUMONT. of whose singular beliefs is based upon J. Flerpont Morgan ii a very busj authority under tho President 'lite will cure any other sufferer from thai the Holy Ghost, he denies himself a come out, and I see a long procession man and his time Is, ot course, enor- law say* that '.'all military, civil and "Peruna Is an Excellent Spring Gatarrli the eating of peanuta as their prlncipa dhiease." comfortable death pillow, he denies Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Judicial powen shall be vo ted In snch "Htr Wi»y« Ar« W»yi of ri*aianln*M" of little children, with their arms full rrom an llnmMa Raglnntng Ha llaa article of food, Is thriving in Vancou- mously valuable, but he always man- MIES Mattle L. Guild, Pnsldent 1111- himself the glories of heaven. Do not person or persons as the President — Froiu lha Rook of I'mrerbi, tliapur of flowers, and then I see a procession Biiddaaly Baompa Oaa of the II eliaat ver, and throughout British Columbia ages to attend the Episcopal general Remedy--! am as Well as Ever.nol"a Young People's Christian Temper- talk to me about the self denials of Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. shall direct" The langun^c has been ance Union, In a recent letter froas HI. V#r»« 17—Th« 8ua«hia« of lh» of kings and priests moving lb celes- There are 200 members In the new convention and baa not mlsaed one for the Christian life. Where there Is ono Man la lha Slata—Hl« Atlani|i(i to weighed very carefully and thc desig- Chicago, 111., says: tial pageantry—a long procession, but church In Vancouver, and their num- many years. Tbia year the convention Ibr.flUn Life—Half DvnUL In the Christian life there are a thou- rmrt Ull Lanxbad at at rirtb nation "person1" followed by "pertons" no black tasseled vehicle, no mourn- bers are growing daily. Six months will be held next October In Ban Fran- "/ doubt If Peruna has a rival In all sand In the life of the world. "Her Is tnlten to meart that thc President ing group, and I say: "How strangi ago the sect was (list formed as n clsco. The splendid Crocker mangion the remedies recommended to-day tor (Copyrighl. 1901, by I.OUIB Kloptch. N. T.) ways are ways of plensnntness." A few month* age Capt. A. F. Lucai shall name some one to have supreme catarrh of the system. A remedy that it is! Where Is your Greenwood? branch of the Seventh Day Adventlsls there haa been placed at the disposal >VaBtui>Ktoii. April 14.—In ibis dis- Again, I find a great deal of religious wag a stranger in Texas. Folks command tinder his own direction and will euro catarrh of the stomach will Where is your Laurel Hill? Where is and now it has gone so far as to erfct of Mr. Morgan for uge during the con- coursi- Dr. Talmage sets forth religion sunshine in Christian and divine ex- laughed at big efforts to find oil in that the "persons" shail bis those act- cure the same condition of the mucous your Westminster"abbey?" And they mills equipped with machinery for the vention. membrane anywhere. I have found It as an exhllaratlcn and urges all people planation. To a great many people the soil of the Lone Star state and ing tinder that eoininand. .ludgc Tuft, shall cry, "There are no graves here," grinding and manufacture of various the bast remedy I have ever tried for to try Its uplifting power; text. Fro- life is an Inexplicable tangle. Things regarded him with contempt and pity. it is understood, is to be the governor And then listen for the tolling of the kinds of food from peanuta. In ab- •100 Boward SIOO. oitjrrh, ant believing It worthy my •orbs ill, 17, "Her ways arc ways of turn out differently from what wai Today he is a big man in the state The rradon ot thin paper will be pleaaed to of thc islands, but it will be necessary endoruvment I gladly accord it." old belfries of heaven, the old belfries stract belief, one of the principal opin- to have some one in Washington to not pleasantness." supposed. There is a useless woman and may be one of the next candi- ire la at leanloant ton two years ago. The locality In Several misslonarleg of the new move- of thc wonderful Northwest, the rich- naldo is purchasing diamonds and ol her of the bead. without anywise bending the rim. The Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department, la • tlced in the study of God's word and diapason. They crowd down the air. ment have lately been sent out through est undeveloped portion of North Am- ORQANIC INFLAMMATION. PAINFUL PERIODS. If you do not derive prompt and sat- week that he was pronounced insol- which the well is situated has Ion? Jewelry. He continues to receive cer- letter written from Washington, D. C., says: in my contemplation of the character spirits blessed, moving in calvacade of vent people Just Jojted their heads es been regarded as rich In oil, but nu- the province and they report that they erica. The regular price of the paper Is ** DEAB Mai. PINKIUX: —I was 111 cannot help but feel that it is tain visitors,but newspaper correspond- lefactory results from the use of Pe- of God and of the eternal world tbat triumph. Their chariot wheels whirl troubled very badly with inflamma- my duty to dn something in regard to "Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one runa, write at once to Dr. Hartmaa. they passed, not tipping their hats at merous attempts'to strike it, prior u are making good headway in the con- 50c a year. If you will cut out and rtr ents are excluded It is beiieved he is in the Sabbath sunlight They come! tion of the bladder, was sick in bed recommending your wonderful medi- bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now aa giving a full statement of your case it is necessary for me to drop this part Lucas' arrival, bad failed. When version of people to the strange b-llef. turn this cd., state name of paper in reluctant to slirn the manifesto he is all. and the week the sheriff sold him with It I had two doctors, but they cine. I must say it well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics it is an exceiient and he will be pleased to ^ve you of my belief and that part of my be- Halt, armies of God! Halt, until we which it appears, and enclose 10c in preparing owing to the conditions out all his friends were looking in tha Lucas appeared people ridiculed hid did me no rood. A friend gave me is the grandest catarrh remedy." Very respectfully, Dan A. Orosvenor. valuable advice gratis. lief as being non-essential, while 1 are ready to Join the battalion of attached to it store windows as they went down rast efforts, but he was peralgtent and on MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. silver. Home and Garden win be sent Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- I medicine on earth, Hon. John Williams, County Com-. Duluth. Minn., says the following in Address Dr. Hartman, President ol cling to the one great doctrine that pleasures that never die! him. the morning of January 10 oil was you. postage paid, for one year. Ad- iund, and it helped mo. I have now and have advised Although the officials are uncom- Dlsaloner, of S17 West Second street, j regard to Peruna: "As a remedy for tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, (X man is a sinner and Christ is big Al- Oh. my friends. It would take a ser- struck. From a poor man Lucas han Tha IT>fa aod Mothar-lo-Ltw ot Ur. dress Home and Garden, Newepaper Cken three bottles of it and I am fa great many suf- munative it is nevertheless said that All 1* for lha livot. mighty and Divine Savior. mon as long as eternity to tell the Joyj Charlaa Kays. Row, St Paul, Minn. entirely cured. It is a God-send to fering with female A^tiinaldo signed thc peace manifesto Now. 1 take these three or f mr There are hundreds of people who that are coming to us. T Just set open any woman, and I would recommend it troubles to take it on the 9th, Chief .lustice AreilatA) CLARISSA, Minn., April 15, (Epe- to any one suiTerlng as I was. 1 think, , I tell people I wish leaves of my theology, and I find that are walking day In the sublime the sunshiny door. Come in. all ye drafted the document Aguinaldo clai.)—No family in tbia vicinity is If a man has a dollar put away for n if most of the women would take I could go on the in the first place and dominant above disciples of the world who have foun I strongly objected to two clauses of satisfaction that all is for the best, all better known or more unlvergnlly re- future trouble, a Joy comes along anil more of your medicine Instead of platform and leo- all others is the sunshine of religion. the world a mockery. Come In. all ye the manifesto and considerabe argu- Every 1,000 annually. rush upon my soul, A mother saw her farmer replied, "It will be such weath- of its protection is likely to become hood. But even In Germany the throne m1JKr FRAGRANT Gen. Sandico, a former member of little child seated on the floor In the er as I like." "What do you mean by popular now that the picture of a valu- me, she commenced to use them her- A noiseless street piano would fill a rn Jrb ** ev**** yearly contrary MADE EASY BY of man is shaking. Berlin now baa an self. and she says that they have none weekly pay, for men with rig Aguinaido's cabinet, has surrendered sunshine and with a spoon in her thut?" asked the other. "Well." said able diamond brooch led to its recog- loag-feit want to aall Poultry Mixture In the conntrji We (ur- Association of Married Women for the to the American authorities at Cubana- hand. She said, "My darling, whal are the farmer, "it will be such weather nition and recovery. But it is doubt- her more good than any other medi- plsh btofc rvfrrence of our reliability. Control of Husbands. The constitu- KURKK A MPO. OO.. IVm. 14. Eaat Pt Loula. I1L tuan, in tlie province of New Beija. you doing there?" "Oh," replied the as pleases the Ixml. and what pleases ful if there Is one woman among ten cine she has ever tried. l UTNAM FADELESS DYES de aot tion and bylaws haven't been made jtOTOPONT He has a bad record and may be tried. child. "1 am getting a spoonful of this the I.ord pleases me." who owns costly Jewelry that ever "This testimony is given in the stain the bands or spot the kettle. sunshine." Would God that today I j public and the meetings are private, hope that others who may be af- SPECIAL PRICES Oh, the sunshine, the sunshine cf thought of taking this precaution. One BaaraateeJ. DoaL-la but the name alone opeba broad vistas flicted as we were, may sre and read A tongue may inflict a deeper wound and Oonblaaltoa Beam. TRANSVAAL WAR ITEMS. might present you with a fleaning ^ ChrlBtlan exp,anatlon! Here is some photographer who takes many pic-- a p.rfiot of speculation as to the functiona of it, and be benefited by it" than a sword. IMbnitiaIBb chalice of this glorious, everlasting . one bemj|ng over thc grave of the tureg of women of wealth in New York OSGOOD, UatalotFiaa. WHteaow. BINOHAMVON.N.V. A rather unexpected result has fol- gospel Bijnshlne! the ussociation. Presumably the wom- What Mrs. Keys states in her letter dead. What is going to be the consi- said the other day that few of them ever lowed Mr. Cltamberlain's recent speech en will all read papsrs and comparc can be verified by reference to any of PATS PrVK TIMKH As Mt'CU AH CORN. finoniilne ot Chr allaiil'.jr. i ne n had themselves nhotograpbed wearing Buy Hire l aud* In S. K. Teua ami H. W.. Ia. a» lie Liquid DnKfrieei n support of tlie scheme for scndiD'< latlon? Thj flowers vou strew upon experiences, and the discussions will her many friends in this neighbor- Ui IU per aenr. tm p»r m-rr. Write < L. Ml l«. their Jewelry, since It had become the women out to Sou b Africa at tho con- first of all, I find a great deal ot the tomb)?• Oh. no. Tlie services read take on a reminiscent and anecdotal Ilouiton. Toxv: Camm.n A *001*. Ulvftr. TeiM; Om. hood. Dodd's Kidney Pills hive al- J. McunniK. Benuinoi.l. TUIMI E. K. Kawi»n. Jen- SO ZO DO NT TOOTH POWDER. 25c clusion of thi war. An enormous sunshine in Christian society. I do at the grave? Oh. no. The chief con- style to wear less Jewelry than form- nlDtr*. . . . Hiram C. Wliorlrr. Onlnntoa. Ttxu. Uo PATENTS gS"? character that will make them even ready a wonderful reputation in Todd 10c. not know of anything more doleful erly. He looked at random over half mulb via fanui Fc, 111. 1 mi « So. Pac-.j <( rah-. Lsrze LIQUID sad POWDER, 7Sc number of letters has bt-en received solation on that grave Is what falls livelier than a Sorosis election day. County. 25 a dozen portraits made recently, and Brinrh offli-ra: Chlrago, ueTelind and D«t: At all the Stores, or by Mall for• Ththe priceprkx , from women eager to emigrate an4 re- 25c. 50c. than the companionship of the mere from the throne of God. Sunshine, Of course, American club women will Some writer* nuOer from rramo In iho Untrm there was scarcely on any of their Nothing haa ever cured Bright's and others from cramp of the brain. luctant to wait till hostilities are NEVER funmakers of the world—the Thomas glorious sunshine! Resurrection sun- look pityingly at their Teutonic sis- HALL A RUCKEU NEW YOBK ST FoRTHE Disease, Diabetes or Drrpsy but Dodd's ended. One woman who wrote direct ALL DRUGGISTS. Hoods, the Charles Lambs, the Charles shine! originals Jewelry that amounted to SOLD IN BULK. ters' effort to throw off the yoke. Or- Kidney Pills. Turn the Rascals Out Matbewses of the world—the men more than a few hundred dollars in FITS Permanently mrixl. KoflUiiroerrnaan«aaan«r to Lord Silibbury said she was pre- ganized effort toward the control of Srat day'* M of Dr. Kline'a tlrral Kerra Haetorer. We are speaking of the grip microbes. 11 b A I'lace fur Slaiif. value. Yet the majority of these wo- pared to go out at once with her mother Aimr f ®wel tronblwu appendicitis, btl- whose entire business It Is to make husbands isn't necessary over here. Send for FBBB •S.OO trial botila aod traatlaa. The well and strong can resiat their poi- I IlllL touaneM. bad breath, bad blood, wind And geology! What a place that Birth of a Maw U ay ter. Da. & U. Xluk. Uu-.MI ArchSt. IhlladuUAU.Pa. and sisters, but tthe indieatod no par- u •port. They make others laugh, but if men own Jewels worth thousands of As the Wonderland Red Queen would bon, the sickly and weak are their prey. llimr ® ""f bloatod bowel*, foal A caretaker in Yellowstone Park ticular sphere of asw'fulnivss. Another W WI lb mooib, headache, ludlzeetlon, pimples, you will examine their autobiography will be to study geology when the dollars. In England the custom of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters arc na- ABSOLUTE say: "Oh. we pasged that long ago." Love IH reftponslble for a lot of nurthly misery pains after eaUnc.llTsr (rouble, saflow complexion wrote to the colonial olli w .in behalf or biography, you will find (hat down world is beli'g picked to pieces as wearing Jewelry in photographs is reports the birth of a .new geyser in by being elMJwhere when wanted. ture's remedy for expeliinfr all poison and dizziness. When your bowels don't move regn- Each American woman rontrols her isrljr you are (CUIDK sick. Constipation kills mora *»•* faith asd as a 0 001 ,r, ,n much more prevalent than it is in New the Fountain geyser basin. For an from the system. At druggists, in liquid of herself and a few other "Ilrbt-class csaraateed to cars er in their soul there was a terrific dis- s " K boUmical ie3. own husband wltii an ease that leaves people than all other diseases tosether. It Is m •7 today, two 50« hex*., stro thosi a ROUB pulls the leaf from tlib corolla! York. Pictures of English women of hour after It first burst forth through Mra, v.'inaiuw*a Woothtnc Syrap. or tablets at 25 cents per bottle or box lady burbers." Na.turally the colonial starter for the chronic ailments and long years of - - .---i—-r-—..-w»l"M»ts dlrootlons, asdlf yoa ar* quietude. Laughter it no sign of hap- her time and energy for problems for children lectblng. eofteai vbe gumi, rtdocea |ir snflkrlng that come aflerwards. No matter what sot •aiUfleS, aftsrHrtsv oss Ms box. return ths anoMdSOo What a place to study architecture, wealth and position usually display the eatth It shot a continuous stream Satumauob,i)la),« Daia.oaTea windcoUo. Doabottl* office authorities are doing their ut- box asd tho emstr box to •• by mall, or the drnssltt fro in piness. The maniac laughs. The hy- more vital. Still, the German women alls yon, start taking CASCAHETS to-day, fOr yon waom yoa nai amid the thrones and the palaces and of hot water hundreds of feet Into the SECURITY. most to discourage applications from will never get well and be well all the time nntll •od It, asd set your saoarrback fbr both the entire contents of .their Jewelry IN 3 OR 4 YEARS bosc*. Take adrlcr—ao tastier what all. yoa -.tart to- ena laughs. Thc loon among (he have made a step in the right direc- yon imt four bowels right. Take our advlcei start the cathedrals—St. Mark's and St alt. It now plays regularly every two A swwlheart la.a eliannlng fancy, but a wife women other than those who are s«'lf- day. nealth will Adirondack's laughs. The drunkaid. | boxes, and their tiaras, stomachers tion. What the feelings of the Ger- U very upt to be a aoluinn fuel. Willi rAbCARBTft to-day. nnder an absolute gnur- Paul's rookerli-s In comparison. hours. v • i ' dependent, and girls of the servant antee to cur* or money refnnded. STERLUU UEIKOT CO., MW lOttK or CRICAbO. dashing hia decanter against the wail, , and necklaces are frequently conspicu- man husband are when he gees his MINDEPENDEIGEASSURED II you take up your Cenulne type are. urgently advised not to go Sometimes you wish you could make ous enough to be serviceable as a wife setting forth to a meeting of the I am surr Plw'a t.'ure for CoanumptU n navril homo> in Western i an- laughs. roughing Loads to Congumptlon. ' my life three years two.-MIW. THOS. KOBBIKS, out at all. It is very doubtful whether There Is a terrible reaction from all , the tour of the whole earth, going means of identifleation were they A. M. W. F. C.. H. Is beyond conjectur- uda. thc land of plenty. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough Maple Street. Norwich, N. Y.. Feb. IT, IHW. Illui:rated jamphleu, there will be any openings for them, around as others have gone, but you stolen, although thieves rarely dare ing.—New York Sun. glvimt experiences o( sinful amusement and sinful menl- 1 atonco. Go to your druggist to-day and the public funds eanuot Ira used have not the time, you have not the to keep such things intact for even Cotton nportN brouvbt to tbia obuBtrr lilt • furmrra who have be- Carter's ment. Such men are cross the next and get a sample bottle free Sold in 000,(Ml more io IM)0 than (n IMK). come wi-althy In irrow- for the purpose of granting free pus- day. They snap at you on exchange or means. You will make the tonr yet, the briefest time. American women 'Jli and 50 cent bottles. Go at oncu; ing wheat, report* of It's a Short Road W. L. DOUGLAS KsplorliiT In Ontario. deleftalei. etc., an 1 full sages to the cape. they pass you. not recognizing you. | during one musical pause in the eter- owning valuable jewelry are not likely delays are dangerous. Home ortlclfK must bo dewrlbed. Wbite'i The pole still lies hid, the sacred Information aa to rouuoxl railway ruu.-s can be According to a dlsfatch from Lord nal anthem. I say these things for the to possess any photographsof it, unless Vuoatsa need* uu Ucacriptloa; il'n the real bad on application to the suporintendent of from a cough to consumption. Long ago 1 quit mere* worldly society j Lhama has kept fast the bars of her Little Liver Pills. S3 & $3.50 SHOES XS they were especially taken. And that Between the ticks of a watch a ray thing. XnmlRrat on, Uepartm •m of Interior. Ottawa, Kitchener, Plumer occupied Pieters- for the reason It was so dull, so inane | comfort of those people who are gates, and the rural secrets of Darkest Cantula, or to J. Orleve, Kaniimw, Mich., or M. The real worth of my ti.OO mid fO.V) shoe* companul with precaution has so fir been observed of light could move eight times around burg on the 8th with slight opposition, Don't neglect a cough—take other makes U to |U.IIO. My JM.O" Ullt K

\ I


illustrate to the world 'how good McCords THE HOME GOLD CURE. Among Our Exchanges. LOWELL LEDGER love him and wanted to be wmi'nim as turkey. She let me silpply Ber an* tne A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR it is for brethren KOT to dwell to- Richard Buxton and family who PUBLISHED ITBBI TOUHBDAT AT [Lait week's letter.] much as possible, to comfort him, and boy, that had his daddy's eyes, with the gether in unity.' If Christian Aa IflKeaioHB Treatneat by which Drunk. Morse Lake ichool opened Mondsy with have been living in Ada the past assure him of my fidelity, I insisted on necessaries of life, an' tben she began "Somethlna New Uader the Sua " LOWELL, KENT COUNTY, MICH. Gift Bicycle Conpon people could be satisfied to BE good ardaareBetHK Cared Dally la Spite year have moved back to Bowne. The World Against Him driving him to Ratcllff's. Ho begged F. Elmo Robinson as teacher. That Job to make eyes at me. Somehow I took All doctors have tried cure to Cntarrnh and DO good, to give to others the ot Themaelvea. —BT— Dan Wood of Grand Rapids visited his Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Irving me not to insist on it, but I would have a fool notion that I ought to marry 'er, by use of powders, acid sasses, inhalers and Ralston same rights of opinion they claim By WILL N. HARBEN. it so. If you cast me olT a million times FRANK M. JOHNSON. * brother Frank Tuesday. OF= have moved into Alb. Stauffer's an' the thought weighed on mo till I druKS in paste form. Their powders dry for themselves and to cease passing No NOXIOHB Doses. No Weakening of the I shall have all the more heart to be- nearly got off my nut. Jest about then np the mtuuous membrances oausinj; them School sniwHT Contest Miss Dorna Wood, who has been the Louse iu Bowne. Mr. Smith has Ceprrlf bt, MO, kr Katered at Lowell post office u second judgment on their fellows, this uest of her oouiin, Mrs. Will Lowe at Nervea, A Pleasant and Poaltlve Care A. N Islloci NawipaparCouipuT stow on him-the more pity In his sor- Judge Botes began to see whar tho to crack open and bleed. The powerful the 5 Minute Breakfast food. reuted the blacksmith shop and will row!" acids used in the inhalers have entirely CSBSS matter. world would do better and Christian- £[Iddlevllle for the past week, returned for the Llqaor Habit. wind was blowin' her bangs an' sold Sunday. run it. eaten awav the same membranes that ity would flourish as never before. Printing The old soldier seemed to wither like one day: 'Looky hcer, Reddin', let that It ia now generally known and nnder- their makers have aimed to cure, while SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR YEARLY. Mrs. Charlie Thomas made a business Chas. Coppens of Bowne shipped "Colonel, you may reganl mc as med- a plant under a flcrce heat; his hands slide—it never will mend mattersiablt; Trunks. Bags, Harnsos, One Vote For stood that Drunkeness is a disease and not astes and ointments cannot reach the trip to Grand Rapids Monday. > his household goods to Grand Ledge dlingwbcre I have no right, but I flatter hung limply at his sides for a moment, you'll always feel ns if you killed 'im inVBRTISINO RATES. A SCANDAL in the postoffice de- weakness. A body filled with poison, and IsesSo. An old and experienced practit- Robos, Blankets and Whips Mrs. Will Thompson of Keene is spend- and then he drew himself up aserectns S partment is thc latest development. nerves com|tlotely shattered by periodical Wo Want To Do It J^^id started for that place himself, myself that you cannot fail to appre- to get his wife.' She married another ioner who has for many years made a close Spnco Advertisements one insertion ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and or constant use of intoxicating liquors, re- ^Pit received a message not to come ciate a thing done purely in your inter- If he were on pnrnde and faced his vis- fellow. Oh, yes," Redding broke off study and speoialty of the treatment of —at Monoy Saving Prices - lOo per inch. Bnme more than once 7c Editor Riee was deported for inti- Mn. T. Russell of Whitney ville, quires an antidote capable of neutralising est, and under a sense of duly. The itor. with a deep drawn breath, "I know all Catarrali, has at last perfected a treatment EIl^EliT, per inch. mating that investigations were Mr. and Mrs John Scott of Alto were and eradicating this (toison, and deatroying won account of smallpox. R^AVEafine aasortment of Flat truth Is, I saw Miss Evelyn in the cart "You have rendered mc a vnlunble about it, nn' that's why I didn't sleep which when faithfully used, not only re- Page and half-page ads, |8.00and |4.00. 4 Sunday guests of Albert Scott and family, the craving for intoxicant*. Sufferers may Dr. Northrup of Bowne has gone 88 Cau;il St.. Grand ILipids, needed; but 'murder will out," 1% Papers, Cardboards, etc., all with Ronald Fanshaw driving rapidly service, Capt. Winkle," he said distant- much last night. The worst feature lieves at once, hot permanently cures cure themselves at home with no publicity Nest to Th11til's drut; store. Business notices among local items 5c whether his press runs or not. In Mrs. D. Lewis is entertaining her mother, 1/ grades and prices, cbeap or to California for his health. His away from the scene of the shooting. ly, "and I hopo some day to be able to in yore case is the evidence Thad Wil- Catarrali by removing the oause, stopping per line per issue. Those taking run of or lose of time from business by this wou- discharges, and caring all inflamatlon. It Cuba, it is being still further de- Write the name plainly and in full. Mra. Lucy BoufTof Grand Rapids. extra nloe, ready to cot up and print wife will remain with her parents They were going towards tbe railroad show better appreciation for it." liams threatens to give. As far as I paper outside of local matter fl cents per derfnl "Home Gold Cure" which has been L is the only remedy known to science thai The Whitneyvllle L«dles Aid society met to your order. We have the best He moved backward to the beII know, his oath would be valid. Do you XohI Thom. monstrated that freedom of the perfected after many years of close study during the summer. station. I have hesitated for three actually reaches the afflicted parts. This line. with Mrs. J. Fraiser Wednesday. paper cutting machine In this neck pull, his eyes studiously avoiding those press does not follow the flag. and treatment of inebriates. The faithfal hours over what I ought to do, and at think that the dead man told him you wonderful remedy is known as "Snuffles the 10,000 pairs of warranted $1.60 ami Card in directory column fl.00 per of the woods and can do the work Upson & Bigler of Belding have of his child. $300 8hoes sold fast year—Hut Is our M. Vanderlip and family of Alto were use according to directions of this wonder- last—" attacked blm flrst?". Guaranteed Catarrah Cure" and Is sold at ine per year. One inch |6.00 per yoar. A. G. Bteketceof Oramt Rapids arrived right. sfarted a skunk farm, with 20 skunks record. This proves t^at they are the great- guests of W. Clark and wife Sunday. ful discovery is positively guaranteed to The colonel stepped towards him, and "Capt. Winkle's horse!" he called out TESTIMONY in thc Qoobel case iu here Monday to Bnish packing preparatory If you have had yoar woik done (To be continued) the extremely low price of one dollar, esoh est values sold for the price. Nothing over Oards of thanks 60c. Mrs. W. Patterson visited her niece, enre the most obstinate case, no matter enclosed in a half acre lot with a to the servant. His words rang like Kentucky implicates Governor for their removal this week. elsewhere and been disappointed in raised his two hands as if to clutch thc package containiog Internal and external #2 00. Try then; and you won't ho illsap- Resolutions of condolence, 50c. Mr«. H. S. Fralick at Grand Rapids Tues- how hard a drinker. Our records show pieces of falling metal. style or quality of work or in lack of stone wall and wire fence. speaker's throat, but ho restrained hia You cnonot enjoy perfect health, nwv medicine sufficlem for a full month's treat- polnted. Taylor as being accessory to the John Scott and wife of Lowell and Will day. the marvelona transformation of thousands promptness in execution try us Miss Hattie Blakeslee has resumed fury and stood staring in Winkle's When Winkle had gone, Hasbrooke cheeks, nnd sparkling eyes if yoar liver ment and everytliing necessary to its perfect THE PEOPLE'S 1.50 AND 2.00 murder. Taylor has been a refugee Scott and wife of Keene visited their of Drunkards into sober, industrious and use. •> FREE DELIVERY; OOOD ROADS. once "and see how you like it." face. stood for a moment eying his daughter is sluggifth and your bowels CIOKRWI. De father and mother Sunday. upright men. her school duties in the North Bell "Snaffles" iw the only perfect Catarrah SHOE STORE. U Canal St. in Indiana ever since he was forced "Last winter I was confinetl to mv bed "What damnable nonsense is this?" sorrowfully, then he sank into his big Witt's Little Earlv Risers cleanno Ihe The poNtuftioc ilepartment is going Mrs. Qeo. Converse of Keene very nleas. Wive* cure your hmbands!! Children district. Sooth Boston. The South Core ever made and is now recognized as RITZEMA A OLTMAN SHOE CO. out of office. If he was guilty of with a very bad cold on my lungs. 'Noth- revolving chair and lowered his head whole system. Thcr never gripe. antly entertained Mrs. Sleketee ann son cure your fathers!! This remedy ia in no he thundered. the only safe and |K)sitive cure fur that over the rooordH of the rural free de- gave me relief. Finally my wife bought a school is taught by Miss Aland to the desk. Evelyn looked down on L H Taft k Co. the crimo charged, it is to be hoped and Mrs. Tower last Tuesday. sense a nostrum but is a specific for this "I have known for some time, colo- annoying and diwusting disease. It cores bottle of One Minuto Cough cure that THE LEI>1^ Keonip. livery routes to adccrtain in how that he will be properly punished. disease only, and is so skiilfnlly devised nel," answered Winkle, calmly, "that him pityingly, and then she stepped to all iofiamation quickly and permanently Julius A J. Friedrich, Mcadame* M. Titus, W. Soott aod M* efTected a speedy cure. I cannot apeak many instnnccB traffic was interrupt- Hnd prepared that it in thoroughly aolnble Poet >ff ice Build lag t^eceived a nice pail of she was falling in love with this fellow; him and laid a cold white hand on his A Beautiful Publication. andisa'so wonderfully quiok to relieve Any man who is honored by a great Aldrich visited with Mrs. Hooper Friday* too highly of that excellent remedy."—Mr. 30 anil 32 CANAL ST. and pleasant to taste, so that it can be LOWELL, MICH. heod. Hsy Fever or Cold io the Head. ed during the spring by bad roads party with the nomination for Mrs. Richardson has reluraed to her T. k. Houseman, Manatawney, Pa. map^ sweetness from Saranac last but I could not feel that I had the right To tho Grand Trunk must bo and when the records are compiled given in a cup of t«a or coffee without the to speak—" "Father," her voice cut sharply into Catarrah when neglected often leads to governor of the state knows better home after a short visit with relatives. L- H. Taft & Co. knowledge of the person tsking it Thou- Thursday.—[Clarksville Record. given the palm and the credit for llasbrooke was as pale as death, and the silence. "I love you as fondly as Consumption—"Snuffles" will save you if Pianos, Organs, notices will be sent to the bad road than to murder his opponent and sands of Drunkards have cured themselves Describe your "nice pail," brother being the first iu the field with a yoa use it at once. It is no ordinary he shook from head to foot as a man any daughter ever loved a father, but routes that unless the highways are The Rent Remedy for RheanatlSM. Vergennes Statlou-Altoa with this priceless remedy, and aa many and to incite riot and rebellion. Wm. H, Anderson, Pres. John W. Blod. Kerwiu; was it wood, tin or silver? as sure as God is in Heaven that love handHomo now publication dealing remedy, hut a complete treatment which is Sheet Music and more have been cured and made temperate with palsy. He put his hands behind improved the free delivery will be All who nse Chamberlain's Pain Balm Deputy Commander McDonald and Rett, Vlce-Pres- John A Beymour, Caah. with thc groat attractions of thc positively guaranteed to cure Catarrah In jnen by having the "Cure" administered L. Z ('aukln. Asst. Cash. Wm. Beamerof Elmdale has sold him and held them tightly one in the will die—you will kill it if you turn adandoned. Some allowance will for rheumatism are delighted with the wife of Grand Rapids were guests at D. aey form or stage If used according to the He Kept His Leg. by loving friends and relatives without hia farm to tho Misses Libbie and other. against me in my first hour of actual Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, Musical Mdse. quiok relief from pain which it affords. Church's and Fred Ford's last week. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK directions which accompany each package. no doubt be made when the inter- their knowledge in coflee or tea and be- woe! I am Buffering for the man I love which will open on the first day of Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan When speaking ot this M. D. N. Sinks, of Strah Long. "You have made a serious, culpable Don't delay but send for it at once, and Eterything In ths Mutlcsl ruption to the service was caused Geo. Ford and C. Porter each lost a lieve to- day that they discontinued drink- UN1TBD STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital as I never fancied even a lost soul couhft Troy, Ohio says: -'Some time ago I had a and Surplus $400,000. mistake, sir," he said. "I don't believe May for a oouttnuanco of six months. write full particulars as to your condition Llns of Hartlord Conn, icratched valuable cow last week. Death resulted ing of their own free will. Do not wait. John Quay has rented a farm one suffer, and yet you have no pity for by high water in neighboring rivers severe attack of rheumatism in my arm my daughter has even a speaking ac- Nothing yet as pretentious and and von will receive special advice from his leg with a rusty wire. luflama- in eating too many bean poda. Do not be deluded by apparent and mis- . .SAVINGS BOOKi ISSUED... mile south of Lowell and moved Write for catalogiio and prices. or other causes over which the peo- and shoulder. I tried numerous remedies quaintance with Fanihaw—if she has me. You demanded more in your daugh- the discoverer of this wonderlul remedy tion and blood poitoniug set in. For Paul Cramer had the miafortnne to get leading ''improvement." Drive out the Grand Ruplds, ~ Mlohlgan olrgaut as this book has boon issued regarding your esse without cost to you but got no relief until I was reoomended their personal effects to their new that—and as to your extravagant state- ter, but I tell you I demand more in a GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ple have no control, but where the the toea of one foot crushed with a heavy disease st once and for all time. The in conucctjon with the great in- two years he sufTered intensely. by Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons t Co.,'drnggistr. locatiou.—[Freeport Herald. father! Ood made mc love Ronald Fan- beyood ihe regular price of''Snuffles" the impassible roads are due to neglect timber while at work on a bridge. He is ''Home Gold Cure" is sold at the extremely ment that you saw her-" Then the best doctors urged amputa- of this plsce, to try Chamberlain'o Pain shaw; He did it by opening my eyes to ternational event, aud tho Grand Guaranteed Catarrah Care." with his mother, Mrs. W. Ford, now. low price of One Dollar, thus placing Died—At her homo in Bowne, "I am your friend, Col. Hasbrooke," or carelessness there will be no JBalm. .They recomended It so highly GRAY HAIR Trunk, never doing things by halves, Sent prepaid to any address in tho United tion, "but," he writes, "I used one within the reach of everybody a treatment protested thc younger man, quickly, his greatness of mind and character. temporizing. The department re- that I bought'a bottle. I was soon relieved The Lady Maccabees beat the Sir Jtnighta Wednesday, April 3rd of congestion States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. bottle of Electric Hitters and 1 i boxes nore effectual than others costing $26 to RESTORED to Ita Natural color by Mme "and I do not want to leave your house I will not allow you to insult him by has thought fit to get up this fine of all pain. I have since recomended this in the contest for new members. U of the lungs, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, Address Dept. B. 369 Edwin B. Giles k gardif rural free delivery as an of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and m $60. Full directions accompany esch 1IIBBARD'S ROYAL INDIA RllTORA until I am assured tbat your daughter your tears," her voice rosi^to a sharp piece of work for the .benefit of its Company. 2330and 2332 Market Siren, liniment to many of my friends, who agree Lottie Northway of Smyrna n^as the TIVE. Indcrced by the New York Journal argument and inducement to build package. Special advice by skilled phy- wife of Xewis Kelley, aged 61 yrs. command and she stamped her small Philadt-lphii. leg was sound and well as ever. with me that it is the best remedy for guest of Eva Andrews Sunday. of health. Send for Free Booklet. is safe under your roof. Every minute patrons and the public generally. siciana when reqae«ted>without extra charge 10 mos. 10 days. good roads, and wherever the people For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt muscular rheumatism in the market. For we are talking here may be valuable to foot. "I will not, I say!" Tho publication is composed of Miss Rosa Kropf of Lowell spent Sou- sent prepaid to any part of the world on 80 Monroe St., Qrand Rapids The white head was raised. The old are indifferent to the advantage of Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders sale by D. G. Look. day with her sister, Mrs. Dan Siauff- r. Miss Sophia Jones of South Bowne you. Let me beg of you to ascertoiu if thirty-two pages, with a four page PROBATE ORDER. the receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. man's eyes gleamed with the fires of the services the department holds Electric Bitters has no rival on earth. has sold her farm to Luke Waters of she is at home." cover. Tho inside is printed in State of Michigan, County of Kent, ss. Elder Hudson was witl. us Sundhy and B 800 Edwin H. Giles & Company 2330 and despair; but as they rested on* the calm, the experirueut iea-failure. The Try them L. U. Hunt & Co. will Pratt Lake attended the exercises at the church. 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Gruarantned Salary Hastings and will accompany her "You shall have your wish, sir." The three colors, including "luxbtypo" At a session of the Probate Court for old man's step across the room to thc undaunted face of his best-loved child said Cutimy of Kent, held st the Probate demantTfOr • jfal free delivery is guarantee satistaction or refund Mrs. Dr. MerriDian and son of Alto and Mrs. Allen Godfrey of Clarksville came All correspondence strictly contidents. Agent,-Milwaukee. Wis. 23 Ohuroh St., New Haven, Oonn. Moeller, G. 1*. A., Detroit, aud the Catalog Free are wise they will see that those who gitla. Mrs. Art Bibler is visiting in Grattan^ me if I have been impolite; you and I to apply for accurate information as tbis order be published three successive telephone pat in his house. book will be sent by return mail. have never bad a disagreement before, "work out" their road tax do it as Artie Llngofelter has returned home Mr.Williams is assisting Eugene Rennels to hotel accommodation. It sug- weeks previous to said day of hearing in Mr. Taylor and family have moved '2\ Skin troubles, cuti, burns, scalds and but I can see farther than you—the it should be done.—[Grand Rapids after a stay of six months at Sturgeon Bay. Qleanor meeting next Friday. Seven gests to the traveler many attractive the LOWELL LitxiEa a newspaper printed miles north-east of the grange hall. chafing quickly healed by the u«e of De- Lowell Horse Notes. • light of calm reason is stronger than Uerald. » new members will be received. and oirculatirg in said County of Kent. Ralph Btory and wife are moving into Witt'a W itch Hazel Salve. It ia imitated. the flare of infatuation. Now go to side trips and gives a complete list HAaav D. JEWELL, Conghta Dreadful Cold. Miss Frances Lewis drew the L. O. T. M. For the past twenty-five years or Jim Barnum's house. B« sure to get DeWitt'a. L. H.Taft k Co. bed, and let me think; ah, let me think!" of hotels and boarding houses, in the (A true cO|;y) Judge of Probate, Marion Koolce, manager for F. M. spread. more, probably oo town iu Michigan GERMANY surprises the world John Carey was in Lake Odessa last week LBUY YODE Without a word she moved away. At several districts reached by these spr 25 ALVIM E. Ewtxo, Register, Thompson, a large importer of fine millin- coDtainiDg anything like the fame with the announcement that it Mrc. Allen Godfrey of Clarksville spent ery at 1668 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, the door she turned and looked back. side trips. A map of thc Grand House Have you seen the stallion at Mc- number of inhabitants has paid m )re has a submarine navy of nine last week with friends and relatives here. says: 'Durriog the late severe weather 1 PERE MARQUETTE W BREAD, BUNS, He stood where she had left him, bis Trunk Railway in three colors is A Testimonial from Old EnglaBd. 1 FRIEDUAKEP, COOKII8 completed war vessels with others conghta dreadful cold which kept me Queen's barn? He is the kind you attention to the breeding of fine horses arms folded asif in death. "It iaawful! Tlie Best Blood Purifier. Jan. I, 1901 T PIES,CAKES, CANDIES, embodied, as well as a map of the '*1 consider Chamberlain's Cough Rem- awake at night and made me unfit to attend are looking for. AprlS. or that has had any more tracks to My God, It is awful!" she heard him still building. They can run 330 ^ of the old reliable BAKER, city of Buffalo, showing tho several edy the best in the world for bronchitis," The blood is constantly being purified my work dnring the day. One of my Trains leave Lowell as follows: Cleaning work on than has Lowell. There can muttering. says Mr. William Savory, of Warrington, feet under the surface at a speed of by the longs, liver and kidneys. Keeps milliners was taking Chnmberlain's Cough t\V railway stations and the street car Stock for Sale. For Detroit and East F. A. BEHL be found there at this writing, the get England. It has saved my wife's life, she twenty-four to twenty-six knots. these organs in a healthy condition and Remedy for a severe oold at that time 7 15 am 11 OOam 4 10 pin linos running to and from tho ox- having been a martyr to bronchitis for over Is almost here and wo must be- Three cows, two 2-year old hei- For Toledo and South First claas lunch room In of Nutwood, Linwood, Geo. SL Clair, CHAPTER XIII. Other nations will now have to fol- the bowels regular and yon will have no which seemed to relieve her so quickly connection position grounds, a valuable feature six years, being most of the time confined gin to think about our lace curtains. need of a blood purifier. For this purpose that I bought some for myself. It aoted fers all with calf, registered or 7 16 am 11 CO am 4 10 pm Ambassador, Fred B. Hine (Flora- All thut night Ronald Fanshaw lay- low suit and pile on the taxes to For Grand Rapids, North and West Rome made and Salt Rising for the guidance of strangers in to her bed. She is now quite well." Sold there is nothing equal to ChamberUin's like magic and 1 began to improve at once. eligible Jerseys, three horses, Shet- mom), Alabatross, Highland Gold- awake. The coming of daWn—its first raise more money to build more 11 06 am 4 10 pm8 47 pm Bread a Specialty. Buffalo. There is also an accurate by D. G. Look, Druggist. Stomach and Liver Tablets, one doee of I am now entirely well and,feel very pleased lanb pony. Apply 1 mile east For Baglnaw and Bav City dust and Will Carleton among the gray streaks in the east—was like tbe TUE LOWELL ship.", or play second fiddle to them will do you more good than a dollar to acknowledge its merits. For sale by D. 7 45 am 0 05 I'm sight of land to a starving, shipwrecked plan of the exposition grounds, South Boston Grange hall. trotters and Whistle Jacket, Uhlan, PROBATE ORDER. STEAM LAUNDRY boUleof the best blood purifier. Price 25 G. Look, Druggist. For Froeport 7 15 am 4 10 pm man, and yet when the sun was up its Germany. How much better it Rotherhill, Gleneig and many others "WHAT . DAMNABLE NONSENSE IS which gives a splendid idea of tho •L State of Michigan, County of Kent, ss. cents. Samples free at D. G. Look's drug 2w Dr. U. Milliman. has just got jn a full set of curtain would be for cverybody,everywbere, B. L. BaarroN, H. F. MOEI-I.BR, -anUMig the thoroughbreds. Fred. B. THIS?" HE THUNDERED. gendal rays failed to disperse the shad- lay-out of tho undertaking with tho At a session of the Probate Court for said store. Agt. Oenl. Pass. Agent ows in his heart; he found that it ached frames and ntend to put out the cur* if the nations would seek the ways # Town Llae. Hine, now twenty-five years old; leads names of tho buildings clearly in- County of Kent, held at the Probate Office of peace and be done with war and Mrs. F. M. Thempson of Cascade visited 100 Acre Farm For Sale. her here for only a minute. But, hold) as well by day as by night. in the City of Grand Rapids, on the Ist tains so as to make them just as good Fallasburg out like a colt, His limbs are smooth, sorted for the information of the with Mrs. Mary A. Snow a few days last has sho returned from her drive?" After breakfast Mr. Redding called day of April in the year one thousand as new. We are very careful in the •its barbarities. N. W. Sec. 28, Vergennes. Good GRAND TRUNK IAIIWAY SYSTEM, Kandy Kaskara his eyes bright and his form but lit- sightseer. The inside of the pub- Our Sunday school has opened io success- week. "Yes sub; des a minute 'fo' you got to see him. nine hundred and one. use of the article while in our care house,barn, well, windmill, 8 acres peaches, A purely vegetable cathartic tle changed aod all in all he is a re lication is printed in three colors on Present, HARSV D. .TEWILL, Judge of fully that it has become necessary to order Carl Sinclair has improved the looks back, sub." "Well, Jhis is a pretty howdy-do!" he Those that have had a trial of our A press dispatch from Washing- apples, nluma, etc. 70 acres improved, WIST BOUND PKOU LoWai.L. which purifios the blood aod Probate. a second list of supplies to accommodate of his honse by putting a wall under It and balance timber. Terms easy. markably well preserved horse. His Tbe colonel swept a triumphant exclaimed, in a cheery voice, as the iron tho finest coaled paper, while tho No Id Morning Expreas to strengthens the bowels, a laxative In the matterof the estate of SOLOMON work in laundry goods will know that ton says: "Conservative Repub- those who wish to study God's word. grading the yard. ljuly WALTER H1LER, Lowell. sons and daughters have brought glance at Winkle, and then concluded door clanged to after him. "The sher- cover is a heavy paper suitable for Grand Haven 12 16 pm that stlmulaths Ihe liver and LEE, deceased, J EDWIN LEE and when they send work of any kind Rev. Craig and wife of Spring Arbor are iff rode out to King's plantation lost lican leaders are becoming somewhat C. Ketchum is building a barn for Henrv Inquire at McConnell's store. sooths the nerves. many dollars into Lowell and vicin- his command to tbe servant. embossing. JACOB W. WALKER, executors of the here seUling np the intereets of the late No 13 Mail and Chicago Ex- here that it is the best that experi- alarmed at the astounding consoli- Heache. press to Grand Haven 433 pm ity aud his friends are numbtred by "Ask her to come down." night to tell me the news, but I couldn't The design used for the title pages last will and testament of said deceased, Mrs. Jennie Uolden. Krow's Kom Kure 10c. ence can produce. dation of enterprises that is pro- Mrs. Zack Lewis is still very aick. A the score. But he has had his day, "I trust," said the captain, when tbe get back till this mornin'. He's bent having rendered to this Court their eighth No 17 Steamboat Express sfi 19 pm of the cover is ono of artistic beauty We would be pleased to receive a ceeding, realizing fully that if this Mr. Sherrard, Sr., of South Dakota is nurse from the U B. A. home of Grand NOTICEI to Gd Haven A Milwaukee and his owner, Geo. W. Parker, be- man.had withdrawn, "that you will par- on gettin' you out o* this if ho can." annual acooaot as such executors. home after an absence of nearly two years. and repreBents the emblematic figure sample bundle, curtains or family Rapids is caring for her. No U Western Express to . L. H. Tal t & Co ing well aware of it, has pnrchaa./Inula. LL.L |>rU-E|l 00. your kidneys once every three minutes. Keeno ATTENTION GARDIN1ER k BAXTER Evelyn. Both men were on their feet six months from that date were allowed for Wrn (ii IBRTMULMINBLC wrl - The kidneys are your third dam Begum (dam of two in the as she entered tbe room. Capt. Winkle energies, well—" Redding broke off and sent free, postpaid, to any address creditors to present their claims against the CO Ccs* .•O IW VMI. tlr». ae. Corm lb - hol« na«T of eoluu. Each KH A CLERGYMAN of the Christian blood purifiers, they fil- Mrs. Al. Knee is very aick. 61-66 Monroe St. Grand Rapids. list), by Alcalde 103. Through Nut> bowed low, but no word of greeting waved his hand, as he sometimes did in the world on receipt of a two-cent estate of Patrick Curley, late of said county, Sweet Poaa In a w-parnle i Mkn. llnoklct •lib HORSE OWNERS deceased, and tbat all creditors of said de- .UTII^II-WI nu-l dlnntloui •HH Reformed church iu Grand Rapids ter out the waste or John Wilson and Hattle Walker of South wood, Pilot Clay and Alcalde this passojfliis lips. Her father placed a when expression foiled him. stamp by Ben Fletcher, T. P. A., fur JO rid. it try clbvilcu. impurities In the blood. LINWOOD 8448 ceased are required to present their claims Boston visted at Fred Raymond's last week. young scion of nobility traces three chairftr her, but she signified her de- "I remember you hinted at some dis- to said Probate court, at the Probate oflke. SIUWN irln. 13 MCB. KCBU, Ru- preached a sermon, Sunday, against If they are sick or out Record 2i30 1.4, Trial 2x2\ Dr.CurtisT.Wdllord Detroit, Mich. l-uch, ilmitjiiuv, Olru Uuy, Mesdames Chad Lee, Chas. Lampkina, sire (b stand. Her Hp curlcd with dis- agreeable occurrence; but as you were In thi. city of Grand Kaplds'for examination Grand .l. v-K $10(1 secret societies, in which he charged of order, they fail to do of Grand Rapids, the limes to Pilot Jr. 12. SUilpN rrirt.«Rrd Mii niiu-k. B. Wilkinson, and Dell Bowen were gueeta There ia a wonderful combination of dain as her eyes fell on Winkle's face, unmarried—" and allowance, on ur before the 5th day of Colloctiono tbat they are not charitable; that their work. Specialist ofChronio •Robert W. Swayze, proprietor of October next, and that such claims will be Mil I'«, rolnmbiui, CumbMlawl, of Mra. laaac Joseph last week Wednesday. producing blood shown in thu tabulation of and then she gave her undivided at- "My trouble didn't wear petticoats," of 1'aimer. |1 W. they exert a baneful influence on Pains, achesandrheu- Linwood'a pedigree. Nutwood, his sire, Diseases, will be in otel Waverly, where the horsemen heard before said court on Saturday the 6th Sipal! Fruits rlvtbrnlrt. 4 Artvam. matism come from ex- DtWitt Stanton is working for B. Wilk- tention to her father. interrupted Ihe lawyer, forcing a little It Takes a Remedy of Un- day of October, next, at ten o'clock in the KI'tocaAt, Kaibbnn. Mernia. tame from the house of Belmont. His dam :gregate, owns Ray Carleton, a six Aay our »l IU.- |.rlrrjrutrw u aii-1 llocitotrl A, 8 Tara, political life; that their ceremonies cess of uric acid in the inson. LOWELL "You are to decide a point between smile, and as he went on his face grew forenoon of tbat day. V ILIVX ('ti'Un|.|on. V Whll. Urunc. was Mias Russel by Pilot Jr. aod hisseoond oommon Merit to Draw uatd | (he »Lul. M. ? IV-wrl GOM.'BI'TRKA. It 00. are un-Christian; that the iBible is blood, due to neglected Eva Compton will work for Mra. Chad at the Waverly ear .old gelding by Will Carleton, Capt. Winkle and myself," began tbe Bated, Grand Rapids. Mich. April 4, A. D. ; dam was Sally Russel by Boston. Nutwood more serious than it hod ever appeared 1901. HARRY D- JEWELL, $4.00. ' "l-.-S I Driirtiloo. Wrn. kidney trouble. Lee.this summer. Hotel, dam Trixie, by Louis Napoleon, and the Unqualified Praise oi Iiiiiii, (Sin|Jhira Hutlj, Wll Irr, abused; that the oaths and obli- ia the leading sire of 2:30 speed as well as old man, as be released her hands, to Ronald. "It took plocc right down may2 Judge of Probate. JIi-To'-' Diamonil, Nlafua. $1,00. gations arc contrary to Scripture; Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady Meeting next Sunday moruing at 11 the leading sire of producing sons and WEDNESDAY MAY i when he goes down the road hitched which be had taken to lead her to the thar in front of tbe courthouse door- a Successful Practicing All namnl vailiilia, our nlwiUm. heart beats, and makes one feel as though I Doz. Dahlias I» ITFC lu I lb • hur cla.*A. Ca- IUT, o'clock at the Keene church. brood mare aire of 2:15 race horsea. La- and will be pleased to pneumatic road wagon people stop shair. "He is sure he saw you in the just after thc close of the war. 1 never "I had piles so bad I 'oould get no rest for si.00. l>rcoralli j, rur.i|iuu auJ bbow. and that evils are brought upon the they had heart trouble, because the heart is Physician. Howard and Haul Peck visited their Gracie, hia dam, the dam of three in the to meet all who are If utber dealers bought ana look at him.-—[The Horse Re- cart with Tanshaw, driving away from uoi find a cure until I tried De Witt's Witch home, and church. We wonder over-working In pumping thick, kidney- pass in or out of the building without The al>ovo rollccllon fully described In uncle, George Converse, and iamily last list, was a producing daughter of Cuyler, in need of his services Tea inu UrgequtntitiM a . Dr. J. W. Bates of Corfu. N. Y., states: Hazel Salve. After using it once I forgot poisoned blood through-veins and arteries. view. . the scene of the tragedy. I, of course, stepping over his body. People don't Tick's (lurdrn ami I'loial Gulilo, \vhlPh where the reverend gentleman week. aire of the dams of 67 performers, 8 of 'A most remarkable case has come undet I ever had anything like Piles."—E. C. should ltd;! ihcbmdsofcvirvouo w lio pbnig It used to be considered that only urinary Dr.Wolford has been we d) Ihev would be able to firmly denied it." mention it to me now; I sometimes learned so much and to what societies whom have records faster than 2:18. Nora my hands of late aod has fully convinced Boiee, Somers Point, N. Y. Look out for a seed for plca-susc cr f.-r priitlt. Mailed fi uo, Three grocery wagons pasa throogh coming to Lowell for sell y< u good tea as cheaply Evelyn held her head high, her arms wish they would rank it with other troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, Norman, his second dam, is the dam of two A Raging, Roaring Flood me of thc wondei ail power of Dr. A. W. JAM Hi VICKS SON*, he belonged. A membership, past Keene from Lowell, for MoMabon Brofc, over two years and will continue In imitations. Beenre you ask for DeWitt's. but now modern science proves that nearly io the lilt—one producing a son and the as we do. Bnt what is the tightly folded; she seemed • to have events in my career; it's their danged Chase's Nerve Pills over diseases of the 3 Stone S'rct-t, Km he&trr, N. T. VanDyke and Giles A Co. Send on free coming. The doctor has cared many Washed down a telegraph line L. H. Taft4 to i::80. ' u) icy water," bo writes "gave me a The colonel reeled as If be were ready for 'im—certainly was loaded for live and probably as to all. This and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's excueed. Well, good-bye. but go and see the doctor at once. doioR and you'll agree with was not epilepsy, but nervous troubles, doe Linwood has breeding, size, speed, sub- . terrible cough; It grew «orfle daily. dizzy. For the ensuing moment there particular church had its origin iu Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is G0N8ULTATI0N FREE. us if you give us your next bear; I had three revolvers on' a ax- to menstrual derangements, and prescribed Eyes Tested Free stance and flnish. He has served lint few Finally the best doctors in Oakland, was no other sound ia the room save handle. 1 proved, without much trou- four of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills a day. aftei opposition to sccret societies, illus- soon realized. It stands the highest for Its "I have been troubled with indigestion marea but he has shown hiniHelf a high- Address all oommunlcations to the doc- p. order. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I his labored breathing. Suddenly he ble, that ho pulled down on me /ust. meals and at bed-time. Since that time she trating the slight pretexts that have wonderful cures of the most distressing cases for ten years, have tried many llrngs and class sire. Hia colts are big, fine and stylish tor in his new office in the Tower Block, steadied himself before her, his eyes A feller come to my counsel an' said he has not had a single bad spell. Her health and Is sold on Its merits s|)enl much money to no purpose nntil I and show much natural apeetl. He is bred GIUND RAPIDS, Mion had Consumption and could not live. LARGEST OPTICAL been responsible for the splitting up by all druggists in fifty- expanded. would swear Le Roy had said be was has rapidly improved, she has gained about tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have taken to produce speed and lie has donejio. Come The Doctor Is handling the noted Ap- - Then I began using Dr. King's New fifteen pounds in weight, and I do not hesi- of the Christian body into a great cent and one-dollar siz- "Are you crazy, my child?" he blurt- goin' to kill mc on sight. His testi- DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY two bottles and gotten more relief from auu look at him and his standard aud reg- ply Truss as a side line. Auyone afflicted r Discovery spd was wholly cured by tate to sUte that Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve SPECTACLES AND EYEQLA88E8 multitude of sects. One brother es. You may have a them than all ciher medicines taken. I istered three-year-old sou, John S. Wolla- with rapture is invited to call and see the McCARTY & CO. six bottles." Positively guaranteed ed out. mony cleared me, but the same skunk Pills have saved her life and restored her to differs from another on a question sample bottle by mall noma of Bwanp-Root. feel more like a boy than I have felt in cott. They are square trotters and are the doctor as this trass is receiving the highest "Almost!" Evelyn laughed harshly. come to me after it was all over an' Gold, Gold Filled, Nlckle, Steel, Collu- An Expert Optician in Attemhince free, also pamphlet telling you how, lb find The Popular Grocers. for Coughts, Colds and all Throat and health." loid, Zylonitp, Rubber and Tortoise Shell. twenty five years." Anderson Rigga of kind that show for themselves. Liowood's throughout the U. S. by the leading surg- "The only mnn I ever loved as women wanted ten dollars. I can't forget tbe See that the portrait and signature of Dr. and you gel glasses that are guaranteed to concerning which neither knows out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Lung troubles by L. H. Hunt & Co. Low prices prevail throughout our Op- Banny Lane, Tex. Thouwinds have teeti- book for the season is now open and his eons in various Soldier's Homes and Hos- love once in their lives is facing the bell in his eye. 1 knew he had perjured A. W. Chase are on every box. Price 50cents help your eyes. little or nothing, aod straitway goes Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer fied as did MctRriggs. Price 60o. cal department. service fee ia $16.00 with usual return pitals. It is guaranteed to hold any rup- most horrible crisis of his existence. I himself, but I was afraid to refuse him a box.—Six boxes for $3.50. Manufactured forth to found a new sect and thus U Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y.' L. H. Taft & Co. ture and will cure the same. privilege. QEO. W. PARKER. Do yon want a tot class job of op to dais priat- happened to meet him on his way ta the money. Then thar was tho young by the Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Buflalo, N. Y. J.C. HERKNER JEWELRY CO., iB|1 You can g«t U st TEE LEDQBB OFFIOE give himself uj) to the sberilgjind, as I wido^C It left her as gore as Job's 57 MONROE ST. GRAND RAPIDS:


'flwwli I ililH "IjfT" fill . I • • • • I /" / S

A 0 uepr Kcllglon* ffort. DOINGS OF THB 4I8T SESSION. |WF« Stipr. | Supervisor W. S. Wotrlng, of Ogdcn, Thc senate passed the following bills on the 10th: For the relief of Edwin Lenawee county, together with some Tbe house passed tho following bills C. Cummlngs; to amend charter of residents of South Fairfield, were in on the J 1th: Appropriating 8170,000 F. M. JOHNSON, Publisher. Adrian; tax sleeping car companies: ap- heard something In' Australia, which CAP! IVAT INU SMim WAISTS. confwreneo with Prosecuting Attorney for thc Industrial school for boys; pro- BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. E. D. MCQUEEN That's What Some of the State propriation for homo for feeble minded; I think relates to this house." Sampson and Judge of Probate Lar- Issued at Washington Says That viding that foreign fire and life Insur- LOWELL, MICH 10 AN. The.'K Ara Many 4 harming and Accapt Correspondents Report. wlll, ut Adrian on the 0th, In regard to for the incorporation of boards of "In Australia? Wby, bow could the Whfeat Crop is 0. K. anoj agents must obtain certificates of 0 abla Spring Htylea. VETERINARY SURGEON, n queer sect that have held out at trustees to bold propei ty for religious any one know of It there?" asked authority from'tho slato Insurance There Is no genuine shlrlwaUt O.C. MC OANNELL,!!. D. Crowded through the ocean may bo South Fairfield for a year or two. The denominations; relative to the admis- Hotlobo Aff) om o Rose opening her eyes very wide, rbysleiao and Sargeoa. umca, 49 Bridge Dentistry and Surgery a Specialty G. A. R. STATE ENCAMPMENT commissioner; appropriating 124,000 * i weather yet, but womankind Is evi- Livery. Feed and Solo llarn •lieeomlng the Iron fuur-niusted fialiltlff sect is made up of fonr or five families, sion to state Insane asylum of Insane "Who owns this house?" •treat, Lowell, Mich, 91.7 PER CENT OF A CROP for two years for tho state -.library; to dently determined to be equipped for in couiu-ctioti fhlp AfKhnnlBinn, managrd to make u thp members of which formerly be- itlmatoa of the Soldier's home; provid- i "A Mr. Vernon." do away with double taxation of morV the pleasant season when It does come. feven montliH* voyage from San Fran- Will lie Held hI riliit In Tim Hluirl longed to tho United Brethren church ing for th6 removal of cases from ono >• Ha//J* i "Exactly so. Do you know what On April l, Which I* I he illBhcui Avcras* gages; authorizing Saginaw traction Pettlcoated purchasers now stand cifoo to Liverpool without being spo- H*r of Ihr MIm ITnl Nntlniml Hunk In of tl^at place. The leader of the new justice of tho peace to another; to his first name Is?" M. 0, GREENE, M. D. Both Phonei No. 35. LOWELL, MICH...... company to manuraotuce salt from tho * three deep about the counters where ken by another vessel. Not a word was religion Is Gus Wagner. H Is alleged for the l'*.t to Yvara, May |h. HU-tixl .urplui, Bte ,Jn furnlth |KJWf.r amend the aot for the formation of BY MARGARET BLOVNT. "Alfred," sal{| Mrs. Cowley. Her phjilelan tnd Surgeon. Office over Boylao'i I'lnrrd hI 1100,000-~ |)«>|MMltar« Will street railway companies so that they, * i the new cotton blouses are displayed heard of her from her departure till that Wagner has become deranged over by th«T«>aky IUmImii fir. Which U IU- ing and inVnufHeturing to private oor- nephew looked perplexed for a mo- •tore, Brldgu street, Lowell, Mich. she Hulled up Ihe Mersey, a few days llrcplvr Ht •.••uhI 00 IVr Onl of religion. It is said the'new sect be- will have to get permission from /.tW ment; then bis face cleared again. Shirt manufacturers have learned to porteU Kroin Many HUIm. puratlou; to abolish the political con- FOR FIRf agj. county highway commissioner b4\M cater to every taste by producing no lieve that Its members are vested with vention system throughout the state 7jP CHAPTER IX. "If you will sit down I will tell you "Oh, I see! George was his brother they can lay tracks In publio roads; re- less than a dozen varieties of this In- G.C.TOWSLEY,M.D-.O ETA.CHIR- liiimmnnil Mini Sluml Trial, a new life. As an example, Charles HO that all candidates for officvi may be jTt'o walk straight up to the door of the story In a very few words," he ob- How long Is it since they have lived A jury wa . m cured on the 8th for the Hagadorq, one of the new soet, was Wheat Crop In the I'. H, Ii O. K, vising tho truancy laws; to regulate valuable garment, ranging from the A quarter of a century j the whol:; voted hy the direct volo of the people, i strange house, with nothing hut a served; and within five minutes he WJS In this bouse—the Vernons, I mean?" — SPKTIAI.TY— trial of I), .ludnon llummond. of Pon- asked by his brother why he did not The April report of the statlsiioiau steam englues, etc., on highways; to perfectly plain percale and duck to of the mercantile marine of Japan with referendum clause att ched; to plaid sha^l thrown over your head, the centre of a most cosy-looking cir- "Oh, a great many years! Twenty or EYE,EAR, NOSE AND THROAT tiac, who Is charged with having so- call to see his mother, who Is quite 111. of the departmont of ugrlculture^wlll Incorporate Manistlque, Schoolcraft twenty-two, I think." organdie and fancifully trimmed silk INSURANCE! could have been dencrib?d on a Hinall tax the property of railroads, tele: requlrea a considerable amount of cle, with Miss Marjorle upon his right llcltud a bribe while u member of thc "\V hy, I have no mother. My name Is show the average condition, of wTnter county, as a fourth cluss office. "That makes the story clear. You madras garments. There Is no tenden- Office Graham Block, CALL ON sheet of note paper: but now, It ic- graph, telephone, express, sleeping courage and nerve. At every step of hand and Ro^e upon h's left stale legislature of 1801). Hammond not Charles Hagadorn; he Is dead I wheat on Apjil, y to havo been 01.7, Considerable doubt Is expressed as must know that I met a Mr. Oeorgi cy to relnaugurate the use of the Bell Phone 106. Lowell, Mich qulres a considerable volume, as it to- cars nnd fast freight line companies on the woy Miss Marjorle's scruples grew "You must al know that my Mar- P. D. EDDY &; CO., waa Indicted by the gr ind jury, two um a new man," was tbe reply be made. against 85.1 on Apill 1, IW00, 77.0 to whether the Chandl t railroad taxa- stiff white linen collar. Contrarilng tala 401 e'eamers #)f 484,15.1 tons, and the nd valorem basis; entering the opeh stronger—her sense of outraged pro- Vernon In Australia-a man about for- bills being found against him. At the at tho corresponding date In 1»00, and tion bill Is oanstltutloual lu Its present jorle Is an orphan," he began. "I met and fanciful neckties hung cheek by 1.031 sailing ships of UiS.OKS tons—In season of catching trout and whltCfish I ty years old. He drank to excess an I Wrrrk on thi> F. * P, M. 82.0, the moan of tjui April averages of priety more dear. At last she came to her flrst at a house In London, where, E. A KOOCES, D D 8 . opening of court on the above date In the waters of Lake Huron, Saginaw shape, as It provider a board composed gambled desperately; and, in fart, Jowl with the shirts, and no wamap DONT BE FOOLEDI all 680,942 tons, and It now tenth on the President Herald, Manager Crapo, a dead stop, just as they reached the among the gayest of parties, her llttlo Prosecuting Attorney Tuttlp an- tho last 10 yoars. ' Tho averages In the bay. Green bay and Lake Erie: amend- of tbe lieutenant-governor, state treas- there were a great many queer stories can escape the hint. Sleeves, ns is onlj Oontlat. Sjosossor to Rlokert Take t'ae genuine, original world's list of ship-owning nations. Passenger Agont Moeller, Supt Agnew urer and attorney-gnneral, to mak > outer gate of Hollow Ash Hall. pale, sad face caught my eye, and with- Luadi, Mull. nounced that he would ask the court principal states arc as follows: Penn- ing tbe charter of the city of Grand told of blm one way and another. natural, are Inclined to thc bishop ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA : and other ofllolals of tho Pere Mar- tho assessment on tlu railroads and "What Is It now?" asked Cowley, out my knowing It won my heart. It to nolle pros thc case aga nst Ham- I sylvana, HU; Ohio, 83; .Michigan, 72; Rapids; for tb'* state to loin 810,00) to "One night be was In my tent wlft shape, to wrist puffs or double cuff ef- Mad* only by Madison Mcdl* The private letter books of Robert quette railroad were going to Grand Indiana, 80; Illinois, 02; Texas, 03; other corporations namsd In the bill patting her hand encouragingly. was her uncle's house, but she was not cine Co., Madison, Wis. It mond, which had been brought under tho Mackinac Island board of commis- several of his friends, and the con- fects, and bosoms still pouch a little 8, P. HICKS, keeps you well. Our trads Mvfrla, the nnancier of the revolu- Klipids by Bpeuial train from Ottawa Tennessee, 81; Missouri, 08; Kansas, aud then adds tho membars of tho "I really can't go In, Charlea!" happpy there. Her cousins tyrannized tho statute and would try tho respon- sioners for the purpose of improving versation turned upon the reality ot and hang In soft fullness. Last au- Loans, Culleclii'os. Real iuitate end Insur mark cut en each package. tion. which were lost for several gen- Beach on tlie tub when their, train 105, Nebraska, 100; California, loO, and state tax oominlssion to make ut Nonsenao!" over her—ber aunt snubbed her—and Pries. 35 cents. Never sold dent on the common law counts. Dis- the Mackinao Island state parks, roads ghosts, and the anlount of credulity tumn, when the new flannel waists ance. Lowell, Mich, In bulk. Accept no substi* erntlons, were brought to light In struck a caboose which projeoto.l from Oklahoma, 07. board of review. Tho cons' will think I am mad. Only I soon found that her uncle and myself trict Attorney W. I), Gordon, who Is and walks, the state to receive 3 per required to believe In them. Vernon were put on the counters, the women Meaaeaaafeaieee tuts. Ask your druggist. Washington recently, and have been a siding. The eaboote was smashed, While the general average of condi- amendment states t>Ui 4tiy hair Is half down associated with 11. M. Zimmerman lu ccnt interest each year for 10 years ou were almost the only friends she had said little at flrst, but later In tho who rttabed In to buy turned a way In deposited Iu the congressional library. the spaclal train's engine badly dam- tion, 01.7, Is tho highest since 1801, the rate struck by the aiisesSrnj—. o bonnet! Don't make 1 the trial of thc case as defeiulant's at- I the money; appropriating 1500 for a In the world. No doubt I twisted this evening be suddenly looked up at me disgust, for the manufacture s had i E. H. CAMBELL, INSURANCE, LOANS OUli Another acquisition by the library is aged, and tho president'^ car was presence of the, Hessian lly Is reported j shall not be subject to review, and the me go there, Charles, till I am more j torneys. argued a motion to quash the | monument to E. May Tower, thc fact to my own purpose, I own candid- and exclaimed. "It Is true, every syl- daringly tried to force a tight fitting NoUry Public, Rt»l Estate Agent and Col TMDE-I the original manuK-rlpt setting forth bruised, but none of thc officials were from an uuprecedentedly large number question Is whether another board can presentable- there's a dear." lector. Ovei Boylan's store, Lowell. AND COPYRIGHTS indictment which had been pending I Michigan'army nurse who died > in ly that I rejoiced when others were lable of It. They do cbme back. I shirt. The sacrificial sales of tight OBTAINED the various decreee by which the titles more than shaken up. The engineer of states, and serious misgivings pre- be called in to review tho work of the PATENTS for nearly a yenr, but Judge Wiest j Porto Rico, monument sbnll bo erected "Madam, do you Intend to obey your rude to her, so that she might see that have seen and heard tbem, too. hy da>' flannel shirtwaists now forced nt thf WWC1AIT0 NTtNTAMLITY FflPP were conferred on Columbus by the and fireman applied the air brakes and vail, even in states reporting a fairly regular assessing board, which has tbe Notice In " loventlvo Age Hi K • could not see it that way and refused at Byron; appropriating 805,430 for tho lawful husband or not?" said Mr. Cow- I was kind. I won her. I do believe, j nnd night, for twenty years past. They retail shops have Impressed tin mer- pope for the discovery of America. to grant the request $ then jumped to save thcmselvna. One high condition op April 1, as to the duty of fixing (he average rate. HILTON M- PERRY. Book "Bow to obtain Fstcnta" | llkla school for the bllud. ley, with mock solemnity. more because she was grateful to me | can come In any shape. They can turn chants with a sense of their own help of them ei-eapcd with a sprained wrist Attorney and C'ounselot al Law. Train's Hall CharQM modemte. Nn fee U'.l patent Is secured. It took the jury just 21 minutes to possible developments of the next 30 The house on the afternoon of the "But, Charles, do hear reason." than because she loved me; but the their hands to anything. Why, I have LctUrs strictly coDfldsntlal. Addrtss The accident occurred within the city days. Rep Chandler's ad valorem railroad lessness In choosing the mole,* and Block Lowell, Mich ipwlal attention Morocco hns taken a flrst step toward convict ex-Rep. D. Judson Hammond, 10th passed Rep. Nevln's garnishee bill "No, I won't! I've had enough of love came afterwards, so that It did known' one to rock a cradle four-and- E. Q. tiaaigg. rstent Lsayer, Washington, 6. C. limits of Grand Rapids and the officials tax bill, amende J so tlut4he state tax among the percale and toll dn nord, chi.itatlon. The Sultan has ordered of Pontiac, of soliciting .las. A. Coye, The average,condition of winter rye by a vote of 70 yeas to 15 nays. Tho retaon In my life. So come along, my twenty hours without ceasing and sln^ walked two mTles to a hotel. commission alone shall uoustltuto the not matter. I won her, and made her and brown batiste and colored French a set of Highland bagpipes from a of Grand Bapidg, to commit a felony on April 1, was 0S.1 against 84.8 on bill allows an exemption of 80 per cent Has also qualitlcd and been adtnlMed to prsr assessing board, was reported out for love. The moment you enter yonder my wife. In spite of all the sneers of all the while into the bargala!" linen shirts not one basque-like mode Glasgow firm. They are probably the by offering him a bribe. Judge Wiest April 1, io lii Michigan. printing on tho Oth by the committee door you will get a warm greeting for her cousins, and the discouraging cold- Is seen. bureaui thereto and Is ready to prosecute concluded his charge at exnctly f> date in 1800, and 88.3 the mean of the ploye. with a proviso that In no case most cOBtly ever made In Scotland, as Reports to the state board of health on railroads. The bill Is amended so my sake, and no one will stop to think ness of her aunt the bouse with a small family,' said Pretty sailor blouses are cvldentlj Claims for those that may be entlUed tc o'clock on the 10th and the jury atouce April averages of the.last 10 years. In shall the amount exempted be less the mountings are In 18-carat gold by representative physicians In active that It will not go intorffdct until Jan. whether you hove a bonnet on or not. "For a time, we were very happy. Eome one, laughing. going to play a part this spring, fo Pension Bounty. retired. In 20 minutes they returned New York and Pennsylvania it was 02, than 88 nor more than 839. The pres- "I never saw any one t.jrn ns pale and the price Is J1,000. One of the general urac^ce in different parts of 1, 1033, when tho repjal of the special But that Is just like you women! You Then some unknown correnpondent dozens of charming white and colorej a verdict of guilty. Only one ballot in Illinois and Kansas 100, In Indiana ent law provides that an exemption ns Vernon did.' chief officers at the Sultan's court is a thc slate indicate rheumatism, railroad charters—the Michigan Cen- can't even die comfortably unless you began to trouble my peace. Anony- cotton examples are being brought up Kodol was taken. »5, and In Michigan and Ohio 03. shall not be less than 825 In all casea "'Useful! You would not crack your Maclean—a nephew of the Highland neuralgia, influenza, bronchitis and tral, the Lako Shore, etc.--wlll have have a fashionable winding sheet to mous letters came to me day after decorated with collar, cuffs, a tiny EDWARD 0 MAINS, Pending^ho forthcoming publication The following bills were passed by Jokes about them If you staid a night chief of Lochbine in Mull, who insists tonsilltls in tho order named, caused become effeotlvo. If it wore given ef- be wrapped In! day, which told me that my wife wa'i steel blue linen blouse of this variety, Dyspepsia Cure Monthly Crop Itullntln. the senate on the llth; To Increase on spelling his name MacLaiue. of the census report on llvo stock, alone In my old house at Banley,' ho ATTORNEY AT LAW. In the Michigiin crop report for most sickness In Michigan during the fect at aa earlier date, some of the "Men never study appearance—that not what she seemed—that she loved opening over a vest of finely tucked which will be used for the verification tbe pay of election Inspectors, clerks exclaimed. 'Gad! What with the but- past week. Cerebro-splnal meningitis roads for a year would be paying spe- If a fact well known!" said Miss Mar- another—that she only waited hor Office in Train's Opera Hoaso Clock Diaests what you eat. April, issued on thc Oth,' Secretary of or correction of th^ department's fig- and gate keepers In Sprlngwells town- white linen and decorated with big Thre was a unique mixing of reli- was reported present at 2 places; time to play me false. • ler's pantry and the turret-room. It's It artiflclally digests the food and aids State Warner says that during March cifio taxes while others would bo pay- jorle, quietly. He laughed, and led white cut pearl buttons. A rival, tc LOWILL, MICH. ures for the year 1900, the statlstlolan ship, Wayne county; to loan Mackinac little like laughing you'd feel by morn- gions at a meeting last week In New- whooping cough at 13, diphtheria at ing ad valorem taxea Thc bill pro- her up tbe avenue. "I was foolish enough to read the Nature In strengthening and recon- the low-lands In some sections of the has temporarily discontinued his own Island 810,003; to amend the charter of this Is a shirt of soft toll dn nord, structing thc exbatiHlcd digestive or- York. It was a meeting of the Baron 21. measles at 20, typhoid fever at 40, vides for tho assessing of the property slanders—to think of them—at last, to ing, I am thinking! Pass me tho sUte were covered with water un l estimates of the number and value of Port Huron; to validate certain actions The shutters of the house were all decorated with collar, cuffs, a tiny gans. Itisthelatestdlscovereddlgest- and Baroness Hirsch association and scarlet fever at 81, smallpox at 100 aud of railroad, telegrap'i, telephone, ex- bel!eve them. Circumstances, which brandy and let me get It out of my some damage was done to wheat In- farm animals. While this omission of St Stephens' church of Adrian; to closed, but through a crevice In one of yoke and broad front band of exceed- A. E- CAMBELL. DENTIST antand tonic. No other prepaciUoa consumption at 100. head.' was held in the Baptist church, of formation in regard to wiieat varies, press, sleeping-car and fust freight line the low windows came a bright line of looked suspicious then, but which I ingly coarse cream linen lace edged Over Boylan's 8tore. can approach it in efllclttRT/. it in- renders it impassible to moKe any defi- provide for an assistant prosecutor I » "And sure enough he did get It out which Rev. Dr. McArthur Is pastor. some corresponients thinking that companies on the ad valorem system. light, testifying to the proseuce of It3 have seen by a far clearer light alnce, All branches of dental work done by stantly relieves and prrmancntly cures Thrw Death* From Smallpot. nite statement as to the losses from St Clair cCpnty; authoii/lng the Oceana of his bead; for It took two men to seo with a narrow cream linen braid, uoil The baron and baroness were Jews. prospects for a crop are fair, while The following bills were passed by occupants. came up one after another to make me Dvspepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn, The totol numbor of deaths reported dlscaso'and oxpoauro during the year Telephone Co , of Oceana county, to blm safe home when he left my teut a third noticeably popular model la the latest improved methods. Sat- Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister to others are of the opinion that It will the M,,aUs on dlatruat Marjorle still more. At last Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. to the secretary of state for the month ending March, iWl. (the losses being 1 ^h: Amending the bond for 820.000; to amend the charter "Now look for It! Look as digni- made of gingham In blue, brown, reJ isfaction guaranteed. J . .. . I Into polnllvu tn (I,.. In. 1 felt so conduced of hor falthles.-!- at 10 o'clock that night'." Sick Headache, Gast ralgla, Cramps and this country, was the principal speak- again be damaged by the Hessian fly. reported as a percentage of the total law relative to the Incorporation of as- of Grand Rapids so as to debar from fied as you can, Marjorle," said Mr. or green embroidered In dots of a con- Ou administered. of March was 3,488, corresponding to ness that I deserted her. "And what do you Infer from that. al 1 ot her resu Us of I mperfect d igestion. er and Rev. Dr. Heber Newton, the Correspondents generally agree that number of fyrm animsL). tho reports soolatlons for camp m etings, assem- | holding office any defaulter; appropri- Cowley, and rang the bell. trasting color and made up with em- a death rate of 17.2 per 1,000 popula- "I left a letter saying why I bad Charlea?" Inquired his wife. PrlcoS0c.and|t. LarjresLrecontains 3H times distinguished Episcopalian divine, also the crop wintered well, but In many received from cprrospondents leave ab- blies, etc.; to authori/o Hicttings to j ating $4,500 for the state fair. A light came rapidly through th) broidered bands that echo the two smal I slxa. Book ell about dyspepslamallcdfre* tion. This is an increase of 343 over gone. I left her money, and I havo "Why, my dear, this Is near Ban- delivered an address. parls of the state thc plants are full of solutely no rvwm ^or doubt that, owing borrow 88,000 to pay' debts; to amend I The house passed the following bllla ball. The door waa opened, and a colors in the material Itself.—Boston Tho r^eciger is only Prepared ty E. C. DeWITT a CO., Cfclcaso the number returned for March, 1030. never seen her face from that day till ley, and the only house that I have llici ready to begin their ravages as mainly to the general mildness of the Detroit's charter so that tiie controller j on tbe 12th: that at each stout female,with a candle In her hand, Globe. There were 073 deaths of infants under tonight It beamed upon me out of th-] over beard of where a cradle rock3. Ola yoar. Try it. 1 . II. TAFT & CO. John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of soon as conditions are fcvorablu. Some past winter, such losses have been may publish au annu il "tabulated" j state asylum at least one hon-resident peered doubtfully out Into tbe night 1 year of age, 203 of children aged 1 to darkness like an accusing spirit To make assurance doubly sure, Mr Abraham Lincoln, lies in an unmarked are expecting parasites to decrease the much below the average of a scries of statement of accounts Instead of a de- woman physician shall bo employed; "Is It you, master?" she began. And I years, nnd 1,024 deaths of persons Aunt—Rose—she has been a school Vernon's brother own's the place now. GUESSING AT THE "ADS." grave that, txcfpt perhaps, to one or I work of the fly, but It is difficult to es- years. ' f tailed one; raisin; the salary of Wayne authorizing tho prosecuting attorney aged O.'i years and over. There wero Just then catching sight of the muf- teacher—a governess, a companion, I would bo willing io take my oath two persons, Is also unknown. Dr. timate this factor so early In the set- county's clerk, treasurer and register of St Clair county to appoint an assist- three deaths from smallpox during the fled figure of Marjorle, she gave a shrill during my absence. But she Is one of that the rocking of the cradle has loriu of rnssls Working Dfvlied by a George L. Porter of Bridgeport, Conn., son. Warm, dry weather will favor Monnmcnt to a Hero rnvcllivl. of deeds—given Immediate effect; rela- ant; to legalize thc Port Huron canal month. yell of horror and mn away. the best and purest women on earth; something to do with one of these Naw York Young Woman. who saw both the killing of Linco:n the fly. while cold, damp weather will Tho magnlHceril equestrian statue of tive to the competency of witnesses ia bonds Issue of 8100,000 iu the city of "It's ould Queen Bess herself, and a and I took her away just as she waa, men; but which of the two I am not A new game Is being played on the be unfavorable to the batching of a MINOR MICHIGAN MATTERS. Gen. John Logan, erected In Iowa cir- certain cases; to escapes in Port Huron. and the death and burial of Booth, tall black man with her!" they heard prepared to say." upper west side by young people, says spring brood of the Insects. The aver- cle, Washlngtou, In loving memory of hotels; relutlvj to the tion for the from her drudgery, to come and toll Bays that Booth's body was hidden in her scream—and then came a Babel "I saw George," exclaimed Rose, age condjtion of wheat In the state Is Hillsdale has 27 women's clubs. the distinguished warrior and states- commencement of personal actions; • CHINA WAR NEWS. you so. I am sure you will all be- the New York Sun. It Is an outgrowth Washington arsenal, in a spot still of voices from thc Inner room. friend ber. Will you not?" who had been deeply Interested In the 8 or 10 better than It was last year Centreville will be dry after May 1. man by his comrades In arms and by relative to tho popular election of U. of the Immense amount of pictorial Planing Mill kept secret. After that it was given Tho Mongolian prince, Olaskan, "Shut the door! Lock It! Keep "Every one of us!" was the hear-.1/ etory. at this time. The average enndition A si mmer fchool will be held at tho people, Was unveiled on the Otti. S. senators; to, prohibit the unlawful advertising which Is being done In all ^FRANK R. ECXER, PROP. to the family upon condition that no .ather-in-law of Prince Tuan, proves to them out!" said one. "And I should like to bear the cra- of meadowi Is 03 for the state; horses Durand. The ceremony occnrred in thc presence use of G. A. R. badges, etc. reply, and Mrs. Cowley folded tho the newspapers, magazines aad street Dealer In monument nor even a mound should be an Important factor In the rebe • "I do wish papa would come! It Is dle," remarked Mr. Cowley. Lumber, Lutli, Shinfplca, and swine, lUi; sheep, cattle, 04. of an Immense assemblsge. Including young wife In a motherly embrace, cars and elevated trains. Almost all mark its resting place. Indications of noal have been found The following bills were passed by Hon now in progrew. Ue urges tbe re- "Oh, don't think of such a thing! There are some reports of large loics too bad to leave ua In such a place and Rose and Catharine kissed her on articles which have a sale thut Is Ooclai F'enoo I'ostH and DricU. near North ville, and prospecting will President McKlnley and the members the hoaso on the 10th: Inoreasing the bellious troops to march on Sian Fu. of spring pigs, and also that sheep nnd alone!" sighed another. the cheek la tbe most sisterly fashiou. H's too horrible!" exclaimed both tho more than purely local, whether they soon be commenced. of his cabinet, the surviving members ! number of wards in the city of Pe- Chinese knowing Gen. Tung Fu Sian . Manufacturer of = The rearing of ostriches In the Val- lambs are dying in some parts of the "But some one Is really at tho door." Tears stood in Marjorle's dark eyes as girls. be books, corsets, gloves, magazines, Additional rural free delivery service of Gen. Logatt's family and many per- j toskey to four: nmending the charter say the emperor brought tho rebellion "I only want to convince myself tbat ley of the Nile is likely to become an State. spoke up a third. "It Is all nonsen-'c they did so; and her husband turneJ crackers, pickles, hair tonics, stove SASH, D03RS. BUNDS, FRAMES FOR DOORS, WIN03WJ Al 0 has been ordered est iblished at Ann sons eminent In the miliury and civil j of the city of Sag.naw by making a on his own head when he pAbliahed important industry ia the near future. about Queen Bess; I am going to S3? his head for a moment, as If ashamed It does rock." polishes, or liniments, have nowadays SCREENS, EXHIBITION AND SHIPPING COOPS FOR POULTRY. C. A, It. Ktate Knrampment. Arbor, to take effect May 15. life of the nation. A grandson of the j change la broadening powers of com- the edict threatening the general wit i "But we all beard It" An experimental farm, eatabllshed what they want!" of the weakness which he could not some pictures which have become ORIED APPLE BOXES, WOODEN EAVETRCUCHS, ETC. Department Commander Allen, Mich- The Ice jam In the St. C a'.r rlvar at general. Master George Tucker, •drew i mon council In ragard to assi asments, future punishment. Oa aooouot of his "Tben I confess I am like the young under French auspices, In the vicinity "Oh, don't, Rose!" cried her mother help feeling and showing at their Identlllod with tbem In tbe public igan (J. A. It, has issued orders relative Algonac broke loose on the 13th, and the silken cord Whioh releas d the flat- j and by giving fire, department board present power and Infiu •neeGen. Tung lady whose grandmother told her thfit Matohinift of Heliopolis. has successfully demon- - and sister. kindness. mind through seeing them In all sorts to the state cncampment to meet at moved slowly down tbe river. tering flags that droped the statue ami j powe** to make repVirs to l'. e stations, Fu Sian would not permit this, and nat- t-he bad found out by ber own export- strated the suitability of,Uie climate of "Indeed, Miss Rose It Is Queen Be/is "What the good lady who employs of public places. This led a certain Ko-Sfvwinf?9 .lob Work. Flint in June. The Michigan Passen- disclosed to view tho heroic bronze | subject to the approval of the common urally desires to prove that power. Ho ence that love-making was very dan- the Delta for this purpose; and during The township board has granted a as natural as life!" put In Mrs. Ma- her will say to her e'opement, I can- young woman, who w:is at a loss for ger association has authorized a rate figure. •' | council; relative to the general revision has the ontlro Mohammedan people gerous work. I want to find out by my tho present season the number of birds franchise through tho village and carthy, not conjecture," remarked Mr. Cowley something new to do for an evening's of one fare for the round trip from all township of Dim mdalo to the promo- ch ru r 0 lht with him. Prince Turn also has a own experience, too. Where Is this of all ages has reached the respectabla TO.T CM L—TTTT.. ,,,. I " ' '1 •[** ^J'^nsense," replied Rose, and tak- after a moment's pause. entertainment to work out a game. points In lower Michigan, tickets to be o,c large following, while Prinw Olaskan cradle?" total of 1,400. The runs are established tors of the Battle Creek and Lansing ing tlie' candle she went out to tho "Oh! she never had a very good sold June 11 and 12. limited to return I controls the entire province of Mon- She collected a lot of maguz!n?s and by means of cheap rabble, and are electric railroad. rr »in opinion of me!" said Marjorle, cheer- "In the kitchen." j golik doOr with a firm step. cut from the back pages all tha ad- on or before June 14. All communica- Owing to tlie increases In valuations ing business In that city do not pay fully. "And she will probably utter "Does It rock every night?'' planned out concentrically round a also fixing the term of justices of tho "Who is it, and what do you want?" vertising pictures, carefully removing tions concerning the encimpiDcnt at Grand R iplds, announced by the their just proportion of taxes and has i The rumors which have .been current p devout thanksgiving when she finds "Yes." central watch-tower, which permits of peace; amending the election law rela- she asked, quietly. any hint of the article advertised, should be addressed to Andrew J,( iissessors, the board is now confronted taken steps to .have, their assessments i during the past few days of the out- that she Is to see me no more. Tber.i "At what time?" a survey of the whole farm being made tive to registration, compelling re-reg- Mr. Cowley stepped In. and let the which was not a part of the picture Ward, Flint Announcement is made by more than 7J0 able-bodied kicks Increased. A force-of clerks has been break of a rebellion headed by Gen. never was much love lost between us, "It begins about nine." at a glance. istrat on of voters in Saginaw county. light shine full upon his face. Itself. Tben she selected tblrty-slx of that the cxccutiTe committee awarded from enraged taxpayers. put to work preparing a list of all the Tung-Fu-Sian (the former commander I am afraid." "And It now wants a quarter to ten "Don't you know me. Rose?" them and pasted tbem on cards, giv- the silk banner offered to tho post Farmers In Branch county are wor- big eoncerns, together with blue prints Two bills now in the hands of the of the northern army) In the provinces "Was she a nice person?" asked II must be In full swing by this time. There has just concluded at Catan- making the greatest increase In mem- "Why Charles—Cousin Charles, can ing to each a number. These she ried over the continued drouth aud of their establlsbmeiits and tho taxes honse village orporatlon committee of Mongolia and SbeH-Si, h ire been Catharine. Rose, will you do the honors of tho Agricultural raro, Italy, the trial cf 230 men belong- bership (luring the year to Charles it be your strung around her parlors and wh>a cold nights. The wheat crop in the they pay. When full Information has will be of muc'i Interest to the various absolutely authentic itod. Unofficial "Not according to my definition of ghost to your old friend?" ing to a criminal aEsoclatlon, which Martin post, Martinsville. Wayne "It is really me." her guests arrived they were put at county has been aim )st a total failure been Obtained tho mayor proposes to villages of tho sta'o. One provides for Chiuamen of intelligence regard the the word nice. I can describe her to "Not 1." named itself "The Imperishable Tree." county; the second prize being awarded J t,,e eleotion or "But I thought you were In Austra- work to find out what the pictures ad- during the past two seasons. go before the pity board of equaVizatlon a village president for a rising as most upfortuuate, at the pres- you In a very short time. She Is a "Catharine?" Tbe managing chiefs were the to Chas. T. Foster post. Lansing. term of two vears in ttead of one as at ent time, to the interests of China, and lia." "I must beg to be excused." vertised. Some of tbe pictures were so Implements On the night of tho 8th fire destroyed and demand, that the corporations be stout women, who thinks herself HI "trunks," fully initiated members we e compolled to pay what be terms equit- present, and tho other provides for the as possibly meaning the use of foreign "So I was till a few weekj ago. Don't "Well, aunt, will you come?" familiar that the task was not difficult Mies Rank Shurt •lOO.OOX tbe handle factory of Mitchell Bros, nt when she Is only lazy, and who never "branches," junior members were election by tho people of a marshall troops to protect even tho court itself. be alarmed, Ros^; I am no ghost, but "No, Charles: I'll never set foot In and yet it was surprising to find how We have everj-thingf that is to be found in a first- An official who stands high in Wash- Cadillac. The loss is e«ti mated at ?0J.- able taxea Tho mayor, It is an- gets out of her easy chair except to "leaves," and the novices the "first and street commissioner. At present 1 he ministers of tho powers do not solid flesh and blood. And here- is tbat awful kitchen again, by day or confusing It all was to the puzzle ington and whom tho people there 00(i, with 8lo,o:)0 insurance. It is pr ob- nounced, wiy ma^e a spjoial effort to go to bed or to fly Into a rage—which class implement store and we can save you some money ' flowers." The plunder realized by the those officers a-o uppointe.i by the think tnat, provided foreign interests some one else, for whom I must crave night, while I have my right senses." workers. Pictures tbat seemed fami- tru-^t absolutely, makes a statement able that the factory will be rebuilt show that tba steam and electric rail- she does on an average of twelve if you purchase your next piece of machinery here, be- organization was the "fruit." ThlssceT.s ways are assessed far too low. president, and in many cases It Is do not suffer, any present interference a welcome—my wife. Rose, whom your "Then I am sure tbat good servant liar were mighty elusive when it concerning the shortage of the First The victory won by the Gretna Green times a day. No—decidedly I do not sides {fiving-you a gfuarantee that you can't get of to have been considerable. Without claimed tha appointments are made is likely. servant mistook for the apparition of of yours " came to Identiffying them among National bnnk, of Niles, which is ac- people, SL Joseph, against tho minis- call N>rs. Magnum a nice person." counting homicides and crimes of vio- Whole Family Wiped Out. with a view of building up political Queen Elizabeth." Mre. Macarthy shrieked a quick de- thirty-six others. The soap ais got every dealer you may buy from. Come in and see us. ceptcd as flnai. He says ho has learned tors of the state, is highly satisfactory Benz'e county's flrst state bank was "I should think not!" sail Ros>. lence. the robberies during the few Tho family of J as. Smith, lucluding fences or with somo persoual ends nial before he had time to flnish tho dreadfully mixed up, and so did thc from the comptroller that the shortage to the p opie of that city. It insures organize at Frankfort on the 13th. Rose stared, as well she might, when laughing. "I wish 1 could seo he.- months numbered more than 400, and the father, mother and fonr children, rather than with nn aim for the vil- hair restorers. If the pictures were Is 8100,000. In this latter event depis- tho re-election of Rep. John L .ne, who he drew In Miss Marjorle beside him. face when she hears you are gone!" sentence, and Rose laughed. the various articles stolen total some- were Inst intly killed In their home on lages' best interests. The bill is likely ever published labeled the way most itors will receive very nearly all their led the fight THE MARKETS. But Cousin Charles was her great fa- "Never mind Mrs. Magnum, now, (To be continued.) thing like a half million. As the pub- the night of tbe Uth by tho sliding of to receive f .vorable cous.deration this H. NASH. deposits, The capital stock1 will make vorite. and she bad faith In every- said Mr. Cowley. "I want to hear of the guests guessed there would Lauslng pviplo are greatly concerned the huge dump of .be Granite mine, week. LIVK 8TOCK. CUT OFF HIS WOODEN FOOT. lic court was not large enough for such something about my uncle and thia have followed a whole lot of trade good 8100,000 of the shortage, while In tho smallpox outbreak In Delta near Cripple Oreek^ Col. Tbe Smith New York— Cattle ahnop Lambs thing be did—iu everybody he loved. a trial, it had to be held in a church. I a c mmlttee of the whole on the Hon. ho Oaa to mark Infringement suits. The girls the surplus will take care of 125,000 township whioh adjoins Ingham Kmerade*..., •4 (03I 4* IT 75 U JO MM So she held out her hand to the bon- mad freak of his. What could havo Mao Caught In Trap ami The sentences amount to six hundred residence was koated just below tho 8th, the senate, by a vats of 13 to 12, Lower Rrudes. were very much better at ths work more. This would leave but 150,OQO county on the west There are a num- a JJJ, UJ i JJ 5 gj aoj netless stranger, with a pleasant smile, put It Into his head to lake a haunted Help Hiss. • jrears. base of tbe damp. The recent saows shortage, which would easily be real- agreed to Senator Loonis' bill provid- Chlernxo— bouse?" John McLeod of MUford, Me,, em- than the young men. presumably be- ber of cases ia the township and tbe bad softened the dump so that the top Best Krades.... • BOl-W 01 4 fi and then led the way to the drawing ing that there shall bj wom?n mem- «i0 "Ah!" said Catharine, ruefully; ployed as a scaler on the lumbering cause the articles advertised were ized from the assessment on stock. entire population is In danger. suddenly slid down, crushing the boose Lower urados .8 90^1 0J 4 0) 4 7i B8J room. As the United States pays no civ.'l bers of the state asylum board*. The "you must ask Rose that." mostly household thlnss and so of The cost of winding up the bank's af- Byron has a curious anomaly in the and burying its inm tea. Hundreds Detroit— "Mamma, you will never guess who operations in township 31, bad a pensions neither ex-preaidents nor fairs will bo considerable. However. joint resolutioa requesting congress to Best grad's... .3 Mil n 4 00 6.15 5 95 "Why?* strange experience recently. He waa more Interest to the fair sex than to shape of John Fritz, aged 19, who is of men are now digging away the dirt Lower grades has come!" she exclaimed. "Cousin POPULAR PUBLICATIONS-POPULAR PRICES their widows receive allowances; but It Is predicted depoiitors will receive submit to a vote of the p.'o ile a fed- 3 JJ 6 0J 6 S5 "Because she was at the bottom of caught In a bear trap, and waa obliged their brothers. Of tho thlity-slx pic- the son of the Byron saloon keeper. and rock. Uoffalo- Charles Cowley from Australia, and his has for nearly tlxty years boen pulllshed on Monday, Wednes- Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Garfield are each at lease 0J per cent of their holdings. eral constitutional a'umdm.'nt p*r- It all!" tures the highest number guessed was recognized as th. People's Na- day and Friday, la a coxnplct. He is president of the Epworth League, Uchi grudes.... .4 0J34 7* 5 n A es wife." to cut off his foot with a Jackkaife. tional Family Newspaper, for recipients of |5,C00 a year as the wid- mltting cand.dates fo.-U. S. offic.'s to « C5 "Is that so. Rose?". twenty-five and this was by one of the THE NEW- up to data daily newspaper, and at the simo time serves as barten- No American Ijiml for llrltain. Lower grades. •« -oaa a 3 JO b SS 5 9J Greatly bewildered, Mrs. Cowley Fortunately, he had a wooden leg, and Urinera and vlllasers. Its ows of generals In the army. There HaRtllnir Out l>OK !.«« Nollci-H. Negotiations on the Hay-Paunccfotc be voted for directly by thj people In- Cincinnati- "I am afraid I must plead guilty. young women. tplendld Agricultural Depan- tbrss days In ths weeU, with der In bis father'i place of business. fame forward to welcome her guests. the operation was not painful. • He NEW- nient. Its relable market re- YORK a'.l Important news of t*-" otict wore surviving last year four widows Secretary of State Warner's office abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer stead of having them elected by the Best grades..,. .4 75:13 « 4 n 5 5] 6 8] Charles. 1 thought It would be t) ports, recognised authority A baby boy about 2 days' old was Lower grades She had the wildest notions about the was going from one landing to an- four days. Profusel; '• illus- force was busily engaged on the 8lh In state legislatures, was a^raed to. Sen- • 4 toil di 1 UJ fiOJ B BJ nice and romantic to live with a ghost throughout the country; Its of soldiers who fought In the Revolu- treaty are progressing, though tfiuy other, and thought to cut off part of I.^bhI C'olbr". YORK fashion notes. Its Sclenca and TBI- trated, and filled with h.teren;- sending out copies of the new dog law found on the 12th in the creek In the ator Murfin's bill cutting doft the PltUbnrs- manners and customs of foreign coun- tion of 1776, the youngest of whom was have not yet passed the tentative stage. Be«t xrodes.... 5) But I. don't like It at all. There Is a Possibly the strike of the ladles' Mechanlca Department, 11 s Ing reading for all who wUh u ciiy limits of Bessemer, tied in a cof- 4 8) 8 03 BOS tries and seeing a tall, stately lad/ the distance by taking tbe bank of the fascinating short stories, sto., to county clerks. The law was signed A representative of the Associated time in which suits m ty bj brought Lower grades. -4 0J&4 (» dreadful cradle-rocking In. the kitche.i WEEKLY WEEKLY keep Ut closc touch with news eighty-four. No doubt some widows fee sack with its throat cut, and o 4 IJ 6U b* 'Vith a plaid cloak doing duty for head Athabasca stream. And he got Into a tailors and a consequent slackness In ttc.. render It lnd:spensabl# In by Gov. Bliss on that day, and wlthiu Press says that they ore being con- for personal Injuries from three to. two every night, and not one of us dares TDIDIIUC svery family. Rcicnlar nnli- TDIDIIUC of i"i« nation and worl.!. , of civil war pensioners will live to be stone tied to tho hag to sink It School CHAIN, ETC. bear trap, which closed upon his wood- lad!«^' fashions, may account for the three hours steps had been taken to years was also agreed to. and shoulders, as bonnet and shawl, to stop there a moment after dusk. lillDUnft seriptlon price, Ql.OO I niDUnC 11 e tr • lar •nbacrlptloa centenarians. In that case the open- ducted on a quid pro quo basis aad Wheat Corn Oau- fact that has lately been taking per year price, ft.50 per yesur. notify all county clerks of its provi- boys found it Tho body had not been she instantly fancied that It must be on leg with a saap, and held bin In ing of the twenty-first century will that uo other method of abrogation The following bills were passed by No.reJ No. J mis No, 2 wW Papa heard It the flrst night we camn. In connectlnn with Th# Trlbuns we offer to those who desire to securs the best maftzlnes, sions. The law takes Immediate ef- there more than one day. he nakke costume of the land from such a way that be could not reach a particular Interest In masculine, not lllustraud weeklies and agricultural journals, Uie splendid inducements: would be considered by the British the house on the Oth: Constituting the 1 New York nmi 40349 and yet he won't go away. I think With witness the pertinacious lady cheer- St. Joseph Is sadly in neeJ of

Lace Curtains In all the latest Bljles and dealgns. You oan have them •from 75o up. a i e Dnot be #,oiU#d THE ADVANTAGE Our Fancy Drop-stitch Hose !lL'k to," !ilem' * l ,f yoa Warner's Straight Front Corset ;°vlf The. advantages offered by UH to the trading- public surpasses anything that can be found in this vicinity. We have all the new goods which is impossible for catalogues of so-called wholesale establishments to haye, Call and see our French Qirdlea. as many of their goods are the same year in and year out. The new, hard-to-get, up-to-date goods are never $ catalogued. You understand that. Good apples are scarce. Good horses are scarce. Good up-to-date goods are scarce. We keep a man on the lookout in New York for our goods and that's the reason we offer goods not obtainable at other stores or in catalogues and also why we sell at such low prircs. A. W. WEEKES

E. G. Patrick of Caunon was in Uueedan umbrella. Call on God- Wouldn't Sign. town | Saturday. frey, the clothier ahd hatter. The editor of a paper printed in a | Cowell t The best working gloves for 16o. jf Question We can print anything you want thriving little town only a few miles A New i.'aie of Godfrey sells them. and print it right—The Ledger. from Iowa City was asked the other B. L. Bray ton, agent of the Pere The Tiger and Champion hats are day to publish au article roasting a | State Bank Marquette, is taking a short vacation. the best and are sold by W. S. citizen. "Certainly," he said to the £ Transacts a General Bank* Mrs. M. Bisby is making an ex- of Spex Godfrey. caller, "whatshall I say?" He was tended visit with Mrs. Gilman furnished with an outline of what JARDINI £ ing: Business. The Lowell W. C. T. U. will Walker on tbe West side. meet with Mrs. B. C. Needham was wantbd and with an article that £ Buys (Hd Sells Du jrt-ur eje# tire easily f Jasl received which we Miss Bertha Robinson of the Pro- Friday at 2.80, p. m. Visitors al- was a scorcher. "That's splendid" Government and High Grade are going to sell at bate office spent Sunday with her If so you need glasses ways welcomed. exclaimed the friend, delighted with Municipal Bonds. the article that was read to him, mother and other Lowell friends. Madam LaFone of New York, the "that is right, that'll make his old f£ Doweaic Drifts greatest palmist and medium, is 112 boys knee pant suits at God- Doyoureyoe burn? hair crinkle." "All right" said the 10c Each Available in all parts of (IM frey's to sell away down cheap, now in Lowell located at hotel United States and Canada. editor, "let'e see, what are your If so you need glasses Brace. price $1.00, $1.26, $1.60, $1.76 aud initials?" "Good heavens," said We have others at any $ TorrigH Drafts $2.00. Chas. Bullook, local operator of rice yon want. the citizen, "you are not going to Blere is where yon get Available in all Commercial Farmers, now is the time to look Dues the type beoome blurred in reading? the Pere Marquette has been at sign my name to that?" "Why Ihe most goods for the Cities of tbe World. after your tire insurance. C. Guy Lansing the past week on relief duty least money. | If so you need glasses not?" asked the editor. ' 'I wouldn't i Coins moiic; Perry writes the best farm policy acting as cashier. have anyone know I had anything to On Real Ksfatr, issued in Michigan. Mrs. G. D. Spencer, who has been do with tbat for the world. I can't Approved Notes and They are going fast—what are Do you Htifler from frontal headache? visiting her sons and other friends afford to get into a scrap with my Collar's Bazaar. erals. here, has returned to Ionia where t going fast? Why, the Celebrated If so glasses will help you neighbors." The editor smiled be- \ extends to Jill Peeiless Plows. A guarantee bond she is making her homo with her nevolently and said: "Why should Fair in.-l courteous treatment goes with every one sold. ^ - - brother. I mix up in scrip that docs not con- every Do yon know if you hare perfect eyesight? cern me? Why should you expect accommodation ^ Bi-owu & Sehler. Thomas Herbert, a man who be- THE ALTO NKW8. :vilh Sound Bank- THE LEDGER is sometimes spoken If not we can inform you came insane in Lowell, will be tak- me to assume the blamb for the en back to his Chicago home by publication of. an arliole to which ytP> u* v. r ^ of as "a success." If we may Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Barnes of judge from the rale new subscrip- County Superintendent of Poor vou are afraid to sign your name?" Lowell spent Wednesday with the tions are coming in, "there's some- It will cost yon nothlaK- Toland.—[Grand Rapids Democrat. The man stoped tbe paper and went former's daughter, .Mrs. R. W. ft* thing in it." The Selden-Stetson company at away mad.—Iowa City Republican. Stone. Train's opera house April 10 and 20, Earl Vanderlip has gone to Wood- HOME NEWS. JThose who contemplate baiiding A Magazine For the Hone. \ cement sidewalks will be interested comes highly recommended and land to work in a harness shop. The May is^ue of The Delineator, in the statement shat Portland promiies the people of Lowell a Mrs. Kate Story of South Boston in addition to showing eighty styles cement is expected to drop 14 to 26 high class entertainment. spent a portion of last week with Speoial sale of hate at Godfrey's. for tbe month devoted to iadiee, girls, cents per barrel in price this week. Every school student who wants her parents, J. Oberly and wife. Saranac will play ball this season. babies, men and boys, contains much Mrs. IL II. Hunter and children, a first class bicycle is earnestly in- Mrs. Maude Oberly of Kalkaska FOR SALE — Child's" bed with else tbat will be of interest to women Get your old papers at tho Ledger vited to enter our voting c cutest springs. J. K. Fisher. - Leah and Robert Alden, joined of education and taste. Among ^he is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry here last Friday and will re- office—5c a bundle. We are going to give a fine wheel interesting articles we can nane Warner. jBuy the Flyer sock, the best on main a week Mr. Hunter has re- Mrs. J. E. Tinkler is visiting to some one. It may be you. Seasonable Dress Fabrics, the making earth for 6c, at Godfrey's. Grace Blakeslee is spending a few turned to Mt. Pleasant. friends at Hastings. Jesse Thompsett was in Cannon fWashGowus for Summer Wear, days with her sister, Mrs. Yeiter. Miss Bertha Chadwickof Saranac Monday to see his father, James The National City Bank of Grand Tho best brownie overalls are Sie Hats of tbe Season, Photographs Minnie Scott and Blancho Cheslea spent Sunday with Lowell friends. Thompson, who returned Saturday Rapids by its safe and conservative sold by Will Godfrey. of the Inaugural Ball Drfsses, Com- spent Sunday with friends in Cale- It will surprise you to see the hat from a four months sojourn in mencement-Day Receipts (illustrated) methods combined with large capi- S. P. Hicks was doing legal busi- donia. yon oan buy at Godfrey's for 26c. Florida. The old gentleman en- Among the general literary articles tal gives a feeling of ample seenrity ness in Grand Rapids yesterday. Reva Hinyan is visiting her grand- Lowell sportsmen are getting to its patrons. Every service ren- joyed the trip very much; but says Is tbe story of "Dickon's Unromantic H. W. Hakes has his new dwell- mother, Mrs- W. H. Stone. ready for the opening of tbe trout dered in the Commercial and sav- that "Michigan is good enough" Love, a biography ol Ellen M. ing at his farm nearly completed. season, May 1. ings departments to customers, tf. him. Gifford, and a review of the newest The Merriman school has been It will surprise you to see the hat books. closed on account of the illness of 'lie marriage of John Corrigan The will of the late Emilia Giles McArthur of Oakfield aged you can buy at Godfrey's for 26c. 80 years died Saturday. He settled Tbe above mentioned articles do the teacher. Miss Emma Wesbrook. aud Laura Jakcway of Grattan is Wiener of Ada has been not by any means exhaust the offering The South Boston sheep shearing in Oakfield in 1S46 and lived.on the Mrs. J. Delaney and daughter announced. admitted to probate and Henry whioh The Delineator makes to the festival has been postponed for one homestead till his death. He was have' returned to their home 'in Chas. D. Parks has moved from H. Bradfield has been ap- modern woman. a prominent Mason and member of Traverse City. thc Parks farm in Keene to his pointed administrator. The estate week. is valued at about $16,0000 in real Uneeda pair of socks, try the Grattan lodge. His wife and six residence in Saranac. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CanfloiiBtmrg estate and personal property. Flyers. Godfrey sells them. Price children survive, one of whom is Boyi from 6 to 16, save up $2.00 Frank McArthur of Grattan. Joseph Joyce has gone to Ortnd''SVpids aud buy a nice, new suit of Will The farm residence of Warren 6c. Regular special meeting of the W. S. Godfrey has received a where he has a position in the Btar Cloth- Godfrey. Boys, I want your trade. Lillie of Vergennes was totally Don't forget the Selden-Steteon Lowell Village Council held in the ing Honse. Company at Train's opera house copy of the Pacific Commercial Ad- Miss Celia Noble was one of the destroyed by tire Tuesday noon. Council Rooms on Monday evening, Walter Murray haa gone to Grand Rap- The fire was discovered while tbe April 19 and 20. vertiser, of Honolulu, Hawaii, from April 16, 1001. ids to work. few who passed the second grade L. W. Atkins of Detroit, who was examination held at Grand Rapids .family were at dinner aod it was Nrs. A. M. Gould oft Kaalmazoo Meeting called to order by President Willie Hartweli is very ill with pnen- with the Shriners on their recout VanDyke* monia of tbe lungs. iu March. under such headway that they were was the guest of Mrs. McAllister trip to that country. Those wish- Present Trustee I ee absent Trustees Libbie Jeyce is reported better. , unable to save but very few of tbe Monday and Tuesday. Huntley & Co., of Ionia have se- ing to examine it can do bo at Mr. Flanagan, Look, Nicholson, Watts, White. Wesley Wheeler and wife of Lowell contents. No insurance. There being no quorum present, on cured the contract for building the Mrs. L. S. Roell and daughter of Godfrey's store. / made his brother a call last week. The Phila Clark W. C. T. U. Greenville spent Sunday with the motion bj Trustee Lee Council adjourned new fabric mill at Belding. $27,000 G. C. Kemp, a farmer Lowell boy to Monday evening, April 22,1901. Harlow Judson, who has been attending will meet with Mre. Geo. Parker, Qrand Ranids school, U at home and re- was the bid. family of Mr. Halstead. T. A. MURPHY, Clerk. Tuesday p. m., April 23. Program: and clerk forX3. (jr. Stone, has been coveting from an attaek of appendicitis. Come iu and look at my over- Miss. Helen Look has returned appointed wesft^Si manaror of the Response to roll call with quotation from a visit with her uncle, J. H. The funeral of QrandiA Gromer waa held coats. I will sell them dirt cheap from Frances Willard; select read- Delaware and Reliance Fire Insur- Cnres dizzy spells, tired feeling, stomach the M. E. church April 9, Rev. Rezford rather than store them away for the Rickert, at Greenville. kidney and liver troables. Keep yon officiated. She was born April 6, 1821 at ing, Mrs. Hart; solo. Miss 3Iay- ance company of Philadelphia, with well all summer, summer. Godfrey, the clothier. A full line of Richardson's and Rocky mountain Tea Forks township, Pennsylvania and died nard; recitation, Mrs. Atwater; headquarters in Chicago. C. Guy aken this month. 36c. Ask your druggist. April 6 1901. She leaves five wns and Brainard & Armstrong's embroid- Miss Clara McMullen, who has reading, Mrs. Barrett. Perry will be his local agent. three daughters, who monrn her lose. made her home with J. B. Nichol- ery silks at Hilcr's millinery. O rattan-Vergennes The Woman's Home Missionary Services for VergennesandKeene: Leonard Jones, anjild pioneer of Cannon, Mrs.>W. B. Rickert is spending Mabel Kinney is working for Dick Bolar. son for tbe past year, returned to society of the M. E. church will Keene Sunday schol at 10:00 and died April 6th at thiBgeof of 81 years. her home at Almont last Satnrday. a few days with her son, J. H. Tom L'anghlio Is working for Charles The funeral was held al the Congregational hold its Twentieth century thank preaching service at 11:00 a, m., Jakewayl Rickert and wife, at Greenville. church April 8conducted by Rev. Sexford. W. F. Uowkhas had a large poul- offering service in the church par- Epworth League devotional 7:30 Mrs Beck of Keene spent Saturday with He leaves three sons and one daughter to try house built and snrrounded his lor next Saturday afternoon at 3 A. A. Barber has rented^ and p. m. Vergennes preaching 3 p. m. Mra Miche, mourn bis loss. vacant lot with a high fence. Fresh moved to the Hasting's farm on the Barto school begins Monday with Nina o'clock. Mrs. Miller, a missionary followed by Sunday school. Services Vandenbroeck at teacher. eggs and spring chickens will soon to the Indians in Washington, will Ada road and will try farming this will be as indicated until further Friends of THE LEDFLBR having 4 become a permanent addition to speak. Coffee served and collec season. notice. Spring cooghs are dangerous and unless business at the Probate court will Will's bill of fare. oared at once, serious results often follow. confer a favor upon the publisher tion taken. Everybody invited. A marriage license was "A meeting for organization of One Minnte Cough Cure aota like magic. by requesting the Judge to send S. O. Littlefield limps on both Mrs. Frank B. Clark and Gerald, Tuesday t6 Eli A. Davis of Water- the company which will operate an It is not a common mixture but {s a high the advertising to this paper., tf feet In consequence of a fall one formerly of this place, but now of ville, Minn., to Maud B. Laughlin electric road between Ionia and grade remedy. L. H. Taft A Co. day last week. While putting up Ml. Pleasant, went to Silt Lake of Caledonia. Grand Haven will be called as soon eave-troughs, the ladder broke and City, Utah, last.week, where they The Grand Rapids, Grand Haven as our representative returns from Newton's law did the rest—two will join the former's mother aud & Muskegon railway filed a num- New York," says I. J. Cilley, sprained ankles. brother, Mrs, Fallas and Clare. ber of deeds for right of way .in "Things are moving along all Mrs. Clark and Gerald are both in Grattan Grange had an enjoyable Walker township, right."—[Grand Rapids Herald. ill health and they expect to remain Kossion April 11, with seventy-five W. S. Godfrey has received a S. P, llicks. Dr. M. C. Greene inembers present. A fine program a year in hopes of permanent re- copy of the of Toe Pacific Commer- covery. and Mrs. M. E. Uughson attended was rendered and a banquet uerved. cial Advertiser published at Hon- sessions of the Michigan Whist as- The next meeting will be held Miss Helen Hamilton has accepted olulu, Hawaii, from L. M. Atkins sociation at Grand Rapids last Wed- Boy's Knee Pant April 25 aud another good program the position of preceptress in the of Detroit, who was wiih the Shriners nesday and Thursday, Mrs. Hugh- iri being prepared. High school at Armada for the on their recent trip to that country, son was one of the trophy winners. James lienwick of Keene and next year. She will be at home Those wishing to examine it can do there with her parents aud other Alex Ogilvie of Boston were chosen We bought 2 car loads of the so at Mr. Godfrey's store. as arbitratoi-H of the estate of the relatives. During her two years Suit Sale celebrated sanitary refrigerators at Unclaimed letters at Lowell post- late Thomas Brown of Keoue. Chas. work in the Lowell High school. a price that will enable us to sell office for Archibald Mcllliney, V. Brown, the oldest son, bought the Miss Hamilton has made many at cost of manufacturing. Come J. McConell, M. M. Mathews, Rev. interest of tho two youngest children friends in school aud society, who early before the sizes are broken. Mr. Quiraby, A. Milton Turner, A. in tho old homesteaa.—[Saranac will regret her departure ai^d wish 2wlr.* R. B. Boylan.- B. Thompson, Adelbert Wright, Now on at Godtrey's. Advertiser. for her all possible good. Alonzo Miller, Fred Miller, Chas. It is said of '•Way Down East" The first of the series of addresses F. Langborn, Louie Kempany, Come in Boys and be tbe famous New York suocess, that given to the Lowell Boy's nnion waa Ernest Fuller, Miss Jennie Turner, will be seen at Powers Theater, delivered by J. B. Nicholson at tbe 1 Mrs, Alice Rogers, Mae Withee, dressed up neat and Grand Rapids Friday and Saturday 'Happy hour" last Sunday at ip. m. 4 Nellie M. Hook, Miss Georgia nights and Saturday matinee that before a large gathering. The Gordou, Miss Mary Clark. general theme of these talks is: "If LEMOII PIE cheap. Your Clothier it possesses more heart and more naturalness in its portrayal of New I were a boy again," what would I 'Tie Easy to Peel Good. England rustic simplicity than any do." Mr. Nicholson took the branch: Countlesa thousands have found a play of the kind ever written. It "In my home," holding the close blessing to tbe body \p Dr. King's is tbe story of the women who has attention of tho boys with ah enter- Cream Puffs New Life Pills, whioh poaitiyely cure bqen wrouged.aud who is made to taining and interesting address. H. Constipation, Sick Headache, Dizzi- suffer, but who finally attains S. Merriman will talk to the boys SATURDAYS ness, Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and W. S. GODFREY. happiness and peace. Seats may be uext Sunday on the branch of the Ague and all Liver and Stomach secured by mail or telephone for any subject: "With Regard to Amuse- SMITH'S BAKERY. troubles. Purely vegetable; never performance of the engagement. ments." gripe or weaken. Only 25o L. H i