
Universitat de les Illes Balears

Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres

TEATRE ANGLÈS (4906) – 2013-2014

ESTUDIS : Filología Anglesa DURADA : Primer cuatrimestre NOMBRE DE CRÈDITS : 3 de teòrics/ 3 de pràctics PREREQUISITS PER CURSAR L’ASSIGNATURA : Ninguno

PARTICIPACIÓ DE L’ASSIGNATURA EN ELS ESQUEMES DE : Avaluació contínua (no) Projecte pilot d’implantació del sistema de crèdits europeus (no) Campus Extens (no)



Professora: Paloma Fresno Calleja Edifici: Beatriu de Pinos Despatx: 9 Telèfon: 971171308 E-mail: [email protected] Tutories: Primer cuatrimestre: por correo electrónico Segundo cuatrimestre: martes 9-12, miércoles 9-11


This course offers an in-depth study of English theatre, from its origins in the Medieval period to some of its latest developments in the 20 th century. Since the main literary periods have already been studied in previous courses (“ I” and “English Literature II”), the student is expected to possess background knowledge of these periods and their playwrights and is therefore advised to revise this knowledge before the sessions.


The purpose of the course is to study the evolution of through the analysis of three basic dramatic subgenres: tragedy, comedy and social drama and a number of plays representative of each subgenre. Although the emphasis will be on textual issues, attention will also be given to questions of performance, stage practice and critical reception. This will allow students to acquire a wider understanding of the specific social, historical and artistic contexts in which these plays were written and performed.


1. Approaches to the study of theatre: Texts, Contexts and Performances. 2. Staging Human Nature: William Shakespeare and Renaissance Tragedy. 3. Holding the comic mirror: Restoration and 18th century Comedy. 4. Social and realist drama from the 19 th century onwards 4.1 George B. Shaw’s “New Drama” 4.2 The :


• William Shakespeare: Macbeth • Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer • : Pygmalion • John Osborne: • Fragments from other plays and critical texts


Individual study. No lectures in 2013-2014.


Final exam which will consist of one essay question (worth 40%), the identification and commentary on several short extracts and/or short questions on theoretical aspects seen during the course (worth 20%) and a literary commentary on a longer extract (40%). Each part of the exam needs to be passed with a 5 to pass the exam.

2 Important: Article 32 in the Reglament Acadèmic will be applied in cases of cheating, plagiarism, cyberplagiarism, or any other fraudulent practice in the process of assessment:

"Amb independència del procediment disciplinari que es pugui seguir contra l'estudiant infractor, la realització demostradorament fraudulenta d'alguna de les activitats d'avaluació incloses en l'avaluació d'alguna assignatura comportarà, segon les circumstancies, una menysvaloració en la seva qualificació que, en els casos més greus, pot arribar a la qualificació de «suspens» (0,0) a la convocatòria anual. En particular, es considera un frau la inclusió en un treball de fragments d'obres alienes presentats de tal manera que es facin passar com a propis de l'estudiant."



• William Shakespeare: Macbeth . Ed. Nicholas Brooke. Oxford: OUP, 2008. • Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer . : Oxford UP, 2008. • George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion. London: Penguin, 2000. • John Osborne: Look Back in Anger . London: , 1978.


Beadle, Richard, ed. 1994: The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bentley, E.: The Theory of the Modern Stage . London: Penguin. Bevis, Richard W.: English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century , 1660-1789. London: Longman. Bradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy . Basingstoke: Palgrave. Braunmuller, A. R. & Hattaway, Michael eds. 2003 [1990]: The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. De Grazia, Margreta & Wells, Stanley 2002 [2001]: The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Fortier, Mark 1997: Theory/Theatre. An Introduction . London and New : Routledge. Foulkes, Richard 1999: Teach Yourself Theatre . Abingdon: Bookpoint. Gurr, Andrew 1980: The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642 . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Harrison, G. B.: Introducing Shakespeare . London: Penguin. Harp, R.: The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson . Cambridge: CUP. Hartnoll, P.: The Theatre. A Concise History . Thames and Hudson. Hayman, Ronald 1999 [1977]: How to Read a Play . New York: Grove Press. Innes, Christopher 1992: Modern British Drama 1890-1990 . Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Owen, Susan 2002: Perspectives on Restoration Drama . Manchester: Manchester University Press. 3 Pavis, Patrice 2003: Analysing Performance. Theater, , and Film . Trans. David Williams. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Payne Fisk, D.: The Cambridge Companion to English Restoration Theatre . Cambridge: CUP Pickering, Kenneth 1988: How to Study Modern Drama . Basingstoke: MacMillan. Portillo, Rafael ed 1987: Estudios Literarios Ingleses. Shakespeare y el Teatro de su época . Madrid: Cátedra.. Powell, K.: The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre . Cambridge: CUP. Revels History of Drama in English. Craik, Thomas 1980 (general editor). The Revels History of Drama in English: Medieval Drama; The Revels History of Drama in English: 1500-1576; The Revels History of Drama in English Volume III 1576-1613; The Revels History of Drama in English: 1660-1750; The Revels History of Drama in English: Volume VI, 1750-1880; The Revels History of Drama in English, Volume VII 1880 to the present day. Schechner, Richard 2002: Performance Studies. An Introduction . London: Routledge. Striff, Erin 2002: Performance Studies . Basingstoke: Macmillan. Styan, J. L. 1981: Modern Drama in Theory and Practice. Volume 1: Realism and Naturalism. Vol. 2: , and the Absurd. Vol 3. and Epic Theatre . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Styan, J. L.: The English Stage . Cambridge: CUP. Übersfeld, Anne 1996: La Escuela del Espectador . Trad. Silvia Ramos. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Asociación de Directores de Escena de España. Wells, Stanley (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies . CUP. Wallis, Mick & Shepherd, Simon 2002: Studying Plays . London: Arnold. Wyckham, Glynne 1980 [1974]: The Medieval Theatre . London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.