Portland Daily Press: October 27,1887
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_PORTLANI) DAILY 'ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 26. ~ """ PORTLAND, MAINE,1 THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBERJ)liU 27 1887-WITH100/ wiia SUPPLEMENT ... DtiiLLMhiu. (•ESf&lilfjrm'iE} PRICE THREE CEN TS. NPKCIAI. noticed. miHCKLI.ANKOt 8. THE PORTLAND DAILY CHANDLER MAKES PRESS, PREDICTION) i owing to his feeble condition, but at the sight RECULARS RETAIN CONTROL. lists of Unite*! States taxpayers as retail Published every day (Sundays tin of the tattered Confederate flag in the pro- shipwrecked souls to save here and tliere one excepted) by and cession, he arose said he was like that liquor dealers in Maine, ns the law re- A DAY from the wreck', hut to him the Kingdom of Ood PORTLAND PUBLISHING OF ADDRESSES. COMPANY, The Future of New i in that lie was torn and was Ilk* unto seed which a man In hts ground Hampshire’) flag, rivan by storms Gorman's Still Holds the quires. Collector Page's countenance bore put lie loved Ring Fort and which should knnweth not At 97 Exchange Street, Portland, Me Troublesome and trials. It as a memento of grow—he how-bjr Railroads. done In evidence of the violence done his feelings, all kinds of but which call for wbat had been by fathers and sons Baltimore. help, might long Terms- Eight Dollars a Year. To mall sub and and was glau to see them but the notice which he had received from watching long waiting. scrloers. Seven Dollars a Year.If In auvanct again Short Therefor* be Is paid were made said, "Education Indispensable Rates of Advertising—One Inch of speeches by Gov. Gordon and Collector Miller that he must obey the law to the of spac< Things the Boston & Maine Can ant 1 uplifting such a people,” and school* of or Senator The Movement for Honest Elections Men were the length column, twelve lines ncnixirie Colquitt. in this respect or else his office would lie Many Speak Eloquently on Mis- planted Home Ilf* must be redeemed, and constitutes a Cannot Do. home Industries “square.” Suffers a Defeat. called to account by gentlemen who were were taught. They need the In- per square, first 76 cents pei dustrial arts; hence he In *1.60 dally, week; after him made this course began to Instruct them 1 week three Insertions or con KINC CEORCE’S looking impera- Work. In In carpentry, after; less, *1.00 STATUTE. tive. sionary masonry, smithing and In agricul- tlnulnp every other day after first week, 50 cents ture tie Introduced tne planting of trees; soete- Short Leases Instead of 1 “The t esof 0018_____gntf Half square, three Insertions or less, 76 cents Compact! How the Senator’s Forces Prepared geutleman says that the list of Maine agriculture, Instituted arbor days, taught one week, *1.00; 50 cents per week after. for liquor dealers numbers about tiOO persons—a them how to drain their how to Card. Ninety-Nine Years. Fortunes of the Adams and to the lauds, Irrigate Special Notices, one-third additional. Doughty Carry City. large reduction from last year. them, how to enrich them how to make roads, and how to Under head of “Amusements” and Auctio> Cases. As one who intends sell construct bridges across their moun- i every to liquor tain Sales," *2.00 per square per week; three laser his Dr. on the Perils streams. wssysu nays 825 United States tax, in order to Strieby fnm Caste There he tlons or less. *1.60. Concord, N. H., Oct. 26.— Senator Chand Baltimore, Oct. 26.—The friends of the went to stay, and among them built avoid the large penalties, tho list gives a his own rtothemwdturnUhe^Mlddle.treetS ler to bouse and brought Into It a like minded, Formerly with F. It. THE printed another Ioug editorial in the Mon [Special the rival candidates for honors were good idea of the outside number of FarOngtom £fmntt MAINE STATE PRESS. Press.] ‘mayoralty mainly in the South. brap-mludwl, earnest-spirited wife, tor last night in which he a ol Halifax, Oct. 26 —The case secret grog in Maine, in 115 Prejudices eulllyated,lh* Published every Thursday Morning, at *2.6( gives history of the Port- in the field early this morning. When the shops Portland, ■Ov'i lessons of home life. Its the in o„hi.hl1"its sacredn ss a year; If paid lu advance, *2.00 a railroad and In the land schooner Ella fay tax; Lewiston and Auburn, 45; divinity, and ts glory. year. legislation operations Doughty |is again to come polls were opened long tinea of anxious this was _MOTION Advertisements inserted lu the “Maine Stati in Bath, 20. Kemrmber, more than a century ago, in the state and concludes by his ides before the Canadian voters were world hail not the Press" (which has a large circulation lu evert giving courts,Wallace Graham in readiness to deposit their “The gentleman says that so far as he can missionary thoughts t‘*l;»y. Noi»t*, »o Nr an I know, F. 0. BAILEY 4 CO. part of the State) for *1.00 per square for first lu of the probabilities and prospectf of the fu agent for the Dominion ballots. The full judge, a large number of the names of had m y**t turh AUCTIONEERS government having strength of both tickets per- » enunciated and sertiou. and 50 cents per square for each subse sons as systematized. ture, as follows: notice of trial of recorded taxpayers, especially on the a!“lo“r>'While thus he was quest insertion. substantially given tjie the personal suit was voted and the contest seemed to be re- liquor Congressman Dingley Dangers laying the foundations for in Deputy counties, are the regeneration of a 1. The Boston & Maine and Boston <$ Murphy’s fictitious, despised people, a stlU Address all communications to' against Captain Doughty. This suit is at markably close. No business houses were or different from those of the greater sacrifice Furniture, parties who presented Itself, It was to leave Books, Piano, &e., Lowell railroads will continue to control tlu the common law to recover £200 closed, the merchants took of this work BY PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. sterling for though generally, paid the tax and received the receipt. It is Unregulated Immigration. missionary lor another la one of the AUCTION. more than their usual interestln the Southern colmfles of far-off Manchester & Lawrence. 2. They can con- violation of the statute of George II, contest. charged that Deputy Murphy was knowing America, to live SATURDAY, Oct. 29, at 10 o’clock a m. prohib- The vote for was among a more nredv than these tinue to control to fish Mayor 65,075. Latrobe, to this issue of receipts in assumed names, people despised 8,reet, Parlor Sulti THE WEATHER. the Northern railroad if the iting preparing in the three-mile lim- had nues .and more despised; to live those inm Ipi.wh5j!SfIS0?,’.?xfLh*,!Pe lush and Hair Democrat, 34,540; Bartlett, Republican, and that in some cases in cities he has not among Cloth, Painted Chamber Set, ^akih** owners of the latter for a third time it. Similar action was who by law were being robbed of the rights °u«©h°!Id desire instituted against 30,435. Latrobe’s majority is 4205, a Demo- even the very Furnitureand Carpets,Stoves given place of business as re- f being, and for whose degradation the forces of to be so controlled, not hv a M i...,. of the cratic gain of two thousand Washington, Oct. 27. fc'apt. Kenney schooner Adams, which nearly since the quired.” law were now operating. nnwnri election two The new coun- Au English Divine’s on The indications for Maine are warmer. but a short lease not obnoxious to still lies at and years ago. city Thoughts Accepting the mission, he was to by the de- Digby, judgment in that case cil will consist ready depart, of twelve Democrats and MUSIC AND DRAMA. when suddenly the war for American Independ- fair followed rains on cision of the court. 3. went default. Chief F. O. rwYTUtn weather, by light the They will lose the by Justice McDonald eight Republicans in the first branch and ence was declared, ami Ills life Was saved, tie BAILEY & CO. seven American Social Problems. Could not then coast, light to fresh northeasterly, shifting to Boston, Concord & Montreal road. The de- appears to be awaiting the result of the Democrats and three Republicans in have lived a year In the South pun- the secoud branch. The result Is a THE STOCKBB1DOE COUBSK. sessing bis Ideas, much less to apply and expand Auctioneers and Commission Absolutely Pure. southeasterly winds. feat of the Hazen bill carries down with it Washington commission before filing his great them. Merchant* surprise to the Republicans, who counted The fourth enteatainment in the Stock- the clause which it was judgments in the suit for tils path blocked by Providence, nothing re- Halesroom This never hoped might operate confiscating the largely on the Reformers’ aid and were con- 18 varies. A marvel of course was .. unw nii' Exchange Street. powder purltj LOCAL WEATHER fident bridge given last evening by the i"|» I'll as ID strength and wholesomeuess. More ! REPORT. retroactively to make valid the lease of the schooners Adams and Doughty. But in the of victory. cries of fraud are he W. A.-.-KS economica Already celebrated Welsh was, ami to Hit tils volee ft-un those oul-of the- Mian the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold li Portland, Me., Oct. 1887. heard and renewed efforts will be made to prize singers, assisted by hills the m«j*14 26, Moutreal to the Lowell.