Student / Parent Handbook 2020 - 2021

Taylor P. Wrye, Principal Heather A. Tanis, Assistant Principal

320 Salmon Brook Street, Granby Phone: (860) 844-3029 Fax: (860) 844-3039 Website:

Table of Contents

THE SCHOOL COMMUNITY………………………………...,...... 2 SPECIFIC ROLES…………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 2 PROGRAM OF STUDY ………………………………………………………………………………………………... 3 Courses ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Homework ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Absences ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 4 Reporting An Absence …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Tardiness ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Early Dismissal …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Homework Make-Up During Illness …………………………………………………………………………………… 5 RULES AND REGULATIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Classroom / Office Discipline ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Suspension and Expulsion Policy …………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Student Attire ...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 BUS CODES AND PROCEDURES ………………………………………………………………………………….. 13 STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS ………………………………………………………………………….. 14 PROGRESS REPORTS AND GRADING …………………………………………………………………………... 14 Grading System ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 Honors Recognition ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 GUIDANCE SERVICES …………………………………………………………………….…………………………. 15 HEALTH SERVICES …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 School Accidents and Insurance …………………………………………………………..…………………………. 18 THE MEDIA CENTER …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES …………………………………………………………………………………...… 19 Lunchroom Procedures …………………………...…………………..………………………………………………. 19 Extra Help ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 Cancellation of School …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20 SEXUAL HARASSMENT ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 BOARD POLICIES AND REGULATIONS …………………………………………………………………………… 21 BULLYING ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23 Complaint Process ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 24


Teachers and administrators are required to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning, and are empowered by the Granby Board of Education to make reasonable rules and regulations to achieve this end. All students have a responsibility to be knowledgeable of the rules and regulations governing the school. A student who breaks these rules or regulations, interferes with the rights of others, or disrupts the educational process, is subject to disciplinary action.

In Granby Memorial Middle School emphasis is placed on the student's own sense of responsibility to self, family, school, and community. Responsibility shifts more to the students as they become more accountable for their actions. It is important for parents and teachers to provide the opportunity for students to exercise responsibility. We feel that there are many ways adults can foster a sense of responsibility in children. Allowing children to accept the logical, natural consequences of their actions encourages responsibility. This means permitting children to learn through their own experiences and restorative justice practices.

The school will communicate information to parents various ways such as through email, postings on the school website, phone class and mailings. Granby Public Schools website, and the Granby Memorial School website are continuously ​ ​ updated and should be frequended as information may change.


The school comprises four major groups (Students, Parents Teachers,Administration) working harmoniously together to create the best possible learning atmosphere.


Students should make a sincere effort to do their best work, and meet the standards expected of them. They should accept responsibility for their own actions, particularly by displaying self-discipline.

Behavior will result in a natural and logical consequence whether positive or negative. Doing your "personal best" means meeting expectations.

Students must make a commitment to: a. Attending school and classes regularly and on time. b. Respecting the rights and property of others. c. Following school rules and regulations. d. Being prepared for classes with necessary materials at hand and homework completed. e. Taking care of personal hygiene and wearing clothing appropriate for school. f. Respecting and appreciating the school facility and environment, including the maintenance, care and return of textbooks and supplies.


Parents should help young people develop the self-control necessary to succeed to the best of their ability. Parents are obligated to teach and, by example, to develop in their children good habits of behavior as well as proper attitudes toward school.

Parents will help their children in the following ways: a. Teach and explain to children respect for the law, for authority, for the rights of others and for private and public property. b. Talk with children GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 2 ​ about school programs, activities, and share an interest in school progress. c. Praise improvement demonstrated by the child. d. Explain the need for prompt and regular school attendance. e. Make every effort to attend individual and group parent-teacher conferences and open houses. f. Arrange for a time and place for students to complete homework assignments. g. Understand and support the rules of the school concerning pupil conduct. i. Always encourage a child's positive attributes and build self-esteem. j. Help children to set personal goals and to meet them. k. Take an active and positive role in the school.


Teachers are responsible for establishing and maintaining an atmosphere conducive to learning and working toward the academic and personal development of each child. Maintaining and/or building the self-esteem of each individual is the key element.

Teachers should approach all assignments with enthusiasm and regard each student as a worthy individual who is working with the teacher in a mutual endeavor. b. Plan and conduct a program of instruction which will make each student eager to learn and which will enable him/her to achieve his or her full potential. c. Inform the student about what is academically and behaviorally expected of him/her by the school. d. Enforce the rules and guidelines of the school courteously, consistently, and justly. e. Inform parents, in accordance with school and team procedures, about the academic progress and the general behavior of their children. f. Distinguish between misconduct which should be handled by the teacher and that which requires the assistance of administration. g. Share with colleagues, as appropriate, any information which will ensure the continued positive growth of each child.


The administration is charged with the responsibility of operating the school in a safe and orderly manner that will insure appropriate instruction. Administrators work closely with the staff in the areas of curriculum improvement and staff development. They, and their teacher colleagues, are also parent/community liaisons and student advocates.

The administration will establish appropriate rules and regulations to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individuals in the building at all times. b. Request and secure the materials necessary to maintain a viable learning environment. c. Supervise all faculty and staff in the building. d. Maintain all student records. e. Maintain an effective public relations program. f. Carry out the policies and regulations of the Board of Education. g. Keep parents informed concerning the educational growth of their child. h. Maintain the building effectively. i. Exercise leadership and keep abreast of new educational developments throughout the state and nation.



Academic Core Classes: English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science

Unified Arts Classes: Physical Education, World Language, General Music, Explorations/Technology, Visual Arts, Family Consumer Science, Media and Wellness.


GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 3 ​ All work assigned must be completed on a regular basis. Learning is a continuous process that extends beyond the school day. A carefully planned program of homework assignments is an effective means of increasing student learning. Homework is an accepted part of the educational program and is assigned to students as an outgrowth of classroom activities. It encourages and is a means of measuring self- discipline and conscientious work habits. It allows students to follow through on their personal commitment to quality academic work.



Parents must call the school in the event of any absence explaining the absence. Consistent attendance is the single most important factor ensuring continued student academic growth. With rare exceptions, as noted below, students should attend school regularly and punctually. Students are also to bring in an absence note explaining the reason for the absence, the date(s), and a parent/guardian signature. Following are the reasons an absence can be excused: a. student illness verified by licensed medical professional, b. student observance of a religious holiday, c. death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family, d. mandated court appearances, e. lack of transportation normally provided by the district, f. extraordinary educational opportunities pre approved by district administrators. It is important to note that while the first nine absences in a school year can be deemed excused for any reason the parent or guardian provide, th the 10 and​ each subsequent absence establish a more stringent and specific set of reasons for the ​ absence to qualify as excused. A student with excessive absences may be determined to be truant.

Reporting and absence

1. Parents are required to notify the school by phone before 8 a.m. the morning of the day the student is absent. Please call the school at: 860-844-3029 and follow the prompts to report an absence.

2. Parents are expected to send a note to the school the next day confirming the absence (see accepted reasons above).

3. The school secretary will call the homes of students who are absent if no notification has been received.

4. Students will have the opportunity to make up any missed work after an excused absence.

5. Truancy will be recorded, and acted upon, (Board of Education Policy 4220) as a matter of disciplinary record.

6. Students may receive a “0” for any work missed as the result of an unexcused absence.


Parents should make every effort to see that their child is to school on time. Excessive tardiness results in the loss of valuable instructional time. The school day begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. with classes beginning promptly at 7:35 a.m. Students are allowed five (5) tardies per semester (half-year) for the unforeseen times when the student misses the bus or the car won’t start. After five (5) tardies, students are assigned an office detention for each additional tardy. Repeated instances will result in PM Schools or Saturday Schools.



1. All requests for early dismissal must come from the parent or legal guardian in writing stating the reason. This note must be brought to the office at the beginning of the school day.

2. Parents, or their designee, will then sign out the student in the office prior to his/her dismissal. Should the student return to school the same day he/she must sign in at the main office.

3. Parents should make every attempt to schedule doctor appointments, etc. during times when school is not in session to avoid having your child miss school work.

Students are reminded that they must be present in school for four (4) hours minimum to count as a day.

Extracurricular Activities policy

Students must be in attendance at school of at least 4 hours the day of dances and/or afterschool activities in order to be allowed to participate.


Students not riding on a bus should NOT arrive at school prior to 7:20 a.m. as there is limited ​ ​ supervision.


Only those students involved in a SUPERVISED ACTIVITY after school may remain - ALL others ​ ​ must leave school grounds at dismissal.

1. Students are dismissed from school at 2:20 p.m., and they must report directly to their assigned bus at that time, unless otherwise given teacher or administrator permission to remain in the building. Buses depart at approximately 2:30 P.M.

2. School staff will supervise students during dismissal.

Homework Make-Up During Illness

1. After an absence of two consecutive days handout materials and books may be requested by calling the office at 860-844-3029. Please inform the office of anticipated extended absences.

2. If your child is going to be confined due to illness for an extended period (two weeks or more), please inform the guidance office so that instruction can be arranged.

3. Students will generally be given as many days to make up work as they were absent.

Non-School Vacations

Parents must notify the school in writing of anticipated absences five (5) school days prior to

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 5 ​ absence. Students must request anticipated missed work prior to absence. Teachers are not responsible for providing extra help when students are absent due to a non-school vacation.



1. Attend school and classes consistently and punctually, prepared to do their personal best.

2. Not possess, transmit or utilize on school grounds: a. Controlled substances such as illegal drugs, prescription patent medicine, alcohol, tobacco products or any substance that may be used as an inhalant. Possession of any of these items may result in suspension and expulsion from school. b. Any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object or weapon of any variety. Possession of any of these items may result in suspension and expulsion from school.

3. Be courteous, and use appropriate behavior and language at all times. a. Running, yelling and abuse of any kind are unacceptable. b. School and the personal property of others are to be treated with respect c. "Traffic" in the school hallways and on the stairs is to "move to the right," in an orderly manner -- no pushing, running or otherwise creating a dangerous situation. d. Food and drink are also not to be consumed outside the cafeteria area.

4. Dress appropriately for school (see Student Attire).

5. Skateboards, rollerblades, and roller shoes are not allowed in school. Cell Phones and other electronic devices are allowed but must be turned OFF during the school day.

Behavior Management System

Teachers and the school administration will work closely with parents in encouraging and supporting appropriate student behavior while in school. Teachers and support personnel will always assist students in developing alternatives to unacceptable behavior. Every effort will be made to help students become aware that there are logical consequences for their actions. This will assist students in developing self-discipline. Teachers will emphasize that acceptable behavior ensures positive, not negative, consequences, and school will be a positive experience.

Classroom Discipline/Office Discipline

The primary level of discipline is in the classroom. The teacher's job description sets down clear expectations for effective student management. Teachers will develop clearly stated policies of discipline for their own classrooms as well as participate in the generation of team discipline policy.

Teachers will initially use their own after-school detention for classroom misbehavior (24 hour notice will be given). Routine matters of discipline will remain the domain of the classroom teacher and/or team. In cases where the teacher/team has been unsuccessful in correcting student misbehavior, or the infraction creates a threat to the health, safety, or well-being of any individual, the administration will intervene in a further attempt to correct the situation. In such cases, an office referral slip will be used. At this point the discipline matter has been transferred to an Office Discipline Procedure and the Administration will then take responsibility for the disposition of the case. Parents/guardians will be contacted in an effort to improve student behavior.


Administrative Conference with Students

The principal or assistant principal may meet with individual students to attempt to solve any problem which cannot be resolved at the teacher/student level. Students may request an appointment with an administrator at any time.

Administrative Conference with Parents

The principal or assistant principal may ask parents to come for a conference with their son or daughter whenever attempts to resolve school problems have failed or when the severity of the infraction warrants parent involvement.

PM School

Students will be assigned PM schools (after-school office detentions) for a variety of infractions, including missing teacher detentions and work completion issues. PM School will meet on days to be determined from 2:30 to 4:00 PM in a designated area. Students assigned to PM School are expected to observe school rules; students are required to bring homework or other suitable materials to PM School. Quiet study period procedures will be observed. Failure to report to PM School will result in the assignment of additional PM School sessions, a Saturday detention and/or suspension. Exclusion from PM School for disruption will result in higher consequences.

Saturday Detentions (“Saturday School”)

Administrators may assign a Saturday Detention for failing to serve a PM School, being removed from a class for disruptive behavior, inappropriate behavior in the lunchroom or other inappropriate behavior. Saturday Detentions will be held on specific Saturdays ranging from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in an assigned area. Each Saturday Detention will be monitored by a designated school employee. Students are expected to bring appropriate materials and to complete school-work during the detention. If not, material will be provided for them.

Removal From Class

Each teacher shall have the authority to remove a student from class when such student deliberately causes a serious disruption of the educational process within the classroom, provided no student shall be removed from class more than six times in any year, nor more than twice in one week, unless such student is referred to the administration and granted an informal hearing in accordance with the provisions of suspension procedures.

Whenever any teacher removes a student from the classroom, such teacher shall send him/her to a designated area and shall immediately inform the administration as to the name of the student against whom such disciplinary action was taken. The teacher will call the parent to explain the problem. If it should be necessary for the student to be sent to the office a second time, the administration may arrange a conference with the parent, student and teacher before the student is readmitted to class. Proper behavior is expected while waiting in the office for an administrator.

Suspension / Expulsion Policy

Students have the right to an education, but also have the responsibility of obeying school regulations

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 7 ​ and policies. Suspension is the exclusion of a student from school privileges by the school administration for no more than ten consecutive days. In cases where the student has previously been suspended, or where such suspension will result in the student's being suspended more than ten (10) times or for fifty (50) days in a school year, whichever results in fewer days of exclusion, the student shall, prior to suspension, be granted a formal hearing before the Board of Education. The principal or designee shall report the student to the Superintendent or designee and request a formal Board hearing. Whenever the Board of Education expels a student under sixteen (16) years of age, it shall offer any such student an alternative educational program. Actions leading to disciplinary action, including removal from class, suspension and/or expulsion include:

A. Conduct which may lead to disciplinary action (including, but not limited to, removal from class, suspension and/or expulsion) includes conduct on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity, and conduct off school grounds, as set forth above. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Striking or assaulting a student, members of the school staff or other persons.

2. Theft.

3. The use of obscene or profane language or gestures, the possession and/or display of obscenity or pornographic images or the unauthorized possession and/or display of images, pictures or photographs depicting nudity.

4. Violation of smoking, dress, transportation regulations, or other regulations and/or policies governing student conduct.

5. Refusal to obey a member of the school staff, law enforcement authorities, or school volunteers, or disruptive classroom behavior.

6. Any act of harassment based on an individual's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic statue, academic statue, physical appearance, or mental, physical, developmental or sensory disability, or by association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such characteristics.

7. Refusal by a student to identify himself/herself to a staff member when asked, or misidentification of oneself to such person(s).

8. A walk-out from or sit-in within a classroom or school building or school grounds.

9. Blackmailing, threatening or intimidating school staff or students (or acting in a manner that could be construed to constitute blackmail, a threat, or intimidation, regardless of whether intended as a joke).

10. Possession of any weapon, weapon facsimile, deadly weapon, pistol, knife, blackjack, bludgeon, box cutter, metal knuckles, pellet gun, explosive device, firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, whether functional or not, or any other dangerous object.

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 8 ​ 11. Possession of any ammunition for any weapon described above in paragraph 10.

12. Unauthorized entrance into any school facility or portion of a school facility or aiding or abetting an unauthorized entrance.

13. Possession or ignition of any fireworks, combustible or other explosive materials, or ignition of any material causing a fire. Possession of any materials designed to be used in the ignition of combustible materials, including matches and lighters.

14. Unauthorized possession, sale, distribution, use, consumption, or aiding in the procurement of tobacco including an electronic nicotine delivery system (electronic cigarettes), drugs, narcotics or alcoholic beverages (or any facsimile of tobacco, drugs, narcotics or alcoholic beverages, or any item represented to be tobacco, drugs or alcoholic beverages), including being under the influence of any such substances. For the purposes of this Paragraph 13, the term "drugs" shall include, but shall not be limited to, any medicinal preparation (prescription and non-prescription) and any controlled substance whose possession, sale, distribution, use or consumption is illegal under state and/or federal law.

15. Possession of paraphernalia used or designed to be used in the consumption, sale or distribution of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, including an electronic nicotine delivery system (electronic cigarettes), as described in subparagraph (13) above. For purposes of this policy, drug paraphernalia includes any equipment, products and materials of any kind which are used, intended for use or designed for use in growing, harvesting, manufacturing, producing, preparing, packaging, storing, containing or concealing, or injecting, ingesting, inhaling or otherwise introducing controlled drugs or controlled substances into the human body, including but not limited to items such as "bongs," pipes, "roach clips, "vials, tobacco rolling papers, and any object or container used, intended or designed for use in storing, concealing, possessing, distributing or selling controlled drugs or controlled substances.

16. Sale, distribution, or consumption of substances contained in household items; including, but not limited to glue, paint, accelerants/propellants for aerosol canisters, and/or items such as the aerators for whipped cream; if sold, distributed or consumed for the purpose of inducing a stimulant, depressant, hallucinogenic or mind-altering effect.

17. The destruction of real, personal or school property, such as, cutting, defacing or otherwise damaging property in any way.

18. Accumulation of offenses such as school and class tardiness, class or study hall cutting, or failure to attend detention.

19. Trespassing on school grounds while on out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

20. Making false bomb threats or other threats to the safety of students, staff members, and/or other persons.

21. Defiance of school rules and the valid authority of teachers, supervisors, administrators, other staff members and/or law enforcement authorities.

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 9 ​ 22. Throwing snowballs, rocks, sticks and/or similar objects.

23. Unauthorized and/or reckless and/or improper operation of a motor vehicle on school grounds or at any school-sponsored activity.

24. Leaving school grounds, school transportation or a school-sponsored activity without authorization.

25. Use of or copying of the academic work of another individual and presenting it as the student's own work, without proper attribution; or any other form of academic dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism.

26. Unauthorized use of any school computer, computer system, computer software, Internet connection or similar school property or system, or the use of such property or system for inappropriate purposes.

27. Possession and/or use of a laser pointer.

28. Hazing.

29. Teen dating violence means any act of physical, emotional or sexual abuse, including stalking, harassing and threatening that occurs between two students who are currently in or have recently been in a dating relationship.

30. Bullying, defined as the repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic communication, such as cyber bullying, directed at or referring to another student attending school in the same school district, or a physical act or gesture by one or more students repeatedly directed at another student attending school in the same school district, that:

a. Causes physical or emotional harm to such student or damage to such student's property;

b. Places such student in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself, or of damage to his or her property;

c. Creates a hostile environment at school for such student;

d. Infringes on the rights of such student at school; or

e. Substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.

Bullying shall include, but not be limited to, repeated use by one or more students, of written, verbal or electronic communication or physical act or gesture based on any actual or perceived differentiating characteristics, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic statue, academic statue, physical appearance, or mental, physical, developmental or sensory disability, or by

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 10 ​ association with an individual or group who has or is perceived to have one or more of such characteristics.

31. Engaging in a plan to stage or create a violent situation for the purposes of recording it by electronic means; or recording by electronic means acts of violence for purposes of later publication.

32. Engaging in a plan to stage sexual activity for the purpose of recording it by electronic means; or recording by electronic means sexual acts for purposes of later publication.

33. Using computer systems, including email, instant messaging, text messaging, blogging or the use of social networking websites, or other forms of electronic communications, to engage in any conduct prohibited by this policy.

34. Use of a privately owned electronic or technological device in violation of school rules, including the unauthorized recording (photographic or audio) of another individual without permission of the individual or a school staff member.

35. Acting in any manner that creates a health and/or safety hazard for staff members, students, or the public, regardless of whether the conduct is intended as a joke.

36. Any action prohibited by any Federal or State law.

37. Any other violation of school rules or regulations or a series of violations which makes the presence of the student in school seriously disruptive of the educational process and/or a danger to persons or property.

No student will be suspended without an informal hearing before the school administration, at which time the student will be informed of the disciplinary action and given an opportunity to explain the situation. The student's parents will be advised in writing and/or verbally of the action taken by the school administration. In the best interest of the child and to help assure his future success, we require that a parent conference take place upon re-entry to school following every suspension. Students will be given the opportunity to make up all work missed within a reasonable amount of time.


Student lockers are property of the school. Students are issued individual combination locks to secure personal items in their assigned locker. They are responsible for all contents within their locker. The GMMS administration reserves the right to search the lockers as needed to ensure a safe school environment.


It is illegal to smoke anywhere on school property. This includes the building, bus area, parking lots and athletic fields. Students found smoking will be referred to the office for disciplinary action. This also applies to buses, field trips and other school sponsored activities.


Behavior At School Functions (Dances, sports events, etc.)

1. Students are to restrict their movement around the building to those designated areas where the function is held.

2. The closest lavatories will be available for their use.

3. If a student wishes to leave before the event is over, he/she must provide written permission to the principal from parents. Students will not be allowed to return after leaving.

4. There is a phone available for student use, though parents should always be aware of the time the activity ends, and should, therefore, make every effort to pick up their child at that time.

5. School sponsored functions are open only to Granby Memorial Middle School students.

6. All school rules are in effect during all school sponsored events.

7. Parents of students who misbehave at a school function will be called the moment an infraction occurs to pick up their child.

Student Attire

Granby Memorial Middle School students are expected to dress neatly, cleanly and attired in clothing which is appropriate to the school setting. For health and safety reasons shoes must be worn. At any time that one’s clothing is deemed inappropriate, the student will be directed to change into something appropriate or to call home to find more suitable school attire. Examples of inappropriate dress include: Apparel or accessories associated with safety (for example, spiked or studded bracelets and necklaces, oversized or multi-fingered rings, oversized belt buckles, chains or any other article of attire with spikes or studs attached);

Apparel or accessories that depict logos or disruptive writing of sex, violence, drugs, tobacco products or alcoholic beverages. Attire or accessories which contain offensive or disruptive writing or pictures likely to unduly disrupt the educational environment, or which constitute “fighting words;” Sleepwear and loungewear, including slippers, is not allowed; Sunglasses and other non-prescriptive eyewear (unless medically required by a doctor’s written order); Apparel promoting illegal discrimination to groups of people based on religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or a handicap; Footwear which mars, damages floors or is a safety or heath hazard; See-through clothing and/or exposed undergarments or midriff, Pants worn so low as to expose undergarments; Head Short shorts, miniskirts, etc. revealing the upper thigh or undergarments; coverings of any kind, including but not limited to: scarves, bandanas, masks, kerchiefs, hats, caps, or hoods. Religious head coverings are not included; Any attire/ accessories deemed inappropriate that detract from the learning environment of the classroom as determined by an administrator.

Leaving School Grounds Without Permission

Any student who leaves the school grounds during the day will be considered truant. The parents of the student will be informed immediately, and the police may be called to ensure the safety of the

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 12 ​ student. This is a serious action which will result in equally serious consequences where warranted.


While traveling on school buses, students are the responsibility of the school. The same rules of school conduct apply to those times when the student is riding a school bus or a bus chartered by the school. Remember, riding the bus is a privilege. Rules for Student Passengers:

1. Students must cooperate in keeping the bus on schedule by being on time.

2. While waiting for the bus, students must stand away from the traveled portion of the highway and respect the rights of property owners.

3. Students should get on and off the bus only when the bus is fully stopped. They must enter or leave the bus only at the front door, except in an emergency.

4. Students must take a seat when they enter the bus and remain seated while the bus is in motion. They may move from one seat to another only by permission of the driver, and only when the bus is not in motion.

5. Students must not at any time extend their arms or heads out of the bus windows. Windows shall not be opened without permission from the driver.

6. When exiting the bus, students who need to cross the road shall do so immediately, and will pass in front of the bus. The bus will remain halted until all students have crossed the road.

7. The bus driver is to be obeyed at all times. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited.

8. Students are expected to behave on the bus as they would in a classroom. There is to be no loud talking. Indecent and profane language is not permitted, nor is pushing or hitting.

9. Food is not to be eaten on the bus. The use of tobacco is prohibited.

10. Pets are not allowed on the bus.

11. When a student does not observe the above regulations the driver shall file a complaint on the student to the contracted bus company.

12. The contracted bus company will report the complaint to the Principal's office for action.

13. Students who willfully damage or deface a bus will be held liable for such damage. An investigation by the Superintendent's office and the contracted bus company will be conducted to determine cause. Appropriate witnesses (e.g. driver, student, principal) will be questioned. Parents will be contacted and involved from the beginning of the investigation.


GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 13 ​ 15. Unacceptable behavior on the bus or at the bus stop may result in temporary or permanent suspension of a student’s bus privilege. Bus Stops are considered part of the school during pick-up times.

16. Transportation safety complaints may be made to the school (860-844-3029) or to the Board of Education Business Office (860-844-5250).


Intramurals l. The Intramural program supplements physical education classes. The games and activities selected afford individual and team experience for all individuals and should reinforce skills and fundamentals taught in the regular PE classes. Team competition between groups is usually arranged with those of equal skill.

2. A good sports program contains the following distinctions: a. All students are encouraged to be participants. b. Students learn life-long and individual sports skills. c. Students learn that winning is important, but not at the expense of health, morale, or other individuals.

3. A physical examination prior to participation in the intramural program is recommended.

4. A physical examination prior to participation in the interscholastic program is mandatory within one year of the sport. (These programs are determined annually.)

SCHOOL ACTIVITIES INFORMATION Students are encouraged to become involved in activities such as Student Council, Drama, Yearbook, Newspaper, Science Club, Math League, Chess Club and others. Faculty sponsors will post information pertaining to these club activities in the school bulletin. Students may join these club activities at any time during the school year.

Assembly Programs And Field Trips

Activities such as special assemblies and field trips are arranged to supplement existing curriculum. These trips are considered to be an extension of the school, and behavior should follow as such.

Student Council

The Student Council is involved in many decisions that relate to the general welfare of the student body. Spirit, an important part of our school is well represented by our student council. We encourage everyone to participate in the Student Council and its activitiesA complete list and schedule of student activities will be made available to students and parents each Fall.


Progress Reports

1. Regular student progress reports are available via the PowerSchool portal at any time.

2. Hard copies of progress reports may be issued at any other time during the year when the teacher(s) feels it is necessary or requested by the parent.

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 14 ​ 3. When student progress is a concern, teachers and parents will communicate with one another and involve the student to develop a plan for success.

4. Paper copies of quarterly report cards will be carried home by students. Parents will be informed in advance so they know to expect these documents. The final report card will be mailed home in June.

Grading System

The following letter grades and codes are used to report on scholastic progress:

A+, A, A- = 90-l00 H = Honors

B+, B, B- = 80-89 S = Satisfactory

C+, C, C- = 70-79 N = Needs improvement

D+, D, D- = 60-69 I= Incomplete

F = Below 60

P= Pass

Report Cards are provided four times during the school year. Students who owe money to the school for lost materials may need to have their parents come to the school to pick up their report cards and settle all accounts.

Honors Recognition

The intent of the Honor Roll is to give recognition to those students who have achieved outstanding scholastic grades. The requirements for honor roll placement are as follows:

High Honors : All A’s (A+, A, A-) or all A’s plus one B (B+, B, B-)

Honors: All B’s (B+, B. B-) or any combination of A’s and B’s with no more than one C (C+, C, C-) grade allowed.


Guidance Counselors

The School Counseling Department has initiated a comprehensive Developmental Guidance program that is designed to meet the developmental needs of all students. Each student will be assigned to a school counselor that will remain the same for all three years of middle school.


School counselors honor requests for confidentiality unless the student discloses information that poses a threat to self or others.


GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 15 ​ Students may make appointments personally through the main office or with their school counselor. They may also write a note requesting an appointment. Parents may call the guidance department at 860-844-3039 (ext. 6206 for Ms. Neff, and ext. 6207 for Mr. Cunningham) to arrange for appointments.

Program Description

The Granby Memorial Middle School guidance program facilitates student academic, career, and personal/social development. The emphasis in a comprehensive program shifts from working with individuals in a reactive mode to working with all students in a planned, systematic approach. It shifts from remediation to prevention, from crisis based to an ongoing delivery through a planned curriculum and organized individual planning.

Academic development includes acquiring attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the life span; employing strategies to achieve success in school; and understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work, to life at home and in the community.

Career development includes the foundation for the acquisition of skills, attitudes, and knowledge that enable students to make a successful transition from school to the world of work and from job to job across the life career span. It includes the employment of strategies to achieve future career success and job satisfaction as well as fostering understanding of the relationship between personal qualities, education and training, and the world of work.

Personal/social development includes the acquisition of skills, attitudes, and knowledge that helps students understand and respect others, acquire effective interpersonal skills, and develop into contributing members of our society.

The program is delivered through four delivery components: Curriculum consists of structured, developmentally appropriate lessons delivered systematically on an ongoing basis through a classroom or large group setting. Individual Planning consists of activities that focus on assisting students to plan and analyze their educational and career plans.

Responsive Services activities are reactions to immediate needs of students and involve individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, consultation, and referral. System Support includes all the activities that establish, maintain, and enhance the other three components.

Records Release

Parents must sign a request for release of records for students transferring to another school system and submit it to the school secretary.

Independent School Applications

Students are asked to submit all applications to their counselor who will distribute requests to math and English teachers. Students may give optional requests directly to the teacher of their choice. Counselors submit the transcript, records, counselor and teacher recommendations in a single format. Applications should be submitted at least three weeks in advance of school deadlines to

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 16 ​ ensure timely processing.

Program or Teacher Changes

The course of study is uniform for all students. Changes to the program or teacher changes are not made except by petition to the principal for extraordinary circumstances.

Other Counseling Opportunities

In addition to guidance counselors, other staff members are available to work with students who need assistance. Students having sensitive personal problems often seek out the school psychologist, school social worker, school nurse, a teacher, or one of the principals. Each member of the school staff is available for assistance.

Special Services Referral

Students who are having academic or emotional difficulties may be referred to the office for evaluation. The guidance counselor and administration will initiate a request from each teacher to fill out a Student Evaluation form in detail. If it is deemed necessary, the student's team of teachers and the parents involved will meet in an exploratory conference and make further recommendations. If it is felt that more help than what can normally be offered is needed, then the student will be referred to the Special Services Department where a more extensive evaluation will be initiated.

HEALTH SERVICES l. School health services are not a replacement for the medical services rendered by a family physician in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. A parent or guardian must designate a physician to see an ill or injured student when a physician's services are deemed advisable by the principal or the school nurse. When a parent or guardian cannot be contacted and a physician's services are necessary, the school principal may have the student's family physician or the school physician attend to the student.

2. If a serious emergency arises, the student may be taken to a hospital emergency department by a person designated by the principal or medical personnel.

3. An injury suffered by a student at home or elsewhere, before or after school hours, is to be cared for by the parents. Often students come to school with burns, possible sprains, slivers, blisters, etc. expecting the school nurse to care for them. Such cases are the responsibility of the parents.

4. Procedure: a. In case of an emergency, students are to report directly to the clinic. Otherwise, they should first report to class for a pass to the clinic. b. A student is allowed to stay in the clinic for only one period. If illness is prolonged beyond one period, the student may be sent home. c. Before a student is permitted to go home, the parents must be contacted either by the clinic or the main office. d. Under no circumstance is a student allowed to go home without adult permission and/or supervision.

5. Students who take any kind of medication regularly for any reason whatsoever are to notify the school nurse. Students who are allergic to bee stings and who have other allergies should also report this to the school nurse. Forms are available in the clinic for students on medication which is to be taken during school hours.

*PLEASE NOTE: No medication, including over the counter drugs, may be administered without:


A. The written authority of a doctor

B. The written authority of a parent/ guardian

C. Medication in its original container marked with directions for administration to the person for whom the prescription has been written.

6. Physical exams of 6th graders before entering 7th grade is a requirement by law.

7. Students who plan to participate in interscholastic activities are required to have a yearly sport physical examination.

School Accidents And Insurance

All school accidents are recorded when a visit to the health clinic occurs. About the middle of September, applications are taken for school insurance that can be purchased for a nominal fee. This insurance provides benefits for school accidents and also covers the student on the way to and from school. Your own insurance would cover accidents that may occur at school, too.


The Media center's goal is to provide interesting and informative materials for students and teachers to use for both research and pleasure. Students are welcomed to use the opportunity to come in and explore! Hours: The Media Center will be open on all regular school days from 7:35 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. except when special hours are posted.

Return of Books and Materials: Books and other borrowed materials are to be returned to the drop ​ slot at the circulation desk. Borrowers are expected to return materials by their due date and in good condition so that others may share their use.

Care of Media Materials and Furnishings: Students are expected to take appropriate ​ precautions to protect the condition of media materials while in their possession. Students are held accountable for willful destruction of media materials and furnishings.

Use of the Media Center During the School Day: Students may come to the Media Center... ​ 1. in class accompanied by a teacher (class groups do not sign in). 2. individually or in a group of five (5) on a specialized pass from a subject area teacher (students must sign in). 3. in groups of over five (5) if previously arranged by the teacher with the media specialist (students must sign in).

Circulation: All books and materials must be signed out at the circulation desk. Students are ​ urged to take good care of the books and materials taken from the Center. The prompt return of materials is appreciated in order to give others a chance to use them. Accountability forms will be generated for lost or damaged books and materials.

Student Responsibilities: The student is held accountable for: 1. materials charged out in his/her ​ name. 2. returning borrowed materials by their due date. 3. the condition of media materials and furnishings. 4. arriving promptly with passes. 5. using time in the Media Center appropriately (i.e. to study, research or read, not to socialize). 6. refrain from eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the Media Center. 7. maintaining a voice and activity level which is appropriate to the task and which does not disturb others. 8. courteous behavior to other students and staff. *The Internet Policy will be

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 18 ​ distributed separately.


Lunchroom Procedures

Lunchroom supervisors are in charge of the cafeteria. To ensure order and cleanliness, the following regulations must be maintained:

Students are allowed to choose whomever they wish to eat with and whatever table, but must remain there after the first week of school. Changes can be made per semester or with administrative permission.

Students are to wait to be dismissed from their tables by the lunchroom supervisors. When lunch is completed and the table is clean, students must ask the lunchroom supervisor's permission to leave the cafeteria for any reason. Otherwise, they must remain seated until the lunch ends.

When the weather is nice, students will be brought outside during the remaining few minutes of lunch. When outdoors, it is necessary to stay off roadways. The "play" area is the grass area near, or on, the basketball courts. Stay away from parked cars, the high school areas and the baseball infield.

At the bell, return to your classes as directed. NO FOOD OR DRINK IS TO BE TAKEN OUT OF THE CAFETERIA (THAT INCLUDES OUTSIDE).

A full and nutritional lunch is available in the cafeteria. Food may be ordered as a complete meal or by separate items. A complete menu is distributed monthly. Free and reduced price meals are available based on income guidelines. We encourage weekly pre-payment for lunch on Fridays. However, payments may be made daily.

Safety Equipment And Physical Education Uniforms

PE uniforms are required at GMMS. Due to the nature of the activities students are asked to participate in, these uniforms offer maximum freedom of motion. Uniforms will be available for purchase during the first week of school. Checks should be made out to “GMMS”.

After-School Procedures

Students should not be in the building after 2:20 P.M. unless they are waiting for their bus, participating in a supervised activity, or staying after for extra help under the direct supervision of a staff member. Students may use the library Media Center after school provided they have arranged for their own transportation.

Pickup of Students from an After-School Activity

1. We ask that you review precautions that you may have already taken with your children especially for late school activities. If your child is waiting for a ride home, he or she should wait in a predetermined area such as the main entrance to the building.

2. Our advisors and coaches will continue to provide students with the time schedules for activities so

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 19 ​ that you may arrange to pick up your children promptly at a specific time. Parents should make every effort to pick up their child at the predetermined time. ***PLEASE ARRANGE FOR YOUR CHILD'S TRANSPORTATION HOME AT THE TIME THE ​ SCHEDULED ACTIVITY CONCLUDES *** ​

3. An alternate plan should be devised in the case an emergency should arise and you are prevented from picking up your child. Your child should come to the office to seek help if they are unclear as to what to do.

Failure to Meet Classroom Assignments Due to Extracurricular Activities

Students will not be excused from regular academic assignments because they are involved in extracurricular activities such as plays, concerts, and games. Parents excusing students from academic work due to extracurricular activities is also unacceptable.

Extra Help

Teachers are available before and after school to aid students who need or request extra help. It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her teacher and make arrangements for extra help. Teachers may require students to report to them after school for extra help or to make up work.

Cancellation of School

There are occasional "No School" announcements because of inclement weather or other emergencies. Radio stations WTIC (AM & FM), WRCH, WDRC, WZMX, WRYM AM, and WKND, in addition to television stations WFSB, WVIT and WTNH will provide reports on school delays or closings. Also, school delayed opening or closings will be on and the district ​ ​ ​ website.

Use of The Telephone

Office telephones are for business use only, except in cases of emergency. Emergency calls may be made from the office as necessary. Students may request to use phones in the office for last minute plans to meet with a teacher. Otherwise, plans for after school activities should be made in advance. Students are not allowed to use their personal cell phones during school hours without permission from school staff.

Telephone Messages

Classroom instruction cannot be interrupted to relay telephone messages. For common situations such as forgotten lunches, changes in appointments and variations in after-school rides, a message or item may be left in the main office. Students are asked to make it part of their routine to check in the office on days when they are expecting messages. Parents are asked NOT to text their child during the school day. Office staff can relay important communication from home to students.

Student Solicitation of Students, Faculty Or Staff

Students are not to ask students, teachers or staff members to purchase items for their own gain. Keep in mind that a teacher would have to buy from scores of students. Fundraising materials may not be brought to school.



Sexual harassment is expressly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any form. Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to, unwelcome advances, direct or indirect demands or requests for sexual favors, sexual comments, gestures or other physical actions of a sexual nature when: Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s success; or Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for educational decisions affecting such individual; or Such conduct has the purpose or affect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.

All reported incidents of sexual harassment will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.


All Board policies are located on the district website. Go to Granby Public Schools at for a listing of all policies.

Students: Student Records; Confidentiality – 5125(a), 5125.1, 5125(b)

The Board of Education recognizes the legal requirement to maintain the confidentiality of student records. The procedures for the confidentiality of student records shall be consistent with federal statutes, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and its implementing regulations, and the Connecticut General Statutes.

The Board also recognizes its responsibility under C.G. S. 11-8a and 11-8b to ensure the orderly retention and disposition of the district’s student records.

The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for ensuring that all requirements under federal and state statutes and regulations shall be carried out by the district.

Annual Notification

At the beginning of each school year, the district shall publish in a local newspaper a notice to parent(s) or guardian(s) and students 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) currently in attendance of their rights under FERPA and this policy. The district shall also send home a bulletin listing these rights, which will also be included with a packet of material provided parents or an eligible student when the student enrolls during the school year.

The notice must include a statement that the parent or eligible student has a right to: 1. inspect and review the student’s educational records within forty-five (45) calendar days of the day the school officials receive a request for access to the records; 2. a specification of the intent of the schools district to limit the disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education records except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent: a. by prior written consent of the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) or the eligible student; b. as directory information; c. to school officials with legitimate educational interests; d. to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll; or e. under certain limited circumstances, as permitted by FERPA 3. request that records be amended to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights; 4. file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education alleging failure of the district to comply with FERPA and its regulations; and GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 21 ​ 5. obtain copies of this policy and the locations where copies may be obtained.

The policy applicable to the release of student directory information applies equally to military recruiters, the media, colleges and universities, and prospective employers.

The district shall arrange to provide translations of this notice to non-English speaking parents in their native language.

Student Records; Directory Information

The district will provide notice to parents of the types of information designated as directory information and of their right to refuse to permit disclosure of any or all such information as to their child. The following types of information contained in the education record of an enrolled student are hereby designated as directory information and may be disclosed by school officials without the prior consent of a parent or eligible student:

– the student’s name – the student’s address – the student’s telephone listing – the student’s photograph – the student’s place and date of birth – the student’s dates of attendance – the student’s grade level, major field of study, and enrollment status – the student’s participation in officially recognized activities and sports – the student’s weight and height as a member of an athletic team – honors and awards received by the student – the student’s email address

Student records and notices to students and parents including electronic recordings of student assemblies, plays, award ceremonies and the like are considered directory information and subject to disclosure.

A parent or eligible student may refuse to allow Granby school officials to release any or all of the above listed types of information as directory information.

Students: Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco – 5131.6(a) ​ In the handling of incidents in the schools involving the possession, sale, and/or use of behavior- affecting substances, the Board of Education will take action including but not limited to education, counseling, parental involvement, medical referral, and police referral. These substances shall include but not be limited to alcohol and controlled substances as defined by the Penal Code of the State of Connecticut.

In the event that the student is under the influence of a drug or alcohol, or engaged in the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs and/or alcohol, he/she will be suspended from school, referred to the appropriate treatment agency, possibly considered for expulsion, and the parents will be contacted. In cases of the illegal activity of possessing or selling drugs or alcohol, he/she will be referred to the police department. Personal privacy rights of students shall be protected as provided by law.

The Board is also concerned that other substances, not listed as “controlled substances,” such as contained in common household items and inhalants, if purposely used inappropriately, can also have a stimulant, depressant or hallucinogenic effect on students. Inappropriate use, possession, sale or distribution of these non-controlled substances will result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension and/or expulsion.

School properties may be inspected by school authorities in the interest of maintenance, health and safely. Inspections for the location of drugs, narcotics, liquor, weapons, poisons and missing

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 22 ​ properties are matters relating to health and safety and may be regarded as reasonable purposes for inspection by school personnel. (cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure)

Illegal Drugs and Alcohol

There shall be no use, distribution or unlawful possession of legal drugs or possession of legal drugs or possession of illicit drugs and/or alcohol in any building, on the grounds, on transportation provided by the Board or at any event, trip or activity sponsored by the school or under supervision of the Board, other than as medically prescribed.

Tobacco Products

There shall be no smoking or other use of tobacco products on school property, on transportation or vehicles provided by the Board of Education, or during the course of any trip or activities sponsored by the Board or under the supervision of the Board or its authorized agent. Students are prohibited from bringing tobacco and related items (e.g. cigarette lighters, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, vape devices) onto school grounds.

Any student who is caught smoking or who shows evidence of smoking in Board of Education Buildings will be subject to police referral. Students caught using tobacco products on school grounds, in vehicles on school grounds or caught with tobacco or related items may be subject to disciplinary procedures including but not limited to Saturday School and out of school suspension.


In accordance with state law, it is the policy of the Granby Board of Education that any form of bullying behavior, whether in the classroom, on school property or at school-sponsored events, is expressly forbidden.

1. Definition: In accordance with state law and Board policy, "bullying" means any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored activity, or on a school bus, which acts are repeated against the same student over time.

In accordance with this definition, the following factors should be considered before identifying conduct by a student or group of students as bullying in violation of Board policy. The determination that conduct does not constitute bullying under state law and Board policy, however, does not restrict the right of the Administration and of the Board of Education to impose appropriate disciplinary consequences for student misconduct.

Location. Bullying behavior in violation of Board policy must occur on school grounds, at a school- sponsored activity, or on a school bus. Conduct that occurs off-campus (e.g. harassment over the Internet, physical intimidation in the community) may be considered bullying under this Policy if it has a direct and negative impact on a student’s academic performance or safety in school.

Conduct that would otherwise be considered bullying occurring off-campus (and outside of any school- sponsored activity) may subject the perpetrator to disciplinary action. Discipline for such conduct, if it has a direct and negative impact on a student’s academic performance or safety at school, may be imposed if such conduct violates a publicized policy of the Board and is seriously disruptive of the educational process. Unless such conduct triggers a mandatory expulsion under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10- 233d(a), however, school officials are authorized to impose discipline for such off-campus conduct only if such conduct markedly interrupts or severely impedes the GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 23 ​ day-to-day operation of the school. Repeated misconduct. Bullying behavior in violation of Board policy must be "repeated against the same student over time." An isolated incident, however egregious, is not "bullying" under state law and Board policy. Similarly, numerous acts of misconduct against different students does not constitute "bullying" under state law and Board policy.

Ridicule, humiliation, and/or intimidation. Bullying behavior is more than misconduct. Such behavior is marked by the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the victim. In evaluating whether conduct constitutes bullying, special attention should be paid to the words chosen or actions taken, whether such conduct occurred in front of others or was communicated to others, how the perpetrator interacted with the victim, and the motivation, either admitted or appropriately inferred, of the perpetrator.

Types of conduct. Bullying can take many forms and can include many different behaviors having the overt intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another student. Examples of conduct that could constitute bullying include:

1. Physical violence and/or attacks;

2. Verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, including taunts based on ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected and/or individual characteristics;

3. Threats and intimidation (through words and/or gestures);

4. Extortion or stealing of money and/or possessions.

Complaint Processes

Publication of the prohibition against bullying and related procedures The prohibition against bullying shall be publicized by including the following statement in the student handbook of each of the district schools:

“Bullying behavior by any student in the Granby Public Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. “Bullying” means any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, harass, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored activity, or on a school bus, which acts are repeated against the same student over time. Bullying outside of the school setting may also be addressed if it has a direct and negative impact on a student’s academic performance or safety in school. Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior, and students shall be permitted to anonymously report acts of bullying to teachers and school administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, consistent with his/her rights of due process. Board policy and regulation #5131.911 set forth this prohibition and the related procedures in detail, and are available to students and their parents/guardians upon request.”

Formal complaints

Students and/or their parents or guardians may file written reports of conduct that they consider to be bullying. Such written reports shall be reasonably specific as to the actions giving rise to the suspicion of bullying, including time and place of the conduct alleged, the number of such

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 24 ​ incidents, the target of such suspected bullying, and the names of any potential student or staff witnesses. Such reports may be filed with any teacher or administrator, and they shall be promptly forwarded to the Building Principal for review and action in accordance with Section IV below.

Informal Complaints

Students may make informal complaints of conduct that they consider to be bullying by verbal report to a teacher or administrator. Such informal complaints shall be reasonably specific as to the actions giving rise to the suspicion of bullying, including time and place of the conduct alleged, the number of such incidents, the target of such suspected bullying, and the names of any potential student or staff witnesses. A teacher, other professional employee, or administrator who receives an informal complaint shall promptly reduce the complaint to writing, including the information provided. Such a written report by the teacher, other professional employee and/or administrator shall be promptly forwarded to the Building Principal for review and action in accordance with Section IV below.

Anonymous Complaints

Students who make informal complaints as set forth above may request that their name be maintained in confidence by the teacher(s) and administrator(s) who receive the complaint. Should anonymity be requested, the Principal or his/her designee shall meet with the student to review the request for anonymity and the impact that maintaining anonymity of the complaint may have on the investigation of the complaint and/or possible remedial action. At such meetings, the student shall be given the choice as to whether to maintain the anonymity of the complaint. Anonymous complaints shall be reviewed and reasonable action will be taken to address the situation, to the extent such action may be taken that (1) does not disclose the source of the complaint, and (2) is consistent with the due process rights of the student(s) alleged to have committed acts of bullying. The Granby School District uses the STOPiT! app to assist in anonymous reporting.

Staff responsibilities and intervention strategies

Teachers and other school staff

Teachers and other school staff who witness acts of bullying, as defined above, shall promptly notify the Building Principal and/or his/her designee of the events observed, and shall promptly file a written incident report concerning the events witnessed. Teachers and other school staff who receive student or parent reports of suspected bullying shall promptly notify the Building Principal and/or his/her designee of such report(s). If the report is a formal, written complaint, such complaint shall be forwarded promptly (no later than the next school day) to the Building Principal or his/her designee. If the report is an informal complaint by a student that is received by a teacher or other professional employee, he or she shall prepare a succinct written report of the informal complaint, which shall be forwarded promptly (no later than the next school day) to the Building Principal or his/her designee. If the report is an informal complaint by a student that is received by other school staff, this employee shall verbally report the matter to the Principal and/or his/her designee promptly (no later than the next school day).

In addition to addressing both informal and formal complaints, teachers and other professional staff members are encouraged to address the issue of bullying in other interactions with students. Teachers and other professionals may find opportunities to educate students about bullying and help eliminate bullying behavior through class discussions, counseling, and reinforcement of socially-appropriate behavior. Teachers and other professional employees should intervene promptly whenever they observe student conduct that has the purpose or effect of ridiculing, humiliating or

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 25 ​ intimidating another student, even if such conduct does not meet the formal definition of “bullying.” Reporting obligations

A. Report to the parent or guardian of the perpetrator : If after investigation, acts of bullying by a specific student are verified, the Building Principal or his/her designee shall notify the parent or guardian of the perpetrator in writing of that finding. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against such student, a description of such discipline shall be included in such notification.

B. Reports to the victim and his/her parent or guardian If after investigation, acts of bullying against a specific student are verified, the Building Principal or his/her designee shall notify the parent or guardian of the victim of such finding. In providing such notification, care must be taken to respect the statutory privacy rights of the perpetrator of such bullying. The specific disciplinary consequences imposed on the perpetrator, as reflected in the student's educational records, shall not be disclosed to the parents or guardian of the victim, except as provided by law.

C. Notices shall be simultaneously mailed to the parent/guardian with whom the student primarily resides and the other parent/guardian if requested. This mailing requirement shall be in effect for as long as the student attends the school in which the original request is made.

D. List of verified acts of bullying: The Principal of each school shall maintain a list of the number of verified acts of bullying in the school, and this list shall be available for public inspection upon request. Given that any determination of bullying involves repeated acts over time, each report prepared in accordance with Section III (1) above that includes verified acts of bullying shall be tallied as one verified act of bullying unless the specific actions that are the subject of the report involve separate and distinct acts of bullying. The list shall be limited to the number of such verified acts of bullying in the school, and it shall not set out the particulars of each verified act, including but not limited to any personally identifiable student information, which is confidential information by law.


Students, parents, employees, applicants for positions and other third parties may not be denied the right to participate in a publically funded educational setting based on the following protected classes: race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, pregnancy, ancestry, genetic information, or gender identity or expression.

If you are a STUDENT, you may not be discriminated against based on the above categories, including in the following areas: Admission , Vocational Education, Student Rules, Regulations and Benefits , School- Sponsored Extracurricular Activities , Counseling and Guidance , Graduation Requirements , Health Services , Treatment as a Married and/or Pregnant Student , Most Other Aid, Benefits or Services , Physical Education , Enrollment in Courses , Financial Assistance , Competitive Activities , Use of School Facilities .

If you are an EMPLOYEE, you may not be discriminated against based on the above categories, including in the following areas: Hiring and Promotion, Contracts or Professional Agreements, Labor Organization. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, timely equitable solutions to problems which may arise concerning claims of discrimination on the above bases. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, or witnessed discrimination in regard to any of the preceding policies, you may file a grievance regarding any rights believed to have been denied or Compensation Leave of Absence Job Assignments Fringe Benefits violated. A report

GRANBY MEMORIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020-2021 26 ​ of complaint should be made within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. Grievance Forms are available from Human Resources, Compliance Coordinators, The Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Building Principals/Administrators, and Guidance Offices. Forms may also be found on the Granby Public Schools website www. If needed, assistance will be provided when filing a complaint.

Any individual who wishes to inquire or to register a complaint concerning alleged discrimination in the Granby Public Schools shall have an opportunity to bring such concerns to the attention of the Compliance Coordinator (s) who are the Human Resources Coordinator, the Title IX Coordinators, the Director of Pupil Personnel, the Building Principal/Administrator, or the Superintendent who have the authority to resolve such complaints.

For Student/ParentGuardian/Employee/Applicant Complaints Involving Alleged Discrimination on the Basis of Gender [Title IX] Contact the following: Compliance Coordinators:

Jennifer Schoonmaker Kelly Primary 860.844.3041 [email protected]

Heidi MacDonald Wells Road Intermediate 860.844.3048 [email protected]

Heather Tanis, Assistant Principal - Granby Memorial Middle 860.844.3029 [email protected]

Christine Strain High School Level Granby Memorial High School 860.844.3014 [email protected]

For Student/ParentGuardian/Employee/Applicant Incidents Involving Discrimination on the Basis of a Disability [Section 504] Contact:

Aimee Martin Director of Pupil Personnel Services Granby Board of Education Central Office 860.844.5255 [email protected]

For Employer/Employee Incidents Involving Discrimination on the Basis of all other Protected classes Contact:

Melanie Gibson Human Resources Coordinator Granby Board of Education Central Office 860.844.5264 [email protected]

For Student Incidents Involving Discrimination on the Basis of all other Protected classes Contact: Taylor Wrye, Principal - Granby Memorial Middle School 860.844.3029