Title Page R.J. Pederson
Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/22159 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation Author: Pederson, Randall James Title: Unity in diversity : English puritans and the puritan reformation, 1603-1689 Issue Date: 2013-11-07 Chapter 3 John Downame (1571-1652) 3.1 Introduction John Downame (or Downham) was one of the greatest exponents of the precisianist strain within Puritanism during the pre-revolutionary years of the seventeenth century, a prominent member of London Puritanism, and renowned casuist.1 His fame rests chiefly in his nineteen published works, most of which were works of practical divinity, such as his four-part magnum opus, The Christian Warfare (1604-18), and his A Guide to Godlynesse (1622), a shorter, though still copious, manual for Christian living. Downame was also known for his role in publishing two of the most popular theological manuals: Sir Henry Finch’s The Summe of Sacred Divinitie (1620), which consisted of a much more expanded version of Finch’s earlier Sacred Doctrine (1613), and Archbishop James Ussher’s A Body of Divinitie (1645), which was published from rough manuscripts and without Ussher’s consent, having been intended for private use.2 Downame also had a role in codifying the Westminster annotations on the Bible, being one of a few city ministers to work on the project, though he never sat at the Westminster Assembly.3 Downame’s older brother, 1 Various historians from the seventeenth century to the present have spelled Downame’s name differently (either Downame or Downham). The majority of seventeenth century printed works, however, use “Downame.” I here follow that practice.
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