THE LOWELL LEDGER. VOL .VIII, NO. 44. WHOLE NO. 408. 4 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18,1901 LOWELL LAUNDRIES CO* "ADALAKE" BICYCLE BINE. Oomoin and seo our... jf As the Twig is Bent the Tree's Inclined FOR WINNER IN THE LED Flndley Joseph sells to Bush, (lER'S VOTING CONTEST. Brockway& Wleand. 1 How is it with the young people of your household? Are Fiudloy Joseph has sold his in- they saving money? Have they learned to appreciate the value Second Boillot Shows Increased in- terest in the Columbian laundry to Gasoline and of a dollar? Are you endeavoring to instil into their minds terest and Promises Hot Race. his partner, D. T. Bush and to correct ideas concerning thrift and economy? Are vou seeking The winner of The Lodger's prize Brockway & Wieand of the Lowell the opportunity to "bend the twig"? Would you like to listen bicycle may be a boy or girl re- laundry. The business of the two Blue Flame Oil Stoves laundries will be continued under to a plain suggestion? If, so here it is: quiring an adult wheel, just which cannot be told until the last ballot the style of Bush, Brockway & Wieand, Lowell Steam laundry. B«nd the young folks to our bnnk with the first spare dollar that comes into their closes, June 5. This uncertainty hands. The next dollar should be treated in like manner and the practice so continued had to be taken into consideration The stand formerly occupied by We handle the Dangler until » fixed habit of saving has been eMablished. A good I v bank account will soon in deciding upon the make of wheel Brockway & Wieand has been closed and Sun Vapor in the above result. The young folki will get an inklinit of the ways of' business and being tlins and the needed machinary trans- stoves. None better ned" are Ukdy to grow up into straight and thrifty manhood. to bo used, and wo have settled upon the Adalake a $35 wheel, ferred to the Joseph & Bush stand, Did you ever see the Lisk samples of which, both ladies and whoso office will be in the Wisner Anti-Rust Tinware? war- office as heretofore. gents, may bo seen at the store of ranted at K. D. Stocking. If the winner re- Mr. Joseph has not yet determin- CITY BANK, Hill, Watts & Co. quires a juvenile wheel, something ed what he will do. equally good will be given. Saddles, gears and handle bars will bo suited WILL MEET AT ADA. to the wishes of the winner. Following is Mr. Stocking's Final Meeting of Kent County Spraker & Cambell guarantee of the "Adlake:" Teachers and Pastors. | Special ^ This is to certify that the Adlake The final of a series of five pub- bicycle is a strictly high grade lic meetings of the Kent County $35 00 wheel and fully gnrranteed Teachers' and Pastors' association .•I.I'uM.i.n. by the manufacturers. The Great which has been a material factor in 10 Days Special Western Manufacturing Company the co-operative educational cam- of Laport, Indiana, who are capital- paign will be held in Ada April 26 ized at over a million dollars. and 27. The officers of the associ- Get Your Samples of these celebrated wheels ation and County School Commis may be seen at my store. sioner Chapel have completed the For ten days Oonuncncing-April we will K. D. STOCKINU program for the two day's meeting sell the Quick Meal Gold Coin and Model Steel liangep, which Lowell, April 18, 1001. and every effort has IMJCU set forth are the best Steel lianges made, at a Oiscoiint of Ci The vole in the bicycle contest to make the program as instructive per cent. Every one fully guaranteed. htantls this morning ay follows: and interesting from an educational Yourfl, Mary Aldrich 338 standpoint as possible. Prof. S. B. Bicycles and Melvin Lake 80 Laird of the state normal school will Bertha A. Wesbrook 136 be the principal speaker. Special Freda Bailey 122 music has been arranged for. Jay Watters 61 Fishing Tackle R. B. BOYLAN. LaVanche E. Wright 57 AUNT ANNA FORD DEAD. A car load of refrigerators at 25 i»er cent off. Georgie K. Morse 82 Will Davey io At the Ripe Old Age of 93 Years, of Earl Vanderlip 5 Aunt Anna Ford died at her Burt Charles 6 home in this village Tuesday morn- Charles Pelerle 2 ing, after an illness of several Irene Murphy l months. Funeral services will be Agnes McGarrety l held to-day at one o'clock at the Martin Nyburg 1 house and 2 o'clock at the Congre- R. D. STOCKING. Votes are counted every Thurs- gational church. day morning. Witnesses permitted. Mrs. Ford was 93 years old last Each week's ballot is separately October and when first taken ill, YOUR sealed and the whole will l)e subject feeling that she would not recover, to final review if desired. dictated for writing the the facts of her life and made requests for the PHOEBE HEADWORTH. arrangment of her funeral. Mrs. Ford occupied a seat of honor Try our apecial number 10c Hose Came from New York to Die In on the platform at the Saranac and for Ladies. Same as you usually the Old Home. Ada pioneer picnics last Summer You pay 12Jfc and 15c for. Phoebe Ueadworth died at the and Congressman Wm. Alden home of her mother, in Lowell, on Smith, who spoke on those occasions, Friday, evening, April 12, 1901. paul a globing tribute to her A. Complete She came from New York city but worth. mFind Line of A.rab- a day or two preceding her death, ian Trimmings accompanied by a friend. LIVED IN KEENE 30 YEARS- AT OUR STORE On our Kodak Department and if it gets tired come in The news of her death was a and get a pair of glasses and rest it—a perfect fit shock to all who knew her. She Did Mrs. Thompson Kho Died Last A complete line of guaranteed. had lived in Lowell many years and Friday. had been in the employ of several Mrs. Mathew Thompson died at IVEW WASH GOODS General Kodak Supplies— of our business men. Coming here her home in Keene, Friday, April Plates. Films, Papers, de- for your inspection. We also have a new and up-to-date assort- in 1886, she attended our public 12. Funeral services were conduct- velopers, Toning Solution, schools. After finishing her school ment of etc. ed at the M. E. church in Lowell work, she was in the office of S. P. Sunday, by Rev. J. W. McAllister. SUMMER. WAISTS Uicks, where she remained Harriet E. Woodcock was born which we ask you to look over before you purchase your Spring a little Inore than two years. Aft- at Bloofield, Norfolk county, Eng- supply. We invite comparison in all lines of merchandise kept Th« People's Store. erward, she was in the employ of land, April 13, 1844, and came to The White Front. J. L. Hudson & Co., who had a New York slate when 11 years old. ie a first class dry goods store- Very resp'y, branch store here at that time. Five years later she became the wife Later she assisted W. S. Winegar of Mathew Thompson and they in the collection of taxes and as ac- lived in Keene for about thirty J. B. NICHOLSON, A. D. Oliver countant. Her last engagement years. Lowell, Mich. here was iu the banking office of Six children were born and all C. J. Church & Son. While at survive: Robert, of Kalanmoo; these places of business, she formed Mrs. Charles Shores, of McCords; AAAA AAAAAAAAf AAAA A AAA A A AAA WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW WW WWW WW a wide acquaintance and impressed Mrs. Fred Chorley, of Lake Odessa all who knew her with a sense of and Will, Frank and Mrs. Fred LIVED IN KEENE 45 YEARS her worth. In 1892, she was en- Johnson, of Lowell. Deceased was No Buyer of gaged by J. C. Vanghau of Chica- a sister of John Woodcock of Keene. I We announce to Mrs. Vlana Piackaey who Died go, where she remained two'years, / f '/ everybody tbat the April 9. goiug from there to-New York city, OLD LAND PATENT. \ iana Day was horn iu Genesee and taking charge of the business county, N. Y., May 31, 1822 office of the same Hrm there, which Ancient Document Filed With Regis and died April 9th 1001. she occupied until her death. She CLOTHING ter of Deeds. was a remarkably intelligent girl, The Light hen she (was three years of age, she came with her parents to very apl in whatever she undertook, Deputy'Register of Deed8, Walter Who hasn't seen my Spring Line has Poiltiac, Oakland county, Michigan, of genial disposition and with the Brook has received an interesting • any idea How Cheaply Oood Clothing where she lived until her mam age faculty of making and keeping old document for filing, in the shape can be bought. with Ira Pinkney of Pontiac in 1839. friends. She lived a beautiful and of an old patent, bearing the sigoa Mr. and Mrs, Pinkney lived in useful life. No young lady of ture of President Martin Van Buren. W. W. PULLEN Clinton county, for three years, Lowell ever had a firmer hold on The patent was issued from then came to Keene, and settled on the esteem of our people. All who Washington and covers 240 acres of $5.00 Strictly ail wool Men's Suits.
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